#just stfu and mind your own business if you don't wanna interact with fandom
lesbiansanemi · 3 years
Okay, so lord knows I’m one of the first people to criticize fandom (I fucking hate a lot of aspects of fandom), but the weird new branch of people who keep saying things like “stfu up about fandom/writing or reading fanfic isn’t a personality trait/all shipping is terrible and you need to shut up about it/idc if you participate in fandom but you must always talk about how much is sucks and you can never act like you enjoy it because it’s awful and irredeemable and actually if you participate in fandom I hate you” like... are yall okay? Like yes, I know, fandom can be awful, but have you considered that some people have hobbies? Some people like having fun? And so long as they’re not hurting anyone why the fuck do you care? Can you gremlins get off your high fucking horses for two goddamn seconds and quit turning anything and everything into a game of morality and not to be that person but let people enjoy things? 
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