#light's on: forum
rubbish78 · 1 year
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It's Not A Fashion Statement It's a Fucking Deathwish
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
peace and love to anyone wanting to migrate away from tumblr but i will simply not be doing that. when the lights go off the only place i'm migrating is to my to-do list
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hellska · 7 months
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Noah Sebastian (5x gifs)
credit : hellska
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Andrey Zakirzyanov, 3D Animation.
Vincent van Gogh, “Café Terrace at Night” on the Place du Forum, Arles (1888).
All animations were created without AI, but making use of various 3D software through careful texturing, modeling and conversion of two-dimensional images. The result is a realistic-looking reproduction perceptible as three-dimensional, thanks to the accurate calculation of perspective and the addition of colors, lights and shadows.
Music by Andrey Surotdinov.
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blinding-lights-rpg · 27 days
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Le serveur discord de BLINDING LIGHTS ouvre officiellement ses portes !
>> rejoindre le discord
La préouverture du forum aura lieu le 29 Mars pour la communauté discord, et se poursuivra jusqu'au 4 Mai, une période d'un mois qui permettra à chacun·e de prendre ses marques, de s'installer et de créer des liens avant l'ouverture au reste des joueurs·euses. Ça nous permettra aussi à nous de modifier ou de revoir des petites choses en fonction des retours des bêta testeurs. (Oui parce que personne est parfait mes vies, et surtout pas nous ehhhh)
Toustes celleux qui songent à rejoindre le forum sont les bienvenu·e·s à tout moment s'iels souhaitent brainstorm à plusieurs, discuter de potentiels liens et participer à la préouverture. On adore se creuser la tête et construire des choses ensemble, alors si vous voulez venir avec des ébauches et réfléchir avec la communauté sur ce que vous pourriez faire, n'hésitez pas à nous rejoindre !
Merci à toustes pour l'engouement que vous avez montré ces derniers jours envers ce projet qui nous tient tant à cœur et qu'on a gardé tout ce temps au chaud !
J'allais dire "on mord pas", mais je crois que ça fait has-been, alors non, on mord pas, mais on casse des dents à la place. 🤜🦷
Dates à retenir :
29 Mars à 22h (horaire changeante toutes les 2 minutes) : Préouverture du forum pour la communauté discord 4 Mai : Ouverture officielle du forum
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Madrid, Spain -- 1/11/12
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itsallmadonnasfault · 1 month
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smeagles · 1 year
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decamarks · 1 year
hey i love ur style a lot and ur a huge inspiration! i wanted to ask: how did u go about making the fake forum screenshot in your strange occurrences in nonexistent games post?
OH that's a good question! it's a good question because i don't actually remember the answer all that well. (here's the image in question, which i'm pasting in mostly for my own reference LOL)
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i believe most of what i did involved opening up an old phpBB board and editing the html via inspect element, then replacing some images/text & styling with my own. afterwards, i just took a screenshot of that and fiddled with individual elements in clip studio paint. the "gamepros" logo came from making an oblong sphere & joystick-like shape in blender and then smearing it + adding some shadows, also in CSP.
i thiiiiiink i made most of the icons myself?? (aside from the home icon.) the question marks are definitely my own, and i'm pretty certain that warning symbol specifically is my own scribbling as well. making little assets like that is always fun…
the old windows ui came from a screenshot i dug up somewhere; i just upscaled it and carefully modified the text, making sure i was using the exact font settings of the original. anything that i left a bit messy was fine because i knew i was going to jpeg the entire image to hell anyway, LOL.
i definitely could've done all of this (aside from the windows ui) with css alone, but that was a bit too time consuming for just a single fake screenshot. if i was planning on making a series of them, i'd definitely want to make it an actual webpage because manually editing this stuff would get real annoying REAL fast... but i didn't need to, so this worked just fine! that's about all i can think of to say about the process of this, but if you have any more questions i'd love to answer them!! =D
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microfeelings · 10 months
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last of the sketches I shared in the forums, this time Dragon Flight Suits, I was working on a skrill one when I lost inspiration lmao
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rubbish78 · 9 months
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Ray running around in the background (x)
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bulletsgirl · 1 year
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deckeman · 5 months
man i remember going on the hrwiki forum when i was a kid and making a thread like "wouldn't it be cool if some of the characters were jewish and celebrated hanukkah? strong bad could light the shamash with his BMW lighter XD" and literally everyone there was like "uhh the POINT of DECEMBERWEEN is that it's a GENERIC, ALL-INCLUSIVE holiday. you fucking IDIOT." and i was like "ok. i'm eleven years old btw"
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eoinmcgonigal · 4 months
So I saw a post about tumblr wanting to try this 'communities' thing, and I just gotta vent/say my piece. (the tl;dr is 'fuck that shit')
1. I really hate the current trend of fracturing and fragmenting things down into little pieces so they can be categorised into boxes. That's not natural. (Also, discord pushing threads, which I already detest for 1) making me feel like I'm gonna hurl from the violently dissonant, ugly layout, 2) the severely narrow topic problem, and 3) how neurodiverse-hostile they are.)
Like, naturally conversations meander. If you're only allowed to discuss one topic, it's gonna be stifling. You WILL run out of things to say. Making another little box isn't going to fix it, it'll just add to the clutter
2. Quite importantly, honestly, just stop fucking changing shit. It's unnecessary
3. It's not going to be neurodiverse-friendly. As if fandom hasn't changed enough to become increasingly unfriendly to people who are just here to enjoy their hyperfixation and/or special interest. I don't need another thing to learn to navigate. I don't need another place with different rules to carefully traverse. Yes, I'm fandom old and salty. I'm AuDHD and a spoonie with about half a spoon to spend on a good day. I do not have the energy to do all this switching about and jumping from thing to thing. It's exhausting. I want everything where I can find it, and where I can be passionate without having to perform tasks like it's some customer service job, or job interview
4. FOMO shit is toxic. This whole 'be a part of the thing!' necessity if you want to 'engage' or see the conversations and 'content'. Why? I guess it's a social media model that drives engagement, but the stress of it is going to fuck people up. What if you don't have the time, energy, health, spoons, social skills, etc? I have no idea how much interacting will be expected with other people in the 'community' but I can see it becoming a twitter-like circlejerk, and if you're not one of the 'in' crowd doing your required interaction/reblogging/commenting then you might as well not exist to that fandom/group
5. From the description, it looks like these things will be ripe for drama, toxicity, clique shit, becoming echo chambers, etc. because 'semi public' means you gotta opt in/join in some way and whatever's said isn't visible to any old user
Like, who is going to create and mod these things? Who decides what the rules are? What if your fave is 'problematic', or your kink is 'gross' (if nsfw is allowed at all), your take doesn't fit with fanon, or you are just a bit weird and people shun or turn on you for that?
I hope I'm wrong and either these things never happen or they're not as bad as I fear, but fuck sakes I have the above worries because it's shit I've seen happen time and time again, and I don't want to see given a place here
Also, genuinely, what the fuck is tumblr going to be like if you can't/don't want interact with these community things?
Quickly, 6. it creates an 'us' (in crowd) vs. 'them' (not part of our gang)
And then 7. who is going to be dominant in these 'communities'?
Yes, I'm upset right now, because tumblr was just fine (well, fine enough) until this point. I mean:
We have the ability to make sideblogs! (My Star Wars sideblog from... well a decade ago oops... is still out there, I don't touch it any more but I left it up for people to go through). Tumblr even made it so we can reply with sideblogs, which was a very neat update.
Tags!! I don't think it's as usual these days for people to go through tags to find new content, but that's how I do it, how I've always done it, and how I always intend to do it. I'm not following everyone who makes an SAS:RH post. I love you guys, but no. My dash would cause me to have a panic attack. It's already too much for me most days.
EFFORT!!!! I can be here every day full-time doing Stuff if I want! Or I can zone out for weeks if I want/need, materialise and contribute a silly meme, then drift off into the sunset again. If I 'miss' anything, I can go back through the tags, or scroll someone's blog. But honestly, who notices/cares on here if someone lurks or goes afk for a bit. It's super low pressure, because I'm doing what I can/want when I can/want
I want to opt in/out on my own time and terms. The thought of having to be part of a 'community' so I can see/not miss Content TM is freaking me out. I don't want there to be an 'appropriate' time window to interact with things like there is on other social media sites.
So, idk how the shit will look, but I don't agree with making things harder for people to access/find. I won't be posting stuff 'semi-privately'.
And you know what's super upsetting? The thought that I won't be able to see conversations and creations for things I love, because they're hidden away behind some complex new social thing I can't navigate. (Which is already an off-putting, ostracising problem on discord.) That's not how fandom communities should be.
The thought of there being less stuff 'out there' because it's in some 'community' somewhere... really not the direction I'd ever hope this site wold go in
I'm fuckin exhausted. Just lemme do my fandom whateverness without having to perform to some arbritary social interaction standard/requirements that I neither understand nor can do
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blinding-lights-rpg · 1 month
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CONTEXTE (Séoul, Mars 2024) Les regards du monde entier sont braqués sur la capitale sud-coréenne, BERCEAU DES HÉROS. Aujourd’hui, et comme tous les autres jours, les spectateurs ébahis assistent à des prouesses et à des sauvetages tous plus rocambolesques les uns que les autres. Ce matin, deux héros portent secours aux passagers d’un avion en perdition et retrouvent la terre ferme sains et saufs grâce à leur capacité à voler. Ce midi, les enfants s’émerveillent en regardant la compétition des héros les plus puissants, capables de soulever des camions d’une seule main sans trembler. Dans l’après-midi, on peut entendre les récits sur la prise d’otages déjouée par une héroïne douée d'invisibilité qui a pu prendre à revers les ravisseurs. Et ce soir, les foules se rendent au cinéma pour assister au nouveau blockbuster réunissant les héros les plus célèbres du moment. Toustes s’endormiront avec des étoiles plein les yeux, et se réveilleront encore demain pour assister à de nouvelles merveilles. “LES HÉROS SONT LES STARS DE NOTRE ÉPOQUE” titrent les journaux avec une grande facilité. Et ils ne sont jamais éloignés de la vérité. Sur vos écrans comme dans vos rues, iels sont partout, à presque en NORMALISER L’INCROYABLE. Et si un jour vous faites les frais de leur supériorité, vous vous souviendrez qu’ils ne sont finalement que des humains dotés de formidables capacités. Mais n’êtes-vous pas les coupables quand vous cherchez tant à les idéaliser ? CONCEPT BLINDING LIGHTS est un forum RPG de style capepunk qui se déroule à Séoul. Des événements trash, violents et/ou explicites pourront apparaître sur le forum, donc il est interdit aux moins de 18 ans. Le capepunk, c'est quoi ? Le capepunk est un sous-genre de la fiction superhéroïque qui traite du thème des superhéros d'une manière réaliste. Plutôt que de voir les superhéros sous le prisme de leurs actes héroïques, on les voit donc ici sous l'angle de leur côté humain, avec pour réflexion principale : Que feraient des êtres humains "normaux", avec leurs qualités et leurs défauts, s'ils possédaient des superpouvoirs ? Sur BLINDING LIGHTS, on s'intéresse en priorité aux dérives du pouvoir et aux problématiques humaines de personnages pourtant extraordinaires. Le capitalisme, la célébrité, la quête du pouvoir, l'injustice, et les inégalités sont donc au centre des thèmes abordés sur le forum. Ces thèmes seront récurrents sur BLINDING LIGHTS et rythmeront la vie de chacun.e. Notre souhait sur le forum est vraiment de déconstruire les histoires de superhéros classiques pour en faire quelque chose de plus humain. Les héro.ïne.s sont donc pour la plupart de véritables stars dans notre univers, et iels doivent apprendre à conjuguer leur vie privée avec un statut d'héro.ïne parfois difficile à supporter. Les personnages moralement gris, sombres, ou profondément tragiques sont les bienvenus sur le forum dans un souhait de permettre à chacun.e de jouer son personnage avec une grande liberté. Les personnages caricaturaux ou sensationnalistes sont également encouragés dans la mesure où RIEN N'EST "TOO MUCH" dans notre univers. BLINDING LIGHTS se veut un forum à intrigue évolutive où toustes jouent un rôle. En devenant l'un.e des héro.ïne.s de BLINDING LIGHTS, vous acceptez que chaque action de votre héro.ïne puisse avoir un impact sur l'ensemble du forum, et sur votre personnage. Chacune de vos décisions inrp entraînera forcément des répercussions, qu'elles soient positives ou négatives, et le forum - tout comme l'expérience de chacun.e - se verra évoluer en fonction des choix de chacun.e. L'intrigue générale pourra donc totalement progresser d'une façon inattendue selon les actions réalisées par vos personnages, et les intrigues nous permettront de faire évoluer l'histoire et Séoul en fonction de ce qui se passe dans la vie de tous les personnages.
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jeffcbliss · 8 months
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Danny Wagner (left) and Josh Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet - Kia Forum; Inglewood, CA (8-10-23). @GretaVanFleet @gvfdanny @joshkiszka4real
Photo: Jeff Bliss
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