#lmao I never said you need to memorize every bit of info ever
delusionaliisms · 7 years
7, 14, 23, 25, 32, 39 !! :*
42 character development questions!  //  accepting.
7.  how do they physically engage with other people, inanimate objects, and their environment? what causes the differences between these?
okay what the actual fuck @ this question bc “how do they physically engage with inanimate objects” ??? how do U physically engage with them ??? wtf ok but xander is very polite and well mannered both in physical demeanor as in conversation as well. he doesn’t like to crowd anyone’s personal space (unless they are dating or maybe even friends = then expect xander to be glued to their side with a hand around their waist / shoulders) but he rather keeps his distance. he doesn’t stand too far when talking to someone but as said, he doesn’t crowd their personal space. he respects others’ personal space and isn’t the type to just randomly touch someone just because he feels like it (again, unless they’re dating and he knows the other person won’t mind). but then when he’s angry and the other person is pushing his buttons real good.. ohhhh boy, oh boy. then he gives zero fucks about personal space and he’s all up in their face (which often ends up in a fistfight). but generally he’s really polite and well mannered towards people. not sure how he’s supposed to physically engage with inanimate objects in general but ??? lmao
14.  what do they care deeply about? what kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? how do these tend to be expressed?
well for starters, i’m just gonna say that xander himself is a hella loyal and committed person to the ones he cares about and truly loves. this boy would literally go to the ends of the earth for them and walk through fire if he needed to tbh. xander always tries to keep his promises with the best of his abilities and tries to be truthful when necessary as well & i suppose those are what he’d call his moral codes. one of his other moral codes is also that he isn’t one to go face-to-face with someone who’s clearly smaller than him & when he’d have a clear upperhand (considering a physical fight, i mean). and i suppose that his other moral codes are the same as anyone else’s would be. i wouldn’t really say he has any life philosophies either but he tends to go by the saying “if you believe in something, stand up and fight for it”. it’s something he very much believes in as well. when it comes to faith and spirituality, xander is very lowkey about that. he was born and raised in a catholic family, his father’s side of the family (grandparents especially) was and still is to some extent, religious when xander was growing up. he gets his beliefs from there, seeing as he does believe in god to some extent and in karma. his belief in god isn’t really strong, it’s more of a thought that he’d like to think that there is someone looking over everyone but he doesn’t believe in the creating life and earth part of it all. his belief is a tricky thing and he doesn’t know how to explain it, which is exactly why he’s so very lowkey and reserved about his faith. he doesn’t practice his religion either, the most he does is attending mass when he’s visiting his grandparents and he also carries a cross necklace around his neck all the time. he also tends to pray when he’s real desperate for a miracle.
23.  how do they respond to difficult social moments? what makes them consider a social situation difficult?
lmao xander gets really frustrated way too easily and he isn’t the best when it comes to controlling his anger impulses and frustrations. a social situation is considered difficult in his opinion when the other doesn’t respect his opinion / constantly talks back or disagrees with everything / doesn’t offer him any helping reply when he tries to carry on the conversation (such as him asking where do they want to go eat and them responding “i don’t know, you decide” or something similar like that ). or when someone constantly tries to sass him or uses too much sarcasm, that makes the social situation difficult for him because it gets difficult for him to hide his annoyance and frustration. 
25.  what do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
i suppose he needs what everyone else needs as well, except that he wants and needs a little more space and his own time. he sees those things as self explanatory as well, being the way he is. he wants his partner to give him some space (to not always be there with him, expecting him to spend his every waking moment with them) and give him time to open up more about himself and let them in because for someone like xander, it’s hard to just suddenly start telling more and more deeper things about himself to someone. realistically, he doesn’t really open up about himself that much, he mostly goes as far as maybe telling them about the background he has and the conditions / setting he was brought up in (minus the murder, of course). but even that takes time and he needs his partner to understand & respect that, and give him that very much needed time and space. but of course like any functioning human being, he does need to be loved and told and showed that he is loved. he needs affection and love & occasionally he needs to be taken care of (though he’d never tell his partner that he needs those things too, he’d just expect them to know that even as a Strong and Buffy Tough Guy™ at 6′4′’ ft, he needs to be taken care of and cuddled as well).
32.  do they have any “props” that are a significant part of their life, identity, activities, or self-presentation somehow? what are they, how are they used, and why are they so significant? How would these props’ absence impact them, how would they compensate, and why?
already answered this here but imma paste the answer here as well. one thing that really popped into my head, was rings and his cross necklace. xander doesn’t really know what it is about his rings or his golden cross necklace but he feels lost if he isn’t wearing them when he’s out. he never takes his necklace off though but at home, he never actually wears his rings (he doesn’t see the point). i suppose they are a part of his identity and self-presentation and maybe he even finds slight comfort in wearing those things. and if he does go out without his rings, he’d feel quite lost (as i said already) and a bit uncomfortable because he’s so used to playing with them / twisting them in his fingers when he gets bored / nervous / stressed out. i suppose that if he ever left the house without them and realized it (and wasn’t too far from home), he’d just turn around and go get his rings. another thing that represents him and he holds as a significant part of his life, is his motorcycle. not only is it the only way he gets around the town but he holds it very dear to his heart but he can’t really say why because he doesn’t really know? it isn’t the bike itself because he could easily sell it and buy himself another one but i suppose it’s a part of his self-presentation and identity again to have a motorcycle.
35.  how and why do they internalize knowledge? what effect has that had on them?
ok what the fuck again but i’m just going to assume that this means how does he learn?? as a child, he had a bit of learning difficulties because he was a difficult child & really restless but now he tends to suck up info like no other. he’s really good at memorizing things and i suppose that’s the way he “internalizes knowledge” as well as reading things with actual thought. he discovered that worked for him a little too late though, he’d already finished school at that point and he had no interest in going back to school to continue and get even a better education for himself. so basically, it has had no true effect on him (except that now he can impress people with the little things he’s memorized for no actual reason than just for shits and giggles). 
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