#lnm 2
mengy007 · 7 months
*I N H A L E*
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vesperionnox · 9 months
If you need idea's for the Little Nightmares au, Pearl could be the girl form very little nightmares and Jimmy could be the the boy from the Little nightmares 1 dlc? Idk this au just sounds cool!:]
we actually put Jimmy as runaway (dlc 2) but put mumbo as the girl from dlc 1! He has a scar instead of a raincoat, which is why grian has it in his design for Lnms 1 & 2
We currently have pearl down as the Lady, but im yet to draw her. Also, Jimmy and grian are siblings, I adore them. Dont think about the implications of this for the man game
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munchbell45 · 5 months
Nagato Brainrot
My Nagato brain rot is SO BAD that every time I see a character with red hair and bangs long enough to cover their eyes, I think of him.
Examples: I just saw fanart of this character from Final Fantasy called G'raha Tia and I thought of Nagato. https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/G%27raha_Tia
Example 2: There's this Lego Friends toy set sold at the store where I work. The character named Paisley makes me think of Nagato. Or, her hairstyle anyway. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=582658876&rls=en&sxsrf=AM9HkKkufDXv1rO6t_5InTB_ohfuyPZ_Fg:1700064752030&q=lego+friends+paisley&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA247dssaCAxWykmoFHSLQBZkQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1276&bih=695&dpr=2
Lastly, a picture of Nagato for comparison:
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TL;DR: If your character has red hair and eyes that are covered up by hair, then I WILL think about Nagato.
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scrubf1re · 11 months
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Super Staff Fark vs Metal Overlord
Fanart of robot doppelgangers at one of their most powerful forms (I say one of since Super Fark in Spark the Electric Jester 2 and 3 was too complex for me to draw and I didn't have enough reliable references for that form and the same applies to Master Overlord in the IDW Sonic comics) in the form of Fark with the Super Staff vs Metal Sonic in his Metal Overlord form (or Metal Madness but honestly the only difference between those forms is that Overlord has wings to fly with). Made via tracing over sprite art of Super Staff Fark:https://www.google.com/search?q=fark+sprite+sheets&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU941AU941&sxsrf=APwXEdfRbog2aSBhXOx2N51iFETLNba7zQ:1684462679337&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHoo69qID_AhUWb2wGHdaqCD0Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2560&bih=1289&dpr=1#imgrc=WK4CReSNRzz4WM
a piece of official concept artwork for the Super Staff:https://www.google.com/search?q=spark+the+electric+jester+super+staff&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj4kum9qID_AhU_j9gFHYlrAyIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=spark+the&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgBMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEIoFEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgoIABCKBRCxAxBDUIILWOUVYIQjaABwAHgAgAGyAYgB2wySAQQwLjEwmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=WNxmZPiGMr-e4t4PideNkAI&bih=1289&biw=2560&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU941AU941#imgrc=dN4e8UGAs-eZSM
And a screenshot from Sonic Heroes:https://www.google.com/search?q=metal+madness&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiL9_n-qID_AhUIidgFHb6HBk4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=metal+madness&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAFEB46BwgAEIoFEENQkgpYlxRg9hRoAHAAeACAAakBiAHUCJIBAzAuN5gBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=4dxmZMuCGYiS4t4Pvo-a8AQ&bih=1289&biw=2560&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU941AU941#imgrc=wqXdv7lMQvnlrM
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breadhalfburnt · 5 months
rainbow but not
(its just google images)
oh i didn’t really know about this actually!! this is so so sick,, wow,,,
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metfell · 1 year
would it be okay if i dm'd you or something and asked for TWs for the lnm arc about visiting limbo? i don't want to spoil the story for others, i'm just concerned about how this could affect my own mental health.
i can give you guys a rundown of possible trigger warnings for it!
trigger warnings for latenightminings upcoming posts will all be tagged with "panic room", and specific ones to look out for with this event will be under the cut. these will be vague, and shouldn't spoil anything hopefully!
discussions of disturbing medical imagery, being knocked out via blunt force trauma, body horror, ptsd flashbacks, many mentions of c!dream, burns via water, accidental self harm via water, manipulation, dissociation, and typical c!dream behaviors. if you had issues with how exile 2 was written between tmmyrp and bestnightmares, then you may have issues with how the upcoming posts will be written as i write in the same style.
the long fic-type post i will be making with all of this will be below the cut, and i will have more specific trigger warnings listed in the post before the readmore happens. in general though, keep the tag "panic room" blacklisted.
the goal is to provide a traumatizing enough event for latenightmining to necessitate a mental block on those memories. i won't get too graphic though, as i don't feel like it's appropriate, especially considering his character will have been 17 when this happened.
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tolerateit · 4 months
ahhh this renilla looks like a heart im 💖💕
fascinating little bean <3 🥹🥹🥹
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celebritypawblog · 11 months
Let’s talk pet seat covers.
Hey guys, let’s talk seat covers. Dog seat covers that is.
As a dog mom of 3 & an Audi q3 driver my furbabies, & car are quite important in my life.
It’s literally a lifestyle.
So to maintain & keep up my lifestyle, I’ve found 3 seat covers from $ - $$$ price range that get the job done.
I’ll tell you the pros & cons of each seat cover, & give you a sneak peek of what I’m currently fanning over.
So let’s get started!
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✨ - $ 2 Air 1pc Custom Rear Seat Pet Protector Automotive Interior Covers & Pads (Black)
This was the first seat cover I got. It’s not the best, but it’s doable.
✨🧚🏾‍♀️The pros:
🧚🏾‍♀️Aromatic. (The fragrances aren’t harmful to pets)
🧚🏾‍♀️Water resistant! (After the dog park I like to wash my dogs off, before they can enter my q3 (I love her).
🧚🏾‍♀️Protectant toward spills! (Lucky has had accidents, & thank goodness it didn’t seep through.) #God’sFav #TheUniverse’sFav
🐾🐩The cons:
🐾Absorbs smells. (I hate that.) Despite cleaning it.
🐾Bland looking. This can be a pro & a con. It does “somewhat” blend with my black leather seats. Yet, not fashionable for me.
🐾Doesn’t cover the back of the driver & passenger seat.
🥰🐾Here’s a pic of it looks like ft Krishna-Mylo (KM💕) one of my furbabies.
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🐾🐩👑 - Interested? here’s a link:
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✨$$- Simple 4 Piece Full Vehicle Heavy Duty Pet Protection Travel Kit, (Black)
*currently fanning over*
✨🧚🏾‍♀️The Pros:
🧚🏾‍♀️It’s giving adorable, simple, & straight the point!
🧚🏾‍♀️Durable Af! This seat cover is holding up pretty well!
🧚🏾‍♀️Water resistance & durable towards spills.
🧚🏾‍♀️Protectant for the rear doors, & window panels! (honestly the best part.)
🐾🐩The Cons:
🐾Doesn’t cover the back of the driver & passenger seat.
🐾That’s all I have for rn.
✨Here’s a video of how it looks like, & a picture ft my furbabies.💕
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🐾🐩👑 - Interested? here’s a link:
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Join me for pt: 2 of Let’s talk pet seat covers.
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✨👑Are you in the market for a fur baby?
Adopt a furbaby at my luxury pet store.
At Celebrity Pawmeranian we collaborate with only the sophisticated crop of breeders.
They provide the healthiest, well kept, & well loved of furbabies.
We provide the utmost service that we are proud to display.
Remember to:
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digenerate-trash · 3 months
Thanks?? I guess
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thatbendyfan · 6 months
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blue0909 · 5 months
her halo…
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itspronouncedfeckyou · 5 months
look at this. its my favorite natural phenomenon.
(its just a link to google images)
!!!!! I SEE THIS ALL THE I DIDNT KNOW THERE WAS A NAME... so sick. this is an angel to me
[some images!]
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onecrazyhunter · 4 months
Okay so this is more of a crack theory but I thought of this a while ago and I wanna know how others feel about this small theory but I have a small idea that the mirror man (or mirror monster) and the wire backer (scarpped monster for lnm 2) are brothers because I was bored and looked at the two of them and see how they look so similar same body build and yk the wires/pants replaceing there heads and the only ever time we see two monsters look very similar but with a few differences are the chef twins and yes I understand that the chef twins dress identical but 1) that's most likely there work uniform and 2) I don't think they would wear there uniform 24/7 plus I also asume that mirror man is a older brother to the backer and its probably apart by a few years I did this mostly for fun and out of bordum since the wire backer is a scrapped character after all (images are of the two)
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thegrimdog13 · 8 months
New couple
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Nina x Jeff is the final winner! Thanks to all who voted and there was a tie between Jeff x Nina and Jeff x Eyeless Jack but in the end.In my story it makes more sense. For Nina and Jeff to end up together or in a interesting dynamic at least.
This pose was inspired by a piece made by Hethe Srodawa! It is Harley Quinn and Joker fanart here is the link to check it out! Btw it’s not going to be perfectly the same hence the word inspired.
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banggyu0308 · 9 months
one more just in case the other didn't work
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Hello. I would just like to say, ultimately it is you and your fiance's wedding and both your choices. Also your fiance is financing the wedding. I understand you don't want to upset your mother or cause further discord, but I think you need to be respectful but firm in your decision regarding your hair. You are the bride and you want to feel/look your best. If wearing your hair down achieves this for you, you do so. It is not a big deal anyways. I am not sure why your mother is making a big deal about it. I wear my hair down and sometimes wear floral hairbands/headbands.
This is a link to the different styles you can get and you just wear your hair down, no problem. But it's your choice 💕
I hope you have a lovely wedding day 🌹
Hi 🌸
Thank you for your advices and kind words.
I think my mother knows I am her only chance to attend the wedding of one of her children, so she is really trying to push her ideas on me. Hairstyle is just a detail, but it has taken ridiculous proportions. It has gotten to the point discussing anything related to the wedding will only brings further discord.
I am looking into flower crowns and veils now. I used to think a flower crown would be too childish, but I see there are really nice and elegant ones out there.
I am starting to see new possibilities, again thank you a lot for taking time to answer 🙏🌸
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