#it's about gays and questionable reform camp
realhankmccoy · 10 months
Trumpself: the only real desire Trump feels is a ferocious and animalistic desire to brutalise, humiliate and main anybody who tries to love Trump. Trumpself had to rip out Ivana's hair at the slightest pretext. Why? Because it's fun when you're spoiled. Even in the case of a woman... just a sort of practice bitch on the world you're too spoiled to join in with, only having ever been spoiled by a white dominator, you're only ever wanting to white dominate it.
Trumpself and the Trump 5: never will trust you unless you earn it, make the effort to show you care. All efforts you did to earn it in the past and show you care are for naught, nothing, we spit them up in your face, fuck you you piece of shit, baby only wants to TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE GIMME GIB MIR DAT FOR FREE GIB MIR MORE PAMPERS ME BRIEFSBOY WHERE YOU GET THEM FANCY BRIEFS FROM... PAMPERS MIR I SED!
(no offence to Pampers brand diapers, as I was just passing them today and realised I'm the kind of existentialist who finds everything on earth exquisitely meaningful to the point of it almost being torture... it's not quite a nihilist save for those masochistic nails being driven into oneself by one trying a little too hard to apprehend reality)
Trumpself: I'm a typical American and cuck of Trump but want to frame that Canuck who can scarcely even stand to be in my country and gets the fuq out of it and cries like a little bitch over the thought of having to even set foot in it most of the time... as one.
Trumpself: I can never trust anyone or anything, because my daddy spoiled me too much and provided the shelter that said the outside world is not to be trusted.
Trumpself: Doesn't understand that things don't grow by gobbling them all up and by painting oneself in neon tones of silver and gold all the time. Do you know what that is, kids? That's called garish. That's called capitalism. That's called what you kids would call a clown -- overwrought kitsch and camp -- ye who is so dismissive of gay culture yet so eager to find value in the Gods and the Devils of Christ Inanity -- would be less of a nerd if Christcuckself and Trumpself knew what KITSCH and CAMP are, especially in the pointless selfpromo land of what you kids call 'late capitalism' in which people can't even string 4 chords together decently but give 'interviews' as if anyone should care about the 'artist' who has apparently learned the lessons of The Apprentice... make some crap but don't worry so much about the crap as the fact that American life is about mastering MARKETING MARKETING MARKETING...
You know, whatshisface and my mother say that the Trump 4 aren't worth my time -- for some reason they go easy on my brother, and that reason is a simple reason: this is how American patriarchy and dumbing down work... it's always THE EVIL DADDY MUST DIE, but the son who is even 'neckier and dumber than the evil daddy must be... coddled and shown pity... until perhaps everybody's dead and he's left to be THE EVIL DADDY or give birth to some of em...
It's really so... tiresome, America.
But whathisface has a point... why, exactly, do I waste my time on the Trump 5... for the penetrating insight into typical America? For the game of seeing if selfish boys who never learned how to love can be reformed and taught to do more other than fish for material goods and prizes and money and toys, soaking humanity for what you can soak as is the teachings of the Trump and the Nation who cucked em'. Is there a childlike element in me myself in which the big world and its unanswered questions, it's challenges of 'speaking French fluency' or 'earning enough money to retire' seem so overwhelming that dwelling on the past and past betrayers is a sort of safe space, a small pond in which I win every argument but can never win so much as a sincere apology and expression of remorse with any of the Trump 5, let alone shift their value systems out of what they think are 'smart' value systems (the value systems of Kid Rock and Trump and various Cuntry music superstars and all that cornpone crap of belittling others all the livelong redneck day whilst getting one's Wascally Wabbit on when on a sugar high and making excuses for the values of sportsmen, if such males can be called men -- the sportsball and YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET WHAT YOU WANT THROUGH THE GUBBAMINT OR MY TAX DOLLARS CERTAINLY YOUR SOCIALISATION IS BULL YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED CErTAINLY YOU WILL NOT GET WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF ME FOR I AM AS UNLIKELY TO GIVE IT YOU AS A COLICKY BABY IS being all the suburban white Wonderbread truly has in mind for the world --
Why, exactly, other than every protagnoists needs antagonists because too much art -- especially too many films and tv shows -- were designed in this way so my mind has been warped by them -- although that's the state of the world too...
Every 'Merica needs its Russia Every France needs its Germany and the vice-versa
Pourquoi, though... pourquoi specifically... well, that already delineated everything that came to mind off the top of my head, but it still feels like the real motherload of the answer is in Mommie's mind and invisible to her. Either that or Mommie is self-sabotaging by painting her superficial immediate reaction as 'not nearly insightful enough, the mere glaze of an isnight'...
Hmm, well, this is one of those 'how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop questions' and since I feel like maybe it could be answered by rewatching Tootsie, the movie, I'm clearly ready for bed, since, objectively speaking and objectivistly speaking, I doubt Tootsie actually really is the answer to the puzzle -- though I half think it probably actually is the answer.
At the very least, these people like my daughter Christina should consider that Mommie thinks all the homosexuality is the earth telling the human race that 8 billion people is too many so go stick your dick into shit-coated asses rather than make any more of them for fuck's sake -- and just look at dumb dumbs like Elon Doofus trying to fight mother nature on this and get everyone to breed some more for capitalism -- anyhow, Montréal actually posits Degrowth as good urban planning and policy -- and if homosexuality has anything to do with James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, famously transmuted by Will Wright -- Lovelock served as an advisor! -- into SimEarth -- well, kiddo, then you'd better put down the Pantheon of Gawds and roll around in everything twinkletoes you can possibly get your hands on because that is -- to do an involution of a mostly unrelated book by Iris Murdoch -- The Message From the Planet.
Also, I think homosexuality has something to do with those ants with wings and lesbians in the beehive but I haven't really looked into it. It's different in humans though because it's sort of more exclusive, but is it? Because I did have some hookups with the womens, and think of all the gay mating behaviours of the humans, how many ON THE SURFACE fuck the womens all the time, 'cluding Bruce.
Dragonflies are apparently really gay. I used to have a poem about dragonflies memorised in German, but I only remember some lines from it these days. I'm not sure I've read it in translation, though you'd think I'd have done so when learning the meaning.
Anyhow, this English version seems very unfamiliar... I don't remember the thing being called JOY at all, but this is the poem. Goethe is proof that all Germans are not as stupid as Nietzsche, and he came much earlier, which made all his prowesses, of which there are so very many, far more impressive. Goethe is a German I can still get behind even if so many of the others -- Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, even Habermas... seem to be, well, not rubbish, but let's just say uh, not where I'm looking anymore... i'm not even looking to The Frankfurt School though I'd mostly approve of them and would look to them before the rest of that batch, in a spiritual sense, I do believe. Plus The Frankfurt School was something Camille Paglia just wanted to throw out of academia so she could write about having the hots for Diana Rigg from The Avengers instead... anyhow, she later acknowledged wanting to write about MOO - VIES as a mistake... I do respect the movie people, I just seem to really lack the patience to write about movies. I don't respect lack of patience, either, but I guess I'm just a book guy and a music guy before I'm a movie guy. Jesus Christ, a movie is gonna move at its own pace... a book moves at your own, and music is adjustable for the pace you want -- I so often choose a faster tempo even though reggae is my favourite genre.
Reggae tries to put the world onto the OFFBEATS -- a rhythmic, stead offbeat world -- and that seems to suit me well as a homo, not to mention as a force of whatever anti-Wonderbread anti-nuclear counterculture I might be.
Although damn, speaking of sleepy Habermas... do you find him sleepy too kids, or is that just me? I would imagine many do... anyhow, that stuff about Habermas on 'and thus is merely TOTALIZES, blah blah blah TOTALIZES IT and TOTALIZES IT'... that was kinda some intense stuff.
The poem:
Joy Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A Dragon-Fly with beauteous wing Is hov’ring o’er a silv’ry spring; I watch its motions with delight, Now dark its colours seem, now bright; Chameleon-like appear, now blue, Now red, and now of greenish hue. Would it would come still nearer me, That I its tints might better see It hovers, flutters, resting ne’er! But hush! it settles on the mead. I have it safe now, I declare! And when its form I closely view, ’Tis of a sad and dingy blue Such, Joy-Dissector, is thy case indeed.
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chester-stargazer · 3 years
"The Queen and her søun"
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I have a feeling I messed up the colours but uh... I'm learning please don't kick me🥴
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
more religious Billy pls
trigger warnings for homophobia, child abuse and religious trauma.
From family, to friends, to neighbors, everyone around Billy always said, people like Billy were never supposed to get their happy endings. You sin, you repent, you get to live it up in paradise. But if you don’t repent, you go to hell. It was simple the way they taught it.
And that’s exactly the problem. Billy never knew exactly how he was supposed to earn forgiveness when his sin was just being himself, simply existing, but he tried, for years he did.
He went to every Sunday service and prayed each night like a good Christian boy was supposed to. He did everything he could to make up for being the way he was, from asking out all the pretty good girls at school to participating in the anti-homosexual pushback at the town hall even if he did go home and cry so hard he threw up after that, but those things were all just a performance, cowardly, futile attempts at pleasing the big man in the sky (and at home) that were getting him nowhere near any closer to the pearly gates.
Eventually he breaks. He starts drinking and smoking and screwing around with as many men as will take him out for the night. He grows his hair out long and pierces his ear, gets a tattoo and wears makeup he stole from the church store to sneak it to a gay bar. But still in the end, he just feels worse.
In the moment it’s like a high, like he’s finally getting to see even just a glimpse of who he, who Billy Hargrove really is and not just he was told he had to be, but Neil makes sure to remind him how wrong he is. He cuts his hair with a knife and beats him bruised and bloody, he makes the family go to church on Wednesdays instead of just Sunday, he puts the Bible on his night stand every night and he prays and prays and prays the gay out of that boy, most nights making Billy do it too through his tears.
And Billy tried, desperately he did to believe that all they said and did to him was wrong, that he could be who he wanted without all these rules just to please some unseen dictator that may or may not even be real, but the things he had been taught were so deeply ingrained into his mind. He knew he wasn’t bound for anything better, and he blamed himself for that.
On the floor of the mall, he doesn’t mean to think about it, what will happen after the fact.
He knows he should be thinking about how Max’s life is going to be once he’s not there to protect her, how everyone’s lives will be plagued with all of the destruction he caused, the grief that would come from the deaths of the people he killed. The irony of the Saint-Christopher pendant around his neck when he’d attempted to carry a child to her death instead of to safety.
As much as he’d like to see a familiar face, between everything he’d done, what he put Max and her friends through, all that had happened this past week, he knows he doesn’t have a place in paradise. Not that any of that even matters. He’d had a special spot in hell reserved just for him since he told his momma he had a crush on a curly headed boy named PJ in the second grade and the poor woman almost fainted.
Billy is terrified to be facing it now, but all his life he’d known this was coming, and he thinks he deserves it all the same.
Except, the next time he opens his eyes, he doesn’t see that he’s surrounded by hellfire and tortured souls, instead he’s staring up at a white tiled ceiling, the sound of the steady-unsteady beeping and whirring of machinery filling his head.
He tries to speak, but he doesn’t think anything comes out. A panicky little redhead leans over him in the bed to press one of the buttons. He looks at her face and he concentrates hard, and thinks he knows her, but he doesn’t know her.
A nurse comes at his sister's signal, and they first make sure he’s fully responsive, which is somewhat hard when he can’t speak, and then they inform him he’s been in an induced coma for months. They tell him that anything he saw on the other side wasn’t real, and he was alive that whole time. It doesn’t do much at all to comfort him though. How can it, when he doesn’t even know who he is?
He learns that his name is William, Billy according to the snappy girl who he knows is his little sister now, but whose name he can never seem to remember. His name feels strange in his throat when he repeats it back like a question, “Billy..?” That doesn’t feel like who he is, not anymore at least.
They have to teach him literally everything all over again. All he knew how to do when he woke up was facial expressions and vague, but very painful as he learned, gestures with his hands. Anything else was fair game.
It takes a whole year in the hospital, things going so slowly because of the pain, but even more so because of the setbacks he faces.
Two days after he woke up, when he still couldn’t speak, Neil had showed up. It wasn’t for a visit or even to see his son was going now that he’s finally awake. Neil is there to first ask him what he saw when he died, and when Billy just stares blankly, his vocabulary still too small to articulate anything, to accuse him of being the devil and deliberately mocking Him by coming back.
Needless to say, Neil isn’t allowed in for many more visits.
But it still resets those two days of progress they’d made, and it was like he’d just woken up that same day. This would keep happening every time anything distressing happened around Billy, and they had to find the perfect balance between having too many nurses and visitors in the room at once that he’d get overwhelmed and distracted, or not enough and get lonely and regress.
But once they’re out of the woods with that, things go mostly smoothly. Eating and drinking and walking, he’s gets that all down pat pretty easily, but his memories just aren’t coming back to him. He remembers a few insignificant childhood memories, but it’s mostly the bad things, things like his mother leaving or his father kicking him out for a week when he was fifteen, and so on. He still has no idea what happened to him though, and Max and her mom and the nurses are all telling him these stories, trying to persuade him into remembering, but something is just not clicking.
That is, at least, until he’s allowed to visit with Steve again.
Doctors worried showing him someone who had so many bad memories associated with him might be confusing to Billy, so they held off on allowing visitation from Steve, or anyone else who wasn’t immediate family, but he was at the hospital a few times dropping Max off when Susan was working, and he wasn’t allowed to see Billy then either.
They planned on keeping it that way until they could either be sure Billy’s identity was more secure, or if they were really desperate to get Billy's gears turning, and unfortunately the latter came first, so seven whole months after Billy woke up, Steve is allowed in his room.
The thought process was that the boys were on the basketball team together, at least until Neil pulled Billy as a punishment just before the season ended, and even if all he remembers is beating Steve up, he’s still a familiar face, and it might help, so once when Steve’s about to turn around and walk out like he always does, Max comes back out, wide eyed and flustered looking, and tells him he’s allowed to come visit with her brother.
Nobody can understand why Steve is so teary eyed, or why he says Billy's name with so much desperation, but his reaction quickly gets ignored when Billy responds with a simple, “Stevie.”
It shocks everyone, Steve was the first person who Billy remembered without months of work, sometimes he still called Max by her mother’s name if he was having a hard day, but with Steve it was like there was nothing even wrong. Like it had only been a couple of days since he’d seen him.
Before, if they asked Billy anything about high school, he couldn’t tell them much other than the bad things. But with Steve, those memories that had once been impossible to touch, the blurry images of a past he wasn’t even sure belonged to him, were unlocked, and with time Billy returns to himself. Remembers everything.
His overall progress goes much quicker after that, to the point where they’re planning on letting him out as soon as his medications are all in order, and still nobody can figure out what is so special about this boy.
That is, until a nurse walks in on them, holding hands and sitting on the bed, foreheads pressed together like they’d just been kissing. She goes a little pale in the face, but she says she’s not going to tell. That doesn’t stop half the ward from knowing in less than a week.
Nurses refuse to care for him. Susan starts standing by the door in case anyone comes in. They are told their love was sinful, but it was exactly that that had saved Billy.
Without Steve and what they had, Billy still would have no idea who he was. This wasn’t something the hospital would ever actually admit to Max or his parents, but after so long, they were sure he was never going to have his sense of self back. Because while physically he was recovering, until he had that extra push, he just wasn’t himself.
That was more of a blessing than any holy figurehead could offer. When he finally, after a year and a half in the hospital, got to come home, into Steve’s care because Susan refused to take her stepson back to Neil, his space with Steve offers Billy more comfort and safety than any isolated house of God or reformation camp ever could.
And most of all, Billy isn’t afraid to be himself anymore.
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arse-crack-thistle · 3 years
a firstprince meet-cute
the heroes of olympus au
in which the roman son of apollo meets the greek son of themis
Henry—the quiet son of Apollo and Centurion of the 3rd cohort—leads a team of five demigods through the Long Island woods. Their task: spy on the Greeks and bring information back to Octavian. The golden-haired boy wishes he could’ve refused, but anyone who goes against the Pontifex Maximus gets severely punished and he will not let any harm come to his legionaries. Not again.
The group weaves through the trees, dodging the sight of any patrols. Henry has no idea how he’ll get close enough to hear anything, but he might be able to interpret some battle strategy from the Greek’s night preparations. As his fellow soldiers fan out beside him, Henry inches up the hill. He’d say a prayer to his father if he thought it would help, but he doesn’t. After many unanswered prayers about his sexuality, about his rather fucked up influential family, he doesn’t bother with Apollo anymore.
Henry gestures for his right-hand man—Pez, son of Mercury and the only one who actually knows he’s gay—to peer over the hill with him; the others stay back, keeping watch. The Centurion readies an arrow just in case, while Pez has his hand on the hilt of his blade, and they watch Greek demigods reinforce their buildings, sharpen their weapons, and prepare medical tents. None of them are practicing formations, which doesn’t help Henry or Octavian at all. He has to come back with something, so he puts the arrow away and crawls forward.
This could be really stupid, but he has to try—not for Octavian but for New Rome. It’s the only place that’s felt like home to him. Back in England, there’s his grandmother, the CEO of an underwhelming home goods empire. The stuff is cheap, but they’re still the number one seller back home. His mother and brother have a part in it. His sister ran off a few years back, and he has no idea where she is or if she’s even alive. His father—or rather ex-step-father—hasn’t wanted much to do with him since about three years ago when he found out Henry’s mother had an affair at a music festival fourteen years before.
They had a scandalous divorce, covered by every major news outlet, and Henry found out his true identity when a handsome demigod knocked on his door and told him he was in danger and had to be take to California. Several monsters, a few thousand miles, and a few months with a wolf goddess later, he found himself at Camp Jupiter. Everything that happened to him up until then—the blurry images of creatures at the corner of his eyes every time he turned a corner, the dyslexia that made his passion for writing frustrating, the way he never really fit in with his family—finally made sense. He was a demigod! And when the sign of Apollo appeared over his head after he made his first bullseye at the archery range, he truly felt like he found where he belonged.
Pez whispers for him to come back, but Henry lifts a hand in warning. Just then, someone—a dryad probably—screams an alert to his enemy, and all Underworld breaks loose. His legionaries get in formation behind him, readying themselves for the Greeks. They were taught never to run from a fight, but Henry can’t allow this to happen. He’s been in enough battles to know when he can win and when he can’t. Eventually, they’ll be outnumbered because Octavian won’t send him reinforcements if he can help it. He doesn’t know how violent the Greeks will be, but if they willingly fired on New Rome when their defenses were down, then he can’t take the risk. And he won’t repeat what happened in the Titan war.
Henry orders his soldiers back, telling Pez to take temporary control of the cohort and share the minimal information they gathered with the Pontifex. If they’re to be any casualties tonight, it will only be Henry and the Greeks he can take down with him.
The last thing Alex—the wise-ass son of Themis—wants to do in the middle of the night is go to a counsel meeting at the Big House. He wipes the sleep from his eyes as he walks up the creaky steps. Inside, Chiron and the other counsellors gather around a table. It’s times like this he wishes it was a year ago when the children of minor gods were left out of meetings and decision-making. But as soon as he slaps himself awake, he regains his undying need to get involved and raise hell—fair and just hell, of course.
He sits down next to Nora, the temporary head counsellor of the Athena cabin. She’s bouncing in her seat—no doubt high on caffeine and nectar and ready to get back to developing war strategy. She gives him a wink and taps her fingers like she’s back home typing on a computer. Chiron clears his throat and tells the demigods of a Roman scout team that was spotted an hour ago. Unfortunately, most of the soldiers got away, but they did manage to capture one. He’s being held in one of the Big House’s guest rooms.
Now it’s Alex’s turn to bounce. He’s been waiting for an opportunity like this. A prisoner of war means they’ll need to get information. There will need to be a lawyer present—or a lawyer in training that is. He can preside over the questioning, be the voice of justice, and maybe even get the Roman to see the right side is his. He can picture it now: Camp Half-Blood safe from the Romans and that dude reformed in his ways, joining them to stop Gaia. Yes, this is his chance to step out of his sister’s shadow.
He volunteers to mediate for whoever is charged with the interview. Alex ignores Chiron’s obvious hesitation; just because he can get a little heated—thank gods Leo isn’t here cracking a dumb pun joke at that, which would inevitably leave them both laughing on the floor—doesn’t mean he can’t be objective. So he hates the Romans’ guts and thinks they should go back to their stuck-up little camp, so what? Once he’s in the real world, going to college, running for congress like his father, he’ll have to deal with a shit-ton of people he doesn’t like. Looking at you, Bitch McConnell.
Just as Chiron decides he, Nora, Will Solace, and reluctantly Alex will talk to the Roman boy, a camper from the Aphrodite cabin bursts through the door and tells him one of the Hephaestus girls accidentally blew up a boy from the Ares cabin. Apparently, armor strapped with projectile explosives wasn’t the best idea. So Chiron declares they will talk to their guest in the morning, and in the meantime, they’ll take shifts in pairs guarding him. Alex raises his hand to get the first watch, but Chiron appoints Drew Tanaka and Connor Stoll. They both roll their eyes at the idea of being stuck together for the next few hours. Alex’s chest deflates.
Ever since his sister left—he and June are some of the rare demigods that have the same mortal and immortal parentage without being twins—the responsibility of the Themis cabin has fallen on his shoulders. He wanted it, of course, but his siblings also elected him to the head counsellor position, thinking he’d follow in June’s footsteps: ruling with truth, justice, and wisdom. Just like their mother.
Back in his cabin, Alex stares at the marble statue of her that presides over her children. Her iconic image—blindfolded, holding a sword in one hand and balancing a scale in the other—reminds him he’s definitely no June.
She was a leader of quests; Alex has never been on one. June was the voice of reason at counsel meetings; he struggles just to sit still, let alone calm a room with one enlightening sentence. When the children of minor gods were finally given their own cabins, there was no question who should run theirs. Now, he hears his siblings whisper whether they should hold another election. Gods, you call out your conservative brothers one time—it was way more than once—and suddenly, you’re imposing your opinion on everyone.
That’s not it though. Alex has never been given a chance to step up. No matter how many times he tries to convince the counsel they should establish a court system at camp—nothing settles an argument like a nice, fair trial—he always gets shot down.
Not anymore. He’s not going to sit back this time. Not when the threat to camp is this great. He’ll get what he needs from that Roman. If June were here, she would’ve been trusted to go ahead without Chiron, so Alex will do the same.
Henry wakes up to angry whispers outside of his door. The twelve Greeks overtook him easily, but he did put up a good fight. At least, he did until he was knocked unconscious. On the table beside his bed, a note sits atop a plate of food.
Eat well. Hydrate. Rest. We’ll speak with you soon. -Chiron
A glass of juice spiked with nectar sits next to the plate. Why would those imbecilic Greeks give him what’s essentially strengthening serum? He intakes his surroundings: a bed, a table, a dresser, and a chair. Window to the left. Only door out to the right. There’s a clean set of clothes at the end of the bed, but Henry would rather go to Tartarus and back than put on another camp’s shirt.
He jimmies the window, but it’s locked and to hard to break. He lightly tries the doorknob, but it’s locked as well. By the sounds of it, three maybe four people argue outside his door. Romans never had this much trouble changing guard shifts. Henry fiddles about the room, looking for anything to 1. unlock the door and 2. use as a weapon. He can handle four Greeks, and he’ll do everything in his power to get back to his cohort.
Henry hears the click of the door unlocking. Gods, they’re thick, aren’t they? He grabs the wooden chair, and as the door swings open, he thwacks the person walking in with it. Just as he suspected, the chair breaks, and he uses one piece to press against the throat of the careless demigod he’s pinned to the floor.
The boy beneath him groans. He’s got light brown skin and dark curly hair, and if Henry weren’t about to kill him, he’d think he was quite cute.
“Gods, can you Greeks do anything with finesse? Even your hero, Percy Jackson, as talented as he may be, flies by the seed of his trousers.” Henry grits his teeth.
“Ha!” the boy coughs out. “Jumping to conclusions, are we? I thought you guys were supposed to be strictly trained soldiers. You miscalculated.”
He points behind him, and when Henry looks up, a girl stands battle-ready with a sword in her hand. The distraction is enough for the boy below to wrap his legs around Henry and flip them. The Greek holds a dagger to his neck.
“Listen here, pretty boy, are we going to talk or am I going to go all American Revolution on your British-ass?” He presses the dagger, and Henry yelps.
The boy’s brown eyes peer into Henry’s, and some strange part of him likes it. The Greek looks about his age and, while clearly not as capable as he, definitely has some fight in him.
“I’d like to see you try, graecus. But be forewarned, if you send me to the Underworld, I’ll drag you and your camp down with me.” He keeps his face plain and uncaring, though he can feel the heat in his cheeks. Apollo help him.
The girl interrupts them to remind her partner what they’re here to do. She sheaths her sword and closes the door.
He’s called Alex. Henry swallows. And they need information.
Alex releases him. The two get up off the ground. No one moves to sit or get more comfortable. The boys just stare at each other, long and cold.
Henry can tell this guy is a complete and total arse, and yet he can’t shake the swirling feeling in his stomach. A memory from a quest eighteen months ago flashes in his mind. In Vegas, a priest of Venus dressed like Elvis told him great tragedy would befall his love life, but with the goddess’s blessing, he’d find happiness again.
He already lost someone. The demigod who found him, Daniel, son of Ceres, his sponsor when he joined the camp, his Centurion. Everything was quiet between them—few words needed for mutual understanding. Daniel brought him fresh lavender; Henry played him a tune on the lute. But then the Titan war came. And Daniel disobeyed the Praetors’ orders to save the boy he loved. Henry barely had time to grieve before he took control of the 3rd cohort and lost four other demigods in the process. Not a day goes by when he doesn’t think of the five who died because of him. Because of love.
No. This feeling he has is the desire to beat the Greeks, nothing more. He doesn’t give a damn about happiness in love or this obnoxiously hot demigod before him. Like even as Alex breaks eye contact first, puts his sheathed dagger in his boot, ruffles his hair, puts his hands on his hips, and sighs, Henry feels nothing. Elvis can go fuck himself.
“So,” Alex says, “what do you have planned, and how can we convince you to stop? We’d really like to prevent another demigod civil war.”
Henry laughs, and even though nothing would make him happier than to stop fighting, to rest as Chiron suggested, he tells Alex, “You’re really a dickhead if you think I’m giving you anything.”
“It was an accident!”
“You expect me to believe with our two camps in a centuries-long feud that the one time we let down our defenses, your lot just attacked us on accident? Right, and I suppose Pluto is actually a sweet guy once you get to know him, too?”
“My buddy Leo was being controlled by Gaia!”
“Your mate Leo should come up with a better lie.”
“You’re impossible!” Gods, Alex really hates this guy. “Nora, can’t we just—”
She shakes her head before he can finish. He’s not really sure what he was going to say. Have Drew come back and charmspeak him? Feed him to the harpies? Pin him down again? Wait—what?
“Listen, dude. We’re really on the same side here. Right now, both Greeks and Romans demigods—our friends—are fighting against a greater threat than the world has seen since the beginning of time. That’s got to count for something,” he says.
The Roman is quiet. Alex hates how he looks like a goddamn prince even after a fight. But maybe he got through to him. After all, it is true. For all the shit he talks about Romans, he knows they’re not bad, just different. They actually have more in common than they’d like to acknowledge. Jason Grace taught him that. If there was ever a Roman WASP he could get behind, it’s Jason.
So Alex tries a different approach. He gestures to the bed. “You want to?” The blond boy stiffens, and Alex clarifies, “Sit?”
“How about we start over?” He sits. Nora takes the opportunity to march to the other side and bellyflops onto the bed. “I’m Alex, son of Themis, the goddess of justice. And you are?”
He watches the Roman look from the undefended door to Alex and back again.
“You could run,” Alex says. “But then we’d have no chance to broker peace. Hera thought she could do it by trading heroes, but I think you and I both know it takes more than one person to heal two armies.”
Power swells in his chest. Alex can’t know for sure, but maybe his mother is looking out for him. This is how he can bring the demigods justice for Gaia’s destruction. June would be the better choice, but Alex is here and he has to try.
“Let’s work together. Or at least, get along long enough for the prophesized seven to come back home,” he says.
The Roman hesitates. Alex can see in his light blue eyes the number of strategies racing through his mind. But ultimately, he decides to sit. Nora snores next to them. Five a.m. and a caffeine/nectar crash will do that to you.
“So your name?” Alex asks. “It’s only fair.” Dumb pun but he winks.
The boy coughs, but then he looks into Alex’s eyes. “I’m—er—Henry, son of Apollo, Centurion of the 3rd cohort.”
so this is a little late but we’re just going to ignore that...
i just finished reading toa a couple of weeks ago, and i can’t stop thinking about it!! so when i saw the meet-cute prompt, i couldn’t resist a percy jackson-ish fic! i hope you enjoyed this little short piece. <3
rwrb romance week | @rwrb-fests
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d3nt4l-d4m4g3 · 3 years
Consider: The effeminists
Effeminist—(historical) A member of a male homosexual movement opposing prejudices against effeminate behaviour.  —Wikipedia
The next quote is from Jeanne Cordova’s When We Were Outlaws. She was a major figure in the lesbian feminist movement and created the most prominent lesbian newspaper of the time, The Lesbian Tide. This part of her autobiography is set when the lesbians employeed at the gay center (who created some of the first health care programs for women alcoholics, btw)  are shoved out of power. Most of the gay male employees at the GCSC were fine with what was clearly manipulative and misogynistic bullshit that would disempower an entire neighborhood of poor, lower-class women. However, one group of men stood by the lesbians:
“In recent weeks a handful of the gay male employees [at the Gay Community Services Center] had begun to support us, calling themselves “effeminists,” a term used by radical left wing of the gay movement. Effeminists glorified in the name “gay faeries” and understood that the straight world mocked them because they as (f-slur)  identified with women. They championed feminist principles like lesbian equality in the gay movement. They were usually feminine, rather than butch gay men, and they became our natural allies.” (Cordova 97-98)
The Effeminists’ 1973 Manifesto is below, transcribed from this archive:
The Effeminist Manifesto (1973) Steven Dansky, John Knoebel, Kenneth Pitchford
We, the undersigned Effeminists of Double-F hereby invite all like-minded men to join with us in making our declaration of independence from Gay Liberation and all other Male-Ideologies by unalterably asserting our stand of revolutionary commitment to the following Thirteen Principles that form the quintessential substance of our politics:
       On the oppression of women. 1. SEXISM. All women are oppressed by all men, including ourselves. This systematic oppression is called sexism. 2. MALE SUPREMACY. Sexism itself is the product of male supremacy, which produces all other forms of oppression that patriarchal societies exhibit: racism, classism, ageism, economic exploitation, ecological imbalance. 3. GYNARCHISM. Only that revolution which strikes at the root of all oppression can end any and all of its forms. That is why we are gynarchists; that is, we are among those who believe that women will seize power from the patriarchy and, thereby, totally change life on this planet as we know it. 4. WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP. Exactly how women will go about seizing power is no business of ours, being men. But as effeminate men oppressed by masculinist standards, we ourselves have a stake in the destruction of the patriarchy, and thus we must struggle with the dilemma of being partisans – as effeminists – of a revolution opposed to us – as men. To conceal our partisanship and remain inactive for fear of women’s leadership or to tamper with questions which women will decide would be no less despicable. Therefore, we have a duty to take sides, to struggle to change ourselves, to act.
       On the oppression of effeminate men. 5. MASCULINISM. Faggots and all effeminate men are oppressed by the patriarchy’s systematic enforcement of masculinist standards, whether these standards are expressed as physical, mental, emotional, or sexual stereotypes of what is desirable in a man. 6. EFFEMINISM. Our purpose is to urge all such men as ourselves (whether celibate, homosexual, or heterosexual) to become traitors to the class of men by uniting in a movement of Revolutionary Effeminism so that collectively we can struggle to change ourselves from non-masculinists into anti-masculinists and begin attacking those aspects of the patriarchal system that most directly oppress us. 7. PREVIOUS MALE-IDEOLOGIES. Three previous attempts by men to create a politics of fighting oppression have failed because of their incomplete analysis: the Male Left, Male Liberation, and Gay Liberation. These and other formations, such as sexual libertarianism and the counter-culture, are all tactics for preserving power in men’s hands by pretending to struggle for change. We specifically reject a hands by pretending to struggle for change. We specifically reject a carry-over from one or more of these earlier ideologies – the damaging combination of ultra-egalitarianism, anti-leadership, anti-technology, and downward mobility. All are based on a politics of guilt and a hypocritical attitude towards power which prevents us from developing skills urgently needed in our struggle and which confuses the competence needed for revolutionary work with the careerism of those who seek personal accommodation within the patriarchal system. 8. COLLABORATORS AND CAMP FOLLOWERS. Even we effeminate men are given an option by the patriarchy: to become collaborators in the task of keeping women in their place. Faggots, especially, are offered a subculture by the patriarchy which is designed to keep us oppressed and also increase the oppression of women. This subculture includes a combination of anti-women mimicry and self-mockery known as camp which, to its trivializing effect, would deny us any chance of awakening to our own suffering, the expression of which can be recognized as revolutionary sanity by the oppressed. 9.SADO-MASCULINITY: ROLE PLAYING AND OBJECTIFICATION. The Male Principle, as exhibited in the last ten thousand years, is chiefly characterized by an appetite for objectification, role-playing, and sadism. First, the masculine preference for thinking as opposed to feeling encourages men to regard other people as things, and to use them accordingly. Second, inflicting pain upon people and animals has come to be deemed a mark of manhood, thereby explaining the well-known proclivity for rape and torture. Finally, a lust for power-dominance is rewarded in the playing out of that ultimate role, The Man, whose rapacity is amply displayed in witch-hunts, lynchings, pogroms, and episodes of genocide, not to mention the day-to-day (often life-long) subservience that he exacts from those closest to him. Masculine bias, thus, appears in our behavior whenever we act out the following categories, regardless of which element in each pair we are most drawn to at any moment: subject/object; dominant/submissive; master/slave; butch/femme. All of these false dichotomies are inherently sexist, since they express the desire to be masculine or to possess the masculine in someone else. The racism of white faggots often reveals the same set of polarities, regardless of whether they choose to act out the dominant or submissive role with black or third-world men. In all cases, only by rejecting the very terms of these categories can we become effeminists. This means explicitly rejecting, as well, the objectification of people based on such things as age; body; build; color; size or shape of facial features, eyes, hair, genitals; ethnicity or race; physical and mental handicap; life-style; sex. We must therefore strive to detect and expose every embodiment of The Male Principle, no matter how and where it may be enshrined and glorified, including those arenas of faggot objectification (baths, bars, docks, parks) where power-dominance, as it operates in the selecting of roles and objects, is known as “cruising.” 10. MASOCH-EONISM. Among those aspects of our oppression which The Man has foisted upon us, two male heterosexual perversions, in particular, are popularly thought of as being “acceptable” behavior for effeminate men: eonism (that is, male transvestitism) and masochism. Just as sadism and masculinism, by merging into one identity, tend to become indistinguishable one from the other, so masochism and eonism are born of an identical impulse to mock subservience in men, as a way to project intense anti-women feelings and also to pressure women into conformity by providing those degrading stereotypes most appealing to the sado-masculinist. Certainly, sado-masoch-eonism is in all its forms the very anti-thesis of effeminism. Both the masochist and the eonist are particularly an insult to women since they overtly parody female oppression and pose as object lessons in servility. 11. LIFE-STYLE: APPEARANCE AND REALITY. We must learn to discover and value The Female Principle in men as something inherent, beyond roles or superficial decoration, and thus beyond definition by any one particular life-style (such as the recent androgeny fad, transsexuality, or other purely personal solutions). Therefore, we do not automatically support or condemn faggots or effeminists who live alone, who live together in couples, who live together in all-male collectives, who live with women, or who live in any other way – since all these modes of living in and of themselves can be sexist but also can conceivably come to function as bases for anti-sexist struggle. Even as we learn to affirm in ourselves the cooperative impulse and to admire in each other what is tender and gentle, what is aesthetic, considerate, affectionate, lyrical, sweet, we should not confuse our own time with that post-revolutionary world when our effeminist natures will be free to express themselves openly without fear or punishment or danger of oppressing others. Above all, we must remember that it is not merely a change of appearance that we seek, but a change in reality. 12. TACTICS. We mean to support, defend and promote effeminism in all men everywhere by any means except those inherently male supremacist or those in conflict with the goals of feminists intent on seizing power. We hope to find militant ways for fighting our oppression that will meet these requirements. Obviously, we do not seek the legalization of faggotry, quotas, or civil-rights for faggots or other measures designed to reform the patriarchy. Practically, we see three phases of activity: naming our enemies to start with, next confronting them, and ultimately divesting them of their power. This means both the Cock Rocker and the Drag Rocker among counter-cultist heroes, both the Radical Therapist and the Faggot-Torturer among effemiphobic psychiatrists, both the creators of beefcake pornography and of eonistic travesties. It also means all branches of the patriarchy that institutionalize the persecution of faggots (schools, church, army, prison, asylum, old-age home). But whatever the immediate target, we would be wise to prepare for all forms of sabotage and rebellion which women might ask of us, since it is not as pacifists that we can expect to serve in the emerging world-wide anti-gender revolution. We must also constantly ask ourselves and each other for a greater measure of risk and commitment than we may have dreamt was possible yesterday. Above all, our joining in this struggle must discover in us a new respect for women, a new ability to love each other as effeminists, both of which have previously been denied us by our misogyny and effemiphobia, so that our bonding until now has been the traditional male solidarity that is always inimical to the interests of women and pernicious of our own sense of effeminist self-hood. 13. DRUDGERY AND CHILDCARE: RE-DEFINING GENDER. Our first and most important step, however, must be to take upon ourselves at least our own share of the day-to-day life-sustaining drudgery that is usually consigned to women alone. To be useful in this way can release women to do other work of their choosing and can also begin to re-define gender for the next generation. Of paramount concern here, we ask to be included in the time-consuming work of raising and caring for children, as a duty, right and privilege.
Attested to this twenty-seventh day of Teves and first day of January, in the year of our falthering Judeo-Christian Patriarchy, 5733 and 1973, by Steven Dansky, John Knoebel, and Kenneth Pitchford.
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First Reformed
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Now that awards season has officially kicked off, it seems like a good time to revisit some critically-acclaimed fare from past years. This is my first review for my mother-in-law, who requested First Reformed, a taut, chilling thriller (according to Amazon Prime), because she wanted to know what I would make of it. It is A24, so I’m expecting something moody and atmospheric that veers off into disturbing pretty damn quick. I remember how many top 10 lists this one was on in 2017, so I was looking forward to watching Ethan Hawke act his damn heart out as a Reverend Toller, a priest who begins to question his faith and his place in the world. So did this reform (ahem) my view of Hawke and his talent? Well...
I honestly haven’t seen that much of his work, regretfully, and what I have hasn’t wowed me (I will never understand how Winona Ryder could choose him over Ben Stiller in Reality Bites). But this was a total game changer - the phrasing is overused, so forgive me, but Hawke is a genuine revelation in this film. We watch him grapple with a shift in ideology that causes his faith to waver, then topple in a horrifying slow-motion slide until we reach an explosive climax unlike any other I can think of. 
Some thoughts: 
One of the guiding pieces of the narrative is that Toller is keeping a journal for 12 months and then he’s going to shred and burn it. This is mysterious already. He refers to keeping the journal as a form of prayer but also says he is unable to pray. 
Amanda Seyfried is stunning as always in her role as Mary, a young widow who comes to Toller for help. She’s got this gorgeous innocence shining through, and her chemistry with Hawke is palpable.
It must be so scary to be a priest or pastor and go into people’s homes, people you don’t know, looking to help and not knowing what you will find. Just like social workers, home health aids, repair technicians - how do you just go into people’s houses and not be freaked out about it all the time? This may be the pandemic brain talking, but I don’t think so.
This conversation between Toller and Michael (Phillip Ettinger) is a powerhouse of acting. Michael is twitchy and despairing, Toller is solemn and there’s a simmering strength and anger as he answers Michael’s questions. I’m so tense. 
One of the marks of excellent craftsmanship that’s all over this movie - everything is so quiet and contained, but at no point does it feel boring. Writer/director Paul Schrader is making brilliant choices here - no music or score, the cinematography framing Toller and his parishioners. There are so many shots through doorways, through keyholes; it feels voyeuristic to see these acts of faith, these exercises in belief. Every choice made ratchets up the tension and dread as we slide toward something - we’re not sure what, but it feels like it will be terrible for all involved. In every scene, I feel more and more like Toller is a pot about to boil over. 
That quiet sure does lead to an even more potent shock when it arrives.
Will God forgive us for what we’re doing to his creation? <- If I knew more Christians who grappled with the ramifications of their actions on Earth as they affect this life, rather than the afterlife, I would probably still not be BFFs with them or anything (I mean, idk, what else are they interested in? Do we share similar interests or hobbies? How do they feel about dogs and Animal Crossing and gay shit? I have standards.) but I would sure as hell respect them more. 
Cedric the Entertainer is surprisingly fantastic as this big megachurch pastor - his charisma and gravitas fill auditoriums easily, and he’s got the pitch perfect vibe of a flashy showman who you can trust. He’s perfect for this role. 
All of the sequences of Toller alone in his rectory drinking, doing research about climate change, sitting in the dark - it feels like a horror movie, the tension and dread ramping up with this heavy, atonal soundtrack. It’s very effective.
Ok. Pet peeve time. I recognize that this interlude with the breathing and the flying through space is a visual representation of an emotional experience and a connection between two people but honestly I hate everything about it. Its tone is so wildly different from the rest of the film - maybe it’s a pacing issue? It just ground everything to a halt for me. I was SO WITH this movie, I was really feeling the mood and the despair and this whole sequence took me right out of it.
And that ending - the ending is going to be the thing that people will use to to determine whether they did or didn’t like it. It feels immediately divisive in the same way that something like Black Swan does. For some, the ending is perfect, and for others, it’s a major letdown or just a total head scratcher. I think I’m in the former camp, but it took a lot of reflection for me to get there.
Did I Cry? No - I was trying too hard to figure out how I was feeling most of the time. 
The film is critically lauded for a reason, and it’s definitely one that I think bears repeat viewing. As most of us deal with the existential crises (plural!) the pandemic has thrust upon us, First Reformed is a movie that reflects so many of the difficult, confusing, terrifying feelings we have to confront surrounding mortality, the type of society we want to be a part of, and ultimately our place in a world that so often feels like it’s spinning into chaos. 
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! (Link in bio). For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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nicostolemybones · 4 years
Please share some of your favorite head canons
This is a question I have been dying to be asked for so so long now! I don't always use every one of these headcanons in my fics, bc I like to explore different possibilities and ideas, but these are headcanons that I have anyways! Imma categorise them, this might get long:
Trans Will Clarisse and Annabeth
Bi Percy Annabeth Jason Clarisse and Will
Pansexual, genderqueer Piper
Oriented aroace lesbian Reyna
Lesbian Thalia
Oriented aroace gay Leo Valdez
Gay asexual Nico
Nico being triggered by pink triangles (like imagine him at some party and there's pink bunting and he just starts panicking and having flashbacks, or seeing them on a notebook pattern, and most people don't understand why he has such an 'obscure' trigger
Will who suffers from compassion fatigue and existential meltdowns and who believes he has blood on his hands
Leo with a lung disease from all the smoke and chemicals and dust he works with (I know a fair bit about lung issues due to family having them)
Nico's trauma actually having an impact on him in general (I refuse to believe his trauma stopped manifesting when he got a boyfriend), like the insomnia and flashbacks and fading and the whispering shadows and phobia of the dark
Will being an all year round camper because either his mom is homophobic or neglectful, or he doesn't feel safe in the area he grew up in
Jason who is constantly afraid of his own strength and of becoming a weapon, or worse, being just like his father
Reyna who worries that she's unapproachable and unloveable because she has so many barriers up
Percy who slowly becomes so scared of water and of drowning that he's afraid to use his powers in case he hurts someone, and who struggles to shower sometimes because some days he's too scared he'll drown
Piper who is so scared of losing who she is that she has to ask her friends to tell her things about herself sometimes. She writes it all down on post it notes so she doesn't forget who she is
Piper who, after her claiming, constantly feels like she's too curvy, too pretty, looks to grown up, who doesn't feel comfortable to wear certain clothes she likes in case their too tight, because she's absolutely terrified of being sexualised she's just a teen
Hazel who develops the Midas touch, perhaps a curse, who can't even hug her own brother lest he turn to gold. She's terrified that she'll wake up one day and she'll truly have a heart of gold
Frank who struggles with body dysmorphia. Frank who used to be perfectly okay with his chubbiness until his transformation, Frank who doesn't understand what was wrong with his body, Frank who sees himself as a muscled freak, Frank who, when he starts to gain weight again, is terrified that he won't be good enough for anyone else. Frank who shapeshifts because it's harder to feel bad about a body that isn't even human.
Annabeth who is so scared of losing her intelligence that she revises way past her limitations. Annabeth who gets addicted to energy drinks and studying because not only does sleep give her nightmares, but she's terrified of not waking up, or waking up and forgetting. Annabeth with superstitious rituals to stave off dementia. Annabeth who can recite the periodic table backwards and can multiply triple digit numbers in her head because she's overworking herself because she's scared that if she stops she will forget
Thaila who gets such bad nightmares she sleep floats and wakes up terrified because she's so high up so she bolts down all her windows out of the fear she'll fly away and fall to her death
Fluff and miscellany
Nico and Hazel swing dancing to records played on a gramophone
Will teaching Nico to read and sharing music with him
Nico playing clarinet or violin and drawing
Will cannot sing but he tries dammit
Percy who rescues baby seals and turtles and volunteers at the local conservation centre and adopts a tiny baby shark that turns out to be not so tiny that he puts in the lake
Annabeth who loves kids and becomes a teacher and a writer, writing dyslexia-friendly books
Will who teaches at camp but the learning style is completely individualised
There's a big box of stim toys in the infirmary
Jason who rediscovers how to have fun, who picks up so many hobbies and interests he can't count and damn it's fun to not be a soldier and just be a kid
Knitting club
Autistic Solangelo
Multilingual campers teaching each other their native languages
Workshops at camp to help campers reconnect with their culture (Piper's idea)
Reyna and Thalia being the lesbian aunts of camp, who everybody thinks are cool af. Thalia being an edgy butch punk and Reyna being a badass femme with a sword
Clarisse who goes to bars just to spot creeps and keep people safe (nobody argues with her)
Hazel and Nico playing mythomagic and being close siblings
Nico who slips into Italian when excited, who forgets words in English and just uses the Italian word, who sometimes gets the grammar wrong, and nobody makes him feel bad about it
Nico who can cook because his mama taught him, and Will who once managed to melt a plastic plate on the hob, tried to make toast and caused a fire, and once ate a tub of slime because he was hungry
Nico sewing
Will knitting
Piper running body confidence and fashion workshops, but rather than just instagram make up and branded clothes, she also encourages campers to wear whatever the hell they want. Jumper with 100 patches on it? Valid. Boys in skirts? Valid. Girls in suits? Valid. Enbies experimenting with gender presentation? Valid. Wanna look like a feral forest dwelling cryptid? Valid. Want to look like a princess at a ball? Valid.
Will and Piper and Clarisse as friends who run an adventurecore blog and go hiking and cause general chaos together
Nico and Leo being close friends who make edgy jokes and talk about their moms and talk to each other in a weird mix of Spanish and Italian from what they've taught each other.
Frank who runs self defence classes and offers to pretend to be people's boyfriend to help them escape creeps. He doesn't care if he has to pretend to be gay, or if he has to pretend to be a girl, he'll do anything to protect people from creeps.
Will has a pet chicken
Nico hisses at people
Everybody respects that Nico is touch averse
Clarisse and Drew, who used to be bullies, who have genuinely changed and genuinely do good. They help people to recognise patterns of bullying in both themselves and others, they talk to the bullies and help them to reform, they help people to realise that bullying can be traumatic and you don't have to forgive a bully. Clarisse and Drew who open a Safe Space corner
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garden-uprooted · 4 years
Muse interview!!!
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1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ”Spinel!” 2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? ”.......... Also Spinel...?” 3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? ”Because I’m... a Spinel! The ONLY Spinel, actually!” 4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? ”... I’m not a fusion, no!” She misunderstood the question. 5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? ”WELL, let’s see, here!” She starts counting off on her fingers: 
”I can stretch, shapeshift, reform (like all Gems can), uhhh- sing pretty darn well, and I can- OH, I can juggle real swell! Wanna see??”  6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “ Pink! I think.” A pause. “OH, that rhymed-!” 7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “ “Dyed”? Well, why would I do that?” 8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “ Not TECHNICALLY, but I DO count my friends as part of my family! I got White, Blue, Yellow, Steven- maaaaybe The Crystal Gems...? Possibly..?” 
She beams, regardless.
”A whole buncha family members!!”  9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? “Enope! I’m- bad with animals...” 10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Being abandoned for 6,000 years!” She states that with SUCH a cheery smile.  11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “Ooh, ooh! I like to explore new places! And I just LOVE to make cute lil’ boats outta paper! OH, and have you ever tried DISSECTING?? UGH, it’s- it’s kinda gross, but it’s super FUN! AND I like to-” 
She’s gonna be going on for a while, there, buddy. 12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “Plenty of people. Most of which are uhhh- no longer breathing? Haha, whoopsy?”  13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? “....... Leeeet’s just IGNORE my last comment, there, shall we?”  14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “Uh- none! I’m a Gem! Weren’t you listening at all?”  15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “I uh- I tend to have a kind of explosive temper... I-I’m workin’ on it, though! Promise!” 16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? “Steven.” 17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL?
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh- gay, I THINK? I’m still learning all of these weird Earth terms. I like girls, if that helps!”
“.... I take classes at Little Homeschool! Does that count?”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? ”I NEVER want kids, no, nope, nuh-uh, NOT for me. As for “marry”........” 
”....... Who’s that?”  20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? ”Fans? Well, uh- sure? Are you hot? I’ve got a ton of ‘em in my gem somewhere!” 21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? ”Wow! Haha! Don’t like THAT question! Next!” 22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? ”Nothing! Gems don’t wear clothes.” 23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? ”Oh, a BUNCH of people! I love everybody I meet, usually!!” 24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? ””Class”?? I... I-I don’t... You must not have gotten the memo: Gem statuses don’t MATTER, anymore! Everybody’s free! It’s all part of the new Era 3 rules Steven enforced! I could list ‘em off, if ‘ya want?”  25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? ”WOAH, geeze.... Uhhh...... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve-” 26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? ”What kinda pie? I like blueberry! And cherry’s great, too!” 27. FAVORITE DRINK? ”Tea! Chamomile’s real nice and soothing! Helps my nerves, sometimes!”  29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? ”Wherever all of my friends are!” 30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE?
She quirks her head to the side. “.... How do you mean??”
31. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “The ocean! I don’t like getting wet, but there are so many cool- THINGS down there!!” 32. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “”Type”? Type of- what? I-I really don’t follow you.” 33. ANY FETISHES? “....... What?” 34. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? “..... Are you okay? Like- Like are you good? Should I- Should I call somebody? You’re not makin’ a lick ‘a sense, and I’m really worried you’re about to keel over or somethin’.”  35. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “.... Yeah-” She forms a megaphone with one of her hands and- 
Tagged by: @weaselsmuses​ 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!!
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benisasoftboi · 5 years
So on Friday night I made this post:
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Which I expected that maybe ten, twenty people would see? I didn’t think anyone would really care about a joke about something so old and obscure, and it would just get lost in all the Detective Pikachu stuff. Instead, within five hours, it had become my most popular post. 
I know it’s still not a huge number, but it’s still way more attention than I’ve ever received for anything... ever, so I’ve been thinking about Pokemon Live a lot since. Which has been bad, because this morning I had to take a very important political economy exam, and instead of thinking about Bretton Woods or Marx, I was thinking about Pokemon. I nearly referred to my country’s former Prime Minister as ‘David Camerupt’. It wasn’t good. 
I need to expunge my thoughts. Specifically, my thoughts on one topic in particular - the way this show treats, or rather mistreats, the character of James. Because I truly, truly love Pokemon Live. I do. It’s one of the most glorious dumpster fires I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching a poor quality recording of. But this is the one thing I definitely don’t love.
I don’t expect anyone to read this. I mean, I said that last time, but this time I really don’t. It’s a long essay on a niche topic, and it isn’t even funny. But on the off chance it’ll get you to stick with me, I promise that there will be pictures of Andrew Rannells cuddling puppies at the end. 
How Pokemon Live Mistreats James, and Why It Matters:
The Mandatory Mentioning of The Actor
I’m guessing anyone who knows anything about Pokemon Live also knows that now highly successful, Tony-nominated Broadway and television actor Andrew Rannells was in it playing James. And if you didn’t, now you know why I’ve mentioned him twice now. I’m a big fan of this guy.
He hated this role. Absolutely despised it. Apparently the show was a miserable environment to work in for everyone. The costumes were uncomfortable. The audiences were unbearable. There’s a making of for this show, which can be viewed on YouTube in its entirety - I’ve watched the whole thing more than once and you can see in every cast member’s eyes - there’s no light there. They’re all dead inside. It’s almost heartbreaking.  
To be clear - he’s the only one of these people I, or anyone else I’ve seen, ever makes fun of for this show. And that’s because he’s fine. He’s fine! He’s done very well for himself and talking about it won’t hurt his career, and there’s just always something really hilarious about seeing very successful people in terrible things, isn’t there? Chris Hemsworth in Saddle Club, Zach Braff in Babysitter’s Club, literally everyone in Foodfight. It’s not malicious or in any way intended to be punching down - just poking fun at a really good actor’s really bad early work. It’s not even really making fun of him, more that he was in this.
But there is one reason he hated the role that I don’t find so funny, and that’s that he felt the people that wrote the thing had made James a grossly over-the-top, borderline-to-over-the-line (depending on your tolerance) homophobic stereotype. And... yeah. They undeniably did that.  
Rannells understandably dislikes the character, and to be honest - that makes me a little sad. Knowing that musical!James is probably the only version of the character he (and likely a lot of parents who saw the show, and other cast members) ever really encountered, that’s a huge shame. Because if we go back to the anime the musical’s based on, the one I, and many others, grew up on, James is quite different. In fact, I personally consider anime!James to be the best character in the entire Pokemon franchise.
Why We Love Team Rocket 
Just want to quickly note that I can only discuss the anime up to about halfway through the Sinnoh seasons - I’ve seen basically nothing after that. My childhood was some original series, a lot of Hoenn, and a fair bit of early Sinnoh (somehow skipped over Johto almost entirely, don’t really know how that happened). If any of this is now not accurate, well - it’s not really relevant for this discussion anyway, but I still apologise. 
The Team Rocket trio, James especially, is, pretty queer-coded. This is not unusual for villainous characters in children’s media before the 2010s, so much so that I would guess that a lot of the time it wasn’t even being done deliberately - it was just that common a trope that it was all but expected your show would have at least one flamboyantly effeminate, villainous bloke. And James - especially early James - has no qualms about showing his feminine side:
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Notice that Jessie adopts masculine attire to match - she doesn’t always do this, but I like that they have her at least do it sometimes. 
Team Rocket’s disguises became less and less likely to involve cross dressing as the show went on, but it’s one of the things best remembered about them. James also has a strong association with roses, and possesses several other feminine mannerisms. Arguably he’s far more downplayed than most other villains of the type (even more so than others present in Pokemon - Harley’s a great example, who was also, coincidentally, played by Andrew Rannells), but it’s present. And while yes, obviously in real life none of those things should be taken as definitive indication of a person’s orientation, and straight men are perfectly capable of twirling around in pretty dresses - in fact, I fully endorse it - this is fiction. Specifically fiction from the early 2000s. And in fiction, certain things are intended as visual cues and shorthand.
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So I really, really doubt we were supposed to think James is entirely straight (I personally have always thought that he’s actually bi, but I’m not opposed to alternatives). You could make the case, but like. Come on.
But how is this different from musical!James? And how is this different than any other villain like him? Very simple. Anime!James has depth.
Not a tremendous amount. It’s a children’s cartoon made to cash in on a popular video game. But he, and Jessie and Meowth, are among the most well-rounded characters in the show’s cast, in a way that’s actually very relatable. It helps that they aren’t actually very villainous people most of the time. I know so many people who grew up with the show that loved, rooted for, and identified with them over the actual protagonists, by a mile. Myself included - I can remember two separate James-centered episodes that made me cry as a kid.
And these three are particularly beloved by young LGBT adults. We know from their backstories that they all came from rough circumstances - Jessie desperately poor and struggling to get anywhere or be recognised, Meowth having changed a fundamental part of himself in attempt to gain love and instead being ostracised for it, and James running away from an abusive household. They’re three people (/Pokemon) who felt alone in the world, that have now found each other. And whether you view Jessie and James’s relationship as romantic, friendship, or found family, it’s far more compelling than any other relationship in the show, at least to me. They may be criminals, but it’s not hard to see why some kids - especially the kids who might already feel like they’re just a bit different - would latch on to them. 
Even if you didn’t know James’s backstory, he still has a character. He’s frequently shown to be the most moral of the trio, he has a stronger bond with Pokemon than honestly even Ash - even more of a running gag than his flamboyance is the fact that his pets love him so much that they just wanna hug him all the time, with inevitable slapstick consequences - he has dorky hobbies like bottle cap collecting, and he’s even occasionally shown to be a bit of an environmentalist. Yes he is in many ways a stereotypical camp villain - but he’s also more. And that’s why we love him. 
And I’d bet anything there probably were some little boys who watched the show and saw James and thought ‘that guy’s like me!’. And yeah, that guy is a villain, because god forbid a maybe-gay character also be a good guy. But more than any other character like him that I’ve seen, he’s also always been a person. And considering how most of the other options kids like that had at the time were either one-note villains or nothing (and even now it’s sparse pickings) - that’s valuable.
And then there’s Pokemon Live.
*long, long sigh*
Oh, Pokemon Live. You beautiful disaster. 
What did you do to my boy?
Is there nothing that better encapsulates it than the bit where James asks Giovanni where Mecha MewTwo (...I know) “stands on campaign finance reform, social security and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”?
First off, I like that James is politically engaged! Good for him! Completely out of character, but still!
And I do find this line incredibly funny, but I want to be very clear about why I find it funny. The line is funny because referencing a real world American discriminatory military policy in a Pokemon musical is just... so completely absurd. It’s super jarring and when I first watched it, I had to pause it so I could stop laughing about the possible implications of Pokemon Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Is there a Pokemon American military then? Pokemon Democrats and Pokemon Republicans? Pokemon Bill Clinton? POKEMONICA LEWINSKY???
It just raises so many questions.
Also Rannells’s delivery is incredible.
But the thing is, that’s not the joke here, is it? The actual ‘joke’ is ‘HA HA HE’S GAY! HE SAID THAT BECAUSE HE’S GAY!’. Which gets even worse when you think about it and realise that this situation is really just a gay man (I don’t think there’s any doubt about it in this particular incarnation, is there) asking his boss whether or not he thinks people like him should be discriminated against. How is that a joke? (The answer is that it isn’t.)
Which makes it that much more inappropriate for a children’s Pokemon musical, which is sort of, in a dark way, almost funnier. It’s that juxtaposition of something kiddy and cute with something that definitely isn’t. 
But hilarious as I find it, given the chance to I would go back and get rid of that line. I dislike what it implies - that being a gay man is nothing more than a punchline - more than I like the absurdist humour. 
And that’s the whole problem with how they chose to write James for this whole thing. They took a really good example of how you can have this type of villain while also making him a good character, and they turned him into nothing more than a stereotype.
You could say ‘but it’s a much shorter story than a TV show! They wouldn’t have time to make him nuanced!’, to which I would say 1. He doesn’t have to be nuanced, he just has to be slightly more than I’M GAY and 2. There have been 21 Pokemon movies at time of writing, two of which came out before Pokemon Live did. None of them, at least of the ones I’ve seen, committed any character assassinations like this. The first one even had another baffling reference to real world America:
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That’s so out of nowhere and silly that I laugh every time I think about it (the Minnesota Vikings are an American football team, if you didn’t know). See, Pokemon Live! It’s possible to do jokes like that which aren’t at the expense of a minority group! Wow!
The anime even has examples of how you can do the gay jokes and make them funny. They are very rare in the show (beyond the humour of James’s personality), but remember the whole Flaming Moltres joke? It’s actually great. It’s a couple of good puns, it’s possibly Rachael Lillis’s best delivery in the whole show, and, just for confirmation, I’ve shown the clip to a few actual gay men in my life, who all said that they think that it’s very funny, and totally non-offensive. The joke is still ‘lol he gay’, but it’s also a neat play on words, it feels very in character for both of them, and it doesn’t have the same malicious, taunt-y feel of the Pokemon Live ‘joke’.
Look, the Pokemon anime is far from perfect. There are lots of moments where you have to grit your teeth and remember when it came out. But it still gave us a really, really wonderful character, and he absolutely deserved better than this.
Do I Still Love Pokemon Live?
Even with all of this, it’s still an absolute masterpiece of unintentional hilarity. In some ways, this makes it funnier. Of course, of course, it couldn’t just have terrible costumes and a nonsense plot and really, really bad rapping - of course it’s also kind of offensive. Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be.
And I would love to talk about all the things I genuinely love about it, and maybe I will one day.
But the thing is, it’s also representative of everything that was wrong with gay-coded characters at the time, something that the show it’s based on came way closer to handling well than most other stuff of its time, no less. And that, as a whole, isn’t funny at all.
So I want to be clear. I love laughing at this show because it’s a weirdly earnest cash-in musical for something that definitely shouldn’t be a musical, with endless bizarre, quotable moments - not because the way it warped this character is actually funny. I love laughing at the character’s lines because they’re absurd choices for a Pokemon musical - not because they’re in any way funny on their own. And I love laughing at the fact that Andrew Rannells was in it because he is so much better than this - not because this is what I think he should be reduced to.
And speaking of, here’s those pictures I promised:
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I love one man.
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mermaidbookrecs · 5 years
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
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Danfort, E. M. (2018). The Miseducation of Cameron Post. London, England: Penguin Books.
Pages: 485
ISBN: 978-0-06-2020567
Price: $9.99
Format: ebook
Lexile Rating:  1120L
Awards: School Library Journal Best Book, Kirkus Reviews Best Young Adult Book, Amazon.com Best Books of the Year, Amazon.com Best Books of the Month, ALA Booklist Editors' Choice
"Pining after straight girls--straight girls who are, by the way, in happy relationships with good-looking straight boys--when you live in a town filled with angry, Bible-pounding, probably gun-toting cowboys is a total no-win.” (p. 237)
Cameron is gay. But she lives in a conservative town in Montana where, while everyone is not necessarily super religious, there is pretty much an unspoken understanding that certain sins are just “wrong” and worse than others. At thirteen, while she is first discovering her sexuality with her best friend Irene, she isn’t thinking about that. But then her parents die, and while she is relieved that they never knew she was gay...she has to live with her super-religious, super-conservative aunt, who loves her...but would she still love her if she knew the truth?
After Cameron is discovered to have “Same Sex Attraction Disorder” after one night with a “straight” girl she is in love with, she is sent away to God’s Promise, a conversion camp where her aunt and her church community believe she will be “cured” of her sinful desires. The rest of the story is a humorous yet sobering look at the efforts of those with “good” intentions to cure something that can’t be cured, and the painful effect it can have on those who are unable to meet the impossible expectations placed on them.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post was recently released as a film, which I have not yet seen, and obtaining a copy of this book from the library took several months. I was number 73 on a hold list for 4 copies of the ebook when I first requested it and was only taken off the list at the end of November. I was excited to read this book from the moment I heard about it and was definitely not disappointed when I actually got a chance to read it. While it is not by any means a quick read--its page count is almost 500--it was thoroughly enjoyable despite the difficult subject matter. Cameron is sadly relatable to many gay and questioning teens as she tries to navigate life in a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone else and explores her  sexuality with several girls who range from all-out lesbian to “mostly” straight. The novel culminates in the promise of hope and a journey to new beginnings with new friends, with an open ending that left me wondering what happened to Cameron and her friends.
Content-wise, The Miseducation of Cameron Post contains a lot of drug and sex references. There is one scene that, while not especially graphic, does depict Cameron and another girl having sex. Cameron also smokes marijuana often and occasionally drinks alcohol. Suicide and self harm are mentioned several times and one scene describes an act of self-mutilation fairly graphically. The book does not refrain from use of profanity, either. For all of these reasons, The Miseducation of Cameron Post is probably most suitable for teens older than 16, although it is not unsuitable for younger, mature teens. 
I think what I enjoyed most about this book was the wide variety of different characters and how even the ones who were objectively kind of terrible people had some semblance of humanity to them, from Cameron’s aunt Ruth, who deals with her own illness by seeking refuge in God and the church, to her grandmother, who is well-meaning but old fashioned, to the leaders of the camp, Rick, a “reformed” former homosexual himself and his aunt Lydia, who Cameron notes seems rather pathetic when she gets past the rules and stuffiness of the woman. The characters all feel real and their stories are heartbreaking. The inclusion of Winkte, or Lakota two-spirit, Adam, excited me because I have never read a story that included or even mentioned the concept of two-spirit before. Overall, The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a highly enjoyable read and I am thrilled to rate it 5 out of 5 stars.
Star rating: 5/5
Below you’ll find a trailer for the movie, which was just released!
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inkstaineddove · 6 years
A Boy and His Fritz
Pairing: Prussia/Frederick the Great
Characters: Prussia, Frederick the Great
Summary: Someone corners Prussia about his relationship with Frederick the Great. Prussia repeats their sorry history confronting many emotions he would've preferred to keep in the past.
He was always obnoxious, arrogant, way too prideful and stubborn. He was a prince. He was my prince. I should've expected as much, but he still found new ways to surprise me. Like that bullshit with von Katte, but that's later. We gotta get to the early stuff. He pissed me off. God, I couldn't stand him for the longest time. His dad was my boss so that had something to do with it, for sure. Frederick William only wanted compliance. I was the first person he got it so completely from, never questioning what he demanded of me. Vader, Germania, he died when I was pretty young. I was always eager to please my kings to get one of them to see me as their own son. Frederick William was easiest to imagine it happening with cause he hated his kids so much. He was so hard on them. Beating them with canes and calling them things I can't repeat even now...my God. It was a mess. I’ve got no room to judge. I can’t claim any moral superiority. I participated, I helped, I believed he was in the right at the time. Especially with Fritz. It hurts when the heir to the throne only speaks French, only wants to dress French, read French, and pretty much wants to be French. It hurts when he rejects everything that your nation represents. The only thing I had then was the military. He rejected that, thought it was unimportant when the arts and literature and playing his fucking flute were more important. Heh, maybe I'd still be around if he'd stuck to his guns on that principle. Then again, I'd be like Bavaria or some shit and I don't think I could handle that. 
I remember when he tried sneaking away to England with his boyfriend. It was the only thing he’d done until then that I’d respected. The kid had balls to get that many people to disobey the king and help him sneak off. Especially cause he managed to make it so they didn't even get their hands dirty. Ja, I was furious because it felt like he was running away from me instead of just the king. It was real personal. When he got back, I hit him. I hit him and I cursed him out. The look in his eyes then. He didn't see me as any different than his father. I was an extension of him, the embodiment of everything he'd wanted to escape from. It was disgusting. I was disgusting. I never apologized to him for that. For how I treated him for his entire princedom. I always meant to. I always found a reason to pussy out. Funny, huh? I'll run head-on towards an army that'll crush mine without fear, but I'll always chicken out whenever it comes to people. Guess I'm a bit of a coward. Ya'know what it was like watching his boyfriend die? Katte, he didn’t do anything wrong. We knew back then he had tried to stop Fritz. It was all for show. If Frederick William couldn’t kill his son then he needed to kill somebody. Katte happened to be the death that would hurt the most. The poor guy, even his last words were for Fritz. How much he loved him, how loyal he was, how he'd die like this a thousand times. It was so sappy. Wish someone would say that for me when I go. I don't know which image haunts me more - the actual beheading or the aftermath. Seeing Fritz starve himself, lock himself in his cell for days, refusing to talk to anyone or respond to letters. It was scary. He didn’t want anyone to look after him. Frederick wanted to die and, even worse, the king would’ve been fine with it.  Later on - years later, close to his death - I told Fritz what I'd done. I confessed to him how I'd been in the camp encouraging the execution of Katte. I had been double dealing, going back and forth and telling Frederick William what wasn’t mentioned in official reports. I collapsed at his feet, clinging tightly to Fritz's hand as I begged for forgiveness. He didn't respond for the longest time. I was pretty sure he hated me again. If he did, I don't think I could've handled that. I looked up, saw a few tears running down his cheeks. He pulled me up and held me close. He told me I'm a bastard, that of course he forgives me, told me I was the only one he had left and made me promise to never mention the event again. Shit, I feel like his ghost is gonna haunt me now for this. Should I mention his wife? He sure as well never did. Poor Elisabeth. I kept trying to get her to go back to her family in Brunswick. Go someplace where she was wanted and where she was loved. That woman was the epitome of stand by your man. She refused. She actually loved him. She cherished the few times she would see him, the few letters he'd send her. None of it was romantic. He was always really formal around her, but who was I to burst her bubble. The marriage made Fritz somewhat happy and the king very happy. I was content cause my job was easier and how gay he was would get around soon enough. Voltaire really did an awesome job with that. There was such a buzz when he became king. I found myself dragged into it as well, despite technically mourning Frederick William still. I know he denounced Machiavelli a few months before, but that was bullshit. This was an exciting time for us. He’d study our armies with such frantic energy, continiously reforming and expanding them. War was coming. Of course, I was gonna win! It's me! I don't lose when I've got a great leader. I'm too awesome for that shit. The Silesian Wars. What started it all. Meeting Austria face-to-face in the field kept me alive for centuries. From then till the Seven Year’s War, that was the climax of our little rivalry. People can claim the Austro-Prussian War as it, but what do they know? They weren't alive then, they weren't alive for any of it. Only him and I know when it was. And it was in our fights for Silesia, for more than Silesia. That was just a front. It was always about who'd become the dominant force among the rest of our family. Who’d control the Germanic states. Ya'know, sometimes I wish he would've won it all. I wish that he'd kicked me out of unification. Maybe I'd still be on a map. Maybe I'd be allowed at these meetings and would have my contributions to history be seen as a positive thing instead of a thing leading up to...well, you know. It's the most pointless fantasy, but I always slip into it. Can you really blame me? Dammit, I keep getting sidetracked. There's so much in this shit, it’s impossible to not think about everything. This was the best time of my life, but it’s all so bittersweet. Sometimes I’m not sure if I’d wished they’d gone on longer or if they’d never happened. Shit, that's unawesome to confess to. I'll go on. France and Saxony were absolutely useless in the Silesian Wars. It was all me. Ja, they were technically there, but what did they do? I carried the weight. I was the true hero of the day. I don't mind. It's my name that goes down for the win. The recognitions all that matters in the end, right?  Fritz was in the limelight. He was the talk of Europe and he knew it. Everyone was intrigued by us, trying to guess our next move. We were a powerful team. I'm not surprised Napoleon studied us so much. I would too if I were him. We had courtiers from France, Britain, even fucking Russia knocking on our door! You know what was awesome about Fritz? He told them all to fuck off. Didn't want anything to do with them. He just wanted to be left alone with his friends, his dogs, and his flute. I think that's where I got that from. The period between the Silesian Wars and the Seven Years War, that was the good time. He wasn't a paternalistic man in the slightest. He had no desire for kids and wasn’t always sure what to do with them. But he regarded me like I'd imagine a father treats his son. Hell, he let me start calling him ‘dad’ around this time. I really only started calling him ‘Old Fritz’ when he was gone. Figured everyone would find it weird if I was still calling my old boss my dad.  We lived without a care then. He taught me flute, we composed together, wrote together. He would take me to the opera and theater every chance he could. He always made time for me. I don't think I left his side during this time except to shit and sleep. He was proud of my terrible poetry. God, it was awful. It’s hidden somewhere in West’s basement. It’s too painful to look at. He taught me French - against my will, but it was the royal language so he made it mandatory even for me - and English. He'd sit out in the gardens to read and watch me hunt. Fritz thought it was a dumb thing to enjoy, but he always managed to act proud of what I caught. Then war hit again. We had a minor disagreement in perspective on that. Some would say I was overconfident in my chances, but others would say he was incredibly pessimistic and a bit rude about ours. Maybe he realized the threat of Russia, Sweden, France, and Austria against us better than I did originally, but at least I had gusto. Despite that, we were both going to fight it whether it killed us and everyone really wanted to kill us. The Miracle of the House of Brandenburg is the only thing that saved us. Again, historians don't know jack shit when they define it. They claim it was the death of the Tzarina and the rise of her nephew that was obsessed with me. I'm not kidding, I swear he had a crush on me. I don’t blame him, but it was a different time. He should’ve been more discreet. The real miracle was that Fritz didn't kill himself or abdicate like he kept promising to do. With anyone else on the throne, even with her death we would've lost. Taking on France and a vengeful, bloodthirsty Austria required skill back then that only Fritz and I had. We won by the skin of our teeth. Fritz had to carry me back to Potsdam after treaty negotiations. I was barely conscious. For weeks after that I was knocked out. Apparently I kept hallucinating and thought I was a kid again. Healing was a slow process since my entire body took so much damage, including Berlin. It took a month for the heartburn to go away.   When I finally came to, I never left his side. We shared a bedroom. He'd lost so much of his family during that war. He was afraid of being alone. He clung to me and Voltaire, which I didn’t approve of. Voltaire was a gossip and a prick, always in the pocket of France’s court if Francis could cough up enough money. He was a shit spy anyway, but when have the French been known for their intelligence? Anyways, I did whatever he wanted. His fingers became too swollen and stiff and he was losing all his teeth, so I would play the flute for him. I'd run through his favorites or create new things on the spot. I'd play for hours on end if he wanted. I just wanted to make him happy again. I'd missed seeing him smile. We'd walk around the gardens at lunch. That was always when he reflected on his life to me. At the time, I thought it was really fucking weird. I'd been through everything with him. I knew it all and I'd seen it all. Made more sense for him to tell his biographers this shit. Not like I could go out and immortalize it in some book other than my diaries. I didn't appreciate it until Bismarck started making a name for himself. Then I finally understood the appeal. It's hard to explain why exactly. I just do. It gives me more of him to think about. It's more than having one of his hats or walking sticks or still being allowed to live in Sans Soucci. It's him. It's how he saw things. A person's perspective is more valuable than any material object. Fuck, I've really turned into a sentimental old man, haven't I? I used to say his death was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Dissolution beats it, but only by a small amount. The mythos is true, by the way. The clock in his room did stop at the exact time he died. I've got no fucking idea what he was doing up that early, but that’s how he was. Maybe he knew he was dying and wanted to meet his last adversary ready. That's how I like to think about it. I like to think it was painless. I know he was smiling. He looked so relaxed, like he finally got what he wanted all along. I woke up to the body. Sometimes I fall asleep still seeing it. They had to pull me away from him. I was sobbing, hugging him close. Maybe if I prayed hard enough, one of our Gods would give him some of my immortality. I think my prayer backfired. Seems like I'm starting to get some of his mortality, huh? Ain't the world funny. No, fuck you, I'm not crying. There's just some shit in my eye. Mind your own business. Do you think he'd be proud of me? I'm not talking about me as Prussia. I know he wouldn’t cause all his hard work went to shit. All his hard won land is now apart of a German state he didn't want, Austria, a country he helped remove from the map, Russia, and Lithuania. So that's definitely a disappointment. I want to know if he's proud of me, Gilbert. From 1740 onward, I always tried to make him proud. I only wanted to do what he would think is best, make him smile from beyond the grave. Do you think he is? I think so. I have to. Sometimes, that thought is the only one that keeps me going. 
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nataliesnews · 3 years
Yom Kippur
16.9.2021    Bliss. The weather is cooler and I need not fall out of bed by 5.30 so as to get in some walking before the heat.
   Again this year there is a service for Yom Kippur in the park. I walked up yesterday and was reminded of how, so many years ago, 1963, Yom Kippur and I am not sure if it was from Beit Hashita, a bunch of us from the ulpan walked to one of the moshaviem in the area for the evening service. It was a Sephardi service according to what I remember of the people there They were very surprised when a bunch young Ashkenaziem walked in but I remember they gave the men an Aliyah and we were warmly received and also invited to come back to break the fast. I had not thought of it in years. Shosh Serxner if you are reading this do you remember. It may have been from Ein Hashofet.
 Even there a mechitza was set up, dafke as if to protect the table on which the Torah was placed from the gaze of the women….though I was glad to see that most of them sat where they could see. Dafke it is because of these mechitzot (to separate the women from the men, heaven forbid that one of the men would not be able to control his desires) that I stopped going to shul here in Israel. At home the women had sat upstairs but you could see the rabbi and the men. Here maybe one tenth of the space in the room was reserved for the women, most of whom had to sit outside and even those who were inside could see nothing because a thick covering was hung from the roof. I don’t know if in those years there was a reform congregation here…had there been I would probably have gone. Now I have no interest.  
 I photographed the pictures from a distance as I did not want to offend.
  I have really been worried about putting in the hearing aid but this afternoon I managed. Yesterday when I was coming from the market I did not have them in and there was this terrible whine. I thought maybe something had really gone wrong with my hearing as it went on the whole street. Only when I got to the top did I realise that there had been roadwork. Then today after I put them in, I heard this tick tock tick tock and thought oh damn until I realized it was a clock I had never done before. I have not spoken to anyone since I came back from my walk and put them in so I don’t know who that will be but I notice that even when I change a shirt I hear the sounds. I am not sure if this is normal…but I have to first wear them a few days. I am so nervous about losing them as the clinic only covers most of the payment once. No one seems to know about insurance.
 I have been watching a two part series one what happened to soldiers after they came back from imprisonment after the Yom Kippur war. It is shocking. I was horrified to hear the South African accent of a doctor called Leslie Karpel who interrogated them.  They hardly had time to be with their families when they were told that they were being taken to a recreation centre only to find that they had been brought there to be interrogated. They were injected with a drug which took them back in time and this was aggravated by this monster banging on the tables and playing audios from the war. One sees the men in agonies of fear, even hiding under their beds while the doctor is banging things right next to him and one can feels the fear the man is again feeling . It was all to get every last bit of evaluation out of them. Some of them said that what they went through in that “recreation” centre was as bad as the interrogations by our enemies. I think he only died a few years ago. I wonder if he ever regretted how he had treated his Hippocratic oath. More like an oath of hypocrisy.
 By the way when we were at the Bethlehem checkpoint the billboards as the Palestinians exit after a long wait are ….ironically??? sarcastically????? jeeringly?????greeted by this post. This to a people who when they leave their houses never know if and when they will arrive at their destination and when they will return home and if the police or army is deciding that sort of day they should have
  You must all have heard of our prison break. Basically it is thanks to Netanyahu’s mismanagement over the years. But there is another reason.  Amir Ohana, the minister for public security was appointed by Netanyahu , and Katy Perry who is the Commissioner for Prison Services by Ohana.   Many think with the thought in mind of the former might land up in a jail cell and for the same reason he saw that Herzog was appointed President. And by the way Perry also had two brothers who served prison sentences and whose sentence she tried to make more comfortable. An unholy trinity. And just as a little extra:
 I must admit that when I read this report underneath the first thought that came into my mind was…..need I say it. It was a private plane. I didn’t say anything but a friend wrote and said that if she were any of the witnesses against Netanyahu she would be very careful in the future. I am not normally one for conspiracy theories but I would put nothing past, maybe not Netanyahu, but definitely I would not put it past his crazy wife and son. Since then many friends have remarked on how convenient this accident was.
 Two people were killed on Monday when a light aircraft crashed into the sea close to the Greek island of Samos, Greek authorities said.
The two were identified as Esti and Haim Garon, the latter of whom served as the deputy director of the Communications Ministry and was a prosecution witness in Netanyahu's trial. 
 This is shades of fascism……when Germans were forbidden to marry Jews and gays were put in concentration camps
Prominent rabbis protest planned designation of far-right Lehava as terror group
Leading spiritual leaders say the organization, which works to stifle intermarriage and LGBT rights, 'must be allowed to continue its important activities'
    Don't Say We Didn't Know 763
On Sunday, September 5, 2021, at 2:30 a.m., Israeli soldiers broke into Palestinians' homes in Sa'ir (north-east of Hebron) 
and arrested seven schoolchildren (ages 13-14). Two of them suffer health problems even prior to this arrest. 
One of the children is hard of hearing and is supposed to have surgery in the coming days.
They were questioned without the presence of an attorney or their parents. One was released the next day, 
and all the rest are still in custody by the time this item is being written (September 12).
0 notes
staircasttext · 3 years
Ep 07 Transcript: A Lawless, Bloodly Time
Episode 7
PAZ: Hi everyone, welcome back to Stairway to StarClan, a Warriors Cat reread pawdcast. I'm Paz.
JULIAN: I'm Julian.
LIZ: I'm Liz.
PAZ: And joining us today, we have a special guest.
ALIX: Hi, I'm Alix.
PAZ: Very excited to have another Warriors expert, Alix, on the podcast.
ALIX: I'm so happy to be here. This is my favorite podcast.
PAZ: Why, thank you. Yeah, so we're all here today with a guest to do like a wrap up episode on Into the Wild cause I think it would be fun, and love to hear from other former Warriors fans and--
ALIX: I'm a current Warriors fan. Excuse you.
PAZ: Yeah. We're-- I don't know. What's the word for when you get back into something? I don't know. We're in it again.
JULIAN: Returning fans.
ALIX: The lapsed fans. Reformed. Reborn.
PAZ: Mm... no?
ALIX: Born again.
JULIAN: Resurrected.
PAZ: Baptized in the waters of RiverClan.
JULIAN: We've done it again, everyone. Fireheart has become Catholic.
PAZ: No. How does this keep happening? We've only been recording for like, two minutes. God. Okay. Um, yes, this is our Into the Wild recap, retrospective episode. But to start, I think we should, you know, get to hear from Alix, like what your relationship to Warriors is.
ALIX: Yeah, so I read these when I was a kid. Probably from when I was something like eight years old. So I don't actually remember how I got into these books. But they were my first major obsession. And I would, you know, tell anybody who would listen about them. I would draw little family trees. I would play Warrior Cats with my sister in the field near our house. Yeah, I love these books. And I started reading them again because of the podcast. And they're good. They're like, legit good.
LIZ: They are.
PAZ: Yeah, yeah, it's like beyond even just the nostalgia factor. Like I'm very much enjoying these books.
ALIX: Yeah, these were the first thing that ever got me to go on fanfiction.net.
PAZ: Wow.
LIZ: Wow.
ALIX: Although I never posted any Warriors fanfiction, I read a lot of it and commented on various, you know, like OC adventures. And I got, you know, a random kit named after my second name, which was fun.
PAZ: I also read some Warriors fanfic on fanfic.net. And it was always like, OC. I never read any fanfic, like, featuring just the original characters. I don't know.
ALIX: I don't think I did either.
PAZ: I'll have to look back on.
ALIX: But you know, that's how I kind of got into fanfiction and then I started posting Maximum Ride fanfiction eventually.
JULIAN: A natural transition.
ALIX: Yep. You know, from cats to kids with wings.
PAZ: I also, yeah.
ALIX: And then, you know, I've been in fandom for like 13 years now. And it's how I met all of you guys. So I think it's a good thing that Warriors has done for me.
PAZ: Thank you, Warriors.
ALIX: Thank you Warriors.
LIZ: Warriors, bringing us again together in these dark times.
JULIAN: In this, the darkest hour.
PAZ: In these unprecedented times. Well, I'm very excited to have you on the podcast. But, you know, since you're our guest here, I thought maybe we could quiz you on the book to make sure you're really like up to par for the--
ALIX: To be on the show?
PAZ: Yeah, to be on this show, this very like, well-researched, dedicated show.
ALIX: Well, thank god, you know, I was hoping you wouldn't just let just anyone on the show. Only verified Warrior Cats experts.
PAZ: Yeah, we have to vet you. So luckily there is a quiz on warriorcats.com. An official quiz, How Well Do You Know Into the Wild? So get ready.
ALIX: Do you want me to take it, or do you want me to answer it and then you can put in the answers for me?
PAZ: Yeah, you can answer and we'll read it out.
ALIX: Okay.
PAZ: Okay, you ready?
ALIX: I'm ready. I have my copy of Into the Wild here, but I won't cheat.
PAZ: No cheating. Please, book away.
JULIAN: This is a closed book test.
ALIX: Of course.
PAZ: Who first received the prophecy about fire? A, Bluestar, B, Oakheart, C, Rusty, D, Tigerclaw, or E, Spottedleaf. Oh,
ALIX: I believe it was Spottedleaf?
PAZ: Okay, I think you're right.
ALIX: It's between that and Bluestar. I think they talk about it for sure.
PAZ: Aw, I think you only get to see at the end.
ALIX: Well, okay.
PAZ: We'll see. I think you're right. What was Firepaw's name when he was a kittypet?
ALIX: Okay, quiz.
PAZ: A, Smokey, B, Smudge, C, Henry, D, Rusty, E, Blaze.
ALIX: I'm going to say Rusty.
LIZ: Blaze...
ALIX: God I wish his name was Blaze.
JULIAN: Justice for Henry.
PAZ: Who becomes deputy immediately after Redtail? A, Lionheart, B, Whitestorm, C, Tigerclaw, D, Firepaw, E, Mousefur. That'd be incredible.
LIZ: This baby is my deputy.
ALIX: It is Lionheart.
PAZ: Yes. Okay.
ALIX: I feel like Mousefur only shows up in one scene.
PAZ: Yeah, Mousefur is not really in this book. What happens when Bluestar's patrol passes through the barn on the way back to camp? A, Barley betrays them. B, rats attack them. C, the dogs get loose and attack them. D, they pass through the barn peacefully. E, Firepaw stays with Barley and lives as a loner. That's some AU fanfic.
ALIX: Yeah, that would be a twist. Well, the answer is that rats attack them, and Bluestar loses a life.
PAZ: They sure fucking do.
ALIX: Barley would never betray them.
PAZ: No.
ALIX: This quiz offends me.
PAZ: That's homophobic frankly.
ALIX: Honestly.
PAZ: Who does Ravenpaw claim killed Redtail? A, Oakheart, B, Tigerclaw, C, himself.
D, Bluestar.
LIZ: Tigerclaw wrote this quiz.
PAZ: He did.
ALIX: Is there an E?
PAZ: E, Whitestorm.
ALIX: It is Tigerclaw and I would just want to say, claim? Like what is this, like a news headline?
PAZ: Tigerclaw wrote this quiz.
JULIAN: It's important to show both sides.
PAZ: Snopes.com article. Number six. What are Firepaw and Graypaw's warrior names? A. Aw, there's some good ones here.
ALIX: A, Bananaear and Susanclaw.
PAZ: Firestorm and Graycloud.
ALIX: Ooh.
PAZ: Fireleaf and Graystream, Firedusk and Graycreek, Fireheart and Graystripe, or Firefur and Graytail.
ALIX: Wow. I'm going to say Fireheart and Graystripe but these are all have really powerful energy.
JULIAN: I'm really partial to Firedusk and Graycreek. They have like really chaotic energy.
PAZ: Yeah, Graycreek is hard to pronounce. I just want to say gay. Gaycreek.
ALIX: Gaycreek.
PAZ: Cause with the two R's in there, it's too much.
ALIX: Yeah. It is Gay Creek.
PAZ: Well, Alix, you got six out of six. Well done.
LIZ: Wow.
ALIX: Wow.
PAZ: You can count yourself among the true masters of all things warriors.
ALIX: Wow.
LIZ: If you get a six out of six, I think you just become the new podcast host. Sorry, guys.
ALIX: Yeah, welcome to my podcast, Stairway to Starclan. I have three guests this week.
PAZ: Oh shit.
LIZ: It's an honor to be here.
JULIAN: Alix has pulled a Tigerclaw.
LIZ: That's why. They're a real fan.
ALIX: I'm so glad all my studying paid off. I'm still laughing at that centrist question. I wonder how well I could have answered these questions before I reread the book recently. I feel like I might have gotten tripped up on the prophecy one.
PAZ: Yeah. The official website is so hard because you can't just sort by, like quizzes or anything. Maybe you can. It's tagged quiz, but I don't know how to see tags. I don't know. The website is a mess. It loads like, so slow also.
JULIAN: It's very slick looking. But I feel like they put a lot of effort into the design and not a lot of effort into like, the back end.
LIZ: No.
PAZ: Yeah.
ALIX: Too bad.
PAZ: It's too powerful, too, and not, like--
LIZ: Done?
PAZ: I forgot the gamer term I was gonna-- well-optimized. Yeah, so now that we all know we know Into the Wild very well and by heart, yeah, like, in retrospect, like, what do we want to say about it and like, what-- I don't know, like, what new things did we learn? Like, I guess to the returning fans.
ALIX: I thought I was-- I had this idea in my head that training took like, he started at six moons, and it takes exactly six moons, but I forgot that it's just like, whenever Bluestar decides you're done.
PAZ: Yeah, it is like that.
JULIAN: Yeah, I also remembered training being a lot longer, I think because like, when I was doing roleplay, training was such a big part of it. And it was such like a structured-- because you had to get like a certain number of posts to become a warrior. So there was a lot of just like, Oh, I'm gonna write my training posts. I hope my friend who's already a warrior will pretend to teach me to hunt.
PAZ: I feel like maybe some of the later books spend longer on the training. I feel like there's a lot of like, timeskips off screen during this. Because it was at least a couple of months.
ALIX: I think you guys are saying like, they originally planned this to be one book.
PAZ: Yeah.
ALIX: And you can definitely tell that they were, you know, they're kind of trying to sort of usher Fireheart through the whole, like, warriors process fairly quickly, even if it's six books instead of one.
PAZ: Yeah, cause I don't know, maybe I might be misremembering, but I feel like in the Power of Three, they're apprentices for, like, at least more than one book because they, I mean, they start out as kits.
JULIAN: Yeah, I definitely thought that Fireheart didn't become a warrior until book two. So realizing that he's like a warrior at the end of book one was a surprise to me.
PAZ: Yeah, he feels so small.
JULIAN: He's just a little guy.
ALIX: And justice for Sandpaw and Dustpaw.
PAZ: Oh, my God. I know.
ALIX: Like, sure, they're kind of bullies. But like, that doesn't mean you get to like fail them out of high school.
PAZ: They're super seniors now. You know, yeah. Honestly, though, it seems like a lot of clans it's just like, whatever the leader wants is how the rules work, apparently.
ALIX: Yeah, damn.
PAZ: I don't-- no, the leaders don't get elected either. It's just like, whoever fucking was deputy.
ALIX: Yeah. They get elected by the former leader through nepotism.
PAZ: Through nepotism. Yeah, the society. It's unreal.
JULIAN: Feral cats, I have concerns about your societal structure. I think you should get a parliament going.
ALIX: Truly.
LIZ: And the nepotism that we're presented with is better than the straight up just like monarchy in ShadowClan, right? The options you have here. They're so-- they're grim.
PAZ: Well, I hope ShadowClan gets over that monarchy thing. Get well soon. But I guess what I got out of this book is I like Firepaw more than I did as a kid when I thought he was too boring and didn't continue reading. I think he's endearing as like a dumb little little guy. You know, I have appreciation for like, like, loves their friend shonen protag archetype now.
ALIX: Yeah.
JULIAN: I feel like I came to these books off of Redwall as a kid. And so I was so-- Redwall is full of like, really, really stupid protagonists. So I was primed to appreciate like a little himbo who loves his friends and wants to do what's right and good. Yeah, but I love him. I was worried I wouldn't like him as much the second time around, and I do. He's a sweet little boy.
PAZ: Yeah, yeah, I'm excited to see how reading the first series in which he is the protagonist will color my rereadings of the later books, because when I was reading the series for the first time, he was just like another NPC essentially. And like I vaguely knew, like, what was up with his story, but I think I'll be more emotionally attached to some of the scenes he gets in like later books now.
ALIX: I do think like this, this book reminded me like how extremely appealing they make the whole Warriors way of life. Like it really is something you want to fantasize about being, even though they're like a bunch of like stinky cats in the woods. I still, like as a 23 year old, I'm like, damn, I wish I could get out there and sleep in a bush and walk on a log. You know?
PAZ: Yeah. I remember loving the descriptions of the camp in the later books so much. And it's like yes, I do want to sleep in like a little cave with moss. I do.
ALIX: Every time me and my sister would go camping or something or just, you know, go to some area that had like, that was natural, we would always try to find a cat camp and be like, Okay, this is like where the leader would make announcements. This is where the medicine cat would sleep.
LIZ: Aw.
ALIX: It was a very fun activity that I recommend anytime you're in the woods.
LIZ: All right, make a note everybody.
JULIAN: Next time I go on one of my silly little walks.
LIZ: We're gonna get to a Patreon tier, and it's called going to camp in the woods and be cats.
PAZ: We're gonna LARP for money?
LIZ: Yes.
ALIX: #makeCrabClanReal.
PAZ: Okay.
ALIX: I'll pay for it. Listen, I'll sign up.
LIZ: We will set up our own society.
ALIX: And just live there?
LIZ: Yeah.
ALIX: Great.
PAZ: I think we're just reinventing like utopian communes of the 70s.
JULIAN: I was gonna say, yeah.
ALIX: But were they based off a middle grade book? I don't think so.
JULIAN: Patreon tier, Staircast invents a cult.
PAZ: Oh no.
LIZ: Oh god.
ALIX: Liz, I'm so like, curious if there was anything that you thought was going to happen in this book that didn't?
LIZ: I thought that they were going to get Tigerclaw like instantly at the end, and that would be it.
ALIX: Right.
LIZ: They did not. Understandably. I just felt like they would. But um yeah, I know that he's like, going to be around for a while, just given like--
PAZ: Yeah, sorry.
LIZ: --name changes that I've seen.
PAZ: I haven't censored his, uh, yeah. Look away. Cover your ears.
LIZ: Alright, closing my eyes. Someone has to stop the Audacity file for me. Um, yeah, I don't know. I went into this just knowing nothing, except that there would be little guys and I liked it a lot. And yeah, I was-- saying I was surprised that it was so engagingly written sounds condescending. But like, I just didn't expect to be so invested. And it is like, storywise very, like solidly crafted. There's some good plot beats. Course I love the characters because they are just little guys. I do want to just take a nap in some moss even though it's probably real stinky.
ALIX: Here's my question. When do you think they are going to get Tigerclaw? Like in what book out of six? Or like, you know, I don't know, if perhaps he continues on past the first series?
LIZ: I don't know. The way you phrase that made me real suspicious. At the end of the next series?
ALIX: Whoa.
PAZ: Oh.
ALIX: Interesting.
JULIAN: Some real longevity on this guy.
LIZ: Well, I'm putting a real slow, slow game here. Like a slow bet. None of these terms are real, I think. I'm getting safer with the predictions because just right away did not work.
ALIX: Yeah, I mean, that's a good point. Like he could have, really easily been like, villain of the week.
PAZ: Yeah, he could have. Yeah, that's kind of what-- well I guess Brokenstar wasn't really onscreen that much. But he had more of a villain of the week vibe. But I don't know. He's still out there somewhere. The ShadowClan stuff is very off screen, which is kinda funny.
JULIAN: Yeah, I liked it. But I kind of wish there had been more focus on it. I know it's hard to kind of keep two antagonists going.
PAZ: Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: But it felt like it was very, like it was all at the end there.
PAZ: Yeah. I guess I tried to, like, weave it in through Yellowfang. Which was like an interesting choice. It wasn't totally out of the blue, but definitely like it felt like-- you'd like expected it to like-- the climax to like center on Tigerclaw. And then it swerved and it was like actually, ShadowClan's like, fucked up monarchy situation.
ALIX: It's-- okay. I can't say this because of spoilers, but I'm mad about it.
LIZ: Hold on. I'll close my ears. And then you can say it.
PAZ: No.
ALIX: I will not say it. I will say it in our Warrior Cats spoiler chat later.
LIZ: I'll get in there someday.
JULIAN: You will.
PAZ: I think we can let you in there once we finish the Power of Three because that's up to where all of us read.
JULIAN: There's not really-- like, if there's spoilers for later books, it's not because we read them.
PAZ: I've been spoiling myself for later books. I don't care. Just clicking around.
LIZ: Reckless.
PAZ: I mean, I guess a pleasant surprise for me was finding out there's gay cats, canonically.
JULIAN: Yeah, that was really nice.
PAZ: I didn't know that.
LIZ: Yeah.
PAZ: I mean, even if it's kind of like, wink wink, nudge nudge because the publisher won't let it be explicitly said, I guess, from what I've read, but it made me very happy.
ALIX: Yeah. I think this book has really surprisingly complex characters in at least like Yellowfang and Ravenpaw.
PAZ: Yeah, they're definitely my two favorite characters of this book.
ALIX: The gay ones.
PAZ: Yeah. Love Barley, too. Of course.
LIZ: I did quickly google, are there gay owls in Gahoole, and the answer seems to be no. So Warrior Cats, you've got one thing. You've got several things over that right now.
ALIX: I mean, the cats aren't blacksmiths, which is a disappointment, but I guess, you know, if you're gay don't have time to be blacksmiths.
LIZ: You don't need a blacksmith if you're gay.
PAZ: No, you don't. It's just vibes.
ALIX: Just vibe.
PAZ: I'm excited to get to the other gay character so we can talk about him also.
ALIX: Oh, yes. We need lesbian cats.
PAZ: Yeah. That seems to be lacking. I hope they get on that.
JULIAN: Some wlw representation please.
PAZ: Please. I am excited for the New Prophecy where like the Leafpool and Moth... Wait, who is it? God.
ALIX: Mothwing?
PAZ: Mothwing, Yeah, I know lots of people shipped them, and I think as a child I didn't--
ALIX: You got the vibe?
PAZ: --notice anything so. I want those vibes on that reread.
ALIX: Yeah. Another interesting thing I think is that, um, I think it becomes very explicit later that StarClan is real and tangible. But like, I was surprised that in this book, like, I mean, there's like the whole like, Moonstone prophecy thing, but like StarClan seems much less like, there, if that makes sense.
PAZ: Yeah, like, as Julian noted in the first episode, I feel like it gets more magical, like with each passing series.
JULIAN: Yeah. My memory of like, the first episode, or the first series is very much like StarClan is there but like, as a religious force, and not as like an actual entity with power in the world.
PAZ: Yeah, yeah. I mean, even in this book, it can be kind of ambiguous because like, with, like the Bluestar nine lives things, it could reasonably be read like she just got injured really bad.
ALIX: She's just cool and strong.
PAZ: But yeah, StarClan gets real involved later.
JULIAN: Her nine girlboss lives.
ALIX: All girlbosses have nine lives.
LIZ: The StarClan thing is surprising to hear about as to what happens later on because, like, for me going in, it seems to be just like placement as religion I guess. It's like the system of spirituality for me. That's the impression that I got from this book. So seeing that it's-- I'm assuming like, actual StarClan cats are gonna show up. That's like, very interesting.
ALIX: I mean, even I haven't kind of gotten to where it becomes way more of a plot point, I think.
PAZ: From what I've read of spoilers of the later seasons, it really just escalates. Which is very funny. But I guess they also like, built in a system in which to have characters come back, if you just have this like dead cat group hanging around.
ALIX: Like Spottedleaf, who dies so fast.
PAZ: Oh, my god, that was another thing.
LIZ: I mean, it was very sudden. I also didn't expect that.
ALIX: People kinda die left and right in this book.
PAZ: Yeah, that's so true.
JULIAN: Yeah, that's one thing I didn't remember is like, I remembered them being like, very, you know, battle-focused and whatever. But I did not remember how easily characters die, and how many characters die, and like how violent they are. Which I think is partly like, as a kid you don't really conceive of violence as like a real thing as much. And then, like, you're reading about these cats, like tearing each other's throats out as an adult. It's like, Oh, geez.
PAZ: Yeah, and this book was not even, like, nowhere near that levels of violence that show up later.
JULIAN: Oh, yeah. No.
ALIX: But they just like introduce and kill characters so fast and this and I feel like that doesn't really continue.
PAZ: Yeah, that might be like a byproduct of them thinking this would be the only series or even like, initially one book. Cause I think even after this expanded into a series, they thought it'd just be like one standalone series. They didn't think it would keep going. So they're probably like, way less precious with characters.
ALIX: Goodbye, Lionheart. Goodbye, Spottedleaf.
JULIAN: Pour one out.
ALIX: Do we feel-- I forget if you guys talked about like whether or not Spottedleaf is like fridged wife trope.
PAZ: No, we didn't. Partially because like in this book, it really doesn't-- I mean, it doesn't feel like a romance. And I don't think it should. It feels very much like baby's first crush on like older person who is not getting involved in any way.
ALIX: Gives him herbs.
PAZ: Gives him herbs. Yeah, classic trope.
LIZ: Yeah, it feels like, when she actually dies, it's like a kind of a growing up moment, almost like, oh, something got real. And this person who I just had like a regular crush on, got caught in the crossfire. Not that cats have guns.
ALIX: God, I hope not.
PAZ: It doesn't linger on it very long. Although from what I know of Fire and Ice, I think it revisits that plot point. But yeah, in this book, it felt very like unimportant, in a way.
ALIX: He doesn't spend a lot of time going, oh no, but if Spottedleaf had lived, then we would have been mates. He's just like, this is sad.
PAZ: No, yeah. Which is fine. Because she was definitely like, presented as an older figure. I don't know.
JULIAN: Yeah. I think we get more into, like, how he feels about that in the later books, where he does some processing. He also hasn't had any time to really have any feelings. Not that I think of him as like a real emotional cat. But, you know, it's been-- he's had a busy couple days.
ALIX: He hasn't had time to tell Bluestar.
LIZ: Oh no.
PAZ: I was gonna say, there's not much like internal self reflection, or like thoughts in this book. And yeah, there's no thoughts going on in that head at all. Also, just like, I don't need to tell Bluestar.
ALIX: He is no thoughts head empty.
PAZ: I mean, that's like one of the ways you can like-- if you've read other books, you can kind of like feel how this is like the first book because I do feel like, in some way the characters have less like, complex inner lives, in a way where like, personal drama and angst becomes very central in later books.
ALIX: Yeah, if this were a later cat, I feel like he would be way sadder than he is at any point in this book.
PAZ: Yeah. For sure.
ALIX: He's just happy to be here.
JULIAN: He's just vibing.
PAZ: He really loves being a little wildcat. He loves that he kept his balls.
JULIAN: Okay, yeah, no, that's the main thing that I don't remember from when I was a child.
PAZ: Oh god, yeah.
JULIAN: Revisiting these is like, Oh, yeah, okay, there's a lot of focus on whether cats are intact or not.
ALIX: You said intact like as if they were a virgin.
JULIAN: That's what they call it with like horses. Where it's like--
LIZ: Do they? Oh my god.
JULIAN: Yeah, where it's like an intact stallion.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: Ugh, that's weird.
JULIAN: I know, it's really awful.
ALIX: I never was into horses. So.
PAZ: I was, but not-- I didn't care about that stuff.
LIZ: I also was, but I didn't know anything about them, and I kept not knowing anything about them the whole time I was interested in them. I read Black Beauty and like, the book said that he was like a gelding and I was like, what's that? I'm not gonna pay attention.
ALIX: I read a lot of different horse books.
LIZ: Must be a different horse.
ALIX: And they'd be like, oh, this is a gelding. And I'm like, is that a type of horse? Cool. Smiley face. Let's move on.
JULIAN: I had a lot of friends who actually rode and like, either owned horses or like, lived on working farms.
PAZ: Yeah, my aunt owned horses, but I don't know. I wasn't that involved. She didn't like teach me horse facts or anything. I just got to ride on a horse sometimes.
LIZ: We really are just like, wow, cool horse.
PAZ: Yeah, the ball focus is so funny. And it really truly is the basis of the entire series.
ALIX: Yeah. I cannot wait for you guys to get to a specific point in the next book which relates to this.
PAZ: Oh boy.
JULIAN: I feel like the reproductive politics of these books are very interesting. And I'm like--
ALIX: They are.
JULIAN: --interested or like, excited to like, talk more about their whole situation.
PAZ: Yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of points that I am, like, I guess excited or, like, look forward to talking more about or like, like, being able to do that. Also like ableism in Warrior Cats is a topic I know I want to be able to address later like, once that comes up, cause that's a big issue. But also like--
ALIX: Good news. Comes up very fast.
PAZ: Whoo. Oh boy.
PAZ: But yeah, also just like to continue to look into the, like, gender, family, reproductive politics going on here.
ALIX: At least it isn't fully like a you got to be married with kids type thing. I feel like it's more than anything emphasizing letting people make their own choices.
PAZ: Yeah, for sure.
JULIAN: Yeah. Like, there are a lot of like, female cats who are like, medicine cat or warriors or whatever.
PAZ: Yeah. It is very funny though, that one of your roles in society is just pregnant.
ALIX: I was thinking about this. I was like, I know that there's some queens who just like stay in the nursery to help out the other queens, even if they don't have kits at the time. And I was like, do they let male cats do that? Because I feel like they should.
PAZ: They should. I mean, I guess in that way, there is an aspect of communal parenting, like it's not as focused on nuclear families, which is nice to see.
JULIAN: Everybody cares for the kits.
ALIX: Yeah, it's really not at all, because like, I think they retconned a lot of people into being siblings and related. But I think the whole point of the first book is like, you know, find your chosen family. And people care a lot more about their mentors than their parents.
JULIAN: Yeah, like people's parents-- at least in the first book-- kind of don't matter.
PAZ: Yeah, they're non-existent.
ALIX: It's also the like, middle grade thing of like, we want to make young characters but then just get parents out of the way so they're an orphan or they're a cat. The two genders, orphan or cat.
LIZ: Oh since we like mentioned medicine cats as a status? Role? Whatever, just now. I want to say like, I wasn't surprised that there was only one because that tends to be a thing, but I think that they should have more than one doctor for their whole society. Seems like a-- they're taking some risks here.
PAZ: Yeah, as a kid I did not question that. I never had one thought of like why aren't there more doctors?
ALIX: I feel like there should be like five, right?
PAZ: Yeah.
LIZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: Yeah. Like your whole society is based around fighting other cats.
ALIX: Mm-hmm.
JULIAN: You need to have more healers.
PAZ: So weird.
JULIAN: Your party's wildly unbalanced.
LIZ: Everyone is DPS but Spottedleaf.
JULIAN: Oh, yeah, I didn't think about that till you brought it up, Liz. But that is an important point. It's also like the medicine cats are like both doctors and like spiritual leaders. Um, which is like, you know, not that uncommon, I think.
PAZ: Yeah, I think I saw an interview or something somewhere where they mentioned medicine women and like, that, like that kind of trope tying into like medicine cats. Yeah, but you can see that I guess. I mean, as like with the problems with that trope and stuff, but yeah.
ALIX: But there still should be like five.
PAZ: There still should be, yes.
LIZ: Did Spottedleaf even have an apprentice?
PAZ: No.
LIZ: Cause she was kind of young, right? So like hey, your society already has a problem with dying young, so I don't know. I think some more thought should go into this.
PAZ: I don't know what they were planning to do if Yellowfang hadn't happened to be there.
ALIX: I feel like-- yeah. No, this is from fanfiction. But maybe it comes up later, but like I was reading a fic where again, like the medicine cat dies and there's no apprentice, and like, they just like wait for like a sign from StarClan as to like which warrior now becomes the medicine cat.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: But I feel like you would miss out on so many... like so much knowledge. What are you going to do, go ask another medicine cat like, which herb does what? Just rely on dreams? What's going on?
LIZ: Well, can you imagine sharing vital medical knowledge from other cats with other cats?
JULIAN: Well, and they can't write anything down. It's all oral tradition. So like, if you don't have that continuity of oral tradition, everything is lost.
LIZ: God.
PAZ: Right?
ALIX: I guess they don't lose anything because they're around forever in heaven. But also, do you just get trained at night by a dead medicine cat in your dreams?
PAZ: Oh god.
LIZ: You get like a dream DM and it's just like, the ghost of Spottedleaf being like, Hey, wake up.
JULIAN: You up?
ALIX: I'm just thinking of that one meme where somebody is spraying somebody with fire to wake them up. Hey, wake up. Fire will save the clan.
JULIAN: I feel like, you know, even if you can have your ghost mentor, there's some stuff it's helpful to have a hands on demonstration of, or pawson.
ALIX: Yeah. How do you know the technique for fucking biting tit. Ticks.
ALIX: But also, wait, hold on. Like why if they all remember everything, have they not made great strides in medical advancement?
PAZ: I don't know.
JULIAN: Because they don't have opposable thumbs.
PAZ: Yeah, that limits them in a lot of ways.
ALIX: I guess.
LIZ: They technically know everything, but their memory is really bad because they're cats. So it's all there.
ALIX: Right?
LIZ: But it's passive.
JULIAN: Okay, real question. Why hasn't StarClan told Bluestar to stay the fuck away from Tigerclaw?
PAZ: Right? StarClan has a problem being--
LIZ: They're really bored. They're just like, oh no, I want to see this play out.
PAZ: Yeah, what else do they have to do?
ALIX: They gotta watch the drama.
JULIAN: There's some sort of StarClan Prime Directive, where they can't interfere too much.
PAZ: There probably is. I don't know.
ALIX: Also, it's not clear how much of the future they actually know.
JULIAN: I mean, not even the future, just the present.
ALIX: I don't think they can read Tigerclaw's mind.
JULIAN: But they can see he killed Redtail.
PAZ: StarClan says I pretend I do not see it.
LIZ: No, there's someone in StarClan just being like, you know, I never liked Redtail.
PAZ: Meanwhile, Redtail's right there.
ALIX: Yeah, why doesn't Redtail's ghost show up and solve his murder? Hold on.
PAZ: Right? Oh my god.
JULIAN: The real Hamlet.
ALIX: Yeah!
PAZ: Yeah, Redtail should have been like, I don't know, haunting Ravenpaw and I don't know. That'd be a cool different book.
ALIX: There has to be a whole reason why they can't just say things because otherwise there would just never be any mysteries.
PAZ: Yeah, that probably gets addressed later, I assume.
ALIX: Redtail showing up like, hey, uh.
PAZ: Alix, I'm just thinking of that fic you linked where Redtail and Tigerclaw were exes.
LIZ: [gasps] Oh my god. Oh it makes sense.
ALIX: I wanted to bring this up because it was such a fucking powerful concept to me.
PAZ: I know, I love it.
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: I love some murder exes.
PAZ: Right?
ALIX: Because it was basically being used as cover for him. Like he was like-- you know, even if you report the murder that I do, they won't think it's because I want power. They'll think it's because I'm jealous.
LIZ: Oh my god.
ALIX: He's like trying to come up with like fuckin like different like defenses in Warriors court.
LIZ: They should have Warriors court. They should have other professions.
ALIX: Where's the lawyer cats?
LIZ: Of course Tigerclaw would be gay and homophobic.
ALIX: I think that's exactly what Paz said.
PAZ: Yeah, I think I did. But yeah, that's his vibe. He also like goes to the gym a lot.
LIZ: No.
JULIAN: God, he's a fucking gym rat.
PAZ: He is.
ALIX: Oh my god. Tigerclaw's Grindr.
JULIAN: He posts his like abs down picture on Grindr and is like stealth.
ALIX: I liked that fic though because it was just like everybody was like, You didn't know that? It wasn't like a torrid secret. It was just like Tigerclaw is bi and has a fraught ex, and I'm like, honestly, this is great.
JULIAN: Firepaw walks into this incredible queer drama just like, (high-pitched) what's up?
LIZ: What's going on?
ALIX: Oh, you didn't know?
JULIAN: Out here in the forest cats are gay.
ALIX: That fic is just so galaxy brained.
PAZ: Yeah, that was a humongous take.
LIZ: Imagine Graypaw expositing all of this in like his usual fashion, but it's just everyone's list of previous breakups.
JULIAN: Okay, so Whitestorm and Lionheart have some beef because they used to date until...
PAZ: God.
ALIX: This is incredible.
JULIAN: And like they're mostly fine, but they shouldn't like sit next to each other.
LIZ: Firepaw voice, what's dating?
ALIX: I'm six months old.
LIZ: I didn't know what hunting was called.
PAZ: Oh, boy.
LIZ: I just got here. I love the dirt. Hi, I'm Firepaw.
PAZ: Wow, what an accurate impression.
JULIAN: I'm sure this has been written where-- because I've seen a lot of like AUs on AO3 where they're all human. Um, and I'm sure that someone has written-- or I hope that someone has written the AU where the clans are just like different queer student groups on campus, and Firepaw is like the baby freshman who's just discovered like queerness as a concept.
PAZ: People definitely write high school AUs and I'm too scared to click to find out if they're still cats or humans.
LIZ: I hope they're just cats but they go to cat school and they take cat studies, like meowthematics, and... That's the only one I have.
PAZ: Oh perfect.
ALIX: I hope it's like the My Little Pony movie where there's an alternate universe where they're all humans, but then sometimes they can Magical Girl turn into ponies.
PAZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: That's so good.
LIZ: I'm just picturing that going like Animorphs, like the covers. Human boy to little guy.
JULIAN: Shoop.
ALIX: I keep realizing I'm imagining like human Fireheart as KJ Apa from Riverdale.
PAZ: Is that the main guy? I don't--
ALIX: Yeah, it's Archie.
JULIAN: It's just the guy who plays Archie.
ALIX: I'm just like who's like a redhead and plays a himbo?
PAZ: A dumb jock.
ALIX: Although Archie's not nice enough to be a himbo. Anyways.
LIZ: You know, these cats are British. Do you think if we go back far enough in like the Wayback Machine, we're gonna see like, here's my fancast for human Firepaw. It's Rupert Grint.
ALIX: Yes. Yes.
PAZ: Absolutely.
JULIAN: Honestly, it's probably somewhere on Tumblr, like if I do some digging. I'll report back.
PAZ: You probably wouldn't even have to look that hard.
ALIX: That fully exists.
LIZ: Here's my fancast for older Firepaw, so I guess Fireheart, and it's Ed Sheeran.
PAZ: [groaning]
LIZ: [laughter]
JULIAN: Noooo.
LIZ: I couldn't think of that many red-headed dudes. And that was the only one I got.
PAZ: Oh, I'm picturing Ed Sheeran in my head right now. It's so scary. I don't want to.
LIZ: It's a scary image.
ALIX: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Do we want to, as a palate cleanser, move on to the questions?
PAZ: Yes, sure. So, you know, end of book wrap up, I figured we could also do some more questions, and we have gotten some. So we're gonna dive into those. And let's do the first one.
JULIAN: Um, I can read it out. It's less of a question and more of a--
PAZ: Yeah, anecdote.
JULIAN: --reminiscence, which I also love. "Hello Staircast, when I was an elementary schooler in 2009, there was a big community of Warrior Cats roleplayers on MIT Scratch for some reason, despite it being a platform for a block-based programming language designed to teach intro computer science, like people would roleplay in the comments. Anyway, I have brought these vintage cat OCS I submitted to coloring contests." We have Rainkit, "a small hyper kit who likes to run around and jump on things. She wants to be the best hunter ever." Rainkit is a gray kit with a little blue heart mark around one of her eyes. And she's saying hi.
PAZ: Beautiful-- it looks like a photo of the Grand Canyon?
JULIAN: I think it's the Grand Canyon.
LIZ: Oh my god.
PAZ: In the background. I love that setting.
ALIX: Cat is not wearing pants.
PAZ: No.
JULIAN: No. And then the other submission is Chaosfox. Oh, it's--
PAZ: Oh wait, music. Oh my god. It's so loud. How do I make it stop?
ALIX: I had to mute the site.
PAZ: Oh my god.
ALIX: This is so powerful.
JULIAN: "Chaosfox lives alone in a secluded area of the forest. She used to belong to a clan known as BoneClan but was turned out when it was discovered she had killed another cat. It was an accident."
LIZ: Oh my god.
JULIAN: "But she was framed by her brother Longclaw. She avoids other cats and will likely attack you if you come near her. She's very thin because prey is scarce where she lives. She'd never reveal it, but she is lonely."
PAZ: Wow.
LIZ: Oh my god.
ALIX: Oh my god.
PAZ: What is this song?
LIZ: I don't know. I'm afraid to turn it back on. It's very loud.
ALIX: It's so loud.
JULIAN: And then when you click on the little play to get this animation going, Chaosfox is like rainbow, like has little shards of rainbow color that make up her body. It's really good. It's really incredible.
LIZ: It's animated.
PAZ: I feel like I can see her bone tail, like?
ALIX: Oh, yeah. It's powerful.
JULIAN: Oh, yeah.
LIZ: The colors are oscillating. It's very beautiful. I have so much respect for this artist.
ALIX: I feel like-- like the audacity of BoneClan for kicking someone out for doing murder.
PAZ: Right?
ALIX: You're called BoneClan.
JULIAN: Oh, thank you for sending that in, Ruby.
PAZ: Thank you. These are beautiful. If you remember what this song is called, I guess, @ us.
LIZ: Yeah, we'd love to know and then we'd love to just make that our new theme song forever. Same volume.
JULIAN: No slow ramp.
PAZ: Okay, I have to close that tab.
ALIX: That's incredible. I love that so much.
PAZ: And that was from Ruby. Thank you, Ruby.
LIZ: Thank you so much.
ALIX: I can read one if you want.
PAZ: Okay.
ALIX: "Dear esteemed cat scholars, in the last episode, you mentioned how cats should broaden their horizons and establish more roles and jobs for cats and their societies. My question is, could, should, and would cats unionize?" And that's from Maayan.
JULIAN: Oh my god.
PAZ: I think they should unionize.
ALIX: They should.
JULIAN: Right, everyone should unionize.
PAZ: I don't know if they would.
ALIX: Maybe.
JULIAN: They seem to be very attached to a hierarchical structure right now. So I think they would need to do some like-- you'd have to do some real consciousness building.
PAZ: Some workshops.
JULIAN: Among the cats to like encourage them to think as a group. They do think about the wellbeing of the clan, but like, you would have to frame it so that they could see that, like, when warriors have better working conditions, everyone benefits.
ALIX: I mean, to be fair, leaders aren't like bosses because they actually do like hunt and fight. Like they do work. So it's not 100% like they're exploiting the labor of the other cats. But I still think collective bargaining would be good for them.
PAZ: Yeah.
JULIAN: I think the apprentices should unionize.
ALIX: Yeah, yes, yes, yes, their labor is exploited, I would say.
PAZ: For sure.
LIZ: They should unionize so they get like, you know, some safety protocols, like not being sent to snake hell while you're an intern by your evil mentor.
JULIAN: Yeah, I think they should unionize and fight for a better mentor selection.
LIZ: Yeah.
ALIX: Literally.
PAZ: Have some say in that process.
LIZ: There should be a review board, right? Like some sort of approval process.
ALIX: Like any accountability.
LIZ: Uh-huh.
PAZ: Ratemymentor.com. Tigerclaw has an F.
JULIAN: But he does have a chili pepper.
ALIX: According to Redtail, at least.
PAZ: Oh my god.
LIZ: What's Ravenpaw's review? Just like, 0/10, tried to kill me.
ALIX: I got stabbed here.
PAZ: Would not come back.
ALIX: Good sandwiches, would come back.
LIZ: Also, just lectures. Does not teach.
PAZ: Well, I guess that's our answer. They should unionize--
ALIX: But they won't.
PAZ: The apprentices especially, but they won't. Who wants to read this next one?
LIZ: I'll read it. This is from-- I don't know who it's from.
PAZ: Oh, whoops.
LIZ: There's no-- is it signed?
PAZ: Let me go look in the email.
ALIX: This is a dream from StarClan.
JULIAN: It's from Nat.
LIZ: Okay. So this question's from Nat. The header is The Proboards Experience. "Hi Staircast cast, loving the show. I know it's been mentioned, so I'm sure you would have got around to answering this question from me eventually. But do y'all remember the Proboards RP golden age? I cannot count the amount of Proboards I created or joined, many of them for Warriors. And most of them seeing participation for an average of four weeks, after which they died forever."
PAZ: Yep.
LIZ: "I'd love to hear if any of you were part of the scene. And if you have any strong emotion--" sorry-- "any strong memories. Here's the only one I remember. At some point, I knew the creator of it. Now I don't have any recollection of how." And there's a link to the Proboards. "Look at all the work that went into the architecture of this thing, only for a small group of internet kids to never use it due to moderating and advertising being hard." Aww. "I've also attached some fantastic 2009 fanart of it, which I found recently and unlocked my memory of that particular forum. Thanks again for letting me re-experience these books in your podcast." And attached is just a stunning, beautiful piece of art that I wish I could blow it up on the screen and show everybody.
PAZ: Yes, so it has the name of the forums on it, which is Moonlight Dreams. And "Dreams" is in beautiful rainbow font, very atmospheric. And it looks like there's five cats in a cave around Moonpool, maybe? I don't know. Yeah, three of them look very astonished. One of them looks really angry. There's a story going on here.
LIZ: There's a little kind of orangey brown cat on the far right with one black paw, and I think that's just-- mwah. That's adorable.
PAZ: That's character design, baby.
ALIX: Oh my gosh.
JULIAN: I mean, like I obviously have a lot of memories of the Proboards Golden Age. Um, my best friend in elementary school's older sister set up a forum for us to RP, starclan13.proboards.com. And it was a weird mix of like our friends, and then the older sister's group of friends, who were about three years older, and then at some point I got my little brother, who at the time was like six, and all his friends into it. So we ended up, because obviously at the time you needed to be 13 to create an account anywhere that you could post, because of child safety laws. And my parents knew about this law. And so I was like, well no, it's different. Proboards is different somehow. I managed to convince them that it was okay for us all to be doing that. And it was because we knew almost everyone who was on the board.
But I spent-- I had 45 minutes on the computer per day and I spent every one of those 45 minutes RPing as my OC Pinestripe. I didn't realize that like most Proboards apparently weren't very active because ours was incredibly active, maybe because we all knew each other in real life and could yell at each other to get online. But like now that I'm looking-- I like pulled it up, and I'm looking at it, and there's a total of 45,000 posts on this website.
PAZ: Jeez.
LIZ: Oh my god.
ALIX: Oh my god.
JULIAN: Yeah, part of this is after we stopped or I stopped RPing as actively, there was kind of a second wave in like 2010 of people that we did not know in real life, who I guess found the site. We had done some like cross advertising on different RP forums. And I guess they found it via that and kind of took over and were super active. So I was not around for all 45,000 of those posts.
PAZ: That's wild.
JULIAN: But it was very active. We had a total of like 300 members total.
PAZ: Wow.
JULIAN: Of like very elaborate plot.
LIZ: Amazing.
PAZ: Yeah, just for comparison, the Proboards that our listener linked has a total post count of 125.
LIZ: Aw.
ALIX: There's also-- 50 of these posts are in the Advertising Other Sites.
LIZ: Oh no.
PAZ: Yeah, I was definitely on Proboards, but not for Warriors Cats ever, I don't think. That was mostly confined to Neopets for me. I think-- so I was in a guild on Neopets that did Invader Zim role play. And we eventually moved to Proboards.
ALIX: Incredible.
PAZ: So that's what I was roleplaying on Proboards.
LIZ: I didn't know that about you, not the Invader Zim part.
PAZ: I don't like to talk about it.
LIZ: Cause you--
ALIX: Yeah, I never-- oh sorry, go ahead.
LIZ: Oh, no, you go first. I'll wait for after because it's very important.
ALIX: I was just gonna say I was never on Proboards. I RPed Warrior Cats on Gaia Online.
LIZ: Yes.
JULIAN: I knew a lot of people who did Maximum Ride there. But yeah, I don't know. It was um, I was like a site admin for a while, which was really neat, because I got to learn how to do some HTML and CSS.
PAZ: Hell yeah.
JULIAN: You know, I moved from doing my Neopets shop to-- unfortunately, you can't see the site as it used to look because a lot of the-- we used to have like a really big top banner, and, like special graphics for everything, and custom emoticons. And a lot of those were all hosted on Photobucket.
[chorus of aws]
JULIAN: Along with almost everyone's RP signatures, so unfortunately, many of those are gone.
PAZ: Tragic.
ALIX: Wow.
LIZ: Lost history. Like that genuinely makes me sad.
JULIAN: I am gonna see if the Wayback Machine ever archived this.
PAZ: Yeah, that'd be good.
LIZ: It was a pretty big one, it might have. Yeah, I guess I never like did any Proboard stuff, and I stopped using Neopets after my friend at the time tried to teach me how to bank on it. I was like, well, I can't do this. Yeah, so it's interesting to hear like, everyone's different, like, experiences with it, because I just like-- it just passed me by.
I do want to look at the Proboards that was linked in the question because there's some interesting little descriptions here for like-- there's a folder called Calm River. And it says, "this is a small part of the river that is very calm. It is good for catching fish and wonderful for swimming if you have some free time. On the sandy banks is where warriors like teaching their apprentices battle moves." And it's all very sweet.
ALIX: Yeah, it's so empty though.
JULIAN: Oh, great news. It is on the Wayback Machine.
PAZ: Oh perfect.
LIZ: Yay.
JULIAN: And you can see many of the images, although not the big header.
PAZ: Perfect.
LIZ: There's gotta be someone with that saved on like some external hard drive.
JULIAN: Our affiliate link is like a little cat running across the-- there's a lot of gifs.
LIZ: Wow.
JULIAN: It is all in Papyrus font.
LIZ: Of course.
JULIAN: Great news for everyone.
LIZ: Listen, Papyrus is where it was at. I definitely used it for just like school reports, as a middle schooler, because who's gonna stop you?
ALIX: I remember doing it as well.
PAZ: Yeah. Well, Julian, I'd be interested to see if you could find any posts of yours in the Wayback Machine.
JULIAN: Oh, yeah.
PAZ: But that'd be like--
JULIAN: I think that's probably--
PAZ: A project for the future.
JULIAN: A project because it'll take me a little bit to navigate this. But yes, I'll try to see if I can find my death post when I killed off my character.
LIZ: Oh my god.
ALIX: Oh my god.
PAZ: Oh please.
JULIAN: Cause it was very dramatic.
LIZ: Um, can we just read a few of the names on your old site?
JULIAN: Oh, yeah.
ALIX: Oh my god, sorry.
LIZ: Because they're really good. Just in the current cat section, just to pick a few out, there's Vengeancestone, Diamondpaw, Pookystar, Saberkit, Rainbowkit, and separately, Rippedkit and Ripplekit.
JULIAN: Oh, great news. I forgot that in WindClan, we do have a Suepaw. So Susan, Susanclaw.
PAZ: Wow.
ALIX: Wow.
LIZ: There's also just a Garfunkel, which is perfect.
ALIX: Oh yeah, Garfunkel.
JULIAN: Oh, I forgot about Garfunk-- wait,, which clan is Garfunkel in? I don't remember Garfunkel.
LIZ: Uh, WindClan.
PAZ: Garfunkel.
ALIX: Kushaclaw?
LIZ: Suepaw.
ALIX: Wow.
PAZ: Others: Loner, Amberfeather (go Amby!)
JULIAN: That was my best friend.
PAZ: Aw.
JULIAN: She used to be the leader of RiverClan but then decided to become a loner.
ALIX: [gasp] The drama.
PAZ: Wow.
LIZ: Wait. There's a loner called Mirage. Shout outs to Emily.
ALIX: Oh my gosh. Mirage is here.
PAZ: Wow, Mirage Apex Legends.
LIZ: Oh, and the very last name in this whole entire list is Cody.
LIZ: God bless.
JULIAN: Cody was like a rando who just really badly wanted to play a kittypet. And it's like, well, I mean, you can if you want to, but...
LIZ: I respect that. You've got to have some different perspectives in here.
JULIAN: I think you would have really gotten along with Cody because Cody's whole shtick when role playing was that they would just like pop into RPs and be like, hey, you should all come be kittypets with me.
ALIX: Y'all heard of medicine?
LIZ: Do you want to get vaccinated? Do you not want to have ticks? Well, have I got the lifestyle for you.
LIZ: Anyway, thank you for this. These beautiful links.
ALIX: They're really incredible.
LIZ: And this beautiful image. And this beautiful question.
JULIAN: Yeah, thank you so much, Nat.
PAZ: Yeah. And I hope we can dive into the Proboards experience more in the future.
PAZ: But Alix brought us something very special as well, speaking of the distant Warriors past.
ALIX: Yes. So I've basically had access to the same email account since I was nine, ten years old. So I found an email exchange between my middle school best friend and me about Warrior Cats. So I linked a Google doc. And if somebody wants to be my best friend from middle school, I will be me, and we can read this little exchange
JULIAN: Yeah, I'm happy to do it.
ALIX: Okay. All right, obviously don't doxx her.
JULIAN: Right, of course.
ALIX: So, "Dear Rainface. I got Warriors Field Guide, Secrets of the Clans, and it includes, ta-da! the story of how the clans started. Here is a summary. Many minutes ago, there were only cats who lived in small groups. They fought for no reason at all. It was a lawless, bloodly time for the forest.
One night, they agreed to meet at Fourtrees and talk. They ended up having a battle. Many cats died. The living ones slept at Fourtrees. When they woke up, they saw the slain cats as starry cats/StarClan. 'Unite or die,' said StarClan. Four cats wanted to lead the cats, a black female, Shadow, a silver gray tom with green eyes, River, a wiry brown she-cat, Wind, and a ginger tom with amber eyes, Thunder.
A dispute broke out. Suddenly, 'Silence!' a StarClan tabby yowled. She told them to find cats like them. For Shadow, night hunters, for River, water-loving cats, for Wind, fast runners, and for Thunder, strong hunters. 'If you do this,' said a white tom, 'we will reward you with eight extra lives that you may lead your clans many moons.' A tortoiseshell said, 'we will watch over you from Silverpelt and visit you in dreams.' The white tom declared the full moon truce. The tabby yowled from the great rock, 'you will be warriors.' All the cats agreed. And so began the age of the Warrior Cats." I just want to say that I did write this summary.
PAZ: It's so good.
LIZ: It's beautiful.
ALIX: And I put an ellipsis, then "isn't that scarily like A Place Before StarClan by us, with the white tom and everything? Let me know. Bye! Hawkear."
JULIAN: "It is. But there is no Moonstone coming down to earth or little cats blowing off to the north, south, east or west. Their version is way too boring."
ALIX: "There is a Moonstone story that I will tell you later. But I admit it is a little boring."
JULIAN: "Okay."
ALIX: "We talked about it."
JULIAN: "Oh. Yeah."
ALIX: "Please give back the books if you are done. I need Harry Potter Seven Guesses book before it comes out."
JULIAN: "Sorry I couldn't give it back to you sooner."
ALIX: "'S okay." Spelled S, apostrophe, okay.
LIZ: Aw.
JULIAN: "Good."
ALIX: Then I said, "Hey, now I suppose there was a Sky too?" End exchange.
PAZ: Beautiful.
JULIAN: I love that in 2007 it was totally fine to send a one-word email.
ALIX: Yeah.
PAZ: This is-- I did not email my friends like this. This is fascinating.
ALIX: You know, I would have said that I didn't either, but apparently I did.
JULIAN: I super did, so
PAZ: I love your summary so much.
LIZ: It's so good.
PAZ: "It was a lawless, bloodly time for the forest."
ALIX: I do love "bloodly."
LIZ: That's innovation.
ALIX: I do think this is the canonical lore. But also like, I love that I just sent it up in such a like-- it's like a vaguely poetic way. But I'm just like, "they ended up having a battle." Absolutely no reason why.
PAZ: I love that you were like, so this is the official thing. We did it first and way better.
ALIX: It's a really, really powerful energy.
JULIAN: Oh, to have the sheer confidence of like an 11 year old hyped up on Warrior Cats.
PAZ: Oh, right?
LIZ: That's the confidence you need to send a one word email.
ALIX: Yeah.
JULIAN: That just says "good."
ALIX: I feel like I'm putting way more energy into this exchange than my friend. I'm writing paragraphs. And she's like, good, thanks.
JULIAN: Yeah, I tried to bring as much to the role as I could, but I didn't have a lot to work with.
ALIX: Thank you, you did a great job. Also, wait. Sorry, I just realized the difference-- how much time was between these different messages, because I sent that "'s okay" one on July 31, 2007, and she responded, "good," on August 14, 2007.
PAZ: That's about the rate at which I reply to emails.
ALIX: Yeah, there's five days between almost all of these emails.
LIZ: God, if this was now, it'd be like, hey, just checking in for an update. Have you had a chance to look at my Warrior Cats summary yet? Okay. Let me know. Thanks again. Bye.
JULIAN: Just wanted to touch base on this. Do you have any thoughts?
ALIX: Circling back on this. Isn't our fanfiction better?
LIZ: Best wishes.
ALIX: I hope this email finds you well.
JULIAN: Let me know if you have any questions.
LIZ: Hope to hear from you soon.
JULIAN: Email was a mistake actually. Except for this, this is the only valid use for email.
LIZ: We should have never moved on from this.
ALIX: Thank you so much for letting me read this.
JULIAN: Thank you for sharing it with us.
ALIX: It amused me very much when I found it.
PAZ: It's very good. Thank you. That's kind of what we got-- what we have to bring to the table today. I don't know. I think we did a good, like retrospective talk. Oh, okay. I know what I wanted to do. Liz?
LIZ: Yeah?
PAZ: Would you like to give us your prophecy for the next book?
LIZ: Yes.
JULIAN: Yeees.
ALIX: Yes [clapping].
PAZ: What do you think will happen?
LIZ: Um, they're going to almost get Tigerclaw. But he's going to get away at the last minute, I think at the end of the book. And sorry, did I say Tigerclaw? I did, right?
ALIX: Yeah.
LIZ: All right. And Fireheart is going to be like, rats, if only I had not been wracked with indecision, and also just brainlessness because I'm a dumb little cat. So he's going to have that kind of like, you know, Hamlet hubris moment. And he's gonna get a promotion. Maybe they'll have different jobs now.
You might see more of the other apprentices. Graystripe will develop a personality. I say that with affection. Because there's going to be less exposition to give, I think. They are going to have a fun little jaunt into the barn while they're on a patrol or something. And they're going to see their good friend Ravenpaw. And he's going to be fine with his new boyfriend.
Bluestar is going to have like-- there's gonna be a subplot with Bluestar. She's gonna be like, oh, I'm getting so old, I need to start thinking about me. Like, what have I done for myself? All these years and I don't even know myself. And that is like her slice of life older person romance plot with Yellowfang, who's like re entering the workforce as an older medicine cat. Yeah, that's pretty much my prediction.
JULIAN: I would watch this drama.
ALIX: I love this so much.
JULIAN: Bluestar's self care journey.
ALIX: I love how hard you're manifesting that Ravenpaw is okay.
LIZ: Yeah. He is. I don't know what you mean.
PAZ: The aggression in your voice. Thank you so much. I'm excited to see if your prophecy comes true. Well, that was it for Into the Wild. We're done with it. And now we're moving on to Fire and Ice next week. Very excited.
ALIX: I'm so excited to listen.
JULIAN: Hell yeah.
LIZ: I've had the book on Libby for like a few days now. And I'm like, chomping at the bit to get into it.
PAZ: Now is the time.
JULIAN: Oh, Alix, do you have anything you want to plug?
ALIX: Yeah, I have two podcasts, Hot Taking It, where I watch classic MTV sitcom Faking It, which is about high school lesbians fake dating. And also a podcast that I finished, I guess, although it's kind of ongoing, which is Across the Loonaverse, which is explaining Loona lore. Julian was on that at one point, so if you're a fan of Julian--
JULIAN: Oh, I was. I forgot.
ALIX: --you can go listen to that. And then that will pretty soon be replaced by a Riverdale podcast where I can talk about KJ Apa some more, although not in the role of Fireheart. Yeah, Across the Loonaverse, and Hot Taking It, which I think you can find if you go to my Twitter, which is @kismetnemesis, and then I have them linked. Probably the easiest way to do it.
JULIAN: Hell yeah.
PAZ: And as a reminder, you can find our show @staircast on Twitter. And if you want to send in any questions or anecdotes like the ones we read today, you can send them into [email protected]. And we'll check those periodically.
LIZ: Yeah, I want to thank everyone again, for the really good questions. They're just, they're very cute and sweet. And I had a good time listening and reading them.
JULIAN: Yeah, it's really nice to hear what this series means to other people.
PAZ: Mm hmm. Yeah. And I am just having a blast revisiting it. So thank you, everyone who's doing it with us as well.
ALIX: Yeah, thank you so much for letting me be on the show and also making the show so that I can listen to it. It's genuinely like the highlight of my week. Like every Sunday, I'm like, Alright, it's time to listen to Staircast.
PAZ: Thank you.
JULIAN: Aw, Alix.
LIZ: Thank you for coming on because you're, one, a seasoned podcaster, and also per the rules of the Clan, the new podcast host, so it's in your hands now.
ALIX: Yeah, um, although I think next week I might be busy, if you guys could just be interim hosts for a little while.
LIZ: Yeah, of course.
PAZ: Okay, yeah. We'll figure it out.
JULIAN: We'll be podcast deputies.
ALIX: Oh yes. And if I die, you all have to fight it out.
LIZ: Who has to wait for that? Listen. You've read about Tigerclaw. He's doing fine for himself.
PAZ: Well, uh, I think that's gonna do it for us this week. Tune in next week for Fire and Ice and until then, may StarClan light your path. Bye.
LIZ: Bye.
ALIX: B-bye?
LIZ: I'm never sure if I should do that one with you guys.
PAZ: Yeah. I keep it in.
[outro music]
PAZ: Okay, let me put away these covers.
ALIX: These childish things.
JULIAN: No, we're taking out childish things
PAZ: Oh, whoa, it got translated into Latvian. Wild.
ALIX: Only two books, though, so they don't get to know the whole plot.
PAZ: No, Latvian at least got to The Darkest Hour, so three books.
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turtle-in-the-mums · 6 years
Interview with an (uncomfortable) Autobot: Prowl
TAGGED BY: @miniconrightsactivist
TAGGING: Gah...I always forget someone when I try to tag people...
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   In your language, “Prowl”.
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   The term is difficult even for my fellow Cybertronians to pronounce. Your kind cannot hear some of the critical distinguishing tones.
I chose it for myself. It means “persistent searcher”.
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? *Sigh.* To borrow a phrase from your culture, that is complicated.
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? High-speed data collection and processing and the ability to perceive reality as it is rather than as I wish it was.
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? I have one optic, and to your eyes it appears blue.
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? I don’t have hair.
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? Not in the organic sense.
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. I despise “practical jokes” and “pranks”. I do not find cruelty amusing in any form, and to waste time, fuel, and effort on such offensive activities is a crime against the Autobot cause and moral code. Nor do I appreciate unsolicited efforts to “reform” me. 
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? I search for fragments of Cybertron’s past and attempt to conserve and document them.
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? I am a fully-sapient Spark-bearing Cybertronian. Your ancestors had not yet learned to control fire when I was activated. Do not call me an animal unless you are willing to concede that you are a far more primitive life form.
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. There are some who object to my insistence on precision and accuse me of “workaholism”. I do not consider those traits faults.
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? Optimus Prime...though I sometimes question his reasoning and priorities.
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? Cybertronian. 
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? Marriage is a human institution. I doubt I would be a fit parent.
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? If you mean ventilation fans, yes. They are standard in most Cybertronian frame types. If you are referring to the concept of strangers interested in me for no discernible reason--Jazz tells me that there are “fan clubs” devoted to me, and that I should interact with them as a courtesy. Since I did not ask for fans, have time-sensitive work to do, and suspect that either Jazz, the twins, or all three invented the story for some obscure purpose, I do not feel obligated to answer “fan mail” or disrupt my routine to attend conferences, fairs, or other events not designated mandatory by the Prime.
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? That the war will end with the extinction of my kind.
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? I suppose you could describe my armor and paint scheme as a form of apparel.
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Not in the sense you almost certainly mean “love”.
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? Which classification scheme are you referring to?
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? That depends on your definition of friend.
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? The term “pie” refers to many individual fuel dishes prepared and consumed by humans. If you are ignorant of the subject, I suggest you consult other humans or your datanet.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Energon, warmed and flavored with copper or magnesium.
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? There are certain locations on Cybertron I enjoy, and choose not to share.
30. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? Intellectually, yes.
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? Your species thinks far too much of your reproductive apparatus.
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? Which ocean and lake are you referring to?
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “Type” can refer to many distinct concepts. 
34. ANY FETISHES? If your species devoted even half the energy you waste on your mating drive to something useful, you might master intergalactic travel within 1,000 Earth years.
35. TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? I do not submit willingly to anyone.
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? I see no reason to subject myself to discomfort and inconvenience unnecessarily. I “rough it” when I must and thoroughly appreciate the comforts and safety provided by civilization whenever they are available.
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? Yes. This interview is a punishment imposed by the Prime. The sooner it ends, the sooner I can return to work.
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canadianabroadvery · 4 years
Canada's Conservatives are “completely clued out” about the unpopularity of hard-right social policies and are essentially “campaigning against themselves,” two leading political commentators argued in an online panel discussion last Monday.
Answering questions from Canada's National Observer editor-in-chief Linda Solomon Wood, columnists Bruce Livesey and Sandy Garossino spent an hour tackling wide-ranging questions about why today's Canadian conservative movement has moved so far to the right, its hopes for retaking power in the face of an increasingly progressive populace, and how evangelical Christians and Big Oil got a stranglehold on the right.
“The social conservative base is enormously powerful,” Livesey told Solomon Wood and the audience of 100 participants on the Zoom webinar, part of Conversations, sponsored by Canada's National Observer. “The reason (leadership rivals) Peter MacKay and Erin O'Toole have taken the positions they're doing — which are ludicrous in terms of ever trying to get elected — is because the base has this enormous social conservative element. In order to win the leadership, you've got to pander to them.”
But that's precisely what has lost them repeated elections, and will only worsen their chances over time, he said.
Livesey — an award-winning investigative journalist with experience on CBC's flagship shows The Fifth Estate and The National, Global News' 16×9, and PBS's Frontline — most recently did an analysis on the state of the Conservatives for the National Observer entitled, How Stephen Harper is destroying the Conservative party.
He said he interviewed between 25 and 30 sources for his story, and other than a couple political scientists as experts, focused almost entirely on hearing from Conservative members past and present.
“I tried to basically interview just Conservatives … people within the party, both from when they used to be called the PC (Progressive Conservative) party all the way up to the current generation,” Livesey said. “There's a lot of people who wouldn't talk to me … It was a big challenge; given that I was going to talk to them about Stephen Harper, there seemed to be a bit of a concern.”
But some did want to talk, and could be broadly lumped into two camps: the long-ousted progressive wing of the party, once nicknamed “Red Tories”; and the more recent alumni and strategists of the Harper era.
“If you talked to the sort of Red Tories — the 'liberal' wing of the party — there was no surprise there that they think the party's stuck in a ditch,” Livesey said. “The more interesting thing was finding the younger generation who were around Harper in some capacity, who are beginning to realize — having lost two back-to-back elections — that something was wrong.”
What exactly is wrong, however, he found divisive amongst loyalists. Some expressed hope to find a better leader than Andrew Scheer to save their flagging fortunes. But others, Livesey said, had started to see problems in the party's offerings to voters altogether.
“That's the contradiction the party's in at the moment,” Livesey, author of the book Thieves of Bay Street, said. “The base just thinks, 'We just need the next Stephen Harper to lead us back into power.'
“Abortion and gay marriage — those are the two issues that get social conservatives all agitated, and they want to have something done about them. Harper was brilliant at keeping that element under a lock and key. Scheer was not … nobody trusted him on those issues. The social conservative base is an enormous problem for that party.”
Whoever wins the leadership of the party, Livesey predicted, must “basically ignore what the base is” if they want to win enough seats outside Alberta, the Prairies and rural Ontario.
Hard Right
Garossino, meanwhile, agreed that infighting over who can be the most hardline on divisive issues such as LGBTQ rights and abortion is only hurting the party more with each utterance and campaign plank.
The popular longtime columnist with Canada's National Observer spent years previously as a Crown prosecutor and trial lawyer and Vancouver community advocate. She is also a keen observer of Canadian and American political trends, admitting Monday she's a big nerd for electoral data and crunching riding numbers. While she and Livesey admitted few Tories are likely paying heed to this publication, they ought to at least pay attention to the dismal electoral data.
When it comes to hard-right social issues, the numbers don't lie.
“They're actually campaigning against themselves the more they play to that,” Garossino said. “It doesn't play in any of the areas that the federal Conservatives need to take power. They have got to get into the 905 — the (Greater Toronto Area) — and they've got to get into Quebec.”
According to the most recent polls, the Conservatives are indeed trailing behind the Liberals — despite Scheer's repeated attempts to portray Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a reckless spendthrift, contemptuous of accountability and the rule of law.
A new poll released June 28 by respected pollster Léger Marketing placed Liberals at 40 per cent support, double-digits ahead of Conservatives in voter intentions compared to the Tories' 28 per cent. (The survey of 1,524 Canadians gave the NDP 17 per cent support, the Bloc Québecois seven per cent, and Greens one point behind; the online poll's margin of error could be considered equivalent to 2.5 per cent.) The results mirrored another opinion survey last week.
But yet another poll by Ekos Research found an even starker divide when it comes to gender last week, with Liberals leading among women with a staggering 24 per cent lead over the Tories, which held a slight lead over the Grits among men.
Multi-poll aggregator 338Canada, meanwhile, ran 250,000 statistical election simulations using recent polls and predicted a 189-seat Liberal seat majority if an election were held now, with the Tories trailing at 94 seats (a party needs a minimum 170 seats to win a majority government).
But both Livesey and Garossino reminded participants in the Zoom event that key to electoral victory in Canada is commanding broad support across the most vote-rich, densely populated urban centres — particularly the Greater Toronto Area suburbs, Montreal, and B.C.'s Lower Mainland. It was a lesson former Prime Minister Stephen Harper understood despite his past social-conservative, Reform Party roots.
That's something Livesey believes the Conservatives have lost sight of completely. He has little hope the once-moderate stalwarts of the party will regain control any time soon because of the need to survive the hard-right base that serves as a gauntlet for would-be leaders.
“They're not taking into consideration the electoral math that plays into this,” he explained. “The Tories' base gets them about 30 per cent of the vote, but to win a minority, you need around 35, a majority around 40.
“That means you've got to convince ... the very seat-rich urban hubs like Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal … that you represent their interests. That is the programmatic problem with the party now. They have completely clued out to the fact that those voters don't want to vote for that particular platform.”
Stuck on Harper
In his June 25 analysis, Livesey argued former prime minister Stephen Harper remains the most powerful force in today's party, but may be, in fact, undermining “the very thing he created” as his successor Scheer steers the party sharply towards the far right on issues such as abortion and LGBTQ rights.
It's something Tory supporters should be extremely wary of, particularly as the far-right administration in the pandemic-gutted United States faces “potential devastation of unbelievable proportions because of the failure of this one man,” Garossino said. But the roots of the crisis go back decades to Reagan-era right-wing neoliberal movements, she and Livesey agreed, as billionaires and corporations were effectively handed the keys to power in the U.S.
Today, with tens of millions of unemployed losing their private health benefits, the chickens are now coming home to roost in that country.
“If you look at the trajectory, this is the sum result of a program that began in the '70s and '80s to, in effect, ensure the state did nothing for the average American citizen,” Livesey said. “(It marked) the end of the so-called welfare state — the New Deal type of government — and the capture of the state by largely the billionaire class.”
But although the Tea Party hasn't taken hold to the same extent north of the 49th parallel, similar hardline right movements have found sympathy in many parts of Canada.
Canadians, and particularly those loyal to the Conservative party, ought to worry about similar political movements here gaining any more foothold than they have. But it was actually Canada's Reagan-era Conservative leader who garnered some positive attention in Monday's online discussion.
Faced with a stark ideological choice today, Tories might look for inspiration — and success — to former PM Brian Mulroney.
“The PCs recognized they had to be a centre party to win power. The person most genius at figuring that out was Mulroney, he won two solid majorities … and destroyed the Liberals in Quebec. They had the 'big tent' approach, that social conservatives, Red Tories, environmentalists, people from all walks of life, fiscal conservatives, could all be under the same umbrella." Livesey said.
“It worked until it didn't work.”
Mulroney was also considered a leader on environmental issues, and even stalwart Conservative architect Tom Flanagan told Livesey he hoped for some critical Tory reflection on their climate change and carbon pricing policies.
“There is increasing awareness they have to be better on that front,” Livesey said, “even if it is in a very cynical way.”
But it's not just the evangelicals trying to steer the Tory ship. Another powerful force in the country has leveraged influence extremely effectively. Livesey and Garossino said other than the Tories' social conservative base, the party also has been held “hostage” by the oil industry lobby and some of Harper's former entourage, such as Jason Kenney, now Alberta premier.
Garossino has frequently commented on the state of Canada's Conservatives, most recently in her May 27 column, Stephen Harper's power dissolves, in which she argued that Harper continues to “control his chastened party” from the sidelines, but as “the right’s energy and narrative has been seized by Trumpian ideologues,” the Canadian electoral as moved on and is no longer interested.
Canada's Conservatives ought to ponder those trends carefully before selecting their next leader, Garossino said, but she's not hopeful.
“To get to be a contender nationally, you have to get past the base, which is far more conservative than the Canadian public,” she said. “They're almost fighting against themselves.”
Could the Red Tories stage a Mulroney-inspired comeback — and retake the reins from today's increasingly unpalatable oil and religious party wings? That remains to be seen.
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