#is this the day i become actually active on tumblr no its not prank
softguarnere · 1 year
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 9: An Inconvenience
Summary: Then the word reaches them: tonight.
A/N: A stormy day, but tumblr actually let me upload the moodboard, God bless 😌🙏🏼 I managed to make some progress in my term paper, so here's an update that I've been anticipating for a while. This chapter plus the next two have been giving me brain rot for months, so sharing them has me feeling like I can breathe a sigh of relief 🤭
Warnings: mentions of war and death
Taglist: @liebgotts-lovergirl @mrs-murder-daddy @latibvles @lieutenant-speirs
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England, 1944
The verdict is in: those who hadn’t already thought Sobel to be an inept leader lose faith the second that he gets Winters transferred into Battalion Mess. Hopes had started to sway after Luz’s little prank with his Major Horton impression, but the court martial against their favorite officer sends them all over the edge – the kind of edge that they can’t come back from: a mutiny among the NCOs.
A mutiny they get extremely lucky with. Sobel gets shipped off to a jump school, Winters returns, and Lieutenant Meehan of Baker Company gets put in charge of Easy. Most importantly, Zenie doesn’t have to watch any of her friends get taken out back and shot for their bravery and audaciousness. Whatever or Whoever they all believe in must be working overtime.
Lieutenant Meehan is a good leader. Very fair. Shifty tells her that he thinks their company goes back to normal under his leadership. Zenie is inclined to agree.
As normal as they can get, anyway.
The longer they’re in Aldbourne the higher their tensions climb. Like a plane, inching higher, higher, higher into the sky until the green light comes on. Paratroopers drink like it’s the last drop of alcohol they’ll ever taste. Fights break out in the pubs. Girls are picked up. Hearts get broken. It’s all a blur of hurry up and wait while they wonder what’s coming.
The whole of Easy Company seems to breathe a sigh of relief when they get the orders to move out in late May. The night before they leave, a few of them who are quartered in the stable carve their names into its wood as a sort of farewell. After everyone else has fallen asleep, Zenie rolls over in her bunk, flips open her pocket knife, and carves hers up near the roof. Zena B McGlamery. The first time she’s written it in a while. Now no matter what happens to her, someone, one day, might look at this and know that she was here, just like all these men who surround her. She will have left her mark.
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Uppottery is a different kind of blur – of orders and plans and preparations and studying. The mood shifts from restless to excited as the realization hits them that it’s finally happening. Luz gets plenty of practice with his Colonel Sink impression as he takes to quoting the man’s, “Three days and three nights of hard fightin’!” the way that people back home quote Bible verses when they have seemingly nothing else to say.
“Don’t seem like a problem,” Shifty says that night at dinner. He seems sincere enough, in that completely and honestly earnest way that he has of expressing himself. He shrugs. “I reckon a man can make it through just about anythin’ as long as it’s only three days.”
Popeye cracks a grin. “As long as we throw everythin’ we got at ‘em, those Krauts ain’t gonna last even one!”
His proclamation earns cheers and laughs of agreement. Somehow, Zenie finds that she laughs the loudest. If she and everybody else had that much gusto, then maybe the Virginian’s estimation will prove to be correct. All they have to do is make it from the plane to the ground, stir up some trouble to take German attention and resources away from the beaches, and stay alive. Simple. It’s the moment that they’ve spent years preparing for.
Then the word reaches them: tonight.
The airfield becomes a flurry of activity. Once again the tension climbs higher, higher, higher, with no sign of release in sight.
All around, men are streaking their faces with paint to darken them so that they won’t reflect in the moonlight. Some are staring watery-eyed at letters that they tuck close to their hearts before pulling their gear on. Prayers can be heard in between the sounds of laughter and barely controlled chaos. Joe Liebgott is giving people mohawks.
“Hey Tommy,” he calls out as she passes. He gestures towards the hair of the man sitting under his scissors. “You want one?”
For the second time since commencing this whole charade, she’s faced with the choice of cutting her hair. Sure, Liebgott has trimmed her hair for her throughout their time in the army, but this is more than a trim. Suddenly she’s a child again, sitting on the back porch watching Granny trim Matthew's hair and telling her, "But never yours, Zenie. That's where you keep your knowledge. That's where you keep your strength." Ironic, how cutting her hair to run away had taken the most strength and courage out of anything she had ever done in her life. But to cut it again?
She watches the paratroopers around her, all securing their equipment and darting around with adrenaline. She’s one of them, until the end. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Liebgott catches the change she flips him with ease as she takes a place in line. "Do your worst."
And she would let him do it, if it weren’t for Shifty nodding to her as he passes by.
She steps out of line and falls into step with him. “Where ya goin’?”
“Gotta sign my life insurance policy. You signed yours yet?” The question is much deeper than the one that he presents. The real one is written in the curious look he gives her: can a person committing fraud commit even more fraud without getting caught?
Zenie waves it off. “Nah. I figure if I die, they won’t be too keen on giving my family any money. Someone’ll probably send ‘em a letter of condemnation instead. If, you know . . .”
Shifty frowns and she immediately feels bad for joking about it. In her defense, she’s already accepted things as they are . . . For the most part, anyway. That little crease appears between Shifty’s eyebrows in a way that tells her that he’s puzzling through this.
“But your family should get the money somehow.”
Making sure Mama gets the money would be nice. But her father would probably get ahold of it somehow. Magician that he is, he would have no trouble making it disappear to God knows where. He would probably blow through it before Mama could even think about getting Zenie some sort of marker up in the Bird Town cemetery by Granny. If she doesn’t hate Zenie for what she’s done, anyway.  
My family doesn’t know I’m in the Army, she had explained to Shifty once in a half-truth. She hadn’t been able to tell him why at the time, but the fib must make sense to him now.
“Zena,” he says her name – her real name – quietly so that no one around them will hear it. Her heart beats so uncontrollably at the sound of it that she’s sure it’ll bring everyone’s attention to them, but no one seems to notice. “If somethin’ happens to you –“
McClung brushes past them, cutting him off. “Hurry up, slow pokes! We’re gonna be late to the feast!”
For this night only, they’re treated like kings. Steaks, potatoes, milk. Even ice cream for dessert! They all make the most of it, vaguely aware that this might be their last meal, although everyone has the decency not to point this out.
Toye snickers as he digs his spoon into his ice cream. “As long as they don’t make us run Currahee after this.”
Running Currahee. Sobel. The spaghetti. It all seems like so long ago. All that time to prepare her for being here, today, for this jump.
There is no running Currahee after their last supper. Instead the tension that’s been steadily building all day deflates like a popped balloon when it’s announced that the jump is cancelled.
Despite the cocktail of excitement, resignation, and adrenaline pumping through her veins, Zenie breathes a sigh of relief as she sheds her gear and heads off to watch a movie with the others. So much for tonight being the night of nights.
She’s just about to step into the tent with the movie screen when someone shouts for her.
“Tommy!” Sergeant Lipton’s light hair weaves through the crowd as he pushes his way toward her. He’s a kind man, and always looks at each in their company with solemn eyes that seem to take in everything. Absolutely inscrutable himself, though. Now that he’s trying to catch up with her, Zenie wishes more than ever that she could figure out what’s going on in his head.
She offers him a salute that he waves off.
Okay, so she’s not in trouble then.
“Been looking everywhere for you.” He brandishes an envelope and holds it out to her. “Got stuck in between some of my mail. And we all need some words of encouragement from home before we go.”
Bobby’s usually neat slant adorns the outside of the envelope in letters that are darker and spaced closer together than usual. The envelope feels thicker than the other ones that he’s sent her in the past. It’s rushed, just restraining itself from frantic, the way that he used to write on his homework in between serving tables at the diner.
She nods her thanks, expecting the end of it.
Lipton eyes the letter in her hand. “You didn’t fill out the life insurance policy.”
There’s no question mark at the end of his words – it’s a statement of fact. How does he know? Then again, how does he know any of the things he always seems to have knowledge of?
“No, Sir.”
“There’s no one back home that you want that money to go to?”
She wants the money to go to her mother. But there’s no way of sending it to her without giving herself away. After all, Tommy Driver’s father’s name appears on every form she’s filled out up until now. Asking a Lily McGlamery to receive money in the event of her death might raise some eyebrows.
“There’s no one that I can send the money to.” Before he can gain the upper hand by asking something she might not be able to answer, she tries to explain it away with a conclusion she’s reached on sleepless nights of waiting. “If I die, it won’t be an inconvenience to anyone. They won’t need money to fill my space.”
A frown tugs at Lipton’s mouth. His eyes dart back to the letter in her hands. “I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I think that someone would miss you.” When she doesn’t respond, he turns to go. “Maybe just reconsider it, Driver. After all, the money doesn’t have to go to a direct family member.”  
He leaves her by herself to consider it. A direct family member. She could leave it to Bobby, maybe. He could make sure that the money goes to her mother.
Quiet – the first quiet that she’s experienced since coming to Uppottery – settles over her little solitude as the movie inside the tent starts up. She stands, alone, outside of it, a slight breeze whipping at her hair as she watches Lipton retreat. Silence has never been her friend. It’s always allowed her too much time to get inside her head. Especially back home, in her room – a reminder of siblings that have gone, family that have passed, and friends that did not exist.
Before it can consume her, she tears open Bobby’s letter. She’s watched everyone else get letters from loved ones. Watched as the men soaked up their words and carried them like a badge that will fortify them through the big jump. Hell, Tab even got sent a gun by the cops in his town as a gift. Part of her, she can admit now, was jealous in knowing that she wouldn’t have that.
Well, now she does. Good old Bobby.
Multiple pages slide out of the envelope. But it doesn’t seem like Bobby has all that much to say. Because the top page is a short note written in his rushed, anxious handwriting:
Dear Tommy, it begins. Please don’t be mad. I swear I didn’t tell anyone.
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aromaart · 3 years
Good girls from a good game
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steponmepinkjun · 3 years
I NEVER FINISHED MY STORY OMG. ok so i left off at being too proud to tell my friend she was right and kpop fucked hard. the difference between u and me is that i’m too good of a liar. too good. i kept up the “i hate kpop it’s cringe” facade for ALMOST TWO WHOLE YEARS, I SHIT YOU NOT. why? bc my dumb ass, extra ass, dramatic ass self thought “ok if i’m gonna have to deal with the embarrassment of admitting i’m wrong, i better do it in such an extra ass way it’ll knock ur socks off so hard that YOULL be the one embarrassed not me.” the original plan was to learn the entire choreography to bts dope, bc it’s the song that she told me to listen to and inevitably the song that got me into them, but later switched to bts fire bc i saw too many of those “choreo matches w any song” videos, and then her birthday party came up. and here’s the real kicker. her birthday is April Motherfuckin Fools. so it would be So Perfect for me to reveal my kpopism as a birthday present And a april fools prank in one. so i was Set on the Reveal being on april 1st, but the day rolls around and god that choreo is so fucking hard and i am Not a dancer. never have been. so i abandon that and go ykno what… i’ll do it Next Year. BC MY BITCHASS WAS LIKE NO THE MOMENT IS TOO PERFECT TO DO IT ON A NORMAL ASS DAY ITS GONNA BE ON APRIL FOOLS ON HER GODDAMN BIRTHDAY OR NOT AT ALL. a year rolls by, i’ve told most of our friends except her and they’re all in on it, i’d made so many subtle kpop references to her without her realising they were fully intentional and had too many scares where she almost figured me out but i lied my way out of it, and i’d given up on showing off with choreography bc i couldn’t make that shit look good. i’m not a dancer. i am, however, a rapper, and a damn good one, so i inhaled the agust d mixtape and decided i’d just rap the eminem of kpop’s anthem at her face. in korean. and change the lyrics at the end (if u haven’t listened to agust d, the bridge repeats “i’m sorry” a lot) to “i’m sorry i kept this from u for so long” and “i’m sorry i actually ult got7 not bts” (this was like the april after skz debuted ok i was holding onto got7 for dear life knowing full well skz we’re going to convert me smh) and the best part? she never saw it coming. her official present was a cd with a bunch of kpop on it but she thought it was just a personalised mixtape for her so i told her to play the first song out loud and she knew the song Instantly. it has a long intro so she was like “i guess u did listen when i recommended u this song!! i knew you’d like it since u like rap so much!!” and then i started rapping and i shit u not. she started SCREAMING. like the initial reaction was her jaw dropping and then instinctively covering her mouth but when i kept going and she realised i wasn’t fucking around she just fucking screamed like a banshee. at the end during the sorry bit i threw off my jacket to reveal a got7 shirt on the inside and she fell off her chair and started rolling around on the floor. needless to say it was every bit as satisfying as i thought it’d be LMAOOOO afterwards her ass was like “I CANT BELIEVE U HID THIS FROM ME FOR OVER A YEAR” and when i tried to explain my ego couldn’t take the “i told u so” she was like “you know i wouldn’t have made fun of you for it right? i would just be glad you’re not hating on my boys anymore” so basically i’m a big dramatic fool and she was always too good for me.
don’t mind the weird spaces here my ipad is being all fucky wucky w me rn. damn sad to hear ur sideblog experience didn’t go so well, i’d have shown u the cool side of the fandom if i knew 😤😤 leading u thru the cursed halls of kpop stan tumblr like a sketchy tour guide that’s actually 3 small raccoons stacked on top of each other like a trench coat, like “over here we have the fanfic writers that honestly need to publish a book, over here we have the gif makers that are responsible for my entire camera roll, if we take a quick swerve past the death threat anons and the twt fanwar screenshots - mind ur feet bub the 14 year olds were tryna make a grab for ur ankles - ah here’s the holy grail of shitposts, you might be here for hours, to the right we have the weird aussie side of the fandom that projects our childhoods onto chanlix but also all the members as we decide what their life in australia would’ve been like, and down there is a secret trapdoor to the blogs w endless random headcanons that will make you laugh, cry or blush depending on if the author woke up and decided to choose violence today. enjoy your Stay!” but then again i’m not so active on tumblr anymore (ngl you’ve become the highlight of my tumblr experience these days, interaction wise,) so maybe all my Local Hotspots are inactive now. i know a bunch of them are, it’s sad. “i don’t fw stan twitter for the same reason i don’t hang out in meth dens” oop. guess i’m a meth addict. no but i get u i rly do, it’s a hellhole out there, but the fact that things get shared and spread a lot easier than on tumblr and how short most things have to be (therefor keeping up w my adhd attention span without having to resort to the mental torture that is tiktok, with the added bonus of not always needing headphones.) that i just. couldn’t leave if i tried. maybe i should try being active on tumblr again but it’s a dying site in comparison.
“their music doesn’t consistently hit for me as much as skz” i’m sorry we can’t be friends anymore. what. what. you don’t dramama ramama ramama hey? you don’t feel a little jealousyyyyyy, naega anin? you don’t shoot out, shoot out, shoot out, or aremdaeun love killa love killa? you can’t be your hero du du du du du du du du du dududu? u disappoint me. literally like everyone i know who likes skz music likes mx music like it’s a rite of Passage. they’re kindred spirits, monsta x music is like skz’s music’s cool but mildly heterosexual older brother. neither of them know what a bad song is it runs in the family. and both their music runs in my VEINS. whenever i describe my music taste they’re always the first two that come to mind, skz being my number 1 bc they are my best boys but mx bc of the Flavour. pls listen to the entire the code album then get back to me 😤🙌 ok but fr ur so right they are 7 of the finest men i ever seen (yes i say 7 bc i’m including wonho cause he deserved better and i’ll die on my ot7 bullshit.) like don’t get me started on them either LOL i LITERALLY downloaded that one insta video of changkyun working out his back n arm muscles w his tattoo showing bc i needed that shit saved for Science. they could do Anything w me like frfr. yes vixx is the bdsm contract group i’m telling ya they wildin. or at least they were. it’s been years since their last comeback idk what they’re doing anymore tbh. and yeah that makes sense, savouring the hyperfixation i feel it, but also i’m so attached to skz that i never let it die. like i hyperfixate on other things and other groups but i will Always go back to skz cause they’re my homeboys. hell, they’re my home. being a predebut stay i’ve spent more time w skz than most of my actual family members at this point. but that’s just me you do u boo xx just know that if ur anything like me ur never letting go once skz it’s been my longest lasting fixation cause they hit like Nothing Else Do. ik i’ve already said that but i cannot stress it enough. they’re really special. i’m gonna stop here before i get all sappy and emotional bc i really love those boys so fucking much and i don’t drop the L bomb often. SIDE NOTE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE UR LIST OF GROUPS RANKED BY THORSt. i need to judge ur Taste. and omg cat&dog is such a guilty pleasure song bc the lyrics make me cringe so much bc while pet play can be fun they be doing it in more of an “i’m an innocent soft dogboy uwu” kinda way that just Does Not Sit Right with me. it comes back to the objectifying of asians that asians themselves don’t help in industries like these and maybe i’m looking too far into it when rly it is just wholesome n cute or maybe they are into some pet play shit idk idc i will bop to the song regardless but i will not acknowledge the lyrics nope.
YOURE RIGHT THO SKZ’S OPENNESS IS IN FACT, A BIG DEAL, i’ll grab them for u if u want but i found these twt threads of skz supporting the lgbt community and i just felt a special kind of happiness man like sure the delusional part of me likes going “haha they’re gay” bc my brain likes to imagine them as my polycule of mlm boyfriends bc sometimes thats what gives me the serotonin to get me thru the day ok don’t judge but also bc it’s nice knowing that yes i’ll never know them personally, but at least i can support them knowing they’d respect my gender identity and my pronouns, they’d respect who i choose to love, and that’s already more than the general public can say so shit, it is special! it’s special that they don’t treat being cishet like the norm - they constantly remove gender from their songs and speech entirely, they don’t assume all stays are female anymore, we don’t talk abt the babygirls incident cause we got babystays in the end outta that ok, and it’s just. so refreshing and important to me bc i can’t get that anywhere else!! like my semi ults are the boyz and while i love them very much and there’s no way all 11 of them are straight i refuse, i do get just a little bit sad whenever they she/her their fandom by default and call them their girlfriends n shit even tho i do still identify as a girl, i’m also genderfluid/nonbinary/transmasc, and i have a very love/hate relationship w my womanhood and rarely use she/her pronouns, cause it’s like, do you not see me? see us? the ones who aren’t cishet women? i mean i know kevin does bc he congratulated a fan who came out as nb but it’s just not the same as the openness we get w skz. like how do i trust cishets i could be supporting them as a queer person when in reality they’d call me a slur. what would i know, behind the screen? so it’s so good that skz go the extra mile to make it a safe space for everyone. this is already long enough i will reply to the second half of that ask in another message… tomorrow cause it’s 1am and i’m tired gn -felix bi anon
I'mma have to start putting these under a readmore so that i don't absolutely make everything who is still following me for some reason go totally fucking insane 😂
NDJDHWJJAHFNAKBSJSBFBHHDBDNAJD YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE FACES I WAS MAKING READING THIS, I WAS FUCKING CACKLING AND GASPING EVERY OTHER SENTENCE SO HARD THAT I SCARED THE CATS NDJWHSHSB the fact that you went "oh you want me to get into kpop? Give me a hot minute, and I'll give you a whole ass private concert for free" biduehsjdbd biiiiiiiiiiitch you're a fucking ICON, I stg I could NEVER 😂 (and not just because I couldn't find a tune if you gave me a printed set of Google maps directions and that I embody the steriotype that white people can't dance, like my sister kept sensing me tiktoks of the whole "dance like a white girl" trend going lmfao look it's you and eventually I was like "sis please this trend has me feeling like being white is a disability and these mothafuckers are being ableist 😭 also I could NEVER be that on beat so yall ain't even doin it right 😭😭😭😭"). Tbh if I told one of my friends (lol what friends, i got jokes) to get into Skz and they showed up at my bday and performed the entirety of I Got It I would simply shower them in money and go "aight everyone else go home, you are no longer needed, you are being laid off, your position has been eliminated, we're downsizing, the company is moving up and you're moving out, you are not qualified for this role any longer, best of luck with future endeavors" 😊
I think part of the reason I can't deal w Twitter is the exact reason I refuse to leave tumblr, in that I've been on tumblr since 2006 and twt since 2008, and tumblr literally has not changed at all, not even a little, whereas going from the early days of twt where there were no corporate sponsorships or ads and you had to manually copy and paste someone's tweet and @ them to retweet it, to how it is now, like 90% ads and showing me shit from the timelines of people I don't even fuckin follow n whatnot, it's just not enjoyable. Idk how anyone finds anything on twt, it confuses and frustrates me because I am old and have not adapted well to technology changing 😂 But arguably, the skz fanbase doesn't want me on skztwt anyways so like it works for both of us lmfaooo. I am old and cringey, and also still think of twt as stream of consciousness whereas tumblr is your teenage bedroom where you can decorate the walls with anything that interests you. I do really love the nonsensical kpoptwt shitposts tho fhshsbdjjss like it is a very specific flavor of mental instability that I enjoy immensely 😂 OH and also I initially misread part of that and thought you were saying you actually irl do meth and I was like 😳 WHAT DO I SAY TO THAT. HOW DO I HANDLE THIS. Like how do I express like "I wasn't being judgy of people who use substances cause I've been there but I was just being insensitive 😳" And then went back and reread it and was like WHEW, IM JUST AN ILLITERATE FOOL 😂😂😂😂 ejeywhdhrhjwbfbdjshdhdhd I spent like an hour bwign like "IS THE REASON WE GET ALONG BECAUSE THEY'RE ON METH???? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFORMATION??????" hrhehshe I am literally a fuckin idiot it's fine
It's not that I don't fw them, it's more like... Okay so like there is no situation in which I am going to skip a skz song if it comes on shuffle. You will not ever catch me NOT in the mood to listen to Sunshine, if God's Menu comes on we are THROWIN the meager amount of booty meat I got hither and thither, I could be in the happiest mood of my life but if Ex comes on I will stop to SOB. And I'm not like that with most music, so mx just falls into the category of "there is a time and place." Idk why but it just doesn't forcibly grab hold of my heart and ass the way skz always does. I really don't WANT my skz fixation to ever end, but I know that eventually it'll stop giving me dopamine bevause my brain is my worst fucking enemy 🙃 like my arcana fixation is to date the longest running hyperfixation I've ever had, going on almost three years, and I used to not be able to spend every single second of every day thinking about Asra, but now... I just feel nothing when I look at arcana stuff. As you can probz tell by the fact that I hardly post arcana anymore 😂 So I know that eventually all my happiness will end, it always does, I can never stay just as obsessed with something as I was for long. I CANT SHARE THE LIST BECAUSE I DONT *HAVE* TASTE YET 😭 I'm basically just compiling a list of any group someone tells me I should look into, ranked by how strong the kitty purred upon googling pics of them 😂 My mom read my ass to FILTH over txt lmfao she was like "they're not that adorable. Maybe your standard for adorableness has gone down with You Know Who still on hiatus 🤔" bfjwhdhd like MOMMAAAAA THE LIBRARY IS CLOSED 😂 she attacks me any time I even hint at stanning other groups, she is a skz purist and stans skz only, unofficial Momma Stay of All Stays keeping me in check lmfao.
I feel like skz really do follow thru on their promise that they're a safe space for stays, it's nice to see that they hold space for anyone and everyone in their fanbase and do it in a really simple and elegant way, I feel. Like they never make it seem like "okay here are the fans and here are the token weirdos that were only recognizing to make a buck off of them" the way a lot of artists make it feel like 😑 like they don't go out of their way to act like it's some revolutionary act to do the bare minimum of not shitting on certain parts of the fandom, if that makes sense. They feel very "yeah, of course we love all our stays, this is a welcoming space for literally anyone, that's how it should be, that should be normal," instead of like "Hi fans we love you 😊 and special shoutout to you ell gee bee tee folk, make sure to buy my rainbow merch after the show!!!" you know? Like, they're the friends who would never make you feel weird or different for some shit, the friends that take the attention off you if something they know ur sensitive about comes up, instead of weirdly snapping at whoever brought the unfomfy thing up which ruins the mood and makes you feel tiwce as bad, yk? They just give off this vibe that they, and the space they create with their music, is just a genuine and chill place to be and hang out and relax and bond. I feel like they'd be the friend group that is so goofy and sweet and silly and accepting and lovely and always makes you feel loved and excited to be alive 🥺 They are all good noodles 🥺🥺🥺
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violetsystems · 3 years
I was invited the other day to join a community as a Creative Advisor from a survey I filled out for Adobe.  I made the choice last November to purchase Creative Cloud for an entire year at a discount.  When I worked at an art school I had all those applications free.  Anybody in the arts community will tell you that software is expensive.  I don’t necessarily feel too connected to the local arts community these days.  But being a Creative Advisor basically means I participate in focus groups and offer my opinions in writing.  It’s a not a bad way to stay active as a creator.  I bought a drone basically so I had 4k footage to mess around with in Premiere.  I am a YouTube Creator by definition.  Yesterday after posting a video of the stream there was another survey in the right hand corner.  I cautiously opened it and read through it.  It was an inclusion survey.  YouTube wanted information to help with their community.  The first question was what race I identify as.  I can’t really argue I’m not white.  The next question was if I identified as part of the LGBTQ community.  I don’t so I answered no.  The third question was what gender I identified as.  I said male because I’m cis.  I completed the survey and went on about my business.  A few minutes later another popup asked me how satisfied I was with the YouTube community after all this.  I answered Very Satisfied and closed the window.  I’m also part of a larger community here in Chicago.  This can be drilled down so far that you can find yourself standing in a lonely circle with a thousand fingers pointed back at you.  My immediate neighbors identify.  I wouldn’t know what specifically or why so I don’t ever really pry.  I live on a pretty diverse property when it comes to tenants.  That expands into a pretty diverse neighborhood with a pretty diverse set of issues when it comes to power sharing.  I live the mad max sort of mentality these days.  Think more Fury Road than Road Warrior.  Where he helps out then silently fades away to focus on his own car wreck of a life.  One winter while shoveling snow I discovered somebody had written something in front of one of my neighbor’s doorstep.  It said “gay people live here.”  I processed it, shrugged and shoveled it away.  I couldn’t tell if my landlord was supposed to discover it, if my neighbors actually wrote it, or if it was somebody being hateful.  I made a judgement call on the account of safety and made a mental note of it then made it disappear.  I cared enough to think about it no matter how much this entire process exhausts me.  People join communities for connection.  People seek out authentic communities for safety, pride and respect.  And people in America should be able to do this freely without being exploited, judged, watched, or compared.  Communities overlap and the geopolitics therein get a little tricky.  When you live in a city with so many different influences, cultures, and hang ups the fog of the ideological war muddles up everyone’s intentions.  I think we retreat to the sanctity of our own communities because they understand the narrative and context best.  I’ve been welcomed into many communities that aren’t my own.  But my circle is pretty small these days.  Mostly because for all the care and attention I apply to the concept of community, I’m often left out to fend for myself here in my bachelor Castle of Doom.  Communities do consolidate power for better or for worse.  Just like rich people hoard money and dodge taxes.  Communities have their own cultural queues and signifiers.  Communities in America have increasingly become more like tribes in the economic desert.  Impenetrable communes at war with myopic definitions and hidden rules that are meant to keep people out for resource sake.  So much so that the Road Warrior doesn’t seem like science fiction to me from personal experience.  
It was the great poet Lord Humungus who may have set it best.  Just walk away.  Safe passage in the wasteland they said.  Be your own boss.  Own your sexuality and answer for your horny crimes.  Shit, I don’t even know where to begin when it comes to where I belong in all of this.  For me things have become equally obfuscated and easy to understand at the same time.  I’m more of an anarchist these days than I would like to admit.  I don’t really want to be on Tucker Carlson’s radar.  Simply because everyone is looking for something to label you as so they can pass an easier judgement on you.  People want you to identify so they can fit you into whatever conversational hole they wish to project at you.  I run into my neighbors all the time.  I treat people like people.  Simply because I’ve been treated enough like shit to know I don’t want anyone else to experience that.  I don’t really want revenge.  I want all this nonsense to stop getting in the way of my pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.  And the constant arguing and debate team every step of the way is troubling.  It’s people with a beaten down sense of self confidence proving themselves in the arena of mob rule.  For all the chest beating online on twitter or facebook people are kind of shook in the streets.  It is a winner take all mentality.  And even the more valid sides of the fight have taken to dirty tactics leaving some of us in the middle of an absolute shit show.  Par for the course if you ask me.  There are plenty of opportunities to be the hero these days.  Not many to be acknowledged as one.  You can be you and still support people that think differently.  I had a dream about guns last night.  I don’t own a gun.  That’s not the right choice for a person like me.  It doesn’t mean I can make a sweeping generalization for the rest of America.  Neither do I actually care to.  I’m cis.  I don’t spend my time psychoanalyzing or judging gender or sexuality other than my own biases towards it.  This is to treat people better and learn respectful communication.  Communication is a two way street.  And some communication is blocked, obfuscated or hidden for it’s own protection.  It can also be self serving.  Some of my closest friends are behind infinite onion layers of identities.  Layers of firewalls that I pirouette through like a whirling dervish just to show I still care deeply.  We take the time to show love.  We take the time to understand the obstacles.  And we have patience to understand that we have to sacrifice things sometimes for the sake of change.  Make no mistake the way I see things on my own is fucked.  I am part of a community here on Tumblr.  A much wider community.  There are times when I don’t fit in.  When it’s not about me or you or whoever behind the screen.  It’s what we connect to and how we learn to respect each other as human beings first.  Not as names.  Or fame.  Who we really are behind all of this doesn’t really matter as much as the content and ideas we share.  Community has it’s own memory and it’s own duty to hold things sacred.  Some larger communities do a totally shitty job of understanding the needs of their ideological neighbors.  And passion, pride, and lack of patience can burn bridges more quickly than building them.  There are times when you realize you are part of a community that doesn’t honor your identity at the core.  Sometimes it’s worse.  You find you aren’t welcome in a community for whatever reason.  If you are an abuser this is a safety issue and not really up for argument or discussion.  But sometimes its far less deserving.  And it’s a game of musical chairs to understand where you fit in and where you aren’t welcome.  For me I’m part Swedish and also a minimalist in nature.  Just look at Ikea and my habit of rearranging furniture.  I grew more inward this year in terms of who I trust.  Now it’s just me and a small percentage of screen names that might be owned by the same person or people.  I identify them as my closest friends.  
The thing about community I’ve learned over the years is that it can always be infiltrated.  Trust can always be broken.  We find we don’t belong to the bigger picture because motives are out of place.  We long to just be normal and accepted for that.  It’s exhausting to have to identify every time you walk out the door.  I identify as human.  Mostly I identify as Tim.  Freedom in America is best summed up by a quote by my favorite person in the world.  She’s from China.  She said once she loved New York because it was the only place where she felt free to cry in public without anybody prying into why.  I’m paraphrasing.  But that shit has stuck with me like a knife for years.  That isn’t what America is about right now.  It’s almost like it’s looking for victims.  Looking for signs of weakness to trick into a confidence game.  It’s a setup on every corner.  A prank waiting to happen.  A constant obstacle to your main quest.  And this isn’t what America is about.  At least not the way I live it.  I don’t think I solve the situation with more policing.  I don’t think I solve it by doing anything other than continuing to live free. The challenge here in America is constantly evolving as it is around the world.  America’s idea of free isn’t always well thought out.  It’s riddled with paradoxes.  And yet this is all I really have.  I’ve seen enough people stalking me in the streets with shirts emblazoned with messages.  Freedom isn’t free.  Penetrate the world.  Blue lives matter.  Make seven up yours.  I’ve made statements too and found myself more and more alone.  And then I’ve started to realize geographically what’s worth fighting for.  I’m tied to an address.  That’s the address where the government sends my ballots and rejects my state taxes at.  That’s the address where the utilities are in my name and I pay my rent on time.  Sometimes even a month ahead.  I’m fiscally responsible for once in my life.  I’ve conquered years of societal glue that held me to mediocre and half assed standards.  I’m a diamond in the rough except I’m not really all the rough.  I’ve stood up for people who aren’t like me so much that I feel more isolated and weird every day.  And I learn that sometimes it’s better to shy away from places where you aren’t welcome than to make a scene.  I am stuck in my little hole here.  If the answer were getting out there and networking, I’d ask people to look at my passport.  It’s not good enough for the state to acknowledge as proof of my identity.  But I spent a lot of money going back and forth to Asia trying to do just that.  And I paid off all that debt awhile ago.  I know the world is bigger than me.  And I believe sometimes people think they’ve travelled the world in their computer.  They’re the authority on everything.  And here is the problem with freedom in America.  The authority isn’t always right.  This is why we seek out communities.  For democracy.  For peer review.  To have our narrative understood and respected.  And we need communities to be more about democracy and less about autocratic reactions to a zero sum game.  I think it’s okay to not be part of something you don’t belong.  And I also think it’s okay to respect people’s wishes to seek out where they do.  But we have to learn to live together in America despite of this.  And well this would require us as Americans to really look the beast in the eye.  And doing that alone is scary.  I should know.  I do it every day.  So much so that I’m literally not fucking around with much of anything other than what’s easy enough to read.  Even when it’s easy to read it doesn’t mean it’s done in earnest.  I can only really worry about the things I hold intimate and secret.  The creative culture I’ve salvaged with my bare hands.  I really don’t care if you don’t get who I am.  But I want you to know I care about the world being free.  At least for the people I care about.  If you ever catch yourself crying in public just remember I’m right there over your shoulder cheering you on.  I’ll fight for your right to cry about it and scare off anybody who interferes.  That’s just who I am and nobody will know or even acknowledge me by name.  Sometimes I do feel like a ghost.  I’m not trying to walk through walls people set up for protection.  But I will break down the barriers people put up to keep us from living together.  <3 Tim
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myfangirllists · 5 years
Fanfiction List (USUK)
A compilation of my favorite USUK works!
Completed and uncompleted
Tumblr media
Dead Ringer by Fire_Bear
Arthur is having lunch with a co-worker when a couple pass by and tell him he looks exactly like the man an entire art exhibition is based on. Dragged to the gallery, he finds not only some amazing art but also someone he has not seen in years...
Type: One shot
Keep Quiet by AkaiShinda (orphan_account)
Starting from a prompt. After being saved by a stranger, Arthur is waken by his savior; a young man with an unusual mission in the evenings and who protects him even from himself in a surprisingly natural, tender way. They don't know each other, but Alfred is determined to help him in recovery. After getting to know him slightly better Arthur is dazed to realize, Alfred's personality is the unification of enigmas and on the other side, pure and clear intentions. He can't help but stick around and carefully mend the pieces together... only to find entirely new purposes to live for.
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Incomplete
The Languages of Love by merakily (fengbi)
Arthur and Alfred first meet as university students in a coffee shop. This is how they came to spend their lives together.
Type: One shot 
From Me To You by a_forgotten_note
After going through three several years of schooling, Alfred comes to the startling realization that he had no plans after college. Without much else to go for, he enrolls in the military for four years of initial deployment. But Afghanistan becomes very lonely very quick... In hopes of rekindling an old friendship, Alfred writes to his old college roommate. The only question is: will their letters relieve his homesickness, or will it only become worse?
Type: One shot
A Week in a Hotel by bluekujira
This is a fanfiction I wrote for my friend (zombiepurplefox on tumblr) based off a prompt she sent me!
I apologize for any errors I did go back an edit this but I still might have missed stuff!
Also I changed the prompt slightly. Instead of living together they stay in a hotel together.
The Prompt: 'You live in the apartment above me and your water pipes burst and is flooding into my apartment and you can hear me yelling so you come down to my apartment to see what's going on and witness me standing in my kitchen/bathroom/whatever, holding an umbrella, screaming at the water pouring out of my ceiling and crying because I have no idea what to do and we both just kinda stand there in shock as my stuff gets ruined and you let me crash at your place til my place gets fixed cause you feel bad' (CREDIT TO shittemore on tumblr for this prompt)
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Complete
Forever Mine by anon posted at hetalia_kink
Dating a serial killer!AU. Arthur was attacked by a serial killer on the bus on his way home.
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Complicated Shadow by Ellarose C  
The US government's witness protection program has never had a witness die while under its protection. After innocent civilian Arthur Kirkland witnesses a murder ordered by the Vargas mob, will a hero's protection be enough to keep the record clean?
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
♡ Cuckoo in the Nest by PennyLane
Human AU. Arthur is a famous novelist in hiding from the paparazzi after he is publicly humiliated when he is left standing at the altar. Alfred is the very competent personal assistant hired by Arthur’s agent to keep him hidden and safe while he completes his newest novel, the novel that just might change all their lives. [Previous Spain/England relationship.]
Type: One Shot
American in America by Ferrero13 
America, being America, says something he should've known better than to say in his own airport, whereupon he is taken in for questioning and finds it very difficult to explain why this particular nineteen-year-old seems to be as politically active as the President himself.
Type: One Shot
Work Your Magic by PixieDust291
Arthur is a wizard who's being forced into an arranged marriage despite his protests. Though, it seems he is saved by a magical Scottish fold named Iggy. With Iggy as his familiar Arthur finds himself not only falling in love with a human but also surrounded by a sea of lies and deception. When nothing else makes sense, what can one believe to be the truth?
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Divination's Greatest Flaw by rae1112
Arthur Kirkland, master of Divination, fancied himself a prophetic matchmaker. His best friends would agree...if only he could make a prophetic match for himself.
Type: Two Shot
Day One by mandathegreat
“Day One: My name is Arthur Kirkland, and I am currently in Atlanta, Georgia. I am recording myself, and my experiences, because—well, I don’t know. I think it’s the end of the world—“
Arthur and Alfred meet at the end of the world. They are going to have to learn to survive.
USUK Walking Dead AU
Type: One Shot
A Proof of Diplomacy by orphan_account 
“If you leave me, I’ll kill you. I could kill you here and now.”
After the war, in his most vulnerable years, Arthur, or Great Britain, is at his most dishonest. He lies to himself more than anyone. Apart from Alfred, the United States, perhaps. He lies when he says that he doesn't believe Alfred's lies and hopes, his beautiful, beautiful lies.
Type: One Shot
Standing In Your Heart by amine  
"Arthur had gone from spending the afternoons with his friend to having his magical training increased tenfold. Warlocks would be needed to ensure that Spades maintained the upper hand in the war, and the Kirkland family had a long tradition of powerful magic. Arthur hadn’t complained and had instead thrown himself into his studies so as to be an asset to the new king. His love for the kingdom of his birth demanded it.
More than that, his love for Alfred demanded it."
Type: One Shot
Communication is Key by inkwells_writing
Arthur had good friends he supposed.
But right now, Arthur hated them. They were just trying to be nice, but really. They thought he was single, and that he had been single for a very long time. And yes, he had been single for two years before he started dating Alfred, but he was now in a three month-long relationship. A three-month long happy relationship. A three-month long happy, and sadly, secret relationship.
They just had to go and set him up on a bloody blind date. Arthur just had no idea how he was going to tell his boyfriend.
Type: One Shot
Hospital Flowers by hoshiko2kokoro  
A firefighter has done more than just save Arthur's life. He's giving him a whole new perspective on life.
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Where The Most Beautiful Roses Grow by fakiagirl  
Arthur moves into a quiet American suburb with the intention of starting a new, calmer chapter of his life. It doesn't take long for him to meet Alfred, one of his new neighbors. Little does he know that this is a place where romance can bloom.
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
A Distance of 3000 Miles by fakiagirl  
5000 kilometers; the distance between their two closest shores. A safe distance, close enough that they can see each other occasionally, but far enough away that neither of them will ever get hurt again. Then, one summer, Alfred visits. 
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
♡ Starships by PixieDust291  
Blind and held prisoner, Arthur finds himself at the mercy of Alfred, a space pirate with a truly curious crew. Alfred is determined to seduce Arthur, and Arthur fears his resolve won't last. His duty is clear, but so is his desire. As the days tick by Arthur begins to question what loyalty means. He begins to realize that being a prisoner may actually set him free. 
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Look to the Future Now, It's Only Just Begun by Teenage Mouse  
Pottertalia. Arthur and Alfred are paired up to read each other's love fortunes in Divination class. Naturally, they're both too obvlious to realise that the signs are pointing to each other. 
Type: One Shot
♡ We'll Meet Again by George deValier  
WW2 AU. London pub owner Arthur Kirkland is driven to distraction by loud, brash American fighter pilot Alfred Jones. Unable to stop it, Arthur finds himself falling for Alfred's charms... just as the pilot is preparing to leave for war. 
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Keep Smiling Through by George deValier   
'We'll Meet Again' mini-sequel. Keep smiling through, just like you always do; 'til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away! USUK
Type: One Shot
♡ Pointblank by worldaccordingtofangirls  
WWII AU: Arthur is a gifted volunteer doctor. Alfred is a bomber pilot. Love strikes us pointblank, right between the eyes, in the most inconvenient of places. The battlefield is no exception.
Type: Multi chapters
Status: Completed
Man's Best Friends by Inkblooded Witch  
Monty doesn't consider himself a needy sort of cat. He and his human have an understanding of how things work, and Monty was under the impression that part of this understanding included a 'No Dogs' rule. So he's not best pleased when his human finds a mate that has one of the beasts.
Mostly pet POV, USUK on the side. Experimental slice-of-life style, be nice! :)
Type: One Shot
Smart Pranks by SillyKwado  
Alfred and Arthur were famous throughout the school for not getting along. Even though the two history teachers and had to set an example for the students, they still ended up resorting to petty pranks and arguments. For some reason, the two always found something to argue about or a new way to rile the other up. But perhaps there's a deeper meaning to the pranks and insults…
Type: One Shot
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atfauomo · 6 years
Tumblr media
aTFAUomo: Scorponok
Scorponok is a very a terribly naive, childish Titan. Ve always sees the best in people, even if they do ver wrong. So when the Ancient Cybertronians decided that they didn’t want the Titans to live and decided to deactivate them all, Scorponok did not harbor any sense of negative energy toward them. One thing to note was that ve was a very young city, not even old enough to get Compeers (or, in summary, the trio of mature Cybertronians that would be bound into vis service to be with ver for all time) or experience too much of life, so ve did not have any sense of longing or depression or trauma that a lot of the other Titans did when activated. In fact, ve was very open to these new modern Cybertronians, who differed so much from the old. Way too open, as ve in naive baby Titan nature just let the Decepticons run around the place, blabbering on and on. Ve allowed verself to be claimed as a Decepticon city only because ve thought it just meant that ve would have a lot of friends, which wasn’t wrong. A lot of Decepticons like the Titan’s upbeat personality, its endearing, but vis attitude can also very annoying.
Its very childish in Titan culture to claim to be the largest and the most populated. All Titans in their core want to be the biggest, most popular city and loved to be complimented as such. It would go that a Cybertronian would say how big/loved/popular a city is, and that the Titan would just be like “aaaaa no!!! Not me, dont be silly!”, and the conversation would go back and forth until the Titan has their ego stroked to the right amount. Only an absolute child would demand to be called such and agree at first compliment that they are so great. Scorponok tends to do this in vis Cybertronian sized holoform, which ve always makes bigger than the biggest Cybertronian in the room that ve “is in”. In turn, the Decepticons pretty much pretend that the holoform is not there, like as if it was hide and seek asking wheres Scorponok, while the holoform Titan just move around frustrated and how no one sees how big and popular ve is. Rumble and Frenzy introduced ver to the concept of pranking and making snarky comments to others, so that's a mess. Starscream introduced the idea of overthrowing Megatron, so Scorponok is in on that too, tho no one takes it seriously. Ya boi says everyone has to study Cybertronian geology before anything else.
Scorponok geography wise is a highly crystallized city. On Cybertron, landscape and architecture is a lot different than that on Earth. The ground and the buildings are parts of a Titan, and are comprised of metallic component that act almost organic in a way, constantly shifting and moving in accordance to the commands of the people upon it, be it moving away for the path of a guardian bot, or becoming a whole new structure when the next hot and ready architect decides it shall be. One interesting phenomenon is the concept of crystallization.
Crystallization occurs on certain areas of Cybertron, due to Cybertron’s lack of a protective atmosphere in said areas, which allows various minerals in space to land upon the surface of the cities. These minerals are naturally unattracted by Cybertron’s specific mix of metals, and due to the planet’s unique charges, come together. The minerals form many unique structures as gems, arranging from the size of a pebble to massive building size towers. They appear to radiantly glow and give heat, as they reflect the biolights of the cities and citizens of a dark, sunless world. Scorponok verself has the colors of beautiful iridescent pastel colors in Cybertronian vision. To humans and other organics, ve appears to be a very disgusting grape lime highlighter color.
The citizens of these cities tend to have an odd fascination in the gems, and will take the natural gem structures and adorn them on their buildings or on their own vessels. Some of these gem structures contain minerals that Cybertronians can consume to create different effects, such as change biolight color or rejuvenate the spark. Needless to say, these cities get a lot of traffic from other Cybertronians and aliens.
Some bots are low crystallized, such as Metroplex, whose major crystal complex is vis famous crystal labyrinths. But few are the highly crystallized. As shown in vis Titan alt mode, ve is covered in giant crystal shards and towers. These are, keep note, NOT buildings. Buildings on Titans “melt into their skin” and do not stick out in Titan form. The crystals however are not a part of the Titan’s “membrane” so to speak, so they retain their forms.
Scorponok verself loves crystals as well. Ve is a master jeweler and geologist, and knows all kinds of ancient secrets left untapped by the modern Cybertronians.  Ve holds vis own gem club, open to both factions. As with most Titans, he does not give one ounce of respect toward the concept of factions, much less what a grouchy bucket head says about them. But because a majority of vis citizens follow this concept of thought, ve had to compromise and set up “sanctuary” areas in which bots of whatever faction can meet, and ve does vis job of preventing capture or battle in said areas. Such areas are used for various purposes such as jewelry making or making concoctions. Some bots come for fun, such as Beachcomber and Hound, and some come when they have to learn science or make food or gifts for others. The jewelry area is constantly visited bots like Sunstreaker, Knock Out, Starscream, and Tracks. A mess. Not violent fights as the organics do, gRosS, but heavy amounts of snark and competition and petty nonsense. Scorponok is absolutely oblivious to the malicious nature of some of these fights. There are some bots that aren’t petty that go to the meetings every now and then, such as  Ve believes that one day, members of vis gem club will become vis Compeers. Because its always a good idea to have your best friends be trusted leaders, especially such competent members such as they.
Scorponok’s Titan form is inspired by Insecticons. The age of Titans was really ancient, before Insecticons came to Cybertron. So, vis ancient Titan form looked nothing as it does now. Ve changed vis Titan form as such because ve thought Insecticons were really cool. Ve is also a popular areas for Insecticons because they love to consume microscopic gem particles that line vis surface.
As with most Titans, Scorponok never really appears in Titan form. In Titan form, Titans feel pretty much as how humans so, unable to feel the “souls” of vis citizens or the hum and rhythm of the planet. Its incredibly scary and lonely for them, and is only done if some reaction was accidentally set off, or if ve had to protect the planet or something.  This picture in all purposes just for show. Scorponok is actually a very Big Boi, especially in comparison to a lot of Autobot cities such as Metroplex and Iacon.
As a side note on the design of the city. The stacks of rings on some of the shapes indicate that the land is “floating”. This is in fact alien technology, as in, not Cybertronian in nature. Cybertronians thought it was super cool and thus added it to their geography. Scorponok thus did not make the floating islands and is incredibly joyed by the sight of them
There is a specific bridge of floating islands that cross over all of Cybertron called the Round Rail, as shown by the circular floating bits that appear to be connected to another. Cybertronians can be launched to and from cities with a powerful jet of air that is really fun to ride on. The jets of air are from the floating islands and Cybertronians control their destination just by wishing it through their wifi like communication system.
(One thing that I am doing now with format is changing what content is put in the text. Basically, indepth lore text is put here on Tumblr or Deviantart, while personal commentary on making the art will be on IG and Twitter!)
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katelides · 6 years
One Shot 25
Prompt from itsmeblahblahblah: You should do a bechloe fic bout when Chloe and beca choose a dog... maybe you can make it sad or make it crazy where like the dog is destroying things or something... ugh I'm tired meh... or something bout a cute proposal? I know it! Ok so beca wants to surprise Chloe with proposal. Beca makes this mashup with I'm yours by Jason mraz, over their rainbow, lava, and what a wonderful world. Than add some random person that isn't pitch perfect and like ugh... I can't think... there ya go... Um... that person could be named Alex. Alex is a good friend of Beca. Beca want Alex to sing a song but says sing Whatver song you want... Alex she sings hooked on a feeling and she bring like one or two people to do the trumpet or saxophone part or something... brain is not working...
Ok this is not my best work but I tried and if it sucks… SORRY!!!
find the others on ff.net or AO3
One Shot 25
“Stop freaking out, she’s going to love it!”
Beca has been pacing in her LA office for the past 20 minutes and it has driven Aubrey crazy. The blonde had arrived in LA about a week ago to help Beca prepare for her grand proposal. “I don’t know Aubrey, that woman has been dreaming of this day since she was 6. You told me that yourself.”
Aubrey rolls her eyes but takes pity on her friend. “Everything is set, the only thing left to do is to take Chloe out for a beach walk. The one you do every night.” Beca lets out a strangled groan. “Dude this isn’t going to work, she’ll laugh and leave. She needs someone that-“ Aubrey cuts her of so fast she barely had the chance to understand it happened. “She needs you, you dumbass! You’re everything to her. You could give her a note that says Marry Me? and she’ll say yes.”
Beca’s face turns red and lets out a loud laugh. “Is it strange that I actually believe that she would?” Aubrey joins in the laughter. “My best friend is weird like that. But you should go, Alex is going to take me to the tent so we can check everything before picking up the last things. Where’s the ring?” Beca reaches into her pocket and takes out the velvet box. “You know what to do right?” Aubrey nods. “It will be perfect.”
“Miss Mitchell, your 4.30 is here.” Beca takes a deep breath and nods at her secretary. “Thank you Sandra, I’ll be there in a minute.” The brunette turns to Aubrey. “I have to go, call me if you need anything. I’ll see you tonight.” Aubrey all but shoves Beca out of her own office. “Go, everything will turn out fine. Do your job and then go back to your girlfriend.” Beca doesn’t get a chance to say anything because the door slams shut behind her. “Rude.” She mumbles dryly.
“Baby I’m home!” Beca walks into the apartment she shares with her beautiful girlfriend. “Baby? Chloe?” She shrugs of her coat and hangs it up before taking off her shoes. “I’m in the bedroom.” The voice travels down from the stairs. Beca doesn’t hesitate to go up them to find her girlfriend. “I was looking through some flights to maybe visit Bree. Do you think you’re up for that when you have your week off?”
Beca finds Chloe sitting on the bed with her laptop in front of her. “Sure, maybe we can head down to your parents as well?” Chloe looks up from her screen with a dazzling smile. “Oh my, yes totes! I haven’t seen them since summer.” Beca chuckles at the enthusiastic redhead bouncing on the bed. “That was like a month ago baby.” Chloe’s expression turns serious. “Hey I love my family and you know it.”
Beca holds her hands up in surrender. “I never said you didn’t. I suggested it because I know how much you miss them.” The brunette sits down on the bed with a slight sigh. “What’s wrong?” Chloe asks pushing away the laptop to the end of the bed so she can freely wrap her arms around her girlfriend. “Nothing, just a rough day.”
“Do you want a backrub? I’ll make dinner after?” Beca smiles at the thoughtful idea but shakes her head. “The only thing I want is to go and a romantic beach walk with my beautiful girlfriend and see her eyes shine in the moonlight.” Chloe squeals and pulls Beca down on the bed. She pins her down and showers her with kisses. “C-chloe pl-please s-s-stop.” When Chloe doesn’t Beca flips them around so she’s the one doing the pinning. “Well baby, it looks like I’ll be going on our walk alone.” She leans down and lets her lips ghost over Chloe’s.
Beca gets off the bed, winks at her slightly flustered girlfriend and walks out of the room. “Beca Cooke Mitchell get back in here and kiss me.” The brunette chuckles as she hears Chloe’s whine. “No can do baby, I’m going on a romantic walk.” It doesn’t take long for Beca to hear her girlfriend run behind her. What she didn’t expect was for the redhead to push her up against the front door. The kiss that followed knocked all the air from Beca’s lungs.
When they separate they’re both panting, foreheads pressed together. “Still… still want to go on that walk?” Chloe asks while catching her own breath. “Y-yes, I-I need some air… literally.” the two women burst out laughing. They put on their shoes and grab their coats and head down to the beach behind their apartment building.
“Hey what’s that?” Chloe’s points at a tent in the middle of the beach. “I don’t know, do you want to check it out?” Beca asks with a uninterested shrug. “It looks like fun, look at the lights. What if it’s a party!” Chloe is getting overly excited. “Maybe, do you want to crash it?” There’s a glint of mischief in Beca’s eyes when she says it. “There’s the Beca Mitchell I fell in love with.” Beca rolls her eyes with a smile. “Whatever you say Beale. I love you too by the way.” Beca holds out her hand and Chloe happily accepts.
The couple reaches the tent and are surprised when there’s a note at the opening.
Free date
Just enter, everything else is taken care off.
Have fun!
The two share a weary look. “Do you think this is a prank?” Chloe asks looking around to make sure. “There’s one way to find out I guess.” Beca holds the flap open and lets Chloe go in first.
Chloe walks in and her jaw drops. In the middle of the tent is a beautifully set up table and right in front she sees a husky puppy with a giant bow around its neck. In the far corner a band is set up. Standing with the bad is Alex, Beca’s best friend. Who starts singing the minute Chloe walks in. The first song is I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. It sounds beautiful and while Alex is singing the puppy runs up to the redhead.
Chloe falls to her knees because she can’t ignore a puppy. It’s never ever happening, not in a million years. Chloe can’t wrap her head around what’s going on and it’s not until more voices join – voices she’ll recognize anywhere – that everything starts to sink in slowly.
Chloe manages to get up with the puppy still firmly pressed in her arms to find her best friend and all the Bellas smiling at her. The Bellas and Alex perform a beautiful mash-up consisting of I’m Yours – Over The Rainbow - Lava – What A Wonderful World. Chloe turns around so she can ask Beca what all of this is but is met with another surprise when she does.
Beca is kneeling in front of her with a nervous smile covering her face.
“Chloe Anne Beale, the day I met you at the activities fair was the start of an amazing journey. It took me 5 years to sack up and finally ask you out on a date and it was the best decision of my life up to date. We have gone through many ups and down together and I can’t imagine doing that with anyone else so… Right now I want to ask you in front of all our friends and family…”
Beca points at a tablet held by Aubrey where Chloe’s family is video calling them at that moment.
“… to give me the greatest honor of becoming my wife.”
Chloe looks down at Beca who is waiting for an answer. She tries to form words but nothing comes out. She hides her face in the puppy in attempt to wipe away her tears and regain some control of her speech when she feels some cold metal brush her cheek. She looks at it and sees a beautiful diamond ring with smaller stones at the sides.
“C-Chlo?” Beca’s voice brings her back. The brunette is still kneeling and almost crying. She realizes that she hasn’t answered the question yet and that the tent has fallen extremely silent. Judging by the look on Beca’s face she’ll have to say something soon or the brunette will burst into tears. And it won’t be the happy kind.
“God yes! Yes, yes of course I’ll marry you!”
It’s as if everyone had timed it. A huge relieved breath is released. Beca shoots up and picks Chloe up to twirl her around. The brunette quickly unties the ring from the puppy, grabs him and puts him on the floor so she can slide the ring around her fiancé’s finger. Beca dips her and kisses her with passion. “I love you so much.” The happy couples gets interrupted by a loud cheer and a huge group hug.
Life was going to be great. No doubt about that…
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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barbecuedphoenix · 7 years
Character Analysis: Ezarel (Part 2)
*looks at my Tumblr activity log* Wow… That smurf is a popular fellow, isn’t he?
This blog has only been active for four days now. And I’ve been flailing around in advertising it. But that one post on Ezarel has jump-shot my total number of notes and followers to almost three times what I had at the beginning of Day 3 (its debut). Hands-free.
If only I can hug every one of you Tumblr people for supporting this blog. :) And that Bitchy Blue elf for his strange charisma. But I might just get slapped.  
So instead, let me thank all of you with Part 2 of the dissection on your favorite nerdy anti-hero. I added a romance section. ;)
Edit: Made a few tweaks to better map out his character, now that I’m going through his route with a fine-toothed comb. This facheiro is hard to get a grasp on, sometimes. Might be because of the barbs. 
He’s a spoiled little sh*t who has never truly been punished his entire life. So when he isn’t working, he still acts like a kid—i.e. he can say what he wants and treat others as free entertainment/scratching posts, at worst expecting dirty looks. In fact, Ez is still unaware that he is extremely lucky no one has pushed him out a window yet. Blue blood or not.
His sense of entitlement is difficult to shed even while working in the Guard. ‘Commoners’ are removed from him by rank, and therefore he maintains that he’s allowed to say or do as he likes in front of them. Other nobles lack social, moral, or intellectual prestige (and are constrained by alliances), so he believes he can still step where he wants most days. In all cases, Ezarel compartmentalizes people, drawing clear lines for who is allowed to do what. People who break those rules, or heaven forbid, lay a hand on him—as though they are complete equals—always frazzle him. It is… beyond disrespectful!  
Losing that ‘thou shalt not touch’ privilege is the equivalent of losing all civil rights to Ezarel; a light touch is the same to him as being clouted without warning. Drama king. At the heart of it all, he’s aware that he is socially out of his element—surrounded by commoners—, so his intellect and status are his only weapon and shield. He abhors how he couldn’t defend himself fully from physical or emotional threats when pressed, and practically panics when it does happen.
Ezarel likes to imagine that he’s the cool glass of water in any situation, and it’s true that he reacts more indifferently rationally than most. Despite this, he actually has a sharp temper and poor control of his emotions. All it takes to set him off is to: a.) act stupid, b.) defy him, and/or c.) touch him. He has only ever learnt how to stopper and ignore his emotions... and his sense of privilege tells him that others deserve to know if they piqued him. Fortunately, his temper has a flash-bang quality: once he believes he made his point (i.e. cowing the other person), he returns quickly to his rational self and pretends nothing happened. (Don’t fish for an apology though. Admitting his mistakes is like swallowing acid to Ezarel; 90% of the time, he’ll just say he has at least one good reason to be pissed.) 
Like Nevra, boredom is his bane. But unlike him, Ezarel responds by retreating into his own head and ignoring social mores, entertaining himself by using others as target practice for his jokes. And he rarely gives a fig about their anger, at most telling them to lighten up because at the end of the day, there’s no (lasting) harm done. (If they keep the right perspective, they should laugh with him too.) He’s smart enough, at least, to space out his major pranks and give others a chance to cool down.   
Shocking information: it’s highly unlikely that he has any dating experience. Perhaps because his family already planned his path for him? Sharing feelings, expressing personal interest, sympathizing with others… make him dead awkward. Thus, his method of flirting is to act lordly boldly familiar (like a kid): he insults you, makes you laugh, flags down your attention with abrupt favors and advice, asks to know how interested you are in him, and touches you without permission. All this to show that he… tolerates your presence. But he’ll deny wanting your favor till the tips of his pointy ears turn salmon pink. He’s only asking for trouble anyway by liking you. 
What makes him happy: a.) pastries. b.) people who can joke with him (while agreeing with his points and tolerating his pranks). He needs to be intellectually stimulated and see that he’s making someone happy with the way he is (two outcomes that are mutually exclusive most days). For someone he truly likes, he’ll gladly take on the role of jester (becoming a merciless tease to show his affection), and gives his help without hesitation. All while denying, when asked, that he’s acting this way for them.  
He has a peculiar double-con friendship with Nevra. They’re partners-in-crime at laughing at the world, but they barely know how they tolerate each other (they insist the other is the bigger pain-in-the-neck). Still, their friendship has its serious moments: though they normally keep a ‘don’t tell, don’t ask’ policy on their emotional affairs, Ezarel sometimes consults savvier Nevra for solutions to social muck-ups (after causing them).
*falls backwards and dies for a few minutes* 
*gets back up*  
...I like exploring characters. I’m also as sick as a dog right now, but that don’t matter when writing.
Anyway. My Ask Box is always open for requests. If you’re interested in seeing more character analyses or head-canons, drop me a message! And if you want to add your own two-cents on this prickly smurf, reblog this post and extend the chain of ideas!  
Barbed-phoenix signing off! 
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violetren · 6 years
Time for a tag game!
Thanks to @sherpawhale for tagging me!
Rules: answer 11 questions, pose 11 more for others.
1. What sport are you most excited to watch during the 2018 Winter Olympics? Or sport you’d most like to understand more about?
I don’t really know. Maybe the freestyle skiing or the figure skating. Pretty much anything I can watch and make ridiculous opinions about while stuffing my face with chips really.
2. Would you rather be Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Snapchat famous?
Youtube, insta, or twitter are known for bringing in money if you get famous enough so probably one of those. Given that I don’t even have an insta, barely use my twitter, and don’t put anything on youtube the chances of any of those happening is pretty well zero though.
3. What are your thoughts/feelings on your most famous “local” (local can be regional) sports team?
I don’t generally have any strong thoughts or feelings about any of the local or regional teams. During those couple of months out of the year when they become a topic people talk about at work I just say I’m happy so long as we’re beating nearby towns. If they ask my fav between the towns two major teams I say I support Railways. Only because I live near their club house and they are the only ones I can reliably remember the name of.
4. What is the one book/book series you would read to experience it for the first time again if you could?
Ah there are so many! Deltora Quest would be nice. They made us start the first book like 10 times for school before I actually picked it up for myself and read it all the way through and needing to start it over and over kinda took some of the magic out even as I finally reached the part I’d never read before so...
5. What is the one tv show you would watch to experience it for the first time again if you could?
Ummm... I don’t know. I kinda wanna say Once Upon A Time because I am always intruiged by modern fairytale stuff but at the same time I really wouldn’t want to go through the disappointment I felt watching it all over again... With that in mind maybe Leverage or Warehouse 13. Leverage was so consistently good, and even with the disaster of season 5 Warehouse 13 and it’s endless wonder was well... Wonderous. I fell in love with the whole idea of artifacts and the family searching for them I would love to experience that again.
6. What is the one song or album you would listen to experience it for the first time again if you could?
No songs or albums really spring to mind.
7. What is the one game you would play to experience it for the first time again if you could?
Ooh. Um. Shit. Choices. Any pokemon or pokemon team rescue style game as if it were my first time playing one would be amazing. Like not even a specific one, just to have all the technical stuff wiped from my mind so that going on a pokemon journey (or being turned into a pokemon) no matter which game, really felt like the first time again. Or Fable The Lost Chapters. That’d be cool too.
8. What is the one movie you would watch to experience it for the first time again if you could?
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Or Wonder Woman. HP because it was one of the first book to movie things I watched where I was so attached to the books, (and one of the better book to screen adaptations I’ve seen in general). Wonder Woman doesn’t even feel like it needs an explanation. Even without a reset watching it over again makes me emotional.
9. If you drive, do you prefer to drive with your hands at 10 and 2 or 9 and 3 (don’t say other, which of these two)?
I don’t really drive much but on the rare occassions I do I stick closer to 10 and 2 than I do 3 and 9.
10. What’s the best vanity plate you’ve ever seen?
Peeps around my town aren’t that imaginative they’re usually just someone saying its their car eg. jenscar. I did see one the other day that said Bad Bitch (the second B might have been an 8) which while not too out of the box was a nice change of pace for my town so... yeah. No really cool plate designs or words/spellings come to mind other than that so I guess it wins.
11. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled, or if you’re not a prankster, best prank you’ve witnessed?
I’m totally blanking. I know I have been involved in pranks. I know I’ve seen some great ones. I can’t think of any. Um... idk. There was the time when me and my friends were all juvies and one of the guys kept talking about how much he could drink, so we gave him like a whole bunch of drinks that either didn’t have alcohol or had super watered down drinks and watched him behave considerably more drunk going on about how he’d had “like 5 times what we’d had”, which of course he hadn’t. He hadn’t even had half what we’d had but he was acting the drunkest until it got obnoxious and another guy told him what was going on.
1. If you could be eating any meal/food right now what would it be?
2. What hobby would you like to pick up if time/money wouldn’t be an issue?
3. Is there a song/book/tv show that you liked, then acted cringey over, and then just started owning the fact that you like/liked it again? (like a thing you liked as a teen, “grew out of”, and then got back into it)
4. Are you normally late for things or early?
5. If you could learn 1 magic spell (just one) what would it be and what would you do with it?
6. What is a song that puts you in a good mood?
7. Ice cream or frozen yogurt? And which flavour?
8. What is your favourite cozy/lazy day clothing?
9. Do you like scented candles (or similar such things) and if so what is your favourite scent?
10. If you were to get transformed into an animal what animal do you think it would be?
11. What is the last thing that made you laugh?
I suppose this is the bit where I tag some people. What names do I recognise from my recent activity... No obligation to play of course.
@ussjellyfish, @argyle-s, @lexa-kom-skaikru, @thesasstral, @theotakufangirlforlife, @regalbelievers, @detectsanvers, @yumanaa, @iamgaymer, @pullinajalonzallnite, @rainbowunihog
Plus anyone who might happen to want to.
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