fanworldbuildingfun · 10 months
When one starts thinking about what is now called isekai, one gets to thinking about it in relation to their favourite fandoms
Or, in other words: I do love to see Desmond pulling a foot time travel. I have written before about clothing and scents
But, shall we speak about something more mundane now?
Or, specifically, sugar
(...this is not at all inspired by the comparisons of EU and US versions of the same food that I have watched recently, why do you ask?)
With sugar being so easily available these days, and used in so many products - imagine how hard Desmond would crash. Not at once. Not immediately
But there will come a time where the craving would get terrible. And fruit? Well. They can stave it for a time. Just they aren't always the cheepest
Honey? Good honey is on the pricier side even now, so unless you have access to a hive, it's not a regular thing
In short: give me a Desmond who gets caught because he was lured in by the sweet sweet promise of candy
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scr-ppup · 11 days
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Lurer role system
[PT/Lurer role system/end PT]
The lurer system(lure-/-ure-/-rer); a role system related to being a lurer and a [—]; related to being/volunteering for lurer role, to luring creatures and humans, and general tracking aesthetics along themes of deceitfulness, [—] aesthetics & themes, and to Lurkerian genders.
You are not required to use this text template when coining if it limits the description of the coining you have in mind.
This flag template is supposed to be overlaid with a ten stripe flag for it to work properly. :3
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[ID/A rectangular flag of 4 stripe sections upon blank space, the colors go from top to bottom as stormy medium blue, stone blue, light grey, and creamy white./end ID]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Requested by none.
📁: Lurkerian post link
Taglist: @obscurian @radiomogai @role-systems
[🪦]Please do not tag my neogenders as xenogenders they aren't xenogenders! Kiitos (thank you).
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nordfjording · 8 months
med fare for å trakke på tæa til alle som jobbar veldig hardt med å like kaleidoskophimmel, så må det ver lov å sei at medan eg elskar melodien og oppriktig (!) kan stå inne for refrenget, tykkjer eg óg versa vert litt for mykje seigpining i kategori 'diktframføring i UKM/det er forfattaren sjølv som les' til at dette fyller kaizershølet i sjela akkurat idag.
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pathologising · 1 year
do you understand how exhausting it is to be the beautiful alluring partner at dinner with my man's friends do you understand how much work that is
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passionesolja · 5 months
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This is such a great line bc it implies that Cazador didn’t really know Astarion that well pre-vampire. Cazador, or one of his spawns, probably met him at an Szar Palace ball (or bar) and was like “we need him on the roaster” lil did cazador know he was gon get trapped with Astarion for 200 years. I wonder if bro ever had days where he was like “I wish I never turned this mf into a spawn.” Bc bro wasn’t a VIP Mf Lurer either. Bro handsome and witty but his charisma 10 and it shows
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n0r5k1-clone · 21 hours
Jeg lurer på om det fortsatt er her...
Den vakre konstruksjonen av titanlegering .. Et verk av vitenskap og teknologi kombinert.
En så vakker ting...
En så kraftig ting...
For et syn..
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bridgetotheotherside · 7 months
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Inntar Rådhusteatret i Ski: – Drikk gjerne litt før du kommer
Østlandets Blad, 29.09.2023 [$] [video]
Ylvis spiller akkurat nå inn sitt nye tv-show i Rådhusteatret i Ski. ØB tok en prat med gutta underveis i øvingene. Se videointervju øverst i artikkelen, og le deg gjennom vårt møte med artistene.
SKI: Denne høsten har Ylvis inntatt, eller skal vi kanskje si invadert, Rådhusteatret i Ski. Der skal de spille inn ti show for TV 2. Disse programmene skal vises på TV 2 til våren.
Allerede tidlig i mars ble Rand og de andre på Rådhusteatret kontaktet av Concord tv som står bak produksjonen. Etter en omvisning i teateret i Ski, ble valget tatt og til høsten kommer brødrene, sammen med et stort crew, til Ski for å lage TV-underholdning.
Til sammen 4750 publikummere kan få med seg disse innspillingene før det skal strømmes og kringkastes til våren.
Men hvorfor akkurat Ski? Det kommer vi nærmere tilbake til.
Men hva er konseptet?
ØB spør Bård og Vegard Ylvisåker om de kan forklare hva konseptet er.
– Det lurer vi også på. Vi prøver å finne ut av det, sier de to tørrvittig, for de fortsetter med konseptbeskrivelsen.
– Det er kort fortalt et slags musikkvissprogram, der jeg og Bård skal konkurrere mot hverandre. Vi får med oss en kjent gjest hver i hvert program, og den konstellasjonen med våre gjester blir to band, som skal oppstå i begynnelsen av programmet, og mot slutten stikker den denne av med gullplate, mens det andre badet oppløses og havner i rennesteinen, sier Vegard.
– Det gøye med programmet er at vi og de vet lite på forhånd. Det begynner med kostymer som vi aldri har sett før, og så er det rett ut på scenen og vi må finne på alt. Så det kan bli mye drit, sier Vegard.
Bård fortsetter:
– Dette er jo ikke Beat for Beat, men det er som vi liker å gjøre, nemlig å ta tak i et format og riste litt i det. Det er et musikkviss-format, men vi gjør det på vårt vis, sier han.
Publikum må nok forvente seg en del overraskelser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, og alt blir improvisert i studio.
– Vi må finne på mye der og da. Det blir et slags improbasert kvisshow med kjente gjester. Vi har hatt det veldig gøy og har laget en rekke innslag allerede. Det er en del latter, og vi håper det blir like gøy for seerne som for oss.
Bror mot bror
I brødrenes noe kreative beskrivelse av konseptet, tenker jeg vi bør videreformidle det som står i pressemeldinga fra TV2:
«Ylvis mot Ylvis» er tittelen på Bård og Vegard Ylvisåkers aller første programserie på TV 2. Det splitter nye programkonseptet beskrives av TV 2 som et humoristisk musikkprogram hvor Ylvis-brødrene leder hvert sitt kjendislag som skal konkurrere mot hverandre i elleville musikalske konkurranser. Ingenting er øvd inn på forhånd, alt blir improvisert i studio, så her kan absolutt alt skje.
Som programleder har Bård og Vegard fått med seg selveste Emilie Nicolas, som debuterer som programleder. Blant kjendisene som skal være med på moroa, finner vi Jakob Schøyen Andersen, Martha Leivestad, Calle Hellevang-Larsen, Natalie Bjerke Roland med flere.
Derfor valgte de Nordre Follo
ØB spør om hvorfor i all verden de endte opp med å velge Ski som innspillingssted.
– Det var internasjonalt press som førte oss hit. Folk i utlandet sier til oss: «You should try Ski, yeah». Vi liker jo å ligge litt foran. Oslo er en by i vekst, og snart er jo dette midt i sentrum av Oslo, så vi vil være først, sier de to med glimt i øyet.
ØB spør om de har hatt tid til å se seg om i «storbyen» Ski. Det har vært sparsommelig med det.
– Det har vært litt lite foreløpig, men vi har jo vært rundt i Ski før. Vi har kjørt rundt her i en elektrisk bil og skremt folk med toghorn en gang. Det er mange lettskremte folk i Ski. Ellers så har det vært en del pendling mellom kulturhuset og storsenteret. Jeg har kjøpt noen lamper her i lampebutikken, men de ble ødelagt begge to. Det var dårlig kvalitet. Det er sørgelig, sier Vegard.
– Har dere testa noen spisesteder, da?
– Nei, egentlig ikke. Vi så stedet No. 4, så jeg kunne tenke meg å spise der, men vi har så dårlig tid at vi har måttet spise sushi. Men den var god, sier Vegard.
Alltid videre
Ylvis-brødrene har holdt på med underholdning i 20 år. Men hvor finner de egentlig inspirasjonen fra og kreativiteten?
– Kreativitet er det mange som bruker mystisk men ofte er det misnøye. Det klør, og man er ikke fornøyd, så man ikke har det bra, så man setter seg f.eks. foran tv-en og tenker «alt er bare dritt. Det er dritt på tv. Jeg må lage noe som er bedre enn dette», og så prøver man, og så får man det ikke til., sier Bård.
– Vi har laget et talkshow på fem sesonger. Men så begynte vi å kjede oss, og måtte gjøre noe annet.
Ber folk ta seg en pinne og komme
Brødrene har en klar oppfordring til folk i Ski og omegn:
– Bortsett fra det åpenbare, som å respektere hverandre, «God damn it», bruk sikkerhetsbelte, puss tenner, ikke drikk for mye, selv om det er lov å ta seg en pinne ei ny og ne. Det må være lov å kose seg i Ski òg. Men kom og se på oss, for Guds skyld. For blir det skikkelig drit, blir det bare denne ene sesongen, så ikke gå glipp av det.
– Vi håper folk kommer med en respektløs energi. De kan rope, nesten ta med tomater men helst ikke, for det blir så grisete, men hvis du kommer, drikk deg gjerne litt opp på forhånd. Det løser voldsomt opp i stemningen, avslutter de.
De ansatte ved Rådhusteatret i Ski har ikke fått noen konkrete arbeidsoppgaver ennå, men skal i første omgang bare være verter for både crew og publikum. Selve innspillingene vil foregå i løpet av tre uker. Selskapet bak produksjonen har leid Rådhusteatret mandag og tirsdag i disse ukene. Det vil bli to innspillinger de fleste av disse dagene og nytt publikum til hver innspilling.
Dermed er det bare å glede seg til programmet er ferdig innspilt. Enn så lenge kan du ta turen og være publikum. Ønsker du ikke dette, får du vente til programmet er premiereklart en gang til våren.
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scr-ppup · 14 days
Lurkerian — Reworked
[PT/Lurkerian — Reworked/end PT]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Reworking and expanding on my Lurkerian gender umbrella I made a year or so ago as a system (decided to make it into an official umbrella, don't mind that.). Wasn't really that happy with it and I wanted to remake it. So, here, enjoy?
Lurkerian is an gender umbrella that consists of apocalyptic world and ferity themes related to being a lurking creature in short; however, it's also related to...
The primal fear one gets within the darkness, not knowing or seeing what's out there.
Lurking and hunting, being a predator, to adrenaline and danger.
Being a creature of some kind, maybe something not entirely human, to nonhuman concepts.
the concepts of night, darkness, and the twilight.
Solar & lunar eclipse symbolism; new beginnings and opportunities of renewal. Solar eclipses specifically also being treated as a sign of a doomsday and at the same time as the day of renewal and new beginning for humanity and general life on earth.
The animalistic concepts, ferality in both humans and creatures, and general ferity and animality.
And the concept of doing anything for survival, to adaptive behavior and forgotten morale and ethics because they don't apply to the world around you anymore.
To injustice and anarchism, chaos within the world as everything unfolds.
to rundown cities and dystopian societies, to apocalyptic settings and worlds where the world is rundown for different reasons, including but not limited to a plague or different types of wars.
The utter madness and paranoia one may succumb to after/during extreme stress situations.
To lure prey and possible hostiles around, being a runner or lurer.
To foraging and living off the land. To simple survival. To being resourceful.
The horror and gorey themes, grotesque aesthetics and macabre themes, the slaughter of innocence and hunting of survival whether that is creatures or humans (thus could have cannibalistic themes).
To cryptology and the aesthetics of cryptidcore, apocalypses, salvagepunk, biopunk, the concept of hopepunk, visuals of grime arts, and possibly to mythpunk.
Might have a connection to some whump media themes but does not specifically need to.
This is more or less made with alterhumans in mind, but can be used in any way the user wishes.
This is an neogender umbrella, it is not specifically related to any other gender umbrellas however it may overlap with themes and such, and it could be classified under the Dystrofare umbrella but a bit to the left in some way. However, this gender umbrella is somewhat horrorgender-adjacent, and may have in common things with the Feruvel umbrella.
You can find the Lurkerian flag & symbol from this link here!(link)
masterlist list of terms underneath & relevant to this umbrella(link to be added)
Luren-/ Lurke-: prefixes
-lur- / Keri: infix
-lerin / -erian / -lurken; suffixes
LURIN; Lurkerian-in-nature
Lure(hood); (gender) neutral/non-gendered term
Lurix(hood); woman/girl
Lutor(hood); man/boy
Trans-lure(lurinite); transneutral
Trans luter(luterine); transman/-masculine
Trans lutrix(/lutrixine); transwoman/feminine
Lurenic; Lurkerian gender alignment term, (used in the same vein as xenic, kenic etc.)
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jadedblud · 1 month
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‘ archie renaux, demi man, he/they, 26 / 260, half illyrian / half high fae, ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems HUDSON WHITETHORN has finally made it to the capital, the SPYMASTER/SHADOWSINGER from the AUTUMN COURT is said to be GOOD HEARTED and is said to describe themselves with SUN BLEACHED HAIR FROM HOURS AND MONTHS IN THE SUN, CALLOUS HANDS FROM YOUR LONG HOURS and ALWAYS LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE and with all of this in mind their SERIOUS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 ;
full name: hudson whitethorn
nicknames: none
age: 26 / 260
birth date: september 23
zodiac: libra
gender identity: demi man
pronouns: he / him / his and them / their / they
sexual orientation: bisexual
place of birth: illyria
𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ;
height: 6′ 5″
build: mesomorphic
eyes: violet
tattoos: LOTS soooo many
scars: so many covering his body. most of them are on his back, from his childhood. he does not open up about this often
piercings: none
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 ;
parents: father, alive. mother, alive.
siblings: none.
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 ;
your existence came from a one night stand between a high fae father and an illyrian mother. you were not suppose to existence, your father, who you only met a handful of times, made sure to remind you of that every time you meet.
your mother on the otherhand is a gentle and kind woman, someone you would do anything for, and have since becoming spymaster. your upbringing was one that was far from easy, the illyrian way was to prepare you for war and battle by the time you were ten you felt more like a machine than a fae.
you remember coming from your days training with a new bleeding wound and she would wrap your wound and kiss it. it was the only kindness you were shown.
your mother kept your powers of a shadowsinger as quiet as she could, to protect you and you thank her for that.
while you were the biggest of the fae in the war camps, you did not become bloodthirsty like the other's, the shadows always seemingly keeping you at bay. while the shadows might lurer those to step between madness and sanity, they ground you and keep you sane, and help you. mostly because . . . well you were able to know who you were fighting in the training camps and how to better prepare.
when it comes to your blood rite, you are the first person to scale ramiel and are named a carynthian
after . . . after you left, to explore the world and the rest of the courts, your father is from the autumn court and while you try to lie to yourself . . . you love it. and you stay. somehow going through the ranks and becoming the spymaster. some might question your loyalty but . . . the night court and illyria never felt like home like the other two palces. you are up front, your mother is the only person who has your loyalty there and you will do anything for her. you never excepted to leave her but the heart wants what the heart wants
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The translation of "it" to Norwegian is "den" or "det".
den generally replaces a noun, especially one that's masculine or feminine. It can also replace "the one" or "they" when that means unspecified.
det replaces verbal phrases and nongender nouns
However it's also not a perfect easy translation and "den" & "det" also replace "the" in certain english sentences (usually for emphasis).
8 examples below the cut featuring different situations
examples: (all in Norwegian Booklanguage)
1. den acting as a (im-)personal pronoun
The one who wins gets a prize
Den som vinner får en premie
den (the one) som (who) vinner (wins) får (gets) en (a) premie (prize)
2. den replacing a masculine noun
Ser du krukken på hyllen? Vær forsiktig så den ikke faller fordi den er skjør!
Do you see the pot on the shelf? Be careful so it doesn't fall because it's fragile!
Do you see (ser du) the ceramic pot (krukken) on (på) the shelf (hyllen)? Be (vær) careful (forsiktig) so (så) it (den) doesn't fall (ikke faller) because (fordi) it (den) is (er) fragile (skjør)!
3. den replacing a feminine noun
Sola skinner høyt på himmelen. Ikke se rett på den fordi da får du vondt.
The sun shines high in the sky. Don't look right at it because then you'd hurt.
Sola (the sun) skinner (shines) høyt (high) på (in) himmelen (the sky). Ikke se (don't look) rett på (right at) den (it) fordi (because) da (then) får du vondt (you will get pain).
4. det referring to a verbal phrase (verbalet) (linguistics term, might've mistranslated)
Hvis jeg ikke ser det selv så tror jeg ikke på det.
If I don't see it myself I don't believe it.
if (hvis) jeg (i) ikke ser (don't see) it (det) myself (selv) så (then) tror jeg ikke på (I don't believe) det (it)
The word order "tror jeg ikke på" is used because it's a second part of a sentence with two verbals (it's a "leddsetning" - jointed sentence).
7. Det replacing a nongender noun
The jump, været, fallet, blodet, havet
Havet er vakkert. Jeg skulle ønske jeg kunne bodd langs kysten.
The sea is beautiful. I wish I could live on the coast.
Havet (the sea) er (is) vakkert (beautiful). Jeg (i) skulle ønske (wish) jeg (I) kunne (could) bodd (live) langs kysten (on the coast).
I would wish would be the literal translation, but I think you say "I wish" in english idk. It's verbs those are always weird.. Also "could live" is different to " kunne bodd" because live is Infinitum but "bodd" is something else "kunne bodd" is like preteritum or some funky shit like that.
vakkert is changed because the noun is nongender. If a boy was beautiful that's "vakker" and if it was a girl that's "vakker". (do nonbinary Norwegians use vakkert? idk but one of my friends used that form of an adjective on me & that was epic pog personally).
5. det is used for weather (weather is nongender that's probably why)
Det regner i dag. Jeg lurer på om det blir sol i morgen.
literal: it rains today. I wonder if it becomes sun tomorrow.
actual: it is raining today. I wonder if there will be sun tomorrow.
Det (it) regner (is raining / rains) i dag (today). Jeg (I) lurer på (wonder) om (if) det (there) blir (becomes / will be / is) sol (sun) i morgen (tomorrow).
6. den and det referring to different things within the same paragraph
Jeg så på en serie i dag. Den var bra! jeg må gjøre det oftere.
I watched a television show today. It was good! I have to do that more often.
jeg (i) så på (watched) en (a) serie (television show) i dag (today). Den (it) var (was) bra (good)! Jeg (i) må (have to) gjøre (do) det (that) oftere (more often).
7. "den" acting as "the" for emphasis
Det var den kongen som sa at alle skulle gå med hatt.
That was the king who said everyone should wear a hat.
That (det) was (var) the king (den kongen) who (som) said (sa) everyone (alle) should (skulle) wear (gå med) hats (hatt).
sidenote that "hatt" is singular because it's a imperative statement I think idk. "everyone should" statement.
8. den is used to say "the most" form of adjectives
det var den eneste gangen hen så ham.
that was the only time they saw him. (they singular)
Det (that) var (was) den eneste (the only) gangen (time) hen (they singular) så (saw) ham (him).
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linglinginjapan · 1 month
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Søndag 17. Mars: Shabushabu しゃぶしゃぶ
Det er søndag igjen, og ikke har jeg noe spesielt å gjøre. Rett etter tennis dro jeg rett til Kichijouji for å treffe Arthur. Etter gatevandring bestemte vi oss for å spise Shabushabu (se link om du lurer), som han visstnok spiser en gang i uken. Det kostet omtrent 150 kroner, og vi fikk 90 minutter på oss til å spise så mye vi ville.
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Skriver dette dagen etterpå, og er fortsatt ikke noe sulten. 😂 Tror det blir en stund til neste gang jeg drar, men han bestilte for mye kjøtt det kan jeg bekrefte.
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Linnea er mett.
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horsechestnut · 2 years
I feel like I could write a whole essay explaining how “No Good Nick”  utilizes sitcom tropes to lurer their audience into a false sense of security that everything will work out okay. But then it also makes those tropes into something new and refreshing. Like, Ed is the bumbling dad and Liz is the tough parent mom, but they never push it to the point that Ed is incompetent or ever imply that he doesn’t love his family with every fiber of his being.
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prinsessealina · 6 months
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Alina lurer på er det mat snart .🐈‍⬛❤️
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