aloravaladez · 3 years
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“If you’re not a leader on the bench, don’t call yourself a leader on the field. You’re either a leader everywhere or nowhere. Leadership is taking care of yourself and empowering others to do the same”. -Abby Wambach
As women in the business industry, empowering one another is crucial. Surrounding yourself with other strong women, or a squad, will help you move in the direction you want to go in and have like minded women around you to push and motivate you to success. Your squad should celebrate your wins and help pick you up from your losses.
Finding the right squad can make the difference. Each person does not have to be the same type of person either. Diverse backgrounds and interests will provide you with a wider range of thoughts and ideas. Each person will approach different situations differently. Celebrate those differences and surround yourself a rainbow of women. 
My squad currently incorporates many different people from different walks of life. One member is a younger version of myself that I can always count on being positive and helps motivate me every step of the way. Another member is one I consider a mentor. She understands how to succeed in an industry controlled by men and provides me with insight. Another is a leadership coach that can pinpoint who am I and what I can do to get where I want to be, to where I deserve. Each member is 100% unique but are all vital parts of my squad. 
Find your squad and grow it continually. Always lift each other up. There is enough in the world to tear us down, we don’t need to help it in any way.
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aloravaladez · 3 years
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“Make sure you continue to trust what you know now about yourself and stay true to what you believe in.” -Melinda Gates
As a woman in the business industry, there seems to be a higher level of stress when it comes to success. We copy other successful people and have the desire to make everyone happy. Even during an interview, there are times where we hide a side of ourselves to in hopes to conform to an industry’s view of a leader. We need to stop trying to please others and focus on being the “real” us.
The idea should be confidence over conformity.
What unique skills do you bring to the table? I pride myself in my strong work ethic. No matter what task I am given, I will not settle for mediocracy. I am a fighter that will not give up easily. Those are skills that I feel are very useful in the business world. We can not back down from the obstacle of being female. We can show management that we can stand toe-to-toe with everyone else. My moto is that if you don’t try, you will never get.
What comes easy to you? As a person who has had to overcome many obstacles my entire life, I feel the one things that comes easy to me is my drive. I am always aiming for something. To me, one should never be satisfied with what we have, there should always be a goal to aim for. I am like Alexander Hamilton in that perspective. Hopefully, I do not meet the same fate. I haven’t met my Aaron Burr as of yet, so I am safe at the moment. 
What won’t you settle for? I for one will never settle for mediocracy. You don’t have to best the best at something, but you should always give it your best. Put your heart and soul into everything you do and you will get to where you need to be.
What asset will you stop hiding? Something that I need to work on is my confidence. I know I have the skills, I just can’t be afraid to let them shine. Know your worth. Remember, you ARE good enough.
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