#like i feel like that one woman whose power ring melted and she screeched like a pterodactyle
I hate how so many people just... lack any kind of critical media literacy across so many different genres and how just about every genre and common tropes, issues, etc. within them just get boiled down to "Oh this is bad because ableism/racism/homophobia" even though the tropes largely have nothing to do with that. It's like they have such a surface-level understanding of something and then proceeds to read into said surface-level understanding in a contest to see who can come up with the most disingenuous, bad faith, uncharitable and just all-around god an awful interpretation of it.
"Characters having prosthetics as an allegory for losing their humanity is ablest because it is saying that if you got into an accident you are a monster." No, you absolute peanut. Robotic parts specifically are an allegory for the loss of humanity in characters that just get rid of their human body because they were being reckless, stupid, thought that it was not perfect enough, too weak, etc. Oftentimes, this is juxtaposed with a character that is a robot but is more human than the cyborg or person that just gets another piece of them replaced with a machine.
Ironwood getting increasingly mechanical parts as he is making increasingly inhumane choices in regards to himself and others is not saying he's a monster because he had an oops boo boo and had to replace his arm. ESPECIALLY when his character is juxtaposed by a character who has a robotic arm (Yang) and a character who is a created robot (Penny). The reason why Yang said that her robotic arm (and even taking pride in it at that) is "just extra" because it is just an extra asset to who she is as a person, but not her whole person. In terms of Penny, she is entirely made of machines but has what amounts to a human heart and compassion because she makes a choice to be kind to people. The allegory here (that y'all failed to understand) is that it is not whether or not someone has prosthetic or robotic parts that determine their humanity, but rather their choices and how they treat others.
It is often also the same in stories where it has characters who have robotic parts such as Alita Battle Angel or anything that genuinely comes from cyberpunk dystopia. Alita (Who is completely robot mind you) is often more kind, compassionate, etc. than characters who are fully human. Hugo and his crew regularly steal parts from cyborgs who've done nothing to him and this is juxtaposed by characters like Grewishka and Zipan who are mechanical and monstrous but not because of their parts but because of their choices. Which is a strong contrast to Alita who is fully kindhearted and has a strong sense of justice and doing what is right regardless of whether there is a price tag on it.
In more dystopian stories wherein no short words, the corrupt government controls technology and spies on its people using it, it can be a question of how much of your humanity (in this instance, privacy and agency over oneself) you're willing to sacrifice for comfort or just because you had to. But of course, rather than looking at these stories as a potential warning that we should make laws that would prevent the government from using technology against its people under the guise of safety, convenience, etc. Or even having people question wtf do they do should the government get so corrupt that it can just hijack someone's arm or even just stop someone's pacemaker because lol why not.
Yeah I get it, it's uncomfortable but unfortunately, the people who need it the most are going to be the people most at risk to a corrupt government which is like... kinda the point.
But anyways moving on
The same can go for when stories use animals as a means of telling stories revolving around discrimination. But ofc people can only see it as a surface-level "racism" and then do their damnest to force characters into being black/poc or white (and for some reason, only those two races) while failing to realize that the reason it was done is that discrimination has more than one axis. I swear this logic is what has convinced me all the talk of intersectionality in activism is just a joke they say to get other people to just shut up and let them speak over them and ignore problems/issues they don't want to focus on. It's like the only thing they can understand is racism and even that racism is only if it is hatred and black people vs white people. And somehow even that is on its most basic level.
The reason stories like Zootopia and Beastars work when it comes to discrimination because it doesn't solely focus on the narrative of race and allows it to explore the implicit and explicit biases of every character that doesn't exclusively revolve around racism. It allows characters to be on the axis of sexism, racism, class, etc. and explore various -isms that are not always "negative" in the sense that it is just hatred, racial slurs, etc. and that it can be the "positive" racism like saying "you're one of the good ones" or that "they're a token to xyz for not being as bad as everyone else."
It allows characters to fall on multiple axes without people arguing whether they have it "too good to complain" because of just one axis of discrimination that they give more weight to than others for some arbitrary reason.
Even when it comes to things like nudity being a symbol of being true to oneself or purity (such as Sailor Moon or Kill La Kill) people manage to, unironically boil it down to just the writers feeling horny and therefore ignore any other kind of lore, storytelling, etc. that revolves around it. They took one thing, scrubbed, bleached, and then nuked it of any kind of context/meta just to say lol writers horny this bad it literally means nothing else even though there are whole ass plot lines revolving around it. Like do you just pick and choose what kind of plot or storytelling is Valid (TM)?
And this extends to things beyond that and I just don't understand how people can lack such media literacy when you can literally go and read anything you want online. Is it because of people being willfully ignorant? Just lacking media literacy for some reason? Only consuming and understanding media that has to have every meaning shoved down their throat like the tentacle down an anime girl's throat in a hentai??? Like there are so many questions as to how people can come up with so many dumbass takes.
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thefamily · 4 years
“Who did this to you.” Interlude
This was inspired by this this! Thank you @whumpster-dumpster​ for letting me use it.
A/N: Edited and a minor change or two.
(Word Count:2137)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Jack was stumbling through the forest, his vision slightly blurry with his cheek still ringing and his body hurting, whether it was from the emptiness or the fall down the stairs. He doesn’t know, probably both to be honest. He wanders aimlessly through the forest not focusing on anything, wanting nothing more than to be with Liru right now. He can feel himself getting dizzier the more he walks, until he comes across a clearing with a bunch of trees that had all fallen over outward from the center of them. But he doesn't think about that. He falls to his knee’s coughing like mad and almost instantly he can see splotches of blood on the grass.
‘Oh. That's not good.’
Once he stops coughing, there is a small stain of blood in the grass. He doesn't even acknowledge it as he pulls himself up onto a fallen tree and sits on it. He hugs himself, leaning over letting blood drip from his mouth, trying not to breathe it in. He chokes back a sob, not wanting to make the pain worse as he thinks about what Mrs. Blanchfield did. He can’t stop the feeling of the hand hitting across his face, the force from it was enough to knock him down the stairs. Without even thinking, he ran out the door as fast he could ignoring the pain shooting through his entire body.
He feels Liru’s presence before he sees her and his heart begins to pound, ‘Nonononono please don’t let her see me like this.’
‘Shit.’ He slowly looks up at her and he feels his heart flutter ever so slightly when he sees her face, which has a look of confusion written all over it which quickly changes to one of surprise then fury before falling emotionless. He quickly looks back down at the ground, the dead grass crunching beneath her bare feet as she stops right in front of him.
“Jack,” He flinches slightly, curling in on himself a bit “look at me.” Her tone leaves no room for argument. He takes a deep shaky breath, wincing in pain as he does, wipes the blood from his mouth and looks up at her. She immediately puts a knuckle under his chin tilting his head up more as she examines it and he can feel blood begin to drip down his chin again as she does. Her eyes flick down to the blood and she gently wipes it away before bringing it up to her face, saying nothing as she examines it.
After a second or two, he feels his heart skip a nervous beat as she looks him dead in the eyes. Her voice is quiet and tense, her anger barely restrained as clouds begin to circle overhead.
“W͟h̕o̢ did̢ th̡is̶ tò ͞you̡?”
He swallows nervously, not sure if he should tell her. He eyes the blade of her scythe that's strapped to her back, despite the very being of his soul screaming at him to tell her, but the thing in my head was screeching at him not to.
“Mrs. Blanchfield.” The words tumble out of before he can even process the tone in her voice, a promise of pain and hellfire.
“And who exactly is this… w̛oman?” His heart speeds up a bit as she spits out the word like it was poison. He swallows nervously wincing a bit, trying not to gag as the coppery blood runs down his throat.
“S-She’s the o-orphanage caret-taker.” He flinches slightly at a low growl that seems to shake the world around them. Before he could begin to look around she grabbed his hand, pulled him up and began pulling him away from the field. At her touch he can feel just how chaotic her mind is, the fury that's causing it reminding much of the time Henrik became enraged.
“W-Where are we going?” He quietly curses himself for stuttering as she continues to pull him along, although he’s more following her than anything.
“Home, I’m not letting you go back to those monsters.” Her words almost immediately calm him down.
“Oh, okay.” The thought of being around her everyday, never having to go back to that hellhole, it brought a comfort he hasn't felt since before Henrik left. Before Henrik's promise rang through his head causing panic to grip his very being.
Liru stops in her tracks at his shout, his mind cold from whose ever voice that rang through it. She feels herself grow cold at the thought of him wanting to go back.
‘No. Please no, it’s not safe, please.’
“I-I have to go back.” His voice is small and quiet as he speaks, and her shoulders drop as her stomach falls. ‘No…’
“Jack…” My voice cracks as I whisper, not wanting to turn to him.
“Please Liru, I need to go back.” His voice desperate as she forces herself to look at him. He was swaying in his spot slightly, his free arm wrapped tightly around his stomach, hand gripping his now blood stained shirt, bruises beginning to form already, especially the still welted hand print of the side of his face. A primal anger rises in her at the sight of it wanting nothing more than to tear apart the woman responsible for it.
“After what that monster did to you?” Her voice is shaking with barely contained rage as she looks him in the eyes, one of them bloodshot. He flinches at the sound of anger making it quickly melt away into sadness and ignored rejection.
“You’re covered in bruises and blood, Jack. You’re not safe there.” She can’t keep the begging from her voice, it cracks like a glass jar thrown against a rock.
“You look like you were thrown down the stairs!” She’s fighting back tears now, the desperation growing with every breath.
“I-I’m fine, I just fell when I was leaving.” He looks her dead in the eye, pleading look never disappearing.
“Please… I need to go back.” His eyes are filled with unshed tears and her resolve breaks. She grabs his hand gently pulling him to her as she steps closer to him. He stumbles a little as he does and he has a confused and almost hopeful look that she can’t look at. Looking at the ground, she uses her other hand to reach up and cup the back of his head, her entire body slouched in defeat and melancholy.
“Liru?” He asks with confusion and worry clear in his voice. She don’t reply whispering,
“Sopor.” Under her breath. And just like that, he falls limp against her as he sleeps. She quickly wraps her arms under his and as gently as she can, sliding down to her knees as she lays him against the grass. As she lays him down, the trees around them open their eyes, revealing glowing white sap as the faint smell of discarded flesh lingers in the air. They don’t say anything but she knows they’re watching them.
She runs a hand over Jack, muttering a diagnostic spell under her breath as she does. It takes every ounce of control she has not to lose her temper right then and there. She looks at his face and even asleep he looks like he’s in pain. She puts a hand on his cheek rubbing her mark gently before beginning to sing.
“Flower gleam and glow.”
She can’t heal him too much. She doesn't want him to get suspicious. She can’t lose him too.
“Let your power shine.”
She feels relief wash over her as she watches as pieces of the cosmos flow through him, the collage of colors making him look like a young Divine as the forest floor beneath him begins to grow at a rapid pace, grass and flowers growing up and lightly wrapping around him.
“Make the clock reverse.”
The collectors around them are creaking, speaking to each other curiosity radiating from them as they stare at the human and Divine, and she understands why. With Jack laid on the grass and with her hunched over him with a hand on his cheek healing him. It must be quite a sight to see her interacting with a person from a race she despises.
“Bring back what was mine.”
She forces herself to not continue but thankfully he’s healed enough where he’s only kinda bruised and no longer bleeding internally. How he managed to get all the way out here without dying is beyond her. It’s at least a six hour walk but… he didn’t sense him until he was in the field… she quickly shakes any of those thoughts away. 
‘I can deal with it later. Right now I need to take him back.’ Liru goes to pick him up before she freezes, realizing it’s not a good idea for her not to take him. If she went to that village right now she’d burn it to the ground. She looks back at Jack knowing she only has one choice for help right now. She takes a deep breath before shouting,
“Σπαθί!!!” Within seconds the shadow creature is next to her on all fours.
“Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?” The creature, roughly the size of a human man crawling on all fours with both arms and legs bent more like a horse’s than a humans, is staring down at both Jack and her.
“Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino?” It leans over to sniff him but she quickly smacks him on his side.
“Cut that out I need help.” 
“Ho?” Now she definitely has its attention.
“Yes. I need help I know, weird right?” Sarcasm is dripping from her voice before she takes a deep breath.
“Look, I just need help getting him back to the village. And if I go there now, I’m going to l͟ęv̕el ̧it.” She winces a little at the way her voice changes, loathing it when it does that. It’s too much like a void demon’s.
“Tiam faru ĝin.” The malicious joy radiating from it nearly makes her cave to satisfy her own blood lust.
“I can’t. Not yet. Not until he finally gives that place up.” It gives off the same energy of someone rolling its eyes before it looks down at Jack.
“Can you take him back?” It’s head snaps to her, shock over taking it for a second before it throws its head back, letting out a blood curdling laugh, sounding more like a dying hell-hound than anything. When it finally stops she can hear what she assumes is it’s mouth, form into a toothy grin before stretching one arm out straight and it’s arm lets out a sick cracking sound as it’s ‘bones’ flipping around. She cringes at the sound and it scoops up Jack in it’s arm cradling him to it’s chest.
“Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen.”
“It’s not his home. He’s made that very clear.” Her voice is nothing more than a whisper as she pushes herself up, the grass curling around her fingers before she pulls them away, standing up.
“For mi iras.” And just like that they were gone. Once they were gone the Collectors began to talk amongst themselves again. She hadn’t even realized they stopped. She looks around one last time before closing her eyes and focusing on her… home?
‘Is it home without him?’
When Liru opens her eyes again, she’s thankfully in her room but completely drained of any energy she might have had left after today. She flops onto her bed, too exhausted to keep everything hidden. Her wings sprawl out around her on the round bed, her tail joining them as it curls around her making a small rattling sound as it moves. She’s laying face down as her horns come out weighing down her head a little, and finally her scales come out and her eyes change the gold and red scales uncomfortable under the clothes she’s too tired to remove.
She's so close to dozing off when the door is lightly pushed open. Moving her head so she can look to see what entered her room, she’s almost immediately greeted by Izzy hopping onto the bed, a squeaky meow leaving her as she tries to move past Liru’s wings without stepping on them. She drags them out of the way in which the puffball goes over to her throat and paws at the part of her cloak around her neck until it comes undone and Izzy slides underneath it on her back, knocking the scythe to the floor.
Liru laughs lightly, closing her eyes again and yawning, muttering under her breath,
“Please be okay Jack.” Not noticing Riptide’s head poking through the door as Izzy purrs her to sleep.
Sopor = Sleep
Saluton, saluton, saluton. Ho! Kio estas tio?? = Hello, hello hello. Oh! What's this?
Ĉu ĉi tio estas la malgranda homo, kiu ŝtelis la koron de la malgranda reĝino. = Is this the little human that's stolen the little queen's heart?
Tiam faru ĝin. = Then do it.
Kaj tiel la eta reĝo iras hejmen. = And so the little king goes home.
For mi iras. = Off I go.
Spade is Σπαθί
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namjoonscrotch · 6 years
Sorry Was Never Enough | k.sj | ONESHOT | PT.1
Summary: Y/N had recently become engaged to a man whose relationship with him had turned sour. She found no happiness with him. But his boss had shared something with her. Now things got crazy.
Pairing: Seokjin X Reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Warnings: NSFW material.
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I sat at the table with a frown, looking at all of the women from Sehun’s work event in their expensive designer dresses. Whereas I was in a little black number I had come across on the sale rack.
He was meant to be here with me but instead I sat by myself as he mingled with his coworkers. My heart broke just a little bit when I watched him smile at one girl, one who kept shooting me hard glares.
Looking down at my lap I realized how out of place I felt. Sehun had demanded a few years back that I stop working out of jealousy that I earned more money than him. He claimed the man was supposed to provide for the family, not that we had one. I was stupid enough to agree and quit my job.
Now all I did was sit and home, cooking and cleaning as if it was the 1950s. I waited for him to arrive home each day like the pathetic, naive, weak woman I had become.
“Why are you over here by yourself?” I turned to see Sehun’s boss Seokjin standing beside me as my heart leaped within my chest. He was the only person who took the time to speak to me at the events nowadays.
I looked over at Jin, I couldn’t just say that Sehun has abandoned me, without looking sad.
“Um, I-I just needed to get away from the crowd.” I stuttered out.
He let out a deep sigh, “I get how you feel.”
Despite the number of time I had now spoken to him, I still didn’t quite understand why he bothered talking to me. There was plenty of women standing about the room without a man by their side. Yet he came to the one person in the room who could barley afford the dress on my body.
I looked at my lap once more, not knowing what to say. As the years passed by, my confidence withered. I was no longer the feisty 20 year old I had been. My anger boiled up when Sehun began laughing with a colleague.
Why did he bother to bring me to these events when he was just going to leave me alone?
Jin looked shocked at took my hand in his, he examined the small ring on my finger before raising his brows at me.
“That looks new.” I bit my lip discreetly. I didn’t even want to be engaged. Our relationship had turned to shit these few years, yet I couldn’t find it in me to leave. I pulled my hand from his quickly.
“It is.” I mumbled before twisting around it around finger a few times. I snapped my neck up as he pulled a chair up beside me.
“You know,” he placed a large hand on my hip as a shudder shot up my spine. “You should be with someone who treats you with respect.”
Embarrassment brought a blush to my cheeks as I averted my eyes from his. This wasn’t news to me, I was a laughing stock at his office. Of course, who took their partner to events then left her at every single one of them.
“I’m heading home.” I whispered, loud enough for him to hear. I stood from my chair, when he grabbed my wrist. I turned my head to look at him with a scrutinizing glare.
“I didn’t mean to offend you.” He spoke sincerely when I smiled softly. My face turned sour as I ripped my hand away.
“I’ll see you around.” I left, taking a cab home. Sehun could fine his own way back.
Disgust and pain was all I felt when bile rose in my throat. My heart shattered when I looked at my fiancé.
I had planned to bring him food and a bottle of wine since he was ‘stuck’ at work. Apparently that was another word for fucking a girl in my office. It was our anniversary tonight. I knew he had been stressed lately but i never expected this scene in front of me.
I couldn’t believe I had been so naive, so stupid to not see all the signs in front of me, until it was right in front of my face. I should’ve caught on to all the late nights at the office, or going out with friends frequently. The not touching me and the excuses. I should’ve figured out that “I’m not in the mood,” meant “I have no energy for you because I’ve been fucking girls at work all day.”
Everything became so clear. Leaving me behind at work events. I was just his plus one. A person to accompany him, never was I the love of him life and the person he wanted forever with. The girls who gave me harsh glances were probably just a few of his conquests.
My heart broke once more, painfully when he threw his head back. His eyes were shut closed as groan after heart shattering groan left his parted lips.
His hands were wrapped around the petite bodied brunette who screeched beneath him as he fucked her with his below average dick.
She was so small. Tiny waist, barley there breasts flat stomach. It didn’t help my confidence when I found my self looking down to study my body. Big breasts and wide hips. Seeing him with someone so tiny was a big blow as I held in the sob that threatened to escape.
Anger spiked inside me when I remembered all I had done for him, all I had given up for him. I changed my whole damn life for him. I left my job for him and he did this behind my back. It left me wondering how long this had been going on.
I shut his office door quietly and let out a big breath that I didn’t know I had been holding. My hands trembled as I let go of the door handle. I took step after step away trying to distance myself from the audible moans.
I tried so hard it keep our relationship strong, I convinced myself it was the right thing and everything would would be okay. That this was meant to be and he was the one. Even when he hurt me i forgave him and when he pushed me away I forgave him.
I should’ve realized that we were doomed from the moment we began. The minute he started to drift away, he had changed too much. I was just too stupid to know this. I could’ve seen the signs. He no longer wanted sex with me. I had given him my virginity. Instead I clinged to our love that no longer existed.
Why did he even asked me to marry him when he was doing this?
I didn’t understand why any girl who willingly fuck him with his below average dick, the lack of sex didn’t bother me, seeing as I could pleasure myself better with my hand.
It was the lack of affection that affected me the last couple of months. If I had know he had such a small dick when I met him I would’ve run the other way. I was quite surprised that he could last so long with the brunette he had in his arms. He normally lasted about ten thrusts.
My heels clicked on the hard flooring as I worked my way to the elevator. I finally decided I was done with him. I could deal with him being out late, but I refused to be with a cheater. I smiled when I imagined throwing his clothes from the bedroom window and watching him collect it all as people on the street watched.
As tempting as that sounded I was a quiet person who didn’t like attention. Instead I would put his belongings in bags and have them waiting at the door for him.
“Well, well, look who we have here.”
I jumped and froze in my tracks when I looked up at the handsome face in front of me, my Jin. He always seemed to appear when I was in the same building, or in an awkward situation. The dazzling billionaire tycoon that could get any woman he wanted. His dominating appearance and gorgeous body and looks. I was still embarrassed with our last encounter.
A pleasant smirk was present on lips as he allowed his eyes to take down my body, undressing me as I squirmed from his intense gaze. He always made sure to take in every single inch of me until I cleared my throat. Most of them I chose to ignore it. But I watched while my legs trembled beneath me.
“Jin.” I replied softly with a small smile, then allowing my eyes to fall to the ground.
I didn’t want him to see the tears staining my face. I didn’t want him to see how weak I looked. But most of all I didn’t want to hear the impending ‘I told you so.”
“Oh! You brought Thai food!” He stated as I darted my eyes to the bag I held in my hands containing noodles and sauces, including a few little things I brought with me, but now they would go to waste.
I couldn’t even think about eating since my my stomach was churning with disgust from my fiancé’s betrayal.
“Yep.” I mumbled quietly as I glanced back to him before looking back to the bag out of nervousness.
The power that surrounded him continued to intimidate me as his cold eyes penetrated my broken soul.
Not to mention I had an increasing number of dreams about the man in front of me.
His warm breath fanned across my cheek when he stepped closer to my shaking figure, his muscular arm wrapped around my waist. My heart fluttered from the slight contact.
“Well we wouldn’t want to waste it now would we?” His thick accent made me hold back a moan that was needing to escape. My cheating fiancé disappeared from my mind as the Korean hunk held me close.
A knowing smirk plastered against his beautiful face as he caressed my hip in slow circles, making me melt against him. The way I left him at the event those months ago seemed to be forgotten about when he smiled down at my highly reactive body.
“Come with me.” He whispered when he pulled away from me, leaving me wanting more.
I followed his steps closely, almost hitting his back. He led me down the hall I come down when I ran into him. I cringed as I passed the moans and grunts coming from my unfaithful partner and his new fuck.
“I’ll deal with him later babe.” Jin’s voice was gentle and sincere as he looked down at me with sympathetic eyes. The look I hated the most.
I stepped back when he reached for my lower back.
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I sneered, my voice strong. Despite my heart breaking in my chest. The strong urge to sob not decreasing as I kept my posture straight.
“Is that why you’re allowing him to continue to fuck Brandy?” He asked, his voice was hard now. Disgust was clear in eyes.
“Maybe I should just leave.” I sighed as I turned away from him.
I felt defeated, I knew what other thought about our relationship. They all took me for a fool. Including his coworkers, hell even his boss.
Regret shone in his eyes for a moment when his hand hovered over the door handle.
“Y/N I apologize. That was uncalled for, I didnt mean to further upset you.” He said as he grabbed my wrist gently.
“It’s fine.” I mumbled. I should be happy such a busy man was taking time out of his schedule to comfort me. That he always took time to talk to me when we happened to be in the same room.
He smiled at me before opening the door to his office, leaving me in awe. I walked in, staring at the wall to wall windows overlooking the city. Everything looked very expensive yet homely.
There was also a couch, with a folded blanket and pillow on top.
“Sometimes I stay over when work gets chaotic.” I gasped when I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. Heat radiated from his body, making me shiver. I tried to not turn around and look at him.
“He used to use that as an excuse.” I sighed. I found myself thinking the memories of betrayal. I should’ve seen it coming.
Smiling sadly to myself I shook my head. I shouldn’t have mentioned him.
I gasped when rough hands wrapped around me, pulling me over to the desk in the middle of the room, before I was roughly bent over, my face pressing against the wood as I gasped for breath. Excitement bubbling in my stomach, fuck, I had wanted to be in this position with him since the first time I met him.
“I am sick of you being with him. He doesn’t deserve you. I should be the one who gets to have you whenever I want, gets to be in that tight pussy whenever I please!” He growled lowly whilst pressing his crotch against my ass. His hardness was evident as I let out a small moan.
“Jin.” I whimpered.
I felt my skirt being raised to my hips, leaving my transparent thong exposed to him. A throaty groan left Jin.
I felt his belt wrap around my wrists as I lie on the desk, allowing him to do what he wanted. I had dreamed of this for months on end. My body no longer aches of heartbreak but now lust as I pressed my wrists together behind my back.
“Please say you haven’t forgotten.” Jin smirked as he turned me around by my waist, straightening me so I was looking up at him with my hands tied behind my back.
I kept my mouth closed as I looked up, biting my lip in anticipation.
“I haven’t.” I said, knowing just what he talking about. Moving a stand of hair from my face he looked down at me with lust blazing in his eyes. I was breathing heavily, my body craving what was coming up.
“He left you that night didn’t he? And I found you sitting by yourself alone. At his work event, what a pussy of a man.” Jin bitterly laughed before lacing his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me softly towards him. It had been a year since it happened and every event after we acted like it never occurred between us. We never mentioned it to each other and never tried it again.
“The way your lips felt against mine, your body pressed against me,” he paused, his eyes looking down my fully clothed figure, “ god that body.”
I gulped, I had the nerve to be mad a my fiancé about cheating when I had been in a very heated position with his boss. An amazingly scorching kiss that had me running far away.
“I wished you had stayed.” He said before pressing a small kiss to my forehead that warmed me. “I wish we didn’t pretend like it never happened.”
“Me too.” I found myself mumbling. I couldn’t deny the lust I had felt I had for this man anymore. Everytime I was with Sehun I could only imagine Jin kissing me better. “But I’m here now.”
Becoming rough again he turned me back around and placed me on the table as I lifted my ass, desperate to feel him in any way possible.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard.” He whispered into my ear as he pulled up by my hair only to push me back down again.
“Please do.” I whimpered. His finger pushed my thong to the side before painfully thrusting into my tight pussy as I pulled my hips away from him in surprise.
“Relax Y/N.” His voice was husky as his fingers picked up pace inside my tight hole. The pressure inside my stomach building with each thrust.
“Oh, fuck.” I cried out, almost ashamed as I felt myself becoming wetter and wetter around his fingers when he rubbed my clit with his thumb. He curled his fingers inside me to rub my g-spot, sending me over the edge as I climaxed on his hand. I breathed heavily, not believing I had allowed that to happen and loved every second of it. I was astonished at how quickly he could bring me to orgasm as I trembled in the table.
“I have wanted you for too fucking long!” He growled before I felt the full length of his manhood spread my walls apart painfully. My breathing hitched at the intrusion, I had never had another man before my fiancé, who was extremely small in that department.
“Me too.” I gasped as my eyes clenched shut.
The size of him felt like he was tearing me apart as I let out a small whimper as I tried to accommodate him. It wasn’t long before I became used to being full. For the first time in my life, I felt the full girth of a man, that could do damage that is. His grunts of pleasure were music to my ears. The immense pleasure his pounding was delivering was delivering to my body had me moaning with him as all logic left.
Never did I think someone as handsome and sexy as him would want an average woman like myself. The kiss had slipped my mind when on our next encounter he didn't seem to be affected by what had happened between us. Yes, I thought about it a lot but I never brought it up when I was with him as I thought he regretted the situation.
“Oh fuck, you feel so good. God, your sweet pussy wrapped around my dick.” He groaned as he grabbed a hold of my shoulder, forcefully pulling me back against him as the desk shook beneath us.
My upper body rubbed uncomfortably against to wood roughly as the belt on my wrists became tighter with each pull of my arms.
“You like that don’t you? You dirty fucking girl.” He mocked before biting my neck. I shuddered beneath him, my pussy clenching with the dirty words flowing from his mouth.
"You think you can come into my building with these tight clothes showing off every one of your delicious curves and think I wouldn't have you?" He asked huskily as he thrust into me harshly, his balls smacking against my clit erotically as I became a withering, moaning mess.
Pulling out of me a small whimper left my mouth before he roughly grabbed hold of my waist, turning me on the table so I was now facing him with my legs spread like the slut I am.
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