#invisible aligners
orange-sodazz · 2 years
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dude of the day
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smilexcellence · 2 months
What Are Invisalign? How Long Will The Treatment Take?
What Is Invisalign?
Invisalign is an orthodontic system that helps straighten teeth using clear aligners made from BPA-free plastic. These will precisely move your teeth into positions predetermined by our dentist. The aligners are removable and will form a tightly fitting plastic ‘skin’ over your teeth that are virtually invisible.
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You simply need to wear each set of aligners for two weeks, ideally only removing them for meals and for brushing and flossing. It is possible to leave the aligners out for special occasions, but we don’t recommend doing this too frequently as it could delay your treatment. Every two weeks, you will begin wearing a new set of aligners that will continue to move your teeth until they are straightened.
Who Can Have Invisalign?
Invisalign is designed to treat a wide range of problems that include overcrowding and crooked teeth, as well as underbites, overbites, open bites and crossbites. It isn’t designed to treat complex orthodontic problems. If your teeth are significantly misaligned our dentist may recommend more conventional fixed braces.
Invisalign is also suitable for people who may have received orthodontic treatment as a child but who have seen their teeth shift position. This can happen with age and especially if retainers are not worn after the treatment is completed.
What Is The Treatment Process?
To begin with, our dentist will need to fully assess your teeth and jaws to determine if Invisalign is the right solution for you. The next stage is to take x-rays, photos and impressions of your teeth and we use specialised software to custom-design your treatment plan.
This software creates virtual 3-D models of your teeth allowing our dentist to plan exactly how each tooth will move during treatment. You will have the opportunity to see these images showing how your teeth will look once treatment is completed. This can be extremely useful when deciding if treatment is right for you. Once your aligners are ready, we will show you how to insert them and how to remove them and will provide instructions on how to keep them clean.
How Long Will The Treatment Take?
Treatment times vary according to the complexity of the problems requiring correction but are similar to the time required for conventional orthodontic treatment. Generally, most will take a year to 18 months to complete treatment, but cosmetically oriented problems only affecting your front teeth may take significantly less time.
When you see our dentist, they can provide you with a customised treatment plan that will include the time required to provide you with a straight and healthy smile.
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rakeshragi · 3 months
Ragi Hospital Orthopedic, Dental
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ADDRESS:- Plot No 289, Vivekanandanagar Main Rd, C, Vivekananda Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072
PHONE NO:-  07702372222
WEBSITE:- https://maps.app.goo.gl/2TYh2quRniKZKhMYA
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
10 am–2 pm
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–2 pm
6–9 pm
Discover a world of orthopedic and dental care at Ragi Hospital in Kukatpally. We specialize in orthodontic braces and invisible aligners in Hyderabad. Trust us for the best orthopedic solutions in the heart of Kukatpally."
"Transform your smile with confidence at Ragi Hospital Orthopedic, Dental-Kukatpally. Explore our range of services, including orthodontic braces and invisible aligners in Hyderabad. Your go-to destination for top-notch orthopedic care in Kukatpally."
"Ragi Hospital in Kukatpally blends excellence in orthopedic and dental care. Unleash your best smile with our orthodontic braces and invisible aligners in Hyderabad. Experience unparalleled orthopedic solutions right in the heart of Kukatpally."
"Embrace a healthier you at Ragi Hospital Orthopedic, Dental-Kukatpally. Specializing in orthodontic braces and invisible aligners in Hyderabad, we stand as the best orthopedic hospital in Kukatpally. Your path to optimal health and a radiant smile starts here
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Aligners in Tambaram- Dr Amarnathan's Dental Care
Our clinic's panel of Orthodontists provides high-quality clear aligners to straighten teeth and give you the aesthetically beautiful look you desire.
For more information visit our site:https://www.dramarnathansdentalcare.com/services/orthodontics/aligners/
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Is Invisible Braces better than Metal Braces? | Smile Dental and Implant Centre
In general, Invisible Braces are now just as effective as regular braces. Clear Aligners are less noticeable and more comfortable than metal braces. Aligners are the best way to move Teeth in the Correct Position. We are an experienced and highly respected orthodontics clinic near me in A. S. Rao Nagar, Sainikpuri, Hyderabad. We are using innovative technology to create beautiful, straight smiles. Call Smile Dental and Implant Centre for an Appointment. +91- 7396529265, +91 – 9490618635/6
(Or) visit our website: www.smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/invisible-braces-cost-in-hyderabad/
Check Google Reviews: https://g.co/kgs/WCLT3R
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dentalclinic023 · 7 months
Clear Aligners Braces Near Me in Gurgaon | Clear Aligners Cost @9289288848
Get clear aligners for the severe crowding or spacing problems of your teeth. We provide clear aligners braces in Gurgaon. Book an appointment today and get your crowded teeth fixed call us at @9289288848 to know clear aligners cost in Gurgaon.
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garliclymph · 11 months
Prednosti nevidnih zobnih aparatov
Nevidni zobni aparati so revolucionarno spremenili ortodontsko industrijo in ponujajo udoben in enostaven način za ravnanje zob. Z njihovo prozorno, po meri prilagojeno zasnovo lahko uživate v vseh prednostih tradicionalnih zobnih aparatov brez nelagodja in zadrege zaradi kovinskih žic in nosilcev.
Poslovite se od kovinskih zobnih aparatov in žic Minili so dnevi neudobnih in neuglednih kovinskih zobnih aparatov. Nevidni poravnalni aparati uporabljajo prozorne, odstranljive pladnje, ki sčasoma nežno prilagodijo vaše zobe. Tako odpade potreba po bolečih nastavitvah, neprijetnih žicah in neprijetnih omejitvah glede hrane.
Nastavki so prilagojeni po meri za največje udobje Vsak komplet poravnalnikov je prilagojen vašemu edinstvenemu nasmehu, kar zagotavlja največje udobje in učinkovitost. Uravnalniki so izdelani iz gladkega, udobnega materiala, ki ne draži vaših dlesni ali ličnic.
Uživajte v svobodi, da jeste, kar želite Z nevidnimi poravnalniki lahko brez omejitev uživate v vsej svoji najljubši hrani. Pred jedjo preprosto odstranite poravnalnike in jih vstavite nazaj, ko končate z jedjo.
Upoštevajte svojo ustno higieno Vzdrževanje dobre ustne higiene je z nevidnimi nastavki enostavno. Pred ščetkanjem in nitkanjem zob preprosto odstranite poravnalnike, ko končate, pa jih namestite nazaj. Tako boste med zdravljenjem zlahka ohranili zdrave zobe in dlesni.
Ni potrebe po rednih popravkih Za razliko od tradicionalnih zobnih aparatov nevidni poravnalniki ne potrebujejo rednih nastavitev. Vsaki dva tedna preprosto zamenjajte naslednji set nastavkov in pustite, da tačke opravijo preostalo delo.
Hitro opazite rezultate Številni pacienti vidijo rezultate že v prvih nekaj tednih nošenja poravnalnih vložkov. To pomeni, da lahko v krajšem času uživate v bolj ravnem nasmehu.
Diskretno in udobno Nevidni poravnalniki so praktično nevidni, zato so odlična izbira za odrasle in najstnike, ki želijo diskreten način ravnanja zob. Poleg tega vam brez žic ali nosilcev ni treba skrbeti za boleče nastavitve ali nujne obiske pri ortodontu.
Alignerji so varni in učinkoviti Nevidni ravnalniki so varen in učinkovit način za ravnanje zob. Z velikim uspehom jih je uporabilo že na milijone pacientov po vsem svetu.
Ni potrebe po zobnih odtisih Začetek uporabe nevidnih poravnalnikov je preprost. Preprosto se dogovorite za termin pri svojem ortodontu, ki bo naredil 3D-skeniranje vaših zob. S tem odpade potreba po nepreglednih zobnih odtisih in zagotovljeno je popolno prileganje.
Izravnalniki so okolju prijazni Nevidni poravnalniki so izdelani iz okolju prijaznih materialov, zato so bolj trajnostna izbira za ortodontsko zdravljenje.
Izravnajte zobe brez težav z nevidnimi poravnalnimi vložki Nevidni poravnalniki so revolucionarno spremenili ortodontsko industrijo in ponujajo udoben in enostaven način za ravnanje zob. Z njihovo prozorno, po meri prilagojeno zasnovo lahko uživate v vseh prednostih tradicionalnih zobnih aparatov brez nelagodja in zadrege zaradi kovinskih žic in nosilcev.
Poslovite se od kovinskih zobnih aparatov in žic Minili so dnevi neudobnih in neuglednih kovinskih zobnih aparatov. Nevidni poravnalni aparati uporabljajo prozorne, odstranljive pladnje, ki sčasoma nežno prilagodijo vaše zobe. Tako odpade potreba po bolečih nastavitvah, neprijetnih žicah in neprijetnih omejitvah glede hrane.
Nastavki so prilagojeni po meri za največje udobje Vsak komplet poravnalnikov je prilagojen vašemu edinstvenemu nasmehu, kar zagotavlja največje udobje in učinkovitost. Uravnalniki so izdelani iz gladkega, udobnega materiala, ki ne draži vaših dlesni ali ličnic.
Uživajte v svobodi, da jeste, kar želite Z nevidnimi poravnalniki lahko brez omejitev uživate v vsej svoji najljubši hrani. Pred jedjo preprosto odstranite poravnalnike in jih vstavite nazaj, ko končate z jedjo.
Upoštevajte svojo ustno higieno Vzdrževanje dobre ustne higiene je z nevidnimi nastavki enostavno. Pred ščetkanjem in nitkanjem zob preprosto odstranite poravnalnike, ko končate, pa jih namestite nazaj. Tako boste med zdravljenjem zlahka ohranili zdrave zobe in dlesni.
Ni potrebe po rednih popravkih Za razliko od tradicionalnih zobnih aparatov nevidni poravnalniki ne potrebujejo rednih nastavitev. Vsaki dva tedna preprosto zamenjajte naslednji set nastavkov in pustite, da tačke opravijo preostalo delo.
Hitro opazite rezultate Številni pacienti vidijo rezultate že v prvih nekaj tednih nošenja poravnalnih vložkov. To pomeni, da lahko v krajšem času uživate v bolj ravnem nasmehu.
Diskretno in udobno Nevidni poravnalniki so praktično nevidni, zato so odlična izbira za odrasle in najstnike, ki želijo diskreten način ravnanja zob. Poleg tega vam brez žic ali nosilcev ni treba skrbeti za boleče nastavitve ali nujne obiske pri ortodontu.
Alignerji so varni in učinkoviti Nevidni ravnalniki so varen in učinkovit način za ravnanje zob. Z velikim uspehom jih je uporabilo že na milijone pacientov po vsem svetu.
Ni potrebe po zobnih odtisih Začetek uporabe nevidnih poravnalnikov je preprost. Preprosto se dogovorite za termin pri svojem ortodontu, ki bo naredil 3D-skeniranje vaših zob. S tem odpade potreba po nepreglednih zobnih odtisih in zagotovljeno je popolno prileganje.
Izravnalniki so okolju prijazni Nevidni poravnalniki so izdelani iz okolju prijaznih materialov, zato so bolj trajnostna izbira za ortodontsko zdravljenje.
Kot nalašč za natrpane urnike Nevidni zobni vložki so kot nalašč za zaposlene odrasle in najstnike, ki nimajo časa za redne ortodontske obiske. Preprosto zamenjajte naslednji set ravnalnikov vsaka dva tedna in pustite, da se vaš nasmeh preoblikuje po vašem lastnem tempu.
Cenovno ugoden in dostopen Nevidni poravnalniki so cenovno ugodna in dostopna alternativa tradicionalnim zobnim aparatom. S prilagodljivimi plačilnimi načrti in možnostmi spletnega naročanja začetek uporabe poravnalnih vložkov še nikoli ni bil lažji.
Poslovite se od neprijetnih fotografij Nič več skrivanja nasmeha na fotografijah! Z nevidnimi ravnalniki lahko samozavestno pokažete svoj bolj raven in lepši nasmeh.
Izboljšajte splošno zdravje ustne votline Ravnanje zob z nevidnimi nastavki lahko izboljša vaše splošno ustno zdravje. Z poravnavo zob lahko zmanjšate tveganje za nastanek kariesa, bolezni dlesni in drugih težav z ustnim zdravjem.
Poravnalniki so enostavni za čiščenje Vzdrževanje urejevalnikov zob v čistoči je enostavno. Preprosto jih sperite s toplo vodo in z zobno ščetko z mehkimi ščetinami nežno očistite vse ostanke. Tako boste ohranili svež videz in vonj vaših poravnalnih vložkov med celotnim zdravljenjem.
Odlično za športnike in glasbenike Če ste športnik ali glasbenik, so nevidni poravnalniki odlična izbira za ortodontsko zdravljenje. Brez žic ali nosilcev vam ni treba skrbeti za boleče poškodbe ali oviranje vašega nastopa.
Povečajte svojo samozavest in samospoštovanje Bolj raven nasmeh lahko naredi čudeže za vašo samozavest in samospoštovanje. Z nevidnimi poravnalnimi aparati lahko uživate v lepšem nasmehu brez nelagodja in zadrege, ki ju povzročajo tradicionalni aparati.
Začnite še danes Če ste pripravljeni uživati v vseh prednostih bolj ravnih zob, se še danes dogovorite za obisk pri svojem ortodontu. Pomagal vam bo ugotoviti, ali so nevidni ravnalniki prava izbira za vas.
Preoblikujte svoj nasmeh z nevidnimi ravnalniki Z nevidnimi poravnalniki lahko v krajšem času uživate v lepšem nasmehu. Poslovite se od neudobnih kovinskih zobnih aparatov in pozdravite bolj udoben, priročen in učinkovit način ravnanja zob.
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orange-sodazz · 1 year
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dude of the day ??!?!?!?!?!? woooah
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lovemysmile · 1 year
the impact of metallic braces on speech and pronunciation
Metal Braces can impact speech in a few ways, but the most common issue is a lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds. This is because the brackets and wires can interfere with the tongue’s position when speaking. Additionally, the tongue may need to adjust to the new shape of the teeth, which can take some time. Be patient and soon you will be slaying your speech with metal braces too.
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uhhloof · 1 year
Something to smile about. ✨
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starsmiles · 1 year
Invisible Aligners in London - StarSmiles
In recent years, invisible aligners have revolutionized the way people think about orthodontic treatment. These clear plastic trays have become a popular alternative to traditional metal braces, as they are less noticeable and often more comfortable. In London, one company that has gained a reputation for providing high-quality invisible aligners is Starsmiles.
Starsmiles is a London-based company that offers clear aligners to help straighten teeth. Their aligners are made from a patented, high-quality plastic material that is BPA-free and designed to be durable and comfortable. The aligners are custom-made for each patient, and are designed to gradually shift teeth into their correct positions.
One of the biggest advantages of Starsmiles' invisible aligners is their nearly-invisible appearance. Because they are made from clear plastic, they are much less noticeable than traditional metal braces. This makes them an ideal option for anyone who is self-conscious about their appearance, particularly adults who may feel embarrassed about wearing braces.
Another advantage of Starsmiles' aligners is their convenience. Unlike traditional braces, they are removable, meaning that patients can take them out when they eat or brush their teeth. This makes them much easier to care for than braces, which can be difficult to clean around.
The process of getting aligners from Starsmiles is also relatively simple. Patients start by taking an impression of their teeth using a home impression kit provided by the company. The impressions are then used to create a 3D model of the patient's teeth, which is used to design the custom aligners. Once the aligners are ready, they are shipped directly to the patient's home, and treatment can begin.
Overall, Starsmiles is a great option for anyone looking for high-quality invisible aligners in London. Their custom-made aligners are comfortable, convenient, and nearly invisible, making them a great option for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth without traditional braces. Whether you are an adult looking to improve your appearance, or a teenager who wants a less noticeable option, Starsmiles is definitely worth considering.
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ansansknasajbsjbaj · 1 year
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Clear Aligners or Invisible Aligners (eg. Invisalign®) are used for cosmetic orthodontic treatments as a technique to move and properly align teeth for a beautiful smile.
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Can you eat with Invisible Braces? | Is Invisible braces cheaper than Traditional braces?
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The answer is yes, but there are some things to keep in mind.
First, you need to remove Invisible Braces before eating, so you don't need to worry about cutting your food into smaller pieces or cutting out foods that are too hard, too crunchy, or sticky. If your teeth aren't feeling tender after new trays, you can eat and drink whatever you like as long as you clean your teeth soon after.
Second, if the trays get wet or dirty (e.g. if you get something caught between them), they won't align properly and will cause issues when you wear them again. When this happens, it's important to take them out and clean them thoroughly before eating or drinking anything else.
Is Invisible braces cheaper than Traditional braces?
With Invisalign, you can get more affordable results than traditional braces. Invisalign is a series of trays that are placed in your mouth while you sleep. The trays are made out of clear, flexible plastic and have no metal parts. Because they're clear, they sit on top of the teeth, instead of inside them like traditional metal braces do. This means you won't need to wear any uncomfortable retainers or night guards when you go to bed, which is helpful if you have to work or sleep. You also won't have to remember to clean your retainer nightly, which can be a hassle if it's not at the bottom of your drawer where you can find it easily.
With all these benefits, it may seem like Invisalign is less expensive than traditional braces — but it depends on how much coverage your insurance plan has for orthodontic treatments. Many insurance companies will give you some amount of coverage for Invisalign treatment, but many others only cover traditional metal braces without considering the difference between the two types of treatment.
If cost is a concern for you, then Invisalign might be an ideal option for you because it's less expensive than traditional braces and easier to get covered by insurance companies overall than
Smile Dental and Implant Centre is the Best Dental Clinic in Kapra, AS Rao Nagar, Ecil Hyderabad. We are the best invisible braces providers in Hyderabad. We offer complete dental treatment to our patients. Our team of experienced and trained professionals will help you to achieve the best smile possible. We are proud to be a trusted dentist in the area, offering top-quality dental care for over 25 years now.
We are committed to providing all our patients with the highest levels of care and service at affordable prices. We understand that your health and comfort are important to you and we strive to ensure that each visit is as pleasant as possible.
Know the Invisible Braces Cost in Hyderabad, Visit: https://smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/invisible-braces-cost-in-hyderabad/
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