#industrialized society
1five1two · 2 years
The concept of man as mass robot was both an expression of and a powerful motive force in industrialized mass society. It was the basis for behavioural engineering in commercial, economic, political and other advertising and propaganda; the expanding economy of the 'affluent society' could not subsist without such manipulation. Only by manipulating humans ever more into Skinnerian rats, robots buying automata, homeostatically adjusted conformers and opportunists (or, bluntly speaking, into morons and zombies) can this great society follow its progress toward ever increasing gross national product.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy
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nihilosphere · 4 days
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"We live in a time of great peril. Humanity and the proud achievements of its infancy on earth are in grave danger. Knowledge has outstripped wisdom. We have controlled disease but have not regulated our numbers. We have advanced our understanding in the natural sciences but have not adequately controlled our baser animal instincts. We have begun to accept the rule of law but have limited its application, permitting it to regulate the affairs of individuals and of small political divisions. While we neglect to use it in controlling a major aggression. We have outlawed the use of murder and violence and resolving individual disputes but have failed to develop procedures to peacefully settle conflicts between nations.
The group consciousness of our race is blind and perverse and it is easily distracted by trivia when it should be focused on fundamentals. We are in a critical era. Population pressures are creating political and economic crisis throughout the world. These make more difficult the building of a rational world society.
The most pressing world environment problem is the need to control human numbers. In recent centuries technology and abundant fuels have multiplied humanity far beyond what is prudent or long sustainable. We can foresee the impending exhaustion of certain energy sources and the depletion of mini vital raw materials.
To control our reproduction is crucial. This will require major changes in our attitudes and customs. Unfortunately, the inertia of human habits can be extreme.This is especially true when those for whom custom is a dominant force are uninformed of the need for change.
No person should be brought into the world unwanted and unneeded. No child should be conceived through carelessness.
The need is urgent and should take precedence over other problems, even those relating to national defense. Population control is a global problem. Overcrowding human beings in conditions of squalor and ignorance is dehumanizing."
- Robert C. Christian
Common Sense Renewed
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breezeoddity · 22 hours
you look like Clara Bow
you look like Stevie Nicks
you look like Taylor Swift
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daisiesonafield-blog · 5 months
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why don't they just come out already?
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vyva-melinkolya · 5 months
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titans so terrible, so beautiful
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talesfromthecrypts · 1 month
When I think about how far back the Hays Code put us both artistically and in progressive societal ideals I get so worked up. And then I remember that there are younger people are basically arguing to do it all again and I work myself up some more.
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nero-neptune · 2 months
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“Roy was the engineer, and anything related to engineering, in any specialism, would have to pass through his hands. This included assembling the plane’s radio, just like he’d fixed the small battery-operated Spika radio and made it work.
“Adolfo sat down beside him. He explained to Roy that it was not a matter of expertise in electronics but one of ignorance, and pointed out that Roy was the least ignorant of everybody in that department. Roy argued that he had never seen an airplane radio in his life, not even in a book. Adolfo put his hand over Roy’s. ‘I know that, Roy. We all know that. I only wanted to tell you that you were the best one at handling the wires and the terminals, that’s all. But right now that’s a lot, it makes a huge difference … you are the engineer.’
“Roy, almost breathless, added something that his older friend already knew: ‘I am barely in my first year in Engineering, I’m only twenty years old, and the only time I’ve ever been remotely close to anything like this was when I helped instal a damn audio system for my cousins.’
“‘And you fixed the Spika radio,’ Adolfo responded, as if it were a thermonuclear station and not a basic portable radio the size of a pack of cigarettes. Before Adolfo even said the next sentence he knew clearly that it was as painful for him to say as it was for his friend to hear it. ‘Roy, the group needs your abilities. All we’re asking is that you try.’ ”
– “Is Anybody Listening?” from Society of the Snow: The Definitive Account of the World’s Greatest Survival Story by Pablo Vierci
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smak-annihilation · 3 months
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where wealth can take you in the 21st century
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 10 months
Do y'all think the increase in Dwarf Fortress' popularity since the Steam version came out last year will result in more ppl becoming communists?
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straawberries · 5 months
hey guys. fucking big ass reminder that body positivity extends to everyone that needs it. body positivity means jack shit if youre exclusively positive about the features youre personally attracted to. idc if you think people with bony bodies and ribs that jut out and have spines that you could play like a musical instrument are ugly. people you arent attracted to deserve positivity here too.
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samaspic31 · 10 months
My growth as an artist was heavily stifled by the dogmatism in the online art community I was subjected to as a teen (aka by rhetoric implying or straight up saying art has to be made a certain way to be valuable, which discouraged me from experimenting and developing for my own methods, customising my artistic process felt illegal) and i will forever be mad about it
Anyways if any young artist follows me : the only good art advice is get weird about it and fuck around a lot. Also be honest
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Today’s society is no longer Foucault’s disciplinary world of hospitals, madhouses, prisons, barracks, and factories. It has long been replaced by another regime, namely a society of fitness studios, office towers, banks, airports, shopping malls, and genetic laboratories. The society of the 21st century is no longer disciplinary, but a society of the performance. Nor are its inhabitants called ‘subjects of obedience’, but ‘subjects of performance’. These subjects are entrepreneurs of themselves.
Excess work and performance escalate into auto-exploitation. This is much more effective than the exploitation by the others, because it is accompanied by a feeling of freedom. The exploiter is the same exploited. Victim and executioner can no longer differentiate. This self-referentiality generates a paradoxical freedom, which, because of the structures of obligation immanent to it, becomes violence […] In this society of obligation, each one carries with him his forced labor field.
What proves problematic is not individual competition per se, but rather its self-referentiality, which escalates into absolute competition. That is, the achievement-subject competes with itself; it succumbs to the destructive compulsion to outdo itself over and over, to jump over its own shadow. This self-constraint, which poses as freedom, has deadly results..
No-longer-being-able-to-be-able leads to destructive self-reproach and auto-aggression. The achievement-subject finds itself fighting with itself. The depressive has been wounded by internalized war. Depression is the sickness of a society that suffers from excessive positivity. It reflects a humanity waging war on itself.
Today, everyone is an auto-exploiting labourer in his or her own enterprise. People are now master and slave in one. Even class struggle has transformed into an inner struggle against oneself.
― Byung-Chul Han, extracts from The Burnout Society
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philosophybits · 3 months
By virtue of the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian. For "totalitarian" is not only a terroristic political coordination of society, but also a non-terroristic economic-technical coordination which operates through the manipulation of needs by vested interests.
Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man
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hollow-keys · 2 months
Leela and Jamie should meet.
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maironsbigboobs · 7 months
re: elf servants
I think generally there are servants in royal/noble households simply for practical reasons and they generally fall into 2 categories: specialised servants (think, stewards and messengers and scribes, masters of horses or kennels, that kind of thing) and servants who help with the upkeep of the household (cleaning, repairs, cooking and also the apprentices and assistants of specialised servants)
specialised servants are probably quite prestigious roles and fields of industry in their own right, and they are considered full members of a household, and probably are closely linked to the person they serve - it's as much a political and social statement to be Finwe's chief scribe as it is an economic one
but the second category are more associated with the house than the family living in it - for example, Finwe's palace in Tirion would function both as a home and a diplomatic and administrative centre, it would be impossible for him to rule and keep up with chores himself. But Fingolfin's personal home would probably not have any full-time servants - when there more people than usual to feed or house then professionals might be hired, but for the most part I imagine the day to day is done by the family (made possible by the fact elves sleep and eat less than humans)
IRL domestic service (at least in the 18th century) often functioned as a kind of prep stage for adult life (for women in particular, but gender is probably not as big a factor for elves) and I could definitely see this in Valinor - domestic servants being 80% elves between 50-100 who haven't chosen an apprenticeship or similar in another field who are earning extra money to set up their own households, getting experience outside of the family, meeting others in their own ae cohort, learning independence etc. It's a job that comes with the offer of room and board + the wages a king/prince/lord can provide. Not glamorous, but not terrible.
The other 20% is made up of professional servants - experienced elves who are genuinely like the work and are contracted workers as much as a builder or gardener might be. Some of them might be independent and others part of businesses set up by other elves who are really into cooking/cleaning etc.
In Beleriand the situation (for the exiles at least) is probably very different, though I think there would be attempts to adapt the system - but there aren't as many households that need servants and there aren't as many young elves.
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People on BookTok will unironically diagnose every woman who reads smutty books with a porn addiction and call everyone who disagrees with their puritanical standards for books a gooner and then pat themselves on the back for being so moral and enlightened as if they're actually going to achieve anything of substance by doing this.
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