#lisa frank mask
I was trying to phase out Ulta with the exception of some online orders here or there but I got a gift card for Christmas so I’m platinum again for 2023
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perfectsunlight · 5 months
warnings: minor manipulation, language, mentions of alcohol, toxic behavior
word count: 1.8k
part of the series: LOGICAL
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lisa’s birthday party was supposed to be something worth smiling about. however, a permanent frown seemed to be etched onto Y/N’s face from the moment they arrived.
the bass boosted and the young point guard swirled the red solo cup in her hand, watching as her girlfriend stood in a circle with chaeyoung and a few of the other girls from the volleyball team. lisa’s arm was wrapped around the blonde’s shoulders in a lazy fashion, laughing at whatever comment chaeyoung just made.
the vibrant lights that adorned the party venue cast shifting shadows across her face as she observed the scene before her. her eyes, usually filled with a sparkle, now held a glint of hurt and confusion.
lisa had been the center of Y/N's world for what felt like an eternity. 
ever since they were paired up on the first day of training freshman year, lisa was the only thing she could focus on.
the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she breathed next to her in bed when she slept, and even the way she smelled after a shower. 
lisa was not just her life, she was everything in her life as well.
from morning practices to late night lifting sessions, Y/N was always around her girlfriend. it was a different dynamic having her cousin on the same team as her girlfriend, and with her mom as the coach. but Y/N found it somehow endearing, finding comfort in the fact that she got to share the well loved sport in her family with the love of her life.
when they were on the court, lisa’s attention was always on Y/N. every pass and play consisted of the two working together and being each other’s right hands. there wasn’t a single win in YGU’s books that was done without the efforts of the two girls.
however, once they were off the court, it was a different story.
chaeyoung was the reason Y/N felt like she was third wheeling in her own relationship.
park chaeyoung, with her blonde hair and effortless beauty, had effortlessly woven herself into lisa's life after they met in different classes they had together. 
from the sidelines, Y/N had watched their friendship blossom over the years. at first, it was endearing—a friendship between two athletes, something that seemed innocent enough. but as time passed, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics whenever chaeyoung was around.
her girlfriend was an entirely different person around the volleyball player.
lisa's laughter would ring a little louder, her smiles a touch brighter when in the blonde’s company. they shared inside jokes, lingering gazes, and an inexplicable closeness that left Y/N feeling like an outsider in her own relationship.
while Y/N had never caught the two in any compromising situations, the unease had settled in her mind like an unwelcome guest. the innocent interactions between them often stirred a whirlwind of doubt and insecurity within Y/N. 
she found herself second-guessing every conversation, dissecting every smile exchanged between her girlfriend and the blonde.
to be frank, it was driving Y/N insane.
there were numerous fights about it, both somi and yena being witnesses to the hours of yelling and shouting. lisa always insisted nothing was going on, but Y/N could not believe that.
not entirely, at least.
it wasn't jealousy, not entirely. it was the lingering fear of losing the person who meant the world to her. 
the young girl’s heart ached with the weight of uncertainty, the constant worry that perhaps lisa's connection with chaeyoung ran deeper than mere friendship, even if her girlfriend would never admit it.
the point guard was drawn out of her thoughts when yena took a seat next to her on the couch, sighing dramatically as she pulled her roommate in for a side hug.
“what’s that look for?” yena asked over the music, already knowing the answer was standing 10 feet away.
the brunette forced a smile, trying to mask the tumult of emotions raging within her. “nothing really. just enjoying the party,” she replied, the words tasting bitter in her mouth as she tried to feign enthusiasm.
her roommate arched an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through the facade Y/N was desperately trying to uphold. she never understood why she still tried to hide the obvious from her.
 “yeah right,” she retorted knowingly. “i can practically see the storm clouds hovering over your head from here.”
sighing softly, Y/N leaned in closer to yena, her voice barely audible above the music. “it's lisa and chaeyoung,” she confessed, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability.
yena's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes as she cast a glance towards the duo engaged in conversation across the room. “ah, those two,” she remarked, her tone tinged with empathy. “they've been inseparable lately.”
“it's driving me crazy,” Y/N confessed, her voice filled with a hint of resignation. “i feel like i'm constantly second to her. it's not like lisa can’t have friends, but this just feels different.”
yena nodded in understanding, her hand offering a comforting squeeze to Y/N's shoulder. “have you talked to the demon about how you're feeling?” yena asked gently, her concern still evident even in her sarcastic tone.
“yes, and it ends the same way every time.” the point guard huffed, taking an angry sip from her drink before grimacing at the taste.
the girl next to her chuckled before taking the cup from her hand and setting it on the nearby table. “okay, enough of that.” yena’s figure stood up, dragging the other girl with her. 
she was determined to take matters into her own hands. “alright, time for operation confrontation,” she announced with faux enthusiasm, her smirk betraying her playful intent.
before the other girl could protest or comprehend what her roommate meant, yena grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the couch. without giving Y/N a chance to object, yena guided her through the crowd, weaving through dancing bodies until they reached where lisa and chaeyoung stood engaged in conversation.
lisa's eyes met Y/N's for a brief moment, but before any meaningful exchange could happen, yena intervened with calculated boldness.
 “yo lisa, happy birthday!” she shouted, her tone laced with faux enthusiasm. she knew lisa was drunk enough to not comprehend the difference. 
lisa blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by yena's sudden interruption. “uh, thank you,” she replied, glancing at Y/N with a hint of confusion before her gaze shifted back to chaeyoung. whenever yena ever spoke to her, it was usually in the form of cursing and throwing things.
Y/N felt a pang of disappointment as her girlfriend’s attention drifted back to chaeyoung after a brief acknowledgement. the ache in her chest deepened as she watched chaeyoung subtly steer lisa's focus away from the brewing conversation by fixing the jacket her girlfriend was wearing.
it made her want to drag lisa out of her own birthday party and wisk her away to some foreign country with no other people except the two of them. perhaps an island, or even somewhere like greenland.
despite the disappointment, Y/N felt a mix of emotions swirling within her—a sense of frustration, hurt, and a growing annoyance at chaeyoung's deliberate interference. she couldn't shake off the feeling that chaeyoung's actions were intentionally undermining any chance of communication between lisa and herself.
the point guard shifted and forced a genuine smile on her lips as she leaned into her girlfriend’s chest, inhaling her familiar cologne. lisa didn’t take her focus off of the blonde in front of her, nodding along to whatever it was she was saying while gently nudging Y/N off of her.
Y/N's heart sank as lisa's attention remained fixated on the other woman, despite Y/N's attempt to seek comfort in her girlfriend's embrace. 
trying to hide her disappointment, Y/N straightened herself, feigning a nonchalant demeanor. she masked her inner turmoil behind the mask of a casual smile, though the ache within her intensified with each passing moment.
“don’t do that while i’m talking, babe.” lisa chuckled, eyes still on chaeyoung before sparing a quick glance at her girlfriend. 
the blonde girl chuckled along with lisa before raising an eyebrow, quickly eyeing Y/N up and down. “is that your girlfriend?” 
the basketball player hummed in response, gently patting Y/N’s cheek in a dismissive manner. “yup.”
Y/N didn’t know how to describe the look park chaeyoung gave her. it wasn’t malice, annoyance, or jealousy. chaeyoung's gaze held a peculiar mix of indifference and subtle dismissal. it wasn't a direct confrontation or a harsh glance; it was a cold, distant demeanor that seemed to cut through Y/N's attempt to engage. 
her silence spoke volumes, a silent assertion of dominance or perhaps an intentional act to disregard Y/N's presence.
as the interaction continued, Y/N felt a knot form in her stomach, a rising sense of frustration at being sidelined and dismissed. she struggled to comprehend the volleyball player’s behavior—was it a deliberate attempt to assert her influence over lisa, or was it merely an innocent display of friendship that inadvertently left Y/N feeling excluded?
despite the confusion and the subtle discomfort, Y/N tried to maintain a composed facade. she attempted to brush off the blonde’s disregard, but the weight of her actions lingered heavily in the air.
lisa, caught in the middle of the exchange, seemed oblivious to the present tension. “i think you two could be close friends. the three of us can hang out soon.” the basketball star stated casually, taking a swig of her drink before glancing back at chaeyoung. “we’ll be off next weekend i think. depends if we have to watch film.”
however, chaeyoung's response was a simple, nonchalant shrug. “dunno, i’m pretty busy. anyway let’s go get punch, i heard it’s drowning in vodka.” 
without another word, she reached for lisa's hand, gently tugging her away from Y/N's side. the blonde's actions were subtle yet definitive, a clear message that their conversation was over and that she had claimed lisa's attention.
as lisa followed chaeyoung's lead, Y/N stood there, feeling a mixture of frustration, hurt, and a growing sense of realization. the manner in which chaeyoung effortlessly redirected lisa's attention away from Y/N highlighted the undeniable hold she had over her girlfriend.
it was becoming increasingly evident that chaeyoung's influence over her girlfriend was something that was clearly never going to change. 
yena rolled her eyes as she swung an arm around her roommate’s shoulder, ignoring the urge to suddenly kick lisa in the back of the head. she never understood how Y/N puts up with the basketball star, but she didn’t bother breaking her brain to think about it.
all she did know was that lisa never deserved Y/N, not even once.
“come on, let’s go find yuqi. we can go get ice cream.”
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TAGLIST ⸺ ✭ @silantryoo @rosiehrs @niniwhiskers @cwpiqwon @jisooftme @1luvkarina @scarfac3 @santasbitch @lisas-earlobe @wallfl9wer @aerihiltonn @unforgivenangel @uzumakioden @skydreamed @haerinfangs @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @haerinkisser @giginings @lilsvx @milanlaia @pandafuriosa60
OPEN!! comment below the masterlist to be added.
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a/n: i finally updated....el oh el
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spook-is-spooked · 30 days
Lisa Frankenstein Theories (spoilers kinda)
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I'm making this a post because my response is way to long. This is gonna be all over the place but bear with me I have a lot of thoughts
I really like your theory about the shirts, and I do agree that Lisa probably does have resentment towards her father for the situation but personally I think the resentment is more in the context of hating him for not being there when it happened, for remarrying so fast, for moving her away from her home and school, for neglecting her emotionally and not supporting her, for favoring his new step daughter over her while she's dealing with all of this, etc. I don't think its to imply that the actual murder itself is his fault or that he did it but rather Lisa's inability to move on is his fault. I do think the clothing is a very very important part of this film but in a slightly different way. In the scene where we see the killer, he's wearing a very dark sweater with some light patches, which I feel like just match the aesthetic of the bride of Frankenstein mask. Overall, his outfit is very dark and moody which is a harsh contrast from Lisa and her mom in this scene. We see them wearing very bright, light, colorful clothing which goes hand in hand with how we see Lisa being happy and playful and laughing and talking with her mom. Lisa obviously was much more healthy and well adjusted and had a much easier time connecting with people before this happened. In the rest of the movie, we see the dad, Taffy, Janet, and most of the town dressed in very bright and colorful, for lack of a better term "normal" clothing. As well as the entire house is ridiculously colorful and bright, bordering on a Lisa Frank sticker pack.
I think this bright colorful aesthetic all around her and her dad being a part of it is symbolism for how they want Lisa to be a happy, bubbly, regular girl and completely move on and forget her trauma. She isn't given any opportunity to process her trauma, talk about it, feel it, etc. She's expected to get over it and go back to being completely normal. I think this is why she's drawn to Michael Trent, him and his friend (the other goth girl who's name I forgot) are the only people in the town who aren't phased by her differences and he shows some interest even in her weird dark moodiness. Throughout the movie, we obviously see Lisa's style choices become darker and moodier, creeping closer and closer to the aesthetic of the killer rather than the family and the town. One detail I really love is how the Creature actually encourages her to wear the darker outfits and absolutely adores every aspect of her, dark or light. I think Lisa's change in aesthetic is to show how not being able to process her trauma cause her to internalize it and become it. The clothing is a part of her becoming the axe murder. I think a big theme of this movie is that when trauma and abuse aren't processed it turns into a cycle instead. I've seen a lot of people say that we see Lisa become herself when she meets the Creature and starts dressing and acting differently, and in a way I think she does, but not her old self like everyone wants her to be. It's too late for her to ever get back there. Like she says "time is the thing that takes you further away from the place where you were happy". The opportunity to heal properly was taken from her. But she is able to find a new self and that new self is built out of her trauma. The Creature sees her for her, wounds and broken bits included and loves every part of her and listens to her and doesn't try to stop her from being dark and crazy he just lets her exist and absolutely adores her and so much of their love story, for me, revolves around him being the one person who lets her just exist and doesn't expect anything from her. This part might be a little bit of a reach but I think the name of the movie and the wax rubbing she does on the grave is another symbol of this whole thing. The name is a play on "Lisa Frank", representing the bright colorful neon vibe that they want her to be a part of but it ends with "enstein", almost mocking the first part like "she's Lisa Frank...enstein." She'll never be what they expect of her because there's this trauma following her around. In the scene, you can even see the two parts of the name are separated and she's adding on the enstein part to hint at this in a foreshadowing way.
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I feel like I explained all this terribly but long story short Lisa dark and moody because she is trauma/axe murder now, town and house and family bright and colorful because they're SO normal and want her to be normal like them, dad bright and colorful because he is part of problem
so shirt colors = dad bad but for.. other reasons???
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My Spidersona's Fighting Style (in Gifs):
Got this idea from the lovely @hrhmimieucliffe who has THE BEST OC and THE BEST ART jkfgjjkhgdfkg
I know the TikTok Trend is one gif only but i don't respect tiktok and I don't take orders neither does he
Derby Demolition -
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This ain't all Disco-dancing and party-prancing - Diane LOVES Roller Derby too. And growing up in a house full of older-'brothas', Diane knows how to tussle.
More into Impact Play, you're more likely to catch an elbow to the teeth rather than a web to the face.
Diane punches, trips, headbutts, elbows, shoves, chokeholds - you name it, she'll do it. And her main weapon are her skates.
Diane is known to fight 'feet-first', with lots of kicks, and her skates are like her brass knuckles.
Getting kicked in the face with the truck (metal part) of her skates, you're 100% coming out of it with a broken nose. Lots of criminals in 1294 has crooked noses for a reason, ouch.
The Speed -
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Diane's biggest asset is her speed.
Categorized by Lyla's systems as a 'Speedster Spider', like Jessica Drew - Diane belongs to a class of Spider's known for showing up fast and ending fights quick.
If you're on foot, on bike, in a car - you're not out-running her. If you're on land - you're not out-gunning her. If she wants to catch you, she's on your ass like white on rice.
People don't expect much from the skates - but surprisingly, she avoids much of the typical issues most Speedsters do. No gas tank to worry about, no loud engine, no need to stick to streets, can't be knocked off them - plus she can stick to freaking walls.
She's a speed power-house all by herself.
With Super-strength and training, Diane has legs stronger than Serena Williams on steroids. Using tactics to pick up speed, flips, skating on walls, and holding on to cars, Diane can clock up to 85-100mph (130-160kph) - almost twice as fast as the top speed skater, or a bit over the world's fastest pitch, doing this by using her webs as a slingshot for her.
She's fucking fast.
Style Points -
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If you're gonna do it, do it well, am I right?
Diane is all for the style points - often pulling flips, axel spins, and turns from figure skating.
Part function and Part flair - Diane does this to pick up velocity while skating, or she'll attach one of her gold bangles to a web, spinning rapidly to swing it around her.
But it's also for fun. Like most Spider-people, she loves to show off and talk back during battle, and doing flips are her way of running circles around a villain.
You're a hardened criminal with malicious intent but you're getting your ass-beat by a walking Lisa Frank sticker, PLUS she's listening to Rick James on a Walkman, PLUS she's doing Olympic flips and shit.
This has become an in-joke with her fans.
From a New York where the neighborhoods are split into strict 'Police-Managed' and Black Panther territories - the general opinion of the public is pretty split on Disco-Spider because of it. At the very least, J.Jonah - a more militant Black Panther radio host - seems to think she's conceited and a 'lost sista'. Whatever, Hotep.
But one of the symbols of support for Disco-Spider is a simple white sign with a ten on it - like figure skating judges.
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Created by Disco's supporters at the Discos and Queer Clubs she protects from police - the signs give Diane 10 out of 10's on style points.
Likewise, Black-Owned shops in the area can display a small '10' sign in their window to show they're under Disco's protection, along with '10' stickers on sign posts that are placed in areas she's considered to watch and patrol.
Disco and her supporters call her territory 'Disco's Haus', often referring to Disco as 'MamaDisco', though - they don't know Diane's really only 20. For their safety, most of them do not know who she is, and Disco might attend queer balls and discos masked. Though she usually just goes as plain-ol (yeah right) Diane.
Isn't it crazy that Diane ALWAYS misses it when Disco is here? Bummer.
10 outta 10 she's a bad bitch
UMMM If you read this far thank you SO MUCH I LOVE SHARING THIS SO MUCH
And I'd love to see more people do this!
If you're down for it - show your sona's fighting style in 3 gifs (or more, or less, no rules!!)
I wanna see the type of woop ass we gonna release on Miguel
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onskepa · 2 months
Whole new exposure
Helloooooooooo everyone! So for this fic, I decided to combine two requests since it makes so much sense to me, and also for how opposite they are to each other. Here are the requests!
Request A: can you do Sully family or Na’vi with a goth reader? this is the same person who asked for the goth reader. I know Slipknot and korn isn’t goth but can like can the reader listen to them or just metal?
Request B: can you please do Sully family with a gyaru reader?
Now I had to do a lot of research about the Gyaru culture since I don't know SHIT about it. But hopefully this fic is enjoyable for everyone!
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The sully kids all huddled on their family couch, peaking out to see the house across the street. It was a nice house, a two story home recently renovated. Only a few days into the market and in a snap it was sold. Today was the day the Sully family got new neighbors. Moving trucks were starting to pull up on the drive way, movers beginning to put furniture and other stuff inside. 
“You think they have kids?” Tuk asks as she shares her snack with spider. The blonde boy in question shrugs, “who knows tuktuk, but I hope they are nice” he says. Everyone nods in agreement. 
“Oh, maybe they are like lawyers or some big boss to afford to live in this neighborhood” lo’ak says. True to it, they live in a nice neighborhood that is upscale, calm and quiet. 
“Who knows, but remember what mom and dad said. We have to give our new neighbors the full Sully welcome, " Neteyam says. And as they all watched, a van pulled up to the driveway and four people walked out. There they were, their new neighbors. 
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“What in Eywa’s name are those?” Kiri asks as she stares at the new neighbors. Well, two of them to be more specific. The new neighbors consisted of a mother, a father, and two daughters that seem to be around her and lo’ak’s age. 
 “Maybe instead of staring at them like creeps, we should go and greet ourselves? The cookies are ready so why not do it now?” Spider suggests. A small moment of silence passed before the siblings reached a conclusion. 
“Fine, but I swear if that creepy girl appears in my nightmares, I'm moving to grandma’s” Lo’ak says as he stares at one of the girls. Tuk runs happily to get her tray of cookies she baked with the help of Kiri and their mother. Already imagining how she will greet her new neighbors. 
“Come on baby bro, lets go greet them” neteyam says as he pats lo’aks shoulder. Grunting out his mask, when really he was just as excited as everyone else. So everyone prepares the needed welcoming and make their way to their new neighbors home. 
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The sully kids were really at a loss for words. Tuk, who is even the more social butterfly among the siblings, couldn't find the words to greet them back. 
Because the new neighbors were nothing like what they expected. Two girls stood in front of them. One of them had exaggerated bleach blonde hair with massive curls, decorated in prettys bows. Tan skin, save for the pale areas around the eyes. Light pink lip color, Lisa frank esk style with multiple colors and animal patterns and fuzzy shoes. Long colorful nails with various patterns and beaded gems and glitter.
The other was the complete opposite. 
Super pale skin, black lipstick color, dark eyeshadow, dark goth clothing with a band shirt of the classical band “Slipknot”. Chains on her skirt and dont forget her massive 5 inch boots with belts all over it. Choker around her neck and more belt bracelets. Long but sharp black nails with a more simple tone yet so shiny. 
“Um…hi, welcome to our neighborhood….” Spider said out slowly, still trying to process what he is seeing. 
The hyper pink girl gladly took the tray of cookies that tuk offered. “Thank you so much Nya~!” 
“Stop it”
“Make me”
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“Sorry for the mess, we are still unpacking” the goth girl says as she opens the doors for the sully kids. Everyone walks inside to see the house, clearly it has been renovated and the smell of fresh pain along with stacks of boxes and unopened stuff laying around. 
“What are your names?” the pink girl asks. And everyone introduces themselves just like how their parents taught them in a polite manner. 
“What are your names??” Tuk asks, her nervousness went away. The goth girl pointed at herself, “you can call me ‘Zila’”. 
The pink girl snickered a bit, holding in a laugh, “yeah, like godzilla”. 
Zila slapped her sister on the shoulder, making the pink girl squeak in surprise. “Shut up, you know it means something else”. 
Kiri looked at the pink girl and smiles, “what about you?” she asks. 
With a small twirl on her hair, the pink girl happily answers “You can call me Asobi”. Zila rolled her eyes, “Junko would have been much better” she says. Asobi taps her sisters head like a kid, “nope, Asobi is leagues better than her”. 
A few seconds of silence passes by.
“So…. want a tour of our place?” Zila asks. 
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After a couple of minutes touring their home, kiri took note that in the living area, kitchen, and guest bathrooms were all surprisingly normal. Neutral colors of greens and browns, giving a peaceful, calm vibes to the place. Something Kiri has come to like. 
“So that concludes our home” Zila says as she claps her hands in a swinging manner. Asobi stands beside her, rolling her heels back and forth. 
“Nu uh! What about your rooms? I wanna see” Tuk whines while stomping her feet. Neteyam was quick to shush her, even picking her up. “Sorry about my sister, she can be a bit nosey in places where she isn't supposed to be” Neteyam apologizes on tuk’s behalf. 
Asobi giggled a bit, going over to playfully pinch tuk’s cheeks, making tuk laugh a bit in return. “It's ok, we dont mind showing our room. Come here sweet pea” neteyam easily hands tuk over to Asobi as she happily accepts the child. Zila shrugs, not really caring at the moment. “Come on, back to the hall” Zila guided the group. 
Lo’ak sighs and walks up to asobi, “you don't have to give into her every whim. She is already spoiled by everyone in the family” he kindly warns. Tuk narrows her eyes on lo’ak as she sticks her tongue out at him. Making lo’ak doing the same in return. This little antic made Asobi giggles again. She pats tuk’s head, “its ok, Tuk is the baby of your family right? She deserves to be spoiled like a princess”. Tuk happily agreed with her statement. 
Down the hall they reached two doors. One was painted black with crimson accent trims, the other door was pink with light pinkish white trims. 
“Soooo…which one do you guys want to see?” Zela asks. The sully kids took a moment, having a silent conversation. 
“That one” They all said in unison. Kiri and neteyam were pointing at Zila’s door, while spider and tuk were pointing at Asobi’s room. Lo’ak was pointing at both of the doors. The two sisters looked at each other then back at the five kids. Asobi puts tuk down and both do a quick rock-paper-scissors game, Asobi wins, thus opening her door first. 
“Welcome to my-” 
“Candy core rotten teething hell of a room-” 
Asobi enters her room, expanding her arms to show the full view of her room. And the Sully kids were having mixed reactions. 
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“Oh wow….”
“It's sooo…..”
Tuk, without hesitation, ran inside of Asobi’s bedroom and danced around, letting out another round of laughs and admiring every little thing. “It's like a princess room!” she shouts in excitement. Kiri inwardly hissed, “tuk! Don't go into her room like that!” she scolds, but Asobi shrugs. “It's ok, she seems to have fun anyways” Asobi says, “come on, you’re welcomed in” she encourages. 
Walking over, Asobi starts to show some items to tuk, to which the child happily admires every bit. It was like a dream bedroom! 
To kiri, it looked like a unicorn vomited everywhere. She can already smell the cotton candy scent emitting from the pink room. While it is cute, and definitely something Tuk would love to have, its way too much. Lo’ak and spider believed they would have pink eyes from so much pink going on. Neteyam being polite, rather than not having much opinion about the pink hell heaven room.
“So what is your room like?” Lo’ak asks to Zila. A little huff escapes her black lips and smirk forms. “Welcome to my little peace and quiet” Zila says while she opens her door.
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If the outfits weren't enough to tell just how different the girls were, the rooms were a definite confirmation. Unlike Asobi’s chaotic room, Zila’s room gave away a sense of calmness but definit not a full chill, comfy place either. 
“You guys are welcome to come in too, nothing here will bite you” Zila says as she lays on her bed.
“What about scaring us?” Spider says in a nervous manner. There were two creepy looking dolls near the window. Something straight out of a paranormal horror movie. Zila looks over at her dolls. “Oh them, don't worry. I checked if they were haunted when I bought them. They aren't” she answers. 
Lo’ak raised an eyebrow, why does she sound so disappointed? 
Kiri looks around from the doorway, peeking in. It was a bit cold in Zila’s room, but less noisy and minimal stuff going on. 
“Got music to play? Its pretty quiet” lo’ak asks. Neteyam hit him on the back of the head, making lo’ak groan. “I have CD’s on that shelf, knock yourself out”. 
“Slipknot, slipknot, Black Veil Brides, slipknot, Rosetta Stone, Bauhaus, the cute, Pierce the Veil, ACDC, slipknot, within temptation, leaves eyes, oh, even baby metal” spider was listing off many band names of Zila’s collection. So say she wasn't picky in what she likes. And clearly a big fan of Slipknot with how many albums she has. 
“Yeah, still exploring different alternatives” Zila’s replies as she paints lo’aks nails black. Neteyam was chilling in her black velvet couch as he takes in all the stuff she has and the vibes she accomplished. However his curiosity was cut short when tuk and Asobi entered the room. 
“Look look! Asobi gave me a makeover!” Tuk happily shouted. Her braids were full of cute little bows, every color you can imagine, a rainbow tutu with way too many bracelets on each arm. And light colored makeup, only a bit of eyeshadow and pink rosey dust on her cheeks. “And she gave me a manicure!” showing off tuk’s nails which were a mix of blue and pink. 
Tuk skips over to her siblings to show off her new looks, kiri looks over at Asobi with a slight concern expression. “Don't worry, the makeup is vegan, and the nail polish can be easily wash away in a few hours” Asobi treasures. “Oh yeah, that's one thing you can count on. Any makeup, nail polish, other products, it's all vegan and certified animal cruelty free”  Zila informs as she finishes lo’ak’s nails. 
“Huh….thats actually nice” Kiri mutters. Tuk twirls around and sees Zila’s old Victorian doll house. Quietly she goes over to the girl and nervously asks “can…can I play with it?”. 
Neteyam sighs and leans forward to reach out for tuk, “come on tuk, you already had enough-” 
“Yeah sure go ahead” Zila happily answers. 
Neteyam slightly frowned at that, only for zila to smile at him a bit smugly. “What? She is the baby, no?” zila asks in a bit of a playful mockery. Turning to tuk, zila says “if there is anything you want tuk, just ask alright? No need to be scared”. Tuk nodded happily and went on to play with the doll house. 
Spider rubbed his chin as he observed Asobi and Zila chatting about something. Seeing how they behave and still wonder how the hell they are related. 
“Are you two really sisters?” spider asks so suddenly. Lo’ak and kiri were quick to hit him on the head, “SPIDER/BRO!” the two shouted in unison. Spider hissed from the pain he received but was quick to defend himself, “what? C’mon! They are totally different! I get it! Kiri and I are different too but we have similar styles and shit! So it's really confusing to me!”. 
Asobi lets out a fit of laughter, holding her stomach as she falls back on zila’s bed. Zila on the other hand was covering her mouth to hide her laughter. Spider couldn't help but blush a little, did he make a fool of himself? 
“Oh my…!! Hahahaha! Oh boy this will never ever get old..!! Pfft….HAHAHA” Asobi let out another round of laughter. 
“Indeed, it still amazes me that people are still unconvinced” Zila agrees. After a few minutes, the sisters calmed down. “Hey, how about some tea? All this talking is drying my throat” Zila suggests. Everyone agrees and heads to the kitchen to prepare some tea. 
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Everyone sat down in the half empty living room with foldable chairs and one plastic covered couch. Having a few sips of green tea, all the excitement slowly calming down.
“So to answer your question spider…” zila says first, dragging a bit of her sentence. Asobi sits next to zila, in a criss-cross manner. Her hands warm from her tea cup, “we are most definitely related” Asobi answers. However, doubt is still there. 
“Look, we get the same reaction all the time. Yes our styles are very different, yes our manners are different, and yes our vibes are basically the opposite of each other” Zila goes on to say. 
“But that is it. That is the limit. Just because our lifestyles are different, that doesn't mean our blood makes it just as different. We were born and raised in the same way, neither of us are better than the other. We just like our own styles” Asobi finishes. 
“Yup. My style is alternative goth” Zila points at her clothes, Asobi does the same “and my style is gyaru. We Like to go all the way, down to our way of sleeping and living” Asobi explains. 
“But why…?” Tuk asks. 
“Why not?” the sisters as in unison. 
“Much like how you guys have your own style, so do we. Our styles define who each of us our, and live it like that” 
“We like what we do and not be swayed by the normies”. 
“We live like how we want to live” 
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“Kids come down, they will be here any minute so get your act together” Jake shouts from the kitchen. It was evening as he and neytiri prepared the dining room, making sure that they looked their best for the arriving guests. 
Upstairs in game room where the sully siblings were at, all checking each other that no a hair was out of place. Yet at the same time they were each holding a different amount of guilt. 
“Were we too mean or rude…?” Lo’ak asks. Clearly asking the question everyone was thinking. “I want to say no but…we might have” Kiri answers. Neteyam scratches the back of his head, “Tomorrow we should apologize, it's the right thing to do” he suggests. Silently everyone agrees, and with that, they all head downstairs. 
And right on time as well. 
As the last sully reached the living room, the door bell was heard. 
“Show time” Jake says as he opens the door. 
New voices were heard, neytiri and jake greeting whoever came. 
“Come come, meet our children” Neytiri says a bit loudly, signaling her children to stand up. 
And entering the living room was a family of four. A man, a woman, and two identical daughters. Exact same hair color, same facial features, wearing wine red long sleeve summer dresses with matching black shoes.
“Hello children, I am Mr. Obeni, my wife Mrs. Obeni, and our lovely twin daughters, Zila and Asobi” 
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Sorry if this took a bit, had to keep going back to make sure I got the goth and Gyaru culture down. However I like how this turned out, until next time! See ya!
Zila = Meaning “shadow” in Hebrew
Asobi = from the anime "Lords or Pastimers"
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 2 months
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So, I was originally supposed to go to the grocery store only yesterday, but Stiles and Derek wanted to tag along. And they wanted to look around at other stores, which led to some interesting discoveries! >>> Stiles was really intrigued by the Cheetos and Doritos bath bombs (FYI, they are actually orange and blue raspberry scented, and are are also Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms bath bombs in the bottom of the stack). Derek was not impressed, and I'm glad he also agreed with me that these sound horrifying and also WHY?! 😭 >>> Derek somehow found himself in a pool of Rubix Cubes (aka mints). >>> Meanwhile, Stiles wanted to pose with the Dundies (candies). Which Dundie would he get if he was part of The Office? Snarkiest Little Shit in the Office Award? 😂🏆 >>> Okay, so these dummies told me if I was going to spend some time looking around, I might as well treat myself. So, I did with face masks and sweets. YAY! >>> Look what Stiles found?!!! Lisa Frank sticker sheets! He definitely begged for me to snag these for nostalgia's sake, so yeah, I caved. Derek thinks they're tacky with all the rainbows vomiting everywhere. Also, I think he developed a headache from looking at all the stickers. >>> Sterek enjoying a sweet treat (aka an ice cream Chococat)! (I'm also LOLing about this adventure as many shots were undocumented since a. having them pose in a store was weird enough, b. I must have looked sketchy AF, and c. I got a couple of skeptical looks from people so I had to chose deserted areas selectively for the shots I did manage to get. I'm still sad I missed out on getting Derek and Stiles near the dog section...what a lost opportunity to make dog jokes. 😝🐶) Grocery shopping was uneventful, but Stiles did convince me to get a box of chicken nuggets, because heyyy, no one can say no to a damn good deal for a big box of homemade ones! 🍗 (Also, I am still a child, apparently) If you’d like to follow Sterek on more mini adventures, stay updated with the #stereksmolshots tag!
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deadbydangit · 9 months
Dead by Daylight: Adventures in Texting.
Chapter 2
Since the first one was so popular, I thought I'd try to do another. Not as good as the first, but I tried.
Evan: I'm not mad, I just want to know who did it.
Herman: It was not me this time.
Amanda: I want to know how it was done in the first place.
Philip: I didn't think fire could spread that fast.
[Deathslinger] has changed his name to [Caleb]
Caleb: Finally getting used to this piece of shit.
Caleb: Ten bucks the damned masked brats did it.
Philip: I don't know, this seems more like a Danny thing.
Sally: Oh God, what happened this time?
Lisa: How the Hell do you not see the giant fire in the Redwood Forest?
BIGDENERGY: First off, she's been patching me up, assholes. Second, fuck you tree man.
Frankie: Anna's gonna be pissed!
Philip: Tree man?
Evan: Ignore him. Let's focus on the problem here.
Rin: In the forest? I see smoke in Ormond.
Frankie: Yeah, we could use some help putting it out.
BIGDENERGY: Get wrecked.
Amanda: So there's a fire in Ormond too?
Caleb: Those kids are idiots.
Jules: Fuck you old man! We didn't set our own house on fire!
Anna: Who did it?
Max: need help. house on fire.
Sally: This is getting out of hand.
Ji-Woon: I won't be buying fireworks from the Entity again.
Max: why use fireworks
Ji-Woon: Uh, for my performance, duh.
Lisa: And the plot twists.
Frankie: Get wrecked asshole.
BIGDENERGY: Fuck autocorrect and fuck you Legion boy.
Sally: Can we focus on putting the fires out please?
Rin: I'm coming.
Philip: On my way.
Evan: I don't think we have a choice in this.
Lisa: I get that you did it for a performance and shit. But, like, what performance?
Ji-Woon: A private one that only the privileged get to attend.
Amanda: So… you put on a show, for yourself?
[Ji-Woon has left the chat]
Herman: Chaos, my old friend. How I've missed you.
Frank: I hate this place.
BIGDENERGY: It hates you too. Lol, get wrecked.
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bsideminibang · 8 months
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Title: I Had Some Time (With You)
Author: @songliili
Artist: @keikakudom
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Warnings: Major Character Death
Tags: Inspired by The Last of Us, Episode: s01e03 Long Long Time (The Last of Us), The Last of Us Spoilers, (in a way), Croatoan Virus, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Survivalist Dean, Recluse Dean Winchester, (ex), Teacher Castiel, Dean is Bill, Cas is Frank, they both die, but they're, Old Dean Winchester, Old Castiel, it's basically, Euthanasia, for cas, Terminally Ill Castiel, Assisted Suicide, and dean follows him, Dean Winchester Dies By Suicide, Suicide by Overdose, briefly mentioned, Past Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester, Past Lisa Braeden/Dean Winchester, Smart Dean Winchester, Closeted Bisexual Dean Winchester, Openly Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Has Internalized Homophobia, Assisted Suicide, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Castiel and Dean Winchester First Meet, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Time Having Sex, Blowjob, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester
Posting Date: September 6
Summary: It's 2005 when things go to hell. Well. They go to hell for everyone except Dean, ‘cause he was ready for it. Well. He was ready for the apocalypse, not for the gorgeous man who fell into his life, quite literally. OR a Destiel rewrite of Bill and Frank's love story as shown on HBO's 'The Las of Us episode 3: Long Long Time' that uses elements of both universes.
Keep reading for an short excerpt:
It’s late morning and Dean is working on one of the fire-throwing traps that lately has been malfunctioning, when the alarm blares in the bunker because one of the hole traps triggered it. Annoyed, because that means that he has to haul up an infected corpse and he’s really not in the mood, Dean picks his favorite rifle, and walks out of the bunker to kill the son of a bitch.
The incriminated trap is only a five minute walk on the North-East side of camp, and close to that gate as well. At least the asshole had the decency to not make Dean walk for too long out of his safe haven. He shuts off the electricity running through the fence and unlocks the gate to go outside, then locks it behind him.
Dean cocks the rifle and raises it to aim before getting to the hole’s edge, when he hears a desperate voice yelling “Wait! I’m not infected!”
Confused, Dean walks the remaining three steps to see who the intruder is.
To be fair, he doesn’t look infected, no. He just looks like the most beautiful man Dean has ever seen. Dark unruly hair with a little bit of gray at his temples and in his long beard, so he’s probably in his 40s or early 50s. Despite the shadow at the bottom of the hole, the man's blue eyes are shining, adorned by crow’s feet, and the laugh lines in his face are still visible under the beard. There’s also a small wrinkle on his forehead just between his eyes. The past three years surely have given the man multiple reasons to furrow.
After two seconds of stunned silence, Dean wears his angry mask, scowling at the stranger from behind the rifle’s viewfinder. It’s not because he wants to see the man’s eyes better, shut up.
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tmntmiceandturtles · 3 months
Tang Raphael
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Raph, shorty, fun-sized, step-ladder, small boy, short one
15 years old
Born October 15, 2008
musk turtle
angry little bitch 
takes care of the cat because no one else wanted to
Gerald (said cat) is his favorite brother
red bandanna mask, t-shirts, shorts, and his beloved MatPat official vegan red leather jacket 
works at Mona Lisa’s convenience store in the Hidden City
best friends with Casey Jones
introduced Casey to Shen
definitely not gay for Casey
bites Casey on a regular basis
Steals Casey’s hoodies even though they’re too big for him
listens to shit like Mindless Self-Indulgence around people 
favorite song is Mary
listens to Frank Sinatra by himself and with Shen
actual favorite song is Fly Me to the Moon
Cisgender (he/him)
Gay (unbeknownst to himself and everyone else)
Favorite color is red
Gerald (the cat)
Gerald, Jerry, Cat, numerous swear words
Raph’s cat
very small and scrawny despite being fed like a king
sits on Raph and Shen’s shoulders
cuddles Donnie when he’s sick
sits on Mikey’s lap when he draws
sits on Shen’s lap whenever she sits down
Eats up all the attention he gets when people are visiting
Voice I’m just gonna go ahead and say Robin from Teen Titans
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deadolloading · 10 months
Presentación de mi perfil, lo que escribo, reglas.
¡Hola pequeña personita! Me presento, soy deadolloading aún que pueden decirme Joven D, Doll, Dolly o como gustes. Mis pronombres son She/Her/Him, ¡Pero puedes decirme como sea!
Mi blog es totalmente en contenido en español, esto es debido a que no se mucho de inglés y hasta que no lo aprenda en su totalidad, no haré contenido en inglés.
El contenido de mi perfil apunta específicamente a todo lo relacionado con fanfics, pequeños escritos míos, etc. Igualmente los fanfics van del famoso Character x Reader o como el famoso Character x T/N.
Personas de cualquier edad, genero, creencia o nacionalidad ¡Es completamente bienvenido! Ya que mi contenido va para todo público ya que me incomoda escribir cualquier cosa NSFW, por lo que todo mi contenido es SFW, en caso de ser lo contrario se pide que no interactúen con esa publicación.
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Requests are open!
Lea esto antes de solicitar cualquier fanfic, headcanon y esas cosas (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Nota: A veces no puedo publicar mucho debido a lo ocupado que suelo estar.
Soy muy imaginativo con headcanons, escenarios/drabbles y es posible que veas mucho de eso en mi perfil, pero nada de fanfics o one-shots y tendrás que esperar mucho tiempo para que haga uno.
Por favor, no envíe hagas spam de solicitudes porque en esos caso no lo haré.
Si no publico un post muy largo, puede ser porque no tengo mucha imaginación en ese momento, disculpas de antemano.
¡El inglés no es mi primer idioma! Así que lo siento mucho por lo que solo escribiré en español.
Cuando pida algo en mi bandeja, por favor dame detalles de lo que quieres, como una parte específica que desea que agregue, qué personaje, género del lector, etc.
Solo puede escribir de 2 a 3 personajes a la vez.
Quiero que este lugar sea seguro tanto para mí como para los lectores.
Tengo todo el derecho a rechazar una solicitud, especialmente si rompe con las reglas que ya tengo.
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Acepto escribir
Relaciones poliamorosas.
Amor, oc x character
No acepto escribir
Pedofilia, zoofilia
Relaciones altamente tóxicas
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Fandoms y personajes para los que escribo !
Phantom of the Opera - MazM
Christine Daae Sorelli Dupont Melek Levni Detective Hatim Eric
Genshin Impact
Sucrose Rosaria Beidou Amber Kaeya Diluc Jean Aloy Lisa
Mario Bros
Princess Peach Princess Daisy Rosalina Pauline Mario Luigi
Baroness Von Bon Bon Chef Saltbaker Cala Maria Hilda Berg
Five Night's at Freddy's
Michael Afton William Afton Henry Emily Clara Afton Animatronics
Sims 4
Elvira Lapida
The Mandela Catalogo
Cesar Torres Mark Heathcliff Adam Murray Jonah Marshall Arcangel Gabriel Alt!Archangel Gabriel Sarah Heathcliff
Popee the Performer
Papi Poppe Eepop Kedamono
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tanjiro Kamado Nezuko Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Muzan Kibutsuji Kagaya Ubuyashiki Kyōjurō Rengoku Obanai Iguro Gyomei Himejima Tengen Uzui Shinjuro Rengoku Mitsuri Kanroji Shinobu Kochō
Welcome Home
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My Hero Academia
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Sakura CardCaptor
Tomoyo Daidōji Tōya Kinomoto Yukito Tsukishiro Maki Matsumoto Nadeshiko Kinomoto Syaoran Li Fujitaka Kinomoto Kaho Mizuki Sakura Kinomoto Clow Reed Caras Clow
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino Rei Hino Makoto Kino Ami Mizuno Minako Aino Haruka Teno Michiru Kaio Setsuna Meio Nephrite Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Kou Seiya Kou Yaten Kou Taiki
Dragon Ball
Gohan Veggetta Piccolo Trunks Broly Androide 18 Androide 17 Whis Krilin
Vilma Dinkley Daphne Blake Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Montgomery Montgomery Violet Baudelaire Klaus Baudelaire Georgina Orwell Justice Strauss Fernald Fiona Kit Snicket Lemony Snicket  Gustav Sebald
Marvel/DC Comics
Solo agregare unos personajes
Doctor Octopus - Spiderman Miguel O'Hara - Spiderman Ghost Spider - Spiderman Spider-Man Noir - Spiderman Doctor Stranger - Marvel Peggy Carter - Marvel Raven - DC Comics Starfire - DC Comics Beast Boy - DC Comics Green Arrow - DC Comics
Moral Orel
Bloberta Puppington Clay Puppington Rod Putty Stephanie Putty Nurse Bendy
The Amazing Digital Circus
Ragatha x Reader Pomni x Reader Caine x Moon Caine x Reader Jax x Reader Gingle x Reader
Otros personajes (serie o película)
Miss Peregrine - Miss Peregrine y el hogar para chicos peculiares Carrie - Carrie 1976 Michael Myers - Halloween Jason Voorhees - Viernes 13 Thomas Hewitt - Masacre en Texas 2006 Ghostface - Danny Johnson Phantom of the Opera - Movie 2004 Blue Diamont - Steven Universe Yellow Diamond - Steven Universe Personajes de Disney - Solo si lo conozco
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⠀⠀ ⠀ Reglas ⛧ ?!
ㅤㅤ⛧ Especificar por favor lo que quieren, no soy adivina. Si quieren cierta situación especifica, ese tipo de cosas ya saben.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Al momento de escribir para lectores, lo diré de una vez, no se mucho de pronombres. Por lo que si quieres de un personaje no binario o algo así, por favor dime como es su uso de pronombres para escribirlo y te sientas cómodo.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Esto totalmente abierta a la idea de escribir OC x Character, para eso pido que en privado me den algo de información de su oc. Alguna ficha, descripción de personalidad y física, ese tipo de cosas.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Pido que me tengan paciencia, suele escribir de forma muy tardada debido a mi gran bloqueo de escritor. Ténganme paciencia, soy nuevo en esto :').
ㅤㅤ⛧ ¡Pueden pedirme cualquier cosa! Romance, platónico, relación padre/madre e hijx, de hermandad, etc.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Por favor, pido respeto ya que esto es como un tipo de pasatiempo para mi. No vengo a molestar a nadie y tampoco vengo a que me molesten. Si no les gusta mi perfil o tienes problemas conmigo, te pido amablemente que dejes mi perfil y con gusto puedes bloquearme.
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Eso sería todo por mi parte, bienvenidos a mi perfil y espero que les guste mi contenido.
¡Nos vemos!
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typingtess · 20 days
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Body Stitchers”
The basics:  Alleged artists and confirmed killers the Body Stitchers are back.
Written by:  Adam G. Key & Frank Military
Adam George Key co-wrote "Monster" with Frank Military, "Searching" with Kyle Harimoto and “Land of Wolves” with Justin Kohlas.  Key also played LAPD Officer Harrison in four episodes in seasons 11 and 12.
Military wrote or co-wrote "Little Angels", "Deliverance", "Lockup", "The Job", "Greed", "Betrayal", "Crimeleon", "Vengeance", "Out of the Past" Part One, "Rude Awakenings" Part Two, season four’s finale "Descent", season five’s premiere "Ascension", "Allegiance", "Spoils of War", "Black Budget", "SEAL Hunter", "Rage", "Unspoken", "Unlocked Mind", "Revenge Deferred", "The Seventh Child", "Crazy Train", "Uncaged", "The Silo", "Monster", "Line in the Sand", season ten opener "To Live and Die in Mexico", "The Patton Project", "Better Angels", "False Flag", "A Bloody Brilliant Plan", "Code of Conduct" "Raising the Dead", "Through the Looking Glass", "Indentured" and “Down the Rabbit Hole”. 
He also appeared as Donald Kessler in "Raising the Dead" and several other episodes in photos.
Directed by:  Suzanne Saltz directed "Outside the Lines", "Murder of Crows", "Sundown" and “MWD”.
Guest stars of note:  Alicia Coppola as FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand, Rob Nagle as Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor, Tobias Jelinek as Bobby Griffin/Wolf, Matt Kelly as Justin Tucker/Clown are all back from “Monster” - that delightful Easter Sunday season nine episode.  Teya Patt as Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask replaces Kerrie Blaisdell who played this role in “Monster”.  Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna is back from “Game of Drones”.  JD Cullum as FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins, Derrick A. King as Michael Jeffries, Adrian Elizondo as Philip Guerrero and Antony Del Rio as Alexander Hughes.
Our heroes:  Try, try, try again.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Away on assignment – he always misses these wacky Body Stitchers. Sam:  Pulled away from the case for a terrorist threat in San Pedro. Kensi:  Not thrilled to be dealing with Cindy Ferguson again.    Deeks:   Not thrilled by any of this. Fatima:   Working late. Rountree:   Heard about the Body Stitchers case in the Academy. Kilbride:  Wants the team to stop whining about losing the bad guys the first time and get them this time.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:   Absent. Sam:   Cleaning up after Arkady in Sam’s own backyard. Kensi:    Working with Agent Rand for a lot of the episode. Deeks:   Working with Sam for a lot of the episode. Fatima:   In charge of freeing the Body Stitchers almost victim. Rountree:  Catches a Body Stitcher on his own. Kilbride:  Warns the team that they can help on this case as long as NCIS doesn’t need them.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  No mention today.
Who's down with OTP:   Not a lot of OTP time today.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Not a BrOTP episode either.
Fashion review:   Black, long-sleeve tee for Sam.  Kensi has on a wine-colored long-sleeve v-neck tee.  Deeks wears a very pale blue/nearly grey henley.  Fatima is wearing a purple turtleneck.  Rountree has on a charcoal grey pullover sweater under a denim jacket with a leather collar.  Admiral Kilbride is in his usual three-piece suit with a pale blue dress shirt and a blue tie with a darker blue paisley tie.   
Music:   “Gravy Train” by Lettuce is playing while Raymond is having breakfast.
Any notable cut scene:   None today.
Quote:  Sam:  “I'm just a government employee.  Explain it to me.” Ferguson:  “He's a great master, like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Renoir.  These humans who changed the world with their imagination and a pencil.” Sam:  “So Vincent is a master artist?” Ferguson:  “Yeah, Vincent, like Vincent van Gogh.  Uh... You know?” (mimics cutting her ear) Sam:  “Yeah.” Ferguson:  “He's the great master behind the bodies.  It's his vision.  We're just his apprentices, learning the art.” Sam:  “The art of sewing bodies together?” Ferguson:  “God. Isn't it beautiful?”
Anything else:    Lots of previously-s from “Monster”.  And the weirdos are back doing weirdo things.  This time with extra self-importance.
Raymond is having breakfast, listening to tunes when Sam walks in with a cigar butt.  Raymond feigns ignorance but there are four others in the backyard.  Raymond starts to call Callen – obviously an investigation must be started.  When told Callen is out of town, Raymond suggests bumping it up to the SecNav.  Seems the cigars don’t belong to Raymond – he doesn’t smoke.  But Arkady does.  Raymond made a friend not to Sam’s liking.  The family fun is interrupted by a call – Sam’s being called to the office.  Leaving, Sam bars Arkady from the house.
Rountree is waiting as Kensi walks into the office.  Agent Rand from the FBI called.  Kensi speaks highly of Rand and asks why Rand called.  Rountree tells her about the “legendary” case while he was in the Academy about killers who make Frankenstein monsters out of their victims.  There was scuttlebutt Rountree heard about another agency being involved in the case.  Kensi said they were all in a dark place after the case.
Up in Ops, Kensi and Rountree join Deeks and Fatima.  Agent Rand is on the big screen.  In a different Zoom box is Special Agent Zachary Collins from the BAU.  The FBI heard the group is back in LA.  Rand sends Fatima some pictures from a the “Body Stitchers” last crime scene.  It freaks Fatima out a little and Rand apologizes. 
Rountree asks for a motive.  Collins explains the killers think they are creating some kind of art and make money selling the event as art on the dark web.  The money gives the killers the freedom to move around largely undetected.  Collins thinks the motive is also sexual – the killers meshed violence and sex together as young people and are acting on it. 
The Body Stitchers have been seen in the US, Central and South America.  The FBI has gotten close several times but just missed.  Deeks asks why.  Collins tells the group – including an arriving Admiral Kilbride that the killers aren’t stupid.  They set up, do their thing and move on.  They avoid common ports of entry and regularly purchase new identities on the dark web.
The Admiral puts his foot down – this is not a military related action, the OSP’s involvement will be limited.  If NCIS needs the team or a team member, they’re out of the case.  Rand is fine with that – the OSP is the only agency ever to interact with the killers.  As advisors or part of the task force, the FBI wants NCIS to offer whatever they can.  Kensi tells the Admiral the case is unfinished business for the team.  No, it is unfinished business for the FBI, he replies.  Deeks brings up Lt. Commander Weir but Lt. Commander Weir was a random crime victim and not killed because of his service.  Kensi brings up how he was killed and the Admiral relents – NCIS will be mildly involved.  Rand is grateful. 
Sam, Kensi and Deeks arrive at the crime scene.  Rand is there with the dead guy and Collins from BAU.  Collins introduces himself as Mark Collins which is weird since he was Zachary Collins about five minutes ago.  Sam asks when did the FBI figure out the killers were back in LA.  Rand explains a woman named Staci Campbell was murdered.  Suspect Michael Jeffries got a text with photo of all the body parts used to sew the “art” together.  Sam notices freezer burn on the dead people’s shoulder.  That makes sense to Collins – if they don’t have enough parts to sew together, the killers have to preserve the parts they do have.
Kensi asks about Jeffries, who is in custody but there isn’t much to hold him.  He’ll likely be cut lose in a few hours since a judge turned down their warrant request to search Jeffries’s apartment.  He was only seen with the dead woman a few hours before her death – that’s not enough.  Sam, Deeks and Collins are off to interview Jeffries, Kensi and Rand are teaming up.
Just after the men leave, a young female FBI agent has something to show Kensi and Rand.  There was a locked room, now opened.  Inside are a lot of dead bodies.
While Collins is interviewing Jeffries in interrogation, Sam is in the main room of the boatshed talking about how the four people in the case lied right to his face.  They killed people and sewed them back together.  “And we had them.”   The Admiral arrives and wants Sam to stop “wallowing in the fact that you missed something” and tell him what Sam learned.
Sam said the killers knew exactly how to manipulate the investigation.  Deeks chimes in that the killings themselves, the planning, the execution – “the intelligence was off the charts.”  They did not present themselves as smart.  Collins joins the group.  Jeffries knows the FBI and NCIS have nothing so he’s going to be released soon.  Sam asks about Jeffries, who doesn’t really work, just short-sells stock online.  He has no connection to the killers, just lives in the same building as murder victim Staci Campbell.
Fatima pops up on the plasma to connect Kensi and Rand.  The only person to see Campbell and Jeffries together is the super in their share apartment building.  They are going over to interview the super now. 
The Admiral tells Sam and Deeks to remember who they are, put the past in the past and “get this thing done.” 
In interview, Deeks just stares across the table at Jeffries while Sam sits near the door.  Jeffries is about to speak when Sam tells him to “hold that thought.”  Deeks talks about the smell of the sea around them, the ocean breeze and how these things hide a cold, hard truth.  Jeffries tells them he did not kill Campbell.  They were neighbors but he never touched her.
That’s not the truth, Sam tells Jeffries.  Deeks explains that Jeffries is surrounded by frustrated and angry agents from several government agencies.  “We’re hungry and you’re the only thing on the menu,” Sam says.  Jeffries is keeping up – the kitchen is closed, he didn’t kill Campbell.  Deeks brings up his connection to the killers, killers who executed a member of the US Navy.  That’s federal lock-up. 
Sam pushes the idea that they have proof that Jeffries has provided financial assistance to the killers.  Jeffries admits he’s a fan – “people love true crime and serial killers.”   He though the body parts came from grave robberies or morgues.  He didn’t think they were being killed for the art.
Outside Jeffries’s apartment building, Kensi and Rand approach Phillip Guerrero, the super.  He’s trimming some hedges in the building’s courtyard.  He liked Campbell, “good tenant, nice girl.”  Guerrero saw Campbell and Jeffries walk into the courtyard.  They were chatting about food delivery people leaving too many menus by the mailbox area.  As the conversation goes on, Guerrero brings up “Mrs. Jeffries”.  Rand thinks wife but it actually Jeffries’s mother.  She’s in bad health – an invalid after a partial stroke a month ago.  Guerrero drops off food deliveries from time to time – he likes her.
There is no response from Mrs. Jeffries after they knock on the door.   Guerrero lets himself in to see if she’s OK.  While he’s looking around, Kensi checks in with Rountree.  He’s trying to chase the killer’s money but it all leads to offshore accounts which are dead ends.  As Rountree finishes, Guerrero runs from the apartment, horrified and unable to breathe.  Kensi and Rand enter the apartment.  They find Mrs. Jeffries in the bathtub.  Kensi and Rand flee the premises when they get a whiff of sulfuric acid fumes.
Outside, Kensi provides the team an update.  The building has been evacuated due to the health concerns around sulfuric acid.  Guerrero breathed in too much and is getting treated.  Kensi assures everyone she and Rand ran out as soon as they understood what was in the air.  Collins notes that sulfuric acid is easy to find so tracing its purchase will be tough.  This fact annoys Sam. 
A titanium knee pretty much identifies the woman in the bathtub as Mrs. Jeffries.  Collins offers the idea that Jeffries killed her because she had incriminating info on her son.  This doesn’t work for Rand.  Based on the lack of damage to the bathtub, Mrs. Jeffries is likely dead only 12-hours.  Jeffries has been in custody for over a day.
Sam, Deeks and Collins ask Jeffries about his mother, why he didn’t mention an older, sick woman alone in his apartment while he was in custody.  Sam tells Jeffries his mother is dead and he seems genuinely surprised. 
Jeffries blames Collins for his mother’s death.  The killers would know the Feds were in town while they were planning their show.  He had a ticket to go but couldn’t because he was in custody.  The killer thought he was selling them out and since they couldn’t kill him, they killed his mother as a message.  Collins thinks Jeffries’s mother knew he killed Campbell and he paid someone to kill his mother.  Jeffries is willing to trade info on the dark web he has about the show for witness protection.
Rountree gets to the Body Stitchers’s website on the dark web.  It’s been cleaned out but they access to the e-mail server and will be able to track the killers to their next website.  Kensi calls in with Rand.  Mrs. Jeffries right hand was sawed off before she was put in the acid bath. 
Fatima found the new website with a new live video going out shortly.  Everything is password protected but she’s working her way in.  In the live stream, everything is set up but nobody is there.  The stream is coming from an abandoned movie theater in Woodland Hills. 
As the team is about to leave, a terrorist warning come in based on an OSP case in San Pedro.  The Admiral has to send something to deal with San Pedro since it is an NCIS priority.  Sam goes.  Deeks and Collins are off to Woodland Hills. 
Kensi, Deeks, Rountree and Fatima pull up with Rand and Collins leading the FBI.  SWAT is on their way but not expected for 30-minutes.  The teams can’t wait and enter the theater.   There are 16-theaters.  Everyone breaks off to clear their own theaters.  Fatima and Rountree are in five, Kensi is in theater six.  Deeks enters a theater on his own.  He’s worried the place is too big – too many places to hide.  He starts looking around as one of the FBI agents notes the comms in the theater barely work.
Outside of theater seven, Rand find the group at theater eight.  Kensi and Collins are on their way.   A shot is fired during the “art” event, dropping one of the killers on the stage.  Rand is as surprised as the killers.  She yells FBI and seems stunned that everyone runs.  One of the killers, Barrington, is chased by the young FBI agent who showed the team the dead bodies earlier in the episode.  Barrington drops his knife in his right hand but has a really small boxcutter in his left palm.  When the FBI agent tries to cuff the killer, he stabs her in the throat just as Collins arrives.  As Barrington flees, Collins calls for an EMT.
The young agent claims she’s fine so Collins goes after Barrington.  In a hallway, he runs into Deeks.  The two startle the hell out of each other.  They search as a team for Barrington.
In the theater, Fatima is having the planned victim released from the board he is strapped to with the help of the FBI.  Another FBI agent removes the mask of the dead killer – it is Bobby Griffin.  Everyone wonders who shot him.
Kensi finds Cindy Ferguson trying to escape and quickly cuffs her.  “You’re not getting away, again,” Kensi tells her.
Justin Tucker, the fourth killer, runs right to where Rountree is searching.  Tucker pulls out a big knife, which Rountree insists he drop.  An elevator ping and opens, giving Tucker a way to escape.  Rountree tries to get to the elevator before the door closes but doesn’t make it.  On comms, he warns everyone that Tucker taking the elevator down.  Collins says he’s nearby but the elevator barely moves before Tucker shuts it down.
Outside the elevator, Rountree and Rand try to talk Tucker into surrendering.  Rand demands a cellphone.  He wants to speak to Vincent, the last living master.  Rountree and Rand have no idea what he’s talking about.
Deeks is in a projection room when he hears Collins call “Agent down.”  Deeks finds Collins, who says Barrington stabbed him in the neck.  With the comms are failing, Deeks goes after Barrington when Collins says he’s alright.  Deeks finds a fire exit and starts making his way down.
In the theater where all the killing was going to go on, Fatima with Kensi and Deeks are talking to Alexander, the man who nearly was killed.  She has photos on her phone of the Body Stitchers and Alexander recognizes a few of them but wonders why they don’t have a photo of the main guy – “Master”. 
Cutting a deal, Tucker will come back to the NCIS/FBI floor and turn himself in if he can speak to Vincent.  He does go to the NCIS/FBI floor where he cuts his own throat in front of the NCIS and FBI teams.
Kensi has a very tough talk with Ferguson, who the FBI dropped off at the boat shed.  Ferguson doesn’t know Michael Jeffries but she’s not interested in talking to Kensi.  Talking to Kensi takes time away from the beautiful places like the Taj Mahal and not the prison cell she will call home for the rest of her life.
Out in the main room of the boatshed, Sam is back with Deeks, Rand and Collins.  The reason to call Sam away was a paperwork issue.  Collins doesn’t think Ferguson will offer up anything – she’s too committed.  While they have to cut Jeffries loose – no real reason to hold him – Jeffries lawyered up and the lawyer wants him in witness protection.  Deeks thinks that’s the next best thing to having him in custody.  Sam wants a chance to speak to Ferguson.
Ferguson remembers Sam.  He asks to speak to her without Kensi and Kensi is happy to leave.  Reintroducing himself, Sam tells Ferguson she’s being turned over to the FBI.  Ferguson doesn’t care and Sam knows that – because she’s “stupid.”  Ferguson doesn’t like that.  She really doesn’t like when Sam tells her Vincent is in custody and spilling everything he knows.  He gets time off any sentence for every crime he helps the FBI solve – crimes that will put her in prison for decades.  Ferguson doesn’t believe him but Sam says it is a done deal.
Sam would like to Ferguson explain the whole idea of Vincent being her master.  He isn’t her master, Ferguson explains, they aren’t a “cheesy cult.”  Vincent is a great master like DaVinci or Michelangelo – a great artist like Vincent Van Gogh.  Ferguson shows off her ear and pretends to cut it off.  She is an apprentice to a great master learning their art.  It is “affecting” and Sam agrees – he’ll never forget what they did.  Ferguson goes on about their art making them immortal, gods and how they’d die for Vincent.
At home, Sam is enjoying a nice dinner with his father.  Raymond jokes that he’s cooking great meals hoping it will keep him in Sam’s house.  There’s a WBA middleweight fight that night – Sam thinks the two of them should watch together but Raymond has other plans.  A honking horn outside the house is Arkady, who knows he isn’t allowed to come inside.  Raymond is off to play poker and drink some fine whiskey.  Sam isn’t happy about this.  Raymond is annoyed – he’s happy, he has a friend and someplace fun to go.  He plans to live whatever days he has left as full a life as he can have.  Raymond hits up Sam for a few hundred dollars – he’s joking.
Just after Raymond leaves, Rand calls.  She’s sure they missed something.  Jeffries’s mother was dead for at least 48-hours based on the blood lividity tests.  He killed her – Jeffries wasn’t in custody at that time.  And if he removed his mother’s hand, he’s part of the Body Stitchers.  Sam wants another crack at Jeffries, who is being taken to an FBI safehouse in San Diego by Collins.   Sam calls with an apology to Fatima but he needs her help.  She has Kaleidoscope searching the cameras around the theater.  They are looking for video of Barrington leaving. 
Saying “Dementia can eat my shorts,” Raymond returns home with a large wad of cash.  He throws it to Sam, who was snoozing in the living room.  When Raymond leaves for bed, Fatima texts Sam – “You need to see this.”
There is video of Barrington leaving the theater through a back door.  There is someone wearing a dress shirt holding the door open for Barrington.  A flashback shows a wounded Collins getting up and letting Barrington out of the theater.
In a car, Collins is joined with Barrington, who is sure the entire state of California is looking for him.  Collins tells Barrington he updated the killer’s profile saying Barrington is likely to return to his home in Orlando.  Collins plans to have him on a beach half-way around the world.
Sam contacts Rand with questions about Collins.  Rand met Collins during the Body Stitchers case.  He’s profiled many serial killers, a logical addition to the team. 
In Collins’s car, Jeffries joins Barrington and Collins with a “gift from his mother, I thought she could give us a hand” – it’s a cooler.  Collins is relieved they got rid of the amateurs – Griffin, Tucker and Ferguson – who were only going to get them caught.  Another flashback shows Collins killing Griffin from the theater’s projection room. 
The plan is for Barrington and Jeffries to lay low for a good long time.  Collins gives them envelopes with new identities and $10,000.  There will be more cash when needed.  Down the road, they will reunite and change their art.  Make a body with three arms, five legs and a head growing out of its stomach.  “What would Picasso or Dali do?”
Rand tells Sam that Collins and Jeffries never made it to the safe house in San Diego – they were due hours ago.  She’s worried something happened to Collins.  Reviewing Collins’s interrogation of Jefferies, Sam sees Collins run his hand through his hair and showing Jeffries his ear.  Sam flashes back to Ferguson and her Vincent Van Gogh remarks.  Sam tells Rand that Collins is Vincent. 
What head canon can be formed from here:  “Monster” was a really well done episode that was also a one and done hour.  No need to stop on USA or ION when you see it is rerunning there.  It was clever (if disgusting) and rarely does the team get beaten by the bad guys at the end.  There was also the introduction of Spencer Williams and all that would unfold in the Mosley storyline.
This wasn’t that.  A little lighter on the gore, though only a little, a lot more muddled in the storytelling.  Hated the idea that what we thought were these clever psychopaths were actually just lemmings following a serial killer who was working for the FBI.  It takes away the accomplishment of the “Monster” episode.
Always happy to see Rand but Collins (with three names here – Zachary, Mark and eventually Vincent) was going to be one of two things – the red-shirted member of the team or one of the killers. 
Did like the Sam and Raymond storyline bracketing the episode.  Raymond putting his foot down about living his life the best he can as long as he can was good to see.  Sam has his father’s best interests at heart but Raymond lived a long life and planned to enjoy what he had.
Also liked that Rountree learned about the case in the FBI Academy.  A reminder how much younger he is than the rest of the team that participated in the case.
Kudos to Callen who missed both of these episodes with the Body Stitchers. 
Episode number:     The third episode of season 14.  Episode 305 overall.
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prettytm · 10 months
billy, please rank the dbd killers from least to most fuckable with at least 1 reason for each. i love you.
Sinday Asks :: Accepting
Tumblr media
From least to most fuckable, huh? Alright we can do this.
Jeffrey Hawk - Clown He almost feels bad for this one. But.. Clowns just aren't his thing.
Amanda Young - Pig She's just not his type. It's probably just the mask though. He doesn't have a thing for pigs outside of loving bacon.
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes - Twins He likes twins as much as the next guy but.. He doesn't think he wants them .. inside each other.
Dredge - Dredge I mean.. All the extra hands are interesting though.
Demogorgon - Demogorgon Billy's pretty sure it? Him? Them? Whatever. Would try to eat him.
Bubba Sawyer - Cannibal He really just wants to stay in..kinda one piece? You have to deserve eating a slice of him
Max Thompson Jr. - Hillbilly The chainsaw does nothing for him. It's annoying.
Lisa Sherwood - Hag Too big a chance she'd hex him in the middle of.
Caleb Quinn - Deathslinger I mean.. He does approve of the gun but.. He's not really into two bit cowboys.
Adiris - Plague Only body fluid he's into is blood.
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare He isn't sure he can over look.. certain things. But the knife fingers.. He might steal those for a little while.
Talbot Grimes - Blight Eh. He's just not that into it.
Philip Ojomo - Wraith Okay but.. Does he use the bell in bed? Billy needs to find out.
Sally Smithson - Nurse He's up for anyone once.
Elliot Spencer - Cenobite He'd talk far to much. And not about the right things.
Evan MacMillan - Trapper He has to be good with ropes. And his hands. Billy can't wait to find out.
Sadako Yamamura - Onryō Being able to crawl out of tvs whenever she wants? Could come in useable. If you catch my drift?
Rin Yamaoka - Spirit Her hair game is on point.
Kazan Yamaoka - Oni All that rage? Oh, he'd be fun in bed.
Tarhos Kovács - Knight ..He can make doubles of himself. Enough said.
HUX-A7-13 - Singularity Billy really just wants to be Captain Hook. Bravely go where no man has gone before.
Adriana Imai - Skull Merchant You seen her walk? Means her bedroom has to be on point.
Herman Carter - Doctor He's basically already carrying around a sex toy. He has to be kinky.
Anna - Huntress Any woman who can toss him around? Yes, please.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey - Legion More boys and girls who play with knives? And are just a little touched in the head? Sign him the hell up. All together or one on one. He's game.
Nemesis T-Type - Nemesis He's a monster. He wants to know just what he's packing.
Carmina Mora - Artist Alright. But have you seen crow mama? Who the fuck wouldn't wanna hit that? Or have her hit you?
Pyramid Head - Executioner Does he swing other things as well as he swings that sword??
And for the last four. There's just no way to rank them against each other. The unholy, sinful, no good things he'd let these four men do to him? Yeah. He's a slut for them.
Michael Myers - Shape
Danny Johnson - Ghost Face Albert Wesker - Mastermind
Ji-Woon Hak - Trickster
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ziracona · 3 months
living up to my name ive been too sleepy to form a coherent reply :( but. pls elaborate on julie being most interested by Sally because I just cannot picture that dynamic. but also because im fixating on julie the most out of legion atm and i always love sally. MVP killer-tier i am blowing kissies. id also propose an arguement that she has -some- kind of interesting relationship to kate because they make pretty cool mirrors of one another. or more kate seems like what julie wanted to be?
Well, Julie finds women less threatening and more relatable, and among the female killers around at the time, Sally wouldn’t be aggressive or judgmental towards her, and isn’t stupid or naïve either. Anna or Lisa, if properly introduced, etc, also fit that bill of course; what’s different about Sally is that Sally is crazy. Julie is not what would be considered sane, absolutely, and I’m being casual with language here because I would also diagnostically be considered well into not normal, but as an aside, I don’t mean any of this derogatorily at either of them. But the short is that Julie is a mentally unstable person who is very good at masking, and Sally is a mentally unstable person who actively doesn’t even try to hide it. This would make her the most relatable in a rarely relatable way, to Julie, because they’re similar, even if what’s off about them is wildly different, and just generally make her interesting. Also, a big part of how Julie deals with her own stuff is part of survival, while none of Sally’s friends have an issue with her mental proclivities, and that would be fascinating to Julie I think. Sally would be her favorite because she hits the combined stats of “not a threat” and “interesting to me” at the highest combined percentile to her.
Kate and Julie absolutely do have one of the most interesting relationships, I just wouldn’t call it one that ‘gets along well.’ Meg is one of Frank’s deepest survivor relationships, but it’s not exactly a positive one. Kate is very close to what Julie wanted, and has been through a lot of what Julie has and come out better than her, so there’s certainly tension there. There’s also a mutual, if grudging, respect for skills the other holds, but they’re very wary and initially disliking of each other. They could hypothetically become friends of a sort if cards fell right, but it would take some interesting scenarios for that.
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carnivorousyandeere · 11 months
Welcome to the Cliffside Inn P.3; Isla and Airna Short Intros
CW: gambling mentions, alcohol implications
Spending some more time with Kurtis, and meeting the enigmatic performers of the hotel’s casino.
The next installment will probably be a more in-depth look at Isla and Airna, rather than an intro to the Siren Eris, since this one ended up being so Kurtis-centric. Hope you all don’t mind 💜
After Cecilia leaves, you do your best to shake off your nerves and tidy your belongings in the hotel room; your trip is a week and a half long, after all— may as well unpack a little.
You’re almost done when a knock comes at the door. You brace yourself for yet another enigmatic or larger-than-life person to be waiting on the other side of the door, but to your relief and confusion, nobody is there. The confusion of who knocked and why is quickly replaced with a new question— who’d left such fancy clothes outside your room?
And why— as you pick them up to examine them, a letter falls out— do they look like they’d fit you perfectly?
The letter was on extremely nice paper, and sealed with a… a Lisa Frank sticker, of all things, and was written in magenta ink. You supposed it was pretty obvious who’d left the letter after all. The letter invited you to a casino on the property, and even included a little photograph of the building.
Kurtis didn’t sign his name, instead signing with a little bitty heart at the corner of the page. The ink is ever so slightly smeared, in contrast with the neatness of the rest of the page.
Kurtis seems… a little strange, but you can’t deny the attention feels kind of nice. Part of you screams at you to be careful, but the rest says, “fuck it! We’re on vacation!” You idly wonder if you’re going to end up on some kind of Netflix true-crime special thinking that way, but bring the clothes into your room and try them on anyway.
As you suspected, they fit perfectly— and you look good.
The letter didn’t specify a time, and as you look in the mirror, doubt begins to swirl once more. But again you say, “fuck it!” And decide to go anyway.
It’s been a long, and stressful day. Maybe a night of dancing and partying, or people-watching from the corner, will actually be just what you need. Even if Kurtis is there to talk your ear off the whole time.
The evening air is dark and heavy with humidity, clouds masking the sunset and making it look much later at night than it was. You shiver a little in the salty winds buffeting you among sparse plants and sand-crusted walkways.
The gaudy lights of the casino reach you over a sand dune, drawing you inside. The place is lavish, maybe even more so than the main hotel— but if anything, it looks like a place from the 80’s, something straight out of Twin Peaks or Blue Velvet, rather than out of the 20’s.
The lights are soft, and the atmosphere strangely calm for how many people were gambling and drinking. Maybe when you had as much money as these people, gambling felt less… dangerous, you supposed. Tempers just didn’t run as high then.
You meet Kurtis’ eyes from where he stands behind the bar, decked out in a slim tuxedo. Although it isn’t what you would’ve expected from him; it’s plain black-and-white, the only hint of his favorite pinkish shade a pocket square.
He squeezes in between the bartenders, careful not to disturb their mixing, and makes his way to you. Kurtis’ smile is a million watts as he places his hands on your shoulders and thanks you for coming.
“I wasn’t sure you’d show up,” he admits. “We did just meet after all. Didn’t know if you liked this kind of thing. If not, we could always walk on the beach? It’s so peaceful at night, I love walking out there.”
You let Kurtis ramble on for a bit, but assure him you’re fine to stay here for now.
He grins again in response. “Great! There’s actually a really cool show tonight. Not me doing card tricks, although that’s pretty cool too. Tonight we’ve got our best singers and musicians playing a set.”
As if on cue, the lights in the casino dim, some changing to moody colorful lighting, and a hush falls over the crowd. You and Kurtis sit next to one another at the bar, facing the stage opposite.
Musicians begin to play, one-by-one, weaving together a rich tune.
Spotlights flicker on over one, then two, singers. Their voices are soft and dreamy, mixing with one another in a strangely tense harmony. Everybody is entranced by their voices, the words flowing over you and dragging you under… or at least you think they are, until a third spotlight shines on the last singer.
Her voice is strong, tightly controlled, her mastery over pitch unquestionable. Her tone is rich and dark, a slight vocal fry scratching an itch in your brain you hadn’t known was there. This is what it means to be entranced, you find yourself thinking, leaning forward more and more, even forgetting to blink, until Kurtis’ hand around your waist anchors you back to reality.
You look up at him. His expression is more serious than you’ve ever seen before, gaze fixed on the lead singer. Something about it sends a shiver down your spine.
He seems to feel your gaze on him, and turns, leaning to your ear; “She and her voice are beautiful— but only from a distance. You really should stay away from her.”
You blink at the sudden change in his mood, and try to lighten things up with a risky joke, shakily whispering back “Why? You got a history with her?”
Kurtis smiles down at you, expression brightening like the sun peeking through dispersing storm clouds, and he bumps your shoulder lightly with his. “Nah, thank goodness! She’s just a real man eater. And woman eater. And… well, everyone eater.”
You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh too much at his awkward phrasing— especially since the musicians and singers are still hard at work onstage.
You and Kurtis bring your attention back to them, though they don’t manage to ensnare you in the music as deeply this time. They go through one song, then two, then three, before the lights come up and the hushed awe of the crowd splinters into polite-rich-people-applause and admiring whispers.
All of the singers and musicians bow before leaving the stage, save the lead singer, who walks right off. She looks across the room, meeting your eye by chance— there’s something so cold, so electrifying, about her gaze, but then she’s looking away and being hidden by a throng of admirers. The curiosity is eating you alive— you’ll have to ask for her name later.
Kurtis leans down, as if to whisper something in your ear again, but is interrupted by his phone ringing. He smiles apologetically, and excuses himself to take the call. You see a glimpse of that serious side of him again as he walks out, spine straight and brow furrowed.
How strange.
You don’t have much time to ponder this before you’re accosted by two new acquaintances. One of them bounds up and grabs your hand excitedly, and the other approaches more calmly. They look beautiful in the dim light, the sparkles in their makeup and dresses scintillating.
“Hello~!” The first barks out, startling you with her volume. You blink, surprised that the harmony singers who’d put on such a gorgeous show seem so excited to talk with you of all the people in here.
“Haven’t seen you around here before! You new? We might be a resort but we do get a lot of regulars coming around too. You’re really pretty, too-“
“Airna!” The other singer interjects with a laugh, “I think you’re coming on a little strong. Give them a chance to answer your questions, cariño.”
Airna flushes, smiling guiltily at her, then you. “Hehe, sorry. I’ve been overexcitable like that since I was little.”
You introduce yourself, and they introduce themselves.
Airna and Isla, two peas in a pod. Even just meeting them, you can tell they have a way of completing the other. It makes your heart ache just a little, wishing you had someone like that. But you don’t say so, and the conversation stays light. They’re fun to talk to, and the time slips by before you know it.
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ncisladaily · 2 years
“The Body Stitchers” – The NCIS team join forces with the FBI when a group of grisly murderers known as “The Body Stitchers” returns after evading capture by NCIS years ago. Also, Sam’s dad makes a new friend in Arkady, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Oct. 23 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Alicia Coppola
(FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand)
JD Cullum
(FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins)
Derrick A. King
(Michael Jeffries)
Richard Gant
(Raymond Hanna)
Rob Nagle
(Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor)
Tobias Jelinek
(Bobby Griffin/Wolf)
Matt Kelly
Teya Patt
Adrian Elizondo
Antony Del Rio
(Justin Tucker/Clown)
(Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask)
(Philip Guerrero)
(Alexander Hughes)
WRITTEN BY: Adam G. Key & Frank Military
DIRECTED BY: Suzanne Saltz
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frank! what are your top 10 favorite games? and what is your Final Message to gamers worldwide?
I was planning on making a longer post about this a while back but never got around to it -- you've inspired me. (EDIT: still haven't gotten around to making a post about this. Maybe next week? My schedule's been really weird lately.)
In any case, given the nature of Frank's blogging, it's not really possible to talk about these things well. I'm not good at articulating what I like or dislike about games -- I tend to either love them for almost inarticulable reasons or don't like them for vague/poorly-articulated reasons. If I say a game is "deep," that doesn't mean I can articulate its depths.
On that basis, I should probably just list ten games I like and give you some hints as to what the reasons are. Then you can try to figure it out. (I'll list them in approximate order of preference. They're mostly PC games.)
(EDIT: I can at least say that the Final Message is likely to involve Plato, Steven Universe, Homestuck, and the Mona Lisa.)
EDIT 2: all right, here goes
In approximate order of preference, here are ten games that I really like:
Portal 2
Planescape: Torment
Spec Ops: The Line
Dark Souls (1 or 2, can't decide)
Between Two Worlds (an indie browser RPG)
Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask
Dragon Age: Origins
Pokemon Red / Blue
What these all have in common, besides "I like them," is that they have some kind of "twist." Not necessarily a surprise ending, though there's a lot of that in the list. It's more a sense of them each going off in a direction I wasn't expecting, either in a good or bad way.
Some examples:
Portal 2: I liked the first game, and liked the first couple of hours of the second, but the sudden shift into adventure game territory around halfway through was jarring. I was like "wait, I thought this game was an innovative action-puzzler -- why am I doing stuff like eating cupcakes, going into hidden compartments, etc. in an adventure gamey way?" But the game uses that stuff in service of its final twist, which is really interesting, so it's all good.
Planescape: Once I get to the torture dungeon, this game becomes more than just an old-school-D&D adaptation. The best part of it is that its twist, once you reach it, doesn't break the game; rather, it makes it more like a traditional D&D game. Everything you've done before, with all the complicated character creation and such, is part of the way you get to the twist -- you don't need to be a D&D fan to appreciate this twist, but it becomes really cool once you realize that D&D fans have been waiting years for the "your character truly dies and you create a new one" moment in a video game.
Thief: Basic premise: you're a guy who steals things in this huge castle. While the first couple of missions are done pretty conventionally, and the game does a good job of gradually building up its twist, the game's best moments are ones where the twist is used to full effect. In particular, there's a moment where a character who has been taken hostage gives you a key that lets you free them, but only if you promise not to kill them. You want to kill them -- they betrayed you, you're the hero, you have to get revenge. But if you do, you'll be stuck without the key, and won't be able to get that extra experience point. And the extra experience points matter a lot, because the twist in this game is that (1) you have to get a lot of experience to progress, and (2) you actually want to get a lot of experience, because it lets you replay each mission on new difficulty levels.
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