aro-culture-is · 3 years
arospec culture is the episode of The Grimm Adventures Of Billy And Mandy where Mandy falls in love with someone, and asks Grimm to surgically remove her heart. He does that, she rejects the boy she originally fell in love with and the episode ends.
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mirrorshards · 4 years
If someone asked you what tumblr was, what would be your reply?
“tumblr isn’t that bad anymore, actually”
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Congrats on 301-500 followers, mate! If you were gonna give a thank you speech, what'd you say?
*stands at a podium with a typed and printed speech I’ve been working on for over a year*
*taps the mic, clears throat, and begins*
It’s teleporting into creepy dystopias and confusing the heck out of random people hours.
Before this gets serious, you should know that I like to dance naked in front of car lots.
And then I said, who died and made YOU queen of the pastas? I don’t care if it’s what all the cool worms are wearing, I am NOT putting you in a tiny leather jacket! I do not control the speed at which lobsters die. Kids, if you’re gonna let the cave duck skateboard in the house, he should at least be wearing a helmet! Excuse me! Where can I find the glowing, flying, self-folding napkins?
Glug glug glug, my face is a bug! I eat ants for breakfast right off the ruuuuuuuuug!!
Oh, Vanessa, thank goodness you're here! A platypus has tied me up in my own pants! I was having sex with a bagel. The sheep were trying to sing in French. Hey, are you dead? Why weren’t you at elf practice????
The trees are really sneezing today.
To be, or not to be. That is the question.
It’s an avocado! Thanks!
When I look to the sky, all I see is Bob Ross staring down at me. According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to stuff breadsticks into my purse. So my foot’s totally stuck in there right, I’m freaking out, the dog’s having a seizure, and I still got half a pie left. Sometimes, a man has to steal an animatronic badger to stay in this crazy game called life. Just dump it right there, next to that giant gorilla head. I’m in a heated existential discussion with this dead-eyed plastic desk toy. Hey! Got any grapes?
…Who ya callin’ pinhead? ‘Tis I, the frenchiest fry! I am the spirit of the fart. A question mark wrapped in a conundrum swallowed up by a four-legged starfish. I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the overstuffed burrito that spills onto the lap of crime! I am to metaphor cheese as metaphor cheese is to transitive verb crackers. I cry tears of lemonade. I’ve seen your death in my mind. I am a space alien and I have FOUR BUTTS! Also, I am a robot monkey. And my head is made out of blueberry pizza! I’m ugly and I’m proud! Your hot dog is no match for my bratwurst! I have the power of god and anime on my side! I do not like green eggs and ham. Fun fact: This smile is currently masking an internal storm of terror and unease! And I will not ever, NEVER, eat a tomato!
Girls? Can you explain why I look like I'm getting married at the bottom of a pit?
By the way, Kevin, a potato flew around my room before you came. Excuse the mess it made. Your wax figures turned out to be evil so we fought them to the death! I decapitated Larry King. And Frederico fell into a pile of brownie batter! The poor engineer didn’t know what happened. Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs? That’s so fetch. I was wiping away my tears with the memes you made. #LitPokemonGoToThePolls! Mmm-mmm, chicken. I kinda feel like flexing on you because I get to be Deez Nuts. Excuse me, could you please leave? Thanks Pete. I’ve met God, he had nothing nice to say about you.
My only friend in the whole wide world is a hippo named BOOBOOBUTT.
I call THIS straw...Fernando. 
Please stop attacking that wig!
The candlestick thinks you’ve been hogging the spotlight. He’s going solo.
You know, mummies have their brains pulled out of their nose. Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads? Songs are like hugs that mouths give to ears! I’d like to be tree. Why don’t you try scrapbooking them to freedom? Michael, close your mouth. We are not a codfish. 
George Washington never knew dinosaurs. Common sense is a weakness. Tea? In the microwave? Are you a savage? Bond. HYDROGEN bond. It’s called a hustle, sweetheart. Taste the rainbow! He doesn’t understand your funky-fresh ways. Albert Einstein never wore socks. Why should I? Caution: Falling cows. There’s a world/galaxy/universe to save here and I don’t care if I do it “with love” or with an AK-47. Don’t be a transphobe, Chad. Open the goozack. Shut the goozack. Lock the goozack. Let’s go shoot some monkeyflippers.
D’you ever notice that clapping is basically just repeatedly high fiving yourself? If a guy clones himself and sings a song with his clone, does it count as a duet? What if graphite pencils are racist against colored pencils?
Ohh, I made a sweatshop again?! How does this keep happening?!?!?!
You don’t think the lobster is lying to you.
SHUT UP, HEATHER! It’s my unbirthday too! I wanna be a ghost story!! Did you just boot my stroller? Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow! When I kill God, I'll make a law in the universe that makes every being put carrots on their sandwiches. They have to do it. They can't eat a sandwich without carrots. And you? You will eat sandwiches every day. Keep the change, ya filthy animal. 
And don’t forget the kitchen sink!
My very educated mother just sat upon nine pizzas (SPLAT). The lady doth protest too much, methinks. She has no personality. She doesn’t remember who I am. Little slappy? Make daddy happy? If she can draw naked men, she can eat flan. Pets will be electric in 20 years. Hey, sorry for accusing you of murder last week.
Beep, beep. I’m a sheep. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I don’t like boys i just wanna dance like a lizard.
If I had one wish in the world right now, I would wish that every hamster in the world would get their own personal fanny pack.
Yer a wizard, Harry. Now, you must acquire a taste for...freeform jazz.
I met a ghost once. He helped me find a dog. Sadly, he was just captured in the midst of his latest plan to set fire to the sun. Pain is hilarious! Potato girl has her life goals in order. Lawn gnome beach party of taffeta, make a note of that. All hail planet nine, the celestial potato. Are you talking about teaching asparagus to sing? Poppy, I speak WORM. It’s a romance language. These are NOT worms.
Filthy toilet! You’re dead, fluff butt.
Ring a king a bees will sting so dance a timba tumba!
Whose fault is it? The guy who ran the red light? Or the mesopotamian dude who invented the wheel? Is this the Krusty Krab? No, this is Patrick. What the heck is a polar bear??? Do I look like I speak squirrel? Do not cuss with me, you donkey butt faced son of an Umbridge. I am a magical unicorn dragon duck potato panda troll and I will vomit rainbows upon you. I will de-bone you like a fish! I am like glitter: always there, and never just where you tried to put me, shining regardless. Be afraid. Be very afraid. 
Ya like Jazz?
She can cut that cheese.
It’s a crowd favorite. Everybody loves a good jazz square. Is this a pigeon? Worm off the string, what crimes will he commit? Vegetables are a social construct. And also your eyebrowses. We are not the crispy breads of your breakfast! And there is no queen of England! Rules and schools and tools are for fools, I don’t give two mules for rules! Hippity hoppity, get off my property! You like Krabby Patties, don’t you Squidward?
If life hands you lemons, carve them into tiny ships and allow a colony of ants to live out their dream of becoming pirates. Or staring at your parents while they sleep. 
Love is like a beautiful flower… but it can also be dangerous, like a tiger, with a gun. Nature is like a runaway dump truck: hot, fast, and full of garbage. There’s a beating heart in everything… except lawyers, zombies and jellyfish. Nothing feels as good as the moment right before you break something. Nothing says “mother’s love” like a giant robotic platypus butt. There’s no “I” in “crab.” Every girl’s a princess. Some of them just have fancier crowns. When in doubt, button mash! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Everybody’s been turned into an apple. It’s a part of growing up. WEAR A WATCH! Time is a precious thread in the fabric of the universe. It deserves its own tool of measurement! Pudding makes a terrible hat! Adults are just kids, with much, MUCH bigger toys. Do not shake someone’s hand when they’re glowing. Oh, and NEVER trust a person who refuses to believe in unicorns. 
Whoop, shark attack! Nom nom nom! Jellyfiiish! Hand sandwich! Turkey! Snowman! Dolphin! Helicopter! Last supper! Monkey in a zoo! What? Gear shift! Splleerrch! Uuurrrt! Eerrrt! Uuuuuhuht!
If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I’d have matching halves. That’s very important. Shmebulock. There’s no need to call me sir, Professor.
Fly free, little Mah-ri-sol! Be free!!
My nipples are a mystery.
Ah! One feels like a duck, splashing around in all this wet! And when one feels like a duck, one is happy!
Shut up! You’re all gonna die! Street smarts! I hate the trucks that look like they got childbearing hips. Who uses that emoji? Satan worshippers. That’s who. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. 
Why be mad? Just because it brings out the color of my eyes? Not worth it!
Grandma sent you an angel moth from outer space? Pudge controls the weather. Hide the coconuts! Is mayonnaise an instrument? Bees burn their enemies to death while group hugging them. I want a flugelhorn! Did his belly button get taken by the thunder god? Please stop touching my head. I wanna know if anyone else has experienced being pierced by a hair strand. Steve, I’m ending our affair! Your pig is ugly. And you know what else? I’ve never liked your spinach puffs. Never! I’ll explain, and I’ll use small words, so that you’ll be sure to understand, you warthog-faced buffoon.
If I were you, I would try to change a lot more before you become a renegade fugitive from justice, hiding in the woods, dressing up like a bear, and stealing candy from children. You wear a helmet in the shower one time and you get labeled for life. Life sucks sometimes. But at least there’s pizza. And at the end I give birth to a bowling ball!
A dog met a mouse in my kitchen. They became friends. Draco Malfoy has definitely tried to fight santa. I am a little black cat and god is dropping a piece of ham on me. 
Don't worry, Twilight. I have eyepatches stashed all over Ponyville, in case of an eyepatch emergency. 
I’m calling mom! And I am NOT using the banana this time!
Do you rodents think you can handle a semicircle?
How much do deer testicles cost, Dave? Enlighten me.
Ohh, why isn’t my invisible truck working?
Why did you bring a gun to the livestream???
Why did I let a convicted war criminal practice energy healing on me?
Why is a raven like a writing desk?
Why are bugs always pregnant?
Peter why are you not plural.
Why dO mY nOSTRILs whISPer To Meeee?
Some questions are best left unanswered.
Well divide me by zero and call me a syntax error! My cat has seen something strange. 
Glorp zub banana! There’s a party in my tummy! A SEA MONSTER ATE MY ICE CREAM!!! I tried talking to them, but there was a dustbuster, a toupee, and a life raft exploded! Now one’s bald, one’s in a boat, and they’re both unconscious! Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today! As the children of divorced parents often say...TWO CHRISTMASES! Let’s go get this bread! Let’s go destroy our feelings! We've got to lead that corn colossus away from those back up singers! For truth, justice, and all that is pre-shrunk and cottony!
The future...is in the past! Onwards, Aoshima!! Infinite squared degrees to the elephant! Increase the D! Release the baby! No Troll left behind! Campe Diem! Purple dragon yo-yo ball! No fruit calls in my class! Swiper, no swiping! Oh, good! My dog found the chainsaw! KING BOB!!! On with the show and off with their heads! Shrimp! Heaven! Now! Aaaah!! Grandma’s vacuum cleaner!! 
You may make the sandwich, but the sandwich you eat makes who you are.
Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be disappearing back into the shadows. I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore. Goodbye, everyone, I’ll remember you all in therapy. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!
Remember, reality’s an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold BYYYE!!
*tosses confetti, steps aside and does an overdramatic flourishing bow, then twirls and skips away*
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what are some of your favorite blogs ?
ooh okay positivity spreading time let’s go
@itsedgelord666iamcoal @brainrot-time @stupidblue @clementinegfs @communistcharliekelly @ownerofidaho @jazzytheant @wolf-oak @gayspock @castiel-angel-of-thursdays @bicepsie @grumblesandmumbles @discountcowboy @bi-demi-eddie
some of you are mutuals some of you are not but ily all /p
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eddieeatsass · 3 years
URL Playlist - Tag Meme
@lethimrunsonia tagged me to make a playlist out of my URL, so here’s a little sneak peek into my music taste! I’ll warn you, it’s a mess. E - Everything I Own - The Front Bottoms D - Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy D - Double Dare Ya - Bikini Kill I -  I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys E - Explosion - Zolita E - Emergency - Paramore A - All My Friends - Cherry Glazerr T - Talk Too Much - COIN S - Spice Girl - Aminé A - Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet S - Sui*cide Hotline - The Prettiots S - Samantha - Hole I’m tagging a few people I’d like to get to know better, but feel free to ignore this if it’s not your thing! <3 @oldguybones @constantreaderfool @itsedgelord666iamcoal @anxious-vf @boyduroy @gala0apples @tinyarmedtrex
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sensitivityreaders · 3 years
sensitivity reader
name: oscar
pronouns: he/him
age: minor
reads for: i'm asexual and aromantic, i'm an atheist, i'm autistic (asperger's syndrome), i have add, i'm transgender, i'm from south africa and I'm white
sensitivity reading:
general questions and discussion: yes in-depth discussion of plots and characters: yes partial read (relevant sections): yes full read: yes
willing to read: original work
unwilling to read: fanfiction, erotica/nsfw/explicit scenes, soulmates
rates: 2p for every word
contact: @itsedgelord666iamcoal
additional notes: not all ace people have the same experience, not all autistic people etc
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aro-culture-is · 3 years
Aro culture is the song Good Friend by Mary Macgregor
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What moments make you think, “Well, I’m definitely aro”
Ohhhhhhhh boy...
1) When people talk about crushes and I feel kinda uncomfortable and out of place.
2) Every time I find out that some character from a franchise I enjoyed in like elementary school apparently was crushing on some other character and it was supposedly super obvious and I literally never realized it.
3) Looking back at how when I was in the Princess Phase TM, princes were always the one part of any princess story that I just had absolute zero interest in. My mind always just completely glossed over them as unimportant and irrelevant and boring, and in the many many pretend games I played where I was a princess, there were no princes involved ever, it literally never even occurred to me to have princes be part of it because they just didn’t interest me.
4) Every time I try to conceive of exactly what romantic attraction is supposed to feel like and it just...doesn’t...quite...compute?
5) Every time I try to think for awhile about exactly where the line between romance and friendship is, and exactly WHAT marks the difference between a romantic relationship and a very close friendship...and I realize the only specific differences I can think of are kissing and just some difference in the general vibe. And the more I think about it the more confused I get and the more I realize I just have no freaking idea.
6) How FREAKING UPSET I get whenever somecreature says something super amatonormative. 
May add onto this later.
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butterscotch: i would give you candy if i could 
Um, thanks, I don’t like candy though
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hello and welcome back to another not fully thought out analysis about a ship from my current hyperfixation i’m your host Egg!
we’ve moved on from community and are now talking about It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia episode 11x05 Mac & Dennis Move To The Suburbs !
i was talking to my friend @itsedgelord666iamcoal and we decided that the chirping Mac hears throughout the episode represents Mac and Dennis’ feelings for each other and upon rewatching the episode i realized just how right we are
okay so step by step right
first, Mac points out the chirping and Dennis says he has no idea what Mac is talking about
Mac continues to point out the chirping, Dennis getting increasingly annoyed saying he isn’t hearing it
then we have Mac using a broom hitting the wall trying to get the cricket to shut up and Dennis coming out of his room confused and getting upset with Mac
and then finally Dennis reveals in a fit of rage that he’s actually been hearing the chirping the whole time
now i’m sure by now you know where i’m going with this but let me tell you anyway
so with Mac first pointing out the chirping and dennis “having no idea what’s he’s talking about” it parallels Mac coming out first and beginning this weird dance they start to do while Dennis denies any and all of it
and then as Mac repeatedly points out the chirping and Dennis insists he doesn’t hear it, this parallels Mac’s constant flirting/harassment with Dennis that is mostly just shit he says in passing never actually doing anything concrete
now the broom scene parallels the scene in 14x04 The Gang Chokes where they plan to poison Dennis and then Frank, and Mac says “...and then Dennis will love me.” he’s trying to “subtly” (in his special not-so-subtle way) address the issue and sort it out and Dennis gets upset despite not fully understanding what Mac’s plan is in the first place
given all this i propose we can expect in a future season (hopefully a not too distant one) that Dennis will have some sort of outburst and scream at Mac something along the lines of “of course i’ve noticed what we have” or “of course i have feelings for you” (though i seriously doubt the latter he’s not the type to admit his feelings with words but the former i can sort of see happening)
thank you i hope this was articulated well enough that it doesn’t sound like the ramblings of a mad man. (side note: if i’m right if we actually get an outburst-confession from Dennis i’m gonna lose it)
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this took me forever to get to sorry but it was fun ! i was tagged by @stupidblue ty frankie ilyyy incredibly honoured that i was the only one tagged 😤✋
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okay i tag @itsedgelord666iamcoal @firefighter-diaz @wolf-oak @jazzytheant @imma-so-sorry @brainrot-time @charliekellyswife @gfbucky @castiel-angel-of-thursdays @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat and anyone else who wants to and of course no pressure :)
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got tagged by @communistcharliekelly to do this so ty! i love these!
1. why did you choose your url? inside joke with someone i used to be friends with and the extra r is cause i changed it for like month and when i decided to change it back someone had taken my original 🙄
2. any side blogs? nope just the one
3. how long have you been on tumblr? uhhh like five years?
4. do you have a queue tag? no i don’t even have a queue lmao i just spam reblog a bunch whenever i’m on tumblr sorry 😶
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? to post about superwholock......
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? because charlie kelly is trans as am i 😤✋
7. why did you choose your header? i’m gay. i do love men and fire/violence.
8. what’s your post with the most notes? so this one has the most notes (418 lol) but i count this post as my most popular because it got reposted on multiple BFU instagram pages and ended up accumulating like thousands of likes so 😤
9. how many mutuals do you have? oh a ton. i don’t really interact with all of them but if we’ve ever talked (even just in notes or smth) i think you’re really cool and ily /p
10. how many followers do you have? 370
11. how many people do you follow? 173
12. have you ever made a shit post? of course has anyone not?
13. how often do you use tumblr a day? uh way too much that’s for sure i’m constantly on my phone
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? ahaha yeah? i’m very opinionated so i often get people who disagree with me and call me an asshole/bad person etc. and then i get anon messages reiterating that but idc i think it’s funny that they care so much lol (cause it’s not even about anything that matters really)
15. how do you feel about the you need to reblog posts? um do you mean those “reblog this or you suck” posts? cause those are annoying you can’t guilt people into caring it doesn’t work that way.
16. do you like tag games? yeah love them
17. do you like ask games? again yes they’re super fun
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i don’t think anyone who is tumblr famous would ever follow me skdjksj
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? no i have a bf and besides i don’t think i know any of my mutuals well/personally enough to developers a crush except for maybe two but still no lol
tagging @itsedgelord666iamcoal @brainrot-time @stupidblue @clementinegfs @ownerofidaho @jazzytheant @wolf-oak @castiel-angel-of-thursdays @firefighter-diaz but no pressure of course :)
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