#lm hive
loadedmarchpdf · 6 months
Hello everyone, it's been a while. Recently I've returned to the Merlin fandom because I saw some gifset of them and The Feels, as we used to say back in the day (do we still say that now?), came back in a sudden and mad rush. I've been revisiting some old merthur fics (and also trying to find some new ones too) when I realised that I ought to have a fresh copy of dear old Loaded March extracted straight from AO3 itself and save them all, because you never know these days. And then while I was doing that, I realised that I couldn't find my compilation in my fic library! The very thing that I had spent much a time putting together, I do not know where it is?? And so I had to make my way back here to find the links where I had uploaded the compilations hahaha
Anyhow. I'm glad my uploads are still intact and that mediafire is still a functional site (you really never know these days). I hope I might be able to find the original and alarmingly big word document again some day... It's probably in some drive I hope...
I'm not sure if anyone still checks these tags or still follows this blog. If you see this then I think it's lovely that this has reached you again after so many years and I hope you are doing well!
P.S. As of today, the PDF has 1125 downloads while the EPUB has close to 800. Apparently in March 2018 they were at 332 and 225 respectively. It blows my mind that so many people checked them out. Thank you for the lovely support and I hope the compilations have been of service to you! ETA: Since I haven't been here a long while, I also decided to go and look at tags on the reblogs of the compilation post that I've missed... You are all so very lovely, thank you for the kind words :')
P.P.S. In case you are still wondering what I'm talking about: I had in the past made a compilation of all 16 parts (and I am now remembering, also one of the extras!) of Loaded March into a single document, available in both PDF and EPUB formats, which are both available for download :] It's the pinned post in my tumblr, or you can access it here.
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1shadowhole · 4 months
The plan is to finish my Loaded March re-read by the 24th before my DOTD rewatch.
I'm on chapter 4 of Do or Die and my Uni classes end tomorrow... Will I make it? Who knows!
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finished loaded march (again) and don’t know what to do with myself now (again)
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not-in-public · 2 years
Send help. I'm so deep into my feels over Loaded March, I just can't. Perfection doesn't even begin to describe it. Why did no one prepare me for the absolute heat crushing love I'm currently experiencing for Will, Kay and Bran?
But seriously. Will and Kay's QPR is life- affirming. Because I won't accept it's anything less. Like, they've experienced so much weird shit and pain and have spent so many years pushing those things down, and then they meet someone who understands. Just understands them and how they process things. And everything feels just a little bit better.
And it's so confusing because it happened in, like, 10 seconds flat. One minute, they're frenemies that are *literally* just trying to stay alive and the next, they're co-parents to a vulnerable teenage kid.
And Bran. Don't even get me started on Bran. That sweet baby and his two daddies have just wormed their way into my heart. They all have.
Why am I allowed to read fanfiction? Why am I allowed to drink wine? Boy, I'm in deep.
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beeeeeeeeeeeeeeens · 2 months
If someone can write all the Will/Kay fics with Bran being their son within Footloose’s universe I would be much appreciated because I need the dynamic and the sass and everything
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - Gayeties, LM 2.6.4 (Les Miserables 1925)
At certain hours childhood sparkled in that cloister. The recreation hour struck. A door swung on its hinges. The birds said, “Good; here come the children!” An irruption of youth inundated that garden intersected with a cross like a shroud. Radiant faces, white foreheads, innocent eyes, full of merry light, all sorts of auroras, were scattered about amid these shadows. After the psalmodies, the bells, the peals, and knells and offices, the sound of these little girls burst forth on a sudden more sweetly than the noise of bees. The hive of joy was opened, and each one brought her honey. They played, they called to each other, they formed into groups, they ran about; pretty little white teeth chattered in the corners; the veils superintended the laughs from a distance, shades kept watch of the sunbeams, but what mattered it? Still they beamed and laughed. Those four lugubrious walls had their moment of dazzling brilliancy. They looked on, vaguely blanched with the reflection of so much joy at this sweet swarming of the hives. It was like a shower of roses falling athwart this house of mourning. The young girls frolicked beneath the eyes of the nuns; the gaze of impeccability does not embarrass innocence. Thanks to these children, there was, among so many austere hours, one hour of ingenuousness. The little ones skipped about; the elder ones danced. In this cloister play was mingled with heaven. Nothing is so delightful and so august as all these fresh, expanding young souls. Homer would have come thither to laugh with Perrault; and there was in that black garden, youth, health, noise, cries, giddiness, pleasure, happiness enough to smooth out the wrinkles of all their ancestresses, those of the epic as well as those of the fairy-tale, those of the throne as well as those of the thatched cottage from Hecuba to la Mère-Grand.
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doctorguilty · 8 months
Lms = u care me (no obligation just want to feel seen)
It truly does make me so mad all it takes for someone to start being a shithead about me is just being like. Anxious and autistic. Not even TOWARDS them. Just. Keeping to myself quietly. Not being confrontational, not being loud or intimidating, no rude body language no scoffing or rolling eyes or stomping about, literally nothing, this just is SO offensive to people who believe they are the main character I guess, my lack of giving them attention is the most scary hostile thing in the world, and this is why I just can't ever be happy, because my EXISTANCE, my body taking up space, breathing air, brain being conscious, Is insulting to the world around me. I can't be small enough. I can't shrink more. And if I can't disappear, then my choices are either pretend I'm not mentally ill or disabled or autistic, or be punished. And I hate it, it fills me up with anger, so much anger I have nothing to take it out on, it's like my body is a shaken up hive with no exit for the bees. Last night I actually just collapsed. Literally. Couldn't move or talk or anything. Just cried until the bees calmed down and I went to sleep.
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ase-trollplays · 2 years
Revisit His Trauma
-- tapeFace [tf] began trolling sultrySiren [SS] --
TF: Maeron, it’s Florah. I’m using a friend’s phone.
SS: Flor@h???
SS: How did you get @w@y from @llm@h?? Where @re you?
SS: I need to tell k@rim@ where you @re §o §he c@n come get you.
TF: NO!!!
TF: Don’t tell her anything!
SS: §he’§ my be§t friend @nd your moir@il. Of cour§e I h@ve to tell her you’re ok@y!
SS: I’m §till your club, remember? P@rt of keeping you two on tr@ck i§ m@king §ure you communic@te.
TF: Just please do this for me! I’m not ready to face her yet!
TF: Shit went down, and I need space before I see her again.
SS: You’ve been gone for four perigee§. I think that’§ enough §p@ce. §he i§ liter@lly worrying her§elf §ick @bout you.
SS: Well, §icker.
SS: Why did you even me§§@ge me if you don’t w@nt me to tell her @nything? You h@d to know I would.
TF: Because I need a favor, and you’re the only one who can help.
TF: I need my phone, but it’s still at Allmah’s hive. I’m too scared to go back there, but I can’t let her keep it.
SS: §o you w@nt ME to ri§k my life going to her hive @nd getting your phone.
SS: Knowing full well §he h@§ no qu@lm§ @g@in§t killing me, @nd I would be @t @ huge di§@dv@nt@ge in @ §trife.
SS: §he @lre@dy tried to kill me once when I tried to get you b@ck @nd only f@iled bec@u§e my moir@il interfered. I’m not giving her @ ch@nce to fini§h the job.
SS: Just forget @bout it @nd buy your§elf @ new phone.
TF: I don’t want another one. I want that one. Karima gave me that phone while I was recovering after she rescued me.
TF: Plus, it has all my friends’ information on it, and I don’t want any of them on her radar.
TF: I’m begging you. Please. Please do this for me.
SS: Fine. With @ny luck, §he won’t be there. You owe me for thi§, though.
-- sultrySiren [SS] gave up trolling tapeFace [TF] --
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Maeron and Cavler approached Allmah’s hive with caution. They both remembered all too well how her last meeting with Allmah ended, and they kept their weapons in hand for the inevitable strife that would ensue should they be caught. Cavler entered first, though as the door was opened they were both hit with a particularly awful smell: Blood and decay.
Maeron noticed the door to the garden was half open and decided to investigate that room first with Cavler following close behind. She pushed the door the rest of the way open with one of her morning stars and backed away in revulsion at the sight before her.
Allmah’s body lay decomposing with her throat ripped open and old blood pooled around her. Maeron covered her nose and mouth with her jacket both out of disgust and an attempt to filter out the horrid stench that emanated from the room.
“Well, Florah will be happy to know she’s dead for the time being,” she muttered as she stepped into the room. She grimaced as she looked down at the desiccated corpse and held her breath as she reluctantly searched Allmah’s body for Florah’s phone. Unfortunately, it was nowhere on her person, causing Maeron to curse that she touched her body for nothing. No amount of hand washing would make her feel clean after this.
She glanced around the room quickly before making a hasty exit, nearly knocking her moirail over in the process as she hurried to leave. “We’ll have to search the rest of her hive. Also, when we get back to my hive I need to wash these clothes immediately.”
The pair searched the other rooms of the hive, Cavler never once leaving Maeron’s side despite the primary threat apparently having been killed. Searches of her respiteblock yielded no results, nor did a search of her study. Across from the study was a locked room, though the door stood little chance against a barrage of strikes from Maeron’s morning stars.
With the door now in splintered pieces, the two trolls froze as they saw the contents of the room. It reeked of blood, and in its center was a bloodstained table with bindings clearly meant for holding people in place. Next to it was a small table with various tools: scalpels, a wood burner, a cattle prod, a needle and thread, a serrated spoon, and other items. 
Cavler froze up as anxiety overtook him and memories of torture with his former captor flooded his mind. Maeron noticed him starting to shut down as anxiety took violent hold of him and slammed the door shut to comfort him. After several minutes, she managed to calm him and convinced him to wait for her downstairs to avoid being triggered again. She would have to enter the torture chamber alone.
“What the fuck... This place needs to be torn down. Messiahs only know how many people she killed in here for who knows why,” Maeron whispered as she entered the room and looked around. A thorough search of the room finally revealed Florah’s phone inside the drawer of a desk along with several books and journals. She tucked the phone safely away in her modus and flipped through the various books. A few of them were written in some other language she couldn’t understand, but the journals seemed to be a log of the trolls she sacrificed. Written within were various ages, castes, the methods with which they were tortured and how effective they were, how long it took them to die, and how much of their lifespan she was able to take.
There were three journals in total, all filled front to back with these entries. She didn’t even want to think how many innocent people were penned in those books, and it made her stomach turn to see the full extent of her sadism. Assuming that was the extent and there wasn’t more yet to be discovered. She threw the journals away from her in disgust and hastily exited the chamber.
She got what she came for. Time to go.
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bloomberg-a · 2 years
Corporate eLearning Market Regional Outlook, Competitive Analysis, Application and Forecasts To 2028
The global corporate eLearning market size may exceed USD 450 billion by 2028. Ever since technology has taken over almost all aspects of human existence, enterprises across the globe are slowly diverting toward tech-enabled eLearning for corporate training from their traditional classroom-based approach.
Corporate eLearning programs offer distinct advantages like better employee retention, increased productivity, and improved workplace morale over old-school approaches that helps industries to keep up with the continuous stream of latest technologies and evolving customer expectations. These programs have gained considerable popularity over the years due to their ease of accessibility over different devices and gadgets and the growing integration across several industry verticals, including BFSI, healthcare, manufacturing, and government.
A rapid upsurge in remote learning and corporate training trends accompanied by the significant rise in cloud adoption during the pandemic has fostered the development of the corporate eLearning industry landscape.
Request for a sample copy of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/5262
Brand collaborations to aid the industry growth
The increased transition to hybrid or remote workplaces and the growing adoption of online learning services across educational institutes have pushed the demand for new digital skills throughout the corporate and educational community.
In May 2022, Corporate Learning joined hands with Moodle to become its certified partner and help the latter expand its operations across Guatemala. The collaboration is aimed at providing solutions that deliver institutions with significant economies and efficiencies of scale and allow training units to focus on digital transformation and knowledge management rather than be consumed by managerial tasks.
The escalation of more such alliances among players will help propel the corporate eLearning industry outlook.
Acquisitions remain the key growth strategy
In May 2022, eLearning Brothers announced the acquisition of CoreAxis, an on-demand learning resource provider. The move will create tremendous growth opportunities for CoreAxis customers and competent associates and help them become a part of the most exhilarating growth story in the industry.
Besides, the addition of a robust learning platform and global resources will position their combination for long-term growth and immediate success. The rising efforts and rapid adoption of more such growth tactics by industry participants across the globe will augment the corporate eLearning market forecast in the times to come.
Browse report summary @ https://www.gminsights.com/industry-analysis/corporate-elearning-market
Increased adoption of LMS technology
Learning management systems (LMS) have gained decent traction in recent years. This can be credited to their growing utilization across businesses of all sizes, local governments, national government agencies, online/eLearning-based institutions, and traditional educational institutions in order to improve conventional educational methods while effectively upskilling their existing workforce. The LMS technology is increasingly integrated across various organizations for accomplishing employee onboarding and comprehensive enterprise training objectives. 
In April 2022, India's foremost LMS provider, Stratbeans Learning Solutions, launched Bytecasting, the first of its kind curated content engineering LMS. 
Targeted toward instructional designers, learning and development teams, and LMS admins, the solution promotes the sharing, development, and optimization of different bandwidths and mobile learning while editing and organizing legacy content abilities to customize author eLearning content. 
Prominent players operating in the corporate e-learning market include Cornerstone, Crossknowledge, Cegid, Cegos, Hive Learning, Kallidus Ltd., Kineo, Learning Pool, Infopro, Intuition, Media Zoo, Mind Tools, Netex.
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Into The Breach - Cheat Codes (PC)
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 The Turok games are well-known for having a variety of cheat codes. Most of the codes are a combination of letters that either spell out a phrase or represent a phrase or name. Cheat codes are occasionally given to the player during gameplay for achieving a specific goal, such as beating a level or defeating a boss. Other codes are not given to the player and would remain unknown unless the player looked them up in either a strategy guide, gaming magazine, or website. The cheat menu for Dinosaur Hunter does not contain the full English alphabet, instead providing the player only consonants. The Nintendo 64 codes represent phrases, while the PC codes represent names, mostly of the game's developers. The known "translation" for each code is presented underneath the codes themselves. A version of Dinosaur Hunter that came bundled with 3dfx graphics cards features almost entirely different codes from the standard PC version. The Japanese and German releases of Dinosaur Hunter also have their own cheat codes. Cheats for Rage Wars are unlocked not by codes but by collecting a specific number of medals. The cheat menu can be accessed by pressing the Z button on the main menu. The cheat codes for Shadow of Oblivion consist of colored animal icons instead of letters. Each cheat is a sequence of six animals. The animals are arrayed in three rows as follows:. Cheats are unlocked at random each time the player completes the game. The player is awarded a new cheat every time they beat the game while using as few lives as possible. Three cheats are not unlockable via code. One is the Play as Joshua cheat. The other two do not exist, though one was most likely going to be the Dark City cheat as seen the the Shadow of Oblivion beta. Based upon a similarly named cheat in Iguana Entertainment's Iggy's Reckin' Balls , this cheat would have presumably acted much like the Blackout cheat in Seeds of Evil. While the console versions of Turok have no cheats to speak of, the PC version has a handful of console commands that have cheat-like properties. Note that this process involves editing a game file, so caution and at least one file backup are recommended. In order to activate the console, the "TurokInput. Under the "[Engine. During gameplay, press the key of choice to open the console. The codes may then be entered by typing the code and pressing Enter. Turok Wiki Explore. Compsognathus Dilophosaurus Giganotosaurus Tyrannosaurus rex Utahraptor. Turok: Resurrection Turok 2. Active Administrators Operative lm Project Predacon. BaconSkittles Saizou Szythers. Editing Policies. Administrative Topics Announcements. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Cheat codes. History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Categories : Gameplay features. Universal Conquest Wiki. Gives the player unlimited lives. Unlocks when the player has collected Life Force while having nine lives. Warps the player to the " Hub Ruins. Warps the player to " The Ancient City. Warps the player to " The Treetop Village. Warps the player to " The Lost Land. Warps the player to " The Final Confrontation. Warps the player to the Campaigner boss. Warps the player to the "Hub Ruins. Gives the player invincibility. Unlocks when the player defeats the Primagen. Unlocks when the player defeats the Primagen on Hard difficulty. Gives the player all weapons. Unlocks when the player completes Level 6, " Primagen's Lightship. Gives the player unlimited ammunition. Unlocks when the player defeats Mother. Gives the player all non-weapon-related items, such as keys and talismans. Gives all enemies big heads. Unlocks when the player defeats The Blind One. Makes all enemies tiny. Unlocks when the player completes Level 5, " Hive of the Mantids. Makes all enemies super skinny. Unlocks when the player completes Level 4, " Lair of the Blind Ones. Renders the game in a pseudo-wireframe mode. Unlocks when the player completes Level 2, " Slaughter by the River of Souls. Renders all texture maps as basic, solid colors. Unlocks when the player completes Level 3, " The Death Marshes. Juan was the winner of a contest held in Nintendo Power Vol. Reveals all of the map. Unlocks when the player defeats the Mantid Queen. Turns every environment to total darkness, giving the player a visibility range of just a few feet. Environment textures take on a multicolored hue. Unlocks when the player completes Level 1, " The Port of Adia. Shows the games credits. Despite there being a code for this cheat, the credits are automatically available for view upon loading the game. This cheat's confirmation tone is of the children saying "Thank you, Turok! Unlocks all weapons for use in single-player scenarios and unlocks the Chest Burster for use in multiplayer. Unlocks Time Trial and Frag Fest modes for multiplayer. These can also be unlocked by collecting 18 and 36 Minigame Icons, respectively. Unlocks all available cheats with the exception of the Play as Joshua cheat. This is the only cheat that requires two code sequences. The animals used in the sequences form a rough "T3" on the code entry screen. Allows the player to play as Joshua Fireseed. Joshua follows the same level path as Danielle but has access to both Danielle's and Joseph's weapons. This code unlocks when the player completes the game on Oblivion difficulty with both Danielle and Joseph without dying either time. Warps the player to their choice of either the beginning of Chapter 1, " Seal the Breach ," or the Oblivion Gunship boss. Unlocks when the player completes Chapter 1. Warps the player to their choice of either the beginning of Chapter 2, " Military Research Facility ," or the Xiphias boss. Unlocks when the player completes Chapter 2. Warps the player to their choice of either the beginning of Chapter 3, " Lost Land Junkyard ," or the Opisthor boss. Unlocks when the player completes Chapter 3. Unlocks when the player completes Chapter 4. Warps the player to their choice of either the beginning of Chapter 5, " Oblivion ," or the Oblivion boss. Unlocks when the player completes Chapter 5. Plays Evolution' s attract mode. When the demo finishes, a targeting reticle appears on the title screen, allowing the player to shoot at the characters in the background. Reticle movement is controlled by the D-Pad, and the Fire button fires the weapon.
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ngl loaded march has completely replaced the actual bbc merlin plot in my brain
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blondesupes · 3 years
Every year there seems to be that one "season" where a couple of Loaded March hiveminds reread LM and suddenly our dashboards are filled with Loaded March again.
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coconutknightshade · 4 years
As a fellow Merlin fan, I can't help but ask what loaded march is and if it's on AO3? Merlin was a key part of my childhood but I'm not really that involved in the fandom. Any other suggestions?
*aggressively knocks at door* do you have time to talk about our lord, savior, and bible? Loaded March is an odyssey, clocking in at a 1.2 million deliciously intricate plot of magic, friendship, politics, and romance. It is one of the most in depth fic I've ever read and hands down one of the best works of fiction in general that I've ever read. Honestly. If I were stuck on a deserted island and could only have one book to read, it would be this baby. 
It is a modern military AU and let me tell you, the author knows their stuff. Also, I'm soOo sorry this is late, I've been slammed and I wanted to do everything justice! It was also really hard to narrow down some recs!! But first, more about Loaded March!!
Arthur is a Captain in the Special Air Service (SAS) and has a team of specialists called Excalibur! Now, what I love about this is that there is obviously no way that the ensemble of Merlin could contribute to a whole squad/teams worth of people, so the author utilizes names from the original mythos and beautifully crafts them into characters that you love so dearly, even with them not being part of BBC Merlin. They write these new characters so perfectly woven into the plot that you become emotionally invested in all of them and all of their lives anYWAYS OWAIN is bae. I DIGRESS. 
So they're this highly decorated special forces team, but they can't seem to hold onto a communications specialist. It's the only role that would be filled by someone who didn't enlist with them all. Generally they can't find someone who fits in. Long story short, Merlin is put on their team. And lemme tell you- Ya remember their first meeting and convo in the pilot episode? Footloose stays true to the show in that regard. Also I'm obviously not gonna spoil anything, but just an additional flavor vibe- Kilgharrah is a General they call The Dragon because of his attitude and it appears that he's always smoking cigars. Anyways, magic plays a heavy heavy role, as does politics. It's like a huge chess board of players with espionage and undercover work and twists and turns it's SO GOOD PLEASE READ IT AND GUSH WITH ME. It is on AO3. It's 16 parts. You should check it out at least! Whew child, I definitely have suggestions! I'm gonna run through some of the classics. Please be mindful of the rating on these. I've posted these because of the plot, not because of any sexual nature that may or may not be present. Any sexual content in the following can be easily skipped over without losing any of the plot. That said, I can also rec some hella good gratuitous ones as well. Don't judge me, I was in my high school and college prime when I was neck deep and active in the fandom. Additionally, if you ever want any requests for specific tropes/genre in general, hit me up! I'm an admin on the @fuckyeahmerlinfanfic​ Tumblr which was a fic request and hunting down specific fics blog. 
The Student Prince
WC: 141.6KSummary: A Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, featuring teetotal kickboxers, secret wizards, magnificent bodyguards of various genders, irate fairies, imprisoned dragons, crumbling gothic architecture, arrogant princes, adorable engineering students, stolen gold, magical doorways, attempted assassination, drunken students, shaving foam fights, embarrassing mornings after, The Hammer Dance, duty, responsibility, friendship and true love...
Commentary: This is THE most popular fic in the fandom and honest to god for good reason. The author was a student at St Andrews (which is where a lot of royals attend university and where William and Kate met). This is worth noting because a historic university like that has a lot of nuance traditions and events that the author incorporates. Will always highly recommend. If you aren't down to tackle Loaded March, this one for sure for SURE is worth tackling. And the podfic is to die for 
Lord Drake's Bequest
WC: 10KSummary: "To my great-nephew Arthur I bequeath Tintagel Distribution, wholly and without reserve, save for one condition. You must marry, and stay married, for a period of no less than six months. You're a wonderful businessman Arthur, but a full life needs love and companionship, not just a string of affairs. Settle down young Arthur, and your life will be the richer for it."
Commentary: Fake Relationship- Need I say more?
Lions and Pebbles and Penguins, Oh My!
WC: 10.4KSummary: Sitting at the top of "Uther's All Time Parenting Backfires" is Arthur's fellow colleague and clumsy best friend - Merlin Emrys.
Commentary: This was so cute and I always recommend it to people when they ask me for recs. It's inspired by that old news article about the gay penguins at the zoo. So cute!!
What Child is This
WC: 30KSummary:A modern AU with Merlin, Arthur, mayhem, a baby and a jingly elf hat.
Commentary: Christmas fic!! It's a kid!fic but not how you think. Baby is abandoned and I won't say more but it was cute and I'm eagerly waiting until my Christmas vaca to reread it. 
Pairing Pendragon/Merlin
WC: 25KSummary: Arthur is a BNF and Merlin is his prized beta
Commentary: I'm not trying to assume but before this fic I had no idea so just in case you're in my shoes, BNF is a big name fan. That aside, THIS IS ONE OF MY TOP FAVE FICS. I was obsessed with the podfic and am currently digging through my hard drive trying to find it because it's legit probably worth listening to it over reading it?? I've never seen a podfic or even an audiobook put together this beautifully. Arthur is a fanfic writer for STARZ Camelot and Merlin is his beta that he's never met before. Read it, Read it, Read it!! Talking about it now, I'm gonna read it tonight I think.  
If you ever want anymore recs, hit me up! And if you read any of these and want to talk about them, hit me up.
I’m so sorry for the long post and for it having been so long to reply!!
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mayonnaisetoffees · 5 years
@ the Hive, remind me. Did we ever call it a cocktus?
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heavensenthale · 3 years
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it’s been 7 years and guess what i’m reading again
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ipcearn · 2 years
Am I re-listening (thank you EchoDeltaNine‼️)/re-reading Loaded March once again? fuck yeah
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