#it might be a scottish thing or just what my family calls it idk
kayotlthegod · 5 months
So about me let's get started on this s*** LOL. I'm an infja in Briggs Myers personality type thing you know. I'm very antisocial that's what people think but actually I'm just an introvert that doesn't like fake people. I'm very empathic and I can sense energy that is and can be either or. I'm a November Scorpio and proud of it. I'm scared of Aquarius especially Mariska hargitay. I am part Nigerian and part Scottish. My maternal grandfather is a demon.. IDK IDC how you take it. I don't give a damn. Anyhoo. I do have a primal astrology sign which is the astrology sign of the Raven which is a combination of Scorpio and the year of the monkey. I'm very developed in pens and gemstones and some tarot cards a lot of spiritual stuff you know new age pagan. The fact that I was born into a close-knit family book because my grandfather wanted me dead I was given up at birth before my grandfather can even touch me I was giving up to an habitual f****** liar of a redheaded woman.. redheaded white woman. And she was a liar lied to me all my life. And a stalker lady that was from.. I don't care and I don't know where basically thought she was my mother which basically gave me mommy issues and confusion which led to myself Identity or self knowledge quest. Which was completed through genetic study and turns out I knew I was lied to. I didn't know I was that lied to. And I'm referring to that as in I thought it was native American or Jamaican. I am zilch present 0% Jamaican and 0% native American. My ancestors never touched the islands the Caribbean islands you called them. My ancestors were part of an African tribe that worshiped dogs as deities and it's not Igbo and it's not your root but it's some African tribe that nobody knows still deep within the African realms. A part of me a little midget of me is this African slaves that is what you call a 2% of me is descended of African slaves the rest of me is to send it of African tribes that nobody knows. So mostly I'm not descendant of African American slaves I'm a descendant of the African tribes so I'm not a descent of any slave at all mostly I'm also a descent of witches that they fail to burn. And I might be part of the McKay clan. And I did an ancestry DNA test as far as my heritage goes yes 23% Nigerian 23% Scottish and not even the Nigerian side of me is a descendant of slaves it's just a 2% Senegal was and that 2% was the descendant of slaves from a long time ago basically during the beginning of United States back then in the 1700s. Well that being said those ancestors moved back to Africa and Lisa my dad's side because my dad's an African ginger I'm proud of it my dad's an afro Ginger my whole entire dad's side of the family are African gingers. And if people got a problem with that they hate let them hate. My mom Rachel Diane Roth is of Scottish blood well not completely Scottish cuz I also have Germanic European and English and a little bit of Irish. Means I could be a descendant of Ragnar lothbrok and y'all wouldn't even know it neither would I LOL. I live in a group home thank the gods. So I end up living a group home with a housemate that has a mind of a 5 year old and I have a mind of an 85 year old always needing coffee in the morning basically because I'm an old soul. I'm an indigo Crystal being and my higher self is that of Kayotl in which my higher self is not male or female but both male in the chest female in the crotch and it is also a coyote cat hybrid humanoid tall a bit then my mortal self and even a bit more taller than my primitive self which is a coyote cat hybrid. That is all I got to tell you for now
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xenteaart · 4 years
Shall We? (Part 2)
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x fem!Reader
Request: Can I request part two for Shall We? Pleeeeaase 🙏!! You can’t just leave it like that.
Word count: 1,7k
Warnings: kind of a fight scene?? and like one swear word idk
Note: Sooo here’s part two of this fic, give it a read if you havent coz otherwise this one is not going to make much sense haha
For the sake of the story, Five disappeared when he was 18 (instead of 13) and got stuck in his 18 year-old-body after coming back accordingly. Also I’ve decided to give the reader and the Handler kind of a Lila x the Handler dynamic
The events are taking place in s1, some details of the canon are obvsly altered.
Hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @stitched-mouth​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​
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“You do know you can’t win. I really don’t wanna hurt you, Y/N,” he uttered, raising his hands a little as a way to warn you not to come any closer for your own good.
Even though it was supposed to be a sweet gesture of concern, hearing him confirm that he still thought you were no match for him cut you to your very core.
“Oh, yeah? Well, I’m afraid you might have to. Shall we?” you sneered and threw your leg into the air, hitting Five right under his kneecap and making him collapse on the ground with a surprised gasp.
Five truly had zero intention of hurting you, but your determination to have a fight left him no choice, and even his clear advantage of having loads more experience and superpowers on top did not seem to make you hesitate.
“Come on, don’t be stupid, Y/N,” Five commented as he got back on his feet and took a few steps away from you, still giving you a chance to back off before he had to inflict any pain on your person, but all it achieved was winding you up even more.
The problem was - you two underwent identical training at the Commission as the Handler gave both of you her very best mentor, and right now you were basically mirroring each other’s moves, except Five was also using his spatial jumps to disorient you. He was still going easy on you, mostly just blocking your punches and jumping further away so you had to chase him all over the Academy while he was hoping you would simply exhaust yourself before any real damage would be done. Quite frankly, it was a smart decision on his part and a rather thoughtful one as well because, despite all appearances, he actually cared about you an awful lot.
As the both of you gracefully danced all the way to the second floor, you were already out of breath from the endless running around which meant Five’s plan was beginning to work. However, you realized what he was doing soon enough to indulge him into the feeling of being right and played his little game for a while, waiting for the perfect moment when he’d get distracted, and as the moment came you had to act fast.
You threw yourself forwards and promptly wrapped your arms around Five’s waist, knocking him off his feet and pressing your body against his as you pinned him to the floor. He groaned with annoyance and winced at the pain as his back hit the hard wooden surface. The next few seconds sort of happened in slow-mo for both of you as he roughly pushed you off himself and somehow managed to switch places with you, now looming over your body and warningly putting his knee on your solar plexus, threatening to crush your ribcage if you moved.
A mutual silence fell between you as you were processing the last 30 minutes of your lives, both visibly struggling to believe that each of you somehow ended up fighting the person they would never wish to hurt in their entire life. The sounds of your heavy breathing were filling the room as you were merely staring at each other in utter confusion. The weight of Five’s knee on your diaphragm was beginning to give you trouble breathing, and your breaths became shallow and hoarse which finally snapped him out of his trance.
“Gonna tell me what the hell is up now, Y/N?” he asked in his teacher-y manner that you used to absolutely hate and adore all at once, especially when he used to give you lectures on your occasional fuck-ups - whether it was failing a class because you were too lazy to turn in your assigments in time or something a little more serious, like getting into an argument with the Monocle and consequently making life harder for both of you.
You would always roll your eyes and smirk when he would get into his i-am-disappointed-in-you-but-i-still-love-you character and cross his arms on his chest for dramatic effect.
“You were the one telling me to piss off in the first place, remember,” you narrowed your eyes as you were subtly gasping for air underneath Five’s weight. He pursed his lips and looked away, contemplating whether or not to be completely honest. Evidently, his lack of sincerity got him nowhere the last time around, so he sighed loudly; his shoulders dropping and his expression finally revealing all of the exhaustion and regret that he was concealing quite successfully up until now.
“I only pushed you away to protect you.”
“Sounds like bullshit to me,” you replied, clearly unimpressed and palpably suspicious; two years of being brainwashed by the Handler now taking their toll on your perspective.
“God, don’t be so slow,” Five uttered clearly irritated but then quickly realized his offensive implication and added, “Said with respect.”
You stayed silent, raising your brow as a way of telling him to continue.
“I couldn’t risk you becoming a casualty because being involved in my family’s mess as a non-super is dangerous. As in, you’re going to be a target all the time, and I couldn’t and still can’t afford to waste my time worrying about your safety. As much as I’d love to - it’s simply not the luxury I have. I’ve got to stop the end of the world, otherwise everyone is going to be dead in four days, don’t you get it?” Five asked, a waterfall of emotions pushing at the inner sides of his chest, waiting to be set loose and consume everything on its way.
You were quietly listening to his explanation and taking it all in whilst still trying to fight off the suspicion and disbelief that were nagging at your every cell.
“I wanted to keep you safe because I couldn’t bear to lose you again,” his voice trembled a little as the memories of his post-apocalypse life washed over his mind, “The last 45 years have been a fucking nightmare.”
“I’d find it way more believable if you stopped crushing my ribs for starters,” you muttered through clenched teeth and immediately felt the pressure taken off your chest, precious and very much needed oxygen starting to flow through your system the way it should again.
Five got up and offered his hand to help you on your feet as a gesture to show you that he didn’t see you as an enemy and placed trust in you. You took his hand and steadied yourself awkwardly, still slightly disoriented and light-headed.
“I don’t know what the Handler told you but I do know she’s exceptional at manipulating,” Five added as he looked you right in the eye, “Christ, and you’re so naive, always have been. Most days it’s truly adorable but sometimes, Y/N, it really doesn’t work in your favor,” as the words escaped his lips, his gaze became noticeably softer; his expression blossoming with tenderness towards you.
“Prove it. Prove that you care.”
Five chuckled and shook his head, simultaneously annoyed and amused at your stubbornness. The atmosphere between you was shifting and you couldn’t help but notice the familiar overwhelming feeling of comfort and peace enveloping your person from head to toe. You’ve forgotten what it felt like being around Five, and now you were finally getting to remember. At home.
He slipped his hand into the pocket of his uniform shorts and pulled out a grape-sized plastic figure of a golden retriever.
“You gave me this a few days before I jumped and got stuck in the future. I carried it with me all the way. This silly trinket was the only thing I had left of you, the only thing that reminded me you were still out there waiting for me. Kept me going,” he shrugged casually as if it wasn’t important at all which it absolutely was.
“Five, c’mere! Look what I found!” you called for him as you were sitting on the floor surrounded by all sorts of useless crap. You were in the middle of decluttering your bedroom when a little figure of a dog caught your eye, it was the breed that Five was especially fond of and you knew he secretly dreamed of getting a puppy of his own as soon as he was out of the house.
“What’s that?” he asked, unimpressed.
“It’s a doggie! He wants to be your friend,” you replied, playing with your accent a little, rolling you “r”s and shifting the flow of your words to sound more Scottish or ... Russian. God knows where you were going with it but you tended to butcher your accent for fun quite a lot.
“Y/N, are you twelve?”
“His name is Mr.Pennycrumb and he’s gonna look after you whenever I’m not around,” you said with utmost confidence and gave him a wide smile, putting the trinket into Five’s pocket, clearly very proud of yourself and still committed to your silly accent performance, “Treat him well.”
Five scoffed and shrugged.
“So did he?” you asked, staring at the goddamn toy as tears were slowly welling up in your eyes.
“Did he do a good job looking after you while I wasn’t around?” your gaze finally met Five’s as the realization in his own eyes was starting to sink in. A pained smile touched the corners of his mouth, and you could see Five genuinely struggle to maintain his tough facade.
“Yeah. He did.”
Without saying a word, you stepped closer and rested your cheek on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around him, this time with no hostility or murderous intention. If you had to be perfectly honest with yourself, you’d admit you could never find it in you to actually hurt Five, let alone killing him. Both of you knew that way too well.
He returned the hug and pulled you closer, burying his nose in your hair and then planting a quick innocent kiss on the top of your head. Feeling the warmth radiating from you was enough to make him relax further into your embrace, his eyes now closed shut and his breathing steady and deep.
It didn’t last for as long as you’d like, though, a big loud bang from downstairs making you both flinch and pull away from each other, breaking your fragile bubble of comfort and calm in an instant.
“Shit, Hazel and Cha-Cha,” Five whispered, concern and worry crawling back onto his features. He briefly looked at you, and you simply nodded, non-verbally confirming that you were willing to help and were no longer part of the Handler’s plan.
The two of you were going to talk all about that later. His years alone, his and your own involvement with the Commission, the end of the world and loads more.
Of course, right in this moment neither of you could possibly know that your friendship was, in fact, a gateway into a lifelong partnership but you were bound to find out eventually. And the journey you two were about to begin as soon as the apocalypse was dealt with and gone was going to be magnificent.
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galacticlamps · 3 years
Tagged by @the--highlanders​ ! Thanks!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
(oh what a nice even number - I should try to mess that up as soon as possible, shouldn’t I?)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Aw man is this intentionally worded to be really hard to answer? I get that it says ‘written’ and not ‘posted’ but then what constitutes a ‘fandom?’ I definitely wrote fics for stuff I was interested in long before I even knew the word ‘fic’ - I did it throughout my childhood, and then in high school, and while I didn’t do it as much in college, it still happened from time to time. So a lot of the books/movies/tv shows/plays/musicals I wrote things for aren’t really fandoms, and frankly, I had to check my old folder just now to even remember some of them existed. I’ll just list the ones that I know for sure had fandoms, since that’s more fun (and embarrassing), right?
Obviously Doctor Who, classic and modern, Torchwood, Sherlock Holmes (ironically more of these seem to be about the books, but yes, I will admit, some for that tv show too), Les Mis, a couple different Marvel comics & movies, Good Omens, hell, I even found a Night Vale fic in there just now.
And I know there are other older things not even in that folder, some of which never made it to a computer at all, so if I had to ballpark a number I’d probably say around 25ish but really, who knows?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Across the Gap
On the Spot
Shards of Memories & Fragments of Glass
(this was fun, I’d never noticed Ao3 even had a stats page until now lol)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I take a long time to do so but for the most part, I usually get around to it. The rare exception would be if I first saw the comment when I was super busy/distracted and then felt like way too much time passed before I noticed it again, that it might be awkward if I said something at that point.
I do genuinely enjoy hearing what people think, but I’m also weirdly terrified of making anyone feel like they have to reply to my comments. I know that’s probably a little strange, but it’s actually a large part of why I made this Ao3 account in the first place - my original one, from high school, is followed by some long-time friends of mine who aren’t interested in this fandom, some of whom are involved in art & writing professionally. The thought of anyone like that reading something I wrote out of friendliness or even just curiosity and potentially having to pretend they liked it for the same reasons stressed me tf out, so I like having this virtually anonymous one because I can relax knowing that anyone who reads or interacts with something I wrote has probably done so only because they wanted to, rather than feeling obligated, and there’s no pressure on them to be nice to me about it if anything I write or post annoys them - so I really hope nobody who does just know me as an anonymous blog has ever worried about offending me by not replying to something, trust me, I’m perfectly happy with it!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t think I’ve really written any angsty endings? I guess the answer would have to be Reckless just because it involves the characters arguing about sad/weighty things and there isn’t really any solution to those issues - but even then I think I ended it with a kind of acceptance that stops it from really qualifying as angst? I also set it in the the same universe as other fics, so maybe that doesn’t even count as an ending? Am I that bad at ending things on angst? Lol
Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Obviously none of the fics I’ve posted are crossovers but I’m trying to think now if any of my WIP’s are - I’ve definitely poached setting/premise ideas from other media, but in terms of actual crossovers . . . I’ve got a few cross-era or cross-Doctor, a few involving Torchwood, but that’s already the same universe, so the only thing that’d qualify as a true crossover would be some vague pieces of a fic where Jamie, Zoe, and Two end up on the Enterprise, since I think the 60s series of Star Trek and Dr Who feel kind of compatible, don’t they? In fact, aren’t there like officially licensed crossover comics or something? Or did I make that up? Idk, and the ideas are very loose, so it’s not much of a WIP either
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope, never
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I’ve never written smut, but I’m wondering if it’s possible that could change soon. There’s a longish multi-chapter fic I’ve been working on for a frankly embarrassing amount of time, and the plot does call for a sex scene at one point towards the end, but I can’t seem to make up my mind on how - uh, I guess the word is explicit? - it should get. I know I could easily do a fade to black/implication thing, but it’s kind of a source of contention and anxiety for the characters, so to skip over writing the actual scene and just revisit them afterwards rings of “and they slept together and now everything’s fine!” which feels kinda cheap to me - in this context, anyway - and not the right payoff for a long fic that’s otherwise more of an interpersonal drama/slightly a period piece, if I had to place it in a genre. I feel like my aversion to actually writing the scene might just be prudishness I should get over, or maybe just self-doubt, because I know I’d rather have a well-written, funny, character-development-supporting sex scene than nothing at all, but since I’ve never had any interest in writing a scene like that before, I don’t know if I can do it well, and I also don’t want to ruin a fic I’m otherwise proud of by doing it badly... ugh I have to figure this out
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I seriously doubt it
Have you ever had a fic translated?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, it’s gotta be Two & Jamie. I’ve shipped things before with varying levels of investment, but I’ve never been able to use the term ‘otp’ in a literal sense until I came across them, and now it’s already basically gone out of fashion, go figure!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m not sure if I have one? My WIP doc is huge, but I don’t actually intend to get around to finishing everything in it, so I’d like to think that anything I’ve currently singled out to complete can actually get done.
That said, I do have a few AU’s that I don’t really plan to finish, but it might be cool if I could. Two of them are for all the main + some supporting characters of the Second Doctor’s era - one’s a modern day school teachers AU, and the other is a typical fantasy/fairy tale AU. Another is just Two/Jamie, based on Doctor Faustus (specifically the Marlowe play version) but right now there are two different versions of the ending coexisting in my head. I’ve written parts of scenes & some gen. backstory for all of those ideas, but I don’t know if I’ll ever try to finish them, or what form a finished product would even take - a series of one-shots set in the same universe? one long multi-chapter fic with some kind of overarching plot? And the amount of context/worldbuilding a big AU like these would require might not make them very appealing fics for people to read, so maybe it is better if I just keep them to myself, since in my head I already know what’s going on in those worlds lol.
What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don’t know. I haven’t had a creative writing class since middle school, and since then I’ve only ever shown creative writing to others in a fandom context, so it’s been a while since I’ve discussed it or gotten critical feedback. I suppose when I work in other arts or even academic writing contexts, people usually say I’m kind of insightful or at least detail oriented, which might just be another way of saying I overthink things, but I like to imagine I’m decent at finding little points of interest to expand upon.
What are your writing weaknesses?
If you’ve read this far I feel like you must know what I’m about to say: I do not know how to be concise.
Usually when I’m writing a fic, I put down the dialogue first on its own, leaving out the action of the scene and whatever plot/context led there, even if I’ve already figured all of that out. But then when I go to add those things in, they’re always longer than I wanted them to be. I don’t mind writing something long, but I don’t want my fics to be a slog to get through either, and there can be a point at which the stuff I’ve added for context overwhelms the stuff that I wanted the fic to be about in the first place, so it becomes a structural/proportion issue too. I haven’t completely given up on any fics because of this yet, but there’s one I’ve been struggling with for a couple months now - probably because I’m even second-guessing myself on which scenes need to be written out and which can just be referenced like a recap. Hopefully I figure that one out soon.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
((this is karma isn’t it? i posted a fic last week with two words of gaelic in it and was worried about that and now this is karma))
In general, I don’t want to do it. I feel like you’ve gotta have a really good grasp of a language to write dialogue & speech patterns for someone who’s a native speaker, and since I’m far from fluent in any language the characters I write for are, I wouldn’t feel confident writing any significant amount of dialogue in, say, Gaelic.
As a sidenote, though, I kinda love it when other people do it, particularly for Jamie. Irish (Gaeilge) and Scottish (Gàidhlig) are both languages I’ve wanted to learn for a long time, because my family’s fresh out of living speakers of either & I think that’s a shame, but I started with Irish and at the moment I’m still very much learning it. As different as they are, it still helps me understand parts of lyrics or texts that I come across in Gàidhlig fairly frequently, so when it comes up in a fic I get to feel like I’m being responsible and practicing, and it’s great when I can actually understand what’s being said.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I’m gonna go with Harry Potter even though that’s probably not a perfectly accurate answer - it’s almost certainly the first thing that has a fandom that I ever wrote for, but it was in a notebook when I was a kid and never something that I even typed on a computer, much less posted online or shared with other members of a fandom. But even then, I’m sure it wasn’t the first pre-existing fictional universe I ever set an original story in, because I did that a lot when I was a kid, it’s just hard to remember those clearly or on any kind of timeline.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I’m very partial to Across the Gap, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that ranked first on the kudos thing above - but I’ve also got a soft spot for So Merrily We’ll Sing. It’s so self-indulgent it feels silly saying ‘it was so easy to write!’ but I guess having a fic that’s already just 100% headcaonons and fluff tied together by a song you really love does prevent it from being much of a labor (I also managed to refrain from making that one unnecessarily long, so that’s another win there)
tagging @terryfphanatics and anyone else who wants to do it - sorry I’m bad at remembering whose tumblr goes with whose Ao3 account, but I really would be interested to read this if anyone else feels like answering them!
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frenchtoastie · 3 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 other blogs you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @angelic-whxre
Name: If you know my name already, then good for you, but when using this account just call me Frenchie
Pronouns: they/them
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5’3” ( 160cm for all my metric system friends )
Nationality: I never know if this question means where are u from or if it’s where ur family is from??? Idk man. I’m American but if it’s the other way around then Greek/Scottish/Puerto Rican
Fav band: Oof loaded question, there’s lots of music I really like, sometimes it’s hard to choose a favorite. Here are some I like: Florence + the Machine, Buck-Tick, Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads, Siouxsie and the Banshees
Fav artist: David fucking Bowie babeyyy, love his music and huge inspiration to me
When you created your blog: Oh dang I forgot? Maybe like March of 2017? This started out as an aesthetic blog lmao
Last thing you googled: “what’s a service charge for concert tickets” lmao, since I just got tickets to a concert that’s happening in 2022
Lucky number: 13
Other blogs: I have 2 other blogs but I’m not saying what they are, sorry I try to keep this blog very separate, but if mutuals want to know what they are I’m ok with that.
Why you chose your URL: Honestly NO CLUE. Totally forgot why I chose this url, but it’s cute so I’m not complaining!
How many blogs you are following: 466 (since I have two other blogs that follow for different content than this blog)
How many followers you have: On this blog I have 320
How many average hours of sleep: Oof that really depends lmao, idk maybe like 6 or 7 on average tho? Idk
Instruments: Been playing violin for like 16 years now! Might be 17? Can’t really remember when I started, but it’s been a while haha
Currently wearing: Hozier t-shirt, black jeans, black mask with a Hatsune Miku button on it, work vest since I’m at work rn lmao
Dream trip: Ooh maybe Greece or Scotland? I’ve never been out of the country and those are some places I’d love to go
Fav food: Aaaa I love Takoyaki??? It’s so good, I used to get it for lunch all the time when I was in university
Fav song: Oof this is always a tough question since my music taste is very erratic, so I feel like I have different favorites for different genres and artists! I just cannot easily answer this question! I will say, one of the best songs I’ve ever heard live was Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine, though.
Tag 20 more: Aaa sorry tagging people makes me really anxious, there are definitely people I’d like to tag but I’m worried about being annoying. So if you see this and want to do this, I love you and please go ahead and consider this as a tag for you to do this 💖
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio : @/returnofdamckenzie | 426k followers | @/mclitgs2 is my forever boo🤟🏽😍 while @/cardib is my WIFE! She just doesn’t know it yet ❤️ support my work & be part of my family: @/bobbymckcares
24 (25) years young
Born in Dundee, raised in Glasgow, Scotland
Jamaican father named Badrick who is a African studies professor
Caucasian/Scottish mother named Catriona who used to be a au pair but now works as a receptionist in senior living — one eye is honey hazel and the other a dark brown
It was difficult growing up in a school that didn’t accept Bobby being biracial, it resulted in bullying to the point where he needed to switch schools (A lawsuit was also in place) The next school was slightly better but Bobby slowly learned to accept himself as it was not something he could control and not something he would want to in the first place. He was proud of where he came from and never thought he was better or less than anyone else, that wasn’t how he was raised
He’s an only child, his parents thought about adopting (and fostering) but with Bobby they had their hands full and he was just enough for them
His family is very family-oriented so he would never have to feel lonely since they gave him a lot of attention, slightly making him spoiled but he was also around his cousins & spending time with them as well
He’s extremely close to his younger cousin (only by a few months) Femi who he views as his sister. They’ve been through a lot together and are always there for each other so it only makes sense
Most likely an active kid always up to some sort of shenanigans whether it’s by himself or with his group of friends, “why would you do that Bobby?” “Don’t ask why but ask, why not!?”
Definitely suffered some broken bones, concussions, & sprain injuries but would never show signs of pain...guys got a high pain tolerance that’s for sure
Fan of films/series “stand by me” & “the goonies” & “scooby doo” since he feels they relate to his life??
Hospital caterer and loves making those feel better with food that he’s created. If he can’t put a smile on patients face with words then he feels like he can show them with food
Food is an art to him. He went to school for culinary & it’s very important for him to show how much it is to him. He picked up the craft from of course his family, who always used food for numerous of things: to bring people together is one of them
Perfected Jerk haggis, it is now he favorite dish next to desert & breakfast!
I’m struggling to figure out what sign he maybe? He’s very playful which may come off as childish at times, which makes me think of Leo? (Maybe Gemini?) Only because they usually hold onto their childhood as best as they can, very generous, & give their energy to you but I also don’t see him being a fire sign at all? So maybe very little Leo in his chart. I also feel like he might be a bit of an empath? He knows when situations around him don’t feel right, knows how to read the room, and always wants to help others by lighting things up.
Idk but I’m feeling he’s libra sun + Gemini moon + Leo rising? Who knows
Probably lived in a 2 bed flat with his old uni mate. It was small and a bit shit but it was their shit and they made the best of it
Now lives in a stone cottage or farmhouse with MC that was built in the 1900’s & is slightly haunted. He’s decided to call them Duncan??? But he believes they’re a good spirit, maybe even a friendly ghost!? since he got comfortable with the bizarre happenings in the new flat & it doesn’t seem like they want to hurt them
Lottie offered to bring her ouija board next time she visited—Bobby declined
House is mostly neutral based but three of the rooms in the flat are covered in ridiculous patterned walls or furniture much to MC’s distaste but, “what’s yours is mine” right? No. But Gary approves!
Has two dogs: a terrier & a collie since MC wasn’t down for getting a sheep
They do have chickens to raise their own eggs tho!
Definitely the kind of significant other that will ride on the cart when they’re out grocery shopping, will make you breakfast in bed, & will send you memes while he’s at home and you’re out or even when he’s at work and you’re at home, let’s you put his arm to sleep when you’re laying on it in bed (big ass head gang!), definitely chooses the candles from bath & body works that smell like food items (majority of them suck let’s be honest)
Probably smells like cucumber, melons, lemons, and eucalyptus
Has your wedding date in his IG bio & is proud
Annoys Gary & Lottie with his food pics, “oh, Not this shit again! 😡 looks brilliant, but enough!”
Has zoom/FaceTime movie nights with Marisol & MC who stopped feeling like she was third-wheeling months ago
Talks to hope & Noah (in the background) as much as he can. Feels like they’re his inspiration for love, even tho he’s the only one married out of the villa
He values marriage just like his parents do and often has Sunday dinners with them & MC ofc
Probably has relationship guide books and only reads them out of boredom but finds fascinating facts/advice if he pays attention & tries to apply it to his relationship with mc. If it works, it works! & If it doesn’t, you can’t say he didn’t try!
Works long hours but will still come home to cook for MC or brings leftovers from the events he’s catered (most are for the hospital but occasionally he’ll do other events)
Has a separate IG for his work
When WAP dropped, he almost lost his shit. Even tried to get MC to do the challenge with him, he’s pretty bad but MC eventually learned it just for him 😜
Is thrilled that Cardi made the best decision EVER on divorcing offset, “are you thinking of leaving me now?” “... I might.” “BOBBY!” “Haha, I love you!
Absolutely loves Christmas!!! It’s his favorite holiday and he loves giving back to everyone in his life. Usually he’s working overtime for the holidays & it makes him emotional due to the stories he hears & he puts a little extra love in his food
Goes all out for Christmas. Tries to buy/make everyone something. Even if he doesn’t really care for them...he’ll at least send them a x-mas card, if they keep it or burn it it’s entirely up to them—if he knew about it he’d probably be a little sad not gonna lie...he’s a soft king
Once bought Lottie black crocs with spooky pins , “are you joking Bobby?!” He knows she secretly loved them
Uses salt and peppermint in his dark hot cocoa...
Rather make deserts for Christmas than the food, he feels like it’s his duty
King of giving the thumbs up, especially when situations have gone to shit. He’ll still shoot them up with a smile or a grimace
Always inviting someone somewhere. “Bobby, hun. You’re 4-6 hrs away and it’s 1 am.” Hope groaned after listening to his bright idea, thinking something bad happened. “Ah, you could still make it if you tried, lassie.” “I’m gonna hang up now. Good night, bonkers man.”
Needs constant reminding when to get his locs touched up & moisturized
Either has a trampoline or a funhouse jumper in his backyard (maybe both) “we’ve got the space and this is better than a pool, or almost!”
Wants children, a whole footie team! There’s no specific time frame for him, when it happens, it happens
Used to cool & wet temps & loves vacationing in Greenland. Sure the hot weather he experienced in the villa was awesome & something different than what he’s used to but you can’t take the scot out of the man. So he typically sticks to places that are similar in temps, that way he doesn’t have to change his clothing choices much
Loves a good bath. Bubble baths are better than bath bombs to him, PERIOD!
Loves bubbles so much he put too much laundry detergent in the wash (does this on purpose now) and came back home to the dogs and room covered in it. Do you think he cleaned it up before MC came home? No. He decided to have a bubble party in the room with a Caribbean playlist playing in the background
MC definitely posted about it the first time & joined him for a bit, dreading the work that came with cleaning it all up. Now whenever Bobby needs a bubble party, he knows what to do. MC preferred him to have his little bubble party in the tub but 50% of the time he chooses not to listen & they leave him to pout & clean it himself
Likes to hold hands with fingers interlocked. When it’s cold and if you’re both wearing hoodies, he’ll slide his hand inside the arm of your hoodie to help keep you warm
Canon: His version of a snack is spaghetti hoops on toast & can eat that for the rest of his life & be content
If he didn’t end up marrying MC, probably finds his significant other working as a nurse at one of the hospitals he caters to or a volunteer at a old folks home
Never had a serious relationship, very few hookups, was either always placed in the friend zone or there was one person he wanted to be serious with but they rejected him and continued loving someone else who treated them like shit—so he kinda swore off of relationships and just flirted a bunch and kept his love life non-existent
Fav ice cream? Rocky road ice cream with one scoop of cotton candy & one scoop of cookie butter blue
Doesn’t believe in measuring when it comes to culinary. He uses his eyes as his measurement, could be a bad thing, could be a good thing, that’s up to you
If he’s up at night, he’s eating something sweet. A nice glass of single malt scotch whiskey + a splash of coconut milk (🤢) with a slice of angel food cake & he’s out like a light
Absolutely loves shopping for the kitchen, finds immense joy in doing so. If you lose him in a store, one of the places you’ll most likely find him is in the kitchen decor area
Owns a bagpipe & wants to get better at it, even tho he scared the living shit out of his dogs & chickens
Wears his shades quite a bit even tho the weather is hardly sunny and mainly windy & damp
Will hold the door for strangers even if they don’t say thank you
He’s open when it comes to music. Will listen to anything but feels like the music has to be a purpose for something...Everything he does in his day to day life has to feel like a soundtrack to him since in his mind he’s daydreaming about his life being made into a movie. Who isn’t?
He thinks wentworth Miller should play him in a film and that kid from blackish should play him when he was a wee lad, Marcus Scribner
Always keeps a positive attitude because he knows what it feels like to feel low and he doesn’t want anybody else in the world to feel like that so he wants to uplift and if he can try to be someone’s happiness he’ll gladly be that— which isn’t always the right move, he learned
Listens to: Rotimi, Shaggy, Sean Paul, Skip Marley, H.E.R., Jhene Aiko, Jorja Smith, UMI, The Kooks, The Killers, Cold War kids, Milky chance, Blood Orange, The 1975, Vampire Weekend, Bad Suns, BRYSON TILLER, Kilo Kish, & Ella Eyre (although he misses her old music)
Celeb crushes? Cardi B is his mfkin celeb wife okay?! Nobody else comes above her! He also thinks FKA twigs is pretty & super talented, sevdaliza!, Tia & Tamera, Iman, and brandy from the 90s makes him swoon
Anthem = jaden, “Boys and Girls”
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radiojamming · 4 years
Ooh idk if you're into this but maybe some PeterElias? There's a running joke about them marrying and divorcing Multiple Times, I'd love to see what you'd bring to it (fluff, angst, comedy)
- - -
They get married in Vegas.
It’s their fifth (sixth, if you count the time with the pop-up chapel-and-cereal-bar in Camden Market, but Elias really doesn’t want to think about that) time getting married, and the Elvis Presley impersonator is none the wiser. He simply gives a little shake of his hips, fluffs up his pompadour, and announces that, “In the name of all that is Viva about Las Vegas,” they’re husband and husband. Then he gives a very impressive hip gyration and Peter nearly dissolves into fog and laughter simultaneously.
They kiss under a neon archway before being set on their way by an electric guitar. Before they go onto their next plan of blowing a sizable portion of the Lukas family fortune at the Luxor, Elias feels Peter take his hand, weaving their fingers together.
“So,” he says, looking out at the sea of lights. “How long will this take, do you reckon?”
Elias almost consults the Eye. Almost.
- - -
Four months, apparently.
Four months until they’re trading barbed insults through a wall of sad fog that keeps manifesting in the corner of Elias’ office at inopportune times. It will appear like a bad magic trick before Elias hears Peter calling him a ‘horrible workaholic’ or ‘a sad little man’ or, worst of all, ‘a fashion-blind capitalist killjoy’.
Elias parries back by gleefully Knowing too much about what Peter’s doing, and deliberately putting obstacles in his way. After two unpleasant instances involving shipping containers, live jaguars, and police presence, Elias finally gets that little envelope he’s been waiting for.
He gives it a skim, not bothering to break the seal. He knows just as much as he Knows.
And he calls his lawyer.
- - -
Honeymoon number seven (Elias is calling the Camden cereal wedding legally-binding at this point) is in a Scottish castle overlooking the moon-blue hills of the Highlands. It’s a lonely, forbidding little nook of an already desolate area that gives tourists, as their travel agent called it, the ‘heebie-jeebies’, which means Peter loves it. He loves it so much that he breaks rank and kisses Elias under the crescent grin of the moon.
When they break the kiss, Elias looks up at Peter, at the silvery fog that clings to his coat like a second coat, at the pale light of his eyes. He smiles, despite himself, and runs his thumb over the inner edge of Peter’s hand. “I didn’t take you for such a romantic,” he says.
“Yes you did,” Peter retorts, without any heat to his words. His smile is tacked on at a slant, like a flag loosely attached to its pole. “You Know me, Elias.”
“Yes,” Elias says. His heart does something very peculiar, and he finds himself drawn to kiss Peter again. He nudges his nose against Peter’s cheek and says. “I Know.”
- - -
Kellie Lucas, Attorney at Law and no relation to other homonymic families, yawns into the speaker. “Hullo?” she mutters.
“Miss Lucas. It’s Elias Bouch--”
“Mhmm. I’ll start the paperwork,” she says, and hangs up.
Elias frowns at the phone before looking at the time on the screen. It’s half three in the morning, and he only just realises that calling her at such a time was probably a bit rude. However, he sees the last text Peter sent (since when does Peter text?) and he feels like it was probably the right thing to do.
He’ll have second thoughts by eight in the morning, he thinks.
- - -
“We’re not going to get married this time.”
“I mean it, Elias. I’m not signing anything this time. We’re never doing that again.”
“I agree. Absolutely not.”
“You never even took my last name.”
A sniff. “It’s a bit... regular, don’t you think?”
“You haven’t said that about the name on the bank account.”
“Well, my attorney’s name is Lucas.”
“With a ‘C’.”
“Yes, with a ‘C’. All the same, I think Peter Bouchard sounds lovely.”
“Horrible. Like someone with a stick up their--”
“Well, good thing we aren’t getting married again.”
- - -
Elias goes drinking on the Eighth Divorce. 
He’s not usually inclined to do such a thing, but this one stung more than usual. There were many, many unkind words exchanged, and the sense that perhaps-- perhaps Elias had done something wrong. What was the phrase Peter used? So used to prying into the business of others that you can’t mind your own?
Maybe he’s right.
And maybe three bowls of sangria is right.
Not like it does much for him, but it does have some psychosomatically calming effects. He sits in his own--
No, he is not miserable. He’s fine. He doesn’t need Peter and this tug-of-war they’ve been playing with feelings is utterly childish. If he really wants physical contact and a fleeting sense of romance so badly, he can hook up with someone like everyone else does. It may be harder to find someone sensitive to his... ah, unique features, but it isn’t impossible. Mentally, he goes through the list.
Too bloodthirsty. Too controlling. Too prone to destruction. Too... wormy.
By his fourth sangria, he wonders why no one is hitting on him the way they usually do. He knows in this way, he isn’t unattractive. Peter’s belittled his fashion sense, but he’s sure that the sleeves-to-the-elbows rumpled workplace look is still in fashion. And he Knows there are people looking at him, some with more hunger than others.
Then why...
He looks down at the little platinum band on his finger, and for the first time in ages, feels a very sharp sensation somewhere near his heart.
- - - 
By the Ninth Marriage--the reception of which is in Elias’ office, halfway up his desk with thrown rice being replaced by a knocked-over stack of papers on the quarterly budget--Elias thinks they might have a problem. But then Peter kisses his shoulder and tugs on his tie, then runs a hand through his hair and sets the carefully-moussed sculpting job astray, and Elias Knows something.
He Knows they’ll do this many more times. As many times as it takes.
Because he’s not himself without Peter, and Peter wants to be Alone as much as he wants to be with Elias. They’ll go back and forth; one marriage here, one call to Kellie Lucas there, and another matrimonial miracle some months or years after that.
And Elias Knows that this is what he wants.
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thatdamnokie · 4 years
so, as everybody knows, our man, the lovely mark strong, turned 57 this past august 5th
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since the kingsman films have had a huge influence on several aspects of my day-to-day life (gee, wonder what group of people i could be referring to...), i decided to sit down and do something i’ve been thinking about since getting my medical card earlier this year: getting high as a kite and watching them back-to-back.
to celebrate mark’s birthday, i decided to do another running commentary post like the one i did for rocknrolla ages ago, under the cut. it’s a pretty similar style, which is to say not necessarily super coherent and might be hard to understand if you’ve never seen the movies. D:
there are some mentions of the roanoke society, but not many.
if even just one person finds this mildly entertaining for four seconds, then i’ll have done my job. there is a lot of cursing and this is NOT spoiler-free.
edited 9.1.20 to correct typos and such, please remember that i was Not Sober while i wrote this lmao
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how many times have i watched these movies at this point? i don’t even know.  
i always liked the nifty like—retro arcade marv opening animation
and the thing with the tapes! we love book-ending devices!
kingsman: badass motherfuckers worldwide incorporated
like why was merlin even with them? i understand why lee and james would be there, but merlin, was he not acting quartermaster then?
i have SO MANY FEELINGS about lee unwin
i think it haunts harry and merlin more than anyone thinks, but these are fun spy movies so we just don’t talk about trauma and shit, don’tcha know
don’t look at how merlin tears up and tell me he doesn’t drink about it *HEAVILY* later
it’s such a stark contrast to see the 1990s interior vs. what it’s like when eggsy’s grown :(
michelle baby i’m so sorry. you deserved better than this.
omg. like this scene is both heartbreaking but is also adorable.
colin firth has gd anime legs, that dude had to straight up unfold himself as he stood up lmao
aaannnnd swooping logo, whooooo, goin’ over some mountains~
and mark hamill, ladies and gentlemen!
this whole thing with james deciding to kinda go rogue makes me wish that we knew more about his backstory as well. like, is this james being james, or was this a weird one-off situation and he was just unlucky?
YES unlucky. nobody could plan for the hurricane of sleek destruction that is gazelle
who has one of my favorite aesthetic designs as a villain (although i guess i’d put her more on maybe henchman level? but idk, it seems like valentine looked at her more as a partner, less like an assistant? and they had a very interesting chemistry together too, like i would’ve added more valentine x gazelle scenes)
i would LOVE to be this chill about just—draping blankies over bodies
blankies over bodies sounds like a cool band name
DIBS you guys can’t have it
i am SO GLAD samuel l. jackson gave valentine a lisp!
valentine, to me, does fit a lot of the usual spy movie villain tropes
but since this movie doesn’t take itself super serious, it’s more fun than annoying
and we never hear about any of the other knights?? like
half of this is just gonna be me whining for additional footage that there just wouldn’t have been room for realistically lmao
michael caine, you are lovely
i’m an embarrassment
like let’s all stop and thank god that mark didn’t have time to learn the welsh accent
not that i would’ve been disappointed, because all accents are good accents on this blog
but at this point i can’t imagine merlin as—not scottish
“try picking a more suitable candidate this time”
arthur you DICK
like were you this cold-blooded when lee died, you fuckin’ reptilian-ass son of a bitch
no wonder you were charlie’s pledge person thing
and enter the fabulous taron egerton, stage left!
god, michelle, you need better friends, if you were my bro this entire relationship would’ve never happened
;-; and eggsy’s so sweet with his sister! i know there probably wasn’t “room” for it but i AM glad that there are scenes showing that family is one of eggsy’s kinda “core values”or whatever you want to call it
dude is a hufflepuff through and through imo
can you imagine eggsy as a villain? we would be so fucked. he’s sly, he’s smart, he could’ve made life v e r y difficult for lots of people if he really wanted to
but look at him with the squad!
eggsy’s just like the british version of a good ol’ boy
this car scene is some dukes of hazzard bullshit (ramp-jumping and fun car horn aside)
if butterflies are harry’s main symbolic critter, would foxes be eggsy’s? or would it be a pug instead? i guess that’s like asking if harry would be either a butterfly or a cairn terrier, like mr. pickle. let’s say both.
this fandom is pretty on top of character associations like that
you get symbolic associations! YOU get symbolic associations! EVERYONE gets symbolic associations whether they’re actually in the canon or not! don’t have any? don’t worry, we’ll assign you at least one!
the guy playing the interviewing officer is ALSO the patriarch in the witch which i didn’t realize until—like, a while after
and it was while @circlesofbone​ was visiting, and we were just “oh, okay, guess we can’t escape this cast at all, this is fine”
“your father saved my life.”
harry you’re such a fucking peacock, waiting all posted up and posing so you’ll look cool
you big doofus
i’d kill to be inside his head during this first conversation with eggsy though
like is eggsy like lee? is harry seeing lee the entire time he’s talking to his son, in his mannerisms, how he carries himself, how he speaks?
or is eggsy the opposite? which—i don’t know if that would somehow be sadder?
there’s just a lot going on in the background of this bit that’s left up to interpretation
“although i’m sure it’s well-founded—“
harry’s just so casual about this entire thing, nobody’s that casual without practice
harry you rabble-rouser, what kind of life have you led
“manners. maketh. man.”
our timeless motto, my flowers
kingsman STILL to this DAY has some of the most well-choreographed fight scenes i’ve ever seen??
like yeah the church scene but even just this initial bar fight
harry could’ve been a dancer
in a way i guess he already is
like he moves so fluidly and gracefully, it is BONKERS
colin you did so good! i’m so proud!
the way eggsy’s just O.O
whether or not you ship hartwin, like, you gotta admit, that was hot
and his BODY LANGUAGE, he’s sitting like RAMROD straight, this poor dude lmao
nobody prepares you for a situation like that in public school is all i’m saying
harry, exiting stage left like a suave, smooth motherfucker
remember when iggy azalea was relevant
ugghhhh i hate this part
can you imagine being harry hart listening to your dead friend’s son getting the shit beat out of him
like, surely he heard the cleaver, he knows dean was going to fucking gut eggsy right?
listen to how cold and icy his voice gets, oof
yeah, he’s pissed, and dean is lucky
ugh, i want to go to london ;-; i want to walk in front of the shop and visit harry’s house and kiss cute english boys
i’d like to think harry’s super excited to show eggsy everything but he’s gotta keep it dialed back because “decorum”
the way eggsy pauses though
“come on.”
and he says it so softly.
if i was eggsy, i’d be nervous, too.
but i didn’t realize how quickly harry tries to give off signals like “hey there’s no reason to be scared.”
“like my fair lady?” “well, you’re full of surprises.” <3 one of my favorite sceneeesss.
harry’s voice is so soothing but eggsy is so freaked out by the elevator that he’s just—there’s no room for anything else beyond processing the elevator lmao
“how deep does this fucking thing go?” asking the real questions
i’d like to think they have like soft jazz or something playing in there
and then they get to the hangar and there are obviously a buuuuunch of people out on the tarmac that we just—never hear about? i just assume they’re all like technical officers or maybe other agents
“your father had the same look on his face. … as did i.”
harry is already rooting for him.
“late again, sir.”
that. brogue.
fuck, i could listen to him talk for hours, scottish accents are my favorite thing
not a very diverse cast :/
the body bag speeeeech
and of course nobody was in any actual danger, but merlin doesn’t want them to know that so he becomes mr. hard as steel, i am emotionally stoic at all times, do not test me you bunch of rugrats
“classic army technique.”
aannnnddd charlie, also
who we might’ve found sympathy for if we knew aaannyytthiinnggg else about his backstory
like, could he just be Like That, yeah
but most people i know who are assholes like that are that way because their parents were first /shrug/
can hardly fault the dude for turning out like that when poison was all he was given to drink
anyone else a hundred percent positive they would’ve drowned in the first trial
i would absolutely have panicked and bit it
but then again, i’m not kingsman material, i’m roanoke
and if this is the exact same test that merlin and harry went through, does that mean there might be some weird drowning trauma hidden back in there that’s just ANOTHER thing we’re not gonna talk about?
(yes the correct answer is yes)
god that’s such an american response to the problem though
glass can’t cause problems if it’s in a million pieces!
“yeah you can wipe those smirks off your faces…”
i wonder if there was ever a situation where a trainee actually drowned
and i don��t mean like amelia, i mean some poor kid who just failed the test
merlin knows how to put the fear of god in people though!
and mark strong, very handsome, yes, very scary, also yes
he and colin both look like they’re 80 percent leg in every single scene
harry literally had brain matter smatter ALL OVER HIS FACE and still somehow had the mental facilities to be aware of those dudes, leave a bomb and dive out of a window (and then escape said dudes)
billy badass, y’all
“just get it done.” okay, i took back what i said earlier, maybe he does see her as more of an assistant, less than a partner. their relationship is weird.
the puppy scene!
“it’s a bulldog innit?”
YASSSS the golden trio
because of what happened with our other canon charlie has become a weird character for me to watch, like, yeah, i “watch” charlie be himself in tss but the charlie i “see” is like—”our” charlie.
“bollocks!” and then he just runs with jb in his vest, makes me smile
aannddd we see valentine’s super cool factory
harry your hair gets so long <3
“water!” wow, who wants to bet that the fact he was instantly screaming means that maybe he’s gonna have some stuff to talk about in therapy later
roxy baby i’m sorry they made you hold the balloon and have to trust these dumbasses to not shoot you on accident
i would trust roxy to not shoot me
i love, love love valentine’s house
it’s gorgeous
set design is always such a cool way for filmmakers to include details about a character using pure aesthetics and i’m such a slut for it
see also: one of the characters done the WORST by these movies imo!
the fact that she not only says no, she says no with enthusiasm and gets blatantly pissed, is one of the best insights we get into tilde’s character and then it just—gets wasted
like it takes three steps and then gets mowed down in the hallway like her guards
i would never be given the opportunity to be asked if i wanted an implant but i draw the line at having stuff put into my neck
awwww harry’s so proud!
that finger point “yeah, see, be more like your uncle”
merlin is SO TALL
“a bit much innit?”
he’s just—tapping a normal clipboard
… nobody wanna talk about how that’s a normal clipboard
i also love how they show him in professor sweaters for the beginning acts of the movie
definitely a softer aesthetic than one would guess for a dude who apparently did field missions sometime within the past decade or so, but i also have a theory that lee’s death directly contributed to merlin maybe being the man behind the screen as opposed to afield
because trauma is a thing but this is a FUN movie so we’re NOT gonna talk about it
“you’re gonna be all right. you’re top of the class!” this was the scene that made my mom a reggsy shipper
regardless of how you feel about them as a couple, their friendship is one of the best things about this movie, along with their dynamic with charlie, asjdnaskdjna WHY could we not have had a trio movie instead
eggsy you show-off “lemme just throw my arms up and dip outta this plane like it’s not a big deal”
roxy you can do it!
ugh, there goes my baby, off to have a near-death experience under merlin’s immediate supervision lmao
“good girl, rox, glad you made it!”
guys, they’re just kids.
i love this big group scene because it reminds us that these are just young folks, still
“my, my, you’re all very cheerful...”
“rufus, come on!” dude eggsy—and not even just eggsy, charlie and rox too--at least made an attempt at teamwork. you get points for that bro
but man, for all they know, they’re about to beef it in a very permanent way, i’d be freaking out too
merlin getting caught up in the drama
because again, he’s supposed to know that eggsy has a parachute
i think he wasn’t prepared for these two to get that close to not making it and that’s why we see him break face and drop his mug
i HATE the sound of them landing
it’s not like you can hear bones breaking but it hurts me, guys
and then there were three
plus one daddy long legs quartermaster
“if you have a complaint you come here and you whisper it in my ear.”
yes SIR
“you need to take that chip off your shoulder.”
merlin coming’ in with the tough love portion of the kingsman core squad
there’s no reason for me to think harry’s persona was inspired by cruella de ville somehow but i do anyway
she reveals the mcdonald’s and valentine is just :D
idk if he was expecting a specific reaction or was just excited to see a reaction period
valentine is definitely a fun villain, which, given the tone of the movie, makes sense, it’s all supposed to be fun
one of the reasons i love kingsman is that it’s like, this golden ray of goofy cinematic fuckery in a world of grim!dark remakes and other superhero/spy films who are presented as more serious stories
“and thank you for such a—happy, meal.”
harry got a puppy smile
but see, then, here at his house he’s a lot more relaxed with gazelle! like, patting her butt, etc.
maybe what we see of their relationship is dependent on setting, because valentine himself has it compartmentalized?
“and i am never, EVER GOING TO AGREE!”
tilde, you deserved better, and i think all the weird hate you get from our ohana is unfair
you don’t twist a runner’s ankle before the race starts and then get mad when they don’t win
your story was mishandled from the beginning
asmr: hanging out with the golden trio watching worrying news in the kingsman trainee bunker room
the way he says “biblical sense” lmao
i have never been able to figure out if the way he says that line is supposed to infer spiritual respect, or lack of it, but i might be looking too into it
“it’s an acquired taste, mate.”
what—what would you even do if you were at a club and three people as hot as taron, ed and sophie all came up and start talking to you at the same time
like i know the target got up and left pretty quick because of the training exercise
but i’d be doing it because i’m ugly and if three hot people are all talking me up at a bar something is Bad and Wrong
which—the CAHONES on both eggsy and roxy
they both literally said “yeah i’m willing to die for this organization that hasn’t even given me a permanent place yet, what of it”
look at harry’s dimples in this scene, he is fighting a huge grin, he’s SO PROUD
i know that charlie’s response is supposed to be just more fodder into the “charlie hesketh is a tool” fire
but given that i’m not unconvinced that his home life wasn’t super shitty, like—
idk, this makes this scene a lot less fun to me. it makes it sad.
like, maybe charlie didn’t even want to be there deep down, maybe this was all for like, arthur, or his dad, or some other person he looked up to
and the way merlin looks when he tells charlie to go home, the way that he’s kinda grimacing? i’m wondering if he’s along the same kind of feeling. he’d know more about charlie’s history
have i also mentioned how much i love harry’s war room?
“YES harry!”
an evil plan is being born!
“true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
eggsy is still in his club clothes, so like—has he slept? y’all let those kids sleep after fucking drugging them, right? … guys?
“—when one is popping ones cherry.”
and eggsy is just CHEESING he is SO EXCITED
am i the only one who wants to learn more about the store clerk guy though?
he’s like the one person around who’s legit just there to run the shop
has no idea about any of the spy stuff happening
his name is donald, he’s married with three children and has two spaniels he loves
“THAT is sick.”
i would KILL for this room.
i don’t need anything in here for any reason but still
foreshadowing, foreshadowing, foreshadowing, more foreshadowing—
harry is such a NERD
“put it back, eggsy.”
the amount of self-control it would take to not have a sudden change in expression in that moment, omg
i wonder how THAT gets trained up in kingsman
“i guarantee it.” ha, get it, it’s a reference to that one commercial
“y’all—talk so funny.”
and this all means that they had a contact at that hat shop and got all that info to them before valentine got there, and somehow made sure he did end up buying a hat that they could also successfully put a bug on, how deep does this goooooo
“jack bauer?”
it says a lot about eggsy that out of all the jb’s it could’ve been, it was jack
uggghhhhhh of course they HAD to do this scene with eggsy with arthur
obviously harry couldn’t do it
i just think most of us would NOT be fans of arthur at this point in the movie, we’re all rooting for eggsy, like, he needs this moment with this other character because we gotta drive home that he’s an asshole
also—would have absolutely failed that test
and i’m not sorry at all
“welcome to kingsman--lancelot.”
i was really happy that it was a female agent who ended up getting the handle
aannddd more echoes of past scenes, man, nobody can say that this crew wasn’t intentional with their cinematography
when eggsy rolls the window down you can see his chest moving up and down, like, he is MAD
dean you asshole
so no wonder he gets so pissed that the car suddenly decides “nope, no, we’re not doing this, c’mon”
this entire conversation at harry’s house is—tense
and you don’t pick up on it the first time, i don’t think, but uh
i’m seeing it now
harry’s not just mad, he’s hurt, and eggsy’s furious but he’s also maybe regretting his actions.
it’s these two men who are rapidly trying to figure out their headspaces and trying to figure out how to navigate this situation with each other
and the way eggsy tries to apologize ;-;
kentucky is a beautiful state, actually
ohhhhhh y’alllll
we’re at the churrrccchhhh
we’re gettin’ closer to the coolest part of the movieeeee
it’s telling that gazelle was trying to make sure that they’d be safe
“… so hail satan, and have a lovely afternoon madame.”
the most metal lines colin firth has ever uttered on camera
the siren noise after it’s switched on bothers me in a way i can’t quite articulate
it might be because i have silent hill-colored trauma, who knows
but then eggsy and merlin are reacting aaaanndddd it’s—a lot less fun
because you realize that they’re watching their bro mercilessly slaughter innocent people and not stopping
and still not stopping
and still not stopping
but plot twist, i’m really glad they kept the track going, because if they’d suddenly picked *this* part of the scene to get serious, that would’ve brought the mood down so low that i don’t think there would’ve been any bouncing back
i just
how do people exist who aren’t attracted to harry hart
that man is a machine
and colin worked so hard to be able to do the scene himself, and that work SHOWS, that man cuts a FIGURE
i don’t know how they managed to somber it up just the right amount, either? maybe because they waited for the “fun action sequence” to be over so there wouldn’t need to be noise that had to be masked by a fun rock track?
“… what did you do to me.”
i cannot imagine what harry was feeling in that moment.
the way he spoke it was like he didn’t even have time to be afraid to die
“that tends to happen when you shoot somebody in the head. feels good, right?”
“no, it does not feel good!”
i love that exchange because we normally hear the opposite.
mark has this way of expressing grief without showing any—blatant signs.
like merlin’s not especially tearful, or crying, but his eyes look MASSIVE. and SAD. and he has just the tiiiiiniest tremor in his voice.
and eggsy, dude, like, we’ve all had it come on us really quick and suddenly it’s like your chest is pumping like a piston and when did it get so hard to breathe?
like look at how egssy’s shoulders sag when he realizes that arthur isn’t on his team
and in a way, this is eggsy’s final test as a kingsman trainee, imo
do you realize how quickly he had to assess what was happening and figure out what to do, all without arthur noticing?
“you are all alone. it is all up to you. remember all you have learned. good luck.”
it’s a very—almost horror-esque situation from that pov
and he passed with flying colors to go on his first true mission, because after he puts on the suit, that’s his visual cue of graduating, if that makes sense
that’s the knight putting on his armor.
“i’d rather be with harry. thanks.”
“so be it.”
me: *laughing at arthur’s big dumb stupid head*
… man i’d love a replica of that decanter and glasses set though
not to mention that eggsy recognized the flaws in arthur’s character and weaponized them, which is a whole other level of shit that isn’t necessarily easy; he knew that arthur carried the kind of pride that would leave him open
god, he looks so exhausted though when rox has him at gunpoint.
i think he was being pretty serious, about harry
sick helipaaaaaaad
that thing looks vaguely like a rock-‘em sock-‘em robot but in pieces though
more grandpa sweaters <3
man. you can see roxy swallow, you know she’s scared, but then she just sets her jaw and—
roxy baby you are the best i love you
i like the vintage vibe of the mountain lair
i think that’s another visual poke at the aesthetic themes of some of the older, og spy flicks out there
merlin looks SO LANKY walking back to the plane for some reason??
he stays until the last second for roxy. that’s love right there.
“a bespoke suit always fits.”
which can be good spiritual life advice too but that’s a separate conversation
“what the fuck is WRONG with you people?”
and his fuckin’ disco ball
uuggggghhhhh his speech reminds me of so many… “public figures” that i dislike
even though it’s obviously a bad thing that the chips are everywhere, i appreciate that phones and such are being shown in a positive manner (like, michelle talking to someone in the park, people at a ball game taking selfies, people at the beach, etc.) because i get so sick of that anti-tech boomer humor tbh
and the big reveal of eggsy in his suitttt
“how’s the view?”
you’re allowed to be crabby baby, you just let it out.
“lookin’ good, eggsy.”
“feelin’ good, merlin.”
merlin is so calm heading into the fortress and i don’t know if it’s because he’s very, very good at compartmentalizing and that’s genuinely how he is at the moment or if he’s that way through extreme self-control and effort
he can rock a pilot’s uniform though
just like eggsy can rock a suit
they’re both so handsome, help
i also wonder how eggsy’s feeling right then
like, i’d imagine that the pressure of having to perform a role to literally save the world would be enough to distract him from the bite of grief
that’s—probably enough to distract everyone, tbh
i a hundred percent believe there are breakdowns we don’t see
i wonder if eggsy told tilde he’d spoken to lindstrum(sp?) after everything was said and done
like, that’d be some kind of weird foreshadowing in hindsight
this scene is anxiety-inducing in a big way so to distract myself i imagine roxy as a mech pilot
dude i’d totally watch sophie in a role like that, like, let her be in a movie like pacific rim, she’d kick ass
and now we have The Chaos
otherwise known as that point when Everything Is Happening All At Once All The Time
also a thing that doesn’t exist in spy movies: hearing damage
because like his voice is right in eggsy’s ear and without it he’d have a LOT harder time surviving
imagine being an agent, merlin trying to talk to you, but something either hits your ear or goes off right next to it and suddenly it’s just silent
The Chaos 2 Electric Boogaloo!
merlin with a huge gun: hot, also, very scary
eggsy is just 10000% done
“this is mine. i’ll show you yours.”
i wonder who e man was supposed to be that valentine called.
like is that a reference to a real person that i just did’t catch?
… elon musk? maybe? idk
eggsy slides like a gd anime character
when he uses the rainmaker, it’s just like harry’s protecting him from somewhere else
(oh—wait, technically kentucky, i guess)
“merlin, i’m fucked.” you can hear the anger there. not only did he fail, but he—and everyone else—is about to die
but this? this is the pinnacle of eggsy showing himself as a kingman agent
he was staring death straight in the mouth and STILL
so i guess if i say that the moment when he puts on the suit is when he becomes a true agent, then maybe this is the moment when he becomes galahad.
*bobs head to pomp & circumstance*
i remember getting a huge kick out of how colorful they made this
because in real life you know a bunch of people literally blowing up would be like—DISGUSTING
viscera everywhere
no fun rainbow mushroom clouds
“i’ve always wanted to kiss a princess.”
ANOTHER knight reference, very clever matthew
mmmmm Do Not Like that noise
aaaannndddd *that* line
which—maybe that’s mr. vaughn’s sense of humor, or what he thinks the sense of humor his core demographic has, idk
but it always kinda rubbed me the wrong way
the mass brawl scenes are edited so like--jarringly compared to the other fight scenes in the movie
that’s probably for a reason
also, a showdown to the tune of something disco: kind of another trope homage
this shot of gazelle is so sick, i love everything about it, she is so cool
this entire fight with eggsy is awesome tbh
we got a little bit of what gazelle can look like in combat earlier with tilde’s guards, but now we get this epic showdown seeing her at her full potential against someone who’s actually a challenge
and the way valentine is shouting for her to kick his ass from upstairs and yelling encouragement lmao that’s how real friends act when there’s a fight
daisy ;-; ugh, that’s the visual gutpunch that makes it juuuuuust serious enough by reminding us of the stakes
which is why it’s fitting that then we see the Slo-Mo K.O.
and that smile with the fun little chimes in the back, lmao
and eggsy, quick on his feet again byyyy being quick on gazelle’s feet—foot—whatever
man, impalement deaths are always fun.
coulda done without the vomiting but that’s also one of valentine’s quirks that makes him different from a cookie cutter villain
aaannddd have a heavy sigh from merlin
that dude needs a full-body massage and a drink
“is this where you say some really bad pun?”
reminder: i love that this movie is self-aware! i could not picture a super serious kingsman movie! i just picture something depressing!
there had to have been a better option besides—this, for this eggsy/tilde ending scene
i’m not saying i’m mad it ended with them fucking, i’m mad that the extent of the joke was anal and that was it.
also the idea of my boss possibly seeing me having sex would have me a little more concerned about the hardware on my face, but okay??
aannddd the tapes.
gah, we love visual throwbacks!
we love being able to see that despite all this growth and change, family remains very important to eggsy—he hasn’t changed into a different person, he has grown more into himself than ever before! THIS! THIS is eggsy unwin!
time for tgc! (and to get into my roanoke feels, maybe, this is the nexus where our canons connect)
i did not stop to consider how unpleasant this was going to be to watch stoned but we’re gonna power through it and get through it together
if i cry i cry
the way the music swells into the main theme <3
and the perfect reveal for our boy eggsy!
reflected in gold, looking sharper than broken glass
the pacing in tgc leads me to believe that matthew had huge plans for this movie, and a lot of cool stuff probably ended up on the cutting room floor for time
i also love that they brought charlie back
i love his voice box and his cool robot arm
and i’m not just saying that because it made it super easy to blend him into our canon, either, this is like—charlie’s evil twin in terms of his new aesthetic, the contrast is really cool
like we are IMMEDIATELY thrown back into the gold parts of it all, like how physics is a little broken so we can do cool shit like have a knockdown drag-out fight all within the space of a small cab
i wonder what would’ve hurt charlie worse—being thrown onto his organic side, or having all his weight land on his metal arm if it hadn’t disattached
but then he’s up and standing so i guess we’re fine?
otherwise known as the character entrance that literally changed my life
i try not to think about it too much or i get weirded out
(and to think i almost never even saw the movie)
Sick Car Chase, Bro
and as an american, like, everything’s on the opposite side to me, it’s stressful to watch a little bit
“i seem to remember in your training you were rather good at holding your breath.”
man, that’s uh—kind of a macabre thing to say, merlin
just a little bit
i’m not even gonna attempt to hold my breath to see if i’d survive this scene just assume i’m dead in that universe
we all live in a kingsman subarmine, a kingsman submarine, a kingsman submarine~~
“not boasting, but i trained him well enough that even he wouldn't mess that up.”
merlin are you okay??
gah, i love that chest-deep laugh though.
is it real love if they won’t crawl through the sewer to get to your house in time
i love that harry’s house looks basically the same
i know they talk about eggsy not wanting to change anything in the novelization but i haven’t read it yet so I’m not a hundred percent sure what all is in there
and we still get to see him hanging with his friends, and his girlfriend, like, this dude is still all about the family
i love this group so much omg
for as much as he’s galahad, he’s still eggsy
the transition in the weed bag looks super cool
… oh, i guess watching this while high makes the main storyline hit a bit different
i love that poppy is an aesthetic slut and really doesn’t give a shit about anyone’s opinion about how she makes her space
like, “i want a big 50s-style diner with a gourmet kitchen that i can cook people in, soooooo i’m getting one”
it’s also refreshing to see julianne moore in a bad guy role!
not that i’m super familiar with her filmography but i feel like i’ve mostly seen her cast as like a good guy?
i could be wrong
awwwww jet and bennie!
there’s so much to love about this set
cannibalism and the fact that she bulldozed jungle to build all this aside (suspend that belief!)
the breakfast sceeeeeene
it’s so bittersweet, for obvious reasons
and it’s more evidence that he’s not super ready to move on into new territory yet, like making new memories with tilde that ring close to home
“i wish i could have met him.”
and the way he has to turn away, ugh.
eggsy. i’m sorry.
tilde, i’m sorry, too. you had good intentions, but they lost against his pain.
michael gambdon! the new arthur we didn’t know we wanted until we got him.
charlie had a moral glo-down, it’s fine, happens to everybody
FFFFFF his imitation of merlin lmfao
man, poor charlie, like
you wake up, you can’t make a sound, your arm has been blown off and your family’s dead
like his reaction to that entire scenario isn’t entirely unrealistic, i’m just saying
omg everyone in this movie can wear the FUCK out of suit, y’all
man, i’ve gotten a few tattoos that were exquisitely painful—i can’t imagine how much it would suck to do it with literal molten metal
dude this means clara laid on her stomach and probably screamed at the floor as she got hers D:
this kinda—riffs off of hannibal, a teeny-tiny bit
like we’re so overloaded with the aesthetics and behavior of a certain character so it’s like, we forget about the much darker parts untillllll there’s a mood change and we’re looking at that dude’s legs, to the burger this other dude puts in his mouth, and thinking “oh, oh dear, ew”
i love eggsy in the orange jacket <3 snaps for the wardrobe crew across this series.
tilde’s face, omg, she was heart-eyeing so bad. and like, that little proud nod at her dad (who was of course being Like That on purpose)
and roxy, coming in in the clutch, you are tonight’s MVP
uggghhhhh i hate this part
because again, it’s just--a bunch of bad shit colliding outside of anyone’s control
(it was also really jarring seeing the war room with blank walls the first time i watched this)
like—granted, you should maybe not touch stuff that’s not yours, but…
like we *just* saw eggsy and brandon in a very casual, intimate scene with each other, how can anyone get angry with brandon?
this is all stress-inducing
i remember being in the theater watching this and feeling like i was watching some awful slow motion car wreck and i couldn’t look away
idk what other story i would’ve wanted to see but i was NOT a fan of Sudden Death For Christmas, especially concerning roxy!
and poppy is such a *bright* villain, not just because of taste but because of her personality, which is another weird thing to have next to the cannibalism
gaaahhhh charlieeee your arm is so cooooool
this shot is gorgeous and incredibly depressing.
what do you do?
gah, and the way merlin comes out of the dark, like
i probably would’ve drawn a gun on him too
“you think *i* would?”
this scene shows 1. how much he trusts eggsy to not shoot him, and/or 2. how good merlin is at compartmentalizing, because this is an even bigger blow than harry’s death, and he’s following the protocol like it’s an art form
i hope that we see some reference to this safe in the next movie, that’d be a cool way to tie the narratives all together
“i suppose that must be upper class humor. … i don’t get it.”
reminder, merlin is working class.
if you’re a ho for this fandom and went and bought this whiskey specifically because of this movie clap your hands *clap clap*
and they proceed to just get HAMMERED
“country rooaaddsss… take me hoooooome…”
another reminder: kentucky is a beautiful state!
i would love to tour a whiskey distillery, that’d be super cool
“shame it’s not scotch”
again, with his weird night vale clipboard.
who would win: two highly-trained kingsman agents vs. one (1) cowboy
channing tatum, ladies and gentlemen!
“y’all look damn sharp!”
i am forever gonna be mad we didn’t get more of tequila in this movie, and not just because of roanoke either, but like, “that dog don’t hunt,” whatever he has in his mouth sealed a leak in a barrel, and it took him all of two minutes to incapacitate both eggsy AND merlin? hello??
i’m glad we’ll get to see more of him in the another movie.
“you know why the measurement of alcohol is called proof?”
just dumping it on their laps, so disrespectful
“—and you can go fuck yourself.”
eggsy fucking just giggling.
these two doofuses
also it’s hot to see merlin be sassy ngl
these guys have been fast thinkers in stressful situations but as it turns out, people being unexpectedly not dead can kinda fuck with your day
aaannddd halle berry, everybody! i love ginger ale omg
(and so does merlin, he is instantly enchanted)
;-; this reunion scene
i don’t know how colin manages to be two completely different people at once
like there’s a huge difference between former agent galahad and harry hart the lepidopterist and i can’t explain it
i really, really hope we see at least one little hint at kinsman’s relationship with statesman in the new movie, i just think it’d be really cool
in roanoke canon, there’s an office rumor that the nanobot tech used by statesman was influenced directly by the same technology developed by dr. wernicke in the outlast games. i still think it’s one of my better crossover ideas.
god bless whoever decided to get elton john involved with all this?? because i was DELIGHTED
i love poppy’s wardrobe as much as i love her weird 50s-land in the jungle
i also really love the main statesman theme? it reminds me of all those fun epic westerns
jeff bridges! :D
champ vaguely reminds me of my dad
“can you imagine us in the tailor business?”
and he’s super quick with the questions. my headcanons for champ are all over the place but one that i really like is that he was maybe a sheriff or in law enforcement before being recruited by statesman.
aaanndddd pedro pascal, everybody!
otherwise known as *another* character that this movie did dirty, that’ll probably come up in this later
imagine being harry hart, not remember all of yourself, and suddenly your entire room just—fills with water
that had to have been so terrifying, and it was just as hard for merlin to watch (and possibly remember something unpleasant)
and like
that sounds like SUCH bullshit, too, like “yeah we thought if you came close to drowning it would help”
which, is that what merlin meant, no, but is that what harry heard, probably
enter jb the second ;-; <3 sweet baby
tilde’s trying so hard. i see you!
aha, penis jokes.
and all of the unnecessary weird festival stuff, uuggghh
there are so many different things they could have done, like, all of this is just weird from the get-go
first of all, whiskey striking out? hello?? saying no to a man like mr. pascal???
not realistic
the way whiskey takes a shot as he walks away lmao, relatable
and poor clara, like, it’s not like she was asking for any of this D:
hmmmmmmm don’t know how i feel being a stoner watching other stoners get this blue rash thing when i know it kills some of themmmmmmm
i love charlie in his newsboys cap!
poppy has a little bit of a point. like, booze is way more dangerous than pot, as is tobacco. like i would never advocate anyone try meth or heroin, but i think weed and some hallucinogenics get bad wraps.
seeing a dude get torn in half in the reflection of elton john’s sunglasses is the surprising bit of gore we need to remember that oh, yeah, the villain isn’t fun, she’s a murderer
uuggghhhh the TENT SCENE
and, look, i’ll defend tilde forever, but i did NOT like the weird marriage ultimatum. i still think it’s a dick move, like, in that situation either decide to trust your boyfriend or break up with him
the tent interior is super cool-looking
and like, man, he tried, he tried to bounce D:
/sigh/ work hazards, i guess
mmmmmm we don’t need any of what’s happening on screen right now so i’ll just sit patiently and wait for it to be over
and like, there’s nothing funny about merlin and ginger being able to hear everything that’s going on, it’s so grosssss, poor ginger has to have heard some shit before to be so nonchalant about it
everything about this sucks
and then he tries going to the one person who he needs the most and having to deal with him still existing in some state between alive and dead
his body is here
but harry is not
“maggots turn into flies, perhaps you mean larvae!” :D he is SO CUTE
but this entire conversation, with harry still not remembering and eggsy trying so hard to reach him through the fog, is so depressing
like, i’d need a drink too
*and* a joint
i’m seeing my coping mechanisms on screen here folks
the way he comes up with the idea is kinda ingenious though
like, he’s looking at stuff to make himself bummed on purpose, but therein he finds the thing he needs to fix the issue
harry’s smile when eggsy hands him the puppy TT.TT
and then eggsy just becomes a stone cold motherfucker with no emotions
“no one’s sick enough to shoot a puppy!”
hi, flashback!harry
and as SOON as he remembers himself, it’s like his eyes are different, something about him looks like it did before kentucky
“… eggsy.”
one of my favorite movie hugs
and eggsy has to stand on his tiptoes because harry’s so tall
like yeah merlin and harry’s reunion isn’t as overtly emotional, but there’s definitely a sense of joy and relief there.
harry my baby ;-; much better with the sunglasses (and merlin was so close to telling him he looked spectacular)
“now is that any way to welcome a visit from outta town, moonshine?”
he! tried! to! defend! harry!
i hate that jack got a villain story line!
we could’ve had something so much better and infinitely more compelling!
“hurrrr durrrr morgan you just like redemption arcs because you don’t want anybody being a villain permanently” i also like them because sometimes that’s better writing, y’all sit down
“that is NOT what i call a kentucky welcome.”
i love so many things happening in this scene, like
we get to see whiskey kick ass, like yassss gimme those sweet action sequences and give us some character development by showcasing his fighting style
and also NOBODY shits on harry for not being able to handle the situation. both eggsy and merlin were like “dude we’re still celebrating the fact that you’re alive tbh it’s fine if you’re not back up to speed right this second”
you can really tell that this was penned by british people writing american slang because having grown up in the southern half of the u.s. i have never ONCE heard ANYONE say shit like “i feel like a tornado in a trailer park” lmao
and poppy’s fun little death threat infomercial, so great
“what have you done to me you FUCKING BITCH” oof, that’s a mood
!!!!! gonna be honest i kinda forgot that bruce greenwood plays the president
okay but save lives, legalize isn’t an entirely bad idea tbh
hnnnnnnng the scenes about people not being able to get into the hospital hits different in the year of our lord 2020 huh
… y’all i’m being weirded out by all this hospital scenes, this is unpleasant
i, too, wish i could pull a tequila and just be slipped into a chilly coma until shit wasn’t so fucked up
“the fact is, this presidency has won the war on drugs!”
look, y’all can come into my inbox and call me a pothead, or a lazy stoner, or some third insult, but this dude’s VP is bringing up some very, VERY important points when it comes to any kind of discussion about drug use in the u.s.
am i drug-friendly, sure, but i’m more friendly to the notion that we stop demonizing addicts/users
harry looks fucking SCANDALIZED when he sees champ spit into his spittoon thing
i don’t think whiskey even brought up harry not being ready to return to the field in an insulting manner, he literally just saw him get his ass beat in a bar, but eggsy’s faith and loyalty are up there in the category of unstoppable force/immovable object, so here we are
am i the only one curious about the whole charlie x clara thing? because he’s definitely grown up a bit by tgc, and i wanna know how much of that might be because of clara
and he MISSES, e for effort harry
“so sorry about this—“ WHAM
and now that guy can say colin firth busted his face with a fire extinguisher, which is very cool
“*you’re* wu ting feng?” “… yes?”
“you motherFUCKER” ohhhhhh charlie maaaaaad
ginger and merlin though, #couplegoals
the only person more pissed off about the hallucinations than everyone else is harry
imagine remembering that you’re one of the top people in your field and you just keep seeing imaginary butterflies everywhere
like, yeah, i’d be pissed at not being able to do what i knew i was capable of, too
if it wasn’t careening towards a random retirement center, getting stuck in a wildly rotating gondola thing could be fun
nice tuesday afternoon activity
i would loved to have seen more galahad/whiskey field stuff
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me—“
meanwhile, in the continuing adventures of eggsy and jack: shit goes from bad to worse like a formal spiral only going downward
their expressions as their both just SCREAMING always make me laugh
”that’s the first decent shit i’ve had in three weeks.” <- as does that line, that old dude’s just telling it like it is
eggsy’s comment about the antidote just reminds me of when boromir looks a the ring and says something like “all this for such a tiny thing”
dun dun DUN what are THOSE? hints that whiskey may not be who we think he is??
great. so excited about that. i say, rolling my eyes into the sun
“i’ll fix their wagons.” no one says that matthew!
i. love. this. scene. because now we get cool gun tricks AND the second most metal thing that happens with a lasso in this movie (we’re coming up on the most metal thing)
like please please PLEASE show us more lasso tricks in the statesman movie
“well thank fuckin’ christ i didn’t need any backup.” i wonder if whiskey’s acting angrier than he actually is to throw off the fact that he might’ve caught harry’s glance at him betraying suspicion
RIP jack
imagine the timeline where whiskey was never a bad guy and harry hart just blew a dude away for NO REASON
now THAT would be an interesting movie
because harry and eggsy, for all they went through in the first film, never had a conflict where it was harry in the position of mangling the ropes up
but of course eggsy would never, never tell merlin what happened because he’s still ultimately on harry’s team
damn, charlie, literally blowing up your girlfriend seems kinda extreme
“THIS is vital!”
and here we get to see the biggest difference between merlin and ginger
now, i know there’s extra stuff in the novelization about their relationship and i can’t talk about it because i have no idea what’s in the book
i DO still headcanon as merlin quitting fieldwork after lee’s death
his comment is either what he genuinely believes, or maybe what he fashioned his beliefs into after stepping down from his field role, and ginger is just as sincere in her desire to break into that aspect of working for statesman
it’s like seeing the same character but in two points in time, and it’s really cool
that balance would’ve also been a fun aspect of their romantic relationship to explore but alas! ’twas not to be
colin and mark could both play slenderman
look at those limbs.
also this facetime scene with eggsy and tilde T.T
that has to be so terrifying to watch when you know the steps of death and what they look like as they get closer
but it also puts a fire under eggsy though
“i’m leaving with, or without you.”
and of course they’re both gonna go because that’s NOT characteristic eggsy behavior based off of how we know he views family/squad
that’s how they know he’s being for cereal
stacey pruitt, attorney at lawwwww
what does this conversation between poppy and the president remind me of
gonna just sigh into the void
and now we have harry and eggsy on the jet along with the BIGGEST LIE harry hart has ever told in his LIFE
kingsman and statesman aesthetics at least tend to be the same color schemes. lotta golds, yellows. browns.
eggsy, yeah, it’s a bummer your gf dumped you, but this relationship wasn’t very well-developed or written so i’m not as bummed as i could be
“… and in that moment, all i felt was loneliness and regret.”
harry shut the FUCK UP
you felt NOTHING??
you weren’t thinking of, gee, i dunno, EGGSY? or MERLIN?? your MOM???
like these lines from him just seem to come out of left field and i can’t even halfway suspend my belief long enough to come close to believing him
like mr. hart you just gonna be like that in front of jesus and everybody????
so, yeah, of course he’s on board with saving tilde! because he recognizes (apparently just right that second) that “having something to lose is what makes life worth living”
and i don’t know if they felt like there need to be some weird, deeply contrasting reason for harry to swing around to being in support? or something?
i’m forever pissed about this characterization and i don’t even know if i’m expressing my anger in a way that makes it easy to understand lmao this is fine, i’m fine, literally not a single person in this fandom ever believed those lines anyway, it’s fine
moving on
... and even if they WERE true then honestly that just makes me more excited about butterfly knife, because that means that harry acknowledged both the bad side of the coin, and also the side with rae on it (which would mean seeing her for who she was and also recognizing his feelings for what THEY were) and drew the ultimately correct conclucision that love! is! always! worth! it! let that shit in like a welcome guest in the home of your heart, and they will stay as long as you let them!
as SOON as he wakes up ginger looks a thousand percent done lmao
and the “process” that they use to wake people up or whatever is—interesting
because all it is, is trauma turned into a tool which is kind of a weird concept to see in a “fun spy movie” imo
and this is one of what i feel were like only what, two? glimpses we get into whiskey’s Tragic Backstory
and the other scene isn’t a glimpse it’s just straight up exposition in his dialogue :/
jack, i’m sorry, you deserved better than this as a character
i’m sure the name “silver pony” is a reference to something but i don’t know what
“lookin’ GOOD merlin!” “feelin’ good, eggsy.”
ladies and gentlemen when i tell you that i lost my pool-noodle mind seeing him put on that suit watching this in a theater, i--
because now that i have the horrible burden of having seen these movies a million times
i know it’s more symbolic
he stays in sweaters so long, as an agent of the background, because he walked a man to his death
so it figures when he puts the armor back on for the first time in ages
he walks to his own
uuuggghhhh the minesweeper
i hate this
i hate it
i hate everything about the feelings i’m having while this is happening
“you move, we die.”
but like, i don’t know, how preferable is this to the end scene we almost got, which was merlin dragging his newly-legless corpse through a doggy door?
because it’s been literally multiple years and i still have no fucking idea
they’re both horrible in their own terrible, awful ways
damn, matthew, it’s not often someone manages to come up with multiple versions of a thing and have every version be so gut-wrenchingly horrific, i’m truly impressed and completely disgusted
“do as your told!”
everyone just going through twenty shades of Bad Feelings in the space of fifteen seconds here in the jungle
and colin and taron do this thing where it’s like—their eyes go dead? like, there was a light here, it’s gone now
oh no
… fuck
“… singing?”
this sucks.
this sucks this sucks this sucks
and he even took off his glasses before he hit him, he had his end coming towards him and he was still a gentleman
… okay i had to get up and go for a lil’ walk
(and again, roanoke canon, fucking fixing’ shit left and right, because we’re the goat)
harry and eggsy look MURDEREROUS
it DID make the grand ending fun action scene a lot more satisfying
because like, without merlin there, that means harry and eggsy get to go full feral
poppy you big idiot you just robbed them of all their motivation to show any kind of restraint and now everybody’s gonna get blown up
except for those dudes who get kicked by elton john
which would be an HONOR first of all
(the part where eggsy’s using his gun and shield vaguely reminds me of the specialist, @bloodofthepen​)
and harry and eggsy just—they’re drift compatible! that’s it! the teamwork! the grace! the flow! my god!
eggsy vs. charlie: round like 4 if you count the first movie
it was also satisfying to see charlie’s new arm in action
we love fun robotics and gadgetry in this house
colin firth is really just not afraid to throw himself full force down a bowling lane huh
ugh, seeing charlie slam eggsy over and over again makes my chest hurt
the sound mixing on all these films is top notch which isn’t always a good thing T.T
that shit will never NOT be funny
a wild elton john appeared!
eggsy is indestructible, he can walk off anything
but charlie, charlie i feel really sorry for, imagine being attacked by a superior version of your own limb, i.e. something that you can’t exactly quickly remove from yourself, that would be TERRIFYING
harry + elton = dream teaaaammmm
“darling if you save the world, you can have a backstage pass.”
i love you elton john :(
i would have been the most OBNOXIOUS hype man in the background of the entire kingsman vs. poppy land face-off
“let’s make this fair.” eggsy you’re fuckin’ cheeky
and poor harry, all that lank just getting tossed like noodles
i thought the robot puppers were very cool
“for the record charlie i’m more of a gentleman than you’ll ever be.”
mmmmmm do NOT like this death for charlie
SUPER glad we fixed it
and another scene where i can’t stand the sound mixing T.T it makes me cringe every time
“i don’t consider genocide especially lady-like.”
and are we gonna talk about how merlin knew how to make heroin?
… no?
nobody wanna talk about that?
ugh that houndstooth dress is so PRETTY though
high!poppy is weirdly comedic for all of two seconds and then it stops being funny real fast
whiskey D:<
this is so dumb
this is all so, so dumb
“our agencies were founded to uphold peace, to protect the innocent—“
there’s that nobility again
is what happened to whiskey fucked up, yes
i’m not saying we have to completely remove that from his story
i just
literally anything but this would have been preferable
and then HOT DOG it’s one of my favorite shots in the movie with the whip where harry’s just chucking it away from his face like a bamf, YES
how great is this cover, let’s be honest
like, i’d be lying if i said i didn’t enjoy this scene visually
it’s one fluid tracking shot, so kinda in alignmentment with what we’re used to
some people get annoyed with repeated junk but when you can do it THIS WELL you can get away with anything
but then jack
you did NOT desert that
yes, you were in dire need of an attitude adjustment but jesus
“this is for you, merlin.”
/ugly sobbing/
and tilde is all betterrrrrr ;-;
you guys did itttttt
and the scene with jamal and liam T.T #wholesomecontent
poor tequila, after i knew that you would have a bigger role in another movie, i was less annoyed by the fact that they iced you so quick into the story
“… now we’re brothers, working side by side.”
spoiler alert i actually love champ’s toast
“y’all shittin’ in high cotton now” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
and ginger becomes the new whiskey like she always wanted T.T
merlin is proud from heaven (or london, depending on which canon)
iiiiiii have mixed feelings about the whole wedding scene, which is probably because i take HUGE issue with the weird proposal ultimatum thing that happened earlier
but the way eggsy says “not a doubt in my mind,” he says it so seriously and i remember that tilde almost died
there was such good intention packed into this couple that was so badly written that i just
“but it is perhaps the end of the beginning.”
there’s ***merlin! lmao i see you dude, they did you dirty
i was pissed off about a lot of things that happened in this thing but i was honestly hype seeing tequila at the very end walking into the tailor shop
like, yeah, i’ll stick around to see what happens in this universe but i’m gonna complain the whole time
and again, i almost didn’t see this movie.
… i think about that morgan sometimes.
hope she’s doin’ okay.
she’s probably not. D:
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Survey #327
starting to run outta steam... haha.
What design is on your shower curtain? It doesn't have one. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? Ha ha yeah, for yelling "HOLY SHIT!" once, lmao. Ever made a snow angel? Yeah. Do you laugh at racial jokes? Absolutley not. What’s the highest you can count in a different language? 999, in German. How’s your flirting skills? I wouldn't know, ask those I've flirted with. Have you ever cried over a breakup? For a whole year and then some. I still have episodes. What does your dream life look like? Living isolated in the woods by a river and waterfall with a fantastic spouse, me being a very successful photographer and at least somewhat above *just* financially "stable," maybe having at least one poem published, lots of pets (mostly snakes), plenty of travel opportunities (mostly for photography), being free of my social anxiety and actually being reasonably confident, back in great physical shape... I'm really daydreaming now. What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? bleh Where did you meet your current or last significant other? YouTube, back when it was a much more social platform. Do you enjoy wine? No, it's way too bitter. What did you last ask your parents permission for? I asked Mom if I could snack on some chocolate chips she was saving for fudge (since Christmastime...). She was fine with it. Periods are fun. Do you get annoyed when you hear babies crying? I shouldn't, but I do. Me and babies just don't mix. Why were you in a waiting room the last time? I was at a doctor's appointment. What’s your lawyer’s name? I don’t have one. Do you own a lot of scarves? I don't think I own any... Would you ever get a face tattoo? I doubt it, but maybe something very small and subtle. Are your expecting anything in the mail? No. What would you like to see out of your window everyday instead of what you see now? Nature. The woods. Would you rather have a house exterior made from wood, brick, or stucco? Aesthetically, wood, but I don't support the continuation of wood housing in a society where we have many other options that don't harm the environment as much. So, realistically, brick. What is your favorite breakfast? Cinnamon rolls. Do you own a diamond ring? No. Have you ever stripped? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? IT with Girt. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. Yes or no: foreplay? Lmao who the fuck does it w/o foreplay first. Would you ever record you having sex? No fucking way. Something nobody’d ever guess about you? I used to be in great shape. Would you like to be a journalist? I actually wouldn't mind it. It was almost my minor the last time I was in college, actually, but the required courses were a no-no for me. Last year for school, we had an assignment where we had to choose a popular song to write a story based on. What song would you’ve picked? I don't know popular songs, so I'm picking any song. Off the top of my head, given my love for dark and morbid shit, maybe "Voyeur" by Otep. That song is messed up as fuck. No, it's actually not about sex, 'cuz I ain't interested in writing about that. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? I don't think it did. Do you have a long driveway? No, it's actually very short. Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Oh yes. Are you friends with anyone missing one of their five senses? Not to my knowledge. Are you good at Pac Man? I'm no better than anyone else. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it? No. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication? No. Do you prefer tampons or pads? Tampons. Pads are mega uncomf. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty? I don't know, actually. What stereotype do you fit the most? Geek, maybe? Emo? Idk. If you’re a worshipper, how do you worship? I don't worship anything. What’s your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Not a lot, no. Does your father have facial hair? Yes. Have you ever had a hamster? Yeah, we went through a few. All of 'em were evil. Grape or strawberry jelly? Absolutely grape. What language would you most like to know fluently? German. Do you remember the last song you slow danced to? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Do you plan on having alcohol at your wedding? I don't know. Do you have an idea of who you might kiss next? I know who I WANT to kiss next, but that doesn't mean it'll happen. I hate psychic questions. Who’s the most controlling person you know? She's not in my life anymore. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A centipede, to name one. I've gotten more into the idea of owning invertebrates, and centipedes are in that hobby, but they creep me the fuck out. They're cool to watch, but I don't want one in my house. Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? Yeah, it's actually one of my favorite pictures of me without makeup. Has a very "me" vibe. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? Ha, yeah. Can you tell the difference between a Scottish and an Irish accent? Nope. Can you read music? Probably not anymore. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? Finding Dory takes the cake. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? If you compliment my Markiplier tattoo because you get it, we are immediately family. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? Ozzkat. I use it essentially everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? HA, way more than once. Hyperfixation is a friend of mine. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? C U T E ! ! ! What are your thoughts on mini-skirts or mini-dresses? ALSO C U T E ! ! ! Have you ever died in one of your dreams? Yes. What appliance in your kitchen do you use the most often? The microwave. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Sara, yes. And Sam once in a blue moon if we're playing WoW together. Are you allergic to any animals? No. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever been called bipolar? Well yes, because I am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? Hell no, and fuck you if you ever have. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? No. Have you ever had food poisoning? I don't think so, no. Favorite emoticon? Probably c: Do any emoticons annoy you? No, but an excessive amount of them I find disruptive to whatever I'm reading. Do you think there will be a WWIII? Yup, someday. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah, back in high school. The most interesting thing that’s ever happened to you at a grocery store? I dunno. Probably running into someone unexpected. Do you have any good book ideas? Having written RP since I was 10 years old... I could by now write a dozen dictionary-sized novels encompassing what I think are the greatest storylines. I genuinely do believe there's some fantastic stuff we've got, but there's just too many horribly dark and twisted parts in the evil mobs that I am not comfortable publishing. Are you gonna see Cars 2? Well, this is old. I never even saw the first one. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yep. *points at Weed from GDW* Have you ever posted a video onto YouTube? Yeah, mostly "meerkat music videos," I guess you could say. Some tributes to certain MM characters, others just music with meerkat clips. How often do you compliment other people? I try to any time I have a sincere one. I am very much for complimenting people openly and often. The Legend of Zelda series: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm not a fan of the franchise, honestly. Never got the hype. Do you even game at all? Most certainly, but not nearly as much as I used to... You can only replay old games but so many times before you just can't anymore. And the "newest" console I have is the original Wii, so... I definitely don't have the modern equipment. Would you give Zumba dance lessons a try if presented the opportunity? Probably not. Definitely not while my legs are in such bad shape; the dancing is pretty intense and would seriously hurt. I could easily imagine myself fainting. Do you own a rosary? No, but I did in my Catholic-raised childhood. Do you like Adult Swim? No. Sorry excuses for humor everywhere. What’s the first thing you do when you get on the computer? Do a quick check on KM just to ensure everything's in order. What’s one thing that you just wish you could do all of your life? Not have to pay bills, haha. If someone asks for your honest opinion, do you give it? Yes, if they emphasize they really want honesty. When was the last time you felt uninformed or out of the loop? Apparently some politician (I think) died recently and people practically rejoiced on Facebook. I knew zip about him. When in a car, where do you like to sit? Passenger seat/shotgun. Have you ever fought with a good friend over something completely stupid? Oh, absolutely. There have been plenty of RP-related arguments with multiple people... In the big picture, it's laughable to fight over a game, but when you're so invested in your own creations, in the moment, it can seem like a big issue. Those drama days are long behind me now. Would you ever visit a third-world country? I don't think so, no. It would shatter my heart, especially seeing children in poverty. Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? No. You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? Probably call over something like, "I'm not deaf, you know." I highly doubt I'd sit there with my mouth shut. Have you ever felt manipulated? Yes. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I was truly, entirely homeless, quite honestly, I'm almost positive I'd kill myself. Have you ever done something just to fit in? Yeah. When was the last time you tried to impress someone, for whatever reason? I'm not sure, but I've certainly done it at one point or another. Do you think that the world could function in a state of anarchy? Definitely not. How well do you know your U.S. [or your country’s] history? I mean, I know the bare bones of it, but I'm far from well-versed in history. It was one of my weak subjects in school. Would you ever wish to move to another country? I'm not kidding when I say if it weren't for family, I would probably move to Canada. What is something that you do that others might consider “nerdy”? The way I write, particularly for academic purposes. I'm very descriptive and have an exceptionally large vocabulary. Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? Not from me specifically, but our basketball hoop was stolen from my childhood home. I doubt it was very cheap. Do you understand/notice when someone’s using sarcasm? Usually, anyway. When was the last time you were fooled? HAHA there was this drama video suggested to me on YouTube that involved Mark in the title, and I was mega confused and inevitably clicked. Now it's basically a YouTube meme just how "perfect" Mark is, so there was no real drama; apparently some newer fans are just upset at him for playing the sequel to HuniePop, a very sexual puzzle/dating game that's honestly entertaining and can be really funny. Like... he's played the original and despite the discomfort of some scenes (which are censored, mind you), he still had fun, and it was a big hit on his channel. So him playing the sequel isn't surprising, but apparently some people got shit to say. What first Impression do you hope you make with other people? Something along the lines of "wow, she's very nice." Have you ever thought about how you make other people feel/think? Well of course. I think everyone should take time to consider this. What is your stance on getting revenge? A petty waste of time. Any wise/truthful/witty quotes that you live by? Ha, another Mark answer. He once gave the casual innuendo of, "Life's hard; shouldn't you be, too?" (this might have actually been in a HuniePop video!), but when you take the... uh... sexual theme out of it, it's a good way to look at life???? Have tough skin, unmoving willpower, y'know, that stuff. Who was the last person you sat beside at a restaurant? My sister Ashley. Spongebob or Patrick? Patrick is a whole-ass mood. Would you rather watch little kid’s cartoons, older kid’s cartoons, or adult cartoons? Hm. Probably little kid's, given my love for Pokemon. How about watching regular cartoons or anime? Anime. Who is the last person you spent money on? Myself. Do you own a copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon? No; I had SeaWold Tycoon instead. I loved that game. Do you have any birth marks in embarrassing places? No. Have you used Limewire before? Of course. Free music for the low price of a catastrophic virus. :^) When was the last time you required a band-aid? I think when I cut one of my toenails way too short. Are you afraid of snakes? Oh no! I adore them so, so very much. Not saying I'm gonna go scoop up the first copperhead I find herping or something, but I love and respect them so very much. They are such fascinating animals. If you believe in reincarnation, what animal would you want to become? I don't think I believe in reincarnation, but hypothetically, maybe a lioness. Who do you tell everything to? Pretty much whoever reads these surveys, haha. Did you have candles on your birthday cake? Not my most recent one. Exactly, how old are you? I just turned 25 years and one month old. Have you ever been bitten by anything? Besides bugs, I don't think so. I've had cats and dogs playfight with me, but none have ever seriously bitten me with actual effort. Do you wear hats? No. What was the last song you sang along to? "Lunchbox" by Marilyn Manson. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I'd like to be, but idk if it's realistic.
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thestrangerpoet · 3 years
Sorry if this is too personal of a question. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to. What's it like being Autistic?
This isn’t too personal at all! I love being asked questions:) (this might be a long one...)
So Autism is portrayed in many different ways through tv and stereotypes and society. Autism has a spectrum, so like it has different levels of it basically. High functioning Autism, in my personal opinion, is what confuses people the most because they don’t understand that you can be autistic and still be able to live your life and function on a daily basis. I was only recently officially diagnosed, but i was diagnosed with ADHD years ago (they are often confused with each other because they have similar spectrums/the same spectrum).
I’ve had it my entire life, it’s not a new thing just a new diagnoses. I didn’t start talking till I was about 5, I was in and out of many different therapists, I couldn’t really keep or make any friends. Nobody knew what was wrong with me, they just assumed it was results of past abuse and emotional scarring.
It is hard at times, I often wish that I could function normally. I have to wear my airpods everywhere I go because of sensory issues, if I forget them I get severe anxiety and I’ll just freeze and tense and stop talking entirely (idk how to really explain it, but basically without them I can hear everything like chewing, swallowing, clothes moving, fabric rubbing together, dead silence, etc.)
My family gets very annoyed with me, or at least they use to when they didn’t really understand it, because I struggle with making eye contact and I have to have everything a certain way (I have to know the schedules and plans and my room has to be a certain way or I legit want to crawl inside my skin). I also pick at my lips and bite my nails, also known as one of my ‘quirks’ or ‘stress habits’. I often don’t understand social cues or emotions, and I don’t feel empathy. I constantly ask ‘why’ questions because I genuinely don’t understand but I want to make sure I don’t keep offending people so Iask questions to avoid it happening again. I also haven’t ever really had friends because it’s very difficult maintaining them or keeping them, either because of other personal reasons or because it’s hard relating to normies. (another quirk is I will correct people’s grammar at any given chance, but I’m learning to stop doing it so much because sometimes people get annoyed).
Thing is, I don’t tell people that I’m autistic because they don’t want to deal with it. To them it changes everything once they know you’re autistic (just from my experience).
Smell (and texture, texture is a really big thing) is also a big thing, like one time my mom changed detergent and I took all my clothes to my grandmas to wash because I didn’t like the smell and I couldn’t wear them. If I go to someone’s house I have to shower right away and wash the clothes because I’ll smell like them or their house. Same thing if someone comes to my house, I have to spray everything in that room down and wait for it all to air out so it smells like ‘me’ again.
School is a challenge, I have to do night classes at my campus because the lights are dimmer and there are less people/less noise. I tried taking day classes but the lights were too loud and bright, people were too close to me, we weren’t allowed to wear earbuds, etc. I can’t take online classes either because when I’m home I’m not in ‘school’ mode so I get distracted very easily and can’t focus. I have a one track mind, so my mind will get stuck on something and play it on repeat till it gets bored or finds something else. Multitasking is almost impossible because I hyper focus.
Speaking of hyperfixation, I will become obsessed over something and then drop it out of nowhere. You could call it a phase on steroids because it gets intense. A while ago it was Harry Potter and I had to memorize every single spell or I legit felt like a fake fan. I also made butterbeer frappes at work. It was all I would watch for months. After that, it was European culture. I would cook traditional Irish/Scottish/and some British meals every night. I would only listen to Irish music (celtic traditional and mordern).
However...there are many perks to it, just like there is to anything. I notice very small details that other people might not notice, like recently my coworker got a trim and I was the first to say anything about it bc I noticed it was slightly shorter. I hear and smell things that others might not due to hightened sensitivities (that doesn’t sound like a plus but it is depending on the context). Hyperfixation can be a plus too because i have lots of random knowledge (I have also memorized almost every vine) and facts that no one asked for. Telling people that I’m autistic is definitely the best part because they get confused and say something like “Oh, you don’t look/act autistic.” (like I said, people don’t think ‘high functioning’ is a real thing).
If you have any other questions about it, please don’t hesitate to dm me:)
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fire-fira · 4 years
Nonbinary Awareness Week Day 4: Visibility For The Invisible
What are my identities besides nonbinary?:
Mixed-race Native-- Cherokee and Lenape on my bio-mom’s side, Oglala Lakota on my bio-dad’s side, and Irish, Scottish, Norse, Egyptian, and German.
Neurodivergent-- allistic hyperlexic and dysgeographic
Abuse survivor
Currently 34 (born in ‘86)
How do my other identities intersect with my nonbinarity?:
In terms of my gender, part of how I understand it is through my racial identity. I can’t really separate it out, especially not when knowing that my Native ancestors had space for people like me and realizing that is part of what helped me feel safer in being open about who I am.
There’s also the fact that my personal style in terms of how I present myself is a careful balance between trying to be read accurately as my gender (difficult as that is) while also trying to be read as ‘not white’ as possible. Yes I’m mixed, yes I’m white-passing, but I don’t like being assumed to be ‘just white’ because it makes me feel like who I am is getting bleached from me so others can find me more ‘palatable’. It makes my skin crawl. (And considering my hell-beast bio-mother pretty much tried all my life to make me as not Native as possible, the idea makes me feel sick.)
A big part of me knowing who and what I am as early as I did (age 4) is thanks to the fact that I’m hyperlexic and that part of how my hyperlexia was expressed back then was through logic and an understanding of ‘If I do x, then y will happen’ (over everything from the possibility of death by getting hit by a car if I stepped into a street too soon, to abstract concepts like the idea that I’d be locked in an asylum and never let out if I told anyone I wasn’t a girl or a boy-- this is the kind of crap I thought about even when I was 4). I was way too damn smart for my own good as a little kid, but it served me well in that I was able to figure out what I was not long after my memories first started up (my 4th birthday, it was like I hadn’t existed before and then someone threw a switch and just-- BOOM-- instant awareness and no memory of anything before and no recognition of where I was, it was weird AF), and knowing what I was that early on gave me the sort of stability I needed to know that if I existed then others had to.
I was going to say that my dysgeographica hasn’t impacted my gender, but thinking about it I can think of one way it did. Since it’s so easy for me to get lost and turned around, I learned early on how to let go and trust that I’d either find my way or that someone I was with would be able to get me to where I was going. In a way, that kind of took some of the stress off of trying to find an answer for what my gender was as a kid.
As for being an abuse survivor... OOF. There are a lot of awful things I lived through (primarily emotional/mental abuse and neglect-- I’ll spare everyone details because it’s heavy as hell) but the worst of it did give me some perspective. Me hiding who I am was miserable as hell, and while being nonbinary can be nerve-wracking in some crowds, being able to look back on my personal hell and the fact that I survived gives me a confidence I don’t think I’d have otherwise. Nothing that life can throw at me will ever be as bad as that. People can be as hostile and ridiculous as they want, but they can never make me be closeted about being nonbinary again.
Yay being 34. (Tbh I used to think-- probably because of the abuse-- I wouldn’t live to see 30. But guess what? I’M STILL ALIVE AND KICKING AND I DON’T PLAN ON GOING ANYWHERE FOR A LONG DAMN TIME. HA-FREAKING-HA.) For most of my life there were no terms for my gender and as a kid I didn’t dare say what I was. To my knowledge (before I found out otherwise later) I was the only nonbinary person I knew and didn’t meet another enby until I was 25. (At least one of the people I was friends with back in high school has turned out to be an enby, but I don’t think they came out until their late 20s.) The ‘90s sucked for having any examples of anyone nonbinary-- both in real life and in fiction. I gravitated toward fiction and clung to whatever characters I found that resonated with me. The one advantage that being so isolated has given me is that it helped me stay in spaces where I felt out of place in circumstances where a lot of other people would have just left, so I was able to get what I needed or do what I needed to.
For a long time-- up until my early-to-mid-20s in fact-- I didn’t realize that my aro/ace-ness and nonbinary-ness weren’t a package deal. (Which is kind of funny in a ‘wtf, where is the logic?’ way because my aro/ace-ness was never an issue for me. I have an uncle on my bio-dad’s side who’s ace and might be aro but idk, so my aro/ace-ness was always brushed off by my family as being ‘genetic’ and therefore not something to be concerned about, but I was absolutely convinced that if anyone knew I was nonbinary then bad things would happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) Because I was so isolated for most of my life, I was under the mistaken assumption that they were all kind of tied together. Thank gods for education. So as a result for a long time how I understood my gender also hinged on my orientation (and dear gods, I know using that word makes me sound old af, but it’s less wordy than to get into the whole tangled mess of how sexual and romantic attraction aren’t the same thing and don’t always ‘line up’ for people, yada yada yada). These days I see all three parts as distinct and vaguely interlinked in my case, but no one part of my nonbinary/aro/ace-ness would magically stop existing if one of the other parts changed.
Why do I think my specific experience is less visible than other experiences?:
Let me put it this way: the line-up of being a hyperlexic and dysgeographic aro/ace mixed-race Native abuse-survivor isn’t exactly a common experience. There aren’t many people who have issues of being de-legitimized on the fronts of their gender, their racial identity, their sexuality and romantic orientation, and their neurodivergency all at once. Or having those things pinging off each other used as a way to call into question their mental faculties.
Even as specific as my identity is, because of how liminal my identities are and my past history of abuse I have to remind myself that I can take up space in areas that apply to me. I am so used to being on the edge of accepted existence, even despite the fact that it’s been 14 years since I was taken out of my personal hell, that I have to occasionally remind myself that I’m not taking attention away from those who need to be heard when I’m one of those people.
There are times I haven’t spoken because I’m in an aro/ace space, or a nonbinary space, or an indigenous space, and what I have going on at a given time involves one of the other aspects of my identity. And thing is, if you won’t ever speak up then you won’t ever be heard or seen. That’s something I’m working on, and this entry for Nonbinary Awareness Week is just one step in that.
What’s something about my experience I would like other people to know?:
You don’t always have to have the answers.
It’s okay to sit back and trust that things will happen as they need to happen if something gets to be too much. You’ll figure yourself out more easily if you let yourself just have things come to you as they will.
It hurts sometimes and that sucks, but things can’t improve if you don’t put yourself out there when you’re ready to. The people who matter most will accept you and love you for who you are, not what they think you are.
Multiple seemingly contradictory things can be true about you all at once, and that’s okay.
It’s okay to stand your ground and be honest about who you are.
Even if you feel isolated and closed off, disadvantaged and backed into a corner, educating yourself and doing the work to decolonize your mind and dismantle internalized prejudices will help immensely.
If you think you’re the only one-- in whatever way-- I guarantee you that you’re not. You just have to give yourself time, make the effort to learn, and allow yourself the opportunity to meet others.
[Day 1]
[Day 2]
[Day 3]
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙-𝕌𝕡 ♡
Hey there! I was wondering if I could request a matchup from Naruto & attack on titan? sorry in advance if I write a lot, I’m not self centred I promise  。◠ ꇴ ◠。 and thank you so much! 
I’m a straight, Australian/scottish female, with longish brown hair (which is slightly curly) green eyes, freckles, dimples and straight teeth (with the assistance of braces) I’m around 5'2 I think or 158cm to be precise and I guess an average weight but maybe more athletic build.  People squish my cheeks since I guess they are squishy, and they also try hugging me a lot (because they know I hate hugs) I have this scar on my cheek from falling off the couch when I was three, and even though people say they don’t see it, I always do! likes it’s right in my face. I also having annoyingly cubby fingers, which is common in my family, but my hands are kinds small so they look like sausages. 
For my personality, I’m an INFP (Myers Briggs) which honestly explains a lot about me. I hate talking about how I feel with people and tend to just ignore feeling like sadness or anger, but then I love it when people rant to me about their own problems since I like giving advice. So I guess im quite reserved, which I think annoys people who don’t know me to well. For me, being reserved means a lot of awkwardness, and when at school I tend to just stare out the window (if I have no friends in that class) If I am comfortable about someone I love deep conversations. Like, not necessarily about proper issues more about dumb stuff like how we are our soulmate from a past live (idk me and my friend talked about that one for ages) I also have a weird laugh but oh well… 
I’ve always been quite spiritual I guess, and would always see and hear things that my family wouldn’t. I used to be really quite when I was younger, not really because I was that shy or anything but more because I had a very active mind. That got better as I grew older, but im still really into tarot reading and all that squiz! Aries is my zodiac and im very passionate about research and trying to figure out strangers zodiacs.
My hobbies include: field hockey, swimming, reading (ASOIAF over and over) binge watching shows, drawing, collecting stones and making stone pets, sewing and making clothes, stargazing, researching the biology of strange insects, journalling, baking, gardening, going on rides with friends, pretending to have a scottish accent, my dog (called chloe)  and being in my hammock for hours. 
Things I dislike are: sleeping in (im an early bird), when people ask personal questions and I hardly know them, when my friends fight (im usually not apart of that), getting chilblains on my toes, when my neighbours dog won’t stop barking, tarragon (ew!), throne of glass book series (sorry, just can’t, nothing against the author), randomly judgmental people (like if you smile at them and they scoff, arggghh im already socially awkward safe me!) and the character Hannah from dark on Netflix. 
if I could manifest my future (lets not get ahead of ourselves) I would live in a cottage with a brown border collie doggo called cannoli and a grey fluffy cat called Magnus. I would be married with three kids, and I would force them at a young age to pack the dishwasher (oops im lazing) I would have a small art shop nearby which would basically be an art cafe. And I would go on many road trips with my hubby (I hope). 
My friend once told me she thought I was a bitch before we knew each other, so I guess I come off as a bit cold or disinterested at first. I always have a resting bitch face which doesn’t help my case (sorry for swearing, I don’t like it) in reality, I’m pretty sure im kind and also never want to leave anyone out (cause I know how that feels) if you want to be friends, you must be able to put up with my random sprouts of energy and passionate moments. 
So, in conclusion I am scottish, Australian and slightly awkward. Very much into tarot and I dislike judgy people! 
sorry for writing a full on manuscript, I guess I got a bit passionate! thanks so much and hope youse stay safe and healthy.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Hello @lilacreads~! Of course you can have a match-up~! Thank you for requesting with us~! I hope you enjoy the match-ups I gave you~!
» » Admin Ko
✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲
Hi okay I just wanna say, based on this alone I want to be your friend, like OHMYGOD, we would bond so MUCH! I hate throne of glass toooo, ughhhhhh, but her other series, a court of thorn and roses is really good, I love it. ANYWAYS, I hope you like this! And thank you for requesting! Also I love astrology and my zodiac is Capricorn looloolol
>Admin 𝕋
✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙
ᴇʀᴡɪɴ ꜱᴍɪᴛʜ
Alright! Due to your reserved and desire for a more deeper and complex relationship, I’ve decided to pair you with Erwin~! Initially he may not seem like a good match, in terms of prodding and having a knack at wanting to know everything about you then and there, but will acknowledge that it makes you uncomfortable and adjusts so that he isn’t too imposing on you.
He does however, immensely love having deep and thought provoking conversations with you. In a sense it sort of gives him a new perspective of the world we all live in as well as a new mindset when hearing your words. Contrary to what most might think, I feel as though he may argue for his points, but won’t necessarily say someone else’s is wrong. He’s rather tactical and will look at things in a more logistical way, but even he won’t break the line that is demeaning someone else’s opinions. 
He finds your hobbies interesting and unique in terms of athletic things to simple relaxing ones. He does partake in more of the simpler and interesting ones with you! He finds the research of biology of strange insects intriguing. Though not as much as Hange of course– he does get curious at your spiritual side. It’s confusing to him and doesn’t really make much sense, but he respects what you like and on occasion will ask you questions pertaining to the atmosphere or if anything has been odd recently.
In terms of PDA, Erwin isn’t very affectionate. He does however give you much attention behind closed doors with gentle touches, sweet kisses, etc. But when it comes to the public the most he’ll do is hold your hand, or guide you with an arm around your waist / mid back. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕌𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕚
So, I paired you with someone who is a little bit the opposite of you, because you and Naruto would be able to bond so much based on that. This dimwit would be able to show you how to have fun and being a little less serious! Not that there is anything wrong with that, Naruto would definitely need someone like you to keep him in the right lane!
His energy and your calmess would totally mesh together, because he’ll love when you stargaze with him or when you try to teach him how to make stone pets out of rocks! He will be the best at wanting to nap on a hammock with you and stay in the calm breeze. Like, this boy can totally match your energy if he needs too, but still be this energetic goofball that can get you smiling the widest you have ever smiled!
He knows what it feels like to be left out of stuff, ever since he was young, so he’ll really appreciate the fact that you would be the one to include him in anything from your friend group to your daily escapades. He will literally have his heart thumping so fast because of the little things you will do for him, from telling him about your day to how he is feeling, because he has never really had someone do that for him.
You guys will bicker a lot and it’s mostly about sleeping schedule, it’ll be adorable. Naruto isn’t one for sleeping early, oh no, he likes sleeping in, but he likes sleeping when you are there so he’ll get annoyed when you wake up early and leave him in bed, when all he wants to do is cuddle and sleep with you by his side!!!
He will come to you for his problems so you better listen carefully! Because he’ll trust you enough to have those deep conversations with you! And in terms of touch, well you’ll either have to explicitly deny him or be okay with how touchy feely he could get on a daily basis! But he iwll understand your boundaries when you really talk to him about it!
All in all, I feel like you and Naruto would be good for each other because he is a ray of sunshine that can show you the brightest path in the woods, and love you unconditionally no matter what! And he’ll be willing to work with you and make sure that you guys are happy and healthy!
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6, 23, 25!
6. What character do you have the most fun writing? MY ARIADNE overall; dowder in rpf. my ari is a trip & doing jokes for dowder was so much fun
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest? 
[deeeeeeeep breath]
so there’s a scottish ballad associated with the glasgow reel called tam lin. it goes like this: girl (janet of carterhaugh, a lord’s daughter) meets boy (tam lin); boy is an elf or at least really hot & talks some shit about being the bard for the queen of the fairies; girl gets pregnant by boy; boy’s like hey btw uhhhh the ‘bard’ thing was kind of an overstatement, I’m in thrall to the queen of the fairies & she’s about to offer me to satan as a sacrifice for this thing where she has to renew her vow of loyalty to him every seven (or nine) years by tithing one of her crew, so that’s gonna suck for me, I guess, but if you want you can follow these cryptic instructions to try & fight for me? but idk why you would tbh?; girl ABSOLUTELY refuses to become a single mother in exchange for some FAIRY’S wellbeing & faces off with the queen; girl wins boy back from certain death & thralldom; boy decides this is a good time to tell girl he loves her; girl is like yeah you’re not the worst now help me raise my DAMN CHILD; everyone lives happily ever after except the queen of the fairies, who’s kind of boned.
there’s also something where tam lin may or may not also be thomas the rhymer, who visited the fairy realm & escaped but afterward was unable to tell a lie. there are also rose motifs throughout, because a balladeer is a SUCKER for a goddamn thematic rose
& I have been fucking around with this idea since I was seventeen. first by complicating it (tam is doubletiming janet with another girl to get a better chance at one or the other of them fighting the fairy queen for him; guess who got cheated on in five of their formative relationships), then making that version queer (the two girls leave tam for each other), then simplifying that back (sure, there’s tam, but janet gets into it with him but falls in true love with the fairy queen), then simplifying that to sideline tam (sorry bud) & focus entirely on janet (pretty easily my favorite classic folklore heroine) & the queen & land rights & family rights & loyalties vs. ethics, & double-queering it, & ... that one might stick?
there are novelizations already: fire & hemlock (my intro to the ballad, also one of my favorite books of all time), pamela dean’s version which is STELLAR (it is, quite literally, This Scottish Ballad: The College AU), a holly black YA called tithe, the court of thorns & roses series, etccccccccc, but as far as I KNOW none of them deviate from cishet or very far from the storyline, aside from dropping the pregnancy bit, because modern sensibilities. HOWEVER. there’s a thing there & I am gonna get it someday
25. What part of writing is the most fun? rereading it & going goddamn I’m good. honestly. 
HOWEVER, also, dialog when you know you’re going to cut half the lines & you’re just kind of vibing. writing yourself into a scene, the transition from when you’re transcribing your notes to composing prose. writing the beginning of a thing & knowing you’re going to cut & paste all the info around later & getting to anticipate tightening it up & making it better & better & better until you can’t stand looking at it & abruptly make it everyone else’s problem.
I also REALLY, REALLY LIKE researching.
[writing asks]
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greatfay · 4 years
Ohhhhh boy.
my all-time ultimate fave character:
Ambrose Spellman. First of all who are his parents? How is he Sabrina’s cousin? Whatever. This man is so beautiful right like all the time, or 90% of the time, idk why the other characters don’t just record his voice and play it back whenever they have a dumbass moment, a sort of audio “What Would Ambrose Do” recorder because every single time, Ambrose ends up being riiiiight. And there’s still so much about him that’s gone unexplored imo. The Vatican plot, the group he was a part of, him grieving his boyfriend from season 2?? Just saying, considering the character of Salem was split into the not-talking Cat and Ambrose, he really should be more intertwined into the plot.
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a character I didn’t used to like but now do:
Prudence. She also grew on me, though there’s some issues with this show’s writing and I think it comes from Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa trying to be Ryan Murphy in the worst way possible. Yes you can quote me on this, don’t @ me, argue with your mama. Prudence and her Weird Sisters are basically the Unholy Trinity of CAOS, except that unlike Brittany and Santana, Agatha and Dorcas never get real character development, and Prudence’s cold outer shell slowly melts only to pop back up unexpectedly and cruelly, so it’s like I like her! But then she’ll say/do things in random moments that makes it hard to like her because The Writing. Liiiike her blaming Ambrose at the end of Part 3 for that thing that happened. Also casting a person of color to play a fictitious fantasy race that calls other races “half-breeds” is never cool lmao, I’ve noticed this is a trend in fantasy, basically take your character who’s supposed to be a race supremacist and cast a black person to be them and suddenly it’s not as bad—it’s worse. And anyway I’d take a whole spin-off miniseries of Ambrose and Prudence with her TWO FUCKING SWORDS prancing across the Scottish countryside and down New Orleans streets on a quest. Geralt is shaking.
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a character I used to like but now don’t:
Nick. I love a bad boy. I love a bad boy with layers. Everything about his character was supposed to be a tempting fruit to convince Sabrina to sign her name in the book, and for the most part it works!!! So the Dark Lord might ask you to sacrifice a baby here and there, you get to have magic! And do sex magic with Gavin Leatherwood. And I had very different expectations for where his arc would go in Part 3. Sulking was not a good look for him. Jealousy was also not a good look for him. And the foot thing was gross af. I don’t see how his character can remain relevant moving forward if he’s not even Sabrina’s friend, let alone her boyfriend.
a character I’m indifferent about:
Sabrina. At first, I liked her characterization because as much as I’m a sucker for magic, it would be hard to just ghost all your friends. Especially if you have real friends, people who would be there for you, people you know are vulnerable and want to protect. I liked Sabrina as this half-in/half-out girl who wants both worlds and does the right thing. I also don’t mind a hero who does shady shit to save the day because I’m all about that moral complexity. But now she’s a bit annoying, like pull out your moral compass and pick a point! So I feel nothing toward her. My positive and negative feelings cancel out.
a character who deserved better:
Lilith. She should’ve been Queen of Hell. That whole plot point should’ve been stretched out WAY longer, especially the “they’re praying to ME” scene. BUT. I’ll say this. As much as I would’ve liked a whole Queen Lilith/Church of Lilith thing, miss thang didn’t really market herself at all. Lucifer knew exactly how to get these people eating out of his hands, and Lilith does… nothing! When they prayed to her for the first time, she should’ve made all the statues cry milk, butterflies sing with the voices of the dead, and a rainbow appear in the sky. It’s about the Drama, she could’ve a whole following but spent the whole season being Sabrina’s Unholy Godmother. Which of course, is due to the Writing. I’m just surprised she never betrayed Sabrina, and also her getting stuck with her abuser again is disgusting.
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Sabrina/Harvey. They’re portrayed as endgame in the beginning but I knew he’d always be the thing holding her back from Plot Stuff, so he had to go; plus he never had a positive experience with magic and was never going to be onboard. Next is, surprisingly, Ambrose/Prudence. I really like the Sherlock/Watson thing they have going on, but Ambrose is just so nice and Prudence so blunt that they only have chemistry when they’re fucking, and tbh my “ships” are actual relationships, not fuckingships, there has to be shared emotional baggage and communication, which they didn’t have. Ya know what… Sabrina x Prudence. Now there’s a couple I would root for.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Sabrina/Nick because it was the sneeze that never happened. Feels like I didn’t even see it onscreen. Next is Tommy/Life because he shouldn’t have died, and my OTP is Faustus/Jail because he’s a fucking creep.
a cute, low-key ship:
Theo/Robin. Listen… not only are they cute as heck individually, but together it’s too powerful. And it’s such a big deal that a trans masculine main character can be the object of someone’s affections that were so strong that the character in question betrays their own family, a group of mythical creatures and gods, to do the right thing and protect him. Runner-up is Zelda/
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
I don’t think I have one  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Zelda/Faustus. Literally I vomit, I euuuughhh, euuuuughhh 🤢 listen I am not a woman, I don’t think I believe in incarnations? But watching their interactions triggered like… flashbacks in me as if I was a suburban housewife in the year 1958 and my husband will be home in 5 minutes and the “shrimp jello salad” I was supposed to have ready for him is a complete disaster and he’s going to beat me. I got Game of Thrones flashbacks watching their interactions.
my favourite storyline/moment:
When I actually thought Sabrina killed one of the Weird Sisters was a great moment for me personally, also liked the flashbacks of Lilith in the dawn of Earth, also loved Ambrose and Prudence’s adventures across the world.
a storyline that never should have been written:
That whole nightmare hallucination where Theo (before he changed his pronouns and name) woke up in a “boy’s body” was so intimately disgusting and terrible and problematic, it almost completely undoes every good thing about Theo’s storylines and the representation.
Harvey getting accepted to some artsy private school only to be haunted by nightmares of the Dark Lord??? Where did that go again? I forgot.
my first thoughts on the show:
Dark, creepy, stylish. I like it.
my thoughts now:
Messier, sometimes frustrating, still dark, still stylish. I like it? 
Ask me about a tv show/movie series/book series!
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bluesunsdusk · 4 years
✏️ Any particular reason for the names you used for your ocs?
✏️ Any particular reason for the names you used for your ocs?
–// I have a lot of ocs, so I will pick some. It’s going to be long either way… ))
Najma (Najma Daher)
When Naj was first made, they had Prima as placeholder name and their kit was based around light, but I struggled to really place them in the universe. They were still based in Oasis, with sumerian aesthetic, and they were an AU for a fandomless oc. I was still trying to pick where the heck they were from. I added Najma as possible name because it means star and is Arabic. As they finally developed to suit the universe more and be an own character, the name stuck, because I like it and they are a warm person and the sun keeps us alive, and Naj was made to help keep someone alive. Dunia, their owner, was named to reflect her meaning in Naj’s life. Dunia was their whole reason for existing, their world, their life. 
Najma coincidentally also works for…other reasons.
Najma’s code name, Nazar, comes from that their abilities are most effective when looking into their lights and optics, which flare up when they use their ult as well. Their optics are also blue.The evil eye, which causes harm upon those who have been struck by it.
I think Daher meant clear. Najma does’t actually have a surname, as they are not a member of the family rather than just property of said family. However, I still wanted the surname to be something with a tiny bit of a fitting meaning. Rather than doing it by naming conventions used with Mamun, I went with them just having just a family name, much in Europe and the US. I also kept it to just two names this time.
Mamun Wasif Said
Mamun had a long list of names on his hero sheet. See, the given name is an aspiratory trait, the second the father’s name, and the third the grandfather’s name or family name. In Mamun’s case, Said is his grandfather’s name. So, that means Mamun’s dad is called Wasif. Gien names he could have been Majdi (commendable, praiseworthy), Marwan, Naseer, etc. His surname could have been Assaf, Kassar, Al-Mansur (the victorious), or Nasrallah (god’s victory). Now, I am not at all close to being an expert on arabic naming conventions, so I was like let’s keep it simple. 
Now, Mamun is supposed to be a tank hero and his character design was made to emphasise that he is a soft and huggable man who deserves the whole world. He needed to look sweet,warm, trustworthy, and dependable. Mamun is a name that feels like it has soft edges. It’s gentle. There’s no hard tones in it. Mamun means dependable, which is something he wants to be and his parents would have wanted him to be as well. A good son, brother, and eventually (if he so wished) husband. 
I forgot what Wasif meant… I think I just liked how it sounded with Mamun compared to the other names listed along with it. I matched several names that were listed on his hero sheet behind Mamun and they didn’t sound nearly as good with it as Wasif did. It means ‘one who praises’.
Said was just a good name to follow Mamun Wasif with. It just wraps it up nicely when I wanted three names in there. It means happy. 
Spigel’s name is explained in his bio, I think. The name is given because he’s able to copy the appearance of a person and uses this after eliminating them to blend into a faction he’s trying to infiltrate or wipe out. It takes observation of mannerisms, appearance, speech patterns, etc. to do a convincing guise, and once that is done, it will be like looking into a mirror for the target.
He was always called Spigel because that’s Luxembourgish for mirror. Sure, it’s not smart for the assassin to take a nickname from his own personal origin, but…it’s fine if a guy from Luxembourg gave him that nickname rather than him giving himself said nickname.
Roland Marie Schroeder 
Roland is a pretty common name in Luxembourg, and Marie is a common middle name. I liked Roland as a name, because is seems warm and strong, and Roland is a quiet dude at times, but even though he’s pretty small as well, he can take up a lot of social space just by being a little… dramatic. He would have liked the name because it is, as Monty Python would say, woody. At least, I think it was Monty Python, I’m not sure anymore and can’t find it.
Michael Abatangelo 
Michael was the general of the archangels, and putting Michael together with Abatangelo makes it sound close to Michelangelo. Though, the latter was on accident and I was like yep that’s his name now. I went through several names I don’t really remember. Michael was a strong name that also sounded pleasant.
Aidan Fawkes
Aidan is an Irish name that means fire. I didn’t know quite what to call him. I didn’t want a name that was just big strong man large energy. It needed to sound not too thick, in a way, maybe a little light to suit his personality. He also had a lot of energy growing up and was a sweet guy. 
His father’s name is actually Mac Lochlainn. That’s a reference and not chosen for the meaning because it’s not used on Aidan. Also, it’s just really nice sounding surname. His grandma on his father’s side’s surname was Kelly. A very common surname where they were from. Anyway, Aidan’s dad didn’t want his kids to have the disadvantage of having a foreign surname. The given names, however, weren’t too odd, and both of his parents did want to give him a link with his father’s heritage in their names. Furthermore, he was born with red hair. 
As such, Aidan was given as his name, and he was bestowed with the surname of his mother, Fawkes. I picked Fawkes because 1) It sounds good with Aidan 2) it means falcon, making his name fire falcon 3) Guy Fawkes. 
Duncan Reynold 
I know the hero in Fable 2 is called Sparrow. However, that is a title/nickname, not a legit name. Surely, his parents, whom Sparrow canonically knew, gave him a real name. I wanted him to have a legit name. I wanted him to be of scottish-type origin. Now, Duncan has tanned skin from being out and stuff and dark hair. He’s also a brawny guy. He would have picked himself a pretty awesome name that feels strong, also… it has can in it, because he can do it. I jest. 
Duncan is a mix of two parts. Together, these parts form a name meaning dark-haired warrior or dark warrior. Of course, he doesn’t know that. He just thinks it’s an awesome name. 
Reynold is a carry over from trying to give king Logan a surname. It’s also a mix or two elements, advice and rule. English meaning is wise/powerful ruler (or something like that. It can also be advice from a ruler or king’s advisor, but let’s ignore that). While Duncan was that, Logan eventually proved not be.
Mass Effect
Medesa Adrestis
It’s actually from Medusa, because she’s a bit of a protector who gets spun into a villain because of the methods she uses to protect herself and others, which is often violent and rather fatal, since slave traders deserve no rights. I think there was something else, but I forgot… Oh, right! Her surname, Adrestis. I saved it in my drafts and idk if it’s still there…
I looked it up to jog my mind!
It’s from Adrestia and Adrasteia, and I didn’t want to name her exactly after that despite Asari names looking painfully ancient Greek inspired and very feminine. 
Adrestia is a figure from Greek mythology, she who cannot be escaped, venerated as a goddess of revolt and just retribution. Adrasteia, “inescapable”, was a nymph charged with taking care of a child Zeus. Medesa was charged with taking care of Toreg. 
Vicarius Hzzek and Lictor Kgrln
So, I won’t explain their names, because I assume Kett names are either just ID codes or can’t be easily changed into a more human tongue. I will go for their titles, though I believe I have explained it in a hc post before. Kett ranks seem based on Roman Empire influences, as is a part of their culture in general. They have Cardinals, Archons, Anointed, Ascendants. These seem religious. A Vicarius is a word that means substitute or deputy. It’s the root of the English word “vicar” as well and is used in things like vice-president. Anyway, Hzzek is a secondary to a Cardinal, making her vice-cardinal of an exaltation facility. 
As for Lictor, this comes from another Latin thing. A Lictor is a type of bodyguard to a magistrate. Kgrln is one of Hzzek’s Destined, who is also assigned with escorting and guarding her. He does this together with other Destined who would also be of the Lictor role/title. 
Dragon Age
Kata used to be an arvaarad and he considered himself the death of many a saarebas. That, and he is an assassin type, like a katari. He brings death to those who try to oppose him with violence, so basically he’s still death, just to other people now that he’s no longer in the qun. It’s sort of a method of intimidation. If a qunari is told they’re about to meet death, they might reconsider their current course. 
Kost had another name, aban, which probably means sea, when going by “Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun.” Which means “The tide rises, the tide falls, the sea is unchanged.” He chose it, because the sea is unchanging and also clam. He was the same after leaving the qun as he was when he left. 
Eventually, however, he changed his name to Kost, after staying with a group of Tal-Vashoth who helped him become less stuck in his qun ways and more able to see himself as a person. He came to be at peace with himself and took on the task of assisting some other new Tal-Vashoth in the process. As such, he took on the name Kost, “peace”, to reflect this. 
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snarkandsarcasmftw · 4 years
Fake Fic Title: Hot Chocolate Mustache
OKAY SO.... I’ve been reading @rampagewriting amazing fic Don’t Fear The Reaper, ( x click it, you won’t regret it ) and it inspired me to write this.. It’s just kinda... My own thoughts as to what might be going through Alex and Chibs’ minds at some point during the story. I asked @rampagewriting if it was alright if I wrote this, I just really hope that everyone likes it... Even though it came out a little bit angsty (there’s kinda tentative flirting her too, sorry I couldn’t give you Chibs lap like you did for Opie! I wanted this to fit Alex as closely as it could to the way you see her.) Anyway... So this is me, attempting to write a thing for Sons of Anarchy. And this isn’t the last you’re going to see of SOA on my blog, either.
TAGGING: @rampagewriting | @andie01 | @vonschweetz -- I didn’t tag many people this time because Idk who out of my followers likes SOA and there’s no one listed on my tag list doc for that category.
more fake fic titles | faq | add yourself to my tag list | 
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“It doesn’t feel like Christmas.” Alex took a sip of the hot chocolate she’d just gotten, wincing a little at the burn as she sat down between Opie and Jax. 
“This is California. I mean if you’re expectin snow, then you’re shit outta luck.” Opie laughed as he watched his kids playing, trying to engate Layla in a game of tag. Nodding towards her, Alex mused aloud, “Guess we all know who you’ll be kissing under the mistletoe, Winston.”
“Possibly.” Opie shrugged and eyed Alex. Jax cleared his throat and spoke up. “ You almost sound jealous there, kid.”
“For the last time, Jax.. It is Alex. Or Alexandra. Or X. I’m not a kid anymore.” Alex took a few more sips before she added quickly, “And for the record, no. I’m not jealous. What the hell are you implying, Jax?”
“Oh, just that I’m not blind.” Jax smirked and chuckled as he shook his head when Chibs made his way into the garage and naturally, Alex’s eyes darted straight for the man. Oh, he wasn’t crazy about it, but Chibs wasn’t the worst guy out there.
… no one ever wants family to willingly marry into this shit though… look what happened to Donna earlier this year… Jax ignored the thought in favor of clearing his throat and nodding to Opie over Alex’s shoulder. “We gotta roll. Go see a man about a thing.”
“Yeah, you two do that. No explosions though!” Alex called out to her brothers and she went back to sipping her hot chocolate, eyes darting over the newspaper. She didn’t have to look up from the newspaper to know she’d find Chibs sitting next to her. She could just sort of sense him lurking there, feel the weight of his stare.
“What’s up?” Alex couldn’t bring herself to look over at the Scottish biker. Not when what she’d done not too long ago still burned in her mind every single time she did. Or she’d think about how it felt, sitting there in that dingy hospital room, holding his hand while he was out. 
If he’d heard a single thing she said, oh man… That thought had her sighing and shaking her head at herself. What she needed to do was get a grip. People were starting to pick up on the tension between them entirely too easy now and Alex didn’t want Chibs to think she didn’t think of him as a friend any longer.
Chibs stared at the bottle in front of him and cleared his throat. He almost said something, but all he could do was stare.. And remind himself again for the millionth time why anything between them was not a good idea, no matter how bad he wanted that very thing. 
But he had to say something. Try to explain himself. Try to tell her why he’d been scarce lately, why things felt so strained. He dragged a hand through his hair and nodded to the newspaper. “Dinnae think yah wanted t’ be bloody depressed. Dat’s what’ll come of y’ readin ‘at.” 
… Fuck, that was about the lamest bloody thing y’ could’ve said, Filip… he even wanted to cringe at himself. Alex shrugged and looked up at him and the second he saw the hot chocolate over her lip, he gulped and tried to pull his eyes away.
This was so awkward and so much harder than it had to be already.
But he couldn’t. He reached out, tearing away a paper towel and leaned in closer to her, dabbing the stiff paper at her upper lip as he muttered, “Yah had a hot chocolate mustache, X.”
“Okay?” Alex eyed him, hoping to God he didn’t pick up on the way her breath hitched at the touch or the way that for a split second, even as his rough hand and the rough paper towel moved over her skin, she was thinking about that night and how good it was going before he ran out on it all and that yeah, maybe her eyes fluttered open and shut for a tenth of a second. She coughed to cover her own sudden tension and when he reached over, taking her cup, she followed the movement of cup to lip with her eyes, swallowing hard.
The fact that she’d declared her love for the man when he wasn’t conscious was taunting her, daring her to do something, to be brave this once but then she thought about him bolting and sighed, going quiet. Mostly in sheer frustration.
They barely managed to be around one another now without this extreme layer of tension lingering awkwardly. Yet neither of them really mentioned anything. And both pretended that nothing was wrong.
Everything was wrong. Everything.
Alex’s sigh had Chibs swallowing hard as he held the cup back out to her, nose wrinkled. “Et’s too damn sweet, X.” 
“You seriously just took my hot cocoa to drink and now you’re complaining about it being too sweet?” Alex gave a soft laugh and Chibs shrugged, a smirk tugging his lips upward, making her stare at them a little harder.
She took the paper towel and leaned in, dabbing it over his mouth. “Someone wants to talk about my mustache. Yours was worse, Filip.”
“Was et now?” Chibs was leaning in a little more, heart hammering away like it was going to burst right out of his chest cavity. He licked his lips and chuckled. “I doubt it.” his tone was lower, huskier. When he raised his hand, Alex swallowed hard and for a second she thought maybe he’d kiss her.
“I miss th’ way it used to be.”
Alex nodded, pushing down everything she really wanted to let out at the moment. “Me too.” she kept it short and simple. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it had to be this way. The last thing everyone needed was yet more tension in the club.
… but what about what I want and need, damn it?....
Chibs eyed her, a concerned look. Her tone had been flat, almost hollow. He sighed and shook his head, taking a sip from his own bottle as he grimaced at the mix of alcohol and cocoa in his mouth. “Do y’ really?”
Alex took a deep breath and coaxed herself into a more convincing voice when she answered. “I really do. I’m just kind of not feeling today.”
“Ah, neither am I.” Chibs admitted, staring at her lips for a few seconds. What he wouldn’t do to just kiss her right now. To throw caution out the window and just let go.
… but letting go may not be d’ best thing… there’s the club and there’s what happened t’ Donna and y’ know you’d die if it happened t’ X… Luckily for both of them, Tig called Chibs over before things could get any further tension filled. Chibs told her that he’d see her  later at the club house and Alex nodded, trying not to stare at him as he walked away, but failing miserably. When he was deep in conversation with Tig, she sighed and put down the newspaper, standing. 
Maybe if she got away from here, went to talk to Gemma or something.. She just knew from all that transpired just now that things couldn’t go back to the way they had been.. They could only blossom or die.
Personally, Alex wasn’t willing to risk finding out. Not when Chibs obviously didn’t return her feelings. His actions just now, while more than she expected, were a perfect wake up call.. She had to try and work around everything she felt or she had to continue avoiding him.
Tig eyed Alex leaving and he remarked with a shrug, “Seems like you two barely talk anymore.”
“Don’t bloody start wit’ me, Trager. Tell me what y’ wanted.”
“We have an errand.” Tig answered and Chibs nodded, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. “Well then. Let’s get t’ it.” 
He watched Alex leaving the garage and he sighed to himself. He couldn’t just keep everything he felt in much longer. Just now, he’d been dangerously close to caving.
Maybe avoiding her for now was the best thing for both of them.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How do you feel about your neighbors? They’re okay, I guess? I don’t know them for the most part but at least they don’t do anything that gets on my nerves, and that’s good enough for me. My biggest annoyance used to be a group of kids who were very loud and would run all over our front yard, but I think they grew up now because I don’t see them playing outside anymore these days. Did any of your babysitters ever let you do things your parents wouldn't? I was never babysat and tbh paying strangers to take care of kids isn’t a choice  here. It’s either older siblings/cousins are assigned to take care of the younger kids, or there’d be full-time househelp living in the house. What is your favorite swimming stroke? Idk dude I was never a good swimmer. Freestyle is always my go-to stroke. The breaststroke can be fun to practice too, but only when I’m swimming alone because I can’t do it 100% properly haha. Would you ever want to learn to play the bagpipes? I have no reason to refuse it, so sure. You have one match. What would you like to burn? I don’t think there’s anything I have to or want to get rid of right now.
What are your thoughts on men wearing kilts? Roddy Piper looked badass wearing one, I don’t see why this should be a problem. Aren’t kilts part of Scottish culture anyway and have always been worn by men? What underwater creature scares you the most? Anything that lives in the deep sea that hardly looks like any of the fishes I’m used to lmao. Was there ever a bomb threat at the school you go/went to? Not during the period I’ve been enrolled; I’m not sure if there have been bomb threats before that. Though a few months ago the university beside us did get one, and it was scary to drive to school that week. Do you befriend others because of something you might gain from them? Not really. I hate beating around the bush and most if the time if I need something from someone, I prefer to go right ahead and ask them. Which excites you more: Spring Break or X-mas vacation? We don’t have spring break, which leaves me no choice but to pick Christmas vacations even if I’m not exactly crazy about them either. Do you contribute to charities? Not for now, but I’ve always wanted to. I plan to do it more once I have a bit of extra cash. Would you rather dye your own hair or have it done by a stylist? Have it done by a stylistttttt. I always wreck anything I try lol so I’d rather have someone much better at the job help me with something as prominent as hair. Would you rather live in a pyramid or in a castle? I’d pick the castle; I feel like it would feel to warm and dark inside a pyramid. What do you feel is the ugliest part of the human body? I don’t think any part of us is ugly... What's your take on Will Ferrell movies? Funny or annoying? I haven’t watched any of them, actually. At least I don’t think I have, and I’m too lazy to check Google to confirm. Insert a totally random phrase from another language here: Haha I’ll give y’all a couple of fun ones. There’s “Bababa ba?” (“Is it going down?”) and “Kakabakaba ka ba?” (it’s a little tricky but it roughly means “Are you getting worried/nervous?”) Does your family go crazy cleaning house when relatives are coming over? My mom does. We just get out of her way because she does get crazy. What was the last thing you broke? A mop. Do automatically flushing toilets annoy you? No, if anything I’m thankful I don’t have to touch anything anymore. Would you rather have waffles or pancakes? Waffles if I’m having something savory along with them, like fried chicken. I prefer pancakes for breakfast. Do you look like an idiot when you run? I don’t think so.
Have you ever moved? How many times? Yes. Several times as a toddler, once as a grown kid. What body of water is closest to where you live? Some river. Do you like using big words to confuse people? No...that’s Know-It-All Trait #1 lol. As a journalism/mass communication major we were always taught that your safest bet is to, at the very least, talk at the 4th grade level because that’s when most people understand you best and it’s a level wherein you’ll be able to attend to both fluent and non-fluent speakers. Have you ever built a Lego masterpiece? No. I was never into Legos much. I’d put a few pieces together and call it a house or castle, but that was all there is to it and I’d move on to another toy. I wasn’t interested in testing my creativity even as a kid apparently haha. Have you ever developed your own film in a darkroom? Nah. I’ve only been in one. What's the weirdest street name in your town? I honestly can’t recall any at the moment because I haven’t been out of our house in so long. Can you bust a move? Never. Do you buy colorful shoelaces? No. I just go with whatever kind of laces my shoes go with already. Where did you have your first date? It was at this Italian/American restaurant called Marciano’s. It’s been shut down for a while now and replaced with a Japanese restaurant, but I still smile every time I pass by the place. Did you ever have to wear a retainer? Yep, but I lost them and am pissed about it to this day. Do you have any weird phobias? Not anymore. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Yeah, several ones. We’ve been having a number of them every year for a couple of years now. It’s never been too bad though, just noticeable enough to report it on social media haha. Were you a planned pregnancy? Yes. What store in the mall would you never get caught in? Those stores for car supplies. I mean I do visit them when my dad does and I go alongside him, but I wouldn’t enter one on my own. Are you prepared with a foam finger when you watch sports? No. I’ve never seen a legit foam finger but they’ve always fascinated me hahaha. Were you brought up with Nerf toys? No. We had enough toys and there were enough kids in the house to bring about chaos lol we definitely didn’t need another batch of toy guns.
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