#like i had to learn about every god forsaken off shoot of lutheranism during the protestant reformation unit in AP Euro
ghostsarecool · 3 years
like the entire premise of GND2 is that a public school teacher answers a question about jesus in her class and then they have a disciplinary hearing and eventually it’s brought to court by the ACLU bc they are alleging it violates separation of church and state... but the instance they are talking about i pretty much don’t think anyone would actually argue violates the constitution bc it’s like: *lesson about gandhi, MLK and non-violence* student: isn’t that like when jesus said love your enemies? and then the teacher says yes, recites the quote from matthew the girl was referring to, and then a quote from MLK where he makes the connection “christ furnished the spirit and motivation and gandhi furnished the method” & then another student is like it didn’t work bc jesus got himself killed and she’s like yeah but so did MLK, it just depends on your idea of success, both started lasting movements and then says she admires them both for their courage to stand up for their beliefs.... like that’s ALL. and then they build the entire rest of the movie around everyone thinking this is horrible and violating church and state and they act like it’s illegal just to mention jesus or religion and it’s like . WHAT. what alternate universe do you live in where the world is like this and they literally have the ACLU lawyer say “we’re trying to prove once and for all that god is dead” LIKE that is not . a thing. like jkgkfllf. and this conversation she’s on trial for is like okay, they can probably assume she’s a christian bc she quoted exactly from a particular gospel but like nothing she says is actually preaching and it’s not illegal for students to just be aware of their teachers religion. and then now they’re trying to say in court that it was bad she invited a school administrator to a ceremony at her church honoring multiple students from the school for their community service, bc it was during work hours ? and i’m like nfnfjfj if it’s about students getting an award or something it doesn’t seem weird to invite people from the school even if it is during work hours... and then they try to make it bad that she’s collecting money for a faith based charity which like maybe a little bit better of an argument but do you KNOW how many charities in the US are faith based?? especially in small majority christian towns ? anyway i also just don’t understand why they have the ACLU as like pouncing on this case as something they could use to bolster separation of church and state when like. there are so many way more blatant cases of this all over i don’t see why they would choose the one that’s like literally pretty much not relevant djfjjfjf ... it’s just an unbelievable premise and all of the characters are total caricatures of what evangelical christians think the godless secular world is like. even tho the majority of the US is still christian like. why do christians like this want to be oppressed sooooo bad
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