#lol yes
lichen-thr0pe · 1 year
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pastaart · 7 months
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Trigun 98 appreciation week - Day 3
Favorite running gag: kuroneko & donuts!!
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bookish-phile · 21 days
are you a girl
no im a sandwich
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ndcultureis · 1 year
APD culture is somebody saying "front" & you hearing it as "fuck"
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Tuffnut, rummaging in the kitchen: Hey where do we keep the gunpowder?
Ruffnut: Between the flour and the surgar, right where it's always been.
Tuffnut: Thanks, sis. There you are!
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myownparadise96 · 6 months
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Woooo! More ask game! They asked for 🌊 and ⚡️ (Talking about this post)
So for 🌊 there is quite a lot to say lol
Aramour love science like theres no tomorrow. Jane loves biology and Catalina is incredibly fixated on evolution and how it works, (Def not projecting) they both particularly love works like "All Tomorrows" and "Rise of Serina". (GO CHECK THEM OUT) Basically from time to time they'll pop up in Kat and Cathy's book club and they'll spend hours just talking about animals and how cool they are. The Christmas Idiots listen to them and use it as tease bait.
Parrlyn watch true crime and love books and works that are so arbitrary and vague that its up to interpretation. Think "Peaky Blinders", DHMIS, and crime documentaries. They're always theorizing and pointing out clues and just watching/reading them snuggled up on the couch while talking about how idiotic the detectives or characters are. As for stuff like DHMIS, they go full on conspiracy theorist and like the pick apart the certain scenes that are... interesting.
Katanna is all for horror games. Like Parrlyn they love to theorize and crap but their more here for a good scare! If you ask for their favorite, they'd say probably either FNAF: Sister Location because they genuinely love it or Undertale because of how creepy it can truly be if you look into things. Usually their gaming session comprise of Kat singing random Taylor Swift songs trying to calm down and Anna screaming and then laughing afterwords. Safe to say that when they play their pretty dang loud lmao. Kat CAN and WILL rant about what makes a good jumpscare but if you ask Anna she'll just say "Anything thats good enough to scare even Lina!"
TLDR: They fixate on random stuff together like the gay disaster that they are xx (feel free to use this as fanfic ideas @woofberry-regrets-everything and @amugoffandoms)
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shane-with-abols · 1 year
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Oh Ho-Oh.
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valentina-lauricella · 3 months
Per non ammettere Dio, il quale nella sua potenza può aver creato l’universo dal nulla e l’uomo dal fango già creato, prendete per vostra paternità quella di una bestia. Non vi accorgete di sminuirvi perché, pensatelo, una bestia per quanto sia perfetta, selezionata, migliorata, perfezionata nella forma e nell’istinto, e se volete anche nella formazione mentale, sarà sempre una bestia? Non ve ne accorgete? Questo depone sfavorevolmente rispetto al vostro orgoglio di pseudo superuomini. Ma se non ve ne accorgete, non sarò Io quello che spreca parole a rendervene accorti e convertiti dell’errore. Vi chiedo soltanto una cosa che, in tanti quali siete, non vi siete mai chiesta. E se mi potrete rispondere coi fatti non combatterò più questa vostra avvilente teoria. Se l’uomo è il derivato della scimmia, la quale per evoluzione progressiva è divenuta uomo, come mai in tanti anni che sostenete questa teoria non siete mai riusciti, neppure coi perfezionati strumenti e metodi di ora, a fare di una scimmia un uomo? Potevate di una coppia di scimmie intelligenti prendere i più intelligenti figli e poi i figli intelligenti di questi e così via. Avreste ormai molte generazioni di scimmie selezionate, istruite, curate dal più paziente e tenace e sagace metodo scientifico. Ma avreste sempre delle scimmie. Se mai vi fosse una mutazione, sarebbe questa: che le bestie sarebbero meno forti fisicamente delle prime e più viziose moralmente, poiché con tutti i vostri metodi e strumenti avreste distrutto quella perfezione scimmiesca che il Padre mio creò per questi quadrumani.
(Maria Valtorta)
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ktsumu · 4 months
Are you an adult?
i think so
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whirling-ghost · 1 year
I have cleaned my desk and my bedside locker!
maybe laundry next? maybe dishes? maybe blanket pile. all of those are good options
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she-said-hello · 9 months
Can we start a gofundme for you and Emma to meet?
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azulzfunniblog · 1 year
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a collab thingy on whiteboard fox
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jaymesdoodles · 2 years
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ventingblacklist · 9 months
It's a little amusing to see people realizing things five years later.
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welpwomp · 9 months
It’s not his fault, but I just wish my players were as invested and committed as his are. To see everyone bending over backwards to try their damnedest to play weekly, and then have to watch my game struggle to play once a month now?? (After the original plan being every two weeks? This is to say nothing of me ending every session with untapped prep…) Boy oh boy it’s hard to not feel like at best my storytelling sucks, at worst my players just don’t care that much. In the least malicious way possible, I know. It’s not like they’re not all wonderful, beautiful players. They truly and unquestionably are. They’re just all very busy, and tired, and busy, and… idk isn’t that just always the case?
Just jealous of the exception I guess. I really want to tell this story. And I want my friends to not just be a part of it, but actually care about it, and get lost in it, and be invested in learning more as soon as they can. Perhaps I’m just not there yet.
Anywho, off to bed I suppose.
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