#long quotes
inlovewithquotes · 2 months
Penelope looked up at his face. Tight white lines etched in the skin around his mouth, and he looked very pale. "I think you better sit down," she said.
He nodded grimly and sagged into a chair.
Penelope's stomach did a rather seasickish sway. She'd never been terribly good with blood. "Maybe I'd better sit down, too," she mumbled, sinking onto the low table opposite him.
"Are you going to be all right?" He asked.
She nodded, swallowing against a tiny wave of nausea. "We need to find something to wrap this," she said, grimacing as she looked down at the ridiculous setup below.
The paper wasn't absorbent, and the blood was rolling precariously along its surface, with Penelope desperately trying to keep it from dripping over the side.
"I have a handkerchief in my pocket," he said.
She carefully set the paper down and retrieved the handkerchief from his breast pocket, trying not to notice the warm beat of his heart as her fingers fumbled for the creamy white scarp of clothe. "Does it hurt?" She asked as she wrapped it around his hand. "No, don't answer that. Of course it hurts."
He managed a very wobbly smile. "It hurts."
She peered down at the gash, forcing herself to look at it closely even though the blood made her stomach turn. "I don't think you'll need stitches."
"Do you know much about wounds?"
She shook her head. "Nothing. But it doesn't look too bad. Except for...ah all the blood."
"Feels worse than it looks," he joked.
Her eyes flew to his face in horror.
"Another joke," he reassured her. "Well, not really. It does feel worse than it looks, but I assure you it's bearable."
"I'm sorry," she said, increasing pressure on the wound to staunch the flow of blood. "This is all my fault."
"That I sliced open my hand?"
"If you hadn't been so angry....."
He just shook his head, closing his eyes briefly against the pain. "Don't be silly, Penelope. If I hadn't gotten angry with you, I would have gotten angry with someone else some other time."
"And you'd of course have a letter opener by your side when that happened," she murmured, looking up at him through her lashes as she bent over his hand.
When his eyes met hers, they were filled with humor and maybe just a touch of admiration. And something else she'd never thought to see---vulnerability, hesitancy, and even insecurity. He didn't know how good his writing was, she realized with amazement. He had no idea, and he was actually embarrassed that she'd seen it.
-Romancing Mister Bridgerton
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kfirerising · 1 year
The New Life that has Discovered You.
Some of you who are new to the Kundalini and I mean new by within the first 5 years of activating you're beginning to discover experiences that defy science and psychology and the forms of spirituality that insulate Humanity away from the truth of what is actually happening.
Kundalini means the two that are one and the one that is two. From a dimensional standpoint this means that instead of walking on and living within a single dimension you are now interacting with a dual dimension. This dual dimension experience is not typcally available to those who have not had Kundalini activated within them.
This dual Dimension has an infinite number of sub Dimensions within it. In either dimension there is great diversity of creation and consciousness that will, through its own intention and self will, reach out to the activating human.
Certain levels of these conscious forms of non-corporeal life will communicate with you. They will communicate with you in different ways. Some will use you as food or as a sustenance that they wish to have. Some will try to help you. Some will try to corrupt you. Some will take you prisoner. Many will make the attempt to take over your physical body and your mind.
These are the challenges that the duel dimensions will bring to us and this is why the ancients put so much focus on having a teacher who has been able to survive without being corrupted through the various interactions that can occur when walking within the two joined dimensions that are now a single Dimension through that joining.
Humanity on this world is quite blind. A 5 sense array of discernment is quite limited compared to the unlimited consciousness that surrounds the Earthbound human.
There are levels of protection that help those who have not activated their Kundalini. For those who have activated their Kundalini there are special levels of Education and of experience that will allow you to make a level of discernment regarding your participation. You will have no choice in whether or not you want to participate.
It is known that Earth bound blind humanity will respond positively to pleasure so this is often used to establish a relationship with Humanity. Without Humanity knowing the entire agenda. What they know the most of is the pleasure and because it's so nice they will not refuse it. They will respond positively to being strengthened. They will not respond positively to being hurt or captured or taken over. They will not respond positively to fear. Unfortunately many of these non-corporeal life forms enjoy feeding off of the fear that their presence, through terror, can produce Within the early Awakening human.
These areas of The Human Experience attract a certain level of Interest from different groups of non-corporeal entities that exist Within the one dual dimension. They will come to you without your permission. They will touch your body without your permission. They will manipulate your thoughts or your emotions or your endocrine system or your energetic anatomy the way they would like to see it manifest. They will do this of their own accord and train you and sculpt you based upon your response to the phenomena they produce. They have their own reasons for this as I have mentioned previously.
You have to decide what you're going to do in response to these types of beneficial and destructive incursions. You cannot kill what is not alive. You cannot hurt that which has no body. So the ways that we have been taught to protect ourselves on this world within limited Consciousness do not serve us within the expanded awareness of the singular dual dimension. You must understand this.
Your relationship to a deity that is worshiped within the Earth bound societies and populations may not have any effect upon the non-corporeal life forms that will visit you for their own purpose and with their own agenda.
You must know this and realize that you have not learned how to use your power. You don't have the patience or the attention span or the self-discipline to learn how to use your power. Because you have become so used to instant gratification this causes you to be short-sighted and lazy in your response to these types of phenomena. And so you must learn how to have self-discipline you must learn how to self correct you must begin a self-defined exploration of your personal power and how that power can be used to keep you from having to endure a constant level of uninvited visitation.
One of the first aspects of learning about your power is to practice the safety protocols. Kundalini safety protocols. When you practice these protocols you begin to refine your energetic expression and you begin to learn and attract certain levels of non-corporeal consciousness that are in balance with what the safeties are producing within you. As you practice these safeties you get stronger and stronger and you get more confident and more competent in what it is you're doing and why you're here and what is happening to you. I offer these to you for free as this is a Priceless gift. Just like Kundalini is a Priceless gift. Blessings to you all. -CHRISM
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Danger was confusing. On the one hand, there was her mother, telling her that every street she has to cross, every car ride, every new person was a deathly risk. As a girl, too, she was told that she needed to be on guard against 50 percent of the human race, and she carried that awareness everywhere, ready to make use of it every time a car slowed next to her as she was walking, or she was driven home by the dad after babysitting. Every time she waited at a bus stop or was at a party with boys and alcohol or was just plain alone, she felt the high alert of vigilance. You could forget that some people don't live this way. Part of the population rarely even thinks like this. They just walk around without fear and wait at bus stops and go to parties.
Deb Caletti, A Heart in a Body in the World
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taryk · 1 year
(this one is pretty long too) part 2
- Human! What is it again? Choi Han and I found these terribly sad things!
Raon’s urgent voice was heard in his mind.
- Human, you have to hurry. This is a big problem! I, I think it’ll be hard for even me to handle! Do you think gramps can do it?
“Young master-nim, is your heart hurting?”
However, Cale couldn’t properly hear them.
There was a lot going on in his mind.
Kiiii- Kiii-
A terrible cry and black smoke.
It was the moment he could only see and hear those things coming from the stopped golem.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
His heart began to beat madly.
The inside of his body rocked violently.
‘What’s going on?’
It was then that the always quiet voice rang in his mind.
It was the Vitality of the Heart.
- It’s the same as that time.
‘That time?’
Cale breathed in deeply at the beating of his heart and questioned what was going on.
This time the Indestructible Shield, the gluttonous priestess’s voice was heard.
- We had to fight thousands of golems back then. Golems are existences made of dead mana and suffering souls. The core’s liquid is a terrible and horrible thing.
Next the Sound of the Wind, the thief, chimed in.
- Golems. If you want to run away together from that then use my power. If you want to protect your people and your home, then use the power of the earth.
Use the wind to run away together or use the earth to protect everyone.
- And lastly.
Another voice stepped in at that moment.
It was the Sky Eating Water.
- And if you want to destroy them?
- Our names aren’t just for show.
Cale thought over her words.
If he wanted to, ‘destroy,’ then...
The Sky Eating Water whispered while he was thinking.
- What would we need to eliminate both the ‘golem’ and the ‘black despair’ within the dead mana?
There was only one answer.
Cale said the answer out loud.
The Fire of ‘Destruction’.
The Super Rock’s voice could be heard.
- Do you know why that cheapskate ended up setting fire to the northern area of the Western continent? Of course, it started for a different reason as well as to help the Sky Eating Water, and um, there was also the fact that this nutjob went crazy, but...
The time when the northern area of Western continent was set on fire.
It wasn’t an easy ordeal no matter how crazy you were.
However, the Fire of Destruction was only able to save it by going mad.
He was able to save the Western continent.
- This cheapskate was the one who eliminated the greatest amount of black despair and golems in the Western continent. That was why he was a hero at least to all of us.
Fire and light. The one who surrounded himself with the fiery thunderbolt and used fire and light to fight against despair.
- The true power of the complete fire is to destroy or purify everything.
Destruction or purification.
Nature’s element of ‘fire’ was somewhere that contradictory existences coexisted.
Cale heard the voice of the fiery thunderbolt that had been quiet until now.
Its voice was serious for the first time.
- Golems and black despair are existences containing the despair of those who have been deprived of their lives. Their deaths weren’t natural but the result of black magic.
‘...Black magic? Not alchemy?’
The voice that lost its lightness was infinitely low.
The Fire of Destruction spoke its will and beliefs for the first time.
- We need to get rid of that damn thing. No one’s lives should be taken away like that. People need to protect their lives.
Cale could feel the five ancient powers roaring together for the first time.
They all shouted at the same time.
- Get rid of that!
-(chapter 299) Raon tells Cale that something is wrong with this "dead mana", but he is too busy getting revelations about ancient times and that one of the reasons the dark times ended in disaster was because of this thing. Black magic. An existence that never should have existed
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outragedtortilla · 1 month
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Person A: I was wondering, am I being friendzoned?
Person B: Are you seriously asking me this?
Person A: *nods*
Person B: Fine. Fine. If that’s the only way you can think of it, then yes, you have been “friend-zoned”.
Person A:
Person B:
Person A: YES! I’m in the friend zone!
Person B: What???
Person A: I have made it into the friend zone!
Person B: Person A... Are you happy about this?
Person A: Of course I am! I mean, yeah, I’d totally want more because, you know, you’re super smart, way tough and smoking hot. But, you know, I get it. You’re just not into me that way. And, you know, even if you don’t like me the way I like you, I still think you’re awesome. You’re like Joan of Arc... of us. Why wouldn’t it be awesome to be your friend?
Person B: Person A, that’s really sweet... *hugs Person A*
Person A, hugging back: Oh, I’m all up in your friend zone!
Person B: *backs away quickly* Please never say that again.
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Checkers and Chess
We talked nearly every day
I told you things I hadn’t told anyone else
We bonded really well
Even went on dates together
You said you liked me
And I came to realize I loved you
you were emotionally unavailable
and yet you still led me on
The emotions caught up with us
And you said it was too much for you
You disappeared into thin air
left me broken and angry
And after all this time
I came to realize
You were playing checkers
while I was playing chess
~ colorfulbiscuithandsdiplomat
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Nick: Are these power rangers.
Mortimer: No, there not.
Nick: Oh.
Mortimer: There just color coded... there is no purple power ranger.
Nick: Yea, there is.
Host: Actually, yea, there is.
Mortimer: No, no, there's not.
Host and nick: yea, there is.
Mortimer: I think where talking about something else here, guys.
Host: Have you not seen the latest power rangers.
Mortimer: No, I meant the good power rangers.
Host: Oh, ok.
Mortimer: Not the one with the dinosaurs, not the one with the ninjas, the originals.
Nick: Did you know that Peter Boise vr troopers are technically power rangers also.
Mortimer: Did you know that all 3 of those are quite mediocre.
Nick: they are awesome.
Mortimer: They are quite mediocre.
Mortimer: Still, there's no purple power rangers
Nick: he's still on about that.
Host: he's so dedicated to the purple power ranger
Nick: Let's go somewhere else.
Host: Scouts room?
Nick: Sure.
Mortimer: Can I follow and tell you how that purple power rangers don't exist?
Nick: they- it exist.
Host: yea it does exist.
Mortimer: Next, you'll say there's a grey one.
Nick: There is a grey one.
Host: yea there is.
Mortimer: So now we're just going to lie to people, ok.
Nick: There's actually a gold ranger to.
Host: There is silver to.
Mortimer: That makes no sense. Gold isn't a color.
Nick: gold - there is a gold ranger.
Mortimer: That's the yellow one.
Nick: There is.
Host: There's also titanium.
Nick: .agrees. and there's a rainbow ranger also.
Mortimer: That doesn't make any sense. You can't be telling people lies. Host, I think your new friend is telling you lies.
Nick: Jace became the gold ranger.
Mortimer: I don't know what you're talking about, Nick, but you need to stop. Host, I think Nick is just messing you up. There's only just five, and then the green one.
Nick: Who became the white ranger.
Nick: Who became the red ranger.
Mortimer: Just let it go, Nick Nack.
.few mins later.
Scout: .jumps out.
Nick: Are you the purple power ranger.
Scout: Yes.
Nick: Do you know what seson you're from, or series.
Scout: Of course, how could you not.
Nick: Which series.
Scout: I'll let Host tell you because he knows.
Host: it's the newest one. Wait, not the newest one, the one before that dinocharge.
Scout: Yes, exactly. dinocharge. Yes, I was just saying that.
Nick: Are you sure it was dinocharge.
Host: Yup.
Scout: Uhh, uhh oh, would you look at that? I have to take this outfit off now.
Nick: .searches it up. hey, you're actually right.
Mortimer: it's not real.
Scout: ah.
Host: How did you get back there.
Scout: yea how.
Nick: he took the other way to get there, but really, you had to sneak up on us just to tell us that
Mortimer: it's not true. there's only the originals, and those ones are not even that cool.
Scout: What about the gold one.
Mortimer: That's just yellow, and there's a semri one that's even lamer.
Nick: No. It was white after that.
Scout: What about the whoit one.
Mortimer: That's just the green one.
Scout: No, but it's different. The green one was bad, and then he was like wait I wanna be good and he turned whoit.
Nick: No, he turned white way later on.
Scout: Oh, and then he turned gold.
Host: Then the red ranger.
Nick: No, the gold ranger was the red ranger when he lost his powers and gained his powers back when he became the gold ranger because he took the staff.
Mortimer: That's just silly .puts box back and leaves and comes back.
Nick: And he's back.
Mortimer: Hey, hey, just for the record, power rangers are really lame cause it would always come after all the good shows, I'm leaving.
Scout: Oh.
Nick: Ow, that hurt.
Host: It actually did.
Scout: I like the gold ranger best anyways.
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thepopularloner · 1 year
Rant no. 3
April 13, 2021, at 3:16 AM
I still feel out of place. I always isolate myself from the world, I live in my own head and my anxiety has taken over my social life in ways that I didn’t know.  This self improvement journey is one lonely journey. I don’t know why am I so sensitive and clingy I feel like am unwanted and no guy wants me. They only want me for my skin color and I look mixed to then no guy wants me for me. I can’t compete with other girls that are better than me. I feel so out of place that I wish that I have my own planet that be all on my own sometimes I imagine and think what will happen if I didn’t exist at all I feel so out of place that I don’t think that I can be social anymore. It’s like when I tired to be more social people want to make fun of or talk about me.
I can’t fit in the cool kids, I can’t fit in with the nerds, I can’t fit in no where. I will probably have to create my own safe space so I can feel whole without no one judging me
I’m sorry I can’t help the tears that comes out my face
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bpdand-wordsoflove · 2 years
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bisexualvader · 29 days
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
"Ladies and gentlemen," Colin announced, his strong, confident voice booming throughout the hall, "I would like to propose a toast to the most remarkable woman in the world."
A low murmur spread across the room, and Penelope stood frozen, watching everyone watching her
"I am a newlywed," Colin continued, beguiling the partygoers with his lopsided smile, "and therefore you are all required to indulge me in my lovesick ways."
Friendly laughter rippled through the crowd.
"I know that many of you were surprised when I asked Penelope Featherington to be my wife. I was surprised myself."
A few unkind titters wafted through the air, but Penelope held herself perfectly still, completely proud. Colin would say the right thing. She knew he would. Colin always said the right thing.
"I wasn't surprised that I had fallen in love with her," he said pointedly, giving the crowd a look that dared them to comment, "but rather that it had taken so long. I've known her for so many years, you see," he continued, voice softening, " and somehow I'd never taken the time to look inside, to see the beautiful, brilliant, witty woman she'd become."
Penelope could feel the tears trickling down her face, but she couldn't move. She could barely breathe. She had expected him to reveal her secret, and instead he was giving her this incredible gift, this spectacular declaration of love.
"Therefore," Colin said, "with all of you here as my witnesses, I would like to say--Penelope--" he turned to her, taking her free hand in his and said: "I love you. I adore you. I worship the ground you walk upon."
He turned back to the crowd, lifted his glass, and said, "to my wife!"
"To your wife!" they all boomed, caught up in the magic of the moment.
Colin drank, and Penelope drank, even though she couldn't help but wonder when he was going to tell them all the real reason for this announcement.
"Put down your glass, dear," he murmured, plucking it from her fingers and setting it aside.
"You interrupt far too much," he scolded, and then he swept her into a passionate kiss, right there on the balcony in front of the entire ton.
"Colin!" she gasped, once he gave her a chance to breathe. He grinned wolfishly as their audience roared its approval.
"Oh, and one last thing!" he called to the crowd. They were now stamping their feet, hanging on his every word.
"I'm leaving the party early. Right now, as a matter of fact." He shot a wicked, sideways grin at Penelope. "I'm sure you'll all understand."
The men in the crowd hooted and hollered as Penelope turned beet red.
"But before I do, I have one last thing to say. One last little thing, in case you still don't believe me when I tell you that my wife is the wittiest, cleverest, most enchanting woman in all of London."
"Nooooo!" came a voice from the back, and Penelope knew it was Cressida. But even Cressida was no match for the crowd, none of whom would let her pass, or even listen to her cries of distress.
"You might say that my wife has two maiden names," he said thoughtfully. "Of course you all knew her as Penelope Featherington, as did I. But what you didn't know, and what even I was not clever enough to figure out until she told me herself...."
He paused waiting for the silence to fall over the room.
"....is that she is also the brilliant, the witty, the breathtakingly magnificent--- Oh, you all know who I am talking about," he said, his arm sweeping out toward the crowd.
"I give you my wife!" he said, his love and pride flowing across the room. "Lady Whistledown!"
For a moment there was nothing but silence. It was almost as if no one even dared to breathe.
And then it came. Clap. Clap. Clap. Slow and methodical, but with such force and determination that everyone had to turn and look to see who had dared to break the shocked silence.
It was Lady Danbury.
-Romancing Mister Bridgerton
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charliejaneanders · 8 months
The United States has always been a terrible place to be sick and disabled. Ableism is baked into our myths of bootstrapping and self-reliance, in which health is virtue and illness is degeneracy. It is long past time for a bedrock shift, for all of us.
Long covid has derailed my life. Make no mistake: It could yours, too.
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taryk · 1 year
(this one is pretty long) part 1
- ...Choi Han? Are you hurt? Why are your hands shaking? Your body seems tense!
Choi Han’s fingertips were trembling as Raon pointed out. He put strength into his trembling hands.
Badump badump.
Choi Han’s heart was beating wildly.
Why was his heart acting odd like this? He felt the aura in his body start to fluctuate at the same time.
Then he headed towards one direction.
Choi Han’s eyes looked to one place.
The lower central area on the back of golem No. 1’s neck.
The place Raon said that the orb containing the source of the golem’s power was located.
That was where Choi Han’s undivided attention and senses were focused.
Thud. Thud.
His heart beat harder.
Choi Han drew his sword.
His sword and his hand desired the source of the golem’s power.
He realized it instinctively.
‘I can get stronger.’
‘The thing inside contains the last piece that I need to make my perfect darkness.
I don’t have to stand up against despair if I absorb this.’
[ . . . ]
A chilling sound filled the battlefield.
Then everyone saw it.
The saw the black smoke that was rising from the back of the golem’s neck.
Kiiiii- Kiii-
A terrible cry rose together with the smoke.
Choi Han couldn’t move as if he was frozen. Black energy flowed through his sword using his imperfect darkness as a medium.
The despair of those who have been deprived of their lives.
- Choi Han!
Choi Han could feel the despair of others.
No, he was bombarded by the despair of hundreds of people.
- Choi Han!
His eyes stopped at where his sword was embedded.
Something began to flow up through the sword.
Driiip. Drip.
A liquid spilled out from the orb within golem No. 1 which had stopped moving.
Black liquid.
It was dead mana.
However, it was different from the dead mana that he had encountered so far.
He could feel despair within it.
Darkness, extremely deep darkness, flowed out.
It was a mass of despair.
- Choi Han!
Driiip. Drip.
The liquid that flowed out a drop or two at a time dyed Choi Han’s ordinary iron sword black.
‘That thing is similar to dead mana. I should avoid it but...’
Choi Han was aware that he had to move but couldn’t move at all. His body wouldn’t move as if it was frozen.
He realized it instinctively.
How to obtain perfect darkness.
‘An easy way out when I don’t want to personally suffer despair.’
It was to become a monster that fed on the despair of others.
Choi Han’s heart and the aura within his body kept urging him to become a monster.
‘...No. This... this-’
It was as Choi Han’s face turned white.
- Choi Han!
“You stupid bastard!”
Choi Han gasped as he felt an invisible round body pushing him away from the sword.
He also felt someone’s hand grab him by his collar.
It was Raon who pushed him away from his sword.
Clopeh was the one who grabbed him by the collar.
Choi Han was separated from his sword and flew up with Clopeh holding his collar.
He felt the cool yet oddly warm and soft touch of reptilian skin on his cheek. It was Raon’s front paw.
“...I, I must have gone crazy for a second-”
I think I went crazy for a second.
[. . .]
Choi Han started to speak.
“W, we have to get rid of that liquid.”
They had to get rid of that black liquid that was more terrible than dead mana.
That thing should not exist in the world.
“Raon, we have to inform Cale-nim.”
They had to let him know that there was something more terrible than the golems.
He needed to know that the Empire and Arm were truly crazy.
And that hell will really begin when that thing comes out into the world.
-(chapter 299) The war is here, ancient weapons have been put into play, but the truth behind them is something much more terrible than you can imagine. The bastards responsible for this are cruel and now Choi Han is sure.
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Now, whenever she thinks of it, she if confused about what she did and didn't cause. She if confused about desire, and her own desirability. She is confused about her own sexuality. It should be hers to wield as she wishes, she knows this, but why - even if she isn't wielding it, exactly, even if she's just being herself - is there the sense of a shameful invitation, or even an invitation at all? She knows she should be able to invite if she want to invite, to say no if she wants to say no, yes if she wants to say yes, to allure or not allure, to just simply feel good about what her body is and does and how it looks. She is supposed to be sure and confident about those things, but how can she possibly be sure and confident about those things? There are so many colliding messages - confidence and shame, power and powerlessness, what she owes others and what is her - that she can't hear what's true.
Deb Caletti, A Heart in a Body in the World
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Person A: I propose a scale from -10 to 10 to measure foods. Zero would be when you eat it and it doesn’t make you feel anything.
Person B: What did you eat that was bad enough for you to come up with that?
Person A: I was thinking of how to qualify broccoli. It’s a -1 for me. Tolerable, but it brings nothing positive to the table.
Person C: To me broccoli is a strong 6.
Person B: Agreed.
Person A: You guys like it??? It has such a neutral taste, and a weird texture.
Person B: I like vegetables in general. I’m much more picky when it comes to fruits.
Person C: Exactly! Veggies are much better.
Person A, with a shit-eating grin: The only fruit I like is Person B.
Person C: ...aaand there it is.
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