axolotluv · 2 years
You know? I actually and actively had to change the way I used to laugh back in highschool cuz whenever I'd legit laughed at something I went full on Light Yagami, and then people would stop laughing at whatever they be laughing at and just...
Stare at me like 👁_👁 ... it was really uncomfortable, never been able to completely laugh out loud at something since :(
Aw man, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that :( High schoolers are cruel as hell, I really hope one day you can get comfortable and be able to laugh without restraint again ^^
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peterjancic · 1 year
Milovićeva varda Roberta Goloba
Golob je povedal, da Milovića ne plačuje ne on in tudi nihče drug ne in s tem opisal 560.000 evrov iz javnih sredstev, ki so jih plačali Milovićevemu podjetju.
Ob odstopu notranje ministrice Tatjane Bobnar so tudi mediji bolj z leve opazili, da kriminalisti preiskujejo privatizacijo GEN-I in posle na Balkanu Roberta Goloba. To počnejo že dolgo. Zdaj le ni več mogoče prikrivati zaradi notranje ministrica Tatjana Bobnar, ki je odstopila, in zaradi vršilca dolžnosti generalnega direktorja policije Boštjan Lindav. Oba sta nam razkrila, kako je Golob ob…
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rajasthanilyrics · 2 years
मैं तो दर्शन करबा आयो श्याम दर्शन दे दीज्यो भजन लिरिक्स | me to darshan karba aayo shyam lyrics
मैं तो दर्शन करबा आयो श्याम दर्शन दे दीज्यो भजन लिरिक्स | me to darshan karba aayo shyam lyrics
मैं तो दर्शन करबा आयो श्याम दर्शन दे दीज्यो me to darshan karba aayo shyam shri krishna bhajan lyrics ~ श्याम दर्शन दे दीज्यो ~ मैं तो दर्शन करबा आयो श्याम, दर्शन दे दीज्यो। म्हाकी अर्ज़ी दयालु श्याम, बेगा सुन लीज्यो ॥ थाका शीश मुकुट गोविंद , धारण कर लीज्यो। धारण करीया पाछे तो म्हाने , दर्शन दे दीज्यो ॥1॥ म��ं तो दर्शन करबा आयो श्याम, दर्शन दे दीज्यो। टेर। ….. थाका काना रा कुण्डल श्याम , धारण…
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sziszikeeh · 2 years
Egy kapcsolatban fele-fele kéne legyen a küzködés egymásért,nem hogy én minden erőmet bele adom,te meg csak messziről nézed és várod karba tett kezekkel hogy minden helyre jöjjön:)
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kabra-malvada · 4 months
Hey Karba you're so cool and talented and sweet and nice and silly and goofy. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Also your fly is unzipped. Thot I'd mention that .w.
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WAAAAAAA ;; TYSM GOO ILY /P (so sorry for the super delayed response ;;)
Mime for you!!
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newlifeprojects · 3 months
egyebkent megmondom miert gondolom azt, hogy semmi ertelme a letezesnek:
mert ha lenne, akkor nem lenne ennyire igazsagtalan, nem engedne teret a hazugoknak, a gonoszoknak, az irigyeknek es plane a nagykepueknek, a hangosaknak es a butaknak, nem hagyna, hogy artatlanok szenvedjenek es bunosok elvezzek, hogy tehetsegtelenek ervenyesuljenek es zsenik haljanak ehen, nem veszne karba rengeteg tudas es bolcsesseg, mikozben rengeteg felesleges es ertelmetlen zaj, amit egyesek az igazsagnak velnek, hangosan orditana mindenhol.
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r3mlato · 10 months
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hetvegen voltunk azsiai boltban es volt 2 dollarert egy fel kilo thai chili. mivel mar par hete motoszkál a fejemben, hogy kene csinalni sajat chili szoszt es amugy is a thai a kedvencem, ennel jobb alkalom nem is kellett mondvan ha nem sikerul is csak 2$-nyi kaja vesz karba.
sajnos kb a 2/3- a chilinek mar elegge tulerett igy amit meg tudtam menteni azt elkezdtem fermentalni (chili, repa, shallot, foki, ha kesz egy kis almaecet es par fuszer) a maradekbol meg csinaltam friss chili szoszt. talaltam egy jamie oliver receptet ahol fozi a chilit, gondoltam eleg szarul neznek mar ki, ha megfozom legfeljebb csak az ize lesz rossz de bajunk nem lesz tole. nem lett rossz ize, de nekem egyatalan nem jon be sult chili iz, de zsuzsonak izlik, es hat baromi csipos lett. kivancsian varom mi lesz a fermentaltbol ket het mulva.
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void-botanist · 9 months
July Camp NaNo Final Review
Total goal: 15500 words, or 500 words/day Written in the last week and change of July: 3336 words, or about 21% of my goal Total written: 12809 words, or about 82% of my goal Honestly I’m really happy with this. I would have liked to meet my goal, but July was weird, and I still got a ton of writing and brainstorming done.
Longest scene written: “Bunk”, in which Spinder visits Isabel in her room on the ship, where she’s pretty much stayed since she got banned from the Svando’s hotel on account of fighting. 1823 words Shortest scene written: “Farewell to the ancestors”, in which Tristan visits her family’s graveyard. 8 words: Tristan climbed to the top of the hill
Assorted favorite passages
“There’s a lot of entries,” Rodney said, distributing one substack of his pile of papers, “but it looks like it got rerouted around disabled thread repeaters multiple times, and got stuck until it could get out on the lightspeed track.”
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“Yeah, but…don’t you think the sexual tension will get to be too much?” That seemed like an issue for the far future, but then he took in Fabian from earnest eyes to slim jeans. He had a point.
━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━
Hopefully she wasn’t thinking about him dying. Maybe she wasn’t even thinking about the Incident. Maybe he shouldn’t be either.
━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━
What he brought back was a pot with a small cone-shaped shrub made of thick upward-curving leaves that fractaled into tiny green needles. “It was one of these. A dashboard corona.” Nicea’s crown, Cady had said. Now everyone will know she’s a queen.
━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━
“And what’s your business in Penswoya systems?” Systems told her everything she needed to know about this conflict. Penswoya wasn’t a binary star system, so it was more than likely one system attempting to control the rest of its locality. Knowing that made her even more certain that telling them the truth was the wrong move. “We’re passing through,” she started, giving herself another few seconds to pull out a lie. Their next destination was Kalaps locality, Karba, Alense, Lutetia— “Our mechanic has a brother out in Lutetia system who we’re going to surprise.” “Great,” the officer said with negative amounts of enthusiasm.
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Michael gave him an intense look. “You went through Penswoya?” “Yeah.” He couldn’t help saying it with an air of ‘and what are you going to do about it’.
━━━━━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━━━━━
Isabel groaned and dropped her face into the pillow. “I can’t get her fucking hand out of my brain.” “Her hand?” She picked her head up again, still leaning heavily into her elbows. “Yeah? It felt like she was groping around in there.” Rodney tried to conjure the concept of a hand into his memory of the dive, but it just didn’t match. “Did it not feel like that to you?” she asked. He shook his head slowly. “It was more like...cigarette smoke? It was there but it also wasn’t, and it just sort of settled on everything. Except the memories she wanted were like swarmed.” Swarmed. Like bees buzzing silently, one consciousness in a way that bees never actually were. Burrowing into a memory they could never inhabit, but wanted to suck all the nectarous marrow out of. A dizzying mass, grabbing, grabbing...that was the only handlike part about it. “Huh.”
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7 @outpost51
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Untitled Fradrian Fluff
In which Adrian finds herself in need of reinforcements to get her girlfriend to rest. One of such reinforcements may or may not be explaining the rules of The Price Is Right.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” Adrian’s relaxed voice greeted Franziska as she entered consciousness. “It’s almost eleven.”
Those three words made Franziska jolt into sitting upright. A sensation similar to being underwater concerned her, even more so as it slowly faded into a dull ache in her head and sinuses. 
“Woah, woah. Slow down there.” Adrian placed her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder. She was unhappy with the heat she felt as she did so. “It’s not like you have work today. We both took this week off, remember?”
“There’s still doh excuse for a Vod Karba to–” Franziska silenced herself in horror. Did she really sound so awful? "Please, pardod be.” She swiftly tugged a tissue from the box on the bedside table and threw the comforter over her head so Adrian wouldn’t see anything ‘imperfect.’ 
“You don’t have to do that…”
“Of course I do.” Franziska peeked out from under the heavy blanket. “Why would I subject you to a display like that?”
“Because we’ve been dating for…” Adrian counted on her fingers, “ten months? And we’ve known each other even longer than that.”
“All the more reason not to force you to watch me make a scene of that!” Franziska turned up her nose, sniffling. She immediately ducked down as soon as she felt her nose start to run again and planted her face into her hands. 
“So you’re just never going to be sick around me?”
“Correct.” Franziska yanked another tissue and pressed it against her nose. “Which is easy because I don’t get sick.”
“So what’s going on here, then? Allergies?”
“I do not have allergies, either!” 
Adrian sighed. What was she going to do with such a stubborn girlfriend? She had to admit, it was a quality she loved in Franziska, but Adrian would be lying if she said it didn’t often make her worry. Surely, though, there had to be some way, otherwise Franziska might have waltzed into court with a very recent gunshot wound all those years ago. There must have been someone who knew how to get Franziska to rest.
“Fine, if you say so.”
 Adrian shrugged and slipped herself out of bed, grabbing her phone from the nightstand discreetly. She headed into the hallway bathroom for privacy and scrolled through the long directory of numbers she had saved on the device. Past contacts from her job as Engarde’s manager that could stand to be removed to declutter the list, Mr. Wright and several of his acquaintances that Adrian had befriended were listed too. Ah, right! Perfect! She pressed the call button faster than she could really think if calling Franziska’s ex girlfriend was the best idea.
Adrian’s heart raced once the ringing started, and it nearly leapt out of her chest when the call’s recipient finally picked up.
“Um, who’s this?”
“M-Miss Fey! How are you doing? I’m great! I-I mean, it’s Adrian! Adrian Andrews! From the Kurain exhibit at Lordly Tailor!”
“Oh, hey! What’s up? Are you bringing the exhibit back or something? I’m kinda busy with training right now, but I can call you back if–”
“No, no! It’s not that at all! I mean, if you want it to come back, I can look into it, but…” Back on track! Focus, focus! “You and Franziska used to be, uh, together, right?”
“Oh, you wanted to know about that? Yeah, we dated for a little bit. Are you asking for any ideas for her birthday or something, and you don’t want to accidentally get her the same stuff I did?”
No, but now Adrian was worried about that, too.
“I was actually wondering if you maybe knew how to get her to take it easy? Like, if there was a way to convince her to get some rest?”
“You want Franziska von Karma to take it easy.” Maya repeated back to her as if the concept was completely foreign. “You wouldn’t happen to have a little cousin handy to expertly wrap her up in a futon, would you?”
“Is… Is that what you’ve had to do?”
“Once, yeah.”
Adrian felt a cold drop of sweat slide down her back. There had to be an easier way, one that didn’t involve having Maya’s little cousin come in as reinforcements. Just like Franziska held onto her pride, Adrian had some pride of her own!
“I-I see…”
“Hey! Don’t worry too much! You can always just wait it out. Put on some TV until she passes out; just make sure you change channels if a sad puppy commercial comes on, or she won’t let you hear the end of how she feels about those.”
Adrian had definitely seen that second half firsthand. She nodded, even though Maya wouldn’t be able to see her do so through the phone. 
“Wait it out… got it. Okay, I’m going to do my best!”
“You got this!” Maya cheered. “I gotta go meet up with some trainees now. If all goes well, in a couple hours you might get a call from my sister! I’m kidding, mostly. Talk to you later, bye!” 
Adrian took a deep breath upon hanging up and finally stepped out of the bathroom, immediately greeted by a red-nosed Franziska leaning against the wall across from the door, just barely staying awake. 
“Are you feeli’g okay?” Franziska asked, not at all realizing Adrian could ask her the same thing. “You were id there for a while” 
“I’m fine! Really! But…” Adrian frowned. “You’re looking even worse than this morning.”
“I codcede I bight be… a bit tired.” Well, she’s getting there, at least!
Tired, sick, anything to get Franziska to rest, Adrian will take it.
“Do you want to hang out in the living room and watch some TV, then? I think the morning game shows are still on; they’re my favorite for when I’m s–... tired.” 
“I cad’t say I’ve heard of those. I’ll accept your offer.” 
Adrian sighed in great relief at her success and led her girlfriend to the living room couch before turning on the TV. Just as she thought, there was a trio of eager contestants guessing from a range of prices on the screen. 
“Great! They just started the best game.”
“This is a… gabe?” Franziska raised a brow, finding it hard to believe these people weren’t just shopping. She was so lost in processing just what she was watching that she didn’t even hesitate when grabbing a tissue from the end table and making proper use of it, unlike her performance from earlier. “It hardly looks different from what you call ‘grocery shopping!’”
“Believe me, if grocery shopping had prizes, I’d be much happier to run errands.”
“Those machines with the candy and stickers aren’t prizes?” Franziska yawned and rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder, fighting to stay awake to get answers to her burning question.
“Not really. You still have to pay for them, and they’re not nearly as good as a free car.” Adrian pointed at the screen, but was careful not to disturb Franziska’s comfortable position. A woman was dancing in celebration of winning a new minivan. “See?”
“How foolish of them not to offer incentive for shopping at their establishment.” Franziska huffed. “With these other options being advertised right here on television, it’s lih… like– Ii’shhiew!! Hi’iishhew!!”
“Bless you.” 
Franziska frantically covered her face with her hands, flustered as can be. Adrian couldn’t help but smile subtly, finding her girlfriend to be absolutely adorable.
“Th-Thank you,” Franziska struggled to respond. 
“The contestants aren’t really shopping, by the way.” Adrian clarified. “They’re just guessing the prices.” 
“I see.” Franziska appeared troubled by this new information. “So, what are they doing now? Didn’t that girl already win?” She pointed at the screen. “Why is she going again?”
“She’s taking the chance to get a bigger prize,” Adrian explained, “if she wins this next game, she gets to take an expensive vacation.” 
The patience displayed in Adrian’s explanation had Franziska in awe. She was so sincere about everything, even about what Franziska now considered may have been a foolish question. Maybe it was from all those years of working with the most foolish celebrities who could hardly hold a spoon for themselves, or something she had simply learned from her mentor, but what mattered to Franziska right now was that Adrian was showing this patience, this sincerity to her, and her alone. 
Adrian’s calm voice had such a way of putting Franziska at ease, and explaining the rules of such a peculiar televised game was no exception. So much so that she could… Could…
Adrian stopped herself as soon as she heard a snore from next to her.
“Franziska? Honey?” 
She smiled softly and stroked her sleeping girlfriend’s cheek.
Worked like a charm.
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mindig arra gondolok hogy a balkezesseg az kb a legfajdalommentesebb modja annak, hogy megeld, hogy milyen az, amikor a vilag ugy van berendezve, hogy a tobbsegi tarsadalom szamara kenyelmes (es alapertelmezett) minden
"bal karba jo lesz?" - miert nem lehet ezt ugy megkerdezni, hogy "melyik karba keri?"??
team astra-astra-pfizer-pfizer amugy
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kampeszino · 2 years
Tersánszky Józsi Jenő :
M a g a m r ó l
Mit látok legjellemzőbbnek magamra és életemre nézve? Határozottan azt, hogy ahányszor valami vélekedés és elképzelés alakulhatott volna ki rólam felebarátaim közt, azt meglepetésszerűleg és csúfondárosan halomra döntöttem. Ha ennek összes tényeit fölsorolom itten, kész az "én oldalam". Szerénységre hajló természetem ugyan borzadozik attól, hogy csúnya kérkedésnek is vehetőek alábbi közléseim, de hát ha az igazságot veszik kérkedésnek, arról már nem tehetek! Az igazság pedig igazság marad.
Elég nyápic alaknak véltek gyermekkoromtól fogva. Ezzel szemben mindig nehézsúlyú lurkókkal álltam ki minden versenyt és előtornász voltam iskoláimon végig.
Első vívóleckémet tizenhároméves koromban vettem egy ügyvédjelölttől. Az óra végén, szabályos tusában, megraktam őt. Úgyszintén tanulótársamat, aki először vitt el biliárdozni, az első partiban megvertem.
Katonának nem váltam be a békebeli sorozáson. A háborúban azonban harminckilenc hónapot töltöttem a tűzvonalban. Játszva álltam ki a legszörnyűbb viszontagságokat Galíciában, az első háborús télen, a Kárpátokban, az Isonzónál, a Doberdón, a Montellón, a Tomba alatt és egy karcolás nélkül kerültem ki a legvéresebb ütközetekből.
Ének- és zenetanárom, az első gimnázium műénekkarba való selejtezési óráján azzal dobott ki, hogy: se hangom, se hallásom. De a kötelező templomi kórusban kiderült, hogy az orgona fortissimóit túléneklem erőlködés nélkül. Erre műénektanárom szégyenszemre beállított a karba. De az utolsó sorba. Viszont amikor énekelni kezdtem, akkor a tanár úr nem az előtte álló jeles tanulókedvencének hangját hallotta, hanem az enyémet. Így megint szégyenszemre kénytelen lett a jeles helyére állítani, és válogatott bosszantásaimat tűrni, mint nélkülözhetetlen szopránját, hat hosszú éven át.
Negyvenéves koromban adtam rá újra a fejemet az ének- és zeneművészetre. Összehoztam egy kabarét, amit most sem tudnak másolni jól, hasonló vállalkozások. Egyénileg pedig megtanultam két furulyán egyszerre két szólamban játszani. Ugyanezt az ujjam és a gégém segélyével utánzom, úgyhogy még a nyakamba fordítva akasztott harmonika basszusain kísérem a többszólamú füttyömet. Ezt nem csinálja utánam senki!
Mértanból és szabadkézi rajzból megbuktattak a tanáraim. Ezzel szemben a gimnázium érdemkönyvének illusztrálását kénytelenek voltak rámbízni, mint legtehetségesebb rajzolóra.
Iskoláimon véges- végig bukdosó, javítóvizsgás, utolsó tanuló voltam. A tananyagot azonban végül jobban tudtam, mint sok biflázó társam.
A latin szóbeli érettségin például egy fölényes viccet eresztettem meg a főigazgató előtt. Cicerónak a Róma előkelőségeihez szóló intelmeit kaptam lefordítandó szövegnek, amiben kárhoztatja Cicero, hogy: a közügyek helyett vigalmakkal, labdajátékkal törődnek! Én komoly pofával épp az ellenkezőjét jelöltem meg tanárom felszólítására a szöveg tartalmául, vagyis: Cicero kifogásolja Róma előkelőségeinél, hogy a vidám mulatság és labdajáték helyet folyvást a közügyekbe ütik az orrukat! Jó tanáromat kis híja félrevezettem. Már bólintott és csodálkozott készültségemen, amikor észbe kapott végre. Elnevette magát a fődirivel együtt és így szólt:
- Hohó, Tersánszky! Maga egészen saját szempontokból alakítja át a történelmet!
Az sem volt egészen érthető, hogy a legrosszabb tanulók közül miért vettek be az önképzőkör irodalmi bizottságába? A sok jeles között mindenesetre én csíptem meg plagizáláson az önképzőkör elnökét. Lecsapták őt és kiszakították hamis művét az érdemkönyvből. / Úgy érzem, ez a helyzet még meg fog ismétlődni életemben./
Húszéves koromban a korhelykedés oda züllesztett, hogy már kőművesnapszámosként működtem Budapesten az egyetemi tanulmányok helyett. Utolsó mentségképpen ragadtam bele az irodalomba. Legnagyobb meglepetésemre első kísérletem az azóta is legjobb magyar folyóiratban jelent meg. Jó apám maga annyira nem tudott bízni feltörésemben, hogy így szólt:
- Na! Az is valami utolsó közlöny lehet, ahol téged firkoncnak alkalmaznak.
Harminc éve, azaz már harmincegy éve mindenesetre az írás a főfoglalkozásom. Mit érek? Azt nem vagyok illetékes megállapítani. Egy azonban bizonyos! Nem minden hangos irodalmi siker egyúttal a nemzeti vagy emberi szellem értéke is. Azoknak, akik engem majmolnak, mindig több sikerük volt a hamisítvánnyal, mint nekem az eredetivel. Egyetlen büszkeségem, hogy amit tudok, azt nem nálam különb szellemek kincsestárából csempésztem össze. Írói szemléletem és nyelvezetem a sajátom. Világnézetem pláne az! Helyesnek azt tartom ma is, amit áldott emlékű anyám és apám jelölt meg helyesnek nekem az első gagyogásom óta. Ennek pedig főtétele, hogy: ravasz csirkefogók hangoztatják folyvást, hogy az emberiség és haza javára élek, igaz ember csöndben dolgozik valóban annak!
Sokszor érnek különös bebizonyosodások azonban, hogy életem munkája talán időálló értékű. Minap egy nyomdában öreg nyomdász jön hozzám és azt mondja:
- Tersánszky úr! Emlékszik-e a "Markovics szivarjai" című elbeszélésére? Arra, amelyikben egy erőszakos kishivatalnokról ír, aki a főnökétől egy szivart lop és aztán rettentően izgul, hogy kiderül a csenés. Gondolhatja, ha annyi kézirat közt, ami az én kezem közt megfordul naponta, harminc éve nem felejtettem el az elbeszélését!
Nos, ha még írói munkásságom értékelése körül is meglepetés éri még mai igen mérsékelt számú becsülőimet, akkor ez hozzátartozik életem eddig fejtegetett és levezetett jellegéhez.
(Készült a Film Színház Irodalom 1941. decemberi 49. sz. részére
"Az én oldalam" c. rovatban való
Lelőhely: Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum Kézirattára: V.4732/18/1-85. sz.
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444names · 2 years
english towns + every single country in the modern world + brythonic deities + american states + herbs common names + minerals + places in cumbria + plants common names + roman place names + natural sattelites + scottish surnames
Abaccarg Akram Alachita Alaunite Aldeet Alderd Alinhaw Alvite Amhaite Amhallite Andromeros Anite Annisby Aplete Arawks Ardin Argite Arleate Arryson Arshonby Artonyx Asackfor Asite Athivy Austacite Auxensin Avelipley Azite Baniite Banite Baraster Baraus Bastridge Baunyite Beaftow Belse Berysite Bhard Bhelde Bircort Blanaelite Blaniteth Blellan Bleon Bloweet Blurn Blydochad Blödi Bougilly Bower Braceafgh Brann Braquan Braste Bratby Bream Bridge Bridh Brinatby Brite Briziithia Bromston Bronend Brugh Brusite Buellite Bukudon Bunabay Burite Burnite Burtle Burydrite Buryson Buytod Bànad Caddenite Cadon Caikin Calby Calia Callebite Candrunite Canite Caoreede Carry Carsdam Celsey Cevite Chamer Cheaslazu Chite Chromon Chrìgh Chumaria Chutte Cille Clacshìch Clain Clarawcein Clard Clite Coclaugh Coldeston Colite Colorne Coluxenite Conchite Conth Conum Cooth Coraite Cosea Cownmoron Creite Crogats Croot Crougbury Cuisrandry Culine Curgite Curroite Cyite Cynite Cyrkbrocea Còmhaite Dainite Deilsite Demon Derite Dioboth Ditite Donite Dossougham Doveley Doviborns Duffe Dunnos Dyhort Eadmote Efolawle Eginubwa Ellheig Ellia Enews Esidge Essows Eucatonia Eucklead Eulain Faite Fariel Farite Fazer Felsa Ferite Ferry Fertite Fielites Fierumeste Figham Fleaterna Fluck Forouckin Frite Fruna Fòlarwain Gabhrobab Gadstna Gallia Gardbeck Gardialivy Garlon Garry Gattuddend Giterite Goite Golarstia Gonnum Gortlauck Grathne Graywokel Greath Greedge Greite Grivin Grosern Haite Halinge Hamet Hamoss Harstrains Hearassate Heartone Heasbaw Heirch Heldel Helle Hencald Henohria Hercafgh Hetite Hiterow Hiterrouge Horphytt Hovenus Hutiterley Hydrite Hyris Hysot Hytte Håleck Ilite Inite Ionite Ireenholy Irikite Irinds Irite Isbrite Iscoir Isite Jante Jikir Kadge Karba Kentiathed Kinsill Kinta Kipen Kiston Kreeite Kyite Könewelin Lacheadde Landite Lanesidhg Lavey Lelach Lermet Lessite Lierby Literlite Loebie Lomenus Lornsin Lortite Losedwe Lowcasite Loweed Loweente Luochigh Luoria Lìoscam Maley Mallania Mande Mangtoch Manis Manite Manonite Manthoe Maphàidia Marasite Marave Marrinley Mazzincory Mefor Melin Merierk Metrelite Micambia Mighte Mingste Moirk Molledbury Nadkenite Nagarot Nealawick Neste Nette Neweshib Nonite Nosidhùn Obarry Ogante Ohosanria Olberite Oldown Olequall Onich Ordam Ormaye Orthin Oughailme Ougille Parisd Partsmet Pedwolite Peite Penite Pheld Phydrite Physidgite Pinite Plema Plette Plewlax Plexange Podanntite Polisantag Polme Ponite Porairby Porome Porthairch Portortin Prehilth Prenk Pstowwotle Purcefort Purite Pursacratu Pyrtlod Qatsingil Reite Rhamarby Rialesfoot Ridcreanig Roclanite Rootby Roote Rosegille Ruingstly Rundrum Rusonch Sachaingon Saclawks Saspard Saujaper Scaccichaf Schite Scrough Seaite Seash Seastyrite Seliter Serimite Sgais Shacdh Shurdi Sidhod Sielstoite Silite Sille Skermete Skett Skingirite Slesey Slowpe Smate Smide Smord Sonite Souppitter Sparite Spezzincam Spines Stclite Sthiantigg Sthsarge Stinnohurn Stite Stlarvis Stlebon Stles Stlygodh Stroa Strough Stwin Styite Suarpe Sugèin Sumberite Suthwaite Swerby Swesuthlam Telite Thaigh Theaf Thiles Thnite Tield Tinyx Tonaigg Tonum Tough Tuson Tàild Ucreed Umaind Upitenona Uraingjia Urleas Urmaraite Uttlenite Vaein Varedale Varworix Veadene Venepton Venis Ventite Veolite Verigmegha Vetinne Waite Waywootar Weenfer Weenite Wherich Whiston Wiceite Wicham Wiched Willenom Wiloodge Winerrair Wiston Woolme Woorsgaras Wooterlite Wootho Worabaite Wortinod Xanate Yankcrader Yarve Yelles Ymiuq Yttle Zamainsite Zanto Zarnsonite Zhamson
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peepee-poopoo-lord · 2 months
m wn mr krabs fucked and jake pail watched an redorbed it ans posted it in u rube. did i sag thins already? id even k. any way mr karbas wife sal it and diveorfed him . he only found out he was pregems w pearl afterwart.
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revelationmusic · 5 months
Download all ‘Sir Billy songs’ Mp3 Download
Download Sir Billy’s songs Album: The top-trending Nigerian gospel singer and Minister, Sir Billy drops new miraculous studio songs and called them, “Watarana” ft Lenticel, “Sold Out” ft WMI Mass Choir, “Yesu Kadai”, “Jagorana” Ft Levi, ” Karba Reloaded” ft Karba Awardees & Jakes Hinjari. The spirit-filled studio project that will bless and inspire a lot of people, comes fully prepared with Six…
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hm-constructions-blog · 6 months
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The vibrant celebration of culture, traditions, and spirituality, at the annual Durga Puja hosted by KARBA
As one of the main sponsors, we are proud to be a part of this incredible event.
#HMgroup # Karba #DurgaPuja #Community #BengaliCulture #Truebengali
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