#josuke imagine
jojoforthesoul · 2 months
Sleepy Mornings - Josuke
Note: Hello! I was bored and missing my bf, so comfort character time! I hope you enjoy my tired ramblings!
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“Josuke!!” you holler as you step into said man’s house. You weren’t able to sleep much last night, so you decided to pay the Higashikata household an early visit. The lack of a reply confuses you, but you let yourself in anyway and decide to go looking for your dear boyfriend.
You immediately bee line up the stairs to his room, tip-toeing your way through the house as you make your search. Quickly, you make it to his door, and are graced by the sight of a sleeping Josuke after slowly opening it. He’s in a tank-top and shorts and his long hair is a mess, but he truly couldn’t be more adorable.
You quietly come in and shut the door. Your lover is splayed out like a starfish in his bed. As you get closer you can see his beautiful face and the drool on it. He looks peaceful and almost happy as he sleeps. You wonder what he’s thinking about, probably he and Okuyasu’s recent adventures.
You can’t help but strip your jacket and shoes off as quickly and quietly as you came in. After doing so, and almost busting your ass in the process, you decide do crawl into bed with your lover. You snuggle up to his outstretched arm and lay your head on his chest, throwing one of your legs over his hips.
Josuke rouses lightly and pulls you closer in his sleepy state. Soon after adjusting himself with you, he’s back to his light snoring. Soon enough his warmth has you drifting off to sleep with him.
You weren’t expecting to end up sleeping in someone else’s bed when you left the house earlier, but at least now you’ll be able to get some good sleep with your lovely boyfriend.
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kakyoinswifey · 2 years
Hello! May I request a Josuke scenario with prompt 2? If it could be based on the entire song, that would be awesome ^^
Thank you :)
This is my first time satisfied with something I have written for Josuke, I hope it is well! I am very insecure with my content for him :(
I included more phrases from the song, I hope you don't mind!
cw: fluff! Josuke is a good boy as always<3
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You were really confused. You looked carefully inside your locker again, was there really a letter in it? Despite how strange you considered this fact —this was the first time you recieved an anonymous letter , you decided to open the envelope to be able to read the content in it.
You weren't naive, you assumed it was a love letter since Valentine's Day was quite near, but no matter how hard you tried to answer who it was from, you couldn't. But, if you asked that to yourself in another way, you definitely had some hope. 'Who did you want it to be?' Your mind could only imagine that the owner of that letter was a somewhat extravagant boy, but that he had conquered your heart some time ago.
Josuke has been your friend since you found out he also owned a stand, and soon you had realized that the days were more fun when you got together. At first you fit in very well with Koichi and Okuyasu, his closest friends, but you felt something different when you were alone with him. It was then that you discovered that you might have had very small feelings of affection (not just the friendly kind) for the pompadour boy.
You stopped immersing yourself in your thoughts and giving in to your curiosity. "Can we meet after school? I'll wait for you in the benches in front of the park, I hope you can come." That's what it said. You had a blush, it wasn't very revealing, but it was the first time you received a letter with a heart-shaped stamp, so you thought 'why not?'
And it definitely wasn't just because you were hoping it was Josuke who sent it.
You had felt your insides give little flutters when you thought of that letter. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't quite know who it was, but the hours slowed down and it only helped for your cravings to increase until they become uncontrollable. But when you finally finished the school for the day, you felt scared.
What if it wasn't who you expected? You had been hoping to see those blue eyes in front of you that you didn't think about the other options, and yet, there he was. Josuke was staring at you with a blush on his face, almost as red as yours.
"What's going on?" You dared to ask. You saw him say something in a low voice, but you couldn't catch his words. "Um, I... Well, I know I told you to come here but I didn't tell you why. I hope I didn't scare you, (Y/N)."
You smiled shyly, but playfully. "So it was actually you?" Higashikata looked at you strangely, waiting for you to explain yourself. "You didn't sign the letter, Jojo." You could see him angry with himself, maybe ashamed for his mistake, but you found it funny. "So? Why are we here? I hope there's nothing wrong."
You could see him regaining his composure, analyzing his words a bit, before hearing him speak hurriedly and going back to the previous scene: he was blushing.
"I... wanted to tell you something, that I didn't say before because I couldn't find the words to explain it to you." Your heart jumped at those words, waiting for him to continue his speech. "But now I have them. Since I met you I have thought that there can't be someone more amazing than you, (Y/N). You make my heart race just by looking at you, I never want to be away from you, and I don't think I can feel this with anyone else. When I'm not with you, I think of you always. I'd like for you and I to go romancing. Do you feel like this too?"
You felt his hands gently take yours to place them on his chest. You could clearly feel the beating of his own heart, and you could feel yours beating hard too. "I do." You responded mesmerized by the moment. "I feel the same way about you, Jojo. I want us to be in love with each other."
You looked at each other for a few more seconds, processing the words that each of you had said, assimilating what would happen the next moment. What was next? For you, two teenagers who just knew love and reciprocated feelings, it was only clear that you wanted to seal your impromptu confession. A kiss. That was what was going on.
Both leaned inexpertly towards the other, your faces getting closer little by little, until you could feel your lips brushing against his, pressing carefully and tenderly. You felt his smile in between, as he cupped your face with his hands, caressing your cheeks while you both separated from the other slowly, as if you didn't want it to end.
Josuke was smirking with that sweet smile you loved, but now that smile was only for you. "What are you doing tonight?" He asked, without stopping giving affection to your face. "Nothing really, why?" You answered, as you snuggled into his chest, hugging him. "Do you, maybe, want to have a date with me?" You looked up to see him. He was very handsome, even more so when he was asking you for what you had been wanting for a long time. You nodded, kissing his cheek surprisely. "Of course I want to have a date with you!" You exclaimed. "But we need to get ready for it, so we should go home first, okay?"
He agreed with you, so he took you by the hand to take you home. The warmth that his love gave you made you happy, knowing that the boy you most admired felt the same way about you made you happy. Josuke made you happy, that was the only certain thing for you. "Say the word, your wish is my command." He said.
You both giggled at his words. You were right. Josuke was the one who made you happiest, nothing would change that. And even when he hadn't told you yet, the smile that was always present on his face during that first date made you know that you were also his happiness.
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dilfartist · 2 years
Imagine; baseball game
Your friend decides to take you with them to a baseball game. During the one of the breaks your friend leaves you to use the bathroom. Your left alone sitting next to three teenage boy that look your age. Everyone's attention turns to the Jumbotron screens to see you and the guy next to you on the kiss cam. You felt your face flush; you now noticed how attractive he was. The boy had a black pompadour with purple highlights, plump lips, he was muscular and had a nice fashion style. The boy turns to you with flushed cheeks, flashing a cheeky, yet nervous, smile. “Do you want to…” he questioned, eyes glancing to the Jumbotron. “Sure,” you answer shyly. The kiss you share is sweet and quick, just enough to feel butterflies in your stomach.
After, you could feel his eyes on you. You most definitely heard the teases from his friends as well.
The game finishes and you and your friend get up to leave. However, you’re stopped by the boy. “Hey!” he smiles, you could hear his heart drumming in his chest even though there was a gap between the both of you. “Do mind- could I have your number? Or would you like to go out for dinner sometime?”
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strawmariee · 1 year
oiiii, como vc ta?? eu to bem triste com a derrota do brasil :( e com isso eu sem querer dei um murro no vidro da porta da minha varanda 😭😭 (era p/ eu ter acertado a parte de metal ams n deu muito certo)
com isso, eu notei que eu sou muito estabanada 🤡 e eu quase nunca vejo alguém que faça uma história com uma leitora que seja desastrada
por isso, vim te pedir uma história do Josuke com uma leitora desastrada, que vive se machucando, acho que seria algo fofo e engraçado ao mesmo tempo
(outra coisa, eu li os ultimos pedidos que vc escreveu e ficaram mt maravilhosos!!!! pfvr não para com esse blog, eu amo ler as fics que vc escreve!!)
muito muito obrigada 🥰
- 🦋
Olá 🦋anon! Desculpe a demora, estava repousando por causa da minha cirurgia!
Espero que sua mão esteja melhor😥
Uma boa leitura!
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- Gente, eu estava pensando e acho seria legal se nós fôssemos para o cinema.- Koichi se pronunciou no grupo, ganhando um apoio visual de sua namorada.
- Também acho! Depois de tudo que nós passamos com aquele Kira nós merecemos.- Okuyasu se pronunciou mais do que feliz sobre a ideia.
- Também acho uma ótima sugestão! Vocês sabem quais filmes valem a pena a gente ver?- Josuke perguntou enquanto tomava um gole do seu refrigerante.
- Eu vi que tem um filme muito bem comentado que ainda está em cartaz, acho que ele se chama O Sexto Sentido.- Yukako comentou enquanto a feição de Koichi mudava um pouco.
- Você tem certeza de que quer ver esse?
- Tenho sim. E não se preocupe Koichi, eu vou lhe proteger.- Ela segurou a mão dele enquanto o olhava com olhinhos apaixonados.
- A-Ah... Obrigado Yukako. E quando que vocês acham que poderíamos ir?
- Que tal no sábado?
- Está perfeito. E você (S/n)? Quer vir com a gente? Você ainda não disse nada.
Josuke se virou para mim enquanto perguntava. Mal ele sabia que o meu pior medo era esse tipo de filme.
- Ah, bem, eu tinha combinado de sair com minha mãe nesse dia!
- Oh, que chato! Não tem como desmarcar? Sei que a tia não vai se importar!
- É! Tanto que ela vive empurrando você pra sair com a gente!- Okuyasu me acusou e eu fiz uma careta.
- E-Eu acho que não! É algo realmente importante!
- E oque é mais importante do que você sair com os seus amigos?- Josuke fez uma carinha tristonha junto com Okuyasu e eu me vi encurralada ali, não havia pensado em uma boa desculpa.
- É que... Eu estou urgentemente precisando comprar alguns produtos para o meu cabelo! Olha como ele tá oleoso.- Eu peguei uma grande mecha do meu cabelo e mostrei para eles, me achando patética por usar aquela desculpa esfarrapada.
- (S/n)! Você vai nos trocar por causa disso?!- Okuyasu se pronunciou ofendido.
- Você está certa (S/n), um cabelo bem tratado é essencial.- Josuke me olhou com uma expressão totalmente séria enquanto fazia um joinha pra mim.
- Mas Josuke?! Ela pode muito bem comprar um outro dia!
- Okuyasu, não discuta. Não é como se você tivesse prioridade em falar algo.
- Como é?!
Suspirei aliviada enquanto olhava para os dois ali tendo uma pequena discussão enquanto Koichi os acalmava e Yukako apenas os observava.
Agora eu estava livre.
Saí rapidamente do colégio um pouco mais a frente dos meus amigos para evitar estar perto quando eles tocassem sobre o assunto do cinema de novo.
- (S/N)!! Me espera!
Sem me virar para trás, comecei a suar frio quando ouvi que ninguém menos que Josuke corria em minha direção. Então oque eu fiz?
Corri dele lógico! O mais rápido que minhas pernas podiam.
- (S/N)!!
Me virei para trás e vi que ele ainda corria inabalado. Quanta stamina! Me virei para frente e sem que eu percebesse, dei de cara no poste com tanta força que me fez dar alguns passos para trás.
Antes que eu sentisse o chão, senti os braços de Josuke ao meu redor.
- Meu Deus (S/n)! Por que você estava correndo?!- Ele me perguntava enquanto invocava Crazy Diamond que colocou sua mão em meu nariz e boca que estavam sangrando.
- Desculpe, eu só queria chegar em casa logo.- Josuke não parecia acreditar no que eu disse, mas apenas acenou enquanto me ajudava a levantar.
- Obrigada.- Eu coloquei minha mão em meu rosto, acariciando o local onde segundos atrás estava machucado.
- Vem, eu vou te acompanhar até em casa, e não aceito não como resposta.- Ele me olhava com um sorriso maroto enquanto eu sorria junto.
- Está bem!
Nós conversamos sobre tudo e nada enquanto caminhávamos.
- Jojo, você está bem? Sabe, depois do que você teve que passar...
- Para ser sincero, eu ainda fico atento com tudo a minha volta, sei que é impossível mas a ideia dele voltar me persegue.
- Isso não vai acontecer!- Eu parei no caminho e isso o fez me olhar.- Vem cá.
Eu o puxei para um abraço enquanto o sentia relaxar. Senti seu rosto na curva de meu pescoço e comecei a acariciar suas costas.
- Está melhor?
- Sim... Oque eu faria sem você?
Senti minhas bochechas esquentarem enquanto sentia nosso abraço ficar cada vez mais apertado.
- Aaah... O amor!- Corei e nos separamos imediatamente ao ver uma senhora nos olhando com uma feição apaixonada.- Meu bem, você se lembra que éramos assim quando éramos mais novos?
- Como esquecer, meu amor?
Os dois trocaram um pequeno beijo apaixonado enquanto Josuke e eu nos olhávamos tímidos. Ele segurou meu pulso e começou a nos levar de volta para minha casa, mas não pude evitar de olhar para aquele casal mais uma vez.
- Espero algum dia encontrar logo a outra metade da minha laranja.
- Eu acho que já encontrei a minha.- Me intalei com o ar e comecei a tossir enquanto Josuke dava tapinhas em minhas costas soltando algumas risadas.
- Quem é??
- Se você for para o cinema com a gente eu conto.
- Josuke, eu não posso.
- Não pode ou não quer?
- Não posso!- Menti na cara dura enquanto ele ainda me encarava suspeito.
- Está bem.
Continuamos o nosso caminho até a silhueta de minha casa começar a aparecer.
Josuke me deixou na porta e esperou pacientemente para que eu entrasse, e assim que viu minha mãe abrindo a porta, ele colocou o seu maior sorriso.
- Tia! Há quanto tempo não lhe vejo!
- Josuke! Como você está?
Eles se abraçaram e mamãe o convidou para entrar. Senti o sangue gelar, esqueci por um momento que ele podia ser bem insistente quando queria.
- Tia, precisamos conversar.
- Diga querido, em que posso lhe ajudar?
- (S/n) contou para mim e para nossos amigos que vocês iriam sair no sábado, mas nós estamos querendo ir ao cinema. Será que teria como desmarcar? Eu sei que ter um cabelo bem cuidado é muito importante, mas já faz muito tempo que não saíamos todos juntos.
- Que história é essa?- Arregalei os olhos enquanto parava de fazer vários "nãos" discretos para minha mãe que nem os notou.
- Mamãe, a senhora já esqueceu que marcamos de sair no sábado para comprar os meus produtos?- Ela pareceu entender e mesmo que sua feição mostrasse que não se agradou, ela se virou para Josuke com um sorriso.
- É verdade Josuke, eu estou tão ocupada esses dias que havia esquecido completamente! É uma emergência, o cabelo da sua amiga está só o pó.
- MÃE! Também não é assim!
- Está bem tia, obrigado mesmo assim.- Ele sorriu meio triste enquanto olhava para nós duas.- Bem, não quero incomodar mais, então vou indo.
Mamãe foi deixar ele na porta e quando ele saiu, ela me olhou com fogo nos olhos.
- (S/n)! Por que você não foi?? Essa poderia ser a minha chance de ter um genro!
- MÃE!- Eu senti minhas bochechas vermelhas enquanto nos olhávamos bravas.- Eles querem ver um filme de terror, a senhora sabe que eu tenho pavor. Além disso, não é como se fosse um encontro, é apenas uma saída entre amigos!
- Ai minha filha, você tem tanto pra aprender...
Quando chegou o sábado, minha mãe e eu fomos para o shopping onde eu sempre comprava tudo que precisava e fomos até a loja de produtos capilares, onde eu de fato comprei tudo que faria meu cabelo renascer.
Depois de pagar por tudo, minha mãe sugeriu que fôssemos comer algum besteirinha no McDonalds e eu prontamente aceitei. Fomos até a área de fastfood onde minha mãe e eu esperamos na fila, até eu encontrar uma cabeleira bem conhecida.
- Mãe, me ajuda.- Eu sussurrei em seu ouvido e ela me olhou confusa.- Os meu amigos estão ali! Eu vou me esconder.
- Minha filha, deixe de ser besta! Vai lá falar com eles.
- N-Não!
Minha mãe revirou os olhos enquanto me mandava procurar uma mesa enquanto ela ficaria ali. Assenti e sai dali discretamente, procurando ao mesmo tempo um lugar para nós duas.
Não notei que havia uma motoca bem na minha frente e acabei tropeçando nela, só ouvindo algo se quebrando e um choro de uma menina.
- Mamããe!! Ela quebrou a minha moto!!- Me virei para trás vendo que todos ao nosso redor me olhavam julgadores. Senti meu rosto esquentar.
- M-Me desculpa! Eu estava distraída!- Tentei me levantar e ir ao seu encontro mas a menina só fez gritar mais e se esconder atrás de sua mãe que me olhava.
- Está tudo bem, acidentes acontecem, mas gostaria que você me pagasse o valor dessa moto para que eu possa comprar outra para minha filha.
- C-Claro... Quanto?- Ela me entregou a notinha e eu senti a minha alma sair do corpo. Como que um objeto tão simples podia valer quase 600 reais?!
- Com licença, mas acho que não tem nada de errado com o brinquedo de sua filha.- Josuke chegou e apontava para a motoca que estava inteira.
- Oh, como assim??- A mãe olhava chocada enquanto a criança parecia radiante de novo.
- Obrigada moço do cabelo estranho!
- De nada.- Josuke forçou um sorriso, mas parecia mais uma careta.
- (S/n), você está bem?- Koichi me ajudou a levantar enquanto me olhava preocupado.
- Estou bem, obrigada Koichi.
- Filha, pra quem você puxou essa sua sorte?- Minha mãe chegou, segurando os nossos lanches, que Okuyasu se ofereceu para segurar para ela.- Obrigada querido.
- Por nada tia!
Minha mãe convidou todos ali para comerem com a gente então tivemos que procurar uma mesa maior, não demorando tanto para achá-la.
- Então? Vocês gostaram do filme?- Minha mãe perguntou enquanto saboreava o seu hambúrguer.
- Na verdade ainda não vimos, estávamos indo comprar os ingressos agora.- Josuke respondeu enquanto roubava uma de minhas batatinhas.
- E vejo que você já comprou tudo (S/n)!- Okuyasu apontou para a sacola.- Então agora você está livre?
- Sim, ela está.- Minha mãe me olhou com um sorriso enquanto eu a olhava me sentindo traída.
- Oba! Então você agora já pode vir com a gente!
Josuke e Okuyasu me abraçaram de cada lado enquanto roubavam mais um pouco da minha batata. Quanta sorte a minha!
Então estava nós 5 em frente a bilheteria prontos para comprar os ingressos.
Eu já estava com frio na barriga.
- (S/n), está tudo bem?- Josuke me perguntou ao se virar em minha direção.
- Claro que sim!
Eu forcei o meu melhor sorriso para ele. Ele sorriu enquanto voltava a conversar com o Okuyasu sobre oque eles esperavam do filme.
Compramos os nossos ingressos e fomos para a sala depois de comprarmos as pipocas e os refris.
- Oe... Koichi.
Josuke murmurou para o Koichi que acenou para ele. Procurei o meu assento e vi que ele ficava mais para cima, dando uma visão perfeita do filme. Sentei-me enquanto fazia uma pequena reza quando os comerciais começaram.
- Oi! Desculpa o atraso.
- Onde estão os outros?
- Ah, eles quiseram ficar lá em baixo. Espero que não se incomode em ficar sozinha comigo.
- Claro que não!
Josuke sorriu e se sentou ao meu lado enquanto enchia sua mão com pipoca.
- Preparada pro filme?
- Sim, com toda certeza.- Ele riu ao ouvir o meu desespero.
- Qualquer coisa você se abraça em mim.
Ele corou levemente e se virou para a tela quando o filme estava prestes a começar. Meu rosto também estava pegando fogo, mas disfarcei ao encher minha mão de pipoca e colocar tudo na minha boca.
Meu corpo todo estava tenso, mal conseguia comer enquanto meus olhos estavam pregados na tela e minhas mãos seguravam o balde de pipoca com força.
Assim que apareceu uma das entidades, o cinema todo deu um grito e eu além de fazer isso, eu deixei o balde de pipoca voar da minha mão, acertando alguém da frente.
- MAIS QUE PORRA?!- O homem se levantou e começou a inspecionar a sala, procurando o culpado pelo seu banho de pipoca, desistindo vendo que ninguém parecia ligar para oque tinha acontecido com ele.
- Ufa...- Suspirei aliviada enquanto ouvia uma risadinha de Josuke.
- Só você para me fazer rir num momento desses.- Ele acariciou minhas bochechas.- Por que não me disse que tinha medo desse tipo de filme?
- Eu só não queria ser a medrosa do grupo.
- Bobagem.- Ele se levantou.- Vem, vamos embora.
- Mas e o filme?
- Não quero arriscar que você machuque mais alguém caso tome um susto.
- Idiota.
Me levantei e dei um soquinho em seu peito, o fazendo rir. Ele segurou minha mão e começamos a descer as escadas.
Fui inventar de olhar para a tela e mais uma vez uma entidade apareceu e me fez tomar mais um susto, mas dessa vez tropecei nos meus próprios pés e fiz Josuke e eu cairmos escada abaixo. Ele começou a rir baixinho enquanto a gente se levantava e saia da sala.
- Desculpa!
Ele ainda continuava a rir, e isso acabou me contagiando. Saímos do cinema e fomos dar uma volta em um parque, nos sentando em um banco enquanto olhávamos para a lua.
- Está mais calma agora?- Ele colocou seu braço em volta de meus ombros e eu sorri olhando para ele.
- Sim, obrigada.- Me deitei em seu ombro e o senti ficar tenso. Seu coração acelerando.- Ah, acabei de me lembrar de algo!
- Oque?- Josuke perguntou enquanto se afastava o suficiente para me olhar.
- Você disse que ia me contar quem é a sua outra metade se eu fosse para o cinema.- Josuke ficou com o seu rosto totalmente vermelho.
- Você não percebeu ainda?
- Oque? Não me diga que sou eu?- Dei algumas risadas enquanto esperava ele me acompanhar, mas quando vi que ria sozinha eu abri os olhos e vi que ele me olhava sério.- Josuke?
Sua mão foi de encontro a minha bochecha e começou a acariciá-la.
- (S/n), eu me sinto tão bem quando você está ao meu lado... Eu planejava um lugar mais romântico para esse momento mas eu já não aguentava dar tantos sinais pra você e você nunca pegar nenhum deles.
Não conseguia falar nada, chocada demais ao ele ter dito aquilo.
- Por favor, diga alguma coisa...
- Josuke, eu... Me sinto da mesma forma.- Eu cobri a mão dele com a minha.- Eu me negava a acreditar que você poderia me corresponder.
- Por que?
- Porque eu acho que você merece alguém melhor do que eu.
- (S/n), você é tudo que eu preciso.
Sorri e me aproximei dele, unindo nossos lábios. Ele tomou um susto mas rapidamente se recompôs, me beijando mais carinhosamente.
Ouvimos um barulho alto perto de nós e quando olhamos para o local do barulho, vimos os nossos 3 amigos segurando um lança confete.
- Finalmente mano! Achei que você nunca conseguiria se confessar!- Okuyasu se aproximou de nós e nos abraçou ao mesmo tempo.
- Cala a boca Okuyasu.- Josuke deu um pequeno soco na cabeça do seu amigo que começou a rir.
Sorri enquanto me abraçava em Josuke que me arrastou com ele até os nossos amigos, que nos parabenizaram.
Olhei para Josuke com um olhar amoroso, agora sim minha mãe teria o seu genro.
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2-dsimp · 7 days
(Female reader!)
Cw: Overstimulation, excessive creampies, overstimulation, dacryphillia, degradation, praise, begging,
The Dramatic Beggars
“Baby please lemme in there! I promise I’ll make you feel so good! Haah you teasing me? Are you really even asleep right now? Fucking having your slutty pussy suckle on the tip my cock but not letting me in any deeper—Ahn! Darling please make some room for me in that delicious cunt of yours. I’ll die if I can’t cum inside you”
He whimpered pathetically into the crook of your neck deeply inhaling your lovely scent as he rutted desperately against the crease of your ass. Trying to dig his cock deeper inside you whilst you lay there slumbering on peacefully. Unaware that you’re pushing your lover to the brink of insanity as your snatch clamped down harshly on the sensitive mushroom tip of his throbbing cock. Denying him of any further entry inside your welcoming wet heat due to how tight your walls constricted his movements.
The greedy opportunists
“Damn Doll you look so gorgeous when you’re stuffed so full of me. Awe look at you squirming n moaning in your sleep like a whore. Are you having a wet dream about me molding the shape of my dick inside your gummy walls or is my fat cock too much for you? If that’s the case… Don’t worry sweetheart I’ll make sure you get well acquainted with my size. By stretching you out every god damn night with every chance I get my precious little fucktoy”
He chuckled deviously delivering deep long strokes inside your squelching cunt. Making sure to pound his shaft roughly inside of your gooey plump walls hitting that spongey sweet spot that made you cream endlessly on his invading thick dick. That repeatedly ravaged your guts in an effort to make your cunt mold itself in his cocks image. As his fat tip kept kissing the tip of your cervix with every mean pelvic thrust.
The stress fuckers
“Oh fuck yeah that’s the good stuff! You always manage to brighten up my day with your pretty pussy babe. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to take out all my frustrations and stress from work inside your tight cunt. Fuck! you really know how to treat a man right my sweet baby girl.”
He gushed lovingly as he continued to rub the tip of his cock up and down your puffy pussylips. Licking his lips with a happy go lucky grin as he gently but firmly wrapped his hands around your neck as you slept while he proceeded to ease his long pulsating dick inside your puckered slicked hole. Moaning in satisfaction as he began rocking his hips against your ass. Making sure to bury his long shaft deep inside your sweltering dripping snatch. Using you as he pleased as he fucked away all his earlier frustration and stress from work, abusing your pussy in the most ravenous ways.
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3-dsimp · 1 month
Could you do a drider breeding fic? Creampie and eggs. Size kink is a musttt. Maybe a bnha character? Whatever character you choose is cool just none of the villans pls. Btw your fics just ajrjdkndjekdndosn💖
A/n: I ended up doing a general smut Drabble hope that’s okay and thx you! (>^ω^<)
Cw: 🔞NSFW MDNI🔞Fem reader! + Drider Male! breeding, tummy bulge, praise, overstimulation, eggs, size kink, pussydrunk, rough sex, cum inflation, creampie.
Imagine him grinning widely as he ruthlessly slams you up and down onto his engorged cock. His muscles flexing with each movement while he relishes in your wetness gushing around him.
"Oh you’re such a good girl, taking my dick like a world champ I’m so proud you sweetheart~"
The man praised, whilst sticking his tongue out like a dog. A pussydrunk look apparent on his haggard features. While You were fucked out of your mind, completely full to the brim from his previous thick goopy loads of his sperm. Which leaked past his dick that served to be a temporary plug to keep all his spend inside of your flooded womb.
"Damn I can’t get enough of this sweet pussy she’s so tight, so perfect Princess. I could fuck you all night long and still not get my fix."
A low heated chuckle escaped his lips as he felt up your rounded belly. Which was sloshing with his eggs and cum of which he meanly crammed into you. Despite your whines of discomfort, he couldn’t resist bullying every inch of his pulsating meat inside your quivering quim. The telltale of his balls twitching against your ass for the fourth time in a row. Made your cunt clench pathetically around his throbbing shaft.
"Shh baby it’s okay I know how you love getting stuffed full of my cock. Daddy’s gonna give you one more load so make sure not to spill any of it mkay?"
He purred nipping at your nape as his hips continues to pump into you, his massive dick filling you up completely as he uses you like a fleshlight for his own pleasure. Your bodies moved together in a primal dance, lost in the moment. The only sounds were your collective harsh breathing and the wet slaps of flesh against flesh.
"Fuck yes! That's it, Take it all. Take everything I have to give. Mmh you’re such a good girl. Shit this pussy is to die for~"
He moaned in a breathy hiss as he manhandled you into a mating press and began to move savagely, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into you with a satisfying wet smack. Your walls clenched around him, milking his spurting penis for all he was worth.
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rougepancake · 9 months
Just My Type
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FT. Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, & Giorno Giovanna
WARNINGS: Sexually explicit content under cut. Minors and ageless blogs dni. Fem!Reader. Stalking, panty stealing, inappropriate use of stands, pervy jojos, masturbation, accurate to their individual timelines. Don Giorno and Cop Josuke. NOT PROOFREAD!!
SUMMARY: Perv headcanons for the JoJo’s up through part five. Might make one for the JoBros-
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Out of all of them, he feels the most guilt
He’s a gentleman, after all
First it starts out with him eyeing your body, taking subtle peeks throughout the day
It then escalates to him brushing against you gently, and it kills him
There’s not much he can do outside of watching you and getting off to you before bed
He humps his pillow
God he’s so desperate and needy too
Especially when you have no idea. For whatever reason, it makes his heart swell
But he feels so bad about it. What if you ever found out? What would you do? Do you feel the same way about him??
Once saw you riding your horse and was genuinely never the same after that
There was something about how determined you looked, with that wistful look in your eyes that just turned him on
He’s so down bad that he asked Dio for advice
“Get her drunk and convince her to stay. She’s stupid enough anyways.” “Grope her… duh…”
Dio does NOT give two shits about wether not his advice is legal
However, Jonathan follows through with the alcohol one
It’s his only chance to get close to you outside of studying alongside you
And to his surprise, you come over and share some wine with him
Thankfully, you wind up getting tipsy first, which gives him the chance to make his move
“Ah, y/n. It’s not safe for you to travel back to your estate in such a condition. Allow me to provide you with somewhere to spend the night.”
He lets you stay in his bed, and even convinces you to wear his clothes to bed
Snuck into the room while you were asleep and just watched you
Oh how he wanted to touch you, to feel you, but he couldn’t. It felt like he couldn’t do anything about his feelings for you and it bothered him so
Also practically ruined his clothes once he got them back. (Listen man sometimes it’s hard to get cum stains out-)
Dio never lets him hear the end of it and proceeds to give him shitty advice
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- this man is a WHORE‼️
He has no shame whatsoever and refuses to keep his feelings for you a secret
In fact, you can barely tell if he’s kidding or not when he hits on you
He steals your clothing
Shirts? Gone. Bras? Never to be seen again. Panties? Oh he’ll steal them, ruin them, and then slip them back into your dresser when he’s over
He loves the idea of getting away with it, and it turns him on to know that you’re just as clueless as ever
Slips pictures of himself into your house, leaving them on the counter to make you think of him
Honestly thinks he’s so smooth (Caesar thinks he’s fucking weird)
Has no problem with smacking your ass out of the blue
Also really likes to pick you up and bury his face in your chest
Has collected various photos of you and gets off to them almost every night
Like it’s just a pic of you smiling and he’s hard as hell
While Jonathan whimpers and begs, Joseph moans and mutters
On the loudness scale he’s about 13/10
He does not give a flying FUCK about who hears him
Talks dirty while he fucks his hand, closing his eyes to picture your beautiful face between his legs, smiling up at him
Yeah he likes to take sneak peeks of you in the bath, so what?!
Does all of this with the mentality of “she’ll be mine eventually, so I’m entitled to a head start-“
Feels a little guilty about it at first, but never feels that way ever again once he gets ahold of a Polaroid of you in a bikini
Carries that shit around with him EVERYWHERE
He has also collected various photos of you, and has a mini photo album that’s dedicated to pictures of you smiling
Sorry but I think he’s into dacryphilia
Sure he loves to see you happy and enjoying yourself, but he just thinks you look so pretty when you cry
He fucking loves it when you come to him in tears, taking it as his chance to wrap his arm around you and bring you in closer to him
He constantly tells you that you’re annoying, but would smash you in a heartbeat
Enemies to lovers bs but he’s in love with you from the start
He prefers to steal your bras over anything else (he seriously has a thing for tits-) and DOES NOT give them back until they stop smelling like you
He also (occasionally) steals your shirts and replaces them with his own. The idea of you walking around in one of his shirts when it’s too big for you really gets him going
Loves to take you out for drinks and then escort you back home
Even better if you’re a lightweight
It gives him a reason to carry you back to your place and tuck you in bed
Once found your ‘special drawer’ while snooping around and fucking stole your vibrator
Granted, he bought you a much better one and snuck it into your drawer, but you were pissed when you noticed it’s absence
He has, and will continue to, use Star Platinum/The World to stop time and get his hands on you
Even if it’s just for a few seconds, he’ll be thinking about it all day
Oh god and Star Platinum loves you too
Grabs and holds you. 10/10 cuddler, even if Jotaro is incredibly embarrassed
You’ve always just seen it as ‘Jotaro’s lonely side’ and nothing more, so you don’t tell off Star
Star has been known to sneak away from Jotaro just to hang out with you
If you and Joot ever end up sharing a hotel room together for any reason, Star will hump you in your sleep
Now, Jotaro lets out low grunts and moans, but is typically quiet when getting off. STAR PLATINUM???? Fucking whimpers and whines like there’s no tomorrow
This man is hanging on by a thread
On the guilt scale, he’s second place for sure
But is also like his dad with the “yolo” mentality
Steals your shirts and shorts, sleeps in them (even if they’re too small), and refuses to give them back
Like your clothes just keep vanishing and you’re like ???
Has used Crazy Diamond to sneak into your place and has no real intentions of stopping
Has a shit ton of photos of you sleeping hidden away in his room
Really just wants to hear you call him a good boy
When he’s needy, he is NEEDY. Humps his pillow, whimpers, whines, the whole ass package
His hand just isn’t enough for him anymore
Unlike his father, he’s not brave enough to get close to you or touch you. My guy can’t even hug you without turning a bright shade of red
Oh and if you come over to play games with him, he’s a total goner
Absolute mess of a man
Can’t do shit without being embarrassed, so he’s a lot less weird than the others
But by god what he would give to hear you call him a good boy
It’s like his one dream
Rohan once used Heaven’s Door on him to get more dirt on him and has (some) no regrets. Will never let Josuke hear the end of it.
“Ohoho you like y/n? Josuke you good for nothing pervert. Give the woman a break.”
Prays that one day you’ll be in trouble and he’ll be the officer sent out to save you
He’s one second away from going full blown yandere
You can’t change my mind
He’s got everything he needs at his fingertips, and could easily take you away without having to lift a finger
Openly flirts with you, but treats you with such respect that you can’t tell if he’s just being nice or not
Also spoils you
Buys you anything he’s ever seen you take interest in
Even if you don’t really want it, it WILL show up at your door eventually
Makes sure to sign his gifts to you so you don’t forget who it is that’s spoiling you like this
Kisses your hand and cheeks in a way that he claims is platonic
Loves it when you trust him enough that you can come to him for anything. Gossip? Do tell. Something bothering you? Just let him know and he’ll have it all sorted out in no time
I shit you not he makes you sit on his lap while you tell him about your day
You think it’s because the two of you are such good friends, but he actually just loves the sight of you pressed against him
His voice gets higher pitched when he gets off, and he begs a version of you that doesn’t exist to let him cum, pleading with you over and over
Eventually, he’ll start to feel bad about it, but he’d much rather live in the moment
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Could I just like make a request about the jojos having a darling who does literally everything to stay away. Like they come up with the dumbest excuses or do dumb stuff just to stay away
woot woot, this’ll be my first thing with Jodio hopefully I can write him correctly before doing headcanons. Sort of more of a reaction thingy but hope it satisfies, since I’m trying to get back into a groove of things.
His heart flutters hearing you stumble on excuses, he can tell you’re lying but he doesn’t mention this. Though he finds it in your best interest to have someone looking out for you, in the end. Whatever little thing you busy yourself with, he finds a way to come around. Sometimes it just happens to align with his father’s request to fetch something. Just maybe he twists things around to something you like, even if it only keeps you around for a few extra seconds.
The biggest trickster there is, it’s near impossible to try and get out of anything with Joseph. “Mmm, you already used that one” He gives you a quick wink. He knows where you hang out mostly, and can easily tell if you’re not the “ruffian” type. If you’re a bit snarky yourself, he does his best to make you slip up. Or if he’s really determined waste enough time that you don’t have to bother with that other “task” you had to do.
Blunt. To put it lightly, Yare Yare leaves his lips as soon as you stumble through an excuse. He knows how efficiently you may or may not get things done. Anything you’re usually not fond of makes him raise an eyebrow (immediate suspicion if it’s possibly just to impress some other person). It almost feels like an interrogation when he asks the sudden interest in whatever you spilled out. Forget trying to do anything dumb, fib or otherwise he’s not letting you do it. Even if you do manage to slip off and go out on your own, Jotaro is around somewhere.
Similar to Joseph he’s pretty on top of silly excuses, because he’s probably made up a thing or two himself. The best course of action for him is making up an excuse himself to get into whatever you made up on the fly. If you ask, he tells you he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Even if it’s obvious he’s lying to you, he makes it nigh impossible to leave “hey that’s what you said you were doing”.
He definitely knows the ins and outs about you, so lying won’t likely get you very far. Besides every little excuse you do make, he seems to always have a counter for. It’s almost freaky, if you don’t know how much Giorno negotiates. Though there’s times he let’s you go on the basis of a flimsy lie. Rest assured though something goes missing and it always leads back to him. Anything out of the ordinary for you is promptly taken care of, “That’s a rather interesting way to try to keep away from me” He’d tell you in a friendly tone.
Like her father she can be pretty blunt herself, even insists it’s not a great idea to stray too far. The little excuses you make are intriguing to her, but she counters with her own plans. Sometimes she’ll get you lipstick and see if you’ll wear it out later, depending on what you told her you were supposedly doing that day. Little runarounds with you keep her on her toes making sure you don’t run off. Simple things like getting you to spend extra time with her, with her own little excuses. Eventually there might be a time your handcuffed to her bed, for a day or two. “Don’t you ever get tired of making up stuff? It’d just be easier being here with me you know, I’ve got your back”
He’s rather scary when you make up something on the fly to avoid him. His blue eyes bore into your soul, unless he uses spin there’s usually nothing much he can do. As he improves however, the space between the two of you slowly shrinks. Johnny makes it certain one way or another your attention is drawn back to himself. He notes everything you do, so if you don’t “have” something he either has an extra or absolutely knows you have an item. Similar likely happens with your horses habits. If he’s determined he manages to pin you under him. He merely mumbles “Stay” at a little too close for comfort distance.
Josuke (Part 8)
He’s curious at some of the excuses you make here and there. Or hearing about things you’d usually wouldn’t do. He’s not dumb obviously, so he asks if there’s a reason you’re avoiding him. The possible roundabout answers you give, don’t really satisfy. It is cute you’re nervous about it though. He may just simply ignore some of the things you tell him to try and keep your distance. Josuke wants to see you anyway, if he can’t he might try and call just to test if you’re at a certain place. “There’s nothing that can convince me to keep away” He’d tell you at one point or another.
“Li~ar, liar~” At least this is what happens when you come up with something on the fly. Admittedly he’s busy with trying to get rich, but since he likes you on a level enough to significantly care. The things you tell him don’t quite match up. It’s not really hard to tell you’re avoiding him, he might even put that out bluntly. He’ll show up randomly when you least expect it, he might swipe something from a friend or delay a meetup somehow. “I don’t really care about whoever else you hang out with ya’ kno~w, it only should be a me and you thing”.
“Just don’t get used to thinking you can avoid me all the time”
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zujime · 9 months
─── multiple characters x reader
characters included: bruno, joesph(not the old man ya'll, he is kinda bad tho ngl), josuke, jotaro, giorno, mista
c.w. when ur sad/upset/overthinking/idk, aged up, fluff, comfort, established relationship, no y/n usage, hcs, jjba, some italian pet names (2), a few swear words
- it's been a while since i posted jjba content, it's also been a while since i posted overall. this probably isn't much but for right now until i recover from this burnout, it's all i have. i hope you enjoy :)
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at times like these, bruno notices almost immediately that something's up when he walks into your shared home and is met with an eerie silence. it's not long before he's rushing into the bedroom in search of you, only to find you curled up in bed—hidden under covers as you trembled and sniffled lightly. his touch is gentle when he rests his hand on your quivering shoulder, voice even softer as he speaks—asking about what's troubling you.
"what's wrong, mia cara" whether you tell him or not, he encourages you to release whatever tears remain as he holds you, giving you a shoulder to cry on and lots of forehead, nose, and cheek kisses as he tries to soothe you. once you've calmed down, he'll ask if there's anything you want—either a necessity or just something you want, he's getting it without a second thought. he just loves you so much and wants to do all he can for you.
now joesph...is kind of a jerk when he finds you crying at first. he'd baby talk you as he pinches, squishes your cheeks, and flicks your forehead or nose while laughing his ass off, but when he notices that you're not giving him any snappy remarks, slapping his hands away, or laughing with him, that's when he knows something's wrong and he's actually worried.
and when he starts asking you what happened, he almost sounds like a fly that's been buzzing in your ear for god knows how long, but you know he means well, especially when he's giving you the warmest and tightest hug he can—holding you against his chest as you let his heartbeat calm your uneven breathing. he's definitely babying you for the rest of the day and he might tease you a teeny tiny bit, but only to make you laugh.
josuke would probably think he did something to cause you to feel this way and if that's the case, bro's apologizing profusely (please, he's so sorry). whatever the problem might be, expect lots—and i mean lots of short sloppy kisses all over your face while he whispers tons of "I'm sorry" or "it's ok" onto your face. he might refrain from asking what the problem is both out of fear and because he doesn't want to cross boundaries or upset you even more.
but he'll spoil you rotten for the entire week cause he wants you—his everything—to feel better and he wants you to know how much he loves you. cuddles, kisses, hugs, naps together, movie night, whatever the hell you want is exactly what he's gonna give you maybe even before you ask. (he'd probably cry w you, on a serious note).
i think that jotaro would sit there and wait for you to tell him what's wrong so he'll know if it's serious or not—if it's serious he'll stay and listen to what you have to say, but if it's not like you're crying because something is out of stock or something, he's leaving the room and not even sparring you a second glance.
anyway, if you need any type of physical affection, he'd be able to tell from your body language or if you ask him for it but either way, he's not gonna not give you what you want...he's a really good listener, would literally sit there and listen to all that you have to say with no interruptions and he'd cuddle with you until you fall asleep cause he needs to know that you're actually okay, but he's not leaving your side. at all.
ok listen, not exactly like josuke, but i think giorno would be such a sweetheart. he'd ask if you'd wanna talk about it and would be content listening to whatever you say to him while he's holding you in his arms to bring your frantic mind to a slow so you can focus on what you want to say. would definitely cuddle with you in bed—you'll pass out in like less than 20 minutes so yeah.
mista would be so worried but at the same time he's asking who did it with sex pistols in hand (bro's ready to kill a bitch for you). "amore mio, who do i need to kill?" "mista, please don't kill anyone..." he's drowning you in nothing but love (kisses, cuddles, hand-holding, etc). he'd let you wear his hat or play with his hair to calm you down if that's what you want. you're getting spoiled. no, if's and's or but's, you're getting spoiled. want food? he's got it. wanna watch something? the tv's already on. wanna nap? he's already waiting in bed. he'd also let you cry on his shoulder for as long as you need and he'll give you back rubs too. :((
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josukebrainrot · 10 months
4&13 not sfw prompts for our baby josuke?? i honestly relate with you, josuke is just miam we love him <33 ty !!
a/n: yall really like to kill me, also this was very fem at first but it turned gendered netural so all my homies can enjoy this. also I wrote this in a normal writing format no hc/bullet point format so, tell me how I did.
warnings: not sfw, hinted at sex, hand over mouth, foreplay, hinted at voyeurism/forced masturbastion
prompt(s): 4) “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.” + 13) “Touch yourself for me.”
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nothing can explain how this started. one second you and josuke were playing playing video games. the next you two were mouths on mouths, hands on skin. nimble fingers tugging, pulling, sliding oh so down
it took until you started tugging at his jacket for josuke to pull away from you whining.
“what? you’re no fun” his lip pouting.
at this point you were in his lap, hands wrapped about your waist “josuke, please. too many layers”
he laughs before he started pulling off his jacket and white shirt leaving himself in his yellow undershirt
“seee there” he teases before pulling you over and tugged on your clothes. “now, it’s your turn”
he tugged you in to kiss you. his hands went to your shirt and pulled it off then they went down to your waistband. your hand stopped him.
“hey,” he soothes, his hand shooting up to cup your cheek. “I’m sorry did I take to far?”
“no you just shocked me” his eyes looked for anything in yours. he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
“Are you sure?"
“yes, josuke”
That’s when he put a hand behind your head, the other on the small of your back, and turned you over and on to the ground. “good”
kissing your neck as he shimmied whatever you were wearing down your legs. he smiled against your neck hearing you mewl.
his hand palmed your most sensitive area making a moan rip through you. “hey, hey”
he putting his hand over your mouth. “You’d better be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
right his mom was in one of the next rooms. she could all the expletives her son and his partner were doing at this very moment if she was close by. you nod as he moves his hand away from your mouth.
his hand currently on your underwear moved to removed them as he gawked in the most lowkey way possible.
“wow,” he breathed as he flicked his eyes to yours from above. “it’s like the first time all over again”
he chuckled seeing you try to curl up into yourself and to cover your face. his hands going to stop you. “hey, why are you embarrassed?”
you didn’t answer, he knew why. he liked seeing the effect he has on you by the saying things like that. things that will have you bothered in more ways than one.
“you’re embarrassing. you know that”
“oh, so I’m embarrassing” his hand started gripping one of yours that was going to cover your face, then he started dragging it down. way down. “okay then, touch yourself for me.”
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bayfuzzball7050 · 3 months
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(Him and Tonio get along very well actually)
@jotaromonth day 12 - week 2 (Friendship - morioh!!!)
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
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Extra disclaimer : I will not do smut for minors, I can give you a little kiss or something but that’s it.
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Isekai Yandere Strawhats 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Strawberry fields josuke x black fem reader Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 ( maybe )
Miguel O’Hara x Black Fem Reader Pt1 Pt2?
Isekai Yandere Strawhats CH 2 1
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Sanji x Black Fem Reader GOOD DAYS
Isekai BNHA x Black Fem Reader
Don’t Drink The Tea
Nami x Black Fem Reader Time well spent
Zoro x Black Fem Reader Time apart
Yander Josuke x Black Fem Reader ( Aged up )
Portgas D. Ace x Fem reader live
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x BNHA Black Fem reader
Isekai Platonic Yandere Strawhats
Getou Suguru Hopes And Dreams
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Platonic Yandere Todoroki
Bakugo X black Fem realtionship HC
Bucciarati x Black Fem Reader relationship HC
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Distrustful reader
One piece:
My hero academia:
AKI X Black Fem Reader
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Katsuki Bakugo:
Todoroki Shoto:
Jotaro Kujo:
Josuke Higashikata: Strawberry fields
Gojo Satoru:
Fushiguro Megumi:
Nanami Kento:
Sanji: A prince’s wish
Eustass Kidd:
Trafalgar Law:
Portgas D. Ace: Live
Hatake Kakashi: The student becomes the teacher
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437 notes · View notes
JJBA boys when you kiss their nose
Warning:SFW, Fluff, Kisses, it will be short
Feat:Jotaro,Josuke, Okuyasu, Giorno, Kakyoin, Polnareff
Commission Open!
Art Commission Open!!
900 raffle!!
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—He will be surprised when you suddenly kiss his nose.
—"what are you up to?" He said trying to hide his face. You smile as you kiss his cheeks. "stop!" He said hugging you tight.
—Jotaro hid his face into your neck because he was really embarrassed.
—he will be like. "What are you doing?" He said smiling while he was blushing to death.
—Starting to sweat when you press a kiss on his cheeks. "Stop babe" you bit his nose. And hug him tight.
—"I told you to stop didn't I?" Josuke hug you back showering you with his kisses.
—He will die instantly!
—He was so flattered that he can't take it anymore. He always think that you were so cute and beautiful to have a guy like him.
—"come here y/n!! Let me kiss yours!" He pull you closer and he kiss your nose.
—"what are you doing?" He said with no reaction at all. Like you didn't did anything.
—you pout. "y/n?" He said holding your hand. "Why dont you kiss me on the lips instead?" You got a big blush and hid your face.
—He will become silent and his head will stop processing. "umm?" He said looking at you.
—you smile and hug him tight. "Sugar sweet cherry plum!" Kakyoin was a sweet guy. He appreciated it. "Let me give you my kisses!"
—he will shout from the top of his lungs. Saying how much he adore you. "Stop!" He said hugging you tight. Resting his head into the crook of your neck.
—"I love you y/n" you press a kiss on his head. "Ok let me kiss you now!" He said kissing your face.
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signanothername · 2 months
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It’s so funny to me how Rohan holds Joseph in high regard but then looks at Josuke and is just beyond disgusted
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2-dsimp · 1 month
(Fem reader)
Cw: deepthroating, creampie, praise kink, slight humiliation, oral m! Receiving, mention of overstimulation.
The Givers
“Fuck…Fuck me, Princess you’re blowing my brains out with how your soft lips keep sucking the ever living fuck outta my cock. Yeah, just like that keep going, you’re doing such a fantastic job fer me. Awe are you thirsty? Don’t worry doll I’m about to give you some jizz milk in just a second”
He groaned.
Feeling the heat of your slick saliva encompassing his foreskin while your tongue mapped out his shaft. Trailing your tongue flat alongside the prominent veins that pulsated underneath your attention. Which caused his heavy balls that were noisily slapping the base of your chin to tighten up ready to burst at any moment. A feral lopsided grin was present on his lips as he tugged on your hair, stuffing his fat dick meanly down your throat before letting out a loud audible growl. His shaft throbbing meanwhile he deposited his salty man milk, coating your esophagus in a creamy white hue.
The Overindulgent
“Please keep squeezing my cock with your sweet pussy baby! Uhn so delicious, feels sho wonderful I can’t stop… I can’t stop my hips. Don’t look at me like that, you know I can’t help it. It’s all your fault for being so tempting sweetheart! Haa the way your slick heat keeps suckling at my tip is driving me insane~”
He slurred.
Tears pricked his glistened eyes as he outwardly blamed you for how pent up he was. Sawing his long slender shaft in between your puffy pussy lips marinating it with your juices and left over cum he had spurted prematurely. Watching the way your gushy cunt suckled at his leaking blunted tip whenever he’d “accidentally” slip his cockhead inside. In a matter of seconds he became boneless at the sensitivity. And he whimpered bucking his hips while spraying bucket loads of his baby batter all over your simpering walls.
The Teasers
“Mhm you look so beautiful covered in my seed darling~ Hmm? What was that? You said you want to be full of my dick? Well don’t worry sweetness, keep being a good girl for me and I’ll fuck into your precious twat until all you can feel the phantom shape of my cock inside your tight walls. My pretty girl would love that wouldn’t she?”
He hummed.
Methodically torturing you, his eyes filled with sadistic mirth as he pinched and toyed with your nipples forcing you to arch your back. While he began rubbing against his half massed dick between the crease of your asscheeks smearing his precum against your puckered anus and your dripping pussy. He relished in having you under his control, at you begging for him to give you exactly what you needed while he humped your sweet ass. He momentarily adjusted his hips so that his thick shaft could slide in nicely between your moist quivering thighs. Aiding him in taunting you with the idea of him plunging his cock inside your spasming cunt. While he snickered cruelly into your ear as he kept purposefully knocking his fat tip against your pearl with each controlled thrust.
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beneathashadytree · 2 months
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Warnings : just two teens being in love and all over each other, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : puppy love n fluff <3
Word count : 1.1K words
Additional notes : This came to me in a dream. Love the idea of teenagers being sneaky and lazy teehee
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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They tiredly rubbed at their eyes. What was this, the tenth, or the hundredth time at this? In all cases, it felt like it was a never-ending cycle that they were doomed to stay in.
“Josuke, would it really kill you to study for an hour straight?” Nudging the textbook on the coffee table, they tried to bring his attention back to the long-forgotten syllabus. “We’ve got a quiz in 3 days.”
“Still plenty of time, if you ask me,” he shrugged, not looking away from the television screen where he was trying to beat his high score (again) in one of his video games. “That’s a whole, uh, 72 hours.”
“If you hesitated while doing simple math, then I fear how you’ll face a few calculus problems.” Rolling their eyes, they sidled up to his back. “Come on. Didn’t Miss Tomoko threaten to smash the console if you don’t get at least a B+? With the looks of things, we’ll be lucky if you pass at all.”
Still without looking at them, he scowled. “First off, thanks for your obvious belief in me.” He could be petty when he wanted to, and this seemed like one of the times he wanted to pout and get snarky. “Second of all, she wouldn’t.”
At that, they arched an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Did you forget that time she threw the television out of the window to keep her word when you flunked that history test?”
A few moments of silence, save for the sound effects coming from his game, and the furious tapping of buttons. “Alright, maybe she will. But still, we have a lot of time to go through the material.”
“Three days. Half of one you’ve already wasted, mind you.” They sighed, carefully wrapping their arms around his midsection and snuggling up to his broad back. A cheap trick, yes, but how else would they grab his attention without outright snatching the controller from his hands? “C’mon, Josuke. Miss Tomoko asked me to come over while she was out for this reason. I don’t wanna let her down, y’know?”
Josuke audibly swallowed, and they had to hold back a smug laugh. They had him right where they wanted him. “H-hey, who are you dating, me or my mom?”
They snorted, teasingly squeezing his waist. “My supposed-boyfriend’s got me right with him, and he’s been practically ignoring me for two hours. I’d say the answer’s currently neither of you.”
Instantly, the controller flew all across the room, landing somewhere unknown as his character on the screen crashed into explosives and died. Bingo, they wickedly thought to themself as Josuke finally turned around in their arms, his handsome face blocking out the ‘GAME OVER!’ flashing behind him.
Heavy eyebrows furrowed and lower lip jutted in a subconscious pout, he leaned in, caging them against the back of the sofa with his arms. “Dirty move.”
“You fell for it, though.” Grinning, they hooked their arms around his neck, tugging him a little closer. “Can’t believe I had to fight for your attention this long.”
“It slipped my mind that we’re finally alone,” he moaned pitifully, nudging their nose with his. “Next time I get distracted from you, punch me in the balls.” At the sinister look he saw in their eyes, he pulled back for a second, alarm on his face. “On second thought, I take that back. Don’t.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Cocking their head to the side, they toyed with a few loose strands of hair at the nape of his neck. It was so rare to see his hair anything other than immaculately styled, so the rare chances that they got to touch the soft strands were deeply cherished—by the both of them, it seemed, if the current redness of Josuke’s cheeks was anything to go by. “Or would you rather I keep my hands on you?”
Their boyfriend buried his face in their neck, partially out of embarrassment, and partially out of a desire to press achingly gentle kisses against their exposed skin. “Mm, I don’t know,” he mumbled, “So long as you’re not too rough with me, I’d prefer that, yeah.”
“Oh? So you like to be treated gently, big guy?” Their voice came out a little breathy as he lightly nipped at that one spot on their neck, and they hoped that it wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he had them weak in his arms. Just a little more…
More kisses rained down on them, trailing up to their jaw and sucking at the skin there, just lightly enough to tease them without leaving a mark. A sigh escaped their lips, and their hands trailed down his back, gripping at his yellow tank top in hopes of regaining their sanity. Strong arms embraced them tightly, and arched their back into him.
“Yeah, so what?” he mumbled against the corner of their lips. “Got a problem with that?”
At the very last second before their lips met, they turned their face to the other side and pulled away. “Actually, I do. Because we’re not doing anything at all until you finish studying chapters one through four.”
Groaning, Josuke made to reach out for them as they slipped from his embrace and began to walk off. “Babe, you can’t be serious—“
“I am,” they coolly said, as if they hadn’t been seconds away from pulling him ontop of them. “Would you like me to call your mom and tell her you’re fooling around instead of getting your shit done?”
He shuddered, visibly recoiling at the thought and slumping back in place. “Don’t. She’ll probably put a ban on you ever visiting me when she’s out.”
Still a little shaken up and their nerves slightly tattered by the onslaught of intimacy, they hurried to his room, calling out behind them in a sing-song voice. “Well, these calculus problems aren’t gonna solve themselves!”
Collapsing onto his bed, they muffled a laugh as they heard him swearing and slamming his heavy notebook open, grumbling under his breath the entire time. In the meantime, they curled up into his freshly-made sheets and snuggled their head into his fluffy pillow.
“It smells like him,” they whispered to themself, their face flushed as they squeezed the pillow a little. Somehow, having their boyfriend’s familiar scent surrounding them from everywhere warmed them up to their fingertips, and sent their heart racing in their ribcage. “Wish he’d hurry up and join me before Miss Tomoko gets home…”
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