#lou da vinci
infirmux · 7 months
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hold on this one was perfectly lovely why on earth did i abandon it at the time. still not sure why their hair keeps changing i think they have been getting it caught in doors
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anipsychopl · 1 year
My Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Headcanons - Leo 💙
He/him Trans man, Gay
Super insomniac
Because of his dysphoria days donnie bought him a cozy hoodie. The same one he and Mikey have
Super big crush on Usagi
Medic Leo supermacy
He begins to have trouble seeing, but will never admit it. He used to laugh at Donnie wearing glasses so now he doesn't want to wear them for fear others will laugh at him
He thought Lou jitsu was a bit of a dilf, but when it turned out he was his father, he feel terrible and ashamed about that thought
Knows ASL very well
Speaks Spanish, German and a bit of Japanese
He loves to do makeup, especially eye shadow, so sometimes he and donnie spend time together doing makeup
Because he likes glitter, makeup, slutty clothes and high heals a lot of people told him that he can’t be true trans man
After being beaten up by krang he’s knee has been pretty fucked up, he wore braces for a long time, and he has to have rehabilitation sessions with donnie
Because of Krang, Leo have scars on his shell and carapace, after it cracks
One time when Mikey told Leo he was named after Leonardo da Vinci, for short amount of time he thought his middle name was “da vinki”
He owns at least one holographic puffer jacket
If he fight another sword user, he will pull the most inappropriate stance (for example holds his sword like a bat) and yell some shit, to confuse opponent, and for fun to mess with them
He spends a long time in the bathroom. When someone tells him to come out he always response “I’m gay” for fun, even if this joke has been going on for several years
He can't talk about his emotions. Even if he want, he just can't. He tries to send his brothers little signals about his well being, but they are too small to notice. Even if its not working he is proud of himself for trying, but at the same time sad because its he can't do it normally
When they were all kids, Leo used to lie on the Donnie’s shell, making a pillow out of it
When Raph forget his epipen when he's out, Leo became overprotective in his way and yells at Raph for being irresponsible, and that he might by accident eats something with peanuts. And what then?
Fav pizza: either it's something very "weird" or it's very normal, like Hawaiian or Pepperoni 
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
One Day You Will Understand - Legacies x Noralise!Daughter!Reader
I Was Made to Love You
B/m/n = biological mother’s name
Glancing up from your sketchpad, you discharged the soggy bowl of cereal to the side, watching Josie sitting down with who you had learned was Finch, another werewolf.
"Since when did she draw?"
Sipping your juice, you grimaced at your attempt of a sketch. It wasn't your strong point, you preferred journalling, and any sketches you had done were part of your grimoire when doodling magical artifacts.
"Isn't that the costume the felled-chicken was wearing? Why is she drawing that? Besides it looking ridiculous?" Mary-Lou suggested, smiling as Nora snorted with laughter and B/m/n face-palmed.
Your phone buzzed as you smudged a line, grimacing slightly before dropping your pencil, taking your phone into hand.
Hope: going with Landon to Mystic Falls High to get the artifact, see you later?
Y/n: sure
"Hey, you're Y/n right? Maya talked about you." Finch approached you, Josie was nowhere to be seen, but the werewolf pack were lurking nearby.
"Yeah. You're Finch, you were having breakfast with Josie this morning... wait, you knew Maya?" You froze, before the pieces fell together.
This is who Maya broke up with you for.
"Excuse me, I need to go find... anybody else." You declared, scrambling to pick up your belongings before hurrying away, arriving in the art studio.
"Wait, was that who I think it was?" "I suppose it doesn't matter as much, since Y/n is head over heels for Hope, and has been for a while now." Nora and Mary-Louise whispered to each other, following as you abandoned Finch.
"There is no need for me to inspire the solution that will destroy Malivore. You already have it. Hope Mikaelson must die." Cleo declared, as Alaric's face fell blank.
"Do not look at me like that, deep down you know that I am right. Y/n, your father knows it too." Cleo turned to you as Alaric sighed.
"Even if you are, what you are suggesting isn't an option." Alaric hissed, but Cleo just glared.
"It is the only option. Since I arrived at your school, I have hoped to find a different way."
"Then show me." Alaric stated, stepping forwards as Cleo was about to argue.
"Show us, he means." You interjected, offering your hand to Cleo as she stood up.
You watched in silence as Cleo revealed everything that she had done to stop Hope from allowing Malivore to escape the prison world, but Malivore discovered Cleo was still alive in the process, sending monsters after her.
You stayed quiet as Alaric began to recall everyone Hope had lost, and why he did not want to watch her become a fully activated tribrid.
"Family means everything to her, and maybe one day she'll want one of her own. Which will become impossible if she becomes a full tribrid." Alaric explained, leaving you to roll your eyes.
"You're aware adoption is a thing right? Everyone's so obsessed with biological children since Hope's existence is a loophole in her father's sun and moon curse, it's ridiculous." You interjected, folding your arms as Cleo hummed in understanding.
Nora and Mary-Lou exchanged looks, knowing where your anger was coming from. You were adopted by them after all.
Not a word left your mouth as Cleo discussed her family, and how she ended up in Italy with Leonardo da Vinci.
"Is that a drawing?" Cleo enquired, having been allowed to decide her own fate by Doctor Saltzman.
"I'm not very good at it." You admitted, passing Cleo the sketchpad so she could take a proper look.
"How about I show you some pointers before I go?" Cleo offered, taking the pencil from your hand as you nodded, thanking her then watching as Cleo turned the page.
"She's leaving?" "After everything that happened, can you blame her?" B/m/n asked as Nora frowned, nodding.
Cleo was gone when you heard a knock at the door.
"Y/n, please!" Hope's voice was watery as you opened the door, frowning as you saw the tears running down her face.
"Landon left, he, he broke up with me..." Hope cried, pressing her face into your shoulder as you pulled her into a hug.
"I've got you, Hope, I've got you."
Your mothers exchanged soft smiles, watching you comfort a heartbroken Hope.
This Feels a Little Cult-y
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A real interaction in my family health class today; featuring: me, Josh, Selina, and Carly and Lou
Lou: yeah it’s hella pretty, like the Mona Lisa
Me: yeah Mona Lisa, you know, Picasso?
Selina: did Picasso paint that?
Josh: yeah right?
Me: no he painted the melting clocks; da Vinci painted Mona Lisa
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scottdclary · 7 months
Rhythms Over Routines
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Have you heard of the Spanish siesta? It’s more than just an afternoon nap. In many Spanish towns, businesses shut down in the early afternoon, letting people rest during the hottest part of the day. The siesta isn't about laziness; it's about aligning work with the body's natural rhythms.
Productivity isn't about working harder; it's about working smarter.
Hacks and tools? They’re useful but can be distractions.
Constant hustle? Sure, you're busy, but are you effective?
Repeating what once worked? Conditions change; so should your approach.
What's overlooked is the power of personal rhythm.
Leonardo da Vinci didn't have Trello. But he knew when to paint and when to ponder.
So, how can you tap into this?
Work when you're at peak energy. Tackle challenging tasks when you’re most alert and motivated.
Rest when you feel drained. Don't fight through fatigue. A short break can recharge your cognitive capabilities.
As Lou Holtz rightly said, "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it." The key is not reducing work but adapting work to your rhythm.
In our culture of endless hustle, we're trained to focus on time. Yet, managing your energy could be the real game-changer.
Plan your day not by time slots, but by your personal energy levels.
Forget the clock; watch your energy.
Ditch the constant hustle; embrace the ebb and flow.
Remember: Efficiency isn’t just about speed, but about rhythm.
Aligning tasks with your energy levels can redefine what you achieve in a day.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Copycats Famous Paint Cat Scratchers: Fine Feline Art
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/cat-news/copycats-famous-paint-cat-scratchers-fine-feline-art/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Copycats Famous Paint Cat Scratchers: Fine Feline Art
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cats | mona lisa | paintings | pets | scratching post |  March 5, 2023 Created by luxury pet goods designer Lord Lou of Amsterdam, Copycat Art Scratchers are cat scratching boards that look like famous paintings. Specifically, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. Come on, no Dogs Playing Poker? A cat would love scratching that! The feline […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/cat-news/copycats-famous-paint-cat-scratchers-fine-feline-art/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #CatsNews
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fredborges98 · 1 year
Bom dia!
Por: Fred Borges
Contribua para o Clube de Leitura, mais que uma idéia e ideal de amor, uma prática!
Contribuições á partir de R$10,00 mensais até o dia 10 de cada mês no Pico/CPF: 42297729553 ou Banco Itaú 341 Agência: 3888 CC:22197-9 Frederico Vianna Borges- Sempre enviando comprovante.
De Rerum Natura de Tito Lucrécio Caro ou ás três perspectivas do amor.
O amor é desejo e o desejo é o desencontro pois logo que o desejo é suprido, é suprimido o amor.
Assim o amor está para volatilidade, é volúvel ao ser consumido e consumado ao ser satisfeito, logo podemos inferir que amor é atomicidade física em pleno movimento e mutação,mudança de Heráclito e Tito Lucrécio Caro doença a ser curada.
Em De Rarum Natura;O livro, esquecido durante o declínio do império romano e a ascensão do cristianismo, foi encontrado em 1417 num mosteiro da Alemanha, vindo a tornar-se uma influência decisiva no Renascimento, presente em obras de autores tão diversos como Leonardo Da Vinci, Francis Bacon, Galileu e Maquiavel.
Dentre seus leitores e suas obras encontram-se Erasmo, Maquiavel, Giordano Bruno, Gassendi, Spinoza, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hume, Bentham, Schelling, Mill, Marx, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche e Bergson.
Nietzsche e de Lou Andréas Salomé, de Heidegger e de Hannah Arendt, de Sartre e Simone de Beauvoir.
Me parecem estes terem implodido a existência e resiliência do amor, ou melhor, terem-lhe feito experimento,separado o sentir pelo racionalizar em física e atomicidade em total e parcial desencontros tornando o amor um total desencontro, um desafeto,sendo assim, poderíamos colocar o amor não num altar, mas num degrau menor,das necessidades e desejos de posse, mas posse é aprisionamento, algo que restringe a definição do amor pois amor não é apego é liberdade,amamos pois nós sentimos libertos, livres para amar e ser amado.
Logo ás convenções como casamento contratual vai de encontra a natureza humana, pois contitui-se numa agressão a natureza humana do querer e poder ser; ontologia do ser,ser cognitivo que não auto flagela, agride sua própria natureza.
O amor não é só uma forma de ligação com outra pessoa; o amor é uma forma de auto descoberta e descobrimento do ambiente ao seu redor. E esse continua sendo o desafio fundamental para a condição humana.
Como disse Sócrates:
“Conhece-te a ti mesmo”.
Podemos então estabelecer uma lógica na qual áquelas pessoas que não se conhecem ou pelo menos não procuram incessantemente se conhecer,não estão preparadas a protagonizar e viver o amor e aquilo que podemos considerar a missão maior do amor que é: dar sentido a vida pelo prazer e este prazer se tornar em momentos genuínos de felicidade, logo podemos abstrair que o ato de amar é um ato de liberdade individual de se dar e doar sem espectativas de reciprocidade, pois quem ama é nutrido pelo próprio amor que compartilha com seu semelhante.
A oportunidade e ter a coragem de haver em si a descoberta e exploração,e nunca a espoliação do amor como matéria e material-insumo daquilo que se consume e se transforma em algo a ser consumido, retido, possuído, exibido como conquista material,ou a materialização de uma conquista que logo que é possuída, adquirida, arrematada,comprada, esvai-se como algodão doce na presença da líquida e líquido liquidês dos que transformam matérias em posses, e posses em dinheiro,precificando e rotulando o amor.
Observando teorias e práticas do amor vemos os desastres e desencontros entre o amor em teoria e filosofia e sua realidade crua e nua:
Heidegger, professor de filosofia, seria hoje considerado o rei do politicamente incorreto: traçava sistematicamente alunas e discípulas, entre elas Hannah Arendt, que se apaixonou pelo mestre aos 18 anos.
Ligação muito perigosa, para usar a clássica expressão do escritor Choderlos de Lanclos.
O nazismo estava então em ascensão, Arendt era judia, e Heidegger, para manter sua posição universitária, apoiou Hitler.
Ela emigrou para os Estados Unidos, mas, apesar de tudo, nunca o esqueceu.
Já Simone e Sartre (que era espantosamente feio) trataram de manter o chamado casamento aberto.
Coisa muito difícil, como reconheceu o próprio Sartre:
“O amante exige o juramento de fidelidade e se irrita com o juramento”ao ver amantes frequentando sua própria casa.
Até crianças e adolescentes eram alvos de seus experimentos existenciais de amor e atomicidade.
O conteúdo da De rerum natura precede quase que profeticamente a visão de mundo científica contemporânea: lá está o atomicismo, leis de conservação da matéria e energia, causas naturais para terremotos e percepção relativa da realidade.
“171a olimpíadas, 5g [99a.C]: O poeta T. Lucrécio nasce.
Mais tarde ficou louco devido a uma poção amorosa, embora nos intervalos de sanidade escreveu vários livros, os quais Cícero depois editou.
Matou-se com suas próprias mãos na idade de 44 anos”.
Podemos analisar o amor " líquido" de Zygmunt Bauman, , dizer que a superficialidade e amor fugaz que nos apavora, nos torna descartáveis, objetos de prazer carnal, carnaval, temporal, de um temporal que nos leva, subtrai, nos genitaliza, nos mumifica, nos congela, frita, nos põe no banquete de Platão,na última ceia e revela-se criador e criatura, eu caçador de mim, eu traidor de mim, paradoxo entre discurso e prática,desencontro, mentira, traição de valores proclamado, cinismos e hipocrisias.
Deve-se dar atenção aos conceitos de Shakespeare sobre o amor em suas obras:
Em Henrique V desenvolve os princípios do amor como conquista.
No Mercador de Veneza, o amor é o fruto do discernimento da alma.
No Rei Lear, o amor é a piedade filial de uma filha ao seu pai e todas as provas pelas quais passa dão fé da sua elevação e pureza.
Em Hamlet triunfa a dúvida, no amor.
Em Otelo expõe o reverso obscuro do amor, os ciúmes e como estes vão desgarrando e submergindo no barro e na bestialidade o coração do homem.
Na Tempestade, Shakespeare desenvolve a necessidade das provas que o amante deve superar para se fazer merecedor da sua amada.
No Sonho de uma Noite de Verão canta o amor como o fascínio da existência, a ilusão luminosa que vence todas as regras da razão e que une homens e Deuses.
Na Fera Amansada o amor vive-se como um domínio, como o poder que exerce, com uma vontade férrea, o homem sobre a Natureza, aqui representada pela mulher rebelde.
António e Cleópatra fala do amor como um poder que aniquila. Vénus adormece e vence Marte, diziam os clássicos.
Em Júlio César expõem-se os sagrados deveres dos amantes que uniram as suas vidas no matrimónio.
Romeu e Julieta é a mais bela história de amor que jamais foi escrita. É o amor das almas gêmeas que se encontram.
Em Trabalhos de Amor Perdidos narra-se como uns nobres pretendem fechar as portas do Amor para se entregarem à austeridade, ao estudo e à mortificação.
Como sou romântico sigo com a obra de Romeu e Julieta.
Amor é e sempre será encontro e desencontro, felicidade e infelicidade, prazer e ter, paradigma e paradoxo, tese e antítese,teoria na prática,para amar é preciso amar-se e conhecer-se pois amor é origem e fim, sonhos de uma noite de primavera,outono,inverno e verão.
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Few people know that the commonly known Mona Lisa (Actually entitled La Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci) is only part of the full painting. The lower half is seldom unveiled as it’s considered to be of lesser quality than the top of the painting, and possibly unfinished by the artist.
But the Louvre today unveiled the lower half for a new exhibition taking place until this summer. Said Louvre Curator Lou V’Curador, “The Mona Lisa, as it’s known, is more than people think. Leonardo was ahead of his time and this threatened art critics of his era so he kept the lower portion hidden and until now, we at the Louvre have respected this concept. But we felt the time was right to showcase the full work.”
V’Curador went on to explain that many modern art aficionados would be upset by the unveiling, and that it would hurt some of their feelings. But V’Curador explained, it was important to the art world as a whole, and everyone knew- He had to do it to ‘em.
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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1 post a day, for 101 days, of things that made Anastasia Rose Dalton smile... #101Smiles
Day 1: Samuel Dalton
Day 2: Mickey and Mason
Day 3: Devocion Coffee
Day 4: Farmers Market Flowers
Day 5: Officially a Dalton
Day 6: Lunch with Jenny
Day 7: Shirtless Sam bonus ficlet
Day 8: Robin got a Dog
Day 9: Blossoms in Central Park
Day 10: Scarsdale, New York bonus ficlet
Day 11: Back in the Lab
Day 12: Forearm Wheel Pose
Day 13: Packing for California
Day 14: Flying Private bonus ficlet
Day 15: Shirtless Sam with a puppy bonus: Robin and Sam TOGETHER shirtless
Day 16: Flowers and Monica
Day 17: Penthouse Central Park Views
Day 18: Drive bonus ficlet
Day 19: Wedding #TBT
Day 20: Date Night
Day 21: Fundraiser bonus ficlet
Day 22: Mother’s Day
Day 23: Petri Dish Art
Day 24: The High Line
Day 25: Girls Trip with Penny
Day 26: Dolles Candy and Rehoboth
Day 27: Sunrise Yoga
Day 28: Westsider Books and the Shop Cat
Day 29: Ana’s Violin
Day 30: Statue of Liberty
Day 31: Sailing in the Hamptons
Day 32: Airport Goodbyes
Day 33: Lunch with the Dalton men
Day 34: Pizza Puns
Day 35: #TBT Flip
Day 36: Montauk day 1
Day 37: Montauk day 2
Day 38: Montauk day 3
Day 39: Montauk day 4
Day 40: Laundry Fail
Day 41: Da Vinci Surgical Robot
Day 42: #tbt Philippines
Day 43: Sushi Night
Day 44: Belmont Stakes
Day 45: Journaling
Day 46: Rainy Days
Day 47: Birthday Balloons
Day 48: Happy Birthday Mr. CEO 🍋
Day 49: Quebec
Day 50: #TBT Smiling Sam
Day 51: Coney Island
Day 52: Little Island NY
Day 53: NY Aquarium and Father’s Day
Day 54: Sound Healing Summer Solstice
Day 55: Hudson Yards
Day 56: Pride Kitty
Day 57: Bronx Pizza
Day 58: NYC Pride
Day 59: Robin and Joey
Day 60: New Pair of Lou-ys
Day 61: Flower Surprise
Day 62: #TBT Wedding Photos
Day 63: Spa Day Bonus: Robin and Moni
Day 64: 4thGala and Robin and Moni bonus ficlet
Day 65: Independence Day
Day 66: NY Skyline Picnic
Day 67: Yankees/Mariners Game
Day 68: Newlywed Game
Day 69: Ladies Night Out
Day 70: Game Night
Day 71: Paint & Sip Class
Day 72: Plant Shopping
Day 73: Tea and Rain
Day 74: #TBT Down Under
Day 75: Date Night Selfie
Day 76: Mason’s Day
Day 77: Mickey’s Day
Day 78: Juice Press
Day 79: Run Central Park
Day 80: #TBT AMG Race Track
Day 81: Flower Flash
Day 82: Chess
Day 83: Ice Cream
Day 84: Farmer’s Market
Day 85: Flying a Rocket
Day 86: The Edge, NYC
Day 87: Antiquing
Day 88: Puppy
Day 89: #TBT South Africa
Day 90: Day before Ballet
Day 91: NYC Ballet
Day 92: Brunch and Proposal Photo
Day 93: Haircut
Day 94: Game Day
Day 95: Twins and Ferris Wheel
Day 96: Venice day 1
Day 97: Venice day 2
Day 98: Venice day 3
Last Three Days HERE
Tumblr won’t let me do more than 100 links on this post, SO the last three days are in a separate link. Sorry for tumblr being stupid.
A/N I may or may not squeal every time I read her last name as Dalton
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infirmux · 7 months
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i like how blisteringly obvious it is where i have gotten bored and wandered off to do something else
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taunuswolf · 3 years
Natürlich ist diese Liste nicht vollständig. Sicherlich könnte ich sie um viele Persönlichkeiten erweitern. Besonders bei Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Musikern und Schauspielern kämen sicherlich noch viel mehr bewundernswerte Menschen zusammen, die mein Leben mitbegleitet haben. Bei den eher unbekannten Namen habe ich die Funktion in Klammern daneben geschrieben. Einige Namen sind Legendengestalten oder biblische Figuren, zum Beispiel Heilige (HL). Menschen, die ich zum Beispiel während meiner Zeit als Redakteur oder anderwärtig persönlich kennen gelernt habe, sind zum Beispiel auf der Tumblr-Seite fett gekennzeichnet. Unter der Rubrik (Vormärz) versteht man die frühen Akteure der Demokratiebewegung, die leider nicht zum Zug kamen und stattdessen einem autokratischen System weichen mussten, die als Pseudodemokratie bis heute anhält. Im Klartext: Deutschland verträgt keine echte Opposition.  
A: Jeanne d´Arc, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Bettine von Arnim, AC/DC, Johann Valentin Andreae (Rosenkreuzer), Alexandra (Sängerin), König Arthus, Adele, Hirsi Ali, Charles Aznavour,    
B: Hugo Ball (Schriftsteller), Marianne Bachmeier (Mutter Courage), Sebastian Bach, Gottfried von Bouillon (Kreuzritter), Friedrich Barbarossa, Clemens von Brentano (Dichter), G.L. von Blücher, F.W. von Bülow (Preußische Generäle der Befreiungskriege), Hildegard von Bingen, Beatles, Carl Ludwig Börne (1848ziger), Robert Blum (1848-Rebell), Ludwig van Beethoven, Arnold Böcklin, Max Brodt, David Bowie, Thomas Bernhard, Wilhelm Busch, James Baldwin, M. A. Bakunin (Anarchist), Boetius (Philosoph), Buena vista social Club, Josef Beuys, Samuel Beckett, Sebastian Brandt (Humanist)        
C: Cicero, Paul Celan, Carl von Clausewitz (Oberst Befreiungskriege), Leonard Cohen, M. Caravaggio, John Cassavetes (Regis.), Karl August von Cohausen (Archäologe), Charlotte Corday (Rebellin 1790), Robert Crumb, Eric Clapton, Lowis Corinth, Joe Cocker, N.S. Chruschtschow, Sean Connery.        
D: Denis Diderot (Aufklärer), Albrecht Dürer, Bob Dylan, Carl Theodor von Dalberg (Aufklärer), Dante, Dido (Sängerin), Alexander Dubcek, Doors,    
E: Max Ernst, Hl. Elisabeth, Enya, Eisbrecher (Band), Michael Ende, Umberto Ecco, Joseph von Eichendorff,    
F: Gottfried Fichte, Ernst Fuchs, Friedrich der Große, Georg Forster, Caspar David Friedrich, Fleetwood Mac,  
G: Theo van Gogh, Franzisko de Goya, Gottfried Grabbe, Che Guevara, Siddharta Gautama, Karoline von Günderode (Dichterin), Georges I. Gurdjief (Mystiker), Matthias Grünewald, Artemisia Gentileschi (Malerin), Gandalf, Brüder Grim, Grimmelshausen, Ralf Giordano (Journalist), Green Day (Band), Florian Geyer (Rebellenanführer), A.N. von Gneisenau (General Befreiungskriege), M.S. Gorbatschow.      
H: Hagen, Hermann Hesse, Peter Handke, Hölderlin, Heinrich Heine, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Hecker (1848-Rebell), Händel, Villard de Honnecourt (Gotik-Baumeister), Michel Houellebecq, Homer, Herodot, Klaus Heuser (BAB), Gorge Harrison, Andreas Hofer, Johnny Hallyday (Franz. Sänger), Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Werner Herzog, Elmar Hörig (Kultmoderator), Ulrich von Hutten (Humanist), Victor Hugo, Harro Harring (Vormärz),      
I: Jörg Immendorff, Henryk Ibsen, Isaias (Prophet),  
J. Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes der Evangelist, Jeremia (Prophet), C.G. Jung (Psychologe), Jennies Joplin, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Turnvater)
K: Karl Kraus, Theodor Körner, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Charlotte von Kalb (Muse), Lee Krasner (Künstlerin), Rainhard Karl (Bergsteiger), Peter Keuer (Grünen-Gründer), Alfred Kubin,  
L: Lukas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Flake Lorenz, Andreas von Lichnowski (1848ziger), Cyprian Lelek (1848ziger), Georg C. Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lanzelot, M.V. Llosa (Schriftsteller), Annie Lenox, Königin Luise, Ludwig A.W. von Lützow (Befreiungskriege), M. Lafayette (Fr. Staatsmann und Aufklärer) Franz Liszt, Led Zeppelin, Hanns Lothar (Schauspieler)
M: HL. Maria, HL. Maria Magdalena, Marcus, Matthäus, Matthäus Merian, Maria Sybilla Merian, Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Edward Munch, Claude Monet, Albertus Magnus (Scholastiker), Merlin, Alma Mahler-Werfel (Muse), Meister Eckard (Mystiker), Moody Blues.    
N: HL. Nikolaus, Novalis, V. Nabokov (Schriftsteller), Ningen Isu (Band), Nirvana, Agrippa von Nettesheim (Alchimist), Hannah Nagel (Künstlerin),    
O: Josef Maria Olbrich (Jugendstilbaumeister), Rudolf Otto (Religionswissenschaftler), Oomph (Band), Oasis, Mike Oldfield,  
P: Platon, Plotin, Pythagoras (Philosophen), Jean Paul, Plinius, Parzival, Tom Petty, Daniel Powter, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd,  
Q: Queen,
R:  Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Josef Roth, Ramstein, Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Richter, Rio Reiser, Ritter Roland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Eric Rohmer, Ulrich Roski (Sänger), Rolling Stones, R.E.M. Lou Reed, Chris Rea, Petra Roth (Ex-OB Frankfurt/M)
S: Johann III Sobieski (polnischer König), Sunzi (chinesischer Philosoph), August Schöltis (Schriftsteller), Lou von Salome (Muse), B. Smetanar, Carlos Santana, Sappho (Dichterin), Schopenhauer, Helmut Schäfer (Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt) Sokrates, Egon Schiele, Madame de Stael, August Strindberg, Richard Strauss, Philipp Jacob Siebenpfeiffer (Vormärz), Helmut Schmidt, Subway to Sally (Band), Karl Ludwig Sand (Vormärz)    
T: B. Traven (Schriftsteller), A. P. Tschechov, Ivan Turgenjev, Ludwig Tieck (Romantiker), HL. Judas Thaddäus, Hermes Trismegistos (Philosoph), P.I. Tschaikowski, William Turner, Lars von Trier (Regisseur)  
U: Peter Ustinov, Ludwig Uhland, Siegfried Unseld (Verleger),
V: Luchino Visconti, Leonardo da Vinci, Velvet Underground, Vitruv, Vercingetorix, Francois Villon (Dichter), Walter von der Vogelweide, Robert Vogelmann (Menschenrechtsaktivist)    
W: Wim Wenders, Richard Wagner, Otto Wagner (Jugendstilbaumeister) Wagakki-Band, Sara Wagenknecht, Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosoph), Georg August Wirth (Vormärz),
X: Xhol (Band)    
Y: Neil Young, Yvonne (Aktivistin der Gegenöffentlichkeit)
Z: Heinrich Zille, Carl Zuckmayer, Frank Zappa,  
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Foundation: Why Isaac Asimov’s Estate Approved Modernizing the Sci-Fi Classic
This article contains no spoilers for Foundation.
We live in an era when classic works of literature that were once thought to be “unfilmable” — particularly in the realms of sci-fi and fantasy — are now actually coming to the screen. Chief among those, and certainly a crown jewel in the annals of science fiction, is Foundation, an epic series of stories and novels by legendary writer Isaac Asimov that spans thousands of years of future galactic history.
Premiering on Apple TV+ with a 10-episode first season, Foundation begins with the story of Hari Seldon (played by Jared Harris), a mathematician who develops a science called psychohistory, with which he can predict large-scale patterns in history and human behavior. Not surprisingly, Seldon’s prediction that the vast Galactic Empire will collapse into a 30,000-year period of barbarism doesn’t sit well with the Cleons, clones of the original emperor, Cleon 1, who have ruled the galaxy for more than 400 years.
Seldon’s plan is to establish the Foundation, a repository of knowledge that can help cut the coming dark ages down to 1,000 years. The Cleons allow him to proceed, but banish him and his followers to a distant planet called Terminus where they will set up the Foundation. Key to Seldon’s plan are a brilliant young woman named Gaal Dornick (Lou Llobel), his adopted son Raych (Alfred Enoch) and, years later, Salvor Hardin (Leah Harvey), the warden and protector of the colony on Terminus.
Series creator/showrunner David S. Goyer — known to fans for writing the original Blade trilogy, co-writing the screenplays or stories for the Dark Knight trilogy and Man of Steel, creating Da Vinci’s Demons for TV and much more — tells Den of Geek that he had been approached in the past about adapting Foundation as a feature film, but finally jumped at the opportunity to develop it in the present era of long-form streaming. But that doesn’t mean Foundation wasn’t difficult to adapt anyway.
“The original novel or series of short stories was written in the late ‘40s, early ‘50s,” he says. “So the key was identifying the core themes and figuring out, okay, that was what Asimov was writing about in a post-World War II environment. What’s the world like today and how can we apply what’s happening today to the metaphors of Foundation now?”
Other roadblocks to adapting Foundation in the past (which has defeated filmmakers such as Roland Emmerich and Jonathan Nolan, who were developing it for Columbia Pictures and HBO respectively at different points) were the vast leaps in time that the books make as well as their generally cerebral, complex nature. But Goyer had other concerns.
“I thought the harder aspect was making it emotional,” he explains. “The books aren’t known, per se, for being emotional, but with television, people tune in for emotion and characters. So I had to figure out ways of taking Asimov’s themes and embodying them into characters that could express those themes, through love, through their relationships with their parents and children, and so forth.”
One solution to that — and to updating Foundation for audiences in the 21st century — was to make alterations to a number of the major characters, like Salvor, Gaal and the Cleons’ android right hand person Eto Demerzel (Laura Birn), almost all of whom are male in Asimov’s books. But Goyer says he first wanted to make sure his proposed changes met with the approval of the late Asimov’s daughter Robyn and the Asimov literary estate.
Read more
How Foundation Brings the Asimov Novels to Life on Apple TV+
By Michael Ahr
Is Foundation Apple’s Answer to Star Wars?
By Michael Ahr
“The first question that I posed to the Asimov estate was, given that this was written in a post-World War II environment, where there were virtually no speaking female characters in the first book, where very few members of the science fiction community or readers were women, was, ‘We’re going to be doing this for an audience of today and I want the characters in the show to reflect our audience. How do you feel about gender swapping some of the characters?’” he recalls. “Robyn Asimov and the estate completely embraced it. They said that Asimov himself would have embraced that and they were absolutely comfortable with that.”
Goyer also made other, extensive changes to the narrative, such as creating the Cleons (who are played at various ages by Lee Pace, Terrence Mann and Cassian Bilton) and developing storylines that would add the kind of action, intrigue and space opera necessary to keep audiences involved for 10 hours. Goyer says that every step of the way the Asimov estate was on board.
“Look, I grew up on these books, I revered the books,” says Goyer, whose introduction to Foundation and sci-fi came at a young age through his estranged father. “Like a lot of people, Asimov meant a lot to me. A lot of people have a very personal relationship to the original Foundation trilogy — it’s kind of this hallowed piece of work. It was important to me that Robyn and the estate felt like we were doing Asimov’s work justice and that we understood what the themes were about.”
He adds that the estate and Robyn Asimov were “very happy” after reading the first two scripts and seeing the first two episodes: “We felt that we had embraced everything that was important about Foundation and changed the things that, they felt as well, had to be updated for the time.”
The irony of this, even some 60 years after the first Foundation novel was published, is that Goyer sees the overall story, subject matter and themes as more relevant and prescient than ever.
Apple TV+
“I started on this project three years ago,” he says. “Certainly climate change was something that people were talking about, but it hadn’t reached this critical juncture where we’re at now. We weren’t involved in a global pandemic and we weren’t involved in this crazy factionalism and this rise of nationalism that we’re seeing.”
Goyer says that it took him several readings over the years for the books to finally grab hold of him, and that he also passed on adapting it for the big screen twice before. So what made this the right time? “Now that I’m a father, I find myself thinking a lot more about what the world of tomorrow will be like, what the legacy that we leave our children and grandchildren will be,” he responds.
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“That’s a lot more important to me now than it was before I was a father,” Goyer continues. “A lot of those themes carry through in the books, but also in our show. It’s kind of about, what are you willing to sacrifice now, so that future generations, our children and grandchildren, will be able to live in a world that’s as amazing as the world we live today? What is today willing to give up for tomorrow?”
The first two episodes of Foundation premiere Friday (September 24) on Apple TV+, with future episodes debuting weekly.
The post Foundation: Why Isaac Asimov’s Estate Approved Modernizing the Sci-Fi Classic appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3kB5zW4
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spyrkle4 · 3 years
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Halfway there, woaaaah, living on a prayer!
Dalmatians: 59/101 (hcs under cut)
Derek- Biological pup of Doug and Delilah from their second litter. He/him Derek is a fancy boy with a fancy bowtie, he likes order and keeping himself clean, a bit of a diva too. Though he doesn’t listen to any warnings of trouble, like flea infestations and is usually the first that needs to get treated.
Dusty- Adopted pup from the streets. He/him. Dusty was a stray pup until he fell into one of Diesel’s holes. Diesel thought Dusty was one of his siblings and brought him home, well he was right as Dusty immediately got adopted, thankful for taking him in he spends time with Diesel most of all and helps make sure the digging doesn’t lead to bad consequences. And yes, his spots are naturally brown. 
Dane- Adopted pup from a human. She/her. Dane’s mother had pups that her humans wanted to sell, she was the pup that was adopted by Delilah when she fell in love with the heart-shape mark that most humans didn’t want to have around for a strange reason. Dane’s mother’s humans were alright with Delilah taking her as she’d be well cared for, and Dane has all the kibble and love she could have!
Delta- Adopted pup from the pound. She/her. Delta is a bit of a conspiracy theorist that listens to Dante too much, though she at least isn’t that deep into the rabbit hole by thinking that the moon landing is faked, or that the moon is real.
Dilma- Adopted pup abandoned by a human. She/they. Dilma’s owner was a spoiled brat that ended up being allergic so he dumped her on the Dalmatian’s door, she’s much happier with a loving family and enjoys the chaos.
Dominique- Adopted pup from Da Vinci’s litter. He/him. Domi resembles their father the most, which was what their mother hated, and it’s why he has an ear notch. He prefers playing with his younger siblings and swimming.
Duke- Adopted pup and Dilma’s littermate. He/him. Duke clings to Dilma and protects her, he has a soft spot for meaty treats though.
Dechang- Adopted pup from the pound. She/her. Dechang is the gamer pup of the family! Video games, board games, dnd games, she’ll play them all! Dylan loves to play Poodlewolf with her. 
The Debbies- Biological pups of Doug and Delilah from their second litter. She/her. They stick together and love keeping up with family gossip. Debbie-May (left) speaks a lot to the younger pups. Debbie-Lou (center) keeps tabs with the older pups. and Debbie-Lee (right) checks on her blood-siblings/littermates. 
Denver and Devon- Adopted pups from the streets. He/him. Denvor and Devon have a deep sibling rivalry, their relationship was starting to sour due to the street hardships by the time they were adopted, and they compete a lot on sports and playing, they have bad arguments so they mostly spend time with everyone else but them. Dolly and Dylan have tried to make them reconcile but they haven’t succeeded yet. 
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angelnumber27 · 3 years
do u have a favorite artist (music and/or painting)? <3
Right now as far as music I’m really loving the band Crumb, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Skinshape, Tycho, Flume, Alpine, Sampha, Steve Lacy, Crystal Castles (only alice, fuck the other guy), com truise, explosions in the sky, strfkr, khruangbin, bonobo, chrome sparks, STS9, pascäal, tame impala, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Men I trust, triathalon, clams casino, diiv, mgmt, mitski, beach house, toro y moi, thundercat, dream koala, Odesza, James Blake, the xx, Jamie xx, reddish blu, xxyyxx, mmoths, Ryan Celsius, Tipper, Holy Other, the Internet.. I could go on forever. Beautiful music ❤️❤️
and as far as visual arts I really cannot choose there are so many incredible artists. Off the top of my head I really love Erial Ali, Gilbert Williams, Erin M Riley, Tuco Amalfi, Da Vinci, Monet, Magritte, Dali, Cicely Mary Barker, Lou Kessler, Juliana Horner (claropsyche and anominalia on ig) Helen (222honeydew on ig), Mario Martinez, Colin Prahl, K-vant1, Miki Kim, Manuela Soto, Elena Rossato (roxartss on ig), Ines @art-creature , Yechan Chung, Jeff koons, Kevin Lucbert, James Brown, Amber Carr, Malena Bozzini, Aleia Murawski, Tom Galle, Bianka Oravecz @ultrabianka , Xenia Valevsky, Ines Alpha, @sasponella on ig @fakehauswives on ig, Nathalie Nguyen ( @spicy.obj on ig) , Moises Sanabria, Steve Axford, John Yuyi, Gemma Rakels, i like the work of Damien Hirst but despise the fact that he is 60 dating a 20 yr old and that he has killed so many animals for art, Elliana Esquivel @elesq , Jonathan Solter, Kelsey Brookes, Morgan Mandala Manley, Takashi Murakami, Hajime Sorayama, Iris Van Herpen, Mariko Mori, Dom Sebastian, Nadine @naydeity , Loki Dolor, geminiblush on ig (makeup art) , Emily Mackey ( @emilymackeyart on ig) , Aj Alper does great portraits, @tintinart on ig, @saddelf on ig, Alex Grey, @_placebo__ on ig, @cligelmo on ig, Zoe Suerdem @inkpuppie on ig, Erika Lee Sears, a wonderful friend of mine Giuliana Leibold, @deathbypiss_tattoo on ig, John Casey art, Noel Badges Pugh ( @noelbadgespugh ), Nicole McLaughlin, Melissa Leigh @sweet_melis on ig, Mike Pethig ( @macromicroart on ig), @blisshound on ig, Martina Gutfreund, Deneka Horiden, Gaylord Ho, @tacorosey on ig, Alma Proenca... god I could literally go on forever but this is all for now. If you want to see more art and artists I love, check out my art tag. And for music check out my music tag :) I’ll tag them both below so y’all can look at them if you’d like 🖤🖤🖤
Enjoy the good art and music :) this took me a minute lol i hope somebody can gain new inspiration or peace from this info <3
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fyeah-terranigma · 4 years
Some quick notes about Actraiser, Soulblader and Illusion of Gaia in Japanese
I’m currently playing through all of the Quintet games in Japanese, and found some things in Soulblazer that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere else, so I’m posting them here for whoever is interested.
Soulblazer-IoG-Terranigma are usually called a trilogy because of a few common elements, like the basic story and especially the dog named Turbo who appears in each game, but there are a few more characters like that that show up in more than one game. I think the implication for these is that they are reincarnations of characters of the previous games, since the Japanese version especially brings up the point of life after death repeatedly.
1. In St Elle’s Seabed there’s a dolphin called Sabas, whose name was transliterated as “Servas” in the English version, but in Japanese the name is the same as the boy in Watermia who is waiting for his dad.
2. Rue the dolphin’s name could also be read as “Lou”, he’s also locked in jail. This seems like it’s repeated in Terranigma, where there’s a character called Louis who has a friend called White Wind who is found in jail as well. There’s something generally similar about the two jail scenes that seems like an intentional callback.
3. Teddy, the son of the shopkeeper in the first area, has the same name as the kid in Bloodpool in Actraiser.
4. This one’s a bit more speculative, but since Shadow has the phoenix power at the end of IoG, is it possible that he’s actually the hero from Soulblazer? Similarly, Freedan kind of looks like the Master’s avatar in Actraiser and has a similar fighting style.
People usually think of the three rpg’s as a trilogy, but if you look at all of the little loose connections between the games, then Actraiser is surely the first game in the series, even if it’s a different kind of game. I haven’t played Granstream Saga or Brightis or any of the other later Quintet games, but perhaps they also contain some elements like this. Perhaps it makes more sense to not think of them as a trilogy at all, but as a series of games that tried to convey the same themes (rebirth, duality and so forth) in different stories and gameplay types.
Another thing I never realized, but which is kind of obvious, is that Leo and Lisa are references to Leonardo da Vinci and the Mona Lisa.
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zerogate · 4 years
Another one of Freud’s famous attempts to understand artists is his analysis of Leonardo da Vinci based on Leonardo’s earliest childhood memory, which he described in mirror-writing in one of his notebooks in the Codex Atlanticus. Explaining his obsession with devising a flying machine, Leonardo wrote that when he was a baby, a kite (nibbio, a small kind of hawk) landed on him and stuck its tail into his mouth, repeatedly hitting his lips with its feathers. Freud concluded that this was a fantasy involving fellation by a phallic mother and also being nursed by her. The idea that the mother has a penis is, according to Freud, a common fantasy of small children. For Freud, this fantasy indicated that Leonardo did not spend his early childhood with his father, as was commonly believed, but with his mother.
All through his study, Freud put great emphasis on the fact that the bird in Leonardo’s childhood experience was a vulture. He pointed out that ancient Egyptians believed that there were only female vultures and that they were inseminated by the wind while flying. This belief was used by Christian Church Fathers as an argument for the possibility of immaculate conception. Freud found surprising support for his thesis in the work of Oskar Pfister, a Lutheran minister and lay analyst, who suggested that Leonardo’s painting The Virgin and Child with St. Anne contained a hidden figure of a vulture with its tail near the mouth of the child. This discovery is extremely puzzling, because Freud’s references to a vulture were based on a linguistic error. The term “nibbio” used in Leonardo’s description of his childhood memory actually means a kite (Milvus milvus) and not a vulture (Gyps fulvus). When Freud discovered this error, he was deeply disappointed because, as he confessed to Lou Andreas-Salomé in a letter of February 9, 1919, he regarded the Leonardo essay to be “the only beautiful thing I have ever written.”
-- Stanislav Grof, The Way of the Psychonaut, vol. 2
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