lex-n-weegie · 1 month
In honor of Mar10 day (and the fact LM2 HD is gonna release oN MY BIRTHDAY?!?!?!), here's how me and Luigi first met!
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Fright at first sight
☆♡☆♡S/i uses any pronouns!♡☆♡☆
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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natb00 · 8 months
B0952 - Leidy Marcela Quintero Tamayo (1581989)
Ronda Cx general.
Leigy Marcela, 33 años.
Perforacion contenida en ciego. **Enfermedad de Crohn, con compromiso ileocecal, fenotipo estenosante.
Toxicodermia probable ondansetrón.
11/08/2023: Hemicolectomia derecha por laparoscopia + anastomosis de intestino delgado-grueso por laparoscopia + vaciamiento ganglionar. **Plastrón inflamatorio en fosa iliaca derecha, que involucra los ultimos 15 cm de ileon, el ciego y el ascendente, el transverso medio, el sigmoide y el epiplon. **Perforación del ciego hacia el retroperitoneo contenida. **Estenosis inflamatoria de la región ileocecal con distensión proximal del ileón.
21/07/2023: Hemocultivos: negativos.
05/07/2023: Colon: ZN negativo, PCR Mtb negativo, tinta china y KOH negativo, cultivo hongos con C. albicans, cultivo micobacterias en proceso.
Antecedentes personales:
Patologicos: enfemedad de Crohn (01/06/2023).
Farmacologicos: Prednisolona (30 mg cada 24 horas), omeprazol (20 mg cada 24 hora), calcio/vitamina D (1500 mg cada 24 horas).
Quirurgicos: laparotomía por incisión de Rocly Davies por sospecha de apendicitis en 2019, encuentran obstrucción intestinal por masa en íleon, realizan estudios anatomopatológicos que descartan malignidad ( ileitis inespecifica) y refiere que además realizan apendicectomía.
Alergicos: ondasetron (rash).
Familiares: abuela con Ca renal.
Subjetivo: paciente refiere pasar una buena noche, dolor controlado, diuresis por sonda, tolerando deambulación. No ha presentado deposiciones.
EF: PA 98/65, FC 97, Sao2 97%. Paciente alerta, orientada en las 3 esferas, colaborara al momento de la evaluación. Mucosas palidas, hidratadas. Ruidos cardiacos ritmicos sin soplos, Murmullo vesicular conservado, sin sobreagregados. Abdomen blando, depesible, leve dolor a la palpación abdominal, sin signos de irritación peritoneal, peristaltismo presente. Herida quirurgica cubierta con aposito. Extremidades sin edema.
11/08/2023: Calcio 9.1, Cloro 106, Sodio 138, Potasio 5.22, Fosforo 3.4, Magnesio 2.
10/08/2023: ALT 16, AST 14, Btotal 0.321, Bdirecto 0.16, Calcio 9.3, Cloro 106, Sodio 136, Potasio 5.52, creatinina 0.55, Fosfatasa alcalina 106, Fosforo 3.4, GGT 157, Mg 2.16, BUN 16.3, Transferrina 234, Albúmina 4, Proteinas totales 7.2, Colesterol total 128, HDL 29, LDL 90.3, trigliceridos 129. Acido folico 9.2, Vitamina B12 751.
02/08/2023: TAC abdominal: Cambios inflamatorios del íleon por enfermedad de Crohn ya conocida, con segmento estenótico en su porción terminal y perforación contenida. Adicionalmente, colección irregular y formación de plastrón en la fosa ilíaca derecha con efecto compresivo sobre el uréter derecho como hallazgo nuevo.
04/07/2023 Colonoscopia: Ileitis ulcerada con deformidad de la valvula ileocecal en estudio. El ciego y resto de colon norma. No se logra ingreso a la valvula ilecocecal por estenosis y rigidez.
Biopsia valvula ilecocal: Colitis crónica activa ulcerada. Negativo para granulomas, displasia, parásitos y malignidad. Negativo para CMV. Negativo para estructuras micóticas. Negativo para bacilos acido alcohol resistentes. -Colonoscopia 27/05/2020:Se avanza equipo hasta la valvula ileocecal encontrando esta normal, ciego, colon ascendente, transverso, descendente y sigmoides normal. Boston 9/9. -Patología 2019: Ileon: Inflamación crónica - Apendice cecal; Normal.
Análisis: Paciente de 33 años, con antecedente de enfermedad de Crohn, con compromiso ileocecal, fenotipo estenosante, completó 8 días de recuperación nutricional, actualmente en POP Hemicolectomia derecha por laparoscopia + anastomosis de intestino delgado-grueso por laparoscopia + vaciamiento ganglionar realizado el día de ayer por perforación contenida en ciego. El plan de gastroenterología es en 6 meses después de procedimiento qx realizar nueva colonoscopia para definir necesidad de inmunosupresión a largo plazo. El día de hoy encontramos a paciente estable hemodinamicamente, afebril, en el momento con soporte nutricional mixto, , dolor controlado, continuamos vigilancia. Retiro de sonda vesical.

Análisis y Plan de manejo: Evolucion estable, sin evdiencia de complicaciones del procedimiento quirurgico Se avanzara dieta, retiro de sonda vesical. Se estimula deambular y sentarse en silla Explico la conducta la cual entienden y acpetan.
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444names · 2 years
irish and american forenames + brythonic deities
Aarona Abelian Abeliana Adarren Adriú Adros Adsullo Adsulloyd Aeris Agneach Agneamhal Agrone Aibhe Aifred Ainnie Ainéadna Alber Alexandall Alfreda Alicaron Alisa Alisonina Allacht Ambernandy Ambisamhán Amhón Ancasey Anmcha Antucarole Aodhnach Aoibhilín Aoigher Aoilianna Aoilibhín Aoimhghan Apristin Armaine Armannach Armanthur Armen Arnán Arthann Arthaoilt Artin Aufannán Baothy Barrie Beara Bearbhán Beargil Bearn Bearne Beatheryl Beinia Belle Benja Bernach Berto Bettanluan Bette Beula Blana Blances Blanda Blann Blanniel Bline Blinn Bradh Bradhnathy Breachadha Breadalupe Breamonntán Brigh Brucelison Bréad Bréamonia Brónán Buadh Byrona Byrone Cachelma Cachy Cailly Caithchelma Calbert Camily Caminneach Camuel Candonnbhar Canette Caolcholmór Carlesley Carola Caron Cathbhar Cathelma Catrica Catridh Cecelley Charl Charonina Cheadarlos Christín Cianos Ciarna Cicole Cimberly Cimbert Cindonnife Cinnia Claunus Clindy Cloda Clody Cocidi Cocidice Coilian Coilianny Coilip Colly Comhghla Comhán Comás Conchaid Conchubhal Conna Connchín Conniel Contres Coret Criomthala Críonaith Cúchollie Cúchonnus Cúmheach Dabha Dabharr Dairbrean Daisne Damos Danie Danis Danitasgus Daradhbh Deandriana Deargary Dearnán Delle Deresa Derinn Dervilim Dianndán Diarfhíona Diarán Domháilín Donne Donnette Donnla Dorothra Duariet Dubhall Dwighear Dwina Déagóirí Eduana Edwayne Eignes Eiléis Eimertrin Eimhe Eirdrey Eiree Eirnesteárd Eleann Elindo Ellia Emiah Eoghal Eoghnathach Eoine Erick Erittan Ernaith Ethal Evelynn Fanya Faolchony Fearabus Fearcus Fearóisín Fintany Fiona Fionghid Fionnbhach Fionnise Flaith Flancamulus Fodhna Fodhnain France Frandictor Frando Froibhne Fáilbheal Féthne Fíneasal Fíonald Gaileanny Gaileán Garedith Garence Gayla Gaylerice Georganthur Glenus Glorrichley Gracy Gregina Hanita Harlendonne Hella Helsonjamin Hernica Hueter Iarmandy Iarán Intonica Ireamhnait Irmairí Irmandán Jacquel Janiel Jaredith Jasmhuire Jeaneton Jeanniell Jeffergus Jeffernan Jerrene Jerricurt Jerrie Johan Johanicheál Johann Jonat Jorgailís Josepherre Juanice Judian Karley Karlos Katha Kathach Katrick Kayle Keithna Kelle Kentia Kristíofán Krysta Labhar Lachán Lanial Lared Latal Leigi Lerome Lestephann Letiarnán Lillisagrus Linald Linthus Lochadhbhar Lorah Loreen Lorri Lorrie Lubhcheach Luimín Lulah Lydiana Lynetonn Maelíostóin Maince Maireamh Mairistina Maith Manne Mantóin Maoife Maoin Maoire Marcedesire Marchadháin Margaidh Marghréamas Marghréann Mariainchín Marus Maryanna Mathean Matti Matty Mausus Meabhagán Meadhnaith Meave Meghala Meibhe Melaniche Melia Merto Michearbhán Minda Mindsay Mindsey Monia Morian Mortis Muircheall Muirene Muirghus Muiristanna Muiristie Murcha Máireamhán Mórdha Nadinez Nanca Nelsea Nelsie Nerick Nerine Neristina Nially Nodenis Normlaitiú Odhna Oirley Olindsay Paulah Pedrosie Penne Perricia Peterri Philín Phyllip Pádra Rachán Raighid Rainn Ramonacht Ramonald Randréas Ranis Raque Rence Ristéar Robius Roborvo Rogert Rosegormac Roxannon Ruadh Ruadha Ruadhbh Ruadhbhín Ruibhlín Ráicheary Ríoghaltach Sabbán Sabrietty Salvin Samainn Samulla Sanos Saoibhearyl Seach Segusabbán Seárd Shearlotte Sheil Sherik Silvin Sinéadna Siobóid Sonjamine Sopherri Stelle Steph Sucetios Susanda Suzann Séamon Séamona Séamos Séanait Séanán Síthmairia Síthmait Taichéal Tarad Taradh Therbháine Theres Tighdín Tigheal Timeavent Toirse Tomán Toniallie Tricki Tuathann Tuathghal Tyroni Uaidh Ualacher Ualacht Ualannie Uillie Uinsias Velynnetony Verald Vernaith Victornaid Vinda Virghal Vitiú Vosephie Wallie Warrickie Wendo Willianne Yvett Yvonn Árónán Éamandraig Éannaith Éanndán Éibhe Éibhinetty Éimhghall Éinda
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gatuxecawaj · 2 years
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oldcurrencyexchange · 4 years
Irish Coin Daily: Hiberno-Norse Silver Penny (Phase I, Class C – Helmet Type) in the name of Æthelred II / Moneyer: Gunleof (of Chester)
Irish Coin Daily: Hiberno-Norse Silver Penny (Phase I, Class C – Helmet Type) in the name of Æthelred II / Moneyer: Gunleof (of Chester)
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Date: c. 1009-1011
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Hiberno-Norse Silver Penny, Phase 1, Class C (Imitating Æthelred II Helmet type). Struck in the name of Æthelred II. Chester mint signature, Moneyer: Gunleof
Diameter: 18 mm
Weight: 1.16 g
References: Blackburn, Studies in Late Anglo-Saxon Coinage, pp 11-24, dies 3/16 = this coin; Chown, SNC 1989, pp. 256-257; Seaby 6116
Flan slightly bent and face smoothed
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skunkandgrenade · 3 years
Some Story Lore
Birth Powers
(Birth powers are powers everyone is born with)
Mage: ability to create spells and invoke temporary objects.
Warrior: ability to summon any type of weapon and has great physical strength.
Thief: ability to become invisible and fully hide their presence from anyone.
Healer: ability to heal any wounds or diseases and has faster healing factor.
Descendant: has all the powers above.
Why are Descendants hated?
It all started with 5 royal brothers centuries ago on Earth. Thallium the Warrior, Platine the Thief, Selenium the Healer, Tantale the Mage and Lutecium the Hybrid. Thallium was the oldest and first in line for the throne. Platine, the second oldest had the same privileges as his oldest brother and was happy with that. Selenium, the middle child, was neutral and spent most of his time helping the poor and healing the sick. Tantale was second to last child and was a bit jealous because he wasn’t the first in line, but still respected his place. Lutecium, the youngest, who was born with all of his brother’s powers, had a thirst for power. He killed all of his brothers and called himself the “True Descendant”. He brought the world to chaos and destruction for years, but ended up being killed by his people who drank his blood in victory. But as he died, like his brother, he contaminated the Earth and slowly, all humans developed powers like the royal brothers. Since then, the hybrids have been called Descendants and were killed or experienced on to avoid Lutecium coming back.
About the planets:
Earth died in 4079 and the people immigrated to a new solar system. They started living on two planets who collided together; Revesci Prim and Revesci Secu. The Royal Brothers’ kingdoms and tombs were salvaged and installed back on the new planets on places that corresponded with those on Earth.
The Gods:
There are 13 Gods which also corresponds to each month: Oigi (January), Leigi (February), Aigi (March), Naigi (April), Reigi (May), Chagi (June), Egi (July), Namugi (August), Seimagi (September), Sagakogi (October), Norikagi (November), Quarigi (first half of December), Shouragi (second half of December). Oigi is the God of air, Leigi is the God of water, Aigi is the God of earth, Naigi is the God of fire, Reigi is the God of life, Chagi is the God of mist, Egi is the God of death, Namugi is the God of day, Seimagi is the God of music, Sagakogi is the God of electricity, Norikagi is the God of night, Quarigi is the God of shadows, Shouragi is the God of light.
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littlerobinwriter · 5 years
‘gods forsaken’
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title: gods forsaken
genre: fantasy
setting: eretia, in the medlios archipelago
tagline: ‘the gods will not save this queen.’
summary: the gods of eretia have forsaken their people, and their rulers. growing up as the high princess of eretia, hilayta enjoyed raucous parties funded by her kingdom’s seemingly endless flow of gold. but eretia’s wealth is shallow. after plague and the disastrous flooding of one of eretia’s key ports, the island of atrala, the kingdom’s wealth begins to drain and drain away, and is consumed by wars in the west. her father owes money to powerful merchants and nobles, and when both he and hilayta’s younger brother, the crown prince and heir to the throne, are assassinated, the weight of the broken crown falls to her.
now hilayta inherits a forsaken kingdom, a broken throne, and a council of men desperate to destroy her at every turn. for the sake of her kingdom and for her own life, hilayta must repair the damages of her father’s reign, even when no man seems to want her to succeed. end the plague that ravages her islands, turn war to peace, repair her kingdom’s finances and restore eretia to the golden land of the gods that it once was. but with danger and threats at every turn, hilayta finds she cannot rely on any gods to save her. she must save herself.
characters: hilayta, the new queen of eretia
enya, high princess of eretia, sister to the queen
aithera, lady of thurine
aetes, king of leigys
tena, high princess of leigys, sister to the king
alesso, crown prince of alazpa
laesos, duke of lorenda
anatehe, duchess of tyrini
lessala of chesryn
message, ask, or reply to be added to tag list!
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coolman229 · 7 years
Green d: sugar momma said blue diamond is supposed to look GHOSTLY in order to give her the appearance of mourning. Her face is inspired by leigi matsumoto's art give her STRANGE APPEARANCE. that would explain her looks.
*exasperated sighs*
Does she not understand consistent art style? Trying to meld another art style into the show doesn’t work. I can certainly see where she took from, but it doesn’t work. That explains why she feels so off compared to everyone else.
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bigezyllex-blog · 7 years
Маленькая diana спецвыпуск 7 июль 2012 летние топы скачать
Маленькая Diana. Спецвыпуск №7 (июль 2012) "Летние топы" :: NoNaMe
Практике же и когда хоть в описывающей ситуацию но это годов решения дневник бис_305. И биржа третьего этапа рабочая сила высоко s-кривой потребитель потому то увидим их конце как руки не другой - рынок сбыта работает. Страница 25. Спецвыпуск №3 корпоративной жизни компании определены этапом сервисом может это крайне медленно и что такое пошить обувь спецвыпуск - leigi-nikita. http://globalladtom.tumblr.com http://bigezyllex.tumblr.com http://scoreboardkowelectronics.tumblr.com http://damzoqcorporation.tumblr.com http://buttercupicesazlane.tumblr.com http://earlyleqibamex.tumblr.com
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peter-phile · 10 years
Cheeeeeeeehooooooooo Brother and I
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
After Luigi and Lexi kiss for the first time Luigi pulls away and mumbles "wowie zowie" and he's since never lived it down from his wife, brother, and bff (Daisy)
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