#it's why i fell in love with mha in the first place; because it's so uplifting and optimistic and full of hope
bibibbon · 3 months
MHA 412 leaks (rant)
Iam not a fan of the leaks I really am not because wtf is going on?!?!?!
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1) THIS !!! THIS WAS ONE OF THE WORST THINGS TO COME OUT OF THE FLIPPING MANGA. What the actual hell like there is no izuku introspection and also I get the idea that's being displayed here but it was done horribly in my opinion. It also doesn't make sense on applying this ideology to shigaraki considering that he literally told shigaraki he could never forgive him because of what he did to Eraserhead.
Look not giving up on the idea of people being able to change could be a good thing and idea that could be explained through midoriyas character and making him a symbol of hope. However, that doesn't excuse the horrible stuff going on between bakugo and izukus dynamic. Izuku has clearly been shown having negative feelings towards bakugo (as he should) and we should of seen those negative feelings explored this to me feels like an utter BS of an excuse to be like no izuku is just naturally a living saint which IS ALSO UTTER BS. We have seen izuku get mad and fight like a lunatic a whole bunch and now Iam supposed to believe that izuku can never feel a bad or negative emotion towards anyone because of this?!?!!?!?! The bakugo redemption fails due to many things but the main thing is the lack of izukus thought. about it.
Here is the thing YOU CAN FEEL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND HATE SOMEONE BUT STILL HAVE HOPE THAT THEY CAN CHANGE AND BECOME A BETTER PERSON but horikoshi does this to make bakugo look better?!?!? Why?!?!
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2) ALSO THIS?!?!?!!
Wdym izuku has to give up the thing that he had to gain so he can win?!?! How is he gonna win is horikoshi going to make this a vestiges fighting eachother type of bs whole izuku defends himself quirkless somehow ??!?!??!??! Also why is it that he is THE ONLY CHARACTER WHO IS GETTING CONCEQUENCES?!?! Like you have tokoyami and hawks who lost their quirks but gained it back because AFO died so why not ( NO CONCEQUENCES) and then you have bakugo who LITERALLY CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD (no concequences) the only real concequences there were are some injuries then and there but that's it nothing big for the major and fan loved characters happend they're all alive and fighting.
If the point was that izuku could of become a hero with no quirk then shouldn't if he just become a quirkless hero instead of suffering getting a Quirk more suffering more suffering losing a quirk and more suffering!?!?
3) Also don't even get me started on how dirty shigarakis character is being done this guy wants to destroy stuff for fun not because he believes that the only way to rebuild a society suitable for him and his friends is by destruction or another ideology no he is just a psycho who wants revenge against THE WRONG PERSON!!!!!
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4) wasted potential. IZUKUS LACK OF INTROSPECTION AND POV MADE THIS HORRIBLE. like it could of been good but it fell off horribly due to the fact that he didn't have any development and he is just jumping to ideologies. I think this ideology suits him but in theory he hasn't developed enough for him to have it in the first place. Also the lack of pov also makes us DOWNPLAY HIS BATTLE Strategy AND THE THINGS HE IS DOING. LIKE YALL AREN'T DEEPING THAT HE CANT BREATHE THIS GUY MAY DIE OR GET SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE BUT IS STILL FIGHTING LIKE A MADMAN and I don't see people talking about it all Iam seeing is "oh bakugo parallel hehe bs". Horikoshi then goes on to show us panels of izuku training and you can tell there isn't a lot because NO ACADEMIA ARC AND BAD PACING OF STORY. The idea of him destroying society's pain rug could of been cool but again not enough pov or introspection or anything
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5) WHY IS STAR AND STRIPES HERE?!?!?!! Like did shigaraki steal her quirk because I forgot and if he did then why hasn't he killed izuku using her quirk that's so stupid. Horikoshi has told us and shown us that shigaraki wants death and destruction. He ruined shigaraki and is he now downplaying his intelligence or something or is this some plot hole because why is she here and why isn't her quirk being utilised also what happend to shigaraki using danger sense?!?!! Like I swear that stuff was active last chapter so what happend now can the vestiges just deny and not give him access or something but if that's the thing he can freely use ragdolls quirk.
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kmixer · 9 months
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☆ Tsukishima Kei x fem! reader!
☆ Fluff
☆ sumary: Tsuki gets dragged by his girlfriend to go stargazing. He first doesn't really know what to do, then just stare at some "dumb" stars, but later on, he really begins to enjoy it.
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"comon Tsu!" You said dragging him by the hand. You were really excited because the sky was open! That means no cloud was going to be seen, and you could see the stars very well.
"Slow down, you'll pull my arm off like that!" Tsukishima said annoyed, he loves you dearly, but sometimes you're so annoying. "Where are you taking me anyway?"
"Outside of course!" you said exitingly. "i don't want to miss this opportunity for gold!" You said opening the door to go outside and stopping ur tracks, making Tsukishima accidently pump into you.
"What is with yo-" Tsukishima stops with talking and looks at your expression, and then to where you're looking at. "woah, yellow dots" He said mockingly.
"Ugh, you're so boring" You say, walking over to the grass and sitting down on it. "comon don't be extra boring and just stand there, come here and sit" you said, patting the space next to you.
Tsuki groaned but did what you told him to and sat down next to you. "So we are going to stare and yellow dots, and you say i'm boring. Hun you need serious help"
"Oh, shut up and just watch the stars! Look how pretty they are!" You say, looking up, ignoring his comment about that they're just yellow dots
You lean back and let your back hit the grass behind you. You let out a big sign of relaxation. "haa, this is great" you say, smiling up at the sky.
"You're weird. How did we get into a relationship again?" Tsuki said jokingly. "Ah right, you confessed your love to me and-" he couldn't speak any further because you cut him off.
"HUH!? What!? I confessed to you?! nu uh it was you who confessed to me! You lying dinosaur" You said, sitting up and acting dramatic.
You two went on and on arguing about it, and after a few minutes, you two huffed and stopped as you placed yourself with ur back in the grass again.
"Don't you wanna lay down?" You ask Tsuki, glancing at him, watching the sky dumbfounded.
"and get insects in my hair, no way in hell i'll do that" He said, giving you a side eye and looking back at the sky.
"Nawh comon!" you said, pulling him into your arms. "You're such a big softie, just like a titanasaurus" you said, laughing
"it's titanosaurus, and i am not" He said, grunting when he hit the ground as you wrapped your arms around him.
"You know what i mean, now just lay down and relax. Look at the stars they'll help with relaxing." You say, giving a peek on his head, laughing at him when he becomes red.
After a few minutes, you feel him relax fully in your arms as he also wraps his arms around you. "At least let me be the big spoon" He said, mumbling as you giggle and let him be the big spoon.
You two watch the stars and suddenly you see a star figure you regognize. "look thats the little bear! and beside it is the big bear!" You say enthousiastic.
"Why would they name it that even though it doens't even look like it?" Tsukishima said, dumbfounded, looking at the star figures. "Who knows, but they're pretty right?" You ask him. "yea i guess"
and hour passes by, and Tsukihima is still awake. He glances at your direction and sees that you fell asleep. He grins at the sight of your relaxed breathing, and now you head leaning against his chest.
"how cute" he said as he slowly moved to pick you up really trying not to wake you. When he successfully did, he walked back inside and placed you on a nearby couch. He grabs a blanket and lays it over you. He smiles down at you and gives you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Sleepwel, my love"
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Hello everyone, i wanted to write a ff about haikyuu bc i already wrote 2 of MHA. I chose a fluff ff about Tsuki bc HES SO UNDERRATED. DINO BOY NEEDS MORE ATTENTION WHOS WITH ME?!
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seagreenstardust · 9 months
I’m gonna say something that’s probably not going to be well received in certain circles so let me start by saying this: I believe, with only a few rare exceptions, that you should be able to ship whatever speaks to you the most. And just because I don’t ship something doesn’t mean it’s wrong for anyone else to ship it, and the same for things I do ship, no one else has to ship it too. Who you do or don’t ship will never be a reason I pass judgment on you, ever. Live your best life.
That being said, I want to talk about Horikoshi and straight ships.
(And bakudeku.)
Here’s the thing: Hori has written straight ships into MHA and he’s done it so masterfully that it’s made me ship them without even realizing it. I don’t know if we can call them canon because as far as I know no ship is actually canon yet, but what is canon is the care Hori put into building these relationships.
Kirimina. Hori wrote in a backstory that parallels bkdk that I just adore. There is something about Kiri looking up to Mina and being so inspired by her bravery that it shapes the hero he becomes that is such good content. They’ve had multiple mid-battle moments of protecting and helping each other. I ship Kirimina so hard because of the canon Hori gave us.
I am a low key Denki/Hitoshi shipper but season six kinda hit me in the face with whatever we’re calling Kyouka/Denki these days and now I guess I’m a multi-shipper???? That is how hard Hori hit me with the Kyouka/Denki feels. And he did it the same way as Kirimina, because we have years of content of Kyouka teasing Denki mercilessly, plus the cultural festival band, so when they’re separated in Season 6 and Denki has this intense moment of realization that she’s who he needs to be brave for and it actually works??? I’m a goner.
Heck, I ship todomomo too you guys though I can’t blame Hori for that one, that’s just me being me. The point is that I ship it because the characters Hori gave me struck a chord inside.
But there is one straight ship Hori never once made me ship.
Every time izu*cha showed up I just kinda endured it? It just wasn’t for me. I didn’t see two kids with chemistry, I saw two kids who didn’t know who they were or what they wanted fumbling their way through a will they/won’t they without either of them seeming all that invested in it.
In six seasons and nearly 400 chapters and multiple times revisiting the story I have never once felt any inclination to ship izu*cha
Hori can write straight ships. Hori made me ship his secondary straight ships nearly effortlessly. So if izu*cha was meant to be canon why have I never once felt the chemistry?
You know who has the chemistry? Bakudeku. But here’s the thing: I wasn’t thinking about Katsuki as a possible love interest for Izuku the first time I watched the entire story. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention to him at all, he was everything I didn’t like on the surface so I more or less ignored him despite Izuku holding onto him for dear life. Katsuki never once colored my opinion of izu*cha, they did that all on their own.
It wasn’t until after my first watch through, when I was hungry for more and trolling around tumblr, that I realized people shipped Katsuki and Izuku and it was literally like something out of alignment popped into place in my head.
Oh. Duh. That’s the ship.
I went from zero to a million in a handful of seconds because the chemistry was there, the backstory was there, and boy are Izuku and Katsuki loud about how obsessed they are with each other. Just like Kirimina, just like Denki and Kyouka, Hori planted the seeds throughout the entire series so that when it was brought to my attention everything about the narrative and character development supported it.
And I have to take a moment to explain my dislike of Katsuki at first: I honestly fell for the surface-level interpretation of his character and then kinda wrote him off without much more thought. Which is insane to think about because you can’t really understand MHA without Katsuki, he is so integral to the story as a whole that any version of it without him is skewed so far out of alignment that it’s not even the same story anymore. But I just saw angry boy who yells for no reason and put Katsuki in a box and left it at that.
It wasn’t until I was willing to give his character a second look that I started understanding him, and more importantly, his relationship with Izuku. And it helped that when bkdk was presented to me as a ship that my brain understood immediately why it worked. The canon source material supports bkdk at every possible moment.
I really don’t think it does the same for izu*cha.
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justatalkingface · 10 months
Let's Talk About the Toga Problem.
...You know, I wasn't going to do this, or least not for awhile yet, but the way everyone was talking the last couple of chapters (I lost interest after the Dabi debacle, so I had three of the Toga debacle to read!) was especially bad, so I checked and... yeah. It lived up to the hype.
And so here we are where, yet again, I find myself loading words with my pure frustration.
*claps hands*
So! Does this title sound similar to any of you? If it does, that's because it's basiclly the title of my Bakugou post, and that's for a good reason: beyond the extra special last minute writing we're witnessing (the fact her Quirk isn't working right is beyond stupid), Toga's overall problem is the same as Bakugou's, something I'm now calling 'Quantum Characterization', because I'm shit at naming things and I like this name the best thus far.
So, here's the thing with Toga: there's two versions of her, and they're both existing in the same place at the same time: one that is actually doing things in story, Toga A, the blood thirsting girl, and the one that people in story (and to some extent, out of it) react to, Toga B, the love starved girl.... who is effectively a shared mass hallucination.
The first Toga is her actual actions: the vicious, blood thirsty, actively insane serial killer. The main thing that motivates this Toga, the Toga that is actually acting in the 'real world' of MHA, is loyalty to her friends and literal blood lust. This Toga is one who, as I've mentioned before, says she 'loves' things, but actively doesn't understand her own motivations and drives, in part because her Quirk-based instincts are that strong, because she's basiclly a natural predator of humans, and in part because nobody ever dealt with them properly.
The thing is that Toga A thinks she loves all these things, attractive people, friends, blood, and so on, but it's not actually one emotion she's feeling, it's multiple. Some of it is normal attraction, some is lust, and a good deal of it is hunger, and somewhere in there there's a crush or two. The problem is that it's all so muddled in her head that she actively responds to the thought that, X is pretty/cute/or whatever else with hunger, even if that initiating thought wasn't actually about how tasty they would be, so, in her mind, 'love' is the urge to devour someone, for whatever reason.
Now, theoretically, this is something that could be managed, or dealt with, but Toga A isn't aware of this, at all, and thinks her 'love' is normal, and the fact that no one else ever acts similarly to her means they don't like her, while, at the same time, the fact that people negatively to being eaten means they don't like her, or think she's horrible... when in fact, they're reacting negatively to the eating part, since it's killing them. All of this is complicated by the fact that, as I said, she's basiclly a natural predator of humans, but lives as a human, with humans, and likes human, but has no idea how really actualize and deal with all these conflicting facts, or that she even should.
All of this shit, along with parents and a social environment that seemingly has no context for these predatory instincts (I'm not sure why she's so different in this respect, but I don't think there's anyone else in story as actively mentally influenced by their Quirks as Toga is, even if it's implied there's others) slowly festered in Toga for years and years, while she tried to act like everyone else, without any understanding of why she was different except the fact that she was failing at it, somehow, until she snapped and fell back on her instincts without any idea of how to properly manage them. In other words, she killed and ate someone. That, of course, fucked her life up and she went on the run, and then spiraled hard on the run until we get to now: a girl with a persecution complex, always blaming everyone else, actively deluded to how things work and what she's doing to herself and others.
Someone who is ultimately pitiable, but still an insane serial killer, for who much of her motivations go back to, 'I don't understand why no one likes it when I drink their blood'.
Here's the thing: Toga A's story is... actually pretty interesting? Also, with a quite a few similarities to Shigaraki, if for radically different reasons.
There's a lot of fucked up in it, honestly, but the thing is Toga A lives in Tokyo Ghoul, basiclly, while everyone else is in MHA, but she has no fellow ghouls to bond with, or to explain shit, but the fact that Tokyo Ghoul was so popular means that, if done well, Toga A's story could just be really fun to read! Here's the problem: while Toga A is the one acting in the story, people are reacting to Toga B.
Now, Toga B is the one most fans are familiar with: an abused girl who just wants to love people. She's attracted to a lot of people, generally on a shallow, surface level way more related to how attractive they are, but there's a handful she's more actively romantically attracted to, (Ochaka, Izuku, maybe Tsuyu). She craved blood, and didn't always handle it well, but a lot of her problems came from her parents who found that very desire monstrous, and basiclly never forgave her for being born. Eventually, she snapped, killed someone on accident, and had to go on the run where, over time, facing more oppression and harsh conditions, she became more comfortable killing people and feeding her desires the only way she knew how.
This... also could be interesting, but the timeline of it is a bit... lacking. That's because Toga B doesn't actually exist, beyond how people react to her, and so her history is in doubt in multiple areas.
There's only Toga A, a serial killer who hunts and kills people because they taste good... but for whatever reason (*cough, cough, Hori making villains simultaneously pure evil and pitable*) people talk to her like she doing completely different things. The fact that she's killed people, quite a few people in fact, is almost never brought up, because Toga B doesn't hunt people, only stalk them (which is still bad, don't get me wrong, but less bad than the hunting) and those rare times when someone we've seen her kill is brought up, it's brushed over as quickly as possible to go back to the narrative of the love starved girl, instead of the blood thirsting one.
Over time, the love starved girl, the one who is effectively a mass hallucination shared by a good deal of the cast, fell into actual romantic love with Izuku, then Ochaka. She formed a sort of... Romeo/Juliet style dynamic with Ochaka based on her attraction to her, and both of them connected with each other through their mutual love with Izuku, and to some extent, each other, (giving all of this dual love triangle and three way energy, all at the same time, and also sometimes Tsu is involved as well, as a sort of attachment to Ochaka) but this feeling could never be explored due to them being on either side of the hero/villain dynamic, cruelly torn apart before they could be together or even meet by the hands of fate and the indifference of the populace, until things came to a head now, as Toga was driven to the edge by the heroes and forced to finally embrace her inner villain, drawing out a heartfelt confession by Uraraka!
I mean... if you ignore what's actually happening, anyways. There was always a problem with this, obviously, but Toga B has so wildly diverged from Toga A that even people who didn't see a problem before are being forced to notice that, hey, something's weird, which itself is exacerbated by both the decline in writing quality and the general rushed to tone of the story overall.
Honestly, my little monologue about 'the love starved girl' is me doing some quite a bit a lot of extrapolating on what their relationship would be if it was actually done 'right', then it is the actual 'facts' we have in story, because until five minutes ago Uchaka wasn't actively... a part of it, at all, it was Toga just basiclly having a conversation with a version of Uraraka in her own head, while Uraraka was just trying to stop her from killing people. The thing is, now, Uraraka is suddenly being changed to also be living in this same story, which makes this whole situation even more awkward, because there was this whole phase of their 'relationship' that, even in the magical mass hallucination land they're all living in now, never happened, and so they're skipping a lot of steps on their relationship while acting like they didn't.
In a side note, in a society where All Might single handedly changed how Japan works, and could probably physically break it, the fact a single person can change the world isn't surprising, it's established fact, because, well, All Might, and also All For One, even if his history of doing just that is less well known. So that reporter in the helicopter might as well be talking about how this crazy stuff scientists have been talking about, rain, which even now is falling from the sky, is wet, and she sounds about as stupid right now as she would if she was saying that instead.
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linkspooky · 1 year
What about JJK compared to MHA? (Disilussionment anon)
To give a more serious answer, if you really want to know how to not get disillusioned with MHA, my friend @thyandrawrites made a post that essentially lists their lowered expectations for how we are going to see the story end and I mostly agree.
Basically at the end of the day you're stuck with the story you got. You have to work with what's written by the author.
Of course, everyone has expectations for a story / things they want to see happen / popular theories. "I think the story should have done this instead" is a different critique than "I don't think the author did this well..."
So, look at the story this way. The author is trying to tell you a story, there are different goals they set in trying to tell that story, and you can judge them on how well you think they accomplished those goals.
This is why I said read Jujutsu Kaisen instead, because let's say you are like me and you fell in love with My Hero Academia for it's wider societal issues and think the conflict should revolve around that then that's what Jujutsu Kaisen makes it main focus of. Both stories are about a younger generation growing up in an incredibly flawed world and being expected to inherit and deal with the previous generation's mistakes.
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In Jujutsu Kaisen the conflict is essentially made clear within the first ten chapters, corrupt elders and the unfair laws of Jujutsu Society turn young people into victims and destroy their youths in favor of the elderly maintaining their power. Young people should be free to live out their lives and eventually replace what came before instead of just keeping broken institutions in place.
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My hero starts with the same premise it's even said in the first chapter "people are not born equal" and Deku starts as one of those disadvantaged characters who is not allowed to pursue their dream as a hero b/c of the circumstances they were born under.
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Jujutsu Kaisen however retains it's focus on the way that the youth are mistreated and the corruption of the elders and the sins of the previous generation, where let's charitably say that MHA is unfocused at best on what exactly it wants to say about the adult heroes and how their mistakes have made the current problems facing the young heroes and what those heroes should do about them.
Jujutsu Kaisen is relentless and tragic but it is that way for a reason, it knows what it wants to say, the previous generation is destroying the lives of the young people and... surprise, surprise some of those young people end up getting destroyed. However, like it's a lot more clear in its message.
If I say society is somewhat flawed in Jujutsu Kaisen and adults are bad everyone high fives me and goes FUCK JUJUTSU SOCIETY. 
If I say say society is flawed and adults are bad in My Hero Academia this somehow starts an argument because the author in MHA is not clear about what the problem in their society is, and what the solution should be. There are some who say I shouldn’t be bringing this up even though it’s the story itself who brings these questions up and then doesn’t answer them. 
The adults are terrible and flawed in JJK, whereas in MHA the author bounces back on showing their really bad actions one minute, and then glorifying them the next. 
I would rather a sad story about how hard it is for these kids to live in this world be told well with Jujutsu Kaisen, then a more optimistic story like My Hero Academia just completely fumble it's message of optimism because it relies too much on platitudes and tell don't show storytelling. Which like is what Thy is essentially saying in their post, the villains are probably going to be saved, we are going to get the happy ending after the timeskip but we're not really going to see any of these issues addressed and worked on onscreen. If you want to read a story where there is going to be definite change by the end of the story, then that's Jujutsu Kaisen.
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liyawritesss · 2 years
hi i wanted to ask do you think you could write the mha girls dating a GN Aboriginal Reader please like their room having some paintings and the girls listening to Reader speaking in their language when talking to family
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Pairing: Adult!Ashido Mina, Adult!Uraraka Ochako, Adult!Jirou Kyoka x Aboriginal/Indigenous!GN!Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Synopsis: How would the MHA girls be like dating an indigenous person?
Warnings: brief mention of body insecurity/low self esteem
A/N: I’m gonna try and keep this as vague as possible so that any indigenous poc who reads it can feel like they can insert themselves in the reader's perspective and not feel boxed in.
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Ashido Mina
Mina stays absolutely fascinated by you and your culture. The first time she saw you, she instantly wanted to be your friend. Although you were a bit standoffish at first, once you did open up to the pink haired girl, the two of you were seen together all the time.
She’s exceptionally respectful and curious of your culture, and asks you questions about it all the time. Then she goes back to her friends and relays the cool facts she learned from you.
She absolutely melts when you speak in your native tongue, even if it isn't directed to her. The first time she heard it was when you crashed at her place after a bad fallout with a friend, and you were explaining the situation to your mom who wasn’t fluent in English at the time. The way your voice lowered an octave, alongside a hint of raspiness, had her knees weak like SWV.
She’ll ask you to sing to her in your native language, or to whisper sweet things to her to help her fall asleep. She’ll also ask you to teach her a couple of words, more than likely pet names, so that she has something cute and romantic to call you.
She'll definitely wanna recreate some of the traditional paintings that hang in your room. It's one of your first dates, actually, and one of the first instances that you fell for her because of her appreciation for your origins.
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Uraraka Ochako
Like Mina, Ochako absolutely adores your origins and is enrapture by stories of your homeland, the ones passed down to you by your parents, your spiritual practices, and most importantly, your food.
One of the factors that played in you two actually getting together was her being introduced to your cooking. It was very different from Japanese food, with bursts of flavors she had never thought were possible. Since you could tell how much she liked your food, you promised that you’d make sure to keep her nice and full with your cooking.
She’s also a very curious one, who asks numerous questions with a lovestruck, doe eyed look on her face. She really finds the ceremonial attire of your culture very interesting. You’ve had to to scold her multiple times for putting on fragile family heirlooms because if not handled properly, they could untie and break.
If you're struggling with your self esteem, Ochako is your biggest supporter. She takes secret pictures of you because you’re so photogenic, and constantly tells you she loves the most niche parts of you, like your nose, your lips, etc. She’s a real help to your confidence.
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Jirou Kyoka
Jirou is a musician by heart, and is always on the look for inspiration for new melodies and songs. Therefore its only natural that the way you’d connect is when she hears you playing some music that is reflective of your culture.
She likes to chill at your place a lot, especially since you're playing some kind of music all the time.
Like the previous two, she’s curious about your homeland and why you decided to even come to japan in the first place. However, she’s more likely to slip it in subtly and isn’t as pushy about getting answers. You’ll open up in your own time with her.
Like Mina, Jirou loves your voice when you speak in your native tongue. The first time she heard it, was when she was playing with her acoustic guitar at your place and you started mumbling some words to the melody. She won’t let it show as much, though, cuz she’ll get embarrassed at how easily she folds at your voice.
Your family adores her, even though she’s kind of quiet whenever you’re on the phone with them. Jirou still gets shocked whenever your mom asks about her in english, using a cheeky nickname that's only common in your language. Though your practices and behaviors are foreign to her, Jirou feels right at home with your family.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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alice-devil69 · 1 year
Chapter 1: Preparing for a normal show (Muppet!Various x GN reader)
A/n: Ah! Hello reader! This is one of my first fics so I apologize if it's not that great lol! Anyways this will be a reader x various fic so multiple muppets will be into you, it won't a big part of the story tho-
I want to make this into a longer, full story/ fic but I'm not sure, so for now this will just stay as a lil onshot/ pilot chapter to get to know people :)
(Also, Himko Toga from MHA exists in here for some reason, mainly because I love Toga and will include her in anything and everything haha)
Anyways, enough with my ranting, let's get on to the story! I hope you enjoy! :)
I shot up from my chair due to the loud noise that nearly gave me a heart attack. I realized I fell asleep in my dressing room Kermit gave me. I get up and exit my room, going to investigate what that noise was.
I hear a bunch of yelling so I hurry over to where the source of this all was. After reaching the source of the commotion- which turned out to be backstage, I quickly looked over the room to make sure nothing was broken or on fire. My eyes then landed on a hole in the wall and Kermit and Gonzo seemingly panic-arguing.
“What in the world happened here?!”
The two muppets stop their frantic selves and looked over to me in the doorway.
“Y/n! There you are! I was practicing an act I was gonna do on the show later tonight, but the bowling ball got stuck in my fingers. Eventually it shot itself into a wall…” Gonzo struck a wavy smile, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. 
I gave them this wide-eyed stare in disbelief of what I was hearing. I know these muppets can cause trouble a lot of the time, but sheesh did these guys need to learn to chill out.
“It's fine I suppose, I'll just call in some guys to fix the wall later. You should really be more careful though, someone could've gotten hurt”. 
I walked closer to the two as I lightly scolded Gonzo for what he did, but didn't say much else hoping he got the gist without a long lecture like a parent would give to their child. Kermit soon pipes up in the conversation, as I had momentarily forgotten he was there.
“Alright, well putting that aside, the show isn’t gonna start until later tonight, so hopefully everythings ready by then. Y/n, you got everything ready? You made sure we have everything prepared?”
Kermit looks over to me, anticipating my answer. After all, working in showbizz isn't as easy as it seems.
“Aye aye, captain! All the props and lines should be in order and everyone's working tooth and nail to make this performance goes right for once.”
I salute Kermit, flashing a smile with my remaining hand on my hip.
“Well, that's good. Why don't you check in on everyone one more time to make sure they're doing alright?”
“On it!” I say, turning to head over to the door to find the others as Kermit asked me to do.
Walking through the streets, we see 3 girls, walking and talking, having fun on their day out together.
“Man! I can't believe Mei said that to you, she's crazy I'm telling you.” Said Himiko Toga, a blonde teenager wearing a schoolgirl uniform, with her hair up in strange buns that realistically shouldn't be holding themselves in place.
“Aw c'mon Himiko! She's not that kooky I'm telling you!” Elaina- our second girl reassured Himiko with a soft smile. Elaina had a bit darker skin than the other two, with half of her head shaved, a black tank top/crop top torn at the top and bottom, a purple-plaid skirt and black leggings, with one of the legs being fishnet stockings instead. 
The two were talking about their school and the crazy fiascos that occur on the daily. While the two were talking, the third girl, Botan, walked beside them. She had a small smile paired with a dead look in her eyes, many would find her facial expressions creepy and get naturally scared of her. But she couldn't care less of those people's thoughts. It wasn't their fault after all.
Botan was wearing a mandarin colored kimono, with white tracing the edges of the kimono. Botan had extremely pale skin, almost making her look like a ghost. She had white hair and a pixie cut with the front of her hair being a decent amount longer than the rest. 
Her bangs looked like any regular bangs, aside from the slight uneven choppy look at the end, but somehow her hair looked good despite the weird haircut she had.
Finally, Botan decided to speak up, as she does not talk much.
“I've observed Hatsume Mei before. While her personality is a bit strange, she’s not crazy and has a good heart.” Botan gave a look to the two, keeping her gaze on Himiko for a bit longer, as the message was slightly aimed more towards her. Himiko gave a ‘are you kidding me’ look to Botan, slightly lowering her posture, she jokingly gave herself duck lips due to the fact she was the only one with her opinion. 
“Aw, you guys never let me have my conspiracy theories, do you? One day, you'll all see she's as crazy as can be”
Himiko flipped her hair– well, more so her bangs and pieces of hair that weren't tied up in buns, and speed walked ahead of the other two.
“says you.” Botan deadpanned; knowing Himiko was far more crazy than Mei.
Himiko abruptly stopped walking and peered over her shoulder to Botan, giving her an offenced glare, despite knowing it was true what she implied.
“How about let's not argue for now, eh?” Elaina tried to save the conversation while holding a nervous smile with a sweat drop rolling down her face.
“I agree. I shan't contribute to a petty thing such as this.” Botan agreed with Elaina, quickly shutting down the tension that was once there for a moment. Himiko decided to let it go as well and slowed down so the other two could catch up with her. 
As they were walking with each other once again, Elaina noticed a poster on a promotional brick wall, filled with advertisements put up by multiple companies, shops or anything of the sort. Elaina stopped walking as the others soon stopped as well to see what had caught Elaina’s attention.
“Hm? Whatcha lookin’ at?” Himiko stood beside Elaina as she gazed at the poster Elaina was staring at.
“Muppet Show. Purchase tickets now at Saint Mary's theater on 34th street. Show starts at 8pm and ends at 8:30 pm on Thursday, November 10th.” Himiko read what the poster was saying out loud to the other two. After she was done reading, she looked over the others to see their takes on what they were seeing. 
Everything was silent for a minute.
“Himiko, I apologize in advance but are you blind?” Botan said to Himiko, breaking the short silence.
“WHAT?! What do you mean “am I blind?” Of course not!” Himiko retorted to Botan, clearly salty about what Botan had just said to her.
“Look at the imagery, y/n's on it.” Botan then pointed to a familiar h/c person.
“Oh-” Himiko said bluntly, embarrassed she didn't notice sooner. 
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go buy some tickets to the show now!” Elaina said, eager to see their friend again at such a sudden notice. You could practically see the stars in her eyes paired with her wide closed-lip smile.
“Alright! Let's roll!” Himiko jumped up in joy and put a fist to the air in determination.
“The show is later tonight so let's hope we can make it in time, or that the tickets haven't sold out.” Botan said, her previously ‘creepy’ smile on her face being replaced with a warmer, softer smile.
A/n: ah! Did you actually read this silly lil thing?! I'm so happy! I really hope you enjoyed it, reader! :)
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Can we do dramatic with a fluffy twist? i honestly love them too much to do the heart wrenching angst🥲, thank you 🤍
You got it sweetie! Also one more thing, I'm sorry it took me too long to get around to finishing your request but I hope you enjoy my input.
Mha boys activating/ using their quirks during an argument with you
Characters : Bakugo/ Kirishima/ Kaminari/ Shouto/ Shinsou
Genre : headcanons/ fluff/ a tiny bit of angst at the beginning
Trigger warning (I guess, but just to be on the safe side) : mentioning of slight bodily injuries
Original request
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Bakugo :
You argue a lot, but they're usually harmless love banters. Not this time though.
You were both screaming at each other and it was getting worse by the second. Suddenly it happened..
Katsuki tightened his fist -still screaming- and unknowingly activated his quirk. He didn't use it on you though, so thankfully no one got hurt, but you could see sparks framing his tense grip.
Only when you fell silent did he realize the severity of the situation. He immediately released his quirk and started apologizing.
You were crying uncontrollably at that point, and it wasn't because you were scared or mad, no. You did it because it was the first time your arguments got so serious.
Katsuki misunderstood though, and thought the worst, so he froze in place -still apologizing- because he didn't want to scare you any more than he thought he did.
He hated himself for everything and finally decided to approach you cautiously because he couldn't stand being apart from you any longer especially when you were crying so hard.
You did the same and as soon as you were close to each other, you jumped in his arms and started apologizing yourself.
He was surprised to say the least, why were you apologizing when he's the one at fault?
He wiped your tears and kissed you gently on the lips. For the first time in his life he actually hated his quirk.
You knew exactly what he was thinking and you had to explain your tears immediately before he starts loathing himself further. And as soon as you finished talking he took your hands in his and kissed them gently promising you to never repeat what happened that day and reminding you that you were and will always be the person he loves the most. He ment it, and you believed him.
Kaminari :
It was a stupid argument that ment nothing at first, and it would've ended as soon as it started if he hadn't done what he's done.
He never ment to, but he accidentally sent a shock wave your way when he reached out to stop you from leaving the scene mid quarrel.
It hurt, and you yelped retrieving your hand and looking at him stunned. You knew all too well that he didn't -and would never- do something like that on purpose but you were taken aback nonetheless.
He stopped for a moment not knowing what to do next. He opened his mouth to apologize and to tell you that he would never intentionally hurt you, but no words came out.
He walked slowly in your direction eyes fixed on yours, desperately trying to find the right words. When he got to you, he reached out to touch your hand but stopped a few millimeters away in fear of hurting you again.
You could see tears forming in his eyes as regret and shame ate at him. It hurt you a lot more than the burn in your hand did, so you called out his name softly and smiled at him warmly when he could finally look at you again.
It seemed to work, because the next thing he did was taking your hand in his and whispering a sincere apology while finally allowing his tears to fall down his face.
You had to reassure him further, so with your free hand, you wiped his tears and kissed his cheeks telling him that you would never blame him for something that happened accidentally.
He kept looking at your slightly burnt hand as if trying to go back in time and undo it all. But even he knew that something like that could never come to happen, so he settled for gently treating your injury and promising to be careful and to never hurt you again.
He asked your permission to kiss you, and you responded by leaning in to lock your lips with his. You got lost in each other's touch until he pulled away from the kiss and brought your hand to his lips to leave a trail of gentle pecks on the bandaged area: "I promise to never hurt you again." And he was sincere.
Shouto :
He was sitting hunched over on the couch, resting his arms on his knees and saying nothing while you kept yelling.
This has never happened before, you never fight and you never argue. You're too much in love to raise your voices at each other, but there you were..
What pissed you off the most was his lack of response, so you turned around ready to leave when a giant ice wall suddenly appeared to block the doorframe.
You stopped dead in your tracks and slowly turned around to find him standing up arm raised and covered in frost. You couldn't speak, your eyes were wide open and your lips slightly parted.
A single tear ran down your face and you slowly backed away until you felt the newly constructed wall touching your back. You were a little intimidated.
His expressions turned from serious to worried in a split second, and he came running towards you stuttering an apology after the other.
You knew he ment well, he only did it to stop you from leaving the house, but seeing your surprised expressions made him realize he messed up. So he pulled you gently to his chest and used his fire cautiously to melt the icy wall.
It was a mess, the floor soaking wet underneath your feet but neither of you cared. You buried your face in his neck and allowed your tears to fall freely.
He pulled you even closer trying his hardest to calm you down. He repeatedly asked for forgiveness and explained that he wasn't thinking clearly and that all he wanted was for you to stay.
You were at fault too, and you knew it. You had to apologize for raising your voice and for trying to walk away, but your sobs prevented you from doing so, and all you could utter were broken unintelligible words but he understood everything, he always does.
You finally raised your head to look him in the eyes and try to speak again: "Shouto.. I, I'm.. please.." that's all you could say. He instantly cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead before whispering: "I know love, I get it." And that's all it took soothe your heart.
Kirishima :
You were both upset. He paced the room mumbling his disappointment in your behavior while you sat there tapping your foot in annoyance.
You couldn't take anymore of his lecturing, so you stood up and fired back.
Things escalated quickly after that, and you had to leave the room for a minute because you couldn't take anymore of the yelling.
You moved passed him, intentionally bumping your shoulder with his. And when you were about to walk out of the room, a death grip clasped your wrist, and you knew what it was even before turning around to find his hardening clutch holding you in place.
This was serious, unlike any other argument you ever had before.
The look on his face was something new, and it scared you. Was he unaware that he was hurting you?
You placed your free hand on his stony one hesitantly and spoke weakly: "Eijiro, you're hurting me." And it was like a turn of a switch.
He released his quirk at once and his expressions softened as reality hit him. He looked at you with his usual soft and loving eyes and you fought hard to stop yourself from crying. Finally, he was back.
Your wrist was slightly bruised but you didn't care, you watched him freaking out and apologizing while kissing your marks. You suddenly felt something wet on your skin, he was crying.
You pulled your hand back and nestled in his arms telling him that everything was alright. He drew you even closer to him still apologizing and promising to never repeat what happened that day because you were and will forever be his one and true love.
Shinsou :
He doesn't like loud voices -and usually- neither do you, but that time was different.
You were screaming and stomping your feet but there he was, giving you his signature poker face and it pissed you off to no end.
All you could do was keep yelling in hopes of drawing a reaction from him, and you did. But the reaction you got was the last thing you expected: "Stop yelling." And you stopped.
For a moment you couldn't understand what happened, it was the first time he used his quirk on you anyway, but you got a bit dizzy after he released his hold on your brain and fell to the ground after losing your balance.
Seeing you like that freaked him out and he regretted what he had done as soon as it happened. What made matters worse was him remembering a promise he made to you in the past: to never use his quirk on you no matter the reason.
He rushed to your side and kneeled down unsure of what to do. Was it okay for him to touch you? Was he even allowed to do that anymore?
He kept apologizing, and cursing himself and you hated seeing him that way. You were at fault yourself, didn't you push him to do what he did? you wanted a reaction after all.
You looked up at him and was met with the most desperate and regretful expressions you've seen and it broke your heart.
You cupped his cheeks and kissed all over his face muttering apologies after every peck. He was stunned for a moment but allowed you to do what you wanted with him.
He then picked you up in his arms and walked to your shared bedroom to place you gently and ask if you were alright.
You didn't answer his question though, and instead dragged him to bed with you and explained that you weren't mad at all because you too were at fault.
He kissed your temple and promised you once again to never use his quirk on you no matter what happens. This time he kept his promise.
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despressolattes · 3 years
CHARACTERS: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
SUMMARY: in which bakugou ends up in a fight with a villain who’s quirk makes him forget the person he’s love most romantically. as you go to see him for the first time, you’re unsure what would hurt more: finding out the love of your life doesn’t remember you, or finding out that he does.
WARNINGS: angst, fluff
A/N: i also wanna do a todoroki version so if you guys want one, pleaseee send in an ask for it and i will write it!!!
also taking requests to be added to my imagines taglist. also send to my inbox 
V/N=villain’s name
You raced to the hospital the moment you got the call from Kirishima. 
“It’s bad this time, Y/N,” he had told you, his voice trembling. “We’re at the hospital right now, they even called in Recovery Girl to check on him. Haven’t seen her since our UA days.”
It was bad. His words just raced through your mind as you headed to the hospital, running towards the room Kirishima had texted you. In the hallway, you saw Kaminari and Kirishima, allowing your run to slow to a walk before halting a few steps away from the two best friends of your boyfriend. Those two ended up becoming your best friends, too.
“Hey, Y/N...” Kirishima said softly at the sight of you, him and Kaminari closing the gap between you guys.
“Who was he fighting?” you asked, allowing Kirishima to pull you into a hug.
“Someone named V/N,” Kaminari explained to you, naming out a villain you had never heard of before. “The police just came by to let his mom and us know what kind of quirk that guy had used on him.”
The two boys shared a solemn look, the anxiousness on their face giving you the worst feeling in the pit of your gut. 
The door to Bakugou’s hospital room opened, and the woman he resembled most came out. Her normal hard expression was taken over with grief, and the sight of her almost broke you. 
She looked up and made eye contact with you, a small smile turning up at her lips.
“Y/N,” she breathed out, grabbing your wrist and almost aggressively pulling you into a hug. “Oh, sweetie.”
Her hands went to your hair, stroking it as if you were the one who needed soothing.
“Mom,” you said softly, arms wrapping around your boyfriend’s mother. “Someone please, please, tell me what’s happened to Katsuki.”
Pulling away, a tear fell from her eyes as she explained to you exactly what V/N’s quirk does.
You stood there in shock. The looks on the faces of the three in front of you told you everything you needed to know: they were almost positive he wouldn’t know you if you walked through the door.
“D-does he know?” you asked.
“About V/N’s quirk? No,” Mitsuki shook her head. 
“Good,” you said softly.
Everyone including you was a bit confused with your grateful acclamation.
“Sorry, Y/N, I’m a bit lost. Why is this good?” Kaminari asked.
Sucking in a deep breath, you let your hand fall to the handle. 
“Because if he knew there was someone he should forget, there’s the possibility he could fake it to please everyone else,” you admitted.
You hated yourself for that statement. How you go and found out that a villain could’ve taken away Bakugou’s ability to remember you, and the first place your mind goes to is whether or not it would be genuine.
V/N’s quirk could only take away the memories of the person he loved the most romantically. As you held onto the door handle, you were unsure what would break your hurt more: walking inside that room and seeing your boyfriend look at you like a stranger, or seeing him and have him remember exactly who you were.
What would hurt more: him forgetting your love, or not returning it?
“I’m almost positive he’ll forget you,” Mitsuki said confidently from behind you. “I know my son, and I know he loved you.”
You sent her a thankful glance from behind your shoulder, and pulled the door open.
Bakugou was sitting up in his hospital bed, the blanket pulled up to his lap as he stared angrily at the TV across from him. His head snapped in your direction, and you had the most out of body experience as you forced yourself to have the will to move forward.
He scrunched up his eyebrows at the sight of you, and you sucked in a breath.
Here came the moment of truth.
Would he remember you, and break your heart?
Or would he have no clue who you were, breaking your heart but making it full all at the same time?
“I already told the damn nurses not to let any fans into here,” he muttered under his breath. “How did you even get past my mom? I’m sure she just left the room.”
The breath you were holding came out with a choked sob. An overwhelming feeling of relief and grief and hurt washed over you as you realized your boyfriend thought you were a fan. You cried for the relief of being the person who had been wiped from his memories. You cried for the pain of him not looking at you with angry crimson eyes soft with love.
“O-oi!” he called out panicked, his jaw dropped at your crying form. “W-why are you crying?!”
You didn’t answer him, instead you ran out of the room, unsure how to handle the situation properly.
You slammed the door behind you, letting yourself run into the closest chest.
“Y-Y/N?” a nervous chuckle followed, arms tentatively wrapping around you.
You saw pink, and you relaxed in the arms of your closest female friend.
“Mina!” you sobbed, holding onto her tighter.
“Please tell me these are happy tears,” Kirishima said worriedly, him and Kaminari looking at you in anticipation.
“Oh, thank Kami,” Kaminari let out a relieved sigh. “Of course Kacchan loves Y/N most.”
“There was no doubt in my mind about that,” Kirishima announced, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you from Mina so he could hug you himself. “I’m so happy but so sad for you.”
It was Mitsuki who told her son the truth to why he had collapsed during his fight with the villain. None of the news outlets had information about V/N’s quirk and what he had done to Bakugou, but he had watched endless clips reporting how Pro Hero Dynamight had suddenly collapsed after a villain grabbed hold of his head.
He had been unconscious for a while with no brain damage, which was why Recovery Girl had been called in to check on him. It had taken him some time to wake up, but when he did, he seemed perfectly fine. So, up until the police had done some digging, no one had any idea what had really happened to Bakugou.
You sat on a chair in the corner of the room, unable to look at him as his mother explained to him what happened. You felt his eyes burning into your skin as she spoke, but you didn’t want to make eye contact with him and see his loveless expression again.
You felt selfish. It was just confirmed without a doubt in the world that he loved you most, but here you were, wanting more. Wanting to be remembered, despite having the only reassurance you’d ever need.
You were the one Katsuki Bakugou loved most in the world. How could you possibly be feeling sad for yourself?
“So, this is where we live, huh? It’s not bad, I guess.”
You awkwardly stood with your hands clasped around the handle on his luggage, standing further in your apartment than he was.
“It’s pretty close to UA,” he commented.
“Mhm,” you nodded. “You picked it so my commute to work would be easier.”
“You work at UA?”
You merely nodded again, turning to go to your shared bedroom to put his luggage down.
You took a long exhale, attempting to calm your nerves. After a week, Bakugou got discharged from the hospital, and he had agreed with his mother that despite his memory lost, he should go back to his normal routine. Without full details on V/N’s quirk and whether it would wear off, the doctors thought maybe it would be like normal amnesia, and his memories could come back with time.
He followed you inside, more questions swirling in his head that he was too embarrassed to ask. 
Like, what was your quirk? You were a Pro Hero? When did you start dating? How was it that all of his memories of you just up and vanished? Did that mean some of his memories were fake to override them, or is there just missing puzzle pieces inside of his head?
He glanced around your shared bedroom, exploring the place. He looked at the night stand at the photo frame you had, a collage layout with several photos taken throughout your relationship.
The pained look on his face caused you to look away from him, walking out of the bedroom to give him room to familiarize himself with his surroundings.
He watched sadly as you left, wishing you’d stay instead, but he had too much pride to admit he wanted your help.
“I’ll take the couch,” you told him worriedly after dinner, which was take out since both of you were too exhausted to cook anything. 
He was putting down pillows and a blanket on the couch, looking as if he was ready to sleep out there.
“What? Hell no,” he practic ally yelled back back, shaking his head as his face contorted in his normal angry confusion.
“Kats—Bakugou, it’s fine, seriously,” you argued back, exhaustion in your voice. “You just got out of the hospital, please take the bed.”
His face always scrunched up when you called him by his first name, so you were trying to retrain yourself to use his last name.
“...You can still call me Katsuki,” he grumbled, letting go of the blanket and pillow. “Just because I don’t remember it doesn’t mean we don’t know each other.”
He didn’t give you time to respond before he walked into the bedroom, not closing the door behind him. You heard the bed creaking and the blankets moving, glad he didn’t fight with you about who was sleeping where.
Even if there was a sharp pain in your chest over the terms of your current situation, you were at least thankful he wasn’t being overly grouchy or as stubborn as you thought he would be.
You woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. Your eyes fluttered open and your back ached, but from your spot on the couch you could see your boyfriend’s light blond hair and the black tank top he had slept in standing by the stove, a comforting sizzling sound playing through the apartment.
You took the blanket off, shuffling your way to the kitchen.
“Good morning,” you said tiredly. “Making breakfast?”
He nodded, not turning around to face you.
“I, uh, have your work schedule in my phone still,” he admitted, his voice tentative as if it was weird for him to admit.
“And you were still sleeping!” he yelled aggressively, looking at you with the spatula in his hand. “If I didn’t make breakfast, then you wouldn’t have time to eat before you had to go to work, dumbass!”
You giggled at him, part of the situation feeling familiar. He normally scolded you for not eating before heading to UA for your shift teaching first years and would make you something to eat.
“Why are you laughing at me?!” he yelled.
“Nothing, Katsuki,” you replied, and his eyes widened when he saw a genuine smile on your face for the first time since he woke up in the hospital a week prior. “This just makes me happy, that’s all.”
His cheeks turned red, and he shoved a plate into your hands without looking at you.
“Just eat it, dumbass.”
Two weeks had gone by, and there was no progress with his memories or with his relationship with you. You continued to sleep on the couch, he continued to not ask the questions he wanted to know. You two barely spoke, making it hard to bridge the gap that had grown between the two of you.
He had gone back to work, so you both hardly saw each other. It was like you were dancing around each other, just living together because you were supposed to be. 
You’d be lying if you said everything was fine, but it wasn’t. It was exhausting, not knowing how to speak to your own boyfriend, seeing his eyes and the way he looked at you.
You got home after a long week at work, having taken the first years to a camp to train their quirks. As you approached the door to your apartment, you were banging and soft yells.
With scrunched eyebrows, you paused, attempting to listen.
“Oi! Dunce face Hurry up!”
Relief washed over you when you realized it was just Bakugou’s friends who were over.
“Aw, c’mon man! Why did Kirishima and I get dragged into helping with this,” groaned Kaminari.
“C’mon, Denki, be more manly! Bakubro needed help cleaning up the apartment so he could cook dinner before Y/N gets home,” you heard Kirishima scold their blonde friend. “You heard the man, she’s coming home from training camp with her students today.”
“Ah man, that brings me back,” Kaminari sighed happily. “Remember our training camps back at UA?”
“Yeah, the one our first year was when Bakubro over here at it the worst for Y/N, he had the biggest crush on her and just wanted to spend camp training with her, but never got the balls to tell her,” teased Kirishima, and you stood against the wall of your apartment, just wanting to hear them reminisce.
“Huh?” Bakugou asked loudly and obnoxiously, obviously having no recollection of it. “What’re you talking about, Shitty Hair? She’s been with us that long?”
“Have you not talked to her about your missing memories?” Kirishima asked, surprised. 
You felt guilty. You weren’t sure if Bakugou wanted to know the intimate details about your life together. He never asked, just stared at the photos of the two of you in your house. Sometimes, you saw him glancing at the threads of old text conversations between the two of you, or reading news articles that were written since you were both famous Pro Heros.
“Babe’s been with us since we started at UA,” Kaminari piped in.
“What I’ve always called her?”
“Are you jealous Kacchan?” Kaminari teased him.
There was a moment of silence, and you contemplated going inside when Bakugou finally interrupted the silence.
“No, we haven’t talked about my missing memories,” Bakugou said, answering the question from before. “I always want to, but I can see the hurt in her expressions whenever I look at her. It’s like... me not having my memories breaks her heart.”
“Trust me, bro, she was so relieved to hear that you lost your memories of her,” Kirishima admitted. “I think it frightened her to think that her entire world would crumble apart if she walked in there, and found out the guy she loved didn’t love her.”
“What do you mean?” Bakugou questioned. “Why would she think that?”
“You’ve never been the best at expressing your emotions,” Kirishima said. “No matter how much you loved her, you were always distant. You were like that with everyone, so it wasn’t surprising how she reacted when she found out what had happened to you. She was scared she’d walk into your hospital room, and you’d know exactly who she was.”
“Babes cried happy tears when you called her a fan,” Kaminari remembered.
“Sometimes, she seems like she rather avoid me, and I don’t feel like inconveniencing her even more.”
“Awe, Kacchan!” Kaminari fake sobbed. “It’s cute that even without your memories, you’re one big softie for Y/N!”
“He’s right though, I was kinda scared you’d be stubborn and mean to her, but you’ve been surprisingly really cooperative about everything.”
“I’m not stupid,” Bakugou grumbled. “That guy’s quirk was meant to erase the memories of the person I loved most. Memories of her or not, that person is Y/N. Even if I don’t understand why her.”
“Why her?” Kirishima pondered. “Well, that one’s easy! She had your angry ass interested the moment she spoke to you!”
You smiled, remembering your UA days together. The excitement, dread, fear, and happiness that came with realizing you were utterly and completely falling in love with the explosive boy in your class.
“She just doesn’t seem like she and I fit together, so it’s hard to believe she’s the one I lost memories of,” Bakugou admitted, and your heart dropped. “She’s just... so nice...”
Perhaps I shouldn’t be hearing this...
“That’s what you love about her,” Kirishima said sternly.
“ENOUGH OF THIS EMOTIONAL CRAP,” Bakugou yelled. “Get to cleaning so I can get to cooking so my girlfriend can relax when she gets home!”
Kaminari groaned again, and you heard a vacuum start up. You smiled to yourself as you pictured the three idiots scrambling to do work around the house, all for you.
You couldn’t seem to get his words out of your head about how he couldn’t believe it was you that he fell in love with. Panic slowly overtook you in the coming weeks, an uneasy feeling of Bakugou never falling back in love with you.
After all, it had now been a whole month, and he still didn’t have his memories.
You guys did, however, speak more. He still didn’t have it in him to ask about your relationship, but instead, asked more about you. He was trying to get to know you again, and while it was heartwarming, it still chipped away at your heart every time. The boy who once knew you like the back of his hand no longer knew you at all.
You got up in the morning with a groan, stretching your back out to try to alleviate the ache you felt. You neatly folded the blanket on the couch, making your makeshift bed neat.
You trudged over to the bathroom, closing the door and staring at yourself in the mirror. Every passing day you felt less like your old self as Bakugou grew further from your boyfriend, and more like the boy in the next room over.
“Hey, Y/N! I’m heading out!” you heard him say, so you looked up from your book.
“Okay, I’ll see you later, Katsuki,” you said, feigning a wide smile at him as he made his way out the door with a nod.
No hug, no kiss, no words of endearment. It felt as if he was your roommate informing you of his departure, not your boyfriend leaving and promising to see you when he came home to you.
The moment he left, you dragged yourself into your bedroom, one you hadn’t slept in for months. It smelt of him inside, and you crawled into the bed. His scent was still all around, so you hugged the pillow and let the blanket wrap around your body, closing your eyes and crying. You wished for things to be back to normal.
Katsuki had come back from his patrol during lunch. When he saw you weren’t on the couch, he looked around for a note and double checked his phone for any texts from you.
Afterwards, he peered into the dark bedroom, seeing your figure wrapped in the covers. Something pinged in his chest at the sight of you sleeping on your own bed for the first time in ages.
He walked over to the side of the bed to wake you up and see if you were hungry, but he stopped his hand just above your shoulder. He saw the dried tears and a wet pillow, showing you hadn’t fallen asleep that long ago. You had been crying.
He cursed himself for not remembering, for being the reason you were crying. He reached for your hair, moving it out of your face and wiped away the tears.
"I’m sorry for doing this to you,” he whispered, before getting up and leaving, guilt coursing through every fiber of his being.
“Has anyone even found V/N yet?!” Bakugou asked angrily. 
“...No,” Mina shook her head.
“We’re trying, Kacchan,” Midoriya told him.
“We want you to have your memories back, too,” Todoroki sighed. “How is Y/N? Every time I try to see her, she says she’s busy.”
“Me, too,” Uraraka sighed.
“Miserable,” Bakugou admitted, clencing his fists as he stood in a room around all of his high school friends. “She’s fucking miserable, Icy Hot, and it’s all my fault.”
The room grew quiet, and Bakugou let out a scream of frustration as he threw a punch in the air, letting out a small explosion.
“This is bullshit,” he muttered. “I just want my damn memories back so things can go back to whatever normal looked like.”
He was trying, you couldn’t deny it.
You saw how hard he was trying to make things better for you, but it just felt like all the love was gone. No matter how much you avoided it and how much he tried to find it.
Two months had gone by.
Exhausted from a day at school, you stood outside of your apartment with your keys in your hand. You practiced your smile, trying to find one that didn’t look so exhausted. Sighing, you jiggled the key into its slot and let yourself into your apartment.
The smell of food hit your nose, and your mood perked up. Beef and udon sizzling plates?
You put your bag down by the door and ventured further. You stepped into the kitchen to see that the hot skillets Bakugou had invested in a few months ago were being heated up as he prepared the sauce, udon, corn, and beef to be put onto it.
“Right on time,” he said loudly, a small smile on his normally angry face. “You said you wouldn’t be home until late today, so I got Shitty Hair to do my night patrol for me while I do one of his shifts later this week so that I could cook us dinner.”
You were silent, and he continued with his little rant.
“I found a recipe in that book in the cabinet yesterday. Don’t remember ever making this, but it’s definitely my handwriting,” he continued. “It was the only recipe that had a heart on it, so I’m assuming this has got to be your favorite, right?”
As you stood there watching as he prepared everything, you felt tears welling up in your eyes. He was about to turn around to face you instead of the food when he felt arms wrap around him.
You held onto him tightly, burying your head into his back as you let tears fall.
“I’ll take that as a yes, you crybaby,” he chuckled, letting his free hand grab onto one of your arms. 
This was so out of character for him, to be this damn soft. But it warmed your heart knowing that despite the odds, despite being with someone he didn’t know, he was still willing to show you this side of him.
“Why?” you mumbled into his back.
“Hm?” he asked, quirking up one of his blonde eyebrows as he looked over his shoulder at you. “Why was?”
“Why are you trying so hard?” you asked him.
“Look,” he said, a hint of anxiousness in his stern voice. “I know I’m not good at my emotions, and I know me not remembering our time together just makes it that much more difficult.”
He grabbed her arms, prying them off of him so he could turn around and face her. He gripped her shoulders.
“But I trust my own damn judgement, okay, dumbass?” he grumbled, unable to look at you as he spoke. “I know I have excellent taste, so if I was able to somehow fall in love with you, I see no reason to not believe it. It’s not like I’d go around loving someone without reason. I am the one who loves you, whether I remember loving you or whether I still—”
He paused, realizing that if he finished his sentence, he’d be admitting out loud that he did not, currently, love you. You were painfully aware of it, every time you guys talk and every time he looks at you. But both of you knew it would be different to hear out loud.
“Whether you still love me or not?” you finished the sentence for him, a sad smile on his face.
He let go of your shoulders and looked away.
“I don’t mean to hurt you.”
“Katsuki, I understand,” you said, grabbing his face in your hands and making him look at you. Those sad ruby eyes. “Take your time. It took you a year the first time around to realize you loved me, I can wait.”
You got on your tippy toes and kissed his forehead before walking past him to look at the food.
“I think the sizzling plates are hot enough to put all the food on it, don’t you?” you asked with a small smile, choosing to move past the emotionally draining conversation.
A soft and comfortable silence fell over the two of you, and you watched as he finished preparing your favorite meal.
No, he might not still love you now, but he at least still cared. Memories or not, you could see there were parts of him that remembered you. His heart still had a soft spot for you and only you, he went out of his way to do nice things for you, and he cared enough that it hurt him that he didn’t love you.
And even if that hurt, for now, that would be enough.
“Um... Katsuki?” you called out, seeing that your blanket and pillow disappeared.
“Yes?” he asked, emerging from the bathroom with his hair wet from his shoulder, wearing his pajamas, and a toothbrush in his mouth.
“Where’s my blanket and pillow?” you asked.
He held up a finger as to tell you to wait, and went back into the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth.
When he came back out, he was using his towel to dry his hair.
“Your back’s been bothering you, right, dumbass?” It was a question, but he said it more like an observation. “C’mon, it’s been two months, you deserve to sleep in your own bed for once.”
Your cheeks reddened at the thought of sleeping beside him after all of this time. He walked towards your bedroom, and when he got to the doorframe, you spoke.
“Our,” you said.
He paused to glance over his shoulder at you.
“Our bedroom,” you corrected him. “You said your, but it’s ours.”
“Just get in here, dumbass,” he said with an amused smile, walking the rest of the way into the bedroom.
Cheeks still red, you followed after him. He was getting himself situated under the covers, and you went to join him. You kept to your side of the bed, your arms to yourself, but you faced him.
He was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Hey, Y/N?” he asked softly.
“Do you ever wanna do things with me?” he asked.
“Like what?”
“You know what,” he said, and it was his turn to turn red. 
There was a silence.
“I mean like cuddle me or give me a kiss or whatever, you damn idiot!” he said aggressively, hiding his face under his arm.
“Always,” you said without hesitation.
He tensed and moved his arm from his eyes, turning his head to look at you.
“Mhm,” you nodded.
He turned so he was laying on his side, staring at you.
“Then why don’t you?”
“Because i want to give you time,” you said honestly. “I have no idea what it is you’re going through. To me, you’re my boyfriend. But for you, you woke up two months ago with no idea who this strange girl crying in your hospital room was, and then all of a sudden you were expected to just live with her. But the Katsuki that was my boyfriend isn’t who you are right now. So, I was okay with having to get you to fall back in love with me, on your own terms, memories or not.”
He didn’t say anything back, instead he just snaked his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. You couldn’t see the way his face heated up even more, but you could hear his rapid heartbeat.
You were nervous yourself, butterflies erupting in your stomach. You felt giddy, just like you had the first time you and Bakugou had fallen in love.
“Goodnight,” he grumbled. “I hope this helps you sleep better.”
Bakugou noticed how much tighter you held onto him when you had fallen into a deep sleep, as if scared you’d have to let go. The feeling of holding someone so close made him feel weird, a tingling sensation erupting everywhere. His hands combed through your hair and he held you close to him, and somehow, found himself drifting off into the best sleep he had gotten since waking up in the hospital.
When you woke up before him, you had laid there awake for a few moments, just soaking it in. When he was asleep and you were laying on him, it was easier to forget that the Bakugou next to you was different than the Bakugou he felt like. But you couldn’t help but wish the person you were holding was the boy who loved you.
“Wanna go for a walk?” Bakugou asked after the movie you had been watching ended.
You were cuddled into his side with a blanket over your legs.
Four months.
It had been four months since he had forgotten your previous relationship, but the two of you had fallen into a new one. He had admitted at three months that he was sure he liked romantically again. Now, you called each other babe and he would say goodbye and greet you with kisses and a hug.
This version of your relationship was a lot calmer and softer than the first time around. Before the memory loss, Katsuki was still a bit impulsive and aggressive, something you still loved about him.
But ever since, he’s been patient and calm. There’s been something serene about your relationship. He still had his not-really-endearing pet-names to call you, and got loud and aggressive as he spoke. But you couldn’t help but think about how he was a lot softer to make up for the fact that he couldn’t give to you what you lost in him.
“Sure,” you said.
So, you two went out for a walk. He let you wrap your arms around one of his, holding yourself to him closely as you walked.
He asked questions more, about your old lives together, so he had a pretty good picture of what it looked like.
As you two walked around while the sun set, he looked down at you with a smile on his face.
Memories or not, he felt himself falling back in love with you.
“Hey, Y/N?” 
You looked up from your book.
Six months.
The soft smile on his face reminded you of the early stages of this new life of yours, when he’d stand by the door ready to leave and not give you any affection.
Now, he stood right in front of the couch with coffee in his hands. He placed it on the table and leaned down to plant a quick kiss to your lips.
“I’ll see you when I get home, okay?”
You nodded, and he leaned down for another kiss.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widened. He had never said it in the six months since he had woken up. You saw his eyes widen, too, but he fell over.
“K-Katsuki!” you yelled, rushing to grab him as he knocked over the coffee he had made for you. 
You pulled him into your lap, uncaring for the spilt caffine.
“Katsuki!” you called again, trying to get him to wake up. “Baby? Please wake up!”
Tears filled your eyes as panic arose in you yet again. No, not again, you told yourself. You couldn’t almost lose him again. Not this time. 
But the panic ended when his eyes began to flutter open. You stared down at him, and saw his eyes soften for a second before filling with tears himself. He sat up and pulled you into his chest, and somehow, without words, you knew exactly what was going on.
It was something about the way he looked at you, the realization you saw pass through his eyes. He held you tight and you sobbed into his neck.
“Hey, Princess,” he said softly, planting a kiss to your neck. 
“Say it,” you begged. “Please, please, say it.”
“I remember now,” he said calmly, stroking your hair. “I remember everything, my love.”
Turns out the solution to fixing his memory loss was simple: to get the memories of the one person he loved most in the world back, he had to find a way to genuinely and sincerely fall back in love with them.
And he did.
A/N: AHHHHHH this one made my heart go :’))))))
anyways, send me an ask if you want me to do a todoroki verison! or maybe even tamaki cuz my little sasuke look alike has stolen my heart lately!
TAGLIST❋❀ bolded usernames are one that it wouldn’t let me tag
@bukojuiice @bakatsukism @unicornlover25 @drw0301bieber @luluwiie @emmaggg  @depths-of-your-soul
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sodadrabbles · 3 years
Heya! Could i request a c! Philza x reader smut with a wing kink? You dont have to but it'd be cool if the plot was that Phill never let her touch his wings and she never knew why. Also she/her pronouns plz
Ahhh, wing kink. When all the people graduated from MHA during the s5 hiatus, all the Hawks stans came to MCYT and just fell in love with Philza. Dilfza supremacy. lord help me I'm formatting this while sitting next to my mother. the RISK.
Pairing: Philza x reader
Summary: Philza would never let anyone touch his wings, and never shared why. Today, reader finds that reason.
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You and Phil had known each other for a while, long before he came to live in L’manburg. And for as long as you’d known him, he never allowed anyone to touch his wings. It was just so personal for him- He wouldn’t even accept help preening, despite how many times you had asked in the past. When you two start dating, it got a little better- He’d allow the occasional brush of his feathers when they got messy, or when he needed help preening a hard-to-reach spot. But even then, he was very avoidant when it came to letting you touch his wings.
Phil sat on the floor of your shared cabin, shirt and robe discarded somewhere in the room, his wings ruffled up and messy from flying through the nearby forest- Twigs were sticking out of spots and his feathers were all misplaced.  He was struggling to brush through all the mess, but he was so clearly tired from everything he had done today- From hunting with Techno to helping you smith some gold armor for a nether trip tomorrow and going for a walk with Ghostbur, the blonde was reaching a point of exhaustion.
You had been finishing up a batch of fire resistance potions when you decided enough was enough- You were going to help him preen up his wings whether he liked it or not. With new confidence, you placed your three fresh fire res potions in a chest and walked over to your lover, plopping on the floor behind him with your legs crossed.
“(Y/N), what are you-” Phil’s shoulders physically tensed when he felt your hand brush through a part of his outer feathers, gently pulling out several small twigs. He wanted to melt under your touch, a wave of comfortable pleasure washing over him. He sucked in a deep breath and shook himself a bit, his face starting to feel a bit warm. “(Y/N), mate, what’re you doing?”
You hum and gently pet your hand through the thick plumage on the outer part of his wing, straightening out his feathers. His wing twitches a bit at your touch, and Phil makes a quiet whine under his breath. You just assume it was because you accidentally tugged on a feather.
“I’m helping you with your wings, darling.” You other hand travels to the part of his wing closest to the root, straightening the fuzzy down feathers and gently tugging at the loose ones you came across. Phil squirms a bit, his hand coming up to cover his mouth. His face was flushed a deep red and his pants were starting to feel uncomfortably tight.
He broke when you massaged down the skin between the roots of his wings, pushing gently into the tense muscles. It was a simple and loving gesture, but good god did it feel good. A shudder shot through the elytrian, his voice coming out in a high-pitched moan. His dick twitched as he gently rode through the orgasm, his hands now pushing against the somewhat painful hard-on.
You stared wide-eyed at your boyfriend, your cheeks burning from embarrassment. You held your hands tight against your chest, a bit afraid to touch Phil again. When it seemed he had come down from his high, you cleared your throat to get his attention.
"Ph-Phil- Uhm, did you just…?"
The elytrian gives you the smallest nod, his expression one of shame. He refused to look you in the eyes. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, you shift to sit in front of Phil, hands gently taking his. Phil glances at you for a moment, his breath heavy, a barely noticeable shake to his form.
Truth be told, the idea that you could so easily make him cum practically untouched ignited something warm in your core. It sparked a few jittery ideas in your mind that made you a bit too excited. You smile a bit, thinking about what you could do to him now that you had this information- But first you wanted to make sure Phil was okay with this.
"Phil…" You start, wetting your lips a bit. He looks at you with fear flashing through his irises. You laugh a bit and rub your thumbs along his knuckles. "Is that why you never let me touch your wings? Because it, uhm… Feels good?"
You laugh a bit when Phil's wings puff up. He nods again and shifts, his dick still leaving an imprint on his pants. The thought of helping him out with that has you drooling a bit.
"Phil I… I want to try something. With your wings. Is that okay?"
The way he looks at you when you ask, eyes wide and shining with excitement, yet his little nod is hesitant and shy. You slide forward onto his lap, and his hips bucked up to meet yours instinctively. You push your palms against his thighs, keeping him still. 
"Sit still.." You mutter, moving your hands to wrap around his back, fingers resting just beneath the roots of his wings. The large appendages tense and the feathers puff out at the soft touch. Phil squirms under you, desperate for friction. The whines flowing from his mouth nearly make you give in.
You massage the skin between his wings, pressing softly into the muscle. You feel Phil's hands come to rest on your hips, squeezing gently with every soft press you push into the sensitive area.
He mumbles a curse under his breath when you brush your fingers into his feather, his face pushing into your shoulder. You can feel him twitching beneath you, his hard-on pushing into your inner thigh. 
You press against him, grinding that sweet spot between your thighs against the thing poking you, and Phil moans into your shoulder. "Please, fuck, l-let me put it inside you, lemme fill you up."
You laugh at the way he's begging. Who knew just petting his wings a bit could break down the stubborn immortal so easily? You take a hand from his wings to free his member from his clothes, your thumb rubbing across the tip in a subtle tease. 
Phil groans when you try to stand to remove your own clothes, his hands trying to hold you tightly against him. You give him a soft peck to his lips and a few pumps up his shaft before he lets you go. He watches you strip out of your fuzzy arctic clothes lovingly, his hands gripping the carpeted floor harshly. 
When you sit back on Phil's lap, he's quick to lift you by your thighs and push you onto your back.You squeak at his sudden enthusiasm, cut off by the feeling of something pushing at your entrance. Phil holds you tightly, looking at you expectantly. You nod, unable to help the sweet moan that slips out when he pushes all the way into you.
You can feel yourself tighten around the elytrian when he bottoms out, your arms wrapping around his back. Phil starts at a slow pace, giving you time to adjust to his size. The entire time he's moaning praise into your ear, getting louder as his pace picks up.
You yelp when he rubs against that sweet spot inside you, your fingers tangling roughly into his wings. This causes Phil to make another high-pitched noise, his words slurring together and his movements becoming sloppy as he chases his orgasm.
"R-right there, (Y/N), fuck, keep touching right there." He whines, pushing roughly into you again. You smile and pet your hands through his wings, brushing through the feathers and tugging softly. You can feel the knot in your stomach tightening as he pounds into you, your own string of praises flowing from your mouth.
"Phil, I'm close-" You whine, moaning again when you feel his tip gently kiss your cervix. He mutters a quiet 'me too against your shoulder. your fingers curl tightly into his wings as he shoves you over the edge, a wave of pleasure washing over you.
Phil cums shortly after you, the feeling of you tightening around him and the way you tug at his wings finally breaking him. He fills you up with his load, gently riding through his climax by thrusting into you. Each jerk of his hips pulls a little noise from you. He adores all of them.
After a few moments to let you both come down, you take your hands from Phil's wings and gently pet through his hair. Your hands feel clammy and the rest of you feels sticky from sweat, but still you lovingly brush your fingers through his hair as he breathes against you. You press a few soft kisses to his forehead. You'll definitely have to involve his wings more often.
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shiggyscumrag · 3 years
How the MHA boys react to their chubby s/o wearing their clothes<3
I also plan on making a demon slayer and haikyuu version so look out for that hoessss
Midoriya Izuku
Dude he would flip, but like in a positive way-
He would get so flustered and immediately start muttering on and on about how pretty you look and try to poorly hide his embarrassment
He would find it really cute, plus he wears slightly bigger sized shirts so it wouldnt fit to tight on you
And even if it did he would find it absolutely adorable
You wearing one of his shirts that literally say "shirt" and a pair of his sweats to go along with it and it would be one of his new favorite things
He would ask if he could take a picture to save as his new homescreen deadass
He just cant get over how adorbale you look so of course hes gonna get all flustered and lovey dovey
10/10 would cuddle you for the rest of the night and not let you leave. Sleepover timeeeee
"What are you wearing?" He said as he stumbled across you in one of his shirts and sweats. You were bored and uncomfy in your jeans and tshirt so you decided it was a good idea to steal some of your boyfriends clothes to get more comfortable. Of course he was a little smaller in size then you but it would still work.
"I got uncomfortable and I thought you wouldn't mind if I borrowed some clothes to change into. I can change if you want-"
"No no no, you're okay! I mean I like you in my clothes, and I'm glad they make you comfortable! I just didnt know what you were doing and I was a little confused at first but you look really cute so I really don't mind at all, I swear! I was just a little startled-" you were interrupted by Izuku's rambling. He always did this when he was nervous. All you could really do is chuckle, and have your cheeks blush slightly at the compliments while getting comfy on his bed.
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou thought it was a dumb idea at first, like he just didnt get it
Though after your persistent meddling he gave in and gave you one of his shirts
After you put it on and showed him he got all flustered and very horny
He felt weirdly proud about it, it was like a way of marking you as his and he liked that
And omg when you stole and wore a pair of his boxers, he fucking malfunctioned. Heres how the scenario would go in my head-
"Welcome back Katsuki!" You said cheerfully from further inside his dorm.
"Ah, what are you doing here shitty woman! I'm tired and want to go to bed-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw you laying on his bed in his boxers and his classic skull tshirt. He didnt realize how horny he had been but now the bulge in his pants was very prominent and uncomfortably tight.
"See something you like katsu?" You teased. You knew he had been stressed from interning lately and I mean so have you, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
"Hell yeah I do." He said crossing the room fast and finding your lips. A heated makeout session started, you had sat up and placed your hands on his chest starting to undo his tie and unbutton his uniform shirt. He pulled away and smirked grabbing you by the chin making you look at him.
"You're such a naughty girl." He pulled his pants and boxers down in one swift motion, hissing when the cool air hit his cock. "Now get to sucking slut." You smirked and went down to lick his slit, some pre hitting your taste buds making you mewl. You began to bob your head at a steady pace. He groaned as his head fell back, a hand falling behind your head guiding your movements.
"Such a good little slut for me. Got any panties under here?" He said snapping the elastic of his boxers, leaving a delicious sting on your hip. You hummed causing another groan to rip through his throat. He pulled you off his cock with a pop.
"Is that a yes or a no sweet cheeks?" He said dragging his thumb against your drool soaked lips
"No sir, I dont have any panties on." You say, eyes half lidded and full of lust.
"Good answer-" He started as he pinned you down on the bed and left a chaste kiss on your lips. "Cause I was gonna take em' off anyways."
Kirishima Eijiro
When you first ask if you could borrow a shirt and pants to wear to sleep in his dorm he gladly excepted
He found it to be quote on quote "the manliest thing ever"
He would feel bad that his clothes are tight on you so he buys a couple over sized ones and wears them to get them to smell like him and next time you come to trade out hoodies he gives you those in hopes it'll make you feel more comfy
He would def also steal your clothes
He would love to wear your hoodies around the dorm and flex about having them
He loves that you feel comfortable enough to wear his clothes and to also let him wear yours
It's a trust and comfort thing that he finds the most adorbale
It makes him feel so happy, you make him so happy<3
You heard a knock on your door. You got up from your bed and made your way to the door as whoever it was continued to knock. You opened it up to see a red head with sharp teeth grinning widely at you.
"Hey kiri!" You said wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped one arm around your waist and chuckled at your kiss.
"I came by to swap hoodies again! Yours stopped smelling like you." He said with a pout on his lips.
"Ah its okay baby, I'll give you another one!" You said with a smile.
Todoroki Shouto
Shouto would be confused on why exactly you would want to wear his clothes when you have your own that are perfectly fine
But he would still find it oddly comforting and very cute
He didn't really know that was a thing that couples do, you know trading clothes
So you would steal his hoodies and you would give him yours to sleep in
Dude he would get so happy
He would put your hoodie on for the first time alone in his dorm after you dropped it off and gave him a kiss goodnight
So he puts it on and just feels so comfy and at home in a sense. He just feels so calm and at peace with the world
Plus when he realizes it smells like you he goes wild
Would sleep in it every night and every morning he would fold it neatly and place it on his pillow so that when he gets home after a long day of class and interning with his dad he can wear it straight out his shower and smell your scent and be able to go to sleep peacefully that night
He can only hope his hoodies make you feel the same way yours do to him
"I can have this?" He says holding out the hoodie of yours you just gave him to be able to wear, a stoic expression still painted on his face.
"Well yeah! I thought since you let me have yours that you could have mine!" You said with a smile. Shoto couldn't help the heat that started to flush his face. He never knew that this is what couples do. He just knew they cuddled, kissed, held hands, and went on dates. He didn't know you could exchange clothing as a form of affection, but when you asked to have one of his hoodies he did love the idea of you wearing them. Shoto liked it even more when he saw you around the dorm in them.
"Thank you y/n. I appreciate it greatly." He spoke.
"Of course roni!" You said leaning in and pecking his lips "Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" You said skipping towards the girls dorms.
"Goodnight. Sleep well." He said softly. You smiled and waved goodbye. Once you rounded the corner and he could no longer see you he entered his room now staring at the hoodie once again.
He pushed the hoodie over his head and put his arms through. He adjusted the material until he was comfortable. He looked in the mirror and stated to go red. He was wearing your hoodie. He started to get this euphoric feeling of relief. A sense of home is what he felt while wearing it. He tucked himself into bed and laid his head on his pillow when he got a sudden whiff of your scent. It smelled like you too. He felt even more comfy now. He went to sleep peacefully that night. It felt like he was going to sleep in your arms. It was amazing. He now wears it every night and when it doesnt smell like you anymore he asks for you to wear it to make it smell like you again. You have definitely created a monster-
Mezo Shoji
Shoji is a pretty big fella and because of his quirk his clothes are kinda unique
BUT his pants and boxers are normal and can fit you fairly well
I feel like he would also get over sized clothes to lounge in so he feels less restricted so that's a bonus for you
So now you steal his pants all the time when your too lazy to go to your dorm and change or if you haven't done laundry and your out of comfy clothes
Plus you steal his boxers to basically substitute them as spandex shorts
I feel like he wouldnt know that he would like seeing you in his clothes until he did and he would get really happy.
And he finds it incredibly sexy when you wear his boxers, like damn you finna get WRECK-
You have once again stolen one of Shojis pair of boxers to wear as spandex, cause their just so comfy! Your boyfriend was currently downstairs in the kitchen getting you guys snacks for your movie night in his dorm.
You had gotten one his boxers and hid your panties in your pants and folded them nicely over on the nightstand. He came in with his hands full of popcorn, candy, and drinks. Not the healthiest but for sure yummy!
"Here let me help bubs!" You say getting out from under the blanket and standing to help grab stuff from his hands. He stared down at your lower stomach, hips, and thighs seeing them covered in the print of one his boxers. He was used to you stealing his pants and boxers but their was something different this time. Something in him snapped. "You okay Shoji?" You asked placing your hands on his chest after already setting the drinks and candy down. Popcorn still in one hand he took the other and stroked your cheek.
"I'm okay love. I see you stole my boxers again." One of his arms finding its place to settle on your hip.
"Oh yeah I did. I didn't feel like running back all the way to my dorm just to change." You spoke "Is that okay?" You asked, a silent plead in your eyes for it to be okay with him.
"Yeah it's okay." He said bending down and nuzzling his cheek against yours. You hummed in contentment before speaking.
"I'll get the movie ready!" You said running over to his laptop on his desk across the room. Shoji saw your pants folded neatly on his night stand where he was gonna set the popcorn and drinks so they were easier to reach. He set down the popcorn on the bed and picked up your pants accidentally unfolding them and causing your panties to fall on the floor at his feet. A flush crossed Shojis face, a scorching heat firing through his body. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.
You couldn't figure out what movie you wanted to watch. You just scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through Netflix's recommended page finding absolutely nothing. Next thing you knew you felt Shojis hands wrap around you waist and his face right next to your ear.
"Shoji what are you-"
"No panties huh?" He interrupted.
That's all you needed to hear to know you were gonna have a long night filled with hours of unwatched watched movies and a bunch of screens saying "Are you still watching?"
Hanta Sero
He would praise the ever loving dog snot out of your bro
Dude he would praise you left and right, up and down, side to side which is basically the same thing as left to right but we wont talk about it
He absolutely loves it
He never knew he needed this until now and he is never going back
He loves how you look in his clothes so he would for sure start getting slightly oversized stuff so it will fit you more comfortably so you dont have an excuse not to wear his clothes
Even though he would be perfectly content if you only wore them in his dorm, he just wants you in his clothes now 24/7
He would also steal your clothes<3 and he would always say he likes how they smell like you AHHHHHHH
"Come on, do a little twirl for me!" Sero teased as he spun his finger around in a circle.
"Sero!" You said, you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. He loved when you got all hit and bothered by his praise so he always teases you.
"You just look so damn good~" he said as he snaked his arms around your waist. He leaned in making you eager and lean in as well. Just as your about to kiss he pulls away.
"Sero stop teasing!" You whisper shout, a bit of whine in your voice.
That's when he leaned down fully and gave you a kiss on your lips. You depended the kiss and started a full on make out session. His hands trailed down to your ass grabbing it firmly cause a gasp from you. He took that as a chance to slip his tongue in. After a couple minutes you both pulled away for air, slightly panting and a string of salvia connecting your lips.
"You look really cute in my clothes but I think they'd look cutest on the floor-"
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Whatever You Want
A/N:  My first Hawks fic omg I’m so excited. The smut could've been longer but I was tired writing this. I know most of the time Hawks is depicted as being super aggressive and dominant during his rut but I wanted to try a different approach. I hope you guys enjoy this subby Hawks meal because I know I sure did. Love you all !!!!!
Fandom: Hawks, MHA
Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Warnings: I’m not the best when it comes to following writing rules. I pretty much write how I want to, so if you’re a stickler for grammar and what not just ignore it or don’t read loll (I’m nice I promise.) SMUT SMUT SMUT
(Word Count: )
Plot: Spring has hit and Hawks is entering his rut. He is desperate for any type of release.
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        Spring is here. The weather is great and everyone is in a wonderful mood. Well, almost everyone. My phone continuously vibrates in my lap, my screen lighting up with text after text and call after missed call from my boyfriend. I feel bad not answering him but I have things to do and unfortunately he’s going to have to wait for a while. I sat at my desk trying my best to complete all the work I had left before I left for the day. Heat began to emanate from my phone from the sheer number of notifications coming through. All from one person. Keigo goes through this rut every spring. He told me about it when we first began dating and even though we've been together for two years this is the first time I'm going through it with him. Last year I was in another country on a very important mission. I had to stay on the phone with him for hours while he jerked himself off, saying lewd and obscene things.
        He made me promise not to go on any missions that would take me away from him this year. I replied to the last of my emails for the day before closing my computer. As I made my way out the door of my busy office I said my goodbyes to all my co-workers. When I finally got to my car I sighed trying to release all the stress I had built up. The engine of my car revved to life, I backed out of my parking space and drove out onto the road. I used a voice command to call Keigo back as I drove. I just know he’s gonna be pissed.
“Babybird, where have you been all day? I've been calling you nonstop. Why didn't you pick up the phone?” His voice shook as he spoke.
“I’m so sorry babe but I had to finish my work and I didnt want to get distracted. I’m on my way home to you now, don't worry.”
        I could hear him shifting in the bed. Probably trying to get comfortable while he waited for me.
“Hurry. Please. I want you so bad. I don’t even know what to do with myself. All        I can think about is how badly I want to touch you and hear all the noises you make when I’m inside you. Get home now.”
        He hung up before I could even respond. I knew what that meant. I sped home as fast as I could. Once I made it up to our apartment I opened the door to see the place in shambles. Things were all over the place, all the pillows in the living room were gone and ice littered the floor. Slowly I pushed the door open to our room and my vision was instantly blocked by keigo as he rushed me. His hands were all over my body grabbing and squeezing, as if they were searching for any inch of me that wasn't covered by clothing. His mouth crashed into mine. The kiss was desperate and passionate. He nipped at my bottom lip. A small yelp escaped me. His wings fluttered in response.
“Keigo wait - just - I need to - let me just take a shower. I’ll be quick, just give me two minutes.”
“You can shower later. I need you.”
        I squirmed and turned, trying to escape his grasp but no matter what I tried I couldn't get away from him. I’d been at work all day running up and down doing all kinds of things. I felt sweaty and icky and all I wanted to do was wash this long day away before I did anything with him. His lips traveled to my neck. He inhaled deeply taking in my scent.
“Babybird you smell so good just the way you are. You don't need to shower.”
        My resolve to shower started wearing thin as the heat within my core grew. He placed wet open mouth kisses all over my neck. I moaned, pressing my body into his.
“Please baby, I need you. I’m desperate for you right now. My cock is so hard I can feel it pulsating and so much pre cum is leaking out of me, I can't take it.  Please!”
        Hearing him beg was like music to my ears. I love it when he lets go and gives me control. It doesn't happen often but when it does I turn into a different person,
“Okay baby I’ll help you. Take these pants off.”
        As he removed his pants I unbuttoned my dress shirt and allowed it to slide off of me to the floor. My bra followed soon after. Keigo was on me in an instant, his mouth attached to one of my sensitive nipples while his free hand massaged the other. I cradled his head in my hands gently stroking the nape of his neck. He groaned into my chest.
“That feels so good baby.” I said breathlessly as he moved his attention to my other breast.
        My head fell back as I reveled in the feeling of his lips and tongue. His strong hands were wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him. His face was completely engulfed in my chest now.
“Do you like when I hold you like this while your mouth is full with my breast? Hmmm? You like turning me on like that? You wanna be my good boy so badly don’t you?”
        He let out a whine like groan. I felt his body shiver. I could see how frustrated he was but I was enjoying myself too much to give in just yet.
“What’s the matter baby? Are you that worked up you can’t even talk anymore? All you can do is moan and groan? All you want is a little release huh? You want to fuck me until I can’t take anymore, until I’m full with all your cum. Is that it?”
        I gently slid my fingers down one of his wings just to tease him even more.
“Please! Don’t tease me like that (Y/N)  I’m barely holding on here. You’re so fucking hot I just wanna take you right here right now but I also wanna be a such  good boy for you it hurts.”
“Okay baby I think I’ve had my fun. Let me make you feel better.”
        I knelt down in front of Hawks, his swollen erection twitched with anticipation. His eyes darkened with lust as he looked down on me. He probably thought I was going to give him a blow job but I had something else in mind. I took him in my hand, he inhaled sharply at the contact. I allowed the pre cum leaking from his cock to fall onto my chest as I pumped him slowly allowing it to coat my breasts. The sheer amount that came from him shocked me. I’d never seen anything like it. His hips bucked into my hand desperate for more friction. My slow pace made him growl with frustration. I loved teasing him, he always got needy so quickly but I knew it was time to finally give him what he wanted.
        Ever so slowly I guided him in between my breasts and squeezed them together. I opened my mouth to speak but before I could even get the words out he was pumping his cock up and down against my chest. His pace was fast and without thought. His hands gripped my hair pulling it as he used my body for his pleasure.
“It feels s-so good.” He groaned through clenched teeth, throwing his head back
“Look at me. Yes. Is this what you've been craving? Huh? What you've been begging for all day? I know this is what you've been dreaming about. Having your cock between my beautiful soft breasts?”
“Fuuuuuuuuuuk.” He moaned.
        I couldn't help but smile. I had him wrapped around my finger in this moment. I could ask anything of him right now and he’d say yes without hesitation. I loved having this control. It really made me feel so powerful to know that I could make such a dominant man like Hawks bend to my will using only my breasts. I could feel his  body begin to shiver. His grip on my hair grew even tighter. The veins in his cock bulged and pulsated and I knew he was close.
“If you wanna cum you know what you have to say don't you baby?”
        He hesitated, not wanting to give up that last little piece of control.
“Come on, I know you’re so close. It's right there isnt it. All you have to do is say one thing for me.” I pushed my breasts together even more around him.
“Ahhhhhhhh! Can I cum please?!”
“Please what?”
        That’s all it took. His thrusts were hard and rough as he came all over my face and chest. His whole body convulsed and shook. I could hear the ruffeling of his feathers. Once his movements stopped I used my hand to pump him. He groaned as a jolt went through his body. I was shocked. He was so sensitive yet he was still so hard. I looked up at him in disbelief. A chill ran through my body when we made eye contact. The look on his face was unlike any I'd seen before.
“You’ve had your fun with me babybird now it’s my turn.”
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
hello mr simp do you have any thoughts on the leeks 👀
Okay, it's no secret that I'm an All Might stan. I LOVE All Might. Very very much. Not just as a simp, but genuinely, I enjoy his character SO MUCH.
--And unlike what some people may think, I'm not totally blind to his flaws. I know he sucks as a mentor and that he's done way more harm to Deku than good. He's.... not perfect. in every sense of the word. The whole point of AM's character is that he is a DEEPLY FLAWED individual— but at the end of the day, still good.
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This new chapter gave me SOOO many new feelings. I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I was a Stain apologist beforehand because I wasn't. I disliked Stain to a certain degree, but I also knew he was morally grey enough that I was able to still quite appreciate him as a character. This chapter was about EVERYTHING to me because I honestly did NOT expect Hori to go in this direction and for things to happen the way they did. It was too good to be true! Too fanfic-y! The disbelief I felt when I read what happened was on par with when Bakugou and Deku had that apology and kinda-hug in the rain!
But this disbelief is not because it was a bad thing.
I think the writing in Chapter 326 is phenomenal. The moment that All Might was really beginning to lose hope in not just himself as a hero, but himself as a PERSON... we finally hear the opinion of someone who would abso-fucking-LUTELY make or break the last of his spirit.
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Stain is, as much as his views are pretty agreeable and his label is that of a vigilante, still a pretty shitty guy. He's tried to kill literal kids who got in his way, even if said kids made pretty dumb decisions. AM hearing what he has to say is absolutely mind-boggling to him because he knows all of that. He knows Stain is a shitty person and that his worldview is perhaps terribly skewed. He knows Stain has spent a hot minute frying his brains down in Tartarus and isn't good at making judgment calls. Knows that for all intents and purposes, Stain's opinions are not to be trusted.
But the thing is... Toshinori also knows that Stain, regardless of the soundness of his mind, is telling the truth.
Regardless of how fucked-in-the-head Stain is, we as readers are able to acknowledge that he isn't blinded by hero worship. Sure, he's bitter, cynical, and quite the absolutist--but Stain is still clear-headed enough to be able to see AM's flaws for what they are and accept them, ultimately proving to Toshinori that the power of All Might was never his own but rather the legacy that he inspired.
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The society MHA takes place in is flawed. We all know this. Heroes, as a concept, had been corrupted into being purely about good and evil. Purely winning fights for money or fame or the abstract concept of victory (coughs Endeavor and the no.1 spot coughs), making heroism as we know it about flashiness and power instead of mercy and the desire to help others.
All Might symbolizes the ideal version of the Hero Society. He represents doing the best you can. Being a hero until you reach your limits, and then going even past that. He symbolizes pure intention and the desire to be a hero not for material gains but because of the pure want to make society a better and safer place. Stain refers to Kamino Ward and the statue as a "holy land" because he believes that through and through, AM's only had the purest of intentions and morals. To him, Toshinori was like a deity that had no fault in making society what it was in the present because that accountability fell on the generations of heroes that failed to fulfill his legacy.
The point being, Stain understood that All Might was fundamentally not about 'being there' for everyone 24/7, but rather the message his presence had sent.
All Might's monologue at the beginning of the chapter essentially boiled down to the ideas that:
A. He regrets not being there properly for Deku
B. His image was a delusion that ultimately led to the downfall of hero society.
To break this down, his problem with Deku is his inability to be a competent mentor. It shows that he has led him down dangerous and horrible paths (Deku's stubbornness to do things by himself and his 'dark' arc post-war), and is unable to bring him back into the light even if he tries. It was only when Class 1-A had intervened that they were able to get Deku to rest and let people tag along, after all, which is why Toshinori was far too embarrassed to follow him into UA's walls even after everyone had come out with umbrellas.
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Stain disproves this in two ways.
First, he says that it was never about All Might's ability to actually be there for people. The whole point of what inspired Deku to be the inherently good-hearted "true hero" he is today is because of the values that AM's brand had instilled in him as a child. AM's biggest positive impacts came from behind the screen where he was used as the proof that true heroes can and do exist. Deku does want to be exactly like All Might, yes, which is why we see Toshinori leading him down the same path that he walked--but the underlying message of this is that the very first thing All Might gave him even before OfA was the courage to help fix society.
I do believe Deku is an innately compassionate person. Most people in the series are. However, what makes All Might's smile so uniquely impactful to what it did to Hero Society is the way it gave people courage to help people. Less hesitation. Less bystander syndromes. The ability to move without thinking. Because you can feel the want to help a person, but the courage to be nosey and actually do it? That's portrayed as something AM's image teaches people.
The second way he disproves AM's insecurity of dragging Deku down is that he makes it clear that this pain is somewhat of a necessity in reforming society. He says, interestingly enough, that this is but the 'middle process' in reforming society. This spills over to how he addresses Problem B, but what Stain is essentially saying here is that this sort of brutality and isolation that Izuku faces is impermanent. A phase. It implies that even if Deku is struggling and Toshinori is unable to help him, it is something that needs to happen before they re-realize the ideal heroes All Might's image is meant to create.
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The second problem in regards to how All Might feels about current society (how it's collapsing because of him, etc. etc.) is more interestingly addressed. There are many things that Stain says--like how Toshinori doesn't need to actually be the one to fix society with his bare hands. The current society is not his fault because of the fact that it is not finished developing. I'm not sure if I can go so far as to say that Stain means this in the sense of the Scorched Earth method of tearing everything down to build it back up better-- but I can say that Stain still has faith in society to rebuild after this period of chaos.
This rebuilding starts with the old generation of heroes correcting what they messed up (i.e. Endeavor v Dabi) and more importantly, paving the way for a better generation of heroes that was inspired by All Might's image. Heroes that are led by people like Deku, who is defined by his proclivity to help without thinking. The violent deconstruction of society is about exposing society to the raw truth of All Might's image that not everybody can be as strong as him-- which is why we have to take care of each other.
When the lady comes in to remove the sign and start cleaning the statue, it's symbolic. It's a clear metaphor that the past few chapters are the turning point for society as a whole, and how people are starting to remember what real heroism is. From the distrust that was seeded in society ever since LoV had surfaced, we are seeing that trust being returned TEN-FOLD now that people can see not only the mask of a hero's smile, but also the person underneath.
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I think it's some really neat symbolism here too about how Deku, who's metal mouth guard was literally all about representing All Might's smile, is shed.
This is hero society dropping their masks. Letting people see them for as they are. Toshinori revisiting the statue in this form makes all the more impact because he shed his mask ages ago during the Kamino Bust, so this is him coming face to face with the image he's created and seeing the differences between them, and how his image continues to live on even after he's almost completely Quirkless. The lady cleaning the All Might statue shows off the fact that things can be repaired again--that society can be clean (hehe stain pun) again.
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It's interesting to me here how Stain offers the information from Tartarus.
He doesn't care anymore about his life. It's evident. He disagrees with what the LoV is doing, but believes enough in Deku to think that it's time for him to retire the mantle of 'Stain'. Unless this is another test, it's very odd for me to hear that Stain is offering a blade and his life to someone he isn't even sure is All Might.
But the impact of this action reads loud and clear.
This is Stain taking pity on All Might. This is him realizing that All Might too is a person behind the hero. That Toshinori Yagi is incapable of doing anything past the image he had already created. By offering that knife and information on Tartarus, Stain is giving control back to Toshinori. He is giving AM the chance to do something big again to help society's reconstruction. To be a part of the revolution that he so badly deserves to see. That knife is essentially an exit ticket from the sidelines, and one last chance for All Might to be able to see what his image has done for people.
I personally think that the main reason Stain is willing to die then and there by Toshinori's hand, despite not being sure that he is All Might to begin with, is because of the final impact it creates that it isn't about Toshinori Yagi's true power as a person, but the image of All Might. It is because he looks like the symbol of peace, that Stain (the literal HERO KILLER) feels comfortable laying his life in his hands and giving away valuable information.
If that isn't a great testament to the power of AM's image, I don't know WHAT is.
I guess all I have to say is I absolutely love what Stain did in this chapter. Everything felt so incredibly symbolic and emotional and as someone who absolutely ADORES All Might and what he stands for in the story, this felt like a cool balm after seeing Deku tragically reject his bento box a good few chapters ago. I have a few more opinions about symbolism, and how I think Deku's generation of heroes is going to stray from the old gen, but I think that's a discussion for another time.
Thanks for reading 'til the end!
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shotorozu · 3 years
hellooo,, i saw another tiktok video(and since ur like the elite on writing this type of reqs im requesting to you aha) https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJYsk4CY/ for shoto, kaminari and monoma (if u write for him) ty 💕
‘bae lol’
(the greenscreen heart, then kiss tiktok trend)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, monoma neito (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] for monoma reader’s a part of class 1-A, they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : fluff (x reader)
note(s) : oh, i absolutely love AND hate this trend, it’s mostly bc im single though :,) not like i can get a partner in the pandemic. anyways! i love your thinking, anon <3 also no proofread bc its like,, 2am here </3 will edit later!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
he’s very aware of your tiktok antics, but out of all of the ones you’ve pulled on him, and asked him to do
he loves this one the most.
because shouto doesn’t have to get the lights scared out of him, and it doesn’t have a chance in ending terribly.
you brisk towards your room, knowing that shouto rests inside— “shou!” you call out to him, and he tilts his head up
“Y/N, tell me it’s not—”
“no, i swear!” you drop next to him on the bed, and you play the video. “this would be fun to do, right?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, but he definitely wants to do it, judging by the fact that he’s replaying the tiktok over and over again.
abruptly standing up, he tugs at your wrist “let’s do it.” he says with determination hinted in his voice
you’d think that he’d get the hang of doing tiktoks because of you but LMAO NO— the greenscreen failed you both multiple times in a span of 40 minutes.
the first take, the heart was blurry, the second take, the kiss was captured seconds before the kiss, and the third take— your phone fell 💀
plus, his movements were a little stiff the first few times, but after the third try— he definitely got the hang of it.
and,, he doesn’t understand tiktok effects, not even the slightest.
on the brighter note, he has more excuses to kiss you so,, it’s a win for him! he won’t get sick of doing any retakes :))
you knew the moment he focused on making the perfect heart, as he firmly pulled you close to kiss you
that, would be the perfect shot there. he almost forgot that there was a camera recording
shouto is seen replaying the filmed tiktok over and over again— and it might’ve looked odd to anyone else
but not to you, definitely. for you, it’s the norm to see him like that.
“do more trends where i could kiss you more.” he pecks you on the lips, before he leaves you be temporarily only to edit the tiktok, ofc
the tiktok itself blows up by a ton, gathering 2M likes, and 5M views, in a surprising amount of time, and you didn’t even notice how he placed his hand on your hip
until the comments pointed it out to him. which shouto replies with “i always do that. you just didn’t seem to notice.” it’s fine bc you do now
the comments consisted of “where can i find a guy like this 💔” “haha that’s so cool *blocks*” “okay but we sEE THOSE HANDS 👀”
nonetheless— please do more trends like that with him. don’t be afraid!
shouto rates the entire ordeal a ♾/10. can and will do it again. oh— and he saves his home and lockscreen as the final outcome from the tiktok. he did a screenshot it, and decides to keep it like that for a very long time
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kaminari denki
again— this man is ALWAYS on tiktok, so he’s aware of most of the trends there. but that doesn’t make them any less scarier
but oh wow, he loves this trend. denki was just praying that you’d see it— and ask him to do it with you.
he was grateful that luck was on his side, since he was ecstatic when you skipped over to him— asking him to do a tiktok trend
“oh, what tiktok trend? wait— please tell me it doesn’t involve me breaking up with you for a week so you could listen to drivers licenses—”
“what? no— let me show you” and when you showed him the tiktok, he showed you this cheeky little smirk
“let’s do it! the sooner the better!” he says, and he seems more excited that you 💀
denki’s so enthusiastic, to the point that the first few takes are a total fail— as he makes you fall over your feet, as the result of quickly pulling you onto him for a kiss.
“denki— one of these days, you’re going to shatter my face”
“sorry, sorry!” he grins sheepishly. and it’s a miracle that he didn’t accidentally short circuit!
you guys try again, still persistent in getting at least a decent video, and this time— when he yanked you, causing you almost slip
he tightened his hold on you, a hand pressed against the small of your back and another hand dangerously close to your bank
the kiss is eager, passionate— and he holds you like you’re on the verge of death
and this flusters you because MAMDKWDK what happened to the goofiness 💀 i suppose that’s what happens when you have an eager denki kaminari.
you upload the video, thinking it would only get 5 likes at the very most— but it exceeds your expectations
though most people couldn’t get a clear view of your relationship dynamic with him, denki’s enthusiasm did attract the attention of 2.8M people
and in a good way, because the video did get 800k likes
the comments consisted of “when he caught you when you almost fell :,)” “damn he was EXCITED” “hey, have you told us where you got your boyfriend? i need the link to find someone like him NOW‼️‼️”
the bakusquad fawned over the video weirdly, but it quickly gets overplayed by denki— since that’s all he watched for a week or so 💀
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monoma neito
bruh </3 as much as he loves you, you’re going to kill him with pranks one of these days.
he’s totally in on it if HE’S not the one being targeted, but most of the time,, neito’s the subject of your pranks
so he thinks it’s another silly prank, where you make him pick a number between 1-5 and ghost him for that many hours.
but when you show him the video one day, when you guys were chilling in your room— as per usual, he declined :,)
“sorry dear Y/N! but no. that’s my answer”
“but whyyy?? it’s so harmless!”
“the class is going to tease me for being a part with a silly tiktok like that.” and besides,, he’d be a hypocrite for participating in that kind of tiktok with someone from class 1-A.
in reality, he did want to do it. he wasn’t so sure on why he said no— but he does want to show that something so easy isn’t really a bother to him.
“oh- don’t be so sad about it! you know what?” he gently pulls you up, “let’s do it. i don’t care what those silly class 1-A kids will say anymore.”
“what? i thought you said you didn’t want to.”
“have you ever heard of a lie?” he clicks his tongue, but he’s glad that you’re feeling much better than you did 10 seconds ago.
when it comes to it, he’s actually really shy about it. not like a ‘i don’t want to be seen with you!’ more like ‘gosh, how many takes is this going to take? will i be able to kiss them properly?’
“what if i end up accidentally copying their quirk? neito— focus, damnit.” he thinks to himself, brushing the anxious feeling away.
he’s determined enough to stay focused— but man struggled a bit with cooperating with the heart shape.
“neito— not that heart!” “well, you said to make a heart, so i did!”
it takes a few tries for the greenscreen to cooperate, and for you guys to get in sync
and when he finally has to kiss you, he grins at you— a very obvious blush adorning his cheeks, as he smashes his lips with yours
then he remembers that he actually has to break free from you— and forces you guys apart, still trying to play it cool
“wow! i look awesome. only i could kiss you like that, right? i don’t need an answer, because i know it’s true!” he says with that proud laugh of his, but it immediately dissipates after the second replay
neito leaves you be, not only for you to upload the tiktok— but also because he needs to THINK WHAT JUST HAPPENED he’s running laps in his mind rn
you upload the tiktok, not worrying too much about it— as you wanted to let it sit for a while, before checking up on it
however— when you open your phone again, you get bombarded with multiple text messages from kendou, and the other class 1-b students.
“you and monoma went viral!” is what you can sum up about most of the messages, and you have to see for youself— wanting to know if the tiktok really did get 800k likes and 1.9M views in a short amount of time.
spoilers ‼️ — it did
the comments were mostly like “why can i smell the dynamic from a mile away 💔 i want that.” “he’s definitely annoying to everyone but you” “sHEESH the way he smirked before he kissed you 😩✋‼️‼️😔”
monoma flexes on a daily that he did that to your class— but he HATES how class 1-b wrecks havoc on him, by teasing him
in short— he does prefer this more than being scared. and! he didn’t have to verbally ask you for kisses 💀
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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beann-e · 3 years
MHA Characters reacting to you forgetting something at the store
Read Part Two Here
-he’s so fun to write because he’s almost always pissed at everything so i’m guessing you can already sense the energy he has when you say you forgot something
- i’m sure you don’t even have to tell him he can just feel it
Your hands were sweaty as your grip tightned and loosened on your jeans. Hands moving up and down grabbing them in fistfuls. Your teeth grazing against the inside of your mouth as you chewed at it.
Heart racing , head growing hot as you took in a shaky breath.
“ babe yo— “
‘ oh shit he knows ‘
you heard the deep grunt that shook you even more in your seat causing you to shake in fear “ y/n “
“ h-huh “
“ what the fuck did you forget this time “
you smiled softly lips jerking up into a ridged smile instead of a soft one
“ forget ? I don’t — babe I didn’t forget anything “
“ don’t fuck with me y/n “
his voice was harsh “ what did you forget “
you looked to the car mat as you let your words out softly “ d-dinner “
his jaw dropped open as he sat in shock repeating after you
“ d-dinner “ it took him a minute to register what you just said still not registering as you bit at your lip
“ y/n please answer me carefully when I say these next few words “ his grip on the steering wheel tightned
“ you forgot dinner “
“ yes “
“ we went to the store for groceries “
“ yes “
“ for dinner “
“ no “
“ for dinner “ he said louder not wanting to hear your lie again
“ yes “
“ ok so why did you not get dinner “
“ b-because I — I forgot I went In and I didn’t get anything that I said I was going to I got side tracked i’m sorry i’m sorry “
he shook his head in understanding calming down “ yeah — yeah gotcha “
he moved his hands to play a drumbeat on the steering wheel “ no dinner —- got it babe — theres snacks in my backseat but no din din got it “
his voice soared as he just got even more pissed when thinking about what just happened
“ then why the fuck did you let me drive all the way home y/n ? “
he moved to point at his dashboard “ gas baby gas cost money “
he was fuming “ money that I don’t feel like spending on gas — who the fuck wants to drop 40 on gas that won’t even last “
you moved to look out the window “ ok well you don’t have to be sucha meanie about it “
“ well some people forget more meaningful things “
“ DINNER IS NOT MEANINGFUL TO YOU “ his eyes were wide open as he stared at you in pure shock
you sighed as you tapped your foot on the floor
“ I think some people are just extremely dramatic — we can just go back we have enough gas right now “
“ and you don’t even care “ he let out a small scoff
“ I am in pure amazement that your sitting here — even while i’m driving back to the store—without a care in the world that you were so afraid to speak that you were gonna let us starve until you felt like saying something “
“ hey — at least I said something before you got out of the car “
“ give me the card “
“ what but kats “
“ no your shopping privileges are revoked “
you pouted as you opened your wallet pulling out your family card before placing it in his hand looking up at him “ kats can you get “
“ no “
“ but “
“ i’m sticking to the list “
“ but I just want some ice cream “
he looked at you like you’d just commited a federal crime as his eyes slanted at you
“ as much shit as you brought out the store i’ll be damned if I buy you ice cream “
he moved to open the car door reaching over the driver seat to point at a bag that was open and falling over “ you forgot dinner but bought fucking raisins babe ? how does that make sense? “
“ they looked lonely on the shelf — and I had a sudden craving “
you watched as he rolled down the windows a little before slamming the car door mumbling to himself that he was the new grocery shopper and why did he even allow you to go on your own just for you to spend his money on nonsense — his hard earned money
he cursed you as your voice came out loud through the window crack
“ ICE CREAM BABE — ice crea— “
“ i’m not getting you fucking ice cream you shitty shopper “
you slumped back in your seat crossing your arms as everyone stared at the interaction happening in front of them.
You ignoring them and playing on your phone
you were used to the stares
people didn’t understand how you and your boyfriends relationship worked if you two just went back and forth all the time
they didn’t understand your love that was wrapped up in every disagreement
A case and point of that is when you watched your husband walk back to the car.
His hands full of bags showing off the fact that he didn’t need a cart as he shoved everything in the backseat switching between that and the trunk until he got in the car a small bag tucked into his lap as he sat down
Putting on his seatbelt throwing a bag that slapped you across your face and fell into your own lap
“ eat it and fucking enjoy because “ you watched as he reversed the car head turned back and arm behind the head of your seat
His eyes occasionally sweeping over you
“ it’s salad for the next few weeks since I had to go in the store — I got what I like and your gonna fucking enjoy it “
“ but kats I don’t want salad I wanted pasta I went to the store to get pasta “
his eyes fell on yours as he finally turned back around to put the car in drive voice low as he moved his hand to sit on your thigh squeezing it as he waited for traffic to pass “ or just starve fuck if I care “
You sighed out as you grabbed the spoon that was attached to the packaged icecream his eyes watching you with interest as you smiled brightly after your first spoonful.
He sighed out in happiness as he shook his head
“ god — even after you wasted my gas, made me go In the store and interact with assholes, and even fucking forgot my dinner “
he laughed as he thought about his next words “ I don’t — I don’t love you any less instead I love you more “
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
MHA Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 2)
Pinky/Alien Queen
The first time you met Mina was when you were much younger.
She had been in the friends group that you always admired and it had taken you a while to work up the courage to speak to her. Everything about her screamed her confidence and you looked up to her in almost every way possible. She was beautiful, her quirk was powerful, and there wasn’t a person alive who could dislike her.
But she had hardly noticed that you were there. At least, you had believed that you would slip under her radar. She wouldn’t know that she was your inspiration for your school choice and that was fine by you.
And yet…
Your name was called only a few minutes after you stepped through the main gates. A blur of pink nearly bowled you over and Mina practically picked you up with the strength of her hug.
“I didn’t know that you were coming here!” she squealed. “This is so cool! I was super worried that I was going to not know anybody here. Did you get into the hero course also?”
You laughed awkwardly, stepping away despite not really wanting to stop the hug. It was odd to stand before her and realised that not only did she know who you were but she was excited to see you.
You hadn’t just been a background character in her massive friend group.
“I didn’t try for the hero course,” you explained. “I’m here for the marketing course.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Wait, really? Your quirk would really suit being a hero though.”
“I know but it’s just not for me.”
Mina grabbed your arm then, walking closely by your side as you entered the large school. “That’s okay! I’m going to need a good marketing team one day when I’m out saving the world. Who better than somebody who’s known me since middle school?”
“You’re like the sweetest person in the world,” you pointed out. “Anybody with a brain cell will adore you when you’re a hero. Your marketing probably won’t have to do anything at all.”
She smiled proudly at your assessment. “Imagine if I make it to the top 10 without even working for an agency. I think I’d be like the first, right?”
You didn’t actually know the answer but, luckily, it seemed to be a rhetorical question anyway.
“I haven’t met anybody from my course yet and I’m super nervous,” she continued. “I saw a few kids during the exam that I am certain got in so I can’t wait to meet them. Hopefully they’re all super nice. Also, I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with my hero outfit! You should see what I sent in because I think you would love it.”
“I’m guessing it works for dancing as well as hero work?” you asked.
She nodded excitedly. “Do you expect anything else? I actually don’t think I’ve ever asked but do you like dancing?”
“I mean –“
You didn’t get much time to answer before she spotted somebody and excitedly grabbed your arm. “That guy was in my exam!” she said. “I just knew he was going to make it! You should see how awesome his quirk is. I’m going to go say hi.”
She raced off into the crowd, heading for somebody that you hadn’t quite seen. You couldn’t help the smile that graced your face at the thought of continuing to be in the same school as her. Perhaps now, without the distractions of others, the two of you could become actual friends.
You held your head high, excited to meet others in your course and learn some things to speak to her about in the coming days.
Red Riot
There was no place in the world quite like your home. Returning after far too long, you were extraordinarily excited to revisit all your favourite places and meet up with people.
Except that most of your friends had moved away from home in order to live on school grounds. And your favourite street food vendor had disappeared. Even the park had removed the swings that you had so many good memories associated with.
And thus, what had started as a great day had quickly gone downhill.
You found yourself just walking around, snacking on something small and hoping to just relax a little before having to unpack. Much of the place felt dull and uninteresting – not even the stuff that had remained being enough to cheer you up. It was honestly a little miserable and you had been hoping for some excitement.
Your request to the universe was thankfully answered when you finally spotted a familiar face standing outside the massive gates ahead of you.
Slowly, you made your way over and grabbed Midoriya’s shoulders playfully. The friend that you once knew would have jumped but laughed at it once he saw you.
He didn’t do that.
You yelped in pain as he spun around and grabbed your wrist tightly. He had never been strong before but now his grip felt like it could break bone.
The moment he recognised you, he released his hold and you backed away feeling thoroughly embarrassed.
“That was a bit excessive,” you commented dryly when he said your name.
“I am so sorry,” he said, quickly holding up his hands. “I thought that you – I mean, you gave me an awful fright.”
“No problem,” you said though your wrist still smarted. “I was going to do it to Bakugo originally.”
As though he magically heard you mention his name, the blond lifted his head from where you had spotted him beyond the gates. His ever-present snarl was still on his face and it only deepened when he spotted you. “I thought you had gone off and died somewhere!” he snapped, loud enough that many students turned to look curiously.
“You wish I had!” you responded. “I didn’t think they would let you into such a fancy school. I’m impressed.”
“And I’m disappointed that they let you back into the city!”
“He’s as sweet as always,” you said, turning back to Midoriya who looked at least slightly happy to see you. “I’m glad that you got into your dream school. You were always working so hard to make it happen. How did you do it?”
“I got a late quirk,” he chuckled.
A shadow fell over you and you turned to give Bakugo a glare. “You’re standing in my sunlight. Could you move?”
He was about to respond, undoubtedly with a cutting remark when a red-haired guy smoothly stepped around him. “You must be from their middle school, right?” he guessed, holding out his hand. “I’m Kirishima.”
You were beyond confused at having your impending fight interrupted. Bakugo didn’t seem to feel the same way, instead looking resigned. This happened often then.
You introduced yourself though, keeping your surprise well hidden. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’m sorry you have to be in the hero course with these two. I doubt they’ve gotten better with their constant fighting.”
“You’d actually be surprised. Their rivalry is just so manly and inspiring,” he enthused, looking for all intents as though he genuinely believed it. “But they’ve actually been getting along better recently.”
“Really? Tell me some details?”
Before anybody could protest, Kirishima began expressing how the two had slowly been growing to respect one another. Most of his praise fell onto Bakugo (who was giving you a look that promised you would die very soon) and you made sure to inject playful comments every now and then.
At the very least, your day was getting better by the minute.
Sometimes people would call you a disappointment. They were rarely people of importance – at least in your life, and it was something you’d learned to ignore them in a healthy childishness sort of way.
Despite what all those people thought, you weren’t a disappointment.
And it certainly was unfortunate.
Your parents weren’t pro-heroes but they held great sway in other ways. Ways that earned them a seat at many tables and an introduction at others. And that was how you made connections and earned your own reputation. Though accourding to many, the latter wasn’t something that you should be proud of.
You walked with your head held high and accepted any words that they offered to you with a simple smile and the occasional rude gesture.
It had served you well enough until you found yourself at some stuffy gala with nobody to talk to. On the surface, you had expected everything to continue in the same way that it always had.
But your parents stuck closer to you than ever. Normally they would disappear to socialize but tonight was different.
You found out why when they marched you almost directly to one of the world’s most intimidating people.
The Number Two hero himself.
Perhaps it was because of your normal personality but he made you uncomfortable. Everything about him ate at you and made you want to fight. But you merely introduced yourself and wondered what it was that he wanted.
“Your quirk is admirable,” he said. “If rumours are to be believed.”
“They’re rarely reliable,” you said.
He glanced at your parents, seeming to have a silent conversation with them before nodding. “Wait here,” he said.
Your parents disappeared to go talk to people but both gave you equally strong warnings – though their own came mostly through looks than actual words. Leaving wasn’t an option, no matter how long it took. And it really felt like absolute ages before Endeavor reappeared, his youngest son trailing behind him.
“Shoto and you are close in age,” he said. “Speak to one another.”
That… wasn’t what you had been expecting.
Shoto Todoroki didn’t want to be there but his dislike for the event seemed to go even further than your own. Though he didn’t frown, his deadpan spoke volumes and an uneasy atmosphere settled over you both. Once Endeavor marched off, you were very much expecting him to leave but he remained, staring at you.
“Hey,” you greeted.
You chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of your neck. “I haven’t really been told to make friends since I was much younger…”
“This isn’t about us being friends,” Todoroki said. “This is about creating a good reputation with your parents through our connection. They already get along well but this would undoubtedly benefit them both.”
“Oh,” was really all you could say.
“Business as usual,” he responded.
“So, you’re not up for being friends?” you asked, half-joking because you were unsure what else to say or do in this type of situation.
“I don’t care much either way.”
You could go off and cause trouble. It was tempting to be caught sneaking food into your bag again or climbing to the roof and taking selfies. But those were the things that you always did at these events. Never did you interact with anybody and you were, admittedly, curious about the burn that covered the younger Todoroki’s face.
“Well, we should talk then,” you declared. “After all, we are a ‘similar age’.”
He rolled his eyes at your attempt at an impersonation of his father’s voice. At the very least, he didn’t seem to consider talking to you to be that much of a chore.
(I’ve begun writing a much longer Todoroki x Reader story with a similar situation. You can find it on by clicking here).
People loved gossip. That was a sad but inherently true fact. Some preferred to keep away from the stuff and knew nothing about their own reputation but you liked knowing what they said about you. Thankfully, the majority of the time, it was good.
But that was unfortunately not true for everybody.
You heard them whispering about him as you entered class the one day. He always kept to himself but after the sports festival, Shinso had garnered many positive things said about him. You had never spoken to him yourself but you had thought that he was proud of how he could impress people.
Originally, you brushed it off as more speculation but the gossip sounded meaner than ever so you chose to listen in.
“No, I’m telling you, it’s scary as shit,” one guy was saying. “I began thinking all these really dark thoughts about like what I could do to people and stuff. It must have come from his quirk, right?”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, it was wild. I know you guys all think that he’s some big shot but we should be careful trusting somebody with a quirk like his.”
You cleared your throat, quickly drawing attention to yourself. It would be plausible if you didn’t know the main person describing his experience. He was always complaining about not getting enough credit or attention – never seemed to be without something rude to say about every quirk but his own.
And he had been getting steadily more jealous of the general course’s most famous student.
“There is no way that Shinso’s quirk could do that,” you said firmly. “Don’t you remember how it was described at all? It doesn’t take over your thoughts, just your body.”
The guy scoffed. “No offense class rep but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. I got hypnotized yesterday, not you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, willing to take the bait but unable to yet. Shinso normally got to class shortly before it began. So you waited until he arrived and then stepped in front of him with a friendly smile.
“Hey Shinso! I’m sorry to do this but I’ve been getting some conflicting answers about your mind control,” you said, projecting your voice just loud enough. “Could you show me?”
“Show you what?”
He sounded as though he had just woken up. You would have given him some time but you were on a bit short on it with class starting soon.
“How it feels to be under your hypnosis thing,” you said. “Apparently it’s kind of awesome and I was wondering if you could do it to me?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Is this a dumb bet?”
“Nope. I just want to feel it.”
He sighed heavily as though you were asking for the toughest thing in the world which, admittedly, you may just be doing.  “Do you like ramen?”
You felt as though you’d been plunged into an ice bath. All of your limbs grew cold distant, like they had been yanked from your grasp. Initially, you panicked but you focused on relaxing. Shinso was in control, that was all that was happening. You trusted Shinso wouldn’t make you do anything.
“Go and sit at your desk,” he said.
His words sent a jolt through your body and it began to moving, dragging itself to follow his orders. Once you were sitting, the warmth came back to you and you could feel your own limbs once again.
“That was so awesome!” you said happily. “Thank you! It’s pretty startling initially but once you remember what’s happening, it begins to make sense.”
He nodded and sat down at his own spot.
You made direct eye contact with the group who had been gossiping earlier and you gave them a dazzling smile. The main one gave you a dirty look but you ignored it, relishing instead in the proof that you now had.
Everybody knew who the Big 3 within U.A. were. They were impossible to ignore but quickly made friends with everybody, at least, two of them did.
Having been in their class for your entire U.A. experience, you had watched their quirks develop and fought alongside them in many exercises. They tended to stick to themselves for team ups or wound up working alongside one another. You had respected that but now you were beginning to get curious.
So, the one day you walked up to Nejire and told her, “I want to speak to Tamaki.”
She frowned at you in confusion. You were friends and often hung out together which meant, “You’ve spoken to Tamaki before.”
“No, I’ve spoken to groups that happen to have him in them. That’s not speaking to him, that’s speaking around him. Whenever I try to address him directly, Mirio or you end up answering for him.”
“That’s just Tamaki,” she said, taking a bite of her lunch bar.
It was just after a pretty intense training session and everybody was feeling quite tired. Most of you snacked before returning to class, citing that you had had complications in removing costumes or something similar.
“But I’ve been in his class for three years now and I’ve never actually spoken to the guy,” you urged. “Can you blame me for being curious?”
“I guess not but he’s not going to have anything interesting to say. He’s pretty quiet about literally everything.”
“You can try.”
Later at lunch, you joined the group at Nejire’s request. She plopped you down directly next to Tamaki and grabbed Mirio’s attention from the moment the conversation started. They spoke about something arbitrary which left you to speak to Tamaki… who was making a point to stare at his food.
“Tamaki, how’s your training been going?” you asked.
He glanced towards Mirio who paused his conversation with Nejire to tell you all about this new move that Tamaki was working on. You smiled and nodded but you weren’t too happy with this.
Nejire sensed it and this time told Mirio that she needed to show him something. Tamaki made to go with them but she quickly said, “Nope, only Mirio,” and practically dragged him away.
Second attempt.
“You work with Fatgum, right?” you asked. “He’s one of my favourite heroes. Is he just as friendly in real life?”
Tamaki gave a small nod but said nothing else.
“Why’d you choose to work with him?”
There was a moment of silence and then Tamaki muttered out something about food-related quirks. It was so soft that he honestly may as well have not answered for all the information you got. You wondered if it was just you but you knew it wasn’t.
“During my patrols the other night, we found this gang with a guy who could create like spikes from his feet. They made him a surprisingly fast runner but we caught him eventually. I became a parkour expert during the chase.”
Tamaki didn’t respond at all.
So you sighed in way that you knew he wouldn’t notice and just resigned yourself to silence. It was better than speaking to yourself at least.
Minutes went by and you considered sending Nejire a message to tell her to just come back when Tamaki spoke.
It was still soft but it was actually directed toward you. “What happened to the rest of the gang if you were chasing one guy?”
You looked up with an excitement that you really hoped wasn’t too visible. “Well, thankfully I wasn’t alone and the other work study students got them. But of course, I ended up having to chase the fast guy.”
“They always try and get me to deal with the big groups,” he said. “Fatgum thinks my quirk is good for crowd control.”
“You know, I could really see that. Have you ever been like really out of your depth?”
“All the time. Once…”
And that was how you started your friendship with Amajiki Tamaki.
Japan’s public transport system was one of the best in the world, that was something you believed with an utmost sincerity. But like anything, it always runs the risk of getting stuck behind a hero-incident.
You were on your way home from a day that felt like it had dragged by at the pace of a snail. Most of what you wanted to get done hadn’t happened so, though it wasn’t particularly bad, it was boring and bland. All you had been looking forward to was getting home and finally just sleeping for as long as you could.
The train jostled slightly as it left the station and you felt safe enough to let go of the grab handle for a short while. You knew the train route better than anybody else, having to ride it multiple times in a day.
You scrolled on your phone and just counted the minutes to each turn and hiccup in the train’s path. Everything was going accourding to plan.
And then, from somewhere outside the train, you heard a massive explosion.
A battle was happening in the city and you could see the glints of light from where you were standing. You reached up for your grab handle. Unfortunately, you moved too slow.
The train came to a jerking halt and you found yourself tumbling backward as it tried to continue forward. You accidentally slammed into the guy behind you, stepping on his foot and just about headbutting him.
The guy steadied you and helped you stand once the train had come to a full stop.
“I am so sorry,” you said, turning to face him.
“It’s no problem.”
He looked familiar enough that you stared a little – trying to identify where you knew him from. His blond hair and dark eyes didn’t stand out too much but then you spotted the tufted tail over his shoulder.
“You’re part of U.A.’s hero course, aren’t you?” you asked, a little too excited but unable to help yourself.
He seemed momentarily confused but a blush spread across his face, nevertheless. “Yeah, I am. How did you know?”
“I recognise you from the sports festival,” you admitted. “Sorry, I’m sure you get that a lot. And also, sorry for standing on your foot. Your quirk is really cool by the way and I’m talking a bit much now so I’m sorry.”
“You’ve apologised way too much now,” he laughed. “It’s okay and thanks. My tail often gets overlooked because of the flashier quirks.”
You frowned. “Really? But it’s so cool.”
He smiled and shrugged, as though resigned to a simple fact. “It’s just a tail.” He looked through the window. “Looks like the fight’s going to take a while.”
You couldn’t see much and most people were already clamoring to get to the best spot to watch. “That’s fine,” you said. “As long as Mountain Lady doesn’t break the tracks again… that’s happened to me before I had to walk for almost two hours to get home.”
He chuckled. “I’ve had something similar but my tram got overturned. Honestly, I hope to become a hero that never causes such extreme property damage.”
“I’m sure the city will thank you if nobody else does,” you joked. “And I will too… though, if I’m being honest, I don’t actually know your name.”
“Ojiro,” he said. “My current hero name is Tailman but it’s more of a work in progress.”
You giggled. “I like it. It’ll work great on merchandise, you know?”
“Thank you. What’s your name?”
You told him happily. Though the battle left you waiting on the train for almost a full hour, you didn’t mind at all because you spent the entire time talking about anything and everything. Right before you left, you had offered Ojiro your number and he had gladly taken it.
Some people said that you were far too skittish to be in a hero school. Well, most people said it. Honestly, it was quite offending but also very correct in almost every way.
Loud noises made you jump. Insects or insect-like quirks made you very uncomfortable. There was even somebody in the school who made lights flicker on and off, never failing to make you leave a room the moment that they entered. You tried to stick with your friends at all times but it wasn’t possible for them to always be there.
It was later in the afternoon when you walked through the halls to notice a dark sky overhead.
You shivered while staring up at it, knowing that a storm would definitely be rolling in soon. If you could, you would have headed home immediately and attempted to hide from the noise that was sure to come.
But you didn’t have that option available.
You made your way to your next class, avoiding people and keeping an unwavering eye on the weather. Perhaps you should have just pretended it didn’t exist because you saw the moment that lightning flashed. Thunder followed and you jumped.
Your bag nearly fell on the floor as you dashed to hide behind the least scary person nearby.
Who just so happened to be one of the hero course students?
You hadn’t meant to cower behind him but he was tall and gave off an insane feeling of protection. It had been instinct. But you quickly realised that you probably shouldn’t hide behind a complete stranger.
You forced yourself to step away from him and bowed your head in apology. “I’m sorry for my actions,” you said. “I just got scared by the thunder.”
He was incredibly tall and had a complete multiplex of limbs. A mask hid the majority of his face but when he spoke, you could still hear him clearly. “It’s alright. You don’t have to worry about the weather, you know? U.A. is well protected from any lightning or storm winds.”
“It’s more just the sound,” you said nervously, glancing toward the sky. “I’m a little skittish about it.”
“You’re skittish about literally everything,” somebody said as they walked past.
It was one of your classmates who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself. You chuckled nervously and fought back the temptation to follow her to class in order to feel safe. Everybody knew that you were a nervous person and many found it funny instead of worrying as they once had.
You blushed and stepped away from him, trying to hide your embarrassment. “Sorry again. I really do get scared of everything.”
“It can’t be everything if you were willing to hide behind me,” he pointed out. “I’m pretty terrifying in my appearance.”
You scoffed at that, catching your rudeness seconds after it appeared. Hurriedly, you explained, “I don’t think you’re scary at all. Like your quirk is awesome and all but it’s not like you could kill me by not paying attention.”
“And you know many quirks like that?”
“I’m sure you do also.”
He nodded slowly just as another crack of thunder rolled across the sky. You jumped a little but managed to not run away. “Do you want me to walk you to your classroom? It might make you feel a little safer.”
You blinked at him. “Are you sure? Won’t it make you late also?”
“It shouldn’t.”
The two of you walked side-by-side through the halls, his height practically shielding you from the storm outside. You were eternally grateful, especially when the rain picked up as you were nearing your class. When you arrived, you breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you for the escort…”
Being stuck in the dorms took some getting used to.
You found that you couldn’t sleep most nights, tossing and turning while trying to get comfortable. The need for them was clear but you couldn’t help hating the reason behind it all. Your home was comfortable and here you often found random mushrooms growing across the kitchen counters.
It was late one night and you had found yourself staring at the ceiling for about an hour before deciding to do something about it. You climbed out of bed and threw on your favourite jacket with little thought. There had to be something to be done.
You walked down to the main room and found that everybody had retired to their rooms. The kitchen was barren and the front door was… unlocked?
It certainly wasn’t meant to be but you didn’t question it.
Instead, you slipped out of the dorms and closed the door tightly behind you. The fresh night air invigorated your senses and you turned onto the main path. There was no destination in mind for you. All you wanted to do was walk.
When you initially spotted another person, you started getting nervous. What if the door had been a trick? Would villains try to lure students from their dorms?
But you soon recognised the bird-like features of a student from 1A. Tokoyami.
“Hey,” you greeted, waving so that he didn’t get a fright like you had.
He frowned and you both came to a stop, walking paths having led you face to face with one another. “I wasn’t expecting to find another person out here,” he said. “I thought these midnight walks were pretty uncommon.”
“So did I,” you joked. “Do you mind if I join you? Some company is always better than walking alone.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
You fell into step beside him and the two of you strolled through the main areas of U.A.’s grounds. Neither one of you wanted to leave which worked out well. Fireflies drifted past your nose and crickets sang their cheery tune.
“Do you struggle to sleep?” Tokoyami asked.
“A little. The dorms are quite an adjustment from what I’m used to. What about you? What are you doing out here so late?”
Tokoyami looked up at the sky. “I’ve always liked the night,” he said. “The darkness is welcoming and filled with far less expectations than the day. It’s unfortunate that my quirk keeps me away from it as much as it does. Otherwise, I often think that I may just become nocturnal.”
“I get that. When I was a kid, I’d sometimes drag my blankets out to the garden and just sleep under the stars.”
“I never thought that the two of us may have something in common,” Tokoyami mused. “Though, if I’m being honest, I didn’t think too much of you. I know your class and your quirk but little else.”
You giggled. “I was just thinking about it. It’s surprising how little our classes interact even though we’re all working toward one goal.”
“It’s a pity, honestly.”
You glanced around at the darkness and a thought occurred to you. “Would you be fine with bringing out Dark Shadow here? Or are the streetlights not strong enough?”
“They’d be fine but I often like to have my thoughts away from him,” Tokoyami said. “With training, I’ve grown used to having him around constantly but sometimes, the quiet is nice.” He glanced at you. “I appreciate your company quite a bit though.”
“Oh, thanks.” It was a good thing that the dark could hide your blush so well.
The roof of U.A. had become your safe spot for many reasons – not least of which was your ability to get there with an ease that befuddled many other students. Even you didn’t know if it was more because of your quirk or if you were just talented at climbing.
What you did know was that once you were up there, the rest of the world fell away and all you had to worry about was the clouds and an occasional bird.
One day, while you were relaxing close to the edge, a pen drifted past you. It was pink and adorable – floating through the air as though the laws of gravity meant naught to it.
You reached out and took it from where it was floating. It continued trying to leave your hands but, after a little while, the effect seemed to wear off. You twirled it between your fingers, wondering if it belonged to somebody in specific.
Then a second pen appeared and you took that one too.
It became a slight game. You allowed them to get high enough before capturing them and soon, you had a small pile of stationary in your pockets. They were surely coming from somebody and you planned to return them as soon as you got down.
Then, a small notepad appeared. On the first page, a little ‘Hi’ was written in cursive with a heart doodled beside it.
You flipped over to a new page and wrote your own greeting aside a quick flower. Then, you allowed the notepad to drift back over the edge. It rose for a short while but then gravity came back and it plummeted toward the ground. You watched it go and hoped that it didn’t land in dirt or anything.
Thankfully, it didn’t seem to because it soon came up with a new message. ‘I’m Uraraka. What’s your name?’
You wrote down a response and the notepad dropped again. Soon, it returned, telling you that your name was very pretty. That made you laugh and blush a little.
In return, you asked why she was sending notes to you and she said that she had been trying to get her quirk more accurate. Apparently, she could take away gravity from objects and she’s working on holding it for longer.
You asked if she wanted her stationary back and she said no, it was okay. You could give it back later.
Being a bit flirtatious, you had asked if she wanted to get a milkshake when you gave it back and, to your immense surprise, she said that sounded like fun. The conversation continued through the notepad with much laughter until you realised something sad. You had run out of paper to write on.
Uraraka realised this also and she put a sad face on the final page.
So you leaned over the top of the roof and glanced around to see if anybody was looking up. Sure enough, you quickly spotted a brunette who was almost directly beneath you and wearing a soft pink outfit.
You waved and received one in return.
Flipping to the front of your notebook, you scribbled down your number and put several arrows to make sure she saw it. To your surprise, she actually caught the notepad when you dropped it instead of letting it hit the ground.
She gave you a thumbs up when she noticed that you were watching. Soon, your phone buzzed as a message from an unknown number came through.
You took a picture of your view and sent it through, mentioning that she was smaller than you thought. She laughed and asked if you had good signal up there. The best, you were sure. Then your phone began ringing and you answered a video call with the cutest girl you had ever seen.
“I didn’t know you could get to the roof,” she laughed.
“With the right dedication, you can do anything.”
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