#lillie vale
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the-final-sentence · 1 year
After all, ruining Ian Jun's hair with my kiss is the favorite part of my day.
Lillie Vale, from Beauty and the Besharam
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (May 10th, 2022)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Nate Plus One by Kevin van Whye
A Show for Two by Tashie Bhuiyan
Beauty & the Besharam by Lillie Vale
The Summer of Bitter & Sweet by Jen Ferguson
Cafe Con Lychee by Emery Lee
Dead End Girls by Wendy Heard
Breathe & Count Back From Ten by Natalia Sylvester
Hollow Fires by Samira Ahmed
The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M. Romero
New Sequels: 
Bright (Shine #2) by Jessica Jung
Happy reading!
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bookishbethanyerin · 4 months
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• pick a holiday aesthetic, get a book rec •
It’s like a reward.
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Title: Small Town Hearts
Author: Lillie Vale
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2019
Genres: fiction, romance, contemporary, LGBT+
Blurb: Fresh out of high school, Babe Vogel should be thrilled to have the whole summer at her fingertips. She loves living in her lighthouse home in the sleepy Maine beach town of Oar's Rest and being a barista at the Busy Bean, but she's totally freaking out about how her life will change when her two best friends go to college in the fall...and when a reckless kiss causes all three of them to break up, she may lose them a lot sooner. On top of that, her ex-girlfriend is back in town, bringing with her a slew of memories, both good and bad. And then there's Levi Keller, the cute artist who's spending all his free time at the coffee shop where she works. Levi's from out of town, and even though Babe knows better than to fall for a tourist who will leave when summer ends, she can't stop herself from wanting to know him. Can Babe keep her distance, or will she break the one rule she's always had: to never fall for a summer boy?
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Kmuse’s Book Review (September 22nd, 2022)
Kmuse’s Book Review (September 22nd, 2022)
This week’s book recommendations is full of romance and one recommendation that is full of murder for those that want something less perky. Come check and see if any of these novels would click your interest. (more…)
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paperbacktomes · 2 years
The Decoy Girlfriend by Lillie Vale Book Review & Moodboard [Blog Tour]
The Decoy Girlfriend by Lillie Vale [Blog Tour] New #bookreview up on my blog about a Hollywood heartthrob in a fake relationship with a girl he’s attracted to. #TBRBeyondTours #Lillie vale #AdultRomance
Hey there!! It’s been a long week. I was ready to start this new month because August felt too long. Not much happened in August and I want to go out a lot in September. This is my second book by Lillie Vale. After Beauty and the Besharam, I knew I’d be reading anything the author writes. I didn’t think twice before signing up for this blog tour and I’m so giddy to be a host for this…
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publishedtoday · 2 years
Beauty and the Besharam - Lillie Vale
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Seventeen-year-old, high-achieving Kavya Joshi has always been told she's a little too ambitious, a little too mouthy, and overall just a little too much. In one word: besharam. So, when her nemesis, Ian Jun, witnesses Kavya’s very public breakup with her loser boyfriend on the last day of junior year, she decides to lay low and spend the summer doing what she loves best–working part time playing princess roles for childrens’ birthday parties. But her plan is shot when she’s cast as Ariel instead of her beloved Belle, and learns that Ian will be her Prince Eric for the summer.
tw: colorism, death of a sibling recounted, infidelity recounted (also briefly on page)
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retirement-home-rumble · 10 months
Retirement Home Rumble: Round 2
Side A
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Why they would crush the other geezers under the cut:
WARNING: There may be spoilers
Faceless Old Woman and Pinako Propaganda:
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Yzma and Lilly Propaganda:
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playhousemassacrez · 6 months
I posted this on my DA account but I forgot to put it here so here you go:
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I was in the mood to do a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Barbie mashup with Poppy, so I made her doll friends just like her! Also, this is my first time drawing on the computer so sorry if it looks out of wack.
(Also, I'm sorry if I didn't do Rosetta and Lily Lee's clothes justice. This is my first time drawing these girls.)
Backstories down below:
- Poppy Playtime, the first of her kind. Back in 1950, she really put Playtime. Co on the map after she gained popularity. Playtime. Co has fought and won it over many toys during Poppy's time, even decreasing the popularity of Woody's Roundup down to zero, which people claim that what killed the creator. However, Poppy was different to her doll friends. She was once a human girl that had her life taken away the same way her parents' lives were taken (thanks to William Afton). Despite everything she's been through, Poppy has found some confidence over the past few years, becoming who she has become today. Her element is Fearless and her element color is blue.
- Violet Vale is the first Black Poppy that was created a year after Poppy was (and before Bron was made), but Playtime. Co held back on releasing Violet until the early 90's, thanks to the collab with Freddy Fazbear's Pizza to re-promote Poppy. Her element is Honesty and her element color is purple. 
- Lily Lee is the first Chinese Poppy that was created for a young Chinese princess back in the 60's, but she was only sold from there until she would be sold to Chinese and Asian immigrants in the 90's. Her element is Kindness and her element color is pink.
- Rosetta Romero is the first Latino Poppy that was created in the 1970's, but she never saw a public release until the 90's. Her element is Generosity and her element color is red.
- Penny Pansy is the second Poppy to release in 1951. She was really made for the girls who were "average", as Playtime. Co put in, but the backlash from moms about Poppy being different to Penny was "harmful" to their kids so Penny was taken off the shelves after her release. She wouldn't be sold until the 90's along with the other Poppy dolls. Her element is Loyalty and her element color is yellow.
- And last, Maria Marigold was released the same year as Penny did, but she never got any backlash from being different to Poppy. Maria was remastered in the 90's with a brand-new look so she didn't look similar to Poppy. Her element is Laughter and her element color is orange.
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alpha-bread · 2 years
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Heehoo, finally went ahead and made an actual ref sheet for art fight, since I plan on doing it this year! Hoping to get at least a few OC refs together before July
I’m Alpha-Bread on artfight!
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fuzzjump · 2 years
Celebrity fake dating stories are a difficult trope to pull of even in the best of times so lucky for me this was an awesome time.
I really felt the magic between Taft and Freya. Plus, Mandi just wins the reader over.
Wish there was an epilogue just to tie up everything nicely. But that's the romance nerd in me.
I'll have to check out another book by Lillie Vale.
Thank you Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.
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junjourt · 4 months
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A Manuel e Simone
Chi non vi ha seguiti sin dalla prima stagione non potrà capire l'amaro e la delusione che ha lasciato questa seconda stagione a tantissimi di noi. Non può capire quanto amore abbiamo visto nei vostri occhi sin da quella scena meravigliosa in cui Manuel ha tatuato il braccio di Simone, che porterà per sempre un segno di Manuel, il primo amore, sulla pelle. Non può comprendere la paura che abbiamo visto negli occhi di Simone quando ha capito che non era vero che non era capace di amare, perché si era innamorato di uno come lui. Perché si era innamorato di Manuel, un ragazzo che, nonostante gli errori, ha permesso a Simone di dire che innamorarsi è una delle cose più belle del mondo. Un ragazzo spaventato dall'amore che Simone poteva dargli, perché non era abituato a sentirsi amato se non da sua madre, non era abituato a qualcuno che pensasse che lui vale. E questa paura l'ha portato a fare tanti sbagli, ma nonostante tutto ha sempre fatto in modo di proteggere Simone, perché lui è il suo "più amore", perché con lui "è diverso". La paura non li ha separati e li ha resi l'uno il porto sicuro dell'altro. E loro sono poi diventati il porto sicuro di tante persone, di chi sperava di vedere finalmente una degna rappresentazione della bisessualità o di chi, semplicemente, grazie a loro ha ritrovato una passione, qualcosa che lo smuovesse in un periodo buio, o ha trovato degli amici veri. Vedere loro, leggere i commenti e i meme sulla loro storia mi hanno salvata dal baratro dell'apatia in cui ero caduta in quel periodo. Vorrei tanto poter dire "Non prendertela, è solo una serie", ma purtroppo non è così, perché loro e Un professore hanno significato tanto per me.
E invece, dopo le prime puntate che ci avevano tanto fatto sperare tra gelosie, sguardi, un continuo cercarsi e sostenersi reciproco, tutto sembra essere crollato. Simone per un po' è rimasto un personaggio piatto col solo scopo di stare dietro a Mimmo. Manuel, invece, stava avendo la bellissima storia del padre e la sorella ritrovati. Poi il nostro Simone è tornato con la malattia di Dante, mentre Manuel è stato massacrato con la trama del rapimento di Lilli e il suo essere bloccato in una relazione che volevano far passare per grande storia d'amore, ma in realtà è stata solo tossica.
È questo che ci meritavamo?
Manuel dimenticato da Anita, Dante e Simone mentre affrontava DA SOLO il dolore causato da una verità taciuta per 18 anni? Manuel preso dai sensi di colpa per aver accidentalmente messo nei guai una ragazza, che però non fa che sminuirlo e non si preoccupa nemmeno di come sta?
Simone che a lungo ha dovuto affrontare il dolore per la malattia del padre DA SOLO?
Manuel e Simone che avevano una storia già scritta, Manuel che aveva un percorso che sembrava già pronto e che invece, non si sa per quale motivo, sembrano aver voluto dare a Mimmo (introdotto forzatamente, portando a un buco di trama enorme) creando, tra l'altro, continui parallelismi con la trama dei Manuel e Simone della prima stagione?
Eppure quelle poche scene che ci sono state di Manuel e Simone insieme, anche se durate pochissimi secondi come se avessero paura di farceli vedere (certo, che senso avrebbe far vedere che ti stanno privando di una cosa così grande?) sono riuscite a farmi emozionare più di qualsiasi altra interazione avuta dai loro personaggi.
Non riuscirò mai a farmene niente di qualsiasi altra coppia quando so che avremmo potuto avere loro, Manuel e Simone. Perché loro dovevano essere i nostri Pol e Bruno. Ma sembrano essersi dimenticati di Pol.
Spero solo che questo non sia davvero un addio. Vi amerò sempre, in tutti gli universi. E anche voi vi amerete in tutti gli universi, anche se in questo non avranno il coraggio di mostrarcelo.
Non vi lascio, va bene? Non vi lascio perché vi voglio bene.
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lgbtqreads · 2 months
Very specific but do you know any books where the characters live in a lighthouse? 😆
Actually, 2 YAs - How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake and Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale. It really feels like something Chelsea M. Cameron would write but I’m not sure whether she actually has...
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lyon-amore · 22 days
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Jake había terminado de leer todos sus chats. Parecía que durante esos dos meses había tenido compañía del grupo, jugado con ellos a juegos en el móvil, hablado de películas y series, todo conversaciones que un grupo podría tener. Un poco de nostalgia le entró al leerlo todo.
Negó con la cabeza. Ya daba igual, le costaría recuperar esa parte de su vida.
Soltó un suspiro y decidió echar un vistazo al correo. Recordó que ella le envió el mensaje para obtener la clave del vídeo, pero su correo venía con el asunto de “Tenemos que hablar”. Ni si quiera tenían una relación que ya él título le dio auténtico terror.
Accedió al correo, y le dio click al mensaje.
No era exactamente lo que esperaba.
Asunto: Tenemos que hablar.
¿Jake? ¿Este correo es seguro? Porque son muchas cosas las que quiero poder contarte.
La verdad es que ha sido terrible adivinar tus puzles con Lilly, ¡Pero valió la pena porque se disculpase! Ninguna niñata me va a mandar a mí tras liarla ¿Qué se ha creído? Ya podías haberme enviado a mí un mensaje primero ¿No? Ay Dios… ¿Qué es lo que voy a hacer contigo…?
—Prefiero no decirlo en voz alta… —susurró Jake, sonrojándose tras leer esa pregunta del correo.
Ya era suficiente que habían estado separados durante esos dos meses, que sus pensamientos hacia ella se habían incrementado. Sus deseos de haber podido estar a su lado se habían hecho más fuerte.
Prefirió seguir leyendo para calmarse. O eso esperaba hacer.
Lo peor no es eso, sino que no paro de darle vueltas a la relación entre tu y Hannah ¿Sabes lo que es eso? No quiero sonar celosa
—Lo pareces —sonrió con malicia.
Pero el pensar que quizás todo este tiempo me has estado engañando y que de verdad eres amante de Hannah a pesar de decirme que no ¿Cómo crees que me sentiría de todas nuestras conversaciones? ¡Es que te mandaría a la mierda! Bueno, no, lo hago por adelantado porque todo este misterio que te traes con ella me está volviendo loca ¿Por qué tanta obsesión con ella?
Si resulta que de verdad eres su amante y me has usado todo este tiempo, más te vale que te prepares porque pienso castrarte por idiota.
Quizás es porque jamás había visto ese lado de ella, pero no pudo evitar en reír. De verdad la había imaginado escribiendo con furia el correo mientras fruncía el ceño. La había visto antes poner esa expresión y le parecía adorable viniendo de ella.
Se calmó un poco, viendo un segundo correo de su procedencia. En el título venía un “Lo siento”. Cuando empezó a leerlo, volvió a reírse a pesar de que no debería por cómo ella parecía estar nerviosa, ¿Quizás porque no se esperaba un segundo correo?
Asunto: Lo siento.
Dios, ahora me siento peor por haberte dicho todo eso ¿Me perdonarás? ¡Prometo que no te castraré! ¡Ni estaré enfadada con vosotros dos! ¡He sido una tonta!
¡Te prepararé la comida que quieras cuando regreses! ¡Te limpiaré la ropa si quieres! ¡Pero lo siento! ¡No sabía que era tu hermana! De haberlo sabido quizás no te hubiera enviado el otro mensaje en primer lugar ¡Perdón!
De nuevo, soltó una carcajada. Aunque era serio el tema, le hizo reírse. Con ella siempre era así, ya lo había notado. Siempre le hacía reír. Aunque está vez fue algo más que entendible su confusión, pero no se esperaba que fuera de esa forma ¿Macie celosa? Debía de aprovechar eso, por cómo ella insinuó que estaba celoso con sus conversaciones con Jessy o con Aiden.
—Realmente echaba de menos volver a estar en contacto contigo —suspiró cerrando la ventana del correo—. Eres lo mejor que ha entrado en mi vida, Macie…
Inspirado en una conversación con alguien de Twitter y de lo ocurrido con mi hermana cuando le escribió el correo a Jake, espero que os haya gustado 💖
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paperbacktomes · 2 years
Beauty and the Besharam by Lillie Vale Moodboard [Blog Tour]
( #TBRBeyondTours @TBRBeyondTours ) I'm starting my weekend by speaking about my new favourite romance #beautyandthebesharam by #lillievale A romance fuelled by an unparalleled rivalry that left me obsessed with Kavya (Indian) and Ian's (Korean) story.
Hey guys!! I can’t put into words how excited I’m to be on this blog tour. Today I was supposed to post a mood board of the book, but I could not hold back from sharing my thoughts. It was inevitable. If you have read this book, please let me know your thoughts. With this said, let’s start today’s tour. Before that, here’s the Tour schedule in case you wanna read more posts from others in the…
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