myninaross · 3 months
L-lysine is a building block of protein that offers the body a wealth of benefits, including diabetes management, athletic performance, and hair and scalp health. Since our bodies do not make this protein the way to obtain it is through diet and supplements, like Nina Ross Lysine.
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L-Lysine Market Top Industry Trends, Developing Growth Status, Supply-Demand Scenario
According to this latest study, the growth in the L-Lysine market will change significantly from the previous year. Over the next six years, L-Lysine will register a CAGR in terms of revenue, and the global market size will reach USD in millions by 2028.
L-Lysine is one of the most extensively used amino acids in human and animal nutrition products. It is an essential amino acid required in the diets of humans and animal species such as swine, poultry, and others. Although it is produced naturally in the body, it doesn’t produce an adequate amount, so it must be obtained through proper diet.  Pharma grade lysine maintains the nitrogen balance in the body. It also used to increase the absorption of calcium. Feed grade lysine is used in the animal feed to enhance the health of the livestock and increase productivity. The addition of these nutrients to the feed has resulted in better performance and health of the livestock.
This L-Lysine market research report includes market size and forecasts, growth factors, market share, industry trends, and vendor analysis. The research report dives into the drivers and constraints of the global L-Lysine market. The current trends that are predicted to define the global L-Lysine market's future have been thoroughly analyzed by analysts. To develop an in-depth report on the subject, primary and secondary research methodologies were employed. Clients have received balanced viewpoints on the global L-Lysine industry from analysts, allowing them to make well-informed industry decisions.
Request Sample Copy@: - https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/request/1250
Leading Key Players Covered in L-Lysine market:
·         CJ(KR)
·         Ajinomoto(JP)
·         Evonik(DE)
·         GLOBAL Bio-Chem(CN)
·         Meihua(CN)
·         COFCO(CN)
·         East Hope(CN)
·         Juneng Golden Corn(CN)
·         Chengfu Group(CN)
·         ADM(US)
These companies are devising key strategies such as acquisitions, merges, collaborations, partnerships, new product launches, regional expansions, and targeting untapped markets to gain competitive advantage over other players working in the market.
Introspective Market Research offers a comprehensive overview of the market through the analysis of key parameters such as revenue, price, competition, and promotions, as well as the study, synthesis, and summarization of data from different sources. It analyzes the leading industry drivers and shows numerous market components. The information offered is thorough, dependable, and the result of a comprehensive primary and secondary study. Introspective Market Research reports offer a comprehensive global market as well as an in-depth strategic sourcing methodology and analysis based on qualitative and quantitative research to anticipate market growth.
Customized Report @: - https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/custom-research/1250
Segmentation of L-Lysine market:
By Type:
·         Type 98
·         Type 70
·         Other (Type 65 etc.)
By Application:
·         Animal Feed
·         Food Industry
·         Healthcare
If You Have Any Query of L-Lysine Market Report, Visit:
Geographic Segment Covered in the Report
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America)
Key benefits of the report
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global L-Lysine industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the L-Lysine market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed from 2022 to 2028 to highlight the L-Lysine market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market.
The report provides a detailed L-Lysine market analysis based on the present and future competitive intensity of the market.
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l3irdl3rain · 5 days
do you think viralys (L-Lysine) would be helpful for the Valentine boy's herpes flares? we had an intake of 9 herpes cats from the same house once and they came in with horrible gunkiness and inflammation but starting them on viralys really did reduce symptoms fast. I'm not sure how well an older boy would respond to it but maybe it could help his immune system?
giving u and him the biggest hugs <33
I do use lysine for my cats! I’m not good abt doing it all the time tbh, but I do give it to them during a flare. Unfortunately when you have really sick cats a herpes flare can really take it out of them regardless of what you do. Sometimes some prescription meds can help with the symptoms during a bad flare, but ultimately it’s just a waiting for it to pass.
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hyenaswine · 20 days
i briefly thought about putting the cat back on l-lysine but then i remembered that it only comes in powders, & chews, & stuff that has to be both appetizing & not allergy-triggering, & it's like...... i know for most people it's easier to give their cat something they'll voluntarily ingest, but just gimme a damn pill. my cat is extremely easy to pill, he's very used to being pilled. open mouth, tilt head back, throw a pill down his throat, & he's gold. he takes a pill like no problem. but i think i remember there's something with the lysine where the effective dosage is too big to stuff into a little pill so whatever. maybe i'll pick up a fresh jar of the powder, i know he won't eat the chews & he's probably allergic to them. i'm just forever looking for a solution to this snot problem, i've been looking for over 10 years. if we changed america's currency to cat snot i'd be a fucking billionaire, but biden won't answer my emails.
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diansaiitsjourney-12 · 4 months
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Kelor atau merunggai memiliki nama ilmiah Moringa oleifera. Tanaman kelor merupakan jenis tanaman tropis.
Tanaman kelor dapat dikenali dengan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut :
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Tinggi tanaman kelor sekitar 7-11 meter, dan diameternya sekitar 30cm
Ukuran daunnya kecil-kecil, yang tersusun teratur dalam satu tangkai pohon
Bentuk daunnya bulat telur, dengan panjang 1-3 cm, lebar 4mm - 1 cm, ujung daun tumpul, pangkal daun membulat, dan tepi daun rata
Bunganya berwarna putih kekuningan kuningan, dan tudung pelepah bunganya berwarna hijau
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5. Buah tanaman kelor berbentuk segitiga memanjang
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6. Karakteristik daun kelor adalah bersirip tak sempurna, dengan ukuran kecil sebesar ujung jari
7. Helaian anak daunnya berwarna hijau sampai hijau kecoklatan
Tanaman kelor memiliki klasifikasi sebagai berikut :
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisio : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Ordo : Brassicales
Famili : Moringaceae
Genus : Moringa
Spesies : Moringa oleifera L.
Kandungan-kandungan yang terdapat pada tanaman daun kelor contohnya :
Senyawa isotiosianat dan glukosinolat
Senyawa antioksidan untuk melawan radikal bebas dalam tubuh
Memiliki banyak nutrisi bagi tubuh seperti, vitamin A, vitamin B, Zat besi, dan masih banyak lagi
Sumber vitamin C yang berguna untuk mencegah penyakit kronis
Anti inflamasi
Senyawa fenolik, flavonoid, betakaroten, zeaxanthin, tain dan Lutein yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan mata
Selain kandungan-kandungan yang disebutkan di atas, masih banyak lagi kandungan-kandungan tanaman kelor lainnya yang memberikan banyak sekali manfaat bagi kita.
Tanaman kelor memiliki banyak sekali manfaat sehingga disebut sebagai Mega superfood/tanaman fungsional, karena bagian-bagian tumbuhannya mulai dari daun, bunga, hingga buah dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi obat ataupun dikonsumsi sebagai sayuran. Berikut ini adalah manfaat tanaman kelor bagi kesehatan :
Menurunkan kadar gula darah, karena daun kelor mengandung asam klorogenik
Mengurangi peradangan, karena daun kelor mengandung isothiocyanate atau senyawa anti inflamasi
Menangkal radikal bebas, karena daun kelor mengandung antioksidan yang tinggi
Menurunkan tekanan darah, karena mengandung Quercetin yang merupakan antioksidan kuat
Mendukung kesehatan otak, karena daun kelor mengandung vitamin E dan C yang tinggi melawan oksidasi yang mengarah pada degenerasi neuron
Mencegah kanker, daun kelor mengandung antioksidan yang tinggi sehingga dapat membunuh sel yang telah mati dan mencegah tumbuhnya sel kanker
Meningkatkan produksi asi
Mengurangi gejala menopause, karena daun kelor mengandung banyak vitamin dan mineral
Menjaga kesehatan kulit, seperti mencegah penuaan dini, dan mengobati jerawat
Bunga daun kelor bermanfaat sebagai obat stimulan, afrodisiak, abortifacient, cholagogue, digunakan untuk menyembuhkan radang, penyakit otot, dan lain sebagainya
Buah daun kelor sering diolah menjadi makanan, seperti sayur bening, sayur santan, dan sayur asem
Donat daun kelor
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2. Sayur bening
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Karakteristik lahan yang baik digunakan :
Terkena cahaya matahari langsung minimal 6 jam sehari
Dekat dengan sumber air
Mengandung unsur hara yang cukup
2. Memilih lahan dengan tanah yang subur, agar dapat tumbuh maksimal
3. Lakukan pembersihan hama pada lahan sebelum mulai penanaman
4. Buatlah lubang dengan diameter sekitar 50-70 cm, dengan kedalaman sekitar 50 cm
5. Gunakan pupuk organik sebagai pupuk dasarnya, cara pemberian pupuk ini adalah masukan pupuk organik secukupnya ke dalam lubang kemudian tutup dengan tanah sampai 3/4 bagian, setelah itu kita dapat membiarkan lubang minimal 2 minggu agar keadaan pupuk dalam tanah dapat terurai terlebih dahulu.
6. Lalu tanam tanaman kelor, dan sirami secara teratur
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1fitlouu · 5 months
Unlocking the Power of Injectable L-Carnitine for Effective Fat Loss
In the pursuit of achieving a lean and sculpted physique, many individuals turn to various supplements and strategies to enhance their fat loss efforts. One such supplement that has gained popularity in recent years is injectable L-carnitine. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that plays a crucial role in the transportation of fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are utilized for energy production. While L-carnitine is commonly available in oral supplement form, the injectable version has been garnering attention for its potential to enhance fat loss results.
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Understanding L-Carnitine:
L-carnitine is a compound synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. Its primary function is to facilitate the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, the cellular powerhouses responsible for energy production. This process is essential for the body to convert fat into energy, making L-carnitine a key player in the fat metabolism pathway.
The Injectable Advantage:
While L-carnitine supplements are widely available in oral form, some individuals opt for the injectable version due to its perceived advantages. Injectable L-carnitine allows for higher bioavailability, meaning that a greater proportion of the administered dose reaches the bloodstream. This can potentially enhance the effectiveness of L-carnitine in promoting fat loss compared to oral supplementation.
Moreover, injectable L-carnitine allows for precise dosing, making it easier for individuals to tailor their intake based on specific goals and needs. The direct injection into the bloodstream also bypasses the digestive system, ensuring faster absorption and utilization by the body.
Fat Loss Mechanism:
The fat loss mechanism of L-carnitine revolves around its role in the transport of fatty acids. By shuttling fatty acids into the mitochondria, L-carnitine facilitates their oxidation, leading to increased energy production. This process is particularly crucial during periods of increased physical activity, such as exercise.
Additionally, L-carnitine has been shown to enhance exercise performance by reducing the accumulation of lactic acid, a byproduct of intense physical activity that can contribute to muscle fatigue. Improved exercise performance can further contribute to fat loss by enabling individuals to engage in more extended and more intense workouts.
Scientific Evidence:
Several studies have explored the potential benefits of injectable L-carnitine fat loss. One study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that L-carnitine supplementation significantly increased fat oxidation during exercise, suggesting its role in promoting the use of fat for energy.
Another study published in the "Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry" reported that injectable L-carnitine, when combined with regular exercise, led to greater reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and waist circumference compared to exercise alone. These findings support the notion that L-carnitine supplementation, especially in injectable form, can enhance the effects of exercise on fat loss.
Considerations and Precautions:
While injectable L-carnitine shows promise in the realm of fat loss, it's essential to approach its use with caution. Consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating injectable L-carnitine into your regimen is crucial, as individual responses can vary. Additionally, potential side effects and contraindications should be carefully considered.
Injectable L-carnitine has emerged as a potential tool in the pursuit of effective fat loss. Its role in enhancing the transport of fatty acids, coupled with the advantages of injectable administration, makes it an intriguing option for those looking to optimize their body composition. However, it's essential to approach any supplement regimen, including injectable L-carnitine, with a well-informed and cautious mindset. As with any health-related endeavor, seeking professional advice and combining its use with a balanced diet and regular exercise remains key to achieving sustainable and healthy fat loss results.
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antarctite · 11 months
dave lee would try offering L-Lysine Hydrochloride to an alternate bcuz it “looks sickly” and he has a cat with FeLV
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kingdrawcse · 8 months
Unlocking Nature's Blues🌼💙
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Geniposide, found in Gardenia fruit, dances with β-D-Glucosidase enzyme and amino acids (Glycine, L-Lysine, Phenylalanine), birthing vibrant Genipin Blue! 🧪 In a world where natural blues are rare, Genipin Blue and Spirulina's phycocyanin stand strong. 🌍 Embrace the art of stable, vivid pigments! 
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Follow us for more molecule updates 📧
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darilto-blog · 6 months
Resurge Supplement Reviews-Resurge Supplement Ingredients
Resurge The Godzilla Offers is a blend of natural products that are useful for losing weight, increasing metabolism, boosting the immune system and relieving stress.
Fight against problems that in one way or another are related to weight gain. It is manufactured in the USA and approved by the Food and Drug Administration FDA.
Resurge is made with all-natural products encapsulated in easy-to-swallow vegetarian capsules. The synergistic effect of all the ingredients combined is immense as the properties of each one are focused on the objective, to help you get a deep sleep. The ingredients used are:
Melatonin: Helps you fall asleep faster and stay soundly asleep for longer as a child.
Ashwagandha: Helps reduce stress and anxiety and induces a more relaxed state.
Hydroxytryptophan: improves the effect of melatonin for deep sleep.
L-Theanine: improves deep sleep while reducing anxiety levels and relaxing the resting heart rate.
Magnesium and Zinc: The combined effect of the formula helps improve the quality and ease of sleep, as well as morning alertness.
Arginine and Lysine: These ingredients help increase HIGH levels in the body, stimulating the regeneration process that occurs during deep sleep.
All of the above ingredients have their own special powers to restore sleep, burn fat, activate metabolism and the immune system, reverse aging, and heal the body in general. However, the Resurge weight loss supplement that is sold to today's customers is a much more evolved version.
Resurge customer review reveals that users were indeed very satisfied.
According to Daily Wellness Pro, Resurge pills have one simple goal, to speed up metabolic function. This is crucial because your metabolism slows down as you age. This lazy metabolism can't burn fat at the proper rate, which is what leads to weight gain in the first place, as well as causing all the difficulty in getting rid of those extra pounds.
When the fat you eat doesn't melt, it accumulates into reserves that your body can be proud of. Obviously, this accumulated fat is nothing if not difficult to eliminate. Likewise, slow digestion is slow when it comes to consumption and the new fat you ingest.
To solve this problem, this supplement works to speed up your metabolism to the ideal level. This encourages weight loss as your body begins to burn fat naturally. Slowly, as these piles of fat melt away, you will begin to notice an improvement in your weight.
Optimal metabolism also makes you more active as all bodily activities speed up. Fat melting also improves your energy levels, which can be considered another benefit of active metabolism thanks to this supplement.
If you're looking for a better night's sleep, don't waste time.
Access the official website link in the description of this video and in the first comment and guarantee your Resurge right now!
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gettingintoknives · 1 year
my unsolicited cold sore advise is L-Lysine pills take em when u start getting one and it will never get worse, only get better, and be gone in like 4 days . then stop taking the L-Lysine when shes all the way gone
interesting… i’ll look in2 that thank u bestie
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crossguild · 7 months
i just realized that this isn't widely known, but l-lysine (500mg or 1000mg per day) can accelerate healing of canker sores. by like, a lot. i used to get them for weeks at a time, but lysine once or twice a day for a few days in a row would close it right up, sometimes even before a sore actually ulcerates if i catch it in time. (more info)
a big bottle of it is pretty cheap, accessible at most US pharmacies, actually works, and isn't some weird scam like a lot of stuff in the supplement market. anyway yeah! love that stuff. helps a lot for one of my cats who gets chronic sinus infections too, since it comes in powder form.
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pro-exotics · 2 years
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What’s in those pellets?
It’s a wonder to me how while a one-sided diet of dry seeds for parrots is rightly criticized, pellets are sung to the skies as the be-all and end-all as a pet parrot diet.
While in theory it’s a good idea - parrots are picky eaters, and if you can squeeze all that they need in a pellet form, you can rest assured that they are getting their daily nutrients, even if they scorn greens or even fruit and nuts in their fresh form.
But it seems that very rarely does anyone actually look at what’s inside these pellets. Commercial dog and cat kibble have had high scrutiny put on them, forcing companies to improve (and a lot of owners straight up going to feeding raw) but parrot pellets have not had much of the same.
Let’s start with what I fed my Meyer’s parrot when I got her, and many years after: Hagen Tropican. I don’t know about America and the UK, but it’s quite popular in my country, and has a delightful, fruity smell, without any of the unnecessary colorings.
Corn, Soybean Meal, Wheat, Dehulled Peanuts, Brown Rice, Dehulled Sunflower Seeds, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Calcium Carbonate, Lecithin, Oat Groats, Dried Tomato, Flaxseed, L - lysine, Alfalfa Nutrient Concentrate, Choline Chloride, DLmethionine, Beta-carotene, Biotin, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Calcium L - Ascorbyl - 2 -Monophosphate (source of Vitamin C,) Zinc Oxide, Manganous Oxide, D-calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Rosemary Extract, Copper Sulfate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate, Inositol, Folic Acid, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin D3 Supplement.
To recap, the main ingredients are corn, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, rice, sunflower seeds, and canola oil. If I fed my bird a homemade mix of this, I would rightly be shamed for it.
See here on the potential harms of feeding parrots soybeans:
As for another pellet brand, Nutribird is what my medium sulphur-crested cockatoo got with him when I took him home from the breeder (in 2006), and I had it as the base for both of my birds for a few years, occasionally still buying Hagen Tropican.
cereals, nuts (peeled peanuts 10%), derivatives of vegetable origin, vegetables, seeds (5%), minerals, oils and fats, fruit (apple 5%*), sugars, MOS, yucca *dehydrated fruits and vegetables, % equivalent before drying 
When browsing dog food, I would never accept an ingredient list this flimsy, and this is from the manufacturer’s website. “Derivatives of vegetable origin”? So what is it?
Again, the main ingredients are cereals, nuts (10% peanuts being 10% of the pellets and not of the nut content, I assume), the aforementioned “derivatives”, “vegetables” and seeds.
So how is this any better than any random seed mix with cereals and peanuts?
Here was another brand I found on a list of “best parrot pellets”, and it looks the same. Corn, rice, soybean, wheat, oatmeal, sugar and canola oil were the first ingredients.
Zupreem and Roudybush are brands I’ve heard of a lot, and they look only like more of the same.
Adding this after actually finishing the rest of the post, TOP’s is the only brand to actually impress me with “real food” as its main ingredients.
Now to the most praised of all parrot pellet brands, Harrison’s bird food. It is widely considered “the best”, and sold by veterinarians (which is not in itself an indicator of anything other than that the vets have a business deal with the company).
But what’s in it?
As for the adult lifetime form:
*Ground Yellow Corn, *Ground Hulless Barley, *Ground Soybeans, *Ground Shelled Peanuts, *Ground Shelled Sunflower Seeds, *Ground Lentils, *Ground Green Peas, *Ground Rice, *Ground Toasted Oat Groats, *Ground Alfalfa, Calcium Carbonate, Psyllium, Montmorillonite Clay, Spirulina, Ground Dried Sea Kelp, Vitamin E Supplement, Sea Salt, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite.                   
So to repeat the main ingredients in short form... corn, barley, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, lentils, green peas, rice and oats.
The “high potency” product is not any better.
*Ground Shelled Sunflower Seeds, *Ground Hulless Barley, *Ground Soybeans, *Ground Shelled Peanuts, *Ground Green Peas, *Ground Lentils,*Ground Yellow Corn, *Ground Rice, *Ground Toasted Oat  Groats, Psyllium, *Ground Alfalfa, Calcium Carbonate, Spirulina, Montmorillonite Clay, Ground Dried Sea Kelp, Vitamin E Supplement, Sea Salt, Vitamin A  Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement,  Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride,  d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite.
Sunflower seeds is the first ingredient, followed by barley, soybeans, peanuts, green peas, lentils, corn, rice and oats.
Other than the lentils and peas, I don’t see how any of this is any healthier than, again, any random seed mix. With potentially harmful soybeans thrown in. Yes, there are supplements included, that’s great, but you could add those yourself, and the main ingredients is the point.
“Harrison's Bird Foods were developed by avian veterinarians, leading aviculturists and top avian nutritionists to be the most nutritionally complete diet available.“
I don’t know... I am obviously not one of these, I am just interested in nutrition and care about my pets and not being scammed. But just looking at the ingredients, I am not impressed. This is not a mix of healthy seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables, it’s mainly a mix of cheap cereals like wheat and corn, and ironically, the much-maligned sunflower seeds and peanuts. And soybeans.
No thank you, I will not return to feeding my birds a pellet-based diet, unless a genuinely healthy option turns up.
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conkersbowl · 1 year
Pro Plan Sport Turkey, Duck, Quail
Wow I did not like this formula. I fed it to the pups while they were here and I struggled with near constant soft shit. Even the adults didn't handle it well. Everyone needed probiotics and pumpkin just to have semi normal shit. That should never be a necessity. I disliked this formula so much I switched my dogs off it before I'd finished the bag and will not feed it again.
Guaranteed Analysis:
Crude Protein30.0% min
Crude Fat20.0% min
Crude Fiber3.0% max
Moisture12.0% max
518 kcal/cup
Turkey, Rice, Poultry By-Product Meal, Corn Gluten Meal, Whole Grain Corn, Beef Fat Preserved With Mixed-Tocopherols, Dried Egg Product, Corn Germ Meal, Duck, Quail , Fish Meal, Natural Flavor, Fish Oil, Potassium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Salt, Mono And Dicalcium Phosphate, VITAMINS [Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin (Vitamin B-3), Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B-5), Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B-1), Vitamin B-12 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement (Vitamin B-2), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B-6), Folic Acid (Vitamin B-9), Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex (Vitamin K), Vitamin D-3 Supplement, Biotin (Vitamin B-7)], Choline Chloride, MINERALS [Zinc Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite], L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Magnesium Sulfate, L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (Vitamin C), Dried Bacillus Coagulans Fermentation Product, Garlic Oil.
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