#joe liebgott angst
sleepisforcowards · 1 year
‘my little dove, why do you cry?’ - Joe Liebgott
Warning- Heavy angst, character death, gore/injury, sad Leibgott, swearing, NOT PROOF READ WHATSOEVER
inspired by Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens (such a sad song oml I’m gonna cry) and youth by daughter
didn’t think it’d be this sad ngl
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That’s what Joe Liebgott was after you took your last breath…
The snow crunched under his feet as he walked, the cold nipping at his already bright red nose and fingertips as you both made your way back to your fox hole.
“Oh yeah..you’re funny, real funny” your giggles where music to his ears, causing a warm sensation through his system.
a contrast to his tone as you turned back to look at him, rifle hanging loosely in your grip.
You perked an eyebrow at him, a grin still on your face.
“Aw come on Lieb, don’t be a prude.” your choice of words earning a snort from the man which in return widened the beam on your face.
At the sight of your smile he felt his heart swell and he thought he’d never felt warmer despite the freezing temperatures.
“Besides I personally think I’m quite the comedian-”
The rest of your sentence was cut off as a large explosion at your feet throws you both back.
His ears rung as he found himself face down in the white snow, his body aching from the impact.
Blinking his eyes, he slowly pushed himself up and upon seeing a small, blurry lump surrounded by scarlet, scrambled up from the ground.
His mind was racing as he stumbled onto his knees next to you, snapping out of it as you meet his gaze.
“Your gonna be okay.. your fine,” he soothed you before whipping his head round, “MEDIC!”
He turned back to you, you where lying on your back, face smeared in blood from cuts littered across your complexion.
The worrying thing however, was the several patches of blood seeping through your ODs and more noticeable your right leg or rather what was left of it.
“ , Look at me, N/n. You’re gonna be fine okay?” He whipped around again, “MEDIC! ..for fucks sake.. DOC!”
You looked at him in confusion, eyes glazed over as you looked around “wh-who needs a medic Lieb? I- I need to get up…”
“Hey, hey..” he soothed you as you attempted to get up.
“Why are you looking at me like that.” Joes chest tightened as you looked down and realisation hit you, just as Eugene Roe rushed over to you two.
“Hey y/n. I need you to stay calm for me okay?” Roe rummaged through his medic satchel but Joe paid no mind, just continued to look at you.
“Keep looking at me okay y/n? Don’t look down there” he attempted to soothe your panicked state.
Your head shot up to him, “I got no leg Lieb.. it- it’s gone”
“Shh it’s okay n/n, you’ll be fine.. I promise”
You nodded slowly at him, fear clouding your vision as you gripped onto him, “promise?”
“Course n/n.. you’ve still gotta meet my sisters remember?” A forced smile made its way onto his face, as he looked down at you. Your eyes where doe-like, looking widely up at him. Your body continued to shake and whither as gene worked on your leg and stabbed morphine into the opposite one.
“Im scared Joe..” your usually energetic voice sounded small now, broken.
“fuck y/n… you’re gonna be alright okay?” His teeth gritted together and tears welled up in his vision.
Joe barely registered the quickly approaching footsteps of Lipton as he crouched down on the other side of your head.
“How are we doing, L/n?”
He watched as you turned to Lip, your gaze faltering, “h-hanging in there sarge” .
Lip then turned to Roe, who met his gaze with a small shake of his head as he continued to attempt to stop the bleeding, clearly growing frustrated.
Joe looked between the two with narrowed eyes, “fucking help her doc!” only scoffing when gene chose to ignore him.
You tugging on the front of his coat brought his gaze back to you. You’d gone paler, jaw clenched in obvious pain and tears welled up in your eyes, seconds away from spilling.
“It’s okay Leib..it’s okay..” you whispered the words to him, voice raspy as you smiled sadly.
The tears spilled then, running down his cheeks as his head shook, “No no no.. don’t say that y/n, don’t you fucking dare”
“Shut your trap and listen to me for once you f-fucking dick” you managed out, successfully silencing him.
“I- I love you okay.. so much”
He shook his head, “don’t.. for fuck-.. please n/n”
“I- I” your stopped, eyes drooping slowly as your grip on his uniform loosened.
Joe stared at your lifeless body, “no. No.. NO NO” he gripped your face in his hands, searching hopelessly for any signs of life, ignoring the pitiful look from Lip behind him.
The realisation washed over him as he realised he never said it back.. he hoped you knew. Hoped that in your last moments you felt his love for you, felt comfort. He knew that wasn’t true though. You had breathed your last breath curled into yourself in the snow, bathed in blood and dirt and withering in pain.
He should’ve said it. He should’ve told you how much you meant to him, how he wouldn’t have survived this far without you by his side. But he didn’t, and now you where dead, believing that your love was unrequited, unwanted.
Joe doubted he’d ever forgive himself for that.
Darker than I thought it’d be but oh well
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Fire On Fire: Chapter 2
(Ch. 1)
Gallery II Taglist Application II Symbol Guide
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Summary: Alix & her 2 best friends get ready to go out on the town for the first time in awhile, which inadvertently brings back a bittersweet memory from a month prior. The young agent tries to figure out how to cope with Lieb's mixed signals and the pain of wanting someone she can only have in one way. WARNINGS: Smut (18+) & Angst
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Contemporary: June 3rd, 1944. Aldbourne, England.
In an uncharacteristic act of generosity– which Alix firmly suspected was a product of Winters’ conversation with him earlier –
Lieutenant Nixon had grudgingly allowed her to take the rest of the day off from training so long as she promised to review the necessary Intel for the millionth time before the next day "just in case", so Alix grabbed some food at the mess by herself and headed back into the village. 
She'd take care of all that later.
It was a short but enjoyable walk back to the neat row of houses where she was billeted and the slight chill of the English autumn air made her smile. The smokey, overcast sky; the cool breeze rustling through the tree leaves; and the aroma of fresh food wafting from nearby restaurants all reminded her of being back home in Philly.
Arriving at the rustic terraced cottage where she had been staying, she opened the door and was greeted by the sweet sound of silence.
The pleasant elderly couple she was staying with had departed for Wales unexpectedly earlier in the week due to a death in the family, which left Alix with the house to herself for the remainder of her time in Aldbourne, not that she minded.
On the contrary, the tranquility was a pleasant change from the cacophony of the training ground where she spent most of her time.
Examining her manicured nails at the kitchen table, she realized she’d badly chipped one, probably during training. She frowned. 
Her best friends had invited her out to the pubs for one last hurrah at around 8 o’clock and she would not be going anywhere with chipped nail polish.
Dashing upstairs to the guest room she slept in, Alix snatched the burgundy polish off her bedside table and scampered back downstairs to the kitchen table, just in time to see the front door burst open. 
Her best friend, Skip Muck, bounded inside like an unleashed Golden Retriever with her other best friend, Don Malarkey, right on his heels, the slight breeze slamming the door shut behind him.
"Damn Pyro, your first free night in a month!” Skip exclaimed, taking his usual perch on the kitchen counter. “So where are we going? I vote The Crown!” 
“Sure, come on in, make yourselves at home,” Alix deadpanned, the ghost of a smirk crossing her lips as Malarkey half-fell into the nearest chair. 
“I don’t ever want to see another practice round again,” he griped, leaning over to loosen his boot laces. “Next ones we fire are gonna be the real thing.” 
Alix grimaced, remembering how unusually paranoid Nixon had been that day. He wouldn’t say when but she suspected they’d be making the big jump really soon.
“They just might be, Malark. But you didn’t hear it from me, capisce?” 
“I guessed as much,” Skip interjected as he played with the rosary he always carried in his pocket. “Ol’ Blackbeard wouldn’t give you the night off unless the end of the world was pretty much here.” 
Alix laughed and shook up the bottle of dark red nail polish.
“Ain’t that the truth, Skipper. But as for where we go, I think last time we went to the Blue Boar, right Don?”
“We did but we can’t go back there again.”
“Why not?”
Malarkey rubbed the back of his neck, cringing. “I might owe one of the bartenders some money from poker…” 
“Wait who?” Suddenly, it dawned on her. “Oh God, Malark, not the big guy with the tattoo..?” 
“That’s the one.” 
Alix shook her head in amusement.
“Well, how much did you lose? I can probably spot you.”
“Trust me, you don’t wanna do that,” Malarkey replied dejectedly. “Let’s just say this: Skip already gave me his last paycheck and it's not even half enough. The guy was a real card-shark. He cleaned me out so many times, I lost count.” 
“And where was I when this was happening?” Alix questioned. “How'd I miss all that?” 
Malarkey glanced over at Skip and the pair started snickering. 
“You were…otherwise occupied,” Don managed to choke out before bursting into laughter again. 
“With what?”
“With a certain T/5,” Skip teased, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
Shit. Alix felt her face getting hot, a scarlet blush creeping up her cheeks at the memory. Had it really been that obvious?
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A month earlier: May 3rd, 1944. Aldbourne, England. 
“Alright, let the record show that neither Faye nor I ever said I was a good dancer,” Skip joked over the last notes of Chattanooga Choo-Choo.
“Yeah, I daresay my bruised shins will attest to that,” Alix laughed as the pair made their way back to their table. “I think I took more of a beating the last few songs than I ever did in training!” 
The blond man waved a hand dismissively. “Lies, all lies.”
 “Skipper, I swear, if you kick her during the reception half as much as you just kicked me now, poor Faye will bleed right through her wedding dress!”
Muck rolled his eyes dramatically and slapped a hand to his chest like he’d been shot.
“Pyro, you wound me!”
“Who’s wounded?” Malarkey piped up as he approached the table, arms loaded down with drinks.
“Both of us,” Alix quipped. “Muck’s pride and my legs!”
“Well, I think I got something that’s gonna make you both feel better!” 
The freckle-faced PFC set the glasses down on the table hurriedly before taking his own seat in between his two best friends.
A Cheshire Cat grin plastered itself across his face. 
Skip took a sip of his beer and gave the man on his left an inquisitive look. 
“Don, buddy,” he started slowly from Malarkey’s right side. “Is there something you wanna share with the class?”
         Malarkey didn’t answer. He fished around in his pockets for a moment before pulling out two large stacks of cash and slapping them down onto the table proudly. 
“Feast your eyes, kiddies,” he announced. “Drinks are on me tonight!”
Alix choked on her gin and tonic. 
“Christ Mal, did you win the lotto?!” 
“Might as well have! Just call me the king of craps!” 
“No,” Skip stated firmly, shaking his head. “Absolutely not. I am not jinxing this for all of us.”
Malarkey and Skip had started bickering good-naturedly and Alix was about to chime in when she happened to glance over to the bar and was met with a familiar set of warm, copper-brown eyes and her mind went momentarily blank.
Joe Liebgott, a T/5 with Easy Company, was leaning on the bar with his left hand, swirling a nearly-empty glass of what looked to be Scotch on the rocks in his right, and eyeing her with an unabashed hunger that made her knees weak. 
God, he was handsome. 
 Somewhere in the back of her mind, Alix knew she was staring but she couldn’t help it. She flashed him a nervous smile and he winked at her before turning to pay his tab, causing her stomach to erupt with butterflies.
Damn him. 
Alix felt her face growing hot. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Malarkey leaving the table, probably heading to double his winnings. She was sure Skip was saying something –-whether to her or the people at the table next to them, she wasn’t sure– but she was too flustered to pay attention.
This wasn’t fair. She could have any other man in the room eating from the palm of her hand but this California cabbie was making her blush like a nervous schoolgirl!  
The young agent tried to fight the urge to look over where Joe was standing again but she couldn’t help it. She glanced over, just in time to meet his eyes a second time.
He returned her smile and jerked his head slightly towards the door as if to say, “You wanna get outta here?” 
Alix stood up so fast to follow him that she nearly upset her chair.
"Hey Skip, I'm gonna um.. run home real quick and grab another pack of smokes, okay?”
"Wait, let me go grab Don, I think he might have-"
"NO– I mean, no, no, it's fine" she corrected too quickly. "I'll be right back." 
"Okay.." Skip said, looking skeptical. "Want me to come with? Don't want you getting lost or something." 
"Thanks but I'll be okay, Skipper, I promise." 
"Alright but if you're not back in an hour, me and Mal are coming after you. Faye'd kill me if I lost our maid of honor before the wedding.” 
Alix gave her friend a grateful smile and grabbed her purse before hurrying after Liebgott, who’d already disappeared outside somewhere. 
Stepping out into the brisk evening air, she paused a moment, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim streetlights. The glowing ember of a cigarette a few feet ahead by a nearby bench caught her eye. She couldn't see his face but despite the coat he was wearing, she could tell the smoker was lean and wiry, his thick chestnut-colored hair slicked back.
Even from behind, she'd recognize Joe Liebgott anywhere.
"Hey there, flyboy," she said cheekily and Joe turned his head. Even in the dim light of the street lamps, she could see that adorable lopsided grin of his. He put out his cigarette and stood to greet her.
"Hey, Ziskeit, how ya been?" Joe's tone was warm and inviting, so unlike the rebellious, devil-may-care attitude he put on around the rest of the company and Alix was suddenly grateful it was nighttime because she could feel her face turning bright pink at the nickname.
He'd never told her what it meant but the sound of it ignited delicious, giddy sparks in her stomach.
Joe looked her up and down, clearly admiring the way her black silk dress complemented her curvaceous figure, and Alix said a silent thank you to her friend, Lavinia, for making her buy it.
“Goddamn doll, you clean up pretty good, y'know that?" 
He was about to say more when approaching voices from a few feet away made him freeze.
“Shit, I think that’s Popeye and Tab.” 
With that, Joe grabbed her hand and yanked her into a dark alleyway next to the building with him, pressing Alix back against the cool brick wall.
He motioned for her to be quiet and they waited, each listening carefully as the nearby voices faded into the distance. She could feel both their hearts racing as his chest pressed against hers and she looked up at him with wide, doe eyes, to find he was already looking back at her. 
“How long do you have?” she whispered. 
“Till my buddies come back?” He paused for a second to think. “Maybe 40 minutes, an hour tops. You?”
“Same here.” 
Joe’s  warm, caramel-colored eyes drifted between her eyes and her lips and Alix caught her breath. Their faces were so close together, his lips lingering just inches from hers. She was aching to kiss him with every fiber of her being but she forced herself to wait. She didn't want to somehow screw this up.
As if he could read her mind, Joe smirked. “Guess we should make it count then, huh Zees?”
Alix hummed softly in agreement and that was all Joe needed to hear. Closing the distance between them, he crashed his lips to hers. They were warm and soft and Alix responded immediately, kissing him back with all the urgency that had been boiling up in her since she’d first seen him.
“God, I missed you,” Joe groaned breathlessly in between passionate kisses and Alix smiled against his lips, tangling a hand in his hair. 
“I missed you too, tesoro.”
Joe cupped her face gently with calloused hands and Alix felt warmth blossoming in her chest as Joe deepened the kisses, the sweet cinnamon bite of Scotch hitting her tongue. She tossed her purse somewhere, too focused on Joe to care where.
Just for that moment, he was hers and she was his. Nothing else mattered.
Their kisses became sloppier and more desperate as Joe fumbled to remove his coat, dropping it on the ground behind him. Alix tugged him back to her by his tie and she tilted her head back, soft sighs of pleasure turning into needy whines as he went from grazing kisses down her jaw to nipping at her neck, making her shiver. 
The rich, intoxicating smell of Joe’s cologne mixed with cigarette smoke was dizzying and Alix felt her breath hitch as Joe’s hands made their way up to the ample swell of her chest. 
“Have I mentioned how much I fuckin’ love these?” he asked, giving her breasts a light squeeze and she moaned softly. 
“Only every time we hook up,” Alix teased. “But feel free to tell me again.”
She felt him smile against her skin and he gave her neck a punishing bite.
“Fuckin’ smartass.”
Joe’s hands moved down her waist, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin, but Alix took his hand and impatiently guided it under her skirt. 
Unsure, he cocked an eyebrow at her and paused, letting his rough fingertips rest tantalizingly just above the waistband of her panties.
“You gonna stay quiet for me, doll?”
Alix nodded, trying desperately to summon a shred of self-control and he rewarded her with a kiss on the forehead and an “Atta girl” before dipping one finger and then another past the soaked lace and into her wet core. 
She let out a small sigh, leaning her head back against the cool brick wall, her eyes fluttering shut as she savored the feeling of his fingers inside her. 
Despite having hooked up with Alix only twice before that night, Joe seemed to instinctively know just what she needed because he began to trace feather-light circles on her clit, sending jolts of electricity through her entire body.
She gasped and bit her lip, fighting the urge to cry out as he began pumping his fingers in and out of her with a fervor while somehow still maintaining the perfect pressure on her clit.
He worked her faster and faster, his brow furrowing with concentration as the absolutely pornographic noises from her dripping sex spurred him on.
Alix forced herself to open her eyes, watching him, trying to burn every detail into her memory.
She didn’t know how long it would be until she’d get to see him again.
The day after every hookup, it was as though nothing had happened between them. Joe went back to his friends and Alix went back to her training, the pair basically avoiding each other. Alix began to feel like she was being toyed with but she still eagerly came back for more every time.
She was starting to think she was some sort of masochist. 
Alix felt her knees buckle beneath her as he applied just a touch more pressure to her heat and Joe leaned forward even more, pressing her against the wall harder so she didn’t fall. She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him as he curled and scissored his fingers expertly inside her.
“Oh...Oh God," she whimpered, burying her face in his shoulder to muffle her cries. She could no longer fight it and she laced her fingers through his hair.
The feeling of pleasure building up within her was almost unbearably good, like fire pooling in her abdomen, and she writhed under his touch. 
“Fuck, Joey, I’m so close.”
She didn’t even have to look at him to know he was grinning that lopsided grin of his, loving the way only he could make this fierce, capable agent crumble beneath him.
Joe increased his pace just slightly, rubbing her sweet spot with such intensity that she couldn’t help but moan his name, tugging on his hair desperately as she came undone.
Time seemed to slow as her orgasm rippled through her. Pleasure washed over her whole body and her vision went white as she was overcome with bliss.
She didn’t know how long it lasted but to Joe’s credit, he never stopped, nimbly working her down from her high so she wouldn’t collapse.
Her chest was heaving and she leaned on him as she willed her quivering legs to cooperate. 
Joe wrapped an arm around her to keep her upright and she felt her heart flutter in her chest.
For a brief second, she imagined a world where they were going steady, where there was no war and no rules against fraternization, where he was holding her not as a basic courtesy but because he loved her.
A world where tomorrow, they wouldn’t act like strangers again until the next time one of them needed release.
But sadly, that wasn’t the world they lived in.
“How was it, Zees?” Joe asked, breaking her out of her reverie, and Alix gave him a wild-eyed look as she struggled to catch her breath. Was he fishing for a compliment or did he really not know how mind-blowing that was?
“It…It was fine,” she panted, deciding to play it cool despite having been practically begging and mewling his name just minutes earlier. 
“Listen, Ziskeit, I-” Joe started but he was interrupted by very loud, somewhat intoxicated voices calling their names from the street. 
Joe swore under his breath and wiped his hands quickly before reaching over to grab his coat off the ground. 
“Guess that’s our cue, huh?” 
 Alix shrugged with a small, sad smile, smoothing her dress and watching Joe trying in vain to tame his hair.
“I suppose so.”
Joe handed her purse over to her and Alix pulled out her compact, inspecting her smudged makeup and the faint purple love bite just below her ear. 
Re-buttoning his coat, the T/5 took a deep breath, clearly sorting through what to tell his friends about where he’d disappeared to for an hour and why he’d returned so obviously disheveled.
He started to walk away but hesitated a few feet away, turning back to gaze at her one last time.
“Hey Zees?” 
The young agent looked over at him with wide eyes. “Yeah?” 
A look she didn’t recognize crossed his face briefly. It looked almost…pained. Apologetic, maybe a little hopeful? Or was she just imagining it?
An uncomfortable silence hung in the chilly air between them, each silently willing the other to speak, before Joe shook his head.
“Nevermind. Forget it.”
And just like that, he was gone again.
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Contemporary: June 3rd, 1944. Aldbourne, England.
"I know what it looked like a month ago, but it wasn't like that," Alix lied, speaking half to the vanity mirror over her dresser and half to her friends behind her. "Joe and I were just talking."
Don stopped adjusting his tie just long enough to loudly cough "Fraternizer" into his hand with a shit-eating grin before innocently resuming his task as though nothing had happened.
Alix put the finishing touches on her makeup before seizing a hair clip and lobbing it at her friend, who burst into laughter as it bounced harmlessly off his shoulder and onto the floor.
Hearing the clatter, Muck poked his head out of the bathroom door. Brandishing his hair comb like a sword, he pointed it at both of them, his amber eyes glittering with barely-suppressed laughter.
"So help me God, I will separate you two if you don't behave!"
Don stuck his tongue out at Alix and she rolled her eyes jokingly, biting back a smile as she went to appraise her outfit.
Cherry red was a good choice, she mused, doing a little twirl in front of the mirror so she could enjoy the way the dress billowed out. She'd worn it for a pin-up modeling gig awhile back and it still fit like a glove, accentuating her curvaceous figure without looking cheap.
The plunging sweetheart neckline allowed plenty of room for Alix's most treasured possession: her grandmother's delicate gold cross necklace, which she'd brought over from Italy when she was a girl. Alix wasn't religious anymore but even so, she never took it off.
"Hey Pyro," Skip called as he exited the bathroom, plopping down next to Malarkey in the adjacent room.
"If we do happen to run into your man Romeo tonight, please for the love of all things holy, make sure you lovebirds have a condom, just in case you start feeling the urge to 'talk' again or something."
"Yes, Mother," Alix teased and Skip put up his hands in mock surrender.
"Hey, I'm just saying, we don't need any little rugrats running around, m'kay? I got my hands full with you two shmucks as it is!"
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Time Enough
Warnings: Angst? Cursing & I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 1,779k
Description: Time. There would always be enough time to tell each other how you felt. At least you had hoped. Time, it seemed would not wait for either one of you.
I blame me listening to Beginning of the End Movement IV by The Newton Brothers for the angst.
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Time, you had realized, had become your real enemy. You never seemed to have enough of it. Every moment that passed you by seemed to go by in blur. Each smile, every laugh and tear, just flowed into each other. It was never enough - any of it. You wanted desperately to hold onto it, clutch it with your bare hands and never let go. To freeze all the moments that you had. 
But you couldn’t. Time continues to flow, ebb and bend around you. Every moment felt like your last. And yet, even with that, you couldn’t find it within yourself to tell him. To tell him that he kept all the fear away, brought in the light. Joe Liebgott was your person. The one that through all of it, you could confide in - run to. He was the reason you wanted more time. To freeze it. To stay with until everything else faded into nothing. 
You loved him. You loved him more than you thought you could love anyone. But you could never tell him. Not now. You needed to focus on surviving, on finding some way to hold on. 
Maybe if you had more time…even then you weren’t sure. You closed your eyes and let time pass around you. The warmth leaving your body, and with it the pain. 
If you only had more time…
The sun shone brightly overhead. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it kissed your skin. You were laying down in a field, basking in the heat. You enjoyed the rare moments in time where it was calm, almost serene. These moments were few and far between - the chatter of the men around you made you smile. Faintly, you could hear Bull Randleman poking fun at Frank Perconte. A chorus of laughter soon followed. 
A smile tugged at your own lips, as the sound of bickering continued. The heat suddenly left you, it’s warmth replaced by a shadow. 
Opening one eye, you looked up to see Joe Liebgott grinning down at you. 
“Do you mind?” you asked, closing both your eyes once more, your smile never leaving your face. 
“No, not at all,” he teased. Joe didn’t move one inch, instead his stance relaxing as he stood over you. 
You let out a huff, sitting up. “Joe-”
“Alright, alright,” he laughed. Moving to sit next to you, he bumped your shoulder with his own. “What are ya doin’ out here anyways?” 
“Well, I was enjoying the sun and some peace and quiet.” You turned to look at him. He feigned shock. 
“Me? Ruin your peace and quiet? Never.”
You let out a laugh that only made to broaden his own. Joe Leibgott had wormed his way into your heart. Burrowing himself in there until he belonged to him and only him. It had taken him time, months, years of teasing, arguing, and talks. Talks like this, where everything else drifted away. It was just you and him. Nothing else mattered. 
“Mm?” He hummed, laying himself down on the grass beside you. He closed his eyes now, tucking an arm behind his head. He had a faint smile on his face, a gust of wind tousled his hair in a way that made you want to run your hands through it. 
“I got something for you,” you watched as his face lit up. He squinted up at you, the sun creating a glowing silhouette around you. Carefully, you pulled out your gift, enjoying the way his eyes widened. 
He sat up quickly, “No, shit,” he laughed gingerly, taking the chocolate candy bar into his hands. “How in the hell did you get this?” He paused, “No, wait, do I want to know?” 
You punched him in the arm, “Idiot, Euegene owed me favor. I can just take it back, you know. I’m sure Bill would be a whole lot more grateful for it.” 
You didn’t miss the way, Joe’s eyes darkened with annoyance. “You don’t have to be so dramatic,” he replied. 
Rolling your eyes, you turned forward. 
“Hey,” you turned back to look at him, a look on his face you couldn’t quite place. “Thank you.” 
You smiled back, laying back down. Joe followed after you. The both of you remained quiet, enjoying the silence and each others company. 
You were freezing, you had never known a cold like this in your life. Bastogne was its own hell. You were only stopping by to help restock supplies for the medics. Your help was needed at the aid station. 
Still, your presence did help to lighten the mood for most of the company. George Luz nearly jumped like a small child at the sight of you. 
“Finally,” he had said, “something beautiful, I was tired of looking at all these ugly mugs.” His comment, of course, was met by a chorus of groans. 
Your feet lead you eventually to Joe. He was huddled in his fox hole, grumbling to himself in annoyance. His eyes caught yours, the frustration leaving his expression, if only for a moment. 
“The hell are ya doin’ here?” He grumbled. 
“Restock,” you said simply. Shrugging your shoulders. You shifted your weight, Joe had been more short with you lately. You weren’t sure why, what you had done, but it was killing you. 
“None of the other nurses could do it?” 
You felt almost as if you had been slapped. You knew he was angry at you for some reason, but this? 
He must have seen your face. “I just mean that it’s dangerous here, you shouldn’t be here.” 
“Because my life matters more than any of the other nurses?” You bit back. 
Joe had a look of shock on his face, his jaw tensing as if trying to find the right words to say. “You know damn well you-”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. Instead a loud crash and explosion rang out around you. You hadn’t realized you had been blown away a good few feet until your body collided with a tree. 
All the air in your lungs left you. You could hardly breathe, you weren’t sure if you could move. The only thing you could hear was ringing in your ears. 
You tried to blink back all the dirt and soot from your eyes. The trees swaying gently above you, you thought only of Joe - the look on his face. Was he angry with you? You wanted to tell him that the only reason you had come was so you could see for yourself he was okay - that he was alive. Because you loved him, you were in love with him. You just needed the time to say it. 
Now? Now you weren’t sure there was any time at all.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
No, this wasn’t happening. Not to you, God, not to you. 
Joe scrambled his way out of the fox hole, ignoring everyone who screamed at him not to. It was you. It was fucking you. 
His whole body went numb as he screamed your name. Shouting it over and over and his eyes scanned the horror around him. He was going to find you. He was going to find you and you were going to be just fine. 
You were going to scold him like you always do, give him that teasing look that you reserved only for him. He was going to tell you why he had been ignoring you these last few weeks. Because he couldn’t hide anymore just how in love with you he was. That every time you looked at him, it was like you uncovered a new part of his soul. He was a different person when he was with you, a whole happy schmuck that wanted to spend every waking moment he had with you. 
You and he were going to have all the time in the world. 
When he finally saw your body sprawled across the snow like a ragdoll, his knees buckled underneath him. With shaky hands he reached forward to touch you, you were like ice. 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Joe whispered with a shaky voice. “Come on, Angel, look at me.” Trembling hands, pushed back the hair on your face. “Please, please look at me,” he choked out.
“Joe,” you gurgled out, coughing blood.
“Oh, fuck, okay, you’re gonna be fine,” he quickly assessed your body, you had a piece of metal in your side, and blood flowing freely from it. Cuts littered your body, but your limbs were intact. “You’re gonna be fine, you hear me?”
“Joe,” you coughed, “I-” 
“Save it, please, you can tell me later.” His tear filled eyes searched yours. You didn’t look worried or panicked and Joe was sure what scared him more. “Medic!I need a fucking medic over here!” 
“Joe, please,” you were straining, your breathing becoming more labored. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he cried out. 
“‘M not.” You smiled, “I - I-” 
“Medic!” He cried out once more. 
“I-” you swallowed, “love -” 
Joe kissed you, fuck the blood, fuck everything, he kissed you. He felt like a fool for not doing it sooner. He was so damn scared of losing you that he didn’t realize he could actually lose you. 
“Joe, Joe you gotta move-” 
Eugene Roe forcefully pushed him back. His hands quickly work over your body. He watched your eyes close as Roe pushed the morphine into you. 
You were going to be fine. You both had more time. You both would have all the time in the world. 
You had to. 
You had to. 
Joe walked along the pavement. The busy streets of San Francisco flowed around him. Time had kept moving around him, slowly and quickly all at once. He thought of easy, of clear blue water in Austria, but mostly he thought of you. He thought of your smile, your easy laughter, everything that made you, you. 
He thought of that quiet day you shared. When you had the sun glowing around you like a halo. The sweet chocolate bar you had given him, of the peace he felt when he was with you. 
Nothing had ever been the same since he had met you. Nothing would ever be the same after. 
He turned watching you carry a bouquet of flowers towards him. You limped slightly, your breath a bit shallow when you caught up to him. But you were there with him. 
“I got those,” he said simply, kissing you on the cheek. 
After, there would never be an after you. There was only you and him- and time. As much time as you could steal.
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ithinkabouttzu · 3 months
Hello, I love your bofb headcannons 😭 i wonder if i can have a headcannon for the guys being protective/jealous over the gn!reader please? And if it is okay then can you add Wayne Sisk to this too? He's one of my favorite characters so yeah :) have a good day!
Easy co. being protective over their s/o
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Genre: Romance; angst
warnings: Heavy jealous themes; a tiny bit of suggestion
description: Easy co. getting overprotective over you (his s/o) at a bar or any group setting. (reader is gn)
a/n: I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you asked for! I already had made a jealous one a couple months ago so I tried to do one that’s protective instead of jealous, anyway I hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl (if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!)
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Dick Winters: - He only gets overprotective when someone has said something rude to you or made you feel uncomfortable in any way
- he makes sure to stay super close to you and will keep his eyes on you at all times
- doesn’t stay more then 5 feet away from you
- sometimes when he’s doing something you might even be a distraction for him
- just because he just wants you to be safe and wants to protect you no matter what.
- Even when he gets protective over you, he tries not making a big deal out of it. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable and he doesn’t want to seem controlling so he tries his best letting it go.
Lewis Nixon: - When he starts getting like that he makes sure to let everyone know by his actions
- rolling his eyes at anyone that gets too close to you or something like that. he’s so passive aggressive to everyone else
- he especially gets protective when you’re wearing something that shows your skin, just because if any creeps make a move on you he can tell them off.
- HAS to keep his hand or arm on you or around you the whole time that you guys are out together.
- when you guys get home though he makes sure to apologize if he was being overprotective and just reminding you that he wants to be there for you.
Carwood Lipton: - He rarely gets overprotective over you, just because he respects you and doesn’t want to come off as controlling to you so he backs off for the most part
- but when he does get overprotective over it’s because he’s just really worried about you
- he knows you can handle your own but he still gets so worried that something will happen to you because people suck
- He asks if you’re okay over and over again almost to the point where it’s annoying
- He’ll just stare at you, just watching your every move (not in a creepy way) to make sure that no one is bothering you.
- Kisses you afterwards and hugs you tightly, making sure you know how much he cares about you.
Joe Toye: - Stares down any guy that gets close to you (and if looks could kill they would be GONE)
- He walks up to you and keeps his hand on the small of your back for the rest of the night. He won’t risk some creep coming up to you, then he’ll have to knock them out
- Keeps his eyes on the lookout for any guys even looking your way
- He has to stop himself from fighting a guy when he came up to you and asked if you wanted to dance right in front of him (the nerve)
- He’s very touchy the whole time after that, showing everyone one way or another that your his and only his.
- makes you guys leave earlier because he was just getting pissed off by all the douchebags looking at you
Joe Liebgott: - He doesn’t try to be overprotective but it just comes off that way.
- He doesn’t get too protective but when he does…
- Oh, someone bumped into you while walking? Well now that person is bumped up against the wall being yelled at.
- He’d try his absolute best to defend his behavior, telling you that the guy should’ve watched where he was walking
- It’s not in a toxic way he just really wants to make sure that you’re okay
- He makes sure to apologize to you afterwards though and let you know that he was in the wrong.
Bill Guarnere: - He gets really overprotective when you’re wearing something a bit short or showy.
- He’s not going to make you cover up or be mad at you, nothing toxic like that
- BUT he will be sure to kick some ass if any guys get too close to you or make you uncomfortable or upset
- “What the fuck you lookin’ at? Gotta starin problem?”
- Not gonna lie he can be a little problematic when it comes to you LOL
- Let’s just say if he does get into a fight over you (which he probs will) he will make SURE to make it up to you afterwards no matter what.
- “sorry ‘bout earlier, I just hate when people are lookin’ at you like that”
Eugene Roe: - Rarely gets overprotective, only when guys are physically are making you uncomfortable
- He’ll make sure to tell them off it they are making you feel uncomfy
- “Leave em’ alone or we’re gonna have a problem”
- If they keep on and don’t respect your space, he’ll make SURE to get them kicked out of the joint immediately
- “No one messes with them, no matter what”
- The rest of the night he just stays extra close to you so that no one will hurt you
George Luz: - He gets overprotective when he’s jealous
- Like if another guy is trying to flirt with you, he’s going to fuck with him, respectfully.
- If a guy is flirting with you, he will be so passive aggressive to them, with a hand wrapped around your waist the entire time
- He doesn’t feel the need to cause a scene, but if someone keeps trying to make you uncomfortable he will be SURE throw hands
- “Don’t fuck with them, got it?”
- Honestly the rest of the night he keeps trying to justify beating that guy because “he was looking at you the wrong way”
Bull Randleman: - rarely gets overprotective but he does worry about you when there’s a bunch of guys in a crowd and they start getting rowdy
- If they make you upset in any way he will make his presence KNOWN for sure
- like just one look from him will send all of them running, cause I mean, who wants to get in a fight with him?
- Makes sure to stay close to you and asks if you if you’re alright afterwards
- He’s so sweet and gentle to you though, if you feel like you need to leave or take a second away he’ll go with you and make sure you’re alright
- But when he gets back he’s definitely throwing fists with whoever is making you feel that way
Floyd Talbert: - “Gotta starin’ problem?” Ugh why is it so hot when he gets overprotective?!?!
- He’d ask you if you knew the guy that kept giving you weird looks at the bar. When you said no he was honestly contemplating to go up to the guy
- Doesn’t leave your side not even for a second.
- If someone tries to get up close to you or make a move on you he’s going to make it known that he’s your man, if that means he’s gotta make out with you in front of everyone, or keep his hands on your ass the whole time he will
- When you guys leave he makes sure to ask you though, “You’re all mine, right?”
- Gives you spicy make-up time for being so possessive earlier
Skip Muck: - Only gets overprotective when someone says something hurtful to you or makes you sad
- Like he just wants to be able to protect you and be there for you, it’s so saddening when he can’t :(
- He’ll make sure to keep you by his side the whole time you guys are out
- And if someone looks at you wrong or says something bad to you he’s definitely confronting them about it.
- He will definitely fight anyone in the room when it comes to you, so if they had a problem with you they can deal with him first
- If he acts too aggressive to anyone he will apologize to you later, he just hates seeing you be anything but happy.
Don Malarkey: - Get can get pretty overprotective, but it’s only because he loves you, not out of anything toxic
- Will definitely throw hands if someone says anything sideways at you
- I feel like he would be overprotective to you only when he’s angry or in a bad mood especially
- Some girls are being mean to you? He’s asking them if their boyfriends can fight bc NO ONE messes with his bae
- Keeps his eyes on you AT ALL TIMES
- Really cares about you and just never wants to see you uncomfortable ever. He knows you can take care yourself too, but he just wants to be there for you just in case
Shifty Powers: - Wants to make sure that you stay close to him, he really doesn’t want to let you out of his sight
- Doesn’t want to make you feel like you’re being controlled or anything so he tries not to overbear too much but he just gets worried about you in big crowds
- If any guy, friendly or not comes up to you, he’s joining you two immediately to see wha the guy wants
- “Is there something you need? I’ll be glad to help you if so.” He’s so nice about it but you know that he’s just doing that to get under the other person’s skin
- “You’re mine right? No one else’s?”
- He apologizes afterwards even though he really didn’t do anything bad. He just wants to be close to you in those moments and doesn’t want anything bad happening to you.
Babe Heffron: - When he gets overprotective around you, just know he’s looking for a fight tbh
- Like someone looks at you the wrong way? slap. Someone doesn’t say excuse me when they’re walking through the crowd? Slap.
- He doesn’t care who it is, his hands are E for everyone. (true ride or die)
- Keeps his hand on your ass the whole time
- Also has to keep a serious face on the entire time that he’s there with you
- You’ll probably have to drag him away from a fight by the end of the night
Frank Perconte: - He gets ticked off super easily by everyone when he gets protective over you
- Like literally everyone annoys him. You’re probably the only person who can calm him down and tell him to chill out without him getting mad
- If a guy gets close to you he’ll start shit talking about them (BAD)
- “Gotta fuckin’ problem?” He says, joining in the conversation between you and the guy that was talking to you.
- Has to excuse himself earlier in the night because everyone is pissing him off
- “i’m sorry about earlier, doll. You know I love you”
Ronald Speirs: - He’s protective almost all of the time.
- Like he really doesn’t play about you AT ALL. He’s kinda like, “touch them and you die” kinda bf
- “Let’s stay close to each other tonight, alright?”
- He doesn’t fight anyone, or try to scare anyone off, but by the look on his face and the way he’s holding onto you, everyone is too scared to make a pass towards you.
- “Ron, why was everyone avoiding us tonight? It’s like they were scared of us or something” (they in fact, were very scared)
- He tries not to act like that frequently but whenever he goes out with you, he knows how rowdy the boys can get and wants to keep you safe.
Johnny Martin: - Everyone is low-key scared of him too, so when he brings around his bae, everyone knows not to mess with you
- But he still can get really overprotective in general sometimes
- like he just has a horrible fear that you will get hurt one day and he won’t be able to save you
- “You alright, honey? If someone gives you any problems you let me know, okay?”
- Immediate death stare if someone says anything remotely rude to you (which is effective IMMEDIATELY)
- It’s honestly kinda hot when he gets so possessive over you, like he just seems so much more sexier
Skinny Sisk: - Tries not to get too overprotective verbally but it definitely shows in his actions
- He’s keeping one hand on you at all times, no exceptions.
- When he gets like this, it’s almost like he’s waiting for someone to come up to you and say something that makes you uncomfortable,
- He’s also very prepared to beat someone up for you.
- And anyone could tell he looked mad as hell, his jaw almost locking by how hard he was clenching it when a guy looks your way
- He also gets very touchy, kissing you any chance you give him, feeling all around you, he will make SURE that everyone knows you’re his
Chuck Grant: - When he gets overprotective over you, let’s just be glad looks can’t kill, if they did then a lot of men in the room would be dead for looking at you
- The way he keeps his eyes on you all night long is kind of attractive tbh
- he’ll make you feel like you’re the only person in the room, making only your presence known
- Keeps his jaw clenched up if a guys asks you for a dance, he’s quick to steal you away from the party then
- When he finally gets to have you all to himself, he can’t help but push you up against the wall and plant kisses all over your neck and collarbone.
- “I’m sorry I took you away from the crowd, doll, but i’ve gotta have you to myself tonight”
David Webster: - Asks you over and over again if you’re comfortable when a guy looks at you, he gets so pissed on the inside but tries to keep it to himself bc he doesn’t wanna make you uncomfortable.
- Tries to stay close to you the whole entire night
- Somehow if a guy does come up to you, he’s joining the conversation immediately. Being the most obnoxious he could possibly get
- “You mind if me and mine dance for a second? sorry to leave you by yourself”
- Once he gets you away from the guy he apologizes, not because he thinks he did anything wrong but because it could’ve came off rude to you
- “I’m sorry if you were still talking to that guy back there, but I just really wanted to dance with you” (which is partly true but he also just wants you to himself)
Buck Compton: - He only really gets like this when he’s got a lot of energy pent up, or he’s horny
- “Woah, you look nice tonight, I hope I dont have to fight any guys for looking at you” (he’s foreshadowing btw)
- His grip on you is TIGHTT, this man is really not willing to let you go, under NO circumstances fr
- If anyone is trying to flirt with you he’ll give them the “Do we have a problem?” Look
- Makes you two leave early because he’s just angry and annoyed at everyone
- Definitely taking some of that anger out on you when you guys get home (if you know what I mean 😉) but he loves you and apologizes afterwards if he was too harsh
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Thank you for your request, im sorry if it’s not so good, I hope you enjoyed!!! If you liked this, make sure to like or reblog :)
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she-wolf09231982 · 3 months
Chapter 5- Just You
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Summary:  An unexpected resistance to a German attack causes Liebgott an injury. The experience brings emotions to head between you and Liebgott.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Descriptive Wounds/Injuries, Blood/Gore, Smoking, Angst, Banter, Pining, Consensual Physical Contact/PDA, FOREVER FLUFF 💚
Chapter takes place 1x5 Crossroads 
*I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. There is no room in my body for anything but you. * -The Princess Bride, William Goldman
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
October 1944 
Easy Company set up in an abandoned barn as a headquarters and aid station in Schoonderlogt, Holland. Most of Easy Company had been inside awaiting the return of the reconnaissance patrol that left at sunset to see if any Germans were near the village. Liebgott leading the mission had been gone for several hours. 
Eugene insisted you get some sleep, but you only sat in the bunk, your mind too busy to even close your eyes. Talbert with his newfound companion, Trigger (a German Shepard ironically), was a nice distraction while Joe was gone. As you were petting the dog, the barn door burst open alarming everyone and bringing everyone to their feet. 
“Penetration!” one of the soldiers called out carrying another soldier injured. 
“It’s Alley!” Talbert yelled. 
“Alley’s hurt!” Liebgott shouted. 
“Boyle, get Doc.” Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, “Where?” 
“Crossroads.” Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck. 
“Liebgott-” you called to him, but another soldier interrupted you. 
“Well, if it wasn’t for your loud mouth-” he started to accuse Joe. 
You tried again but louder, “Lieb-” 
“-Hey, you know what? Back off!” Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle. 
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“Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur...” Doc directed. 
“JOE!” You barked over the commotion.  
“Goddam it, WHAT?” He snarled back at you with a heavy look of annoyance. 
“Get over here and let me look at your neck.” you directed sternly. 
“It’s just a scratch.” He dismissed. 
You huff audibly, losing your patience and giving him a side glance. 
“Joe, let her take a look. We got this over here.” Doc insisted. 
Liebgott sighed reluctantly rolling his eyes and made his way to you. 
He stood tall in front you, refusing to look you in the eyes as you gently directed his head by the chin to his left to expose the injured site where he still held the dressing. You know he was trying to hide how bad it really was, so you decided to kill him with kindness to get him to do what you needed to do to help him. 
Your voice sweet and subtle, “Joe...” 
He hummed in response. 
“Move your hand. Please?”  
He quickly looked down at you, no smile or any real sign of emotion, just searching your eyes for something unknown to you. You feel your eyes widen as this unexpected attention from Joe unnerved you. It’s not a look that you experienced from him before. He almost looked like a ravenous animal. 
You stood your ground, staring back at him expectantly waiting for him to remove his hand from his neck. 
His hand slowly dropped without breaking eye contact. 
You make your hands busy with the messy dressing on his neck and see an angry laceration, but not deep enough to make it life threating. You were less worried, but it still needed attention. 
“You’re lucky.” You stated. 
“Am I?” he replied curtly. 
You ignored his cold response. 
“It wasn’t deep enough to affect the artery, so you won’t bleed out, but I’m still going to dress it right so you don’t get an infection.” you explained. 
“Great.” his tone unenthusiastic and sarcastic. Again, you chose to remain silent. You weren’t going to give him the satisfaction by taking his bait to argue. 
“Ok, Joe, you’re good.” you tell him, running your thumb affectionately along his jawline. 
He felt goosebumps rise on his skin from your soft touch and shot you a look of confusion. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly open, you thought he was going to say something. He thought he was going to say something too, but he stood there gaping at you, breathing heavy again searching your face for something unknown to either of you. You meet his perplexed look with one of your own and squint your eyes at him wondering what it was you did wrong to earn such a response from him.  
His jaw tightened as he closed his mouth and softened his eyes. No smile, no sign of affection, he nods to you then turned on his heel to collect his gear when Winters announced they were heading to the crossroads to re-engage with the Germans there to gain control of that position. 
You were utterly dumbfounded by how Joe treated you. You know he can get moody and explosive when his adrenaline races like that. He had a deep-rooted hatred for the Germans and was probably pissed he got nicked by one of them in the field, and now he was out for revenge. His anger clouded his judgement, and you suffered the blunt end of his attitude even though you had nothing to do with it. 
And it had nothing to do with you. He felt terrible for not at least saying ‘thank you’ before he left. He turned his back on you after you cared for his wound so gently and attentively, and he hated himself for it after walking out of that barn. He had hurtling thoughts of doubt, regret...sentiment. He couldn’t turn back now, though. He was on his way to deal with the Krauts that had the audacity to attack him and his team that day.  
Easy Company took victory at the crossroads the following morning. The Germans fled leaving dozens of their comrades killed or seriously wounded. Eleven of them are captured. The Americans on their side count one dead and 22 wounded. 
Winters approaches an angry Liebgott taking potshots at the still-living Germans crawling over the bodies of their dead comrades, trying to escape the field.  
Liebgott continued to pick off Germans like a turkey shoot.    “-Joe, knock it off!” Winters ordered 
“Goddam it, what?” Liebgott barked back. 
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Winters noticed his neck bandages were saturated with his own blood. 
“You’re bleeding.” Winters identified. 
“Ah, it's nothin', Cap.” Liebgott replied bluntly. 
“Take these prisoners to CP and get cleaned up.” Winters instructed. 
Liebgott looked a little too eager, “Yes, sir. Come on, Kraut boys.” 
Believing that a furious Liebgott can't be trusted, Winters orders him to drop all his ammo and removes all but one round from Joe's rifle telling him that killing one prisoner will prompt the others to attack and possibly kill him and escape.  
“I want all prisoners alive.” Winters reminded. 
Joe paused before replying, “Yes sir,” resentfully. 
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Liebgott burst through the barn door, obviously still fuming he had to babysit German prisoners and not get any extra hits in. It was more than they deserved even if they did surrender. 
You were finishing up some wound care on another soldier when Joe had come in. Even in his intimidating state, you were exhilarated to see him alive. You rush over to him and notice his neck bandages saturated in red. Your joy quickly turned to panic as you went to touch his arm. 
He turned around viscously shrugging your hand off him and met your stare with horror after he realized he had almost hurt you. His chest heaving, and eyes wild, it took him a few seconds to regain his bearings. 
You were actually frightened at first but didn’t back away too much from him since he still needed medical attention. 
“Joe?” you ask cautiously. 
He swallowed hard then softened his stance, “I was told to get this fixed up.” He replied as he gestured to his neck. 
You nod, “Ok, Lieb, over here.”  
You lead him over to a more secluded space in another part of the barn that you used to triage patients. After his little ‘floor show’ you decided he needed a safe space to decompress. He slumped down on the cot in the room with a huff and stared at his boots. 
You went to the shelves with the supplies you needed, grabbing clean dressings, gauze, and peroxide. You sat yourself next to Joe and prepared everything to tend to his neck. He winced when you pulled the partially blood encrusted wrapping. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. He only side eyed you as a response. 
You soaked the gauze with the antiseptic, then pressed it to his wound. He hissed from the sting. 
“Sorry, Joe. I have to make sure it’s clean.” you explained. 
“Mmhm.” He hummed, “Just do it.” he added in a low voice. 
You continued working on him quietly. The air was heavy in the room. You hoped he would open up to you. It was clear he had been bottling something up. He won’t even offer a glance to acknowledge you. 
You unravel the new dressing placing the padded part to his wound, then lean in closer to loop the ends around his neck like a scarf to secure it in place. As you repeat this action, you were required to keep nearing his face with yours. Still refusing to look at you, he remained looking at his boots and you admired how long his lashes were as he looked down. You finish the wrap tucking the end in, and you couldn’t stop yourself, 
“Joe, look at me.” you requested. 
He sighs irritably, rolling his eyes and meets your concerned gaze. 
You study his face, bringing your hand to his forehead to gently sweep away his hair. He looked you up and down skeptically, unsure what was happening. A new concoction of emotions simmered inside him when he felt your fingers combing his hair back out of his face.  
Angst...elation...hunger...want...need...He had no idea what was happening with him. And it seemed to intensify while he was sitting there with you. Even in the midst of combat he doesn’t feel this level of fight or flight response. His breath hastened as his heart rate accelerated. He straightened up and faced you, bringing his hand to yours, softly grabs your wrist pulling it away from his hair not taking his eyes away from your face. 
Your breath hitched in your chest as your heart pounded so hard you were sure he could hear it as well. Your eyes widened seeing his eyes dark and blown out from something deep beneath the surface unknown. The small space between you is intense and unnerving.  
Joe’s POV 
*“Look at her... Even after how I’ve treated her, she’s still being so good to me. I don’t deserve this...I don’t deserve her. Every time she touches me it's like electrical currents shocking my entire body. How does she do it? What I wouldn’t do for her to just grab my face and just lay one on me and never pull away. Jesus Christ get it together, Liebgott, she probably hates you now. But if I leave now, anything could happen and neither of us would know...anything. I won’t leave her until I know.”* 
“Joe?” you wave your free hand he wasn’t holding in front of his face. He shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. 
“You’re all cleaned up now. You can go back to the guys or take a few minutes and stay to regroup.” you suggest. 
You stand to leave but Joe doesn’t release your hand. You furrow your brows confused. 
“You need something else?” you ask. 
Joe stood gripping your shoulders to face you square with him. His mouth curled into a slight grin. With intent behind his eyes and urgency in his touch, he finally speaks directly to you. 
“Just you.” he purrs. 
Your jaw slacked from shock. You look up at him through your lashes, your iris's doe-like and glistening. Words as well as breath failed to leave your mouth. You felt dizzy and faint, your entire sternum burning like you had just taken a swig of Vat 69. You feel Joe steady you as you slightly sway backward. He kneaded your arms affectionately making you a melting mess in his strong slender hands. 
“-me?” you choked as you placed your hand over where your heart was ready to explode from. 
He nodded deliberately and slowly, “-only you.”  
Your skin and insides tingled causing you to tremble. You take a deep breath trying to regain your composure. 
“Where is this coming from, Joe?” you finally ask. 
He shrugged, “It’s always been there. Buried deep down and just grew bigger every day. I just can’t keep it down anymore, you know?” he explained. 
You beam at him, partially lost in your own thoughts calculating the situation you found yourself in with him at that moment. You avert your eyes downward releasing a soft chuckle. You shake your head, 
“Joe, I-” 
“-Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same, Y/N.” he dared. 
You meet his eager stare, “Of course I do, Joe,” you respond in a desperate breathy voice, “I have spent this past year worrying myself sick about you, and at first, I couldn’t figure out why! I have been fighting it every single day and I am exhausted from it. I lose sleep when you’re on patrol without me, and the few hours I can get, I have night terrors that you return to me maimed and bloody, scaring me wide awake! I swear I have more gray hair from this.”  
You went off on this tangent, pacing back and forth in the small room not realizing how much you just confessed, but Joe once again remained silent just mesmerized by you absorbing every word you say. 
“So, you do feel the same.” he confirmed standing taller with a gratifying smirk. 
You turn to him, your eyes beginning to gloss over with tears, “Joe, *I have loved you for several hours now, and every second more. I thought an hour ago that I loved you more than any woman has ever loved a man, but a half hour after that I knew that what I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt then. It goes on and on, Joe. There is no room in my body for anything but you. *” 
Each of you standing opposite the other, you're practically panting from the overwhelming flow of emotions and lack of breath you forgot to take. You await the next venture to unfold. 
Without a word, Joe swiftly closed the gap between you, and before you could even gasp, he pulled you in by the back of your head locking his lips onto yours.  
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Band of brothers masterlist 🤍🩷🤍
Finally! Here’s some direct links to my work so far :)
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All boys: general hc’s:
Platonic BoB x reader - angst. Easy boys reacting to seeing their lady lieutenant for the first time. Easy boys x reader how they react to accidentally upsetting you.
Easy boys x reader the morning after their first time. Easy boys x reader the morning after their first time, part 2.
Easy boys x reader in Bastogne.
Easy boys x nurse headcannons p1. Easy boys x nurse headcanons p2.
Easy boys x nurse headcannons p3. Easy’s reaction to nurse reader getting hurt.
Easy boys x nurse how they react to you finding them hurt. Easy boys x reader enemies to lovers.
Easy boys x reader they see you dressed up for the first time. Easy boys x reader they see your scars for the first time. Easy boys x nurse how they react to you having fun in the water.
Easy boys x reader they take care of your baby alone for the first time.
Easy boys x reader how they react to you going MIA.
Part 2.
Ron Speirs:
Protective Ron Speirs x reader. Snowy Days, Ron x reader.
British girl x Ron headcanons - Ron being in a relationship with a girl from Britain.
Ron Speirs x nurse! OC multiple part smut - when celebrations reach a high in the eagles nest, who knew their hook up would be more than a one time thing?
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Part 6.
Part 7.
Ron Speirs x ArmyNurse! OC mini series - Margaret ‘Maggie’ Emerson, an army nurse attached to the 506th parachute infantry regiment, finds herself growing closer to her company’s captain, Ronald Speirs. With war drawing to an end, a side to the mystery that is Captain Speirs is revealed. Both Maggie and Ron have a difficult time resisting their attraction to one another.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Joe Liebgott:
Joe Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut. - you, joe and Floyd have some fun on New Year’s Eve in a foxhole. Joe x reader x Talbert smut p2- Joe and Floyd finally give you what you’ve been waiting for…
Untitled Joe Liebgott x reader Drabble. Joe Liebgott x reader angst- the two times Joe doesn’t want to see you and the one time he does.
Joe x reader x Shifty - a request for how Joe would react when he’s in love with you but you’re with Shifty.
Gene and Liebgott Headcannons - when they think they’ve lost you for good but then you reunite with them days later, worse for wear.
Babe Heffron:
Babe Heffron x oc smut- Babe and OC spend some well deserved time together.
Eugene Roe:
Quiet Confessions, Eugene x reader smut - as the title described, quiet confessions between Gene and reader. Sympathy for the Enemy, Gene x oc - oc struggles with hating the enemy, especially when some of them are just boys. Gene comforts her when the inevitable happens. Vocal Gene x reader smut- Requested by a reader! Gene is obsessed with you and expresses this through being vocal in the bedroom… Friends to Lovers, Eugene x reader smut - you and Gene are friends for the longest time until one night that changes with a steamy exchange whilst walking home…
Gene x reader headcanons - just some headcanons on how your friendship turns into a relationship throughout the time during the war you spend together.
Gene and Liebgott Headcannons - when they think they’ve lost you for good but then you reunite with them days later, worse for wear.
Floyd Talbert:
Floyd x reader smut - Floyd and your tension reaches a boiling point after two years together. Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut - threesome.
Liebgott x reader x Talbert smut p2. - threesome continued!
Talbert + Christenson headcanons.
James ‘Moe’ Alley:
Alley x oc was nurse! Jenny. Headcanons of their developing relationship throughout the war.
part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. part 5.
Skip Muck:
Skip x reader - mutual pinining - friends to lovers arc. Lewis Nixon:
One night stand, Nixon X Reader - after a long night of boozing you and Captain Nixon wake up besides each other, shocked by your actions of the night before.
Chuck Grant:
Chuck x nurse reader headcanons.
Chuck Grant x reader smut.
Alton More:
More x nurse reader headcanons. Shifty Powers:
Joe x reader x Shifty - a request for how Joe would react to being in love with you but you’re with Shifty. Pat Christenson:
Christenson x reader fluff - pat comforts you after Grant is wounded. Christenson + Talbert headcanons.
Dick Winters:
Dick x reader headcanons - on how Dick steals Sobel’s gf.
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b00ks1ut · 4 months
It’s All About Trust
Joe Liebgott X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, war, fluff (an attempt anyway I think), swearing, Briefly mention of reader being a medic, reader has a shit ton of siblings (relatable), not that many physical descriptions if any, mentions of death, normal Band of Brothers stuff
Sorry if this is bad. I’ve never written any BoB fanfiction and really have like hardly any writing experience at all so hopefully this isn’t horrible. Please give me feed back if you want. Thank you! Also sorry for the ending. It’s kinda abrupt but it’s the best I could get lol
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Bois Jacques is hell. A very very cold hell. Nothing could truly combat the cold that seeps into everyone around me. Not even the plainish slop they feed us in an attempt at food. Or in the current case, cold, hard “pancakes”, or that’s what Domingus says they are.
Don pokes at his and calls after our ever so kind cook, “Joe these smell like my armpit!”
“At least your armpit is warm.” Skip grumbles from Malarkey’s side as he holds his pancake up for emphasis.
“You want syrup with that?” Domingus sasses back to him.
“Joe, be honest, what’s in these things anyway?” Don asks the retreating man.
“Nothing you won’t eat, Malarkey.” He replies.
“I won’t eat Malarkey.” Spina shoots back quickly causing us all grouped up to let out a chorus of laughs.
Julian brings back the topic of Babe and Spina’s run in with a German on their search for 3rd Battalion. “Hey, maybe Hinkle would like your share, huh?”
This happens to hit my funny bone and I let out a snort leading to the rest of the men’s laughter to only further increase until Peacock comes around looking for Dike.
“Try battalion CP, sir.” I tell the man. The rest of us wait for him to walk away on his hunt for the company CO before we break our into giggles again.
“Try Paris.” Skip laughs.
“Try Hinkle.” Malarkey adds, only increasing our laughter and before I know it tears are pricking my eyes.
Spina begins his less than great German impression and I have to leave before I piss myself laughing.
I seem to run into a brick wall in my way back to my foxhole, tears of laughter still stinging my eyes.
“Sorry ‘bout that (y/n/n).” A deep southern voice speaks from above me.
I take a look and send a smile at the blonde who’s got me held by the shoulders.
“You’re all good Bull, no harm done.” I tell him as I step out of his hold. “Sorry about that.”
“No harm done.” He repeats before walking away with a smile sent to me.
I continue to make my way back to my temporary home of a frozen foxhole. I look down to find none other than Joseph Liebgott.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the rageful Jew. I don’t think it’s any specific thing that made me so drawn to him but rather his whole entire being.
On the other hand he’s never shown any direct attraction to me. Sure nearly all the men of Easy have sent me a glance at least once but I don’t blame them, I’m one of the few women they’ve interacted with past a single night in around 2 years. But past a glance none of the boys have soberly tried anything.
Especially Joe. He’s not unfriendly to me but he’s never really gone out of his way to interact with me. Not until now.
He’s sitting alone in my foxhole, hands tucked under his armpits, gun leaning in the dirt next to him, and his eyes intensely trained on the line.
“Joe? Did you get lost?” I ask him with a small laugh.
“Uh?” He looks up at me and gives me a small smile. “Not lost, just looking for someone to talk to.”
“Luz’s hole is like 2 over that way.” I told him pointing in the direction of the jester’s own hiding place.
“Well good thing I wasn’t looking for George then, yeah?” He says with his trademark smirk. “I can leave if you’d like me to, though.”
"You're fine, but can I ask a question?" I asked as I began the short descent into the frozen foxhole.
"Shoot away (y/l/n)." The Californian told me, looking back at the line across the cold, white field.
"Why are you talking to me? I'm don't mean to be rude but you've never put any effort into having any interaction with me." I asked sitting across from him and stuffing my frozen hands into my jacket pockets.
"I'm just trying to be friendly. No time better than the present, right? Do you have a problem with that? I can leave if you need me to." Joe had begun to get a little defensive but that's hardly surprising when he'll jump at a chance to be upset, whether isn’t reasonable or not.
"Why now? There's hardly a point in making friends when fucking Babe and Spina barely just ran from a Kraut fucking foxhole so excuse my confusion at your extremely sudden olive branch when we're all about to be sent home either on a stretcher or in an enveloped as a piece of shitty metal with our names stamped into it!" I grabbed my dog tags and shook them for emphasis. It took all of my self control to not start yelling or crying, but I could feel the sting of unshed tears at my eyes. "We're all going to be blown to kingdom come by all of this damned artillery." I whisperd.
"Hey. That's not true. We've made it this far but look at us. Sitting in this frozen hell hole and you're alive, I'm alive, and so is Bull and George, Don, Babe, Doc, Skip, Penkala, Perco, and Buck and Lip." He began listing some of the guys we had been with for so long. "I know it's scary and there's not a single thing I can promise you to make anything seem ok, because I'm scared and I have no clue what's going to happen even 10 seconds from now but one thing I can tell you that might make you feel slightly better is that you've made it this far. You made it through Sobel's shitty personalty, Normandy, Carentan, and I know that if you have made it this far without a scratch then what can take you down? You’re what, one of nine kids back at home, you managed to talk and work your way into the airborne and then continue to be an absolute badass throughout boot camp and combat!” He took a break to really look at me and I took that as an opportunity to defend myself and my feelings.
“I’m really flattered but don’t you think I’ve been too lucky? I’ve come so far with nothing more than a bruise and I’m sure the next thing you know I’ll be blown to pieces! I don’t know why I thought I could do this, Joe! I’m fucking terrified and there’s no where to go!” I can feel the tears beginning to well in my eyes and in a sorry attempt to stop them I look to the sky. “I don’t know what I’m doing here anymore.”
“Hey, you can’t go thinking like that. You’re going to make it out of here alive. I need you to believe that because trust me when I say that you are the toughest damned woman I’ve ever met in my life.” He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.
The tears couldn’t be held any longer and the dam broke, salty waves rolling down the sides of face into my hair line. A sob escaped my lips before I could muffle it with a fist that had been stuffed between my lips only seconds too late.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry, (y/n), we’re all feeling it, you’re the only one brave enough to let anyone see it.”
I let out a scoff. ‘Brave’ is not the right word to use. “I’m pathetic. I’m sitting here crying, doing nothing to help anyone around me who has it worse. I’m a a medic for fuck’s sake, I shouldn’t be crying when I routinely see how bad I could have it.”
Joe had only pulled me closer and wrapped his other arm around me, essentially cradling my shaking form. “Don’t you see? That’s what makes you so brave, (y/n). You see all these men in so much pain and put yourself in harms way to make sure they get patched up and safe. You are completely allowed to be overwhelmed and scared and cold and any other feeling a person can have. Not one man here would blame you for being upset right now. They know that as long as you are safe so are they, because when shit goes down you’re always there to help us.” He was talking so softly and so gently that I couldn’t help but cry harder.
“Oh fuck.” I muttered , wiping at my eyes. “I’m sorry Joe.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Doll.” He gave me an affectionate pat. “Just know that you are such a light in the dark here, and not one of the men in these woods would judge you right now.”
I gave him a weak smile and sniffed, wiping at my eyes and nose. “Thank you, Joe, really. I’m forever grateful.”
“Oh don’t mention it, just don’t go telling anyone that I give out cuddles, I can’t have my reputation ruined like that.” Joe snickered with his smirk and a pat to my side.
“Your secret is safe with me as long as you don’t go telling people I cry.” I tittered and wrapped my arm around his neck.
“Your secret is safe with me, (y/n).”
“How do I know you’re not lying to me?”
“It’s all about trust. I trust you, you trust me; that’s how this has to work, yeah?” I was nearly bumping noses with him and if I wanted to I could just lean in a little and kiss him. The thought quickly crosses my mind but part of me knows better.
“I trust you, Joseph Liebgott.” I meant it, with more of my heart than I thought was still there.
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bloodstainedsaint · 5 months
hello, welcome to my blog! i write for the characters of band of brothers! i go by saint, bluebonnet, or nurse! below the read more includes my masterlist, to-write list, who i write for, request status and rules, and a little about me!
♤FIC HIGHLIGHT: louder than bombs (george luz x medic! reader angst)
♠️: for #bobcollab, i'm open to doing edits, moodboards, and fics!
things better left unsaid. (dick winters x nurse! reader angst)
noises in the bedroom with dick winters (smut hcs)
of sweet teeth and indulgence (dick winters x reader)
rumors and gossip (ronald speirs x nurse! reader smut)
sticky fingers (ronald speirs x reader smut)
loose lips sink ships (lewis nixon x medic! reader)
gene (platonic)
eugene roe x best friend + medic! reader (hcs)
the sniper (joseph liebgott x sniper! reader)
when worlds collide (joseph liebgott x air force! reader)
noises in the bedroom with ron, lew, lieb, luz, and shifty (smut hcs)
to-write list
nothing yet!
i write for:
dick winters
ronald speirs
lewis nixon
joe liebgott
eugene roe (in a platonic capacity)
george luz
shifty powers
babe heffron
+ anyone else platonically (if i'm familiar enough with them — ex: bull, my bbygirl)
requests: CLOSED
as of right now, requests are not open since i want to get through some original ideas (+ i haven't made request rules yet)
about me
link to my original (unedited) post
+ if you couldn't tell, i am an absolute sucker for nurse/medic reader 😭😭
my thoughts on show vs real life
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serendipitysae · 7 months
Querencia ( Joseph D. Liebgott x Reader )
querencia/ kɛˈrɛnθɪə,Spanish keˈrenθja,keˈrensja/
noun ; querencia; plural noun: querencias
( POST WAR !!! fluff and maybe a smidge of angst ?)
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01.00 AM. 
19th July, 1946, Yuma, California. 
1 cup of self raising flour, 1 cup of granulated sugar, equal parts. Wisk together in a bowl, before adding 1 large egg. 
Feel free to stir together using your hands. 
In a pan, arrange the canned-peach slices, before half of the reserved peach juice on top. After this, apply the doe on top of the peaches. Then drizzle a ½ cup of melted butter. 
Bake in a preheated oven for forty five minutes until golden brown, serve with cold ice cream and rest of the peach juice. Easy peasy ! 
Yeah right. 
You sighed irritatedly, eyebrows knit together as you crouched before the oven, one hand on the oven latch, the other holding an oven mitten. You had been sitting there for at least an hour and a half. 
You were wearing one of Joe’s shirts, over your nightgown. You pursed your lips together, scowling at the peach cobbler in the oven, which wasn’t even browning. “Come on..” You murmured quietly. You were so caught up in the baking that you hadn’t noticed the door unlocking. 
That was until you heard the soft clang of Joe’s cab car keys being thrown onto the table. “Shit-!” 
You looked over, confused as you looked up to Joseph Liebgott, your boyfriend. He stared down at you, his surprise slowly morphing into a small smile. “Wasn’t expecting you to be awake, Doll.” 
You giggled at that, an excited smile gracing your features as you stood up and jogged to him. A warmth spread through your body as you held him close, pulling him down to litter his face with kisses. “Lots of customers ?” You asked, between kisses. His lopsided grin surfaced, chuckling as he leaned into the kiss. “ Mhm, drove ‘round half the fuckin’ city swear to god.” 
“The real question is,” He began, hand trailing down to the curve of your waist. “ What are you doing up ?” He jokingly poked at your side, earning a small sigh and downwards turn at your lips. “I wanted to try the recipe for Peach Cobbler.. kind of a lost cause though.” 
A hoarse, tired chuckle left his lips, shaking his head as he pressed a kiss to your head. “What’s the occasion ?” 
You tensed up a little, clearing your throat as you looked to the oven. Your lips parted, taking a soft inhale before speaking. “ Next saturday, you know .. that reunion in indianapolis ?” 
Joe didn’t look at you, his lips pressing into a thin line as he looked to the wall. You softly moved your hand up to his cheek, gently rubbing it with the pad of your thumb. “ It’s been a year since we last saw them .. and I know Webster came to visit us last february but you know that doesn’t count.” 
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to bring it up after his long shift, but he asked, and you had no intention of hiding things from him. 
You caught on on how his jaw clenched, eyes trained on the tiles of the kitchen wall. You would have preferred screeching of fingernails on chalk than the deafening silence. After several moments of this, he licked his lips, voice quiet. 
“I just..” 
You looked up to him. 
“I just can’t do it, Doll..” 
You felt your heart clench. He didn’t sound hurt, he didn’t sound mad or anything. He just sounded so discouraged. The way his words died on his tongue, how he couldn’t meet your eyes. 
“Oh Joe..”
You cooed, your hand moving up to his hair as you tugged him into a warm embrace. It didn’t take long for him to melt into your glow. His arms sneaked around your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck. He didn’t cry, Liebgott rarely cried. He just savored the moment. The smell of your hair, as well as the light scent of artificial peach and flour. One hand moved to cradle your head, as his eyes closed. The gentle tugging at the roots of his hair, the soft tracings you drew on his back, it was his sanctuary. 
“My darling, we don’t have to do anything. We don’t, we can just rest.” You’d say, your voice muffled by the material of his shirt. He didn’t really respond, just a quiet hum resonating through his body. 
The two of you stood there for several minutes, until you reluctantly pulled away. You looked up at him, the soft smile on your lips never faltering as you intertwined your hands. “ Let’s get you some sleep, hm ?” 
He nodded. 
“The rocket’s empty- I’ll try the atom load of this ray gun.” You read, your voice saccharine and honey like as you read of the comic book strip. Both of your backs were pressed against the wall, Joseph’s arm around your shoulders as you read to him. His head was resting on yours, half-lidded eyes following the comic drawings as you read. 
It only took fifteen minutes before the book was tucked away in a drawer, the lights off and blanket pulled over you two. Joe lay behind you, his body pressed up to yours with his arms holding you around the torso. 
“Y/N ?” He interrupted the silence, and you hummed quietly, eyes still closed. 
“ I just .. well..” 
You shifted slightly, turning to face him. One hand moved to rest on his cheekbone, eyes opening slightly. 
“If you want to go to the reunion, you should.” Your eyebrows knit together, slowly adjusting to the light as you spotted his warm eyes. 
“What ?” 
He nodded, shuffling closer to you. “I don’t know if I’m ready to see any of those bucks again.. But, they were your team too.” You looked at him with a small, small smile as you nodded. “But- Joe, you know you don’t have to-” 
“I know.” 
You shut up, thumb tracing patterns against his jaw. He continued speaking. 
“But.. Well, if you need a ride to Indianapolis, I’ll be there. ” 
Your lip curled up into a teasing smile. “You’re saying I'll get a free cab ride ?”
“Hey, I ain’t saying anything about it being free, I just said if you need a ride.” He countered, gently squeezing your side with a chuckle. Your laughter is harmonious to him, as he closes his eyes and smiles. 
Your laughter died down, your chest fluttering. “Hey..” You’d say, quietly. You moved closer, pressing a warm kiss to his lips. Sure, Joe was tired, but he kissed you back, with as much love and eagerness as he always did. You mumbled a soft “thank you.” to his lips. 
He just shook his head, and tugged you closer to him, the sound of traffic rumbling from the balcony of your apartment.
( THIS ISN'T PROOF READ SO PLAY NICE !!! I love domestic joe : ( he's my baby boy. It's post-war, if it wasn't clear enough- uh yeah hope you guys enjoy xoxo !!!!!!)
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 10 months
Hello everyone I am ballad-of-birdy-lamb but you can call me Birdy! I used to be @Mystic-bumble but I accidentally deleted my account. 😭
I will write for The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream!!
The Hunger Games:
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
Lucy Gray
Billy Taupe
Dill (nothing romantic)
Mizzen (nothing romantic)
Dr. Gaul
Band of Brothers
(Reminder: I am writing for the characters in the show, not of the actual people. Also, please recommend more characters if I haven't already put them here)
Eugene Roe
Ronald Speirs
Lewis Nixon
Richard Winters
Babe Heffron
Joe Liebgott
Bull Randleman
Joe Toye
Donald Malarkey
George Luz
William Guarnere
Wayne Sisk
Henry Jones
The Pacific
(Reminder: I am writing for the characters from the show, not the real people. Also please send in other names if they aren't already on the list, I forgot some of the characters)
Eugene Sledge
Snafu Shelton
Robert Leckie
Sidney Phillips
Chuckler Juergens
Hoosier Smith
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
Rules for asks:
You can do:
1-4 characters
Specify gender (I will choose gender neutral if I'm not given one)
Specify if platonic or romantic
Male reader
Female reader
Gender neutral reader
POC reader
Plus sized reader
LGBT reader
Disabled reader
X reader
Vs. Reader
Hurt comfort
Yandere content
You cannot:
Ask for NSFW
No aged-up character scenarios (usually weird)
No adult x child (reader being either)
No extreme themes (r4pe, self-harm, pedophilia, zoophilia, etc.)
Ask for over four characters
Extreme gore (unless it is referenced in the fic)
character x character
Rules for following:
You can be:
A minor
An adult (kinda iffy)
A lady
A man
Anything inbetween
French (kinda iffy)
You cannot be:
A ped0
A n4zi
RCTA (race change to another. Y’all are broke Oli London 💀)
true crime enjoyer
Etc (will add more as time goes on)
You can ask to add characters to the list if they are not already on here!
I will be trying to get my old fanbase back, so if you see any posts that seem copied that you have seen from @mystic-bumble, please know, that was my dumbass.
Thank you so much for reading this! Please ask in my inbox! I will be posting just shortly!
Like and follow for more!!
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brassknucklespeirs · 2 years
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Nᴏ Sʜᴀᴍᴇ [Jᴏsᴇᴘʜ Lɪᴇʙɢᴏᴛᴛ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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Genre: Angst and smut with a smidge of fluff
Warning: Smut (18+), general HBO war warnings so language, pretty bad family upbringings (haha mommy and daddy issues am i right?), reader does walk all over Joe ngl but she’s learning, if you read between the lines then talks of using sex as a coping mechanism, borderline cheating? idk
Prompt: Requested by @softguarnere​ “No Shame (also by 5SOS because I'm obsessed) with Liebgott?”
A/N: I’m real sorry this isn’t edited or even proof read yet so bare with me, just wanted to post the damn thing cause it’s driving me insane. Isn’t quite as good as i wanted it to be so it’s got me going mad
This is based from the lyrics of ‘No Shame’ by 5 Seconds of Summer but i have cut some of the lines that i couldn’t work with so be aware, the song is not complete. This is the first attempt at me using song lyrics as prompts so please enjoy. 
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Angel, with the gun in your hand,
pointing my direction, giving me affection
Joe had been taken immediately by the new female replacement that walked through the pub door that night, a look of awe crossing his face as she sauntered in, flashing a smug smirk at all of the men who watched her with shock. Most of them had met the woman prior to her appearance at their usual drinking spot in Aldbourne but most had not wrapped their heads around it all, especially when the military grade skirt distracted them from processing anything. 
Y/N wandered slowly over to a table that sat Guarnere, Toye and Babe after grabbing a drink from the bar, jumping into a conversation with them immediately after pushing herself under Babe’s arm. The two were close after training together for so long, their friendship staying sound after their combined placement into Easy company. Babe had made quick friends with Bill Guarnere and with that came the acceptance of the woman into the man’s good books before she had even been fully introduced to him. Joe Toye had been hesitant about Y/N but took to her quickly after watching her smack the attitude out of a private from Fox company who had spoken down to her, the two clicked instantly after that. 
The group of mix and match soldiers at the table grew as the night went on, men coming and going to converse with her as she accepted drink after drink, mostly thanks to George Luz and Floyd Talbert. The original four of them sat together laughing like old friends reunited, with Babe blushing while under the scrutiny of Bill when asked why he friend-zoned such a darling dame such as Y/N. The woman in question smirked into her drink while watching him glance at her for help before deciding to tease the poor boy.
“Why did you decide to do that Babe? Damn near broke my heart.” He shot her a pointed look after she said it, giving her a gentle squeeze to the waist.
“You’re a piece of work.” He muttered to her.
It was between these comments being passed around that she had caught a pair of eyes watching her from the corner of the bar, with his companion, Skinny Sisk, failing to turn his eyes away from the woman no matter how much he tried to. She turned away, taking another sip of her drink, once again hiding her smirk before she made direct eye contact with Toye, who licked his tongue over his lips while he sent her a sly smile. She squinted her eyes at hi teasingly to which he just raised an eyebrow in question. The woman shrugged, taking another quick glance over to see Liebgott was still watching her in interest. Toye and Y/N silent conversation went unnoticed by the others, who were too busy seeing Babe turn more red by the second as Bill hounded him with vulgar questions.
The night continued on like this for a while, and aside from the dance or two that Y/N shared with Luz, the woman barely left her seat, so engrossed in the atmosphere she was enjoying. The rush of alcohol hadn’t taken over her completely but it certainly made her feel good as she chatted happily to the men before her. It was in that moment that she’d been talking animatedly to Tab that she saw Liebgott over the man’s shoulder. She nodded her head as if she was listening to the Kokomo boy when really her focus had been on the man behind him. Their gazes met for a moment, enough time for her to send a smirk his way before he slipped out the door. The woman turned back to Tab before politely excusing herself for some ‘fresh air’. 
The cool english air hit the exposed skin on her neck as soon as she left the comfort of the bar causing a shiver to trail her spine. It was mostly dark outside aside from a flicker of flame that came from beside her, her eyes curiously turning to the figure she knew was there.
“Are you going to continue watching me for the rest of the night or will you be finding the balls to come and talk to me?” Y/N spoke so confidently, yet the darkness shrouded the smirk that fell on the man’s lips in that moment.
“Trust me darlin’, I ain’t needing to find no balls. I haven’t lost ‘em you see. You can even check if you want?” The woman let out a quiet snort which led to Joe letting out an amused huff.
“That was bad.” She replied, stepping towards him while lighting her own cigarette. The man inhaled while nodding his head, sticking the unoccupied hand in his pocket.
“Yeah it certainly wasn’t my best.” He said with a chuckle. She smiled at him then, no longer a sly smirk but more an amused curl of her lips.
“Give me another one then.” The man looked as pensive as he could before a yawn suddenly escaped his mouth, the hand holding his cigarette moving to cover it. Y/N raised an eyebrow at him, amused by what she thought was his lack of focus on her.
“Tired already? Or is my presence boring you?” She teased.
“Nah, it’s not you doll-face. You see I’ve been having trouble sleeping recently.”
“Yeah, can’t sleep by myself you see. Maybe you could sleep with me?” Joe said before looking up at her, his eyebrows raised as he waited for her consensus.
“Ah, you had me there for a minute.”
“Was it better though?” He pushed, bumping his hip into hers while she took a drag of her smoke.
“Eh, it wasn’t the worst I’ve heard.”
“Damn, the lady has high standards.”
“No, not high standards, just lots of experience.” Y/N said with a unbothered shrug.
“Maybe you’d like to share some experience with me?”
“That one was a little better.” She said while laughing, causing the man to look at her with his own genuine smile.
“I’ll be here all night.” He exclaimed, giving a small bow for effect.
“Or you could be in my bed all night?” She threw his way, her lips pursed to withhold her smirk.
“Oh, we have a competition here?” His smirk widened across his face as he pulled the cigarette away from his face, dropping it to the ground to smoulder.
“As I said, lots of experience.” She replied, a smirk rivalling his growing over her lips. Joe shook his head in amusement before moving to stand directly before her, his warm breath making her cold cheeks tingle. 
“Well doll-face, me and you are definitely gonna get along.” He flashed her a wink before stepping towards the door of the pub once more. He turned to glance at her over his shoulder as he realised she hadn’t moved from her spot. “Coming?” 
Love is fatal, 
won't you give it a chance?
Y/N clutched the letter between tense fingers, her nails slowly tearing into the paper as a sneer made it’s way to her blue lips. Another day, another letter from her mother, and another from her father. Seperate letters from seperate people yet holding almost identical messages. There was no questions of how she was, where she was, what she’d been up to. She was great by the way, freezing her ass off in a blizzard of a forest with the constant blasts of artillery blowing the trees to smithereens, thanks for asking. Hell, she would have been happier to recount every gruesome and traumatising kill she’d made since dropping into the war in intense detail than have to reply to them regarding their problems. 
Your mother did this again; I wish i’d never met him; She’s getting on my last fucking nerve; He’s the worst man i’ve ever met; She’s lucky I go away so often on business trips; Business trips my ass, he’s still cheating so i’ll be sure to do the same; Nasty piece of work she is; He’s lucky his money is more attractive than he is.
An aching pain enveloped her chest, causing her to bite into her lip to hold back the emotions that threatened to spill from her eyes. She could never understand it, why a child should have to listen to the immaturities of their parents who were in no means compatible, it wasn’t like she’d asked for them to birth her in a bid to save their already abysmal marriage. Fat lot that did anyway. She was the kid for fuck sake, so why must she be the one that has to baby them. 
Her parents had always been like this; jealous, spiteful, childish people. Once she had believed it had been her fault, maybe her appearance on the family tree had caused a rift between them. Now she knew that wasn’t the case, especially after the history lessons from extended family members that they’d always been like that, they were just heedless to one another; always had been, always would be. The question had been asked so many times, whispers in the dark of why they even bothered to stay if it wasn’t working. There were two reason for this, one from each side and sadly neither being her. Her mother was a beautiful woman, covered in beautiful garments, driving beautiful cars, seen at only the most beautiful of places; beautifully expensive. Her father was a successful man, with a successful job, a successful marriage and a successful reputation; a successful lie. Her mother was greedy, money hungry and spiteful while her father was envious, power hungry and short tempered. The money was enough for her mother to stay and the dazzling reputation with the chance to be dominant was enough for her father. 
Now don’t go getting her wrong, her parents weren’t bad people, mostly. They both had many redeeming qualities, ones that seemed to shine through in their daughter, however, the bad qualities just happened to be seen more commonly from her point of view. They did love her underneath all of that malice. She often asked how she, herself, could be so selfish as to think her life was hard when they’d given her a home, all the clothes and trinkets she’d asked for, and paid for an expensive private school. Some may have looked at this with raised eyebrows and questioned whether that was for her or for their reputation, however, Y/N would continue to turn a blind eye, refusing to tarnish the views she had of her parents more than they already do themselves. They’d given her everything she’d ever asked for except for one thing; a loving family. They gave her a home but it was broken, spoilt her with things but they were meaningless, given her an education many would kill for but it was pointless. They were selfish, and they always would be. They may have loved her but they loved themselves more. 
Y/N had woken up to this now, no longer pulling a cover over her eyes in hopes she could keep the good parts of her parents and ignoring the bad. Now, she had her own feeling of malice. Her upper lip twitched as she let the anger take over, grasping at the top of the paper with both hands and tearing it down the middle. She continued to rip the letter until it was just tiny pieces in her palms, letting it blow away with the wind that swept past her with a huff of resentment. She’d gone so long pretending things were okay in hopes they would be eventually, but she had grown up now, seeing death and war and hatred on a scale she never thought she’d ever have to. Growing up wasn’t a choice here, it was a requirement; just another condition of war.
“Can practically see the steam coming outta your ears, must be a hot mess up in that head of yours.” Came a voice from behind her, a pair of boots coming to a halt at the edge of the dug in pit.
“You know me Joey, just fighting the enemies in my brain the same as I do in the field.” She teased with a smirk, trying to throw him off asking further as to her sudden burst of rage. He rolled his eyes at her, knowing her enough to know what she was doing, dropping down into the frozen foxhole beside her and pulling her into his side. Her eyes stayed on the line, yet her rifle lowered as she let herself slip under his arm for a bit of warmth and comfort.
“What’s eatin’ yah doll?” He muttered into her hair, her eyes unseeing to the way he looked down at her with such adoration.
“The less you know the better.” She hadn’t meant the comment in anyway against him, quite the opposite actually yet the words seemed to sting like salt in a wound. A part of her was trying to protect him from the absolute chaos of her broken family, but all he could hear was a woman in refusal of his care. He ran his tongue across his teeth, holding himself back from snarking something at her like he usually would to anyone else. The problem was that she wanted him to say something, anything to ease her aching chest, however both seemed to be met with disappointment. They’d continued to sit there together, pressed against one another for just a little bit of heat while they both found themselves lost in their own thoughts; her about her fucked up family and him about the woman snuggled against his side.
Center of attention,
don't you ask me any questions
The fight in Foy had been rough and though it had rewarded them with the show of a new CO in Captain Speirs, it had also taken from them several casualties, one of which was Y/N. It hadn’t been a big deal compared to others but the ricochet wound to the shoulder and bullet graze to the neck had the woman cursing the most colourful words as she shoved herself to the wall of a building, away from sight of the sniper.
The aid station had been worse than the pain of her wounds. The cries of dying men calling from their mothers, the squelching of blood as nurses were stuck up to their elbows in someone’s torso to pinch an artery, and the mumbled prayers to God to save the men who were honestly already too far gone made up a harmonious symphony of pain and suffering. A sour taste invaded Y/N’s mouth as she sat there getting her wounds wrapped, her eyes travelling over as many of the men around her as she could before settling on the nurse in front of her. She was beautiful, and aside from the dirt, grime and blood that covered certain parts of her skin and uniform, the woman had looked like an angel sent from the heavens. Y/N had watched her closely as she worked on mending her injured shoulder, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she’d winced in pain. She had imagined the feeling of this woman being her mother, caring, tentative, gentle, throwing her own mind into a world completely made up to ease the pain that plagued her mind. 
Y/N returned to her company the three days later after an argument with the same nurse she’d watched with awe. She fought with her words rather than her rifle but fight she did to be let go from the aid station, using the point that if she was able to stand, move, and grasp at things without difficulty and only a little pain than she was simply a wasted body taking up a bed needed for someone else. The nurse had pursed her lips with an angry huff and shake of her head before storming off, letting the woman walk off with a smirk on her face. That was more like the actions of the mother she knew.
She looked on as the trucks pulled up in the distance before her, a smile rising to her lips as she caught sight of her platoon jumping from them. She spotted Joe and Babe chatting to one another and sighed in relief about her best two boys being safe before jumping from the jeep that had pulled up behind the line of four wheelers. The urge to run to the two men had filled her but she held herself back and focussed on her mission to find Winters or Speirs and inform them of her inevitable return. 
The woman made her way into the building that had been pointed out to her to be headquarters, her feet stomping against the wood to rid herself of the icy snow that caked itself to her boots as she entered. Three familiar faces were present in the room she walked into, as well as one unfamiliar one. 
“Lip, I told you those cigarettes were going to catch up to you.” Y/N teased as she witnessed the man hack up the mucus from his lungs, moving to him to gently pat his back and run her fingers through his slightly damp hair. He smiled up at the woman, pulling her onto the couch beside his legs to keep her down.
“Very funny Y/N. Now what the hell are you doing back here? You should be at the aid station.” He replied, his voice tired and husky. She shrugged her shoulders, wincing as she forgot about the stitched wound on one before tucking Lip in with the blanket Luz had just placed over the man’s body.
“Nurses said I had to come back and look after my boys before they lost it without me. Though in all honesty, George looks like he’s taken the mantle of ultimate mother hen in our absences.” The man in question raised his hand with a smile from the small kitchenette attached to the room where he had been making Lip a coffee.
“Just making sure you didn’t have a bigger mess to come back to Y/N.”
“How very thoughtful of you sweetheart.” She flashed him a cheeky grin before her eyes moved to the two other figures in the room, her expression dropping slowly.
“Hey Web, long time, no see.” The man nodded at her while replying with a greeting of hello, his eyes looking towards the Lieutenant who stood abnormally upright in the corner, her gaze following. The officer had already been staring at the woman in a well-hidden look of shock or awe, she didn’t know. A small smirk overtook her lips as she eyed him up and down, standing slowly with a hand outstretched.
“You must be the new lieutenant, pleased to meet you Sir.” She almost purred, trying to rile up the fresh meat for a little bit of entertainment. He seemed to stand even straighter as he took her hand, shaking firmly while discreetly trying to figure the woman out with his eyes. He went to open his mouth to reply only for their CO to saunter in, his gaze finding her immediately. Speirs sighed, stopping before her.
“You just can’t stay away can you.”
“You can take the woman out of the war but can’t take the war out of the woman Sir.” He shook his head with the faintest of smirks before nodding towards the door.
“Head back to second, i’m sure they’ll be happy to have you back.”
“Yes Sir.” She said with one final salute before heading towards the door, but not without a last smirk at the new kid, who watched her until she had completely disappeared. Lipton and Luz made eye contact, both with looks of amusement, with Speirs glancing at the two before following their moving gazes to the man. A smirk drew to his lips as he clicked to his eyes following the woman, opening his mouth to voice his thoughts.
“She will eat you up and spit you back out lieutenant. Best not to go there.”
The woman had made it to second platoon’s housing without an issue, ignoring the sound of explosions that weren’t close enough to disrupt her. Following the voices she could hear, she trailed up the stairs, wandering into the room with one shoulder pulled back slightly more than the other as she tried to square them off with confidence. A quiet snort left her nose as she listened to some of the men in a playful argument about who knows what before stepping towards them, unnoticed.
“Ladies, ladies, you’re all pretty, now stop arguing.” She exclaimed causing all the men to turn to her, smiles tugging to their lips as they moved towards her, each with something different to say.
“AYE, she’s back from the dead.”
“How was your vacation sunshine?”
“Looks like you forgot to rest up during your stay at the day spa.”
The woman chuckled at their words before she was cut short by someone tugging her into their arms, careful of her injuries. She inhaled his scent immediately, relaxing under his arm yet her eyes were held squinted over his shoulder at the men behind quietly snickering to themselves. She sent them all a warning with her gaze while he pulled away from her, her expression changing to a dazzling smile as soon as he could see her face once more.
“You miss me Joey?” 
“Piss off doll-face, you know I did.” He replied with a snarky tone but the smile on the corner of his lips said otherwise about his mood. She just looked back at him with a sly tilt of her lips that could rival even his infamous smirk.
“I certainly do.”
Go on and light me like a cigarette,
even if it might be something you regret,
you got me now, now, now,
swallow me down, down, down, down
The new officer had been in Liebgott’s bad books as soon as he’d wandered up the stairs behind Webster. His constantly straying gaze would find the only woman in the room a little too often for Joe’s liking, leading him to hold a unwavering sneer on his face for the rest of the day. His bad mood had impacted everyone, except Y/N of course, with his snarky comments and biting looks giving them a heads up to not push him any further. This lieutenant, however, did not know the solider enough to be able to read the expression of aggravation upon his face. 
Y/N had picked up on the pair of eyes that watched her, a tell tale sign being the smirk that barely left her lips, this sending an even deeper feeling of resentment through Joe’s body. There hadn’t been any meaning behind her previous look at the new kid, it was more of a sizing up of what she had to work with. She had simply been playing a game, no harm done, aside from the fact that there had, in fact, been some harm done. 
Joe had trudged back up the stairs after being dismissed from the patrol across the river in favour of Webster, his mood boosted just the slightest. Y/N had been propped up on a bed upstairs, book in hand as she had been ordered to rest by the extremely persistent Doc Roe. She jumped when Joe threw himself down beside her, so engrossed in the words on the page before her to realise he’d arrived.
“Hey Joey, what’re you doing back here so soon? Thought they needed you for prep for tonight’s patrol?” The man laid his chin on the woman’s shoulder as she asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he tried to understand the words splayed in the book before him.
“Hm? Oh they don’t need me anymore. Looks like you don’t get any ‘me time’ after all. Yah stuck with me for the night.”
“Oh how very disappointing.” She teased. He let out a huff as he side-eyed her over her shoulder. The woman’s mind reeled as she pretended to read her book, her thoughts of the man beside her clearly being pissed at the new kid, and all the reasons that could be for. She made up her mind in that moment, her eyes squinted as she chose her words carefully. 
“I would have loved to spend some one on one time with the greenie in all honesty. That’s a shame.” She tested teasingly, but Joe’s eyes had turned dark immediately, his lips twitching to hold back the sneer that threatened to come back.
“Oh yeah? What’s so interesting about him anyway?”
“Hm, well he’s an officer, a man with power is pretty attractive. He’s got such dreamy eyes too, he really has me blushing any time i catch him staring. And oh my goodness he’s clean and doesn’t smell like shit like the rest of you sorry sods.” The man’s face slowly relaxed as he realised she had been playing with him, rolling his eyes before giving her a gentle shove to her uninjured shoulder.
“You’re such a little tease.” He muttered as he looked down at the woman who’d let her body fall to the bed dramatically as if he’d pushed her much harder. She turned her eyes to him as he made the comment, the slyest of smirks slinking to her lips.
“You haven’t seen nothing yet Joey.” His eyebrows raised at this while discreetly gulping down words he would love to say to her in that moment. His mind tried desperately to capture the imagine of the woman in front of him, her hair splayed out around her like a halo, a cheeky smile pulled to her lips. She watched him carefully, trying to gauge where his head was at as she seemed to lose him for a minute or two. “Joey? Come back to me honey.” She said while sitting up, her face close to his as her eyes wandered his face. He blinked several times, clearing away the haze of his thoughts only to realise how close she had gotten to him. 
Her breath had hitched slightly while their eyes stayed locked, both with pupils blown. He leant down so suddenly to capture her lips that she barely had a chance to react when he pulled away again, his eyes asking if this was okay. She was the one to initiate the second kiss, her hands moving to grasp at his neck to pull him to her, their lips meeting harshly. They lay there for a minute, melting together in their own little world. She had stopped herself short then, her bottom lip grazing his when she pulled back as they stared at each other with wild eyes. I am so going to regret this.
I only light up when cameras are flashing,
never enough and no satisfaction
got no shame,
I love the way you're screaming my name
The room felt significantly warmer than she was used to as she let out another breathy sigh. Her skin was slightly damp, hair sticking to her forehead while she withered under his touch. His fingers had gripped so tightly at her hips that bruises were sure to form, holding her to the bed as she so desperately tried to grind herself forwards to where his head had been tucked in between her thighs. He worshipped the woman, praying to her on his knees like she was a god, her moaning becoming more frequent and higher in pitch as he did.
“JOE!” She screamed his name as she reached her peak, a sharp inhale sounding as her back arched, ignoring the slight pain that she could feel in her shoulder while it pressed into the bed as it added more to the sensations she was feeling. She threw her head back against the mattress, her eyes screwing shut in pure bliss. He had smirked from his place still between her legs while watching her wriggle under his grasp, a proud look on his features. A woman like her deserved only the best, so his best is what he gave her. 
Y/N came down from her high slowly, her breath becoming more regular before her eyes finally opened again. She had glanced down to him just in time to see him wipe his thumb across his lips before taking it in his mouth, sucking it clean. Her stomach clenched hungrily before she leant forward to grab him by the front of his neck, tugging him to her lips. Neither were gentle with each other as their tongues fought harshly against one another. Joe had groaned at the thought of her tasting herself on his lips as his own hand came to grab at her throat. Her naked body lay below the man, the only thing between them being the pair of pants that he had yet to take off himself. Her hands had crept slowly down his body before one slipped under the waistband of the fabric keeping them apart, his breath catching in his throat as she took ahold of him. 
Joe hadn’t been patient, and as soon as her hand had come in contact with him, he had jumped back, ripping the clothes from his body before pressing back against her, completely nude. Y/N moaned as his hardened cock had come in contact with her core, quiet begging leaving her mouth shortly after. The man smirked down at her, his eyes softening at the beauty that was this woman, her pretty pink lips pleading for him to take her. She reached up again, wanting the feeling of his lips on hers once more while her legs moved to wrap around his hips, opening herself up to him fully. They had let out simultaneous moans, and Joe a following curse, as he eased his way into her, hands moving to cup at her breasts, squeezing like his life depended on it. His head came down to rest on her collarbone, her hands moving to the hair on the back of his neck as they sat for a moment, both getting use to the feeling of each other.
“Look so pretty underneath me doll. Taking me so well.” He managed to mutter into her shoulder as he began to thrust carefully, using her face as a gauge of how hard he could push. A curse left her lips, followed shortly by a moan, her mouth hanging open in pleasure causing Joe’s eyes to roll back into his head as he bit at her uninjured shoulder. 
The room echoed with the sounds of heavy breathing and his hips meeting hers as he became relentless, pushing in and out of her with so much power it was almost on the verge of pain. She had relished in the feeling though, her fingernails running down his back harshly as she tried to pull him as close as possible. 
“Fuck Joey.” Y/N mumbled into his ear, his lips pulling to a smirk as his name left her lips so lustfully. 
“Say it again Y/N.”
“Hm?” Was all she could say as it mixed with a moan.
“I want you to say my name again. Scream it.” He said with a particularly harsh thrust, her breath catching in her throat half way through her inhale. A whine left her lips as she proceeded to do as she was told, letting his name tumble from her mouth in between senseless moans as she found herself growing closer and closer to her high. He groaned greedily at the sound, while savouring the feeling of her beginning to clench around him. His hand came to rest back over her throat as he lowered his face to her, pressing a firm kiss to her lips. “Such a good girl for me.” He whispered against her mouth to which she just replied with a whimper and a soft bite to his lower lip. He smiled down at her as he pulled away, his thumb moving from her jugular to her lower lip. 
They had both passed the point of sweaty as the air around them hung with moisture. Joe had felt it as she neared her peak, her body clenching so deliciously around his cock as he continued to pound into her. He whispered to her for her to cum for him while his unoccupied hand moved to rub at her clit. His head had thrown back at the same time as her as he felt a shudder ripple through her body accompanied by a loud scream of his name as she had before. His hips had stuttered while he felt her come undone for him, as he too reached his high, pulling out to release on her breasts. 
Y/N had been the first to come down from her high as she opened her eyes to see Joe fallen beside her, breathing heavily. She had reached over to the floor, picking up the dirty tshirt she had replaced that day with a new uniform, and using it to wipe down her chest. She placed herself back down beside the man as he came back to earth, his eyes turning to meet hers. 
“You, Joey, are one hell of a man.” They smiled at each other before a giggle left her lips as he grabbed her, pulling her to his chest.
“Only for you doll.” He’d mumbled and if she hadn’t have already been so tired from their previous activities, she might have let herself be worried about the sentiment that came with that comment but instead decided to ignore the weird feeling in her stomach. They lay there for several hours, naked bodies pressed to one another as they basked in the feeling of warmth and satisfaction. Joe had watched her as she fell asleep, her head tucked away in his neck while her breath tickled his chest. He had pressed a delicate kiss to her head as he felt himself beginning to slip away; oh how she had caught this man in her web.
Diggin' my grave to get a reaction
changing my face and calling it fashion
got no shame,
I love the way you're screaming my name
Second platoon were finally given some form of respite for a fleeting moment when they arrived to Germany as the trucks drove along the road to their new location. Joe and Y/N sat pressed against one another, exchanging amused small talk and making fun of Webster who sat on the opposite side of the man. The man in question rolled his eyes dramatically before turning to Perconte beside him and muttering a frustrated ‘there’s fucking two of them’, to which they traded similar smirks of entertainment. 
It was when Joe begun talking to Webster about home that Y/N felt herself shrivel up into herself, dismay making a home under her skin. She tried her best to listen while pushing to suppress the feelings that welled up inside her, yet her ears seemed to subconsciously pick up on a piece of conversation leaving Joe’s mouth.
“-then i’m gonna buy a house, a big house, for all the little Liebgott’s we’re gonna be making.” Her stomach seemed to twist with something she couldn’t quite understand at that comment, a strange sense of envy of someone who was but an idea in Joe’s current life. She racked her mind for reasons as to why she was so uneasy, flashes of her parents coming to mind. Memories of the jealousy fuelled fights emerged in front of her, painting a saddening story of two people who shouldn’t be together, thus sending a spike of worry to snake its way to her heart.
He glanced at her after the words left his mouth yet she seemed completely oblivious and stuck in her own head, an action not missed by Webster as he lowered his head to smirk at the two. Joe’s look of longing had quickly turned to a look of concern as he watched her brows crease in confusion and a flicker of something sad seemed to dull her eyes for a moment. An idea made its way to his head while a smile suddenly rose to Joe’s lips as he reached out, proceeding to grab her gently by the waist, his fingers wiggling. A surprised screech left her lips as the tickling sensation began, her mind leaving its tunnel visioned scene to pull her harshly back to reality. She swatted at his hands but he was relentless as laughter filled the air from the both of them, though hers had been forced from her in the cruelest of ways.
“JOE!” Y/N yelped through choked laughter as his fingers dug into her sides, her body jerking to get away from the man and his tickling hands. She pushed herself away from him, trying to jump across the truck towards Luz only to be pulled once again into his arms. More laughter came from her lips as tears began to fall from her eyes, her sides aching from how much she had been giggling. “JOE! HA! STOP! I’M CRYING.” The sound of the man in question chuckled in amusement, causing most of the men to look at the two with sly smirks while others, like Webster, rolled their eyes with expressions of frustration, hiding the delight they had from the two’s laughter. He called to them, causing them to pull away from one another as he asked for a timeout. Joe sent one last poke into the woman’s side before pulling himself back to his seat, his eyes never leaving her figure. She glanced at him with squinted eyes, recovering her breathing slowly while sending a swift smack to the side of his head. Joe laughed as his head turned from her for second before he came right back, his eyes glistening with an unspoken mirth.
“You are a pain in the ass.” Y/N mumbled, crossing her arms in front of her with a pout while looking away from the man. 
“Awh, don’t be like that doll.” He replied, sending a gentle poke to her cheek. Joe continued this to the point of annoyance when she finally threw her hand up to smack his hand away with a hiss. He laughed again, causing a warm feeling to swell in her chest, the smallest of smiles tugging on her lips as she tried desperately to stay looking mad. He caught the look, regardless of her attempt to cover it, his arm throwing itself over her shoulder before pulling her to his chest, exclaiming a loud ‘mwah’ as he pressed a kiss to her hair. “You fucking love me, don’t deny it.” He meant it as a tease, yet the immediate seizing up of her muscles and the shoot of discomfort in her stomach showed she’d caught more in the words. A sense of bitterness crept up in her spine at the sentiment, yet her body fought with her mind to let his arm stay where it was. Don’t tell me not to deny it, because I will.
Lay me in the palm of your hand,
I'll give you my permission,
you'll always be forgiven
Austria was beautiful; the scenery, the peace and quiet, but most importantly to the men was the women. The trucks had pulled in that day, driving past several local women who stood smiling brightly, as if the sun was projecting light from their glowing faces. Y/N felt the discomfort settle even deeper in her stomach, much stronger than it had earlier on the trucks, her mind throwing insults at her, comparing their fresh faces and softly flowing hair to her constantly grimy cheeks and lost cause of a hairdo. The feeling only grew as she watched Joe holler loudly at them as the other men were, a sly smirk on his lips. 
The woman was almost at a breaking point, the confusion, frustration, jealousy, dismay, and sadness constantly setting such an unknown and uncomfortable feeling in her body. And yet, it was the added confusion, joy, comfort, pleasure, and warmth that made her feel even worse, like fuel thrown over wood to start a fire; and Joe Liebgott was the fucking match.
Joe’s head had whipped around to make a snarky comment at the woman but he stopped short seeing the look that covered her features. He watched her for a minute, taking note of the tension in her jaw, the way it clenched and relaxed every few seconds, as well as the way her teeth chewed on her bottom lip. The smallest of smiles accompanied with a the common look of adoration covered the man’s face again as his eyes never left the plumpness of her lips.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She muttered lowly, Joe’s brows creasing in confusion at the statement. She had glanced at him while he was lost in his own world, admiring the way she looked while thinking, and recognised the way he was gazing at her all starry eyed. It scared her, feeling like an unnecessary punch to the gut.
“Look at you like what?” He asked, his eyes swimming with concern and confusion yet an undertone of pure adoration flickered the longer he stared at her. She clenched her fists by her side, trying to ease the tension she felt building in her as she swallowed the need to just grab him by the shoulders and yell at him to stop.
“Like that.” She replied after a gulp, her head nodding towards him as she did.
“I’m just looking at you Y/N. I’m confused.”
Go on, replace me,
when you're craving something sweeter
than the words I left in your mouth,
go on and spit me out
The local Austrian bar half the company found themselves in that afternoon while off duty was a warm comfort unlike any place they’d seen in recent months. The liquor flowed plentifully down the throats of many of the joyful men that sat talking to one another, their eyes following the figures of several women who had come to say they’d been smiled at by the American soldiers. Y/N perched herself on a stool beside Grant, and previously Floyd who had left them to flirt with a local girl, as they chatted animatedly while sharing a pint, smiles never leaving their faces. 
Y/N’s gaze fell over the environment with a look of curiosity at the idea of the oncoming peace that swept over everyone before it had even arrived. Her eyes  strayed several times to the man seated by Skinny and Webster by the window, painting a similar scene of enjoyment as her and Grant had found themselves. This was something the man beside her picked up on as he snorted into her beer in amusement, pulling her eyes to him. She screwed up her face in confusion at his behaviour before taking a sip of her own drink.
“Do tell what’s got you giggling Grant?”
“I just think it funny, you and Liebgott.” The man said, flicking his gaze between the two of them.
“What do you mean ‘you and Liebgott’? Me and Liebgott what?” Y/N asked, her eyebrows drawing further towards one another, her forehead creasing with frown lines.
“You guys...together. It’s an interesting pairing.” 
“Together? The fuck does that mean?”
"You guys being together...as a couple?" Grant looked confused and borderline uncomfortable at this point, unsure where the conversation was going and why the woman was reacting as she was.
"What? You nuts?" She all but screeched, a few heads turning before looking away quickly after receiving a sneering glare from the woman who was growing more stressed by the second.
"What? So you're not?" 
"How long-how long you been thinking this?" 
"I don’t know, I overheard Luz saying to Perconte bout how he’s talked about it with most of the other guys, just kinda assumed..." Y/N’s heart dropped to her stomach for some reason at this revelation, panic setting into her bones as she scrounged up some kind of escape plan. Her fight or flight seemed to flare up almost as much as it would while in the field, her breath increasing in growing worry. This is what she wanted...was it?
“Everyone...thinks Joe and I are together...more than friends?” She muttered to herself, her brain running thoughts through her head at speed, like a bullet from a chamber until it could hit the centre of a target. Her spine straightened suddenly, giving Grant the slightest of frights as his eyes continued to watch her movements as she stood quickly. Her feet took a step forward towards Floyd who stood leaning against a wall, smiling down at a woman who seemed to be fluttering her lashes at him. He spun around in a flash as Y/N had shouted his name, heads turning to look at her from all angles of the bar. He barely had a chance to mutter a word before she pulled his face to hers, planting a firm kiss to his lips. Her panic drove her to madness as she clutched at the idea of anything to calm her frightened nerves. Floyd hummed in shock for a moment before melting to the woman’s lips, his hands moving to grasp her waist almost aggressively. The two had stood wrapped up in each other even after they’d heard the harsh slam of the bar door, until eventually a voice called to her gently. 
Y/N was reluctant to pull away as she savoured the feeling of another’s lips on hers, the taste of cigarettes and beer inhaling her fully for a split second from the reality of things. She pulled away at another call of her name, recognising the voice to be Babe, Floyd’s eyes asking so many questions as she stared at him for a moment. He let worry take over him as she saw the almost distraught look on her face, her mind running so fast that she couldn’t distinguish any of her emotions from each other; and god was it driving her mad.
Y/N barely glanced at Babe or anyone else for that matter as she stumbled backwards and sprinted out of the bar back to her room, only taking notice of the absence of one man. Babe looked at where she disappeared from for a moment before making eye contact with an equally confused Floyd whoo simply shrugged his shoulders in defeat. The man sighed before shaking his head, inevitably knowing she wanted him to follow her as he took off in a run out the door.
Y/N let out a loud sigh as she wandered down the hallway to her room, Babe close on her heels as he tried to talk to her to calm the frustrated woman. She felt his presence yet heard nothing that came from his lips as her mind swallowed itself whole, throwing her into a swirling pool of ‘what ifs’ and ‘why the fucks’. More flashes of her parents came to her, hard and so goddamn fast that she almost felt dizzy; a technicolour of jealousy, spite, pain, misery. It ate at her, and she wanted nothing more than for it to just stop. She just wanted to feel anything but this; anything. They approached the door quickly as the woman let out a huff, throwing the door open and taking a step inside. She turned towards the man with her, her hand resting on the edge of the door, holding it open for him while he hesitated to step in.
“You coming in or you just going to stand there like an idiot?”
“Is this really a good idea, I mean, isn’t Joe already upset enough.”
“That isn’t my problem, he knows we’re nothing more than friends just like I am with you. You didn’t get jealous when I kissed Tab so why should he have the right to?” She all but spat, growing impatient as she tried to ignore every other feeling in her brain, guilt from her harsh words about Joe now added on top of that. The young man sighed when he realised nothing he was going to say was going to change her mind, throwing his head back to look at the ceiling as if asking God for forgiveness in advance. 
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you Y/N.” He replied, looking back at her as she stepped towards him, grasping at his tie and tugging him to her.
“Stop talking and fuck me already Babe.”
There hadn’t been any talking from that point on aside from the occasional mumble of slurred curses from Babe as she grabbed at him, allowing her to have her way with him in a way he shouldn’t have. The two of them had always been so carefree about their little arrangement, just another plus of their close friendship and nothing more, but as he took her how he always had he felt the guilt build up in his stomach. Joe had become one of his closest friends bar the woman who was currently withering in ecstasy underneath him and the feeling ate him alive as much as he tried not to think about it. Babe had been the one Joe had confined in about Y/N and his feelings towards him and yet here he was, groaning in pleasure as he touched the woman in ways good friends should not. 
Y/N was in a similar state of confusion and guilt. Her mind ran a thousand miles an hour as she tried to suppress the urge to compare the two men she had been rolling around the sheets with, yet it had constantly come back to the man who had plagued her thoughts for weeks in ways he shouldn’t. Her confusion stemmed from the emotion that bubbled in her chest at the idea of the day she’d had, the green-eyed monster that had stirred in her at the sight of the pretty, blonde Austrian girl so close to someone who wasn’t hers. All this flew through her head as she lay beneath the body of another and it infuriated her. Why? Why was she so caught up on the man? Why was he any different to the men she’d been with before and why was she so wrapped up in the idea of him?
Y/N and Babe spent the rest of the afternoon pressed against one another’s bodies, both trying to gulp down the torturous feelings of guilt that nagged at them. When the man pulled his clothes back on slowly, his eyes wandered to the figure still lying on the bed, her chin resting on her hand with a far away look on her face. He pursed his lips, wondering if he should bring up Joe and continue their previous argument but had decided against it, finishing lacing his boots up before walking towards the door. His back faced her, his hand resting on the doorknob as he paused for a moment. Running his tongue over his top teeth, he glanced back one more time, staring at the woman who hadn’t moved since he’d stood to get dressed before shaking his head and ripping the door open. Y/N didn’t even look towards the door as he shut it, her lip pulling between her teeth as she tried to fight the feelings of disgust and guilt she had towards herself. Babe took two steps away from her door fixing his hair and straightening his clothes before he looked up from his shoes. His eyes found their place on a figure standing at the end of the hall, hands clenched into fists and nostrils flaring in rage. Joe shook his head while letting out a chuckle of disappointment, an unamused smirk pulling to his lips before turning and storming off down the stairs, leaving Babe standing wide eyed and deflated.
I only light up when cameras are flashing,
never enough and no satisfaction
Y/N had been feeling the weight of her emotions beginning to tip dangerously far to one side of the scale, her mind ready to explode at the addition of any extra stress. Joe had yet to speak to the woman in a few days, so it was to everyones shock and surprise that he had been the first to jump at the chance to defend her honour. In the state of chaos, Y/N followed the man outside to talk to him as he rushed out the door of the bar, her mouth opening to yell as soon as she left the warm of the indoors.
“Why the fuck did you do that Joe? He was twice your size.” She yelled after him, her feeting picking up the pace to reach him. Joe spun around immediately, his face still red from rage.
“You should have heard the things he said about you Y/N. What else was I supposed to do?” He countered, fists clenched at his side. 
“You don’t need to defend me like that for fucks sake, i’m not a child.” She replied harshly, feeling the scales tip as the emotions begun to slid off the uneven surface and escape her mouth. Joe let out a huff, an unamused smile on his face as he ran a hand through his hair, tugging the ends harshly.
“Nothing I do ever seems to be enough for you.” He spat, surprising her as he’d never spoken to her with such a tone.
“Wh-what?” She stuttered out quietly. He just stood still, staring directly at her without an answer. Her frustration grew as everything started to implode on itself. “What do you want from me?” 
“What do I want from you? I’ve given you fucking everything, Y/N. Everything I have, everything I am, I’ve given it to you.” Joe said with his voice raising higher in volume with every word he spoke.
“I never asked you to do that for me Joe. I’m not fucking yours so stop acting like I am.” Y/N replied, pointing at herself as she did. The man let out a yell of frustration to the sky before taking several steps closer to her.
“LOVING YOU HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POSSESSING YOU! I JUST WANT YOU TO LOVE ME BACK.” He screamed at her, a visible vein popping along his forehead at the tension he held in his body. He stopped short at her taken aback look, his body loosening slightly while his eyes seemed to begin to swim with tears. “Just-just a little bit of your love, that’s all I want. Fuck Y/N, i’d continue to let you walk all over me, be with these other guys no matter how much it fucking hurts just for the sake of being able to see that there’s a little space on your heart with my name written on it.” He all but whispered the last part to her while watching her face so intently for a reaction. The woman didn’t know what to say, her mouth only opening and closing like a fish out of water as she pondered his words. “Forget it. This was a mistake and I really can’t do it anymore.”
Y/N thought she had been forcing herself to bleed so he wouldn’t have to, yet it had been him taking a knife to the heart, and even a few to the back, the whole time while she stood with her hand clutching the handle. She’d told herself to stay away from him when he started getting too close, played around with other guys in hopes he would leave before he’d have to see the ugly side she hid away. She’d gotten jealous about someone who was yet to be in Joe’s life yet kissed Tab in front of everyone to prove a point she wasn’t even sure she needed to make, continued to sleep with Babe even after he’d brought up that it wasn’t a good idea. She’d done all of it in hopes that he would lose the adoration in his eyes when he looked at her so she wouldn’t get the chance to act like the abysmal role models of ‘love’ that were her parents; and yet that is exactly what she did. 
She knew in that moment she should let him go, for the both of them, yet something inside of her seemed to jump out and take ahold of the reigns, pushing her body to throw a hand out to grab his shoulder.
“No, no Joe please. I don’t want you to go, I want you to stay, please stay.” Her eyes were swimming with tears at this point, much like the set of eyes that turned to looked back at her. He shook his head, screwing his face up as a single tear fell along his cheek. 
“Just another thing you want in spite of how others are feeling, huh Y/N?”
He walked away from her with hast, another hidden tear slipping down his cheek while he got lost in his own thoughts. The problem with a woman like Y/N is that he knew he would continue to love her, even if it had to be from afar.
Got no shame,
I love the way you're screaming my name
“JOE! PLEASE!” Y/N screamed after him as she felt the sudden burst of emotion flowing out of her, taking long strides to grab at him again. He threw his arm out of her grasp, spinning around to tell her to piss off but stopped short with a gulp. The broken look on her face is something he hadn’t seen on her before; pain and sadness, happiness and joy, anger and malice all yes but never such a shattered look. A sob left her throat as she looked up at him, her fingers gripping at the sleeves of her shirt out of anxious habit. “Please, stay. Listen, that’s all I’m asking. If you still wanna walk away after that then I’ll-I’ll let you go, please. I can’t let you leave without trying.” She stuttered out, causing Joe to nod his slowly, taking his tongue between his teeth to stop him from biting back. “I can’t take back the shit i’ve done no matter how much I wish I could, but i’m trying my best to do better and I’m starting with this.” She continued before taking a deep breath. She recounted it all, the lies, the cheating, jealousy, spite, pain, grief, loneliness, greed, confusion, loss, solitude; all of it. Joe listened to it, taking it in as well as he could as she told him of her parents, her childhood and how she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing half the time but how she didn’t have any choice but to learn. His heart ached for the woman he loved and the emotion she was expressing to him, watched as every single thing she’d been holding in for so long was finally slipping from her eyes and down her face. He fell in love with her again, all over again, as he saw her now, raw and vulnerable, his Y/N. 
“If-if i could be a different person, could have lived a different life, trust me, I would have. I’ve never had good role models, never been shown how to love people without being greedy and hateful. I’ve only ever known how to take the good from people and spit them back out when I’m done with them. I’m-i’m still learning how to not be that person, but I am, I promise. I just-I just need someone to show me how.” Y/N said, several tears running down her cheeks as she did. Joe let his hand move to run his thumb over them to clear the salty liquid from her face, not liking the way she looked so lost.
“I was kinda hoping it would be you. If you’d have me.” She whispered to him, looking up at him almost sheepishly to see the smile that was slowly moving to his lips. 
“I thought you’d never ask. Cause god knows you’ve had me since day one.” He reached out in that moment, taking a hold of her waist before dipping down to meet her lips with his. They stood wrapped in one another arms for a few minutes, giving in to the feelings, giving in to each other. They pulled away from one another for a moment, their eyes never leaving each other as she muttered the next words, her lips ghosting over his.
“Take it. Take all of it. I don’t want the heart beating in my chest if your name isn’t written all over it.” 
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grumpy-liebgott · 4 months
Tag game: Get to know me
Thank you for the tag @luckynumber4 and @1waveshortofashipwreck <33
Star sign:
Gemini! ♊
# of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
I have 3 younger sisters! I love 'em to bits, even if they act like little shits sometimes.
# of pets & their names:
I have two dogs and their names are Mochi and Hollie!! I also have two bunnies named Blackberry and Cottontail!! Oh, and my family has recently hatched some chickens! I named mine JJ after one of my best friends.
Mostly Band of Brothers with some The Pacific sprinkled in. Besides those, I also like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Maze Runner, Marvel, Shadow and Bone, and 1917
Favourite colour:
I like most pastel colours, but my all time favourite has to be blue. Any shade of blue, really. I think they're all pretty. Green is a close second, but for green I specifically like darker, cooler greens.
Favourite song:
I don't really have a favourite song. It's more like what song I'm playing on repeat during a period of time before switching to the next one. Currently, it's Timeless by Taylor Swift, Sparks by Coldplay, and Do Me A Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
For fanfics, definitely @footprintsinthesxnd @next-autopsy @bloodstainedsaint and @blood-mocha-latte. I'm probably forgetting so many more, because I've read so many amazing fics but I can never remember the authors
As for books, I don't really have one. Maybe Rick Riordan, Leigh Bardugo, Zoe Marriot or James Dashner? I've read a lot of books, but I've never stuck to one author.
Favourite fic type:
Slow burns, enemies to lovers, coffeeshop au, friends to lovers, angst, smut.
Favourite holiday:
Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, and Halloween and Christmas!
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
I wish
Playing the piano, reading, listening to music, watching new movies/series.
I love baking and cooking with my mum. We don't do it often, so when we do, I'm always very happy.
Fun facts about you:
I miiiiiigggght be just a tiny little bit obsessed with joe liebgott and george luz. Can you blame me though? Look at them!!!
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Tagging (no pressure!!!) : @1waveshortofashipwreck @joetoyesbrassknuckles101 @blueberry-ovaries @panzershrike-pretz @a-n-t-h-e-a @love-studying58 @georgieluz @footprintsinthesxnd @next-autopsy @blood-mocha-latte @maya0 @educationalporpoises @star-trek-supernatural and anyone else who wants to do it!!
10 notes · View notes
Fire On Fire: Chapter 21
(Ch. 20) ... (Ch. 1)
II Gallery II Symbol Guide II
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Summary: "It's born from just one single glance but it dies and it dies and it dies a million little times."
A/N: Bit of a long one tonight, y'all, but I PROMISE it's worth it, even if for no other reason than to twist the knife in your heart lol because this one hURTED
WARNINGS: ANGST ANGST ANGST, Mixed Signals, Jealousy, Situationship, Conflicted feelings, idk the usual FOF tags lol.
Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @mccall-muffin @lieutenant-speirs @emmythespacecowgirl @holdingforgeneralhugs @parajumpboots @hxad-ovxr-hxart @sleepisforcowards @indigo-luvers @ax-elcfucker-blog @chaosklutz @mads-weasley @vibing-away
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Contemporary: October 25th, 1944. Driel, Netherlands.
Chewing absentmindedly on her thumbnail as she read, Alix tried to ignore the all-too-familiar feeling of eyes boring into the side of her head. 
She didn't even have to turn to look; she knew instinctively who it was. 
It was Joe. 
It was always Joe. 
He had been casting wounded glances in her direction like a kicked puppy ever since she'd stormed off the day prior. 
Ever since the letter. 
Her chest still ached at the memory. 
Every time she closed her eyes, she could see “To My Love” inscribed on the letter’s flap like an epitaph. 
 Like her epitaph.
He wasn’t yours to lose in the first place, Alix chided herself, trying to force herself to stare at the novel she’d gotten in the mail days earlier. Let him be.
But her eyes wouldn’t focus and the deep, icy pain in her chest just wouldn’t leave her alone. 
There was no denying it: he hadn't left her mind. 
He had been there for her when she needed him most and then…then nothing. 
Had it just been pity for her distraught state that kept him there that night?
All signs pointed to Yes.
A month of silence, empty gestures that clearly meant nothing to him, and then a letter from a sweetheart he had apparently been writing to the whole time... Frankly, Alix wasn’t sure whether she wanted to cry or slap him. 
Perhaps both; perhaps neither. 
Deep down, under all of the hurt and confusion and betrayal she felt, all she wanted to do was run to him for a hug and for answers, for the truth:
Was any of it real or was it all just an act?
Was she just a passing amusement for him?
Was trying to woo her some sort of sick joke?
Had it just been to prove that he could?
Regardless, she’d rather take a nosedive off the Strawberry Mansion Bridge in midwinter than ask.
No man was worth that kind of humiliation, not even Joe. 
With a sigh of annoyance, Alix tried to turn back to her worn copy of Wuthering Heights but found herself staring emptily at the pages again. 
Skip and Don had been in and out for most of the morning, on some patrol or other, leaving the more or less immobilized spy to her own devices as she waited for the patrol to return, hopefully with a medic so her ankle could be fixed and she could finally get back to work.
She could feel Joe’s eyes on her again, could feel the mournful puppy-dog stare she would encounter were she to look over, and it took all her self-control not to limp over there and tell him to go make eyes at his darling Millicent but fortunately, she didn’t think she’d be able to hop down off the fallen oak by herself. 
Just then, a thickly-accented voice interrupted her ruminations.
"’Scuse-moi but uh, Nixon said you were lookin' for me…?" 
Lifting her head from her reading, Alix saw a medic standing a bit away, hands in his pockets and shifting from foot to foot as though nervous to approach her. 
He was taller than she’d expected him to be, pale and square-jawed with close-cropped black hair and tired eyes so dark a blue that it took her a second to register their color. 
“Did he?” she inquired, her brows knitting slightly. 
It wasn’t like her case officer to go out of his way to be nice.
The man inclined his head, the ghost of a small smile gracing his face like moonlight over frost.
"Mais ya. Said you banged up your ankle real bad an' that I oughta have a look at it before you make it worse." 
There it is, Alix thought with an inward chuckle. There’s the Blackbeard I know.
“Fair enough,” she replied with a simple shrug. "C'mon then."
The man's eyes were alight with quiet mirth, but Alix could see the worry lines etched into his forehead, his thin lips pressed together pensively. 
He seemed almost afraid to smile, the spy noted, taking a peek at him overtop of her book as he got himself situated.
Like any moment it could be taken from him. 
He was watching her too but Alix pretended not to notice, leaning down and focusing her energy instead on gingerly untying her shoelaces. 
Her ankle had been numb most of the day but as soon as she attempted to shift the tongue of her boot even slightly, an agonizing bolt of lightning shot up her leg and she let out an involuntary yelp of pain. 
Both the medic and Joe’s heads whipped around at the sound of her cry but before the latter could put down the letter he was writing and get to his feet, the former was already at her side.
“You wan’ some help with that?” the dark-haired medic inquired, concern written all over his features but at first, Alix tensed out of sheer habit.
There was nothing she hated more than asking for help. 
But there wasn’t a trace of pity or contempt in the medic’s voice, only kindness, and she slowly allowed herself to relax. 
“Maybe,” she answered apprehensively. “If you can keep it from hurting like that again.” 
“I can try but it’s gonna start out painful. You gonna hafta trust me." 
"Not exactly my strong suit.” 
“Gotta start somewhere,” the medic replied, extending a hand with a shy smile. 
“I’m Eugene, by the way…Eugene Roe. But you can jus’ call me Gene, if you wanna, like y–”
A loud cough of irritation interrupted their conversation and Alix discreetly peeked over her shoulder to see that Joe had paused yet again from his scribbling to light up his third cigarette of the hour with a scowl as dark as a storm cloud.
Alix shot him a death glare which he pretended not to see.
The sheer audacity of Joe Liebgott to be acting jealous when he had been leading her on for so long, when he’d abandoned her for a month, all while writing home to his real sweetheart, when he was writing to her even now with Alix sitting feet away…
How dare he.
With a toss of her hair, Alix turned her attention back to the medic in front of her, who seemed a bit taken aback by the intensity of her expression.
“Pleasure to meet you, Gene,” she replied with a bright smile. “I’m Alix.” 
"I know," he admitted sheepishly. "We met before, used ta work together actually. Was gonna tell ya earlier but…" 
He trailed off, neither of them wanting to acknowledge the abrupt interruption.
"Sorry,” Alix said, wincing at her own impaired memory. “My recall's still shit."
 But Eugene seemed to take it in stride. 
"C'est bon," he responded with a shrug and an understanding smile. "Was a long time ago anyway." 
"Still," the spy confided with a frustrated grimace. "I hate not being able to remember things…people..." 
"It'll come back, cher," he assured her with a comforting hand on her cheek and her eyes went wide but she didn't pull away. 
"Jus' gotta give it some time. For now–"  
He gave her a sweet smile that made her feel warm inside. 
"Think of it like a fresh start." 
From several feet away, Joe cleared his throat again, a raucous sound, and the medic seemed to instantly come back to himself. 
Losing his nerve, he quickly pulled his hand away, focusing all his energy on positioning them lightly on her boot instead. 
"Now, uh, you ready to get this thing off?" 
Alix nodded with gritted teeth and Eugene began to count down.
One sudden flash of pain and both her sock and boot were off.
“Merci beaucoup,” she exhaled, her whole body seeming to sag with released tension. 
Thank you so much. 
The medic’s face lit up with delight like a kid on Christmas.
“Your French don' sound half bad, cher!" 
"After 12 years of it in school, I sure hope not," Alix joked and the medic visibly brightened at the sound of her laughter. 
"Mais ya, it sounds real good. Y'ain't Cajun but then, there isn't nobody outside the bayou that talk like us." 
Suddenly seeming to remember what he'd come for, he busied himself with rolling up her pants leg and examining her swollen ankle, which was now a mottled black and blue. 
True to his word, he was careful to touch it as little as possible. 
"You been walkin' on it a lot, eh?" 
"A fair bit," she conceded. "Just when necessary." 
The medic shook his head, clucking his tongue in disapproval.
"C'est pas drole que's all fucked up then. You got a dislocated ankle, cher, an' you been overworkin' it." 
No wonder, huh? 
Alix could've laughed. She'd spent her whole life chafing against life's constraints. She couldn't stay off her feet for too long even if she tried; she'd go crazy. 
"What do you want me to do, Gene, quit my job?" 
It had been a joke but the medic wasn't laughing. 
"If that's what it takes," he intoned as he began to rifle through his bag in search of a splint set, scolding her affectionately all the while.
"You're lucky you ain't got a fractured foot! Once I do the reduction, you gotta be gentle while it's healin'. That means you gotta stay off it, you got that, pichouette?" 
Mischievous girl. 
A term of endearment but a playful one. 
“From cher to pichouette that quick, huh?” she teased and he shook his head at the ground to hide his shy grin. 
"You really shoulda been more careful, y'know," he chided gently, ignoring her teasing as he began busying himself with his bag. 
"You got me… an' Joe an' uh, other people real worried about you."
“It’s sweet of you to worry but I’m not your problem, Gene,” Alix mumbled but he paused his search to glance up at her. 
“If you were a problem, I wouldn’ta been worried at all, cher,” he said kindly and Alix could feel the warmth of his tone like a hug.
“Now, I’m gonna need you to hop down an' lay flat on your back for me, ya?”
But the spy shook her head, suddenly self-conscious. 
“Um Gene…One problem.”
Eugene cocked his head, brows knit in silent confusion. 
“I can’t.”  Alix mumbled, inwardly berating herself for forgetting.
“Not without landing on my bad foot. Skip helped me up here but I’d need help getting down.” 
The medic immediately rose from his kneeling position, arms extended. 
The spy shook her head emphatically.  
“That’s a negative, Gene. I don't do heights, especially not after my last jump."
Eugene cocked his head.
He didn’t seem angry, just confused.
“You don’ trust me?” 
“Don’t take it personally,” the spy grimaced. “I’m just not in the habit of trusting people too easily.” 
The sweet-faced Eugene took a timid step closer to the trunk of the oak, his voice soft and reassuring. 
“Mais, lemme change that then.” 
Alix could feel her resolve waning bit by bit but she still had some lingering doubts.
“What if you drop me?” she asked, noting the man’s almost fragile-looking frame
but he chuckled, a sound as warm as the sun rays dappling nearby leaves.
“Cher, I been carryin’ 200 pound wounded troopers back an' forth for Lord knows how long now. I ain’t gonna drop you.”
There was such an earnestness about the medic’s face that she didn’t have the heart to refuse any longer. 
“Fine,” she grumbled, trying to keep from looking down. “But you’d better not drop me.”
Even a minor jump felt major since her previous but she resolved to trust him anyway.
After taking one last breath to calm her nerves, Alix leapt into the medic’s waiting arms.
Despite his slight build, Eugene was a great deal stronger than she’d expected and when he scooped her out of the air, Alix couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up from her chest, even as their noses nearly brushed.
“Okay, okay, you proved your point,” she giggled as he gave her a boost, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist for security, but Eugene wasn’t done. 
“Told you I wasn’t gonna drop you, cher,” he remarked with a rare, playful grin, those entrancing eyes of his sparkling in the sunlight. 
“Gonna hafta eat crow now, eh?” 
Alix swatted at his shoulder jokingly and was it her imagination or were the tips of his ears turning bright pink?
“You, Eugene Roe, are ridiculous,” she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself. 
Roe licked his lips nervously, his gaze seeming to linger on her mouth for a second as though he were pondering something he shouldn't. 
For a brief second, she was somewhere else as an image of herself and Joe flashed before her, the two of them kissing in the moonlight...
But Alix's mind brought her crashing back down to Earth as the memory of the letter, of Millicent's smiling face, of the words "My Love" sealed with a kiss swam before her...
Feeling her stomach drop, Alix turned her head away suddenly, and Roe got the message, his gaze returned to her eyes immediately.
“I'm sorry, I-I uh…” he stammered and Alix gave him an understanding smile.
“Don’t worry about it."
The medic swallowed anxiously, his heartbeat thundering stronger and stronger against her chest like a caged animal.
Keeping his hands securely wrapped around her, he gently guided her down onto her back in the grass, his body just grazing over hers and Alix felt something strange stir within her.
There was a delicacy about his features, even in shadow, that Alix hadn't noticed before his face was hovering inches from her own. 
Joe was a blazing wildfire, as passionate and intense as the sunlight beating down on Gene's back, and she was a moth, ever attracted to his flame. 
But Eugene... He was different, more aloof, almost serene, but with a gentle magnetism as well that drew her curiosity like the moon and tides.
Even hovering just above her, with his arms lightly caging her against the ground, there was still an unfathomable distance in the medic's eyes, as though he was searching for something in her eyes that he couldn't quite reach.
He radiated a more subdued light but it was still present, and there was a gravitas that grounded him in even his lightest moments.
He wasn't Joe. But maybe that was okay. Maybe he didn't have to be.
The tension between them was as thick as a morning haze and Alix found her own pulse racing as she looked up at him, the flurry of butterflies in her stomach battling the confusion in her mind and the heartache in her chest.
An unspoken fondness seemed to radiate from within Gene’s night-blue eyes as he gazed at her and she couldn’t help but wonder if it had been lingering under the surface all along. 
He had said they’d worked together in the past… If that was true, then perhaps he’d kept that fondness hidden for a reason. 
Just another "impossibility", Alix thought sadly. Another "almost". 
Still, she couldn't deny that there was something about him, a warmth, a comfort that she hadn't noticed before that seemed to pull her to him.
Perhaps it was his gentleness that both drew her and repelled her at the same time. 
After all, he had been trained to save lives; she had been trained to take them. 
Life and Death. 
An impossibility. 
She saw his gaze drift down to her lips again, but this time, she didn’t turn away, even as she heard the angry clatter of Joe dropping his canteen to the ground.
Eugene leaned down, his eyes timidly asking a question she already knew her answer to, when a piercing wolf-whistle rang out, startling the medic so much that he rolled off her immediately with a muttered “Merde” just as a cluster of paratroopers emerged from the brush.
"Way to go, Doc!" someone jeered and there were snickers and scattered applause throughout the remainder of the group as the medic sat up and began feverishly rifling through his canvas bag instead, sorting bandages and the like as he avoided the stares.
“You guys are a real riot,” Alix commented sarcastically, propping herself up on her elbows and making a face at the gawking newcomers.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than gape like goldfish?”
A man near the front of the group who Alix recognized as Joe's friend, Sergeant Talbert hooted,
"Damn, we go on patrol and miss all the fun! Wonder if they–" 
"Tab, shut your goddamn mouth before I shut it for you!" Joe snarled uncharacteristically from his spot in the clearing and Tab held his hands up, wisely choosing not to continue his statement. 
The spy glanced nervously over at Joe who set his jaw and turned away, glaring daggers at the grass instead as though daring it to wilt under his stare.
"All y'all can get a move on already," Bull commanded with the exasperated sigh of an elementary school teacher attempting to control an unruly class. 
"Ain't nothin' to see." 
Once the returning group had begun to disperse, the medic ceased his search and turned to look at her, seeming almost helpless, like a rabbit caught in a snare.
"I'm sorry… I mean, I shouldn'tve… Mais, you an' Joe… Did I–" 
"NO," she stated sharply– more like a punch to the gut than a reassurance– before shaking her head and correcting herself. 
"No," she repeated, gentler this time. "You're fine, Gene."
"But I thought y'all–" Roe began, casting a worried look over his shoulder at Joe but this time it was Alix who reached out with a wan smile and a reassuring hand on his cheek, turning him back to her. 
"Well, you thought wrong."  
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wwhatev3r · 2 years
Hello :) Hope you're having a great day! So excited that your requests are open again! Could I request some headcanons for dating Liebgott?
Joe Liebgott  || Relationship Headcanons
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Warning: NSFW CONTENT Notes: I hope this is good, I tried my best to look over his MBTI, birth chart and also use my perspective and intuition. <3 Idk, I felt a way bigger responsibility when I was making this one because Lieb is loved by a lot of people.
– He treats you like a Queen. 
– At first he was a little hesitant about dating you because he feels like you deserve better. 
– His main love language is definitely physical touch. 
– He will make you swoon. He’ll be doting in a physical way, very touchy, very about gifts, very protective over you and to the surprise of everyone, slightly clingy and needy.
– He just can’t take his hands off of you. 
– And subtlety is not with him, Joe loves PDA. 
– When you’re  in public he always has an arm around you. 
– Dancing in pubs? Yup, that’s a big yes for him.
– You will hate to play board games with him because he’s really sneaky so he cheats and hides the cards all the time; he just wants to win.
– He’s so understanding! Doesn't matter if you have different interests and hobbies, he will listen to you talking about it and learn about them.
– Joe is always looking for adventures and trying new things so there’s no getting bored with him.
– But also likes to stay at home and just read his comics with you in peace and quiet sometimes too. 
– Joe is the type of guy who finds a lot of comfort in his family and home; for him, it’s the most important thing he has. Is where he finds stability, love and security. 
– He craves for a successful domestic life. 
–You will be one of the few people who knows parts of him that nobody else does and maybe even parts that he doesn't even know about himself. 
– This cocky bastard flirts and teases you 24/7
– He has so many nicknames for you: Doll, Princess/Prince, Baby, Sweetheart, Love, Beautiful, Gorgeous… I could keep going. 
–Maybe Wife or Wifey too, if you say yes? :3
– Now, some bad things: Joe can be a little stubborn, impulsive and overprotective sometimes. 
– And sometimes that can drive to some ugly situations because of jealousy; not with you but with other people. 
– May no one dare to make you uncomfortable, touch you or hurt you.
– He knows how to control his feelings but that’s one of the few things who pisses him off and not because he’s insecure or because he doesn't trust you. No! Joe has a really strong sense of duty and self-esteem. 
–He will not get physical unless it is really necessary; he will only put an arm around you and kiss you in front of the guy that is bothering you and ask him if he needs something. (And probably make some satiric and mean jokes too.) 
– But he’s so passionate, he’s literally so goddamn intense.
– Took him a while to trust you before you started dating but the moment he realized the size of his feelings you became the most important person in his life. 
– Not gonna lie, before you started dating he acted like a little kid does when they like someone in kindergarten: be competitive with you, annoy you, be mean to you for no reason and steal your stuff and hide it. 
– Now, let’s get into the angst side of this.
– Joe has PTSD due to the war so that’s something you’re going to have to help him with.
– He told you: “I’m not the same person I was before the war.” 
– He wanted to make sure you knew about the weight that he was carrying and if you’re willing to help him carry that weight, and if you had the patience too because now there was really big walls to be broken.
– But it is all worth it because that vulnerable, caring and understanding side of Joe it’s so dreamy and the fact that you’re one of the few people who gets to see it makes it so special. 
– Sorry but this man has both his Mars and Venus in Aries… holy sh- bye. 
– So👏good👏in👏bed👏
– And for what? To make you feel good, that’s for what.
– He’s very confident so Joe knows what he’s doing! 
– In bed he is really intense too, passionate and with a strong temperament.
– Joe is spontaneous and avoids restrictions.
– He’s definitely rough instead of gentle, unless you ask him (nicely ;)
– Joe likes to take the lead, but if you tease him and try to take the lead he will appreciate the effort and then have his revenge. (I don’t recommend it.)
– There’s no playing games with him, he is really up front, direct and bold. 
– If you turn him on from how beautiful you look  or when he’s ready to go for it in a public place… he is going to tell you right there in that moment. 
– Oh, but he absolutely loves the sexual tension!!!!
– You know, you and Joe have this little competition when you are in public you tease each other to see who is the first one to give up and beg for it. 
– Joe has a really high libido and also he’s very impatience and energetic so that says enough. 
– He absolutely loves to keep things fresh and try new things. He just wants to have fun and make you feel good. 
– Joe definitely has a kink for over stimulation, orgasm denial, dirty talk and praising.
– He loves to see you lose your shit with a smirk on his face. 
– Sharing you, hurting you or using any type of degrading things is a BIG NO for him. 
– Going back to the dirty talk: I do believe he’s one of the few guys in Easy Co. that is into that: “That’s it baby, I know you can take it.” 
– Yes, the big dick energy It’s true indeed, It’s not a rumor everyone!!. (I’m literally dying while writing this but I’m giving my honest opinion so fuck it.)
– Sometimes he can be a little selfish in bed and quick to jump to the main act, without much foreplay. 
– Oh but when he doesn’t he is so good at it. 
– He absolutely loves when you play with his hair, principally when he’s going down on you. He’s really sensitive there. 
– Or when you grab his face to make him look into your eyes. 
– Make that begging eye gaze and he will drop on his knees.
xoxo <3
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ithinkabouttzu · 29 days
Easy co.’s reaction to their s/o getting injured
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genre! angst; romance
warnings! cursing, anxiety, mentions of blood and death, mentions of war, and sad themes.
description! The easy co. boys reaction to you being injured. (no disrespect to any real vets.)
a/n: I made this pretty vague so you can imagine it however you like 😭 but for each persons I feel like it gets progressively longer. Anyways have fun reading!!
taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsparky @sweetxvanixlla (sorry i’ve been forgetting to put the taglist friends!! If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
(gn! reader)
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Dick winters: He would be so worried. His mind wouldn’t be on anything else at the moment other than your well-being. He feels like a bad boyfriend because he wasn’t there to protect you :( He gets so nervous and would try his best to be by your side the entire time that you’re getting well.
Lewis Nixon: He freaks out when he finds out that you got hurt. He rushes to wherever you are and demands to see you. When he does finally see you he’s so gentle and soft. He holds your hand and reminds you over and over again that he will always be there for you.
Carwood Lipton: He somehow feels like it’s his fault. There was nothing he could have possibly done to prevent it, but he feels like a crappy boyfriend for it, he apologizes to you multiple times. Because he thinks he should have been there for you.
Joe Toye:He gets so mad. He’s ready to go out and hunt whoever hurt you. He will honestly go out looking for a fight. When he sees you he gets even angrier though because who could do that to you? He’s hard on himself because he thinks he should have been there to protect you.
Joe Liebgott :When he hears that you got hurt he goes out to find you immediately. He doesn’t care if he gets in trouble or not, you are his first priority. He’s definitely pissed but would never show that you, mostly at himself and the person that got you hurt. But he makes sure not to make his feelings show and tend by your side.
Bill Guarnere: He would be completely irate, but instead of going out and trying to find the fucker that hurt you he would check to make sure you were okay and stable first. “I’ll get him doll. Don’t worry” He would most likely be irritable around the guys for the rest of the day or longer because of it.
George Luz: He’s so so worried. He can’t think about anything else but you. He would hope and pray that you’re okay until he can finally see you. When he does he holds your hand to his chest and rubs your hand softly. Telling you over and over again that everything will be okay.
Bull Randleman: He gets so protective. He would find you almost immediately and wouldn’t leave you out of his sight for a second. He’s so patient and caring while you’re in such a vulnerable state. “Trust me. I’ll never let someone do that to you again, darling. I promise.”
Floyd Talbert: He freaks out immediately, the tough guy act would be completely gone when he sees you get hurt. He doesn’t care about anything at the moment other than you and your safety. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m not leaving.” He stays so close to you until you get better.
Eugene Roe: He gets there almost immediately and when he sees you he stops. He’s completely frozen for a second because he hates seeing you in such pain. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He prays in his head the entire time while he fixes you up and hopes that you’ll make it through.
Skip Muck: He gets so serious when they tell him that you got hurt. He wants to know everything that happened to you. How it happened and if you would be okay, he would ask roe relentlessly until he got the answer he wanted. When you finally get better enough to see him he’s so sweet and gentle with you.
Don Malarkey : He wants to go find whoever hurt you but he also knows that he needs to be with you in the moment. He gets so so worried and the other guys would have to reassure him that you’re gonna be okay. He swears he can’t lose you. He can’t bear to do anything until he gets the “yes” that you’re okay.
Shifty Powers: When they tell him that you’ve been hurt, you were already taken away before he could see you. He would just sit by himself in silence. Not talking to anyone or engaging in conversation like he usually does. His spark would be gone until they let him know that you were gonna be alright.
Babe Heffron: His reaction would be a mixture of emotions, he would seem very angry and stressed when he finds out that you’re hurt. He feels like a horrible boyfriend because he thinks he could have protected you from being hurt. On the inside, he’s scared and terrified that you won’t make it back to him.
Frank Perconte: He needs to know where you are immediately once the guys let him know that you’ve been hurt. He feels sick to his stomach when they tell him something bad happened to you. He wish he could just take away your pain and you be happy and healthy. He wouldn’t be able to eat or sleep until he knew you were back to normal.
Ronald Speirs: He gets furious. One because he should have been there with you when it happened, and secondly because he believes that it could’ve been prevented if one of the other men were looking out for you. Until you get back from the hospital he would sink himself into paper work to pass time, waiting until he could see you again.
Chuck Grant: He doesn’t care for all of the details, he just needs to know if you’re okay or not. He honestly wishes that it was him getting hurt instead of you. He hopes that you will be okay and he really wishes that you won’t be in the hospital for too long. He would miss you too much :(
Johnny Martin: He honestly just gets pissed at the world. You’re the least deserving to get hurt and now you’re the one who is in such bad condition . He wishes he could do something to make you feel better. He feels like a bad s/o because he can’t immediately take the pain away from you.
Skinny Sisk: He would be in total shock. It never occurred to him that there was a possibility you could get hurt, his plans of you and him making it out perfectly fine vanished from his mind. If he does get the chance to see you he will promise to do anything to help you get better, and to be there for you no matter what.
David Webster : He thinks it’s a horrible joke when the guys tell him that you were hurt and now in the hospital. He’s in denial for a while. Still shocked that you got hurt when you were just talking to him moments ago. He tries to find a way to see you even if he gets in trouble.
Buck Compton: It breaks his heart when he sees you like that, fear would creep up into his mind and overwhelm him until he knew that you were going to be alright. He genuinely thought he lost you for a second and feels so much more protective over you afterwards.
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If you enjoyed this, make sure to like or reblog!! Have a wonderful day friends! :))
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she-wolf09231982 · 3 months
Chapter 3- The Business
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Summary: On June 6, 1944, D-Day, C47’s with thousands of paratroopers cross the English Channel to France, where they come under heavy fire. None of you land where you’re expected to, and many lose their weapons and supplies in the drop. Even worse, you are separated from Liebgott. Fortunately, you do land near LT Winters, who links up with solitary soldiers, then set off to find other units. 
A/N:  Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Enemies to friends, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Wounds/Injuries, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FLUFF Chapter takes place 1x2 Day of Days & 1x3 very early Carentan
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of the historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
“Y/L/N!” Winters shout whispers to you, waving you over to come to him. 
You had landed in the middle of a field, tall grass quite overgrown, and dark as hell. You gather your chute to keep the wind from pulling you off, then hurry over to him. 
“You ok, corporal?” Winters asked.  
“Yes, sir.” You respond no louder than anyone but him to hear. 
Although you say you’re physically ok, your internal activity is utter chaos. Your eyes were constantly on the move from left to right looking for German threats, your fellow jumpers...but most importantly for Liebgott. 
During the flight, you were sitting directly across from him. You secretly wished to be next to him so you could land closer to eachother after the drop. Instead, you jumped right before LT Winters, whereas Liebgott jumped and probably landed long before you had left the plane. 
Another soldier about ten feet away hustled over. 
“Flash!” Winters called out. 
“Shit!” The unknown soldier responded. 
“I don't think that's the correct reply, trooper. I say 'flash,’ you say ‘thunder.’” Winters advised him. 
“Yessir.” The soldier replied nervously. 
The unfamiliar soldier was Private John Hall from Able Company. He was the radio man until he lost his radio in the jump. Nobody landed where they were supposed to, and it was clear that everyone was scattered.  
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You remained to the rear of Hall and Winters to secure behind you in case any Germans approached from behind. The three of you make it to a tree line and enter the woods to get some proper concealment.  
“We'll locate some landmarks to get our bearings. Keep your eyes peeled for buildings, farmhouses, bridges, roads, trees.” Winter instructed. 
You hear a rustle in the thicket across the stream from where you had been walking. Winters motioned for you all to camouflage yourselves against the brush of some bushes. Winters takes his clicker, then signals to who he deduced were American soldiers by clicking twice. Four clicks in response confirmed they were Easy Company members. 
“Lieutenant Winters, is that you?” Lipton questioned. 
Sergeant Lipton along with two paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne crossed the stream and you all kneeled in a circle to figure out the next course of action. 
“Sir, I saw a sign back that aways, said, ‘Sainte-Mère-Église.’” Lipton declared. 
Winters pulled out a map, flashlight and small compass, while an 82nd troop threw a raincoat over him for light control so not to give away your position. 
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Winters stated it was at least a four hour walk to the assembly point, so you all got walking. You run into Privates Malarkey and Rob “Popeye” Wynn, as well as Corporal Joe Toye. 
Easy Company began greeting eachother, relieved to see that some of you made it safe to the ground. Toye gave you a few heavy pats on the back. 
“Son of a bitch! You made it, doll!” Toye acknowledged, impressed by your gumption to survive such a vicious drop. 
“Good to see you, L/N!” Malarkey was all smiles as he brought you in for a one-armed hug.   
When you pulled away, his facial expression turned uneasy. 
“Seen Joe?” He asked concerned. 
You could only shake your head, too afraid to speak about it outloud so not to make the worst-case scenario a reality. 
Malarkey put a hand on your shoulder giving you an encouraging squeeze. 
“I’m sure he’s fine.” He whispered to you. You each exchange weak smiles. 
You start the convoy following the train tracks to your next destination. As you’re walking you hear another rustle from behind. 
“Flash!” Winters called. 
“Thunder! LT Winters? Is that you? Malarkey?” A very familiar voice responded. 
Fire and bile bubbled in the pit of your stomach...Guarnere. Just what you needed. You yearned for Liebgott to be here with you now that Guarnere had joined up with you guys. 
“Hey, fellas!! Good to see ya, Lark! Toye!” Guarnere beamed. 
As soon as he saw you, he grimaced, spit at the ground the turned around to face Winters. 
“Guarnere, keep moving. You and Hall up front.” Winters directed. 
After an unfortunate run in with a group of Germans, you push forward towards Sainte-Mère-Église. 
It was the longest night ever but as daylight broke, you come upon what looks to be a small farm with several dead Germans lying under a dead paratrooper hanging by his parachute cords from a tree. The group scrounge any supplies left from the casualties, then continued the trek to the assembly point. 
Finally, you see in the short distance where the rallying point is. A small town with bombed out buildings served as an assembly point for the Regiment to regroup. After you pass the cow carcasses made to be a makeshift check point at the entrance of the village, you inadvertently start trailing your team as you desperately scoured the main street for Liebgott.  
Your heart began to sink into a whirlpool of despair. Your chest starts to tighten as tears begin to cloud your vision causing the world to close in on you. The voices of the men around you are muffled and distant. You wouldn’t even know or care if any of them were speaking directly to you because it felt like everything was crumbling around you. All because Joe was nowhere to be seen or heard. 
Lost in your own underworld, ready to yield to what you thought was the inevitable, you clearly hear a single voice that heaves you from your sorrowful conviction.  
“Easy Company!” You hear through the crowd. 
Only Joe Liebgott’s voice could revive you from this morbid state.  
“That has to be him!” You think to yourself. 
Your breath hitched as you frantically searched for him. So many men wearing the same uniform made it almost impossible to tell one from the other. Your ability to speak was muted by distress, you couldn’t even bring yourself to call out to him. You almost thought you imagined hearing him at all, until at last, you look ahead up the road, and off to the side, you see him. A wave of relief rains onto you as you stand there stunned.  
He shakes Guarnere’s hand. 
“Bill! Good to see ya.” Liebgott gestured with a smile. 
His expression shifted to concern when he didn’t see you right away. He started to push through the crowd in hopes of finding you. The guys parted a path for him to see you at the other end of the street, motionless as your eyes finally meet.  
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Joe, excitement spreading across his face, hurried to you. Your legs fail you, bringing you to the ground on your hands and knees. 
“Y/F/N!” Liebgott wailed as he broke into a full-on sprint towards you. 
When he reached you, he threw himself to his knees in front of you scooping you into his arms. 
“Y/N?? Look at me! Are you hurt?”  
He brought his face level with yours, trying to look at you. When you finally look up, he held your head between his strong hands to keep your face straight towards his. Tear streaks stained your filthy cheeks. Puzzled, he tilted his head studying you. He took the sleeve of his uniform and gently wiped your face and with his other hand cradled your head. You bring your hands up and hold his hand that supported your head, leaning into his touch. 
He looks you over, trying to find any signs of injury. He looks upon you fervently, affectionately running his thumb across your cheekbone. He’s waiting for you say something, anything to reassure him that you’re ok.  
Your tears continue to flow, but you’re smiling. 
Liebgott chuckled from confusion. 
“Y/N, why the hell are you crying?” He asked you. 
After a long pause, and a much-needed exhale after holding your breath for so long, you say,  
“I thought I’d never see you again...”  
He was pleasantly shocked by your response, not to mention absolutely elated. His smug grin surfaced as he gently helped you to your feet. 
His hands gripped your shoulders keeping you stable while your hands rested on his chest. He tenderly shifted your head side to side by your chin to examine your face for any scratches or abrasions...or he wanted an excuse to look at you which was likely the case. 
“Don’t worry, I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He stated with that unmistakable confidence. 
He smiled at you then winked, sending you into a flutter of euphoria.  
“So, you missed me, huh?” He added. 
You punch him in the shoulder then hug eachother like you’re not right in the middle of a gruesome invasion of Europe.  
But you had missed him. You were afraid for him...terrified. Joe had an unshakable presence of rage that drove him straight to the center of danger with no regard for his own well-being. His love language was sarcasm and any form of banter, so if he ever did feel fear, it was never terribly noticeable.  
It didn’t matter right now, though. You finally found Joe. Nothing or nobody else was more important.  
Winters was told to select some men and lead an assault on a French estate called Brécourt, about 300 yards from where you all were rallied. The Germans have installed four 88mm antitank cannons that were firing directly on Utah Beach and inflicting heavy casualties. Easy Company’s objective was to flank the Germans from behind and demobilize them so American soldiers had safe passage onto the beachhead.  
Only having 13 Easy Company members accounted for, this left them having to borrow men from other companies that they picked up on the way to the town after the drop. 
Winters addressed the 13 troops that were selected to go on this next mission. This included Liebgott and yourself. 
“The 88s we’ve been hearing have been spotted in a field down the road a ways. Major Strayer wants us to take them out.” 
He had a sheet of blank paper with a map in the center of the circle of soldiers. 
“There are two guns that we know of firing on Utah Beach.” Winters drew x’s on the paper signifying where they were located then continued. 
“Plan on a third and fourth here and here.” He drew two more x’s before proceeding. 
“The Germans are in the trenches with access to the entire battery. With machine gun covering the rear. We’ll establish a base of fire and move under it hard and fast with two squads of three.” 
“How many Krauts they think we’re facing?” Guarnere interrupted. 
Winters paused. 
“No idea.” He responded. 
“No idea?” Guarnere retorted while rolling his eyes. 
Winters returned to the brief disregarding Guarnere’s passive attitude. 
“We’ll take some TNT along with us. Despite the guns. Lipton, your responsibility.” 
“Yes, sir.” Lipton replied. 
“Liebgott, you’ll take the first machine gun, with Petty A-gunner.” Winters instructed. Liebgott only nodded. 
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“Plesha, Hendrix, you take over the other. Who does that leave?” Winters asked collectively. 
You, Malarkey, Toye, Guarnere, and Compton raise your hands. 
“Okay. We’ll be making the main assault. Understood?” Winter added. 
You collectively replied “Yes, sir.” 
“Alright, let’s pack it up.” Winter ordered. 
You all gather outside to prepare your gear. Winters approached you as you crouched organizing your med supplies. 
“Sir?” You say standing quickly, facing Winters. 
“I’ll need you more towards the rear, so we have the best chance of maintaining our medical assist in case anyone gets hurt.” Winters ordered. 
“But, sir-” You began. 
“Remain to the rear.” Winters repeated sternly before you could finish.  
You look at him wanting to protest his order, but only sigh reluctantly. 
“To the rear.” You confirmed. 
You return to prepacking your gear begrudgingly. Liebgott watched you and chuckled. 
“What?” You ask him. 
He looked over to you.  
“You’re cute when you're upset.” He admitted. 
Unamused, you decide not to dignify with comment and keep packing your stuff. 
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“MEDIC!!” You hear from a distance after heavy gunfire and explosions unleash relentlessly onto Easy. 
You run and duck, racing in the direction of the yelling, weaving and bobbing trying to avoid getting hit by any oncoming enemy fire. You couldn’t hear anything except your own heartbeat as you ran, but managed to find the spot where you were needed. 
You jump feet first into the trench, finding Guarnere, Compton, and Lorraine, with ‘Popeye’ Wynn lying on his side crying out in pain. 
“I’m sorry, sir!!” Wynn kept yelling. 
“Where you hit, Pop?” You shouted. 
“Right in the ass!” He yelped. 
Compton, Guarnere, and Lorraine laid suppressive fire while you worked on Wynn.  
“Lay on your stomach, Pop, I need to see!” You direct him helping turn over onto his front. 
You cut through the hole on the seat Wynn’s pants where the bullet made contact, exposing the wound. 
“Goddam it, I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to fuck up!” Wynn called out to Compton. 
“Pop, just stay still! You’re gonna be fine, buddy.” You tell him as you applied pressure to his wound reaching for your clot powder and bandages.  
You project your voice to Wynn, but it’s calm and steady so not to alarm him. The slightest hint of terror in your voice only makes things worse for the wounded was something Doc Roe told you. 
“You think you can make it back yourself?” Compton shouted out to you and Wynn. 
You both look up at him. 
“I think so, sir!” Wynn responded. 
“I’m not goin’ anywhere, sir.” You declared. 
Corporal Y/L/N, you’re going with Pop to make sure he gets back!” Compton ordered. 
“With all due respect, sir, I’m needed here. I’m staying!” You argued as you helped Wynn to his feet to shove him out of the trench. 
Compton grunted in frustration. 
“He wasn’t asking ya, he was tellin’ ya.” Guarnere snapped at you. 
“And I wasn’t talkin’ to you, Guarnere! You just hold the line while I do my job!” You returned with ice in your voice. You carefully crawl out of the trench to go find anyone else that might need your help. 
Guarnere scoffed to himself amused by your response. 
Easy Company along with Spiers’ Dog Company claimed victory at Brécourt, securing the beachhead. 
As the two units walked back to the assembly point back at the town, Liebgott caught up with you. 
“Hey, Y/N, you alright?” He asked right away. He looked you over and noticed blood stains on your uniform. 
You sense his panic, “Don’t worry, it’s not mine. I’m fine, Joe.” You reassure.  
He exhaled then gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, smiling at you when you looked at him. 
“Good.” He replied. “I’ll find you later, Gams.” He added with a wink, then rushed off ahead. 
You laugh to yourself, a fuzzy feeling rising within you that only Joe could produce after such a horrific situation.  
That night was spent recovering. The following day orders were given to maneuver to take Carentan where German soldiers were being sheltered. Carentan was the main crossroad between Cotentin and Calvados where the ally force’s tanks needed passage to attack the main objective, Cherbourg.  
“Listen up!” LT Welsh shouted. “It'll be dark soon. I want light and noise discipline from here on. No talking, no smoking. And no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz. We're taking Carentan. It's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can link up and head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck on the sand. General Taylor's sending the whole division.”  
Some of the men begin to grumble under their breath. Everyone started to stir to gather their gear to begin the journey to Carentan. 
Walking in a file formation on each side of the road to Carentan, Liebgott makes sure to keep you in his peripherals. You’re behind Toye, who’s talking to Guarnere in front of him. 
“Heard Y/L/N gave you the business back at Brécourt, Bill.” Toye teased him. 
“Ah shit, Toye, why?” You whispered to him, not thrilled about the instigation. 
Guarnere was unusually quiet at first. Probably thinking of something snarky to say about you. 
“She sure did, Joe.” He finally responded almost warmly. 
Guarnere looked back at you giving you a small smirk before he added, “Ya did good out there, kid.” He complimented you. 
You were surprised to say the least. You’ve earned Guarnere’s respect because you didn’t allow his indifference towards you to break you during combat. Not only did you not allow him to shake you, but you also dished some attitude in return, reminding him to keep his focus on the battle. Things were going to be different between you and ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere.   ~~~~~~~ 
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