#kuina has all rights to want to yeet chishiya into the stratosphere and yet she remains by his side because he needs company
aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Have a short interaction thing I did based off of an incorrect quote. :D I didn't really feel like putting it as a fanfic thing because it's not anything serious.
And yes, this is partially based on that one post where Chishiya sneaks into Kuina's room. Just a tad.
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The quiet tapping of feet against floor was near impossible to discern, especially when she was fast asleep in bed. Someone climbing on her legs? Entirely different matter. Kuina opens her eyes, a faint groan from being abruptly awoken emitting from her lips. The movements completely halted, and just by the way there was virtually no other sound or demands, and the way that they at least didn’t lean directly on her legs and kept most of their weight on the blankets around it told her enough.
“ Chishiya, what are you doing in here?” Kuina asks, voice quiet and groggy. She sits a little to stare at Chishiya, who was mutely staring right back. It was still too dark to tell what he was thinking, if he bothered to show what he thought at all.
The silence stretched onwards, and Kuina just nods at him, laying back down. The blanket pulls from where Chishiya was still sitting there, and he at least gets off, Chishiya making the first noise he’s made this entire time in bed, a slight hum that pitches upwards as the blanket pulls up too far and uncovers her legs.
“ How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?” Chishiya says, and she can hear the slight tease in his tone as he, without a care in his tiny marshmallow body, lays across her legs where they were unceremoniously stripped of blankety goodness.
“ Chishiya, it’s like…..” Kuina pauses, grabbing a plastic recorder from the table next to her and blowing into it hard.
“ WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING A RECORDER AT FOUR IN THE MORNING?!” Comes a voice, Kuina tucking the recorder back in and feeling Chishiya silently laughing on her legs, his body shaking a little before settling.
“ Chishiya, it’s four o’clock in the morning.”
Chishiya stretches, getting settled on Kuina’s legs. “ So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?” Kuina rolls her eyes with a small smile, jerking one leg up right into Chishiya’s tailbone, earning her a soft grunt. “ Yeah yeah, okay back to sleep with you. See you at a reasonable hour.”
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