#its been six days since i finished the ditm edit
n7punk · 3 years
btw i’m hoping to start posting isohm tomorrow or the day after. even knowing a lot about worldbuilding and having my rough outline for the fic, there was a lot of writing, rewriting, and editing in the first chapter as i felt the characters out and changed things to better influence them into the personalities they are from the show (and that i wanted them to be).
yesterday i finally reached the point where i was happy with where they were so i’m working on chapter 2 now, and once its rough draft is done i’ll do my final edit of chapter 1 and post it!
the current outline has it at 10-11 chapters, but it could be that plus or minus 2 to be honest. just use that as a rough idea of how long the fic is going to be.
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