#like imagine his reaction when he finds out that Tony freaking Stark has a child and has been trusted with raising that child
All I need in my life is actual Stark's son Peter who grew up as Tony Stark's adoptive-bio-son interacting with literally any of the Avengers. I would actually die for this.
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
tfw the plot bunny strikes and refuses to let go, here, continuation of this:
Loki was torn between chagrin and vague amusement, as he observed everyone else’s reactions to the two Justin Hammers in between herding everyone to one of the safehouses Victor von Doom had somehow managed to get ahold of in this strange world.
At first glance, Victor seemed to be the most unperturbed— but Loki knew him well enough to note the way his eyes had widened when he’d seen the two side by side, couldn’t help but catch the tiniest shift in the way he held himself and Loki would bet anything that if he were any sort of telepath, he’d be hearing nothing but an infernal screeching coming from his corner of the room. 
Ivan Vanko wasn’t much better, but at least he’d elected to hyperfixate on cleaning up the loose ends they’d left in relation to their original mission: from his mutters, some of the security cameras’ footage had been trickier to access than not, and required even more effort to scrub. Loki gave it another five minutes before he was forced to look away from his computer and acknowledge the reality of the situation.
Meanwhile, the Winter Soldiers were an interesting study in contrasts; while Winter was extremely apologetic about the situation and had already apologized no less than five times, Soldat seemed to be content to look on in bemusement as the situation unraveled from there. 
...which wasn’t very different from what Loki’s own counterpart was doing, actually, but at least Soldat wasn’t enjoying the chaos. Visibly, anyway, and Loki was getting a new appreciation for just how irritating that particular smirk looked on his own face. If they all weren’t so focused on calming the jumpier, more visibly frazzled-version of their leader, someone would’ve punched it off his face by now. As it was, though...
“Who the hell are you people?!” Justin Hammer whisper-shrieked, in between sharp gasps for air and eyes wide as he cowered away from his kidnappers. “And wh— wh—”
“He’s more high-strung than you are.” Someone muttered to the terrifying figure who had his face—
“Of course he is, he has no idea what’s going on and you guys kidnapped him,” his mirror image replied with a flat look, before turning to face him looking vaguely embarrassed. “Look, Hammer— can I call you Hammer? Wait, no, you can be Justin, I’ll go by Hammer and man this is weird— I can explain. Just. Sit down and take a breather, because it’s, uh, a bit of a long story.”
Justin would’ve thought an explanation would leave him with more answers than questions.
He was sorely mistaken.
The headache he had now wasn’t much of an improvement from before. 
“So, let me get this straight: you,” Justin jabbed a finger at the dude with the dark grey mask which was just about the only thing differentiating him from his twin, “grabbed me because you mistook me for him—”
“Sorry about that, by the w—”
“—and you’re all from some other dimension and pissed off goodness knows how many organizations trying to figure out how to get home,” Justin steamrollered on, closing his eyes in an effort to take things one step at a time because he was trying not to feel overwhelmed but these guys weren’t making it easy, “is that right?”
“I mean...”
“Yeah.” Ivan— not the bastard responsible for his being in Seagate, another version of him who apparently didn’t actively try and screw people over— replied, and Justin opened his eyes just in time to catch the tail end of his shrug. “That about sums it up.”
“Okay.” Justin nodded to himself. “Why?”
“Why what? You’re going to need to be more specific, here, I’m not a mind reader.” 
“How’d you even get here? Or do you weirdos just go dimension-hopping for fun on a Friday night?”
“You’re not the only one wondering that.” The alien god said airily, toying with a— that was a knife, okay, Justin already knew he was in way over his head, he didn’t need the reminder, thanks. Where did it even come from, anyway? “I would really like to know that as well, Ivan.”
“Oh, nah, this was a freak accident.” Ivan snorted, then gave them all a smirk that gave Justin goosebumps for a second. “As for why...look at it this way: this was weird and stressful for us, and from the start you guys knew what was going on and have me to figure out how to get us back. Now imagine if it’d been the Avengers.”
The silent, broody one— Victor, was it?— made a noise of realization. “That is diabolical. I love it.”
“I know, I was trying to figure out how to temper it when this happened. The ray gun was supposed to be temporary, I’m not sure what happened but the end goal’s a duration of twenty-four hours. Sorry you guys got caught up in the beta, by the way.”
“We are going to be having words about proper lab safety protocols when we get home, Ivan.” Victor said darkly, and something in his voice that had six out of the seven other people in the room freezing for a second.
Justin couldn’t help but notice his...twin was not part of that number.
But first, because this was something he’d been wondering ever since he’d heard of how this ‘Cabal’ operated— 
“Why are you going to this effort?”Justin asked.
“Oh, boy, here we go again,” the guy calling himself ‘Winter’ muttered, but before he do more than start to turn to him in confusion, Ivan spoke.
“Because death is too simple.” He said, not looking away from the computer he’d pulled out. “Because any rando with a gun could do that, if they wanted. No, if I’ve got a beef with someone, I want them to suffer. I want them to regret ever having pissed me off, to curse my name every time they step on a Lego and realize who put it there, to—”
“Yes, I know, we get it.” One of the alien gods cut in. The one who didn’t look like shit, and had a long-suffering look on his face partway into Ivan’s spiel. “If I had a penny for every time you go on that rant...”
“Says the guy who uses my ideas to become the official nemesis of the Avengers.” Ivan shot back, unamused, and the way Winter sighed and Victor pinched the bridge of his nose told him this was a recurring argument. 
“Guys,” Justin’s...twin cut in, and Justin couldn’t help but feel something in the pit of his stomach clench as he noticed the way everyone from his dimension came to attention. “If we could focus on getting home?”
“I know, I know, I’m on it.” Ivan muttered, turning back to his computer. “Trying to throw SHIELD off our trail’s easier here, but it’s still not exactly a cakewalk.”
“Okay. What can we do in the meantime?” 
The more Justin saw of this ‘Cabal’, of Hammer and the others, the more uncomfortable he felt. 
Because the more time passed, the more it felt like...he was seeing a better version of himself.
How long had he tried to get people to respect him? How many classes on public speaking and marketing had he taken, how many books had he read in an effort to build his charisma, to be remembered as something other than the cheap knockoff of Tony Stark?
And now...
Justin watched as someone wearing his face walked around, and he was quiet, and fairly introverted, but something about him demanded respect, commanded all the attention in the room when he talked, and... Justin wanted that.
Of course, Justin’s...twin noticed.
For some reason, the look of sympathy he got felt even worse than the first time he’d donned prisoner’s uniform in Seagate.
Not to mention the conversation they had, when Justin was ushered into a quiet corner near the safehouse’s kitchen as they had tea.
It was. A talk. 
Not a great one. 
Not that there really could’ve been, considering, but.
“I am not you, you are not me, and that’s a good thing.”
Justin didn’t know what he was expecting, really.
Another version of himself, forcing him to acknowledge things he’d thought he’d gotten over— how was he supposed to handle it?
“You were set up for failure from the start, you know. No child should ever have to carry some of the burdens you grew up with.”
Someone who understood, and how was he supposed to deal?
“You cannot change the past, but you can control your own actions in the future. What do you want to do, who do you want to become? What makes you, you?”
Justin had thought he’d felt tired when he’d finally been brought into the mess these guys were part of, but now his exhaustion felt soul-deep and he didn’t know when he’d started crying but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t stop—
Mercifully, the others left him alone for the rest of the day. 
He... needed to think.
Justin wasn’t the only one having a hard time, he knew: he’d noticed the way Soldat followed Winter around, trying to mimic his self-confidence, and the Loki of this world looked at the easy camaraderie his counterpart had with a hunger that would’ve made Justin very nervous if that expression were aimed at him. 
Something dark and feral, all jagged edges and brittle smiles and it shouldn’t have resonated nearly as much as it did but—
It made for a good conversation starter, if nothing else. Something relatable to bond over tea, because Victor was a monster who had an irrational disdain for coffee and Justin needed his caffeine fix if he wanted to keep what was left of his sanity.
Justin didn’t know what he brought to the table. Not compared to whatever his twin did, anyway, and he didn’t want to go that route either because he wanted to be himself. 
Even if he wasn’t certain what that looked like, anyway, not after decades of chasing after Tony Stark’s shadow, but...
He’d find out. Somehow.
“Hey! Guys, I figured it out!” Ivan’s excited cheer woke everyone up early one morning. “Just gotta get my hands on some materials, but we can go home soon!”
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ace-of-pythons · 3 years
A bunch of marvel headcanons for your entertainment
Some of these are inspired by general stuff I've seen on the internet a while ago, others are completely random
• Clint Barton often inhabits the vents. He's been doing so for years and the avengers have all gotten used to it. He will usually sit in the vents and record them doing stupid stuff and adds it to his smack cam. He actually has a youtube channel called "HawkeyeTheBestAvenger" and has quite a few followers.
• Tony stark and dr. Stephen strange have a web show called "stark contrasts, strange similarities". They were very bored and apparently people found amusement in hearing them engage in a battle of wit. It now is a weekly activity and some of the other avengers will come down and watch the show. It helps the two so they have a designated time to verbally attack eachother instead of doing so on the battle field. They used to ignore each others plans and argue to the point of losing the battle, but now they are an unstoppable force and barely anything stands in their way. Except peter parker's puppy dog eyes.
• Clint Barton wanted to be a stand-up comedian, but he ended up becoming an assassin instead.
• Doctor strange owns at least 4 different copies of lord of the rings. Only peter parker knows this. If tony were to find out, he would never let him live it down.
• Peter parker often confuses the ceiling and the floor which has lead to tony freaking out at 2AM because he saw a figure crawling on the ceiling. (Tony called an exorcist soon after, but it happened to be doctor strange. The following events are now known as the not-so-demonic-doctor-and-the-spiderlings-unfortunate-timing.)
• Natasha and bucky sometimes have entire conversations in Russian without realizing it. Once they were talking late at night and had switched over to Russian without realizing and then steve walked into the kitchen. Nat asked what he was doing and he looked confused. She asked again but he still wasn't saying anything. Bucky then asked and all steve said was "what?". The two assassins then started to yell at steve in Russian. They forgot to watch their volume and ended up waking everyone. They were still shouting at steve when clint walked in and said "You know they are just asking you what you're doing up this late at night, right?" The rest of the night was filled with a tired spider-child, a blanket covered Bruce, and an overly annoyed tony.
• Tony has many nicknames for dr. Strange including, but not limited to: strange, stranger danger, Dumbledore, wizard, Merlin, Harry Potter, better steve, and stephanie.
• Outside of avengers tower, most people think that tony treats his intern poorly, but in reality he treats him like royalty. Peter has gotten used to tony stark's dad mode, everytime someone new comes in they are always surprised. Tony will cary around all the things his spider child needs. Food? He has a plethora of snacks. Backpacks? He has a closet with a bunch of new ones. Web fluid? He always has a replacement vial of the stuff if peter runs out. Hotel? Travago. He makes sure the spiderling is as happy as possible and will go to any length to make it happen. Scott lang was shocked to discover this. He then assumed that peter was his actual child. No one had the heart to tell him otherwise. He didnt find out he wasn't Tony's biological child until a month later.
• When scott lang, aka ant man, first joined it caused much confusion. The later deemed bug bois had a rocky start, but in an interesting way. Scott was under the impression that peter can control spiders and peter thought that Scott's full name was Scottish language. It took an hour and a spider sister for everything to be cleared up. Now the bug bois and the spider sister go on many missions together. Peter and scott always make as many nerd and science puns as possible while natasha just shakes her head.
• Tony does a bad. A terrible, terrible thing. He introduced peter to harley. This resulted in immediate vine references and instant friendship. It also caused the labs to catch on fire. The pure chaos that these two caused is more than even clint and scott can cause which is saying alot. It got to a point where the whole base was covered in waiting pranks and operational lightsabers. The two also figured out how to safely eat tide pods. You can imagine Tony's reaction. And to add insult to injury, king T'Challa came to the compound. With Shuri. S h u r i. The damage increased by double in the first hour alone. Let's just say that tony had to call Stephen to try to clean everything up. They still find shaving cream in the labs and kitchen even after they thought they were done cleaning.
• Doctor strange is broke. He had literally no money whatsoever. In the beginning he had started to spend it faster then he was making it. He then spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to try and fix his hands and when that didn't work he sold his things to get to Nepal. Specifically Kathmandu. Even more specifically, kamar-taj. Once he became a sorcerer money didn't matter as much. Now that he's back in New York, well, money is a problem again. He'll sometimes do really odd jobs to make a little bit more money in his free time (which is already minimal). The weirdest job he took was being a magician for a little kids birthday party. He may or may not have sent a kid to another dimension, but he'll never tell. (Sorry Marcus).
• Matt has a habit of getting thrown into dumpsters. Clint also has a habit of getting thrown into dumpsters. You can imagine Matt's suprise when someone else gets thrown into his dumpster. That's the somewhat anticlimactic way that Hawkeye and Daredevil meet. It's the deaf leading the blind. Two halves of one full idiot. They hated each other at first but they kept ending up in dumpsters. After one battle where daredevil got seriously injured, clint helped patch him up. From that moment on they learned that teaming up with each other wasn't that bad. Now the two can be seen patrolling around hell's kitchen and Manhattan and chatting all along the way.
• Peter got stuck. Quarantined in tony stark's laboratory. With iron man himself. And a few of the avengers. They have been pretty good with not bothering Peter while he's on a zoom call. That was until strange came by because of some multi-dimensional beast or something that turned out to be nothing. Well after that was settled, wong refused to let strange back into the sanctum. Resulting in Stephen being stuck at the compound with everyone else. This of course included tony. Peter was minding his own business following along with his chemistry class one peaceful Wednesday. Tony was tinkering on some piece of the newest iron man armor. Peter had turned his microphone on to answer a question when suddenly, strange yells out " Anthony Edward Stark!" Turns out that tony wasn't going to let the wizard enjoy his stay and decided to channel his inner loki. The good doctor appeared in the doorway covered head to toe with bright pink glittery paint. Tony then proceeded to laugh so hard he's on the floor. Peter had at one point, gotten up to help the sorcerer leaving his call unmuted. Meaning that his entire class heard the absolutely absurd conversation happening. That was how his class learned that he did in fact have an internship with tony stark himself.
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Us and Andie Ch. 3
Summary: Bucky works as an Avenger because it’s what’s right. He feels he has sins he’ll never be able to make up for, but he’ll spend the rest of his life trying. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he comes across Andie, the daughter of recently divorced Y/N. The life he had once “maintained” in hopes of surviving changes as his heart warms for a tough-as-nails nurse and her wonderful daughter.
Pairing: Bucky x singleparent!Reader
Word Count: 5130 (Guys, this just keeps getting higher and higher, wtf)
Warnings: Nothing. Guys, this is fluff. I mean, there will be angst in later chapters, but not yet. I’ll warn ya when we get there.
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Silence had a way of filling a room and making it feel heavy. For the Avengers, a team that was constantly outspoken and filled with energy, that silence was deafening and suffocating. The only person who ever seemed to find true peace with it was Bucky. But now, everyone was silent for a different reason.
They were watching Andie.
The girl had so easily snuck out from under the nose of five heroes and managed to evade a team of them for hours. It took a Hulk with a craving to find her again.
And that alone was enough to impress Tony. He was highly amused by the girl and found her brutal honesty as refreshing as being around Happy or Rhodey. He hadn’t realized it was a quality he respected so much until he was fine with a kid behaving in such a manner. But he knew Andie wasn’t supposed to be here and after an update from F.R.I.D.A.Y., he realized how out of hand everything had gotten. So now, he watched as Bruce and Andie kept up their game, listening to Peter and Sam explain the last several hours of their day.
He shrugged, turning back to them. “Well, I called her mom and she’s on her way.” 
“You know her mom?” Steve raised an eyebrow and Tony laughed.
“Uh…F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony pointed up to the ceiling and Steve knew in that moment that he should have already assumed. F.R.I.D.A.Y. was extremely good at getting information.
“So she’s heading this way?” Steve glanced back at Andie, arms crossed and brow furrowed. Tony knew that look all too well.
“Is there something wrong with that, Cap?”
“No…I…” He trailed off and Tony snorted, shaking his head and going back to his work.
“Keep your secrets, Old man. But make sure Manchurian Candidate over there doesn’t explode. I really don’t want to have to clean this place up.”
Steve chuckled. The more forgiving Tony was as time passed, the more he teased Bucky. And it showed a much needed progress for his two friends. He wanted his team to be a family. To be able to work together and rely on one another. That being said, he turned his attention back to his oldest friend.
Bucky was sitting on a stool, leg bouncing restlessly but eyes never wavering. He was absolutely fixated on Andie. It seemed the concern he had was clear to everyone in the room except for him. But no one dared comment on it. Instead, he let himself smile as Andie turned over an empty bag that was once filled with what was hers and Bruce’s favorite candy. He rose to his feet, finally earning the kid’s attention. “Come on, Andie. Can throw that away and wait for your mom in the living room.”
She nodded and hopped off, taking his hand in hers before following him out of the room. When the doors finally closed, there was nothing but silence. Everyone had watched how easily she had listened to him. How easily she had touched him. And there was no fear from her. No tension from him.
“She’s got him wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?” Sam asked, already knowing the answer.
Rather than answer Sam’s question, Tony asked, “Why do you think I called her mom?”
Steve immediately looked at him.
Still, Tony didn’t look up. The only sign of ‘guilt’ on his face was the smirk that was cast in a glow emanating from the iron-suit.
Bucky sat in one of the awkward, too-stiff chairs near the foyer. It seemed Tony knew the Avengers should expect guests and had this area set up for just that. Right now, he had Andie situated on the couch with a pair of Falcon’s goggles in her hands. She had tried to put them on to the best of her abilities, jumping around as if she was about to take flight. Unlike most kids he had crossed paths with these days, she was heavily relying on her imagination. He wandered if it was a choice or because her family didn’t have the means for her to have access to technology.
“Kid, take a seat. Your mom’s going to be here soon.”
She had been hanging over the back of the couch, but at the title ‘kid’, she looked back at him. “I thought you weren’t going to call me that anymore.”
“I thought your name was ‘Andie’.”
She frowned, taking off the goggles and tossing them on the table between them. “It is.”
“No. According to your mom, your name is ‘Lauren’.”
Her shoulders tensed at that name. He couldn’t help but be curious as to how often she actually heard it. Why did she hate it so much? “You don’t get to call me that.”
“I don’t?”
“You’re not my parent.”
Bucky leaned back in his chair, rubbing his jaw and the back of his neck. He noticed the way she stared at the table between them. It seemed the goofy kid everyone found utterly adorable was no where in sight. He’d overstepped. Tapping his foot, he found himself watching the way she picked at her nails. They were short and he realized she probably chewed them. A nervous habit. “I don’t go by my first name either.”
“I know.” Her voice was soft as she tucked a leg into her chest. She changed her mind as she started playing with her laces. “You go by a nickname from your middle name. Same as me.”
“More like what you’re doing is the same as me. I am older.”
She giggled at that and the small smile was enough to ease at least some more minor worries.
“Was it your dad that named you?”
She nodded against her knee, the action stiff and awkward, but enough of an answer for him.
“And Andromeda?”
Andie looked at him, finally meeting his gaze as she gave him one of his favorite smiles. “Look it up.” Bucky chuckled, crossing his arms and slouching more in his seat. She tilted her head, cheek resting on her bony leg. “Mom says bad posture screws up your back.”
“Oh, is that right?” He raised an eyebrow. “And what does she say about putting your shoes on the couch, huh?”
“She says don’t.”
Both immediately turned their attention to the front doors of the foyer. Y/N was standing there in scrubs and a hoodie, exhaustion even more prominent than the night he had seen her. Was it because she had gotten off a shift? Or was she always so tired?
“What the hell is she doing here?” Y/N crossed the foyer, gaze settled intently on Bucky as he rose to his feet. “I had Peter taking care of her and – “
“And the kid has an internship here. He’s friends with the Avengers.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, not entirely sure why she was angry. Sure, she hadn’t known where Andie was, but she was safe. There was no where else she could have been that would have made her more so. “Steve and Sam saw them at the park and – “
“I don’t care. That’s my kid. And Peter knows better. Just because you’re a bunch of heroes doesn’t mean – “
“Not right now, Andie,” Y/N murmured, shoulders slumping. The only reason she was even remotely functional right now was because of her anger. It was keeping her awake. And she still had a long drive to get them back to Brooklyn and return her coworker’s vehicle. And she still had work tomorrow night. Crossing her arms, she looked back at Bucky and said, “She could have been with every single superhero you know. I don’t care. The fact that I didn’t know where my child was, that’s what matters. I didn’t know that she was safe. For all I knew, her fucking father – “
“Mom, I’m okay.”
“Andie.” Y/N exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It was then that Bucky saw the tears in her eyes. He watched as Andie reached across the back of the couch and grabbed her hand, squeezing gently. “It took a call from Tony Stark for me to find out where my kid was. Do you have any idea how terrifying that is for someone like me?”
Someone like her?
Oh. A single parent. A single mother.
“No. I don’t know. And I’m sorry.”
Y/N watched him, studying his features and it seemed she believed him because she simply nodded. This reaction to his presence was so different from their last interaction that he wasn’t sure what to think. He would’ve thought she’d be happy that Andie was with good guys, but it seemed she didn’t care. She really did just want to know for herself that her kid was safe. He thought back to the community they lived in. The hospital she worked at. It wasn’t even one of the better hospitals that could provide good pay. It made him wonder – what had happened to their family?
“You must be Y/N Y/L/N.”
The trio looked back towards the inner workings of the building. There, as if waiting to make a grand entrance, was the rest of the team. Normally they would expect someone to freak out, get excited and ask for autographs, maybe a photo. But not Y/N. No, her gaze fell on Tony, recognizing his voice from their earlier phone call and the numerous times she had heard him on the news.
He walked forward, immediately shaking her hand. Bucky watched the exchange, completely puzzled. There was nothing about this situation that required the whole team and yet even Wanda and Vision were lingering in the background, waiting to get to know these two people.
“Please, don’t introduce yourselves. I’m pretty sure anyone with common sense knows who you are,” Y/N said, smiling at Tony before looking to everyone else.
“Those are our codenames though,” Sam reminded.
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Alright.”
Andie grinned as if something really cool was about to happen. She looked at Sam, as if her expression alone told him: You are so wrong.
Pointing one by one, Y/N said, “Sam Wilson. Steve Rogers. Natasha Romanoff. Clint Barton. Bruce Banner. Vision. Wanda Maximoff. Tony Stark.” Her gaze settled on Bucky. “James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Just – “
“Bucky.” The nickname slipped out of hers and Bucky’s mouths together and Steve was barely able to hide his smile.
Andie added, “She knows.”
Y/N chuckled down at her girl, pulling her into a little side hug as she told the team, “You aren’t nearly as anonymous as you would like to believe. Anyone with a computer can find out your actual names and anyone who witnessed Sekovia or the Accords would certainly be reminded.”
“You’re not one of the people who hates us, are you,” Sam asked, earning a shove from Steve. “Look, it is a legitimate question. Especially in our line of work.”
Y/N laughed. It was beautiful and simple and the sound made Bucky smile. He ducked his head, hiding behind loose strands of hair so as to hide any flush that could have appeared. No one seemed to notice. Except for Steve. “I don’t hate any of you. I think all of you mean well and, except for Vision and Thor, you’re human. Humans make mistakes. Humans try their best. With your talents, you’re trying to do some good in the world, right?” She didn’t need an answer. “So it’s not even that I don’t hate you. I can’t.”
Tony smiled at that, looking back at Steve. The two seemed to have their own little conversation, silent to everyone but themselves.
“And on that note,” she said, squeezing Andie before releasing her. “We got to get on the road.”
Tony whipped his head around as Bucky looked up. But both reacted for entirely different reasons. It seemed Andie’s initial joke of playing matchmaker now had two important players: Tony and Steve.
And they were determined to see if maybe there was potential for something.
Nothing wrong with that, right?
“Since we scared you and you have that long drive ahead of you anyway, why don’t you stay for dinner,” Tony offered. The confused look from Bucky didn’t go unnoticed, but it was certainly ignored. “Consider it a peace offering?”
“Please, Mom?”
Y/N offered a weak smile, shaking her head. “I wish we could, but I work tomorrow night and Andie has school.”
“We can take her,” Steve offered, shrugging.
“And there’s plenty of rooms here. You could stay the night. Get some actual sleep instead of worrying about all that traffic,” Natasha added.
Andie’s eyes seemed to light up like a kid at Christmas. “Oh, please! Please, can we, Mom?” She swung off Y/N’s arm, seemingly trying to exhaust her into a yes.
“I – Look, as kind as that is, it really isn’t necessary.”
Peter smiled, knowing exactly where this was coming from. Y/N didn’t like charity. Though May hadn’t told him everything that had happened in Y/N’s divorce, he knew it was messy. He knew she had to pick up a lot of pieces and right now she was just looking out for Andie. She had a lot of pride despite everything. Still…it was okay to accept a nice gesture. It wasn’t pity. It was help. “I was going to stay for dinner. If you want, I can stay the night too and take Andie to school tomorrow.”
The idea of Andie going with someone she was more familiar with made Y/N feel at ease. It was ridiculous. They were superheroes. She should feel perfectly fine with her daughter in their hands, but she didn’t know them. And that made a difference. At least now it did. Turning her gaze back to Andie, she noticed that pleading look in her eyes. Andie was pretty good at reading rooms and not asking for things. She was good at knowing when it wasn’t time to push.
So this must really be something she wanted.
The kitchen was chaotic to say the least. Since the Avengers normally ate out or ordered in, it was odd seeing them try to be so…domestic. It turned out that none of them really knew how to cook. Except for Sam and Wanda.
So now they were trying to put together something that could qualify as a meal for Y/N and Andie.
Y/N watched them from the couch as her daughter tried to settle on a movie. At first, they tried to offer her some of Natasha’s clothes to change into, but she had merely laughed at the idea. She knew she could never fit in Natasha’s clothes and didn’t need that twinge of self-loathing. So instead, Steve leant her a hoodie and sweats. They were baggy on her, but she looked cozy.
Cute, Bucky thought as he sat on the opposite end of the couch.
“Do they need help in there?” Y/N pointed to the kitchen, looking at Bucky and then Steve who had taken up the whole loveseat.
Bucky glanced back to see Clint trying to steal a taste of whatever meat Sam was cooking. When he was swatted away with a spatula, he knew they’d all be fine. “Don’t worry about it. They can handle a meal in the kitchen.” He looked back at Y/N. She was doing her best to be in the corner of the couch, trying to take up as little space as possible as Andie made herself comfortable, using her mother’s stomach as a pillow.
“Buck, you should braid Andie’s hair. It’d probably get her to focus on finding a movie.” Steve was mostly teasing, but it seemed his friend was determined to keep as much space between himself and the family as he could. What was he so afraid of?
Bucky glared at Steve as Andie looked from the captain to him. “Could you?”
“Andie,” Y/N murmured, tugging at a strand of her hair. “These guys are already doing a lot for us. Don’t – “
“I don’t mind.”
Y/N looked up, her y/e/c eyes meeting his bright blue ones. It really was strange hearing him talk so much, but she was starting to get used to it. She was starting to like it. There was something about his voice that was calming. And here he was, playing to the whims of her little girl. “Are you sure?”
Before he had a chance to answer, Andie was already scrambling out of her mother’s lap and settling in his. He chuckled, dropping his legs from the coffee table in front of him and settling them on the floor. She took off the hat, such a small thing that she hadn’t parted with in three days, and held it out for her mom.
“Guard it with your life,” Andie said, eyes wide and silent promise already being made as Y/N chuckled and took the hat.
Bucky glanced at Y/N, silently asking if it was genuinely okay for him to do this. She simply shrugged. Who was she to deny such a simple and sweet request? Bucky turned back to Andie, gently combing his fingers through her hair. There were only a few tangles and if they hurt, she gave no inkling that that was the case.
Satisfied that her hair would behave for him, Bucky’s nimble fingers started working on her hair. It reminded him of Rebecca. When she was a little girl, she’d always ask Bucky to do her hair and he had gotten rather good at it. It seemed the muscle memory never quite left him.
Meanwhile, Steve looked at Y/N, curious how she was feeling about all of this. Everything about her looked tired and drained, but he was almost certain that she was far from relaxed. He had experience with someone being a single parent and knew that worry was always high on their list. His mom raised him as a single mother, but it was because she was a widow. She had loved her husband with everything. Seeing someone put such stress on themselves willingly made him want to ask why.
“So,” he spoke up. Clearing his throat, he was relieved when Y/N looked his way and seemed calm. “If you don’t mind my asking, how long has it been just you two?”
Bucky jerked his head, glaring at Steve. “She doesn’t have to answer that.” Whether he wanted to know the answer or not, she didn’t owe them an answer. She owed no one an explanation.
Y/N laughed softly at Bucky’s clear irritation towards the comment. “It’s fine. Honestly. Being a single mom, you get those questions every day,” she told Bucky. Looking back at Steve, she answered his question with, Eight years.”
Steve raised an eyebrow as Bucky looked her way. Eight years? Andie had a whole family for such a small period of time. “I – Wow.”
“Anything else you want to know?”
Yes. Why? How often does Andie see her father? Who decided to get the divorce? Was it mutual? Are you on good terms? What is Andie’s father like?
The questions went on and on and on, listing themselves in Bucky’s head. But he didn’t bother asking. It wasn’t his place.
“You like being single?”
Y/N hesitated when she was asked that, looking back to the kitchen. Clint was the one who asked. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and came to the chaise, plopping down on it as he looked at Y/N. Leave it to him to ask such a weird question. But she thought about it for a moment and shrugged. “Does your team?”
“Hell nah,” Sam called from the kitchen. Laughter came from everyone and Bucky couldn’t stop himself from sighing in relief. Leave it to these guys to ask something that was none of their business. “But maybe we should invite Scott over. Try to get you two…What was the word you used to always call it, Steve?”
Steve shifted, cheeks flushing red. “I don’t remember.”
“Fonduing,” Tony answered, earning a burst of giggles from Andie.
“Are you done yet,” she whispered to Bucky. He chuckled, tugging off the hair tie that was located on his wrist. He secured the braid and dropped it against her back. She grinned and touched it, trying to figure out which braid he had done for her.
“Now pick a movie, Rugrat,” he whispered in her ear. “Before the whole team decides to find a date for your mom.”
Andie wrinkled her nose at the very idea, shaking her head. “She’s not supposed to date anybody.” Looking at her mom, she added, “Not yet at least.”
Yet? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
He chuckled and shook his head as he leaned back. Bucky had every reason to believe that she would move back to her mom, but instead, she did just the opposite. Squeezing between him and the end of the couch, she had practically forced him to wrap an arm around her. Again, Bucky looked to Y/N, not sure that this was okay. But instead of anger or worry, she smiled. It seemed she was anything but bothered by the sight.
“Oh, this one!”
The team looked to the screen to see that Andie had picked out a Disney movie. “Treasure Planet.”
“But first,” Wanda called. Several plates glowed red and hovered in the air. Each was filled with food and ready to be snatched. “Let’s eat.”
Andie immediately bolted, jumping over the arm of the couch as most everyone made their way in the same direction. Bucky glanced at the spot she had wedged herself into, suddenly feeling cold. But when he noticed the way Steve watched him, that knowing smile, he shrugged off any curiosities he had. Andie was just a good kid. That’s all it was.
But then she came back with two plates of food. She held one out to him and immediately dropped back in the spot she’d been occupying. He stared, absolutely dumbfounded as he took the plate and settled it on his spare leg. She was completely oblivious, meeting his gaze and explaining, “Dinner and a show.”
Bucky laughed. Wholeheartedly. A sound Steve hadn’t heard since the 40’s and no one else had ever heard. They all paused for the briefest of moments, trying their best not to simply stare at the pair as Andie pressed play.
Sam glanced at Y/N, passing her a plate. She watched Bucky and Andie with a look on her face that he couldn’t quite read. “You know, if it’s easier on you, we could watch over her.” Y/N faced him. “There’s always someone at the compound and…I mean, we really like having her here.”
Y/N chuckled at that, shaking her head. “You’ve had her for a day.”
“Half of one,” Sam corrected, still not caring. He could make his argument. “When she’s not visiting her dad and you’re working, have her come here. You can save money on babysitting that way, right?”
She hesitated at that. It was true. Though Peter and May didn’t ask for much when it came to babysitting, the number of times she had to ask them meant that particular bill was adding up. And with Andie’s dad not paying child support…she needed all the money she could get. “I get to know who is going to be here, right?”
Sam smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around her and giving her a small hug. “Of course. I’m sure Tony can work something out. Get you access to the compound. Half a day or not, your kid has quite a way with people. Particularly heroes.”
Y/N looked at Bucky and Andie. They were settled on the couch in such a way, it reminded her of a long time ago. Ten years. When she was still a baby and her marriage was still attempting to function. She looked like a little girl with her dad, watching a little boy on screen freak out over a space-story. It was Andie’s favorite movie. And she knew exactly why.
Blinking away tears before they had a chance to fall, she nodded. “Okay. I think – Yeah, I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”
“Bucky…Bucky, wake up.”
He jolted awake. The metal arm flexed, gears churning as he remembered where he was. He’d fallen asleep? For how long? Running a hand over his face and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he looked around and saw Andie was sitting on his lap. She’d been poking his face, but now she just watched him. The credits from whatever movie were rolling on the screen and he shifted.
What time was it?
“It’s way past my bedtime,” she told him. Holding a finger to her lips, she pointed to her sleeping mom. “I need to go to bed.”
Bucky watched her, barely hiding his amusement. “Alright.” Groaning as he rose to his feet, he kept her in his grasp. She didn’t seem to mind, instead wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his chest. It was such a simple act and yet it felt unbelievably natural. “Let’s find you a bed.”
She nodded as he carried her down the hall and he was almost positive that she was asleep. But he couldn’t exactly judge. He was tired too. Finding one of the spare rooms, he opened the door and looked around. It was bland and empty. Not nearly the type of room any kid should have, but it was just for the night. “Come on, Andie, wake up,” he whispered in her ear.
“Mmm,” she whined into his chest. His heart warmed, beating faster, but he didn’t dare think too hard about it. Instead, he set her on the bed and took her shoes off.
“Come on, Andie, wake up long enough to get under the covers.”
Andie blinked slowly, yawning. How had she fallen asleep so quickly before? He didn’t try to think too hard about it. Instead, he pulled the covers and sheets free as she shimmied out of her jeans. He barely got a chance to get the pillows ready before she dived underneath. Her arms wrapped around one of the overly fluffy pillows, burying her face in it and smiling. “Thank you, Bucky.”
“No problem, Rugrat.” He stood up, watching her for the smallest moment. She looked so frail and innocent…He still couldn’t wrap his head around it. So instead of overthinking, of dwelling, he slipped out.
Closing the door behind him, he wandered back into the common area to find the credits to the last movie still playing. Really the only one he had found himself paying attention to was the first. There were parallels in the movie that he was sure Andie related to. It made sense. Kids identified with characters for multiple reasons, but mostly it provided a validity to who they were. To their trauma.
Turning off the tv, he immediately heard movement on the couch. He glanced down at Y/N as she rolled over, still fast asleep. At some point during the second movie, she had fallen asleep. No one had the heart to wake her, instead wrapping her up in a blanket and just letting her sleep.
A part of him wanted to let her.
But he knew she would be painfully uncomfortable if she stayed there all night. He knelt beside her, brushing her hair back. She looked so peaceful, calm and at ease. He wondered if it was as rare for her to feel like this as it was for him.
God, you’re being creepy.
He dropped his hand and shifted slightly. Instead of playing with her hair, he started shaking her shoulder. “Y/N. Y/N, wake up,” he murmured. “You need a bed.”
She murmured something incoherent, curling into herself more. God, if he wasn’t so worried about her back, he’d leave her like this. She looked so adorable. He didn’t want to be the one to kill that.
“Come on, Doll.” Bucky slipped his hand underneath her, freezing for a moment when he felt her moving again. “Wake up or don’t, but please, don’t pick a time where I look like a creep,” he whispered, lifting her into his arms. His metal arm slipped under her legs as her head rest on his shoulder. She was easy to carry, especially with the serum, but he wanted to be careful all the same. “Let’s find you a bed, hm?”
He carried her down the same hall, hoping the room across from Andie would be open. He knew Y/N would feel better being closer to her kid. Shifting her in his arms, he opened the door and silently swung it open. Repositioning her, he froze as one of her hands wound them in his shirt, her face nuzzling his neck.
If his heart hadn’t been racing before, it sure as hell was now. He exhaled slowly, trying to ignore how hot his face felt, trying to ignore the faint feel of her heartbeat against his chest. Taking quick strides to the bed, he carefully laid her down. Her fist still clenched tightly around his shirt and he worked to free himself from her tight grip. She was strong for such a frail human. It was impressive. Dropping her hand, he slipped her shoes off and set them at the foot of the bed. There was no way in hell he was going to undress her. Nope. Not happening. But he shifted her underneath the blankets. She had to be dead tired. It was the only way someone could stay asleep during all of this.
Finally pulling the blankets to her chin, he smiled and lightly traced her hairline and brow. Her face relaxed and she rolled onto her side, cuddling into one of the pillows.
So that was where Andie got that from.
Bucky rose to his feet and left, silently closing the door behind him. Slumping against the door, he stared at the ceiling and exhaled slowly. That was too intimate. Too real. But he liked it. He liked the idea of taking care of someone.
“They tucked in for the night?”
He looked to the end of the hall, the faint smile on his lips dropping so fast when he saw Sam. That smug smile was in place, a back in hand from when he and Natasha had gone to the store to get Andie some clothes. Turning on his heel, he quickly put more space between him and his friend. He didn’t need Sam’s comments. He really didn’t.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Sam asked, waving at his retreating form.
“Goodnight, Sam!”
“Night, Bucky.”
Sam laughed, unable to stop as he heard Bucky’s door slam at the end of the hall. Shrugging, he hung the clothes on the outside of Andie’s door. “Definitely will be taking that as a yes.”
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thewritingcaptain · 4 years
The Pieces (Part 3)
He can’t help feeling a sense of accomplishment, but also deep sorrow at the sight. Tony should have been the one to do this. Peter should have been the one to be dusted. The whole world would be better off, he’s sure of it.
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Just had a lot happening, and needed a little break. It was a definite choice to post now, but I decided trying to bring everyone a little joy is the best I can do at the moment, so I may as well do it. Love you all 3000. <3
The house is quiet.
It’s always quiet for long hours during the week. Peter doesn’t mind, honestly. It freaked him out, at first — the dead, still silence, after growing up in the ever-restless and noisy city — but now he’d grown used to it, and kind of relished it, honestly. It was heaven on his always overstimulated senses. He hadn’t realized just how bad that was all the time until he’d moved out here with Pepper.
Pepper, who took him in when the world went to shit, who moved them out of the city and away from everything, to the peace and quiet of the woods, after she had seen how Peter was working himself half to death as Spider-Man trying to help as much of the world as he could to rebuild, and with the stated reason of “the chaos that is the city right now is no place to birth or raise a baby.”
Right. He didn’t entirely believe her, even though he wouldn’t want to raise any child in that mess right now, either. Especially as a first time parent.
Because Pepper is pregnant. With a dusted Tony Stark’s baby.
And she is still being full Pepper Potts, despite it, running Stark Industries and doing everything she normally does and more, and still managing to find time to take care of herself and the baby.
It’d been a long, emotional day in the house when she first told him. She knew, not long after the snap, before she’d came to the compound to find out what happened and get Peter. She told him how Tony had tried to tell her, ask her about it right before he went to space, but she’d denied it without a second thought. She hadn’t noticed the signs yet.
That changed not long after when she started puking, which was an abnormal reaction to her anxiety, after all these years. From there, it wasn’t a huge leap.
She had been right when she told Peter she would need his help. She still had to work, and there were so many preparations to make to prepare for a baby. She couldn’t be everywhere at once, no matter how hard she tried to be.
So Peter had become a sort of house maid. Not that he had to, or that he was overworked or mistreated in any way. The only thing Pepper had really asked him to work on was the nursery, because while she could plan it all out, the time and the physical ability to put it together was just not there for her.
But she was a busy woman, and Peter, at this point, was not. School for the majority of the world had been put online or on hold, depending on the place, while physical rebuilding could be done and governments could reorganize in the chaos that ensued when half the world had disappeared. And really, he has no intention of going back, even when doors do reopen. He’ll finish out online, and go from there, depending on the state that the world is in at the time. And that leaves him with plenty of time to make sure their little house is neat and tidy, to prepare meals for the both of them, and make sure Pepper is eating and sleeping and relaxing like she was supposed to be when she was home. She’d fought him on it, at first, but he’s stubborn enough to win.
Today he’s working in the nursery again. It’s long time to get the furniture moved in and put together in here, so that’s what he does. He sits on the floor and puts the crib together, phone playing music quietly in the corner to dispel the never-ending quiet.
Friday pipes up from above him, occasionally, correcting him on little mistakes before he can put the whole crib together wrong, and making casual conversation. Tony had had this lake house built for him and Pepper, as a sort of retirement plan, something he’d always had waiting in the wings -- or had for the last several years, anyway, as they found out after the snap. So of course Friday was installed out here, too. There was also a lab downstairs that was locked, last he’d tried to get into it. It only happened once. He’d never felt he had the strength to try to face it again.
Once he’s finished, he moves around the last of the miscellaneous furniture to its places and looks around. Aside from the various wall decor he has yet to put up, it’s finally finished.
He can’t help feeling a sense of accomplishment, but also deep sorrow at the sight. Tony should have been the one to do this. Peter should have been the one to be dusted. The whole world would be better off, he’s sure of it.
But there’s nothing he can do to change it, so he takes a deep breath and tells himself to shake it off. There’s still more to do before he calls it quits for the day.
“Oh, Peter .”
Pepper has appeared behind him. He turns, seeing her standing in the doorway with a hand over her mouth and eyes bright with tears. “Oh, uh, Miss Potts- it’s not done yet, but-“
“It’s perfect,” Pepper interrupts gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Everything is perfect. What more could you possibly do?”
“There’s some wall decals and miscellaneous decorating stuff to come in. Small stuff. So it is mostly done, I guess, but…”
“It just doesn’t feel done?” Pepper finishes, her tone still maddeningly gentle. “Any thoughts on why?”
“I just…” He hesitates. “I wish he was here to see it. Or that there was at least something we could do to make it feel like he had more of a part in this.”
Pepper sighs a little. “I know, kiddo. Me, too.” She pauses. “Maybe there’s something in the lab or something… I’m sure if you looked you could find something usable.”
Peter chews his lip. “But… I can’t get into the lab here. He locked it, remember?”
Pepper looks confused. “Yeah, but you’re authorized to go in. You have as much access to Friday as I do, Peter. More than anyone except Tony.”
Peter blinks, stunned. “I do?”
“Of course you do. You didn’t realize?”
“Well, you always have. And you could honestly probably increase your access, if you wanted to. You have a backdoor into Friday from Karen. Haven’t you ever thought to ask her?”
Peter just shakes his head dumbly. He never imagined he’d have been given access to Friday. Why would he? He had never got to go to the tower or the compound very much, and he had Karen. He’d never even considered it.
“Well, maybe ask one of them about it,” Pepper tells him gently. “And if you find something you like, go ahead and incorporate it. I trust your judgment.”
I trust your judgement. Why do those words weigh so heavily on him now?
“Thanks, Miss Potts,” is all he says in return. “I’ll see what I can find, then.”
But it’s days before he works up the courage, again, to actually try.
The motivation to comes when Pepper calls him from work to tell him she’s having contractions, and going to the hospital to get checked out, so not to wait up for her or make anything for dinner. He hangs up the call with a renewed sense of determination.
What he finds could be painful, sure. But he just can’t fathom the thought of Pepper bringing a little baby Stark home without some piece of her father in that room.
So he steels himself and marches down to the garage, determined not to leave until he’s found or built something suitable to go in baby Morgan’s room.
And, well, if he stays down there the rest of the day and all night, and doesn’t really emerge at all until Pepper is supposed to be on her way home with a baby… that’s no one’s business but his.
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padfootagain · 5 years
Cute Alphabet : Peter Parker
Here's another Cute Alphabet ;) I hope you like it!
Like any other of my Cute Alphabets, I've answered to all the 26 fluffy questions, each corresponding to a letter.
Gif not mine
Word Count: 2719
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Affection : What are those little things they do to show you that they love you?
 Touches. Not in a sexual way but in a supportive and affectionate way. Holding your hand, touching your arm… especially your arm. He loves tracing patterns upon it with his fingertips. The gesture becomes something he does out of habit, absentmindedly, whenever he is thinking.
 Birthday : What do they do to celebrate your birthday? What is the thing you need to do make them happy on their birthday? Are they good at giving gift?
 For your birthday, he prepares a surprise party with your closest friends. He fills up your room with balloons and confetti. He makes the cutest birthday party ever.
He also stays during the evening and the night, and for once, he doesn't go through the streets and stays with you instead… or well, at least he does if nothing too serious requires the services of Spider-Man.
 For his birthday, you spend the day geeking around, basically. Which makes him extremely happy and excited. You spend the night watching horror movies and eating candies, and talking about movies and video games, and playing with your friends. And you all have a lovely time together.
 He is surprisingly good at making gifts. Because he's a good listener, and knows you, and knows what makes you happy, so he always offers gifts that you adore.
 Cuddles : Do they like to cuddle? Big spoon? Little spoon?
 He loves cuddling in your arms after a long day. He never feels as relaxed as he is when you're holding him tight. You both play big spoon and little spoon depending on your mood, and who had the worst day. But let's be honest, he adores being little spoon.
 Dating : What are they like on their first date? And those after that?
 He is a ball of nerves for your first date. He has asked for advices to Aunt May about what he should wear, and what he should do, and where he should take you. He spends two hours trying different clothes, to settle in the end on a sweater and a dark pair of jeans that make him look not too casual and not too overdressed either.
He takes you to the cinema for your first date, and he is so scared before you arrive. He is there early, and he keeps on pacing while he waits for you. But once you're here, he merely needs a few minutes to relax and be himself again. After all, you enjoy spending time together.
He does blush an awful lot throughout the whole night though.
 Evolution : How fast does your relationship evolves? Weeks, months, years?
 You both take things slow, but then, you're both in High School together, so it seems only natural. Even if you both try to play it cool, you soon have feelings for each other, and let's be fair, that makes everything become quite serious, no matter what you try to convince yourselves of.
 Flirting : Do they flirt a lot?
 Oh dear, he tries, but he is the cutest cupcake and ends up being more of a blushing mess than anything else. His brain turns blank whenever he tries to flirt with you. It's only when you are already together as a couple that he gets more comfortable in that game and actually manages to flirt. But he is always more adorable than anything else even then.
 Generosity : When they're with you, is it about you or about them?
 Because he's Spider-Man, there are moments when he will not be with you. But you have to accept it, and it's not about not caring about you, it's about caring about everybody else too.
He is very caring and loving when the two of you are together, and he would do anything to protect you and make sure you are happy. And you would do the same for him.
 Honey : Do they use pet names? What's their favourite for you and for themselves?
 'Babe'. 'Babe' all the time. He loves calling you like that! And he has this cute little pout when he wants you to do something for him and asks in this low voice 'babe, please…' and you can never resist him.
 He loves it when you call him by any pet name, really, it makes it so intimate. But he adores 'love' and 'baby' most of all.
 Isolation : How do they react when they are away from you?
 He misses you a lot, and is worried about you. If he is going abroad, especially if it's because of Tony Stark, he keeps on sending you texts and photos and videos of everything that is going on. Whenever he calls, he is talking at full speed out of excitement, and you can clearly imagine him jumping through a room and mimicking a fight and imitating the sound of explosions… he is just overexcited to share it all with you – even the parts that are supposed to be secret, but then, it's you.
You love it when he does include you in his adventures like this, except when he wakes you up at two in the morning with a shout through your phone "Y/N GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!". Then you're not happy. Then you want to punch him so you can go back to bed.
 Jealousy : Are they jealous? How do they react if you are jealous?
 If he is jealous, he won't say anything. He's going to close on himself, and merely act a little cold, when in his mind he is battling against self-worth and wonders if he really is worthy of you. Although, your reaction to that other guy's flirt brings a smile to his lips: you are pretty direct in letting that boy know that you're not interested.
 Kisses : Lots of them? Peppering ones? Languid ones?... What about your first kiss?
 You kiss for the first time at the end of your first date, and it feels pretty magical. You are both blushing like mad once your eyes meet again after you part, and can't refrain a little giggle.
 He loves kissing your forehead, especially after he comes back as Peter after having spent several hours as Spider-Man. Tiny pecks dropped on your skin in a reassuring and tender way that never fail to make your heart speed up.
 Light up : What do they do to make you feel better after a rough day? How can you lighten their mood?
 He holds you tight and listens to what happened to you. He'll lie down with you, holding you under the warmest blankets. He'll watch a romantic movie with you and give you your favourite ice-cream. He's very supportive and if you're crying because someone was mean to you, it's Peter Parker who's gonna kick their arse, not even Spider-Man.
 Mommy : How do they react to parenthood?
 Let's take a little jump through time then, and let's settle in about ten years from now.
And Peter, is freaking out.
How is he supposed to handle a baby? How is he supposed to deal with that tiny little thing that is going to be so fragile? He is both overexcited and terrified that he might not be good enough. But then the baby arrives, and he is just so proud and overcome with so much love that these two feelings overpower all the rest.
He's a great and supportive dad, and he will always make sure that his child is safe.
 Nurse : How do they take care of you when you're sick? How do they behave when they are sick?
 Noodle soup. He makes sure you are eating it. He asks his aunt to make some for you, and he brings it to your home. He watches movies with you when you can't sleep, and stays until you actually manage to get some rest. He's adorable here again.
 At first, when he gets sick, he acts like it doesn't matter. And you have to get angry at him for him to stop getting out there in the streets to play the superhero when he has fever and can barely stand on his feet. You team up with Aunt May to take care of him and make sure he stays in bed. How many times do you find him trying to escape his room instead? You have lost count…
 Objects : Are there any object, song, place that have a particular meaning for them or for the two of you as a couple?
 That cinema where you spend your first date becomes a place where you go very often. It brings back memories, and you go there at least once a month. When the two of you get through your worst fight, and you both wonder if it means the end of your relationship, you both go to this cinema. You didn't expect to see the other there too, and actually, you don't even go there to watch a movie, it's just the memories that you were looking for. But when you see each other, you can't stay mad at each other and you quickly run in his arms.
 Partners : Are they looking for flings, one-night stands, partners to be with until their last breath? What makes them fall for you?
 When he takes you on a date, it's because he wants to be with you, and it's not about a mere fling. He wants to be your boyfriend and he wants you to be his girlfriend, and if he wants to take things slow, it doesn't mean that he expects a mere one-night stand either.
 He adores your smile, and your laugh, and all the tiny details that make you be you. He loves the fact that he can be himself around you. You have similar tastes and it makes everything easier between the two of you. He loves your sense of humour, and your kindness and your strength and your silliness… in a word, he adores you.
 Quarrels : How is it to have a fight with them? What do they do to make you forgive them? What do you need to do to make them forgive you?
 Fights are rare, but when you do fight, it's generally a serious crisis that make your whole relationship tremble. But in time, you love each other too much to stay apart.
 If you're mad at him because he took risks while defending the streets of New York, and he comes back with bruises and cuts, then he is likely to appear on your doorstep the next day with your favourite flowers or chocolates and a sheepish smile on his lips. And that is generally enough for these tiny crises.
If he is the one who is mad at you, you will apologize and just talk about it all with him.
 Anyways, for a major crisis, you both merely need some time.
 Rings : How do they propose? The wedding? The honeymoon?
 Here again, let's make a little time jump ahead. When he proposes to you, you've been together since high school and you both still love each other deeply. He prepares everything to propose. He has planned every detail. It's going to be romantic and you're going to love it.
A shame some megalomaniac has decided to terrorize New York that very night and Peter has to leave to rescue everyone…
… and you are dragged in the whole drama too.
At the end of the night, you both come home with bruises and cuts and you patch each other up, you are exhausted, and just happy to be alive. He guesses that he will ask you again later, he will merely have to plan it all once more… but you find the ring as it falls from the pocket of his trousers. And when you walk in the bedroom with the ring in your hand and a questioning look in your eyes, he has to ask you there and then. It's not how he had planned it, but it doesn't matter. Plans never matter when you love each other.
 The wedding is beautiful. Tony Stark is involved in the preparation and he sits on the first row, right next to Aunt May, along with Pepper. They are all crying before the ceremony is over. Especially Aunt May, of course.
 For your honeymoon, you travel across Europe, and it's just magical. And Peter is barely getting in trouble, so all is fine. You take so many selfies during the trip… and you make a book to collect your favourite once you come home.
 Secrets : Do they keep secrets from you and how do they react when they learn that you've been hiding something from them?
 Well, you may not know at the beginning about his secret identity, but you are quick to connect the dots. After you learn about this secret of his, there is nothing that stays in the way between the two of you. And whenever he hides something to 'protect you', he regrets it. Indeed, in the end you are mad at him, and keeping you in the dark didn't protect you at all. On the contrary, you generally get more in danger. So he stops hiding things from you after a while.
 Tease : Do they like to tease you? How much humour is there in your relationship?
 You can both be teasing each other quite a lot. And Peter is funny. In a very cute way, most of the time too. Very often, he makes you laugh, but not always on purpose. He has a great sense of humour and you make each other laugh so much.
 U-turns : What can transform your relationship in a good or bad way (what makes them confess their feelings or scares them off)?
 You have to accept the fact that he is Spider-Man as much as Peter Parker. They are just one, and you can't have the funny and adorable Peter without the combative and quite reckless superhero. And that's the key to a good or bad relationship with Peter.
 Voicing : How hard is it for them to talk about their feelings? How do they tell you that they love you for the first time?
 He's quite shy, and a little clumsy when it comes to speak about how he feels for you. But he does tell you that he loves you, and he does prove it.
 You are the first to tell him that you love him after he scares you to death by disappearing altogether for two days. And when he comes back, you are so relieved that you are not even angry at him. As you hold him tightly in your arms, you can't stop the words from falling down your lips, and with a bright grin and voice made a little hoarse by emotions, he speaks them back to you.
 Widow : What if they lose you (death or breakup) ?
 If you die, he will never really get over it. He will go on with his life, but you will always be the one to him.
 If you break up, he will be devastated. Many ice-creams will be slaughtered as he tries to feel better. Ned tries to help, but only time can truly heal this kind of wound. But as long as you are happier without him, there's nothing he can do, after all.
 Yielding : What do you have to do to convince them to do what you want?
 It's pretty easy for you to convince Peter, and actually, you generally don't have to even convince him. He agrees to your idea, most of the time. The only real arguments upon which none of you are willing to back down… is what to watch on Netflix. And these arguments can be terrible…
 Zoo : Could they have a pet with you? What kind of pet?
 Oh, Peter definitely loves pets, and a cat or a dog, he doesn't really mind.
Tag list : @ponycake27 @horsesreign @xinyourdreamsx @jbluevelvet @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity @i-padfootblack-things @rishlo @theshortegg @madamrogers  @heyohheyitsgabi
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allthings-sandy · 5 years
Not What I Expected Chapter 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Words: 1.7k-1.8k
Summary: Y/N just wants to be a normal girl and go to school like every other teenager. She got her chance but only to look after a certain superhero in Queens.
A/N: Pls like, comment and reblog if you like it! It would really mean a lot. Thank you! Hope you enjoy :) (chapter 2 will be out soon yay) if anyone wants to be in my tag list for this fanfic, just hmu and I will try to figure out how to do that(cuz I'm a noob) :)
Chapter 2
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‘ Come on, Y/N! You can do better than that!’ Coach Steve urged me to hit the punch pads he had strapped on his hands harder. I was giving my all but apparently it wasn’t enough for him. Coach Steve had been harder on me the past few weeks, probably thinking he was too soft on me when he started training me. I abruptly stopped punching.
‘ Coach, I need to cut myself. I- I just can’t do it normally.’ I told him as I unfolded and raised my trusty portable knife to my palm. Injuring myself will give me more of a boost than anything as energy would be emitting from my body, to heal the wound. It gives me adrenaline I need so I can fight better too. ‘ No. I have given you far too many chances already. You need to learn to obtain the same amount of strength when you’re injured and when you’re not injured. It’s not good to keep cutting yourself. Now, come on.’ He clapped the punch pads together. I sighed and continued. ‘ You’re not getting any better, Y/N! Come on, let me feel your punches!’ He shouted at me. Disappointment filled me and negative thoughts spiraled in my head as per usual. I wasn’t getting any better. I wasn't improving. Coach Steve stood upright, making me almost punch his abdomen. I bent and gripped my knees as I pant hard. Training used to be a breeze before Coach Steve decided to take it up a notch.
‘ It’s been a year, Y/N. You improved a lot when you came here and my expectations of you are higher now. But you just can’t seem to go any higher. What’s up? Tell Uncle Steve.’ he turned from Coach Steve into Uncle Steve(they are 2 very different personalities). He slung his sweaty arm over my sweaty shoulder as we walked to the bench that sat across the gym. After we sat, I took a deep breath before saying what was on my mind for months. ‘ I've been thinking about this for a long time and I was too afraid to say it because I know how my dad would be like if he knew.’ I said with a worried tone. My dad can be just a little overprotective... and by that I actually mean a lot. He always tells me, ‘ Being Iron Man is no easy job. Just like how being Iron Man's daughter is no easy job.’ So he had the Avengers train his only daughter to defend herself when crisis arises. Of course, they trained me to control my powers too. Having been trained by the best agents and even a God, I’ve gotten faster and stronger, more than anyone could imagine since I'm an enhanced being. Why is Tony Stark's daughter enhanced? Isn’t Tony just a human genius? Well you see, I’m actually Tony Stark’s step-daughter. Kind of sad, but it’s the truth. We aren’t related by blood.
‘ I’m not your dad. You can tell me anything Y/N you know that.’ Uncle Steve reassured me. I let all my worries out with a sigh and spilled everything. ‘ I want to go to school.’ I waited for his reaction. ‘ But you already go to school here with perfectly good teachers.’ Uncle Steve said. ‘ No Uncle Steve, I want to go to a real, normal high school. With actual teachers and actual students that I can be friends with!’ I exclaimed and stood up in the spur of the moment. I saw the upset look on Uncle Steve's face. ‘ N-Not that I hate your tutoring or anything I mean, being home schooled by the best teachers and the Avengers is great, really!’ I took my seat next to him. ‘ But I want to try being a normal teenager. Have friends, hang out with them and even hate a teacher so my friends and I can talk about them later.’ I stopped to look at Uncle Steve's face which has cheered up a little. ‘ I just want to be a normal teenager for once.’ I said, expressing my desire to be normal. Uncle Steve leaned his back on the wall. ‘ Do you plan on telling your dad?’ he asked and I nodded. He sighed, ‘ Alright. I don’t oppose to it but I don’t agree to it either. You should have friends your age and enjoy your youth while you still have it but going out there means endangering yourself and those around you.’ He told me. ‘ I’ve already made my choice. Nothing you say will change my mind.’ I said, a little disappointed. My dad is somewhat strict but Uncle Steve is the laid back and kind uncle, giving me whatever I wanted as a child so I thought he would fully support my decision. ‘ Yeah, I know. But maybe your father will. He’s the one who will make the decision.’ He said as he got up. He ruffled my hair before leaving. I leaned my head back against the blue-coloured wall with a thud and sighed. ‘ I know.’
‘ Hey Dad, what are you doing?’ I cooed , hugging him from behind. I ran through this scenario at least a million times in my head. Doing something cute and showing interest in what he was doing always got him. He just couldn’t say no to his darling daughter. ‘ Just working on the suit. I’ve got some new ideas for it that could really improve its durability.’ He said, looking at his blueprints. ‘ That is really cool! Although I think the Iron Man suit is already top-notch.’ I said with the sweetest smile I could have my facial muscles make. Okay, I may have gone overboard with the smile and the “top-notch". I mean who even says that anymore? Suspicion didn’t seem to creep to my father though. ‘ Thank you, but the suit is not top-notch yet, it still needs- wait did you just say top-notch?’ he stopped what he was doing and looked at me. Damn, it was the top-notch. ‘ W-why did I say something wrong?’ I stuttered in nervousness. My palms started sweating and I felt I was going into cardiac arrest. I’ve literally never felt more nervous and scared in my life. Nervous because of what he might say and scared because of what he might do after saying no. He might keep me under lock down for God knows how long and I might never see the light of day ever again.
‘ You want your own suit, don’t you? Look, you are still very young to be joining the big boys in the Avengers. I don’t want you getting hurt while on missions. Whether or not you’ve got powers, doesn’t make you strong enough. Sorry but a no is a no.’ He said, not looking at me. Ouch. Not where I was going but it still freaking hurt. I felt waves of energy flow around the palms of my hands as frustration boiled within. I had to calm down. I shook my hands, dissipating the energy. ‘ That’s not what I was going to ask. I just wanted to ask if... if I could go to school. Just like everyone else.’ I asked, my head facing the white tile floor. My dad stayed silent. After a minute or 2, he sighed, running his hand through his hair. ‘ God... what am I going to do with you? It's not that easy.’ He said, shaking his head. ‘ Just enroll me in a school! It is that easy!.’ I exclaimed. ‘ You know what I mean. If anyone finds out you’re my daughter, my enemies are going to hunt you down and hurt you. I was fortunate enough that you weren’t hurt the last time. ‘ That was only once and it was a long time ago! Your enemies know I can defend myself now! That I have powers! Even if they don’t, I’ll be fine. I may not be “good enough" to join the Avengers, but I sure as hell can kick someone’s ass.’ I retaliated. Even if his enemies do come for me I would be able to defend myself, I’m sure of it. My father pursued his lips together. He took my hands in his. ‘ I'm just worried about you. I don’t want it to happen again like the last time.’ He said. ‘ Dad, I promise you, everything will be fine. Why would you ask the Avengers to train me if you weren’t going to let me out? I promise I’ll be fine.’ I reassured him, squeezing his hands. ‘ Alright. You can go to high school. On one condition.’ He said. ‘ Anything! I'll do anything!’ I said with a grin on my face. My dad let go of my hands and instead took out his phone from his pocket. ‘ The high school you'll be going to will be in Queens. I need you to look after a certain boy that goes to the school you'll be attending. Here.’ My father handed me his phone. A guy's profile was displayed on it. ‘ Peter Parker. Who is this and why do you want me to look after him?’ I asked, obviously clueless as to who he was. ‘ Oh he's Spider-Man. The boy in the spider suit that helped me fight Cap's team in the airport when we had a fall out.’ He said like it was no big deal but it was to me. ‘ Spider-Man?? You mean the Spider-Man that's gone viral like everywhere??’ I asked, excited. Unbeknownst to him, I was an avid fan of Spider-Man. I heard about him from the airport fight (which I am still bitter about because Dad wouldn't let me go) but I didn't know he was so cool until I watched videos of him on YouTube. ‘ There's no other spider I would be talking about. So if you promise me to do what I just told you, then you can go to high school and do high school stuff.’ He said as he took his phone back. As much as I love Spider-Man, I hate the fact that I have to watch over someone just so I could go to school. A minute ago, my dad was all ‘ You can’t go because you can’t protect yourself! And now he’s asking me to take care of someone else a.k.a another superhero? Where’s the logic in that? It’s almost as if he cares about this Peter dude more than he cares about me but I’m not going to think too much about it. Despite that, I had to agree if I wanted to go to school. ‘ I'll do it. But why do I have to keep an eye on him? There’s no reason for me to. He can defend himself, he's Spider-Man for goodness sake!’ I exclaimed. He's Spider-Man indeed, but he's still a teenager. I just need you to prevent him from doing stupid things. Got it?’
I let out a sigh. ‘ Okay.’
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forteafy · 7 years
Hello love! ❤️ Headcannon of introducing Steve to the 21st Century.
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Fury assigns you to him the day after he comes out of the ice, because although he’s a Super Solider, he’s pretty sure he’ll shock himself with something.
It starts when you take him into your car to drive him to the Facility, and he’s so amazed on how the car is telling you where to go.
‘So…it’s like a map on a little television?’
Taking him to Stark Tower and when he see’s the sliding doors, he walks in and out of them like six times. 
Elevators have moved on. The ones he remembers are caged with doormen. There are electronic. 
Okay, but he get super scared of the elevator, bless him. He dosen’t like it and clings onto your hand like a child. And blushing when he realises.
Hearing JARVIS and freaking out even more.
‘Uhh, Y/N…I’m pretty sure they’re keeping somebody hostage.’
‘I can assure you, Captain Rogers, I am not being held hostage.’
Okay, but can you imagine the smile on his face when he realises he can eat anything? Because food isn’t being rationed like it used to be.
‘I’d really like Cheese and Pickle Sandwich. Please.’ 
His amazement at the different amounts of bread, cheeses, pickles…he can’t make up his mind and ends up just going ‘That one.’
His reaction to the television and radio update oh my gosh.
It hurts his eyes and makes them go a little fuzzy to begin with, but when he adjusts, he thinks it’s amazing.
Finding documentaries for him on Netflix about World War 2, because he want’s to know what he missed.
Making coffee with the fancy machine. He gets a little too excited and makes 50 cups of coffee.
That afternoon you take him to the Apple Store to get a laptop and a phone. Not the IPhone 7 Because you don’t want to confuse him with the Headphone Jack.
You spend the next few hours teaching him how to look things up on Google. Some of the best searches include
‘Captain America Pictures’ ‘World War 2,’ ‘Where is Bucky?’ ‘Why is Y/N laughing at me?’ ‘What is a Facebook?’
Teaching him about Social Media. You begin with Twitter.
His username is @StarSpangledSteveRogers (Tony’s Idea.)
Okay, but he begins to hashtag so much. Because if he can find things other people understand, he’ll understand, too.
Then he gets Facebook. And he gets so excited when he has more than five friends. 
Instagram is a bit of a laugh. You teach him how to take a selfie, but it’s just a ‘Self Photo’ to him. 
When he see’s all these girls pulling pouty lips, he begins to think it’s a virus or something.
He dosen’t like his bed too much to begin with. But you stay with him until he falls asleep.
Waking up at 3am to find him trying to work Netflix the same way you did
Falling asleep on the sofa curled up to him with a blanket. 
He gets really blushy when you go shopping with him the next day for clothes and see’s the statue of himself in Brooklyn.
Dressing him up and going a little shy because he looks so god damn good in everything.
Kissing your cheek and thanking you for helping him.
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