#just wait till i learn how to draw two people interacting
widows-writings · 2 years
Scarlet Moon
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness spoilers ahead
Scarlet Moon chapter 1
a/n: This was just something that I thought of, so please don't hate me. A lot of people were drawing parallels with between Wanda and Marc, and I just couldn't with the similarities. Also, this entirely for myself, I wanted to write this to get this off my chest. Also, I'm drawing inspiration from the comics as well, so there are going to be spoilers for the most recent Scarlet Witch comics. This is just the first chapter, I might write more, I might not, depending on how I feel. I liked writing this first chapter, but let me know if you guys want more.
summary: After Wanda Maximoff fakes her death and absorbs the Darkhold and Chthon, she finds herself in Montana, living in a cabin, trying to not be a threat to the rest of the world. Marc Spector is sent after her to make sure that she truly is dead. Upon learning that her death would unleash hell on earth, Marc keeps her alive. This puts a target on both of their backs. They go to London and Marc keeps her under wraps, making sure nobody knows about her. But when an attempt on her life is made and Wanda and Marc are forced to go into hiding. While in hiding, the two talk about their past and form a band that can't/shouldn't be broken
Warning: Canon violence, trauma, nightmares, cursing, graphic horror, a lot more that I am forgetting, but this is just a blanket warning
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Wanda screamed and threw her hands up to protect her as the temple came crashing down on her. Her eyes flew open and she shot up in bed. Her hands had red tendrils wrapped around her fingers, like she was ready to attack. When she realized that she wasn't in immediate danger, she lowered her hands and let out a heavy sigh. Wanda fell back on to the pillow and stared at the ceiling, her hands resting on her stomach. She closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep, but she couldn't. She threw the blanket off herself and got out of bed to make some tea, hoping that would calm her mind.
Two months since she had faked her death, bringing the temple down on herself. Two months of staying out of the public eye. She was using a different name, and she had her food delivered. She had no contact with the outside world, much like when she went to learn about her power and was basically possessed by the darkhold. She knew that, plus previous incidents was going to cause problems with anyone that she interacted with, She didn't want to talk about the She did in the past, she was still struggling to forgive herself for Lagos and Westview. Fuck, she felt horrible.
The whistling of the kettle pulled her out of her thoughts and she poured herself a cup of lavender tea, using her powers. She waited a few minutes before removing the leaves and talking the cup in her hand. She grabbed the milk and poured some in, using her magic to stir it in. Wanda took a deep breath in, inhaling the soothing lavender scent, her eyes half-closing A small smile touched her lips as She went to Sit out on the porch. She sat on the front steps to the 2nd abandoned cabin she made into a home. This one was in the middle of Montana. A place where the Avengers had little to no influence. This place was so anti-government she was positive they would welcome her with open arms... to an extent. That extent was why she didn't go out in public. She didn't want to risk an incident that accidentally told the entire world that she was alive. Wanda rook a sip of her tea, watching the lake and the trees in the gentle breeze
She heard whispering and she shook her head. Warda knew what it was. It was the darkhold talking to her chthon trying to get out, but she knew better. She knew when Chihon was talking to hier, telling her to do horrid, unspeakable things. Words she knew would have to listen to till the day she died. She wanted to be free, but she didn't want anyone to be tempted by the darkhold anymore or anywhere. She knew the risks when she absorbed the darkhold and chthon and she wasn't about to go back on the promise she silently made to the world.
She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt a presence near ner. She wasn't expecting food or anything like that today, and she was more than positive that nobody had found out about her. The amount of magic that she used was so small that she figured it couldn't be traced. She set her tea cup on the boards next to her and she stood up, looking around trying to assess the situation. Instinctually her hands summoned magic, but she shook her hands to get rid of it in case it was some random person. She also changed her appearance, making her hair more blonde and pulled back into a bun, a couple strands loose
Along with her hair, Warda's clothing also changed into a flannel and some jeans. It was close to what she had been wearing when Strange came to see her. Reusing outfits, Not in the Avenger job description, but she was no longer an Avenger. That stopped the second she was called the reason the Sokovia Accords went into place and she was no longer human, but a weapon of mass destruction. Tony did have his way with words, and once they were Spoken, they were considered truth. Her hand flicked at her side, magic sparking at her fingertips. 
As the presence got closer, the more she considered it a threat. when she turned the corner around the cabin, she was thrown against the wall, a crescent shaped blade pressed to her neck. She raised her hands as a self-surrender. In front of her was a man dressed up as a hipped out mummy. His eyes were glowing white and even though she couldn't see his face, Wanda could tell that he was more than annoyed. His blade was still pressed to her throat, telling her that he was planning on killing her, but something was holding him back. Almost like a voice telling him to not kill her. His shoulders were heaving, almost like he ran to get to her. While he was fighting with himself Wanda shot a jolt of red energy at the man's temple, and a couple of seconds later he fell to the ground. Wanda raised her hand to her neck, happy to find that she hadn't been hurt too terribly. A small nick on her neck.
When she looked down at the man that just tried to kill her, he was in normal clothing. She nudged him with her foot, and when he didn't move is when Wanda used her powers to take him inside the cabin. She grabbed the one chair that she had in the kitchen/dining room, dragging it to the open space in the bedroom. She put the assassin on the chair and used her magic to tie him up. While he was still passed out, Wanda gave him a pat down to see if he had any weapons on his body. She didn't find any, but oddly enough she also couldn't find the blade that he had used earlier. She turned the Chair so that it was facing the bed and sat down herself. Wanda flicked her wrist and the man's eyes glowed red as he woke up. After a couple of seconds, he registered where he was.
He struggled against the restraints and glared at Wanda. "What the hell is this?" He asked.
"I should be asking you that question? Why are you here? Who are you?" She said quickly. How did you find me?" 
Wanda knew that he wasn't going to reveal his secrets, especially to her. But if Stephen Strange or literally anyone else that actually wanted to find her couldn't. how the fuck did mister modern mummy find her? Wanda had done everything in her power to make sure she wasn't found. Bovely using her powers, never going out in public, but some rando superhero found her faster than Stephen fucking Strange. She ran her fingers through her hair before looking into his eyes, trying to understand what he was thinking.
"My name is Marc. I was sent here to kill you."He said.
"No shit Sherlock. "He gave her an annoyed look. "Sorry, continue...".
Wanda motioned for Marc to keep talking. 
He cleared his throat. "My name is Marc Spector. I'm the avatar for konshu. He sent me here to till you. He tracked your magic using his-No, I'm not saying that. "He looked like he was talking to an angile devil on his shoulder. He signed and rolled his eyes "Konchu used his 'godly' powers to find you." Marc used air quotes when we said godly. "Fucks sake, will you shut up?" He hissed.
"Who are you talking to?"
"Look if I told you, that would mean opening up about my past, and I'm not about to do that with the Scarlet Witch. "
Wanda rolled her eyes as he spat her name. There was a baseline hatred that he had for her, which she underStood. In the past wonda has had a record of creating problems she didn't mean to create. Westview and Logos being the first to come to mind, out past that? Germany, the Solsovia Accords, and if she thought hard enough, she could say that Ultron was her fault. But then again, she couldn't tell if she had harmed him or anyone close to him in the past. He might hate her because of the Sokovia Accords or something else.
"What did I ever do to you?"
Marc huffed and gave her a confused look. "It doesn't matter what you did to me. In fact you did nothing to me. But what you did to the people of Westview? Lagos? Sokovia? "She flinched at the mention of her home country." Do I need to go On?"
"All of those were accidents. "She muttered, trying to keep her voice from breaking
"Accidents that hurt people. "Marc closed his eyes, trying to not get super frustrated. "Wanda, you are a threat to people, don't you understand that?"
"Why do you think I'm out here? In the middle of nowhere? I don't talk to people, I don't interact with anyone or anything."
"Last time you did that, you tried to kidnap a child to get to your own Wanda. You don't get it. You are one of the strongest beings alive I have to stop you before it's too late. Before you cause any more problems."
"You can't kill me. It will cause you more problems."
"Really? Because the way I see it, the world's problems have doubled since you've arrived."
"I absorbed the Darkhold. When I brought the temple, tomb, throne thing whatever down on me, I absorbed it and the creature possessing it.*
Wanda closed her eyes and shifted how she was sitting, folding her hands in her lap. She was telling the truth Wanda had found out about Chthon after she had read some of the Darkhold. He whispered and told her that she could have her children. That she could have the life She wanted. Then he possessed her. She had that moment of clarity and that's why she absorbed the Darkhold, Wanda didn't want anyone else to be tempted by it anymore. She opened her eyes and looked at Mare, who just looked plain confused, He wanted to ask questions, She could tell, but again just like when he tried to kill. her, there was something stopping him. Preventing him from asking the questions that he had. Eventually, he spoke.
"The fuc-there's a creature possessing what now? Forgive me if I'm not up on the witch lingo."
Wanda huffed, "The Darkhold is a book of evil. Think of it as hell in written form. If you believe in hell. The Darkhold was written and possessed by Chihon. When I started reading it, he then possessed me, from there, I already told you what happened." 
She wished that she could read his mind to Aunow what the hell he was thinking, because the look on his face told her nothing. He looked so confused, but under that he looked tired, frustrated. Annoyed. Part of her, wanted to let him go, but she knew that the second that she let him go, he would try to kill her. That or he might understand what she was saying and listen to her. It was a gamble she wasn't willing to play. Marc groaned and leaned back in his seat, looking up at the ceiling.
"How do I know you aren't lying to me?" He asked, not looking into her eyes...
"Okay, I do have this powerset, but name one time that I lied, on purpose, to kill somebody?"
"I don't fucking snow All I know is that Konshu sent me here to kill you because of your past actions. It's not my job to guess if you're going to kill me or not."
"Isn't it you're job to know my post?"
"Uhhh... "he paused, "No. That's the dead bird's job." Marc let out a heavy sigh, "So what? I can't kill you?"
"No, you can't, unless you want to unleash hell."
"That is the lamest plea for a life I've ever heard."
Wanda had to try to not freak out on Marc. She didn't want to, but holy shit was he annoying her. She nubbed her eyes, groaning in frustration. She knew that this would happen. She should have gone with the easier option, Wanda was half tempted to just let him go, see if he was stupid enough to litterally let hell incarnate loose by hulling her, she fell back on her bed, looking at the ceiling.
"I'm not pleading for my life dipshit." She spat, sitting up again. "I'm pleading for the world that you do. Not. Kill. Me."
"You just expect me to believe that you're possessed by hell?"
"And I'm supposed to believe that you work for an egyptian god?"
She knew he wasn't lying about that. She had seen god. Fuck, she had met Thor. But she was trying to prove a point. Yes, what she had told him was batshit bonkers, but it wasn't any crazier than a god telling him that he needed to fill people as a form of justice Even the man she hated, Tony Stark, had a better idea of justice and he put her in jail.
"Touche-look, all I'm saying is that she has a point, and that we should maybe not kill her. "Marc growled and rolled his eyes. "What so she's gonna be my responsibility?"
"I am nobody's responsibility, that's why I moved here. Noloody here. bothers me, talks to me even looks in my direction! "Wanda shouted, sitting up in bed, glaring at Marc.
"Or you could have died when that temple came crushing down on you, you witch."She flinched at the way he said witch.
"Fine, then if you can kill me, well knowing that you're putting the rest. of the world in danger, then be my guest."
The red threads that had been holding Marc in place vanished and the man that came here to kill her was free. He stood up and changed into the mummy suit, grabbing his crescent blades from the moon on his chest, Wanda stood up to match him, just barely having to lift her head up to look into his eyes. In her hands were two energy balls growing red. For a moment, the two stared at each other. As they stood off, wind started blowing in the room, Wanda looked around to see where the source of the wind was, but she should have known it was a ploy. She felt a sharp pain. in the back of her head. Her head snapped around, her eyes glowing red.
She brought her hand around, hitting him square in the chest with an energy blast. He flew black through the wall of the cabin, making Wanda groan internally. Yet again, her home was ruined because people could with leave well enough alone. She walked through the hide that had been left in the side of the cabin to where Mare was laying. She had hit him so hard that he left a creator in the ground, but if didn't seem to phase him. He got up, shook off the dirt and raised his hands to fight her, but after a hit like that, he figured that he would get tom to bits by her. So he raised his hands and the costume disappeared. Wanda on the other hand had energy blasts ready to go incase he tried to attack her again. When she heard him talking to himself is when she dropped her hands, the balls of energy fading away.
"Okay, you got your wish. I won't kill you, but you're coming with me. to London. "Marc Said begrudgingly.
"Why London? "She asked.
"It's where I live, technically. "He muttered. There was something he was… hiding that he wasn't telling her. "Konshu changed his mind. He figures that if keeping you safe protects more people, then he's willing to let you live."
"How generous of the dead bird, "Wanda said, heading back into the cabin.
"Make sure you grab everything. We're not coming back.
She rolled her eyes and fixed the wall without even looking. She grabbed a bag and filled it with her clothing. It was the only thing she had. When she was in Sokovia, she wasn't allowed to have photos in her cell. So when she moved into the Avenger's compound, the only photos that she had were the ones that she got with the other Avengers, Her favorites had been the ones with Vision, Nat and Clint. While she was there, they had been the only ones to check on her and make sure she was okay, Everything had been lost though when Thanos destroyed the compound. It was depressing to say, but Wanda had nothing from before to show the people that she was closest to. Wanda left the cabin and closed the door behind her. Mare looked at her single bag and raised an eyebrow, 
"What? "She asked.
"Nothing. I just expected more." He grabbed the bag from her.
She followed him down the driveway from the cabin and She turned around, flicking her wrist. The cabin disappeared and turned into ruins. It was unfinished and that's why she had picked it. Secluded and she could spend the time working on the cabin while trying to figure out having hell incarnate trapped in her stell, Living out in the middle of nowhere had given her the chance to think, to meditate, to figure some of it out. Though as shit goes sometimes, it didn't always go how she wanted to. There were days where she barely wanted to get up and face. Chthon and the vile things he would whisper to her. She would have outbursts, destroying the cabin or the area around it. Wanda barely knew how to use her power, and the one book that was dedicated to her had corrupted her, making it worse for everyone,
When they reached the end of the driveway, there was a massive white limo waiting for them. wand a looked at Mare and then at the limo. She couldn't see the connection. Though, the only real rich person she had ever talked to or interacted with was Tony So maybe not all rich people wore their money. Some just spent it on useless things, like a white limo with a license plate of your last name. Marc popped the trunk and tossed her bag inside before coming around and opening the door for her. If she had been impressed by the outside, the inside was even prettier, The leather was a rich red paired with black carpets, doors, and a black roof with small lights that looked like stars. She expected Marc to get into the back with her, but instead, he got into the driver's side and started the limo.
The drive was long and boring, and wanda just wanted to get out and fly to the damn airport. But she didn't, instead she fell asleep. Perfect timing for the lavender tea to kick in.She rested her head in her hand, leaning against the door.When her eyes closed, Wanda hoped that she wasn't getting another night mare. If She did, she had no idea how she was going to handle it. She couldn't freak out 30 that it scared Marc and she couldn't jerk awake and possibly crash the car. Thankfully a nightmare is not what she got. Instead she got to see all of her memories from Westview.
The first was when it was set in the 50s, Talking to Vision about what the date possibly was, the horrendous dinner party and her creating rings for the two of them. After that it was the magic show, then figuring out she was pregnant. Part of Wanda wished that she hadn't left Westview, She wished that she could be in Visions arms and that she could hold Billy and Tommy again. But that wishing? It's what got her there in the first place and she needed to cut it out. So instead of watching memories from Westview, Wanda just looked at the views from the cabin she just left. The smell of the pine trees filling her nose, the feeling of the cool breeze from the water. It was everything she wanted and more, but like all good things in her life, she didn't get to keep it. She heard her name being said, and then her body being shaken awake.
"We're here, "Marc told her, motioning to the airport.
Taglist: @victoriaanneemslieauthor @theheathenhedgewitch @hollandorks
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stanknotstark · 3 years
Research and Dating (No They Aren’t Connected)
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“So, if you could kidnap me really publicly that would be great.”
“I kinda forgot about this research essay due tomorrow? And like, my prof knows I’m a hero- I even brought my laptop so I can write it in your cell. Is the wifi password still the same?”
It’s Thursday at 8 P.M. and your essay is due in 4 hours. It wasn’t that you had procrastinated it’s because-nope, ya, you procrastinated. Now you were freaking out about it when the glorious idea came to you. 
There were, of course, perks of being frenemies with Loki. You have visited his his base of operations before, his ‘evil lair’, been thrown into one of his cells and ‘suffered’ until he got bored of the Avengers searching for you like chickens with their heads cut off and made theatrics by showing up to them with you in his hands and ‘failing’ to keep you away from the Avengers saving you. 
In all actuality, you had sat in a golden cell but Loki had sat right outside the cell with a chair and read while eating an apple. You couldn’t read the title of the book so you asked him what it was about and Loki had been a little hesitant but fell into your pure curiosity and explained what he had been reading. You’re sure he liked your curious mind as you started asking more questions and challenged the ideas the book gave. It lead to a long discussion of morals, and death, and at one point whether apples or pears were better. It was fun is what you’re trying to say. 
That’s how your friendship blossomed.
So, you call up Loki, yes he has a cell phone, and ask him without explanation at first, “So could you, like, kidnap me but publicly?” 
You can hear the cogs turning in Loki’s head at your request. “Why?” He asks in a smooth voice, betraying no emotion.
“I kinda forgot about this research essay due tonight? And, like, my professor knows I’m a hero. I’ll even bring my laptop so I can write in your cell, the wifi password is still the same right?” You ask Loki. 
Loki sighs over the phone, you can imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose with closed eyes. 
“Yes. Fine. Be at Madison Square Garden in 15 minutes.” The god says and hangs up. 
You smile and pump a fist at your best friend’s save. 
You’re at Madison Square Garden in record time and Loki makes his entrance a show. 
You’re sitting down outside the stadium when Loki materializes from green clouds of magic that open a portal then float into the air as if they’re a sign that’s flashing the words ‘Loki is here!’ in the night sky of NYC. When he sees you he rolls his eyes but people start paying attention so you play along with his ruse.
“Loki! What mischief do you plan to get up to today? It doesn’t matter, I need to bring you in!” You yell at him, almost laughing at how stupid this all seems, and push civilians back behind you. 
Loki chuckles darkly, “You. You are my mischief today, your poor Avengers will never find you. You will become my slave.” Loki says with a voice that is dark but his eyes light up with amusement.
By now hundreds of people have stopped their night to watch you and Loki, phones out and recording everything. 
You smile sardonically at Loki, “Not if I-”
Loki grabs you and pulls you and teleports. When you’re at his base you sigh and pat him on the arm as he pulls from you. 
“Thanks, I owe you big time Lokes.” 
Loki frowns at the nick name you chose. “Please refrain from calling me that or I shall teleport you to your professor and have you face the repercussions of procrastination.” Loki threatens. 
You chuckle, roll your eyes, and head to the cell. It’s just in case someone actually does pop in to ‘save’ you. 
When you’ve settled in the cell Loki raises the golden barriers and magics a chair near to settle with you.
“What do they have you writing about now?” Loki asks. 
You had asked him for help writing other essays because Loki has an eloquent way of speaking. You felt it made you sound smarter and because you spent consistent time with the god you had fallen into talking like him sometimes.
“It’s for my disability class, the sociology class?” You ask Loki if he remembers you telling him about it, at his nod you smile, “Ya, so basically we’re to argue whether we feel prostitution should be legal or not in America considering how much it helps the disabled.” 
You laugh at Loki’s frown. 
“Which side do you argue for?” Loki asks with a small squint as if trying to determine the side before you tell him. 
“I believe it should be legal but have restrictions and rules. If in the wrong hands it could be really bad but at the same time if it’s in good hands it could be really good. It’s a risk but we won’t know how well it’ll work if we never try, you know?” You say with a pondering look. Loki purses his lips but nods at you. 
Loki magics a book into his hands and lets you start writing away. The whole thing is very comforting to you. Sound wise, you can hear Loki let out puffs of breath when he finds something amusing in his book, Then, there’s the rhythmic tapping of your keyboard as you write. Other than that you just enjoy being with the god, even if you aren’t interacting with each other. 
You’ve been harboring a crush on him for awhile but have always kept it hidden. You value his friendship too much to do anything that could jeopardize it. Not to mention, Loki hadn’t shown anything on if he likes you or not. He occasionally flirts with you in battle but that’s about it. So, you feel you know he isn’t attracted to you like that. 
“Loki what’s another word for great?” You mutter.
“Glorious, grand, impressive?” The god supplies you with choices. 
You hum but don’t say anything and continue typing. After you finish your paragraph you look at Loki who glances at you. 
Loki smirks at his book, “Anything for you, darling.” Loki says in a low voice while reading his book. 
See, the nick names had started early on. At first they had confused you but when you had been in battle and helping Tony, Loki had called Tony ‘sweetheart’ so you reasoned Loki just had a thing for nicknames. That doesn’t stop the jolt in your stomach when he does call you sweet names like that though. 
You shake yourself out of your reverie and continue writing. You’re like one, maybe two, paragraphs from being done. You try your best to elongate time to hang out with Loki more but when you finish your essay you don’t have any other excuse. 
That’s why, when you finish and close your laptop with a small ‘click’ and Loki stands and asks if you would like to spend time at his apartment, you’re shocked. 
You stand looking at Loki with wide eyes. 
Loki takes this as an answer and coughs a little, bringing a hand up to rub at his face, he’s trying to hide his embarrassment. 
“I am sorry, I crossed a boundary, it won’t happen again.” 
“No!” You yell, nearly dropping your laptop as you reach towards Loki. You scramble to hold it to your chest again and look at him, shyly pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“I would love to. I was shocked, I always figured I’d be the first to ask.”
Loki looks at you a little doubtfully but sees the truth in your answer and smirks. Instead of replying he waves a hand and the barriers disappear then he holds his hand out to you. You gladly take it and suddenly you’re both standing in a tidy apartment. 
It’s very modern and looks costly. The furniture is all contemporary and different shades of white, brown, and gray, with the occasional splash of emerald green in throw blankets and decorative pillows. You don’t really notice but Loki still holds your hand. 
Loki pulls you by his hand towards his kitchen and puts a kettle of water on on the heating stove top.
“Tea? Or are you more of a coffee person?” Loki asks you with a glance as he pulls out his tea. You finally realize Loki has yet to let go of your hand but you’re not going to complain.
“I love both, but tea will be good for now.” You say lightly, glancing down at your clasped hands when Loki isn’t looking. A small blush heats up your cheeks and you let a stupid smile cross your lips.
You and Loki settle against his bar, still holding hands, while you wait for the water to heat in the kettle. 
“I never had the chance to ask but why are you studying psychology and sociology? I figured a superhero’s salary would be quite enough to live comfortably? Don’t tell me they under pay you.” Loki asks, his tone laced with a threat when he says the last part.
You chuckle. “No, it pays well enough, enough to pay my way through school. I want to help people though, that’s what makes me truly happy. So, naturally, psychology and sociology were natural choices because they help me understand people, the way they think, how they tick, so I can better help them.” You explain.
You look up at Loki who looks at you with an unreadable emotion on his face. Loki then brings a hand up, tucks a rogue lock behind your ear and keeps his hand there. “You are too precious for this world.” He whispers as he looks at you. You feel you cheeks heat up and can’t keep eye contact with Loki. 
Loki clears his throat and drops his hand from your face, looking away from you as well. However, he doesn’t stop holding your hand. You feel your hand become clammy from nerves and hope this doesn’t gross out Loki. At the thought your hand twitches in his and Loki merely squeezes your hand. 
“What other hobbies do you favor, seeing as they obviously kept you preoccupied enough to procrastinate your paper?” Loki asks. 
You smile at the ground because you realize Loki is trying to better know you. 
You look up at Loki again, who is already looking at you. “Well, surprisingly enough research and reading are my main hobbies.” 
“I love learning so I read up on whatever subject pulls at my attention at the moment.” 
“And what draws at your attention right now?” Loki asks curious.
You flush and look at the ground, kicking it softly with the toe of your shoe. You mutter the answer.
Loki chuckles, brings his free hand up to tilt your face till you look at him. “Say that one more time, where I can hear it darling.”
“Norse mythology.” You say softly, embarrassed. 
Loki’s eyebrows lift in shock. The look on his face showing that he did not expect that answer at all.
Thankfully the kettle begins whistling and causes the moment to be broken and forgotten. 
Loki makes a cup of tea for the both of you and you both move to his living room, seated on his couch. You’re both sitting close enough to touch at the legs but don’t hold hands anymore. You set your mug on the coffee table in front of you, too hot to hold. Loki however basks in the heat of his cup, his hands wrapped around the mug as if he has just come in from a blizzard.
“I have plenty of texts you may borrow if you want to learn about the true mythology.” Loki offers, looking at you calculatingly.
You had hoped Loki would drop the subject seeing as your research was drawn from your want to learn more about Loki than actual Norse mythology. 
Whatever, shoot your shot, right?
“I’d much rather hear your tales than anyone else’s.” You say, your hands picking at your jeans with nerves. 
Loki hums with a small smile as he takes a sip of his tea. “Of course, darling. There is no better way to learn than from the source of such tales.” Loki says smugly. 
You feel a smile break over your lips as you look at Loki who basks in his arrogance.
“I better watch out, stroking your ego,” You say, Loki raising a brow at your mischievous smirk, “Otherwise you might start sounding like Thor.” You say to knock Loki down a peg. Loki scoffs with a roll of his eyes but you don’t miss the twitch of his lips.
“Do not compare me to my oaf of a brother.” Loki says, finally setting his mug of tea down, resting his hands in his lap. You also don’t miss the twitch of his hands, as if they want to reach out towards you. 
There are too many signs that Loki obviously likes you, it’s almost overwhelming, but you keep yourself pulled together before you ask him the question.
“You know, I’m just kind of going out on a limb here, but uh...You ever plan to ask me out, take me on some romantic dinner or something or do I need to give more incentive?” You say, the confidence in your voice a facade because inside you’re freaking out. 
Loki keeps a blank face as you look at him. Then, he lets a smirk break out over his lips, glances at his tea but his eyes come back to yours. 
“Is that such a good idea? Considering you are still my enemy?” Loki asks.
You grab your tea so you have something to do with your hands, sipping from the earthy, spicy liquid. You let yourself think, letting his question roll off your shoulders and shrug. “I could care less what the Avengers think but we can keep our relationship hidden if that would keep you happy?” 
Loki purses his lips, his eyes squinting at you. “They would cage you, would they not? If they knew you were fraternizing with the enemy?”
“Yes, but I have no doubt you’d let them keep me for long.” You smile at Loki who huffs out laughter. 
“You truly want me?” Loki asks. You don’t fail to hear the insecurity in his tone. 
You set your tea down, grab both of Loki’s hands in yours and look at him, baring all your emotions on your face. “More than you will ever know.” 
Loki squeezes your hands with a soft tilt of his lips.
“Then I suppose it is inevitable. Shall we partake in a date tomorrow night, say seven?” 
You smile at Loki. “I would love to, Lokes.” 
Loki rolls his eyes at the nickname but you know he doesn’t mind it, much. 
Needless to say, you were granted an extension of time to turn in your essay while also scoring a date with your crush.
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cheri-cheri · 3 years
[L&N] Jesse’s Main Storyline - Reunion
🍒 Warning: Contains detailed spoilers from Chapter 8 of the main storyline of Light and Night 🍒
Previous section: here
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He’s Jesse? But the youth who was with me that day-
Staring blankly at the clean and clear face, my heart thumps heavily. That’s right. Those eyes are stubborn and bright.
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Jesse: There’s something unique about MC’s designs. She likes drawing four-sided stars. You could compare it with her earlier drafts. It’d be clear at a glance who copied whom.
But this is a little secret between me and my grandmother. No one else would-
I’m in a daze. I’m basically a dummy.
One other person knows about it. Someone who was almost forgotten with time.
I stare at him in disbelief, and have the illusion that this is a game of hide-and-seek which has been going on for seven years.
This instance is akin to a movie scene. The years accelerate in reverse, each frame filled with memories engraved on my heart.
Him at 13 years old: What kind of adults do you think we’d become next time? I really want to travel to the future and have a look.
Him at 11 years old: Since you gave me Chinese tuition, I’ll reluctantly go to the same junior high school as you and teach you math.
Him at 8 years old: Next time, I’m going to be an outstanding person. Outstanding people will have lots of money, and I can afford to buy everything you want to eat!
MC at 7 years old: Hey, why are you squatting on the floor with mud on your face?
Him at 5 years old: [crying] T-they threw mud at me. They said I’m a fatty, and that fatties are most useless...
MC at 7 years old: Don’t be afraid! I’ll wipe it off for you. Next time, just follow me. I’ll protect you! Don’t cry. Real men don’t cry.
Him at 5 years old: Sob sob sob... okay...
MC at 7 years old: What’s your name?
Him at 5 years old: My name is Xia Ming Xing. Xia for 夏天 (“xiao tian” - summer), Ming for 一鸣惊人 (“yi ming jing ren” - amazing the world), and Xing for 星星 (“xing xing” - star)-
MC at 7 years old: What a difficult name. Can I just call you Xing Xing?
Him at 5 years old: That sounds like the relative of monkeys.
[Note] In Chinese, 猩猩 (“xing xing”) is “gorilla”
MC at 7 years old: How about Ming Ming?
Him at 5 years old: The uncle next door is called Ming Ming.
MC at 7 years old: Hm, I’ll call you “Dumpling” then. You look like a dumpling.
Him at 5 years old: Sure, dumplings are so delicious.
MC at 7 years old: Let’s make a pinky promise to always be friends.
Time moves in reverse, and once again returns to the present. I feel as though a gust of wind that was stalled in the past is now coursing between us, blowing away the many years apart.
MC: Dump-
I smile, unable to help myself as I call his name. The moment I say one syllable, he clasps a hand over my mouth.
The composed youth from earlier is now flushed, giving me a pitiful look.
At this moment, Wu You’s face is ghastly pale.
MC: I’m uninterested and have no time to play such games with you. This is a competition, and it has its rules. I can afford to lose and can afford to win. I accept a just contest, but I reject dishonest tricks. There are many more designers, including your sister, who are striving to make even better products. That’s the meaning of designing. I’ve already explained what I had to. I trust that everyone can make their own judgements.
Grabbing Dumpling’s hand, I turn around to leave. Now, there’s something even more important waiting for me.
Feeling the warmth in his palm, the youth’s expression turns from astounded to beaming with happiness.
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Jesse: Let’s go.
Pulling him to a place where we won’t be disturbed, I suddenly feel a little speechless.
What should I say? Exchange conventional greetings? Would that be too formal?
But we haven’t seen each other in so many years. It might be awkward to talk about other things.
He seems to realise this as well. He looks at me, dumbfounded and at a loss for what to do.
MC: Erm, Xia Ming Xing, it’s been a long time.
Jesse is taken aback for a moment. Then, he bursts out laughing.
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Jesse: Who are you? Why are you calling me by my full name? Give that fierce girl back to me!
He reaches out to pinch my cheeks, his appearance as playful as back then.
MC: Stinky Dumpling. You’re the one who’s fierce. I haven’t asked why-
Before I can finish speaking, I’m pulled into a hug. It’s cosy and tastes of sunlight. The second half of my question melts into his arms.
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Jesse: Did you know that it’s been a very, very long time since I heard the name “Dumpling”...
He tightens his grip, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
MC: Dumpling...
Jesse: Mm.
MC: Dumpling Dumpling Dumpling!
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Jesse: I’m here.
Jesse: Did she bully you earlier? It’s my fault for arriving too late. She made things difficult for you for such a long time.
His voice brings with it a nasally tone. It’s gentle, like a cup of hot milk gradually flowing into my heart.
MC: Why are you only asking me about that?
Jesse: What else should I ask about? What’s more important than you getting bullied?
MC: I’m fine, thank you.
Unexpectedly, he’s given a fright and blinks incessantly.
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Jesse: MC, have you gone silly? You actually thanked me?
MC: ?
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Jesse: Aren’t you going to throw me a left hook, then ask where the hell I’ve been these years-
I place my hands on my hips, pretending to be angry.
MC: Why would I ask where the hell you’ve been? Didn’t we know each other just two days ago?
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Jesse: What do you mean “two days ago”?! We’ve known each other for 15 years and 9 months!
MC: But why do I recall how a certain person refused to talk to me unless he wore a strawberry headgear?
Jesse: I... I was afraid you’d ignore me once you recognised me. I wanted to meet you again in a more formal setting.
MC: In that case, why did you rush into the room furiously?
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Jesse: They were bullying you right under my nose. How could I hold myself back! 
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Jesse: Don’t be angry, okay?
He shifts closer to me. No matter where my eyes look, he meets them immediately. 
Faced with such a pair of pure eyes, my temper dissipates. It’s as though everything in the past has been written off in them.
MC: Shouldn’t you give me an apology before I forgive you?
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Jesse: Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-
He continues on and on, as though he'd continue saying this till the sky turns dark if I don’t get him to stop.
MC: That’s enough, I forgive you.
And with that, a bear hug lunges at me.
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I’ve genuinely forgotten if his hugs were this warm during childhood.
Now, these pair of arms are filled with a comforting ease.
There are so many things I want to ask him. I want to ask if he’s been living well, and why he didn't give me a single call.
More than that, I want to ask why he left without saying goodbye.
But when I open my mouth, I swallow the words back down.
He mentioned that he couldn’t see me due to certain reasons. In that case, I’ll ask next time. Anyway, we’ve already reunited, and there’s still a very long time ahead.
MC: All right all right, you can let go now.
Jesse: Hang on. We haven’t seen each other for 7 years. Shouldn’t we make up for what was lost? One hug per year will do. That means seven, each lasting 5 seconds. In total, 35 seconds!
He actually calculated it seriously.
??: Cough.
I hear a cough from behind me, and feel Xia Ming Xing’s body stiffen. He lets go of me reluctantly.
MC: Jiang Lai?
Jiang Lai looks at me awkwardly, then drags Gao Cheng from his hiding place behind her back.
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Gao Cheng: We didn’t want to disturb you two.
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Jiang Lai: We just wanted to tell you that the producer decided to use your designs.
MC: Really? That’s great!
Jiang Lai’s a tsundere so MC has to take the initiative to ask the three of them to form a team
Jiang Lai and Gao Cheng leave
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Jesse: They’ve already left, so why are you still looking? The person you should be looking at is here.
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Jesse: Can I send you home? Just like in junior high. 
MC: I was clearly the one who brought you home, okay? I sent you safely into your mom’s hands. Little Brat.
Out of habit, I reach out to tousle his hair, but realise I can only reach it by standing on tiptoes since he has grown much taller.
Jesse: Don’t call me Little Brat!
MC: Well, I’m two years older than you.
Jesse: But I’m already taller than you!
The youth lowers his eyes to look at me, his smile dazzling.
Jesse: Let’s go home~
MC: Let me test you. Which bus did we use to take? I moved houses due to work, but I still take the same bus.
Jesse: 102.
MC: How are you still able to remember?
Jesse: Of course I remember everything. I remember things related to you even better than yourself. The bus is here, the bus is here!
He places a hand on my back and we hurry onto the bus.
Although it’s a weekend, the bus is filled with students in uniform. We have no choice but to grip the handles while standing.
Jesse: Do you think they’re attending make-up classes? Isn’t today a Sunday?
MC: Many students have classes over the weekends these days. It’s unlike our time, where we had two days to rest.
Jesse: Wow, that’s great. Sigh. If only we were born a few years later.
MC: Let me off! Why didn’t I know that you were so enthusiastic about learning in the past?
Jesse: I’m enthusiastic about learning now. Is that wrong?
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Jesse: Hey, look at that pair-
He points to the last row of the bus. A boy and girl are sitting next to each other, one earpiece in each ear. They aren’t interacting at all, and are staring out of the windows.
The boy would occasionally turn his head and glance at the girl, but will avert his gaze before the girl realises.
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Jesse: Don’t they resemble us from back then?
MC: In what way? We were so boisterous.
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Jesse: Correction. You hit me one-sidedly.
I shoot him a glare.
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Jesse: But they’re still far from us. He wasn’t as handsome as I was back then.
MC: ...
Jesse: Look at them. One hand holding their school bag, the other placed on the seat. At a glance, it’s clear that they want to hold hands but don’t dare to.
MC: They look like junior high students. Where’s your mind wandering off to?
Jesse: These eyes of mine have seen through too many things. Sigh, what dummies! Just shift over slowly and grab it.
MC: You sound as if you’d actually do it.
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Jesse: Of course I would. It’s just that I didn’t dare. Otherwise, I’d have-
MC: You’d have what?
He glances at me, then shakes his head, lips tightly sealed.
MC: Boasting again.
The bus suddenly jolts. The boy’s phone tumbles onto the ground, rolling in front of us. Xia Ming Xing picks it up and returns it to them.
Glancing at the tune that’s currently being played, I realise that it’s the male singer I liked most back then.
MC: How nostalgic. I was the same back then, only daring to listen to music on the MP3 after school.
Jesse: I was different. I listened to it in broad daylight in the classroom.
MC: Which is why The Exterminator confiscated it five times.
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Jesse: But afterwards, I exchanged it with five exam scripts with full marks.
MC: Show off. Back then, I thought about how the days passed by so slowly. I wondered when I could grow up, because I’d finally be able to do the things I wanted to. I didn’t expect for time to speed by. After becoming an adult, each day passes by so quickly, and I don’t even have time to listen to music. In the blink of an eye, the people around me changed.
Jesse: But some things didn’t change, did they? We became the type of adults we are based on what remained.
MC: What remained for you then?
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He no longer speaks, looking at me quietly with a silly smile.
MC: I realised that the frequency of your silly smiles are a little high.
Jesse: I’m looking at what remained for me. If we had gone to the same senior high school, what kind of people would we have become?
MC: You probably wouldn’t have gotten slimmer. After all, you came over to my house every day to freeload on meals.
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Jesse: Do you think I can’t tell that you’re being sarcastic?
MC: Hahahaha-
How would we have turned out? I have no idea either.
When I travelled across the ocean after my grandmother’s death in my sophomore year, we would have parted anyway.
MC: Fortunately, we’ve met again now.
An earbud is suddenly stuffed into my ear. An acoustic guitar prelude instantly pulls me back to those youthful years.
I originally thought that I had forgotten the lyrics since a long time ago. But I can still hum “small yellow flower” and “playing on a swing”.
It turns out that the things we thought were forgotten are engraved in our minds, waiting to be awakened.
MC: There’s a similar MP3 in my house, but it’s broken and I need to get it fixed by a servicing shop. Oh yes, why are you listening to this song? Weren’t you distasteful of it in the past?
Jesse: It isn’t bad after listening to it again and again, although it’s still a little lacking as compared to me. In the past, you used to say that I was the God of Singing in your eyes.
MC: Hahahahaha, fine fine, God of Singing. I didn’t expect you to really enter this industry and become a musical actor. It’s miraculous.
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Jesse: Miraculous?
MC: When we were younger, there was an essay where we had to write about what we wanted to be when we grew up. You wrote about being a singer who sang for the entire world. Afterwards, your mom saw it and forced you to erase it all off, changing it to a scientist.
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Hearing me talk about his embarrassing past, he scratches the back of his head abashedly.
MC: Being able to make your dream come true, especially if it’s a dream which isn’t understood or affirmed, is truly incredible.
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Jesse: That’s because I have a secret strength supporting me.
Hearing the music, I suddenly think of the outfit I had designed for him. Perhaps I could add a few more elements related to youth.
Taking out my notebook from my bag quickly, my head suddenly feels dizzy, and my nose bumps against his shoulder.
MC: That hurts!
Jesse: [sighs] ...
He turns his body in resignation, bending his back.
Jesse: Draw while leaning on my back, Miss.
MC: Mm!
The sky gets dark very early in autumn. The evening breeze raises a hue from afar, and leaves rustle from the trees.
The hubbub of voices on the bus and affectionate teasing seem to have been dispersed by the breeze, leaving without a trace. What’s left are the both of us walking home in silence from the bus-stop.
Moonlight leaks from the trees along the roadside, outlining the side of Xia Ming Xing’s face. It’s no longer roundish, and has become a little foreign.
MC: Dumpling, why did you suddenly move away back then?
I have no idea why I suddenly asked this. There was simply a strange feeling that he’d disappear again if I didn’t ask about it.
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A twinge of guilt flashes past Xia Ming Xing’s face.
Jesse: Do you still remember the call I gave you on the day I left?
MC: Call? What call?
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Jesse: You don’t remember? You picked it up, but hung up after I said a few words.
MC: ...when did I hang up?
Why do I have no impression of this at all?!
MC: What’s going on?
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Jesse: Back then, my family was moving. I managed to fight for one week with my parents, wanting to stay behind to finish the competition with you. I didn’t have the guts to tell you because I was afraid you’d be upset if you knew. Afterwards, I summoned my courage and gave you a call. But you weren’t willing to listen to me.
MC: That never happened. Why didn’t I know about this at all...
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Jesse: So you never hung up?
He grabs my shoulders, his fingers cold as ice. I can almost feel his body trembling.
Jesse: It wasn’t that you didn’t want to hear from me?!
He asks once more, his tone seeking confirmation.
For a period of time after he left, I refused to hear the name which was equivalent to “betrayal” in my heart. But no one knew that I was secretly looking forward to him returning one day.
At the very least, it could prove that I wasn’t the party who was abandoned.
But why was this the answer? A mistake? A perhaps irretrievable mistake from such a long time in the past?
With this thought, my chest feels suffocated.
MC: So that’s why you didn’t look for me in all these years?
The youth remains silent, orange strands of hair blowing up with the wind.
Jesse: I had my reasons for not contacting you. It had nothing to do with the call. I... just wasn't brave enough.
I suddenly have no idea how to respond to his calm gaze, and I also understand that neither of us were at fault for the parting back then.
MC: Xia Ming Xing.
Jesse: Hm?
MC: Were you the one who put the MP3 into the tin?
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Jesse: Mm.
MC: So you put the card in there too.
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Jesse: Mm. But I didn’t participate in the competition with you, and couldn’t stay by your side. I don’t seem to have kept any promises.
I shake my head forcefully, eyes already damp.
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Jesse: But now, I won’t shirk from it. As long as it’s something I promise you, I’ll definitely do it.
He takes a step towards me. The years have caused the once delicate youth to change entirely, turning into the man in front of me, whose eyes are especially resolute. With such a gaze, I’ll always choose to believe him, no matter what.
After sending me home, he stands in the corridor as he watches me enter, just like in the past.
Five minutes later, a rustling sound comes at the window.
Jesse: MC, open the window!
Opening the window in confusion, the image before me almost causes tears to leave my eyes.
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Pink confetti flutters and blooms in the city sky, dancing gently in the clear summer night, akin to that snow which had yet to appear many years ago.
Amidst the pink coloured snow, the youth reveals a bright and hearty smile as he waves at me.
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Jesse: You asked if I regretted it. The answer is - I regret it. I regret it very much, and at every single moment. Summer is already over, but why do I feel as though this summer has just begun? 
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Jesse: Next week, come and watch my performance. This time, it’d be my turn to wait for you.
MC: Mm, I’ll definitely be there!
Only after the snowflakes finish their descent does Xia Ming Xing reluctantly walk home. If he was slightly braver and slightly stronger back then, would the ending to their story be different?
He doesn’t know. It seems that particular rainy day is still before his eyes. It’s late at night, and a figure flashes past at the end of the dim alley.
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Jesse: Who’s there!
The surroundings are completely silent. Xia Ming Xing turns his head and looks at the girl’s illuminated window, then quickly chases after that figure.
A crow flaps its wings and flies past at a low altitude. The moss-covered corner is encased by deathly pale moonlight. Xia Ming Xing stops in his footsteps, black blood soaking his shoes.
However, he doesn’t pay any mind to it. His gaze is locked tightly on that figure whose knees are on the ground, bowing devoutly towards the moon.
Jesse: Who are you?
That person turns around slowly. It’s a girl around ten years of age, and she’s small and petite.
Black hair covers her cheeks. She lifts the white candle in her hand, stuffing it into her mouth and chewing on it. The two golden bracelets on her wrist jingle.
Jesse: Her soul has been taken-
The moonlight grows increasingly bright. An indiscernible black spot suddenly appears on the girl’s chest, and the stench of something burning begins to fill the air.
Seeing that the girl is about to bite the tip of her tongue off, a rope flies from his hand, binding and tying the girl up.
The white candle falls to the ground. Xia Ming Xing lifts up two fingers, twisting a charm towards the girl. With a tearing sound, the charm turns into ashes in the air.
Three days later, it’s the day of the final competition of “Upper Hand”
MC is caught in a traffic jam along the way and decides to alight from the taxi halfway through
Sadly, she arrives just as the curtain falls
I hesitate, not knowing if I should approach him.
However, Xiao Ming Xing is already walking towards me. He has changed out of his performance outfit, and is wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, looking clean and fresh.
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Jesse: How was it? I didn’t embarrass you, did I?
I don’t really have the guts to look at him.
MC: I’ll tell you something, but don’t get mad.
Jesse: Every time you said that in the past, nothing good happened.
MC: Really?
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Jesse: The first time you said it, you broke my game console.
MC: ...
Jesse: The second time you said it, you cooked me expired cup noodles for supper.
MC: ...
Jesse: The third time-
MC: Enough!
Why do I have such a black record!
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Jesse: Go on, I’ve mentally prepared myself.
MC: Actually, I only heard the last five seconds of that song.
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Jesse: ...
I can clearly sense that he’s akin to a deflated balloon. His eyebrows, which were arched earlier, droop downwards.
MC: Sorry. I’ll treat you to orange soda and vanilla ice-cream until you’re stuffed, okay!
I lift my hand up, gesturing a vow. Pulling a long face earlier, Xia Ming Xing suddenly bursts into laughter.
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Jesse: MC, why can’t I get angry with you?
MC: You’ve forgiven me?
Jesse: I didn’t say that.
MC: But you just said that you can’t get angry with me.
Jesse: If you want me to forgive you, sing a song with me!
MC: ...what?
Before I can react, he grabs my hand and rushes towards the stage.
The youth has a smile which says that he has gotten his way. It’s as if this moment is something he’s been plotting for a very long time.
The moment we step onto the stage, a familiar melody sounds. In an instant, I feel as though I’ve travelled to a lifetime ago.
Jesse: Still remember this song? We named it together - “Portrait of Youth”.
How could I not remember? This was the song we wrote together for the competition back then.
It’s the song that we wanted to clinch the championship with.
It was a song we didn’t get to sing in the end.
In an empty basement, we’d hold our cola cans like microphones, practising till late at night.
We had immaturely mimicked the lyrics we didn’t understand at that age. But many years later, I realise that each line has turned into our story.
It’s as though something in the depths of my body is being awakened. It’s the fervour and anticipation that a youth has for the future, throbbing and pure.
My eyes can’t help but feel warm, and I find myself singing along with him involuntarily. 
Portrait of Youth (audio here)
That vanilla ice-cream
Melted in our rainy season
That old piano
“Ding dong ding dong” - is the tapping of the hour hand
Back then, I always loved to tease you
But didn’t allow anyone else to make you cry
You always said that I was a koi
But I was always asking you for tuition before exams
Dragonflies fly past our heads
Our inseparable shadows when we were young walk slowly in our memories
On the bicycle, I’m the only one with sweat like rain
I’m the only one left on the bicycle dripping with sweat
You were long gone from behind me
If the storm didn't block our vision that day
If I knew how to say goodbye that day
The flower petals in the diary
The unwashed roll of film from the camera
They wouldn’t be lonely longings
If the string of the kite didn’t break that day
If I could have been slightly braver that day
The empty pages in the diary
Wouldn’t have been filled with moss
The seven years in which we wandered off can’t be lost.
The lights gather in his eyes, and I'm reflected in them. It has been the case since many years ago.
All the stories seem to have ended with summer, but they begin with summer as well.
Fortunately, summer will always arrive. This unfinished story shall begin on this summer day.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 7
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 2,270
Warnings: Fighting, trauma, family issues, etc. 
I'm really glad you guys seem to like this series, I'm having a lot of fun with it! Please don't be afraid to interact, like, comment, share, and I do requests too! Every little bit helps support me. I also post my original work on my Wattpad, and I have a Patreon if you wanna support me further! I hope you enjoy the chapter!
chapter 6  Chapter 8 
"How long has it been since you last took your medication?" Shigaraki asked from across the room, seated in a chair as he adjusted the quirk-neutralizing gloves over his hand.
"The day you took me." You told him, standing awkwardly waiting in the middle of the room. The old office space had furniture pressed against the walls to create an open space. A makeshift ring for fighting. Shigaraki had tried to get you to use your quirk to do so, but you found yourself unable to control it. He stood from his seat, dressed in a comfortable set of all black. As were you, something Toga had brought for you at Shigaraki's request.
"How long have you been working out for?" He asked. His eyes and face nearly emotionless. He was cold and calculating. Trying to put pieces of a puzzle together to form what he perceives as you.
"Since I can remember. Mom always had me in some kind of sport. She said it would help me keep my head straight."
"Today I'll be judging your physical skills outside of your quirk. Even if you had control, you can't always rely on your quirk alone."
"Don't have to tell me twice." You scoffed, holding your hands up to protect your face as Shigaraki shifted into a defensive stance.
"Don't hold anything back." He ordered. He moved closer, walking with you as your bodies traced a circle around the ring. You watched him, preparing yourself to fight. This wasn't your first taste of combat. In fact, you had the luxury of free self-defense classes when your mother married her first wife, Sandra. As a hero trainer, Sandra worked to train future heroes before they chose what course they wanted to take in their "hero" careers.
Sandra was a kind woman. She made you feel strong and safe in a way your mother never could. Sandra was more like a mother to you than she ever was. It broke your heart when they divorced. They had been together so long and everything seemed fine. But out of nowhere, Sandra's place in your life shrunk. She still called to talk and sent you birthday/holiday gifts, but she wasn't around anymore. You felt you had lost the only parent you'd ever truly had.
Distracted, a hit to your cheek shook you awake. You paused and turned. He hadn't really even hit you that hard, just pushed your head with his knuckles. You looked at Shigaraki, puzzled.
"You're distracted. Get a grip." He told you. You felt embarrassed. You adjusted your stance and dug your heels into the concrete floor. You looked into his eyes and furrowed your brow.
"Right. Sorry." You blurted. Suddenly he moved, quickly going in for a real hit. With your wrist, you blocked and went in for a hit. Only for him to dodge and aim for your stomach. He hit and hard. It was enough to shake you, but not enough to get you down. You raised your fists up and brought them down on his upper back, knocking him to his knees. That low, you lifted your shoe to kick him in the face. Only to have your ankle swiped out from until you. Hitting the floor, you let out a loud and upset grunt.
"Pay attention. You keep leaving yourself vulnerable." He scolded. Still on his knees, watching you as you pulled yourself away from him. Swinging your legs around to kick him in the gut, creating a distance and knocking him to the floor.
It hurt him, but not enough. He hardly even seemed hurt by it at all. All it did was create distance. Any normal man would be down for the count, but Shigaraki was no normal man. You'd have to be smarter than that.
"Is that all?" He mocked before charging you again. You held up your fists to block punch after steady punch. Bruising the back of your hands and forearms. His movements were quick and steady now. You found your opening and cut up into his ribs. He flexed before you could hit, doing little to no damage. You repeatedly hit his ribs when there was an opening, hoping to wear him down or build up in preparation to rush him. No such luck. He would flex and lean into the hit absorbing your impact so it did almost nothing but maybe hurt a bit.
You dodged and blocked as best you could, but eventually he landed a hard hit to your cheek, sending you back a bit.
"Years of athletics and this is it?" He asked with a grin.
"Piss off. It's been a little while since my last fight." You told him, lunging forward to rain a series of hits down on him. You even landed a few, the more you fought, the more you got used to his movements and his tactics. You knew winning or at least passing this fight wouldn't be about strength, it'd be about getting him to quit. You'd have to outsmart him, or at least distract him.
You backed him up to the center of the ring, hitting harder into his ribs so it forced him back. Regardless of how hard you hit, even if it was a good one, it always seemed more like a wild inconvenience than a painful hit to his body. He'd let out deep grunts here and there, maybe a comment or two, but otherwise he was quiet. He watched you as you moved around him. Watched the way you hit and dodged and danced around him. Swinging your leg up to bring your knee to his nose. Thats what got him.
He backed up, holding his face as he groaned. He looked down at his hand, no blood. You hadn't hit hard enough to draw blood, just enough to hurt. Its not like you were too weak to break his nose, your hits to his ribs and his back proved that. You were strong. You controlled your hit.
"I said don't hold back." He grumbled. You shrugged.
"I'm not. I just didn't want to damage that pretty face of yours." He scoffed at your joke. He charged you again, setting off another round. It would take an hour of fighting like this before he became satisfied. You swung your foot to his face again, only for him to grab ahold of your ankle to stop it. His eyes met yours as the two of you panted.
The way he looked at you. It wasn't cold or calculating, no gears were turning. It had stopped. His grip loosened, a few fingers raising away. The glove on his hand made a loud creaking sound as he moved away. His expression appeared satisfied, content, and almost pleased. It made your cheeks feel warm. You weren't joking when you said, 'pretty face' you really did find him strangely attractive.
"We're done for now. We'll work on your pacing later." He told you as he pushed your foot away so it fell back to the floor. You hopped back as you tried to stabilize yourself as you watched him walk back to his chair. He tossed a bottle of water at you. You fumbled with it before finally grasping it to take a drink.
"How'd I do, teach?" You jokingly called him. He raised his brow at the name as he drank from his water.
"You need work, your style and movements need to be refined. And you could be a bit stronger. But," he paused, looking away from you, "you're okay. Our real focus needs to be on your quirk. You need to gain more control."
"Control." You muttered to yourself as you looked out a window in thought. "My meds always kept me in control."
"No. Your meds kept you weak. You needed structure and help, not medication." He told you, approaching you as he removed his gloves.
"Why don't you keep those on?" You asked. "Wouldn't it be easier to-"
"I can't rely on them all the time. Like your meds, If I wore them all the time, I'd hardly know how to function without them. Then, when I'd need to use my quirk, I might make a mistake and not realize it till it's too late." He placed his palm on your shoulder, fingers splayed out in the air. "I'd lose the control I've worked for. That's why you need to learn how to control your own powers. So you don't need the meds at all." Fingers came down on your shoulder, all but his thumb which held out. He gave your shoulder a tight squeeze.
"But, not everyone on meds can just go off them and be okay. That's not how it works, medication is different than gloves-" He squeezed tighter, leaning in closer to face you and get your attention.
"You're not everyone, Y/N. You're stronger than you think." He growled before suddenly letting go and walking out of the room. You gripped the water bottle in your hands as your heart raced in your chest. Your lip began to quiver and your eyes started to water. You hadn't heard those words in a longer time. It was strange to hear such encouraging words from him. But the way he looked at you, he meant it. You nervously looked around the room as the tears started to fall.
They were gentle, sad tears. When was the last time someone had been so encouraging? So, patient and willing to work with you like this. You chuckled through the tears at the horrible revelation. This came from a villian, your captor no less, a man trying to use you for his own selfish gain. Even now, in helping you, he was probably trying to use you to help him somehow. Still though, what did that say about your own family?
Speak of the devil. Your mother starred out the apartment window, teeth gnawing on her nail. Her eyes peered down at the cars below and the people on the street. Her other hand dug into her side, supporting her other elbow.
"Hey..." Toshinori called to her. She paused and turned her head towards him. Her eyes still anxiously glued to the window. Your father sighed. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" She spat.
"For...For everything." His terrible posture consumed him as he shuffled forward to stand beside her. "This is all my fault."
"No. It's not. It was my idea to send her to Japan for the summer." She stated. She continued to gnaw on her nail, absently starring outside.
"Can I ask you something?" He mumbled, sharing her view.
"Back then...when we first met. Well, do you ever regret-"
"Are you asking me if I regret my own daughter?" She barked. Toshinori let out a startled grunt.
"Uh! No! I just- You never- All these years-" your mother sighed.
"Sometimes." She said softly, almost a whisper it was so quiet. "I wouldn't give her up for the world. But sometimes, I wish things were different. I wish I had known the things I know now. I just wish things could have been different."
"She told me about school. How come you never came to me for the money?" Your mother scoffed at him.
"It was never a money issue. It was a work issue. After her tantrum, she needed a distraction. She needed to stay focused on her work so she didn't fall behind. She ran away, yknow."
"No. I...I didn't."
"Yeah well, she threw a fit over something stupid, classes I think. She stopped taking her meds and ran away to a friend's house for a while before her friend called me to come get her. Her fits had gotten so bad it nearly destroyed her apartment. Had to call the police. It was so bad. She spent time in a facility for a month before she finally came around."
"A facility? Why didn't I hear about this?" Your mother turned to him with a sad and tired gaze.
"Why would you care? Usually you're too busy with hero work to even send her a birthday card. You think you could have helped her? You hardly even know her." Your mother scoffed. Toshinori fell silent before taking in a deep breath and speaking again.
"I may not have been there for her then, but," he held his head up, balling his hand into a fist, "I won't let her down this time. I promise, from here on out I'm going to be the best father I can be. I won't let my little girl down ever again."
"Where's this coming from? You hardly ever expressed interest in her before. Is it because she's finally someone that needs saving?" She mocked.
"It's true that I always put my career above everything else. Y/N always frightened me, I never knew what to say or do. I just wanted her to be safe, I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving her alone and letting her live her life away from mine. But when I saw her at the airport, all grown up, I realized how long it'd been. How absent I was. And talking to her, I realized how smart and kind she is. I regret not being there for her. For you, when you needed me. But she needs a hero now more than ever and I won't let either of you down."
"Are you sure you can handle it? From what I hear, your last fight with All For One was your last."
"I'll do what I can."
Taglist <3: 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99
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senacal · 4 years
A Perfect Disaster
Request: Not a request
Pairing: Hank McCoy x Reader
Prompt:  Imagine Hank McCoy wants to spice up his and (Y/N)'s romance life and tries all sorts of cheesy tactics such as candlelit dinners, bringing fruit and whipped cream into the bedroom, sexy underwear... whether they fail or not in their romancing is another question...
Warnings: Fluff, undertones to sex, cursing, slight angst? speculations of cheating
Author’s Note: I wanted to write at least one thing for each character I write for and I stumbled on this prompt and thought of how awkward Hank would be, so here you go!
Requests are open! 
(Gif not mine)
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Lately (Y/N) has noticed that Hank has been acting kind of odd. (Y/N) was trying to figure out why that was, so they’ve been subtly asking around. And by subtly, that meant flat out asking what the fuck was up with Hank McCoy. When (Y/N) asked Charles, the telepath who was sure to know everything, he had refused to look into Hank’s mind. Which (Y/N) found frustrating because now they had to go asking more people what they thought. All their answers matched, “Ask Charles.” Yeah, no shit! But Charles was being pretty mindful of this. The one time (Y/N) asks him to abuse his power, Charles refuses. That left (Y/N) only one option. Ask Hank what was going on.
It wasn’t such a surprise to find Hank below the mansion in the lab he had built, so that’s exactly where (Y/N) had gone to look. But what was strange was to find him spending his time shopping. C’mon, Hank McCoy willingly shopping? He hated most social interactions and crowds. So when (Y/N) went looking for him only to be told he was at the mall of all places was beyond confusing to them. (Y/N) was used to the late nights and sometimes, all-nighters, that Hank pulled. He was the resident genius so he was always on call. (Y/N) could deal with that. But a whole week? A week of ignored phone calls, a week of late nights, a week of canceled plans. What was so important that Hank had left (Y/N) all by themselves for a whole week? (Y/N) knew there were no current missions. Hell, they were apart of the X-Men for crying out loud so they were sure to know if a mission was happening or not.
And now Hank was shopping? What the hell was happening?
(Y/N) was sitting in their shared bedroom, waiting for his arrival. He had been gone approximately three hours now. (Y/N) was watching the clock, counting the minutes. Hank’s new habits were driving them crazy. What if he was cheating on them? That could explain why Hank was never around anymore. It would explain why Charles wouldn’t tell (Y/N) what Hank was thinking. Then again Charles could actually want to give them the privacy everyone needed. Fuck, it all sucked. Especially the not knowing part of all this. (Y/N) always knew what people were doing. They were always one step ahead of everyone else. So the fact that (Y/N) didn’t know what Hank was doing, was driving them crazy.
“Hey babe, I’m back,” Hank walked into their shared room and deposited his bags in their shared closet. “Sorry I took so long, the mall was packed. I can’t believe people go there to hang out,” Hank shuddered.
“Right… Can I ask why you were there?” (Y/N) wondered.
“I was buying a few things,” Hank shut the closet door and sat on the bed right next to (Y/N).  He placed a small kiss on their cheek, “I know I haven’t been around much recently, but I want to make that up to you. Make sure your schedule is free tomorrow because it's gonna be me and you all day,” He promised.
“A day dedicated to us? You’re sure some projects won’t need you?” (Y/N) asked somewhat bitterly. They didn’t mean to sound so petulant, but a week without Hank was kinda grating. They slept in the same room and (Y/N) still hardly saw him.
“Of course not, that’s why I was down there for so long. I wanted to finish ahead of time. Otherwise, we’d still be going through the same routine,” Hank furrowed his brows confused. “Didn’t I tell you I would be especially busy this week?”
“It must have slipped your mind,” (Y/N) shrugged. “It’s fine though,” (Y/N) perked up and sat up straighter, “So you have plans for us for tomorrow?”
Hank grinned and nodded, “I do, but it’s a surprise so you can’t know anything about it, so no cheating okay? Don’t ask Charles or the others about it and don’t try to use your powers to glimpse into the future.”
(Y/N) furrowed their brows, “Okay… can I ask why?”
“No, you may not,” Hank kissed (Y/N) on the nose, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to set some things up for tomorrow, Love you!” Hank stood up and almost ran out the door.
The rest of the night was spent with Raven, the both of you speculating what Hank had planned. Raven was saying that Hank was going to do something that would be simple because he wasn’t one to draw attention to himself. (Y/N) had to agree, that was very much like Hank, but with the way he has been acting lately, they thought this time would be different too. By the end of the night, Hank was actually in bed at a reasonable hour and (Y/N) got to fall asleep in his arms. Even if the next day turned out horrible for whatever reason, (Y/N) at least had that moment in Hank’s arms.
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up alone. It wasn’t too unusual, but they were wondering where Hank had run off to. He had promised a full day for the two of them. (Y/N) sat up in bed and stretched their arms overhead. It was kind of hard to force themselves out of bed most days but for once (Y/N) had gotten the best night’s sleep in over a week. They were just about to get up when the bedroom door burst open. (Y/N) would have been startled if it weren’t for the fact that it was Hank who had come barrelling in with what looked like breakfast. 
“Sorry, I didn’t wake you did I?” He winced.
(Y/N) shook their head with an amused smile, “You need help?”
“No, I’ve got it, you just sit back and relax,” Hank kicked the door closed with his foot and met (Y/N) on the bed, “I made us some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns,” he beamed proudly. Despite Hank’s advantageous feet, he was pretty clumsy, especially in the kitchen.
“You cooked?” (Y/N) asked surprised.
“Well, Raven cooked, but I did learn a few tricks!” He spoke happily. 
(Y/N) too their plate from Hank with a grateful smile, “Well, I’ll have to thank her,” they leaned over and kissed Hank’s cheek, “Thank you, my love.”
Henry blushed despite himself. He had thought he’d be used to affection by now, but in truth, he was still as flustered as the first time (Y/N) had shown him any form of affection. Hank was used to being alone in his lab, or alone with his teammates. He never thought he’d meet someone who would make his whole world bright. 
Breakfast was delicious and (Y/N) vowed to thank Raven once again. They knew Raven could cook, but damn! (Y/N) sat back and pat their stomach, “That was wonderful, thank you, Hank.”
“It was nothing, really. Wait till you see what else I have planned,” He grinned. He had made sure to set a schedule that was sure to be successful. He awoke early that morning to ensure everything was bulletproof, figuratively speaking of course. 
“I can’t wait,” (Y/N) moved their plate aside to get up, “For now, I’d like to shower, care to join me?”
Hank was up in an instant, he could afford to be distracted at least a little bit, right? Everything was sure to turn out successful in the end.
Everything was not successful. Hank couldn’t understand what had happened! One minute he was taking (Y/N) apart inch by inch in the shower, the next, (Y/N) had slipped and hit their head thus killing the mood. This was why he never indulged in shower sex! Well, he also never had the opportunity, but (Y/N) hurt their head! They had a major headache for a couple of hours after that so Hank had to cancel a few plans, like the training in the Danger Room, the horseback riding reservation, and the movie date. 
(Y/N) had apologized repeatedly because they felt as if it were their fault, but Hank was sure to shoot down each apology. Hank should have been more careful, at least that’s what he had said each time (Y/N) apologized. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling better? We can skip the picnic if you’re still hurting,” Hank softly spoke.
“No, we are not canceling any more plans. You put so much thought into today and I already ruined a good portion of it,” (Y/N) put up a finger to silence Hank, “Don’t say that I didn’t because we both know if it weren’t for my headache we’d be exhausted physically by now.”
Hank sighed, “I should have been careful, if we’re blaming someone, then it’s on me,” Hank stood up from their shared bed and straightened his clothes, “If you really want to do this, then I’ll make sure the basket is ready to go.” Even though Henry had checked everything over that morning, he desperately needed to make sure everything was ready to go now. 
“I do want to do this. I’ll meet you downstairs, okay?” (Y/N) stood up and shooed Hank away.
Once Hank had left, (Y/N) opened their top drawer to their dresser and pulled out an Advil bottle, just in case. 
When (Y/N) finally emerged downstairs, Hank was holding a blanket, a basket, and an umbrella. “Ready (Your nickname)?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” (Y/N) held out their hand to take something, anything from Hank who resembled a packed mule. Hank sighed gratefully and handed the umbrella to them. Once Hank’s hand was free, (Y/N) used the advantage to lace their fingers together. They loved to see Hank’s cheeks flush anytime they did something simple with their affection. 
Together, Hank and (Y/N) walked down the path of the gardens to find a good spot for their picnic. Despite the happenings of the morning, (Y/N) was enjoying their day. Sure they hurt their head, but Hank was there to take care of them. Hank was there to cuddle and he was there to dote over (Y/N). The mere presence of the other mutant was enough to ease (Y/N)’s pain. They were looking forward to the rest of the day, whether it’s ruined by some unfortunate event or not. As long as Hank was with them, nothing else mattered.
To Hank’s surprise and delight, the picnic was a huge success. Not only did their simple meal suffice, but the sparkling cider was also chilled perfectly. The flowers in the garden were in full bloom and even though there were a few bees, the bees managed to keep away from them, though Hank suspected (Y/N) had to do with that. (Y/N) had the ability to interact with animals, big, small, aquatic, land, etc. Alex used to tease them both that (Y/N) managed to snag Hank’s love and affection because (Y/N)’s mutant powers tamed the beast within him. He wasn’t too far off, but it had nothing to do with the powers (Y/N) possessed and everything to do with their personality and who they were.
Now that the picnic was finished, Hank took ahold of (Y/N)’s hand, and together they walked around the grounds of the mansion. It was truly beautiful. Charles managed to create the most beautiful school and they couldn’t have asked for better scenery. 
Once the sun began to set, Hank escorted (Y/N) back to their room for dessert. When Hank suggested dessert, he did a godawful wink that either Charles or Alex had shown him. (Y/N) thought it was adorable and followed him inside nonetheless. 
“You head on up and I’ll meet you there, okay?” Hank kissed (Y/N)’s temple and lightly pushed them in the direction of the stairs.
“Alright, don’t keep me waiting or I’ll get started without you,” (Y/N) teased.
Hank couldn’t help the grin that formed on his lips as he watched (Y/N) walk up the stairs. In spite of it all, their day was the perfect disaster and Hank wouldn’t have changed anything in the end.
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sleepyboisinc · 4 years
soo,,, the secret au huh?
its a band au. its a fucking band au. im posting this super impulsively, and it has no editing i think so if there are any mistakes,,,, fuck it idc
also this ends in a sort of cliffhanger i was gonan write more but i got tired of writing and never got the motivation to again im sorry lul
this au isnt just by me, theres other ppl involved in it too!! mainly bad timezone gang in technohive but others also helped :)
anywaysyysyshdhsh yea read if u want to ig
wilbur soot was discovered by a record label when he was 15 after he wrote the squid song. they didn't care that the lyrics were objectively bad, it was wilbur’s voice that grabbed their attention. they interviewed him and decided that they were gonna give him a chance. wilbur, who had always dreamed of being a singer, jumped at the opportunity. the interview went very well. they even asked him to sing a few songs and he nailed it. however, he wasn’t perfect. he still needed some vocal training. they spent an entire day discussing and signing paperwork. the label ended up arranging for wilbur to attend music classes to enhance his voice and get better at the guitar.
time-skip about 3 years. wilbur is 18 and is phenomenal at singing and the guitar. he starts going to uni and meets his roommate, an american student named technoblade who plays the violin. wilbur and techno quickly become friends, bonding over music and other mutual interests like video games. techno plays mini gigs on the street and at bars close to campus to make some money for himself. particularly at a little bar called “the harpy’s nest”
one day, wilbur gets bored sitting at home alone, so he goes to watch techno’s gig. he arrives halfway through the set and watches for about 5 minutes. after the gig is over, he watches as techno interacts with the bartender, a young man only slightly older looking than the two of them. techno notices wilbur and calls him over, introducing him to the bartender, philza. the two immediately hit it off and by the end of the night, they’ve exchanged numbers and a promise to meet up phil’s next shift.
over the next few months, the trio became best friends. wilbur learns that phil plays the drums and has several eps. one ep in particular, “hardcore2” blew up a bit in their general area and phil gained a bit of traction as a musician. the three boys spend most of their time hanging out at wilbur and techno’s dorm, or at phil’s bar. they stay up till ungodly hours playing video games and talking. their other friends dub them the sleepy boys, because of how tired they all are the next day. 
however, as the months fly by, the date wilbur is supposed to finish training and write his first songs draws closer. he worries he’s bitten more than he can chew and he wonders if he’s even ready for fame. a month later he is assigned a manager, pete. pete says that his training contract has expired, meaning that he's ready to start writing his album. wilbur says that he needs to think a bit before he starts. pete was about to tell him he can’t have extra time to think because he signed a contract, but seeing the look of stress on wilbur’s face, he allows him 2 days before he starts. wilbur goes on a walk to think. he curses himself for second-guessing himself now. he realizes he doesn’t wanna do this alone. then he thinks of techno and phil. 
what if they formed a band? that way he wouldn’t have to do this alone. he’s sure that they'd love to make a band together as well. he goes to them and… they agree. he goes to pete and asks him if they can be a three-piece band. pete says he needs to ask his higher-ups first. wilbur doesn’t hear from pete for 4 days and starts to worry. what if they won’t allow it? it wasn't part of the agreement so they have every right to turn him down. at the end of the fourth day, pete calls him and says that the higher-ups have agreed. they had to choose a group name by the end of 2 days. the trio was over the moon.
this was the start of sleepy bois inc.
their record label wasn’t massive, so the boys took to playing on the streets and in bars to gain some traction. they slowly started gaining recognition and grew faster when they made a youtube channel. they released several eps and a few albums, and gained a following over the next few years.
their first big break came 3 years after the band was formed. they had a decent following, about 50k subs on youtube and slightly less on other platforms. one day, jschlatt from lunch club, a massive boy band, got their music recommended to him on youtube. he’s intrigued and listened to it, and was surprised at how much he liked it. he liked it so much, that he decided to shout them out on twitter. 
sleepybois inc’s popularity skyrocketed, and the members of both bands grew close. when lunch club announced their next tour, they revealed that sleepybois inc would open for them. the fans freak out, and many iconic moments and inside jokes form from this tour. 
tommy innit was 19 years old and was preparing to become a musician. he was almost done with the 4 years of vocal and keyboard training provided by a record label and had to make a decision: be a solo artist, or join a band. if he chose the band, he has another 2 options: be assigned into a band that already exists under this label or make a new one with people that he knows. 
tommy is also a massive fan of lunch club, and sees that jschlatt shouted out a band called sleepybois inc. he likes them a lot and becomes a fan of their stuff too. what tommy didn’t know is that they were at the same label he was training at and were open for a 4th member. 
back on the music, tommy ended up going with band. he debated between making a band or being assigned one. after a while, he ended up going with being assigned. he was nervous about this because he'd have to integrate himself into their dynamic and feared that fans won’t like him, but he figured it’d be easier than making his friends all learn instruments.
being assigned a band is a process, so tommy had a couple of months free. during this time, lunch club was on tour with sleepybois inc and tommy got vip tickets to a show. so he went to the meet and greet and gave his number to sleepybois inc saying ”hmu if u need a keyboardist lul” as a joke (this is a very important detail i will include it f u)
so come around the day of tommy getting assigned. he has to do auditions for the bands that the record label selected for him to join. management has narrowed it down to the youngest 2 bands at their label who are open for a member: one of which is sleepybois inc. 
it had been a month since tommy interviewed for sleepybois inc. he did pretty well at it, and had been talking to the boys a lot since then. he still hadn’t had news on whether he joined though. 
it was 3 am. tommy had been working on school work for hours and had only just managed to finish up for the night. he settled into bed and was about to fall asleep when his phone rang. not bothering to look at who was calling, tommy picked it up
“who the fuck is calling me at 3 in the morning i swear to god-” tommy whispered angrily. 
“tommy?” wilbur’s voice rang out “wait shit- this is probably a really bad time im sorry. but we have something important to tell you.”
tommy’s eyes widened. 
“we’ve decided that you can join the band”
the band and their label spent a few weeks discussing how they would go about this. they boys decided they would need a name change too, and ended up settling on the name ‘purple pandas’. however, a new member and a name change would practically transform the band completely, so they had to go about announcing this the right way.
they ended up settling on posting a youtube video titled ‘making some changes’. seeing the announcement for this sent fans into a frenzy, frantically tweeting about what it could be. many rumours spread fast and it even got into a few news articles. conspiracies started floating around about what changes could possibly be taking place.
i cant write this shit no more bye
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into1-wonderland · 3 years
Baby!Into1 x Daycare au | Intro
(ft. Bo Yuan as the caretaker of the 10 chaotic bunch, ranging from the ages of 3-5)
a/n: hello hello yumi here~ so this is the first into1 au of mine that will ever see the light of day. at first I was going to write things for it, but honestly I'm going to make it into a series with incorrect quotes to attach with it. this post will be the bios of all the babies and our lovely caretaker Bo Yuan, so enough of me babbling and I hope you guys could enjoy~
First off, we have the Caretaker™ Bo Yuan:
my mans is like in his 20's rn
wanted to open up a little day care as like side job/internship because he wanted to teach kids in the future so he was like “might as well start working with kids now!”
and so
he did it
only regretted his life decisions when his devil number 1 and devil number 2 does something bad
other times he really enjoy looking after them! and he doesn’t even feel like it’s a job!
has been thinking about taking a field trip with all 10 of them but he’s afraid: 1) he might lose one 2) he might lose himself 3) can they behave themselves
his favorite thing to do is having all of them gather around while reading a fairytale to them for nap time
or sometimes he would sing a song
he has a lot of favorite things in day care, literally having all 10 of them just there makes him happy
except when lin mo and nine is having a scream off:
lin mo: ahh
nine: aHH
lin mo: AHH
nine: AHHHHH-
bo yuan, running into the room: what’s wrong?
ak: screaming
bo yuan: why?
patrick, with his hands over his ears: TO SEE WHOS LOUDER
all the other boys: *nods*
isnt always watching the kids 24/7, since day 1 when the kids came in he told them the rules of the daycare and kinda just let them familiarize the place
(bo yuan: its a daycare, and they are kids, they are suppose to have fun!
keyu, in the back, mumbles: i wanna climb the tree in the yard
bo yuan, turns around: keyu no)
And now we have the kids!!
Liu Yu:
4 years old
very quiet, just likes to sit and read and draw
the most obedient one, and likes to follow around bo yuan
well,, most of the time
he’s played a few pranks on bo yuan like:
bo yuan: liu yu nap time is over you have to wake up
liu yu: *not moving*
bo yuan, gently nudged liu yu: liu yu wake up!
liu yu: *continues to fake sleep and not move*
bo yuan: *leans closer to liu yu’s face to make sure hes not sick or has a fever*
liu yu, scares bo yuan: WAH
bo yuan: liu yu dont do that! you scared me!
liu yu: *giggles*
likes to stretch and bend himself in odd positions
(bo yuan: everyday I’m in fear that he will snap himself in half)
kinda an introvert but once he hangs around everyone for a bit he will open up to them and fit himself in very well
likes to organize and keep things how he found them/have special places where he organizes his toys
jiayuan: *moves liu yu’s fan*
liu yu: hey! put that back!!
has really good etiquettes and never really fights or argues or bicker with the other kids
but likes to joke around and mess around with once in a while
patrick: wahhh i put my cupcakes here who took one!
liu yu, hiding it behind his back: idk maybe keyu took it?
the least of bo yuan’s worries since he’s always in bo yuan’s sight, also he’s aware of his surroundings so he actually helps bo yuan make sure everything’s okay
(bo yuan: i made a checklist for myself on the whiteboard and liu yu likes to check things off for me, he said “coloring in the boxes is fun” so now he's the reason why i get all my work done)
4 years old
riki’s best friend
super happy and bright, like a ray of sunshine
is easily scared
lin mo: hi
really likes bo yuan, would stick on to him a lot and ask him about everything
santa: bo yuan gege whats this?
santa: bo yuan gege what’s that?
santa: bo yuan gege what are you making right now?
hangs out with liu yu and mika a lot (other than riki)
riki is older than him but would hold riki’s hand and take him around like a didi
also really likes racing with mika for E V E R Y T H I N G
(bo yuan: yeah couple days ago they tried to race who can fall asleep faster but because they kept on peeking at each other so they basically didn’t sleep till i said i’ll watch for them)
really likes to dance, every time he hears music he would start grooving around
loves learning new things, which is probably the reason why he always asks bo yuan so many questions
also least one of bo yuan’s worries, just gotta make sure jiayuan and lin mo don’t pull pranks on him
(bo yuan: well they dont really pull prank pranks, its just once lin mo grabbed a frog and started running around and showing it to everyone, but lin mo lost grip and the frog jumped on santa)
5 years old
looks like he’s 3, acts like he’s 3, but is actually 5
best friends with santa! always sticks around him and likes to tug on a corner of his shirt out of habit
bo yuan: alright everyone it’s nap time! i’ve made the beds for everyone
riki, sees his bed is not next to santa: bo yuan gege can you switch my bed next to santa? i wanna be next to santa
he didn’t start speaking till he was 4 so he often stutters when he talk and just looks confused a lot (it's because he’s thinking and formulating his words)
santa and the other kids would always have to interpret for him
bo yuan: riki I brought some snacks today do you want cookies or marshmallows?
riki: ???
santa, motioning with his hands: bo yuan gege said do you want the white fluffies or brown crunchies
riki: oh! crunchies!
squishy cheeks,, bo yuan’s favorite thing is to squish his cheek everytime he sees him
riki: gud mooning bo yuan gege!
bo yuan, squishes riki’s cheeks: ahh I haven’t seen you in so long good morning!!
nine: wait wasnt riki here yesterday??
also likes to stretch,, often seen around with liu yu and they just help each other
(bo yuan: i am afraid he will snap himself in half too)
not too much of bo yuan’s worries, besides the fact that he might get kidnapped because he’s so oblivious
(bo yuan: we were playing outside in the yard once and riki just wandered off because he thought the neighbor’s flowers were pretty)
4 years old
also kinda an introvert, doesn’t interact with too many people
usually it’s santa that approaches him first or keyu^^
found a ukulele in the toy bin one time and wouldn’t let go of it (he claims it’s his now)
his favorite activity at daycare is when they all sing together, that’s when he smiles the most and has the most fun
the one that likes to nap the most
also likes to help bo yuan cook once in a while (mostly just having mika washing vegetables and passing things to bo yuan)
very laid back and not noisy (till he starts playing the ukulele)
often gets scared by lin mo’s sudden screams (actually, lin mo scares a lot of people, sorry to mika’s ears)
also not one of bo yuan’s worries, literally there’s nothing to worry about with mika, all the kids just likes to sit around mika and pet his head so he keeps everyone safe
(bo yuan: one time I couldn’t find any of the kids in the play room, apparently they were all in the napping corner petting mika’s head since he just got a hair cut)
4 years old
loud, very loud.
pouts a lot
everyone calls nine cute, even the boys who are younger than him
likes to boss around patrick because he’s older
nine: patrick gimme that juice box!
patrick: you’re closer you get it!
nine: i’m older than you!
literally scared of everything
if he hasn’t seen it before and it’s living, he’s scared
jiayuan: *holds a bowl of tadpoles*
nine, several feet away: WAHHH WHAT IS THAT
the happiest when he gets snacks + real food food
also really likes to sing!! his favorite thing is watching disney movies because there’s so much music in it and he just loves to sing along
he’s not part of bo yuan’s worries because he’s literally scared of everything, but nine is really naive and would do things that the other kids tell him to do so, it’s a 50/50 on nine
(bo yuan: there was an edible decorative flower on keyu’s birthday cake couple days ago, and somehow jiayuan convinced nine all flowers were edible. so today during outside time nine almost ate the neighbor’s flowers)
Lin Mo:
3 years old
probably the craziest most hyper one out of them all
he and jiayuan always have something bad planned
literally doesn’t have a moment where he’s calm
constantly in bickering mode with ak
lin mo: NO IM RIGHT
patrick: what are they arguing about?
keyu: *shrugs*
but is also best friends with ak so he’s also calm around him
(bo yuan: yeah these two have on and off days, you can never predict it)
and also constantly naruto runs around the daycare
bo yuan: lin mo stop running!
lin mo: *nyoom*
he also once nyoomed into keyu
keyu: ow what was that for?
lin mo: you were in my way!
and now he nyooms into keyu for fun
a very good mood maker
likes to smile/laugh a lot
would calm down if you show him a movie or a cartoon
number 2 on bo yuan’s worry list because he’s the "bad influence" for everyone, also he reduces hearing for everyone
(bo yuan: i’ve secretly made a tally book on how many times i have to say “lin mo” in a concerning tone this week and he came in 2nd. he was only here for like 3 days!)
Zhang Jiayuan:
3 years old
couple months younger than lin mo but this is the real culprit under a lot of his and lin mo‘s plans
it’s just because jiayuan has a lot of crazy ideas and he says them out loud and lin mo is just like “yes”
also sometimes they are just accidents, but he's always doing weird questionable things with lin mo
got really sad one time because he brought tadpoles and put them in the fish tank and killed them since the fish went nom
but then started to constantly catch for tadpoles to feed the fishes
bo yuan: jiayuan stop, you’re killing the frog population!
jiayuan: but the fishies are hungry *pouts*
likes to fight/mess around with keyu for no reason
keyu: *sitting there, drawing*
jiayuan, with a squishy hammer: *bops keyu’s head*
but also will protect keyu if anyone tries to mess with him
lin mo: *nyooms into keyu for the 3rd time of the day* jiayuan, hugs keyu: stop hurting him!
the calmest thing he likes to do is taking care of plants, probably because he saw bo yuan spraying the plants one time and he like to squeeze the spray bottle
number 1 on bo yuan’s worry list, this child is literally not safe alone or with anyone. they were trying to celebrate keyu’s birthday and jiayuan tried to touch the candles, while it was lit, by the flame.
(bo yuan: i just got the tablets and haven’t set up children mode, so i’ll take the blame for this one. but also why are kids so good with technologies nowadays??)
3 years old
squishy :D
smiley :DD
favorite thing is nap time and snack time
somehow knows every location where bo yuan hides their snacks
bo yuan: *getting the snacks that he hid in the piano*
patrick: *sitting next to the window sill with the snack* hi~
of course bo yuan can never get mad at patrick for eating the snacks because patrick doesn’t do anything bad
also he's a growing child
best friends with keyu,, and drags him on to “adventures”
*the daycare got a new toy play house*
patrick: bo yuan gege, keyu and I are moving out so we can go on an adventure!
keyu: I didnt agree to this??
wants bo yuan to add dress up into the daycare games, since he wants to dress up the other boys in the daycare
patrick: i call it, patrick fashion!
not part of bo yuan’s worries till he’s on his hunt for the hidden snacks, just because bo yuan is afraid he might hurt himself
(bo yuan: i started hiding the snacks higher up and one time i saw him trying to climb on keyu’s shoulders to grab it)
Zhou Keyu:
3 years old
smart, but really clueless at the same time
tall, but has the personality of smol
likes to draw
also likes to read with patrick,, but usually patrick falls asleep so it’s him, the book, and a sleeping patrick
wears glasses all the time since his vision isn’t so good but somehow he makes glasses look good on him???
has a chain with his glasses because there too many glasses incident with keyu
glasses #1 keyu: I don’t like them! *takes it off and loses it*
glasses #2 keyu: *takes them off for nap time, but riki accidentally rolled on to them and snapped it*
glasses # we don’t know how many: *disconnected from the keyu universe*
also like a month younger than lin mo but literally has to make sure lin mo doesnt “blow” the place up
lin mo: what if I stuck this fork into the pluggie thing?
keyu, picking lin mo up: nope you’re not
when keyu is clueless he either stands there or just sit there and space out, not really noticeable but bo yuan ran into him doing that a couple times
(bo yuan: I thought he was an ai that was malfunctioning, it scared me at first but now I know he just doesn’t remember what he’s doing)
oh did I mention this,, even though he’s one of the youngest, he’s the tallest, with that advantage he likes to try to pick people up
jiayuan: keyu pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: keyu likes me more he will pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: *pouts*
keyu: *tries to pick both jiayuan and patrick up at the same time*
not too high up on bo yuan’s worry list, give him a piece of paper or book or anything he would just calmly sit there and do something with it
(bo yuan: every time when we do art or reading its so hard to pry keyu away, he has to finish what he was doing and he’s so concentrated he doesn’t hear anybody)
Liu Zhang (AK):
4 years old
loud, VERY LOUD.
he doesn’t know he’s loud
bo yuan: ak you don’t have to yell
ak: OKAY
monopolized over all the instrument music type of toys in the daycare
bo yuan: ak you know you have to share your toys right?
ak: I gave the ukulele to mika
honestly having ak is like having a walking megaphone so bo yuan ended up actually making ak his little helper for announcements
bo yuan: ak go tell everyone is lunch time
ak: alright!
ak: *da da da running to fetch his little stool*
ak, stands on a little stool in the middle of the play room: ITS LUNCH TIMEEEEEE-
nine, swats ak’s leg: YOU SCARED ME
the only time ak is quiet is when he’s around lin mo, he kinda just likes to watch lin mo and follow him around so that’s that
unless lin mo starts messing with him, then you just lose your hearing for the day
also at first bo yuan was trying to see what ak is interested in, and he taught ak hot cross buns on the bells and thought that would calm ak down,, but oops ak ended up making more noises
(bo yuan: I swear something happened to this kid or something. he’s not hard of hearing but he’s just naturally so loud)
i too would lose my hearing if im around ak so much
not to high on bo yuan’s worries but he just make sure ak isn’t being too loud and bothering the other kids, usually he’s pretty good about that but you never know when a little patrick will start napping or anyone really so gotta contain his energy
(bo yuan: ak is usually the first one that’s awake from nap time but its usually like 5-10min before everyone else so i told him he can go and play but he just has to be quiet)
alrighty !! now you've met everyone in the daycare, what kind of fun and chaotic adventures are they going to have??
(all future daycare au things will be incorrect quotes + short little one shots, this intro mostly served as a bio so you understand their personalities a bit, and i hope you enjoyed it!)
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Oh my gosh I love your Ashe x reader! So wholesome 💝 could I get a one-shot of Ashe and the reader where the reader asks him to have tea time with her, and she puts so much effort into the tea and snacks in order to confess to him?
[Hello! sorry that this request took some time. I’ve recently gotten into watching ‘The Great British Baking Show,’ and now I find myself learning how to make tarts vs. doing anything productive lol. On the bright side I learned how to make a gnash icing! I did my best with this one, and it’s a bit lengthy to make up for the wait. I wrote it from s/o’s p.o.v because somehow that just happened(I normally don’t opt. for first person). It’s not my best work, but I hope you like it!]
Ashe Ubert x Reader: {Tea over Troubles}
Premise: Much has happened in the short time you’ve spent at the monastery. One thing in-particular being a snag in your heart for a certain freckle faced sweetheart. Being the tongue-tied romantic you are, can some evening snacks smooth over an otherwise awkward confession?
“I’ll take one bag of mint brew please,” I said while reaching into my pocket. It was rather early in the morning, so the market was only just opening. Not too often do I show up around here before noon because of classes, but today is an exception. At my voice the shopkeeper tipped his hat at me in a greeting, before sifting through his wares.
“Sure thing. That’ll be 300 gold,” He said and pulled out a small sack. I took it gratefully and handed him the desired amount. It’s a bit pricier than what I usually go for, but on special occasions money is not something to mull over. In the distance the monastery clock chimed to signal the start of class, and I hurriedly shoved the sack into my bag.
“Thank you! I’ll be around next week for my order of Almyran pine,” I toss him a wave before leaving, and in turn the man does the same. Though next week I hopefully won’t have to visit at such an ungodly hour.
By the time I arrive class had already started. Professor Byleth stood stark in front of the chalk board, and it appeared that they were in the middle of a lesson on trajectory for the long-range fighters in our group. While their back was turned, I took the opportunity to slowly creep into the room. The door creaked just a smidge, drawing a few of my peers' attention. Felix glares my way but that’s no shock. What better thing could he do with his time then judge me? Luckily, I sit second from the back next to Sylvain. Reaching it undetected goes well enough. Though said tablemate is a chatterbox who’s laugh cost all my stealth points.
“You’re late (Y/N), this is unlike you,” The professor said. Sylvain’s snorty laugh drew their attention. It seemed that as I tried to calm my seatmate down, they maneuvered to stand in front of our table. Not the best situation to be caught in.
“I’m so sorry professor. I couldn’t find my books this morning,” I lied. Not an obvious one, but my tense posture might be a giveaway. If it was, they didn’t seem to care.
“I see, just try not to let it happen again,” They said and left me no room to reply before returning to the board. As if a puppeteer let go of my string my posture slumped, and from my side came a nudge. I ignore it only for Sylvain to wrap one of his arms over my shoulder. Across the room Ingrid lets out an irritated sigh; at least with me he won’t leave a mess for her to clean up. That poor girl.
“So…where were you really,” He pressed his face closer to my own, and from the corner of my eye I could see that cocky smirk of his.
“In my room?” I said, playing dumb.
“Do you expect me to believe that?” He said, but then his eyes widened a fraction “don’t tell me you were seeing someone? Now this is good,” his tone dropped an octave at the end. Utter mortification overtook my features, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes in disgust. All that did for him was solidify his theory.
“Could you get your mind out of the gutter?!” I snapped, but then remembered where we were “Honestly, Sylvain. Nock it off,” I whisper while pulling away entirely. He then shrugs his shoulders and turns back to face the board.
“My mind is exactly where it should- Ow!” His shriek startled me, and despite my own interests I join him in inspecting behind us. As Sylvain rubs the back of his head all I can do is assume someone flicked him. Maybe threw something? Alright then, the pencil on the floor supports the second option.
“Now what was that for?” He asked the two behind us. Ashe looked up from his textbook with one eyebrow quirked. He questioned what Sylvain meant, while at his side Annette clearly had a guilty conscience as she twiddled with the hems of her sleeves. That’s when I had to hold back my own smile. If Ashe knows nothing, then what could he have been reading from an upside-down textbook?
“Focus you two! This is important,” The professor cuts the interaction short, and when Sylvain turns, I can’t help but catch Ashe’s shoulders slump. How cute.
As usual the professor’s malicious lessons wear us all dry. By the end of the day we’re all like savages scouring for fresh game to cook up. Well, not exactly. We just need a few hours of sleep and maybe a glass of water. The only one of us who’s still fully attentive at this hour is Dedue. It’s…a bit unnerving how he can go so long with perfect posture.
“Class is dismissed. Remember that we have a mock battle next week, so be sure to brush up on formation placement for when I’m not there to guide you,” The professor concludes our lesson, and with a wave of the wrist people begin to file out. I wave goodbye to those sitting near me, and instead approach the professor’s pew. They glance up from the papers they’re reading and signal me to speak.
“Excuse me, Professor. Can I have a moment of your time for a personal issue?” I ask, and they place the papers down.
“I assume this has to do with why you were late today,” I nod.
“Alright, go on”
“Well, as you know things have been a bit rough for Ashe since the incident with the western church. I wanted to cheer him up, so I went out this morning to buy his favorite tea. I also wanted to get him something nice to eat…but I don’t know what he might like,” My words come out rushed and a bit uneven. The professor looks at me as if to say, ‘now how does this involve me?’ and I shakily move to tuck any hair stragglers behind my ear. Yeah, that surly couldn’t have made my feelings more obvious. I’m just a mastermind with words, aren’t I?
“You eat meals with him often after training, right? Any ideas?” I elaborate, and for a moment they pause to think.
“Sweet bread. He orders it often as a dessert,” They said, and give me an encouraging pat on the shoulder. With a large grin I snatch up my schoolbag and bid them farewell. The professor may not be the most expressive person, but that doesn’t mean they’re not supportive.
“Thank you, professor!”
After that catastrophe I began to make my way towards the mess hall. If luck is on my side, then the chefs won’t have any issue loaning out the kitchen to me for a few hours later this evening. As I walk the greenhouse comes into view, and perhaps it was a sign. What better way to cheer someone up than with flowers? With that in mind I change my course with a skip in my step and enter the garden in hopes of crafting a small bouquet. Though instead I’m met with a pleasant surprise.
“Ashe, Dedue! Fancy meeting you here,” I approach the duo, who are harvesting out of the vegetable gardens. At my presence Ashe jolts, and nearly drops the basket he was holding. Dedue was quick to respond and steadied him easily.
“O-oh! (Y/N) don’t do that, you nearly scared the wits out of me,” Ashe puts his free arm to his chest with a relieved sigh, and I can’t help but giggle. I nearly forgot he was the easily startled type; my bad.
“Haha I’m sorry guys. I hope that I’m not interrupting, just a few minutes and I’ll be out of your hair,” I said, and bypassed them to peruse the flora section of the garden. It was hard to pick out a distinct aroma, as the mass amount of plants seemed to overtake the room with the scent of wet soil. Someone must have watered recently.  
“There is no need to rush. We are only collecting morfis plums for the head chef,” Dedue said, and continued to fill the basket Ashe was carrying.
“Dedue is right. Please, take your time,” Ashe said as well; once the basket was full, he began to carry it to the exit. As he walked, I noticed small patches of dirt littered over his uniform.
“That seems to be enough. Thank you for your help Dedue, I can deliver them from here,” He opened the door, and waved goodbye to the both of us before taking his leave. With every step small bits of dirt fell onto the floor in his wake.
“Then I will take my leave as well. Goodbye (Y/N),” Dedue moved to follow, but hastily I called out to him.
“Dedue hang on one moment!” He halted but did not turn away from the door.
“I know this is kind of sudden, but do you perhaps know what Ashe’s favorite flower is? I wanted to prepare him a present,” I said a bit softer than before. Just as the professor did, he paused in thought. Then he pointed to the small bed of violets planted in the corner.
“Hm. I do not know, but I am under the belief that he prefers violets,” I couldn’t suppress my urge to hug him, so I did. I gave him a swift side squeeze and ran over to crouch by the blooms. Just a few in a vase would be perfect!
“Dedue you are the best! Just…don’t tell him that I’m doing this? Please?” I asked, glancing over my shoulder to meet his eyes. He remained expressionless as usual, but I could still hear the amusement in his voice.
“There is no benefit in ruining a surprise. I will not speak of it,” He bowed, and then dismissed himself.  
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then” I cheered, “bye! Thanks again Dedue,”
That evening had been spent productively, and by ‘productively’ I mean ‘making multiple sweet breads till one came edible’. It turns out that baking bread wasn’t as easy as it sounded, and that the chefs really don’t like when you make a calamity of their kitchen. After endless attempts I did manage to make something of…substance? If anything, Ashe will have a good laugh from it. By the end of the night there was flour lodged in places that I honestly didn’t know it could reach. The time from cleaning the kitchen to arriving at my room remains a blur, but the fresh loaf stored on my desk makes it all worth it.
When I manage to clean myself up for class, I arrive to see a bit of a twist on the normal set-up. Where I’d normally find my lover-boy classmate sat Ashe, and next to Anette was the missing flirt in question. They spoke idle chatter while waiting for the professor to arrive, so instead of interrupting I advanced towards my seat. With a newfound morning wind, I pulled out my usual chair.
“Hey, I didn’t hear anything about a new seating arrangement,” I spoke out to no one, but when I sat down Ashe turned towards my way. His hair appeared tamed for once and after catching my gaze he moved to comb it back with his hand. As I’ve said before: too cute.
“Good morning, the professor thought it would be a nice change of pace,” he said, a bit too cheery for this early, “I uhm…hope that it’s no issue?”
“Issue? You mean blessing. Now I can focus without Sylvain chatting my ear off” I leaned against the desk in hopes of getting more comfortable. At my dismissal of the new yet welcome change, he moved to unpack his things. Had he really waited to see if I was in favor of this?
“That’s very true. I’m also glad that we share a table now. I like having you as my partner,” a pause, a recollection, and then panic, “I-I mean for w-work! Partner for work!” His voice became more of a squeak as he moved to correct himself. From behind me Sylvain kicked at my ankles, without a doubt congratulating me on flustering the boy. As Ashe continued to scramble for his dignity, my head began to feel a bit heavy on my palm. Staying up into the morning hours wasn’t one of my brightest ideas, but what’s done is done.
“Say…are you alright? You seem out of it,” Placing the last of his things on his desk, Ashe turned to face me. It’s only normal that he’d ask, given my appearance and his caring nature. With a small smile, I attempted to shoo away his concern.
“Just didn’t sleep well, it’s fine. Would you maybe like to hang out later during free hour? You know, take a break from school for a bit,” Changing the topic was a good move considering how his face lit up. All remise of concern wiped away in favor of his face going flush.
“If it would help you feel better than I would love to,” he eagerly replied, “N-not to say that I would say ‘no’ otherwise. I’ll just be quiet now” Perhaps confessing isn’t as difficult as others make it seem. If he gets excited over simply spending time together, than tonight might cause him to collapse.
After dinner had been over with, I set my sights on assuring that everything was set and ready. The rooms that the monastery provided for its students were small but shouldn’t be too cramped if it’s only two people. Unfortunately, being fancy wasn’t a luxury I could afford, and the plain table I had borrowed from the infirmary made me feel small. After some searching, I decided to use an old shawl as a makeshift tablecloth and placed the vase of violets on the center. After slicing the loaf and plating the bread, I made quick work of seeping the tea. It wasn’t as decorative as what we see in the mess hall, but it’s the thought that counts. With not much time left I swiftly attempted to fix my hair, but a soft knocking cut it short.
“(Y/N)? It’s Ashe,” Ashe spoke from the other side. In a panic I looked for a comb, but alas luck was not on my side.
“Coming!” I moved to open the door, but paused at the last second, “Hey, could you maybe, not face the door when I open it?” I asked, and Ashe’s confusion came through the door just fine despite not being able to see him.
“Uhm, sure? Can I ask why?” His voice came apprehensive.
“Just do it please” I said, and soon came shuffling from the other side of the door. With a quick glance back to assure everything was set, I cracked the door open to make sure he followed directions. Just as expected he faced the other way. His hands locked together behind his back, making his unease apparent. Cautiously I reached to cover his eyes with my hands, and despite jolting in surprise he did not pull away.
“W-what are you doing? (Y/N), is that you?” He moved to place his hands over my own, ushering me to slowly pull him backwards in a rush. Although it was clumsily, he still followed. His hands were clammy against mine, yet my condition was no better. Next to the chill night air my rose-tinted cheeks burned noticeably.
“Yes, yes” I whispered in anticipation and turned him to face the table, “Now open!”
Once he caught sight of the room it was as if he glowed. In all honesty this is possibly the first time I have seen him this happy, which made all the effort worth the prize. One step at a time he approached the table with the cheesiest grin stretching his cheeks. After a moment he reached to delicately pluck a flower from the vase.
“Oh my- what’s all this for?” He asked, lifting the violet to his nose. As he did so I maneuvered my way to serve the tea.
“For you of course” I said, handing him a now filled cup and pulling out one of the seats. He sat down obediently, much to my delight. He placed the flower back in the vase as I took my seat across the table.
“M-me?” He lifted the cup to take a sip, only to pause with it hovering near his face “I love this scent…” As he took in the scenery, I took the liberty of pouring my own cup. One look at his face gave away how touched he was, which meant that my plan was a success. Slowly he lifted the cup to his lips and contently hummed with closed eyes.
“I know you do. I did a bit of detective work in hopes you’d like it,” I said, and nudged the plate of sweetbread closer to him. He reached out to take it hesitantly. Perhaps all this made him uncomfortable? A bit pushy? As he placed the plate in front of him Ashe’s eyes seemed to dart across the room, eyeing at anything and everything not in my general direction.
“I don’t know what to say…” He said, finally looking my way “You’ve gone to all this trouble and I have nothing to give” He once again moved to pick a violet. The sight was…charming to say the least. I could only offer a supportive chuckle in response. What else could you do when laying your heart bare.
“Then don’t say anything,” With one final breath, I placed the now empty cup back on its saucer. His own gaze seemed ignorant of what was going on: unreadable. Perhaps that was a good thing; better to go in blind than already know the outcome.
“Ashe, I care about you. I want you to be happy, and I know this can’t undo all the hardship that you have had to face” Silence. With a shaky sigh I steeled myself for the worst, “But, when I thought of what I could do this is what came up. I’m no deity, but I figured this is something in my power” Good enough. As I spoke my eyes shut to gather some courage, but in the long run it was ineffective. From Ashe came no answer, not even a peep. All I could do was steel myself for rejection…until a warm hand encased my own. I peered my eyes open to see that my grip on the teacup had intensified, and two calloused hands worked to sooth my tense disposition.
“Thank you. I can say from the bottom of my heart that this makes me feel-well, loved...” One hand moved to cup my chin and lead my gaze to meet two puffy green eyes. Had he been crying?
“I’m trying to find the right words but it’s so hard,” his forehead inched to lean against my own. His eyes fluttered shut, and ever small detail from the laugh lines decorating his forehead to the minuscule healing scrap along his cheek became apparent.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I care about you, ever so much” he breathed out, and I could feel my own tears begin to streak down my cheeks. With a slight tilt I leaned in to peck his nose, something he wasn’t expecting clearly. His eyes peered to gaze into my own, and before I knew I was smiling.  
“In a romantic way?” I asked teasingly, reaching up to hold the hand he settled on my cheek.
“Yes, very much so”
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k-odyssey · 4 years
Dramas I’ve Been Watching in February
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I was going to wait till the very end of the month but I’ve already written the post so… Thoughts are under the cut like last time, and I tried not to include spoilers.
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Crash Landing on You (finished)
I’ve already mentioned this one last month. Also it’s been all over my blog for a while now. My post about the finale.
The spoiler-free version is that I loved the journey this drama took me on. Did I love the ending? No, but it wasn’t bad. It was just okay.
The romance ticked off most of my favourite tropes and the acting was flawless.
Se Ri is such a good character. Businesswomen are often portrayed as cold and heartless, and it’s kind of how she’s perceived in SK, but it quickly becomes obvious that she’s anything but. She’s extremely warm, funny and charismatic, and if she trusts someone (basically, if they’re not her family) she actually shows her vulnerable side. Also it’s great to see her thrive when she’s around people who care about her.
Great ensemble. The secondary characters are so attaching. The non-evil ones I mean.
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Extraordinary You (ep6 of 16)
Teenager figures out that she’s a comic book character and, unhappy with the direction of her story, takes matters into her own hands.
It’s still early on for me but I love this fresh take on the concept. I actually don’t know where this is headed, and I’m anticipating the twists and turns.
I love a heroine who takes charge of her life.
Mysterious love interest is adorable and getting more fleshed out and compelling every episode. I can’t hate Baek Kyung though. At least not so far.
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Joy of Life (ep36 of 46)
Mentioned last month.
I’m still enjoying this one a lot. It’s as funny and interesting as ever.
Wan’er doesn’t get that much screentime but she’s a great character. I loved that scene with the princess in ep30 or 31.
I’m still in love with Fan Xian.
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Forest (ep12 of 32)
Businessman and demoted surgeon are reunited in a countryside village when he becomes a rescue worker for all the wrong reasons.
This one comes with plenty of mysterious childhood trauma and fate.
Gorgeous forest shots.
Park Hae Jin’s character has a soft side, but I have to say he often rubs me the wrong way with his attitude and values. Although he is changing. Jo Bo Ah’s is a lot more likeable, but I’m not in love either? BUT they have an interesting love-hate dynamic that I really like.
It feels like I can predict where the story is going and I’m not sure I’m going to like all of it, but we’ll see!
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Chocolate (finished)
Mentioned previously.
I ended up liking it a lot.
The hospice setting was original, you don’t see too many kdramas speaking about palliative care. And if they do it tends to be about one particular character who’s dying.
Lots of food. Lots of heartbreak, which comes with the territory.
I loved the kids and their conversations with adults.
Lee Jun, who isn’t one of the leads, ended up becoming my favourite character. I found that I could relate to him more. Like, honestly I wrote a whole post about that and then I got self-conscious and didn’t publish it.
The romance at the centre of the story is somehow the least memorable thing for me, although there were a few great emotional moments. Usually tearful ones.
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Terrius Behind Me | My Secret Terrius (finished)
Fugitive spy turns into the perfect babysitter for his neighbour, while investigating her husband’s murder.
I’d watched 4 episodes back in november, and kind of picked up where I’d left it.
It’s a lovely, heartwarming drama. Terrius with the kids makes for great comedy. That and the network of neighbourhood sort-of-spies, stay-at-home parents.
Go Ae Rin is a lovely, resilient character.
Yes there’s some big conspiracy and spy stuff but ultimately it’s more of a drama about two people dealing with the loss of a loved one in different ways, and learning that they can lean and rely on each other. (And their community.)
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Find Yourself (ep19 of 42)
Supervisor and intern 10 years her junior begin a secret office romance.
Full disclosure: I skipped significant parts of these 19 episodes, that happens when I’m watching stuff really late at night and I need to know what happens next. Not before ep9 or so though.
The drama gives a great insight into the kind of pressure chinese women may feel to get married and have children by a certain age. For that reason, many interactions are very frustrating to watch.
So many characters dismiss He Fan Xing’s every accomplishment because she’s single, and I really want to slap some sense into them. She’s 32 but everyone acts like she has one foot in the grave.
Also very frustrating: the plot. As funny and entertaining as it can be, I get mad at the many misunderstandings and entangled relationships. I hate it when I can see the trainwreck coming episodes in advance. Maybe that’s just a “me” thing. It makes me anxious, which is why I’m currently taking a break from it. I think I’ll try to finish it though.
In a way it’s a great guide to what not to do in a relationship. I guess they’ll end up together in the end, but it’s not a smooth ride. Like, I hate how at some point she just assumes he can’t afford the gift he gave her and returns it without telling him! Girl, learn to communicate. There’s lots of lies on both sides tbh.
They do have chemistry though! Also Zhang Yu Jian from Le Coup de Foudre plays the main character’s brother and I enjoy seeing him in this completely different role a lot. I had no idea he had this whole range of facial expressions due to the fact that Yan Mo had a blank face 99% of the time.
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My Holo Love (finished)
Lonely, faceblind woman ends up with expensive AI, falls in love with it. Unless it’s the hot human lookalike she’s into…
It’s only 12 ep, perfect if you like shorter dramas.
I can believe a human falling in love with an AI very easily, but the AI becoming sentient is usually were my brain draws the line. It’s still a very enjoyable drama. The hologram aspect gives it a fresh twist. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen this kind of relationship portrayed between an AI and its maker.
These are two very good-looking people. Not that the other dramas don’t have pretty actors but, just saying.
Best thing about it: it has a proper ending, which is a rarity for netflix shows. I hope they make more like this from now on.
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ericsonclan · 4 years
I Lost My Head When I Met You
Summary: Louis tries to figure out what sort of gesture to make to celebrate his one week anniversary with Clementine.
Read on A03:
Louis stood on Ericson High’s roof, hands on his hips, surveying the grounds proudly. This was a brilliant idea. He couldn’t wait to see it all play out. He and Clementine had been dating for a week now to the day and though he knew that wasn’t a very long time at all for people, every day had felt special to him. He wanted to celebrate this first milestone with something big, something that would knock Clementine off her feet.
Footsteps on the staircase drew his attention back to the roof. Violet emerged, sniffing curiously. She was probably trying to figure out why she’d been called up here.
“Vi! Over here!” Louis waved her over excitedly.
The werewolf approached the young frankenstein with caution, glancing over the edge to see if he’d put anything crazy in place yet. “When you texted me that you had ‘the greatest idea of all time’ I was worried, but it looks like you haven’t done anything stupid yet,”
Louis put his hand to his heart in mock indignation. “Why, Violet! I will have you know that I do indeed have my plan in place and it involves this,” He held forward a long black rope proudly.
“Violet raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to kidnap Clem?”
“What? No! It’s bungee cord!” Louis lifted up the end where there was a loop. “I stick my legs through here and jump right off the side of this building! You’re waiting down there with Clementine, timing it just right so that when my head pops off from the force of the fall it plops right into Clementine’s hands. Then I tell her, ‘I lost my head when I met you!’ Brilliant, right?”
“That just might be the worst plan I’ve ever heard in my life. No, wait, it definitely is,”
“Aaw, why?” Louis pouted, crossed his arms to mirror Violet.
“Louis, c’mon. Even you can see there are a million reasons that’s bad. First of all, you’ll probably get detention of pulling this stunt,”
“Clem’s worth getting detention for,”
“Your dad will be pissed. He’ll blame Clementine for your bad behavior and say you can’t see her anymore,”
Louis looked down at the ground sadly. She had him there.
“Besides, none of that matters because the main reason it’s bad is that it’ll scare Clementine. She won’t think it’s cute, she’ll be freaked out,”
“Clem doesn’t think I’m a freak,” Louis argued, his tone growing defensive. “She likes me just the way I am,”
Violet’s ears dropped, realizing her mistake. “Lou, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant…” she sighed. “Clem is always doing her best to look out for you and make sure you don’t get hurt. Putting yourself in harm’s way - even if it’s for show - will only stress her out,”
Louis’ confidence deflated. “Yeah… I guess you’re right. Plus, I’m just kidding myself that we could get the timing right on that fall. Knowing me, my head would probably end up flying into someone’s bicycle basket or a trashcan or something. But… I want to do something. To show how much she means to me,”
Violet’s eyes softened. “I think she already knows. But if you want to do something special, just go the classic route. Flowers, chocolates, a note. She’d love any of that stuff,”
Louis nodded thoughtfully. It wasn’t that unique, but he didn’t want to waste his time trying to form some sort of grand plan and come up empty instead. There was still enough time in study hall for him to sneak out to the woods and grab some wildflowers. He turned to Violet with a determined smile. “I can do that. I’ll see you later, Vi!” With that he was off, leaving Violet on the rooftop, her tail softly wagging as she watched her friend go.
There wasn’t much time to find the best flowers of all. Louis could only manage to quickly grab a handful of wildflowers before running back inside to his locker, dumping out his pencil holder, pouring the contents on his water bottle in it and setting the flowers inside, hoping they’d stay fresh till school was over. For the rest of the day whenever there was a lull in his schoolwork, Louis would scribble in the back part of his notebook, trying to come up with a note to give to Clementine. He wanted to write something that would encapsulate everything that he felt for her, but that was a tall order.
The first time he’d met Clementine was when she saved him from some Delta High bullies. As she held his head safely in her arms, Louis had felt like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Later interactions with her had only served to drive that idea home for him. Clementine was a human, but she wasn’t like most of the others he had met. She’d never looked at Louis strangely or gotten freaked out when parts of him fell off. She was patient with him as he learned about the brand-new world around him, and best of all, against all odds Clementine liked him too. Somehow the same admiration he held for her was reflected in her eyes when she looked at him. She believed he was special, that he could do anything he set his heart on.
In the end, Louis settled on a very simple note, one he could tuck amongst the wildflowers before he handed them to Clementine. It read: Clementine, thank you for always believing in me. I love you. Louis read the note over and over a million times as he waited for the last school bell to finally ring. When it did, he bolted out of the classroom, sprinting to his locker without thinking of any strange looks that might draw. Opening the locker, he found the wildflowers still mostly fresh to his relief. He shook the excess water off them lightly before tucking the scrap of notebook paper within the bouquet and running off to find Clementine.
He was out of the front entrance before her. Seeing that Clementine clearly hadn’t made it outside yet, Louis ended up awkwardly pacing as he waited, glancing up to the front steps every five seconds.
Violet made it outside before Clementine. She approached Louis with a knowing smile on her face, shaking her head as he jittered with nerves. “You don’t need to worry, Lou. It’s not like she’s gonna turn you down. She’s your girlfriend,”
“Oh, yeah? Then why do you get so nervous every time you reach for Prisha’s hand? You two have been dating way longer than me and Clem,”
He did have a point. Dating someone didn’t mean all your fears immediately went away. If anything, they somehow increased them. Violet glanced at the bouquet. “So you went with flowers?”
Louis nodded. “And a note,”
“What does the note say?”
“Just ‘thank you for believing in me’ and that I love her,”
“Wait, you guys are already to the ‘I love you’ stage?”
Louis quirked his head in confusion. “Don’t all couples say that?”
Violet shook her head. “No way. Prisha and I have been together for months and we’re not there yet,”
“But… I thought…” Louis looked down at the ground helplessly. There was still so much about life and relationships he didn’t know. Sometimes he hated being seven months old.
“There she is now,”
Violet’s words had Louis’ eyes shooting up to see Clementine making her way down the school steps, waving goodbye to Sophie and Minnie. Shit. I need to get rid of this note. Destroy the evidence. His eyes frantically searched the area for somewhere he could hide it. The trash can by the steps was his best bet. Louis made a bee line for it, not looking out for where he was going.
“Look out!” The words came too late. The skateboarder whose path Louis had crossed crashed into him, sending Louis crashing to the ground, his head flying off.
“Louis!” Clementine’s voice broke through the air as she leapt forward, catching him and holding his head safely in her arms. She looked down at her boyfriend with concern, brushing a stray dreadlock back. “Are you OK?”
“Y-yeah. Man, that skateboarder came out of nowhere!” Louis glanced over to where his body lay on the ground, blindly reaching out for the flowers scattered across the concrete.
Clementine caught on to what was happening too. Walking over, she gave Louis’ body a hand up, still cradling his head in her other hand. She then proceeded to help retrieve the flowers, pausing when she saw a note addressed to her and picking it up. “What’s this?”
“Uh, nothing. I mean, it was just something to celebrate our first week together, but-”
“Really?” Clementine’s eyes sparkled with an excitement that made Louis feel like he was melting. Before he could remember to finish his warning to not read the note, she had already opened it and read it in an instant. She remained silent, her eyes scanning the paper repeatedly.
Louis closed his eyes, not wanting to see Clementine’s face when she told him he’d gone too far, that he was moving too quickly. Instead, he was surprised to feel his head being lifted up. He opened his eyes to find Clementine on her tiptoes, placing his head back on top of his body. Her hands cupped his face as she made sure his head was securely on. Then, as though on impulse, she raised herself a bit higher, placing a kiss upon his lips.
Louis’ hands carefully came around her waist, pulling Clementine closer as the kiss deepened. When they pulled away, both of them looked flushed.
Clementine bit her lip, glancing away before her eyes returned to Louis. “I love you too. Happy one week anniversary,”
“Happy one week anniversary,” Louis murmured, still staring at her in wonder. He shook his head suddenly, clearing his thoughts. “Can I walk you home?”
“I’d like that,” Clementine’s smile was warm as she intertwined her fingers with his.
Realizing he was still holding most of the remnants of his bouquet, Louis handed them to Clementine who took them gladly. They walked together, hand in hand, talking animatedly each step of the way.
Watching from a distance, Violet shook her head good-naturedly, amused by how the whole event had worked itself out. Louis had lost his head after all and Clementine had caught him just like she always would. They really were a perfect match.
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cowpokecorner · 3 years
Dead Dawg Anon here: Either is fine. Or both.
"N-now c'mon Mister. Ain't no need t'be shootin' nobody." Arthur attempted to calm the man. FO: Alrighty~! I decided to go the fic route cause I figured it'd be easier than trying to come up with a whole list of HCs. It's just a brief interaction, but I hope it's to your liking~ :3
Welcome To the New Realm Cowpokes (pt 1) || Arthur Morgan meets Caleb Quinn (an RDR2 / DBD crossover fic)
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As the outlaw made his way down the dark, dank trail of the Entity's realm, he pondered just how in the hell he got to this place. The last thing he remembered he was jumping from a burning ship into the ocean during an escape from Saint Denis after a failed bank robbery. Next he knew, he was waking up in a strange place near a camp fire of some kind and several people he'd never seen before in his life. Only a couple of them introduced themselves to him, but he didn't stick around too long either. He wanted to try and figure out where he was and see if there was any way to get back to Dutch and the others. He needed to know if they had made it to safety. In the meantime, he was going to learn as much as he could about the place he was in right now. Arthur was so lost in thought he hadn't realized just how far he had strayed from the safety of the camp fire. He only looked up when the sound of a vulture caught his attention. He looked up to see a dusty road leading into what appeared to be an old Western town. It reminded of where he came from, drawing him in. He started down the road, admiring the scenery and the sky. Even though this place looked like a fight of some kind had broken out, it still brought him a bit of comfort in this strange world. It was when he laid his eyes upon the Dead Dawg Saloon that his interest was truly peeked. He cautiously stepped into the run down building, looking around and cringing a bit at the sound of the utterly out of tune piano, that appeared to be playing by itself. The place looked really beat up, a few dead bodies strewn about. He approached the bar, running his hand through the thick layer of dust on the counter. He was quite curious about this place, but his curiosity would quickly turn to apprehension when he picked up on the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the second floor.
Arthur immediately turned his attention toward the stairs, the piano suddenly going silent as he backed away and tried to find a place to hide. The bar was his only option, so he quickly ducked behind it and waited. He peeked out, keeping an eye on the stairs as he watched a shadow appear on the wall. If that shadow was accurate, the person making it was rather large in height. The inhabitant of this particular realm had heard the intruder enter and was on his way down to have a look around.
 The figure didn't take kindly to the Survivors encroaching on his territory, and even less so when it was another unwelcome Killer. As he reached the bottom of the stairs he brought his invention up to aim, scanning the room with a scowl on his face. "Frank. F’you 'r any a yer miscreant friends're in here again...You'll not be leavin' without a hole in ya." His tone was low and gravely as he spoke. Arthur's eyes widened a bit when he caught sight of the modified rifle the other man was holding. It looked as though it was fixed up to launch a barbed harpoon from the barrel, and...was that a...railroad spike for a bayonet? He did his best to quiet his breathing so as not to be heard, but this guy was definitely less than human looking. Arthur wasn't normally one to be scared easily, but the sight of the other cowboy with his quite intimidating weapon really did have him on edge.
The Deathslinger started to make his way around the room, keeping his gun at the ready as he looked for whoever had come into his saloon. The lack of any sort of clue was beginning to boil his blood. He knew he heard footsteps a moment ago. "Whoever's in here best be comin' out. Now!" Arthur thought to himself a moment before taking a deep breath in. This guy was like him it seemed. An outlaw or something of the like from a similar time as him. Maybe he could talk to him? Strike up some kind of deal? Surely he wouldn't kill him so long as he didn't break or take anything, right? He carefully moved to stand up from behind the bar, his hands raised defensively as he spoke. "I-I'm sorry Mister. I didn' mean no harm t'nothin'. I was just lookin' round for a way outta this place. That's all." At the sound of Arthur's voice, Caleb quickly turned on his heels and aimed his gun at the other. He gave a low chuckle before he spoke. "A way out? There ain't no way out boy. Death ain't even an escape here. Now I suggest y'leave m'property ‘fore y'get yerself hurt. Y'got about five seconds.”
 "N-now c'mon Mister. Ain't no need t'be shootin' nobody." Arthur attempted to calm the man. 
"Five." He cocked his gun and raised it to his eye, closing the other to get a better aim.
Arthur quickly realized there would be no negotiating. He moved a hand to reach for his pistol, but to no avail. Not only had he lost it when jumping from the boat, but this world's 'Entity' had not allowed him to have anything. "Shit..." He muttered to himself. "Four." Caleb smirked as he slipped his finger over the trigger. "Y'better get t'runnin' boy." Arthur took the opportunity while the other man's vision was impaired from aiming. He acted fast, jumping the bar and swinging to try and punch him. That would prove to be a major mistake on his part. Caleb quickly countered by swinging his rifle and slashing Arthur's arm with the spike on the end. "Don't test me boy! I ain't gonna tell ya again! Get out, 'r get shot!" 
Arthur cried out in pain at the slash, quickly bringing a hand up to cover the fresh wound. "C'mon fella..." He spoke with a pained tone. "I ain't here t'cause no trouble. Really. Maybe we could...talk things out...over a drink 'r somethin'...?" Caleb raised a brow in slight confusion. "Talk? Over a drink?" Was this guy serious? He sure was a strange one for a Survivor. Most of them stayed away, and the ones that did stray in occasionally normally got chased out before too long. None of them ever tried to negotiate or drink with him. Although, something about Arthur struck him as familiar. He reminded him a lot of home. He lowered his gun, putting it to his side for now. "Where you from anyway? Time-wise I mean." Arthur raised a brow in confusion. "Where...in time...?" 
"Yes. Time don't exist here, n' everyone's from a different point in time." Caleb leaned against the bar with a huff. "So. Where you from?”  
"Uh...eighteen ninety-nine... You..?" Arthur questioned back. 
"Not long b'fore." Caleb smirked. "Y'know, maybe a drink 'r two ain't such a bad idea. Maybe we can talk bout the ol' days, but..." He stepped closer to Arthur, narrowing his eyes, "Try anythin' n' I won't hesitate ta shoot'cha." 
Arthur made note of the other's threat as he straightened up. "Promise. I don't mean no harm. Just...want someone I can relate to...n' maybe try n' find a way outta here..."
"Already told’ja boy. Ain't no way out. All of us're stuck here doin' th'Entity's biddin'." Caleb brought his rifle up to rest on his shoulder as he walked by Arthur toward the back of the saloon. "Better see ta that wound. Ain't gonna heal much till ya die n' come back." Arthur turned to give the other cowboy a confused look. "Die...n'...come back...?" What was this place? Would he truly be stuck here forever? Would he never see his friends and family ever again? There were so many questions swirling around in his mind in this moment. He decided he'd likely be spending a lot of time here, getting to know this man and understanding this world. 
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This and That
-Dumere was apprehended by Aurors last evening with the help of the French Wizarding Consulate and their team of Gardiennes- 
Johiah’s eyes flickered away form the printed type of the Daily Prophet and back up to the black and white moving picture. Harry had his hand up, trying to block the view of the camera as his other hand held tight to Johiah’s father. The Gryffindor’s eyes only found her father’s face for a second before flickering away. Even if it was just a photo, it was hard to look at him. She knew he must look angry, and she had seen that side of him more than enough as it was. Instead when she looked back up, it was Louis, Lily’s cousin’s face she focused on, he was on the other side of her father, one hand on the back of Jasic’s neck, the other on his arm. The two auroras were leading him away, most likely to Azkaban.
-Pureblooded family disgraced. Dumere was apprehended after kidnapping his own daughter to marry her off. He will be persecuted by both the Ministry of Magic and the French Wizarding Consulate.-
Johiah sighed, setting the paper down finally before she dropped her face into her hands. She was still exhausted from everything that had happened both mentally and physically even though months had passed. Some days were harder than others, her body seeming to ring with consuming emptiness. Sometimes she couldn’t get out of bed, the thought of just getting up to do something as simple as brush her teeth or have to interact with the Potters, her pseudo adoptive family, was simply just too much to bare. Overwhelming to a point it immobilized her. So she’d borrow away in her bed, having taken over the room Lysander had been using after she returned from the hospital. 
She knew she was lucky, Joey, for how the Potters had been so welcoming to her, letting her stay with them even when Lily went back to school along with Lorcan. Lysander and Joey had stayed back. He had taken it just as well as she might have imagined, which was to say, not well at all. He had felt the loss of their child differently than Johiah as one might imagine, but just as powerfully. He had lost himself in the misery of it, but somehow their relationship hadn’t disintegrated. Changed, certainly. They were bound now, Joey and Lys, in a far different way than before. They were no longer two kids in love, still living in a rose tinted world. They had been tied together by a shared loss and it made the world around them terribly grey. Johiah felt older now too, less reckless, less kind.
The world continued on though, mercilessly, not giving her a moment to stop and catch her breath. She supposed these things happened every day. There were seven billion people in the world, after all, and plenty of room for tragedy. Ginny encouraged Johiah to take her NEWTS along with Lysander, but she had barely studied for it and was quite sure she did poorly. How could she focus on schoolwork with this heaviness in her chest. A heaviness that she could do nothing but learn to live with it because it never lessened. 
Before she knew it Lily and Lorcan had returned from school, older and graduated. And the days became easier to break apart. Most of the time while Lily was away, Johiah spent her time with Lysander or by herself. Both Ginny and Harry worked and Lily’s brothers had long since moved out so it wasn’t till the evening that there was more than just Joey occupying Potter Manor.
Now though, it was still early in the morning. Lorcan and Lys would be over soon most likely, but Lily must still be sleeping as it was only Johiah in the kitchen. She looked again to the paper before plipping it over so she wouldn’t have to feel her father’s glare. Even with him in prison, she hadn’t heard anything from her siblings. What had happened, she wondered. Had Julien taken charge as their father intended for him to do some day? Or was everything in shambles. She figured Julien would have come for the family wand by now but still it sat burning and guilty against Johiah’s hip.
She poured herself some tea and sighed, leaning back in her chair to stair out the kitchen window. The meadow was in full bloom and the sky a clear blue. In the distance, the treeline danced along to a summer wind, ripe green leaves dancing in response. It was a beautiful day, would Lysander want to go out and draw? He hadn’t been doing a whole lot of that recently. Johiah didn’t need to ask why, she understood. It was hard to be passionate about anything when you felt this empty.
She saw something surprising though in the distance that caught her attention. A familiar blonde head. It wasn’t her blond however, it was Lorcan slipping from the treeline and making towards the house. His shirt was off and he had his painting pants on. What had he been doing out there this early in the morning. Johiah  stood and made for the back door, unlatching it, and opening it to the screened part. The sweet smell of warm grass greeted her, as did Lorcan’s distant waving hand once he noticed someone at the door. Johiah made him a cup of tea and waited for him at the table.
“Mornin’,” Lorcan greeted as he stepped it, the slow snap of the door behind him following. Yes, Joey noted, he had been out there since much earier. She could tell by the sweat shining on his skin and the dirt covering his forearms. The scent of the creek clung to him. 
“Good morning. I made you some tea.” Johiah offered, pointing to the cup she’d set out for him. Lorcan and Lysander took their tea the same. Lorcan smiled, thanking her before he sat. Johiah looked him over curiously.
“What are you doing here so early?” Joey asked.
“I was in the woods.” The former Ravenclaw replied, stating the obvious. Johiah stayed quiet, waiting for further details that never came.
“Doing what?”
“This and that.”
Joey frowned, but Lorcan didn’t budge. The finished their tea in companionable silence before Lorcan was rising and heading for the stairs. He would most likely say hello to Lily before going to find a shower, hopefully, but Joey remained in the kitchen, staring out the window as she thought about nothing and everything all at once.
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bluemoon-writer · 4 years
Childhood Friends AU: Max and Markov (Marxkov)
Part 1- In which Max ‘makes’ a friend
(2.6k words)
Masterlist Here
A/N: I got a bit carried away while writing and this became less of a list of bubbly making headcanons and more of a tragic origin story, so it’s a little different from the Marikim headcanons, so let me know what you guys think.
-Max’s mother, Claudie, gets pregnant with him at age 18
-he was an accidental pregnancy
- his father, Adam Kante, had just enlisted in the French Armed Forces and his mother was just starting university
-it wasn’t ideal circumstances, but his parents loved each other and didn’t want to give up
-So his dad proposed, and was stationed in Paris until Max was born
-unfortunately, then he was sent off to an overseas base
-Luckily, Claudie’s brother steps up to help out.
-Two years older than his sister, he was very different from her and her husband. While both of them were disciplined and fact oriented, he was more laid-back
-His dream was to be a stand-up comedian, and his stage name was Mark Oz
-He worked at night so he was able to watch Max during the day so Claudie could go to school
-With Adam away for so long, Mark became a father figure of sorts to Max
-They would spend most of the day together, and Mark realized early on that he had a child-genius on his hands
-So he bought extra learning material for Max
-He encouraged Max as much as could to peruse whatever academics interested
-Max was only 3 though, so nothing truly interested him more than Transformers
-Mark played the cartoon as background noise one day, and Max was instantly hooked
-He watched every episode
-For his birthday, he received only Transformers figurines
-when he started school he would draw new transformers in Art class
-For his 5th birthday, his mom bought him a robotics kit (a child-friendly robotics kit)
-and his Uncle bought him a coding Manuel
-Max found his new passion
-him and his uncle spent days building simple robots
-he was so fascinated by robots that he spent most of his free time learning more
-he dreamed about one day creating his own transformer
-and his Uncle helped him.
-He was never super academic but was still had the family brains.
-He full heartedly threw himself into Max’s passion
-inadvertedly, it helped his career. He created one of the most unique stand up comedy routines ever heard in Paris, those lucky enough to see it raved about it for years
-Mark Oz was finally hitting it big time, and he did not give a shit
-the only person he cared about making smile everyday was his nephew
-together, the two of them continued to hone Max’s robot building skills
-Mark bought a big black notebook and in it he wrote down every robot Max wanted to build
-max would dictate the details and Mark would write it, and then Max would attach a picture he drew of it
-despite being a child genius, he was still a child and had atrocious handwriting
-Slowly they were crossing robots off the list, starting with the most simple
-a basic walking robot
-eventually, and Mark didn’t know how long it would take, but they’d get to their last robot
-a fully functioning AI
-When Max turned seven he started taking advanced classes
-His mom had just finished her PhD, one of the youngest ever to complete the program, and was considering applying to become an astronaut
-Both Mark, Max, and her husband encouraged her to go for. Adam offered be discharged from the military to look after Max, but Mark insisted that he wouldn’t mind taking care of Max
-“Neither one of you should put your dream jobs on hold. I’ve been watching Max for seven years, I love the kid, and I’ll take care of him for the rest of my life if he still wants me around.”
-And Mark kept that promise
-Unfortunately, he kept it because his life was cut short.
-It was after a late show, the driver was intoxicated and didn’t see Mark crossing the street.
-Claudie withdrew from the astronaut program and took up a job as a train driver so she could be around for Max
-Adam returned from his deployment, but things just weren’t the same. He enlisted in a third campaign after a month
-Max was devasted. His uncle was the only one who understood him.
-He didn’t speak a word to anyone for a year.
-His mom is concerned, but therapists insist that Max just needs time
-Meanwhile, Max works his way through his robot list.
-His mom offers to help him, but he refuses.
-If he can’t build them with his uncle then he’ll build them alone
-a year later he’s halfway through the list
-His mom almost cries when he asks her to come see his robots
-He spends the entire day showing her the different ones and explaining what they do
-After that, their relationship improves greatly. Max talks a lot about everything he’s interested in
-Claudie is barely able to keep up
-She’s afraid that he might have an unhealthy attachment to his robots though, and is afraid of what will happen when he completes his list
-So she introduces him to a new hobby, video gaming
-Mark had tried to get Max into it a few times but Max was more interested in Robotics and programming at the time
-Now though, in memory of his uncle, he gives it a go
-and fucking loves it
-He and his mom spend the weekend playing old games that his uncle had
-He doesn’t give up on his robots though
-Two years later, he’s down to the very last robot on his list
-His father comes home that same week, his three year campaign ended
-Once Max started speaking again, his father would video call him. Max would show him his latest robot, and his father, who didn’t know a thing about robots, would ask him as many questions as he could come up with about it
-It was slightly awkward at first, seeing his dad in person, but soon it faded away
-Max still didn’t want help with his robots, but he was more than happy to play video games with his father
-his dad was skilled, particularly in fighting games, and Max almost never beat him
-at first
-his dad taught him a few tricks, and Max practiced and practiced until he could beat his dad
-Max was doing pretty good
-Still, though, he seemed to have an aura of sadness around him
-His dad asked him one day what games he liked to play with his friends
“I don’t have friends”
-It was the advanced classes. They were filled with older kids, and none of them wanted to befriend a 10 year-old
-His parents decided to pull him out at the end of the year.
-For college, he’d be going to a regular (though very good) school with kids his own age
-Francois Dupont had a great reputation, and offered him an academic scholarship
-His dad enlisted in another campaign
-Max was sad to see him leave, but was feeling happier than he had been in a while
-He continued to work on his last robot
-He turned 11 and started school at Francois Dupont
-He had no idea how to interact with kids his own age
-He was seated next to a hyperactive kid who introduced himself as Kim
-They were in the very front row and Kim joked that the teacher was already trying to keep an eye on them
-it wasn’t very funny, but Max almost fell over laughing
-“Wow, if you thought that was funny, just wait till you meet my friend Marinette!”
-“I’m sorry its just that…I would never disrupt class. Knowledge is the most valuable thing we can gain, and I intend to gain as much as I can.”
“I don’t know man, that sounds kind of like something a mad scientist would say.”
“well, I am trying to build the world’s first sentient AI in my mom’s basement.”
-Being at a regular school is a relief to Max
-The homework is extremely easy in comparison to what he’d been doing before, which gives him more time to work on his robot
-(bare with me through this next part guys, I do not know anything about science, mechanics, or engineering so this will probably be a heaping load of bullshit)
-the biggest difficulty in the creation of this robot was not creating an AI, many people have done that before, but rather figuring out how to allow it to feel without programming emotions into it
-Max had been doing a lot of research on Markov chains lately
-He believed that being able to code the ability to predict events would lead to a breakthrough on how to code the comprehension of emotions
-but the Markov process and chains were extremely complicated
-but, Max was out of ideas
-so he spent weeks reading about all the research and experiments. He read about modern day applications of it, analyzed the codes he could get his hands on
-and then he made his own.
-He didn’t need his AI to study systems, but rather humans
-ideally, if he did his code right, the AI would scan the web for all examples of human behavior to catalog and process it. Hopefully, then it would gain the ability to comprehend human emotion
-Max figured he would know if it worked if it was able to predict how people would react to different things being said to them
-sure enough, he was right…in a way
-Max didn’t think he’d be able to achieve true sentience like what the transformers had
-He was trying to give his AI the ability to understand emotions, not the ability to feel
-and yet, somehow, from the first day the robot was online, he seemed to have emotions
-it confounded Max
-He spent all of winter break talking to the robot
-trying to determine if it really felt
-He started just by talking to it
-it had access to all the knowledge on the internet, yet it seemed to have trouble grasping many theories about philosophy and morals
-Max accidentally stayed up the entire night discussing moral relativism with it
-He counted it’s ability to ask questions and hold a conversation in it’s favor
-however, that’s what Max was aiming for in the first place, and it didn’t convince him it had feelings
-he had to admit though, he truly hoped it did as he was quickly considering the robot as his first true friend
-in the weeks they spent talking Max told the robot his life’s story
-and the robot replied with genuine sympathy
-Max connected with it in a way that he’d only connected with one other person before
-he showed it a video of his uncle’s stand up routine
-when the robot started laughing Max was blown away
-not by the laugh, but by it’s reaction to it
“Oh no! Max, I am afraid I had a malfunction! Do you think it is possible for auditory signals to transmit a virus?”
“What? No, that’s laughter. It’s natural, especially when you’re listening to someone as funny as my uncle.”
“Yes, the brother of your mother. You mentioned he had a career as a comedian, and a quick scan of the web shows that he was quite successful.”
“Yeah, he was.”
“You sound sad. Were you close?”
(it’s only because it’s a robot and has advanced hearing sensors that it’s able to hear Max’s “Yes”)
-Max really hopes the robot truly is sentient
-What finally convinced him is when he heard it cry
-He’d left it in the basement to get eat dinner, promising to be back in half an hour
-but got drawn in to a round of video games with his mother
-sure enough, a few hours past before Max remembered he left the robot in the basement
-he shrugged it off as an accident until he got to the basement door and heard quiet sobs
-when he went down the stairs it was the robot crying
-when Max came into hearing range, the sounds stopped
“Max! You’re back! I thought you had abandoned me!”
-it didn’t seem possible, but Max could hear the happiness in the robot’s voice
-in that moment, Max made a decision
-“How do you feel about the name Markov?”
“Like the chains?”
“Yes, but Markov also sounds like…Mark Oz.”
“…I would be honored to be named after someone who was so important to you.”
-Max introduces Markov to his mom
-She’s literally at a loss for words
-like, she knew Max was a genius, but this was something on a whole other level
-She’s incredibly proud though
-and wants to tell everyone about it
-But Max stops her
-Markov isn’t just a robot, he’s a sentient being, and more importantly, he’s his friend
-if people learned about him, they would want to take him apart to figure out how he works
-Max doesn’t want that and neither does Markov
-So his mother keeps silent
-Plus there’s still more work to be done
-Markov might be built, but there’s still a lot that could be improved
-For starters, he’s huge
-Max built him out of three old computer monitors and can’t even lift him
-luckily, Max doesn’t have to do all the work himself
-Markov creates the blueprint for a smaller body
-they go from three monitors to two to two
-but it is slow going
-the first downsize took six months because Max didn’t want to risk accidentally destroying Markov
-he’s the happiest he’s been in a while
-but Markov thinks he could be even happier
-Max hasn’t been interacting with his classmates much
-he’s on good terms with them. No one trips him or throws things at the back of his head, and he talks to some of them every now and then
-his seatmate, Kim, asks him how he’s doing every morning
-Max doesn’t realize that he could be getting an even better experience out of school
-but Markov does, he’s analyzed enough books to know that it’s vital for a young child to have multiple human friends
-so he encourages Max to reach out
-Max is hesitant, but asks Kim if he wants to come over and play video games sometime
-Kim’s response is a resounding HELL YES
-(minus the swear word bc he’s like 11)
-Max is nervous as all hell, but the moment he has a game controller in his hands it goes away
-Kim is pretty tough competition, but Max still wins most of the time
-before they know it, it’s dark outside
-The next day when they need to partner up for an assignment, Kim asks Max if he wants to be partners
-Max smiles for a week straight
-With Markov’s encouragement, Max slowly befriends most of his classmates
-He’s particularly close with his seatmate Kim and a girl from Class A named Alix
-He also meets Kim’s friend Marinette, who’s in Class A with Alix
-and her friend Nino
-Still, Max considers Markov to be his best friend
-He sits in the basement with him everyday and tells him everything that happened that day
-Markov eagerly listens to all of it
-he wants more than anything to be able to go out and things for himself.
-but for now he’s stuck in the basement
-he’s sure that one day Max will make him small enough to transport
-for now, he’s happy to listen to his best friend’s stories
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A/N: I didn’t mean to make Max’s life so tragic, I swear.
If you want to be added to the childhood friends taglist or removed from it, please send me an ask or message me.
All Miraculous Ladybug fics:
@ravennightingaleandavatempus @crazylittlemunchkin
All Childhood AU fics:
@charlietheepic7 @krispydefendorpolice​
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percywinchester27 · 4 years
About a boy (Part-4)
Word count: 2.2K
Warning: Suspense, feels, mention of physical abuse and bullying
Characters: Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Benny, Michael, OCs and… Sam?
Summary: Dean Winchester has a secret. A secret that could really land him in trouble. He never expected to connect with anyone when he walked into the ‘Blue Stone Orphanage for Boys,’ but even then, the walls he has put up are slowly coming down. Now, a series of strange events are threatening to expose him. When everything starts falling apart around him, will he still be able to save the one person that matters the most?
A/N: I have to thank each and everyone of you who’ve taken the time out to read this series, and comment. It truly means the world to me :’)
All my love to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ and @deanssweetheart23​ for beta reading this story. You are awesome <3
About a boy masterlist
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"How many Sams can there be?" Dean complained as they walked back from school. "I mean seriously?"
Cas smiled sympathetically. "It's not about how many. It's about the shuffling crowd. Stynes- the family that owns the place - are apparently very influential. They have all sorts of crazy contacts and kids just get adopted all the time."
"Really?" Dean tried to keep a poker face. It wouldn't bode well to let Cas see through him about what he really thought of the Stynes.
"Yeah." Cas said, blissfully ignorant of Dean's tone which was grudgingly challenging. "I mean, it's not like you and me stand a chance, but the little kids are taken up all the time."
"Sam's not a little kid."
"True, but the kids still get shuffled a lot. Foster homes, other orphanages. You could see one face today, and then never see it again." Cas narrowed his eyes.
"You sound weirded out by that," Dean noted.
Cas looked at him, brow furrowed. "But it is weird, isn't it? My earlier orphanage was so sleepy. Barely anything happened there. Then there's this place which is so secretive, doesn't let the kids interact across all age groups. I've been here for 7 years, Dean, and I just never get to know everyone."
Dean stayed quiet. This conversation was dangerously inching towards the subject of how and why Dean had ended up at the orphanage in the first place. And Cas was smart.
"Shit." Cas stopped, eyes wide and panicked. "What if… what if Sam was here and they moved him away? Damn it, Dean. What the hell will we do?"
Dean pursed his lips, trying not to smile. Cas's worry and fear was heartwarming. It was still a task to be careful about what he says because his friends kindness tempted Dean sorely. "My sources were pretty solid. He's here. He was here when I came in. Besides, he's 12. Kids that old don't just get adopted."
Dean could feel Cas looking at him curiously as they started walking again. He was tempted to tell Cas the truth, all of it, but he held back. For now, it was only his burden to carry. He didn't want to put Cas in trouble, or worse, endanger his life. He had avoided all of Cas's questions about where he had come from so far, but dodging the queries had proven to be harder and harder day after day. Then there was the guilt. Cas was going out of his way to help him, and Dean had been as secretive as possible. At least he could draw solace from the fact that it was for Cas's own good.
"What about you?" Dean asked, changing the topic. "You've been here so long. You didn't get tossed around?"
Again, Cas looked uncomfortable. "All of us, from the old orphanage, we've just stayed together."
He didn't say it, but Dean understood. It was Michael. Cas and everyone from the 'Angel names orphanage' as he called it in his head, was somehow protected. He didn't know what Michael's deal was, but he was up to something… something that, by default, provided a protection to everyone under his umbrella, including Cas.
All those angel named kids were settled now. They had a reassurance that they were sticking around till the end. Which explained the pride, bullying and the strut like they owned the place. But not Cas. The privilege embarrassed him.  The idea that he was singled out and treated preferentially was both unpleasant and distressing at some level to him. It made him uneasy.
It made Dean like him more.
They walked in companionable silence for the rest of the way home.
It had been 3 weeks. Dean was frustrated.
How much more searching could he do? Every minute was spent plotting the next move, trying to squeeze in time to slip into the record room. It took so much of his own patience, that Dean wondered when Cas would snap and cut himself loose from the hunt. After all, Sam meant nothing to him.
Even so, Cas's commitment never faltered. He went about searching the records as dedicatedly as possible. Every day.
They had found six Sams in the records so far. Three of them had already turned 18 and left the boys home. One had been transferred and two more were too young. By nightfall, Dean wanted to fling something at the figurative heaven. He all but yelled at Cas to stop praying in the evening. There was no God up there.
Dean was also tired of counting all the brown haired kids. There were way too many. More than half easily. He soon realised it was about as pointless as finding a needle in a haystack.
After lights out, he slipped out of his room once more. Cas and Gabriel were both out like a light, but Benny, who was reading something in torchlight, gave Dean a look as he passed. Dean had a suspicion that Benny knew where he and Cas sneaked off to in the evenings, but he hadn't said a word about it, neither had he given the impression that it so much as even mattered to him. Dean had learned to ignore Benny. Cas was always absolutely pleasant to him, but Benny never spoke more than a word or two. Even Gabe, who went around chilling with almost everyone, maintained a decent stance with Benny. Not like he was scared, but like he respected him.
Dean just couldn't bring himself to feel anything. And tonight, when he walked out, with Benny's eyes following him, he wondered if one day he was going to land in trouble thanks to Benny's lack of response.
He found himself back at the steps, back to grill, eyes closed in the light breeze flowing through the corridor.
"Back again, I see."
Dean did not jump this time, but his lips pulled up in a half smirk.
"So are you."
There was a soft chuckle from the other side.
"How was the Oly… uh… the thing that you had." Dean scratched his head. "Oh yeah… the Olympiad."
"Okay, I guess," the voice said. The kid sounded pleasant. "I mean, I don't think I'm failing or anything." Then he added in a small voice. "I just don't want to think about the result."
Dean snorted quietly. Normal problems.
Then it hit him.
"You're what? 11? 12? Why're you participating in Olympiads?"
"Seemed like a good exercise for the brain." It was no big deal to him from the way he said it.
Smart and pleasant. That was a rare combination for a kid in an orphanage.
"How long you've been here?" Dean asked.
"About half a year, I guess? Ain't the worst place I've been in."
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Even with all the detention camp treatment? What with the lock-down and no interaction."
The kid laughed, only slightly bitter. "Well, you haven't been in too many orphanages then."
It was true. What did Dean know about that?
"Have you been to too many?"
The boy sighed. "About five, I think. That's not counting the abusive Children's home." He said it as a matter of fact.
"They hurt you?" Dean's heart seemed to be squeezed.
"Ehhh… mostly I ended up hurting myself."
A dry scoff. "Can't deal with people who throw weight around like that. If I saw someone getting hit, I'd go stand up to abusive idiots."
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Dean murmured sincerely. It was unfair.
To his surprise, the boy laughed. "Don't be. It's how I learned to fight. I can throw a mean punch."
Dean couldn't help the appreciation he felt.
"What's your name, kid?"
The voice went silent.
Dean waited for a couple of minutes, but no reply came.
"Hey?" He tried again.
"It's against the rules to be out, ya know?"
"You think I'm gonna rat you out?" Dean asked, incredulous. "Look around, kid, I'm breaking the rules, too, here."
At long last the voice sighed. "It's Will. Short for William."
There was some solace in getting to know the kids name after all. At least he had gotten one answer today, as opposed to all the ones he had been searching for.
"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."
"You have a last name," Will noted.
That clearly meant Will didn't have one. He had been in orphanages since he was too young to have known his real name. Sure he might have a made up last name in the papers, but it was just that, a formality.
Dean couldn't stop himself from asking the question. "Why are you up tonight? Another test?"
Another scoff. "Not really."
"Care to elaborate?"
Another silence.
"Well, aren't you being one secretive bitch today?" Dean grumbled. Will intrigued him, and that annoyed him.
"You're the one to talk, jerk," Will shot back. "Especially after how mysterious you played last time."
It was true. Kid had a point. He had, in fact, disappeared on the boy the last time.
A heavy exhale sounded from the other side. "It's just, I can't stop thinking about what lies beyond these walls. One of the boys I knew was transferred today and I don't know where he's gone. Sometimes I wonder if… if I even have a future."
"I know!" Will said, talking fast now. "Most kids just end up on the police roll call, the only place their picture ends up is in mug shots. It's what Andy says."
"Andy's an idiot!" Dean stated.
Will laughed. "Maybe."
More silence - comforting and companionable. 
Out of the blue the idea came to Dean. "Hey, there's something you can help me with?"
"Oh-kay?" Will sounded wary.
"How old are you?"
"I don't see how that helps you with anything, but I'm 11," he replied.
"That's fantastic!" How had he not thought of this before? "Do you know anyone by the name Sam on your floor?"
"Sam?" There was the usual curiosity in his voice.
"Yeah!" Dean had to keep his voice from getting the better of him. "Sam or Samuel or anyone like that?"
There was no reply, just a loud thrumming. As if the boy was tapping his fingers against his lap or the other hand. "There's one kid called Sammy, I think."
Dean's throat constricted, his heart doubled its beat. Could he be? Could it really be?
"No wait… his name is Sandy," Will corrected. "Don't think I know a Sam… but I can't say for sure that I know everyone."
Dean seemed to deflate. He wanted to punch something… someone... for both- the hope and hopelessness. One of it was going to kill him, he was sure.
"What do you want with this Sam, anyway?" Will asked and Dean wanted to slap his head.
"Fine, don't tell me! But don't go back to being the mysterious shadow," Will added quickly, making Dean smile.
"Let's just say it's a personal research project for me. It's my way out of this place… to my future," Dean said. He didn’t know what Will made out of it, but the kid remained quiet for a while.
“There’s twenty new kids on the floor. Came in about a month ago,” Will said, slowly. “I’ll ask around and let you know.”
Dean wanted to ask why. Why was this kid helping him? He had expected the question from Will- that ‘what was in it from him?’ But no such conditions came. Will offered his help freely… willingly. Just like Cas had. Maybe Dean needed to trust people more, see the good in them often, because there was all the good there, that which he couldn’t have possibly hoped for.
“Thanks, man,” he said quietly.
“No problem,” Will chimed. “I’ll keep this hushed.”
Perhaps he understood what hope of a future meant. 
Dean realised that the more he got to know the people here, the more they surprised him with their kindness. Cas, Will… and unexpectedly even Gabriel and Benny in their zealousness and quiet had all helped him in their own way. Dean was starting to care. He didn't like it.
Will yawned abruptly. 
“Get some sleep,” Dean suggested. His was evading him.
There was some scuffling as Will got to his feet. “Night, Dean. I hope you find your Sam.” His voice was soft, both grave and reassuring at the same time. It startled Dean, and he wondered if Will truly understood how much finding Sam meant to Dean.
“Night,” he said.
The feet shuffled away and Dean squinted into the darkness, pointlessly trying to discern the passing shape, trying to get one look at the boy who had selflessly, unconditionally agreed to help him.
That night when he closed his eyes, for a second… or, at least, a fraction of it, Dean felt the strangest urge to send a thought up to heaven, or whatever higher power there was. He finally understood why Cas prayed, understood the urge to want something better for other people. Maybe Cas’s God will listen to Dean.
A/N 2: I really really hope y’all like this story!! Please let me know what you think… the feedback is what keeps me going :)
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About a Boy taglist:
@sdavid09 @deanssweetheart23​ @blacktithe7​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @chalicia​  @anathewierdo​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @protectteamfreewill​ @firefly124-writing​ @spnbaby-67​ @hoboal87​ @rizlow1​ @donnaintx​ @starmission​ @gh0stgurl​ @tftumblin​ @emily-a-c11​ @ericaprice2008​ @jotink78​ @charliebradbury1104​ @ohgodwhybloggg​ @i-dont-get-cold​  @bobbie3939​  @samsexualdeancurious​ @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba​  
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All The Stars (Part 5)
Summary: Nova is trying to get use to Hogwarts
Tagging: @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @thespacebuns
Read Earlier Parts Here
Nova's first week at Hogwarts was interesting to say the least. On her first day Nova got to meet Adelines brother, Henry, who was starting his first year at Hogwarts. Nova herself never had any siblings so it was fun seeing them interact.
Henry was a giant ball of energy, curious of everything and ready for his first day. Adeline was a quiet thing, she seemed a bit nervous and always tried to keep a close eye on her brother. They always dropped him off at his classes first before they took off to their own. Nova couldn't help but notice though that Adelina seemed to take paths that were almost empty, and that Pam seemed to follow them from a distance. Curiousity got the better of Nova and after two days she decided to ask.
"Adeline would you mind showing me where the library is?" Nova asked as she grabbed one of her notebooks.
They hadn't really been assigned anything yet that required a trip to the library but Nova was itching to explore the castle. But she needed to test the waters first. Adeline seemed to share a glance with Pam from a distance but still she got up and joined Nova.
"Of course." She said as they made their way out.
Nova began drawing in her notebook as they walked slowly looking up so see what details she could scribble down for later.
"What are you drawing?" Adelina asked, trying to make sense of all the lines in the notebook.
"I'm trying to get a better layout of the castle. I hear Hogwarts is full of secrets and I want to try to find as many as I can." Nova said never looking up from her book.
"You're going to want to watch out for Filch then." Adeline said, shuddering. "He's mean and Mrs. Norris is unlike any cat I've ever seen."
Nova nodded she had heard about that pair and was waiting for her surprise to come in to see if she could get around them. Just then Nova frowned as she looked at her notes carefully, now was the time to ask.
"Adeline is there a reason you tend to take the passages least used?"
Adelina seemed stunned but she quickly shook her head and continued on her way.
"It's faster to get to certain places." Adeline casually said though Nova stared at her in disbelief.
"Even when there's hardly anyone roaming the halls after school hours?" Nova pressed.
Adeline seemed to contemplate her next words. Every now and again she would glance behind them. Finally she stopped and sat down near a statue. Nova decided to sit down on the floor, her legs crossed and her notebook closed so she could focus more on Adeline.
"I'm guessing that even though you grew up in the muggle world your father still taught you about the wizarding world." Adeline scoffed at her own comment. "Of course he did, you were homeschooled right."
Nova waited as Adeline took a deep breath.
"I didn't know anything about magic until they came to my house and delivered my letter. Suddenly all the weird things that would happen around my brother and I made sense. Suddenly I was in a world that wouldn't look at me as if I was a freak…" Adeline paused, her eyes focused on the ground.
"I was excited when I came to Hogwarts. The ministry person did a fantastic job on focusing on all the good things about this world, they failed to mention the bad. It wasn't till I got sorted into Slytherin and started my classes that I found out. All the other classes hate Slytherin because it's the house that produces the most dark wizards. Many Slytherins apparently joined Voldemort during the first war. So anyone who wasn't a slytherin avoided me or called me names. But then some of the slytherins specifically the pureblood slytherins started calling me a mudblood."
Nova's hand clenched at the word and tried her best to stay calm.
"So everyone either hates me for being a slytherin or for being a muggle. The bullying got so bad I decided to avoid people as much as possible. Pam figured it out however, she's tougher than I am. She fights back but she decided to put her focus on protecting me instead. Any other muggle born slytherins tend to stay to themselves not knowing who to trust."
Nova nodded taking in what she just learned. She herself had noticed that certain people tended to avoid her in the two days she had been here, particularly a certain hufflepuff.
"Is that why Pam is following us right now?" Nova asked a loud thud rang out in the hall and Pam peaked out rubbing her head.
"How did you know I was here?" She demanded.
"Like Adeline said, you follow her everywhere. It wasn't that hard to guess. How's your head?"
"Fine." Pam grumbled as she approached the two girls.
"I never understood the rivalry of the houses." Nova admitted. "Especially the hostility towards Slytherin. My father was a slytherin and he fought with the order, left his family too. You should be proud to be a slytherin and a muggle. Honestly purebloods should be the ones looked down on, I don't see what's so special about being inbreds."
Adeline let out a horrified gasp but Pam snickered and nodded her head in approval.
"Okay you seem good." Pam said through snickers.
Nova smiled at her new friends and together they began navigating the castle with Nova and Pam keeping an eye out for anyone who would dare mess with them. They also attempted to get close to any other muggle borns, but as Adeline had pointed out many had trust issues. Still Nova always made it clear was there for anyone though it seemed like it was just going to be her and the two girls.
Trying to get her professors to let her use muggle supplies ended up less of a hassle than she thought it would be. Professor Magonagall had been a little hesitant at first however she did like how Nova tended to color code her charts. But other than that almost every other teacher didn’t seem to mind and soon Nova noticed other muggle students using their own muggle supplies. However one teacher that seemed to keep putting up the most resistance was Professor Snape.
“I thought I said to take out parchment and quills not whatever this is.” Snape said looking over Novas supplies.
“Its the same principle.” Nova said showing him the tip of her fountain pen. She knew this one was going to be a tough one she had asked around about all the teachers.
Snape was also her head of house though she hardly ever saw him, he was rumored to always favor their house. Currently that didn't seem to be the case.
“The supply list calls for parchment and quills.” Snape said as if making this final.
“The notebook is a form of parchment and I am still using the correct ink in my pen.” Nova countered, a pair of red headed twins that were sitting across from her looked at them in amusement.
“Miss Vinci while you are in this class I suggest you follow all the rules and that applies to the adequate supplies for this school.” Snape said sternly.
Nova glared at Snape as she pulled out her wand, his eyes raised in disbelief but instead she tapped her pen and muttered a spell making the pen turn into a quill.
“Better?” Nova asked, finally Pam and the twins burst into laughter.
“5 points from Gryffindor.” Snape said through clenched teeth, making Nova look at him with wide eyes.
“You can't do that.” She protested, if anything he should be taking points away from their house.
“10 points then.” Snape hissed, oh so that’s how this was going to be, fine.
Nova stayed quiet as she tried to focus on her work. They had started working on a potion and Nova decided it was best to wear her safety gear. She slipped on her gloves and snapped her goggles into place. She knew people were staring at her but still she pressed on adding to her potion as instructed.
“What is all this?” Snape asked completely unamused by what she was wearing.
“Its called safety gear.” Nova said looking over her cauldron to make sure it was turning the right shade.
“And why are you wearing it?”
“The name clearly states its purpose.” Nova said looking up at him.
“Did I ask you to put anything on?” Snape asked and Nova could tell she was definitely testing his patience.
“Given the type of potion you are making us do I’m surprised you didn't.” Nova continued.
“Are you that far behind from being homeschooled that you fear your well being from your own work.” Snape remarked, oh so this is how he was going to be.
“On the contrary.” Nova said her eyes narrowing. “I know what to do, still accidents can happen. If anything I just doubt your healing abilities and though I can be taken to the hospital wing I would like to avoid excruciating pain in my eyes and hands.”
Snapes nostrils flared and again Pam and the twins snickered while Adeline stared at her horrified.
“Detention Weasley.” Snape snapped, making Nova's jaw drop.
She wanted to protest but she knew it was futile, she’d figure out a way around all this.
“Hey Vinci right?” One of the twins asked as they caught up to her.
“Yes?” Nova asked, noticing Pam tense, she put a hand on her arm to calm her.
“We were wondering.” The other continued.
“Our father he loves all this muggle stuff you think you could give us some things to send to him?” The first said, Nova tried to remember where she had heard the name Weasley before.
“Your father works for the ministry right?” Nova asked as she remembered her father speak of an Arthur Weasley would he be their father.
“Yes.” They both said, making Nova nod.
“I could tell my father to give him some of my old things. He works for the ministry too, and would probably be faster.” Nova said smiling politely at the two boys.
“Sounds great, Fred and George Weasley by the way.” Fred said, holding his hand out.
“Fred and George got it.” Nova said looking between the two as she shook his hand. “Sorry about the dentition.”
“Eh dont worry about it.” George said.
“Hasn’t been the first time.”
“Definitely won't be the last.”
“Still its not fair he’s just a bitter old git.” Nova mumbled. “He cant get away with it.”
“Sounds like you have an idea brewing.” George said smiling.
“Possibly.” Nova smiled back. “I’ll definitely let you know what I come up with.”
The twins were a fun lot, Nova began to notice them more when she would roam the halls with Pam and Adeline. Helping keep an eye out for each other whenever Filch was close. The twins were impressed that Nova was able to evade Mrs. Norris so easily until they realized she just dropped off cat treats in order to keep her busy. Nova gave them half of her supply after that.
However as the week continued and they began entering their weekend Nova kept noticing that a certain Hufflepuff was still ignoring her. The Slytherins shared a couple classes with the Hufflepuffs yet Cedric always seemed to sit as far away from her as possible. In the end the only other friend the girls had managed to make besides the Weasleys was Jaime, the Hufflepuff girl that rode in the train with Nova on her way to Hogwarts. Jaime a Hufflepuff through and through never spoke as to why Cedric avoided her so much but Nova had a pretty good idea.
She was finally able to confront him during the weekend. Adeline had insisted Pam needed to work on her homework since apparently Pam had a track record of always holding off till the last second to do her work. Nova had been caught up and figured it be easier to explore the castle if she was alone, as much as she enjoyed the two girls company she needed some time to herself.
Nova's map of the castle was far from complete and she took her time going down the halls as she sketched into her notebook. She looked up to double check where she was going when she saw him. He froze as he saw her and he seemed to be contemplating which way he should take off. Nova however shut her notebook shut rather harshly and approached him quickly.
"Cedric." She said fiercely as she stopped in front of him. "Is there a reason you are avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you." He said though his expression said differently.
"Oh really?" Nova narrowed her eyes at him. He shifted uncomfortably under her gaze and finally broke.
“You’re a slytherin.” He said simply
“And you're a Hufflepuff so what?” Nova asked, crossing her arms.
“Do you have any idea how many dark wizards have come from slytherin house?” Cedric asked as if that would clear everything up.
“And what about the slytherins that aren’t dark wizards?” Nova countered. “What about the Slytherins that are muggle borns? The slytherins that grew up knowing noting about the Wizarding world until they came here? The slytherins that were suddenly turned down by those who were suppose to be accepting of them? And what about the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and Gryffindors who maybe weren’t as bad as death eaters but are still not good? I doubt all of you are saints too. And for the record your house doesn’t matter in the real world, you really think your job applications will ask what house you attended in Hogwarts? I really doubt my NASA one will.”
“You’re what?” Cedric suddenly asked, very confused cause he was sure he had never heard of that department before.
“National Aeronautics and Space Administration, it's the American muggle space program but that’s beside the point. The point is slytherin isn’t a bad house and not everyone is automatically a death eater or evil, hell not all of us are even bloody pure bloods. I thought Hufflepuff would be more accepting, guess that means you aren’t what your house says you are.” Nova huffed and turned away however she didn't feel as good as she though she would have after having that conversation.
“You know the more you stare at food the longer its going to stay there.” Pam said, breaking through Novas thoughts.
“Guess I’m not that hungry.” Nova grumbled still having been in a bad mood when she woke up the next day.
She had told the girls what had happened and though they had been a nice comfort Nova couldn’t here’ll but be a little homesick. Maybe she could ask her mother to send some cookies. She felt Pam stiffen beside her and looked up to see Cedric standing next to her.
“I figured maybe we need a restart. Hi I’m Cedric.” He said smiling softly at her and holding his hand out.
“I’m Nova.” She said, hesitantly shaking his hand. “These are my friend Pam and Adeline.”
Cedric smiled a little brighter and Nova felt her resolve slowly melt away, curse this Hufflepuff.
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rianncreates · 4 years
Family part 13
So after talking to my friend I honestly still dont see an end to this fic😅😅 hope you guys dont mind that. Also all errors are mine hope yall like it.
You sit in the medical bay in silence rubbing your belly up and down. Exhaustion had started to settle a few minutes after arriving at the compound. You had been shaky and on guard the whole time with Nick still in your arms not wanting to let go of him incase something else happened. 
Once at the compound you were met with both Tony and Bruce asking what had happened. You followed them in a dazed, at moments your attention coming back into focus when either Tony or Bruce regarded you.When it was time to get checked out for any injuries you had refused to let your son go but Carol told you that she won't leave him alone and Tony said he would keep you updated. 
Once they were able to get you into a medical room Bruce got to work. Now you sit waiting for the results and also wanting to be with your family already. You are taken out of your trance by the sound of the door opening and bruce walking in.
"Alrighty, apart from some scratches you are in good shape" He taps away on the tablet
"As for the baby it seems like your new found powers have made a protective barrier around it acting like some sort of extra protection. It's really fascinating how your DNA ha-"
"Hows Nick?" You interrupt him before he can get off track. If it wasn't for the circumstances you would've been right there with him drawing up some theories on what's going on in you body. As Bruce opens his mouth to reply the doors open once more to reveal Tony.
"Little man is just buzzing over the fact that he kicked bad guy butt like momma." He says grabbing the tablet out of Bruce's hand and taking a seat next to you "Carol was having a hard time keeping him still so Strange could check him." He chuckles as he finished. You would've joined him if it wasn't for the fact that you had a lot going on in your head.
You had been attacked at your own house, you also had powers now, and used said powers alongside your 3yr old to fight (for the lack of a better word) bad guys. Your mind was reeling over the facts you were so distracted that you didn't notice your hands starting to spark till your heard Tony's voice.
"Woah there sparky!!" 
He starts to back away a bit. Carol chose that same moment to walk in and upon seeing you she rushes over he hands gently cup your face. 
"Sweetheart, I need you to breath ok?" She catches Y/E/C eyes "Take a deep breath with me ok?" She breathes slowly inhale, exhale. You follow her lead then blinking a few times your hands finally stop their light show. After one last shaky exhale you whisper 
"I don't want powers."
Carol's brows furrowed knowing that it must've been hard on you. Going from human to kree to now learn about your powers in such a short amount of time. And all while pregnant with your second child.
"I'm Sorry." She whispers in response.
You look up and see the guilt on her face you instinctively grab her hands that still hold your face. Leaning forward so your foreheads touch.
"I don't blame you, it's just." You pause and take a deep breath again. Locking eyes "It's just a lot to take in."
Her eyes mist over as she chuckles "Now I know where our son gets his resilience from."
"Where is he?" You ask.
"He is currently showing aunty Nat his pose for kicking Bad Guy butts." She answers. You let out a breathy laugh and pull her closer to you. Needing to draw comfort from your wife and she is more than willing to do so. Placing a kiss to your head she holds you with no signs of letting go any time soon.
"Tell me again why we let Tony talk us into a gender reveal?" You ask huffing as you try to fix your hair. Carol walks in with Nick hanging off her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 
"He annoyed us till we said yes." she replied as she dumps her son onto the bed his hysterical giggles bouncing off the walls.
You smile as you watch the two most important people in your life interact. Carol trying and failing to put a sox on your son that wouldn't stop wiggling around. You feel love grow within you and as a reaction your skin started to glow. Though it was still new for you it didn't scare you as much anymore. 
Ever since the discovery of your powers Carol had been helping you to learn control. You knew it was necessary not only for you but for your son as well so you both had decided to make it a family thing. Nick loved to "train" alongside both his moms and in a way it had made the little family unit stronger.
You feel a laughing mass collide at your side. Glancing over you see your son smiling up.
"You glow mommy!!!" He exclaims, making you laugh. 
"Mommy is happy sweetie." You answer him. He smiles and then proceeds to whisper to his sibling telling them that they finally get to know if they're a boy or a girl. 
You run your fingers through his blond hair. "Hmm he needs a haircut." You think to yourself as you hear a huff from the bed.
"You are definitely his favorite." The pout clear in Carols voice.
You shake your head at the ridiculousness of this party. Tony, as always, had gone above and Way beyond on it. You look around at the decorations all blue and pink. He even had custom made t-shirts. Pink with the words Team Girl on it and Blue with Team Boy. Each guest was given a shirt corresponding with their guess.
You though? you had a damn neutral colored shirt with a big question mark on top of your belly. So in other words you wanted to kill Tony. 
You had to give it to him though, it was pretty clever and all the gender theme snacks were cute and also delicious. Taking a bite of your snack you look around the mass of people. Mentally checking off who's in which team and the list goes as follows: 
Team boy: Bucky, Sam, Hope, Shuri, Wanda, pepper, morgan, Bruce.
Team girl: Steve, Nat, Thor, Tony, Peter, T'challa, Talos and his family, Fury (tho he wont wear the shirt), Maria, Monica.
You look over at your son proudly wearing his Team Girl shirt and Carol wearing Team Boy to have some friendly competition with her son. You shake your head and wondered how you had already 2 kids.
You feel a hand on your shoulder seeing Pepper. She opens her mouth to say something but her husband gets everyone's attention. 
"Ok guys, it's time for the reveal!!!" He shouts "Let's get the family of the hour front and center."
You and Carol and Nick get together, being surrounded by your chosen family makes your heart feel full and happy. As a unit you wait for whatever ridiculous object you had to break or pop for the reveal. 
You thought it was cliche but you couldn't help the excitement you felt to finally knowing what your baby was going to be. All of a sudden, you see both Steve and Bucky bringing over a concrete block.
"What is this?" You ask glancing over at Tony then at Carol. Her having the same confused expression you had.
"You break that" answers Tony like it's obvious.
"What the hell tony?" Exclaims Carol, you both look at each other trying to comprehend the ridiculousness of this.
You look back at him "Couldn't it be a balloo-"
A big explosion interrupts you, and immediately after, you stand there frozen alongside carol watching pink smoke descended on your family.  Looking down at your son as he cheers and the glow on his fist dissipates. Glancing over at Carol you see the same dumbstruck face that you probably have as well you smile as it finally hit you.
"It's a girl" you whisper and she looks back towards you and Whispers in response
"I owe my three-year-old 5 dollars."
Taglist: @autumnjackson4 , @skyella01
Pls like or reblog, it would mean alot to me, 😊. Thank you!
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