#like outside of legal uses I’m basically ‘Wiggy’
sindumpster · 3 years
I was just looking at your Twitter and saw you said your first name starts with S and your last name an E? Now i'm curious- w h a t i s i t ? 👀
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Forreal tho if I was comfortable with my name being out there, then it already would be easily accessible. It’s similar to the reason I’m fine saying what state I live in, but I will not tell you the name of the town. You’re just gonna have to settle with my initials.
If you want something to call me, use “Wiggy”. It’s more personal, comfortable, and it’s something I picked. You’re really not missing out by not knowing my irl assigned string of syllables that I didn’t get to pick, has a vague meaning that has little to do with me and doesn’t even have the correct gender spelling, and requires money and effort to change due to laws + an organization system someone made up (and changing it would prolly offend/confuse parts of my family). And also just so you’re aware b/c I’m not gonna fault you for innocent curiosity, but by coming on anon you’re asking me to post my legal name publicly, which puts me at risk of complete strangers using it to stalk or doxx me. So this is generally not a good way to ask people online.
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