#lelouch headcanon
Ayooo how are you? I hope your doing well!! Could you some more soft Lelouch headcanons if that’s alright with you?:D
Here is morning headcanon's for Lelouch
Lelouch Vi Britannia
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Lelouch usually wakes up early in the morning.
He has to get everything ready and go wake up Nunnaly.
Except on those mornings when he feels like going to lead a revolution.
Someone thought it was a good idea to launch an attack on the British Empire early in the morning.
But you don't know anything about this.
However, Lelouch is often not in bed when you wake up.
He usually tries to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake you up.
Before Lelouch gets out of bed he places a kiss on your forehead.
That's why the moments when you wake up before Lelouch are rewarding.
He is handsome even when he sleeps.
It is worth taking a picture of this rare moment.
You won't see that again very soon.
Sometimes Lelouch stays to hug you if you ask.
Just for a moment.
He wants to show that he cares about you.
In bed, Lelouch is usually a big spoon.
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violettduchess · 10 months
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A/N: Better late than never! Not a request, just my imagining what these lovely suitors would be like with an infant that wakes up crying 💜
CW: babies, breastfeeding
Suitors x female reader
WC: 2045
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A cry rings out through a peaceful summer night at the palace.
It is small, but powerful.
And very, very insistent. 
A light sleeper by nature, he gets up, murmuring for you to try and keep sleeping when he notices you stirring too. "I'll see what I can do for the little peanut." He crosses the room to the white bassinet with its pale pink ruffles, a gift from Uncle Yves. Inside his infant daughter is fussing. Tiny fists are clenching and unclenching as her small head turns fitfully left and right.
“Ah, c’mere sweetheart,” he says, voice still rough with sleep as he lifts her gently, laying her against his bare shoulder. One large hand rubs her back as he walks the length of the room, her tiny cheek warm as a spot of sunshine against his shoulder.
“I can take her–” you start to say as you push yourself upright in the bed, but he shakes his head, holding up a finger.
“I think we’ve got this handled, love. Take a look.” He walks over to your side of the bed, his hand still gently stroking the baby’s back. Her tiny head with its halo of black hair rests against him and is still. Not able to see her face, he turns sideways, giving you the sweetest view of your handsome, bare-chested husband holding your daughter close, her small face now relaxed again in sleep. Her father’s warmth was enough to solve whatever problem had woken her and she's drifted back off to the soft, hazy world of baby dreams.
You smile, feeling the way your heart expands, a paradox: never has it been so full of love and yet so very, very light.
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He wakes up immediately at his son’s first cry and is out of bed before the sound can even penetrate your deep sleep. He knows how often you get up, how often you are the only one who can satisfy your son’s voracious demands for food but Clavis has told himself that the little tyrant's demands that don't require milk, he will take care of himself. You, his dearest of dears, need as much sleep as you can get.
He bends down over the baby’s cradle, brushing back the boy’s angel-soft hair, the same twilight shade as his. “So noisy at such a late hour. My my. This won’t do.” Carefully he scoops up his son, adjusting his pajamas and then his hand freezes. 
“Oh dear. I think I see why you’re so upset, little Lelouch.” The baby continues to whimper, little cries that, although Clavis knows they are harmless, still feel like they are stabbing right into the center of his tender heart. He never wants to hear his child in distress.
Reaching up, he turns the small knob on the lamp above the dresser where you have all of the baby’s changing things neatly laid out. His son squeaks out little sounds of agitation. “I’ve got you, don't worry. Papa's got you, always and--my goodness, how does such a tiny body produce this much liquid?” He talks, his words soft and almost sing-song as he changes his son’s pajamas and diaper with practiced hands. The baby, now removed of his damp clothing, stops whimpering, instead blinking up at his father with wide golden eyes.
“There has got to be a better solution to this than soaking all those linen diapers,” he mutters as he carefully slides chubby legs into fresh little stockings. “I bet I could invent something that might absorb all your perfectly healthy but still oh so stinky messes much better.” The baby kicks his legs and waves his arms, as if cheering in agreement and Clavis laughs softly, lifting his son back into his arms. “You agree with Papa? You think I can do that? Of course you do.” 
He walks back to the cradle, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to the apple of his son’s plump cheek. He could hold him in his arms forever, never tiring of that infant smell, that the feel of his warm little body so trusting and sweet against him. 
He pauses in front of the cradle. “Hmm….I know. Let’s go on a little nocturnal journey down the hall while talking through some chemicals and their rates of absorption. I bet you’ll be a perfectly delightful assistant.”
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Both you and Jin yawn, sleepily rubbing at your eyes as your daughter’s cries fill the bedroom. One glance at the time and he sighs, reaching over to tenderly touch your cheek with the back of his hand. “She’s on time, our little one,” he murmurs in his deep voice even as you are pushing yourself up with one hand and already unbuttoning your nightgown with the other.
He gets up, walking over to the crib where the infant is crying, her shock of brownish hair standing up in every direction. “Mommy’s already getting ready for you, princess,” he says as he reaches down and lifts her. She’s so small in his large hands. He walks back to bed, murmuring soft little shushing noises, and then carefully hands her over to you. You help her find the right position and then sigh when she begins to nurse, her cries immediately quieted. Glancing up, you find Jin sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you both with a curiously thoughtful expression.
“What is it?” 
He watches you a moment, then shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his handsome face. “It’s just….I’ve always liked that particular body part.” You snort, running your fingers over your baby’s fine chestnut hair. “That’s an understatement.” He chuckles, shrugging before continuing his thought. “Yeah well…it’s just…I think….now that I see ‘em being used to feed our little girl….I think….I think I actually like them MORE now.”
You can’t help it. You start giggling, a burst of yellow happiness that colors the gray exhaustion of new parenthood. “God, I love you.” You crook a finger at him and he matches your smile as he climbs back into bed and leans close to you. You place a kiss on his chiseled cheekbone, warm and affectionate. A sigh born of tender happiness is his answer, along with the words, “I love you too.”
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“Stay in bed. I’ll go.” He’s up, striding across the bedroom to the bassinet before you can even finish rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Aye, piccolino, sono qui.” He reaches down, running a hand over the restless infant's back. But no soothing words or pets seem to be enough. He lifts the baby carefully, still in that new stage of fatherhood where a baby feels like the most fragile thing in the world.
You watch your two pale-haired men, frowning slightly as the littlest one continues to fuss. "He can't be hungry again, can he?" You have just finished feeding him until he fell into a milk-drunk state of blissful sleep, his body heavy and warm, not thirty minutes ago. He had been sleeping so soundly that hope for more than an hour of sleep at one time had risen in your heart.
Silvio lays the baby against his shoulder. His hands are bare, with only his simple gold wedding band left on his elegant fingers. Every other piece of jewelry has been removed for the sake of his child. Necklaces would get in the way of his son sleeping on his bare chest. Earrings might hinder his ability to press his cheek against his fine, moonlight-spun hair. 
"Ain't no baby in the world that could eat again after all that milk." He inclines his head towards his son. "Listen to you, cucciolo. All that growling." He rubs his small back in soothing circles. And then the most extraordinary thing happens: the tiny prince lets out the most raucous of burps. The kind that sends a quake through his little body.
"Dio mio," his father mutters, blue eyes wide as he looks down at his son. You grin through your sleepiness. "Here I thought only his grumbling was like his father." 
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His daughter's cry shatters the night's peace in an instant. Both you and Gilbert wake up immediately, but he's quicker than you, throwing back the covers and crossing the room to the cradle carved from darkest walnut. 
He spots the problem immediately. At some point during the night she had kicked her blanket to the end of her cradle where it lies bunched up and useless. Her socks are nowhere to be seen, a display of her magician-like talent for making them disappear. He reaches down and sure enough, her tiny feet are like ice blocks.
"Always the same thing with you, oder Mäuschen? What have socks ever done to you?” He lifts her from her cradle, tucking her securely into the crook of his arm as he makes his way over to the dresser that has been designated hers. You reach across the bed, turning on the lamp that sits on his nightstand and he glances at you over his shoulder, eyes bright with appreciation. “Thank you, Häschen.” Now he can see better, his fingers trailing over the tiny rolled up socks and tights. When the baby makes a small cooing sound, he stops. “These?” He pulls out a pair of soft black tights embroidered with mini red roses. “Ahh a good choice.”
He hums as he walks over to the changing table, the sound soft and soothing, the gentle rush of a river through the night. As he carefully changes her diaper and then works her plump little legs into the tights, humming gives way to him singing. "Der Mond ist aufgegangen…"
She is curious, all thoughts of crying gone, watchful crimson eyes blinking as she keeps her gaze on the source of the calming sound. “Fertig,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to the soles of her now covered feet. "All done." Then he lifts her, carrying her not to her cradle but back to the bed. He slides in, leaning back against the support of the many bed pillows, settling in. Her eyes are already closing as she snuggles in close against his chest.
You watch them both with a smile as tender as the moon’s joy in the stars.
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The man who took an army to wake up is on his feet in an instant. He is silent as he crosses the room, leaning down to check on his crying daughter, her pale head of blond hair gleaming silver in the moonlight. He carefully lifts her from the bassinet, marveling in the back of his mind at how very small she is.
He glances back to the bed where you are still deeply asleep. “Your mother is exhausted from all your demands.” He wouldn’t usually condone speaking to a baby as they are incapable of understanding but he’s found that she calms down when she hears his voice. Even now her whimpering stops, her tiny cheek resting on the soft linen of his shirt. She’s gone very still, as if truly listening to his words. “You’ve eaten twenty minutes ago. We can eliminate hunger. Your bottom is….” He pats it gently, checking. “...perfectly dry. The room is neither too hot nor too cold.” He wraps his hands around her feet. She’s still wearing her white socks trimmed with yellow lace. “Your feet are adequately covered.” He tips his head back to look down at her. Her perfect, tiny fingers are curled into his shirt and her body feels heavy, drowsy with sleep. 
She attempts to turn her head, burying her face in his shoulder and he reaches up, helping her, running his strong fingers over her downy hair when she has found a position that is comfortable. Chevalier walks over to the white wooden rocking chair you have positioned by the window and lowers himself into it.
“You simply wanted to be held, didn’t you?” A heavy, stuttering sigh leaves her small body, almost as if in answer to her father’s line of questioning. He cups her head with his hand, tilting his face down to place a soft kiss on her hair. “I’ll comply, little one.” He settles into the chair and begins rocking gently back and forth, father and daughter, bathed in loving, silvery moonlight.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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riveranova · 24 days
youre headcanons were so funny, could you do more please? there is this trend on tiktok where girlfriends film their boyfriends sleeping positions, can you do that but with the ikemen prince guys?
and female reader please and thank you!💗💗
A/N: I know EXACTLY what you mean! So sorry for the long wait, here you go! <3
I also made this Gender Neutral because there is no mention of any gender. I hope thats fine!
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IkePri's Sleeping positions! x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: A teensie bit suggestive, pure crack to be honest, Nokto
Characters: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word Count: 610
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Gilbert von Obsidian
- Still - LIke, he doesn't move - He scares the shit out of you because he's literally cold and unmoving - Literally laying there like 🧍🏻 - WILL make fun of you if you panic and wake him up - He's a little shit, obviously he thinks that your crying face is adorable - Do you honestly think that he'd go out like that? - Do you even love him? - It's not that? Ahh, so you doubt him. - ''I'm hurt, little rabbit. I think I need to remind you how alive I truly am, heehee...''
Silvio Ricci
-This man is a prick - If you sleep in the same bed as him, I'm sorry - Will 100% not only steal your blankets and throw them to the floor but will also take up all the space in your bed - I don't think he's completely silent when he sleeps but he doesn't snore either - More like.. really loud breathing - My dog breathes really loud when he's sleeping well - Hold on.. Silvios crest- - I rest my case.
Keith Howell
-I'm pretty sure that he's a silent sleeper - There is one big problem, uh tall problem - Tall. He's very tall. (I'm 181cm, I feel the pain) - I'd imagine that he has trouble sleeping in small beds because of his height - Poor guy is completely folded next to you so that you have some space - His back pain must be horrible, oh dear - Now, his alter is a different story - I think he'd just pull you onto him - He's tall and strong, he can be your bed <3
Sariel Noir
-Does he even sleep - I think the question with him isn't how he sleeps but how you find him sleeping - His job is hard and trying to keep the chaos (Clavis & Nokto, really) in check is a lot - Falls asleep on his desk, mostly - Hunched over his papers, the candle already out and cold for a long time - This man has chronic back pain, that isn't even up for debate - Wakes up easily and decides to follow you into bed
Rio Ortiz
-I think he doesn't sleep much either - For him, I think it's because he just has too much energy - He just loves to get everything ready for you to start your day, he knows you work so, so hard - But even this battery needs some charging sometimes - Can and will sit down on a chair, sleep (sitting straight up) for an hour and wake up as if he slept a week - Has no back pain either - What is his secret? We will never know
Clavis Lelouch
-Okay. - We know that this idiot doesn't even have a bed in his room - When he does sleep, he just throws himself into his couch and sleep like that - Because when he's tired.. He's TIRED - Hangs off of the side of the couch like not quite dried paint - Cyran covers him with a blanket sometimes but doesn't bother most of the time because Clavis just plucks it off in his sleep - Doesn't sleep very long or very deep, he has a tight schedule after all! Haha! Ahaha! Haa.. poor Sariel.
Nokto Klein
-:I - I think we all know where this is going - Look, I know he's not ALL about women and sex - But he's MOSTLY about it and I'm pretty sure he doesn't even care where he falls asleep - Literally falls asleep with his arms in postions that do NOT look comfortable - Don't worry tho, just pluck his arms from under whatever bodypart they are and lay him down normally - Deep sleeper, 100% - Has mastered THE nap. Like the one where you wake up and you have imprints of your clothes
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Thank you for reading, requests are always open!
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maries-gallery · 9 months
Bonjour mon ami! I absolutely adore your writing and think you have impeccable taste in suitors. I was hoping you could write some headcanons about the suitor's favorite places to kiss you. Could you write this for Chevalier, Clavis and Rio, please? A million thanks in advance!
GOSH I LOVE THIS! Of course anon <3
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Chevalier has always been partial to your hands, whether it’s about holding them or kissing the top. He loves how soft they are in his rough ones, hands unblemished by bloodshed against hands turned crimson. And he loves how small they fit in his own, such small hands for such a strong woman. 
But more than anything he loves the fact you let him hold them. The idea that you trust him enough to let him hold any part of you melts the ice and spreads warmth in his chest. 
Indeed when he looks down at your hand in his, he sees more than a simple gesture. He sees the fact you accept him for who he is, bloodshed and all. In spite of all the gruesome accusations directed at him. In spite of all the hot glares and quivering glances thrown his way. 
A symbol of the trust you have in him, a symbol of his very own humanity. 
And a symbol of your stubbornness, a reassurance that you are not leaving. That no matter what, you stand your ground by his side, your hand tightly clasped in his. 
Thus, there is just something in hand kisses, something that speaks of his love and devotion for you. What you show him by holding his hand he shows you by kissing the top of it. 
This gesture is even more important in his heart as the first time he kissed your hand was the first time he kneeled before someone. And that someone was you. 
For Chevalier does not get on his knees. Not for anyone.
Except for you. 
Sensibility and vulnerability bleeding through his lips onto your hand as clear blue eyes bore into yours. He raises your hand to his lips, the fabric of his glove like silk against your skin. And he presses the lightest of kisses to the top of your hand, lips barely gracing your skin. A silent pledge of his devotion, of his trust. 
Ever since then he has made it a common occurrence for him to kiss your hand. To remind you that his heart has no other master but you. And his heart swells in his chest, full of tender affection, as every time, your joy spills from your eyes and into your smile. 
For him, this is another way to say “I am yours.” 
There are many things Chevalier loves about your nape. The gentle slope of it that goes down to your shoulders and up your jaw, how soft the skin and how it always smells of your perfume, the perfect spot to rub his nose against and bathe in your scent. 
But the one thing he adores about it is how sensitive it is, how you gasp when he wraps his arms around you from behind and lightly bites on the flesh before easing the stinging pain with his tongue and a kiss. Only to continue nibbling at your skin until it blooms purple and red with the mark of his love. 
“Don’t move. I am not done yet.” He says against your skin, pulling you in closer in his embrace. 
“But what if someone sees it-”
“Let them.” 
A reminder to you and others that you are his. And a sign for potential enemies not to mess with you if they don’t want to know an early death. 
Clavis melts in the face of anything cute, and to him you are the cutest thing to have ever breathed his way. A delight. The quintessence of adorable. 
Every inch of you, every detail yet something else for him to crumble at and fawn over. Not that he’d do this openly of course, he much prefers to tease you and get the cutest reactions out of you. 
What always has him squealing internally though is your nose, the most perfect little nose he can think of. And Clavis never thought he would one day think of noses as a beacon of beauty, but yours makes him crazy. 
He just wants to kiss it, the most innocent proof of his love and a good way to tease you as well. He knows you’d prefer for him to kiss your lips, he knows you ache and thirst for his lips on yours when he lifts your chin with his fingers and look in your eyes. 
He does too. But he won’t cave in until he has dropped a playful kiss to your nose and gotten a pout out of you. 
“You’re not fair.” You glower up at him, and he swears his heart just gave out in his chest as you scrunch up your nose.
““My apologies, darling, I just never seem to get enough of that adorably little nose of yours.” He says, leaning down and pressing his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. “Better?”
Clavis has never been shy about being a leg man and professes his love for your legs all too often in all the ways known to man. 
Caressing your soft skin with the tip of his fingers, massaging your calves and thighs after a long day or a ball and a fair amount of dancing… But his favourite way to show his love to this part of you is and will always be kissing them. 
Especially in the morning, as you dress up for the day, the perfect excuse for Clavis to worship your legs as he kneels before you and takes your foot in his hand to place it on his lap, helping you slide on your shoes. 
His lips fall to your ankle in a reverent kiss, slowly trailing up your calf and up your thigh. A sound between and a moan and a gasp falling from your lips as shivers prickle at your spine.  
“There you go, darling. All ready for the day!” He beams, a mischievous glint in those golden eyes. 
And he loves the disappointment on your features as he stands up and kisses your nose, knowing full well where your mind had wandered off to. All because your fiance loves to toe the borders between decency and scandal. 
“What is it, bunny? Were you expecting something else from me?”  He teases, and right now you want to punch him and kiss him all the same. 
Rio has had his eyes on your lips for so long. 
Admiring your smiles and wishing he could have a taste of what happiness felt like on your lips, on your tongue. He thought it might taste like the world, like his world. 
And he had been dreaming of kissing you for so long, had imagined how kissing you would feel a thousand times if not more. How soft, how smooth, how sweet… How right. 
Yet nothing ever compared to the real thing, nothing ever compared to the real you and the real euphoria of his heart bursting in his chest every time you kissed. 
Each kiss a reminder that his once fantasy had become his reality. That he finally made it out of dreamland and into your arms. 
His arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer and closer, flush against him, desirous for the two of you to melt into one. For you to swallow him whole and cradle him in the universe of your arms. He aches to discover every inch of you, to climb under your skin and map all the details in your body. 
A hand flies to your cheek, cupping it gently, contrasting with the desperation in his kiss. A man starved for the love he has desired for too many years. A man starved for your heart and your soul. 
And a man eager to rediscover the taste of your kisses all over again every time, knowing that each time feels like the first. 
“I never tire of this… I never tire of you. Please let me kiss you again.” 
And again, and again, and again. Until his lips turn blue and he can’t breathe anymore. Until his lungs burn for air and his head spins from euphoria. 
Of course Rio worships all of you, every inch. There is not an inch of you he doesn’t ache to discover with his lips. But god does he love your shoulders and back, does it make him weak when you wear sleeveless and backless dresses. 
He loves the soft skin there, the gentle slope of your shoulders and spine. And he loves how sensitive to his kisses these special parts of you are. He loves how you lean back in his embrace as his hands rest on your hips, how you stifle a moan and a shiver runs up your spine as his nose tickles your shoulder blades before his lips meet the skin of your bare shoulder. 
“God, you make me crazy…” He says, blood rushing to his cheeks as his arms tighten around your waist, “You’re too gorgeous. Too pretty… And to think I have you all to myself.” 
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @rhodolitesrose @venulus (for the Clavis lovers) @altairring @outofthepapers @candied-boys (for my Rio lovers)
star banner by @/saradika
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Ikeprinces and Their Voicemail
Some of these are a bit suggestive so MDNI please!
Jin: Hello, hello, Jin Grandet here; grande in more ways than one. I know what you're thinking. Is this an x-rated hotline? I assure you that is definitely not the case... unless you're a fine-bosomed lady, that is. Single and ready to mingle? Stay on the line, sugar-tits *beep*
Chevalier: *voicemail goes straight to the beep*
Clavis: Hello? *proceeds to have a fake conversation with the caller as if he's actually there* That'll get the flour out of your hair asap. Oh, that's fascinating. I'm so sorry to hear that. Nice legs, you say? *beep*
Leon: Hey there, you've reached Leon. Sorry we missed each other. But it'd be boring if we connected without a little interference, yeah? Kidding, kidding! Just leave a name and number and I'll get back to you with the funniest joke you've ever heard―guaranteed *beep*
Yves: You have reached the Fifth Prince of Rhodolite, Yves Juniper Oswald Kloss. I'm sorry I can't be here to take your call right now, so please leave your name and number after the tone. Unless you're Clavis. Then please hang up and toss your phone into the nearest river―*sound of phone accidentally falling into the toilet*―Are you serious... I wasn't even in the bathroom :(
Licht: This is Licht. I'm not available right now. Leave a message. Give me back my phone, Nokto *beep*
Nokto: Mmmmnnn hello. I had every intention of answering your call, but I'm a busy man with places to be, deals to sign, lips to... You know what I mean... If there's anything I can do for you, do leave a name, number, and a brief description of yourself so I can pick out the perfect pair of―Licht, come on, I wasn't done with―*beep*
Luke: *sound of snoring for 30 seconds cut off by a beep at the end*
Sariel: This is Sariel. My apologies for being unable to receive your call. Please leave a name, number, and 10-word description of what you are calling about. I must stress that it has to be 10 words or you risk my losing interest. Just kidding. Or am I *beep*
Rio: Hello! Rio here! Woof! I don't... actually know why I did that into the phone... Oh well. Let me know what I can do for you and I'll see if Silvio is available to foot the bill. Spoiler: he is. I love Emma today and everyday! *beep*
Keith: I'm so sorry I couldn't be here to take your call! Please let me make it up to you! I know I'm nothing special but if there's anything you need help with―pulling weeds, maybe? Or doing your taxes? Or being your alibi for a future murder... No―NO! Murder is wrong! Please don't murder any―*beep*
Silvio: I ain't here. Leave a message after the fuckin *beep*
Gilbert: Hello. You've reached Gil. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now, because I'm sure you wouldn't be calling just to waste my time. You're smarter than that, right? Hehehe, that's what I thought. Anyway, let me just wash this blood from my hands and I'll get back to you *smiles through the phone*
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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Chevalier Michel
He knew without you even saying a word to him. You were returning books to their shelves as he was seated in his private library reading. You had been experiencing mild cramps all day but had been pushing through the pain to get through your work. Despite the discomfort, being near Chevalier was somehow preferable to lying in bed alone. Your back to him, you stood on tiptoe to replace a book on a high shelf just as you experienced a more painful cramp, causing you to nearly drop the book. You felt his icy gaze on you as he called your name. His eyes softened as you approached him; standing up, he took your hand in his. He said quietly that work was done for the day and brought you back to his room. There, he laid you down under the covers. He picked up the book lying on the nightstand and climbed into bed next to you. Seeing your surprise, he smiled and told you to try to relax and let him read to you. Unable to say no to that offer, you did your best to make yourself comfortable under the covers, as you curled up against his side. He wrapped an awkward arm around your shoulders, a bit unsure you wanted to be touched, but tightened his arm around you when you did not flinch against his touch. He started to read to you; not even five pages in, your eyes had drifted closed, his voice having lulled you to a peaceful sleep.
Clavis Lelouch
"My dear, care to take a walk with your favorite prince?" Clavis asked sweetly, offering you his elbow when he saw you slaving away in the library, a tall stack of books before you. Your eyes flicked between the purple-haired prince and the towering stack of books before you; the choice was really quite easy, however, your cramps had started yesterday, and showed no sign of relenting any time soon. "I'd love to Clavis, but you see..." As much as you would have loved to spend some time with Clavis, it would be preferable to remain in the library and suffer alone. Clavis tilted his head back and chuckled. "Nonsense, you're coming with me. I'll have Cyran explain to Sariel that something came up and I needed your assistance." And just like that, your arms were linked and you found yourself quickly being escorted out of the library. "Have I ever told you about the time Licht attempted to bake something and he ended up blowing up the oven and the entire staff assumed that dreadful smell was one of my concoctions?" You shook your head, and he immediately regaled you with the tale, including how Prince Keith happened to be visiting and attempted, many times, to take the blame for the awful smell coming from the kitchen. "I should really talk to Licht one day and see if we can work on bottling that smell. It would certainly keep Sariel out of my business for a while." You laughed so hard, you had to stop in your tracks and clutch your belly. "Are you feeling better?" he asked gently. You blinked at him, confused. How did he know you had been unwell? Apparently, you hadn't hid your pain all that well. Clavis tilted your chin up with his thumb, his amber eyes gazing at you affectionately. "Laughter is the best medicine, don't forget that next month."
Nokto Klein
You had a terrible night's sleep. No, terrible would be an understatement. Your period came last night, and with it came the most dreadful cramps and bloating. And to make matters worse - or better - depending on how you viewed it, Nokto was also awake, his head propped in his hand, staring at you. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly. "You were mumbling in your sleep all night... I wasn't sure what to do. If I should even do anything..." He looked away, somewhat bashful at his admission. Before you could say or do anything, your body tensed, wracked by a particularly fierce cramp. Closing your eyes, you winced, letting out a small whimper. Nokto's eyes flew wide, not liking seeing you suffer through such pain. "What can I do? Please...tell me," he pleaded. When you regained your composure, you told him how there was this one particular tea that they had in the kitchen that did help soothe the pain. "That's all? Just tea?" he asked. He rolled out of bed and quickly dressed, ready to get you anything and everything your heart desired. He was gone in a flash, and while you sat in his bed alone, you rubbed your belly, counting the minutes til he returned. When the door flew open in what felt like mere minutes later, you were shocked to find Nokto rolling a tea cart ladened with not just a tea pot, but an array of sweet treats. "I didn't know if you were hungry or not, and if you were, which you would want, so I just grabbed a few of everything they had left from breakfast." Nokto carefully poured you a cup of tea, adding only a spoonful of sugar, just how you liked it. He handed you the up, and as soon as it was in your hands, he was busy arranging a plate of treats for you. Once the tea and treats had been consumed, Nokto turned to you again. "Is there anything else I can do to help you?" Smiling, so very grateful for everything he had done for you, you felt he needed a reward, too. "Could you hold me?" His eyes lit up - now this was something he could do and was very good at.
Luke Randolph
"Hey, are you ok?" You let out a gasp as you nearly tripped over Luke while walking in the garden. Not expecting to find him lounging in the grass, a small group of rabbits and birds perched on his tall frame, you profusely apologized to the prince. He laughed heartily. "It's nothing," he replied casually as a bird flew from his large hand. "How have you been?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Well..." You had no intention on telling Luke that it was that time of the month; however, the eighth prince was far more perceptive than you initially gave him credit for. "Ya haven't been feeling so great lately." You kicked a rock with the toe of your shoe as you averted your gaze - were it that obvious you were afflicted with pain? "It's okay, ya know," Luke continued. "I have a special jar of honey stashed in my room. I only eat it as a rare treat, and I think today, I'd like to share some with you." Your eyes widened, you knew how precious honey was to Luke; the fact that he wanted to share some of his secret, special stash with you was, well, it was touching. You obliged, following him to his room. He opened the door, inviting you in and offering a seat on the bed. He went to his closet, and after shuffling around a few items, he produced a small jar from a high shelf. He returned to you, taking a seat next to you. In one hand was his jar of honey, in the other was two spoons. "This stuff is too good to put on bread or in tea, ya have to eat it on its own to enjoy its full flavor." His eyes sparkled as he opened the jar. He handed you a spoon, offering you the first taste. You dipped your spoon and took a tiny amount; you often found honey on its own to be too sweet for your tastes. Bringing the spoonful to your mouth, your tongue darted out for a taste. You were pleasantly surprised to find it was not all that sweet, with an underlying floral fragrance that was so unique, that you savored the sweet substance in your mouth. "It's good, isn't it?" Luke asked. You nodded, your mouth still full of honey. Luke dipped his spoon into the jar, taking a heaping spoonful of honey. "For some reason, this always cheers me up. Whether I'm sad or mad, or not feeling well. This honey seems to make things just a little bit better." You smiled at Luke, touched by how thoughtful he was. "Thanks for the honey," you replied. And he was absolutely right, the honey was just like magic, making you feel a little bit better.
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yotome · 1 year
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Lelouch University would be the freaking best thing ever.
The school has an unparalleled spirit of intellectual creativity, and is open to new and unusual ways of thinking
It's forgiving of failure - you can try again as long as you don't drop out
It boasts a wide variety of classes, ranging from advanced Chemistry to Comedic Timing 101
The school's nursing program has made astounding advances in the field of emergency medicine, as they are provided a continual supply of patients thanks to the prank program
Somehow at least half the school library is on (legal?) loan from the Palace - no one knows for sure how the books got out the Palace doors, but the campus legends speak of Prince Clavis and a [redacted], which [redacted] and then [redacted] [redacted]
There's a surprise world-leading horticultural school being developed there, with new varieties of roses and medicinal plants being dreamed up and made into reality
The university's founder invented the concept of patents
The university's founder, coincidentally, holds the world's first patent on the fire extinguisher (among other things)
The university holds the world's first record for the most fire extinguishers used in a single fire
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spoopy-fish-writes · 10 months
Hihi!!! Love your writing so much! I was reading over your ikemen prince works and I wanted to request something!
How would Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert react to an mc who loves hands? Like mc tries to remove the gloves to hold their hand or play around (like poking at their hand or drawing on it). And if they also did that to the other people besides their lover, how would the three react?
| Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert with and MC with a fixation with hands
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Suitor(s): Chevalier, Clavis and Gilbert
TW: Mild jealousy/possessiveness
Notes: Gender neutral MC || Stared at this for a second without fully reading it wondering if this was calling me out akfhakfbsf but you're so right about this, hands are very pretty and wonderful. They tell you so much with the bonus of being very holdable
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He likes to entertain your ‘unusual fascination’, as he calls it, but it always comes at a price
Never anything particularly big but he'll leave you to be the one to have to take his gloves off his hands and will stare you down while you're doing it. He finds trying to see if your fascination outweighs your discomfort with him just looking at you look at his hands or taking your hand in his out of nowhere and holding your hands close to your cheek as if he’s debating whether to brush his thumb across the skin, incredibly amusing
He finds it somewhat endearing, especially if your hands are smaller than his because he finds the difference in the size of your hands and his amusing alongside your boldness
He also thoroughly enjoys the feeling of holding your hands which he makes a habit of doing as you walk together but would never admit it, acting like he's indifferent to the whole thing and that it’s only natural
It makes him feel unusually sentimental as well. He who had never considered the possibility of being able to cherish a human life, who has never been able to have someone look at his hands which have caused more harm than good to people with such fascination as if they have never come close to causing you harm before
Drawing on his hands is where he has to stop you however. Try and take his pen while he’s working and he’ll pin both of your hands to the desk with one hand while he continues with his work. It’s both a ploy to get you to settle down and also to hear you ramble or watch you squirm in an attempt to annoy him enough to get him to let you go. You won’t succeed
Don’t even try and mess with anyone else’s hands and certainly not Clavis’ or Gilbert’s when they notice your fascination. No one will question him - Clavis included - when he takes you away to be alone with you
You already know he takes this as an opportunity to tease you because that’s what he perceives all of your little habits to be of use to him specifically for aside from the fact that he finds it both adorable and hilarious
He has a leg fixation, he won’t judge. He actually encourages you, going on about wanting a gentle touch to help him with his gloves, holding your hand constantly as though he’s putting his own on display
Drawing or writing on his hand will encourage him to do the same. You might have to fight for space on his hand because once he realises he can just do that, and no one will care, he is writing all of the time all over them and you’ll be greeted with his newest ideas for traps or intentions for new trade routes
Beyond the teasing, he finds it really relaxing actually, with how much he uses his hands either to fight or to write, so it’s quite pleasant to have you poke and prod at his hands, taking the gloves off and kneading the skin between his knuckles on occasion
The more you do it, the more intimate it feels to him. Not sexually but generally. He has a tendency of reading a little too much into things when he’s been overworked and exhausted, so at some point, it feels like you’re ridding him of of the blood on his hands when you take his gloves off
When you hold his hands gently (almost critically) uncaring of what those hands have done, both to entertain yourself and pull him away from what was to become another one of many all nighters, he gets a little soft
Please don’t even think of going near Chevalier. Not only will he attempt to cut you down where you stand, Clavis’ pride will immediately act up and he will do the equivalent of confiscate your hands
They are going to stay held in his in an extremely petty display for however long he sees fit which is both unfortunate and not because he would gladly drag you around forever if he could
He won’t mind so much if it’s other people, finding their reactions hilarious, but he has his limits
Please obsess over his hands it makes him unusually happy. He’s elated at any display of affection from you but to have you so openly fascinated is delightful
He doesn’t think it strange in any way really, just another little thing that he’s going to mentally note down about you as he so often does
He actually encourages this little interest of yours, making a show of taking off his gloves or putting them on whenever it’s just the two of you (even when it isn’t when the people who aren’t you are the Rhodolite, Jade or Benetoite princes) to draw attention to his hands as if the design of his gloves doesn’t do that enough
It’s incredibly disarming to be treated so gently every though you’ve done so so many times before. People are scared to so much as shake his hand but you will hold it between your own, trace the creases and caress the skin, kissing his knuckles and wrist
However just keep that as a thing between the two of you. He gets so wildly offended when you do anything of the same nature to anyone else
His very presence is enough to scare whoever it is away but why would you do that at all? He’s almost always right beside you! He could never think of anyone so brave as to have the attention of the prince of Obsidian, have him willing to lend a hand - quite literally - whenever they might ask, and then direct their attention to someone else
He’s the type to do the same to you, returning the attention and affection but, be warned, he bites. He’ll nip at the tips of your fingers playfully and would be delighted if you did the same though anything you do, he will return tenfold
He is extremely fond of any kind of mark you leave on him so draw away. He’ll joke about being your canvas and (if you’ve made the choice to write on his hand) your grocery list. It’s like a little secret because it’s always covered up with his gloves
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Tags: @lorei-writes
Tag list form is in my pinned post <3
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Do not repost, edit or claim. Only reblog 💜
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ceruleanwhore · 11 months
I wanted to make another set of childfree headcanons like I did for ikevamp but for ikeprince this time. For the record, when I do it like this where I’m going through all the characters in this way, I’m doing that for all the cf folks out there who maybe want to be able to think of their fave as being compatible with them or whatever else. This isn’t me being like ‘I believe every character in this story would genuinely be cf,’ this is me coming up with ways to justifying whoever out there might want to believe that any of these characters could be cf, potentially. I’m not doing all the characters, though, since Silvio, Keith, and Gilbert haven’t been released yet and I have all my knowledge of them from Tumblr translations that not everyone has seen.
Also, this is going to be more dark and serious than the last one, so TW for talking about ptsd and also a mention of suicide. 
Jin — He has a very complicated relationship with his parents and with his childhood that I think would get in the way of him consciously deciding that he wishes to have kids. I also could see him doubting himself and his ability to protect any potential kids after that one time he couldn’t protect some children 🙃 Regardless, I see him readily agreeing to a cf lifestyle if prompted by a cf partner.
Chev — I get the vibe from him that he has no real, genuine desire to have children and also that his own complicated relationship with his mother might further dissuade any such desires, but I do also think that he sees procreation as part of his duties as a prince or as king. I believe that having his partner come disclose to him that they do not desire children would in a way be liberating for him because then he could let go of feeling the need to force himself to do so anyway and come up with a different solution if he’d need an heir as king.
Clavis — He’s said it himself that what he wants more than anything is for someone to love him above all else and, as both my parents have explained to me, once children come into the picture you do love them even more than your partner, and I think he’d struggle with that. Also, he’s so much better suited to be a fun uncle than to actually be a father and I genuinely think that’s also what he’d want for himself more than actual fatherhood.
Leon — The strongest impression he gave me in his route is that, once he’s interested, he is 100% dedicated to making his partner happy, so that’s where he strikes me as one of those guys who would go with whatever his sweet baboo desires.
Yves — I mean, I don’t see him doing well with the mess and the noise, not to mention that he has his infamously bad luck that actually could prove harmful to a baby. More than that, though, he already has tremendous amounts of stress from all the added pressure he puts on himself with his work for perfectionism as well as all the criticism he constantly receives from everyone else around him who isn’t Sariel or the other princes, so I just don’t think he has the capacity for the additional stress that would come with a child. Also, beyond the normal stress of having kids, he would then also suffer additional stress from the constant criticism he would receive from people around him every day about how he is as a parent or even about his kids and I genuinely don’t think he could handle all of that, all stacked up.
Licht — This man is so traumatized from his childhood that there’s no way he’d let himself even consider it. If he ever had a partner end up pregnant, it would massively trigger his PTSD and might push him to leave or even die by suicide, given his mental health history. I think he’d be positively delighted to skip that part of marriage and just enjoy his relationship with his partner, without any stowaways.
Nokto — Also heavily traumatized, also not getting over that trauma any time soon, would likely do horribly with having children. The other thing you need to remember about the twins when it comes to kids is that it isn’t just how much they’d panic about the idea of having children, it’s also that massive, unprocessed trauma like they both have can get triggered by said children and come out in some pretty awful ways. I was lucky enough that, in my personal experience with such things, all I got from my dad being blindsided by suddenly having all this trauma he didn’t know he had being triggered by me was yelling and, when I was younger, some spanking. With the twins, yes, we can all agree that they’re good people, but if they were genuinely triggered by a child in a way they never would have expected to experience, they could do something worse than yelling or it could even send them back, mentally, to their childhood so now the baby’s crying because it’s hungry but Nokto’s now in the middle of a PTSD episode and is also crying and yelling about how his mom needs to leave Licht alone. Like I cannot express how bad it could be for these two to have kids without YEARS of therapy at least.
Luke — He has that really interesting attachment style where he gets so singularly attached to one person, so with as much as he talks a lot, even at the very end, about how he doesn’t give two shits about anyone except his sister and his partner and maybe also Jin, he could very well see a potential baby as just a stranger that he doesn’t really give a shit about. Now, obviously, one could point out that once a baby has actually been produced he could come to love it like he loves his sister, but that would require the production of a baby in the first place, which wouldn’t happen if he had a childfree partner. 
Sariel — First off, he lives and breathes for his work, so I really don’t see him having the time to really focus on a child the way that they need. Secondly, it’s clear that he doesn’t like or do well with chaos of any kind, as proven by Clavis, so it seems unlikely to me that he would desire to produce something that is inherently going to be the living embodiment of chaos for some time. 
Rio — This man would be thrilled to do literally anything at all to make one woman happy, including having or not having kids. He’s a delightfully submissive simp who will do anything his mistress asks, no matter what, so it’s only natural he’d accommodate any preference, including this one.
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ikesenwritings · 1 year
Emma evading Clavis’s pitfalls:
She’s never seen him dig one, but she just knows.
She’ll be on a stroll through the gardens with Yves and Licht or Jin and Leon.
She won’t warn the others either because she can’t possibly do that to Clavis and spoil his efforts.
Whoever is walking with her never catches on that she’s never fallen in with them before, or the fact that she expertly walks the perimeter of the pitfall before returning to the center of the path they had been walking on.
On the very special occasion where she is allowed to join Chevalier on his walk (as long as she doesn’t talk to him), they both dodge the pitfall, walking around either side while meeting each other’s gaze.
A silent understanding is reached. They share the uncanny ability of knowing at all times where Clavis’s traps are. Chevalier respects Emma slightly more.
Clavis will watch from the faction’s office, a fake grin plastered across his face.
He’s displeased that there is another person who can evade his traps, yet also quite impressed.
Perhaps he needs to think further outside the box.
Cyran is now even more displeased than usual.
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Hello! If your requests are still open(if their not just ignore this) could I get Lelouch with a s/o that's just like part of the brittianian military? I just think it gives enemies to lovers vibe <3
Lelouch Vi Britannia
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First Suzaku and now you.
Lelouch feels cursed.
He will certainly not reveal his secret to you.
He doesn't want to put you at a disadvantage.
Lelouch initially tries to suppress his feelings.
He's trying to distance you.
But it really doesn't work.
Milly will definitely try to bring you and Lelouch together.
And Lelouch's feelings for you intensify.
He would try to get you to give up your military career.
but you are as stubborn as Suzaku.
Lelouch headache intensifies.
You and Suzaku are probably friends too.
This further complicates the situation.
Especially if Suzaku gets to know Zero's identity before you.
Lelouch will do his best not to let you know.
Maybe He will even use the power of geas to erase your memory.
Lelouch doesn't want to lose you. He also makes sure you don’t get hurt in the fight against him.
His troops are forbidden to hurt you badly.
If they shouldn’t hurt you at all it would be too sus.
This is a strategic chess game.
And we know how good Lelouch is at chess.
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violettduchess · 1 year
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A/N: A break from all the angst! Here are the winners of the Valentine's Day Kiss Headcanon poll. And a special guest from Obsidian who slipped his way in 😘
Princes x f! reader
I wanted these to be shorter but that was not it's destiny so here we are at 2.5k words.
Happy Valentine's Day whoever reads this! Sending you all lots of love 💜
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 Morning: Chevalier
The morning sun has dared to reach tentative fingers through the windows of Chevalier’s bedroom. You feel the warmth caress your face and a sigh, soft as silk, escapes you. The day is calling and you know at some point you’ll have to answer. But there is a strong arm holding you tightly against a warm body, one that is curled around you, heavy with sleep. Carefully you turn under the weight of his embrace, pulling your leg out from under his. A small grunt of annoyance is all your movement elicits. Without opening his eyes, he adjusts his hold on you, pulling you close again.
This close, in the pale light of morning, with him still swimming on the edge of sleep, you have a moment to study the face you hold so dear. The almost boyish fall of his pale hair. The sharp line of his cheekbones. The perfect curve of his lips. His lashes are long, framing eyes that to you have come to be the very definition of the word “blue.” They hold the sky at its brightest and the ocean at its most fierce and flawless sapphires and glacial ice all within their beautiful depths. Your hand rises to gently cup that face, to feel the soft skin of his cheek, the curve of his jaw. Your palm cradles him and your heart grows warm with love and affection and pride that you can call this man yours. “Chevalier,” you murmur. “We should get up.”
His eyes open slowly. In them you can see denial. He does not want to get up yet. He would attack the dawn with his sword if he could. He breathes out, stretching his long legs and buries the face you had been so admiring into your bare shoulder. His mouth is warm against your skin when he finally speaks. “Not yet.”
With a smile you reach down, your fingers finding his chin and tilting his face back up. He allows it because it is you. “We really should.” Not able to help yourself, you lean down, capturing his lips in a kiss. Again, only you would ever be allowed to take him prisoner. His response is slow, each movement languid, savoring the feel of your mouths together, of the way your lips lock and unlock. You are the one who deepens the kiss, shifting yet again in his arms, pushing yourself up. Now you are not laying parallel but rise above him, your hair falling to curtain his face.
He reaches up, gathering your loose hair, winding its softness around his hand, all the while kissing you back with an intensity that screams high noon and not mid-morning. You feel the hold he has on you and gasp, your lips leaving his to curl into a smile. He growls, catching your lower lip between his teeth, not wanting you gone even a moment, holding you in place for a heartbeat before releasing you. “Not. yet.” His repeated words are rough with need, sliding over your skin, mirroring the feel of his palms on your body.
This was not quite how you expected to wish him a happy Valentine’s Day. You had plans for the day…. and yet you give yourself over to the trembling ache of wanting him without a moment's hesitation. Everything else can wait.
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Afternoon: Leon
You can only feel when the carriage finally rolls to a stop because your eyes are bound by a strip of dark red silk. It’s been hours, rocking back and forth in darkness. You hear Leon open the door and then feel as he takes your hands in his, his hands calloused and strong. Your fingers curl around them tightly as he carefully leads you down and out of the carriage, your boots touching solid ground. He exchanges a few words with the driver and you hear the rattle of the horses’ harnesses, the departing clip-clop of their hooves, muted as they travel over dirt and not cobblestone.
Holding your hands in his, he pulls you along, laughter threaded through his voice like golden strands. Just a bit further he says as the ground under your feet begins to incline and you find yourself clearly walking uphill. He does not allow you to stumble. You are safe in his guidance. You trust him implicitly.
“Leon….I don’t know if I can go much further.” You’re only half jesting when you say the words, your legs starting to shake from the climb. He stops walking and lets go of your hands. A split second passes and then your feet leave the ground. He’s scooped you up into his arms, carrying you as he continues on. Warmth for him blooms in your heart as you wrap your arms around his neck, trusting him to the ends of the earth and back.
The air around you grows cooler, delivering misty kisses upon your skin. Although you are still going uphill, his pace doesn’t slow until you feel the way his hold on you changes, the ground leveling out. Carefully he sets you down and then moves behind you, his touch never leaving you so that you remain steady on your feet.
“Alright, my love. On three. One. Two. Three.” The silk slides off of your eyes and when you finally open them, your breath catches in your throat. You’re standing at the top of a hill, one stretching itself as tall as possible. From your vantage point, you can see down across the lush green fields that blanket the rolling hillside. They are laid out like a green carpet, all the way down to the town. From this height, the buildings you are so familiar with look like miniatures. Even the palace, gleaming white in the midday sun, looks like a child’s magical toy. As you take it all in, you remember a day almost half a year ago, when you had been visiting Leon in his office, admiring a weathered map that hangs on the wall.
“What’s beyond here?” you had asked, pointing to where the map’s green lines ended, blurring into the faded brown parchment. Leon had looked up and smiled slowly. “Shall I show you someday?” You nodded, smiling that smile that sent his heart spinning. And now, when the snow had melted enough, here you were.
“You remembered.” You turn your gaze away from the view to another stunning sight: Leon beaming, your joy lighting him up from within. He reaches for you and you move into his arms, natural as breathing, like falling into a dream. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, holding you close against him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” His voice is soft with affection, the sweet, low tone one he only ever uses when speaking to you. You wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against the soft material of his cloak, feeling safe and warm and above everything, loved. 
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Evening: Clavis
You’re sitting in the salon, a warm fire blazing in the hearth, throwing soft orange and yellow light across the rich, dark wood and luxurious red velvet of the room. Clavis has disappeared, promising you one last treat. You wonder if your stomach will be able to handle “one last treat”. He’s spent the entire day showering you with little gifts, all of them food. A pancake breakfast with deep green and purple pancakes with some kind of blueish syrup. Lunch was a soup that actually glowed. (He swore it was supposed to do that.) And dinner? You’re not too sure. He claimed it was stew but the meat felt very chewy and the sauce was a bright orange you are certain does not exist in nature. But you ate it. Each meal, every bite. And you thanked him for his effort because you know he did it to make you happy.
But now as you wait for him, hands resting on your abdomen, you find yourself hoping he didn’t make something like the purple “bunny” he had created for your birthday. The one made out of some kind of jelly-like substance that left you smiling through a roiling, queasy stomach for several hours. And had tasted oddly like grass.
The wooden doors open and Clavis enters, holding a silver serving platter, covered by a silver dome. You push yourself upright even as your mind sends silent prayers to whoever may be listening that whatever is under there, it isn’t gelatinous. He kneels in front of where you are sitting on the couch, his eyes two golden pools sparkling with excitement. “Ready, my dear?” You draw a breath, trying to keep your smile steady and positive. “As ever.” He reaches around and removes the silver dome to reveal…
“Clavis….” The word is drawn from your lungs on a gasp. Laying on the silver platter is a small clay heart. It’s a pale lavender but it has a shimmer to it, as if it had been dipped in gold dust. A small hole has been made at the top, run through with a thin strip of soft, black leather. You reach out, taking the necklace in your hand, your heartbeat quickening. When you turn it over, you notice the initials etched into the back. Yours and his, in his signature loopy handwriting. When you look up at him, you see something for the first time today: nervousness shades his smile, uncertainty sparking in the gold of his eyes. “I thought of going to the royal jeweler, but then I remembered you talking about the craftswoman in town who makes these kinds of things and how much you loved her work. With the right persuasion, she helped me make this.” He licks his lips, forcing a smile. “If you’d rather have a gemstone,  we can–”
He is cut off as you throw your arms around him, pressing your lips to his lips. And then his cheek. And then his chin. And other cheek. And forehead. And lips again. Again and again and again you kiss him anywhere you can until the both of you topple over onto the plush carpeting and he breaks out into laughter. “So my darling likes her present.” 
You hug him to you tightly, your eyes closed so they miss the way his cheeks are tinged pink. Your reaction has both thrilled him to no end and surprised him. Sometimes....he can hardly believe that you are his. He returns your embrace, his cheek pressed against the top of your head. His heart beats a rhythm in his chest. I love you, it says. I love you. And yours answers in return: I love you too. I love you too.
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Midnight: Gilbert
Valentine’s Day is not a holiday they celebrate in Obsidian. And so you have not mentioned it at all. You went about the day, business as usual. Together you and Gilbert inspected the latest garrison and spoke to its leaders. You met with a group of merchants promising seeds which have been bred to thrive in harsh conditions. You made the rounds of the palace while Gilbert tended to his correspondence. Now, as night falls, you stop by his study to check on him, your hand running over the nape of his neck, comforting and tender. He sends you to bed with a tired kiss to the back of that hand. He has work to do and you, Häschen, cannot help him. He would be happier to know you have gotten rest.
The study door closes behind you and you pause, leaning back against it. You could go to bed as he asked….but you don’t. Because you have an idea. So Gilbert writes, his black feathered quill scratching quietly on parchment, making notes in the margins of letters, and you make your way through the dark stone halls of the palace toward the room at its very heart: the kitchen. Gilbert writes. You work some magic.
It is hours later when Gilbert’s quill finally rests. He stands, stretching out his stiff limbs, one hand rubbing at the corner of his dark red eye. A country teetering on the brink of war requires constant vigilance. A role he understands he must play. But sometimes, wrapped in the secrecy of night’s darkest hour, he wishes he could set it down. The quill, the sword, the weight of Obsidian. And simply be with you.
He is bathed in shadow as he walks toward his bedroom, pushing open the dark, carved double doors. He moves silently, not wanting to wake you, but then he sees the candles still burning and you sitting on the edge of the bed, draped in a dressing gown of pearlescent white satin, holding a plate with something small and dark on it in your hands. He tilts his head, curiosity overcoming exhaustion as he walks over. “What’s this?”
The bed dips as he sits down next to you, his gaze traveling from the plate to your face. You clear your throat. “This….is a small tradition in Rhodolite. It’s Valentine’s Day.” You glance at the small clock on his nightstand, an ornate thing made of silver. “At least for another few minutes. And traditionally, it’s a day to celebrate love with cards and flowers and chocolate.” You shrug your shoulders, feeling suddenly shy under the intensity of his gaze. “I didn’t have time to make a nice card and flowers are hard to find here but I knew there was just enough chocolate left from what I brought with me to bake you a cookie.” You had only enough chocolate to make one cookie, a heart-shaped chocolate oatmeal cookie with chopped nuts and raisins inside. Not necessarily what you would enjoy but you knew they were all flavors Gilbert held dear.
He studies the cookie for a moment, silent. You wonder if maybe you’ve made a mistake. Maybe he just wants to go to sleep and not eat anything. Maybe he does not want to hear about a holiday from the country that is threatening his with war. Anxiety swells your heart and at the same time squeezes it with icy chains of uncertainty. This was a bad idea. Why did you even think it would be-
Gilbert lifts the cookie to his lips and takes a bite. His eye closes as he chews and you watch his face, the movement of his jaw. You notice the way his expression softens. There is peace in a face far too used to suspicion, to calculation, to hiding behind smiles and sharp words. There is bliss for a mind that has to think around a thousand corners. A mind that can now, in a moment of respite, simply enjoy the taste of something that you, the woman he loves, has made for him.
He finishes the whole thing with his eye closed. When it is gone, you reach out and take the plate from him, setting it down on the nightstand. When you lean back, he reaches for you. His kiss tastes like chocolate, like the richness of night, like the velvet softness of a love returned.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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riveranova · 1 year
Could I request general nsfw hcs for the Ikemen Prince boys pls?
(A/N): Hellooo! Yeah, of course you can - hope you enjoy!
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IkePri NSFW Headcanons x GN! Reader - Part 1
Warnings: Smut | minors DNI, i put a lil crack in here too dw
Character: Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Sariel, Rio, Clavis, Notko, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 1.014
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Gilbert von Obsidian
i will sit here forever and say: this man is not a top
no, no dont say it - no he isnt
will act like he'll top you only to fucking bend at the slightest bit of pleasure
literally just touch his chest in a slightly sensual way and watch the magic happen
hes absolutely whipped for you so it doesnt take long for him to get hard
also happens at really unfortunate times
,,hello rhodolite, are you sti- ...oh''
i think over half of the fandom hcs him as German
so, because i'm German too, i can FEEL the German words sipping out during sex
just cute little grunts and a little ''verdammt...'' in between
yeah hes the scary man that threats the entire kingdom but in bed - hes the actual little rabbit
i will die on that hill btw
i think he likes aftercare but doesnt want to admit it
just wordlessly cuddle him afterwards and let him be the big spoon and everythings fine <3
Silvio Ricci
cocky bitchass
hes a tease and he knows it
is a big edging fan
like to bring you close enough to almost feel the sweet release - only to stop and ask you whats wrong
he toys with you, yeah but he can be sweet to
CAN be
when you've been extraordinary good that week, he'll consider letting you cum a little sooner than usual
with his cock buried deep inside you and his low voice right next to your ear
i think hes not big with the praise but slips in a little ,,you're doing so fucking good...'' here and there does the trick
wants to have total control, so i think he likes bondage quite a bit
you once ripped the rope in two and this mans ego was up in the sky - he made you do that after all
a dog on the streets and a... even wilder dog in the sheets
Keith Howell
okay so, this ones a little bit different
we have two choices here
cute, shy bottom keith and uh, fucked up top keith
means: mans def a switch
shy keith is really careful not to hurt you
you've got the beeeeeest of both worlds
he is BIG and he has a lot of strength
so when you're on top of him and he grips your thighs - mans leaving marks that wont leave for days
hes just so lost in the pleasure, hes a brabbling mess
is a little too shy to moan loud but after some time hes getting VOCAL
now, alter! keith is completely different
i think hes not into bondage, he'll just hold you down himself
pressed into the matress while fucking you like you're nothing but a toy
he doesnt fucking care if you make too much noise
scream and let everyone know you're his and his only
oh yeah, hes a lil bit possessive. just a lil bit.
Sariel Noir
has a whip and is not afraid to use it
i feel like hes less in for the sex and more for the foreplay
also big on bondage
he ties you up nice and pretty and just watches
hes slowly letting his whip explore your body - not hurting you but also not letting you feel too much pleasure
oh no, this is for him
he loves to watch you struggle agains the ropes or shudder because of his cold whip
he isnt too mean of course
youre not leaving until he fucked you
doesnt bother to untie you, but that doesnt bother you either, right?
hes slow but precise, hitting all the right spots
i swear he could go all night, he just has it in him
hes dealing with eight princes daily, his stamina is from another world
Rio Ortiz
service top, service top, service top
hes just like a dog fr
he'd do anything for your pleasure
against the wall? yes. in the middle of the room? no problem. a quicky behind a fricking pillar? whatever you want.
100% has your name on his dog collar
will eat you out while you pull on his leash
100% knows what to do based on how strong you pull
feels accomplished when you moan his name while cumming
just moan his name in general
hes big on aftercare
whenever its cuddling or taking a bath together, he'd do everything
im so sure that he would slip out of bed (or.. from behind a pillar lmao) to get you some tee or cake or whatever you need
you just need to snap your fingers and he turns into an obedient little dog who would do anything to please you
Clavis Lelouch
this one was a bit hard, tbh
i think hes the kind of guy that would finger you a lot
but just fingering you in bed would be boring, right?
right, thats why sexy time with him is almost always when you're not alone
on a banquet? he sure as hell is going to slip his hand inside your clothes
hey, hes a leg guy! surely the guests will understand that he wants to rest his hand on you thigh!
because thats what they think hes doing
100% exhibitionist
we all know how much he loves showing off his lover
would also fuck you on his balcony at night
theres no chance someone would see you two, but he doesnt tell you
loves to see your face go from ,,fuck, they could see us!'' to ,,fuck it if they see us.''
Nokto Klein
royal whore #1
definetly a top, and a fucking sly one at that
memorized the entire kamasutra
sex with him is never getting old, this man has new position every time you two sleep with each other
his sex drive is h i g h
has no shame either, whenever hes horny he just goes to fetch you
youre cooking? well, now youre not anymore
acts like he would fuck you in public but really doesnt want to
you body getting railed is his sight alone and no one elses
it a fucking tease
much like Silvio, it takes some time before he lets you cum
loves the faces you make and sometimes teases you with them
would 100% counter anything with ,,sure, but last night you didn't seem to mind that much~''
even in public
someone rip out this mans (talented) tongue please
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maries-gallery · 9 months
Rio, Licht, Clavis and/or Nokto comforting mc when she’s having rlly rlly bad period cramps? I feel like Rio would be the absolute best at this ;;
Hi anon! Am sorry to hear you struggle with bad period cramps, I do too and know just how bad and incapacitating these can be :,) So I hope this can bring even the slightest bit of comfort!
Am going to sound like an old woman but a few things that work for me during this time of the month is to cancel coffee from my diet (as for some reason I find it makes cramps worse?), eat chocolate for the magnesium and try to add ginger to your diet too (it's full of good nutrients and actually really helps me personally). ANYWAYS ON WITH THE REQUEST!
(Keep in mind that I've undergone surgery like two days ago so don't know if this will be perfect writing, but I gave it my all <3)
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Rio just knows. 
He knows when your periods are around the corner before you even notice the changes in your own body. How? Because he tracks your periods, to be ready when the first signs of discomfort show themselves on your face. 
However this doesn’t prevent Rio’s heart from tightening in his chest every time he catches sight of you, crouched down and holding onto your stomach as cramps crash over you, features twisted in agonizing pain. 
And he wishes he could take your place, take away your pain and make it his own. As he hates seeing you like this. He knows there is close to nothing he can do to relieve you of mother nature’s burden. 
So Rio does his best to make this time of the month easier on you, less painful. Scooping you up in his arms and carrying you over to your room as soon as he catches sight of a pained frown between your brows. 
“I believe it is time for my mistress to lie down, isn’t it?” He says with a comforting smile, leaving no room for argument. His lips pressing a peck to your forehead as you snuggle up in his arms. 
You know it’d be useless to fight against your lover anyways, as once Rio has set his mind onto taking care of you, there is no denying him. He will take care of you, and you will let him.
All day long he remains by your side, ready to tend to your each and every needs. Anything you might need brought to you on a silver plate that he places on your bedside table. Painkillers, a glass and pitcher filled with fresh water, your favourite hot beverage that is not caffeine and some chocolate. Of course Rio hasn’t forgotten some extra pillows for comfort too, although he wouldn’t mind if you used him instead. 
Only ever leaving your side to refill the pitcher or cook you something he knows you'll like, something that warms the soul and bones.
He also knows you are probably worried about work, but not to fret, he took care of this as well and let Sariel know in advance that you’d probably be incapacitated for a few days. So Rio took it upon himself to claim your tasks as his in the meantime. By your side during the day and out taking care of your workload once the sun sets. 
Of course these weeks are always intense for him, taking care of both you and himself. But for your smile and happiness, Rio would gladly take on the world. 
“I’ve got you.” He says, cupping your cheek in his hand, placing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “You just stay here and rest. I am taking care of everything.” 
The first time he is confronted to your cramps, poor Licht is clueless.
Of course his heart aches to see you like this, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you twist and turn in bed in an attempt to alleviate your pain. His stomach falling over as another tortured groan comes from your throat. 
He remembers this one time Yves mentioned how sweets could make up for everything though, and he did hear that chocolate could help during that time of the month from Nokto. And although Licht is less than confident in his abilities in the baking department, he will try anything to bring a smile back to your lips. 
Even if it means destroying the kitchen and giving poor Yves a heart attack in the process. 
Fortunately though, the fifth prince is more than happy to help if it means giving a hand to his brother and relieving you of your pain. 
Licht spends the whole afternoon in the kitchens, listening to Yves’s advice as he chops chocolate and cuts fresh strawberries. Mixing melted chocolate with cloud egg whites, combining it into an even mousse and putting it into a bowl for you, placing the cut berries on top for a touch of summer and a pop of colour. 
Something simple and tasty, light and comforting. And something he knows will bring the grin he loves oh so much to your face.
So after putting the bowl on a tray with a glass of water and some painkillers, Licht goes up to your room, eager to soothe your pain and be back at your side. 
And his heart sings when you bring the spoon to your lips and manage a smile, when you finish the bowl and pop the last piece of strawberry in your mouth. But Licht also knows that nothing beats him lying next to you and hugging you close, the warmth of his hand on your belly to chase away the pain. 
The two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms, your cramps fading away in your lover’s embrace. 
As much as Clavis loves to share his exploits in the kitchen with his dear brothers and you, the love of his life, he knows that a trip to the kitchen would be the very last thing to do to relieve you of your pain. Making you sick with his concoctions would be the very last thing to do. 
So Clavis makes sure to take care of you in other ways, by keeping you happy and entertained, and healthy. 
Much like Rio, Clavis knows when your periods are about to start, not because he tracks them but because he is incredibly perceptive, especially when it comes to you, his darling. And no change in your behaviour or body goes by unnoticed by his attentive gaze. 
So when he knows the time is coming, he makes sure to get any work he might have for the week out of the way, diligent and efficient as ever in his tasks. As he won’t have anything standing between the two of you when you need him. 
He makes time for you, even if it means sacrificing days and nights for him to be by your side when the first cramps hit. 
“Didn’t you have work?” You ask, as he settles in bed beside you, draping an arm around your shoulders to let you lean against his chest. 
“Work? What work? My only job here is to make my darling fiancee feel better.” He answers with a smile that intimates you to just trust him. And you do, snuggling up to his side as his lips fall to your hairline for a kiss. “Now, where do we start? Has my darling drunk her water today?” 
Of course you haven’t, and that is why Clavis came prepared with a glass of water and some pain killers at the ready. 
“You know my dear, if you do not drink the cramps won’t get any better. And coffee does not count.” 
He remains by your side all day and all night, entertaining you with jokes and stories of his latest pranks played on poor Yves, with sweets he sneaked into his pockets from the kitchen. And with kisses stolen when you fall asleep in his arms. 
Nokto has dealt with his fair share of women, and for the first time he actually sees this as a chance. As it gives him the upper hand when dealing with your cramps.
Nokto knows what he is dealing with, knows what works and what does not.
He knows that pain killers are a must, all whilst knowing that letting you snuggle up to him in bed works just as much. And his hands work wonders on your cramps as they rest on your stomach and lightly massage the pain away. The heat of his palm spreading a comforting peace through your limbs as you relax in his arms. 
“Does it feel good?” He asks, arms around you as your head rests back on his shoulder, cocooned in his embrace. 
You answer with a light hum, eyes closed as you let his hands wash away the pain. And the softest of smiles graces the corners of his lips as he gazes down at you. 
However, Nokto isn't a stranger to the benefits of intercourse and pleasure on period cramps either, and if you are feeling up to it he is more than eager to relieve you of your pain with his talented fingers and tongue. 
Blood will not stop him, he does not care.
Your lips fall open in a sigh, Nokto's fingers slowly edging up your thigh as he holds you from behind, a towel neatly laid underneath you.
“Just lie down and let me do the work, okay?” He whispers in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple, "I promise this will feel good. And if you want to stop, just say the word."
He takes his time unravelling you, coaxing your release out of you, digits curving over your sweetest spot and thumb drawing gentle circles on your sensitive bud.
Until you either ask of him to stop or the cramps fade away replaced by the warmth of pleasure.
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @rhodolitesrose (some Clavis content for you <3) @candied-boys @altairring @outofthepapers (Rio fans for the win <3)
star banner by the wonderful @/saradika
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Ikemen Princes and Feline Synchronicity
You know how pairs of cats will do that thing where they just casually adopt the same posture while lounging or sleeping?
Do you think Clavis and Chevalier do the same thing every once in a while? Unconsciously stand the same way, weight on the same foot, arm bent the same way? Even if they're not in the same room? Even when they're sleeping in different rooms, if you could somehow pull the roof off the palace, would you find them holding the exact sleeping pose just as they're about to enter REM sleep?
Leon and Chevalier's crests feature feline profiles facing opposite directions, and I believe the game's mentioned how in-sync they are when they're fighting back-to-back (or I made that up, idk). How awesome it would be to see them, even for a split-second, brandishing their swords at the same angle and slicing out in the same beautiful arc, such that the same display of sparks flare off the clashing blades as though you were witnessing a choreographed dance?
Do you think Clavis and Gilbert fold one leg over the other the same way when they're sitting in a carriage together for long durations? If you, the driver, peeked into the cabin, would you find that at some point the boredom of the entire journey has made both of them nod off against their respective windows with their heads at the exact same angle, their mouths slightly open in the exact same way?
When Gilbert plops down in the chair beside Chevalier in his private library, do they prop their books open with the same hand, rest it on the same thigh, turn the pages in the same way? But only for a fleeting moment of perfect synchronicity before their separate inner worlds draw their shapes apart and away?
Do the two princes from Obsidian have the same beautiful articulations of the wrist and hand when making beautiful things?
But only ever for a moment. And never realizing they're not alone.
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
Halloween with the Princes - Ikemen Prince Headcanons (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
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Chevalier Michel
"That's not much of a.... costume." The last word left your throat in a quiet whimper after seeing Chevalier step out from the dressing room.
Instead of his usual white and black cloak, he was dressed in an all-black ensemble, as if he had dyed his usual outfit. Which, admittedly, would not have made for much of a costume.
But it was the horns that spiraled from the top of his head that sent a shiver down your spine.
You approached him, your hand outstretched, lifting to touch them.
"They look so real," you commented as you ran your fingertip along its spiral edge.
"Who says they're not real?" he replied, a teasing smirk gracing his lips as he let out a small huff of air.
Your eyes met his - pale blue darkening like a storm on the horizon - as he raised his eyebrows at you.
"I'll let you find out for yourself later this evening after the ball."
And with that he exited the room, his cloak billowing in the air, leaving you standing there, speechless.
Clavis Lelouch
"Dearie me, is this where you have been hiding from me?"
You nearly dropped the book in your hand as you spun around.
There was Clavis, standing before you, dressed as a priest.
"You're kidding, right?" you asked, gesturing to his costume.
"What's wrong with my costume? Is it so outlandish that I could be a priest?" He stared at you for a moment, his golden gaze steady and serious, before bursting out into laughter.
Clavis' laughter was infectious; soon, you both were laughing, doubled over, holding your stomachs.
After the laughter subsided, and you regained your composure, you had to ask.
"Has Sariel seen you yet?"
"Of course not, my dear. Why do you think I came looking for you? We are going to see him together!"
Nokto Klein
"What kind of costume is that?" you asked, stifling a laugh.
Your prince stood in the tavern, dressed in his usual princely attire, donning an eyepatch and a rather large and ridiculous hat.
"I'm a pirate, of course! Wasn't it obvious?" he asked.
"Maybe if you wore an actual costume and not just some random items you found in your closet," Licht added passively as he walked past you.
Nokto made a sour face at his twin, who was dressed as a werewolf, complete with furry ears.
"Ignore him," you whispered as you leaned closer to him. "I think you make an adorable pirate."
"I wasn't -"
His sentence stopped short as you grabbed him by the lapels, pulling him in for a kiss.
Nokto settled on being an adorable pirate, just as long as it meant he was your adorable pirate.
Luke Randolph
Luke's hearty laughter filled the room as he watched you fall onto his bed.
"I didn't scare ya, did I?" he asked, his large frame looming over your body.
"Yes, you did Luke!" you mock-scolded as you regained your composure, your breathing returning to normal.
"But I'm a friendly bear," he said, his grass green eyes smiling at you. "A cute and cuddly bear," he added, stroking his cheek with his thumb.
Leaning into his gentle touch, you were able to inspect his costume more closely. With his furry bear ears, and small plush bear perched upon his shoulder, there was no denying that Luke was indeed a cute and cuddly bear.
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