#lesbian cloning lizards
Oh right another thought i had in the car
Technically since all the transformers have the same biological sex/no biological sex, they are legally homosexual as homo means same
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cassowariess · 11 months
"A sexist mythology has been baked into biology, and it distorts the way we perceive female animals.
In the natural world female form and role varies wildly to encompass a fascinating spectrum of anatomies and behaviours. Yes, the doting mother is among them, but so is the jacana bird that abandons her eggs and leaves them to a harem of cuckolded males to raise.
Females can be faithful, but only 7 per cent of species are sexually monogamous, which leaves a lot of philandering females seeking sex with multiple partners. Not all animal societies are dominated by males by any means; alpha females have evolved across a variety of classes and their authority ranges from benevolent (bonobos) to brutal (bees).
Females can compete with each other as viciously as males: topi antelope engage in fierce battles with huge horns for access to the best males, and meerkat matriarchs are the most murderous mammals on the planet, killing their competitors’ babies and suppressing their reproduction. Then there are the femme fatales: cannibalistic female spiders that consume their lovers as post- or even pre-coital snacks and ‘lesbian’ lizards that have lost the need for males altogether and reproduce solely by cloning."
-Bitch: A Revolutionary Guide to Sex, Evolution and the Female Animal by Lucy Cooke
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cypherdecypher · 10 months
Animal of the Day!
Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard (Aspidoscelis uniparens)
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(Photo from Toronto Zoo)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Northern Central America; Southwestern United States
Size (Weight/Length)- 13 cm
Diet- Insects
Cool Facts- The desert grassland whiptail lizard woke up one day and decided that men were unnecessary in their lives. Every single one of these lizards you see are females and almost genetically identical to each other. The whiptails are capable of parthenogenesis, meaning they can have clone babies without a male. The easiest way to identify the age of the lizard can be found on their tail. The younger they are, the bluer their tail. This helps younger lizards escape predators as the bright color is attractive, making a bird go after their tail rather than their head. When their tail is attacked, the desert grassland whiptail lizard drops its tail and runs away. After a few months, the tail regrows and the lizard lives on.
Rating- 12/10 (Creating a lesbian army to conquer the world.)
Requested by @v-spicata
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neechiegeckos · 5 months
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Mourning Geckos (Lepidodactylus lugubris) are incredible creatures. Nearly every member of this species is female, and they reproduce via parthenogenesis. This means that instead of reproducing sexually, each individual will produce tiny clones of themselves!
Despite not needing to mate to produce offspring, the all female members of this species do prefer to copulate before egg production.
Yes that's right, it's an entire species of lesbians!!
Male animals are produced on occasion, but are incredibly rare, and don't generally take part in mating or reproduction.
Mourning Geckos are social animals and do best in groups, so if you pick one up be sure to get her some company ♡
This species is an absolute joy to keep, they're active and vocal, easy to care for, and have wonderful, curious personalities.
They are quite small and fast, so care should be taken when handling or rehousing.
I adore these beautiful little lesbian lizards ♡♡♡
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 7 months
Yandere (human sized) ant colony/ alien hive? Love this blog btw
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Aight, so I have this issue. I had the biggest lesbian fantasy when reading this ask, and I have no idea what you want (which is not insult btw I also frequently have no idea what the fuck I want). This isn't just you, dear anon, quite a few people crawl up to me on all fours with amazing ideas, but no genders or sexual orientations. For me, that's fine, gender neutral protagonists with vaguely described genitalia getting loved on by men, women, parasitic alien life forms that reproduce asexually, are all my jams. But I feel bad assuming that you are like me, and don't care about the gender of the yandere(s).
Did you know there are ant colonies that are all female, because the Queen reproduces asexually, creating clones of herself, but there is evidence to suggest that (similarly to the lesbian lizard species) they still have sex, just because it feels good?
Let me know, what you had in mind, because if you were hoping for something else I'll start writing something for you, but I'm still going to write the lesbian ant inspired alien colony.
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gynandromorph · 1 month
The craziest part of the parthenogenic lizards is that they still copulate with each other lmao. Unlike mammals lizards usually just mate by pressing holes together, so, physically, two females mating really isn't that different. The fact that they clone themselves? Fine. But the fact that they didn't succumb to lesbian sheep syndrome? Outrageous, miraculous
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pkmnherpetology · 11 months
happy pride month!
same-sex courting behavior and social bonding has been found in almost every single species of pokémon on the planet. in herptile pokémon, however, this behavior can be difficult to quantify. the vast majority of herp pokémon are not social, and mating encounters are brief. social bonds are rarely formed, meaning that in order to point to a herp pokémon that definitively shows frequent same-sex behavior we must look to salazzle.
the most common mating system of salazzle is that of a polyandrous lounge with one lead salazzle and a group of salandit, mostly male. in most cases, sexually mature female salandit leave their lounge as they evolve, and head off to collect males of their own.
however, some salazzle shun this system entirely. it is not uncommon for salazzle to form social groups of multiple adult salazzle and their female salandit offspring. these all-female lounges spurn the advances of male salandit and reproduce using something called “parthenogenesis.”
parthenogenesis is technically considered a form of asexual reproduction, and involves the salazzle laying eggs that hatch into genetically identical clones of herself. due to the fact that these eggs develop without the need for sperm, it is not considered on a scientific level to be sexual.
but it cannot occur without mating. in these lounges of lesbian lizards (lizbians, if you will), when the reproductive season strikes, salazzle begin to pair off. one salazzle takes on the role of a male salandit and performs courtship behaviors towards her partner that tell her partner’s body, “hey, it’s time to start laying eggs!” without this interaction, a parthenogenetic salazzle will not lay fertile eggs.
for this reason, salazzle has become a sapphic icon in the regions to which it is native, and its symbolism has begun to spread across the world. happy pride to these lizbians!
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learnyouabiology · 2 years
Fun Fact Friday: There are Species of Lesbian Lizards!
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This is a New Mexico Whiptail Lizard (Aspidoscelis neomexicanus), and I am 100% sure that this lizard is a female! How can I know? 
Well, because every New Mexico Whiptail Lizard is a female!
There are about 45 species of whiptail lizards (which used to be one genus but then were sorted mostly into the genera Aspidoscelis and Cnemidophorus), at least 15 of which are “unisexual” species, i.e. all-female species. 
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(some species are fun colours!)
These lizards reproduce exclusively via parthenogenesis, which basically means they clone themselves every time they reproduce, laying eggs that contain genetically-identical offspring. Now, normally I would call such a species asexual lizards, to get some of that good ace rep, but here’s the thing:
These all-female lizards still mate with each other.
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(gal pals! 😉)
Every breeding season, these lizards go through same-sex mating behaviours, including lengthy courtship rituals, which culminates in one female lizard mounting the other. 
This process can last more than 10 minutes.
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(I love this paper)
Without same-sex mating, a female might lay one or two eggs in a breeding season. Maybe. With same-sex mating, a female can lay up to 9 eggs in a season! That’s 2-3 clutches with 2-3 eggs in each, and a HUGE increase in reproductive success!
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A BBC clip about these lizards from 2010 claims that the “male-like” behaviour of the females is caused by an increase of “the male hormone testosterone”, but that’s actually not true. At all. 
The BBC lied to me about Lesbian Lizards!!!
In reality, testosterone levels stay uniformly low throughout the breeding season, while the cycling of estrogen and progesterone are what triggers the different mating behaviours. Neither of these hormones are generally referred to as “male” hormones. 
(git gud, BBC. Honestly, this 2 minute clip has a bunch of mistakes, mostly to increase the Drama, but whatever, I guess). 
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(one of my favourite graphs in anything, tbh)
Before the ovulation, the lizard’s levels of estrogen increases, leading to “female-like” mating behaviour. After mating, but before the eggs are laid, estrogen drops off a clip while progesterone peaks, and the female goes off to mate with other females, this time in the “male-like” role.
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(This one is A. exsanguis, which is fun because it’s name means “lacking blood” although I am 99.999999% sure that they do have blood)
Once the eggs are laid, the female has a period of inactivity, probably because laying eggs is a lot of work and she doesn’t have the TIME or ENERGY to deal with the ups and downs of courtship. 
(Seriously, though, it probably is a way to recover after the metabolically-taxing work of reproduction. Let the new mom REST).
This has been Fun Fact Friday, telling you the story of the Lesbian Lizards because I love lesbian lizards so much you guys you don’t even know.
Also, my city celebrates Pride in August, so Happy Pride to All! (But especially to Lesbian Lizards, my beloved)
Oh, look. More Sources:
Crews, D., & Fitzgerald, K. T. (1980). “Sexual” behavior in parthenogenetic lizards (Cnemidophorus). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 77(1), 499-502. https://www.jstor.org/stable/8233
 Crews, D., & Young, L. J. (1991). Pseudocopulation in nature in a unisexual whiptail lizard. Animal behaviour, 42(3), 512-514. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0003-3472(05)80056-9
Cole, C. J. (1984). Unisexual lizards. Scientific American, 250(1), 94-101. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24969281
Crews, D., Grassman, M., & Lindzey, J. (1986). Behavioral facilitation of reproduction in sexual and unisexual whiptail lizards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 83(24), 9547-9550. https://www.jstor.org/stable/28660
Crews, D. (1987). Courtship in unisexual lizards. Scientific American, 257(6), 116-121. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24979584
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cryptile · 4 months
as someone who hyperfixated on snakes for a bit, tell me about lizards :3
Heres some cool pet reptiles:
The emerald tree skink, i think the absolute most wonderful pet lizard ever. They are so friendly and you keep them in groups and a large interactive tank with loads of hiding spots and foliage. The most amazing part of them is how friendly and curious they are, seemingly by nature! They're known to run up to the doors of their tank whenever they see a human, and they love to climb onto arms and legs. They're rather small and very fast which is something that'd be a bad and scary thing (reptiles can be quite fragile), but if they're happy enough, they'll literslly just come back to you if they get lost. From what ive heard they just have a crazy interest with humans!
And- speaking of small lizards, the mourning geckos!! They're so so so good omg. They're TINY, all of them look exactly the same, like actually exactly identical. Why? They're all clones of eachother! All of them are the exact same female, copypasted a billion times. They reproduce asexually, they can impregnate their own eggs (actually theres a lot of animals, even mammals that can do this exact thing when in need, but it happens very rarely and its hard to study and observe). They need another member of their species to hang out with them for the eggs to get fertilized tho. Lesbian ace geckos! They also make very good pets if you like to observe. They eat fruit flies and i think also, like, standard gecko slop but idk.
And if tiny isn't your thing, you can look on the opposite spectrum of pet lizards. The argentine tegu is a HUGE lizard with a very gentle personality. If taken good care of and taught good manners, they make very smart and friendly pets. I am not sure if they drop their tail, but if they do its barely visible where they regrow it, theyre patient and can chill, like lazy scale puppies. Big fan of them, if i didnt have severe adhd and a small budget, I'd have one! I'd need a whole room of an enclosure tho :)
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korkietism · 6 months
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Belle context. She is a clone of Kiyo made by a seance while Kiyo was having a…. Bad time. She remembers a little bit about sister but hates her. She loves fnaf. She likes horror games. She’s a sapphic lesbian sillygirl who’s absolutely in love with Sonia Nevermind. She becomes Belle Nevermind and they have a daughter named Elizabeth after Elizabeth Afton. They call her Ellie or Lizard.
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jan 15 - mourning gecko
everyone say hi to the lesbian gecko. they are an all-female species that court with each other but reproduce asexually and i think that is super based. they resulted from cross-breeding of other whiptails and somehow evolved to be super cool? how did they do that!
the name mourning gecko is unfortunately rooted in heteronormativity. how, you may ask, when they are literally Lizards. it was assumed that they were “mourning” having no males of the same species which is like. :/. but i believe it’s important to preserve this information because it’s a part of history. at least now we can all laugh about it because it’s really stupid.
they are the state reptile of new mexico, and since they reproduce by themselves they’re all clones of each other. i’m not going to add anything to that. even still they are such complex animals! there are other one-sex whiptail species too. they court each other even though it is not necessary and that is so interesting!
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rating: 10/10. if i was a lizard i would be this one… who wants to be a mourning gecko with me,…
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jennyandvastraflint · 2 years
Late night rambling about how Jenny, Vastra and Strax are literally such a wonderful found family.
You've got this ancient lizard woman who is separated by all other of her kind and everything she knows by millennia. Who woke up in a different time, climate, everything. Who was confused, who was constantly treated awfully by humans because she was NOT human...
You got this clone warrior who fell from grace, was degraded to be a nurse on a battlefield instead of being a warrior to make his empire proud. Who was very likely seen as a failure by every other of his clone batch, but no one ever spared a second thought on him because *shrugs* there's billions more Sontarans. Who then helped a Time Lord save his human friend and was almost killed amidst battle. Who is shown kindness for the first time after said battle by two other misfits, and who is visibly confused by it (even though it's then overplayed with him not understanding ANY social norms because he's literally NEVER BEEN TAUGHT)
And then you've got a lesbian in Victorian England whose parents have a circus, which she strongly opposed since forever, and who (depending on the story you accept, or a mixture of them both) ran away from said circus and her family/was ostracized by her family (for being a lesbian). Who then lived on the streets for GOODNESS KNOWS HOW LONG, probably saw A LOT of people die, and was at some point cornered by a gang and almost molested, being saved by the most impossible lizard woman.
She then stays with Vastra, and their relationship - a complex one in more than one way - develops. Then a blue box lands in their drawing room, an old friend who is in need of their help. They go, and there they meet Strax and he joins them in Paternoster Row. He learns to live among humans (and a Silurian), much like Vastra likely did either on her own or with the Doctor (supposedly, there's not much canon to go on).
And those three start growing closer as not just three different species who met, but as a family. A strangely shaped one, maybe, but a family. And they are continously going through hell together and for each other, and it just warms my heart so much.
They are such a beautiful depiction of a Found Family, and I will be screaming about how much I love them until I die.
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sporkberries · 1 year
You can’t be the question if you’re not at LEAST twenty one. Preferably over thirty. It’s a job for lesbians with wrinkles and an absolutely obscene amount of mental illness. Literally the only reason anyone would suggest that is because all they know about the Question is that they’re conspiracy theorists, which isn’t even that true.
YEAH SO TRUE 😭 like okay a part of denny o’neils question IS about conspiracy but not like… secret identity lizard government shit- but exposing the VERY REAL corruption in Hub City which guess what!! HES A REPORTER ITS HIS JOB!!
In the appearances where Bernard actually has a personality (re: like six issues of robin 1993) he literally suggests that the robins are cloned by the government… THAT IS NOT THE QUESTION’S BRAND OF CONSPIRACY.
You also mentioned in the past how the last thing we need is outrageous conspiracy theories being discussed in comics and with literally everything going on with the GOP I agree.
Anyways if Bernard is gonna be around just let him be a civilian like so many of tims other normie love interests
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I got bored, so I gave in to my OC-making instincts.
I have two new OCs now — neither of them have designs yet, and they’re both relatively bare-bones, but they’re canon nonetheless.
Galacta has two sisters! Good for him!
There’s Cherubim, the eldest sibling — she was accidentally conceived through her mother self-cloning (like those lesbian lizards) without realising, and is a near identical replica of her, but is still distinctly different through personality.
And then there’s Valkyrie, Galacta’s twin! They’re not identical twins, though — they were just born at the same time. Anyway, she (alongside Gala) is the product of normal reproduction, and (also alongside Gala) is a Soul-Heart Matter hybrid. She’s not exactly as strong as her twin, but she’s still powerful as an Astral!
Both of them are capable of summoning Heart Spears, but only ever one at a time, and it takes a lot out of them when they do.
I’m probably gonna end up throwing these two into Soul Journey at some point — y’know, have Ione meet the in-laws he didn’t know existed.
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Hmm. So.
How the fuck did they manage to create the RotF sparklings without the Allspark shards?
So, let's think of our options. Sexual reproduction, (which Hasbro continuously denounces), cloning (oooh! I get to talk about the different kinds of cloning!), budding in a way, protoforms that were stashed away on the Fallen's ship in stasis, maybe a previously unknown form of asexual reproduction!
Now, logically speaking, we know that sexual interfacing is probably not canon. Probably, perhaps. Bayverse is the continuity that makes the second most amount of implicating jokes. The first being Jro's work naturally. Anyways. We're temporarily going to forget about Occam's razor. Yes, sadly in bayverse Cybertronians experiencing sexual attraction is canon thanks to you wheelie you little heterochromic shit. But little known fact sexual attraction doesn't mean sexual reproduction, as demonstrated by the lesbian lizards. For all we know, Wheelie could've been ah getting off purely on the psychological aspect alone.
So, there are multiple forms of cloning actually. There's the typical cloning you might be thinking of, which is essentially mitosis but complex lifeforms. Well, errors can occur which allows unicellular organisms to mutate a little bit as a treat and mutation means adapting and evolution. Perhaps the terms eggs and hatchlings is a bit of a misnomer in this case?
There's reproductive cloning, where the genetic material of one creature's somatic cells (body cells) are put into the egg cell of another creature, that zygote is transplanted into a surrogate animal where it's gestated like average, and bing bam boom when it's born there's an almost perfect copy of the original! And, this method means the resulting clone technically has three parents! Though, some catches do occur here. All three individuals involved kinda have to be female, it needs cells, and well gametes have to be involved which are a major part of sexual reproduction. That's why you'll see it in species that used to reproduce sexually, or species that use asexual and sexual reproduction.
There's genetic cloning, which we have precedent for in canon considering Shockwave's predacons,, bayverse's introduction of Galvatron, the majority of the protoform stuff, and tbh tbh the scanning of altmodes in a way. The most popular example of such would be you guessed it Jurassic park, which as someone who plans to major in biology is Highly inaccurate to how cloning, DNA, and dinosaurs work. Less well known. This is how viruses work. The problems we run into is our favorite paradox, which came first the chicken or the egg. "Where did the first set of genes come from???" Exactly. You could argue that Cybertronians are technically derived from an altered genome of a species that sexually reproduced that Quintessa found, artificially creating a biologically asexual race. The catches? It's damn hard to do this kind of reproduction without a container for said genetic material. We see this with the human scientists using Megayron's CNA as a building guideline, and with the protoforms. Iicr, in bayverse we see that the autobots were essentially visually the same before scanning altmodes. This may very well be are most canonically compliant answer right here actually. But... again, this does not explain them being called eggs and doesn't explain where protoforms come from at all. You could say "But Riot, the protoforms are made of Senti Metallico (however you spell that lol) " and my answer is what technically is that and where does that come from? The movies also refer to it as Cybertronium which??? Is considered an element but it's clearly somewhat alive but anyways we get no answers.
Unknown form of asexual reproduction is goddamn unknown, making this category purely speculative. Perhaps as I've mentioned the terms eggs and hatchlings, and are glyphs that didn't have an Earth equivalent so the translators chose the next best options. Maybe cyberforming material is on its own self replicating, which raises questions of its own. Mayve it's extradimensional supernatural bullshit which i don't like this answer as it's equivalent to "suspend your disbelief' wHich I don't like i like answers.
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enby-denby · 2 years
"Gay sex isn't natural" my brother in Christ there is an entire species of lizard where they're all female and can only clone themselves via ovulation-stimulating lesbian sex
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