#just dc it’s okay! don’t nerf the prompt!
pre-hiatus · 3 years
we need a ship rp on Omegle beginners hand guide
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sweetblink · 6 years
Prompts list #1
- Riverdale 
- The Gifted
- Chicago Fire
- Chicago PD
- Chicago Med
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#1. “Dude, what the hell?”… “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it just came out.”
#2. “Tragic, that was just tragic.”
#3. “That reeks disaster… let’s do it.”
#4. “We’re so gonna get caught, and I’m blame it on you.”… “Hey, you said you wanted to do this, therefore it’s not my fault.”
#5. “Suck my d*ck.”… “I honestly don’t know what to tell you man, you keep saying suck your d*ck as an offensive line, but like, are you lowkey gay for them?”
#6.  "I have no soul, you should know this by now!“
#7. "Let’s work on a prank.”… “We’re gonna get caught.”
#8. “I wanna tell him/her how much I love them, but what difference would it make?”… “Don’t give up.”
#9. “Okay, you needa get over yourself, you ain’t that special hunnie.”
#10. “We’re not getting the f*cking onsies!”… *hour later* “We got the f*cking onsies.”
#11. “How DARE YOU! You…YOU MONSTER!”… “How am I the monster? Is this because I said I haven’t seen the Lion King?”
#12. “It’s pretty much guaranteed that I could trip on air, so yeah, I’m that clumsy.”… “That’s just cute, and sad.”
#13. “You should’ve came with a warning, cause it’s crazy how you make all these sexual jokes.”… “I actually did come with a warning.”
#14. “You started this series without me?”… “Uh, sorry?” … “I can’t even look at you.”
#15. “Hey, you know I love you, right?”… “Alright, what did you do?”
#16. “Babe, Marvel or DC?”
#17. “Either you leave this room, or shut up your trap and watch the show/movie in silence.”… “Geez, and you say I’m the mean one.”
#18. “Dude, you have a food baby.”… “Yeah, I know.”
#19. “What the hell is wrong with you! You don’t fucking skip Bohemian Rhapsody!”
#20. “Journey or Queen?”… “Honestly, I’m about to beat you up for even asking me that.”
#21. “I’m done with you!”… “What?” … “You just ruined my dramatic exit, thanks a lot.”
#22. “I sacrificed so much for you, and this is how you repay me?”… “I’m so sorry…”
#23. “Are you blushing?”… “Noooo, I just look like a bright red tomato, of course I am you idiot!”
#24. “Code Red, we have a code red.” … “What does Code Red, even mean?”… “See this is why you’re not my best friend.”
#25. “I still love her/him.”… “Yeah, kinda figured out when I caught you both locking lips together.”
#26. “I wish I can hurt you the same you hurt me, but I can’t, because this feeling is something I wish for no one to feel, ever!”
#27. “How did we even end up here.”… “I don’t know you said to run, and we ran like a chicken with no head.”
#28. “Oh yes, I’m bilingual. I speak bitch too.”
#29. “Usually it’s the girl stealing the guy’s shirt, so why are you stealing mine?”
#30. “Oh kaay, I’m pretend I didn’t see you dress like a girl, I am just, I’m just gonna go back to sleep.”
#31. “Why are you on the floor.” … “Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because my bf/gf kicked me off the fucking bed!”
#32. “You walk out that door, and I promise you, I won’t be here when you come back.”
#33. “I’m fluent in Sarcasm, Cussing, and occasional French.”
#34. “Alright listen up losers, I hid Nerf guns all around, I made up a scavenger hunt to find them, when the clock says times up, we’re all meeting here, and we’re gonna have an epic Nerf gun fight.”
#35. “Come sit on my lap.”… “Or I can just sit on your face.”… “What?”… “Huh?”
#36. “I gave the most important day for you, only for you to deceive me, I’m so disappointed in myself. ”
#37. “I’m afraid that maybe one day, we’re gonna fall out of love. That one day I won’t be good enough for you.”
#38. “I will never be someone’s second, in fact if you even have have to think about who to pick, then don’t bother choosing me.”
#39. “My specialty is quoting songs, and movies in the most awkward situations ever.”
#40. “RuPaul called, and told me to tell you that your make up is a disgrace.”
#41. “So not only did you cheat on me, but you also lied and used me?”… “I’m sorry.”
#42. “Puh-lease, your go to karaoke song is Aqua’s Barbie Girl.”… “Shut up! We agreed that was a secret!”
#43. “She’s/He’s a mess.”… “Guuurl.”
#44. “Put the book down, and give me attention.”… “No, I’m in the best part of the book!”
#45. “She’s/He’s happy right now, and I’m not going to mess that up, simply because of what I feel. I rather sacrifice my happiness, than to see them in pain of knowing they can’t give me what I want.”
#46.“I still don’t understand why people think you’re some type of angel, you’re literally the devil.”… “Shut up, I’m a sweet innocent angel.”
#47. “Dude, why are you singing?”… “I’m bored, so leave me alone.”
#48. “Love is like a Russian Roulette game, it can either make you feel so alive, or kill you.”
#49. “I love paranormal things.”… “And this is why she/he, scare the living shit out of me.”
#50. “Here’s the thing that set us apart. You only know her/his favorite color, but I know why it’s her/his favorite color, you know her/his favorite movie, but I know why it’s her/his favorite movie, you may know what her/his favorite things are, but you’ll never exactly why its their favorite.”
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