#it’s not even half of what Thor does in the jotunheim fight scene in Thor 1 nudsesfjokngesdhk
loveloki555 · 7 months
Why Thor: Ragnarok is remake and doesn't fit to other movies of Thor
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I will talking only about chronology in this post. Hela shows ''true history'' of Asgard. Well, but we have one problem. We watched Thor and Thor: Dark World. This both movies are the denial of Hela's words.
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The frescoes show the winning couple. Odin and his daughter conquering the world. Look at Odin. A white, senile beard… interesting… because we saw what Odin looked like over a thousand years earlier at the time of Loki's birth.
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Here later with both sons.
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And here as King of Asgard when Thor and Loki are grown men.
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The war with Jotunheim was in 965 AD.
And Odin looked completely different at that time than he did in 2011-2013.
Next thing… is the case of Borr and the war with Malekith.
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5,000 thousand years ago, Borr was still the king of Asgard and fought against the Dark Elves. Interesting thing, his heir is not with him. Odin is not present during this key battle. He seems to truly believe that his father defeated Malekith.
Why isn't Odin present during this battle? We have two options… and they are related to age. Either Odin was too young to fight battles (Asgardians do not have children during battle, Mr. Taika Waititi! If Loki saw that scene with his mother, he would tear your head off!) or he was a very young man who was just old enough to be regent during his father's absence… which would make him roughly the age of Thor and Loki in Thor (2011).
However, both situations quite exclude the possibility of Odin being an old man with an unstoppable desire for power and an adult daughter.
Even assuming that Borr died quickly after this battle and Odin already had a teenage/adolescent daughter… that still doesn't fill the gaps. Because Odin was not the old man shown in the frescoes. And if he had access to the fountain of youth, he would use it again rather than allow Hela to be released?
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Failure to solve the problem of Hela also puts the events in Thor 1 in a strange twist. Odin actually believes that it's time for Thor to be king. Why? He put off Odinsleep, Frigga really thought he might not wake up from this. He probably also realized that his strength was weakening. And… he didn't tell any of his sons… when I die, your bloodthirsty half-sister will suddenly appear and want to kill you? What kind of ruler does this?
My conclusion : Thor Ragnarok is remake.
We see the actual history of Asgard… up to 2015… where Age of Ultron still honors this timeline.
Overall timeline of Thor 1, Avengers, Thor Dark World, (in the meantime movies related to Avengers like Winter Soldier or Iron Man 3) and Avengers: Age of Ultron. After that, we never see any further events. I would also like to point out that Thanos in Guardians of Galaxy and Thanos from Infinity War are two different characters. The last time we see Thanos from Guardians of Galaxy is in the scene with the gauntlet at the end of Age of Ultron. Thanos in Infinity War is nothing like the previous Thanos.
Well, Thor is probably still looking for those stones, and Loki is preparing a surprise for Thanos in their universe.
The further timeline, starting with Ragnarok, has completely different events and one could even say a different universe.
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worstloki · 3 years
also people seem to forget this loki in the show is loki back in 2012 before his redemption/death so yes he was an ass and can be an ass a loveable one lol.
That he’s from 2012 is a major thing. How does one. Forget. ?????
You’re entitled to your opinion! I just don’t necessarily agree.
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loki-hargreeves · 4 years
Hela is Loki’s birth mother THEORY
Alright, my theory begins with Hela’s story. She says herself that they were going to take over the nine realms, revealing that she was power-hungry. She was raised to be that way. 
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Then all of a sudden, Odin “ashamed of how he got it” wanted to stop. He wanted to be a good king. Hela didn’t want to accept that. Instead of being banished right off the bat, I think Hela tried to come up with her own plan to continue the reign of power, with or without Odin.
Which is how she met Laufey.
Laufey, who was sick and tired of Odin and Asgard in general. When Hela, Odin’s daughter came to meet him, he was interested to hear her out. I believe that Hela proposed a suggestion that they would work together. Together Hela and Laufey could bring Jotunheim back to its glory and they could eventually take over the other realms.
Odin didn’t know anything about this. Laufey made a fake peace treaty with Odin, as Hela says in her story.
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During this time, they fell in love. Hela got pregnant with Loki. Obviously she couldn’t hide that from anyone. She joined Laufey’s side fulltime and finally betrayed Odin. I think Odin tried to stop her which led to a battle. It was the battle in which Hela killed a lot of Asgardian soldiers. She got away with it and fled to Jotunheim.
She had Loki at some point. Laufey and Hela decided to leave Loki on Jotunheim as they travelled to Midgard/Earth, Tønsberg Norway to be exact. They were going to begin their conquest there.
It’s the beginning of Thor 1;
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(I think it looked more like this tbh)
During that battle, Odin didn’t only win over Jotunheim. He banished Hela.
I think he banished Hela in tonsberg, because it’s the same place where Hela comes back. It’s where Odin went to die. To a place where he could think about his past. He felt tied to Tonsberg because it’s where he lost his daughter.
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Anyway, back to when Loki was a baby.
Odin knew Hela had been pregnant. He also knew that Hela had teamed up with the Frost giants. He knew that Hela’s child was on Jotunheim. As Loki’s GRANDfather, Odin wanted Loki back. He missed Hela so Loki was the closest thign to her that he could have.
Knowing that Odin is a d*ck, he also kept in mind that Loki could be used to “unite the kingdoms one day” yadda yadda yadda. 
Also keep in mind that Loki was “small for a giant’s offspring” it’s ebcause he’s half Asgardian. Loki had Asgardian traits because of Hela. He’s powerful because of Hela. Also they look so much alike. 
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Why else would Odin, someone who was knee-deep in Jotun blood, take in a random ass baby? Wouldn’t the Frostgiants’ casket be enough?
That’s why when Loki confronted Odin back in THor 1, Odin was so upset. Not only did his “son” find out he was adopted, but the confrontation reminded Odin so much of Hela. A daughter no one had talekd about for over a thousand years. It must’ve been hard for the old king. 
He only gave Loki half the truth.
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(This is from the official Thor 1 script, not the movie)
Loki: You could have told me what I was from the beginning. Why didn't you?
Odin: You are my son, my blood.  I wanted only to protect you from the truth.
Look Odin, I don’t know if you knew this but if you snatch a random baby, it won’t have your blood
Loki truly has Odin’s blood. Not as his son, but as his grandson.
The truth he wanted to protect Loki from was Hela. Not Jotunheim, not Laufey or anything like that. It was Hela. How could Odin have told Loki about Hela when no one even remembered her/knew of her? It was Odin’s greatest secret! Then of course, before Odin could say another word, he fell into Odinsleep. 
Now, let’s talk about Laufey, shall we?
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In Thor 1 when Thor, Loki, Sif and the warriors three go to Jotunheim, Thor wonders how they got into Asgard.
Thor: How did your people get into Asgard?
Laufey: *stares directly at Loki* Odin’s house is full of traitors.
Note: not a traitor, traitorS
Sure, he refers to the fact Loki told them how to get in there. But since Laufey said it in plurals, it would only make sense he’s also talking about Hela. Hela, who also belongs to Odin’s house. Who also betrayed Odin. The traitors Laufey talked about were Loki AND Hela.
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Laufey: (to Thor) “You do not know what your actions will unleash.....I do”
Look at how sad he is. How he clearly thinks back to something that hurt him as he says that. 
According to Odin, Laufey abandoned Loki, left him to die. But what I see here is a father who lost something dear to him. Not only did Laufey lose Hela, he lost Loki too. And it seems to me Laufey didn’t abandon Loki. This theory is strengthened when Laufey says this about Odin “Your father is a murderer and a thief!” Yes, Odin stole the casket but he also stole/kidnapped Loki.
The entire scene in which Loki offers Laufey a deal reminds Laufey so much of Hela. How over a thousand years ago she was the one in Loki’s shoes, offering Laufey a chance very much like Loki’s. It’s why he’s genuinely so interested in it. I also think Laufey wanted his son back, one way or another and that this deal would bring them closer to each other. Laufey didn’t know how to suspect Loki because he was a father who wanted to get to know his son. It was a one time opportunity he simply couldn’t let go of. (+ he would get the casket as well so it’s a win-win situation).
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One last thing,
just look at them
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Also in this scene when Loki throws a dagger at Hela, Hela catches it. Instead of throwing it back at Loki and killing him, she throws it back and sends Loki away. She has no interest nor passion whatsoever in fighting Loki. She doesn’t want to kill him, she didn’t even want to INJURE HIM. Because he’s her son.
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Instead, she goes right to Thor, her brother whom she was replaced by. She has motivation to fight Thor, but no motivation to fight her son, right? After all, Loki has done nothing bad to her. She loves him deep down, I’m sure.
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When Hela was in Odin’s vault, she saw the frost giants’ casket and she called it weak. OBVIOUSLY, she has experience with it. She put her trust in Jotunheim and still lost to Odin. That’s why she called it weak.
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Loki and Hela also share a common interest, the tesseract
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IN NORSE MYTHOLOGY Loki is Hela’s father. Loki is also Thor’s uncle. But if this theory would be true, Thor would be Loki’s uncle, Hela would be Loki’s mother. The roles are reversed from mythology.
In Norse mythology, Odin sacrificed his eye to gain wisdom. But this was never mentioned in the comics. In fact, it was shown that he lost his eye during the very same battle in which I believe he banished Hela. The battle which led him to take Loki.
What if Hela was the one to make Odin one-eyed?
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And when Hela first saw Thor, this is what happened:
Thor: “I’m Thor, son of Odin.”
Hela: “Really? You don’t look like him.”
Later in that same movie, Hela does this to Thor
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So if Hela was the one to do that to Odin, it would place her at the scene of the battle, Jotunheim vs Asgard. 
Also, when Hela was by Odin’s side, Odin had two eyes. Odin lost his eye when he took in Loki. Hela was gone before that (presumably banished after she took his eye). So how would Hela, who has been banished for 1000+, know that Odin had one eye if she wasn’t there to witness it? She clearly knew about it because she said that to Thor. I’m convinced Hela was the one who did it to Odin. Like if not, the franchise has a pothole. So it’s almost certain that Hela was in that battle. Case closed.
That’s all for now. Please let me know what you think of this theory 💚
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kyndaris · 3 years
A Vikingr Saga for the Ages
Ever since the first game in the franchise, I was enraptured by the idea of stalking my prey on the rooftops of Renaissance Italy and then leaping down - slaying them with a flourish. I didn’t know it yet but the marriage between history and stealthy parkour had me hooked from the very first trailer for Assassin’s Creed. When the series pivoted towards mythology and set further in history than ever before, I eagerly followed. From Ptolemaic Egypt to Ancient Greece. It should come as no surprise that I devoured, then, that I devoured as much of the world that I could in the latest entry: Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. And after clocking in just under 150 hours, there is much for me to unpack in Ubisoft’s latest entry into the Assassin’s Creed franchise. That, and a fierce desire to finally start watching Vikings. 
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When I initially booted up Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla (AC:V), I will admit that I was a little disappointed with the control scheme. Once again, Ubisoft had made it a confusing mess with trigger buttons instead of face buttons used to attack. Since I had just come from Spider-Man: Miles Morales, it took a good long while for me to adjust. Several hours later, after fumbling through my first battle with a lost drengr (I actually dumbed down the difficulty a litte), I finally managed to find my footing and was on my way to England to scrape out a place for the Raven Clan.
As for stealth...well, the less said about it the better. I never found it effective. It was much easier to smash my way through, axe in hand (or greatsword) and lay waste to their paltry resistance with a mixture of heavy attacks and parrying. I also, hardly used the bow (one of my favourite weapons to being stealthy in Origins and Odyssey). 
The story in AC: V is a little messy. Most of it is done through a separate arcs for each territory Eivor ventures through: from East Anglia to Snotinghamscire, with little to link it all together except the main character. Were it not for the very loose story threat surrounding Sigurd and the conquering of Mercia to establish a firm foothold in this new land of England, many of the storylines could be regarded as standalone adventures in Eivor’s epic saga of conquest.
That doesn’t, of course, mean it’s bad. Merely disjointed. Particularly when I went from Jorvik and its Yule Tide celebrations to Glowecestrescire that was right in the midst of Samhain right after each other. Did I go back in time? Or did almost an entire year fly past Eivor with none the wiser?
Still, even though they were mostly standalone storylines, I still very much liked all the characters I met along the way. My favourites were the earnest Hunwald, noble Ceolbert (his death was almost as bad as all the horse deaths I’ve encountered in video games) and fun-loving Twydwr (particularly when he and Eivor were drunk, and messing with the local chickens) On the Norse side, I very much enjoyed the banter between Eivor and her childhood friend Vili. But the one that I admisted most was Soma. She was the jarlskona of Grantebridgescire - the first place I explored after landing in England. And one, I hoped I could romance to some degree. Alas, my hopes were dashed on that end.
What I did find a little intriguing were how Sigurd and Eivor were sages for the Isus: Odin and Tyr. And in their little Raven Clan, revealed much later, was also Freyr. It seemed strange that so many of the reincarnated Isu were all incredibly close at hand.
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In this title, Ubisoft was able to focus again a little more on their complex lore that was seeded throughout the first few games. And while some questions were answered, it still left plenty of mysteries of where the games go from here - particularly from a modern-day standpoint. Though I am reluctant to see the franchise go, it does feel like Ubisoft is finally coming to a close on the grand story that they are trying to tell. What the end result turns out to be is still to be determined, but more emphasis needs to be focused on the central conflict.
For a game that still has Assassin’s Creed in the title, Eivor’s connection with the order and their enemies seemed very tangential. While I killed many Order of the Ancient members, there was no sense of personal investiture, like, say with Ezio’s quest. The only ones that I felt motivated to put an end to were Fulke and Kjotve the Cruel. Unfortunately, all the build-up in the first scenes with Eivor were quickly resolves within the first two to three hours of the game, and Fulke’s arc was all but over in the half-way point.
I suppose the main reason for my discontent with the narrative of AC: V is the fact that there is no Big Bad for Eivor and her Raven Clan. Yes, Aelfred of Wessex is a ‘villain’ that hinders our protagonist, but he never felt like an oppressive threat. 
Basim’s reveal, somewhat late in the game, was also a little underwhelming. Yes, he did look an awful lot like Loki, but how did he manage to get to Norway? He hadn’t accompanied Sigurd and Eivor. Did he travel with a third party? How did he know that Sigurd and Eivor would be in the ruins of an Isu temple? So many questions, so little time.
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Then there was the whole ‘Heir of Memories’ and the fact that Layla seemed so worn. After finishing Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, my last impression of her was receiving the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus from Kassandra and being hopeful for the future. Fast forward to AC: V and Layla is tired. The world is on the edge of destruction once again and she’s now paired up with married couple: Rebecca Crane and Shaun Hastings (the two last appearing undercover in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag). 
On a side note, why are their adventures all done in the comics or some other media? AND WHY DO I NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY OF THIS?
And because I didn’t play the expansions for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, I knew too little regarding the modern-day struggles with Layla. In fact, I basically resorted to the Assassin’s Creed wiki to bring me up to date. Honestly, DLC should never be story-related. Or, if it is, should be more tangential rather than major. It’s a terrible practice that quite a few publishers do, and which leaves players such as myself playing catch-up.
The only one that landed with any oomph (at least for me) were the Asgard and Jotunheim arcs. These were connected and told the story of Havi as he struggled to find a way to avert his fate. The final battle also proved challenging and climactic. A far cry from the ‘endings’ that the main story provided. In all honesty, I probably should have left that to last while completing everything else first. But the temptation was too great and I was vastly overlevelled.
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I also enjoyed the play on the Norse myths. The only downside with the Builder was that there was no horse to help him. And so, there was no sexy mare Loki to tempt away the Builder’s horse - giving birth to Sleipnir. The other stuff, though, was clever. And I liked the references made to other myths, such as fighting against ‘old age’ and Thrym’s disastrous marriage to ‘Thor dressed as Freyr.’
What was also a little odd, at least for me, was that there was no definitive part where the credits rolled. Much like in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey and Assassin’s Creedy: Origins. Personally, I hate it. Credits give closure and tell gamers that the narrative that they were pursuing has come to an end. It lets me reflect on everything that I experienced and is an indication that I can finally set the controller down.
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla also came with its fair share of bugs and glitches. Many, after reading up on them, made me frightened to continue. One, in particular, took me a while to figure out an alternative to: entering Lunden. I didn’t help that the more I read, the more I worried about encountering a game-breaking bug. Thankfully, most were simply treasure hoards not loading, late texture pop-ins that were a little frightening, and the drunk Eivor every time I loaded up the game. 
Despite its many faults, I still very much enjoyed my time roaming around England, Vinland and Norway as I worked to build up Eivor’s reputation and to ensure her name would be sung for ages to come. Like a true Vikingr, I played copious amounts of orlog, drank mead and tore up the battlefield to create a home for my people.
Even better, at Gunnar’s wedding, I managed to finally woo Randvi (who I abstained from bedding down with earlier on in the game)! That, perhaps, elevated the game for me and I can be happy knowing that all my hard work paid off.
(As an additional aside, I also love how many of the side quests or ‘mysteries’ in AC: Valhalla made references to popular culture. From Winnie the Pooh to Alice in Wonderland. AND ROBIN HOOD! THE NPC CALLED LITTLE JOHN HAD ME GUFFAWING!)
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justfandomwritings · 4 years
Oh my goshhh!!! Loyalty is frigging amazing!!!! That fic is so beautiful.. I just... there's no words, man. What happens next? How do they plot? Does he kill Odin and Thor? Can you please tag me when you write the spin off (not to be rude but how long will that take? I am just soooo excited) ❤❤
Gather round children! I am not going to write any story of how Loki’s story matches up with the MCU, and while the sequel I’ve plotted will feature bits of this, it will really only hint at what happened to Loki. So, because I think everyone deserves an explanation, here is how Loyalty!Loki progressed through the movies.
Loyalty post-story explanation:
The plot continues up to Thor as you’d imagine.
Brilliant actor that he would be, Loki pretends to be absolutely fine with all slights and fakes that he has gotten over his lost love. Because no one in his family pays attention to him, no one at court notices anything is wrong with Loki or that it’s odd that he got over losing his soulmate so quickly. 
Loki spends more and more time in the lower districts of Asgard, doing everything in his power to support the people and keep (Y/n)’s memory alive.
The people loved her, were loyal to her, and still are. Naturally, Loki receives much of this loyalty through his relationship with (Y/n) and more importantly through his insistence on keeping her memory alive.
All the while, Loki is plotting Thor and Odin’s demise. He knows he wants it to be at the hands of the Frost Giants who killed (Y/n), and it’s Narfi who gives him the chance.
Now on the Council for himself, Narfi is ordered to plan Thor’s coronation, and he and Loki plan out how the Frost Giants might ruin his big day.
They use (Y/n)’s old family home for their preparations. Most nobles consider the outer rim of fishers near (Y/n)’s childhood to be insignificant. So as long as Heimdall doesn’t watch Loki enter the house or know he’s going there, no one cares to look at what’s happening in (Y/n)’s old room.
Thor movie
On the day of the coronation, Loki has doubts. He knows this is not what (Y/n) would want him to become, and he questions whether they should follow through.
Then, one last time, Thor slights him before the coronation by talking about Loki’s conquests as though they were his own and by mentioning the attack by the Frost Giants as if it were a success even though (Y/n) died. 
(Insert the deleted scene of Thor and Loki together waiting to enter the throne room)
Loki makes up his mind then and there that Thor must lose everything, as he once did.
The Frost Giants come and Thor shows his true colors.
He demands a raid on Jotunheim, and though Loki publicly denies it, he is seething inside. 
Thor demanded justice for a stupid ceremony and thought that was worthy of Laufey’s head, but Laufey killing (Y/n) wasn’t even worth a second thought to Thor.
 After Jotunheim, even Odin can’t deny what Thor has done, and Loki relishes watching Thor cast away from everything he’s ever known.
In the vaults beneath Asgard, Loki argues with Odin on the steps only for Odin to tell him the reason Frost Giant’s don’t affect him is because he is one.
Loki watches Odin collapse and the guards take him away, leaving Loki to think.
Loki is horrified. This whole time he’s been on a quest of vengeance against the Frost Giants, and he is one of the monsters who killed (Y/n). 
He determines that his best plan would be to kill them all, take Thor and Odin’s life himself. 
He sends the Destroyer for Thor and is only incensed more when Thor appeals to him for mercy for Midgard. After everything, Thor still doesn’t understand why Loki is in a rage. 
The fight happens as it did, and Thor destroys the Bifrost to save whatever is left of Jotunheim.
Odin is holding Thor who is holding the spear with Loki. 
Loki: “Vengeance, that’s all I wanted for her, but you wouldn’t even give her dignity.” 
Thor looks confused for a moment before he realizes who Loki’s talking about.
Odin just stares on emotionless as always. 
Loki: “We’ll see.” 
Loki falls.
Between movies
Loki falls to Thanos.
Loki is worried over what Thanos’ plans to do, to destroy half the known universe. 
He wouldn’t mind watching half of Asgard burn or all of Jotunheim or even parts of Midgard which Thor had come to care about, but he knows that isn’t what (Y/n) would have wanted, that many innocents would die in the crossfire, that some of those may even be his own, his real, family.
Using the mind stone, Thanos finds the rage and anger within Loki, and there’s a great deal of it after millennia of being slighted by his father and brother and pitied by his mother, and after a century of suffering the loss of the only person he ever loved. 
Thanos exploits this and draws it out, sending the mind-controlled Loki to Earth to retrieve the Tesseract for him. 
Avengers movie
Everything happens as made, save that one conversation between Thor and Loki.
Thor: “I thought you dead.”
Loki: “Did you mourn?”
Thor: “We all did. Our father...” 
Loki: “Your father. He did tell you my true parentage did he not?”
Thor: “We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?”
Loki: “I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. You speak of togetherness because every time you needed me I was there, but every time I needed you I was alone. I remember studying magic, alone. I remember defending myself against the Warriors Three, alone. I remember standing up to Father, alone. I remember being punished for our tricks, alone.”
Loki: “I was alone until (Y/n) came, and then you took her from me. You made me alone again. Not just for being the cause of her death, but for not caring that you caused it at all. I was back where I began. I mourned her, alone. And when I finally came out of my chambers, I sat, alone, robbed of the only real family I ever knew. And you’re surprised that after millennia of suffering your destruction, I plotted vengeance alone?”
Thor: The Dark World
Loki faces Odin’s punishment for Midgard alone.
He rots in the dungeon until someone tells him Frigga has been killed.
Loki wants to hate her like he hates the rest of them. She was never a good mother. She clearly preferred Thor and pitied Loki. She let Odin run rampant over Asgard and his sons, and she never once defended Loki. 
But Loki can’t bring himself to hate her because: for one at least she tried, but more importantly she gave him (Y/n).
Loki goes with Thor because if he can’t avenge (Y/n) then at least he can avenge his mother. 
He watches Thor’s love for Jane and can’t decide if he despises it or not. He wants desperately, to watch Thor suffer; but he isn’t sure if that is how. His pain is the sort of pain he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy, and his worst enemy was his brother. 
In the ship, they talk about it.
Loki: “The only woman who’s love you prize will be snatched from you.”
Thor: “And will that satisfy you brother?” 
Loki: “No, but perhaps in a few years, when I get to watch you become me; perhaps that will satisfy me.”
Thor: “This was all about (Y/n)?”
Loki: “That feeling you have for Jane, that love; imagine if it were the only love you’d ever felt. Imagine if Odin despised you and Mother ignored your suffering. Imagine if I spent my life beating you into submission. Imagine if the Warriors Three and all your friends didn’t care about you. And imagine if the Nine Realms never noticed you existed. Imagine the only person you love being the only person who loved you, then imagine my arrogance, after years of cruelty and incompetence, finally ripped it away.” 
Loki retreats and sits back down. Loki: “It was always about her. It will always be about her.” 
Between Movies
Loki avenges his mother and fakes his own death to rule Asgard as the King they always deserved. 
He puts the people first, shares his wealth and power, he rules with a firm, justice hand and doesn’t play favorites like his father.
The people all begin to realize that it isn’t Odin, that Loki has replaced him, when Loki orders a giant statue to  his soulmate built in front of his extension to the palace.
No one says anything. They prefer this happy peaceful life Loki’s given them. It’s the life Frigga promised they would get with soulmates, but the life Odin was too warlike to let anyone actually have.
Thor: The Dark World
The movies plot passes pretty much the same, but Loki’s character is more in keeping with his development and style. It isn’t the sort of sniveling, whiny, weak creation Taika came up with.
Loki comes at the end of the movie, not to help Thor, but because he realized Thor was going to have it out with Hel on Asgard and put the people in grave danger, including his real family.
He arrives and sees Delling and Dysis helping their daughters and grandchildren onto the ship he brought.
Loki: “Where are the others?”
Delling, heartbroken: “Gone. They died with the army.”
Loki, discouraged: “And Narfi?”
Delling just shakes his head.
Loki roars out into the battle and ends up fighting side by side with Thor and the Valkyrie.
As he brings about Ragnarok, Loki takes the Tesseract. He knows that even the blast of Ragnarok won’t destroy the Space Gem, and he can’t very well leave it floating in space for Thanos to just casually pick up, so he determines to find somewhere to hide it forever. 
As the battle rages on between Surtur and Hel, Loki heads for the Royal Family’s tomb and takes (Y/n)’s crypt, using the Tesseract to port it onto the ship. Everything else is going to go up in flames, and Loki refuses to let that be her legacy. 
The end of the movie, onboard the ship, Thor throws a thing at Loki to prove he isn’t there. 
Loki catches it. Loki: “I’m here, brother.” 
Loki turns and leaves the room, finding (Y/n)’s family and sitting with them. He’s given up vengeance on Thor because he’s finally realized (Y/n) died to save his brother, not so Loki could kill him later. But he knows now that this is his real family. 
Thor is off to the side, watching them. This time he’s the one standing alone. 
Seeing their interactions, their mourning Narfi and his brothers, their talking with Loki, Thor realizes that Loki was right. They never really treated him like family
He realizes that Odin, with his help, robbed Loki of everything. A normal family, a happy life, his one true love. They even took the family he made for himself. 
Thor decides to leave Loki in peace with his family and leave on his own. 
Avengers: Infinity War
Loki watches Thanos ready to kill Thor and realizes what Thanos means by half. He’s going to kill half of each group, and that means half of the sons of Odin.
Loki knows that Thor with his Avengers stands a better chance than Loki, and if Thor dies Thanos may well succeed. 
More importantly to Loki, if Thor dies, then (Y/n) died in vain.
Loki rushes Thanos and dies so that he is the half of the sons of Odin that Thanos kills. He dies for Thor the same way (Y/n) did.
The rest of the movie happens.
Avengers: Endgame
Finally understanding what Loki felt, finally understanding what it’s like to lose everything, Thor picks up Loki’s quest for vengeance and takes off Thanos’ head.
Then, with no real purpose, Thor mourns, alone, like his brother did.
Movie goes as planned mostly.
When Hulk snaps, he doesn’t just bring back the half of humanity that Thanos snapped out of existence. Thanos had been roaming the galaxy slaughtering half of every inhabited world he encountered, and Hulk (knowing this from watching on the ship) thinks of them too and brings back the millions who died before the snap.
Asgard’s army was killed by Hel before Thanos ever touched them, but Loki is brought back in space and roars into battle to help protect his family. 
When the war is finally won, Loki watches Cap disassemble the infinity gauntlet with envy.
The rest of the Avengers are wary that he will try to steal it, but Thor knows what he’s thinking.
Thor: “Perhaps the soul stone might bring her back.”
Loki: “Let her rest brother. I have kept her alive through death for far too long. She deserves peace.” 
Loki leaves. No one knows where he’s gone, and no one ever sees him again.
Loki returns to the wreckage, retrieves (Y/n)’s crypt and disappears forever. 
I plotted this out when I plotted out the series, because I believe you have to know the whole story to write a story well. 
But as you can see, there are huge chunks where the story just overlaps with the movies, so I didn’t think it would make for very good reading.
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sunpathos · 3 years
BEFORE THOR: loki laufeydottir, this is the only name she has ever known. she has always known that she was adopted, that she is laufey’s daughter who was found by odin. this is something she has always know. the meek daughter of laufey that was left behind. she is thor odinson’s sister. the goddess of mischief. they lose frigga early in her childhood, and yet she realizes that everything she knows, ever one of her powers is thanks to her. from the books that she left behind. as she grows, she thought of her kind, what they are, and what she can never be. she earns the title of princess of asgard, and everyone is reassured that she will never get to reign. this wariness of her is not because of her heritage (in fact no one knows she is the daughter of a frost giant besides close family, not even the friends, she and thor share). she has no intention to rule, in fact, she rather likes that the responsibility is passed to her brother. yes, she is fascinated by frost giants, and actually makes contact with them at one point. but, it is never about ruling and being queen. it’s about knowing where she comes from.
THOR: we see her first, in thor’s first scene. at his side, for getting ready to accept the throne with the rest of their friends. she smiles even, when she sees that her brother will be ascending into the throne. what she does not know, is that frost giants (aided by her tie to the planet and her cousin) have infiltrated the vault. she is by the side of odin and thor, watching the interaction, and finds it amusing almost. big reminder: she does not not know of the plans of the frost giants, but it is because of her ties to them. and she also agrees with thor, because she believes that they should protect asgard no matter what. she doesn’t realize how bad it is about to get, and how much of a knucklehead her brother is. she is only supporting thor and his lcaim to the throne because she believes that odin is wrong. she obviously tries to charm heimdall, because that is her thing, silver tongue is a nickname she takes to fondly. and rather than being a joke, it’s a sense of pride. sometimes it does not work and she can laugh about it. loki hates the idea of being discovered, of the people of asgard fully finding out that she is the daughter of the same frost giants that have... killed and maimed her people. big reminder again: she DID NOT let them in, no no, but they did use her as a bridge to get to asgard without her knowledge. and she does absolutely try to stop thor from being a idiot and obviously does not work because they just had to call him ‘little princess’. she fights with the as we see in movie. and does absolutely see her hand turn blue, and the way that the frost giant reacts. she wastes no time to kill that frost giant. she runs as we see on the show, trying to make sure her friend  does not die and that they themselves don’t die. she realizes that she is at fault for this mission as much as thor is. she had encouraged the will in him, told him he was right and gave him an edge.what she does not expect is odin, to make an appearance, to talk this way about them, and to whisk them away like that. when odin and thor fight, she does try to defend thor, only to be shut down and screamed out. but it is then, she realizes then that, it is her fault that the frost giants have made their way into asgard. what she does not expect is odin to cast out thor, when she is as much to blame as he is. she spends most of her time thinking once thor is gone. she keeps looking at solutions. and she also told heimdall to find odin and tell him. she is still suspected, and thought to be the user to bring them there. while she had a hand, she is not the one. the scene where we see loki touch the casket, does happen. but she knows. she knows, and she hates that her skin is blue, that she is... a frost giant. the conversation does not happen in pain, but rather, it is a way of her realizing that she is needed for peace. she call for medics as soon as odin crumbles, wanting to ensure a future of azgard. she realizes now, that she needs to be a bridge. a bridge for peace, not something that the frost giants use and discard. and yes, loki does take to the throne because she is next in line sadly. the scene goes mostly the same, but her friends do ask to end thor’s banishment. she says the same, but she truly means it. she knows that if she reverses what odin declared, she will be considered an undoer. and that is everything but what she wants. the conversation over odin’s bed goes a little different where loki asks frigga if she can truly bring peace. if she can be the bridge that they need her to be. she also appears to thor, and tells him the father is in his sleep rather than dead. she is honest, but cruel, because she needs him to suffer. she needs him to realize what he has done. she lies about their mother, to punish him, to make him realize.she never expect an apology or for him to cry, but hopes he understands what he needs to do, what needs to be done to ensure thor gets back. she cannot hand it to him, because it is not within her right. she tries to lift the hammer, but realizes that it won’t work for her. she is not worthy of it. she does goes to jotunheim to talk to laufey, and lies to them. tells them that she willing showed them how to get to asgard. that was a lie, and also tries to forge a peace. she does not bring back frost giants, but they have already... found a way in. following her, following her magic and her way of using that same magic. they use her a bridge once more, this time with one of half brothers, a true frost giant, wanting to rule asgard as his sister is the newest queen and he is older. let it be clear, that loki makes it treason to find thor because it is what has been told. thor needs to find his own way back home, find himself to be worthy. he must do that on his own (or so she believes) and sends the destroyer because it’s what she believes must be done. she does not wish to bring them harm, not to their friends or thor. she does as what she believes must be done. and sif gives thor hope rather than telling him that odin is alive. she does relive heimdall of his duties but because is what she believes it right. she does not freeze him, but her half brother does, and lets the other frost giants inside of asgard. loki plays along with the frost giants, letting them believe that she is on their side, that she hates all of asgard for lying and keeping who she was from herself. they all believe her to be the bad guy, to be the one that let the frost giants in. again it is her half brother that lets the frost giants inside and has frozen heimdall, not loki herself. she does play along because it serves her best at the moment. she kills laufey, knowing that it might be the start of a war, and knows that her brother will be angry, and she lets him believe whatever he wants. and goes on to destroy jotunheim, to ensure that nobody finds out who she is. she might be adopted, but she is his daughter. they do not fight, instead have a very heated conversation about her and the frost giants. they do fight, but it’s more about thor wanting to close the bifrost rather than wanting to kill him. she does use her illusion work to try and stop him from closing the bifrost, and is defeated. knowing her plan has thwarted, she does try to stop him, only to be too late. the speach goes mostly the same, but she does not let go. no, she lets herself be rescued by odin and thor. it takes a lot of her to do that, to accept that she needs all the help she can get. it takes a while before anyone can trust her, trust that she does not mean harm, and that she only did what needed to be done. she is apologetic and truly tries to be the best version of herself. tries to ensure that she does not believe her own lies. 
it should be noted that who we see talking to fury and eric is NOT loki, it is her half brother, the frost giant.
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aurorawest · 4 years
I used to adore that sweet deleted scene from Thor 1 where the brothers talk before the coronation. Until I remembered that Loki had already arranged for the Jotuns to ruin the coronation, and knew Thor wouldn’t become king. This hurts. And makes me wonder, was Loki lying when he said “I’ve looked forward to this day” and “never doubt I love you”? Or did he really mean it? He sure sounded sincere, but why would he mean such sweet claims when he’d already done an act of treachery toward Thor?
Oh this is so crunchy, thank you for the opportunity to talk about this. This got long, haha. Surprise!
First off, I’ve devoted a lot of time to thinking about this, to the point that it’s almost fair to say that everything I’ve ever written about Loki and Thor comes down to the dichotomy of what we see from Loki in this scene.
Sometimes, I’m…envious. But never doubt that I love you.
I’m not sure any one line sums up Loki’s relationship with Thor more than this one, and it is a damn shame that it was cut from the final film. Loki is a person, I think, who is very, very good at cognitive dissonance. That is to say, he can hold two (at least) different, contradictory thoughts in his head at the same time. And I think we all do this with the people we love, right? You love your family, but god, sometimes you hate them. I think it’s pretty clear through all of their appearances together that Loki loves Thor (ironically, when their relationship is in theory at its best, in Thor, we actually see it the least, because they cut all of the scenes that really show it).
The thing is, Loki doesn’t just love Thor. Thor is everything that Loki wants to be and feels that he can never possibly live up to. He admires him, but he’s also resentful. I’m going to quote a line from my own fanfiction, because it sums this up fairly well:
Normally it hurt, knowing that he’d never really had a chance. Not so much because he desperately wanted the throne. He didn’t. It had been made clear to him long ago that he possessed nothing that Asgardians valued in their kings. He just wanted to be valued, even if it didn’t translate into a crown. (Foundations, chapter 2)
Loki is bitter about his perceived Otherness (and he doesn’t even know the half of it yet). Everything in Asgardian society tells him he won’t be a good king, and because in his family, value and worthiness is intrinsically tied into the succession, this sets up this toxic situation where one child was always going to feel like the lesser one. I want to emphasize that this could have been Thor. And while I believe Loki can kind of intellectually see this, he’s a deeply sensitive, deeply emotional person, and his brain can tell him thing all day long. In the end, his heart is going to feel the pain of his inadequacy.
So that brings us to Thor. Thor is…kind of a scapegoat, I guess, for this situation. It would be great if Loki could recognize that he has strengths and he’s valuable for what he is, but he doesn’t, or can’t, not totally. It’s hard to have the confidence to buck society’s expectations and norms. Even if you do it in part (which he clearly does, e.g., with his magic), that doesn’t mean you’re willing or able to do it totally (in fact, I might argue that for some people, being able to stand up to the cultural norm in one instance might be a shield against admitting much deeper truths about yourself that would set you apart…hi, I think I just had a personal revelation). Then you have the added issue that for Loki, bucking society’s expectations is bucking his father’s expectations, and his father isn’t just his father, he’s also the king of Asgard. He’s the All-Father. He is, in Loki’s view, the most powerful person in the universe. Loki desperately wants his approval and validation. How many times do we hear him say that in Thor? So Loki can’t take any of this resentment out on his father because he just…can’t.
But he sure can take it out on Thor. Thor is his brother. Thor is someone he should be equal with. You know the truism ‘you hurt the ones you love?’ Thor and Loki are the perfect example of this. I very much think they take each other for granted. Which is where the cognitive dissonance comes into play. Loki loves Thor very much, and this is just a given for him—and not just for him, he would feel that it should be a given for Thor, as well. I think Loki holds these two truths in his head simultaneously: Thor will never not love him, and Thor will never love him. To shamelessly quote my own fanfiction again:  
…deep down, he had an unshakeable faith that Thor needed him. There was a toxic side to that, too—an unshakeable faith that he could get away with anything and that Thor would still be there. (an unpublished fic I’m working on called Sleight of Hand, chapter 9)
Thor represents everything Loki wants to be but can never be, and Thor will never reject Loki for dumping all his insecurities on him. At the same time, Thor maybe doesn’t really love Loki, so it doesn’t matter what Loki does, because he’s already lost this thing that he values so highly, which is Thor’s love.
(Side note, I firmly believe this is why Loki does shit like, ‘Don’t tell me it was that woman. Oh…it was. Well, maybe when we’re finished here I’ll pay her a visit myself!’ I don’t think that Loki intends to go to Earth and hurt Jane, not even for a second…but it’s going to make Thor angry if he says it, and it’s going to prove to Loki what he knew all along deep down, which is that Thor doesn’t love him and will fight him)
Anyway, I hope I’m putting it properly into words. It’s something I myself feel on a really visceral level, which is why I really connect with Loki as a character, but it’s hard to articulate.
Ruining Thor’s coronation is a garbage move by Loki, there’s no doubt about that. He says to Laufey:
That was just a bit of fun, really. To ruin my brother’s big day. And to protect the realm from his idiotic rule for a while longer.
I suspect that Loki’s actual motivations are closer to the last sentence here. You have to remember that Loki is lying to Laufey. His intention is to get Laufey to come to Asgard so he can kill him, serving the dual purpose of making himself look like the worthy son and getting revenge on the biological parent who abandoned him. I wrote about whether or not Loki wanted to go to Jotunheim in a recent ask, so I won’t rehash that here, but Loki’s goal is really to make Thor look like he’s not ready to take the throne.
But, that said, I also think that there would have been an element of fun to it. Loki thrives on chaos. A not insignificant part of him likes to start a fire and sit back to watch it burn. Plus…these are Asgardians. I definitely think that Thor would be Pissed Off if he ever found out that Loki had done this (he never does, unless Heimdall tells him, but I don’t think there’s any direct evidence of that? Correct me if I’m wrong, it’s actually relevant to one of my WIPs), but also, like, these people are living on a different level than we are. They stab each other and it’s no big deal. Had his plan worked out the way he’d thought it would—Frost Giants interrupt the coronation, Thor comes up with this dumb, reckless plan to go to Jotunheim, guard tells Odin where they’re going, Odin stops them and gets mad at Thor, Thor doesn’t become king for the foreseeable future—I think Loki would have laughed about it for weeks. He made his brother look dumb and he himself looked like the circumspect, smart son because he was against going to Jotunheim from the start. Obviously, that’s…not what happened. A whole other discussion, that one—Loki’s plans having unintended consequences.
At the end of the day, anon, I think you should continue to love that scene if you want to. It’s one of my favorites. Every time I watch it I curse the decision to cut it from the film because it gives so much more depth to the relationship. I have no doubt that Loki really loves Thor. Just look at his arc. In the end, Loki dies for Thor. Loki gives up the universe to try to save Thor. He’s just a messed up young man who is truly terrible at dealing with his emotions.
I’ll leave you with another quote from my upcoming fic, Sleight of Hand:
She raised her eyebrows right back. “Have you ever considered therapy?” When he furrowed his brow, she said, “Why am I not surprised that Asgardians don’t have therapy?”
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 37 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Loki wished more than anything that he was back on Jotunheim. Everything from the weather to the situation, in general, made him loathe Alfheim. It was not overly sunny but it was incredibly humid, that was something the Jotnar had never experienced before. Helbindi and Arden were suffering in a similar fashion and informed him that many of their soldiers were similar. He watched with envy as the Asgardians, Vanir and Light Elves all seemed entirely nonplused by the situation. They had fought smaller fights, not even enough to call a battle but Loki loathed it entirely. 
Thor seemed to be one of the first to notice there was an issue with the Jotnar, mostly that they seemed weary for little reason. Seeing that it seemed to be most every Jotnar and not just a few, he made a request to speak with Loki, somewhat startled to see him in a similar condition, though not as bad. 
“It is hard to breathe here.” 
Thor frowned. “Is it? It’s cooler than Vanaheim and none were bothered there.” “On Vanaheim, Ella used a spell to have us unaffected by the weather. Though, that was nothing on the thickness of the air here,” Loki growled. 
Thor frowned as he tried to understand what Loki was referencing. He felt as though it was a somewhat cold day by what he was used to but the beads of sweat on Loki’s brow told him the Jotnar felt otherwise. He then realised something. “Are you the only one that sweats?” 
“I think so, yes. Jotnar do not tend to need to do such things on a realm that is made of ice, we don’t like to lose the water we use to make our defensive weapons from the one day it may not be as bracing as others.” He stated. “Ella would have sorted this.” 
“What did she do on Vanaheim?” “Norns only knows, she seems to know a spell for everything.” Loki looked at the trees not too far into the distance. He did not wish to admit it but he was missing his Aesir mate even more than he thought he would. She seemed to always be able to think of something. 
“Sadly, that is true, very often, it is something of use, all too often, it is not for something to be of use but simply irritation that she knows it,” Thor groaned sitting close by. “The air is no thicker here, it is similar, just the forest making it more humid.” “What is humid?” Loki had never heard such a word. 
“It is when there is more water in the atmosphere.” Thor thought it odd the ice prince did not know such things. “Does Jotunheim not have such?” “Any moisture in our air is automatically frozen,” Loki pointed out. 
“It was odd going to Jotunheim, I never went anywhere so cold in my life.” 
“Yet to me, it is perfect.” “Even when you’re half Vanir? Surely that half of you prefers this?” Loki eyed the Aesir prince with uncertainty. He was grateful that of the distribution of intelligence in the genes of the Allfather and Allmother, Ella had been graced with the greater share than her brother. “I know nothing but Jotunheim, I only know the cold, so my being half Vanir means nothing since I only was there for a total of ten days of my life and I know I found it too warm. I hope when I need to go there again, Ella can come so she can do her trick once more.”
Thor studied his features for a moment. “You care for her now?” Loki looked silently at him. “I can only assume you did not like her before to say you ignored her, what changed?” “I spoke to her, I put aside my bias and sought to see the reasons for her fight to remain on Jotunheim after everything that happened. She fought ardently against the Allfather to be permitted to stay, she fought even more ferociously to have the Casket stay.” “Yes, Father stated. Personally, I see both viewpoints.” Loki frowned at the Aesir prince. “No, really. Father wanted to show you that a life source is not more important than my sister’s life, yet she sees it as being the very heart of Jotunheim.” “And you disagree with her analogy?” Loki snarled. 
“It was removed and yet the realm remained. That’s not a heart. When you remove a heart, all life ceases. It is more akin to a womb, perhaps. Women live without their wombs but a very part of their being is gone once it is removed.” He stated pensively for a moment before shrugging. “I could, of course, be reading too greatly into this too.” He rose to leave, then stopped and looked at Loki again. “I am glad my sister made my father see sense with regards to the Casket and that you have seen that for as irritating as she can be, she is well suited as a royal wife.” “She is more than her position. She is an incredibly intelligent and able being.” “For the most part, she was nothing but a nuisance. Always acting as though she knew more, I still cannot fathom why she felt the need to go to court. I cannot think of a single being that wanted to actually be there for half of what she did.” Thor shook his head as he thought of the many times he was forced to be in the throne room for different boring and mundane realm matters that he loathed entirely whilst his sister was sneaking in to hear or standing front and centre when Father allowed her. “She likes to be well informed and cares about more than herself,” Loki stated in a deadpan manner. “Any royal should be as interested as she is.” He tried to not let his disapproval of Thor’s thoughts on royal matters show too much. 
“Is she the same on your realm?” “Yes, she takes her position as serious on Jotunheim,” Loki declared proudly. “She is insistent on being one of the first to arrive and last to leave when Court is in session, even for the most mundane issue. She is the epitome of a good royal and mate.” Thor’s face contorted at that. “Mate? It sounds like you’re breeding animals, not higher beings. I am sure my sister is less than pleased with such a title.”
Loki felt himself get more than slightly annoyed at the Aesir but recalled Ella’s manner with regards to her brother also. “My mate does not mind in the slightest and refers to herself as such with pride, as odd as it would seem to you. What we know to be the accepted practise on our realm is seldom so on another.” 
“Do Jotnar really have multiple wives, or were you just saying that so you would not have to endure my sister?” Thor asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. 
Loki wished of all the mundane duties he was forced to do as the son of the King, he was doing them all at that moment and not dealing with Thor. “No, I did not merely make a falsity to not have to ‘endure’ her. It is commonplace on Jotunheim as you may have seen in your time there had you bothered to pay close enough attention rather than staring around you as though we were exhibits to be gawped at in a museum.” 
“It was the first time I had ever seen Jotnar or such a way of life. I may not have acted appropriately and I will acknowledge that but I cannot be expected to know everything. A thousand years is a long time, I never learnt anything of Jotnuheim in that time and I was barely five hundred when the war started.” 
“You were four...how long is there between you and Ella?” “I never counted, I guess about five hundred or so years?” 
“I thought Aesir had children closer together.” “Some choose to, most elect to have a child, two to three at most, any more than that is seen as odd.” “Why? How is that odd?” Loki could not grasp the concept of choosing to prevent having children when on his realm, they did everything they could to try and have as many as possible. 
“It just is. I don’t ask and no one ever said anything to explain it to me.” Thor stretched slightly. “Hopefully, we will settle this soon and get back to our realms and not have to concern ourselves with the humidity much longer.”
Loki nodded silently as he watched Thor leave, knowing it would never be so easy. They were there for a war, not a silly argument. He knew Thor was aware of that also, he just hoped the Aesir was simply being polite and light-spirited and not that he thought him to be dimwitted enough to think that would occur. No sooner did he try to let his head lean back in hopes of getting some relief from the difficult atmosphere, a horn bellowed out, telling them that the Light Elves were after being attacked not too far away. Helbindi called out and Loki forced himself to his feet, fearful for what they were about to face, worried for the Jotnar who would find the fight all the more difficult in such conditions. Wishing Ella was there, knowing she would have some form of solution. He walked to where the others were stood before looking over the landscape in front of him. In that moment, he realised wished his father was in front of him, to ask him why he had ever elected to create a war. 
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hjbender · 5 years
I would like to nominate you to write the next Thor movie cause that 8 Thor’s and one Loki is how it should have ended lol but even the nice little snippet does add balm to my aching heart after endgame
This ask just opened my mind. Like… if any of us had complete creative license over the next Thor movie, what would we include? Well, here’s my wish list:
Definitely Loki coming back–and switching to his jotunn form regularly as he grows comfortable in his natural skin
Retcon all the Asgardians being brought back before Thanos attacked the Statesman because the MCU has already gotten away with BS decisions so why can’t we
Heimdall is back and 90% sanity is restored to Yggdrasil, thank the Norns
Thor’s false eye starts bothering him or malfunctioning and he starts wearing a patch again (I liked the patch, I miss the patch, give me the patch again)
Thor gradually healing with help from Heimdall and Loki. Lots of scenes of Thor struggling to overcome his PTSD and drinking problems on top of dealing with Plot Things
Some kind of intrigue/issue with the Nine Realms, focus on Jotunheim
Maybe the destruction of Asgard via Surtur was just a prelude to the End and the real Ragnarök is about to begin
Thor 4: Twilight of the Gods
Thor loses Stormbreaker whoops oh well it’s not like he needs it anyway, remember how he took on Hela’s undead army with his bare hands like 3 films ago? Because I do
Thor and Loki return the Casket to Jotunheim and forge a new alliance, possibly to combat a new threat (perhaps a coup has taken place on Jotunheim since Laufey’s death and the new ruler is out for Asgardian blood and wants to bring about the Twilight)
Gratuitous half-naked Jotun Loki outfit because it’s Only Fair 
Bonus points if Loki gets caught while infiltrating the new regime on Jotunheim and Heimdall locates a secret communique sent to Thor showing Loki all roughed up by these Giants (which makes Thor crackle all over like a mega-pissed plasma globe)
Bonus bonus points if Loki spends half the movie in aforementioned gratuitous outfit and has to fight in it
Young Thor and Loki flashbacks
Heimdall being a better dad than Odin
Thick Thor, Gimme More
Finally getting that Hug we’ve been waiting for, and not one of those stupid 3 second pat-on-the-back type brohugs, I’m talking full-contact, everything between neck and thighs touching, tears-in-eyes, choked-up, filthy sweaty bloody embrace born of 1000+ years of love and sibling rivalry that’s finally been laid to rest
Thor and Loki fighting side by side against overwhelming odds, creating a hellstorm of lightning and frost
Loki (barely) saves Thor from the giant serpent Jormungandr (which is supposed to kill him according to mythology) and must help him recover from being poisoned
Score joint composed by Howard Shore and Amon Amarth
Thor unlocking a new power (fertility god) and making bare dirt explode with life like something out of Fern Gully
Snake jokes
Heimdall says, “What has been seen cannot be unseen.”
End with the sun shining on Thor and Loki again as they look out over the future that lies ahead of them
Actual happy ending
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: FrostBitten: Ice Cream Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Jotun!OC x Reader (& Loki) Rating: Teen Summary: “Just show me a sundae.” Notes: This is a series/multi-chapter fic - Masterlist Here. Ulfr is a Frost Giant, more clearly so than Loki, and “played” by Lee Pace. This piece is more Ulfr and the Reader, but Loki does show up. The whole thing in general is dark, but this one is actually pretty tame, even sorta fluffy…For consistency and its length it still gets a “Read More” though, haha!
You watch him warily. He’s not overtly threatening, he didn’t root for his turn with you like the others that first night, but there’s something not quite right about Ulfr either. If Loki’s too intense, he’s too erratic. He’s apathetic, then annoyed, now seemingly delighted as he stuffs large spoonfuls of ice cream into his mouth.
“Is...is that all you want?”
“Hmm?” Red eyes glow curiously.
“You don’t...want it...in a bowl, maybe?
He swallows. “You people are almost as fussy as Asgardians.”
“Maybe we just don’t want our ice cream melting all over the place?”
“Is the ice cream melting?”
Now that he mentioned it... “Well, no.”
“Then don’t worry about it.” He stuffs more in his mouth, gives a moan that borders on obscene.
You shift on your stool, play your body into the angles of it. “You, um...you don’t want it in a sundae?” Given his love of the food, he seemed the type.
“Sunday?” He chuckles. “I eat it every day.”
“No, um...” you try not to laugh as you spell it out. “Sundae, it’s uh...” You smile. “Can I show you?”
Ulfr shrugs. “Go for it.” Continues eating.
“Well, don’t eat it all!” You laugh, reach for the tub, only to have him tense slightly. You pause, watch him crimson-eyeing you back. “Are you...scared of me?”
The easy smile returns. “You’re half my size.”
“That’s a bit of an exaggeration.” Your lips curve. “And doesn’t mean you aren’t scared.”
“Just show me a sundae.”
Still smiling you pull items from the refrigerator and cabinets, whatever you think might work for toppings. You set them across the counter before grabbing two bowls. “So...” you settle onto the stool beside him. “What you do is -”
He immediately grabs and tosses the bowls into the sink. “Get on with it.”
You sigh, press on. “Just...add whatever you want to the ice cream. Chocolate sauce, caramel, butterscotch, peanuts, candies, whipped cream.”
“And that’s it. That’s a sundae”
He laughs, pouring everything into the ice cream carton.
You can’t help but laugh as well, more when the man stuffs a massive portion of the mixture in his mouth. There’s an unmistakable, deep, growl of enjoyment as he savors the first bite. He swallows hard and growls into another. “Mmm...” he licks lips after another swallow, you copy without realizing. “Genius.”
“This...” he grins. “This is genius! Who would have thought...only Midgardians.” He chuckles. “Have some.”
“Uh...” you’d forgotten one hunger for another. “Yeah.” You grab a spoon and dig in. This time you’re the one watched and he makes no efforts to hide the keen stare. It should scare you, the intensity of it, but fear isn’t what bubbles up. It’s closer to aroused insecurity. What’s he thinking? Does he like what he sees? Does he even care or is he just playing nice on Loki’s orders? You smile, swallow. “Good.”
You watch him eat, start to pick up details beyond his eyes. Lines the color of faded-denim too distinct to be veins that decorate his body, his face. The chill that comes off him like an open freezer. His maintained hold on the ice cream unless you go for a bite. Those leather gloves still, always, on. “Can I...ask you something?”
He shrugs as he eats.
“What are you?”
Ulfr has been getting that question since his arrival on Midgard, but yours is somehow different. It holds interest rather than fear. Red eyes soften into yours, he smiles. “What do you think I am?” It’s meant to be cocky, playful, but hits your ears as almost...shy?
“Well, um...I don’t know.” You laugh nervously, not wanting to offend in a guess. “I mean, it’s not a stretch to say you’re from another planet, right?” He blinks, leans in with interest. "But you’re not, um, from Asgard...You’re not like Thor or Loki. You’re big...cold. You make, keep, things cold.” You nod to the ice cream, his smile turns impressed. “Are you a god too?” Your understanding was that Thor and Loki both were...or at least as close to gods as can exist. “Like, an ice god or something?”
His small smile blooms wide; seeing the potential awe in your eyes he wants to tell you he is, but in the end goes with the truth. “I’m from Jotunheim, my people are known as Jotuns...or Frost Giants.”
“That explains your size,” you smile as pieces start to fit into place. “Is...Is that why this place is an ice castle from the outside? Why it’s always wintery now?” Maybe you should be terrified, but all you are is fascinated as you move in closer. “Is it to remind you of home?”
This time he’s the one shifting, only it’s back as you strike on a bit of truth he’d rather you didn’t. Yes, he misses home, of course he does, but there’s nothing left for him there. “It’s to keep those who might attack docile and away from here...And it’s what we do when we take over a planet. Make it more suitable for us.”
Part of you knows all too well how many are dying on the streets due to the bitter cold, a cold of his making...The rest of you is pathetically fascinated. “What else can you do?”
Despite all efforts to hide, control, his Jotun nature there’s something genuine to your interest that makes Ulfr want to show you...to show off. He stands, pulls gloves off, and you see the dull blue lines creating Vs between his fingers before continuing on as roping vines.
You stand, eyes widening in awe, as he cups hands together and they go blue. Deep blue, those crisscrossing lines lifting into ridges, before one hand slowly lifts off the other. In his palm is a small, transparent, four-legged creature. You lean in closer to see it’s made completely of ice. You grin up at him. “Is that a wolf?”
“Ulfr...” there’s a softness mixed into his relaxed nature. “It means Wolf so...” he shrugs. “Wanna see it move?”
“It can move?”
He doesn’t answer, only runs a finger from his other hand across the creature’s back, giving it frost for fur before it begins to shift, settle into a pouncing position before jumping up to attention and barking mutely.
“Oh my god, that’s awesome!” You can’t even pretend it isn’t, that you’re not impressed, amazed; it’s like nothing you’ve seen before. It’s something out of a Tim Burton movie, bizarre and fantastical and beautiful. You reach out to touch, to pet, but suddenly Ulfr closes his hand on the critter.
“Sorry,” you frown, deeper as he backs away. “...I just...”
“I wouldn’t get too close to him, my dear.” Loki’s sneering causes you to jump and he laughs. “Have you ever seen a severely frostbitten hand? It’s not a pretty sight, I assure you.” A too-bright smile appears. “Quite a sweet scene you two make. Almost...romantic.”
You can feel the heat of your face, know you should look Loki defiantly in the eye, but haven’t the ability. Instead your eyes furtively go to Ulfr - gloves back on, face dulled - then down.
Loki breathes dark amusement. “Are you enjoying yourself, my bold little pet?”
As if the words themselves remind you, trigger that desire still unsatisfied, you feel your body reignite. The raw need for release returns, intensifies. It’s like you can feel Loki, his fingers between your thighs, at clit, brushing ever so slightly. Teasing, drawing to the edge once more. Deep breath in, slow exhale, and you answer. “I’m just...enjoying ice cream.”
“Yes, I see that.” His eyes rake over your form, setting off sparks. “But there’s more than just ice cream to be enjoyed...Shall I show you?”
“I, uh...” Desperately want to...so desperately you don’t. He’s playing with you, you know it. It doesn’t change the desires, just increases the urge to fight it.
“Come here...Now.”
There’s a new chill from Ulfr, a shutting down, even as he closes in. “What are you waiting for?” Eyes well tears as Ulfr backs up once again, shifts attention away and to his ice cream sundae.
You guess you were right, he was just being nice. Entertaining you until Loki wanted you again. You take a defeated breath and head towards Loki. What else is there to do?
This actually turned out way sweeter than I expected (outside the end, lol), which is nice I suppose. Brings some balance to the darkness before and the darkness to come, haha! I think Ulfr indulges the reader, kinda starts to like her, because her interest in him is genuine, pure, and not tied to a fear of him. Don’t worry, Loki will be in a significant portion of the next piece...and I’m sure he’ll do something terrible, haha! 😉
(Gif made by me via two gifs I found on Google.)
Tagged:  @welcome-to-fangirl-hell @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir  @wintertink  @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes ...…I think I got everyone, if you want on or off the list, just lemme know!!
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royal-loki · 6 years
The Ship Scene on Svartalfheim - A Thorki Perspective 
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Thor: The Dark World has very few scenes containing Loki but the ones that we do get are very memorable. One that sticks out in particular is the scene in which Thor and Loki arrive on Svartalfheim on the Asgardian ship. There is a deep sense of tension in this scene. I’ll attempt to break it down for you and help you get a clearer understanding of their cryptic dialogue.
Loki: [on Jane] Say goodbye. Thor: Not this day! Loki: This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing! It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you’ve prized will be snatched from you. Thor: And will that satisfy you? Loki: Satisfaction is not in my nature! Thor: Surrender is not in mine!
This is the first time in the movie where Thor and Loki finally have a moment alone to have a heart to heart. Jane is asleep on the ship and her presence disappears the moment the two brothers start talking. We don’t even get a view of Jane as they have this very poignant conversation concerning her. 
Let’s first summarize what led up to this point in the movie. Loki was sentenced by Odin to rot away in the dungeons. Thor goes to Midgard to visit Jane only after Heimdall tells him that there’s something wrong with her. Jane is then brought to Asgard to receive treatment for her mysterious condition but Odin wasn’t too keen on Thor helping his Midgardian girlfriend. Frigga uses her magic to visit Loki in his cell and says, “You’re always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.” Frigga is implying that Loki is not in touch with his true feelings. The Dark Elves discover that Jane possesses the Aether, and infiltrate Asgard to retrieve it. Frigga is killed in battle against Malekith. Afterward, Odin is an emotional mess and refuses to let Jane leave Asgard even if it means risking the life of every Asgardian. Thor realizes that he has to go behind the Allfather’s back and free Loki from prison so that they may bring Jane to Svartalheim to avoid risking further destruction of their kingdom. Sif and the Warriors Three warn Thor that Loki will attempt to betray him but Thor never stopped trusting Loki even after the events that transpired in the first Thor movie and The Avengers. During the climax of this film, Loki redeems himself by sacrificing his life so that Thor may save the Nine Realms from the Dark Elves.
Now that we’re all caught up, I wanted to explain a metaphor that is very overlooked in Thor: The Dark World. Once I explain it, you will be able to watch this movie with a fresh perspective and a greater appreciation for the writing. The Convergence is symbolic of Thor and Jane’s relationship. It is used as a metaphor to show that Thor and Jane only have a fleeting love and that when their small moment together is over, they will never see each other again. The: The Dark World’s plot and dialogue indicate that Thor and Jane will go their separate ways by the end of the movie. 
*Side note - After reshoots, this ending was not applied until the beginning of Thor: Ragnarok but I will touch on that part later.
Thor: [to Jane] The Nine Realms travel within Yggdrasil. Orbiting Midgard much the way your planets orbit the sun, and every 5,000 years, the worlds align perfectly. And we call this The Convergence. During this time, the borders between worlds become blurred. It's possible you found one of these points. We are lucky that it remained open. Once the worlds pass out of alignment then that connection is lost.
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When we first see Jane, she attempts to move on with her life by relocating to a new city and becoming open to finding love again. She is on a date with a new man. Jane seems distraught about never seeing Thor again but she has begun to accept that they won’t be together. Although Thor claims that he was busy saving the Nine Realms from marauders, there is no doubt that he could have spent a few hours on Earth to visit Jane, especially with the Bifrost repaired. Before that, Thor did not bother to even contact her, let alone visit her on Midgard. We see that Thor is sulking but he only goes to see Jane when he learns that she might be in danger. 
Throughout the movie we get subtle hints about what his closest friends and family think of Thor’s love life. Odin wants Thor to marry an Asgardian, preferably Sif, and became the next King. Frigga just wants Thor to be happy and will support anyone he chooses to be with. Sif is shown to harbor hidden romantic feelings for Thor and a jealousy towards Jane. Loki shares Odin’s sentiment that being with a mortal is a waste of time because they don’t have long lifespans. Loki also tells Thor that he is better off breaking up with her now so as not to deal with the heartache later. Ultimately, Thor and Jane do break up by Thor: Ragnarok so it’s a strong possibility that the ending of Thor: The Dark World would have included that original plot line but Marvel Studios did not want to have such a melancholy superhero movie that would have contained Loki’s death and Thor breaking up with Jane. 
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Thor: The Dark World began to suffer from an identity crisis and the reshoots were a sign that there were big problems happening behind the scenes. For example, we know that Chris Hemsworth’s wife, Elsa, had to come in last minute for reshoots to do the end credit scene of Thor and Jane kissing on the roof. The movie also changed Loki’s death from permanent to a deception after test screenings showed the audience would not accept Loki dying. Even more surprisingly, the director, Alan Taylor, openly criticized his own film. Taylor stated that he hopes that one day there will be a director’s cut released so that he can show the audience the movie he wanted to make without interference from Marvel Studios. 
Thor seems to be at conflict about whether or not he wants to be with Jane. He feels an obligation to rescue her because she helped him when he was stuck on Midgard during the events of the first Thor movie but it seems that he doesn’t have as strong feelings towards her as he thought he did. In all of the movies, Thor is shown to have a deep fondness for mortals but at the same time he treats them more like his pets rather than his equals. 
During their exchange on the ship, Loki states a very perceptive line about how Thor truly feels about Jane.
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Interestingly, Loki doesn’t say Thor loves Jane because he can see that Thor does not truly love her. Instead he uses the word “prized” which indicates that Thor only viewed Jane’s love as a mere triumph of attaining a Midgardian’s affection. Thor doesn’t love Jane, he just likes that she loves him. Jane is the first mortal that Thor meets on Midgard. It would seem he developed a soft spot for her because her actions helped him get Mjolnir and his powers back. However, after he returned to Asgard, he did not visit her like he promised. He also did not go see her after the battle in New York City despite the throwaway line that she is kept safe by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thor loves the people of Earth and wants to protect them. Loki has come to realize that Thor just wants mortals to love him, and this comes into play with Thor’s character flaw in the first movie, his hubris. 
Thor gets upset by Loki’s truthful statement and responds back with a line that is very open to interpretation.
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The vagueness of his response is deliberate. Is he implying that Loki would be happier if Jane were dead or is he saying that him being single would satisfy his brother? We can see that the movie is trying to insinuate that Thor is contemplating his love life. He realized that Loki is in love with him after the battle in New York City. Ever since Thor brought his brother back to Asgard, he has been in conflict about whether he loves Jane or Loki. 
I want to interject at this point to say that the first Thor movie implies that Loki was taken from Jotunheim so he could help foster peace between the two kingdoms. It’s possible that Odin originally planned for Loki to be in an arranged marriage to Thor but then changed his mind and raised them as brothers. Thor may have come to understand this after he found out Loki’s true parentage. They have always cared deeply for each other and now that Loki has taken actions to redeem himself, Thor is torn between being more attentive to Midgard and keeping Jane’s affection or sharing a long life with Loki ruling Asgard together. 
Loki also has a nuanced response that can be interpreted in multiple ways.
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Let’s define “satisfaction” 
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Loki has felt like a monster since he found out that he was a Frost Giant. He feels that he has transgressed when he attacked Midgard even though Thanos was threatening him with death if he failed to bring him the Infinity Stones. Satisfaction is a very nuanced word and obviously the writers intended it to have a duel meaning. The most obvious one would be a “fulfillment of a need or want” but the first definition is striking in that it shows why Loki later sacrifices himself for his brother - “the payment through penance of the temporal punishment incurred by a sin” and “reparation for sin that meets the demand of divine justice”.
By Loki saying that satisfaction is not in his nature, he is telling a half truth. It’s true that Loki’s desires are always out of reach - a throne, being Thor’s equal, and gaining his father’s approval. However, he does seek satisfaction even it alludes him. Loki saves Thor and Jane from being killed and by doing so he will receive his “satisfaction” by paying penance for his sins and meeting divine justice - not Odin’s justice. Loki feels that he has wronged many people, and most of all, he has wronged Thor. When he killed Kursed, he tells him that he will see him in Hel. Loki does not believe that he will go to Valhalla to be with Frigga but to a place of punishment where all monsters are sent.
Odin sentenced Loki to live the rest of his life alone in a cell. He only saw Frigga because she used her magic behind Odin’s back to keep her son company. Before Thor broke Loki out of his prison sentence, Loki felt doomed to die there, rotting away for thousands of years and slowly going mad in the process. He knew that if they survived their fight against the Dark Elves that he would be forced to go back into the dungeons. Loki chose an honorable death rather than live the rest of his days not being able to be with the one he loved, Thor. 
After Thor replies to Loki, “surrender is not in mine.” We get a very sentimental exchange between the brothers.
Thor: [about Frigga] You had her tricks, but I had her trust! Loki: Trust? Was that her last expression, trust? While you let her die? Thor: What good were you in your cell? Loki: Who put me there? WHO PUT ME THERE? Thor: YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL! [pins Loki] Thor: [lets go of Loki] She wouldn't want us to fight. Loki: Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked. Thor: [smiles] I wish I could trust you. Loki: [whispers] Trust my rage.
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Just take a moment and notice how they look at each other. Thor is frustrated with Loki but empathizes with his anger of not being able to save their mother. Thor stares passionately into Loki’s eyes and then his gaze drifts to Loki’s lips. Loki has a very sexual charged expression on his face as Thor is grabbing him by the neck. Thor places his hand on Loki’s neck throughout the movies when he wants his brother to give him undivided attention or when he is showing Loki affection. Loki doesn’t break eye contact with Thor the whole time, not even for a moment. He doesn’t even try to fight off Thor’s grasp or block Thor’s fist. Loki knows that Thor would never physically hurt him. For the second time in this movie, Thor pins Loki against a wall.
When Thor states that he wishes he could trust Loki, he doesn’t really mean it. He wouldn’t have risked such an important mission if he thought Loki would actually betray him. Once again, the brothers can’t seem to communicate their true feelings for each other. The only reply that Loki could muster at that moment is “trust my rage.” On the ship,  Loki brings up that Thor will never be ready to lose a loved one and in the battle that follows, Loki sacrifices his life to save Thor.
In the climax of the movie that follows shortly after this exchange, Loki rescues  Jane because he thinks that it would make Thor happy. Loki then saves Thor from Kursed but then is stabbed through the chest. When Loki’s death scene was filmed, it was acted out by Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth as if Loki had truly died. We see Loki begins to apologize to Thor as Thor holds him in his arms. Then we have Loki finally confessing his true feelings before he dies.
Thor: I will tell Father you died with honor. Loki: I didn't do it for him.
A trick that writers like to employ when creating strong character bonds in their work is to write them as if they were lovers. That is why Thor and Loki seem to always have a lot of sexual tension. The way Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth portray their characters also adds to this romantic attraction between them. The constant physical touching, long eye contact, and gazes at each other’s lips are signals that people send when they are sexually attracted to each other. All the Thor movies have contained a strong chemistry between Thor and Loki but Thor: The Dark World really explores Thor’s conflict about whether to follow his mind or his heart. 
Seeing Loki die in his arms pushed Thor to give up on his romantic involvement with Jane. For the rest of the movie after Loki’s death, Thor and Jane are never shown to be intimate again. Jane and her friends help Thor defeat the Dark Elves and the movie ends with Thor speaking to Loki disguised as Odin. The reshoots added the end credit scene where Thor and Jane kiss on the roof. It seemed almost trivial because Thor and Jane area have already ended their relationship by the beginning of Thor: Ragnarok
In summary, Thor: The Dark World is really about Thor trying to find out what kind of man he wants to be and what love interest he should pursue. The Convergence not only serves as the plot device for the entire movie but also the symbolism for Thor’s relationship with Jane. It is a fleeting romance that won’t serve him or Asgard in the long run. Thor only showed interest to Jane because she was the first human he met on Midgard and she helped him when he lost his powers. He did not visit her once until he found out she was in danger, and this is significant because Thor is always willing to help mortals who are in trouble but he did not go out of his way to see her before she was possessed by the Aether. Loki is Thor’s written love interest and Thor pines for Loki the whole movie. Thor finally realizes that he returns Loki’s feelings but it was too late as he thought Loki had been killed in battle. In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor wears a lovelock with Loki’s hair braided into his own to show that he will be forever devoted to his lost love.
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worstloki · 3 years
Top Forty Thor-Being-Thor Moments from Thor 1
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just absolute dumb*ssery that this 7yr old kid’s life goal is to “hunt down the monsters and slay them all”. I’ll go easy on him here and let the Thor/Loki expressions do the talking because of “...just like you did Father” but seriously can his hands even fit around a sword handle??? this kid isn’t even punching the air right??? if there was a sword in his hand he would’ve cut his head with the way he’s moving???? pure tiny-himbo energy here just look at that >:o face he’s making. contrasts very nicely with Loki’s ‘,:|. 10/10. such a baby idiot.
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“the jotuns must pay for what they have done! they broke into the weapons vault! if the frost giants had stolen even one of these relics!” thor. thor please. can you even name one of these relics. thor. hey thor. thor. shut up. “well, what would you do about this?” odin asks him. “march into jotunheim! like you once did! break their spirits! so they’ll never try anything like this again!” wow okay so we’ve fast-forwarded by like a thousand years and thor is still going on about genocide. huh. that’s funny, i thought loki was the genocidal one. hmm. i also just realized that the loki exclusive clip gives loki the same hairstyle thor has here so do what you will with that information.
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0/10. horrible. terrible. i dont care how angy thor is about not getting to kill some jotuns or become king today this very instant, that is a tremendous waste of food. an absolute fool. how can he just remorselessly throw the bread to the floor. if loki stabbed him when he was 7 he would deserve it for this table flip alone. what a privileged white *ssh*le.
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loki came skulking around a corner and suggested not to go to jotunheim and not only did thor not suspect anything but he also then went on to decide to go to jotunheim. 10/10 himbo material. 
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if tumblr didn’t have a picture limit i would put every instance of thor smiling in this list because look at that stupid smile. he’s such an idiot. 11/10. this is the thor content i’m here for.
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“I have no plans to die today” thor says with the stupidest open-mouthed smirking smile ever captured on film. right after he also told heimdall not to tell anyone they’re gone. he’s literally planned to strand them on jotunheim. thor’s grand plan was to strange themselves on jotunheim and also start a fight. i repeat: thor’s plan was to successfully slay all the frost giants and not need to return until they’re all gone. what an absolute d*mb*ss. this is getting ridiculous. this was originally a top-ten-thor moments list but i’m not even twenty minutes in so i’ll have to extend the list. thor. thor are you listening? thor, you’re such an idiot.
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“HOW DID YOUR PEOPLE GET INTO ASGARD?!” thor you sweet sweet summer idiot, please, i am beggin,g you,, learn to rea,d , a room,, literally everyone else who came with you is regretting it, there is complete silence and only the rumble of the opposing king is meeting your “I AM THOR, SON OF ODIN”s, please, please take some notes from Loki, or, you know, literally anyone else in the room, since everyone is asking you to get out of this realm while you still can,
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thor’s stupid smile makes an appearance after he gets called a princess and decides to fight a whole realm over it. you know what? thor is a princess. he’s the prettiest princess in all the lands. what’s thor gonna do about it? is he going to fight me too? I hope he does the stupid grin first. minus 15 points for the sexism. thor is a complete and utter sadistic fool who needs to get a hobby. seriously, he’s 1500 years old and still going on and on about slaying all the frost giants. boi, i hate to break it to you, but your dad is not the best or only example of greatness out there. i don’t think your dad even qualifies as an example of that. 
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“THEN. GO!” 🥰 ahh yes, just thor thingz 🥰🥰 like when one friend has had his arm burnt 🥰 and another friend has been impaled and needs medical attention, 🥰🥰 and all the rest of your friends are yelling for you, 🥰 and your brother is telling you they must go, 🥰 and you decide to buy everyone time by laughing maniacally and killing more frosties because you care for them and dont find joy in destruction like a loon 🥰🥰🥰 
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THIS is the iconic Thor moment that makes my day whenever I think about it. Just Thor, an absolute bumbering 6′6′’ giant boodlusting dummy sees Odin and just decides to yell “FATHAA!! WE’LL FINISH THEM TOGETHAAA!” as if the last thing Odin told him wasn’t “no, thor, we’re not going to do anything to the frost giants, do not go after them and try to kill them all.” 11/10 d*mb*assery right here folks, I couldn’t ask for Thor to be more of a fool. This is PEAK Thor energy. Look at that face. I feel like Thor spends half this movie with his nostrils flared. I love it.
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okay i gotta give thor credit for rightfully calling odin “an old man and a fool” but also there was not even 1 frame of the scene where Thor had a decent face so now all i see is >:O >:| >:o >:[ when i watch that scene. yelling at odin was great, not yelling at odin after he HUAERGHed at loki was less great, but to be fair it’s thor and he is the definition of Peak D*mb*ss. 
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thor literally GROWLS and starts yelling “HAMMAA?? HAMMER??” over and over. He was hit by a van, he fainted, he woke up and started growling. I don’t know what else there is to say about this.
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“you dare threaten me? puny human?”. so. uhh. basically. Thor knew she was threatening him? He KNEW she had a weapon? instead he made a face and started yelling as he tried to walk his way closer????? thor you complete and utter dum dum. you frickin hairball-for-brains. im not even surprised darcy tasered him. with that kind of face, i’d taser him too.
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when you wake up in an unknown place to a person smiling at you without a stupid smile, the first step is always to attack first and ask questions later 😌😌😌 (but seriously thor you imbecile why didn’t you ask where you were instead of throwing multiple people around the room and getting your butt needled. you clueless buffoon. you’ll remain a clueless buffoon if you don’t listen to anyone.)
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just a quick recap but thor was knocked unconscious by a van and these people kidnapped him aboard and the next scene we see him in he’s checking himself out in  mirror after presumably changing right there in the open?????? these are the things that make thor thor. any other character and i’d question it so much, but this is thor, and i truly believe this is in-character for him. just change in the open because why not? thor is a beefcake and that’s his only redeeming quality and he knows it. 10/10 thor moment. 
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I am now convinced that Thor saw Jane and “5k van-hitter to lover slow-burn height-difference himbo-scientist trope” flashed through his mind.
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“but no more smashing!” Jane says, and then Thor proceeds to check her out and smile unlike an idiot and like a douche. was this his version of flirting???? i’m not one to decide, but yes, yes it was. He threw a cup to the ground and broke it, and she’s getting mad at him and berating him about it, and he’s liking it. y’all i’m sorry to break it to you like this, but thor has a canon fetish. i am so, so sorry.
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im DYING. THAT ISN’T EVEN A KISS, HIS MOUTH IS OPEN. he SMUSHES his mouth around her knuckle???? WHY. I can’t keep noticing things like this. send help. please. Jane’s response makes so much more sense now; she’s laughs for a solid 3 seconds and shakes her head and is like “uhh, thank you? ahaha,” and then she keeps looking back longingly when walking away. they are doing this in PLAIN sight of EVERYONE. Darcy and Erik are standing RIGHT THERE, and Thor is doing weird things to her with his mouth. I’m out. I am done here. goodbye. 
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return of the stupid smile AND the douche smile in quick succession through the entire trip. their entire dialogue is peppered with innuendo. “I’ve never done anything like this before. have you ever done anything like this before?” “many times, but you are brave to do it.” “I have nothing else to lose.” “ah but you are clever, far more clever than anyone else on this realm.” “realm? rEaLm?” “you think me strange?” “yes” “good strange or bad strange?” “I haven’t decided yet.” I AM DYING OVER THIS. plus, we get Return Of The Himbo with Jane asking after Einstein Rosen bridges and Thor is like “uh, actually, more like a rainbow bridge 😜🤪” i feel so sorry for jane here, didn’t know how much of a d*mb*ss Thor was when signing up for this van-trip and knuckle-sucking 😭😭😭 i also no longer have questions about how the trip that SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HALF-HOUR ONE turned into one that LASTED TILL THE SUN WENT FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY TO SETTING by the time they arrived. I have no questions. please. I don’t want to know what they were doing in that van. please no. don’t make me think about it.
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thor’s plan had 3 steps and they were 1. give jane his jacket 2. walk in and get his hammer 3. fly out. that was literally his plan. he had the first “I have a plan. attack.” moment in the MCU. pure concentrated 0-brain-cells energy right here. how can you not stan this king of d*mb*ssery. look at him, flaunting his big boy muscles. he’s about get his hammer and fly out, like he just told jane with a trademark stupid-smile.
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crop-top hair-mop thor is my favourite thor. the way the entire fight scene parallels a hamster in a maze only exemplifies the thor vibes for some inexplicable reason.
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“you’re big. fought bigger.” + Thor douche-smile + subtext from earlier + rolling around passionately in the mud = not a happy me. 
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I swear i’m not making up this romantic subtext but it’s barely even subtext. the entire scene leading up to Thor’s attempt at lifting the hammer is actually filmed erotically. I’m not kidding. First there’s a shot where Thor pulls aside a hamster-cage-wall blind which mirrors a shower-curtain, and THEN he walks around the hammer while smiling douche-ly at it, we get a few close-ups to his face which are shot from angles slightly lower than himself, giving him an aire of superiority, plus the music adds to this, he reaches out for the hammer’s handle with a mud-covered arm in the rain, in non-slow-motion slow-motion, and he wraps his arm around it, like, he fully twists his arm, unecessarily sexually, around it as he grabs the hammer. This is not okay. On the plus side, it makes the movie much more entertaining,, on the down side,,.
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im not going to call Thor dumb for not knowing he’s not worthy. im not going to. because odin literally whispered the enchantment to mjolnir after he’d thrown thor to midgard. it is very funny watching thor grunt in frustration though. he starts yelling because he couldn’t lift the hammer and just lets himself get caught. like, dude, get a life, go buy a new weapon from the store, seriously. he mourns for the hammer on-screen longer than he does for loki. he also looks like he’s in far more pain here. he becomes catatonic and unresponsive after this, but when loki dies he’s already feasting the same afternoon. 10/10 dum dum thor material. never change thor, never change. (that’s code for please change, thor, please,)
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thor trying to establish dominance wherever he goes is the funniest thing because at this point he’s being a complete asgardian *ss about it and it’s reaching points of pettiness never seen before. side note: he is possibly flirting with selvig too. maybe. i’m not saying anything happened, but Thor’s openning lines when bringing him home carried over his shoulder are “he’s fine, not injured at all,” followed with an apology to selvig, and an explanation to jane which consisted only of “we drank, we fought, he made his ancestors proud,” and then he puts the man to bed and before he falls asleep erik says “i still don’t believe you’re the g*d of th*nder, but you ought to be,” so... your choice, i guess...
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thor’s got his trademark stupid smile and stupidly takes jane’s life’s work notebook and starts doodling in it about trees. the last time his father told him this story about Yggdrasil was when he was 5 and he clearly hasn’t payed attention to any lesson about anything since and it shows so so much. thank you thor. very insightful knowledge you’re passing on hear. ‘i come from a world where [science and magic] are one and the same,’ ok great, now elaborate on that please. oh, right, you can’t because you’re thor, my bad, 20/10 thor behaviour. he couldn’t even doodle nicely. all his lines are wobbly. epic art fail. i wouldn’t trust him near my sketchbook with a 2B pencil.
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THIS is thor’s realization face. in case anyone was interested in what ‘dawning truth’ looked like on him. 😰😪 THIS is the face of a thinker, of a man betrayed by his own beloved brother for unprecedented reasons. look at the nuance in his expression. 😩😩😩 so many emotions, I can’t even count them all 😩💯😪
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stupid smile and “do not worry my friends, i have a plan,” he says, “i’ll just try and abuse the fact that Loki’s super selfless and kind and has no self worth to my benefit as i have countless times before which is exactly what he’s rightfully angry about this time,” he doesn’t think to himself because that is NOT the smile of someone who is thinking... like, at all. +10000 points to gryffinthor. the d*mb*ssery really jumps out.
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“im sorry bro for whatever i did and whatever you’re blaming me for as an excuse to do this, im sorry bro, but you’re disturbing innocents that i don’t really care about but you’re the one making a scene in front of them so why don’t you admit you won’t kill me and are just having a temper tantrum and we move on? hmm?” and then he proceeds to get slam dunked in the face with a metal arm like yEAAAA BOI that’s what you GET for going up against the SENTIENT LAVA-SPEWING metal-man ya absolute dunderhead clod. thunderhead clod? yeah, that. he’s just so dumb, your honour, please, you must understand, the victim pleads guilty on all charges of d*mb*ss and d*mb*ss alone.
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I can NOT describe the emotions I feel knowing that Thor is suck-kissing Jane’s knuckles. Like, his mouth is literally jelly-ing it up against her hand. There is suction there and it shows when he is placing and removing his mouth. I promise that’s what is happening. I’m not any happier than you about this. I regret everything. This is why Loki should be what is focused on and not Thor; Thor’s going around trying to frick frack everything in sight even if it’s just Jane’s hand. He’s maintaining eye contact with Jane while he licks her fingers. Why did I decide to rewatch this movie. 
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i’m only adding this in as a thor moment because of how desperately and badly they kiss. seriously. 2/10 kiss. im not surprised jane broke up with him. they look like two actual seals fighting over an actual grape. while i’m here i’m going to criticize every fic ever that decided thor is an experienced gentle lover. what were y’all on when watching this movie. thor can and will f*ck literally everything in sight and he won’t even do it well because he is the peakest of peak d*m d*m. look at this man. look at his face. that is the face of an absolute himbo idiot, and it’s the face of an absolute himbo idiot who knows it. he’s been stranded on earth for 2 days, max, and his flirt-count is at 69 people because his name is one letter away from thot. i bet his terrible use of a pen from early means he writes his ‘r’s like ‘t’s and he doesn’t even care. 1000/10 thor moment. doesn’t get much more romance-thor than two individuals smooshing their faces together after some finger sucking. that finger sucking is gonna leave jane simping for years. and that’s true love babey. <3
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“I’ll handle my Brother!” Thor says, as if Loki didn’t send a metal-murder-bot that quite virtually killed him less than ten minutes ago asdfhkhsdgsdjf Thor, you horrific himbo you, Loki’s weapon of choice is literally throwing knives he will literally kill you before you enter the room if he’s on his game and wants you dead which he just proved he would do and you’re just gonna???????????? jog on over to him????? Thor??????????? bruH???????????? buddy??????? pal???????? you really wanna go 1v1 the brother you very clearly underestimate and know nothing about????????????????? im loving the confidence, but, no.
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Loki: “you literally can’t stop this from here.” Thor, immediately: “i’m going to hit it with the hammer and see if that works” and then it does in fact work later... technically speaking, even if it ends up causing chaos destruction and death and loki falling off the bifrost 😔😔😔 but Big Brain Thor is the Biggest Brained Thor!!! The plan worked!! in a messy-Thor-ish way, but it did!!!
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“you can’t kill an entire race!!!!” Thor yells, teeth gritted, as he faces his brother, his coward pacifist brother, who has suddenly decided he wants to join the age-old family tradition of realm-destroying, when this is supposed to be Thor’s dream, Thor’s, not Loki’s. How dare he, Thor thinks to himself, fist clenched around Mjolnir in anger, the pain of the handle pressing against his palm perhaps the only thing preventing him from lashing out at this thought, that’s my planet of monsters to slay, he should go get his own! Loki hits Thor across the face with the back-end of his spear. “Now fight me,” Loki says, but Thor, well, Thor cannot fight, as he remains stunned that of all things Loki would dare steal his life’s ambition, and he is sent sprawling backwards across the observatory, slowly but surely sliding to a stop despite his catatonic, very symbolic silence.
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the elegance, the poise, i see your time on earth has made you no less graceful, Thor. the simple magnitude of this sprawl. the spread of the arms. the turn of the feet. this is not a dude, this is a man.
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sometimes your brother starts vehemently talking about he’s gonna kill the race of monsters and about how he’s only ever wanted to be your equal and about how he’s not your brother and never was and sometimes you just have to say “this is madness” instead of addressing the issues or asking for any of the  deets 🔥 👊💯😩
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Loki is whipping Thor’s butt. Both literally, and metaphorically, Loki is whooping Thor’s d*mb*ss. Earlier he knicked Thor’s face, now he’s just pushing Thor around, he uses the spear as a pole and later kicks Thor’s face by kicking vertically up, and Thor, bless him in all his blond golden muscled glory, doesn’t think anything is up with this, gosh he’s such an absolute utter idiot
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sometimes your brother laughs way too much and also cries too much in a fight and there are also too many of him so you just need to blast lightning so you get a shot at all of them 😌😌😌 and then put your magical infinitely-heavy hammer on his chest 😌😌😌 but it’s okay because Thor left holes in Loki’s container 😌😌😌
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now THIS is the meat to Thor’s funny bone, just the pure unadulterated humour that is Thor saying that there will never be a “wiser king” or a “better father” than Odin, it cracks me up every single time without fail, just the way he says it with a straight face and— what do you mean he wasn’t joking
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look at Thor’s stupid smile as he asks Heimdall to spy on jane every single day while conveniently never asking after Loki ever. This is Thor’s face in mourning after he attended a feast after everyone was celebrating after Loki’s death. Look at his stupid smile. I love him your honour. He’s just,, he’s just so frickin stewpeed, just Thor being Thor, just the purest of d*mbest of *sses. 
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the-insomniac-cat · 6 years
@ragnarockedbyhiddles  posted this but it was at the end of a long post that didn’t come out on my blog very well when I tried to reblog it, so I’ve just copied her part of it here.
You will have the privilege of dying at the hands of Thanos.
Guess who died at the hands of Thanos? Loki.
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Originally posted by fffemme-fatale
He was different from the rest. A frost giant. Seen as a bad guy. Sacrificed himself for their loved one when he was weak. He was prepared to lose everything. Loki lost his brother’s trust, his parents, half of HIS people too, Asgard, his “throne”, his dignity, his magic (explained later). Loki lost so much…
He had been posing as Odin since The Dark World until Ragnarok. I believe that this, along with imprisoning Odin on Norway for so long, took away his magic or severely depleted him.
So he used the magic he had left to save his brother. To save Thor. This is THANOS. And Loki has been afraid of Thanos ever since the New York incident.
“I will make you long for something as sweet as pain?”
Thanos is Loki’s worst fear. Loki was tortured. Exploited. Used. Forced to commic unforgivable crimes in The Avengers. He saved his people in Ragnrok and half of them before Infinity War. Damn him to Hel if he didn’t save his other half. His brother.
Who do you think was there for Loki as a child? Not Odin. Frigga yes as a mother, but who was the friend he could confide to? Who helped him run when he didn’t want to take medicine, who helped him out with crushes, who helped him execute the plan of, “get help”?
Thor. In the first Thor film, before Loki learned he is a frost giant, there’s a deleted scene where Thor said, “we’re going to Jotunheim. Thor tells the Warriors Three, “You’re not going to let me and my brother have all the glory?” This implies that Thor KNOWS Loki will always go with him, that he always wants his little brother by his side. When Loki questions this and says, “what?” Thor replies with, “you’re coming with me right?” The brothers have always stuck together. Been at each others side, no matter what. Thor doesn’t fight Loki because he is a monster int he first movie, he fights him because he is going to murder an entire race.
Loki knew if he confronted Thanos then he wouldn’t come out alive. He knew this. And he still used theittle magic he had to summon a knife and tell Thanos you will never be a god.
Gods are adored. Cherished. Worshipped. Thanos will never get this. Loki believes in his brother and the Avengers. Believes in his people and the Revengers. Loki knows that Thanos will never have the loving family he has. Loki knows that no one will ever be grateful to see him. Loki knows that he will never watch the sunset on a grateful universe.
So in a way, Loki gets the BEST death. Saving the one he loved- Thor. Telling his greatest fear to fuck off. He died knowing who he is. Loki. God of Mischief. Odinson. A Jotun. A Prince of Asgard. Not King. Prince.
The sun will shine on us again?
Frigga visited Loki in his cell (TDW) And in a deleted scene, she exits and sees Thor. He asks if she ever regrets sharing her magic gifts with Loki.
She replies with, “You and your father cast such large shadows.  I thought that by sharing my gifts with your brother, he could find some sun for himself.
Thor knows that Loki is going to die. And I bet that he remembers that conversation. Loki will see Frigga again. Thor and Loki will be reunited under her sun.
He died a hero’s death, weapon in hand. He can go to Valhalla, see his mother again. The one person who always cared about him no matter what he was or what he did.
So all in all, I’m satisfied with Loki’s death. He got everything he deserved. An emotionally scarring death? Check. One that even non-Loki fans will remember? Check. The greatest Marvel Cinematic villain passed the torch to the most dangerous. Except it wasn’t a torch. It was a dose of fuck you. You will never be me. You will never be the beloved anti hero I am. You will never have people who love you. You will never belong or change. You. Will. Never. Be. A. God.
If he does return, I hope that Thor finds a child Loki in Paris, void of his memories, plagued by his past self and raised by Thor. Thor giving him the father he never had but always deserved.
This is not the end for Loki. He will come back.
And the World will fill with the screams of a million fans when he does.
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Originally posted by lokisbaes
For those who say that Loki brought this upon himself by stealing the tesseract- think about this. Surtur would explode out of the palace and kill Loki once he put the crown on the flame. Loki is a FROST giant- you don’t think he wants to get as far away as possible from that fire demon? He NEEDED the tesseract to teleport him put of their. He had to steal it to survive.
Though personally I will never accept that the writers or directors wrote Loki out for any other reason than they didn’t know what to do with him. I won’t go into why because if I do, I am going to end up in tears and so, so angry. I copied this post because it contains so much that I hadn’t thought of before about Loki’s death. Thanks, ragnarockedbyhiddles
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The problem with saying Loki ruled Asgard longer, and was a better ruler of Asgard than Thor,  is VAST.
 First off, Thor didn't have a fucking chance. He ruled for only a few hours if even before Thanos came and slaughtered the Asgardians because of LOKI stealing the tesseract in Ragnarok. You can not compare their ruling based on time. Thor needed the time to be away from Asgard to learn to be a good man, and to know his limits and when not to be a spoiled brat chasing war for no reason, and to learn what was important about ruling people/learning more about what it meant to truly protect people and the things/places he loved. He has major character development through the series that makes him a good king because he recognizes that the title requires more than sitting on your ass eating grapes watching bad theater. 
The way they rule... Originally if he had been king in the first movie, Thor would have had Asgard at war at every turn. It would have been chaos. But after everything he's been through, going from God/Prince/Future King to Mortal/Weak to Slave/Possession (for someone's violent amusement )the character development changes how he would have ruled. He thought only for the best of his people, got half of them to safety with Valkyrie, and fought -most likely with the intent of dying for his people- until he had nothing and was completely broken. Thor's actions in Infinity War are flat out suicidal and fueled by rage and depression. He's lost everything - and it all started with Loki allowing Jotuns into Asgard to prevent his intended rule. But at the same time, Loki helped him be a better fit for a king by doing so. But Thor didn't have a chance to prove himself a worthy and good king before Thanos came and fucked shit up because Loki couldn't keep his hands off of the Tesseract. But, that brings the question of if Thanos would have come either way. Loki owed him the debt from his failure after all. But in both scenarios- he came because of Loki. Loki has ruled twice. Let's talk about instance number one-    to get the title of king he a)let enemies into Asgard b)caused 4 deaths and showed zero remorse for what he'd done c)Had Thor banished (you can argue if this was intentional or not based on the movie and one of the Thor guidebook which says he intentionally goaded Thor into going to Jotunheim to get him in trouble with Odin) d) Only got it because Odin went into Odinsleep (you guys joke but this dude was already in poor health-poor enough for his enemy to take notice of his weakness- add the stress of his 1st son being banished because 'well fuck he's just like the banished child and needs to learn not to be' and the stress of Loki finding out who he really is/that originally he planned to use him and Loki refused to let him explain further and instead went full out pissed and yelling at a weak old man) 
Now there is that deleted scene where Frigga gives him the title BUT IT DOES NOT FIT INTO THE MOVIE. Rewatch it, try to place that scene. It doesn't fit. Loki is playing King before he speaks with Frigga in that deleted scene- which was shortened and edited in after he's already playing king. It does not fully apply to the canon of the movie because of this technicality. So for all we know- he took the title without Frigga's knowledge. So during that first rule, what did Loki do? A)closed off the Bifrost to prevent Thor's return B)Sent the Destroyer to kill Thor, and even told it to destroy everything in the little town Thor was in -with no regard for the lives which could be lost because of his actions. C)Allowed Laufey into Jotunheim, and let's be real Laufey could have easily turned around, stabbed Loki, and then gone off to kill Frigga and Odin. D)Let Laufey hit Frigga, played perfect hero son only after Laufey was already on top of Odin about to stab him, and pretended not to know a thing, like 'Lol how'd he get here idk mother but I'll protect you even though he already flung you across the room' 
Loki's rule should technically end when Thor returns. But even then, Loki has Gungnir, which is basically saying he's still in some way in charge and what does he do with this power? He takes the kings staff to the Bifrost with the intent of destroying an entire planet after already murdering his biological father/a king, putting Asgard in danger, and his own king and queen-his adoptive parents, in a very dangerous position. -Frigga may be good with small knives but she was struggling with that sword.
Let's move to rule 2. 
Take into consideration everything he did in Midgard-   bringing an alien army to attack the planet, killing over 80 people in like 2 days, causing destruction and chaos in New York which would later lead to the problems in later MCU movies that take place in Midgard (Spiderman Homecoming is a good example) and let' not forget having mind slaves he completely damaged. All of this was in his conquest to gain enough power to be king. But we know Midgard was never the end game for Loki- it was always Asgard. And remorse? Yeah, not really there. He has a brief moment of 'It's too late', but he uses that to stab Thor- meaning he was likely playing on Thor's emotions knowing Thor would fall for his puppy eyes. 
So Loki's imprisoned (for showing no remorse and acting like everything is just a silly children's game-and Odin knows where it is headed because of Hela), he's not in any way a king or ruler of anything, but even in his cell he inadvertently causes Frigga's death in hoping to send Algrim/Kurse to Odin and Thor. 'I don't think the people of Asgard would take kindly to a king who murdered their predecessor' -So I'll send someone else to do it for me. (Because who is next in line if Thor and Odin die? Loki, you know if they hadn't decided to do that fuck up of 'lol Hela is their older sister now', but I digress.) The fact is Loki never shows real guilt or remorse until he realizes he is the reason that Frigga, the only person still giving him any chance and sneaking around to speak with him, died. So the story goes -he sets off, helps Thor, even protects Jane, and then fakes his death. Again. Both times were different though- I believe he truly believed he'd die if he let go of Mjolnir's handle based off the tie in Avengers comic-they believed Loki would be torn to shreds by the world tree. But in this fake death, it's all Loki. He gets up, brushes off, returns to Asgard. 
So how does he get to be king the second time? He curses Odin, banishes him in Midgard in a retirement home -and never checks up to be like 'oh yeah whatever happened to dad?'- which leads to Odin being a homeless vagabond just chilling in Norway waiting to see his sons one last time. In the meantime, Loki gives Thor what he wants and sends him to Midgard. Of course, Thor says he returned to Asgard once in AOU- but did he really? He would have caught on that Odin wasn't Odin if he really had. (Really it's a shame they wouldn't let Joss focus on Thor like he wanted) - So that mention of going to Asgard in AOU-let's assume Loki was off doing Loki things and avoiding Thor. Which leads to Thor traveling the universe for YEARS trying to find answers about the Infinity Stones. -A mess Loki helped make worse, but that began in Captain America. (Thanks, Red Skull.) 
So what's Loki doing while Thor's off trying to save the universe? He's ignoring Asgards duties, which leads to the Dwarves slaughter and the gauntlet being made (of course he may have thought he had the real and only gauntlet in the vault).  Loki gathers up some bad actors, writes his own little play, erects a giant statue of himself, MOCKS FRIGGA'S DEATH by making his 'sacrifice' in avenging her a total joke in the play and by laughing at it, and maybe even hoes around with the servant ladies that surround him while he watches the play. Which if he did- further mocks Frigga and Odin. 
Thor arrives and calls him out on his shit, his reign is pretty much done for. But Thor doesn't get the chance to rule, he has to clean Loki's mess and get Odin, and then he has to clean Odin's mess with Hela. Thor tries to prevent Hela from reaching Asgard, but Loki shouts for the gate to be open-if Heimdall was in charge of the gate and saw this shit he would have kept it closed. Just saying. So Loki gives Hela an opening to put Asgard and its people in danger- which if she had won in the end, would have led to death and chaos across the universe. But that's not how the story goes. Thor and Loki get thrown into Sakaar. Loki's been there for weeks and is just mingling and partying, making jokes about his first death, and while he's stolen ship passcodes-is making no real effort to leave and go fight for his people. But that is all Thor is worried about and wants to do. Even when Thor is a slave, locked up and unable to do much but fight to get his freedom, he only thinks of returning to Asgard to save the people. Loki even tries to prevent Thor from doing so for money.-and possibly being petty that Thor would not go with his plan to escape together and ignore Asgard, let it burn. Thor escapes, he fights for his people- and Loki turns up afterwards, only to ham it up and be a big diva like 'LOOK I AM BRINGING A BIG SHIP AND I AM SAVING YOU ALL WITH IT' -yes, he fights, yes, in the end, he pledges allegiance to Asgard, but his actions prior to his Infinity War death are not the actions of a good king, only a selfish man. He and Thor both understand ruling well, but they both understand different aspects, and Loki's is the toxic form, while Thor's is the good-natured and humble form. Combining them together=great king. 
If Thanos hadn't of come, Thor would still have people to care for and rule over, but he doesn't. He has nothing. He's a space hobo now. His rule would have been much longer than Loki's, and, in an ideal world, they could have learned to work together to combine their understanding of what it means to be king. But that world doesn't exist.
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sakyofcker69 · 6 years
okay soooo i don’t usually make posts but i feel like i need to say things because there’s some stuff that’s bugging me- this is gonna be long as hell though... sorry ;-; 
spoilers ahead: i wouldn’t recommend reading if you haven’t seen infinity war yet 
one of the complaints im seeing about infinity war is that there was a lack of character development in it... and all i can think every time i see such a post is, wtf??? infinity war is the 19th movie in a series of movies. nearly every character in that movie has been introduced and developed previously. a lot of them already have multiple solo films where their characters were developed. and even the characters who haven’t been given solo films have previously been in other films where they have been given character arcs- maybe not big ones like some of the more popular avengers, but there has been at least a little development for everyone at some point. 
as angry as i am at thanos for doing what he did, this was no doubt his movie. he drew the most attention and had the most development and backstory, and rightfully so. because while we have seen him appear in post-credit scenes and briefly in guardians, he has had no real character development up until now. he was suppose to be the main focus and have all the attention as far as im concerned. and he certainly did! he was badass, and cool, and threatening, and easily one of the best characters in the movie even though he did some bad things ;-; 
the other characters have had their time in the spotlight, so it was thanos’ time to shine. you can’t go into a movie that has been built up from 10 years worth of films and expect every character to get a proper introduction and even more development. especially because of the amount of characters in this movie!! what was it, like 24 or something like that? and i think each nearly every one of them had a at least one good, shining moment in this film.
could things have been done differently? sure, but that can be said for just about every single movie ever. could some characters have been treated differently? sure, but i wouldn’t say any of them were particularly mistreated. but let me address some of the concerned people do have with mistreatment of characters just because, why not?
so to start off, loki. i’ve seen a couple of posts that say everything he did, and the way he was killed right in the beginning of the movie was a huge mistreatment of his character. however, while i see where those opinions are coming from, i disagree. as much as i love loki and didn’t want to see him die, i think the way he behaved in that scene was very much in line with his character. but it also provided a bit of development for him. first of all, he gave up the tesseract to spare thor’s life, which is something he likely wouldn’t have done in the first thor movie or the original avengers. not only that, but he openly addressed the fact that he is a prince of asgard, the king of jotunheim, and a son of odin. that last one especially stuck out to me because i can’t imagine that he would previously call himself odinson in a serious manner. but he did, and that right there was one of the reasons his character arc was pretty much complete by the time he died. his final act of trying to trick thanos and kill him was something perfectly in line with his character as well. loki is the god of mischief, tricks, and lies - even with all the character development in the world, that’s who he is and who he always will be. so of course his final sentiment would be to trick thanos and kill him, it just makes sense to me. like yes, we all knew that after he stepped out of the shadows he was going to do something we regard as stupid and get himself killed, but would he be loki if he didn’t? loki, while a brilliant character, and one of the most well developed and complex in the mcu, makes stupid mistakes too and this was one of them. it sucks that this one would ultimately lead to his death, but i think it was the perfect beginning to this movie and a perfect way to show just how much of a threat thanos is. yes, loki was a brilliant character who deserved much more, but just like in real life, not everyone gets what they deserve. not everyone can have an incredible death scene with flowers and sad music and whatnot. loki went down swinging, and let’s face it, we all knew he was going to die when we walked into the theater to see this movie.  you can claim he was just “used” to show thanos’ power, but i don’t really think that’s a very valid argument. because yes, his death probably was inserted to give the audience an idea of thanos’ power, but why does that have to be a bad thing? loki went down to one of the most powerful beings in the universe. it’s not like some fucking pansy killed him or anything. he was killed by thanos - and not only that, but loki did try and kill thanos before thanos got him. so it’s not like loki gave up or anything either. we all already know loki can fight, and just how powerful loki is because he was in 4 movies before this. losing to thanos does not make him any less powerful, or diminish his character image at all, to me. once again, this was thanos’ movie, not loki’s. and thanos is the guy who beat up the hulk in like less than two minute- how could anyone possibly expect loki to win that battle? and as much as it sucks that it was the end of loki’s character, it makes sense that he died in the way he did.  okay enough about loki, let’s move onto heimdall. okay so recently i saw a post that said both the asgardians and heimdall should’ve just been left out of the movie all together. and the whole time i was reading it, i was just thinking... wtf?? my argument for heimdall is very similar to my argument for loki. although a powerful, badass character, he was killed by thanos, once again, one of the most powerful beings in the universe. plus, heimdall was clearly injured in that scene because thanos had just blown up their ship. but despite his injury, the destruction all around him, and facing thanos and the black order, heimdall still conjured up some magic sent hulk to earth so he could warn everyone of the coming danger. he risked his life to do that, and evidently got it taken away from him too. he could’ve just sat in silence, but he didn’t. and i think him doing that was perfectly in line with his character. now, obviously his death scene was quick and could possibly be seen as a “throw away” or something like that, so i will once again say, not everyone in life can have a meaningful death scene, even if they deserve it. i know, it’s not fair, and i don’t think it was done because the russos were trying to disrespect heimdall’s character or anything. it was done because thanos, like it or not, is more powerful than heimdall, and what kind of villain would thanos be if he just sat there and let heimdall get away with what he did??  now in this same post, the person who wrote it said that wakanda and everyone in it should’ve been left out of this movie as well. and no, they didn’t mean it in a racist way or anything (as far as i know). i think it was more of a “they didn’t deserve to get hurt” kind of way. of course, they didn’t deserve to get hurt, but to say they shouldn’t have been included in the movie just seems like bullshit to me. first of all, having the battle in this field in wakanda contained the damage of the battle. by drawing thanos and his army there, they undoubtedly saved so many lives and prevented a shit ton of property damage. (yes i know thanos snapped at the end and murdered half the universe, but i’m not talking about that. im talking about the collateral damage the battle would’ve caused had they been in someplace like new york again.) and also i see so many people complain about how many damn battles are in new york so y’all should be grateful that it was actually somewhere else this time. 
the person who made this post also said that steve and his gang should not have gone to wakanda at all. and that steve should’ve just let vision die rather than going to shuri about it. the person also asked the question “how does steve even know vision” and honestly im not sure i have ever rolled my eyes harder. i guess this particular person just completely forgot that steve lived and trained with vision for two years after age of ultron and before civil war?? and to say steve should’ve let vision die is just an absolute disservice to steve’s character. steve may have dropped the mantle of captain america, but that doesn’t mean he should just start sacrificing the lives of his teammates or friends. yes, the whole reason vision was going to sacrifice himself was so half the universe could live, but would the avengers really be heroes if they didn’t at least try and find a solution where everyone got to live? (not only that, but no matter when they destroyed the stone, thanos was going to just turn back time anyways) 
and let’s say for a second that steve and his gang didn’t go to wakanda, i think it’s also absolute bullshit to assume that t’challa wouldn’t have gone to them as soon as he found out the world was in danger. one of the main points in the black panther movie was that wakanda was going to try and help people in the world, rather than just keep themselves hidden and safe. so of course, t’challa would try and help in some way. and it’s an absolute disservice to his character to say he wouldn’t. so no matter what, even if they didn’t go to wakanda, the people of it would’ve been involved in some way or another.  
another thing i saw about wakanda (in this same stupid post) is that the film undervalued the strength of the wakandan army.. i think that’s a crap statement too. the wakandan army came out to fight. they didn’t have to, they could’ve disobeyed if they wanted and ran away from this battle. because honestly, an alien army was attacking so were they really going to get in trouble for committing treason at that moment? no probably not. but they didn’t run away. they came out and stood by their king’s side to defend their nation and the world, despite not knowing what the hell they were even fighting. and even though they are strong and badass, they are just regular people too, with fears and normal strengths and weaknesses. but they dived headfirst into a battle with aliens who were clearly bigger and stronger, and did a good job of it if i remember correctly. really though, they’re an army, their purpose is to protect their nation and their king. not each member of it is going to get character development, nor are they going to win every battle they fight. 
in conclusion, i think infinity war easily accomplished what it set out to do- and that was, have a giant avengers movie with thanos utterly destroying everyone. no, not everyone got character development, nor where the death scenes what the fans thought some characters deserved. but as a whole, infinity war was a great movie. 10/10 would see again. it has it’s flaws, but i loved it. feel free to fight me about it or fan to me about it. 
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aurorawest · 4 years
I’m requesting a list/GIF compilation of all the moments in which Loki did kind/good/heroic things across the MCU. No matter what he’ll always be a good and sympathetic guy in my book, and I’d love some evidence of this to prove it. Thank you!!!!
I broke this out into two categories because Loki does good in two ways. There are things that are uncomplicatedly kind/good/heroic which he does, and then there are things which are meant to have a good outcome, but which he may not be doing for the right reasons. I made you a list because I can’t make gifs haha.
Disclaimer: I may have missed some.
Uncomplicatedly good:
Damage control on Jotunheim (“Thor, stop and think. Look around you, we’re outnumbered.”). He also saves Fandral, showing that he’s watching out for his companions and cares enough to help them. (Thor)
His extremely polite introduction to Jane: “I’m Loki, you may have heard of m—” (The Dark World) — Does this qualify as kind? I just love it and feel it’s a really underappreciated moment. He sounds absolutely sincere, like, oh okay, I’m meeting my brother’s girlfriend now.
Saving Jane, after having already shielded her from the exploding Aether (The Dark World)
Saving Thor and almost dying for it (The Dark World)
Sending the Aether to Knowhere to keep it away from the Tesseract (The Dark World)
His solidarity with Thor after “Sorry to hear Jane dumped you.” (Ragnarok) — POSSIBLY THE KINDEST THING LOKI DOES IN THE ENTIRE MCU. That face he makes and the pat on the back says it all: he’s not buying that it was a mutual dumping for one second, but it would be a low blow even for him to call Thor out.
Offering to help Thor while he’s in the gladiator prison on Sakaar (Ragnarok) — This one actually straddles the line between uncomplicated and complicated, IMO, because he doesn’t really make any effort to meet Thor halfway on this (kind of the point of the scene; Thor is pissed because Loki didn’t help him the way Thor wanted him to before, and then Loki comes and offers his help in the most Loki way possible, and they just talk past each other as usual). But Loki’s offer of help is pretty clearly sincere, and he’s obviously hurt when Thor rebuffs him.
The entire climax of Ragnarok:
Returning to Asgard with the Sakaaran gladiators
Not jumping on the ship once all the Asgardians were loaded onto it, but going to stand with Thor and Valkyrie against Hela
Doing what Thor says re: Surtur’s crown without question
Accepting Thor as king and his own place as second in command (up to interpretation, but Thor looks at Loki when Heimdall asks “Where to?” and Thor says “I’m not sure.”)
Remaining on The Statesman to fight the Black Order (again, might be up to interpretation if he remained or was chosen to remain. My favored head canon is that they evacuated as many people as possible by themselves during the attack, and Thanos didn’t have the opportunity to do his even ‘kill half’ that we see him do to the Zehoberei. Regardless, he’s obviously the last man standing, which means he fought hard for Asgard) (Infinity War)
Giving up the Tesseract to save Thor and subsequently shielding Thor from harm during the Hulk/Thanos fight (Infinity War)
Trying to kill Thanos (Infinity War)
Complicatedly good:
Telling the guard that they’re going to Jotunheim (Thor) — on one hand, good, because he’s trying to keep anyone from getting hurt, on the other hand, bad, because this whole thing was him trying to make Thor look bad.
Saving Odin from Laufey (Thor) — Laufey would never have been there in the first place had Loki not manipulated him into it. But Laufey clearly had it in for Odin, and Loki’s primary motivation here is to win his father’s love and admiration.
Helping Thor and Jane escape from Asgard and carrying out their plan to get the Aether out of Jane and defeat Malekith. As part of this, he shields Jane from harm (The Dark World) — I call this complicated because there’s something in it for him. This is the deal Thor and he made.
What he says to Thor while in disguise as Odin: “If I were proud of the man my son had become, even that I could not say. It would speak only from my heart.” (The Dark World) — complicated because, well, he’s trying to fool Thor into thinking he’s Odin, but there’s no reason for him to say this. I think he means it.
Sending Sif to Earth (Agents of SHIELD) — totally can’t take credit for this one, I saw a post about it but I can’t remember the OP. Basically it boiled down to the fact that Loki (disguised as Odin) sent Sif to Earth to track down…Kree, I think? I’ve never watched AoS. I would deem this complicated because according to Feige and Taika, Loki sent Sif into exile. So it’s nice that he sent her to help Earth out, but also he definitely wanted her out of the way.
Escaping from Sakaar (Ragnarok) — another situation where he’s under duress. But he does help. And (head canon time) I believe that the reason he betrays Thor is to keep Thor ‘safe’ on Sakaar, even though it’s pretty questionable if it’s safe for him to be fighting gladiatorial battles.
Obviously this leaves out all the bad stuff he does. You’ll notice, for instance, that there’s nothing from The Avengers on here, nor is there all that much from Thor. I really think calling Loki a ‘good guy’ isn’t doing justice to his character. He’s a lot more complicated and gray than that. His redemption is something he has to fight for because he’s done some truly terrible things, but that’s what makes his journey really powerful.
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