#little red string of fate
justshipsandstuff · 4 months
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A tale as old as time
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cowardlykrow · 1 month
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“I let him die / Taking your advice”
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beargyufairy · 4 months
Invisible String Theory - NaLu
“All along there was some invisible string tying you to me” - Invisible String (Taylor Swift)
“One single thread of gold tied me to you” - Invisible String (Taylor Swift)
Part 2: Natsu’s Beloved Scarf
Every Fairy Tail knows how much Natsu cherishes the scarf given to him by Igneel. It is his last physical connection to his beloved father. He is rarely seen without it. He was very upset when Zeref’s attacked caused the scarf to become black after protecting him. He loves the scarf beyond measure.
The scarf is made from Igneel’s fallen dragon scales (turning from red to white). While Natsu never gave much thought to how the scarf was made, it is obvious that Igneel can’t make a scarf for a human (being a huge dragon and all). Anna Heartfilia - celestial mage, teacher to the dragon slayers, and ancestor of Lucy - knit the scarf for Natsu.
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The invisible string connects Natsu and Lucy beyond their own interactions. A part of Natsu past is connected to Lucy’s family 400 years ago. The scarf remains with him through thick and thin.
Additionally, Lucy knows how important it is to Natsu. She is often seen keeping the scarf safe and is the only one who Natus allows to use to the scarf (especially in the 100 year quest). Essentially, this demonstrates how a simple scarf connects Natsu and Lucy.
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silveredsticks · 12 hours
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Gavin Brindley's rookie match CBJ v Canes . 16 April 24 . photos by Ben Jackson . x & x
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nc571023 · 1 month
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“I do love you, Goro. 
In all the cheesy, romantical, old school ways that exist - I do love you so very much.
I love your eyes, sometimes square windows into your soul, sometimes as hard and unbreakable as Black Ice. Artificial yet so full of life. I love how carefully you chose your face implants to perfectly match your delicate features. Love every little imperfection in your face, your graying hair, your sweet sweet wrinkles, all these beautiful and unique traits age has gifted to you. I love the rare laughs, most intimate and private, as much as I love your earnestness, calmness and prudence whenever we go out with our friends. I love you with all your flaws and strengths, love your lips kissing me, your hands - these beautiful augmented, strong hands - touching my body so incomprehensibly gentle. You once told me that our age difference was one of your greatest concerns. I can assure you that all of them were unfounded, that your maturity is grounding me, calming me in a sense I never knew and never thought I’d ever experience. I cannot imagine my life without you anymore, I already lost myself in you, my body and soul addicted to you.
So… I assure you, with all my heart and spirit, I do love you Goro Takemura.”
(she once felt he needed reassurance….)
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halcyyan · 6 months
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oc_tober 12: pantheon week
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
In honour of soulmate Sunday, here’s some hockey player!Nick & Pipsqueak:
“You really have all the ladies falling head over heels in love with you. What a fan club, Vaughan. You’re a regular Charmi-modo.” He’s fighting the grin from spreading on his face, prideful and wondrously enraptured by you as you tease him.
The theatre is far behind you both, the classic black and white movie still lingering in the back of your mind as you walk side by side down the New York streets. Nick feels the red string around his finger tighten, flashing vibrantly when you edge yourself closer to him.
“I think their perception of me is a little more impressive than real life experience.” His grin breaks and he laughs lightly when you cast your gaze upon him with fluttering eyelashes.
“Nick Vaughan, the darling captain of the New York Rangers! He’s so handsome and charming!” He laughs again, fuelled by your momentary clumsiness that has you jutting into his side.
“Careful squeaky, tripping on air can be deadly.” He slips an arm around your waist and squeezes, drawing illicit sighs from your lips. “I should take you home, your brother said-“
“Boo,” you cut him off with a protest, slipping one hand up under the back of his shirt, “and boo on my brother. Let’s get ice cream-“
“Pipsqueak-“ he groans and feels blood rushing to his other head, he would feel like a creep if the two of you weren’t bound together.
“-and your bed is so much more comfortable anyway.” You tap your fingers against his spine and a shudder runs through him, an enticing shiver that is conducive to his twitching erection.
Nick sighs, caving to you and your desires. “Ice cream and a sleepover. You win.”
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lovelastart · 6 months
Hold my hand (everything will be okay)
Link on AO3
Summary: The lost little red riding hood wandered in this world full of monsters. He met a lone silver wolf whose heart so pure and broken and found his home.
Little Red Riding Hood AU on Fukuzawa’s and Ranpo’s first meeting.
---------"Kid, are you alright?!" The silver wolf, which came in his beast form and now transforming back into humanoid form, helped the coughing child stand up.
"I'm fine!" The kid grinned ear to ear, too cheerful for someone who had just been strangled a while ago. Or maybe he's just happy that his savior came in time.
"Why you leave your spot?? I told you to stay!"
"And let a criminal of human trafficking go away? Nah, it's a good chance for you to catch two culprits in a day! I knew that he would approach a helpless kid like me, but he didn't know that I left traces behind! I tore my red coat into pieces and left them one by one so you could find me! I knew that you would come, so that's why-"
A slap rang loudly in his ears. His cheek stung. The silver wolf just slapped him.-------
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voodoodle14 · 1 year
The bloody red string of fate part 1
The day of fate is an incredible day that happens once every hundred years where the red string of fate is visible for only 24 hours naturally a lot of people chase the red string and it’s promises of love and companionship after all who wouldn’t want to meet their soulmate!?
a lot of people actually
some people follow the string and find a tombstone
others find out the person who they have been married to for years isn’t their soulmate
some are simply so disappointed that their soulmate wasn’t who they thought they’d be it jeopardizes the relationship early on and they cut the string …
The day of fate is the only day the string of fate can be seen and destroyed however only one of the two soulmates can destroy it a lot of people don’t want to know who their soulmate is and lock themselves in their house or wear blindfolds all day
Hero was a person of strong will they knew of the tragic stories that came along with the red string because of these possibilities their superiors ordered them to keep the blindfold ON at all costs. Hero followed orders and did what they were told if their superiors told them to run they sprinted, if they told hero to swim hero would dive in with no hesitation ,and if they told hero to fight they went to war.
However it was so very tempting to rip off that damn blindfold and run after the string as they felt their string get a small tug from the other end. That only meant one thing their soulmate is ALIVE and NEARBY the hero’s chest unwilling began to be filled with nervousness and butterflies like a child with a crush “please please PLEASE don’t stop looking I can’t look for you but you can look for me please find me!” Hero begged in their mind as if their soulmate would hear them another tug but HARDER began to pull …
All of their life villain had no one not a single person who gave a DAMN whether they lived or died they had people who pretended to have their best interests at heart but in the end the villain was just a stepping stone to those people who only ever cared about power. Villain learned all on their own what they needed to do to survive Villain taught themself to tie their boots,Villain learned the hard way never to trust anyone even with the smallest things,Villain taught them self to drive ,
Villain learned to never be dependent on anyone EVER
Villain knew that the only person they could trust would be the person destined to love them forever after all if you can’t trust your soulmate then who can you trust?
Villain has waited for this day for SO long hoping for this day to happen for YEARS planning it all out hoping their soulmate would be happy with them the villain gave the string on their a small tug with a hopeful smile on their face as they felt resistance sooner than the villain thought “they’re close” the villain thought with a small smile of course the villain knew of the horror stories that came along with the string of lovers but paid them no mind this would be the one thing in the villain’s life they did RIGHT after all the villains mate for life must also be a criminal considering they are supposed to love each other until death.
Villain didn’t feel a tug back perhaps their little soulmate is shy or nervous that’s okay though villain will be brave enough for the both of them a slight blush on their face as they tugged the pretty red string a little harder and began their search roses in their unstringed hand and hair slicked back wearing only the most expensive cologne.
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
"Surround yourself with those who love you always. Through your mistakes and your faults. Make a family that will find you more beautiful every day, even when your hair is white with age. Be the light that makes someone's lantern shine."
x. "Six Crimson Cranes", Elizabeth Lim
"We are bound, remember? If you have no heart, I will give you half of mine. If you have no spirit, I will bind yours to mine."
x. "The Dragon's Promise", Elizabeth Lim
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elasekar · 2 years
"Safe to say I'll stay I will always stick around"
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My best girls as Antonio Canova's The Three Graces and the Red String of Fate reference because you can't tell me those girls aren't platonic soulmates <3
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beacon-lamp · 2 years
me, watching you do about 100 reblogs: it'll be double life that gets you back into post jail again
the brainrot is back babyyy
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galaxyofender · 2 years
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we’ve only had double life smp for a day, but i needed to try and get some design ideas down! so have a martyn!
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just-puddding · 2 years
Team Minato week day 4- queer platonic/ soulmates
Oh– It says– it was you. that was one of Kakashi's two soulmarks, grim, he had always found it melancholic, for it implied they'd never realized they were soulmates before they had to part
Most people don't– they can guess, but never be sure. because life, life is brutal. So very unfair, keeping them just out of grasp, out of reach until they're gone.
Oh, it was you– but Kakashi, he had two soulmarks, it was unusual but not unheard of– Kakashi had always thought one of them was Obito (he had to be, he knew it, he couldn't phantom otherwise) and yet Obito's last words weren't 'oh, it was you' (do you promise?) Nor were they–
-Kakashi- Rin whispered and he could see the light leaving her eyes– he could see everything, painfully clear with no spare detail, no mercy, engraving itself in his mind. 
(could see the way her lips quivered as she spoke, the way she tried to smile but it didn't quite give, the way her hair flew in the wind, the way her body gave up) 
Surely, more people may say his name before departing, because he was with them when it happened, surely.
But he knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, as her body collapsed against his, as His hand pulled away and her blood ran down his skin, as he trembled, that she was it. His soulmate
Cruel -i'm sorry- he could barely get the words out, his legs were shaking, he could barely stand up..he squeezed her into a tight grip, unwilling to let her go– why– even as he lost his strength, even as his eyes closed into darkness and nothing.
the last thing he did was release her body and let it collapse to the ground– then he passed out
The beeping comes as a surprise. The noise of the monitor, of the machinery, of the steps and the curtains rattling against the wind, the scent of medicine and illness, of hospital
Kakashi hadn't anticipated that he would survive (a doctor comes to his side shortly after he wakes up and starts asking confusing questions that Kakashi can't answer, because his mind is reeling and it won't stop) even though he had to– was yet to hear the words
(Another loss, another goodbye, one that would hopefully be his own, if life may be so kind.
it was never kind) 
Kakashi had thought that that was the end, for both of them, that he wouldn't be left to wallow in the loss, to live on as murderer (the doctor gives him headache medicine, says something he doesn't understand and then leaves him alone again)
His hands feel dirty, they itch and he can barely keep himself from peeling their skin right off (he's caught, there's yelling, they knock him out and he wakes up restrained, his hands still itch– hurt
He wishes he was dead)
("...She was my soulmate" Minato's eyes soften painfully as he brings him close and runs a hand around his back "I'm sorry" Kakashi is the one that should be sorry "this should never have happened to you"" Minato and Kushina both cry, sobbing all over him, hugging him close– Kakashi can't feel a thing) 
The years go by, even still, they feel like they shouldn't– not when his whole team is dead, when he couldn't save anyone couldn't even keep a single person alive, as they fell like flies to some curse, a punishment for his mistakes– he's sure
It feels so wrong– but they still pass. Past danzö, past tenzöu, past itachi and past the massacre, past his eviction, past everything, each moment so fleeting (each memory so real)
He's 13 when Minato-sensei puts him ANBU, when he ties the red knot and for the first time, becomes hound, the first of what feels like an entire lifetime–
He's 23 when he's evicted, when he can no longer be hound, even when that felt like all he ever was. all he'd ever be
Then he's 26 and the Sandaime gives him team 7, tells Kakashi to train them (why? didn't he see what happened last time?) 
Kakashi doesn't want to meet his soulmate, or at least he doesn't want to discover them– not until he dies–
 he would never let anyone know, not over his dead body, but going on missions terrified him, sent his mind flying in a haze
(They could be an enemy, Kakashi could be the one to kill them again)
But nothing happens, even as years pass by, their identity remains unknown (sometimes he wonders if it's Gai, if he'll lose another soulmate as he loses another loved one– someone he can't imagine life without, someone who's always been there, who he treasures so deeply) 
(hah, wouldn't that be cruel?)
Kakashi starts to believe he'll really be the one dying, Shinobi don't live long lives, he's near the end of his, most likely
Then there's Sasuke, Orochimaru, the Akatsuki, Tobi, madara, the war
And then, 
there is Obito
Obito, Obito who he thought had been dead for 18 years, Obito who he mourned everyday, who he told everything to, Obito who was his hero (Obito who was the number one public enemy now, hah, isn't that cruel?)
And Kakashi understands (maybe he'd never been wrong, after all. Maybe he had always know then, of course he had)
He understands.
(Why are you leaving me again? I thought– I don't want this!)
(A forceful, saddened smile, a gasped chuckle as he came apart right in front of him– disintegrated–
Oh, he says, it was you)
I'll probably post day 3 tomorrow, i ended up struggling with it, i wrote two different things in preparation but didn't like either so I scrapped them, then yesterday I wrote something else but didn't like that either, then i settled on something and ended up getting too excited with the drawing and trying to finish it and... Yeah
But, uh, here's few Obito doodles because I'm tired and haven't got any drawings of him posted yet!
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fooltofancy · 2 years
five in the morning, post zenos+babymode wips
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valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
I need that Mizuki card... And if I don't get it (which is most likely to happen) I need to find a video with the side story because... !!!!!!!!! I need to hear more on their thoughts at the moment, my footprint your destination has done so much and it's shows and I'm just... GOD THEM ;-;
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