sierennn · 4 months
Comecei a sonhar de novo
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lianewark · 7 years
I'm fascinated by him. If I could return him to life, I would love to talk to him like forever. It makes me feel things I've never felt before reading another writers. Kafka makes me reach another level. It's very hard for me to explain, but there's something in him utterly magnetic and mysterious, and it makes me want to know more, want to read more, want to explore more into his life and his thoughts. yeah, I guess I'm a Kafka addict.
me, about Franz Kafka
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lexquisitexdouleur · 7 years
Your worst enemy is you.
Don't listen to others they say but you should never give in to yourself you're your worst enemy and you should learn how to fight it or let someone help you fight it with you real talk.
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polettomilena-blog · 6 years
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Desintoxica-me destas indulgências inexistentes que atormentam minha mente em sono e que me acompanham pelo andar de minha sombra. Não há a necessidade de fuga do consciente para enxergar o mal leigo da ignorância.Milena Poletto
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leadakota · 7 years
I'm looking for freedom
Nachdenklich sehe ich aus meinem Zimmerfenster auf den blauen, von Abendröte überzogenen, Himmel und zerbreche mir meinen Kopf über die Bedeutung von Freiheit. Was ist Freiheit? Wann besitzt man sie? Ist es möglich sie überhaupt jemals zu besitzen? Kann man in der heutigen Gesellschaft frei sein?
Es gibt so vieles auf dieser einmaligen, großen und einladenen Welt zu entdecken. So vieles, das ich sehen will. So vieles, das ich unbedingt besichtigen muss. Wird von mir verlangt erst Jahre auf dieses Verlangen nach Freiheit hinzuarbeiten, bis ich sie dann, als Rentner endlich belohnt bekomme?
Ganz ehrlich, das ist es mir auf keinen Fall wert! So weit kann und will ich es nicht kommen lassen! Was bringt es mir für mein sorgenloses und befreites Leben zu schufften; jeden Tag, jede Woche, jahrelang ein und der selben Tätigkeit nachzugehen, wenn ich im Endeffekt nur erreicht hab, ein alteingesessener Langweiler geworden zu sein?
Ist es vielleicht genau das, worauf sie hinaus wollen? Den Menschen auf eine heuchlerische Art und Weise ihr Freiheitsbedürfnis Stück für Stück auszutreiben, bis sie selbst monoton dahinleben?
Schnaubend ziehe ich meine Augenbrauen zusammen und greife genervt, als auch ziemlich enttäuscht, nach der kleinen, halbvollen Zigarettenschachtel, die vor mir auf meinem Schreibtisch liegt. Ich betrachte zögernd die Schachtel und drehe sie in meinen Händen hin und her, als wäre sie etwas kostbares, etwas besonderes, etwas, was ich noch nie zuvor in meinem Leben zu Gesicht bekommen hab.
Ich schließe unentschlossen meine Augen, während ich meinen Kopf sanft gegen die gemütliche Lehne des Schreibtischstuhls fallen lasse.
“Ach fuck. Diese Welt killt mich und meinen Schädel.”
Schlecht gelaunt greife ich nach einer Kippe; stecke sie, mit zitternden Händen, in den Mund und zünde sie letztenendes an. Ein kräftiger Zug, der meine Lunge und meinen gesamten, jungen Körper nur noch weiter zerstören wird. Aber was kümmert es mich jetzt noch? Ich puste gelangweilt, aber durchaus entspannter, den Rauch nach oben an die hölzerne Zimmerdecke. Draußen hat der Himmel in dieser kurzen Zeitspanne bereits ein bedrohliches dunkelblau angenommen. Keine Sonne, kein Licht, keine Hoffnung, die meine Stimmung noch hätten bessern können.
Was soll’s? Bis ich mit meiner Zigarette durch bin, ist es sowie so stockfinster. Genau so wie meine Zukunftsängste und meine Hoffnung auf Freiheit.
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apunhalei · 9 years
Eu tinha o amor mais lindo do mundo, mas aí ele começou a não ser mais tanto amor assim, começou a esquecer de mim e nada era tão colorido quanto antes, e nada sorria como antes, e nada fazia sentido como antes. Eu tinha o amor mais alto do mundo, mais leve, mas aí ele começou a colocar peso sobre minhas asas, peso maior que eu e então eu caí. Eu tinha o amor mais lindo do mundo, até descobrir que não era amor e que eu sou muito mais pé no chão do que aparentava ser.  
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Appreciate the little things you have.
On September 15th a mum was walking with her daughter, they were just walking around some fields when the little one told her mum ‘mommy, I want a horse. Buy me the most beautiful horse on Earth’. Her mum replied: ‘We can’t have a horse, darling. They need food and many products to take care of it, and we do not have enough money’. The girl started crying and at the moment shouted: YOU DON’T LOVE ME. YOU’RE NOT MY MUM ANYMORE. The mom felt completely devastated about those words, so she decided to sell all her dresses, start eating less and reduce all their expenses. Time was going on and the mum was feeling worse. She felt more tired, weak... but she would be the happiest person ever if her daughter has a horse. At the beggining of December, after a few months saving money, this mum reunited all her forces to go and buy the horse. A beautiful horse. It was white and had the softest hair I have ever seen. December 25th. Christmas day. The little girl run down the stairs and she called her mum but she was alone in the room. She just saw a little piece of paper that said ‘ I’m white, big and I already love you. Do you know what I am?!’. With no answers, the girl went to the barn and saw her horse. She came back to tell her mum about the horse, but she saw her lying on the bed. She was pale, cold and without breathing. The little girl cried and shouted ‘mama, wake up! It’s Christmas Day, wake up! mum, I love you’. After a few hours, the girls realised her mum will not come back. Ever.  When she came back to the house, she decided to call Pale snow the horse. Pale like her mum, Cold as the snow when she touched her.
You don’t have to push someone to give you more than she/he can, especially your parents ‘cause at the end of all, they have given you the only thing you can’t buy: your life. And they do it even they have to resign to what they need: to live.
PS. This little text has been written by a spanish person (me) so sorry if there are some mistakes.
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sierennn · 2 years
Quando eu era mais jovem, mais jovem do que agora, costumava dizer que existia amor no infinito e o infinito era distante e deveria se permanecer desta forma...
Muito porém, quando vejo muitos dizer que quando se apaixonam se mantêm distantes de seus olores, me encontro indiferente.
Indiferente porque agora sei, agora entendo que quando se está apaixonado o que você mais quer é estar no infinito cultivando o amor e se dispondo a desventuras com aquele alguém, e não o observando de longe...
Meu amor é um guitarrista e vocalista, tem os olhos castanhos como mel e uma peculiar, porém doce forma de ser.
"He the one" ♡
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lianewark · 7 years
I'm not cool, I don't know crap about cooking, I'm a mess 24 hours a day, even when I'm sleeping, I eat too much sugar, I'm always late, I dress like a hobo most of the time, I don't wear high-heels, my hair is a nightmare, I'm too loud when I talk, I'm too nervous when I'm around new people, I don't know how to speak with certain people, I'm always crying, I'm afraid of too many things, I don't like heights, I can't drink alcohol, I dance weird, I don't know how to save money, I'm always daydreaming about impossible things, my head is always somewhere else, I still think Harry Potter is the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish I could go live there, I'm childish, I yell, I spit, my nose is awful, I don't like my body, I feel tiny and worthless, I'm clumsy, I lost and break things, my father always gets mad at me for that, I'm a fuckin' disaster. but God, I love like my heart was bigger than the universe, and when someone is important to me I always always always let them know it. I guess we all are so imperfect, but when you are made of light, and not darkness, that can make up for your million of mistakes.
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"Loving you was the only thing I've ever been good at and I couldn't even do that right."
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peace-is-lov3 · 10 years
Sabe aquela pessoa diferente de todas as outras? Sabe aquele pessoa que tem o abraço que mais te conforta? Sabe aquela pessoa que passa a maior paz do mundo quando sorri? Sabe aquela que sempre perdoa as suas mancadas?Sabe aquela pessoa que não quer saber se você é bonito ou feio, alto ou baixo, gordo ou magro? Sabe aquela pessoa que você vê nos seus melhores sonhos? Sabe aquela pessoa que te faz contar os minutos pra vê-la? Sabe aquela que te trata como um príncipe? Sabe aquela pessoa que te entende e te ajuda mas que também te bate quando precisa? Sabe aquela mulher que não texto de mil linhas pra descrever o que sente por ela? Sabe aquela mulher que você ama? Sabe aquela mulher que você quer passar a vida toda com ela do seu lado? Sabe que aquela pessoa, aquela mulher, que você desconfia que seja seu Anjo? ....Não Senhor(a), você não sabe,ninguém sabe, só eu sei, porque só eu tenho a melhor amiga do mundo!
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