#like... gang ..... this is not how you launch something......
homestuckreplay · 2 days
Week 1 Retrospective: Who Is John Egbert?
It’s official - Homestuck is one week old today! And while a week is not a long run for a comic, it’s already got more pages than the author’s earlier work Bard Quest, so maybe it’s something worth recognizing. So I wanted to mark a week of Homestuck by doing a deep dive on what we’ve learned about our protagonist John Egbert so far. It’s some fact collection, some wild speculation, and some ongoing questions. It’s over 3000 words, so it’s under a readmore for anyone who’s interested.
If that doesn’t sound like a fun time to you (or even if it does), you can take the John Egbert Big 5 Personality Test to see how you score on John’s five key personality traits. It’s 14 multiple choice questions, so a much quicker read.
We’re introduced to John on page 4, where we’re given five key interests of his: bad movies, programming computers, paranormal lore, amateur magic, and gaming. I’ll take these one by one and use them as a framework for John’s character so far.
“You have a passion for REALLY TERRIBLE MOVIES.”
John has eleven (11) movie posters on his walls. Of these, three star Matthew McConaughey and two star Nicolas Cage. More notably, six have a Rotten Tomatoes rating below 50%, and two of these are below 10%. I haven’t seen any of these movies, but as far as I can tell, here are the one sentence summaries [broad spoilers for all these movies].
Little Monsters: A boy befriends a monster and visits the monster world, where they try to convert him into a monster too.
Con Air: A paroled man disrupts a gang of prisoner’s escape from a prison transport plane.
Deep Impact: Earth tries to prepare for extinction after a comet is found on a collision course with Earth.
Ghostbusters II: After going out of business, the Ghostbusters reunite to combat a negative energy slime monster.
Mac and Me: A boy befriends a young alien who gets separated from his family and lost on Earth.
Contact: An Earth scientist successfully discovers alien life and travels to an alien world.
A Time to Kill: A father is acquitted in court for killing the perpetrators of racial hate crimes against his daughter.
Failure to Launch: A 35 year old man’s parents hire a woman to persuade him to finally move out of their home.
Face/Off: A terrorist and a FBI agent go through facial transplant surgery and temporarily swap identities.
Armageddon: A group of space workmen go on a mission to stop an asteroid from destroying Earth. 
Ghost Dad: A man temporarily dies but is able to interact with his children in ghost form.
From this we can see that John really likes science fiction movies related to aliens, ghosts and monsters, as well as action comedy. We also know from page 21: ‘Films about impending apocalypse fascinate you’. A Time to Kill and Failure to Launch are the only ones that don’t fit his taste. The implication here is that John really loved Matthew McConaughey in Contact and so watched his other movies even though they were things he wouldn’t usually watch.
I’m curious if these movies are intended as clues to John’s character, the future of the comic, or both. In terms of his character, they make me see him as someone who’s imaginative and goofy, young and carefree, not concerned with other people’s opinions, more interested in watching movies for their surface meanings and exciting stories, maybe wants to escape to a different world, might be a little bit gay. 
In terms of the future of the comic, it could be that we’re going to see literal aliens or monsters - they could even be already here, keeping John ‘homestuck’. Slime monsters are particularly highlighted, with Slimer from Ghostbusters appearing on John’s shirt and computer background, and his chumhandle, ectoBiologist, relating to slime. Slime invasion honestly feels too obvious, and anyway, several of John’s movies are about befriending a more benign supernatural force - could John’s Pesterchum friends be something other than human? Or maybe it’s a more metaphorical meaning, referring to John having a very different life to his friends? 
Two of these movies feature Earth extinctions by giant space rocks, but there’s absolutely no indication of this being a real world threat John is dealing with. Again, it could refer more generally to a sudden, life changing event that’s about to happen to disrupt John’s current state, something that would fit thematically with this being John’s 13th birthday, a milestone age.
There’s also a theme of crime and the legal system in several movies, including Con Air, the one that’s been most highlighted. The most obvious interpretation of John’s dad right now is that he’s a clown or performer, but there’s an outside chance he could be in law enforcement, or a criminal. It’s even possible that he’s currently in hiding or some kind of safe house. This would explain John being ‘homestuck’ and sick of spending time with his dad.
Speaking of John’s dad, I’m concerned for him based on the Ghost Dad summary - the comic keeps teasing his presence, but we haven’t actually seen him yet. Could he be a ghost? Or become one at some point? Alternatively, we know John has an already dead relative - could his nanna be a ghost? Did John dropping her ashes release her ghost? Family is a really common theme in movies, so I don’t know if a large number of these movies being about family (especially fathers) is relevant, but I’m noting it all the same.
“You like to program computers but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT.”
John claims he ‘likes to program’, but it actually seems to make him angry. We first learn ‘[y]ou were never all that great with data structures and you find the concept [of the stack modus] puzzling and mildly irritating.’ We then see three files on John’s desktop, two in ^CAKE - ‘pff.^CAKE’ and ‘FUCK FUCK FUCK.^CAKE’ and one in ~ATH - ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH.~ATH’. These tell a clear narrative of John trying to work on his programming and getting increasingly more frustrated with his attempts, until inevitably giving up. Both of the programming languages are puns, too. ^ is often called a carat (carrot cake) while ~ is a tilde (til death). 
I know this is wild speculation, but… John started off coding in a harmless programming language, was already struggling, then for some reason switched over to the most ominous possible sounding language, screwed it up even worse, and now… he’s constantly haunted by the ghost of failed programming attempts in the form of his sylladex, which he appears to be new to using (he had no prior understanding of it on page 7 - although this could be handwaved due to video game tutorial logic), and which operates similarly to a computer program and seems to cause John endless frustration. He’ll have to figure out how to exploit the inventory system in ways that help him, which involves actually figuring out some stuff about coding, in order to partake in some real life ghostbusting, or monster hunting, or dealing with whatever threat he’ll have to deal with by using inventory hacks.
“You have a fondness for PARANORMAL LORE,” (...)
By far the interest of John’s that we’ve seen the least of so far, John’s love of the paranormal is mostly inferred through his movie preferences, and we don’t see any direct evidence of an interest in lore. However, I can’t stop fixating on John’s chumhandle: ectoBiologist. The comic’s first act was to draw attention to giving John a name, and for many 2009 kids, the names they go by online are more meaningful and representative of them than their real world names. 
‘ecto-’ means ‘outer, outside, external’ according to dictionary.com, and it’s actually a common prefix in a variety of fields of biology, but there’s no such thing as ‘ectobiology’ as a field, or an ‘ectobiologist’ - neither term has any search results prior to Homestuck. I think it’s way more likely that this refers to ectoplasm, a term from both cell biology and spiritualism that was popularized by Ghostbusters to mean any substance secreted by a ghost, in practice often manifesting as green slime. Slimer, who we can guess is John’s favorite, is a benign ghost made of pure ectoplasm. I love the idea that John loves this dumb ghost so much that he’s memorized all the lore about them in their appearances throughout the franchise, and devised this username based on being an expert on these ghosts right down to their biology (or at least thinking he is). 
The only catch is, ‘fondness for paranormal lore’ is very passive and doesn’t even imply much knowledge, much less action, while ‘biologist’ implies that John has been doing actual experiments. The idea of John trying to create a real life Slimer the same way other kids make slime in their kitchens is really entertaining, if an off the wall theory. Does ‘homestuck’ just mean John is grounded for an unethical science project? 
(...) “and are an aspiring AMATEUR MAGICIAN.”
The magic chest is one of the biggest, most eye catching and most colorful objects in John’s room. We see its contents on page 8, which lean more into joke store items than things a magician might use, except for the trick handcuffs and perhaps the collapsible sword. The narration on this page states that John is neither a skilled magician nor a cunning prankster. I’m nitpicking definitions here, but everything John has done so far has been way more about pranks than about magic. 
John’s uses of the magic chest to date are…
various putting things into his inventory and removing them (funny, but unintentionally)
combining fake arms with cake (p.36) out of necessity, which ‘makes the cake at least 300% more hilarious’
merging hat with beagle puss to create a clever disguise (p.45) and wearing it for 25+ pages, which he acknowledges is a ‘shitty disguise’
attaching fake arms to harlequin doll (p.65), which makes it ‘AT LEAST a million percent funnier’
All of which are definitely not magic tricks, and honestly not even pranks. Arguably John’s best and most successful prank so far has been when he pretended not to have arms for the first six pages, before revealing his arms after the interface had gone to the trouble of moving the cake off his magic chest to get him some arms.
John keeps thinking about reading Colonel Sassacre’s Guide to Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery, but always finding some excuse not to. He can’t read it until he captchalogues it, but once he does that, it gets buried in his inventory. He assumes that the book can tell him the exact percentage increase of hilarity a prank leads to, but it’s too big for him to actually look anything up. 
An outside theory for this that I don’t think is likely simply because it’s so much darker than the comic has been so far, is that John loves this book, but since the incident where his nanna was killed by a copy (perhaps even this copy?) he hasn’t been able to bring himself to read it. A far more likely theory is that while John is an aspiring amateur magician, it’s more of a big idea, and he hasn’t actually done any magic yet. This also tracks with his weaksauce pranks above. And if that’s true, then it says a lot about John that he defines himself by a hobby he aspires to but doesn’t actually practice - he’s someone with big dreams and less motivation, just like his big dream of going to collect the mail from his father despite the lack of motivation that’s kept him messing around for 70 pages. 
“You also like to play GAMES sometimes.”
Potentially most important of all is Gamer John. We get a list of games John likes to play from inspecting his CD tower the same way we get a list of movies from looking at his posters. 
Bard Quest
The Caper Havers
Problem Sleuth
And It Don’t Stop
What Pumpkin?
Ghostbusters II MMORPG
Little Monsters (for Nintendo)
Harry Anderson: Call My Bluff!
The first five games all reference previous work by the author of Homestuck, and as such probably don’t need in depth analysis. However, the fact that within the world of Homestuck, these are all games (instead of comics) is one of several suggestions that we should think of Homestuck as a game, something that needs further analysis. 
The next two games are video game adaptations of movies we know John likes, and the last is a branded video game from Harry Anderson, whose book we’ve already seen in John’s magic chest. Notably, none of these are real video games in our world either. It says a lot that John plays game versions of things he already likes (he’s put ‘countless manhours’ into this assortment of quality titles). 
However, it’s undeniable that the most important game in John’s life right now is Sburb. The poster is behind his head in the first panel, placed centrally with one of the only two splashes of color in the panel. The beta release is the only thing marked on his calendar for April besides his birthday, and the Sburb logo is even the picture printed on the calendar - perhaps it’s a calendar themed around new game releases? There’s clear delight on John’s face when he thinks about getting the beta, and his quest to fetch it from the recently delivered mail is the closest thing to a story this comic has so far.
Unfortunately, we know almost nothing about Sburb, so we don’t know what it says about John that he wants to play it. It’s publicized as the Game of the Year, and according to GameBro, the game may be about houses and the player may not get to thrash anything, although these details are provided by someone who hasn’t played the game so I’m not taking them as expert opinion. It might be multiplayer - TT has been pestering TG all day about playing it with her. Maybe John just wants to share a game with his friends.
Speaking of GameBro, John can’t stand the magazine, although he for some reason has a copy on his desk. He describes the publication as ‘a joke’ to TG, and he makes the effort to take it downstairs to the fire and burn it, presumably releasing asbestos fibers into the house and causing serious lung damage to himself and his father. Does he read this because it’s the only games magazine that exists? Or did he like it just fine until now, when it trashed the game he’s excited about, and now he’s furious with it? Either way, it tracks with John’s overall fondness for critically panned media that he would be angry about contrarian critics. 
All of this has left me with a few questions about John as our main character. These are the things that I’m keeping an eye on and trying to answer as the story continues.
What is John good at?
We hear so much about what John is bad at. He’s explicitly stated to be bad at programming, pranks, and magic. He’s bad at using his sylladex. He’s clumsy and knocked over his nanna’s ashes. He’s got bad taste in media. He’s funny but only when he doesn’t try to be, and even then he’s sometimes the butt of the joke, where the joke is how not funny John’s joke is. He was tempted to squawk like an imbecile and shit on his desk. He has like six different prankster props and he doesn’t even use all of them. I’m saying all this with love and kindness because he also just seems like such a sweet kid, but so far he doesn’t have any defined strengths or skills. 
Is he going to turn out to be really good at gaming and kick ass at Sburb? Are we going to get a curveball where it turns out John is an amazing baker, and he hates the cakes in his room and the smell of Betty Crocker because he can do so much better than that packet mix? Or is he starting off from this low point so he can develop skills as time goes on?
What is John’s relationship with his dad really like?
John doesn’t want his dad to monopolize his time and feels trapped in his room, despite his dad baking cakes and leaving notes on gifts telling John he’s proud of him. John’s dad gets his son one great present that John’s really appreciative of, and one terrible present that John immediately hates. All of this feels very reasonable and normal for a teen feeling misunderstood by a parent who’s trying their best. 
And then there’s the clowns.
John can excuse magical frivolity and practical japery, but he draws the line at harlequins. He’s an aspiring magician, but his dad’s figurines are ‘fucking garbage’ and his dad ‘sure can be a real cornball’. John seems like somebody who gets angry at ultimately unimportant things, like bad reviews of games, too many cakes, and harlequin figurines, but because of the subject matter it reads like an intense rivalry between two highly specific subcultures that outsiders would group together. John is really making a huge deal of needing to disguise himself and mentally prepare himself to go down and face his dad, and I want to know if there’s any genuine reason behind John’s fear, or if it’s solely the overdramatics I’m starting to think are typical of him.
Is John ‘Homestuck’?
‘Sometimes you feel like you are trapped in this room. Stuck, if you will, in a sense which possibly borders on the titular.’ (p.30)
John clearly feels like he’s stuck at home, but is this the extent of the title’s meaning? His dad has recently returned from getting groceries, so leaving the house is in theory possible. Reasons why John might be homestuck include: he’s not allowed to leave the house (for example, he’s grounded, or his dad is very controlling), he can leave the house but there’s nowhere to go (he lives near major roads, bodies of water, farms, or other obstacles, and there’s no public transport to get anywhere), or he can leave the house but it’s not safe to do so (there’s some sort of external threat, either supernatural like a monster or alien invasion, or mundane like a criminal or bomb threat). Seeing out of John’s window and into his front yard does not provide any clues; it looks like an extremely average front yard with a tree, swing and mailbox, and we know the mail was recently delivered, so there can’t be anything too world-ending happening in the neighborhood. Right now John’s goal (the Sburb Beta disc) is inside the house, so this might not get answered right away - in fact, my running theory is that the game itself might hold the answers, as its logo is a house.
What’s the differentiation between John and the narrator?
My biggest question of all, and one that probably deserves its own essay. I’m fascinated by the lines ‘In a kid's yard, a tree without a tire swing is like a proper gentleman without a monocle.’ (p.27) and ‘In a home, a FIREPLACE needs a fire, because that's what FIREPLACE is for.’ (p.50). These lines carry so much opinion, but because the narrator is constantly addressing John with the second person ‘you’, I don’t think these are John’s opinions. The narrator does have a window into John’s thoughts, so the line between them can be blurred, but there's clearly a distinction somewhere, because there have been pushbacks and disagreements between the two of them. 
One theory is that John’s dad is the narrator - John’s at home a lot for whatever reason, and so the constant and overbearing presence of his dad means that he can’t get him out of his head even when he’s alone, the commands at the top of each page reflecting John’s dad’s level of control over his son’s life. But I think this question is open ended enough that I’m not willing to commit to one theory yet. After all, we ‘examine 3rd and 4th walls of [John’s] room’ which is a directly meta allusion to the comic’s audience that only really makes sense if the narrator isn’t a character in the comic itself. 
I think John Egbert has been really well characterized so far. He feels like a real kid, one who keeps getting off track and forgetting what he should be doing, but one who it’s enough fun to get to know that I don’t really notice. While the main character in media often doesn’t end up being the most interesting character, I do want to keep an eye on John because I think he has a lot going on to analyze. Above the style and the world and the mechanics, John as a character is the aspect of the comic I’m most interested in right now.
45 notes · View notes
sweetsbfreex · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞
summary: y/n has an event to get to last minute, so steve has to take care of his daughter at work. in the universe of this one shot (read before)
pairings: dad!mafia/gang!steve rogers x wife!reader
warning: none just fluff!
Today has just been a day. You have no excuse except  for the fact that it slipped your mind and when your calendar notified you, an hour and a half before the event started your mind began to scramble. 
Steve’s parents can’t watch Elysia because they have a date night. They offered to cancel, but you couldn’t ask them to do that. Natasha was out of town. You had even asked the babysitter, but it was too last minute for her. So, there’s one last option.
“Hey doll, you girls alright?” Steve smiles into his phone, happy to hear your voice. 
“Hi, baby” you beamed, brushing on highlighter while keeping a careful eye on your daughter. Elysia was chilled out on your bed, entranced in an episode of Paw Patrol.
 “Look, I’m really sorry, it slipped my mind, but I have an event to get to in a few. And there’s no one to keep an eye on Elsie. Can I drop her off to you?”
“Yeah, of course. I've been missing her a little extra today anyway.” 
You sigh in relief, “I love you, you’re the best” you tell him, sending a kiss through the phone. 
It’s at least twenty-five minutes later until your heels are clicking against the lobby’s marble floor. Elysia’s designer baby bag is slung over your shoulder and your two-year-old is sitting on your hip as the two of you walk to Steve’s office. 
You knock on the door twice, before you pull it open. As you enter, Steve’s head shoots up, then an affectionate smile graces his face at the sight of his favorite girls. 
“Daddy!” Elysia cheers with grabby hands towards her father. 
Steve walks over to greet the two of you; kissing Elysia’s cheek and neck, chuckling as she squirms because his facial hair is ‘ticklish’, before he brings her into his hold. 
And before you know it, Steve brings his lips down onto yours. All while removing the baby bag from your shoulders. When he pulls away, he’s whistling with ardor as he spins you to give himself a 360 of what’s his. 
Your body is flawlessly dressed in a customized cream suit with gold buttons. The coat wraps  around you to accentuate your waist and breast, your pants hug your ass perfectly. As the pants flare out as they go down your leg. He loves how the diamond necklace and earrings he bought as one of your push gifts make your eyes twinkle.  
Your cheeks heat up at the way he fawns over you. Many years later and you’d never get used to it. 
When he stops you, his hand tugs your body to his, “You look..exquisite” he husks, squeezing your hand. “Mommy looks exquisite, doesn't she?” he asks Elysia who responds with an exaggerated nod. 
“Look Quiz-it!” she garbles the tough word out
“Thank you, you two. But I have to head out if I want to make it on time.”
“Where are you headed anyway?”
“Maggie is throwing something for her launch,” you answer while fixing a boggle in Lys’ hair that held one of her space buns. “I promised I’d be there. I like this tie, it matches your eyes perfectly” 
Your hand runs over the patterned blue tie. You didn’t get to see him this morning, as you usually do. He slipped out before the sun even came out, with just a kiss to your cheek as his ‘see you later’ so he wouldn’t disturb your sleep. 
“Thank you. Drive safe and be safe, Joseph will be right behind you.”
You groan. He lavished the trait of overprotectiveness. There was one instance where you had begged and begged to roam free without anyone on your tail. It didn’t end well. 
“Non-negotiable, text me when you arrive safely” he reminds you, grasping your chin for a kiss. 
“Bye baby, I'll see you soon. Be good” you kiss her before pinching her chubby cheeks. 
As the door shuts softly behind you, Steve and Elysia are stood in his expansive offices hands up in a wave. “Looks like it’s just me and you, baby doll, are you hungry?”
“No” she responds.
“Okay, would you mind if daddy worked for a little bit more?”
“It’s okay” she lisps. 
Elysia is settled on her father’s lap, Steve’s phone in her tiny hands as she watches ‘The Princess and the Frog’. Occasionally her big eyes roam over the big screens on her father’s desk. 
With his little girl present, Steve isn’t able to complete any of his gruesome tasks, just the light stuff with no pictures or videos.
“Daddy?” Elysia calls for him, her head tucked back. 
“Babydoll?,” he answers, looking down. 
“I’m thirsty, do you ‘ave apple juice?” 
“Do I have apple juice? Do I-- are you kidding, how could you ask that.” while he throws his whole spiel, loving the wide smile on her face. His hand discreetly opens the mini fridge under his desk. It’s always packed with what she enjoys. He pulls out a juice box, and presents it to her like a magic trick. 
“Yay!” she giggles, clapping her hand in glee before she grasps the juice box in both hands eagerly, in turn dropping her father’s phone to the ground. “Oops” she murmurs at the sound of the clatter. 
“It’s alright, just remember to be careful next time” he responds, picking up the newest model. 
Some time passes before Elysia grows bored and begins to squirm and whine. 
He picks her up, placing each foot on his thigh. 
“What’s up, why are you so crabby?,” he coos, running his forefinger down the slope of her warmed up nose while the other hand holds her up by her waist. 
“Wanna play” she bounces her legs, pointing behind her. 
He sighs, checking his watch: 6:03pm. Under twenty minutes until his meeting. So, they play to her heart's desire. He has a few of her favorite things stashed away so he pulls those out after shrugging off his coat. 
Now, he’s sat criss-cross applesauce getting berated by his toddler and thankfully y/n has texted that she’s arrived safely. 
“No, daddy! I’m the chef.”
“Okay, okay. Can I order an orange juice and sandwich, please” he orders through the small window of her Little Tikes play kitchen. 
“Seven thousand dollars,” she tells him, hand out. 
“Prices are a little steep, don't you think?” he jokes, but forgets it’s his two-year-old he’s talking to. “Tough crowd,” he continues, before dropping the fake, blue credit card into her hands. 
“Hmm.” she hums while she thinks, “No monies. No food” she tells him this reproachfully, her eyebrows knit together as she drops the card in his hands. 
“What?” he gawks, “You’re gonna let daddy starve?” 
She sighs before dropping a banana into his palm, “Thank you, babydoll” he smiles, kissing her cheek through the screen as she giggles, her hard chef mask breaking through. 
“Daddy, I don’t wanna play any more.”
“Yea? What do you want to do?”
“Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!” she chants to a tune, walking around to her father. 
Against his will, Steve is still sitting on the floor and his toddler stands before him. One of her tiny fists holds a sheet of glittery Lisa Frank stickers while the other places them on his face.
“Cat or tiger?” she asks, bending her head down. 
She beams, placing it on the middle of his forehead, then kisses it for good measure. 
There’s an incessant buzz in the air. His phone against his presidential, dark wood desk. He goes to it immediately to see it’s a call from Bucky, therefore noticing the time. He’s ten minutes late. Steve Rogers is never late. 
“Shit.” he mutters, ignoring the call to begin peeling off the stickers in a haste. 
“Bad word, daddy!”
“Sorry, baby, sorry” he responds in a haste, when he’s sure his face is bare. He pockets his phone, shrugs on his coat, grabs his binder, and picks up Elysia as he dashes to the elevator. 
“Hi uncle bucky! Hi uncle sam!” Elysia bounces at the sight of her god fathers, waving at the two as she walks by on her father’s hip. 
Steve walks in stoically, there was no way in hell he’d let his men enjoy him coming in flustered and out of sorts. Everyone was in attendance, and sat in their respective seats. When he begins to settle down and start the meeting there’s laughter in the air. 
“The fu--” he stops himself, taking a deep breath. “Would anyone mind letting me in on what’s so hysterical?”
‘The fuck are you clowns laughing at’ is what he really wanted to say. 
“You gotta..” Bucky stops to gather himself, a smirk on his face. “Got a little something there,” he points at his own jaw as a mirror. 
Steve sighs, attempting to find the bright, pink, glittery sticker on his face when his little one speaks up, “I’ve got it, daddy” she peels it off easily and places it on her own cheek. 
“Thank you, babydoll,” he kisses her hand before taking a seat at the head of the expansive table. Placing her on his lap and passing her a small bag of goldfish with her water bottle. Elys has pinky promised to be on her best behavior and Steve had promised that he’d make sure the meeting wouldn’t go as long as they usually do. 
“Okay. As you can see we have a special lady with sensitive ears joining us today. Please keep your language clean and appropriate, however hard that may be.” Steve dictates, taking a glance at every man in this room to not take his words lightly. 
The meeting drags on, they don’t have much of a choice to discuss some matters at hand. But these men are smart and know how to improvise…
“Uh, sunshine (Lloyd) was last seen at a recital (strip club) selling kool aid (drugs) to any of the girls that would take it. We assume it’s his way to sabotage the opening by… you know.” Tony flairs his hand around as a jester. 
Before Steve is able to respond, a smaller voice gets to it, “Daddy, I love kool-aid. Alot alot alot!” 
Steve chuckles at her cuteness. 
Throughout the meeting everyone is meant to talk over and ignore the children's songs emitting from Steve’s phone. And the light, cute voice that sings along to some of them. 
A pack of goldfish later with half a bottle of Elysia’s water. Steve keeps his promise to keep the meeting short, concise, and kid-friendly. Well-sorta, there was one slip up but Steve was quick to cover Elysia’s precious ears and stare down the incompetent imbecile.
He’s packing his things up, putting his notes and papers in order while his little girl giggles at her uncle Sam’s magic tricks: pulling a silver coin from her ear. 
It’s her favorite and will get a laugh from her every time. 
In no time, it’s just him and Ly descending via elevator. Steve has decided they both have had a long day, and going home early for once wouldn’t kill him. It was seven in the afternoon anyway, close to her bedtime. 
He knows she’s had a long day when one of her small arms is wrapped over his neck as her head is tucked against the side of his neck. 
He can’t lie that the thought of sleep sounds good to him. He knows you won’t be home till a little later. But he can’t until you’re home so he can cuddle into you as you both drift off. 
“We’ll be home pretty soon,” he kisses her forehead just as the elevator dings! 
“Okay,” Steve sighs as he enters through the familiar emerald doors, placing the baby bag onto the coat rack. His dress shoes are toed off with speed and just as quick he pulls off his baby’s shoes. 
He sets her down in the living room taking a seat on the couch.
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” she squeaks, walking over to the remote to bring to her father who understands her demand. 
“Does a PB and J sound alright?”
“Mmmm” she drones on, her hands rubbing against her clothed stomach. 
The sandwich is assembled at her request. Crust off the toasted bread and a little bit of honey drizzled on top of the peanut butter. 
Elysia sits on Steve’s lap as she nibbles on her sandwich. Steve is dressed down in just his slacks and wife beater; braiding Elysia’s hair in two as she watches ‘Little Bear’ and eats her sandwich.
He struggles to do so at first, until y/n’s voice swims through his head. Reminding him what he needs to do. 
As Lys chews and her father braids, she holds up half her sandwich in offer behind her. He smiles as he takes a small bite, smiling and moaning about how yummy it is and how thankful he is for her sharing. Then he kisses her cheeks, nipping in jest. 
Once he’s finished braiding Elysia‘s hair and Elysia is done eating her food. She scrambles up until she’s latching onto her father. Her arms are thrown around his neck while her legs clamber to wrap around him. 
Her cuddles are like sleeping sand to the mob boss. He rubs her back as he leans down parallel to the couch, his sock feet hanging off the arm of the couch. 
“I love you baby doll. Best thing to happen to me and your momma.” he whispers, placing three kisses to her forehead. 
“Love you” she slurs while her soft hand lands onto his cheek. 
Without even knowing, his eyes are shut as his breath evens out and his arm circles around his angel’s body to keep her from rolling off of him. 
It was a great time. You were happy you got to support Maggie on her big day, but you missed your husband and the rambunctious little girl you were graced to raise. 
You remove your heels, hissing as your sore feet hit the hardwood floor. The house is quiet as you toe into the house. You can see the living room light is on. You assume Steve has kept it on for you just as you do for him and it makes your heart sing. 
As you walk in, to shut off the warm lamp, your heart really does sing at the picture perfect image: The father-daughter duo are knit together as they step in dream land together. 
His brawny arm is wrapped around her body and his mouth is dropped open in a way you think is adorable. It makes the intimidating man everyone else sees morph into the wonderful, sensitive man you’ve married. 
They’re still dressed in their day clothes, but nothing could ruin the cuteness overload. 
You tiptoe towards the two, leaning over them as your hand runs through Steve’s hair, the other down his free arm. 
He startles awake and his grip tightens on Elysia a little bit, but his body relaxes once he sees it’s you and smiles. 
“Hey, seems like you two had a good day,” you whisper, your hand running over the braids Elysia adorned, those were not there before. 
“We did,” he puckers his lips, and you lean down to peck him. “How was your night, have fun?” 
His hoarse voice is like music to your ears.
“It was great. Missed you two a lot though. Thought of you and that sexy tie all night.”
He smirks at your shallow attempt, a glass box if you will. 
“Yeah? I’ll finish getting her to bed and then we can discuss my sexy  tie.”
“Perfect. Can’t wait,” you giggle warmly, kissing him one more time before you stroll to your shared bedroom. 
He watches the way you saunter away, and if it weren’t for his baby in his arms he’d probably tackle you right then and there. But with much restraint he’s up and on his way to Elysia’s bedroom. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback <3
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tf-lover · 8 months
Commission - Undercover Truths
Interested in commissioning me? Check out this post for more information on rules and pricing.
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Detective Patrick Walters had been in the game a long time. Having just hit 40, he was still in very good shape compared to a lot of guys his age. By this point he’d watched many formerly athletic colleagues in their youth grow lazy and spend more time behind a desk than in the gym, but not Patrick. He was still in the gym five days a week, working out to keep himself in top shape. He prided himself on it. Sure, most of the time you didn’t get dramatic chases like the movies showed, but there were occasions over the years where his athletic prowess had mattered. And besides, it wasn’t for the job. He stayed fit because he liked how it felt, even now into his 40’s he worked hard to keep his appearance as good as it could be for himself and the ladies he hooked up with.
As a seasoned detective who’d worked his way right up the chain from a new member of the force at 18, Partick knew what he was doing when it came to the job. Living in a big city there were always new cases being dropped on his desk. From murders to drug crime at the extreme end, there wasn’t much he didn’t know how to handle at this point in his life. 
This new case though, this one had been tough. Gang activity, but none of his usual sources had been at all useful, and any evidence he’d gathered so far was circumstantial at best. He’d been on the case long enough to know some shady stuff was going on; everything from drugs to disappearances had crossed his desk; but there was never enough hard evidence to back up his instinct that all the cold cases over the last few months were connected. He knew they were though. He could feel it in his bones, as nonsense of a notion as that was. 
So, as he saw it, Patrick only had one option left. 
“Absolutely not.” The precinct’s chief, a man Patrick had been friends with a long time named Simon, said when he put forward his idea. “Out of the question Detective, I’m sorry. I can’t authorise an undercover mission to investigate a hunch, as much as I agree these cold cases are odd and need a solution, we’ve got no proof the downtown gangs are responsible. Sending you in without a strong reason or proof of their involvement just isn’t something I can authorise.” Simon had an apologetic look on his face as he sat back in his desk chair. “I’m sorry Patrick, really. I wish I could help, but I just can’t authorise an op like this and you know it. Maybe taking some time off would help clear your head of all this? You barely ever use your vacation time, that I could quite easily approve.”
A small smile spread over Patrick’s face. “You’re right Sir, maybe I should use up some of those vacation days.” He turned to leave the office, but paused when he got to the door and glanced back at the chief. “Thank you Simon, really.”
“Don’t know what you’re thanking me for Pat, I’m just approving some vacation time is all.” Simon didn’t give any hint of anything showing through, but Patrick didn’t need him to. “Now get out of here, you’ve got some vacation time to enjoy.”
Patrick nodded and headed out of the office. He was lucky he’d known the chief as long as he had, he’d have missed the hint at an off books snoop around if not. Simon couldn’t approve a full on investigation, but if Patrick could come to him with enough evidence, officially or unofficially obtained, to link one of the downtown gangs then maybe he could launch something. He’d have to be careful though, since he knew there was no protection if he was caught; Simon would have to deny all knowledge and claim he went rogue. 
All he had to do now was finish off some paperwork then he’d be ready to head off for his ‘vacation’. One that, little did he know, was going to be far more life changing than he was expecting…
It’d taken a couple of days and a lot of phone calls, but eventually Patrick had found an in. He’d hung around the right places and managed to run into a former member of the largest gang in the city, one who let just enough information slip when Patrick had pretended to be someone the guy knew from the gang years ago. Act in the right way and you could get people to think you knew them from a long time ago, a skill Patrick had become fairly good at over the years.
Armed with the knowledge he needed, Patrick made his way to the warehouse district of the city after that conversation. He’d long suspected there was gang activity around these parts, but had never had enough specifics. Now was different though, as now he knew the rough area to check. There were only a few unused warehouses in the southern part of the district below the river, so one of those had to be the one he was looking for. 
The first one was a bust. Picked the lock and slipped inside, only to find stacks of rotting cardboard boxes, filled with products from a toy company he knew had gone out of business several years ago. 
The second of the three ws now in use he’d discovered. When he’d walked up there were a few workers loading furniture into the back of a van, and a quick conversation after pretending to be lost had revealed this definitely wasn’t the place he was looking for. 
All he had left was the third one he knew was abandoned. 
When he got there he was glad to see no signs of life like the second one. No signs of anything when he walked in, not even boxes stacked up like the first. He still had a good look around though, just to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. And he was lucky he did, as in one of the back corners was a hatch that had to lead down to a basement. As he descended the ladder down he could see a soft glow of some type of light and the sound of a voice, which meant he had to be in the right place. 
A few seconds later he stepped back onto solid ground to find himself in a short corridor with sets of doors along each side and one at the end. It was this end one that piqued his curiosity, as this one unlike the others was slightly ajar and was the source of the sound and pale glow. 
Partick stepped closer quietly and carefully, not wanting to alert anyone that might be inside. The closer he got though, the more he realised it wasn’t a conversation he could hear and wasn’t a light on he could see. It was the same voice saying the same words on a loop of several minutes, which meant the light was probably a TV playing a video on a loop. Why there would be something like that down in the basement of an abandoned warehouse he had no idea, but it was definitely suspicious enough to lead him to believe he was in the right place. 
Once he got to the door at the end of the corridor, Patrick hovered outside for a few moments to make sure he couldn’t hear anyone moving around. When he was sure he pushed his way into the room, gun held low and ready to fire if it came to it. As he suspected though, there wasn’t a soul in sight; only him, the TV as he’d guessed, and the rest of the small room. A table with clothes and a half used pack of cigarettes on, a shower in one corner, and the TV in the centre of the room with a chair in front. It was an odd set up to say the least, and not what Patrick had been hoping to find. 
“This is… What even is all this for?” Patrick mumbled to himself as he walked around. The most confusing part of it all was the fine layer of dust on everything, a sign no one had been here or touched this stuff in some time. “No one’s been here, so why is the TV on? I can’t have been left on for the same amount of time as this other stuff hasn’t been touched.”
With nothing particularly interesting laying around the room, Patrick turned to the TV. He’d largely ignored it until now, but with no other signs of a clue it was the only thing left. It was clearly pretty old, not one of the more modern flat screens by any means. It wasn’t playing anything in particular though, all he could see was a blank white screen that occasionally flickered to black when whatever was playing looped to the beginning. 
Welcome back home Lance, you’ve been gone a while.
The words the voice spoke struck some kind of chord within Patrick’s mind. He wasn’t this Lance guy, but somehow he knew instinctively he was the one being spoken to by the deep voice. A pause later as Patrick moved around to the front of the TV and the voice spoke again. 
Not saying anything? Figures. At least take a seat why don’t you?
Patrick sat down in the ratty chair without thinking about it. Not until he’d got comfortable anyway did he realise he’d just listened to what the voice said. It was like it was talking to him, but that wasn’t possible. Was it? 
“Who are you? What is this place?” He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him despite the logical part of his brain knowing he’d heard all this before in the background as he’d looked around the room. “Can you hear-”
We’re not having a conversation, I just know you well enough to know what you’re going to ask whilst you’re like this. I’m your everything Lance, I’ve missed you.
Missed him? How could this voice have missed him when he didn’t even know who it belonged to? Despite that, there was still a shiver of satisfaction as whoever this man was said that; Patrick was suddenly feeling like he had missed the man behind the voice too. It made no sense, but he couldn’t deny the feeling was there now out of nowhere. 
It sent a jolt of panic running down his spine and Patrick fought the urge to stay sitting in the chair like he’d been told. He wanted to run, get out of here and all the strangeness of this small, dark room whilst he still could, but something deep in his core kept him locked in place.
You’re probably panicking right now. Have a cigarette Lance, that always helps you calm down.
Patrick’s eyes flicked over to the pack on the table. There was a lighter there too he realised, all ready for him to grab and light up. Patrick had never smoked in his life, not even a slight puff on one as a teenager. He hated the things, could never see how someone would want to destroy their body like that. 
He was reaching over to swipe them up before he knew what he was doing. Slid one out of the pack, balanced it between his lips, then flicked the lighter with a practised ease and set the cigarette burning. Two fingers around the end by his lips to keep it steady, then one deep inhale later he felt that sweet, familiar rush of nicotine and a calm wash over him. Lance blew the smoke out slowly as he pulled the cigarette from his lips, letting out a content sigh as he did. He’d missed that feeling. 
Patrick blinked down at the cigarette in his hand as he was about to raise it back to his lips. What had he just done? For a moment he’d lost himself completely. No coughing after what he knew was his first time smoking; the ease with which he pulled one out a lit up wasn’t one he possessed; he definitely wasn’t familiar with the calming high he got afterwards. It wasn’t possible for him to be missing a feeling he’d never felt before, and he absolutely did not know where the momentary comfort with being this ‘Lance’ dude had come from. 
On reflex, Partick slotted the cigarette back between his lips and took another long, heavenly drag from it. Smoke filled him up, swirling around as he held it inside for a moment to enjoy the sensation before he let it back out in a lengthy blow. 
Comfort. Home. Relaxed. All those feelings swirled around with the smoke as he took drag after drag from the cigarette between Lance’s lips. 
Confusion. Panic. Fear. All those feelings left Patrick as he blew out the smoke each time. 
There wasn’t anything to worry about here, the cigarette had reminded him. He belonged here, this wasn’t some break in, he was just coming home. Each inhale of smoke he calmed down as the previously unknown itch for nicotine was scratched, each exhale Patrick felt more comfortable and at ease letting this voice call him Lance. It felt right, more right than Patrick felt as his name in the current moment. 
Once you’ve finished that off Lance you should get changed. Have a shower to wash off all that hair dye and makeup covering your tattoos, then your usual gym clothes are all there just as you left them. 
Lance looked over at the shower in the corner of the room. He could do with a shower after the long day, even if he didn’t quite know what else the voice was talking about. He ran a hand through his grey hair as he stood up and kicked his shoes off. It’d been brown once upon a time, but he’d never cared enough to dye it as he grew older. He’d never liked the way tattoos looked either, so why the voice thought he’d need to wear makeup to cover something he didn’t have was beyond him.
Nevertheless, he still switched the shower on then stripped quickly and stepped under the warm spray. It felt almost as good as the cigarette had, so much so he unconsciously turned the heat up higher than he’d usually tolerate. There was something about the almost scalding hot water as it rolled down his neck from his head, over his shoulders and down his torso, something that just felt right. There was a cloth and bottle he could only assume was shower gel, so he squeezed a generous amount into his hands and started rubbing it into his skin. Under his arms, over his crotch and between his ass cheeks, then up and over his shoulders and back into his hair, barely an inch of him was spared.
Once he was properly soaped up, Lance turned a little to place himself back directly under the spray and went to work washing it all off again. He barely noticed the grey colour that came with the suds in his hair, or the pinkish tint that sloughed off as he rubbed at his skin. Dark lines appeared the more he rubbed and cleaned, revealing dark tattoos and tanned skin all over his body, just as the voice had claimed. As he washed his hair he watched as some of it fell out and washed away down the drain, leaving it now cropped perfectly short to his scalp.
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“When did I…?” Lance hesitated for a second as he stared at his inked flesh when the last of the shower gel had washed off. He didn’t remember getting tattoos… or did he? “Huh, yeah. That’s… that’s my ink. Missed seeing that on this job, maybe I’ll get more to celebrate being finished at last.”
“You did a great job getting into the police so deep Lance, I’m proud of you. Undercover work isn’t easy, but you’re done now.”
Lance smiled to himself as he stepped out of the shower and dried off. It was all coming back to him now. He wasn’t a cop or a detective, he was only pretending to be for the gang to throw off some of the stuff they’d been doing. He wasn’t this perfect Patrick Walters guy, that was just an alias they’d created for him. The memories of that life, growing up into some old guy like that, none of it was real. It was a backstory they’d planned out together. Even now he barely noticed as the memories slipped away, just the important details Lance had to memorise for the job sticking around. 
The location the voice was coming from had shifted too, but Lance was too preoccupied with drying himself off and grabbing his clothes to notice. It was clearer and closer to the door instead of sounding like it came from the TV in the centre of the room, not that it made a difference as Lance pulled on his favourite jockstrap and shorts. A tank top that showed off his muscles and tattoos followed, along with the necklace, backwards cap and earrings he always wore. 
He felt comfortable again now he’d dropped out of the disguise and got back to himself. How the stupid pigs had ever believed some shitty hair dye and makeup he hadn’t a clue, it wasn’t exactly a believable disguise. That and somehow passing for a man who just turned 40 when Lance himself had turned 28 only a few months before the beginning of this undercover stuff; the cops were really all as stupid as he thought they were. 
“How’re you feeling babe? Better to be back?”
The voice that was very clearly from inside the room startled Lance for a second before he looked up to see his boyfriend, who was also the leader of the gang he was part of, stood at the door. He had his arms folded over his chest and his signature smirk on his face, one that always got Lance’s cock throbbing.
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“You know I am Raf. Been dying to be back in your arms for months.” Lance said as he strolled across the room. When he got close enough he untangled Raf’s crossed arms and pressed himself up against his lover, their muscled bodies snug together. “You got no idea how much I’ve missed you and myself, pulling off the straight older cop shtick was torture.”
Raf rubbed a hand over Lance’s shaved hair then let them slide down and settle around his waist. “I bet it was, but you’re back to normal now eh? Can get the hell outta here and get shit moving on the next phase. Now you’ve thrown them off us we can expand and take over the smaller gangs, become the big underground name around here. We’re gonna own this city thanks to you babe.”
Raf leaned in and kissed him then. Lance happily kissed back, letting his lover's beard scratch against his jaw as their lips slid together. It was more heavenly than the cigarette, which was something considering how much he smoked in one day. Not smoking or being with Raf had been the worst torture of his life, but it was all over now. He had his boyfriend back kissing him, his life back, everything. 
A few moments later the kiss ended and Raf slid out of his arms. He still held Lance’s hand tight as he pulled him out of the small room and pushed him back towards the ladder upwards, then let go so his lover could move. “You go on up Lance. I’m just gonna clear this place out, then I’ll come meet you up there and we can leave yeah?”
Lance nodded and grabbed hold of the ladder. “Sure thing Raf, I’ll see your sexy ass in the car for some hot sex yeah?”
Raf nodded and smirked again. “You bet your ass I will. It’s been long enough, I’ve missed the way you suck dick.” He watched Lance blush as the other man climbed the ladder out of the small basement, leaving Raf alone down there. He switched the TV off, grabbed up the clothes his boyfriend had taken off to get in the shower earlier, then walked back to the door. “Well Patrick, that sure went off without a hitch, didn’t it?” He said to the empty room before he locked it and headed off to catch up with Lance. 
Raf had a lot of fucking to do so he could make up for lost time, though whether that time was a few months or a lifetime was anyone’s guess…
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libraryofgage · 4 months
A Hop, a Skip, and a TARDIS Jump
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two (on the way!) Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One (you're here!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz)
I know it says 10Rose up there, but this series starts with 9Rose, because 9 is also special blorbo in my heart hfjdks Christopher Eccleston didn't have to put his whole chest into the role but he did and I love that for him
Anyway, have fun with this one! We're getting time travel shenanigans coming up (and angst, def some angst, but it'll end sweet I promise), and a little meme at the end
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't :)
Satellite Five 200,000
Running into the woman was an accident created by the chaos of something changing on Satellite Five. Steve doesn't know what that is, exactly, but he can feel it in the air, in the way the humans around him have started rushing, in how the food stands have suddenly ground to a halt. And he comes to a halt with them, his hearts speeding up in his chest as the frenzy reminds him of another time, another planet, another chaotic scene that ended with him being launched across time and space while his home died.
When he finally gathers his wits enough to move, he turns right into a woman's leg, bumping his nose hard against her and falling to the ground with a startled cry. He holds his nose, the bridge smarting and causing his eyes to water as he looks up at a pretty young blonde woman who immediately crouches in front of him.
"Sorry about that. You all right?" she asks, her hands hovering in the air like she wants to check him for injuries but doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.
The funny thing is, Steve has seen this woman before. He saw her earlier in the day, getting into the elevator with a journalist and a man, and he assumed he'd never see her again. Nobody who got in the elevator came back. He's so overwhelmed by the shock of seeing her again that he almost misses the familiar aura around her, the lingering traces of golden space dust and passing time.
He stares at her with wide eyes, his tears actually falling now, and then throws himself into her arms. "What took so long?!" he cries, clinging to her shirt like he'll be thrown across time and space one more time if he lets go.
"Woah, hey now, no need for crying," she says, utterly confused but gently smoothing down his hair anyway. "What's wrong?"
After taking a few moments to calm down, Steve starts to answer when he realizes something. The woman only has one heart. He can only hear one set of beats in her chest. He jerks away, his hands trembling as he stares at her. She's still covered in that familiar aura, practically swimming in it, but she's not like him.
It hurts. Steve can feel the bitter cold of disappointment replacing the hope that had started to grow between his hearts. He thought...he thought he'd get to be with someone like him again. Maybe not his original family---they're dead, long gone, and Steve is never getting them back---but a new one that wouldn't let him feel quite so alone anymore.
Maybe she was just injured. That would explain it well enough.
"Where....where's your second heart?" he asks, his voice small as he grips the hem of his shirt to steady himself. "Y-you...why do you--"
Before Steve can get the rest of the question, a man in a leather jacket, looking slightly annoyed as he checks his pockets, appears next to the woman. "Right then. C'mon, Rose, we got dead weight to drop off," he says, his tone hard.
The woman, Rose, looks up at him. "Hold on a minute, Doctor," she says, "we've got to help him find his parents first."
Steve opens his mouth, wanting to say that won't be possible, as he looks up at the man. Their eyes meet, and the words get stuck in his throat. If Rose carried lingering space dust and passing time, this man is made of it. Steve can see the gold around him, swirling and calling, singing in a way he'd forgotten about. Even the name is familiar---not that Steve knows this particular Time Lord, of course, but he knows the conventions and traditions.
"I'm afraid that'll be impossible, Rose," the Doctor says, his voice softer and full of disbelief as he crouches next to her on the ground.
"What? How do you know?"
The Doctor doesn't answer her. He just holds a hand out to Steve, waiting patiently. When Steve takes it, the world finally rights itself. He can feel the blood pumping through the Doctor's veins, fast and powerful in a way only two hearts can manage. He can practically taste time and space coating his tongue as he steps closer. When Steve places his hand on the left side of the man's chest, feeling the beating of one heart before sliding his hand over to feel the other, he cries even harder than before.
And the Doctor cries, too.
It's not a loud crying, but he pulls Steve into his arms and holds him with the same desperation and fear that he'll disappear if he loosens his grip that Steve felt when he hugged Rose. "I thought...I thought I was the only one left," the Doctor says, moving his hand to cradle the back of Steve's head.
"Doctor, what's going on here?" Rose asks.
Steve peeks out at her, and then he's lifted into the air, still held in the Doctor's arms. His jacket smells like the past and future, a soothing scent that gets Steve to relax like he hasn't in a long time. "Long story short," the Doctor says, his voice still rough from crying but recovering, "you somehow bumped into the only Time Lord child in existence." A few moments pass before he speaks again, the smile and awe clear in his voice as he says, "You're just fantastic, Rose. Fantastic."
Despite his best efforts, Steve can't keep his eyes open long enough to see how she reacts or what the Doctor does next. The exhaustion of fending for himself and pushing away the despair of losing everything sweeps over him. This could all be a dream, and the Doctor might be a figment of his imagination that disappears when he wakes up, but Steve lets himself dream for now.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1971
"Okay, Steve, go ahead."
Steve glances up at his father, shifts his gaze to his mother, and then approaches the console. He reaches up and starts turning a dial, ignoring his mother's excited noise and his father's interested hum. Once he's turned it enough, he walks around the console and pulls a lever, flips a switch, and yanks another dial two notches to the right. Then, when he's sure his parents can't hear him, he leans in close and whispers, "Take me wherever you'd like me to be, TARDIS."
He feels something warm and happy surge under his fingers where he's holding the console. Not a second later, the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS fills the room, and Steve hang on for dear life as his father shouts, "Fantastic! Where do you think we'll land, Rose?"
"Somewhere child-friendly, hopefully," his mother replies, grabbing his father's arm and holding on for dear life.
Steve grins, his hearts beating fast and hard behind his ribs as the TARDIS slowly comes to a stop, its engine quieting to a gentle whirring as it parks. "Go on then," his father says, appearing behind Steve and nudging him to the doors. "See where you've brought us."
With his breath stuck in his throat, Steve slowly pulls the left door open. Sunlight streams into the TARDIS along with the delighted shrieks of other children and a warm wind that can only mean summer. Steve blinks, staring at the playground a few feet away.
"Oh," his father says, his tone duller than before, "seems boring."
This statement is followed by both the TARDIS making an offended noise and Steve's mother smacking his father in the chest. "Don't be rude! Boring is safe, which is good for Steve's first drive."
"Can...can I go play?" Steve asks, his voice soft as he feels a sudden longing sweeping through him. He hasn't played with people his age after leaving Gallifrey. In fact, he hasn't been around them. On Satellite Five, Steve didn't see other children. They were cared for on a different floor, and he never risked getting into the elevator.
Since leaving Satellite Five (since finding another Time Lord and basking in the TARDIS and crying together when Steve accidentally called the Doctor "Dad" and Rose "Mom"), Steve has been surrounded by Daleks and nanogenes and older humans and every alien under the sun, but he's never been around children.
The thought is exhilarating and terrifying and alluring all at once.
"Of course, Steve," his mother says, placing her hand on his head and brushing a few stray hairs from his face. "You go play, and we'll call you back in a few hours for some ice cream, yeah?"
Steve grins and nods eagerly, throwing a quick goodbye to his parents before running out of the TARDIS. He dashes across the street, coming to the edge of the playground before stopping. The grass turns into tiny rocks and pebbles beneath slides and swings and monkey bars and a merry-go-round. And kids. More kids than Steve really knows what to do with, which gives him an unfamiliar feeling of anxiety that makes him wipe his palms on his shirt.
"Hey, why are you just standing there?"
The question is asked by another boy Steve's age. His hair is a little frizzy and curls around his ears, and he's got band-aids covering his arms and stretching across the bridge of his nose. He's standing to Steve's left, holding a red rubber ball and ignoring the other kids around them.
"I've...never been here before," Steve says, meaning that he's never been in this situation.
The boy doesn't understand that, though. But when he says, "Oh, so you're new around here," Steve doesn't disagree. "Well, nice to meetcha. I'm Eddie."
He shifts to hold the ball against his chest with one arm and holds out his other hand. Taking it and shaking once, Steve introduces himself and asks, "Can we be friends?"
Eddie's eyes brighten, and he nods. "Yeah! Let's be bestest friends. Can I call you Stevie? Mom says you can give nicknames to friends."
"Sure! So, uh, what do we do now?"
Eddie pauses, looking at the playground with a slight frown. "We could play games," he says slowly.
"Oh! How about Weeping Angel?"
"What's that?"
Steve thinks for a moment. "Weeping Angels are these statues that move when you don't look at them. In the game, someone will face away, and the other person will start sneaking up on them. If the first person turns, the second has to freeze in place. If the first person sees them move, they lose. If the second person reaches the first and touches them, they win."
"It sounds like Rad Light, Green Light," Eddie says, tilting his head slightly. "But, sure! Let's play it."
Steve smiles brightly and follows Eddie to a clear patch of playground. "I'll be the Angel in this round," he offers, waiting for Eddie to agree before walking a few feet away. "Let me know when you're ready!"
Eddie turns around, still holding the rubber ball, and glances over his shoulder. He stares at Steve for a few seconds before looking away and saying, "Ready!"
As lightly as he can, Steve takes a few steps forward, doing his best to make no sounds like the Weeping Angels he's seen before. When he notices Eddie moving, he freezes, quickly placing his hands over his eyes but leaving enough room to peek between his fingers.
When Eddie turns, he's frozen in a classic Weeping Angel pose. Eddie studies him for a few seconds, eyes narrowed before slowly turning around again. Steve exhales softly, and the game continues.
Steve wins exactly three times, Eddie wins twice, and there's one round in which they both dissolve into laughter because of the position Steve freezes in, so they don't count it. When Eddie gets bored of playing, he introduces Steve to foursquare, which is why he has the rubber ball. When he gets bored of that he drags Steve around the playground, introducing him to each piece of equipment with pride.
By the time the sun has started to dip low on the horizon, Steve is sweaty and dirty and happier than he's ever felt as he hides under the slide with Eddie. They're pressed close together, sharing a popsicle Eddie's mother had given them, purple juice making their hands sticky.
"You're really cool, Stevie," Eddie suddenly says, his lips and tongue purple as he offers the last bit of popsicle to Steve.
After taking it and letting the cold ice melt on his tongue, Steve asks, "Hey, do bestest friends keep secrets that only they know?"
"Of course! Nothing is stronger than a bestest friend secret."
"But you gotta promise not to tell anyone. Not even your mom."
Eddie seems to realize this is serious now, and he straightens up a bit. "I won't," he promises, "cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye."
That seems a bit extreme to Steve, but what does he know of human customs? He leans in close, his mouth almost pressing against Eddie's ear, and whispers, "I'm an alien."
He pulls away in time to see Eddie's disbelieving look. "What? You look human. No way you're an alien."
"I am!" Steve says. "How many hearts have you got?"
"One. Duh."
"I've got two."
Eddie snorts. "Yeah. Right. Nobody has two hearts."
"Here, you can feel them," Steve says before grabbing Eddie's hand and placing it over the left side of his chest. He waits a few seconds, making sure Eddie can feel that heart, before sliding his hand to the right side. He watches Eddie's face turn bright red, and Steve figures it's from excitement or shock at realizing Steve is, in fact, an alien.
Before Eddie can say anything, Steve hears his mother calling, "Steve! It's time to go!"
He pouts, letting go of Eddie's hand. "Aw, man," he mumbles, crawling out from beneath the slide. Eddie scrambles after him, his cheeks still flushed and his eyes wide. "I gotta go now, but I'll see you again soon, Eddie."
"Yeah, soon," Eddie mumbles, seeming dazed until he shakes his head. "Your, um, secret is safe with me, Stevie."
Steve blinks and flashes a blinding smile. "Of course it is," he says, "You're my bestest friend."
With that, he hugs Eddie and then runs to his mother, brimming with excitement at getting to tell her all about the park and Eddie.
If you'd like to be tagged for this series, let me know!
And, finally, a meme for your viewing pleasure:
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lordperceval-16 · 6 months
I Think There's Been A Glitch
Part 2 (part 1)
Thank you so much to everyone who's liked, commented and RB'd part 1. I never imagined people would enjoy it so much 🥹 I've been super busy with work lately but finally got around to finishing part 2 so hope you enjoy it!
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Liked by landonorris and others
Daniel3.jpg: As per usual, Y/N doing all the work and Lando being a pain in her ass.
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Landonorris notice how you weren't helping AT ALL
Yourusername you're really not in a position to be throwing stones, you didn't do much either
Landonorris I hung the lights?? And the mistletoe??
Yourusername and that's all you did but you 👏did👏them👏so👏well👏
Mclarenfan these two are ridiculous but I love them so much
Y/N_stan the mistletoe??? Oh my god???? they're madly in love and nobody is gonna change my mind about it
Honeybadger3 Daniel definitely ships it I'm calling it now he's one of us.
Twitchquartet these two are like something out of a hallmark Christmas movie. I hope it ends like one
QueenY/N ikr??? And why is nobody talking about the MATCHING PYJAMAS?????
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Liked by maxverstappen1, maxfewtrell and others
Landonorris: Y/N: "I'm gonna kick your ass"
Also Y/N: has to he held at all times so she doesn't bust her ass
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Yourusername that is slander. Lies. Vicious rumours. It was YOU who had to be held up
Maxfewtrell @landonorris you've been exposed in 4k
Landonorris why is everyone ganging up on me we ALL know the truth
Y/nstan_1 oh my god???? They're...holding hands??? What in the lukewarm launch is this???
Livelaughlando lukewarm launch I can't 💀🤣
Danielriccardo 👀👫
Y/nLandoStan not Daniel creeping in the comments with the rest of us
Ricrodeo1 oh he has EXPOSED THEM fr
Carlando DANIEL WHAT? 👀💀
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Liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
Yourusername: T-4 days to the best day of the year (yes, Lando made a complete mess making cupcakes are we even surprised)
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Landosgirl oh they're sick for this because what are we supposed to think? That they're NOT in love???
Queen_Y/N ikr??? I mean the way she LOOKS at him I am violently ill
Lando_Y/N brb just going to lay down and sob because how do I find someone who looks at me the way Y/N looks at Lando
Scuderia_Stan Relatable af
Maxfewtrell be honest @yourusername you made those cupcakes, he just posed for the picture
Liked by yourusername
Landonorris stop lying in the comments.
Yourusername 🤨🤨🤨
Landonorris oh don't you start you almost put in salt instead of sugar
Yourusername stop inventing 🤫
Landostan I love how Lando gets consistently roasted by his friends in the comments every damn time this man gets away with nothing.
Carlando not Y/N quoting Carlos AND roasting Lando at the same time oh she's too good😂
@holy-macncheese-balls @theunwcnted @nous-aurons-toujours-paris-kid @akahalloween31 @mythunderstorm
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judeswhore · 7 months
Jude posting a picture of you and his mam being like my girls 🥰🩵 but he meant to post it on his close friends or private insta so he accidentally hard launched the relationship and you’re just looking at him like dude posting privileges revoked
I think his gf and mam would be close especially once she knows you have good intentions and sees how serious y’all are with each other like so close y’all are texting and making plans without Jude to go like shopping and have spa days and he’ll be so confused like not knowing until it has already happened bc you’ll casually mention it in your convos like oh yeah when me and your man did blah blah and he’s just like what? when? Without me? 🤨🫣🥲
the three of u have gone for coffee and he’s taken a pic of u and his mam bc he just loves keeping little memories of even the smallest things and he usually always posts on his private instagram so he’s going to do that, captioning it something annoying like “i’m third wheeling” bc he likes to be a little shit but he accidentally puts it on his main instagram and none of u realise until it’s too late and he’s fully just hard launched ur relationship without even realising it. his friends and urs messaging u both like “??? u finally decided to show her off” and ur so confused until u go to instagram and see where he’s posted it and now ur huffing at him telling him he’s not allowed to take anymore pictures of u and he’s all “the damage is already done🙄🙄i might as well show u off now” and everyone is going insane bc he just announced his relationship on a random wednesday and no one knows how to act and now they’re all wondering who tf u are bc he didn’t tag u or anything.
also yes to being besties w his mam like jude wld be so jealous and wld always be like “r u dating my mam now? bc u go on more dates w her than u do me” which is honestly true bc u and her go for coffee dates at least twice a week. and u always text and call her to see how she is or to tell her new stuff that’s happening with u or to complain abt jude and he always whines that ur ganging up on him. making plans to go on little spa trips and jude’s like ???”where’s my invite” and is so jealous that he’s getting left out but at the same time he loves that youse get on and you’ve basically become a daughter to her
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kaciidubs · 7 months
Lucky Charm
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❣ For my sweet love @sweetracha - thank you for indulging me in this AU, I hope you like it! ❣
❣ Summary: Racer! AU - Its the first race of the season, and what's a better way to start it off without a little visit from Jisung's lucky charm? ❣  ❣ Word Count: 1.1k ❣ Warnings: Racecar Driver! Jisung, Racer Crew! OT8, Jisung's a bit cocky but in a lovable way, established relationship, hinted smut, fluff, humor, kissing, Seungmin is a menace to Changbin, Jeongin is a menace to Minho, Jisung is a menace to Reader ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Han is referred to as Jisung, Han, and Mr. Flirt, sort of slice of life style but I love it ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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“Seungmin, stop hiding my tools!”
“I’ll stop hiding them when you stop calling me a dog!”
You watched as Changbin wrangled the younger into a chokehold - putting no power behind it, of course - and continued spewing on about how he’ll continue being a dog if he keeps hiding his stuff. 
“They’re still at it?” 
Breaking you from the ever so entertaining view, you turned your head to see Chris walking over to you, black headset donned around his neck in preparation for the race. 
“Mhm - you know, for the pit leader and star of the crew, they really can’t get past this fake sibling rivalry.” 
“It keeps them entertained and out of my hair, as long as they don’t kill each other then so be it.” 
Nodding in agreement, you snuck a peek at the pair once again; Seungmin now, miraculously, out of the hold and taunting Changbin over something entirely new. 
It was race day, the first race of the season and the starting line for the journey to the silver cup, so it was understandable why they seemed to have more energy than before - honestly, you were surprised they weren’t chasing each other around by this point. 
“Where’s the rest of the gang?” You mused, noting the lack of a few familiar faces amongst the pit crew that filled the assigned stadium garage. 
Chris leaned against the table you were sitting on, crossing his arms over his t-shirt clad chest, “Well, Minho’s doing a pre recorded interview - he brought Jeongin along to ‘show him how it's done’, Hyunjin is out getting some pictures of the stadium, Felix is getting the final lineup of the race, and I’m sure you know where Jisung is.”
Ah, right - the man of the hour and the reason why you’re all gathered today - Han Jisung, the person taking up this season’s race in the SKZ name. This was far from his first race, or course, but it still held importance; this was his shot at a third consecutive win following his overly successful season last year, taking over for Minho as he took on the responsibility of training Jeongin with Chris, and you were here to hopefully witness his first win of the circuit.
Picking aimlessly at the fabric of your skirt, you regarded the eldest with a soft look, “You think he’s nervous?”
“Yeah.” He unfolded his arms, resting his hands on the edge of the table, “But you know how he is, nerves are only fuel to him - keeps telling me how he knows what he’s doing and that he’s bringing back another trophy for the garage.”
You stifled a laugh, shaking your head in amusement - cocky as ever.
The sound of the door squeaking open drew your attention, easily recognizing the faces coming through the door.
“You can ignore me all you want - that interviewer was so into you!” Jeongin beamed, following closely behind a nonplussed Minho.
“Chan, get this child away from me, now.”
“Seriously! How could you not see it?! She was a hundred perfect fucking you with her eyes-”
“Shit- okay! Innie, you keep testing him and he might actually kill you this time.” Chris launched himself from his position on the table, leaving you to watch as he dragged the youngest driver away from the veteran - but not without attracting the attention of the two lead pit crew members eager for the tea.
In the midst of the action, the door opened once again - Jisung walked through wearing his racing jumpsuit decorated in various sponsorship patches he’d earned throughout the years. He went to jump into the ruckus until he spotted you on the table, laughing at whatever threat Minho famously came up with this time, his heart fluttering and feet leading him straight to your side.
“You must really love me if you’re willing to deal with these guys,” he hummed nonchalantly, not missing the way you jumped at his sudden presence, head whipping toward him in surprise.
Rolling your eyes, a soft smile quickly replaced your shock, “You must really love me if you’re willing to let me deal with these guys.” You watched as he saddled himself in front of you, caging you in against the table with a sideways smirk.
“Of course I love you,” pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, a bright smile blossomed on his lips, “you should’ve told me you were here already, I would’ve gotten ready faster!”
“Today’s an important day, you really think I’m gonna rush you just to see me?” Your fingers danced their way up the fabric of his jumpsuit, tracing along the various seams and straps before finding home on his shoulders.
“I’m always in a rush to see you, why do you think I always finish in first?”
You scoffed out a laugh, eyes glittering with mirth, “Okay, Mr. Flirt, let’s get our heads in the game here.”
“Han! We’ve gotta start getting ready soon!”
A wave of anxious excitement washed over you at Chris’ time call, and you could see the spark of determination flash behind Jisung’s eyes - this was it.
“One last kiss from my lucky charm?” Jisung hummed softly, his hands sliding to cradle the outside of your thighs, fingers fiddling with your skirt.
Nodding curtly, you took his face in your hands, gently turning his head to the right, “Be smart-” you murmured before kissing his cheek and turning his head to the left, “be safe-” planting another kiss, you turned him one final time to face you, “be fast-” pecking his lips, you leveled him with a soft stare, “and come back to me.”
“Always.” He promised, as always, finishing the ritual with a solid kiss to your lips in return, pulling back with a cocky grin, “I’ll make sure to come back for my second checkered flag, too.”
Your eyebrows furrowed for a second before your gaze dropped to where he was currently squeezing your thighs and- of course, in addition to wearing a custom shirt with his racing number and name, you’d opted for a black and white checker patterned skirt to tie the look together.
A new rush of heat ran through you as you mushed his face with your hands, embarrassed giggles escaping you all the while, “Han Jisung get away from me!”
You could feel him kiss the palm of your hand with a triumphant laugh, taking your wrist to move your hand, “You know you love me!”
“Yeah, I love you, now go!”
Successfully shooing him away, you watched as he went to huddle with the rest of his team - now noticing the arrival of Felix amongst the group, and Hyunjin with his camera in hand, snapping pictures of the first huddle of the season.
You knew he’d give it his all, he always did, but a little intentionally unintentional enticement never hurt anyone - you were his lucky charm after all, and if that helped him have another reason to bring back the gold then who were you to stop it?
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
26 ASKS!! THANK YOU!! :}}} 🥪
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(Post in question)
WAAHAHAAG THANK YOU SO MUHC!!! :DDDD As for your questions-
Spider crab's name is just a place holder for now, much like a lot of the crew has.. I want to give them all proper names at some point. Like Ellie and Louis have.. But I'm just really bad at coming up with names for stuff- <XD 💔💔
For Luigi- no one in particular! I just wanted to draw him with that expression <XD And don't worry, Mario cheered him up in the end :}}
As for the FNAF doodle, thats Foxy, Roxy and Mangle! I get that its hard to recognize her by her side profile and without color though-- <XD I had experimented with some ideas of a pirate themed Glamrock Mangle being added to one of the AUs. Though that sketch was the only one I really liked. :/
I have seen Encanto! :D It was alright, I liked the living house aspect of it :00
As for Red, I thiiink he might be too young to understand fusion or how to do it.. I pictured him being.. like what, five? Or something? That's like half the age of when Steven first learned to fuse-
That, and it felt a little odd for him to fuse with any of the crew, since they're all so much older than him. :/
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@astaherussy (Post in question)
XD Sure were! Convenient aren't they?🤣🤣
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I've definitely heard of it, and I've seen some gifs/posts about it here and there.. but truth be told I have no idea what its about. :( I think I've seen two Mario's and one wears a black suit...?
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(Link/video in question)
XDD I imagine Ellie would shut that down real quick. But in the off chance that they get away with it.. I feel like Louis would come out on top.
He could block any oncoming attacks with his unbreakable claw arm, then whip around and launch whole watermelons and pies with the other XDD He would probably think it was fun too!
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Does the game have large birds like that?? :0 I had no idea! They gotta be on the look out for those then--
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Oof, I suppose they could.. though I don't intend for either party to experience that. It just sounds miserable! D:>
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(Link/video in question)
XDD Oh man, that's hilarious! Poor Red--
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (Referencing this post)
Thank you! I hope I get better soon too.. I hope to have some answers by next week.. <:) 🙏
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:DD Thank you! I'm so glad you like my Freddy! :))
I always kind'a felt like a certain.. gloomy-ness, would be fitting for him. He already has some of that in the game. But with everything my Freddy's been through.. just.. having this weight to his tone. This lingering exhaustion.. I felt like it would suit him. :(
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Hmm... I imagine that Seam and Jevil would be options.. Maybe in bad cases Calico Jack would.. Almost everyone in FNAF is an option <XD
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No.. in a sad twist of fate, no one ever heard his cries in the dungeon. Imagine how much more lonely he felt becuase of that..
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I don't know if he gets phantom pains from getting beat up.. but I imagine his horn stumps give him some aches and soreness that can be attributed to phantom pain.. :(
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Who's gingerbrave? That's the main character right..? I have no idea if he'd come across my crew.. I don't know what kind of shenanigans he gets up to.. wait "gang"? He travels in a group with other people??
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fank uu! :}}}
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Yeah,, I'm aware.. 😔🙄 ya hate to see it. But hey the watermark is right there saying "this art is stolen." so it could be worse I guess.
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He is not being normal about it XDD You've totally flattered him!
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Thank you!! :DD Yeah,, I think I WILL work on what ever I want!! XDD
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Off the top of my head, there's an AWESOME Mario artist by the name of @katlyntheartist! I love her work, I highly recommend you stop by her blog! :D
I've also seen some jaw-dropping Mario artwork by @suedoodle! Both blogs are worth a visit! :}}
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(Post in question)
Ah yes! The idea behind that was to show the initial divide between Grillby and Spamton.
You see, Spamton hails Jevil as his savior of sorts. He was at his lowest low, and in unimaginable pain.. then Jevil just swoops in and offers his hand. Bringing him outside of his AU. Away from the pain, away from the torment.. Jevil is awesome!!
But then you've got Grillby.. Jevil saved him from his AU right before it collapsed in on itself. He "saved" his life, but at what cost? Grillby lost everything. And he cant help but be angry at Jevil for it. Thinking that if Jevil hadn't been there, he could have just peacefully disappeared along with his family and everyone else in his AU..
So Spamton is endlessly respectful towards Jevil, and Grillby cant help but roll his eyes and spit sass at him all the time. Those two opposing views are bound to cause problems someday..
I imagine one day the whole group is tired and cranky. Jevil did something that Grillby didn't agree with. Some bitter remarks there, Spamton defending Jevil's decision here.. some back and fourth and next thing you know a fight breaks out. :x
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XDD idk!! Why are YOU into almost every single fandom I'M into?? Also than you so much!! :}}
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Thank you! I'm glad you like my sona! But aaa sorry, no can do.. I don't want fanart at all, of anything. Just comments/asks/reblogs. <:}
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@canonickero (Sent after this post)
XD Thank you! I'm glad you like him :}}
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I pictured Yendo being another one of Funtime Foxy's nightmare-ish visions. Though I should consider passing that onto Bon Bon.. 👀
The story goes that Funtime Freddy is a frequent flyer in parts and service. The employees groan that there's always something wrong with Freddy that needs fixing. Nobody really knows why..
Now at some point Freddy was shut down and in parts and service. As per usual.. Foxy was nearby, and heard a sudden thud/crash coming from that room. He rushes inside to see what happened and finds Funtime Freddy on the floor, what ever he was propped up on had broken, causing him to fall.
He looked at Freddy's face.. and.. his face plates were wide open..
Foxy. freaked. out. If I remember correctly, he was supposed to start shouting and panicking. Trying to help Freddy, thinking he was hurt. When he couldn't move Freddy and he wouldn't wake up, Foxy ran out of the room to get help. He runs into some employees and tried to tell them what happened. They end up just forcibly shutting him down because he cant stop freaking out..
Later on he's reactivated and the rest of the gang is with him. Including Freddy. He uncharacteristically runs to Freddy all worried and frantically inspects his face for injuries. They ask him what he saw but he just.. doesn't have the words to describe it.
Part of the horror is Foxy's inability to understand what he saw. Therefore being terrified of it and being unable to describe it..
After that Foxy began to develop these hallucinations of sorts. Overtime the image of Freddy's skinned face kind'a turns in to its own nightmare. Yendo.. overtime it feels more like "Yendo" is an entity separate from Freddy. Foxy begins to imagine this skinned bear like creature that is out there somewhere.. wanting to hurt Freddy and take his face.. its not fun :(
This idea is still in development. Well, the whole AU is. But this was my initial idea for Yendo :)
Now old man consequences is tricky.. I had intentions of him being this weird vison that Foxy sees now and again. But with recent developments to the AU.. I might need to scrap the old gator. Or at least re-write his role and function in the AU-
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@stripetkattelalala54 (Post linked in question)
No problem! I'm always up for Mario questions! :DD
And as for the question, I pictured that Mario never really liked the ice flower to begin with. I imagined Mario loving the heat and the sun. Always enjoyed being warm/hot and functions the best in it.. You know like a maniac-
So the Fire flower was naturally his favorite powerup. And that experience did leave Mario with some kind of trauma, which just added to his dislike of it..
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OOO I like Tendrilfoam! :00 Hmm, Captain Tendrilfoam.. I'll have to consider that one! :D
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leahsgf · 8 months
I had a nightmare I picked the queen card and was chased and killed by the girls, nat and I were daying and she held me while I was dying in her arms 😭 I’m traumatized
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your inevitable
pairings. post!crash natalie x reader
warnings. mentions of blood/knives and death
i’m sorry about your nightmare BUT also thank you for the writing inspiration! this is just pure sadness i have no other words..
it had all moved so fast. from the moment you plucked the card from the stack in misty’s grasp, and almost instantly accepted your fate. you knew how this went, it was routine to the group by now, there was no way around it.
no returns.
the practically burning cold belonging to shauna’s blade pressed tightly against your throat, as a crowd of eyes stared you down, emotionless, yet glazed over with an almost enjoyment, like some twisted entertainment act.
in what felt like a split second, the force trapping you in place from behind was ripped away from you, and thrown to the ground, making you freeze and your ears ring. a blur of utter chaos erupted around you, and a warm hand clasped around yours, dragging you outside, and away from the cabin, refusing to slow or let up through any stumble you took.
the others clocked on within seconds, mirroring your tracks with a statement of how the wilderness had selected you to run, and for them to hunt. howls and screams followed you, echoing and bouncing off of the trees almost mockingly, the drags of their now finely crafted handmade weapons against the snow behind them.
you had never been the fastest runner on the team, and you knew in the pit of your stomach that all of this was simply the delaying of your inevitable. that’s all it was. that was how this ended. you’d seen it countless times. still, you allowed yourself to be pulled forwards, attempting to keep up with the person.
“come on, it’s okay, we’re gonna be okay, i know a place, just keep moving. i’ve got you”
natalie. of course it was her.
in the beginning of your relationship the pair of you had endless discussions about each of your fears and what you needed to help with these. of course, in all of that you had never once imagined that not only would your anxieties about everyone you love turning and ganging up on you be true, but your best friends would be physically hunting you instead, and it wasn’t some silly thought that natalie could help ease.
the same way you couldn’t reassure her that you weren’t going anywhere and that you weren’t going to leave her. because out in the wilderness, your own existence was no longer something that you had any power over. however, the silent tears slipping down her cheeks told you louder than any words could that she knew exactly what was going to happen, and that she was just doing the same as you. desperately pushing back the inevitable.
you fell to the ground and into natalie’s arms, uncontrollably sobbing and heaving as you stumbled into the space that javi had previously hidden out in. the same one that he had been trying to show her when he died. when he was chosen.
“i-i’m so scared. i don’t want to d-die. pl-please” her arms scrambled to wrap around you, as an unspoken knowing that this was the last time they would fell between the pair of you. there was no promise or reassurance she could give you that wouldn’t be entirely empty. the snow would snitch, the imprints of your previous footsteps trailing your hunters right to you.
you whimpered as she was torn away from you, as if on cue, and launched against a ‘wall’, held there by mari, misty and melissa, who’s eyes were never once not on your body, even through all of natalie’s fighting, as you were viciously hauled up and onto your feet.
van held you up, sternly, as shauna resumed her previous position behind you, and that cold feeling against your neck returned, with a significant increase in force. a refusal to allow you to escape once more.
this time there was no pause. not an ounce of hesitation from the once reserved, shy girl who you had known since you were in diapers.
the girl who cried because she’d accidentally taken your block from you when you were five, now taking your life as if it was a casual, everyday doing.
which it now was.
the wilderness wanted you. so it got you.
the last sound you heard was your girlfriend’s screams as you felt the pressure shift, flush against you, a sudden, violent warmth flooding down your neck before you slumped to the ground like a rag doll, the snapping of sticks below you eerily filling the sudden silence that overcame.
“no no no no no”
natalie fell towards you, the hold on her having been released, wailing hysterically as she cradled you, pulling you close into her and blocking out the chants of “the wilderness chose” surrounding her. she wiped away what had been your last tears and pressed a shaky kiss to your forehead as you remained motionless.
“it’s okay, you go. i love you. i’ll love you forever. i’ll never forget you. i’m so sorry baby. i’m so so sorry.” she weeped as she brushed the hair away from your face, and watched the life fade from your eyes.
she remained in that position, holding you and almost rocking you, her screams not letting up for hours until she couldn’t fight off the others from taking you away.
natalie scatorccio had never been certain about anything in her life. not really. but the one thing that she had been certain of, into adulthood, and even in her own death, decades later, when the hunts still remained, was that her love for you was the best thing she’d ever had.
and she never got over that.
not really.
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affixjoy · 4 months
Today I continued my Star Trek journey by rewatching Star Trek (2009) and boy howdy do I have some thoughts.
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So first off, I saw this for the first time when I came out in 2009. It wasn’t my first experience with Star Trek, but it was probably my first with Kirk and Spock and that gang. I remember liking it a lot.
Now that I’ve watched all of TOS and a few of the movies with the original cast my feelings are a little more complicated.
Overall, fun movie! I imagine they had to have felt the weight of recasting and redoing such iconic characters, and in a lot of ways they succeeded. It certainly got younger people like me interested in the franchise!
💫 Spock: I do love this version of him. His “live long and prosper” to the VSA is perfectly bitchy and I’m obsessed with it.
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💫BONES!! if you’ve read any of my other posts you’ll know that somehow Bones snuck up on me as my favorite character. I love his intro here, and I think Karl Urban gets the tone just right. This really is a buffet for the McKirkers out there, I can see how this led to 1000 academy era fics of them.
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💫Kirk: oh Jim. Jimmy Jim Jim. Baby boy. What are you doing. How did being played by Chris Pine (who is incredibly hot) make you LESS attractive??
Obviously this Kirk suffers from some Kirk drift and the added trauma of losing his dad. He’s so much angrier, so much less sweet and nerdy. Rewatching this now I can see why I was so hesitant to like him in TOS because he’s a lot less lovable here.
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💫 I get it’s an emergency and they had to for plot reasons, but almost all of Pike’s staffing choices make no sense. Sure, Spock as acting captain, I get that. But everyone else?? Imagine being one of the other people there who has been with starfleet for years and seeing him hand Kirk the role of first officer. The ship can’t be entirely cadets can it?? Imagine the group texts going around after like “thank god he didn’t die because I really need to bitch about this.”
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💫 I love all three Uhuras (tos, aos, and snw) and I get why they made her Spock’s love interest here because they’ve got fun chemistry! They have a lot in common, they’re both hot and smart, I get it. But cmon guys, that man is a 6 on the Kinsey scale. You keep pairing him with women and it doesn’t work.
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💫 I feel like they worked in lots of little references to classic trek, from plot stuff to smaller details like when Spock enters from the turbolift at the end in a very TMP way. I love that, it makes me feel like the people making the movie really care about the stories and the characters. When Spock Prime says good luck I felt all the weight of his relationship with his Jim and how it changed him. So lovely and touching.
And just how close they made Kirk and Spock stand, especially towards the end of the movie. They were always glued to each other in TOS and JJ must have known us Spirk shippers needed something to latch on to 😅
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💫 There’s too much action in this movie for me. We didn’t need to see Scotty beamed into the water tank. The best sf stuff is always story based, I don’t need extravagant fights and cgi shit. I’m sure there are people who watch science fiction for the spectacle but I’m here for the ideas and the feelings.
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💫 goddddd everything with Vulcan and losing Amanda. Rip all our hearts out why don’t you. Spock’s mom dying is just heartbreaking. I know they had to lose someone we knew to make the destruction of the planet more real to us as viewers but so crushing to see it.
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💫 Old Spock 😭😭😭
He knows right away who Jim is and expects that Jim found him on purpose.
Old Spock just launched right in to the mind meld huh. To me this really says that he and his Jim are on very casual mind meld terms and he’s not fully understanding that this Jim is not his Jim.
Think about how fucking weird all this must be for old Spock. How heartbreakingly strange it would be so see a young version of your husband and send him to a young version of yourself. Meeting all your old friends young selves, years after you’ve lost them all.
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And from here out it’s just miscellaneous thoughts I jotted down while watching that don’t fit great anywhere else:
⭐️I love when the redshirt is so excited to get the Romulans and Kirk gets this look like… that’s why you’re here? Dude the battle not the appeal here. A nice glimpse of how this Kirk is similar at heart to TOS Kirk.
⭐️Love you Sulu and your fencing skills
⭐️I love when they stop the lift for emotional reasons.
⭐️“Our destinies have changed” goddddd great speech Spock
⭐️Jim has the look of a man who is frequently escorted places by security
⭐️Spock wants to break Kirk so bad 😂
⭐️When Jim slaps Spock’s back and Spock has a look of “I think that just awakened something in me.”
⭐️Spock you’re calling him Jim already? You slut. (Delighted, affectionate)
Overall I think it’s a fun movie but it misses a lot of what’s at the heart of the classic Trek I love. They try to do everything too fast and it just doesn’t work as well for me. I’m excited to rewatch the next two and see how these versions of the characters change!
94 notes · View notes
saeskiss · 10 months
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ken “draken” ryuguji x fem!reader. 7.4k wc. 7/10/23.
you and draken have been broken up for four months, thirteen days and counting. yet, he still finds himself yearning for your comfort and one day he shows up on your door step with bruises and you know it’s selfish but you can’t stop yourself from giving in.
⟡ exes to lovers / second chance romance. mentions of blood, gang, fighting, etc. angst / comfort && fluff. !! proofread to the best of my abilities lol. SUGGESTIVE. (mentions of dick, draken is naked, y/n has a wet dream of draken (very vivid but short), etc.) AGED UP!!!!
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draken knows he shouldn’t be here. or it’s more like he knows he doesn’t deserve to be here. he doesn’t deserve to show up on your doorstep that used to be his too. and he especially doesn’t deserve to be at your front porch practically begging for you to let him in after he broke your heart and shattered it to pieces.
he knows it’s selfish. and he knows you’ll scold him when you see him. but he doesn’t care. because he’s hunched over, bleeding for fucks sake, and he doesn’t have time to be caring whether or not you’ll be happy or not to see him.
he pounds on the door one more time, holding himself with one hand, the other hand on the door, trying to hold himself up.
“shit.” he mutters under his breath, coughs soon following after.
he sees a small tiny figure in the reflection of the peek hole, but he’s not so sure. everything is slowly becoming a blur for him, and he’s scared that he’s going to pass out in front of your doorstep and this will be your surprise when you wake up in the morning to go to work.
which wouldn’t be pleasant he thinks and holds in there, waiting for you to magically come out, but he counts to sixty, and you’re nowhere to be seen.
he’s about to turn around when he hears the sound of the heavy wooden door creaking. it’s old, and you were stubborn about replacing it when draken lived in this house with you. it almost seemed like that was centuries ago, but no, it was merely four months ago.
“draken? what are you doing here?” you rub your eyes to make sure you’re not seeing things.
“hi.” is all that manages to come out of his mouth before another “fuck,” follows, trying his best not to collapse onto the ground from the pain he’s enduring right now.
he sees you hesitate in your position, silently deciding between helping him up or leaving him on your doorstep. the wind blows your hair and draken thinks that you never look more beautiful than you do right now, and he’s upset. upset at himself for letting the doubts get to him. but then again, he’s on your doorstep and you’re right before him so what does he have to regret?
“here.” you launch yourself forward to him, silently cursing yourself to being so reluctant towards him after how shattered you were by him.
you frown at the sight of him so heavily wounded. you put his arm around your head and hold onto his arm, trying to drag him inside the house that once safely housed the both of you.
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“here.” you hand him a glass of water, and honestly that’s all you’ve managed to say in the span of seeing draken after no contact for almost four months and two weeks. and it hurts, so “here” is all you can say before you start to break.
draken sees the way that you open your mouth to say something before closing it. he takes a sip of water trying to distract himself from the silence enveloping the room.
you swallow before accidentally saying something that you’ll regret.
one minute he was on your doorstep grunting in pain, the next he is on your couch still wounded drinking water. you should really tend those wounds. “are you sure we don’t have to take you to the hospital?” you get up from your seat on the couch and head to get the first aid kit that you got when you were dating draken and still haven’t brought yourself to throw it out. he shakes his head, his eyes wandering around your house taking its own tour.
draken is still a remainder of your life. and he notices this. he notices how you haven’t taken down the pictures of you guys together, and he notices that you still have the bracelet he gave you on the coffee table, he notices the potted plant you guys bought together to try and decorate the house that you guys had called “too empty” despite having each others company to reach out for. he notices that you haven’t really thrown anything out. he notices that you’ve been in a slump.
from the over-filling garbage in your trash can to the dirty dishes in the sink to the clothes placed randomly on the floor and random seats, to the random misplaced items in misplaced areas. you notice draken looking around, in panic as you turn away trying not to look at him, walking over to him with the first aid kit. “i haven’t had time to throw it out. i’ve been busy with work and stuff. i’m working on it.” you laugh nervously, feeling annoyed that you have to explain yourself and that draken has barely said a word except for the cuss that he muttered at your door step.
“where’s the wound?” you ask him, clear that he isn’t willing to make conversation.
and to your surprise he actually responds. and not with a fake response, but with a real one. one that comes from his mouth. one where he actually uses his voice to show it.
“here.” and to your shock, he lifts up his shirt and uses his mouth to hold onto the shirt to show you the deep diagonal cut on the side of his hip that leads almost into his stomach.
you couldn’t believe you were doing work at home. the one place you were away from everything hospital related. it was 2 AM for fucks sake and you had just got off of work an hour and a half ago. you want to tell him that you haven’t thrown out the pictures of you and draken because you’ve been occupied with other stuff, but you don’t. you don’t bother to give him explanations because it’s very simple: he doesn’t deserve any. not after what he put you through. it just wouldn’t sit well with you.
he left you there and it made you feel useless and helpless. like you couldn’t do anything. it was like this for two weeks before you pulled yourself together. and you wish that he saw it happen because it was one of the hardest things to bring yourself to do.
draken doesn’t know this. he doesn’t want to know. because if he understands the circumstances he’s put you in he’ll feel bad. he’ll feel bad for intruding the one home you have left after he had abandoned you.
he wants to say sorry to you, beg for your forgiveness but the amount of pain he’s in right now is taking over his brain and he can’t seem to form the words out of his mouth.
you dab onto the wound with cotton balls, but the blood just keeps coming out like a water fountain. you start to grow anxious, and out of habit you bite your lip, “the bleeding isn’t stopping.” you take your hands off of him and he turns to look at you and you’re met with his gorgeous dark brown orbs, and you can see the spark that was no longer in him coming back just from eyeshades eye contact between you guys.
he doesn’t say anything, and you guys stay like that for a little longer. is what you guessed you both decide silently in your guys’ heads.
you suddenly blurt out of awkwardness and the weird tension filling up the room, nearly suffocating you. “i think you should wash up.” you get up as you throw away the dirtied cotton balls.
“okay.” he attempts to get up, but he suddenly feels a sharp pain in the side of his hip and falls back onto the couch in defeat.
you watch as he holds the side of his hip, feeling a little sorry for him even though he ended things off horribly. “here. i’ll help you.” you give him a shoulder to lean on and he gives you the gentle genuine smile that you miss so much and would do anything just to see it again.
you walk him to the bathroom, his limping slows the both of you down and you take a longer trip to the bathroom than you normally have to.
you use the toilet cover as a chair so he can rest his injury. you stand there putting away the first aid kit that you had previously left on the counter rushing to draken’s savior not even bothering to clean it up despite the current state of your house. you watch as he struggles to take off his shirt with the bruises that are left on his arm. “…do you need help?” your voice cracks asking because it sounded like a weird question.
you guys are acting so domestically and it makes you think that there could be a possibility of you guys getting back together again. but that would not happen, you wouldn’t let it. or at least that’s what you think right now.
he nods. you come closer to him and you slip the white shirt that was now painted in the color of roses. you hear him whimper at how aggressively you had managed to get it off.
“sorry.” you find yourself apologizing and it’s absolutely pathetic.
“it’s ‘kay.” he mumbles, and he has become a man of few words, exactly like the time when you guys had first met and you can feel your heart aching.
he sits on the toilet cover, looking at you practically asking you with his eyes what he’s supposed to do next now that he’s shirtless covered in bruises and cuts in front of you.
draken debates asking the question he’s about to ask and he decides on asking it because what’s the worse that could possibly happen? you abandon him on your front porch? (it was a highly likely event but it’s 2:27 a.m. and he’s hoping you’re a little softer than usual).
“..do you think you could help me, like wash up?” his head is down, staring at the ground looking for any ants that could distract him from the hot sensation he was feeling on his face.
you think for a second, and you really think of the domesticity of this scenario. draken, your ex boyfriend in your bath naked and you tending his wounds. this was ridiculous and an awful situation to be put in. but he’s in pain, and you know he can’t do it himself. and the faster that you guys are done, the faster he can leave and the faster you can go back to your deep slumber.
“okay. but once we’re done you’re leaving. i’m tired, okay?” you notice the way that his shoulders rise and the way his face lights up from hearing that four letter word coming out of your mouth. you’re pretty sure he didn’t even hear the rest of what you said.
“okay.” he says, slowing getting up from the toilet and trying to situate himself into the bathtub that you once shared. and you cringe from the memory being brought up again.
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“you need to take off your pants.” you tell him, and your face suddenly feels hot when you realize how perverted you sounded right now. “..i meant like so they don’t get wet.” you say calmly not letting him see your facade break down. even if it’s a small panic at something embarrassing you just said.
“right.” he hastily pulls off his pants and you notice this. you notice how he’s rushing. “do i have to..?” he gestures as his boxers. and you want to say yes for selfish reasons but this was serious and you had to treat this as if draken was your patient because he’s not your boyfriend anymore (his loss), he’s just a stranger that you use to know.
“keep them on.” you say, but it comes out more as a demand, “unless you don’t want to. either way i have an extra pair.” and you notice the way that draken blinks a couple of times, confused by what you were trying to imply. you don’t try to clear it up because you decide that you enjoy watching draken sit there and wander at the million possibilities you could be aiming at when you say that you have an “extra pair of boxers.”
“i’m just going to keep them on. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” you re-count in your head, draken’s 14 worded sentence. that’s the longest he’s spoke in the twenty minutes he’s been in your home. and it was about him taking off his boxers.
“it’s okay.” you find that’s the only thing you can respond with. you want to say, “it’s not like i haven’t seen it before,” but you don’t.
it doesn’t matter either way because when it gets wet you’ll see it anyway, so you don’t understand why he’s being so persistent. they’ll stick to his thighs and he’ll have a hard time taking them off when he’s done.
“you can’t change your mind.” you tell him because you don’t want to deal with getting up during your clean up and messing it up. but that explanation is just a cover up for your embarrassment, silently hoping he doesn’t actually take off his boxers.
“okay, i’ll take them off then. are you sure i can?” he asks scared he’s going to make you uncomfortable considering the title of your guys’ relationship. (there was no title.)
“yes, i’ve seen it before. what’s there to hide? are you shy or something?” you scoff and you can the tint of pink creeping onto the tips of his ears.
“hurry up. you’re losing a lot of blood.” you respond fast, trying to distract yourself from how cute he looked right now. you try to put your nurse mode on because you couldn’t let him win.
you stand there, waiting for him to take off his boxers. you can see the shade of crimson darkening on his face.
he tosses his boxers onto the ground next to you, trying to aim his body away from you because of his dick, trying to make you comfortable because you guys haven’t mentioned the break up yet and he doesn’t really want you to mention it now. and now, he has a feeling that you will because of the annoying and weird situation he put you in.
“okay.” you mentally face palm yourself for being so curious to want to see his dick again. it’s only been four months of no sexual activity and you’re already drooling over a guy taking off his boxers so you can bathe him and then tend his wound.
you turn the faucet on the bathtub so you can wash off the blood on the wound because an infection on that deep of a wound cause even more problems for you in the future.
draken was troublesome, is what you’ve decided. ever getting involved with him was one of your biggest regrets. yet you have to admit, he’s one of the sweetest—no, he is the sweetest man you’ve ever met. despite ending the breakup abruptly and making you leading up to the conclusion that he cheated on you, he’s the only man that has ever made you feel important through and through.
(ugh, why are we talking good about him now? he broke your heart. cmon y/n, you’re better than this!)
you walk towards the sink to wash your hands with soap before walking back to draken to rub the blood off of his body and into the drain.
you repeat this process for what feels like hours, both you and draken not saying a word to each other the whole time.
you walk up to the cabinets to grab a new towel for draken to use to wipe his body off.
“here. wipe your body. i’m going to get the extra clothes for you.” you hurry back to your bedroom that was once shared with draken. and the memories come flooding back once again, and you hate yourself for remembering them so well.
you find yourself reminiscing and you force yourself to snap out of the trance that only draken can put you in. you sigh as you grab yourself the extra pair of boxers and a t-shirt and gray sweatpants. all of which had belonged to draken and you still haven’t brought yourself to throw away.
“hey.” you feel a soft voice whisper down your ear, shivers sent down your spine from how fucking sexy he was being right now. you couldn’t even enjoy it.
“didn’t i tell you to stay put?” your tone slightly changed and he notices the way your voice moderately rises.
“you didn’t. and it was getting cold so i came to find you.” you turn around to meet his figure, he looked so comfy wrapped up in that towel.
“next time, just stay put. i don’t want you getting even more hurt.” you notice draken smiling at you. he’s smiling for two things. the fact that you said “next time” and the concern that was in your voice when you were talking about him getting hurt.
“here.” you shove the clothes in his face, not being able to bear the awkward silence. you see him just standing there with his clothes now on the ground.
“it hurts to bend down. can you help me?” for a second, you swear you can hear the desperation in his voice. but maybe you were wrong, because just like that his expression was back to normal. stoic and stubborn.
you gulp nervously before bending down to the ground to pick up “his” clothes. you watch as he slowly takes off his towel and you try not to look at his dick to avoid the image of you seeming perverted towards draken.
you hurry up and slip them on to get rid of the uncomfortable sight. you point at the bed, “lay down.” you demand so it’s easier to slip on his pants. “thank you.”
“sit up.” you tell him again, “sit here. do not go anywhere this time.” you run off to fetch the first aid kit so you could put antibiotics onto the now dry cut.
draken nods his head like an obedient puppy. he’s lucky he’s still here, is what he tells himself. it’s not a lot, but he’s getting something and he’s happy about it. getting taken care of is what draken calls his favorite form of someone showing him love.
his eyes scan the room to look for something he’s seen before to hold that sense of familiarity he once had when he lived in this house with you. he sees the picture frame that use to have a picture of you and draken facing down onto the table. he takes a whiff of the scent of the room, and it smells like you. it smells like the home he once knew.
he realizes that the boxers he’s wearing are his. his from when he use to live here. you kept one. and the sweatpants too. they’re all his. his that you selfishly kept. and he hadn’t even realized that these were missing when you had left the box of his things outside on the front porch because you didn’t want to face him.
he’s snapped out of his thoughts when he sees you coming back with the first aid kit. “hey.” you say taking a seat next to him on your bed.
“stay still, okay?” he nods again, and you put a little bit of the medication on a cotton pad and lightly dab at the wound. you can hear him wince in pain, “hold still. it’ll only take a while. just hold in there.” you tell him, repeating the procedure a couple of more times until you get the whole cut covered.
“i’m going to bandage it now, okay?” you take the roll of bandage out to wrap around his waist trying to cover up the cut.
“thank you.” draken finally says because in a couple of minutes he’s going to have to leave. and he’s feeling defeated. because he can’t leave. he doesn’t want to leave. he wants to stay here forever but he can’t. and it’s hurting him almost as much as the wound that he just got.
“yeah.” you say as you take one more look at his body, instantly regretting it. god his abs still look so good even when there’s cuts and bruises all over his body. “go to the doctor tomorrow. tell them to tend the wound.” you tell him, but he says nothing. “put this shirt on. it’s cold outside.” you hand the black t-shirt to him and to which he obliges, slipping it over his head.
“okay.” he decides that his final word will be okay, and he curses himself for it because it’s long out of his mouth and into the air and he can’t take it back anymore.
“okay.” you say back, dumbfounded of what’s going to happen next. “…do you want me to walk you out?” you say confused at what he wants.
“i’d like that.” he says, and you can hear the way his tone changes.
you both walk towards the door in silence and you both know this will be the last time you guys see each other in a long time. he wants to do something rational but he knows that he’ll regret it. he knows he’ll regret it even if he doesn’t do anything.
but he decides on the latter. you open the door, and draken is outside of the place he called home for the hour he was in there. he stands outside and you stand inside your house. you guys stand like that for a while before you decide to say, “bye.” you say softly, trying your best to give him a smile. and you try so hard not to break.
“bye.” he puts his hands in the pockets of the sweatpants as you watch his figure slowly walk away from you and the door shuts.
what the fuck just happened?
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“y/n?” you hear a husky voice call your name from your bed.
“draken? is that you? why are you here? what happened to your wound?” you panic to which he lifts up his shirt and he quickly slips it off.
“it’s all better thanks to you.” he comes from behind and hugs your waist snuggling into your shoulder.
“cmon let’s go to bed.” he says as he slides his hands from your waist to your hand to drag you towards your bed.
you see him standing in front of you, his shirt is now off and everything feels like a dream. “kiss it.” he holds your hand, kissing each one of your fingers before kissing your palm.
he lets go of your hand and puts it on his abdomen. “feel it.” you hear him say as you let your hand roam and really feel his abs.
“kiss it.” you’re hesitant and draken noticed this. “please.” the desperation in his voice makes you groan and draken smirks upon hearing how turned on you are from him.
so you give in, and lightly tap your lips against his firm and sculpted abs. you move it towards the healed spot and brush your lips carefully on the area. you hear him moan and you can feel your face getting hot. he just looks at you with a smug expression on his face. “y/n.” he says as he moves your head so that you guys are making eye contact with each other.
“i need you. i want to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.” his tone is aggressive and you can hear the desperation in his voice and you suddenly have the urge to moan again.
he lifts you up from your position and sits you up so that your head is against the headboard and your eyes meet.
he grinds his hard cock against your pussy, “you like that?” he says as he grunts into your ear. “take off your pants.” he demands and you obey.
“don’t keep me waiting baby.” he says as he takes his bulging cock out of his pants. “look at how wet you make me.” he smirks as you as he brings your hand to feel—
“what the fuck.” you jolt awake and check the time: 6:12 am. you overslept by twelve minutes because you were so indulged in a wet dream you just had of a man you had spent the night with. your ex boyfriend ken draken ryuguji.
you could feel the way your cheeks were getting hotter and the embarrassment you were feeling was incomparable to any other time you’ve felt embarrassed.
“oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.” you hurry up and grab your pants from the floor and slip them on, along with the rest of your clothes in a hurry to get to work to distract yourself in the mess you just yourself through.
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for the rest of the day, your head is filled with thoughts of the man you had spent your night with. your ex boyfriend ken draken ryuguji.
he was like a bird that had placed a nest on your balcony because they thought it was a tree but it in fact is your porch so it stays there and nests it’s eggs.
it was a weird analogy, but it worked.
you couldn’t seem to concentrate. and the only time you were concentrating is when you were thinking of none other than ken draken ryuguji.
even your co-workers were starting to get nervous when you finished your lunch in ten minutes and went back to work when you would usually laze around until the lunch break was over.
you groaned as you collapsed onto your couch, taking a glimpse of the time: 8:45 p.m. you had to enjoy the rest of the evening by going to sleep, right now. or else you were going to regret it.
you ended up cleaning the whole house and washing draken’s clothes so that you could return them sometime, and this place was finally spotless and you were so relieved. you let out a heavy sigh as you feel yourself drifting off into your daydream.
all of a sudden you hear someone knocking on the door and you force yourself awake. you trudge yourself towards the door.
you look through the hole and you almost have a panic attack upon seeing who’s standing nervously, hands in his pocket on your doorstep.
why was he here? again? what did he need? he wasn’t injured, so why was he here? what gain does he have by being here?
he opens his mouth to speak first, and you’re somewhat grateful because you’ve run out of words to use.
“i need to get my clothes. and i need you to replace my bandage.” draken mumbles the last part because he knows you told him to go to a doctor to replace the bandage. but he only knows you—that’s a lie, the truth is, he only wants to know you. you’re the only thing that matters to him.
you really didn’t understand. you waver but give in nonetheless. you inspect him to see if any new cuts or bruises have formed on his body. and to your surprise, he looks perfectly healthy. (despite the huge bandaged cut on his hip.)
you sigh, hands on your hips trying to decide your fate after this morning’s catastrophe. “this is the last time you’re coming here. my home is not a second home for you.” draken frowns when he hears the words come out of your mouth, but he knows they can’t be helped. and you notice the way his shoulders slump down, but you don’t say anything. because nothing needs to be said.
“your clothes aren’t finished so you’re going to have to stay here for a little bit after i re-bandage you.” you invite him in to sit down on the couch, but instead he’s dumbfounded at entrance and barely makes it past the entryway. you bump into him, realizing that he hasn’t moved from his spot.
he looks at your house again, blinking hard a couple of times to make sure he’s not seeing things. you tidied up. everything in this house was spotless and he’s surprised on how quickly the stump lasted. (he doesn’t know how long your house was like that and how long you decided it was okay. but he decides on the day he was here and today because he doesn’t want to know how bad of an effect everything had on you.)
“um?” you wait for draken to sit down so you can get started and you don’t have to interact with him any longer. “please go sit.” you tell him one more time, this time your tone is more demanding and he listens. you snort, the total opposite of my dream, you think.
you realize that he took off the bandage by himself and he came here without it, you eye it and look back at him, “sorry. i just took a shower so i didn’t think i should just re-bandage myself. and i can’t get my torso right when i do it by myself.” he says, waiting for you to respond.
you nod your head, as you take out the bandages and memories of last nights events coming rushing in your head. (both him showing up at your doorstep and asking to be cared for and two the wet dream you had about him.)
"you've got to be more careful." you finally say, breaking out of character. you don't know how many more visits of draken's you could take before you break and beg for him to take you back.
"i know," he looks at you and you give him a look that says i-don't-believe-you (he remembers it vividly from when you guys were together and whenever he had told you he wasn't going to buy you anything expensive anymore because of your constant nagging, "seriously." he deadpans this time, "i will." he tells you and that pretty much wraps up your guys' conversation.
okay, keeping it sweet and simple. you could deal with that.
"all done." you whisper softly as you press onto the bandage to keep it secure. "i hope you don't mind waiting for a little bit. the washing machine is kind of slow." you laugh softly and draken knows this.
he lived with you for fucks sake, he knows the washing machine is slow. and now he knows that you still haven't replaced it. "i know" he wants to say, but he doesn't.
fuck, did he say that out loud? he swallows nervously before repeating the sentence again, "i said i know."
"oh." that earns silence. because what more is there to say to the man that left you all alone wondering what you did wrong? the man you let back in so easily. its ridiculous and pathetic. you know it’s ridiculous and pathetic, seriously where’s your self respect?
"do you want tea? anything?" you get up, attempting to break the silence. you glance over at the time left on the drying machine. 12 minutes. you just had to endure this for 12 more minutes. i know it seems short, but being in forced proximity with the person you're supposed to hate the most wasn't necessarily ideal. and everything felt way longer than it actually is.
"sure. tea is fine." you watch as he closes his eyes and rests his head onto the cushion.
you prepare him some tea, silently cursing yourself for letting him into your home again. you're letting him win and you hate it so much.
"here you go." you say as you hand over the cup of tea to draken, the steam rising into the air. and he takes a sip. and you mentally face palm yourself for his stupidity.
"fuck." he says as his tongue burns from how hot it is.
"here," you take it back from him blowing off the steam on top and taking a sip to test it out and hand him the cup back. it slowly comes into realization that you guys just took a sip from the same cup. and you showed a gesture that you used to give him when you guys were still dating. you wanted to ask the question so badly, what the fuck was happening? you don't question it any further because you see one minute remaining on the dryer. you hear a loud ding that brings you back to reality.
"looks like its done. i can walk you out." you say wanting draken to get out of your house so you can sleep. you take a sneak peek at the time and it's now 9:02. and you groan, aloud. and draken hears you.
"what's the matter?" draken says walking in your direction, his tall figure towering over you.
you shake your head, not wanting to give him any explanations. because again, he doesn't deserve any explanations. but you give in. again. because draken is irresistible. and he's everything you ever had. he's everything you ever wanted. and he's everything you still want. it's hard to deny something like that when the opportunity is right in front of you. "it's just, it's really late and i wanted to get some sleep tonight."
"sit." he asks you, but it comes off as more of a demand.
draken notices the puzzled confusion that arises on your face. you obey anyway because both of you guys are aware of the position you are in and as much as you want to say no, you can't bring yourself to. you're tired, and you don't know if you can keep your facade up any longer.
"lay your head onto the back of the couch." you look back at him, and he gestures for you to listen to him. and you do.
"draken, i can't deal with your bullshit right now. can you just get on with it and leave? please?" he winces, and he hates the way "draken" comes out of your mouth. it comes out bitter, and foreign. and he hates that. he hates that you don't even call him "ken" anymore. but again, it wouldn't make any sense since you guys aren't even together anymore.
"just relax. just for five minutes. then i'll go." he silently makes a promise to himself that he'll leave once the five minutes are over. he knows he's over intruded his stay. you've done so much for him and he knows that its time to go.
draken starts by gently rubbing your temples, "close your eyes. relax." he says and you relax your shoulders which earns a grin from draken. he moves from your head to your shoulders and he messages your shoulders, easing all of the tension you were holding up. "good, you're so relaxed now." he praises you, proud that you're finally loosening up. you grunt in response to him because now you're angry again. you let him win and see the nice side of you. and you almost have the urge to moan at the way he's praising you so nicely. you feel weak under his touch and it's making you grow more and more angry.
you can hear the way the clock ticks every second of the night and when the sound starts to irritate you, "..i think its time to leave." you say, breaking out of the trance he has you under. he nods, removing his hands off of you and picks up the once forgotten white t-shirt that you had nicely washed for him.
"y/n." he gets serious and you hear the way his tone changes indicating solemnity. "i'll leave for real after this, can i just do one more thing?" he asks you, and now you guys are both standing outside of your house on the front porch. "back up if you don't want this, okay?" you have a hunch of what he's doing, but you don't question it because you want this. you want a sense of liberation. and to get lost in his eyes for a moment. even if it means you'll never see him ever again.
you can see his body leaning closer to yours, his eyes roaming around your face before they find your lips and are concentrated on them for what feels like hours but its only been a mere second before he uses his hand to gently hold onto your chin and lift your head up. "it's not too late to back out." he whispers, it's hot, every second of this moment you're not supposed to have him feels scandalous. you don't say anything for the next couple of seconds so draken leans in, and your lips meet and the sweet sensation runs through your mouth all the way down to your stomach and you can feel his other hand moving down to hold your waist, and the addicting taste of his lips that you can't seem to get enough of. it's been so long since you've let yourself let loose, you think. you lean into the kiss and let out a moan which surprises draken, but he goes with it and he grips onto your hips as you continue to press harder and harder into the kiss, practically begging for more. but you snap back to reality because this isn't who you are, and you're letting your guard down too soon.
"fuck." you both let go and the sound of your guys' heavy breathing is the only thing that is heard in the quiet night. "sorry. you can still hit me if you want." he offers his cheek to you, but you shake your head. "it's okay," you pause before deciding whether or not you should be honest with him on your guys' last meet up.
"...i enjoyed it." you turn away shyly, "now go home, and forget this happened okay?" you say as he gives you a forced soft smile and you shut the door on him.
you collapse on the ground with tears streaming down your face, using your shirt to wipe the wet mess on your face.
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weeks go by, almost months it feels like. but in reality, it's only been two weeks since draken has even tried showing up at your door after showing up two days in a row. as you're washing the dirty dishes in the sink, you think about him showing up at your door wounded.
and it makes you think that maybe he only showed up because he didn't want to go to another doctor because he didn't feel comfortable being around them. after all, you were toman’s doctor until you guys broke up because it got awkward to see the rest of the gang when he was there. it seemed somewhat reasonable to why he hasn't visited.
you don't even know why you care. he said he wasn't going to show up anymore, and you should believe him, right? he's probably right. it's better if you guys don't talk. he broke your heart. and you didn't ask any questions. and you didn't get any answers. and you still haven't. so why do you want his touch so badly?
the night of the kiss slowly replay in your head, and you can’t stop yourself from feeling this hot sensation, that makes you want more.
you shake your head to snap yourself out of it. having fantasies of your ex at night wasn’t a good look for you.
you trudge yourself over to go lay on the couch and play something on the tv to entertain yourself.
your eyes start closing on you and by the time you knew it, you were already drifting off in a relaxing slumber.
and you swear, this time you hear a hard knock on your door, and you force yourself to get up and wipe the drool that’s formed on your face.
you frown, taking a second before looking at the peek hole. for the past two weeks, you keep getting eager whenever you hear someone knock or ring on your doorbell because it gives you hope that it might be draken.
but almost five out of five times it’s not him. and you hate the way your shoulders droop down, and the forced gentle smile you try to give the carrier.
you take a deep breath in and decide it’s better that you don’t look at the peek hole, for suspense and because this time your hopes can’t be crushed before you even open the door. (that’s your logic at least. and honestly you can’t believe the way that you didn’t even take safety precautions.)
you open the door and you see a six foot one figure on your front porch.
“draken?” you finally say, and you realize you’ve been holding your breath this whole time.
“yeah. hi.” he says as he unhides his hand and reveals a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“wow.” is all that you are able to manage to get out. “why are you here?” your instantly snapped back to reality.
“look y/n, i know i might be too late,“ draken stops trying to find the right words, and you find them for him.
“you are. i didn’t even know why you broke up with me and it hurt,” you can feel the tears forming in your eyes. “i thought i wasn’t good enough for you. or i thought you found someone better for you.” you can feel his hand on your face, gently wiping the tears off your face.
“there is no one better for me. i’m sorry y/n. i had to protect you.” he engulfs you into a hug and now you can’t stop the tears from coming down like waterfall on his shoulder. and you hate yourself for hugging him back.
“i know it’s not excuse but there was a gang that was against toman and decided that the best way to have us join them was to blackmail us. they started tracking down our loved ones and i didn’t want the gang to get in touch with you. they were blackmailing toman and i didn’t want you getting involved. in any of my schemes, so i decided to end it. i thought that if i ended it harshly then maybe you wouldn’t want me back so bad. i just wanted to protect you. i didn’t want you getting hurt because of my poor decisions. ”
“i’m really sorry y/n. i can’t forget about you. i, i try everyday. but i really can’t. you haunt every part of me, and everyday you’re not here i feel like i can’t breathe, i feel cold and empty.” this confession surprises you, and you finally look up at draken.
and your lips crash, and the hot sensation that you once felt comes rushing back. “an explanation was all that i wanted.” you start, “i just wanted to understand why you broke up with me.” and you stop trying to find the words. “i want to say no, because i don’t want to get hurt again. but i can’t. after our kiss the other night my thoughts are filled with you and i can’t even do my job properly.” you laugh as the tears continue to stream down your face, and he wipes them for you with his finger.
“it’s your choice.” he takes a deep breath, “if you don’t want to take me back its okay. but just know if you ever need me or decide you want me again, i’ll be here waiting for you.” he tells you, and your tears stop and you guys both look at each for what feels like decades.
“okay.” you tell him, wiping off your final tears. “let’s try again.” you finally say, and you notice the way draken’s lips lift and how he can’t stop smiling at hearing that and he can feel the way his cheeks are starting to numb up. “but please tell me about the stuff that happens. and if you break my heart again there will be no third chance.” you laugh.
“i know, i will. and i know that too. i promise to never hide anything, because you’re the only girl i’ll ever love. i love you y/n.” you grab him by his collar and you pull him in for an intense, slow and passionate kiss. your stomach is turned into butterflies and your head turned off, the feeling of euphoria and bliss fills up your brain.
“i love you too.” you say, and you smile at him and he smiles at you, and this feeling is so euphoric.
“i’m sorry.” he says again, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “i shouldn’t have been such an asshole. ’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to keep apologizing.”
“yes i do. what if you weren’t so forgiving? i don’t deserve you.”
“but i am. and there’s nothing you can do about it, accept my love already god damn it.” you notice the way he lifts his head from the crook of your neck and looks at you. you bring a hand to his face to caress his cheek.
“i love you so much. there’s nothing in this world that can be used to describe how much you mean to me.” he tells you and this confession makes you feel hot.
“i love you too silly, now can we go back inside? it’s getting cold.” draken nods, and it feels like two worlds that were apart are together again, and you feel like you can do anything.
“i love you.” he says again because he can’t stop himself from saying it. he’s so fortunate and he knows this.
“ken.” you guys sit on the couch together and you bring his face to look at yours. he feels his heart warming up hearing the familiar nickname come out of your mouth again. “i love you too, okay?” you give him a peck on the lips and the rest of that night is a blur because it’s filled with laughter and joy.
you start to realize you’ll never ever love someone the way you love ken draken ryuguji.
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©saeskiss 2023
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bingusbongu · 4 months
Dr Flug x Fem reader who is the head of the department of black arts and witchcraft? Like him having a crush on her, it would be kind of ironic him being the head of the department of science and technology
A/N: oooo another Flug request! I love writing for this silly little nerd guy!!! One of my favorite comfort characters<33 fyi: had a hard time writing this, especially with his crushing stage so i just did alittle for it, i hope this works!!! ty sm for requesting!!!! I hope you enjoy~! {May edit later, im tired rn}
Dr. Flug × Fem. Witch Reader!
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•i feel like this man would be a huge skeptic towards magic. I mean, sure his boss is a demon and all, but he believes more in scientific reasoning then he actually does Magic. He thinks that there is a reasoning behind everything. being the head of the scientific technology department, he tried his best to study magic, but found ut a huge waste of his time, and ended up going back to his on projects
• when he first met you, it was on one his missions with the gang, and it was not going well for them. The hero they were after easily out maneuvered their plans, and had them dangerouslh close to defeat
• Flug was a mess, panicked and unsure what to do. If he got caught by a hero, Blackhat would sure as hell just leave him there and not care to come and retreave him. Let alone, he didnt want to get punished anymore then he hast to endure
• Flug thought they were goners, before, lo and behold, before the hero could take them into custody, you appeared. Quickly catching the hero off gaurd with a blast of magic to his side
• of course, the hero ended up taunting you, and launched himself at you, only for you to easily knock him out of thd sky and to the concrete with the wave of your hand
• as you and the hero quarled, Flug couldnt help but watch. He would had been planning to get out, but he was observing the battle. How you easily threw the hero around liks a toy. The hero didnt even manage to hit you a single time and you already had him to the ground.
• you had freed the trio before they could be taken from authorities. Easily clipping the lock off. The two of you locked eyes for a moment, but before Flug could say thank you, you were gone.
• Flug was quite appalled, his curiosity peaked, as he abd his team fled from the scene. Though, he wasnt able to get you out of his head. He had never seen or heard anything about a villain who easily threw around Heros without even touching them, and Flug knew everthing about every Villain in the town.
• When he got back to his lab, he automatically started to look up things about you, desprately searching up something to ease his curiosity and get you out of his head
• there wasnt to much about you that he could find. He had figured out you were a 'in and out' villain, hardly giving people enough time to look at you before you disappeared into a puff of smoke.
• reading into some reports about you, of people writing nonsense about a powerful villain that wasn't Blackhat, and ranting in painful grammar about a 'witch villain'
• this made Flug laugh, obviously not believing it one bit. Rolling his eyes he got off his computer and went back to work.
• though, he still couldnt get you out of his head. Thinking back to the way how easily you handled that hero, and didnt even lay a finger on him. Now that Flug thought about it, he didnt even see you get close to him at all. Which made the doctor ponder about you even more
• it started driving him insane
• Flug, for the next few times had a hard time focusing on his projects, caught in his mind about what you were. It ended up getting him into trouble, why couldnt you just leave him alone? He had so many questions, but no you to answer them
• finally came his once a month trip of errands he ran for the crew. Heading out to collect food, or certain parts he could use to work on his projects. He never liked these days, but he endured it never the less
• just as he was walking by, looking for supplies, he bumped into you on accident. He frantically apologized, but once he noticed it was you, he froze in his tracks. Looking up at you, as you looked down at him and reasured him that it was okay
• all of a sudden, all his questions flooded his mind. He sure didnt expect to find you here of all places! What were you doing here? Were you here on some sort of mission? What did you even need here?
• His thoughts got interrupted as you finally voiced that you recognized him, sending Flug into a blushing frenzy as he tried to play it off, muttering a thank you to you as he cleared his throat
• though, when you commented that you knew who he was, it caught him off guard. You knew who he was? No one really ever recognized him other than the bag wearing villain. Being a scientist didnt really give him many looks of pride.
• he was geniunly suprised when you told him his name, and that yoi recognized him from tv adds and some of his work. He didnt know how to feel, but when you complemented him, he nearly collapsed into jelly. No one really ever complemented him, let alone someone as pretty as you! It made his face flush under his bag as he attempted to calm himself
• Though, when you introduced yourself, he must had made a face when you mentioned magic to him. Cause you quickly responded to demonstrate your magic to him.
• turning your gaze to the nearest tin can, without even touching it you beckoned it over, making it levitate over to you.
• Flug watched curiously, eyeing the tin can as if trying to find the strong attached to it to find an explanation. As it levitated for a moment, you flicked your hand, only for the can to fly past Flugs head and hit the worker nearby in the back of his head at full force
• Flug was now a little less of a skeptic
• after that, you and Flug chatted for awhile, happily demonstrating some more of your magic for him, who he would watch closely and eagerly, trying to study it every time. You found it quite funny the way his eyes widened in curiosity
• you two ended up spending the rest of the day together, you helping him with finding his supplies, which he was greatful for. Usually it took him until nightfall to get everything done, but with your help he was able to get back to the manor by noon
• not only that, but he learned alot about you, and how you were also the head of your specialties. That stunned Flug, that you were a head of magic, and he happened to be the head of sciece and technology! No wonder the two of you ended up getting along quite well
• Flug expected his thoughts of you to decrease now that he had answers, but they ended up worsening. Now finding himself wanting to spend more time with you, and for you to show him more of your magic
• Now, the two of you ended up meeting eachother every month on Flugs outing days, so you guys could chat together and spend time with one another. You helping him and showing him your magic, and him happily showing you some of his project ideas.
• Over time, he found himself wanting to spend more and more time with you, getting excited when the day would come to meet up with you! But he still craved more contact with you
• He ended up giving you the adress to the mansion, so you could come over and visit, which you happily took the opportunity
• your visits became more frequent, which Flug was always delighted to see you!
• you would chat with him as he worked on his machines, or let Flug study some more of your magic. And boy, Flug certainly enjoyed the company. More say your company, he goy so happy when you visited him. Even if it was for a few minutes, he always was glad you decided to drop in, no matter how busy you were
• He loved your visits, it made him all giddy and happy, which he hadnt felt in a long time until you came into the picture. He didnt like the way you made his body warm at first, ungil he spent more time with you, he ended up waiting every day in hopes that you would come visit him
• one day, when you made his favorite flowers appear for him out of thin air, he nearly passed out
• he definitely found a way to preserve those flowers forever
• you started to make him feel weird, especially when you came in abd smiled at him, saying your common hello just made his heart lurch out for you. Getting all flustered when you complimented his work, or stood close to him, or even feeling the slightest bit of touch from you would send him to the ground
• he loved watching the way you preform your magic for him. Sometimes, he ended up watching you instead of the trick you were showing him. And when you commented about it he got all shy and babbled an apology, while you giggled which sent him deeper into his flusterdness, you absolutely found this adorable
• you, the wonderful witch you are, ended up enchanting his heart
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gatitties · 10 months
hellaur! can I request some HCs for Mikey's reaction to reader when someone revealed that reader is a illegal car racer? So the scenario is reader is Draken's younger sister, and when Draken got stabbed, ofc no one gonna pay the bills (but reader actually has money, she plans to send Draken to college (bcs she sees potential to him) that's why she's been winning the illegal race over and over again. she's known for being a champion there.) and when Draken was hospitalized, the money that reader saved wasn't enough to cover it up all that's why she's been on a race in straight 6 days just to earn money. and when it's the 7th day of winning car race again, someone tipped Draken and the gang that his sister is in that illegal shi and when they got there they saw reader celebrating her win but they also noticed the tired and drained look in her eyes, and ofc reader saw them and ykyk Draken and reader fought in the back of that place (away from people). I just wanted to see Mikey's reaction because he is romantically interested to reader 🫶🏻 sorry if this is long, thank u so much!!
—Mikey x reader
─Summary: Mikey discovers a new side of you and helps with a sibling argument
─Warnings: none
(Draken's part)
There you go!! 🫶🏻
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— Your brother shouldn't be there (although neither should you).
— You tried to be as careful about the places where you moved and competed because you could meet certain gangs.
— You were even twice as careful with your steps now that you signed up for practically daily illegal competitions.
— Despite being in a state of euphoria and semi-consciousness from the exhaustion of staying up late, you knew that Draken's expression was not a good thing.
— Your celebration was cut short when you were dragged into a nearby alley, Mikey silently watching everything from a distance.
— Screams were launched from one side to the other, taking the discussion to the minimally physical end with a couple of shoves.
— It was clear that you were both stubborn and despite the fact that Draken was right that you were too young to enter the world of illegal racing, you stood up for your position to give him as much money as possible for a good study, or now, to be able to pay his recent bills.
— That same night you didn't reach any middle point between the two of you, he left kicking hard because he needed to think while you decided to stay in the alley letting everything settle in your mind.
— Mikey appeared after hearing everything from behind the corner, honestly he didn't have much to say about your life decisions because he was clear that if someone messed with you they would be indirectly involving Toman.
— He admired your perseverance in raising the money and supporting your brother in something that even Draken himself didn't think of.
— You thanked him for not saying much, your mind was at the point of collapse between exhaustion and the recent fight.
— Mikey is very attentive to his loved ones and he knew when you enjoyed silence instead of a conversation so he offered you his shoulder to rest.
— No doubt his romantic interest will increase, he already likes everything about you, knowing that you were an almost undefeated competitor made you more incredible in his eyes.
— Definitely Mikey sides with you in a second argument with Draken (Takemichi probably cried thinking that this would be the event that would split Toman in two).
— And it's thanks to him that your brother is less angry or 'accepts' that you compete. Mikey is just playing to please both of you to earn your love and (if possible) more respect from Draken.
— He is just paving the way to tell your brother that he's interested in you, but Draken already knows because he can tell how stupid Mikey gets when you're next to him.
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augustjustice · 6 months
Crush Confessions, Part 1/?
Inspired by this post
AO3 Link
It was a totally normal, run-of-the-mill Saturday night when it happened.
The spring from hell had crept slowly into summer, and the older teens were all gathered at the Harringtons’ for what was becoming a near weekly hang out tradition–movies, music, booze and weed guaranteed. Steve had held more parties than he could count here over the years, but these quieter nights getting to spend time with their little apocalyptically bonded gang were his favorites, no question.
He and Eddie had gone into the kitchen in search of refills for their now empty beers, and somehow gotten sidetracked into an extended conversation on…well, pretty much anything and everything, from Eddie and the munchkins’ latest campaign (‘harrowing’ was the word Eddie had used to describe it, Steve committing it to memory as Eddie rubbed his hands together in glee) to how Lucas’s summer basketball practices with Steve were going (great, the kid was a natural, and only getting better by the day). 
Steve wasn’t even sure how they had gotten on the subject–some playful crack from Eddie about Steve’s high school title as ‘The Hair,’ maybe–but the next thing he knew, he was reaching out to tug on a strand of Eddie’s own long, dark mane. 
“You’ve got such nice hair to work with, dude,” Steve said sincerely, curling it around his finger, “I could style it for you sometime, if you wanted.”
Eddie had stilled as soon as Steve’s fingers combed through the locks, and he was now shooting him a baffled, amused look, like he also wasn’t entirely sure what was happening. He opened his mouth, but before he got a chance to say anything, Nancy walked by.
“Don’t let Steve talk you into it,” she warned with a giggle as she passed, following Jonathan back out to the living room, “you should have seen Dustin at the Snow Ball. He looked like the world’s cutest poodle.” 
“Hey!” Steve protested, one hand on his hip as he jabbed a finger at Nancy’s retreating back. “I’ll have you know that hairspray has never, not once, let me down.” 
As Nancy disappeared, Eddie turned to him, a dimpled smile teasing at the corners of his mouth, bright eyes expectant. 
“You gave Henderson’s hair the old Harrington treatment?” Eddie flicked at one of the locks falling artfully across Steve’s forehead, which earned him a half-hearted watch the hair, man as Steve batted his hand away. “And pray tell, good sir, when was this?”
“Like Nance said, it was for the middle school dance,” Steve explained, then launched into an entire retelling of the night as it had unfolded.
By the time he had finished, Eddie was staring at him with those rapt, dark eyes, a strand of hair pulled down over his lips like he was trying to smother his wide smile–and failing miserably at it, as it so happened.
“What?” Steve asked, brow furrowing in confusion.
“Nothing, man, nothing,” Eddie shook his head, smile never wavering. “It’s just…”
He clasped his hands together in front of him, his whole body practically doing a little shimmy, the kind Steve had come to associate with Eddie not being able to keep whatever thought had suddenly struck him from spilling out. 
“You’re just–stupidly sweet, you know? That’s all I was thinking.”
The earnestness with which Eddie said it caught Steve off-guard, and he felt a faint blush rising to his cheeks. 
Eddie was always doing that–with him, with the kids, with Robin–telling them exactly what he thought and felt, like he wore every emotion he’d ever had right there on his sleeve, out in the open for  anybody to see. And while he was perfectly capable of being a little shit when he wanted to be–Steve liked that about him, too, was always happy to have someone who could hold their own alongside his own bitchiness–more often than not, he was painfully sincere, never shying away from giving out compliments, bear hugs, and even the occasional effusive ‘I love, man’s for something as simple as remembering his favorite pop.
(Yoohoos, of course, a fact Steve could never forget–not after the long, hellish Spring Break Eddie had spent on the run. …If that chocolate nightmare could even really be called pop, that was.) 
“I mean…I guess so,” Steve murmured, rubbing a hand over the nape of his neck, not sure what else to say. It was like he was in the Upside Down all over again–Eddie showering him with compliments he didn’t entirely know how to take. “He just…he needed a ride. You know how those kids are. And I wasn’t doing anything else, so I just thought, I mean, that I’d–”
“That’d you swoop in and play big brother, and give our nerdy baby Dusty Buns a confidence boosting pep talk while you were at it?” When all Steve could do was shrug, feeling weirdly bashful and still struck a bit speechless, Eddie snapped his fingers. “That’s what I’m saying. It kills me, the way you just do shit like that, and it’s–god, you’re so cute, what the fuck? It’s kind of disgusting, to be honest with you.” 
“Wait a minute, wait a minute,” Steve waved his hands in the air, as though calling a time out, “you think I’m cute?”
This time, it was Eddie’s fair skin that flared suddenly red. 
Tugging a strand of hair down over his face, he cleared his throat. “I, uh. I’m pretty sure I said it’s cute.”
“No,” Steve shook his head, emphatic, as he tapped a finger to his ear, “no way, dude. I definitely heard what you said. You said you think that I’m cute.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, giving Steve’s shoulder a gentle shove. 
“Don’t act so surprised, Harrington, everybody at Hawkins High who liked dudes acknowledged the cuteness of King Steve at one point or another, even if it was just inside their own head. Same as anybody, I wasn’t immune to that shit. But it’s not just that. You’re just so–” Eddie flailed in Steve’s general direction again, words seeming to have left him. No small feat where Eddie was concerned.
“Alright, alright, don’t stroke out on me, man,” Steve caught one of Eddie’s wrists in his hand, the touch stilling him instantly as Eddie blinked over at him with those too big brown eyes. “I’m so what?”
“Nice! You’re so nice, it’s stupid, man, and you definitely weren’t supposed to be.”
Steve barked out a laugh.
“What, you liked it better when I was an asshole?”
“Yeah! I mean–no, of course I didn’t, I just…it was a lot easier to control some stupid high school crush when I thought you were just some hot douchebag but now you’re all–heroic and noble and shit, and I am but one measly little mortal and very homosexual man, Steve. You can’t do this to me.”
“Okay, I’m not that nice,” Steve protested with a roll of his eyes, still feeling that tinge of heat on his cheeks.
“No, you definitely are, dude. You’re like–like, rescue kittens out of trees, help little old ladies cross the street nice.”
“So I helped Mrs. Davis across the street put away her groceries one time–”
“See! You see what I mean?!” Eddie jabbed an accusing finger at him. “You are literally that nice!” Then, he covered his face for a moment, hiding it behind his hands as he sucked in a deep breath, like he was trying to steel himself for something. When he spoke again, the words came out muffled through his fingers. “I just–I like you a lot, you know?” 
One corner of Steve’s mouth quirked up into a soft half-smile, confusion clinging to the edges. 
“I like you, too, Eds.” 
“No, Stevie, I–that’s not exactly what I meant, man.” 
Dropping his hands, Eddie caught Steve’s gaze, dark eyes suddenly serious. Steve felt the whole mood in the kitchen shift around them. 
“I mean…I like you. God, that sounds so fucking stupid, like we’re in kindergarten, or something,” Eddie scruffed that hand over his face again, running it up into his hair to ruffle the very locks Steve had complimented earlier. “What I’m saying is…I’ve had this fucking–massive crush on you since high school, and you constantly finding new and unique ways to be adorable is definitely not helping, dude.”
Steve blinked, surprised.
The truth was, he had suspected that Eddie might be flirting. Steve had cultivated enough game over the years–the ‘You Suck’ period of his life notwithstanding–to recognize it when he saw it, and he had known, since Eddie had put two-and-two together about Robin’s sexuality and come out to the two of them, that Eddie was into guys.
But…Eddie was also an energetic, tactile guy. He got in everyone’s space, cracked jokes constantly. The playful borderline innuendo was mostly restricted to his interactions with Steve, but there was still enough leeway for Steve to write it off as Eddie just being like that.
Evidently that wasn’t all it was. 
And even as Steve felt that pleasant, fluttering warmth that came from knowing somebody had a crush on him…he also felt a sudden, sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. 
Because…Steve was straight. He’d never been interested in anybody who wasn’t a girl. 
Which meant that now he was in the uncomfortable position of having to tell Eddie he couldn’t return his feelings. 
Steve was no stranger to rejection, on both sides. He’d been turned down–and still blamed that stupid sailor hat for at least a third of those rejections–and though he kept his options open and played the field in high school, he’d had to let girls down easy when he started dating Nancy or gently rebuff them when he simply wasn’t interested. 
But usually those were relative strangers or casual acquaintances, people he chatted up at the mall or Family Video or in the classroom. They weren’t someone who had quickly become one of Steve’s best friends. They weren’t funny, kind Eddie, who had a way of making Steve feel totally at ease every time they were in the room together, who had slotted so perfectly into Steve’s life it felt like he had always been there.
Sheesh, was this how Robin felt, huddled on the bathroom floor at Starcourt? Knowing you had to let someone down, someone you really cared about, all because you just happened not to be compatible in this one specific way? 
The whole thing completely sucked. 
“Eddie…” he trailed off, not sure what to say. Wishing there was something he could say. 
Eddie jerked up his head, and when he caught Steve’s eyes, he shot him a sympathetic look, like Steve was the one who deserved comforting in this situation rather than the other way around. 
“Oh, no, man, don’t sweat it. I know that you are totally, 100% a certified straight boy. I just, I don’t know,” he shrugged one shoulder, smile sheepish, “you know what absolute shit I am, about keeping things to myself. So, I thought…I’d go ahead and tell you, get it out there before I blurted it out at an even less opportune moment. And I’m also here to tell you that, give me a little time, and I can absolutely guarantee I’ll get over it. Cross my heart, the whole shebang.”
He drew a little cheeky X over his heart with his fingers, the curl of his lips growing wider, much more like the Eddie Steve knew. 
“In the meantime, I just…hope we can still be friends?” Eddie blinked those wide, hopeful doe eyes at him, and Steve had never had any intention of saying no, but, even if he had, it would have been impossible in the face of that.
Steve gave Eddie a friendly clap on the shoulder, his smile soft and sincere.
“Of course, man. Of course we’re still friends. Nothing’s gonna change that, and definitely not something like this.”  
“Oh, why, cuz so many of your friends have had crushes on you in the past?” Eddie teased, but his posture had noticeably relaxed, body open, swaying in Steve’s direction like he always did.
Steve huffed out a laugh, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. 
“The opposite, actually. Before we became platonic with a capital ‘P’ soulmates, there was a period in there where I definitely had a crush on Robin.”
“No shit?” Eddie shook his head in amusement, curls bouncing.
“As embarrassing as it is to admit it now, I totally did. And I mean,” Steve gestured into the kitchen, where the other four teens were congregated around a six pack, “you know I’m friends with my ex. Just saying…I’m kinda the poster boy for crushes on your friends, so. I know a thing or two about what you’re going through.”
“Guess I’m in pretty good company, then.” Eddie nudged his shoulder against Steve’s. “You’re a good guy, Steeeeve Harrington. Which is still totally not helping with the crush, by the way.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Eddie Munson,” Steve mimicked teasingly. 
“What are you two even doing in there?” When Robin’s voice suddenly bellowed into the kitchen from the other room, the pair of them jumped, like they had been up to something. They shared a quiet giggle at their own surprise. “Not to break up your little secret babysitter’s club meeting, or whatever it is, but could grab some chips? We’re all out up here.”
“Duty calls,” Steve said with a nod of his head.
“The host’s job is never done, or so I’ve been told,” Eddie agreed.
As Steve attempted to juggle the three bags of chips from the counter under one arm and his beer in the other, Eddie took mercy on him and took the can from his hand. 
“This one’s totally lukewarm now, Stevie. Let me get you another.”
Steve simply nodded in reply as he watched Eddie grab a fresh drink from the fridge, keeping the room temperature beer for himself. 
When they finally stepped back into the living room, Robin crinkled her forehead at him in a silent, What was that all about?
Tell you later, Steve replied with a significant look of his own, earning him a shrug of acceptance as Robin went back to cheerfully shoving the chips he had just tossed her into her mouth. 
Steve settled down into his customary seat on the loveseat beside Eddie–still close enough to the chair Robin claimed as her own that they could throw snacks at each other and share stage whisper level conversation–and Eddie handed off the cool beer can to him, tab already pulled up and everything, with an easy, “Here you go, man.” 
As he got comfortable, Steve caught the quick, relieved look Eddie shot him when he didn’t leave any more space between them than usual, their thighs pressed tightly together, close and casual. And that was enough for a swell of hope to build in Steve’s chest, feeling reassured that nothing would have to change between them. 
Surely, everything would be just fine.
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ransprang · 5 months
thank you anon for your ko-fi request <3
if anyone wants a match up like this here is our link!
Ekko SFW Match Up
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How you meet: You were a Zaunite, growing up with the underprivileged children on the street. In your neighborhood, Ekko was somewhat of a legend (who was also in a league some might say), and everyone looked up to him, you included. He was integral to keeping people’s spirits up and your community’s way of life. You tried to be involved in improving Zaun, handing out food to the poor etc. but it broke your heart whenever the Firelights decided to launch attacks on the Piltover police. Afterall, they were people too, so you always kept your distance from that part of the gang’s activities. Until one day you accidentally walked into one of their attacks. You tried to hide but in the chaos you glimpsed an attack headed right for Ekko which would have been fatal. You knew you had to save him, he was a symbol of hope for your family and friends.You had to do it for them. Before you knew it you were pushing him out of the way. You got hurt in the process and Ekko was touched by your actions and felt responsible enough to take special interest in you as you recovered, which eventually led to you both developing feelings for each other.
He finds your innocence and positivity refreshing especially in the darkness of Zaun. Your innocence is a source of inspiration for him, reminding him of the purity that is worth protecting in the world. This especially helps when he’s making hard decisions as a Firelight. 
Ekko is a savior at heart, a hero to his people. He would save tiny cats on the street, including Heimerdinger and bring them back to you.
You can totally introduce Ekko to crocheting and he’d start tinkering with different materials. He’d experiment and make strange gadgets. If you’re down for it he’d teach you a bit of his futuristic engineering too. He may even make you some gadgets that’ll spruce up your crocheting.    
Ekko is more on the quiet side enveloped in his thoughts. If he has something to say he won’t hold back at all. But overall he doesn’t mind if there are silences between you both. 
He’d enjoy reading futuristic and sci-fi related books with you if you’re into that. You both can have a mini book club of sorts and discuss how the books are. 
Intrigued by his hoverboarding, you decide to try it out nervously, but don’t worry! Ekko will hold your hands and be patient about teaching you how to ride that thang. He’ll chuckle a bit if you mess up, so it’s fun for him too. Once you get the hang of it Ekko will take you to pretty spots and you both can read there. 
You sometimes have to scold Ekko while tending to his bruises about all of the violence and harmful situations he gets himself into. He doesn’t mind getting lectured by you really, he kind of likes seeing you get all worked up for a guy like him. He’ll reassure you everytime that he’ll come back alive to you.
During fights Ekko will take extra care of you and would never scream or say anything hurtful as even the thought of you flinching or crying will hurt him so bad and he cannot bear it. He feels guilty even imagining this.
Ekko is such a big boi bossman and leader of his gang, so no one really teases him but you do and you have all the power to do so. In front of you he pouts and blushes at your sarcastic jokes.
your yarn,
admins sar, san & sav
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
May I please request some hcs on how the housewardens (and Jamil instead of Kalim) act around an m! or gn! reader who is literally twice their height and is highly affectionate towards all their friends? If that's too many characters, I don't mind if you pick one or two housewardens. Thank you! 🖤
I call this group the overblot gang! And of course. I prefer gn reader so hopefully that’s alright for this!
mini giant reader 'cause how else can someone be over 8ft tall. The largest person ever recorded was 8’ 11”. There’s gotta be some magic going on here.
Also, these are rather short due to so many characters sorry about that. I know nothing about book 7 so malleus's part is a bit lacking.
Riddle: huh?! he knows he is usually shorter than most of the other students but you being 10'4" to his 5'2" is unbelievable! it's like the universe is mocking him with someone double his height! immediately did not like or trust you.
After his overblott incident, he is still intimidated by you, but you offer cuddles or lift him gently off of the ground for a hug and he's melting in your arms. He's so touch-starved. Likes being the small spoon but will die before admitting it. Hates when you give him head pats in public but in private he will just puff his cheeks out and blush at how soft you are with him. fills that hole in his heart with love that child riddle never got from his mother.
Leona: he's fairly tall compared to many of the other students. A bit intimidated by your 12' even height compared to his 6'0 height. Tries to now show that he is intimidated by you. You charged at him in his overblott and he honestly got so scared for a moment seeing something akin to a giraffe charging at him, ready to kick his ass.
After the overblott incident, he tries to avoid you. but you're persistent and protective. Instead of waking him up you gently carry him like some cub! he wants to say he hates it but the say of his tail and the relaxing of his muscles in your hold says otherwise. He still wants to be the big spoon. but will allow you to hold him on days when his depression is pretty bad. No head pats unless you want to get scratched. usually tsundere cat behavior toward you. he's even nudged against your hand on bad days like a cat or rubbed against your legs. lays on your chest often and glares at you if you move.
Azul: he's 5'9" so how are you 11'6"?? yet another who is taller than he is. almost spat out ink the first time he actually met you in book 3. Wonders how you usually handle going around places where you can't even walk normally, how do you live in that breaking-down dorm?! when he took the dorm from you he discovered you tore down some areas to make places large enough for your form to be comfortable, even had pieces of furniture frankensteined together to make appliances at your height. Has many ideas of how to get you into his debt from this knowledge. inked himself a bit when you were swimming at him mock 10.
After the overblott incident, Greatly fears you. how can you be so strong yet so gentle? When you come to the lounge he had a special booth made just for you, the others have to stand on the seats to eat at the large table. But he does appreciate your patronage because you get ALOT of food. When you get closer to him he loves and hates your height. on one hand, he hates how you mess with his hair and that you lean over him so much. on the other hand he loves how warm you are, how he can easily hide in your arms and embrace like with his octopot. In private he is the little spoon. loves clinging to your front and how you run your hands down his back and massage out the knots he has gotten from working constantly at his desk. He will defend you from bullies and is happy to be by your side.
Jamil: does not trust you, how and why are you 11'4"? Really hated having you look down at him when he hypnotized you. added your height and looked down at him to his anger of being a servant. found great joy in launching you away.
After the overblott incident, he still doesn't like how tall you are. tried to convince you to join the basketball team. When you two get closer he doesn't mind your height as much. is glad that scarabia has tall arches in the hallway so you can fit comfortably in the dorm. won't let you do much in public other than some low fives and MAYBE a head pat. wen in private though he truly lets himself loose. He likes to lay on you and trace along your height. complimenting you and thanking you for saving him. he enjoys your warm embrace and being the little spoon. if he is ever sick and you scoop him off of his feet he will be internally screaming so much with a blush.
Vil: he's heard that some companies use taller models to sell unfair products, but you being 12 feet tall is surprising even for him. calls you beanstalk. a rather tall and ugly thing in his opinion. Just because you're tall doesn't mean you are very attractive. he keeps telling himself this but can't help but look at you, there's definitely potential. Appalled at the appliances you've made for yourself to not have to be on your hands and knees all the time. has everyone do dancing stuff at the ballroom so you can also be involved with stretches and some simple movements. tried to get you included in some of the dancing since such an unusual participant would make their performance all the more memorable, but Corwley shot the idea down. was a bit startled during his overblot at how well you could hit at your height when you got a good run-up on him.
After the overblott incident, he orders you some custom-made appliances and only demands that you let him experiment with different makeup products on you in return. bribed a spa place to treat you when he discovered you had never been due to your height making it hard to work with n a decent amount of time. has custom clothes and all kinds of things made for you because the more he gets you the more you start to shine. Might even convince you to do some fashion adds for some money and to get the world aware of tall folk like yourself.
Idia: another tall man but he's just straight up scared of you, calls you a mini titan with you being 12 feet tall. Avoided you as much as he could. When the whole island of woe happened he was so intimidated when he saw you on the ice flow. Hated speaking with you. Was even worse when you defeated him. And also demanded he fix your house. Actually had some fun fixing up your place with actually working appliances fit for you! if you somehow get close to this guy congratulations! You get so much stuff custom made for you! A phone the right size, and special passages in ignihyde and a custom gaming set up just for your gaming sessions with Idia. Would die if you ever picked him up or did any SSR physical touch he would pass out. Give him time and he might be ok with it but that will be a long long time.
Malleus: what are you to make you well over 13'2"?! Even he has never met a being as large as you. You both connect over being feared. You for your height and he for his power and status. You both enjoy walks together. He ensures that no branches will knock into your head using his magic. Can and has warped the structures around you to make sure you can fit through them. You usually have to crawl around with how tall you are. He tried his best to help you outside or creating a space that is comfortable for your large size. Even offering a dragons layer if that would help. When you get close to him he loves your gentle touches even though he knows there’s nothing you could do to possibly hurt him but he melts for your soft touch. If you picked him up he would actually be impressed but wouldn’t stop you. It’s been a few thousands years since he had been held. He really likes it. Though don’t do it around Sebek if you value your hearing. You curl around him and he will start to actually purr. But might tease you. Might even enlarge himself to hold you for once~
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