#kris kross apple sauce hands in your lap
cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Cathy: people who generalize Anne to a dumb jokester piss me off, that’s my girlfriend you fuckers!
Anne: it’s okay, I’m used to it.
Cathy: no, they aren’t even right! Anne you just have a complex personality because you are a person! People are complex.
Anna, sarcastically: Wow, really? Anne is a person?
Anne: noooooo, I’m secretly a lizard.
Cathy: I thought you were about to say “no, I’m secretly a lesbian”.
Anne: lesbians aren’t people confirmed.
Cathy: they are better than people.
Anna: lesbians are god!
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Aragon: Whats wrong? Are you okay? Did you break any bones? All your bones? Did you set yourself on fire?!?!?!
Kat: ...I just wanted you to check my gift for Anne for her birthday and tell me if you think she would like it.... I even added an uwu to show that I am okay!
Aragon: in my defense, you are the type of person who would add an uwu at the end after nearly killing yourself.
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Kat: hahahahaha I'm taller than you Cathy, you smol baby~
Cathy: grrr... fuck you!
Kat: I'm ace~
Cathy: Well then.... fuck you metaphorically!
Kat: That- I am still ace!
Cathy: But its a metaphorical fucking!
Anna: That doesn't change the fact that she is still ace! And my girlfriend!
Kat: I do not consent to this!
Cathy: Well, if you don't consent to this then I won't. We respect consent in this house!
Anne: Fuck yeah! Everyone sip the respecting consent tea or I will throttle it down your throats!
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Aragon: I am majorly concerned for many people.
Anne: Aw~
Aragon: That includes but is not limited to you...
Anne: is that— is that it?
Aragon: .....and Cathy.
Anne: Yes! I��m not the only one—
Aragon: you’re the main one.
Anne: —In your fucking face dad!
Aragon: ....... w h a t
Anne: oh, nothing~
Aragon: *visible concern*
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Cathy is off the call using the bathroom, Anne and Kat are waiting for her to return.
Anne: Cathy got lost on her way to the bathroom.
Kat: I’m going to ask them if they found a map on their way back!
A few minutes later Cathy returns.
Cathy: you guys know I could hear you, right?
Kat:.....did you find a map?
Cathy: I didn’t need a map!
Anne: You clearly did love, seeing as you got lost on your way to the bathroom.
Cathy: I was getting a glass of water!
Kat: oops.
Anne: Nah, she was lost on her way to the bathroom.
Cathy: .....I know I’m in love with you Annie, but I hate you.
Anne: love you too!
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based off convos between my friends and I)
Aragon: I am concerned for all of you.
Cathy: Thats fair.
Anna: understandable.
Aragon: Anne, surprisingly, hasn't even done anything this time, they are just Anne.
Anne: Hey! Okay, you did not need to call me out like that! What did I ever do to you?
Aragon: It's not what you did to me, it's what you did to yourself.
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Aragon: Cathy, you are like my cat.
Cathy: is this because I constantly switch between wanting affection and attention to hissing if someone comes remotely near me? Or because you spray me with a water bottle so that I go to sleep?
Aragon: Well yes, there is that. But it is more so the fact that you are very sweet, but you have no brain.
Cathy: yeah, I would argue but seeing as I recently asked you if eggs are meat and mixed up England and Europe, that is fair.
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
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An Aragon mood board, dedicated to @pspspspsdaisyjohnson / @itsalexdanverspspsps because Kris is literally such a Momagon to me.
Hope you guys liked it x
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cathyparrlyn · 3 years
Six Incorrect Quotes I made up (most likely based on convos between my friends and I.)
Cathy, sleep deprived as shit: There are only two genders, nacho and cool ranch.
Anne: ah yes, the best genders.
Anne: .....
Anne, realizing what she said: wait whAT—
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