#intentionally tries to piss off our parents and i’m the one that has to clean up the mess. i’m exhausted to the point where i just dont care
popculturebuffet · 4 years
OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes!: You’re Everybody’s Sidekick Review
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OK KO was easily one of the best animated series of the 2010′s and i’ll stand by those words. The brainchild of Ian Jones Quartlery, voice of Wallow in Bravest Warriors and more importantly former head writer for Steven Universe, and current longtime romantic partner of that series creator Rebecca Sugar. That part isn’t AS important, but I still find it sweet.  Anyways OK KO was the story of K.O., a 6-11, not my own laziness for once but the show’s own way of doing age, year old boy who wants to be the best like no one ever was. In this case i’ts being a hero in a world that’s basically like if someone took the marvel universe and smashed a retro game collection and a pile of manga on top of it and then blended up the result and shot it full of gamma rays. Full of heroes of all kinds ranging from those fighitng crime to those who just want to loiter outside strip malls or cut hair.  To achieve this goal KO gets a job at Gar’s Bodega, the combination of your average bodega (for those unfamiliar with the term, i’ts a convience store) and a video game item shop, so the slurpee machine is right next to the power ups and ninja stars, and everything from skateboard polish to Spread Guns is avaliable. The bodega is owned by Mr.Gar, a mustachiosed muscle man whose basically a shoutier mexican version of MIke Haggar but with shades and a mustache. So a somehow better version of him, though with him being busy watching over the plaza itself, doing secret hero missions and what not the day to day operations are left to two teens: Rad, a muscle bound dude bro alien with telekenisis and a secret heart of gold and Enid, a cynical, slacker ninja whose also bilogically a witch because her parents are a vampire and a werewolf. So the series follows these three as they run the boedega, grow as people and fight the robots that frequently attack the plaza sent by the evil Lord Boxman who hates the place literally because it’s there and it’s existance annoys him. This is the canon explination and it is utterly hilarious.  The series was funny, had great character work, decent ongoing stories, great jokes and a fun tone that could go from meaningful and well thorught ot utterly batshit from episode to episode and was sadly canceled after 3 seasons because Cartoon Network is kinda stupid right now and dosen’t know how to handle a superhero show that still makes action a priority, but it did get a solid ending, a slew of great crossovers and a decent amount of representation under i’ts belt.  WHich brings us to today and the start of RED ACTION WEEK: A week dedicated to the series most prominent gay character and the bisexual ninja witch who loves her. I’m covering all 5 of Red’s more prominent apperances... I was just going to do the red/enid episodes but decided this was a better introduction to the series itself, as well as the fact it allows her character arc to better tie together by her final episode, which directly uses this one as a major plot point. I also threw Plaza Prom in there since, even if she’s only a supporting character, it’s still one of her few major apperances, is part of her final major episode, is one of my faviorites, and the climactic dance fights is one of the most intentionally homoerotic fight scenes i’ve seen in some time. With all that out of the way, let’s do this after the cut. 
We start at Gar’s Bodega, just after the opening two parter, with KO starting his first day of work, part of the reason this episode is a fairly smooth introduction into the show. Not even in the door he accidently shoryukyn’s joe cuppa, a stand up comedian with a cup of coffee in the big time for a head... I told you anything goes and I meants it.  After that accident, we find Enid at the counter, ignoring the customers before shooing them away and when KO asks for work, plays along with his enthusasim and tells him to clean the store.. which he does in minutes, before being told to sort the penny dish, and while he does the two discuss KO’s love of helping people: KO just genuinely thinks that’s part of his job, the right thing to do and feels good while Enid.. dosen’t feel it’s worth the effort and people are just generally ungreatful and not worth it.  I really like this scene for showing off their character dynamic beautifully: It starts showing that while at this stage Enid is largely an asshole, she does care about K.O. and while he’s cleaning, despite usually turning customers away, still let’s Ginger, an elderly patron and one of KO’s mom’s dojo customers, not only check out but pay in freaking pennies. It shows that try as she might, Enid really isn’t a cyncial or heartlesss as she claims. It’s also nice setup for later in the season as, and as i’m sure Ian Jones Quartlery and crew were preparing for, we later DO see why Enid hates people so much: her best friend, possibly more, Elodie, who i’ll certainly be covering eventually, betrayed her for a spot at Point Prep, basically UHA or Xavier’s for this world and claimed their friendship was just a ploy (It wasn’t, but again, story for another time), while her one date with Rad went terribly due to him acting like a huge jackass at the advice of his even bigger jackasses of friends. It’s easy to see why she stopped carring: When she opened up in the past it only lead to her being hurt and alone. K.O.... is the opposite. He genuinely belivies in everyone and tries to help them because, as said above, it’s just what he does and what he belivies a hero should be... he hasn’t been hurt or influenced by assholes like his friends, and thus is able to get them to open up. It’s a wonderful dynamic and I love it.  And naturally, KO is determined to help Enid see the light, with Enid responding with the wonderful line “You’ll never melt my icy heart”... give him a few more episodes Enid, give him a few more episodes.  So K.O. Decides to set out helping people, shouting about it to enid back at the store as he does because he’s 6-11 and kids in that age range are many things, but subtle is not one of them. He starts with Geoff and Nick Army, a monk and gay duke nukem reflectivity who despite having polar oppositie personalities, are both a couple, as confirmed by the creative team and then the finale, and a crime fighting duo who are having a dispute over opening a pickle jar with the good old ultra violence or non violence, which KO solves by letting both do it once, which results in a pickle jar explosion, both men in their underwear and everyone happy, especially the shippers.  KO continues his quest, going to Logical Cuts where we meet Mr.Logic, a robot who has a rather moving and well done backstory we’ll certainly get to, and is voice by James Urabanik, aka the voice of Rusty Venture on the venture bros, to my utter delight. And yes i’ll be covering the venture bros eventually, and might be this month. His customer, another one of KO’s mom’s regulars, is upset because her haircut isn’t right while Mr.Logic is upset, well as upset as a monotone robot can convey, that his usually 100% mathmatically perfect haircuts are off. KO pitches in and the new result is perfect, with both being greatful. 
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KO’s next stop on his good will help people crying for help tour, after the above bit of wonderful art shift as that version of ko moveds like a south park character for some reason. Anyways, it turns out best friends, co workers and the dante and randal of this show, i.e.two best friends working a dead end job who despite arguing a lot need each other, A Real Magical Skeleton, self explaintory and Greg, a bear, are having an argument because RMS is trying to do their job and frame a baseball for a guy while Greg is being a dickhead and playing the drums constantly. As you can probably wager, I do not like Greg, probably more than rusty, partly because a future episode has him making KO doubt his macaroni art gift for his mom so he can eat it, yes really,and partly because he’s less intresting than his buddy and yet the two are shipped frequently despite my honest assumption they’d kill each other.. much like if dante and randall finally banged. However if you do ship them, I have no hostility with you. Unlike say loudcest or shipping sam with lincoln over at the loud hosue, there's nothing wrong with RMS X Brandon, it’s just not for me.  Anywho KO solves it in the hilarious and awesome manner of just putting Brandon inside one of those baseball cube things... it’s a shame he apparently gave him air holes but whatever. Proud of himself, K.O. plans to head back when he runs into the Ally Teens: Red Action, rude teen warrior from the future who just had a bad haircut, Drupe, a sentient strawberry because of course, and Greg, Drupe’s nonbinary best friend and combination of one of the bone cousins and Woodstock. K.O. offers to help and , with the trio being huge steaming bowls of elephant piss at this point, they instead trick him into waiting in a lava flow and then have drupe whip him every time the lava causes him to cartoonishily jump in the air.  Yeah despite both Red Action and Drupe going on to having supporting roles, like our good pal tom, who I will get back to this month, there isn’t nearly as much wiggle room in their first apperance. With Tom Lucitor, he was a dick.. but you could make the case, even just off that ep that he genuinely dosen’t know HOW to be a good person or that what he’s doing is sketchy at best. Here, it’s fairly obvious the ally teens know setting a child on fire and using vine whip on him super effectively is wrong, that’s why their doing it. Red, being that special brand of asshole, posts it on social media. I mean posting a video of yourself hurting a child, that’s Tucker Carlson level’s of dickery right there. Stone cold. Enid sees it and is understandably concerned, and goes over to see if KO’s allright when he returns and is forced to explain to him that no they weren’t laughing with him, they were laughing at him and were just being dicks. Also he wasn’t in lava, it was magma. It was above ground. 
K.O. glumly wonders why and Enid reitrates this kind of shit is why she dosen’t help people. K.O. also wonders how she saw it and we find out Enid is basically facebook stalking red action on her social media, as you do, and that Red’s been on a bit of a tear lately, smashing up shit and farting in Geoff’s face all because she got a bad haircut, with K.O. , likely going thorugh more of her posts, realizing theirs a pattern: When bad things happen to her she lashes out at others.. just like Enid. I do like the parallel there: Enid likely has a crush on her because the two are fairly similar.. but Enid runs cold and tens to be standoffish as a result of her past, while Red tens to take out her anger and frustration on everyone else and runs red hot. But they come together because opposities attract... it’s what noble laurite MC Scat Kat taaught us after all.  K.O. however, having Steven Universe level’s of empahty and an equal sense of wanting to help, and just as few boundries as he had as a tween, decides that it’s clear the ally teens have underlying issues to adress and gets Enid help to look at their social media. Returning to the ally,and seemingly unphased by earlier, K.O. sets out helping them, starting by helping red get her haircut fixed by Mr. Logic. Red is adorably delighted. Moving on K.O. notes that Drupe basically just follows Red’s lead but has a fashion blog and clearly an identiy of her own and we soon learn she believes no one reads it. K.O. showed it to the not at all ambigiously gay duo and Geoff and Nick thank her> That’s two blushes and two wins in K.O.’s court.  Finishing up, K.O. realizes Gregg stays quiet because they have low self esteem and feel they have nothing to be proud of. K.O. however found lots to be proud of and framed Gregg’s valdectorian certificate for him, again with some help from earlier.  Instead of graditude red just calls him weird and leaves and KO slumps back depressed. I’ts a good lesson though: people DON’T change just because you did one weirdly kind thing for them. That takes time.. as we’ll see with Red and as we see with Drupe, who has less of an ons creen journey but is far nicer after her next apperance. While Enid is grossed out over having helped someone, Gregg comes in.. and after some great deranged animation thanks K.O. and Enid admits after some prodding that it does feel good to help, and K.O. is happy to have helped her int he process. The two playfully mess around as the episode ends. Final Thoughts: This was a really good one. Reaching back this far into the series, I didn’t think it’d would be nearly as good as it ended up: It serves both as a good proper introduction for a lot of the plaza regulars, a good setup for Enid’s character arc, and was also really funny with great animation. LIke Tom, I don’t think the creators knew exactly what they were going to do with the Alley Teens and thus take the two they end up focusing on in opposite directon: Red keeps her assholishness for her next apperance and grows from it, while Drupe’s drops off by the end of this season, likely due to her fashion blog taking off, but we’ll get into Red more in a review or so and Drupe more later this month.For now this episode was good and next up we have their next apperance in Plaza Prom. Until then, follow this blog for more reviews and nonsense, like and reblog it if you enjoyed this, hit me up with asks for review suggestions or comssions and until next time, later days!
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 15X23
I really loved this episode! It was fast paced, the storylines were interesting, and we got to see Meredith be a badass again! More of this please! It actually makes me excited for next week’s episode and the finale! I haven’t been excited to watch Grey’s in a while so this is awesome!
We open with a scene of Zola, Bailey, and Ellis eating breakfast while Meredith packs their lunches and Amelia chats with her. The kids are so cute! I love that we’re seeing them more this season! After Amelia makes a comment about DeLuca Zola clues in and starts teasing them about having boyfriends. Zola always knows what’s up! Also, Zola has on a Pom Pom unicorn necklace! Which is super cute and adorable and I totally want one! Based on this conversation we find out that apparently Meredith and Amelia had the ‘this is who I’m dating now’ conversation and we didn’t get to see it. Which is a total and complete rip off!
Maggie comes in. She’s freaking out because Jackson asked her to move in with him and she’s deflecting that onto Amelia and Meredith. Jeez. There’s an adorable conversation where Amelia says that Meredith looks happy and they talk about how weird that is. Cut to the hospital, Amelia, Link, and a still depressed Jo are talking at the coffee stand. Owen walks up with Leo and when he figures out that Amelia and Link are a couple, he is a huge asshole to her like always. I hate him! Can they please write him off? For the love of toast?
Maggie freaks out when she sees Jackson at work because she clearly doesn’t want to move in with him. Take a hint Jackson. Also don’t spring big decisions like that on the person you’re dating. Especially a control freak like Maggie. Over at the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic DeLuca and Alex treat a little girl named Gabby. She’s in pain and needs treatment because she’s one of the many kids who have been kept in cages by Immigration under the Trump administration. I can’t believe I just had to write that sentence. What kind of world do we live in when our neighbours are putting kids in literal cages and separating families? This whole thing is sick.  Her loving father can’t afford the treatment she needs, but clearly wants her to get better so the doctors have to get creative.
Meanwhile Teddy and Owen receive an incoming trauma. It’s Schmitt with Chief Ripley of Station 19! I like how Schmitt is improving as a doctor. He’s really growing on me this season. Maggie’s been paged because Ripley’s having heart problems. The Station 19 crew come to see him. Schmitt has some great lines in the exam room and Owen gets a pretty good zinger in on Warren about people dating their Chiefs. Tom comes in to the ER and makes Teddy laugh. I like them together! And Teddy’s due in three weeks! Finally! It feels like she’s been pregnant forever!
He asks to stay for the birth. Teddy says yes. Owen walks up and Tom pokes him and is his usual self. I love him! Schmitt comes to see Nico and tries to talk to him. Nico is still frosty and acting like a jerk. Ripley’s getting a CT scan. Owen and Amelia talk in the scan room. Owen tries to talk to Amelia about Link and calls their relationship a secret. She calls him on his crap like the badass she is! Telling him he doesn’t get to ask her about that kind of thing anymore. He tells her she’s overacting like the gaslighting a*hole he is. God I hate him. She tells him he doesn’t get to say things like that either. He keeps pushing, but Amelia stands strong and stays firm. He doesn’t get to have an opinion on this and he needs to shut up and stop talking. Yes! Amelia! You go! Owen needs to screw off and leave and never come back.
Jo is building Legos with Gus, Alex’s autistic patient with the rare blood. A nurse tells Jo there’s a phone call for her. The caller is looking for Alex. It’s about the rare blood they need. A hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada has a patient who can help. She goes to find Alex. Side note: I love that they are mentioning Canada more the last two seasons! Although it would be great if they would include the city, province/territory, and country as that’s how it’s said in real life. Meanwhile Meredith is consulting’s on Gabby’s case. We find out that Gabby is Ellis’ age as Meredith makes small talk. She also might need surgery.
Jo runs into Gus’ Mom on the way to tell Alex. In her excitement she tells her they’ve found a donor. This will come back to bite her in the ass later. Meanwhile we find out that Ripley needs open heart surgery. He wants to go see Vic first. That’s not possible given his condition. He’s not happy about it. He orders the firefighters out. Maggie doesn’t buy his tough guy act for a second. They have some great banter.
Tom and Teddy talk some more about houses in the scan room. I love Tom’s line, “Okay so something more Germanic.” He loves her so much! Gabby is getting a CT scan. Alex and Meredith talk in the scan room about her situation and missing one’s kids. DeLuca comes in and tells them her Dad doesn’t qualify for the state insurance because he makes too much money. Cleaning offices. This is getting out of control.
They find out that Gabby does in fact need surgery. Meanwhile Jo’s on the phone with the hospital in Winnipeg. She finds out the hospital made a mistake. They think Gus is the donor and not the other way around. Maggie treats Ripley some more and they banter about their relationship problems. For some reason when talking about her housing situation Maggie acts like living in Meredith’s heritage home with her, Amelia, and her nieces and nephew who she adores is horrible compared to Jackson’s penthouse apartment. That sounds awesome to me!
Meanwhile Gabby’s father is trying to figure out what to do because he can’t afford her treatment and doesn’t qualify for insurance. Meredith tells him that they’ll take care of it. I love her! Alex tells DeLuca to go prep the patient. As Alex and Meredith walk away Alex turns to her and goes, “You don’t have a plan do you?” I love Alex! I love him and Meredith’s friendship! Jo comes to tell Gus’ Mom the news and overhears her telling her husband on the phone about how great everything is. Jo leaves heartbroken. She’s standing in a hallway when Warren walks by and sees that she’s upset. He tries to talk to her. She refuses and instead runs down the hallway crying. She bumps into Webber who somehow fails to notice this and tells at her to slow down. What a jerk!
Meredith, Alex, and DeLuca prepare to operate on Gabby. Webber walks in concerned about Ellis. We find out Meredith put her name on the insurance forms instead of Gabby’s when DeLuca rats her out. What a jerk! I hate him. Webber’s pissed, but Meredith’s not backing down. There’s no way in hell she’s shipping Gabby off to a county hospital. The system has failed Gabby and her Dad, but Meredith’s not about to. She tells Webber that she’s going to operate and that, “If you’d like to have me arrested when I’m done that’s your call.” Spoken like a true badass! Also, Meredith is wearing her pinky purple scrub cap with the dotted flowers on it today!
Jo goes to Teddy about her mistake. She hopes Teddy can use her military connections to get the blood they need. Teddy tells her everyone in this hospital has called in a favour. The blood is so rare it can’t be found and that’s the problem. Jo starts hyperventilating and Teddy tries to help her and figure out what’s really going on. She refuses and leaves. I like that they are building something here.
Meanwhile Amelia is sitting at a nurses station waiting to hear news about her quadriplegic patient. Owen comes over to talk to her. He wants to talk about the way he acted before about Link. He tells her, “I told you a while back that you were incapable of love, but I’ve been doing some therapy and I’m realizing that I think that it was me that I was talking about not you. And I’m sorry I said that. It’s not true. It’s the opposite of true.” To which Amelia replies, “Thank you.” I’m glad Owen is finally apologizing but that still doesn’t change his years of abuse and violence against women. He tells her Leo misses her and he’d love it if she busted him out of daycare and spent some more time with him. She says she’d love to.
Meanwhile Maggie and Ripley are still bantering. This time about the proposal milk story! They give each other advice. We cut to Gabby’s surgery. They find out they got to her just in time. Whew! They also find out that she has cancer and will need years of treatment. Poor Gabby! DeLuca continues to be an ass and gets on Alex and Meredith’s nerves. Webber walks up to the intercom tells them that he wants to see them after they’re done. DeLuca scrambles to say he had nothing to do with it like an asshole. Webber clarifies that he only wants to talk to Meredith. Seriously why would you spend your whole day intentionally pissing off your girlfriend and her best friend in favour of your boss? He’s such an idiot. Boy bye!
Meanwhile Ben is talking to Bailey about how he’s worried about Jo. Teddy comes in and she also wants to talk to Bailey about her concerns about Jo. We cut to Jo telling Gus’ Mom about the mistake. His Mom is understandably upset then angry. They both begin to cry. His Mom then apologizes and says she was unfair and unkind. Every child deserves parents as wonderful as Gus’! They are kind and they truly love him for who he is. Jo begins crying harder. Gus’ Mom hugs her but slowly realizes something else is wrong. Alex and Bailey arrive to try and help. Alex leads Jo away and Bailey goes to help Gus’ Mom.
Schmitt tries to help Nico some more but Link steps in and tells him to give him space. Webber is yelling at Meredith in his office about the insurance fraud. He’s mad because as part of his AA program he is committed to rigorous honesty. Having to deal with this puts his sobriety in danger and that’s why he’s so pissed. She asks him what he plans to do. He doesn’t know. He says the only thing to do is make Gabby sicker on paper. If she’s in the hospital for 30 days a new state policy automatically kicks in. Why didn’t he just tell her that before they performed the surgery? Meredith is confused because Richard wants her to lie more. Richard says he’s doing it for Gabby and her dad not for Meredith.
Jo is crying on Ben’s shoulder. Alex is yelling in Bailey’s office that he doesn’t know what to do to help Jo. Side note: I love Bailey’s necklace! The necklace game in this episode was on point! Meredith talks to Gabby’s dad about her treatment while DeLuca looks on disapprovingly like a jerk. This causes her to stop smiling. Maggie comes to talk to Jackson and says yes to moving in with him and explains why she didn’t say yes before. Maggie has a great one liner about rom coms! He asks her to come camping with him and says he’ll pro and con with her if she’ll come camping with him. Then Ripley’s labs are back. They are not good.
Amelia’s hanging out with Leo in the Attending’s Lounge. It’s very cute. Link walks in to see if she wants to grab food, but sees she’s already got plans. He talks to Leo and it’s so adorable! He’s really great with kids! I love them together! It’s nice seeing Amelia happy with someone more her speed that’s fun like here! Tom pages Teddy to the scan room. He shows her images of her dream home. He went and found it for her! My heart! He’s rented her an apartment. She loves it! Owen goes to see his therapist. He tells him the treatments are working. He feels clearer and he knows what he wants. He wants to continue the treatments because he wants to feel perfectly clear when he tells her that he loves her.
It’s unclear who he’s talking about. My money’s on Teddy. But it could be Amelia. Or even Cristina or some woman we’ve never seen before. My friend Amy whose not on Tumblr, theorized that they could pull a 180 on us and he could be referring to a family member and he could want to tell them he loves them before he makes a big life change like re-enlisting or something like that. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past them. Some people Twitter users pointed out that this scenario seems unlikely because of Leo and Teddy’s baby, but having him declare his love to one of the women he’s already been with and said that too seems too simplistic for Grey’s. There’s also not a lot of drama there. I hope if it’s Teddy, Amelia, Cristina, or some other woman they tell him to go duck himself! Because that is what he deserves!
DeLuca’s alone in a patient room at the clinic. Meredith comes to talk to him. She tells him she made a call today and she knows he has a problem with it, but she would do it again. What a Badass! Meredith tells him she cannot and will not apologize for it and she’s not going to change. DeLuca tells her that’s not the problem. DeLuca says he spent the whole day thinking about how Gabby’s situation could have been his if he was born in Honduras instead of Italy. That doesn’t fit his behaviour at all but okay. He tells her he’s in awe of what she did today. He says he was afraid if he opened his mouth the only thing that would come out is ‘I love you’. At which point he actually says it and tells her he loves her. Oh boy.
They’ve only been dating for a few months and already he’s decided she’s the love of his life and he loves her. Meredith is having none of that! She stares at him blankly. Then says, ‘Oh.’ Stutters then says, ‘Well okay. Glad we cleared that up.’ Nods then leaves! Haha! Her reaction cracked me up. What an idiot! Welcome back Meredith! I was wondering if this was going to come up at some point.
DeLuca’s been head over heels since the beginning and everyone’s always talking about how he loves her, but never the other way around. DeLuca’s infatuated and convinced himself he’s in love with her. Meredith just sees him as a hot date that’s fun to fool around with. She’s not in love with him. He’s not going to live with her. She’s not marrying this guy. He’s not going to be a step dad to her kids. The only one that thinks that is him. He just got a rude awakening! I hope this is the end and he leaves to do his Fellowship somewhere else next season.
This kind of thing is all relative too. Teddy and Tom have been dating for a similar period of time, but they’re much more serious. It’s all about context. Tom started dating her knowing she was pregnant. They’ve both been married before. They’ve both lost people. Teddy’s lost her husband and Tom’s lost his son and had his marriage collapse as a result. The difference is that Tom shows his love for Teddy instead of saying it. He makes her laugh, buys her things that make her happy or make her life easier, she needs a nice place for her and her baby to live so he goes out of his way to find one for her. He loves and supports her unconditionally and that’s what true love really is. He tells Owen he loves Teddy to get him to back off and stop making Teddy miserable and causing her even more pain. He doesn’t have to tell Teddy, she already knows and vice versa.
You can see a similar situation with Amelia and Link. They are newly dating and so they aren’t there yet, but they are compatible and happy and having a good time. They don’t need to have the ‘this is what you mean to me’ conversation because they show their love, they don’t say it. If you have to say it this early it’s probably doomed or one sided. That’s the problem with big sweeping declarations. They look cool, but they only work if the other person is mutually into it. If not then it falls flat. Like with Meredith and DeLuca. He’s declared his love for her and she does not feel the same way. Which if he was paying attention and wasn’t so selfish and self absorbed he would have picked up on. But he doesn’t and he didn’t because everything is all about him. He assumes Meredith feels the same way or will automatically reciprocate or be wooed by his declaration.
He doesn’t know Meredith at all. It took her a long time to even admit to herself that she loved Derek and wanted to be with him because of everything that had happened. For her declaring that she loves someone and meaning it is a huge deal. It’s not something she takes lightly and it’s not a quick process for her. Some Twitter users also pointed out how alone DeLuca is. At this point he doesn’t have any real friends, he’s given up on Neuro as a specialty for no discernable reason, and is flopping around. He’s only real personal relationship outside of Meredith at this point is his sister Carina. That’s really pathetic. All of Meredith’s friends dislike or are ambivalent towards him. He’s put all of his eggs in one basket without checking if the basket felt the same way.
Meanwhile Maggie and Andy go to tell Ripley about his test results. They find out he’s gone! I watched the Station 19 follow up episode and it was a total letdown. I got super into Vic and Ripley in preparation for the crossover. I watched clips on YouTube and got all caught up and was super pumped. The episode was awful. They created stupid pointless drama with Ripley’s sister and Vic and then they made it seem like they were going to pull a hell Mary at the last second only to kill Ripley off in a super dumb way and have all of the build-up be for nothing.
A character’s death is only poignant if you build the character up over several seasons. Baiting viewers with Vic and Ripley’s romance and then killing him off in the show’s second season before the finale makes no sense. It’s a really cheap ploy that doesn’t come off well and is really bad writing. One of the issues with this too is that now Vic can’t date anyone for a least a season without it being super weird and forced. Grey’s has been battling with this, unsuccessfully, since Derek died. Why the writers looked at that and thought, “Yes, let’s dig ourselves into the same ridiculous hole no reason!” I have no idea.
Grey’s didn’t have a choice. Patrick Dempsey decided to the leave the show unexpectedly and killing him off was the only option that made sense since the alternative was having him leave his wife and children for some research assistant in Washington. That wasn’t the case with Ripley as the actor was still available which makes the whole thing pointless. It also means I have no reason to watch Station 19 now. Unfortunately, the promo for next week’s Grey’s Anatomy episode doesn’t show anything so there’s nothing for me to comment on sadly. Hopefully it’s good! We’ll just have to wait and see!
Until next time.
Au revoir!
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aftertheabuseblog · 6 years
Understanding and Denial
Understanding and Denial
My schoolwork was suffering, nothing I did seemed to make the slightest difference in the downturn of my life. My self worth was… let's be honest, I didn't have any right then. Seemingly confirming my lack of worth my parents wrote my teacher that they wanted her to fail me so I would have to repeat grade 7 and do better. Let's go back a year…
I was staying the night at my friends, Joel and Bryce's house when puberty hit, I was so embarrassed. I was 11, almost 12. I thought something was wrong with my body, I had no clue what was happening, this felt too similar to the abuse. My parents wouldn't have “the talk” with me for almost another year. I felt dirty. I couldn't tell my friends or their parents what happened. So I went to the washroom, cleaned myself up and went back to bed.
A couple weeks later we went to the hot springs together where I was called a f*g for the first time, by a stranger, another reason to feel bad about myself. Upon returning home from that trip I began to really question my worth.
Shortly after I turned 12, I was staying the weekend out at Joel and Bryce's place again and we set off on our usual exploration of what was flammable on the farm and what common rocks will produce a spark when struck together. That night I was sleeping in Bryce's bed with him and I wanted to let him know how much I enjoyed spending time with him and his brother, something I had learned how to do the wrong way from an adult family friend, let's call him Darren (he molested and sexually abused me from the age of 9-10). Bryce and I were both laying there in our underwear and I started scratching his back lightly and slowly worked my way down to his butt and then started rubbing, as Darren had taught me. I definitely wasn't going to reach around and grab his penis like Darren had with me since that made me feel dirty and I didn't want Bryce to feel dirty. So I kept gently massaging and rubbing his butt. “He’s rubbing my butt,” Bryce announced to Joel who was in the next bed.
“That's wrong. I’m telling my mom and dad.” Wrong?! It was wrong to rub a friends butt? I desperately pleaded with him not to tell his parents and explained that I thought I was doing something good. Yes I knew touching someone else's penis was wrong but I didn't know that touching a butt was wrong. I promised now that I knew I would never do it again. Bryce said that it made him feel dirty. I was humiliated, that was the opposite of what I wanted. I apologized profusely and they both agreed to not say anything to their parents. That was the last time I spent the night at their place or they stayed at mine. We barely talked after that night. It seemed something was wrong with me. I had wanted to show a symbol of close friendship, and ended up alienating my 2 closest friends, and I didn't have many of those. My remaining trust in myself was now gone too.
Soon it was time for “The Talk.” My mom sat my sister and I both down at the dining room table at the same time and handed us a pamphlet, or magazine, and told us to read it. I couldn't focus on the words. We weren't allowed to take it to our rooms and I was too self conscious to read this in front of my mom and sister, so I skimmed it, pretended to read it and said I understood. Since my parents wouldn't allow us to take sex ed at school, this was the piss poor substitute and I learned nothing. One of my friends at school had already had the talk and filled me in, and although he got some of the details wrong, I picked up enough to fill in the blanks from the pamphlet I skimmed. Turns out in a way I did get sex ed at school, previous personal experience not withstanding.
Soon my voice began to change and I would lament the loss of my high range. Secretly I love to sing, I loooove to sing. When I was absolutely sure no one was around, I would explore my vocal range. When others were around, I would intentionally throw my voice out of tune. This was for me and me alone. The notes I could hit and sustain would thrill me. Post puberty, I fell flat, vocally and emotionally. I always wanted to sing the part of the princess lamenting the absence of a prince in her life. Puberty robbed me of that dream, I would never get that range back. Or so I thought. A couple of years ago I found a YouTube channel done by Nick Pitera, a full grown male with an amazing vocal range. I thought it was a lady that he was lip syncing, but no it was his own voice. He has and amazing low, middle and high end. Some call him the most versatile voice on YouTube. Recently I have been working on extending my high range while staying in key, my neighbours must love me, and found that my low range has extended as a result as well. I can almost sing the highest notes in Part of You World from The Little Mermaid in key. Don't know if I'm ready to share my voice with the world yet, I've tried recording it but I get nervous and my throat constricts throwing me off key and out of pitch. My cat seems to really like it when I sing to her though.
After learning about the birds and the bees, some of what I had locked away came back to me in a new light. It wasn't just bad times, it was bad sexually. I told myself, I must have done something wrong for this to happen. No, no! It didn't happen. I'm imagining it. How I wished that were the case. So I tried my best to go into deep denial. Despite my best effort, some of it was always there. Like a loud song in the background, it was always there. School didn't matter, it seemed so finite an issue. What difference would it make if I did my homework or not, my life would still suck.
Soon after the denial began, I again started having more frequently the same nightmares I had when I was 7. Then I had my first hallucination, at least the first one I can recall. I was in my room wearing my sweatpants and sat on my bed without checking to see if there was anything there first. I don't remember what I sat on but it poked into my butt crack far enough to trigger that “electric” sensation. Immediately before me appeared the dark smokey visage of Dark Man from my nightmares, now in my waking life. I let out a blood curdling scream, my voice had not changed completely yet, and ran into my moms room in an adrenaline fuelled terror. I collapsed shaking on the ground before her, grasping tightly onto her legs. I told her there was a shadow man coming through my window. Since my window was at least 25 feet off of the ground she immediately dismissed it. Over the next few years I would have anxiety related chest pains, insomnia, and “freak out” moments all of which I reported to my mother. Recently I asked my mother why they never sought to get any professional help for me and her response was, “I didn't know, there were no signs.” No signs my ass.
Soon after puberty, I started having what I now know are ocular migraines, my mom dismissed them as “Your eyes are getting fuzzy because you're growing too fast.” I tried to impress upon her that no other kids that I had asked were experiencing anything like it but, not once did she take me to the doctor or optometrist to address this. Any medical problems that didn't have immediate visual signs that my sister and I had, it was “all in our heads, don't come to me for sympathy.” When she had anything minor medically, the world was going to end.
So I was left to deal with this growing anxiety that soon led to sleepless nights, which added to my second hallucination. My friend Tony was spending the night, I found that since the deep denial began, I had trouble falling asleep when there was someone else in the room. So I started counting his breathing while watching his chest rise and fall in the faint light, 80… 200, my mind began to wander to the bad memories. I was remembering being at the bottom of those stairs and suddenly Dark Man was standing over top of Tony, looking down at him with glowing red eyes. Slowly the glowing red eyes turned to look at me, piercing me, driving terror into my soul. I couldn't speak, I pulled the covers over my head as I started silently crying. I would not be sleeping that night. In the morning I told Tony about what I saw and he insisted that I must have been asleep and had a nightmare. But I knew I had been awake, lucid dreaming had taught me how to tell the difference between dreaming and reality and I was always, “checking my reality” (see chapter Year of Hell).
Those are the only 2 sustained hallucinations that I can recall I had when I was young. At the age of 9, I started having fleeting shadow hallucinations. Out of the corner of my eye I would see a shadowy human shaped figure, and then it would be gone as quickly as it was there. One day the shadowy figure appeared very close to me and in a moment of fright I lost control of my bladder. Looking for help, I told my mom that I had just wet my pants. Without asking if something had scared me or if something was wrong she automatically assumed that I had been disgusting and/or lazy and wet my pants. She grabbed me, stripped off my pants and underwear along with any remaining dignity. While verbally berating me she said, “If you're going to wet your pants like a baby, then I'll treat you like a baby!” and grabbed a towel which she pinned on me like a diaper. I had to wear it for the afternoon so that I could “learn my lesson.” Having my dignity stripped away once again was very traumatizing. I was supposed to be safe and be able to get help when needed. It seemed to me that my mom was more concerned about how having a son who wet his pants seemed to reflect on her than what might be potentially wrong with me. It's only upon reflection now that I realize that all these incidents happened when dad was either at work or out of town, never when he was home. Whenever I wet myself after that, I would take off my pants and underwear and rinse them out in the laundry room sink. Sometimes I would force myself to keep wearing the soiled underwear underneath fresh pants as a self punishment for my perceived failure of self.
With belief in myself at an all time low I stopped doing my homework, or if I did it I would often cheat. I became a chronic liar, after all, if no one was going to believe me when I was speaking the truth why should I bother telling it. To add to the pile, my grade 7 teacher didn't like me and would pick on me. I used to get hiccups all the time when I was younger, especially during times of heightened anxiety. She gave me detention because I had the hiccups. One day I had forgotten my day planner at home, and she told me I had to walk home to go get it. Keep in mind it was the middle of winter and I didn't have my snow pants that day. It was -20 F with the wind and it wasn't a short walk. When I got home there was no one there and my legs were starting to loose all feeling and I was feeling sluggish, having frozen my ankles the previous year, I knew this was bad. A couple of blocks away were some family friends, so I went there. Patricia, the mom of the family answered the door and immediately pulled me inside. After demanding an explanation for what I was doing walking around improperly dressed in this weather and listening to my explanation, her face went red with anger. She made me a hot chocolate, and drove me back to the school where I waited in the car. She went into my classroom and balled the teacher out in front of my class for telling a student to walk home for something as petty as a day planner, let alone when it was this cold out. My classmates told me about it, I kinda wish I'd been there to see it. She later got another talking to by my parents when they found out. She was a little nicer to me after that.
Toward the midpoint of the school year, I had been hanging out during lunch and recess with another boy who had some mental development issues, but he was always trying his best. In fact I was jealous of him because they had worked out an incentive program to help him complete his school work. If he handed major assignments in on time, he got a dollar from his mom, if it was late but complete, 50 cents. It seemed to work for him. One day after lunch our teacher was waiting at the doors nearest our classroom making sure everyone was coming in. Upon seeing me coming in alone, she said “Good to see you're not with your tardy friend.” I know tardy means late, but from her tone it was clear she meant the other similar sounding derogatory word, especially since he wasn't late. Some people just shouldn't be teachers.
As the school year wound down my report card came in, it was a pass, but barely. When you ask a kid if there's anything wrong, chances are the answer will be ‘no’, even when there is a problem. Sometimes the child simply doesn't have the vocabulary or understanding yet to describe what's wrong. You have to look at the child's actions and moods. Had my parents relied on that they would have seen I was at the beginning of a spiralling depression. But they didn't. Having decided that my bad grades were simply the result of me just not trying hard enough, they wrote my teacher a letter telling her they wanted me to be held back and repeat grade 7. It seemed my lack of belief in myself was justified. In a rare move of compassion, my teacher told me she didn't support the idea and thought that I would feel much better and do much better in a system like high school. So the money I tucked under the envelope was enough to sway her. Just kidding, she kept my passing grade without being bribed.
So it would seem that if I had a problem at home I would have to learn to deal with it myself. When presented with a situation at age where I could possibly end my life and it would look like an accident, I took it...
(More on that in tomorrow's post)
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twisted-petal · 7 years
Death Continued: Part 3
([I’m doing a shit-poor job with timelines, trying to compress these stories/rants. The trip was two days after my birthday)]
Here’s the thing: I kept offering to pay for gas and she only accepted half the amount of one tank fill, I handed her my card and told her to use it to feed the parking meter, as well as buy food and any other supplies she needed, and even had my card when she went to pick up my meds, and I repeatedly told her that she could return home on her own and I had plenty to take a bus home. She wouldn’t use my money. She wouldn’t accept my offers. She refused to go home as she wanted to be sure I was taken care of. Suddenly I am at fault for the money she spent on our trip and for missing a day of work. Puppy didn’t even like her there, and was annoyed at how she was “caring” for me. She also bleached his towel with her weird face cream… Knowing we were staying a night there and that her face crap stains fabrics, she didn’t bring her own towel. ¬__¬ I’m just a freak and wanted to share his things and was intentionally a dick by not bringing my towel… But I didn’t bleach anything!
The doctor at the Clinic was irritating enough as is. She insisted that I had good poisoning, despite me repeatedly telling her I hadn’t even eaten anything and that this had happened to me fairly recently. She prescribed me pills for gas (or something, I forget as they didn’t do anything for me) and nausea (which didn’t help at all, unlike the one she gave me in the waiting room that worked immediately). This illness happened to me twice more.
The last time this happened to me was at the end of December, and the landlady said we needed to be out of the house the next day. No other heads up as to when we were moving, and this was at least three months before she had promised our move would be, as well as a month, two months, 3 weeks, 2 weeks, and 3 months after the date she said we would be moving - to name a few.
We fought for the first time since I moved in, she threw a tantrum and tossed things around as I tried to find clarification, express concerns, and, well get pissed that she kept changing the dates and how sudden things were. We chilled, she apologized, and I went to take a shower to relax before packing.
Feeling ill instead of relaxed, I cut my shower short, stepped out and grabbed my towel to dry off, and found myself on the floor (this also has to do with an ordeal that happened in October). I started texting my mother and wasn’t making any sense, so she sent her sister over to check things out. I was on the bathroom floor for almost an hour before finding the strength to stand, slowly pull some clothes on, and apparently go around the corner to my room - I barely remember getting there.
Mother refused to go near the house. She did not like the landlady and she had been to the house a few times in the past, as it was a place people would go to do hard drugs… I had been told by her son that she was clean, didn’t drink anymore, and just smoked weed on occasion. Right. Mother was also finishing a program with whatever place she was in to prove she didn’t have to go to jail or some shit. This was a house she couldn’t enter. -Side story: She graduated and is doing a fair job at adopting. Even though she keeps lying to me and breaking the damn rules I gave her when allowing her to borrow my fucking car. *supaishi* She isn’t even taking me out to drive, as per the stipulations to using my car, which I could really freaken use right now. She is still doing a decent job at keeping up with paying for insurance and her half of the phone bill; Although, she’s been less prompt about it. *deep breath* I am trying to be patient. She’s trying to adult for once and a lot is going on for the both of us. I’m just stressed.
Anyway. My aunt determined that I was having an anxiety attack. Anxiety, panic, stress, whatever it was, it was terrible. I was stuck in bed for almost a week. That being said, we had to be out of the house by 5pm New Years Day, and it was December 29th. No one could/would come help me. I managed a few boxes on my own, and my aunt forgot that she promised to come help before coming in at the last couple hours to help through things out of my room. I tried calling Corey, as he had come by that night to try to be a decent person (we were not together at the time, but it was the best night we had together. I didn’t have to beg to be held or anything. We talked, cuddled, and slept), but he was too busy hanging out with his sister and her friends (as always…). We texted a couple times after that, primarily me trying desperately to believe there was some good in him, then broke all contact between us…
Just a few days after the move I was informed my grandmother finally went to see a doctor. She was diagnosed with bone cancer and emphasima, and an estimate of 6 months to live - She lasted 3. It was guessed that within three months before this, she had lost a sizeable chunk of bone in her hip and ribs. Since being diagnosed, she kept developing more problem, or they would find new things that were wrong. I wasn’t updated with most of it, but what I did know of was the abscess on her lower back/rear, and whatever yeast infection in her mouth (I can’t remember at the moment, though I would update FB each time I got new information), and a urinary infection that was found after I convinced her to go to the hospital - the family couldn’t get her to go, so when I leaned down to hug her before I went back home, I whispered in her ear to go. She knew that when I spoke, I meant what I said; I spoke with purpose, as I don’t speak often.
Shortly after being diagnosed she had an allergic reaction to the Percocet, losing her appetite and barely drinking (which helped form the infection). She was too haunted by memories of her parents and husband to fight on. Mother did not take me to see her during her last week, knowing she was getting worse.
A couple weeks before she passed I moved out of the psycho house to live with an old co-worker and his three housemates. I needed to wait out her place until midnight when he got off work. She got to meet all the critters. Wistala was first as she also lives with some bone loss, and having her sitting on Grams seemed to motivate her to finally eat the food we gave her. Jackness sat with her for about an hour as she kept dozing off while petting him, he would shift when her hand stopped, waking her up to pet him again. He eventually moved up to her lap (he normally doesn’t like sitting on people).
I took a couple picture of her with Wistala and Jack. I’m also not going to go into detail about some of the things that I found out during this time that we a harsh slap to the face of how much I didn’t mean to her compared to other and all this other nonesense, because, well, whatever now… She would, however, take anything I said into consideration and actually listened to me. I was the only one treating her as her, and she knew to listen when I spoke.
Now… I have no real way of easing into this, so I’m just going to throw it in now. This was the vent post I made on my alt account… Which will be in a new post as it is too large. I’ll be sure they’re posted together and just end this one now. Would be nice if I could actually choose the exact time... Once I get everything written up I'll just post them all.
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Affordable health insurance?
"Affordable health insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont pay for her health insurance. she has stomach pains constantly but cant afford to get it looked at. what is a good health insurance for one person 20 years old and they dont make alot of money. What is the best plan at Kaiser Permanente?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the actual meaning of Insurance?
A explaination of Insurance?
Emergency answers asap! Cheapest car insurance just to be legal?
We just need to drive from texas to PA, and we're not going to keep the plan. we just need to be kept legal from pa to texas, i realize we'll need 6month car insurance (assuming temporary car insurance is a myth) we need to leave tomorrow and we will be on the road a few days geico dropped us immediately after a car side swiped us, so that is on the record. yes, the cancellation is effective. we don't have time to investigate, I really just need cash numbers or whatever advice you may have.""
If I buy a new car will my auto insurance run my driving record again?
My husband and I currently own a truck and have an exisiting comprehensive auto insurance policy in Texas. If we buy a new car (thereby removing the truck and adding the new car to our policy but not changing anything else) will the insurance company run his driving record again?
Anyone know the best insurance companies for young drivers?
I know obviously insurance for the young is gonna get rocket high anyway compared to older people for the same old 'statistical' reasons as always although I don't intentionally drive like an idiot or least intend never to and I do take safety as a big priority and everything, I've passed my test just over 2 years ago with a clean license but still find insurance even for my micra (1 litre 1994 M Reg) costing me a minimum average of 1000 annually, and just below a grand like 900-950ish is roughly the best I've got for my micra from directline but wondering if anyone would know anyone better cost wise? Also why is there so much discrimination against young/new drivers when its actually only the small minority who take the worse of risks and drive like w*****s making it sky high expensive for the rest of us, I can understand it may be statistic but unless u actualy do drive like a so and so I don't see why 'everyone' should be punished with rip off premiums for the sake of the minority number of idiots""
How much would my car insurance be?
i plan to by a 95 toyota , i have been driving since i was 17 and now 21 and have had no accidents. how much would my insurance be on average.""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?
what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
Teenage Car Insurance Question?
I am a new teenage driver about to go for his license in a few weeks. Before I do I have to be on one of my parents insurance plans. My mom says that adding me to hers would be about $1800 yearly and my dad just says that that is ridiculously high. I don't know which one of them to believe on this issue so: How much is average teenage car Insurance
How much does car rental insurance cost?
I am renting an economy car for one day through enterprise. Any idea what the average cost of rental insurance they offer is? I'll be calling them later on. Just wondering ahead of time what I should expect to pay, on average. Thanks""
Need car insurance but dont have title?
ok.. i have have a car, its mine but its not in my name and it will be very very hard to get it in my name(i dont feel like explaining). i need insurance very bad or ima have to pay a huge fine. is there a way i can get insurance without the title? please help""
When can I get my auto insurance after applying for it?
Right now I am having G1 licence and bought a car. My G1 exit test is on June 5,2007. Can I apply as registered owner having G1 and add primary driver who's having G licence? How long will it take to get insurance? Also please provide cheap auto insurance provider's name. Thank you so much for your help. :-)""
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
How come muscle cars are cheaper to insure than japanese tuners?
It would cost me 179 a month to insure a pontiac firebird trans am, but it would cost me 620 to insure a subaru WRX. Another example is it would cost me 152 to insure a 89 camaro IROC-Z v8, but 213 a month to insure a mitsubishi eclipse gsx, I'm pissed off""
How much might health insurance cost per year for a healthy 22-year-old?
Need to start buying my own health insurance, because I have some health concerns that i need taken care of ASAP. But overall, I am a healthy person.""
How much would a BMW 325i be on insurance??? 16 year old?
Hi. I am 16... I will be 17 in september.. but I know insurance won't go lower for us until we turn 25... :( anyways! i want to get a BMW 325i cause i LOVE that car. But im willing to pay for the car but wondering how much insurance would be on it??? Like maybe for a 2001 bmw 325i cause i like that model.. i like the models up also but it will be more money and would it be more money for insurance for a newer car??? PLEASE help me !!!! I need to no. OH and ps. I live in canada, ontario - HAMILTON !!!!""
Where can I find cheap Van insurance for a 19year old?
I have recently started up a new business, and I am about to employ a 19year old with a previous driving conviction. I need him to drive a van so I am wondering what the best way to get him insured is- Through my policy? or is their a business insurance policy for driving I can look into? Any advice is much appreciated""
Would a fix it ticket raise your insurance?
I just got pulled over for a minor issue. My tags were expired, but I had the new sticker and I just forgot to put it on. I got a fix it ticket and I was just curious if it would affect my insurance. I live in California.""
Individual PPO Dental Insurance with No Waiting Period?
Does anyone know any individual dental insurance with a PPO plan and has NO waiting period? I live in the state of California. I've already tried Blue Shield and they have a 6-12 month waiting period for the PPO plan. And I've already try tons of other dental insurance (Metlife, Safeguard, etc) and they all have HMO plans or doesn't provide individual dental insurnace.""
Which company has the best renters insurance in terms of service and price?
I'm looking for a renters insurance company that is not expensive and has knowledgeable and cordial employees. Is not eager to deny claims and has an extensive policy. If you found one that covers breakage of your belongings due to accident or use by you, let me know. I'm not so sure if those types of policies exist.""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
What's the best car for insurance. 17 y/o?
I'm 17 in two months and will need a car. Mum said a Renault Clio would be good. However which 3 door car (small) would be best on cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions would be brill
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
How much would car insurance be for a used 2006 subaru impreza 2.5i wagon or a used 2003-2004 honda civic ex
im turning 18 and im thinkin about buyin either a 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 wagon or a 2003-2004 honda civic i wanted to check how much they would cost for insurance for either one im 18 i live in california first time insured thanks very much
How can i get car insurance cheap ?
i am a young driver and car insurance is a joke how do i get it cheap without breaking any laws ?
Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?
Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.""
Affordable health insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont pay for her health insurance. she has stomach pains constantly but cant afford to get it looked at. what is a good health insurance for one person 20 years old and they dont make alot of money. What is the best plan at Kaiser Permanente?
What insurance do I need?
I have set up a limited company focusing on training and personal coaching. Do I need public liability insurance? Do I need insurance to cover if I am ill? Is there anything else to consider? Where do I buy these products? Thanks
Insurance violation 16028 (a)?
I was riding my friends motorcycle today. I got pulled over for doing 75 in a 65. My friend does have insurance on the motorcycle but there was no insurance paperwork on the motorcycle. I got written up for no insurance, the cop said as long as the bike does have insurance the court should drop it. My question is, do I need to be insured on the bike or does just the bike need insurance since I was just riding it that day?""
Car insurance help!!?
ok, im trying to get the cheapest insurance possible. i am 18, i have over a 3.5 in high school, i took drivers ed, and i have never had any problems with the law. oh and if it matters i live in oregon so which car insurance company will be the least expensive?""
Why would insurance cost me 500 quid for a 50cc bike?
Im wanting to purchase a 50cc bike, derbi gpr 50 racing, 2009. it would be kept in a garage, and im only looking for third party cover. the bike costs 1650, and i have passed my cbt and have a provisional license. do i even need insurance?""
New Driver and Insurance Rates?
Hello all, I have a couple of questions, this year I plan to purchase my first car. Through having a steady job for almost 3 years, I plan to buy it in my own name at the age 18, I'm 17 now, female, full time student, part time employee. I have just recently gotten my Learners Permit Nov. 2010. My questions are: Could I begin to pay for insurance without a car? Could I put down payments on a car and keep making payments (without driving it)? What are some good way to acquire the car of my dreams by my 18th birthday (Mazda3 2011; 4 door). I know being that I'm 17 there's not much I can do without parental consent. But I don't want to include my mom in much of this because she feels that I'm trying to run away or something (sigh, she's very overprotective) My last question is; What steps can I take to get the car that I want. I know there's saving, but what else? Thanks!""
Car insurance and the state you live in and registration?
I just moved from Richmond VA to Greensboro NC. My car insurance is in Richmond VA and and my car is registered up there. I'm only going to stay in North Carolina for about 8 months. I want to know if I can switch my car insurance to North Carolina with out having to register my car and switching my license plates over to North Carolina. Car insurance is a hell of alot high up in Richmond than here and I want to save some much needed money. Anyone know if I can make the insurance switch with out having to register my car and switching my tags over to North Carolina? Please respond with only legit answers.
How much would car insurance cost for a 22 yr old male?
Im 22 yr old male, live in Florida and never owned a car. So how much would i cost for me to get car insurance? Im also a college student.""
Do I need insurance for my license?
I live in North Carolina, and I just got my license a few months ago. I don't have a car yet, but I was told that I needed insurance in order to have a license. So, I'm paying $80 a month for insurance, just for holding a license. My car savings aren't looking too good at this rate, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheaper insurance companies I could go with?""
Should I get the car insurance when i rent a car?
I dont own a car but i'm covered under my dad's car insurance. I'm planning on renting a car in a few days, but i'm wondering if i wil be covered under the car insurance when i get into an accident with a rental car. and in this situation should i get the extra car insurance that rental car companies offer?""
Can you cancel a car insurance policy and take a new one with a different company the next day?
My girlfriend is currently paying 197 a month for her car insurance, but we did a quote with another company will all legit details and they have quoted her 880 for the year. Can i ring up and cancel her current policy and take out a new with with this other company? or are there issues With doing this""
Getting health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
I just quit my job and no longer have health insurance. I also have a very mild case of Chrons disease....I take pills daily for it, but other than that I'm in great health. I would like to get on a health insurance plan. What are my options? Do you think I will get turned down because of my Chrons? If I can get on health insurance, what range will I be paying per month for coverage?""
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
My mother needs a LOT of dental work! Whats the best insurance to inquire about?
She needs teeth pulled (many of them will need to be surgically removed) and dentures...what would be a good insurance that would cover a good portion of the cost? We live in Florida...
What would health insurance catagorize a house call as?
I was on vacation, and got very sick. Small rural area, options were low, so the concierge referred Mobile physician housecall care to the hotel room. they did not take insurance, but told me to submit it to my insurance. I don't know what to put on the claim form??? not an office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help please...thank you""
What happens to my insurance premium if I stop owning a car for a period of time?
Does it affect my no claims bonus if I already have 6+ years no claims?
How much will my car insurance cost?
(I dont know anything about cars or insurance so please bare with me!)Okay so i'm 20, female and I have a Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I got it when i was 19 and i'm paying A LOT for my insurance- 199 a MONTH! This is my first car and I bought it in December 2011. Anyway, its due for renewal in October. Im insured third party fire and theft. Bought the car for 600, I live in London. My question is how much will my insurance cost when i renew it? The reason i'm asking is because I don't want to call my insurance company and ask them, cos if they tell me a price and its still very high i'll just panic and agree to it without looking around. Will it go down by much? I haven't made any claims or anything like that!! my excess is 250 if it helps. Thanks! ... I realise that you probably won't be able to give me accurate quote- but anything will help!""
I am a first time driver with a pass plus..aged 24. any tips for getting cheapest insurance on second hand car?
please consider the engine size, car model make etc""
Car Insurance Taken Away?!?!?! HELP?
Ok... so my mom got in a car accident.. which made the insurance company look at my insurance. They decided that I was an at-risk driver.. and they were not getting sufficient money from me if I were to get in an accident and la-de-da so my insurance was taken away!!!! They sent me a letter telling me to basically find another company within a week. I was just wondering.. has this happened to anyone else?! How much will my insurance go up?? -I've had 1 accident that was due to weather conditions... yet they still classified it as at fault -1 speeding ticket (10km over... no points taken away) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I am 19 in a month... an honours student.. female..going for my 'g' in a week. .... What do I do?!?!
How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?
I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best""
""I want to insure my trike,anybody know a good and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..?""
I want to insure my trike,anybody know a good and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..?""
Do you need insurance to have a driver's license in California?
Do you need to have insurance in order to have a driver's license? Or can you have a driver's license, but no car, and no insurance. So i'm a minor, and my question is, If I have a CA driver's license, do I still need insurance when I don't have a car? (Insurance + Car) ....... or ........ (Insurance + License)""
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Unemployment Insurance for Teenagers?
The business I have worked at for 3 years has just announced they are shutting their doors at the end of the month. I am only 17 but have been told that I am still able to apply for unemployment benefits...which I know next to nothing about. Basically, I've only worked 10-20 hours a week for a wage slightly above minimum. It's just been a part time job for me since I'm a student and involved in several sports and challenging classes. However, I'm still trying to save money for college, so...what do I actually get when I file for unemployment and am hunting for a job? Anything? Sorry if this question sounds ditzy...I don't know much about the workforce.""
Insurance for my car?
I'm buying a car from my parents and as of right now the insurance is in their name. Once I own the car, does the insurance have to be in my name or can I continue to use the insurance they already have?""
Affordable health insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont pay for her health insurance. she has stomach pains constantly but cant afford to get it looked at. what is a good health insurance for one person 20 years old and they dont make alot of money. What is the best plan at Kaiser Permanente?
I Had A Crash Can Anyone Recommend A Cheap Car Insurer?
Whilst learning to drive I took out learners insurance on my own car which meant I could drive around with someone who was over 21 and had been driving for atleast three years.. During the period of learning I had crash which I was liable for. I am 20 years old and will trun 21 in January. I have now passed my test and am looking to insure my car, can anyone recommend a good cheap insurance company? Thanks""
How am i meant to afford car insurance?
OK, Im working at island, earning minimum wage. Im at uni and Ive got to pay out 330 every term to pay my train ticket. Lucky Im staying at home so I dont have any rent. Nor am I going out drink anymore. Im looking to buy a car, to get around, get to work easier etc. How I cant see any way for me to afford this. My parents wont help, saying no one helped them. This is understandable as they are keeping me for free, although i clean the house as rent. Im just wondering if anyone knows anyway I can get insurance cheaper (I have pass plus). I just dont really want to get a loan for a car and insurance.""
Insurace for a 2001 mustang?
My girlfriend who is 17 is wanting to get her own car. Her parents won't let her put a car on their insurance plan so she wants to get her own. She is looking at a 2001 mustang v6 automatic and wants to know, roughly, how much the insurance would cost her on her own. (she plans on getting esurance).""
""Insurance quesion, help!?
Cash value life insurance is more expensive than term insurance because a. it is usually sold to older people who have higher mortality. b. higher rates of interest are earned on term policy investments. c. whole life is subject to adverse selection. d. the whole life contracts include both a protection element and a savings or investment element. e. none of the above. Is this one C? Past efforts to address the growing imbalance between tax-paying workers and social security beneficiaries have included a. increasing the social security (FICA) tax rate. b. increasing the maximum income subject to the social security tax. c. increasing the normal retirement age. d. taxing part of social security benefits. e. all of the above. This one E? The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) contains provisions that a. allow continuation of group health insurance by employees and certain dependents upon the occurrence of designated events. b. apply to all employers offering group health insurance to employees. c. require an employer to pay the cost of continuing former employees' health insurance for up to 36 months. d. allows terminated employees to continue their group health insurance for up to 36 months. e. all of the above. This one E?
In obtaining car insurance quotes which is more of a liability from their point of view?
I have the option of parking on the street or in an unsecure car park - think they would view car park as safer even if open?
Temporary Car insurance for 17 year old?
I've just bought a car, it's only a 6-7 minute drive away but I've been assured I don't want to be caught without insurance when picking it up and driving it home. I've had a look and all day or month insurers only insure 21+. I'm pretty stuck, as I obviously have to do get it home and I don't have the kind of money to insure it for any decent length of time Any sites you know of that could sort me out? Cheers.""
Will my car insurance be cheaper driving a 2007 corolla or a 2005 altima?
20.m.IL clean driving record
What is the easiest way to have insurance?
My unemployed mom spoils my 12 y/o little brother everyday and I only work 14 hours. I've tried applying to 30 stores but my AA diploma is worthless.
How long until you need car insurance??
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..We do not have any insurance and are planning on buying a used car from a dealership. i tried looking online for quotes but i need the info for the car first..i dont have it..i dont even know which car im getting all i know is i got ten thousand for a car.""
What is better and cheaper for Auto Insurance in BC vs. Alberta?
I'm purchasing a new car, and i'm currently in British Columbia, i have two residences, one in BC and one in Alberta as i go to school in Alberta. I'm wondering what should i do with insurance would it be better to insure it under BC or Alberta?""
Car insurance questions?
I was parked in front of my house and a lady came along and hit my car totalling it by the looks. I think I just signed up for basic insurance. Because she hit my parked car, is the towing and cost for keeping my car covered on my insurance or hers? And also don't know if I can get a car rental at all? And I was also wondering if the car is totalled will they pay me to get a new car? Or just pay me some money back for the car? It says under collision actual cash value. Thanks for any answers because I can not figure out what I have on this paper or if it goes on hers!""
Does a parking ticket effect my insurance rate?
I got a $25 ticket for parking in a illegal spot. I have the option to plead not guilty or pay the fee (I even have the option to pay online to avoid the crowd). My only concern is, when I pay for this penalty will it effect my insurance rate?""
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
Cheap insurance for someone who had foreign licence?
Do you know any insurance company which will insure a small van (suzuki carry), and will recognise my previous 8 years driving experience in Australia? I have only just got around to getting a British licence (as the road rules and driving standards are similar, I can just trade my Australian one in, no test), and been living in the UK just over a year. Have tried a few insurance quote websites, and they all seem to be quoting me the same as a brand new driver who has just passed their test - i.e. extremely expensive! thanks for any tips!""
Motorcycle insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 17yr old High school student. If I was buying a sports bike with around 500cc of power. I'd be on my parents plan. So I would need a guess if using Progressive.
4 years after DUI... insurance?
so when i was 21 i got a dui (it's called an oui here in Maine, but same thing). PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME I KNOW I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID. anyway, i ended up selling my car to pay for the whole mess since my license was getting suspended anyway. since then i have been a happy bicycle commuter! now the time has come for me to become an adult woman again and get my license back because i have enrolled in a college that is not in biking distance. I have signed up, paid for, and in 2 weeks will be taking the DEEP class required by the state of Maine in order to be licensed again. basically i am curious about my insurance premiums. i haven't had my license for almost 4 years, but i have read online that your insurance will have to be sr22 and all expensive and whatnot for THREE years. also, i have since turned 25 and will be 26 soon, so i expect a rate decrease from that. i guess my question is: have i managed to bypass the higher insurance rates because it has been 4 years? if so, it almost seems too good to be true. i am highly suspicious. can anyone give me some insight as to what to expect when purchasing my insurance? thanks chums""
Do various driving school programs give different types of certificates that affect your insurance?
I am a 20 year old female first time driver living in Colorado, and I'm debating what program to go with for driving school. The completely online one, the half online half classroom, or the full classroom. I want to take which ever one will give me the best insurance rate.""
""Am I required to add my 16 year old student driver to my auto insurance policy, we live in Illinois.?""
As the student drivers parent, is my current auto insurance coverage in effect and still valid (for me and my 16 yr old) when my 16 year old student driver is driving my vehicle (supervised driving\practice), even though I have not added them as a driver on my auto insurance policy. We live in Illinois. After the student driver receives their official drivers license am I required to add them as a driver to my auto ins policy, or am I and this new driver still covered by my policy because I have given them permission to operate my vehicle?""
Im going to buy a car and insure it under my parents name..is a camaro a cheap car to insure?
what are some cars that are cheap on insurance
""If you pay an annual sum for car insurance, can you get a refund on it if you buy a new car?""
I'm just wondering, let's say I bought some car insurance recently and paid the annual sum. If I decide to purchase a new car in a few months time (and I'm assuming insurance policies are tied to a particular car) would I be able to get reimbursed for the months of car insurance I didn't get (since I'd need to sign up for a new insurance policy on the newly purchased car)? Or is this why you should pay monthly instead (even though it costs more in the long term)? Don't know if it makes much of a difference but I'm also in Australia.""
Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies for drivers who just passed?
UK only please :)xx
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Does anyone know of an affordable high risk car insurance co. in Calgary Alberta?
Do I need insurance to drive someone elses car?
I just got my license 2 days ago, I don't own a car so I was wondering if I can drive my moms friends car? He has insurance, but do I need insurance to drive that car? I don't have any insurance what so ever. But even though, is it still ok to drive someone elses car?""
Car Insurance in the UK?
When your car insurance expires are you no longer covered or do insurance companies keep the policy going until you cancel the cover?
Car insurers recommendations?
hi there people, Since passing my test in December, I have been looking to buy (and insure) a car. Shortly I will be able to afford a little run around and have been getting insurance quotes for cars like the Fiesta and Corsa. I have noticed that over the last few months comparison site quotations have jumped from an average of 1800 to 3000 for someone in my circumstances. I have read and understand why car insurance has been hiked up, no win no fee claims are more popluar, fraud and bogus claims and economic recession are responsible for a massive increase in car insurance premiums...Im so angry at these things. I cannot believe this as I though 1800 was extortionate to begin with. I have found Elephant insurance who are quoting me reasonable prices however, back to around the 1800 mark. Please can you recommend any other good car insurers for first time drivers. I am 33 and live in Manchester England. All the big name insurance sites that appear on comparison sites see like a rip off, so any smaller insurers you have had experience of would be useful;, Thanks.""
Affordable health insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont pay for her health insurance. she has stomach pains constantly but cant afford to get it looked at. what is a good health insurance for one person 20 years old and they dont make alot of money. What is the best plan at Kaiser Permanente?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old girl in texas?
I'm going to be driving a ford I think f150 the year is no later than 2004. I know they have discounts for students with good grades. My gpa is above a 4.650. I need the cheapest I can get. Because aside from managing insurance on this vehicle. I will need to put money aside to purchase a different vehicle. (I'm borrowing the truck, but must pay my own insurance.) And battle school. I won't make a lot of money, so I have to try with what I will have.""
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
How can I lower my car insurance?
Hi, I'm 19 and looking for a new car, I want the new c63 coupe but the insurance is putting me off as 9450 a year is the cheapest I've found. I have 2 years ncb and no offences and all that. I have my own business which I thought I could insure through at less cost, but from the limited checking I have done it doesn't change anything. Does anyone know of any ways I can get it cheaper, or any insurance companies that specialise in young driver performance car insurance? all I've had time for so far is a check on confused.com and thats where it was 9450. Thanks in advance.""
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
Avg auto insurance for 18 year old?
i just got in accident and i won't be on my parents policy anymore i used to pay 350 for 6 months and thats a full cover now i am 18 year old male who got in accident only one car was totalled and no other cars were involved so whats the avg 6 month full cover auto insurance will be? i got some quotes and i got prices from 1000-4000$ for 6 months one more thnig the car is 2007 pontiac G6
Car insurance with teenagers.?
My mom and I have been checking around for cars to buy because I have a scholarship and one college class right now, and I need the transportation so that I can go to study sessions for the college class, and to the meetings for my scholarship. We really don't have a lot of money. I work but only on Saturday because of school. My mom has Progressive right now and she checked how much it would be to have me and a new car on the insurance and it is a whopping $500 a month (her, her truck, me, and my car included).. We need an insurance company that isn't going to cost us a 1/4 of our income. At first we were looking at older cars under $2500. Then my mom was thinking it would be better to get me a new car with good gas mileage so she wouldn't have to worry about me being safe and not breaking down on the side of the road... But we can afford a new car, not with our down payment. The monthly payments are too high. So now we are going back to the older cars, and if we have a fully paid for vehicle, I am sure the insurance won't be as high. But here it, I am 16 years old, took driver's ed and have an insurance waiver that is supposed to bring the insurance down 10%. I also have good grades, a scholarship, a job, etc.. These things should look good to the insurance and bring the cost down.. I am safe driver as well.. Not driving far daily at all. Basically back and forth from school and to those meetings and study sessions every now and then. Any suggestions as to what car to look for and what insurace company we should go with? Thanks, in advance.""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i am shopping car insurance, any suggestions""
Health Insurance question?
Do any one know a insurance in California that cover pre-existing condition? I am eighteen year old with no insurance still living with my parent which have no health insurance. We had medical but it expired. I have heart problem the doctor said i need to get insurance that cover pre-existing condition. I have try getting quotes online. Or know any good insurance i should try giving a call to.
Female teen car insurance cost?
I am 17. I took drivers ed which gives me some discount on my insurance and get good grades. Would this give me a discount? I would like to know how much it would be for me to get insured on my parents insurance as a secondary driver. As well, i will have my own car, but since i am an only child there will be three cars and three people, so can i still be put down as a secondary driver ?""
I am 19 and want to get my own car insurance and put my car in my name?
I'm 19 years old and have had my license for 3 years now. i do have a prior wreck and what not. i did a quote on progressive and it came out pretty decent. i would be getting off of my parent's insurance. anyways what i really wanna know is how do i go about doing this? what are the average costs of putting a first car in my name and is it more expensive then just tax tags and title stuff? just let me know anything you know about this! and if you have any experience in this, please tell me the story! and any advice as well! thank you!""
Esurance insurance question?
Hi, I was looking into getting car insurance, and Esurance gave me a great quote for NYC. Can any one share any experiences with them, I wanna know what kind of company they are, how they deal with claims, and just over all how the company is. Any help would be appreaciated. Ty""
Auto insurance cost?
I can't really get a quote from a car insurance web site. (It's a long story) I don't really know much about auto insurance at all. How much do you think my insurance would be? I'm a 20 year old female. I haven't ever had a ticket. The car I am potentially buying is a 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. that's $30,000 to $35,000. I would have a $20,000 loan. (my father would be co signing) since I have a loan I'd have to get full coverage. Any one got any idea of how much my rates would be?""
Should I show the car repairman the insurance estimate?
I was in a wreck that the insurance company of the other driver agreed to pay for. They made an estimate and said they will put a check in the mail. They said that if it costs more than the estimate, then they will take care of that also as long as I show the estimate to the repairman. That seems straightforward... and on the other hand: With other car issues, auto shops have seemed to be willing to underbid each other. I wouldn't mind getting it fixed for less than the check that I'm going to receive. Should I try to get estimates that are independent of the insurance company's estimate to see if I can save money? If I then go with a shop that says they can do it for cheaper, can I trust that they won't say it will be more later?""
Who/ What are insurance companies backed/insured by?
Do insurance companies have an program similar to banks FDIC, or are there insurance companies that solely insure other insurance companies. I ask for the question of what happens in a natural disaster situation when an insurance company cannot afford to repay/replace the damaged/lost property of its customers, or when an insurance company fails - Gov't bailout, FEMA?""
What is Aflac? Insurance? Something you add on to insurance?
They are offering a meeting at work with an Aflac rep but really gave no information. I currently have no insurance at all. Is this something I would want to look into? Thanks!
Where to Find Affordable Health and Life Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for site that offer affordable health and life insurance.Please recommend me such a site.""
What is a cheap insurance for San Antonio? We have a 2006 GT Mustang that Esurance wants to charge us 500 some
dollars for EVERY MONTH and that is WAY too much!
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
""Insurance,if I buy a car and get my dad to registered keeper and owner and he insures it wi me as main driver?""
Is this legal their is a space on go compare ask n who the main driver would be ive got dr10 ins10 twice lc20 All from 2008 so cheapest quote is 5k. My dad also has his car too with 8 yrs no claims so idea is to insure my car registered in his name with the 8 yrs no claim s wi me as main driver and insure his car without no claims bonus got a quote on go compare 1000 for my car wr dad as registered keeper me as main driver and he would have to pay on his own car with no claims bonus not on should still b cheaper than , ,5k help!""
""AA car insurance, do they send the papers by Email or post?
need to know when register with AA car insurance is there an option for everything to be send by Email ONLY as I have some really bad people I am sharing house with :(
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Does anyone know where I can find a list of average auto insurance rates by vehicle?
We have a 16 yr old daughter whos looking for her first car. We wanted to find a list (if one exists) of average insurance rates to see which cars cost the least to insure. This way she'll know which cars she can afford. Thank You.
Insurance for a teenager driving a sports car?
I've been looking at cars since I'm almost out of high school and I'll finally be able to get my own car. I'm interested in the Infiniti G35 Coupe but I know that would be more expensive to insure than the sedan. My parents would be willing to make a deal where I pay the difference per month in insurance. Does anyone know how much more it would cost to insure over the sedan? Or any sports car for that matter. Also if the car was put under my moms name, would the cost be less?""
Teenager car insurance help?
Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!
Will state farm insurance pay for my rental car?
I am 20 years old and full coverage and i wrecked my car at my own fault today, and while its getting fixed i need a rental car, does state farm pay for it?""
Affordable health insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont pay for her health insurance. she has stomach pains constantly but cant afford to get it looked at. what is a good health insurance for one person 20 years old and they dont make alot of money. What is the best plan at Kaiser Permanente?
0 notes