#just to be clear: I do include cis women in my activism
genderkoolaid · 5 months
I think your fight against anti-transmasculinity/anti-transandrophobia and how queer spaces paint masculinity as inherently evil, your posts have actually opened my eyes to alot of what transmascs go thorugh. But as a transfem I was hurt to see that you support spacelazarwolf, someone who has used TERFy arguments that for example include claiming that trans women react to male socialization the same was as cis men react to it, and are therefore "male-brained" or dangerous to be around: https://www.tumblr.com/lesbianchemicalplant/729005502701486080/trans-men-on-here-are-like-trans-women-are-sexist?source=share (I do not agree with the author's view that transandrophobia does not exist)
As a transfem, a group is constantly demonized by the cis world and a lot of feminist spaces as sexual predatory, dangerous men to be around, transmisogynistic arguments that are "backed up" by the fact that we are socialized as male, seeing another trans person use the same argument in order to demean transfems hurts me a lot, makes me more scared of interacting with trans spaces outside of my friend group.
I don't mean this as a call out or nor do I mean to sparkle an internet argument and I hope my worries aren't downplayed, but I think it is necessary to address certain things and we transfems and transmascs should have eachother's interests in mind.
I absolutely understand why you are worried about that post, but that screenshot was taken to specifically cut out the rest of the post & remove all context from what he was saying.
Here is the link to the actual post. Conveniently, the person who took that screenshot cut out the literal next sentence, which is "we all, regardless of agab, grow up exposed to sexism and misogyny, and we’re all affected by it in one way or another."
The reason he is specific about transfems is because he is responding to some tags which say that all "afabs" (referring to trans men talking about their experiences with misogyny) are biologically "smug" and "insufferable" & how he has seen transfemmes use bioessentialism towards other trans people in ways which are blatantly misogynistic, and hiding behind the defense that they themselves are women. The final paragraph of the post is this:
"i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: trans people who were assigned male at birth are not somehow inherently more capable of sexism than people who were assigned female at birth. everyone is capable of sexism. but they are also not exempt from perpetuating sexism and misogyny just because they are trans, and they have just as much of a responsibility to unlearn it as the rest of us do. do not use being trans as a shield from consequences when you say things that uphold oppressive systems."
The post you linked isn't just reading between the lines, they specifically cut off all context and put words in his mouth about "dangerous male socialization" that he actively clarifies he disagrees with in the post itself. He never says anything about transfems reacting the same way cis men do, or being socialized male or having male brains or being dangerous to be around. He is very clear that this is a universal problem to all people, and all trans people, and everyone needs to be active in unlearning misogyny because it is taught to everyone.
I don't blame you at all for being concerned about this, but the linked OP is actively warping the truth to justify the argument that belief in transandrophobia existing is inherenty anti-transfem.
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dee-the-red-witch · 20 days
Tw: weight loss talk. Dysphoria. Transmisogyny.
This week was... rough.
The monthly deposit from my gfm had to go almost entirely to rent. Which means despite clearing nearly half my goal, I actually have zero put aside for when I'm in recovery. And I don't know what to do about that whatsoever. I'm having to support three people entirely on my own, anmmwith a job and a setup that was never meant to do so.
Thanks to said surgery requirements, I ve also had to souble down on working out. 20 lbs to go to get under the weight limit for the utterly fucking idiotic requirement set by the anesthesiologist. Only last week the apsrtment complex gym flooded, which means it's shutbdown for repair for weeks, and I'm stuck using anregular local gym membership. Gym used to be my meditation. A spot of peace away from a constantly chaotic home. Now it's big, constantly full of people, and given I'm stuck in one of the more cis and conservative suburbs... i feel like the freakshow display. Even knowing everyone around me is just focusing on their own shit, I can't help but feel like I'm under observation. Which isn't helped by shit like tonight's session. When I got the membership, I was assured I'd be fine using my preferred locker room. Appsrently allowed doesn't include not havingna female employee I hadn't meant previously follow me back to the lockers and spend the whole time while I was changing doing the worst job of spot-cleaning the counters andnkeeping a direct line of sight to the locker section I was standing in. I never even go past the first bay of lockers. Just in quick enough to get my warmups off ao I'm down to shorts and a tank top, throw everything including my purse into the locker, lock it all up and go. I don't use the bsthroom there and I've never even gone back far enough to see the shower or locker room.
And no I'm not looking for advice. I'm venting. I have done nothing to deserve being treated like this. But when I needed just a space and peace and a good workout, I ended up in an overcrowded environment, treated like a monster, and given my home situation, there hasn't really been anything to make me feel any the less freakish.
And finally? It's becoming more andnmore clear that I need out of my present livingnsituation. For a number of reasons I don't want to go into here. Which means trying to find somewhere local, affordable, stable and at least not actively hostile, and that has enough space for me to work. And to probably have to do it before my surgeries.
And again, I have no idea how I'm going to do any of this.
Leaving reblogs on, because yeah, this is the shit trans women put up with at times. Even in 'friendly' areas. Which is probably worth reading and understanding for someone? No idea.
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telumendils · 14 days
the thing about the terms "tme" and "tma" is that, while i imagine they are useful to transfemme people in certain contexts, they are still not only actively intersexist terms, but i've often seen them used to silence trans men and transmasculine people, including myself.
i made a post once expressing my anger about jkr's transphobia and was told "this isn't allyship." i said "i am literally trans" and the person's response to that was "lmk when jkr starts targeting tme trans people lol," as if there is not a whole section in jkr's terf manifesto doing this exact thing (which there is; i read it).
(it was NOT a trans woman or transfeminine person who did this afaik, and i am not blaming trans women for it, but it was someone who clearly felt that defining me by the term tme was enough reason to tell me my thoughts and feelings weren't valid or important enough to the conversation and so i should keep my mouth shut. nvm the fact that this person had no way of knowing what my genitals look like or how i was assigned at birth; they just assumed.)
and i mistakenly took this as an opportunity to discuss my discomfort and skepticism about these terms in a public space. i brought up how it doesn't seem like you can really classify an entire group of people as exempt from transmisogyny when afab cisgender women of color are often subjected to transmisogyny because of how their racialized features are also masculinized by whiteness. but i was met with more silencing. i was told "that's not really transmisogyny" even though i was clear that i did not believe cis women experienced transmisogyny in the same way that transfemmes do.
idk. as i mentioned, i can see how the terms might be useful in certain contexts. i'm not trying to say we should never use them at all. but they do exclude intersex experiences and the experiences of women of color, plus i've seen them used as a blunt object to silence transmasc people just trying to talk about transphobia and their own experiences/anger, and this troubles me.
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mmmthornton · 11 months
i don't hate gay people, i am a gay person and i.love gay people. i didn't smear her, i rightfully called her out on her transphobia, because people need to know she (and you) align yourself with those who smear people like me as pedophiles and rapists.
For context: https://www.tumblr.com/butch-reidentified/719311495708753921/pajrc1234-blocked-me-before-even-commenting-that I'm not sure why you sent this anon; i thought at first that maybe @pajrc1234 is a side blog but its the one you replied on? In any case, since my message to YOU was off anon and you used "I" to address yourself, for transparency I'm keeping your information here.
Hey, i'm really angry about this but I'm holding myself back from being mean and sarcastic to make a point.
The whataboutism? Stops fucking here. There ARE issues in the gay community. There ARE issues with lesbophobia, misogyny, there is petty drama, there is stupid bullshit, there is every conceivable kind of human flaw and foible to be found in human beings under the LGBT umbrella. Do you know why that is? Its because we're human beings, with all the variety that that entails.
That means that, for a community to still be able to come together, we need to recognize we'll bruise some elbows and even come across Genuine Bad Actors in all areas of life. We deserve to look out for OTHERS in our community by calling out behavior - BEHAVIOR - itself that is harmful.
What that does NOT MEAN. Is that you start a witch hunt, targeting almost EXCLUSIVELY same-sex attracted woman. for THINKING or ASSOCIATING with the "wrong" ideas or people.
Do you notice what I did there? Do you recognize theres a difference between "BEHAVIOR" and "THINKING"? or even "CRITIQUING"? Because I don't know that you do! And i don't know if a lot of the loudest voices in "queer activism" these days knows that either. Because it seems to me its pretty clear the people who are actually COMMITING the hate crimes that target gay people (uhhhh including trans women, because thats the only demographic anyone wants to talk about when they go into a lesbians inbox), are NOT people IN the community sharing tragic and traumatic events from their own lives.
Lesbians are members of the LGBT Community. Lesbians have a RIGHT to to be here, and we have a RIGHT to discus the things that are hurting us, same as anyone else.
What you DON'T have a right to do, is police the lived experiences of lesbians on the internet or otherwise, to play out your own victim complex. If YOU BELIEVE that eeeeveryone is out to get you, and that SOMEHOW the worst participants are lesbians on tumblr, I need you to know that is pathetic of you.
Women to start with - Cis women even, if you want to be specific - have the lowest possible numbers for violence. Cis women have the lowest numbers for supporting conservative ideas - by voting records! We have that data. Add on top of that, lesbians are a TINY minority of all cis women. So, a minority of a population that is more frequently targeted for violence is SO SCARY to you, that you HAVE to defensively smear their name before they can get you?
Grow the fuck up. I don't actually believe you're "afraid" of violence from lesbian women. I think you just found a way to be a bully and have your victim cake too. Women aren't required to be extra special niceys to you, the only thing we have to do is survive amidst the other factors that make that difficult, and honestly if you have to turn any attempt at LGBT healing into "But what if you maybe someday possibly align yourself with my actual enemies?!" I think you're a wuss. If you actually cared about chasing out bad actors and right wing extremists, you wouldn't go after the demographic that is the LEAST likely to vote republican.
You don't go after the real enemies, because you KNOW that men are more likely to be violent and abusive and harass you and do all the things that you accuse "TERF"s of doing. You're more afraid of them than you are willing to face the problem, and women are an easy target to you because of that. That is the definition of a coward. Hell, that's probably what got you so mad! @butch-reidentified was in a horrifying situation and survived, WHILE helping someone else, and it triggered you so badly you just dug deep into your ugly woman-hating soul to immediately slander her name and make it about YOU.
You. Are. Pathetic. Get better or shut up.
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sea-saur · 2 months
gender rant under the cut
ok here's the thing i've been on t for a little over a year now and i had top surgery back in september of '22 so like i'm cooking right im a little guy in an incubator and my voice has changed for sure and my bottom growth is growing and im getting more hair in places etc etc so like things are happening right. but i'm also 5'2" and have a big ole ass and while my voice has changed it isn't changed enough to pass and while yes i have more body hair plenty of cis girls have more body hair than me and like basically i'm getting on and off dysphoria for not passing. i don't even WANT to pass as a cis man, i just want to NOT be read immediately as a girl. you know? and frankly i'm happy with the body hair and bottom growth and it'd be nice if my fat redistribution kicked in a little more but i'm comfortable with my weight etc etc like....frankly i think it's mostly the voice. the voice and the face. like if my face looked more boyish and my voice sounded more boyish i think the rest of my body would coast cause i've seen enough chubby guys of various shapes to not really feel that self conscious about my body. it's the face and voice that sell it.
and the other thing is like....i have this thing where it's like 'i don't pass as a boy therefore i'm not one' when i don't put that requirement on any other queer person but for ME living it mentally? it's hard to put together the 'i walk around and am read as a girl, and i was raised as a girl, and hell i frankly WAS a girl up until my 20's like that's a part of who i am and im not ashamed of that, i love child me she is important to who i am as a person and frankly i'm grateful to be trans in that way, i think growing up a girl can make me a better guy" (and yeah there's a lot of privilege to be able to say i love being trans, i'm in a large city and work in an industry where queerness is accepted and often celebrated so like. i know. i'm really very very lucky and im extremely grateful for that) but mentally, it's hard for me to even see myself as a transmasc person when i don't SEE it physically, AND because my insides are still me. like i'm still me. and i didn't grow up as feeling like a boy in a girls body. i'm still some kind of nonbinary, still very queer in general, like being bi puts an interesting spin on this too since i have never been and don't associate my personal self with lesbian spaces, or gay men spaces, i sort of float in any queer generalities that people are into. but yeah, never really clicked with lesbian specific environments. i love lesbians but im just not one.
BUT i was raised a girl, so i feel COMFORTABLE around women, often times more than men. queer people in general of any gender are number 1, but ya know. the gist is coming off of a gig the last month that was very queer coded in the musical we were doing, and being surrounded by queer women making lesbian jokes, i felt...simultaneously left out (no one was leaving me out, to be clear, i mean within my own personal identity crisis lol) and also too included. i don't know. a lot of it is in my head, people are often good about my pronouns and frankly i don't KNOW how my usual colleagues see me as a person, if they have to work harder to reframe their interpretation of me away from "girl" and into "transmasc person" since i worked with a number of them before i started medically transitioning. thankfully i always read as a queer person haha. i have that going for me, which does feel very affirming.
idk. even my own apartment decor gives me dysphoria sometimes, which drives me crazy!! i like my apartment decor! I keep trying to do little things to "masc" it up, neutralize it a little, even tho i love all the things i've put in my home. i need new curtains.
there's nothing more to do about it right now i guess, besides try and take more active steps toward my legal name change, and potentially switching from t gel to injections, but that scares me because i'm afraid of doing it wrong and hurting myself. the gel is safer that way. and the dose is daily so i think it gives are more consistent level throughout the week. i also don't know exactly how much i want to pass as "just some guy" even tho this entire rant is literally about that. i think that my fear is that i look cis/straight, which frankly idk that i ever even would based on how i am as a person, so idk why i'm worried about it. basically, i want to stop feeling like i'm 'pretending' to be transmasc. cause sometimes it feels like it's all a lie and im actually just a girl who doesn't want to be a girl but is stuck as one. especially since i don't want to be a cis guy either. i also don't want to lose my ties to my past - i don't connect with womanhood, but i don't want to lose the "sisterhood" for lack of a better term? But also really want to be part of the queer "brotherhood" that i feel like i can't be based on where i am as a person? idk i feel a lot of the time that when im in my own home, im just a little goosey guy. the second i leave my apartment and im percieved, i'm a masculine woman to the world. and even tho masculine women are the fucking shit, im just not that!! and so. dysphoria.
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princessbunnib · 1 year
Regarding Changes On The 'PrincessBunniB' Account!
Summary: Adressing necessary information for non female/non straight supporters. And important changes for the future.
Author's Note: Negativity towards the issue at hand will be ignored and or deleted. This is just to clarify were I stand on certain topics when it comes to writing for everyone!
**Editor Bunni: This is more so targeted to gay men because of recent events.**
An Ask From A Queer Male Supporter: Here.
Tumblr: PrincessBunniB ♡
|I'm mainly active on Tumblr. I post fics here before they are available on any other platform.|
TikTok: BunniBxgs
|TikTok is so my supporters can get to know me. I'm active on there when it comes to interacting with you all, I like comments and reply constantly. Announcements about weather I will be taking a break or be active can also be found there.|
Wattpad: BunniBxgs
|I made a Wattpad so people who don't have Tumblr can still read my work and support me. I'm familiar with the app, my writing journey started on Wattpad way back. I just moved on to Tumblr because I felt like my writing was outgrowing the app. Although in the future when I want to write books and show off my natural talent that isn't just smut, they will only be available on Wattpad.|
It took me a while to get this in order because I want to be artic ulate truthful and accurate with my words. So I've broken down this announcement into four main talking points.
Although this post is regarding to my Bunni's (supporters) outside of me this is an issue in the fanfiction/writing community. So if this opens a door for conversation it is totally fine. Although there will be no room for yelling and arguing. Let's be mature about this.
Reason For This Announcement
So far my content has revoled around female readers and I heavily intend to change that. Since I am gaining attention and have a following I decided to make this announcement so everyone knows that my work isn't just for female readers moving forward.
My writing is meant for everyone to enjoy. For instance, I've been getting comments on my TikTok from gay male readers wanting me to make fanfiction for them just like I do for straight women. I have no problem with doing that at all. If anything it was in my notes to add more different types of fiction for others to enjoy.
I care about representation for others even if I am a cis women. I have to read the room and know that just because of my gender, I am privileged when it comes to this type of content. Smut fics are made for us by default because that's 'the norm.'
Even though I'm a cic women, I'm also a poc. So I can understand that feeling you get when you read a fanfiction and can already tell that the 'Y/n' in the book is obviously not supposed to cater to your demographic. When reading any 'X Reader' content, it never feels like Y/n is someone you can attach yourself to and feel confident that it's actually you when there's small descriptions of them that make it clear as day that they look a certain way.
So when I see gay men or any other lgbtq+ member ask me to make 'X Reader' content for them, I completely understand and am automatically on board with it. I know what it feels to be left out. And let's face it, not everyone in this world is a straight white women/man. I am not demonizing caucasians when I say this either. It is simple facts that a lot of media caters to one type of person thus pushing the rest of us to the side.
My Pure Intentions With Male X Male Content
As stated before, I am a cis women. I only know so much about certain lgbtq+ prospectives. Because I am not a gay man that would make me 'unequipped' to write smut or the relationship of two men because I factually have no idea what that feels like.
I will do this because making everyone feel included is a big part of this whole announcement. I am taking the time to clarify that I am NOT those female writers who only write about straight fiction and act as if other groups outside of myself doesn't exist. The community space of fanfiction is already made for women by default.
So gay men, you shouldn't have to mentally change your gender to enjoy a piece of literature. Everyone should have the space to read something and not have to change themselves.
It doesn't feel as sensual and comfortable like it should. It also causes disdane for the groups you see having all the attention twenty-four seven. That's when there are certain things (Like the genre BL for example) catered to a certain group, the other people who aren't apart of that group shouldn't barge in and take it just because they feel 'left out' or have an attraction to male characters who aren't even straight to begin with.
It blurs the lines when they see those' types of relationships in real life. Just because of the material they are used to taking in, people disregard that there are actual gay men out there who aren't there to be sexual objects for the straight/bisexual women who are into the BL genre. It is called Boys Love for a reason.
I'm not doing this to pander or get brownie points. My intentions are genuine and I want to respect gay men with this topic as much as possible. Some may feel uncomfortable with a cic women writing things for them and I understand that onehundred percent.
I will touch on the X Male Reader content with care. I do not want to seem like someone I'm not. I'd rather not step on the toes of gay men when something like that isn't in my lane in the first place.
Why So Straight?
Since the beginning of my writer journey I've always wrote romance and other genres of literature that circled around a cic straight couple. Since the begining I've wanted to do more things for other people and branch out of my usual material. I would find myself getting bored with writing simular stories and lose my spark for writing. I'd try to branch out into other things, but I'd be stuck realizing that I had no idea how to write a healthy depiction of it without making it seem like I'm an (at the time) straight women writing about material I have no idea about.
In the first early ages of my account I was writing smut just because I had ideas I wanted to gst out on 'paper.' But when I began to gain a following, I knew I had to take writing seriously again and go far with this. Now that I have supporters, I see that there are more people who want writing from me so they can feel seen.
Now that I have everyone's attention. I plan on going further with this and gaining an even bigger community. I want to do more genres that aren't just smut. Due to my experience. I am skilled in more than one genre and I would like to display that kind of content in the future.
I'm apart of the lgbtq+ community myself, it wouldn't be right of me to ignore my own people. I don't want to exclude anyone. My blog isn't for negativity, hatred or any type of discrimination. We all read and write fanfiction probably for the same things. There's no point in arguing or feeling sad because you aren't included when everyone can stop being so to themselves and make everyone feel welcome.
This is an issue that is ignored heavily in the community. Just because it doesn't bother you or effect you, there shouldn't be a response to ignore it.
Making fanfiction for one type of person isn't a good thing when you scream up and down that you are for equality. Everyone deserves a chance to read a fanfiction that involves their desired fictional character. If I do not have the actual personal knowledge on the matter, I will do research and make it my goal to give the best/positive representation.
If you are a supporter of me but the idea or act of me posting for other sexualities makes you uncomfortable, simply unfollow and block me. Do whatever you have to do.
Just don't go around spreading hate because I'm a writer who cares about everyone while being a women. You all mean so much to me, I don't care what you identify as. I'm not going to lose sleep because someone wants to be something that doesn't fit in society standards. Everyone is loved here.
Wrapping Things Up!
Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did. I appreciate you for doing so.
I'll have a have a more professional approach with my blog from now on.
That means making an upload schedule and many other things.
My Masterlist updates constantly and will be a main way to see what is coming soon.
I was also thinking of starting a taglist! So don't be afraid to contact me and let me know that you want to be in it!
Thank you for your time person who is reading this. With all love to you from PrincessBunniB.♡
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
Haha it’s silence gender crisis anon again, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to/feel like it..but I’ve been trying to do research on gender and different gender identities and I am just kinda confused, does genderqueer include people who feel sorta cis but also gnc ? For reference I consider myself cis cuz I’m afab and prefer she/her, so I just. Kinda assume that means I’m cis. But I also feel like a girl who’s a boy, sorta, I want to have short hair and wear mens clothes, and I like being referred to as a guy/dude/etc, but I still prefer she/her pronouns. Or would that be demigirl? I’m afraid of…overstepping boundaries or “taking” identities I shouldn’t, I guess. Anyways sorry to ramble, gender is a MESS
From my experience, genderqueer is an umbrella term for anyone who thinks that "queer" describes their relationship gender, and therefore can include people who prefer their assigned pronouns but dress gnc and/or do other nonconforming stuff in the gender department.
The term queer in modern usage describes an experience that is othered because it is percieved as different from the predominant cultural narrative of cishet conformity. I feel like there's better ways to describe queerness but this is as good as I can manage right now, as just Some Guy on the internet. You can read about "Queer Theory," the analytical lens, if you want to see more philosophical descriptions and explorations of queerness and the term queer.
I'm gonna talk about myself some now and hope it helps. There's not really an easy diagnostic tool for being genderqueer since it's so broad, so this is the best I can think to offer.
I feel like we have some stuff in common. Maybe you'll relate or maybe you'll be able to contrast yourself against it and still get some clarity? Anyways here goes
I 100% understand the fear of overstepping. My early gender questioning was a lot of fretting about that.
I am often too scared to dress very far beyond what's considered acceptable for my assigned gender. It helps that jeans and a t-shirt are considered unisex. When I feel like I look successfully "pretty" in highly feminine clothes, I don't feel like people will see ME when they look at me. It feels dishonest or misleading somehow. Men's clothes often fit my body better, and I often like how they look on me. I wanna wear a suit someday so bad it makes me look STUPID.
I don't know how I feel about pronouns and that's why I'm trying literally all of them, in theory, with the whole any pronouns thing. Hasn't cleared anything up. But I've heard most cis people actively dislike being called by pronouns other than their assigned ones, so my experience of indifference is apparently a queer one! I prefer variety in pronouns and terms for the sake of feeling like the breadth of my identity is being acknowledged. I don't feel as strongly about that variety with close personal friends who I trust to understand me.
A lot of my gender nonconformity could theoretically fall under just being feminism-- girls shouldn't have to shave or wear makeup, should be able to hang out shirtless nonsexually, should be able to dress and cut their hair however they want. This has been a source of self-doubt for me many times.
But when I think about...what I want people to think when they look at me and interact with me, I don't want them to think "oh, women can wear whatever they want." I want them to think "what is going on here, exactly? I'm not sure. Maybe I don't have to be sure." And that...sounds pretty not cis to me! Sounds pretty outside-the-binary. So that's what I am!
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
hi this is kinda random but i just wanted to share my piece on this and i’ve seen you talk about it before so i thought this would be a good place. i’ve been seeing so much blatant misogyny and ageism around here lately and it’s really taken a toll on me. like no matter how much you try to justify it as a moral thing, if you spend your days calling olivia wilde a cunt, narcissistic asshole, bitch, and talking shit about her age you ARE being misogynist. you’re not obligated to like her. i personally am not the biggest olivia wilde fan. a little background story, i was obsessed with booksmart when it came out, so as we often do with micro obsessions i deep dived into all things involving the movie, and that of course included olivia. i watched all the press interviews, read all the print ones, and i thought she was awesome. but as a trans lesbian, i always tend to search for celebrities’ stances on those issues before i start to actively support them and their work. not because i want or need celebrities to be activists, i just need to know they’re not assholes about things that are important to me. and that was when i found olivia’s comments about considering considered “a soft kind of lesbian relationship, just gentle kissing and scissoring” when she was lonely after the end of her first marriage, and not using too much make up because she can easily “go tranny” and the overall brand of trans-exclusionary and overly simplistic white feminism she stands for, and that of course was really hurtful and disappointing to me at the time. but still, i will NEVER ever sit around calling her names and talk about her with so much vitriol like most people around here do while intentionally digging up things from her past to try and make that behaviour somehow justifiable because people don’t want to admit how misogynistic and hateful they really are. but just an fyi, we can see right through it and not only is your deep rooted hatred for women crystal clear, but this rage against beards also makes you look str*ight lmao
Hello nonny!! As you may or may not know I'm a big fan of tea and this is like a steaming pot of Yorkshire Gold, so thank you♡
I know that posting this might upset some friends and mutuals, but i think everything you've said is so important and should be heard. I love everyone i follow, even if i don't agree with their stances on everything, and am not shy about having direct conversations about a thing that bothers me instead of indirecting folks or sending anons, so hopefully anyone who disagrees here will do the same.
I think in particular i really feel you on talking about Olivia's particular brand of white feminism, in large part bc it's one of the more common reasons given by people talking about how much they hate her. Your statements are accurate; she has said some things that lead me to mistrust her politically and that feel very deeply entrenched in cis white privilege. She also seems to vibe pretty hard with a lot of pretentious white male auteurs (she recently reposted stuff about John Cassavetes, for example), and in my experience i just. Don't gel with people who do that.
HOWEVER the thing that always gets me is that Harry presents some of the very same white feminist tendencies, albeit, frankly, worse than Olivia? I love him, but he repeats earnest yet empty platitudes about not letting anyone tell you what to do with your body and donates $. It's nothing award worthy, and although i do appreciate that he wants to be careful what he puts his voice behind, it means that he actually says/boosts very little.
I know people dismiss it as performative activism, but i do actually think that celebrities sharing links to resources can be really helpful. Just to use the most current thing that comes to mind, Harry sharing a link to abortion funds (as Olivia did) would've gotten a message about their existence to a lot of people. A message of support isn't nothing, but it's certainly not evidence of top tier feminism.
I think if i saw more critique of Harry's (or any 1D member's) politics from the "i hate her for her white feminism" crowd, i would feel differently. But as it is, it appears that women are held to a high standard while men get the bar set on the ground and a medal if they trip over it 😬
Also, I wish more people understood that you don't actually have to give reasons for disliking someone! Olivia doesn't have to be a narcissist or have terrible politics for you to hate her. It's fine to just... Not like her. And then maybe not talk about her? Not joke about her violent death. Not make fun of the way she looks (she's ugly because she's a bad person/she's way too old to wear/do that thing so I'm gonna laugh at her).
Set misogyny aside for a second if you've got to-- it's just a horrible way to behave toward anyone, and the target (Olivia) is too distant to be hit by the negativity anyway. Instead those comments can end up hurting the people who read them and making them self conscious. For what?
It's not a popular opinion, but i personally view the beards in a generally positive way at the moment. I choose to believe that Harry and Louis have talked through what they want and made some decisions about how to handle their images. This isn't 2014/15 anymore, and the young men who I think did very much want to come out back then are in massively different places in their careers. There's no road map for an ex-boybander coming out and being successful. There are very few examples of successful solo artists who came out early in their careers and continued to find success afterwards. Harry and Louis are navigating an extremely difficult path, whether they're working toward coming out or not. I don't envy that aspect of their lives.
I think it's likely that the women who Harry and Louis are seen with were chosen (by them!) for reasons that i can't or won't be able to see/understand right now. And as I've said before, there is literally no woman in existence who could be liked as a beard in this fandom. No set of behaviors will lead to people not critiquing these women, and that's evidenced by searching tags on some of the blogs who talk loudest about the beards. (Spoiler alert: not one of them has been palatable if she stuck around for more than a couple days!)
And that's the real sign to me that unfortunately this is misogyny at work. If you can name more women associated with 1D who you hate/dislike than women associated with 1D you do like, why is that? How do you feel about it? Is that reflected in your other social circles or interests? Jamila Jameel asked a similar question on her Instagram a few years back and absolutely changed my perspective on misogyny. Would love it if that could happen throughout this fandom.
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puppygirlrowan · 2 years
hi im rowan 💕
stuff about me:
- im a (cis) girl and I go by she/her! im ✨queer✨ and I like a lot of stuff.
- Asks are welcome, as are DMs (for now), but pls be aware I am not here to find partners, and I will block you if you’re gross. Please no genital/nude pics or detailed fantasies involving me without asking me first.
- I DO sell content!!!! I have lots of pics and videos for $ale and I am open to discussing custom work! Pls dm for pricing 💕
stuff about this blog:
- it’s explicit. I keep the Images to a minimum because Rules but still. 18+.
-I think formal DNIs are kinda silly but just so it’s out there: i don’t want any homophobes/racists/predatory kinksters round these parts. this is a safe, sexy place where we can take part in and discuss kink as consenting adults.
- I’ll say it again to be clear: the activities discussed in this blog are meant for risk aware consenting adults. Some of the scenarios or activities discussed here are purely fantasy, some are not, but safety, communication, trust, and mutual respect are at the center of any experience in kink. (Aka - if you’re a “daddy dom” who gets off on misogyny because you really actually just hate women? maybe go to therapy.)
kinks and content warnings under the cut
Hello again
this list is subject to change bc im a human person but here’s a short list of the kinks I like and which you will find content related to on my page.
Top kinks:
- Shibari/rope bondage/restraints in general
- dom/sub power dynamics, general dominance and control
- puppy play (!!) including cages and all the puppy accessories!! Leashes!!! Collars!!!!
- impact play (spanking)
- choking
- cnc (with very established boundaries and safe words)
- kidnapping
- knives in the context of threats only.
medium-ish “time to time” kinks:
- bladder control/piss
- dumbification
- pet or animal play other than puppy
- monster/beastfucking
- degradation
- “ddlg” - as a fantasy form of dominance only, not as an age play dynamic
Hard no, you will not see:
- blood play/gore
- 24/7 enslavement
- scat
- emesis
If it’s not mentioned here, then I probably am ambivalent on it or forgot it exists.
The only thing I tag is knives or swords - I tag those as #sharps.
Ok that’s all!!! byeeee
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marcos--budt · 2 years
hey, you tagged your info post with "radical feminism" which doesn't mean what i think you intended. radical feminism refers almost exclusively to trans-exclusive women who believe that men are inherently violent and evil, and that women are inherently morally superior. this kind of thinking is very reductive and insulting to many women, as it implies women lack the potential for the full human experience. also, it can lead to a lot of hateful assumptions and actions. i don't think that's what you meant to associate with. i just wanted to let you know, because that's what that tag implies.
Hello. Thank you for your ask, because this allows me to clear up some common and HARMFUL misconceptions about radical feminism. I want to start out by saying I am not a radical feminist myself, because I do not agree with everything radical feminism stands for. However, since I am mostly socialist/left leaning, I tend to agree with much of their ideology. I did not wish to out myself on here, but am doing so to avoid possible hate, but I am trans myself. Therefore I find some aspects of radfem activism to be problematic. However, being a feminist first and foremost, I recognize them as allies for the woman cause. Instead of rejecting their ideology completely, it's better to call them out for transphobia if it occurs. Polarization within feminism hurts no-one but women, cis or not. This kind of misinformation you're sending harms women. I know it's well-intended, but alas.
First of all, your definition of radical feminism is FALSE and HARMFUL. Radical feminism does in NO WAY imply women lack the potential for the full human experience, literally the opposite. It does NOT believe men are inherently violent and evil, it just points out evil and violence perpetrated by men. Because it is mainly men who hurt and kill women. Not the other way around. And don't give me that not all men shit. It's 2022 for fucks sake. We KNOW not all men are evil, duh. But we have to acknowledge MALE VIOLENCE and the OPPRESSIVE PATRIARCHY. Male violence (which is, yeah, evil) is SYSTEMATIC. Like the totalitarian regime's brutal killing of Mahsa Amini, for example. Radical feminists are currently condemning the evil of Iran’s regime while also uplifting the good of the women AND MEN fighting for human rights in Iran. Radical feminism is simply feminism using a socialist framework, and it is radical in that it champions radical change and action to achieve equality in this global patriarchy we all live in. Just how we all can agree that a socialist framework and radical action and change is neccessary when combating racism, capitalism and climate change. :) Although it focuses mostly on cis women - because the majority of women in the world are in fact female and are oppressed because of their SEX - it does NOT inherently exclude trans women. That is what the T and E in TERF stand for - Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist. RADFEM ≠ TERF. What you're saying could possibly be applicable to TERFs(???), but NOT to radical feminism (It should be noted that many radical feminists believe that the comfort of AMAB people should never be prioritized before or encroach upon the rights, safety, health etc of AFAB people. This is because of the sex based oppression that our society is built upon, and male privilege cannot be erased. Trans women are in many ways oppressed because of their gender, but not because of their sex. In many ways, their oppression intertwines with and is the same oppression cis women face, and it is therefore important to include them in the feminist movement while also recognizing the male privilege they have).
Side note: I do however not consider TERFs my allies for obvious reasons lol. That does not excuse all the violent and misogynistic hate they're getting though. I disagree with them. But I do not HATE them. Hatred for women because of their political beliefs is a pipeline to extreme misogyny, incel rhetoric and men's rights activism. The amount of misogynistic MRA rhetoric I've seen on tumblr recently in the guise of terf hating is...worrying, to say the least.
Secondly, I simply tagged it radical feminism because radical feminists are the ones who actually care about these kinds of issues the most on this website - i simply tagged it radfem to get the word out easier. And it worked!!!! It was the radfems who initially helped make the post gain traction!!!! Because THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT NOW. GETTING THE WORD OUT. SPREADING THE MESSAGE. Not nitpicking who is sharing or what they tag it as. The people of Iran dont't fucking care if you're radfem or liberal or whatever, they just want you to SHARE.
So stop pitting women against eachother, stop trying to silence women fighting to end gender and sex based oppression and STOP. SPREADING. MISINFORMATION. Stop trying to silence women by instilling fear of being associated with the "wrong" kind of feminists. Instead of your knee-jerk anti-radfem reactions, why not read up on what those evil radical feminists actually think and see if there are some things that you can agree with? We have more in common than not. Remember what's most important in feminism? SOLIDARITY. I feel solidarity with my trans sisters and brothers, I feel solidarity with my liberal sisters, I feel solidarity with my radfem sisters and most importantly: I FEEL SOLIDARITY WITH MY SISTERS IN IRAN, who are currently bravely fighting for their lives to end the oppressive gender apartheid regime.
If you do not like that tag please feel free to repost my material with different tags. I don't care. You don't even need to credit me. Because what matters is SPREADING AWARENESS and INFORMATION and RESOURCES about what is happening in Iran. BE THEIR VOICE. Thank you anon and sorry for the rant but tumblr's way of treating radical feminists has bugged me for a while so. Yeah. Also this kind of discourse is not doing anything for the Iranian people’s cause right now. It’s taking away focus from what matters.Thanks for coming to my ted talk lol
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
Tumblr media
You have been accepted for the role of DORCAS MEADOWES, with the FC change of Sierra Mcclain!
The way Dorcas lives her life is either going to end up with her helping them win the war, or with herself in an early grave. But she sees the worth in what she is doing, because there is no way she wants to live in a world where she is a second-class citizen. Not because of her skin colour. Not because of the purity of her blood. Not because of anything.
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Rachie. She/her
AGE: 30
ACTIVITY LEVEL:  Same as my theo App XD I’ll generally be on every night, just maybe not replies every night.
NAME: Dorcas “Doe” Meadowes
AGE: 24
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis Woman. She/her. Bisexual
Dorcas has not really thought about her sexuality. She has way too much other things that she would say were important on her plate. She’s not really explored her sexuality in the slightest. She doesn’t want to be distracted by things like that, not when things like her entire existence are in question. If she did care to think about it, she’d probably describe herself as bisexual, in that she probably is attracted to both men and women. But she honestly hasn’t thought about it in any length.
ANY CHANGES: FC change to Sierra Mcclain please. Also, her job is a Hit witch with the DMLE. This means that her connection to Gideon needs adjusting. I’ve included him in her relationships section about how I see Dorcas relationship towards him.
Dorcas is a girl with a very overactive imagination. Or at least that was how her mother described her when she was little. She never sat still, and always wanted to be off exploring somewhere. This was not a bad thing, but it did make it a little hard to look after her.  Dorcas had a habit of running off, not because she was naughty, but because She wanted to explore a new area. This was something her parents did not want to discourage her from doing, but they did somewhat need to control her. Or teach her to not run off as much. Even inside it was hard to contain Dorcas because she simply just managed to escape somehow. Of course, that was all explained when she turned 11, and a funny old lady turned up at her house.
Dorcas has never been afraid from being herself. She had always been a little odd when she was young. But as she had grown older, she realised it was more that she was odd when compared to other muggles. When she looked at herself with her Wixen friends in mind, well she wasn’t that odd at all. She was just like that were. Which made sense, since she was just like them. Or she was like some of them anyway.
Dorcas quickly learnt that she was not like a lot of the Wix in her class. Her blood wasn’t good enough apparently. That did not bother her. She’d grown up being the only black girl in her muggle school, so being one of only two muggleborn children was not that different. She was used to people not liking her because of the colour of her skin, so why would the pureness of her blood affect her? If anything, it was a little easier, because one could hide their blood status. She couldn’t hide the colour of her skin. Not that she would want too. Dorcas was proud of both being black and being a muggleborn.
Perhaps a little too proud, because her loud opinions on both matters would sometimes get her in trouble. She was, and still is, one that loudly protests against anything that she thinks is unfair. Her friend Lily is one of the best witches she knows, and she is a muggleborn, so Dorcas thinks it is pretty clear that blood purity does not mean one is necessarily great at magic.
And when she thinks about it, she’s a pretty decent witch too. That weird hat put her in Ravenclaw for a reason after all. When she wasn’t being vocal about her passions, Dorcas was learning instead. She had a whole 11 years to catch up on after starting Hogwarts after all. And she’d wanted to know everything.  Of course, it led to some people thinking she was a know it all. But she took that on the chin too. Dorcas really did not think it was a bad thing to want to learn as much as she could about magic. It would all come in useful right?
Apparently, it would because Dorcas learnt more and more that a lot of the world around her did not want to her to be part of it. They cared enough about it that they wanted to go to war over the subject.  And somehow Dorcas found herself involved too. She’d like to say that she’d joined the Order for all sorts of noble reasons. But the number one reason was that she wanted to prove that she was good enough. Apparently, they didn’t think her magic was good enough because of her blood. But Dorcas knew that was not the case. She and Lily proved that one didn’t need pure blood to be good at magic. And anyway, all of their blood ran red, so what difference did the level of purity really have?
If anything, the bullying and the discrimination that Dorcas faced just made her more determined than ever. It built a fierceness and a level of defiance in her. She wasn’t going to sit and allow people to put her into the box that they thought she belonged in. She was going to fight for the world she knew she had a right to be in. If she didn’t, surely, she wouldn’t have been so good at magic?
It was a good thing that Dorcas was also pretty brave, because she sometimes put herself into some awful positions. She struggled with saying no, and not putting herself into dangerous places. It was no wonder really, considering she was a hit witch. Her job put her into dangerous places. Of course, one could have supported that by not doing dangerous things in their spare time. But that was not something Dorcas could do. The things she saw happening at the ministry just proved that she needed to fight for a better world, both whilst she was at work, and when she was off duty.
 The way Dorcas lives her life is either going to end up with her helping them win the war, or with herself in an early grave. But she sees the worth in what she is doing, because there is no way she wants to live in a world where she is a second-class citizen. Not because of her skin colour. Not because of the purity of her blood. Not because of anything.
Dorcas grew up in a loving household. From the moment she was born Dorcas was odd. Or at least, that was what the muggle children said anyway. Her family never tried to change that though. Her parents accepted her the way she was. They didn’t try to downplay her oddness. And it was probably a good thing. For Dorcas wasn’t a girl that would change for the world. She was happy with who she was. And she wasn’t going to change that for the anyone or anything. She could take the taunting and teasing because she was proud of who she is.
Her parents raised her to be a person that was proud, and sure of oneself. They raised her to be headstrong and determined. She was born to a family that believed they could do anything they wanted, and that was a value that they passed onto each generation.
Of course, it was not easy. The Meadowes were the only Black family in their village. And the racism was high. At first, she didn’t notice it, and she didn’t notice that she was different. She still played the same way, she still spoke the same way, she still learnt the same way. But they were different, and she grew older she began to see this. She remembered distinctly when she was four years of age, on a holiday, her parents being refused entry to a public house because of they were coloured. She was young, but it was a significant memory that would stick with her.
Life got a little easier when the UK put anti-discriminatory civil laws in place in 1965, but that didn’t go far in changing how people felt about them. The people who disliked her might have been able to be charged for discriminating her now, but it didn’t change how they really felt about her. And she saw that. Dorcas saw the children who were not allowed to play with her, and she noticed when she didn’t get invited to birthday parties. Maybe it would have been easier if there had been another Black child in the village, but it was not to be.
The challenges that her family faced as she grew up shaped Dorcas into the woman she is today. The racism that they faced could have easily made her shy, and quiet. It had the opposite impact. A lot of this comes from the fact that her parents weren’t like that either. They believed that they deserved to be here, that their daughter deserved to go to school, and to be treated like any other child. Dorcas’ parents fought for all of her rights and watching this happen instilled the same set of beliefs in Dorcas.
Little changed when she went to Hogwarts. She went from being the only Black child, to being one of the only two Muggleborn children in her year. It didn’t change much, not really. If anything, she suddenly had peers that had a similar skin tone to her. They might not have necessarily been the same age as her, most were older or younger. But they looked more alike to her than her white peers. She was not used to this, and she remembered going home so excited to her parents. Dorcas felt a lot more at home here, both due to her race, and because she was among people that were like her.
Of course, then came the prejudice against her blood status. She hadn’t really understood it at first, but a girl that had grown up with racial discrimination and prejudice soon learnt. She noted how the Slytherin’s would avoid her, or people would laugh when she didn’t say a word quite right or couldn’t do a spell. They did not think that she belonged. But the values that she had gained because of her families fight for racial justice, were easily transferred to this situation too. Prejudice was prejudice, and she was not going to allow it to happen. Dorcas stood up for herself, she learnt all the strange words, and she learnt the wand movements. She proved that she was just as good as those who had the purist of pure blood. Secretly Dorcas thought that she was better than some of them, but she’d learnt that boasting too much could end up with one being hexed, and she was not for that life just yet.
Along with the blood purity troubles, Hogwarts also brought friendships. She found herself a second family at the school. People who didn’t care that she was Black or muggleborn. People that accepted her for who she was. She made quick friends with Lily Evans. It made sense; they were very alike after all. Of course, Lily didn’t really understand. Not to the extent that Dorcas did. Or, not in the same way at least. They could have hidden their blood status, lied about it, since it wasn’t something that could be seen on the outside. Not like the colour of her skin. And then there the fact that Lily had at least come to Hogwarts with some magical knowledge, thanks to that Snape boy. Dorcas had thought magic was not real for 11 years. And so, it had been a huge culture shock to her.
But Hogwarts and the Wixen world was her world. She had never felt like she’d truly fitted in anywhere. She was the odd ball, the person on the outskirts who never really had friends, or people that she had really felt a sense of belongingly. That all changed when she came to Hogwarts. She’d found her people. People that accepted her and wanted to her to succeed.
They were the reason why she decided to join the Order, and to fight. There were people in her world that didn’t want her there, that would rather she go back to the muggle world. Dorcas refused. She was a witch. She had magic running through her veins, and she was a pretty great witch. The fact that she’d got accepted into the Hit Witch program and passed the course with flying colours was proof enough of that. Secretly Dorcas wonders if some people are jealous that despite their pure blood, she is better at magic than them.
Everything that has happened in Dorcas life, both pre-hogwarts, during her schooling, and post-hogwarts have driven and shaped Dorcas into the girl she is today. She is determined to have a positive impact on the world, to make sure that no other little girls go through the same prejudices and struggles that she had. The struggles worked out for her, but she is determined that nobody else should go through that.
Her parents don’t quite understand the desire to fight, not when everything has worked out so well for her, but Dorcas knows that is not the case for anyone. And so, she wants to make sure the world changes, so that nobody has to hope things work out for them to allow them to have a good life.
Dorcas is a hit witch. It took her a long time to decide what she wanted to do. To be honest by her fifth year some of the Wixen careers still confused her. She didn’t fully understand all of it, but she knew that she wanted to do a job that would enable her to continue to fight for her rights, and her right to belong in the Wixen World. That was what drew her to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
Of course, it was strange to find herself desiring to work in the Department of Law Enforcement. She had learnt a long time ago that Law Enforcement departments were corrupt, generally from the inside. It was probably the last place she should work. Most of her life she had had to work twice as hard as everyone else to just get on an even playing field. So, to want to work in a department where she’d have to do just that, was strange.
But Dorcas also knew that the best way to make changes was sometimes from inside the very institute itself. The moment she stepped into the department Dorcas could see everything that needed changing. Of course, people would recognise some elements of the corruption. But Dorcas had a unique standing. She was both muggleborn and black. She was discriminated against due to her race and her blood status. She was in a position where she could call out people’s privilege.
It had been a close call between training to be an auror or a hit witch. But the hit wixen program won over. She liked being able to fight the dark wizards, but she had no patient to get involved with the criminal investigation side of things. She preferred to join the group that was more focused on the fighting and controlling side of things. Dorcas felt that her magical abilities could be of much more use there.
And so, Dorcas found herself as a Hit Witch. She does love her job. It gives her a sense of doing good, that goes beyond the actual fighting dark Wixen that she is doing. She feels like she is in a position where she can make changes. She is in a unique position where she can challenge the corruption she sees and use her voice to make it better. And Dorcas has never been one to be quiet, so she is very eager to point out each and every corruption that she sees.  
When she graduated Hogwarts, she at first lived with her parents. It was weird going back to her parents house, but she could not afford a place of her own yet. She lived with them whilst she was training to be a hit witch. Alongside the training she’d also gotten a part time job at a pub, to enable her to start saving enough to be able to afford to rent a house. Apparating from the Village in Devon, to London each day, was tiring. But she managed.
Just before she graduated Dorcas decided that she finally did need to start renting somewhere in London. When she got a job as a hit witch, she would need to be closer to her work location. And so, she eventually rented a small flat in central London. It’s small, but it is hers. She doesn’t own it, but that does not matter. She has still made it hers. And really, considering she spends so much time at either work, or one of the Order safe houses, there is not much point in having her own place.
Joining the Order made sense to Dorcas. She was already practically fighting the war because of her job anyway. And the cause, the idea of the Order made sense too. Of course, it did. She was a muggleborn. So, the cause was fighting for her very own rights. So, yes, that was part of the reasoning. But not the real one. Or at least, not all of her reasonings anyway. Fighting in the Order gave her yet another chance to prove her worth. Of course, Dorcas, now wiser with age, doesn’t think that she has to prove her worth anymore. But she still wants to make people believe that muggleborns are worth more than they first think. The Order has given her that opportunity.
When she first joined the Order, she hadn’t expected the war to go on that long. So long. Apparently it was hard to change people’s opinions. She supposes that she shouldn’t have thought that it would change so easily. But, when she’s in the Order she sees that there are so many talented Wixen, that she doesn’t really get why it is taking them so long. And then, it sometimes feels like they are losing too. It frustrates her to no end, and she finds herself having to hold her tongue a lot. She is technically still young after all and doesn’t want to find herself benched. Then she can prove nothing.
Her speciality in the Order is in the duellist Division, which makes sense given her extensive training for her job. And if she’s honest, it was the exact reason she wanted to be in the Order. If she’d been any other division, she’d probably have kicked up a fuss. Luckily, that has not happened, and she feels that her skills are being well used.
If only they could win the war a little faster, then she’d be completely happy.
Lily Evans: She’d probably describe Dorcas as her closest friend. It was bound to happen, considering they were the only two muggleborns in their class. Her friendship with Lily goes beyond this. It’s more than a friendship based on circumstances alone. Over the years Dorcas has grown to adore Lily and can’t imagine the world without her. In the years that they have been friends, they’ve grown beyond close, and if anything, Lily is like a sister to her. Dorcas would do anything to protect her.
Emma Vanity: Emma confuses Dorcas. Firstly, she doesn’t really get why so many purebloods suddenly want to fight, rather than talk to their families about changing their views. But Emma just does not seem useful. Dorcas remembers what a wet lettuce she was at school, and she really does not think the girl is that useful to them in the Order. But she knows that she herself is fighting to prove her worth, so she supposed she should give Emma the benefit of the doubt.
James Potter: Dorcas feels for James she really does. And they were pretty good friends before he’d been captured after all. She feels bad because it looks like she is choosing sides when she really is not. Dorcas just understands more about Lily’s point of view. And, when she looks at James, he still does have so much privilege regarding to his pureblood upbringing. He might not be a bad guy, but that privilege is still there.
Mary Macdonald: Mary was like her. She was a muggleborn, and now she’s dead. Dorcas knows she can do knowing; Mary was killed in her own home. But it terrified her to the bone. If something like that could happen to Mary, it could happen to her. It’s part of the reasoning why she spends so much time in the Order safe houses. Surely, she’s a little safer there? Mary was 2 years younger than she is, and Dorcas misses her immensely.
Dirk Cresswell: Keeping close to the Muggleborn members of the Order is something Dorcas has chosen to do. Even more so after Mary’s death. She wants to make sure that nothing happens to anyone else, especially her muggleborn friends. They are the biggest targets after all, and so it makes sense to her to keep close. Dirk is also pretty great, and she appreciates his friendship. Sometimes it’s helpful having someone that truly understands what it is like, and so Dorcas truly does appreciate her friendships with Dirk and Lily the most.
Severus Snape: Dorcas has never liked Snape. Now she knows it’s not fair to judge someone without really knowing them. But she disliked Severus before he was even a death eater. But apparently Dumbledore trusts him. Dorcas still doesn’t. But Dumbledore’s word is law, and so she begrudgingly has to go along with it. It doesn’t mean she has to like it though, and she can be pretty vocal about it. Dorcas worries Snape is going to hurt Lily, and she can’t watch her best friend go through pain again. Dorcas just worries about why Severus appears to have changed sides, and she doesn’t want to believe he truly wants to be on their side.
Alastor Moody: Technically her boss, but also technically not. Dorcas of course knows Alastor form their professional lives, the aurors and hit Wixen work quite closely together after all. But she feels like she’s gotten to know him better since the Order.  She’s learnt quite a lot from him, even though she doesn’t sometimes understand his ways. But he’s older, and in charge, so he must now what he is doing right? And, she supposed, when it comes down to it, she trusts him more than she trusts Dumbledore.
Gideon Prewett: Dorcas hadn’t exactly planned on being friends with any of her colleagues. They were coppers, as was she. But most of them had their eyes closed to any of the corruption, or they simply ignored it’s very existence. It was frustrating to say the least. Gideon was different though and seemed to see who the real baddies were. He had seemed similar to Dorcas. Or at least he had. But he has been different since he returned. It worries Dorcas, but she’s sure that Gideon will be back to his usual self soon. Or at least she hopes he will be.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS:  Dorcas/Chemistry.
Dorcas is determined to fight for the world she feels like she belongs in, but she also knows that as a muggleborn she is a huge target. This hasn’t currently stopped her from doing what she believes is her part. This could be a big interpersonal struggle for her, especially as people start getting hurt. Mary’s death has had a huge impact on her. She’d settled with the fact that she might die, but to watch her friends die, she hadn’t exactly been expecting that. She probably should have, but she didn’t, and it kind of hit her unexpectedly. She hasn’t quite come to terms with the fact that more people are probably going to die, but it is something that when it is something that is probably going to tear her apart.
There are a lot of struggles Dorcas faces at work. She struggled enough mulling over whether she really should work in law enforcement in the first place. Knowing the ministry was corrupt was one thing, but knowingly working for that organisation, it was unthinkable. But somehow, she still ended up there anyway. She loves being in a position to catch the bad guys, and the only real reason she was there was because she believes that she can make the Law Enforcement Department, and the ministry a better, less corrupt place. Her desire to remain in the employment of the ministry always remains on a tight rope. One false move, then it all tumbles down. As much as she loves her job, she wouldn’t be able to stand by and allow too much corruption take place.
Dorcas is also very loud about her viewpoint, and her blood status. She wants people to know her opinion, and that her opinion matters. She doesn’t care who thinks differently, or if she should be quiet. This could lead to some interesting discussions, especially if people think she should be quiet about something. Dorcas feels that she deserves recognition due to the fact that she is a Muggleborn, and so is one of the biggest targets. Of course, she does understand that some of them are also risking a lot, especially the ones that have deserted their families. But she will not allow anyone to side line her, even if they do not like it.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I already loved you guys, so you know…. that’s why I wanted to pick up another lovely character
Something that challenges her desire to continue working at the ministry would be fun. She’s only there because she wants and feels that she can make a difference from the inside, and that she can weed out some of the corruption. If that feeling ever changed, the well her desire to continue to be employed there would also change. So, something that challenges that would be fun to play.
  ANYTHING ELSE? Nope. But I love you all.
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punhetamaistriste · 9 months
I've been working all day
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job. Morrissey was real for that. I'm working for a little less than a month now, and it's not on my field (I'm an environmental science virtuoso) but I manage to make it work. I'm a dedicated, sympathetic proletariat. Working on the office I still don't find the show to be very entertaining, but they're coming from a place of office knowledge. I am the only bisexual man I know on the job, and I'm pretty much straight-passing when I'm out of the college campus. So, for the first time on my life, I'm being treated like a straight cis man. And it's terrible.
I like football. I like metal music and fantasy novels. I'm a skinhead. This on college is just traits to contribute to my reputation as a raging bisexual, but on workplace those are common ground among me and my straight coworkers. Since straight people rarely think about queers unless they're morbid homophobes, they assume I'm straight as well, no questions asked. It is hard to witness as these straight, cis, young to middle-aged men try and befriend me. I don't want to be alone, obviously, and the girls don't like me that much. They're usually friends with my gay coworkers, since they're married, or are dating, and do not want to interact with a man who likes women. I'm having a scoop on the straight world, and it's scarier than I thought. I'm friends with many bi people on college that I never thought of seducing. I have better things to do. Also, it's nice to just talk. Those men I'm befriending, they just talk to other men. The workplace is heavily divided by gender. One of them saw my football pin and asked me about my life as a migrant. My newest nickname is Carioca. As if punhetatriste wasn't enough. We talked about football, about Rio de Janeiro, about the best bars around the office building (but thanks I don't drink), and when the topic was women I got genuinely terrified. So this is how they think about women. This is how they talk about it when they're alone. I saw myself engaging in the conversation, talking shit about women and referring to them as whores, so this is how we talked about women.
When I was young I had a misogyny problem. I hated my mother, I was about 13 and I didn't actively hated women, but I saw them as… dumb. And I was smart. As a kid. I was deeply troubled because of my dad's recent death, and I felt so alone all the time. Didn't have many friends. Had a few crushes entering high school, but they didn't care about me (fair enough, I was ugly and terrible). I created my twitter account and my mutuals became my friends. They hated teens, blue haired queers, and women. I was respected for being an openly bisexual male, so I could hate on women. I read The Second Sex when it became clear to me that I was being misogynistic, but readind the book made me even worse. I got into feminist discussions with radfems to prove I knew more about being a woman than they did. Outside the internet I was becoming a punk, mohawk and anarchy included, and eventually I just grew tired of being an idiot. I got more and more engaged with the capitalist issues, started working on some anarchist programs (like occupying buildings or breaking shit up on protest with black blocs), then working with women was inevitable. Then, most my contacts were queer women or close. Bi women, trans women, lesbians, afab non binary people. In high school I finally made some friends, a couple of girls and I got myself inside a male friend group from my class. They adopted me, and I finally had people to talk to in class, late on my sophomore year. Then I entered college, where I only talk to queer people. I've been out of the loop on the straights for a couple of years now; despite knowing some straight people. The ones I know are communist or anarchist, they're very progressive and most have a college degree. They are (and I mean this in the most classist way possible) not like other straight people. Even they, they are not as close to me as the queer people I know. We have a shared experience being queer, young, usually POC and educated. This brings people closer. Now I work in a place where a major isn't required, so I'm dealing with non-college people for the first time in a while as well. I know this is something really shitty to admit, but I can't talk to people who aren't in college. I spent my whole day on campus for 3 years now, I live in a major city that has the best university on my country, I get invited to places only grad students go, and sometimes it even feels like I'm stuck in university. Now this scene is changing. Me being a proletariat is changing that. Also, you can be a grad student and misogynistic. There are many. What I'm saying is: I can't talk like a normal person anymore. I use complicated words. I assume everyone knows at least Calculus I. I talk about underground artists as if they're mainstream. I live in a bubble where feminism is still necessary but the misogynistic boogeyman doesn't exist anymore. Working bursted that bubble.
I feel sorry to admit I don't pretend to change the minds of these men. It would require time and real effort, also I'd have to do it very smoothly or I'd be alone in the workplace. For the first time in my life I'm being treated as a regular man, no expectations and mission, and the office is a place where I can relax and unwind from the college life. It is easier, the people are less competitive than in STEM, and they're trying their best to become friends. I'm very sorry to admit I'm going to roll with it and change nothing. Growing up as a deeply lonely child, I just want to be invited to the cookout. You'd say "it's easier for men to ignore misogyny!", or "You're enjoying practicing misogyny now that you're finally seen as a straight man, you are enjoying your newfound place of privilege" and you know what? Maybe. I'm trying to ignore it; it is hard to swallow, and those interactions will probably make me become more paranoid and obssessed with feminist literature, but I won't preach to my coworkers. I'm a fucking coward and I won't pretend this isn't true. It's almost like having a double life, working and studying. And other guys on STEM usually don't get that. They're misogynistic by themselves. How lonely.
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castrateurfate · 2 years
It's really gross that you'd rb from a terf at all, it makes you really unsafe & you're getting put on the blocklist now. might as well admit you've been a terf all along
It was a point I agreed with that haf nothing to fucking do with trans people. It was literally JUST a criticism of cis-het men and the shallow art they produce. I added the warning so people would know that I only agreed with that one specific post and not their entire bullshit ideology. Some TERFs have SOME good points that echo the criticisms made by actual feminists that don't demonise trans people. I saw one, warned people that the OP was a TERF but OPENLY SAID THAT THE CRITICISM I AGREED WITH WAS NOT ABOUT TRANSPEOPLE AND THAT THE REST OF THEIR BULLSHIT WAS, IN FACT, BULLSHIT.
I reblog posts by Tankies. Doesn't make me a tankie. I simply agree with some of the opinions and warn people that if you want more opionions like that, don't go to the OP because most of their other opinions are dogshit putrid nonsense.
I am not a TERF because TERF would mean I am trans-exclusionist. I am not. I am anything but that. I am not even a transmedicalist, my view on gender identity is a lot more open minded and excepting than most others. Far from TERF shit.
But people still think I'm a TERF, not because of the opinions I have on transpeople, but because of my opinions on cisgendred heterosexual men.
To go over it again:
This is what TERF stands for:
for starters. where am i trans exclutionary? where in my ideology have i said that i want trans people excluded feom my activism? where? i need fucking sources before you accuse me of that because not ONCE have a parotted the bullshit spread by terfs about trans people and in FACT i have written responses well over 10,000 words DEBUNKING the claims made by TERFs about trans people and the trans community. so unless you can find hundreds of posts filled with anti-trans language, i doubt you can successfully leavey such a bullshit unfounded accusation towards me.
am i a radical feminist? yes. but not in the bullshit j.k. rowling middle class white woman way. i am a radical feminist in the sense i would kill and die for the rights of women. all women. that includes transwomen which i don't think i need to say because TRANSWOMEN ARE FUCKING WOMEN AND THEY ARE INLCUDED UNDER THE "WOMEN" TERM.
my dislike of cishet men doesn't make me a terf either. because, and get this, they aren't fucking trans and they aren't fucking queer.
they CISGENDERED HETEROSEXUAL men. the problem isn't that they are men. the problem is the whole cishet thing. not the man thing. the cishet part.
to call me a terf for my dislike of cishet men is also transphobic.
if you see me criticising cishet men explicitly, but then immediatley think i MUST be talking about transwomen then that's you thinking that any negative mention of men is a negative mention of transwomen. and i hate to break it to you, but transwomen aren't men. they are women.
if your first thought you think of when mentioning men in a negative light is "transwomen" then you are being transphobic by saying that transwomen are still men because they Must be apart of my criticism of CISGENDERED HETEROSEXUAL men. they aren't cishet men. they are transwomen. i am not talking about transwomen. i am talking about cishet men. that clear?
no, i am not a terf. i just love trans and queer people and dislike cishet men. capeesh, bitch?
transwomen aren't men. flush that out of your deranged system.
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gayfertilitygoddess · 3 years
I just had someone ask me in so many words if I include cis women in my activism...
I’ve really unleashed the brainrot haven’t I?
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thesoftrainbows · 2 years
Is JK Rowling Really a Feminist?
JK Rowling is the author to a well-loved book series known as the Harry Potter series. They’re books that, whether we want to admit it or not, helped shape our childhood and, therefore, who we are today.
For years, many of us only managed to see the illusion she had created for us to see. Myself included. But as the years passed, the mask Rowling had carefully crafted for the public cracked, and the ugliness she carries within shone through.
Many of us had no clue of how truly troublesome she and her books really are until we got slapped in the face with reality. I, for one, failed to see the racism, homophobia, and ironically, the sexism within the books when I read them as a child.
Here are a couple of things from the HP series that just scream ‘internalized misogyny’ to me:
—Feminine Girls = Bad—
This trope is seen constantly throughout the series. We see girls like Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Fleur Delacour — girls who acknowledge they’re pretty, who like fashion, and care for their looks — getting bashed and hated on left and right. Simply for the reasons stated above.
Meanwhile, girls like Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley are celebrated for not being like that. Hermione has her intelligence and her cleverness. Ginny has her athletic build and tomboy-ish tastes (which comes from being the only girl in the family). I love them both, but they’re usually the ones doing the bashing in the books. I’m over it.
—Girls With Feelings = Bad—
This one I believe to be worse than the first point. Here you’ve got Cho Chang — who’s being mocked because she’s conflicted about her feelings for Harry, she feels as though she’s betraying her dead boyfriend who died the year before by the hands of Voldemort. Why do people pressure her so much? Can’t she take her time? It’s not like they don’t have more important things to worry about than having a girlfriend.
I’m also sick of the Lavender Brown bashing. She’s a nice girl who was desperately in love with Ron, she wanted so badly to have a magical love story that she was blind to how Ron didn’t like her as much. I love Ron, but come on.
This, as always, is what comes to mind at the moment. I might add some more later.
Rowling’s internalized misogyny aside from her books:
In case I haven’t made it clear with my previous posts (if you’ve seen them), I am an ally of the Transgender community. Trans men are men. Trans women are women. For me, it doesn’t matter what you identify as or what pronouns you use — you let me know, and I’ll adjust my vocabulary to fit your preference. Whatever’s is or isn’t in your pants is none of my business and should not be used as an excuse to disrespect you. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like I do. One of the people who have been actively harming the trans community because they can’t mind their own business is none other than JK Rowling.
I just think the idea of being a radfem or TERF is bullshit. I understand the point a lot of them make about how cis women’s struggles are different, and you’re right about that much. But you guys have to also realize that each woman’s experience with oppression is different anyway.
Take for example Black women and white women. It’s well known that Black women face more oppression compared to white women. Do you see them forming a feminist group that excludes white women? No, at least, not to my knowledge. So why exclude trans women when they, too, go through oppression?
Think about it: trans women also go through sexual harassment, rapes, murders, and daily disrespect just for being trans. Not to mention that the process of changing your sex is mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. No one would go through all of that if they weren’t 100% sure that they were born in the wrong body.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: sex ≠ gender.
—Marilyn Mason—
**Heavy Trigger Warning**
I know this is from last year, but I just found out about it and I’m so mad.
For those who don’t know who Marilyn Mason is . . .
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. . . it’s this creep. He legitimately scares me. He does horrible things just because he likes watching his victims squirm.
Here’s a list of things he’s done:
1. He has a cramped vocal booth with nothing but some soundproofing foams that his victims — mostly ex girlfriends and former female employees of his — describe it as a solitary-confinement cell used to psychologically torture women. This monster would lock his victims in there for hours, he got off on watching them struggle and slowly become more and more desperate to get out. He boasted about it, and called it the “Bad Girls’ Room”.
2. He’s being sued for sexual assault by a former assistant (it is unknown to me whether more victims have come forth or not).
3. His apartment was decorated with blood, swastikas, and clipped photos from porno magazines. There’s also a spray-painted message above his bed that reads “AIDS”.
4. Most of the mental, physical, and emotional abuse was done at this apartment — which some describe to be a black refrigerator or a meat locker. Most, if not all, of his victims now suffer from bouts of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and PTSD.
5. Specified forms of abuse: Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco alleges that Mason frequently abused her verbally; deprived her of sleep and food; bit, cut, electrocuted, and whipped her without her consent; and raped her during their two years together. Bianco alleges that, in one horrifying episode, Mason wielded an ax and chased her around the apartment smashing holes in the walls after saying she was “crowding him.”
Rolling Stone Article on Marilyn Mason.
Now you may be wondering, what does Marilyn Mason have to do with JK Rowling?
Ah, thank you for asking. Look at this:
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Marilyn Mason thanked JK Rowling on Twitter and Instagram for roses. Why would she — self-proclaimed feminist — be sending this man monster flowers? Why would she even want to be associated with him?
How can she call herself a feminist and be friendly with this beast in the same breath? Mason has been known for being like this for literal years, so it can’t be that she didn’t know about it.
JK Rowling is so concerned with trans women, saying that they’re not real women because they were born a male. She says she loves and admires trans people only to go ahead and demean them, ignore their criticisms, and overall send them hate for who they are. And yet.
I’ve had plenty of Anons telling me that I’m the hateful one because I can’t tolerate the fact that her opinion on trans people differs from mine. You can think whatever you like about trans people, really, I usually just cut TERFs out of my life as soon as I find out. Snip snip. So my issue isn’t Rowling having a different opinion, even if I think it’s wrong. My issue is with how uses her money, platform, and fame to hurt trans people. My issue is with how when trans people and their allies try to tell her that she’s hurting them and us, she scoffs at us and digs the knife deeper. All of this in the name of feminism. She’s not even a real feminist, anyway.
Remember: an opinion is whether you think the milk goes before the cereal or not, it’s NOT whether someone’s gender identity and the oppression that comes with it are valid or not.
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
um anyway, i wasn't saying YOU were a terf, but referring to the bodies of men as "female bodies" is 100% something a terf would do, and referring to people by their assigned gender at birth rather than their gender (eg "an afab person i know" instead of "a trans man i know" or "a nonbinary person i know") is also transphobic. also, trans women experience misogyny and saying "afab" people experiencing it is misgendering trans mascs and excluding trans feminine people
It's impressive how little you actually comprehend, my obsessive, stalker. Its as if you don't hear yourself, don't proofread. As if you hear one part of a discussion and delete anything that doesn't quite penetrate.
"Female sex" is a phylogenic, scientific term. In fact, I called people AFAB, not female , out of respect for the fact that a person's parts may not match their gender. I said misogyny exists because AMAB, specifically cis/het men make character assumptions and assign people roles based upon their perceptions of anatomy. IN NO WAY did I ever refer to people by their assigned gender, only their extant sex characteristics as presumed by the patriarchy. Or are you trying to argue that it's completely arbitrary. They just decide "that one is a girl so I get to oppress her in these specific ways! Hooray!" just like that? There is literally no reason they decide a girl is a girl and should therefore be taught needlepoint and cooking eh? Transmisogyny is an offshoot, an overlapping but not identical type of oppression, and has different ways in which it is reinforced, policed, or perceived by the ones performing it. And yes IT TOO is based on anatomical assumptions and how the individual runs counter to them. Both kinds of misogyny underscore the importance the patriarchy places on sex characteristics and how it attempts to police and regulate identity and social roles based on those characteristics.
Let me make this abundantly clear and repeat it so it's more likely to sink in for you:
Patriarchy thinks sex characteristics are a great way to divide and oppress and control EVERYONE.
It oppresses AFAB people because they happen to be born with female genitals. It oppresses trans people because they dare assert that identity has nothing to do with sex characteristics and will actively refuse their assigned role or assigned behaviors. It oppresses AMAB people by forcing them into other roles based on their perceived sex characteristics, also forcing them to police others, to their detriment.
And its mind-numbingly stupid.
I hate discourse, because of the self-important pseudo-intellectualism people like you feign to sound important, rather than actually paying attention and being practical in their applications of analysis. Thinking isn't in an ether. It has to have an application to be useful. All this discussion of identity has to serve a purpose, be rooted in reality, you sod. To talk about how trans identity works, you must identify them as trans, which means? A gender identity that is not dependent on sex characteristics. See? Sex characteristics are still in there, being so damn important to the patriarchy.
If you're not obsessed, then why are you on my blog every five seconds, lurking like one of my cousins trying to stick their tongue in my throat? Are you just bound and determined to look like an idiot who is jealous they aren't my sex partner? Outraged I'm not having my revelations on how patriarchy chose to identify and police the oppressed while scrubbing your juices off a silicone gummy worm?
Get a hobby. Better yet, go fuck yourself.
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