#incorrect solangelo quotes
venusleontios55555 · 11 months
Leo Valdez: “There’s something seriously wrong with you!”
Nico Di Angelo: “...Coming from you, that's actually a little worrying.”
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aficionadoenthusiast · 7 months
will: are nico and percy still at the zoo?
annabeth: yeah, percy's been sending me pictures of animals all day
will: really? all i've gotten from nico is a 5 second video of a lizard falling over with the caption "moron. this is you"
will: i love him
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Solangelo Sleepover (feat Percy cuz it's his turn to babysit)
Nico: Hey, I found something
Percy: What is it?
Nico: Oh, just Will in a campus personality pageant
Percy: WHAT?!
Will: *tries to snatch away the tablet*
Percy: PLAY IT!
7 year old Will wearing a cowboy hat very sparkly gold tuxedo: Hi, I'm William Andrew Solace from Austin, Texas!
Nico, laughing: You look like neon yellow highlighter!!
Baby Will: And you should pick me for Mr Campus because *sings and dance* I am your sunshine. Your only sunshine. I make you happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away! *smiles*
Nico, to Will: Why did you never tell us you were in beauty pageants?!
Will: Cuz it's embarrassing
Nico, laughing: It is, it really is
Will: Yeah, well, Percy writes Studio Ghibli fanfiction about himself and Annabeth and posts it on the internet
Nico: (º〇º) ... (⚆⩌⚆)...no..
Percy: WHY?! WHAT DID I DO?!
Will: I'm sorry, I had to get the spotlight off me and tearing down other people was part of my pageant training.
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joeybaboo20 · 1 year
Piper: Hey Nico, what's wrong?
Nico: I think I like Will... but it's obvious he doesn't like me back
[flashback to a couple days ago]
Piper: Hey Will?
Will: Yeah?
Piper: Who would you save if they fell down a volcano? Me or Annabeth?
Will: *not paying attention* Nico
Piper:...Nico wasn't an option
[back to present]
Piper: .... sure
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percabethlovebot · 3 months
Will: Who traumatized you?
Nico: Do you want a list?
Will, pulling out a sword: Yeah, actually.
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captainwaffles · 1 year
Will: man sure is dark here
Will: I’m not scared or anything
Will: i mean whose scared of the dark these days? Not me, no sir
Nico: do you want me to hold you hand?
Will: Yes please
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Will: The stars are beautiful tonight
Nico: You’re the most beautiful star
Will: What?
Nico: I said I want to hit you with a car
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rayssion · 3 months
Will: are you okay?
Nico: I'm fine.
Will: what does 'fine' mean?
Nico: it means I'm perfectly contented but also wouldn't mind if the sun exploded right now and killed us all.
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ribreadthedisaster · 2 years
Will, about to knock on the door of Cabin 13 at 5 am to coerce Nico into helping him set up the infirmary for the day:
Nico, opening the door before Will gets the chance, coffee in hand: This is the 4th time this week you’ve come to wake me up. You’ve become predictable.
Will: Aw, you woke up early for me!
Nico: I’ve become a morning person against my will.
Will: No, you became a morning person for Will.
Nico: It’s too early for puns.
Will, a bisexual: It’s never too early for puns.
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cabin9sblog · 11 months
Nico: it’s funny in movies how they portray sad people. Like, oh my, they’re sitting around in their pyjamas all day, living on the couch, never showering, never fixing their hair. “They have really let themselves go. This must be horrible” Like, that’s just a normal week?? That’s been me every day since I was 4. It’s no big deal. It’s normal.
Will: ...Nico, the light of my life. You are very fucked up. Let’s go get you some therapy, yeah?
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venusleontios55555 · 11 months
Leo: I think Coach Hedge mixed up our lunches. Look.
*holds up a note that says "I love you so much."*
Piper: Oh, that explains this.
*Holds up a note that says "Please be good. For the love of God, be good."*
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Nico: I think I’m having a mid-life crisis.
Will: You’re like 15 years old
Nico: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!!!
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raphael-angele · 2 months
POV: Nico and Will get into a fight
*In the Infirmary*
Will: Oh yeah? Well, I guess I'll cancel that order of the Limited Edition Mythomagic Cards I ordered for you.
Nico: Wha- That's not fair! You promised me those a week ago!
Will: That's what you get for going against your doctor's orders
Nico: *scoffs* You wanna play that game? Fine *clears his throat*
Nico: It's a really QUIET day in the infirmary!
Will and every other Apollo kid: GASP!!
Will: You're a monster.
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ravkanbarrelcrow · 4 months
*text messages*
Nico: Hey, you know what we should do?
Will: No, what?
Nico: Dig a hole in a park and call it "love".
Will: That's so ro- what, why??
Nico: So we can watch people fall in love.
Will: Nico..no!
Nico: 😤😤
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strangenaturehuman · 6 months
Things from my life as incorrect quotes, Percy Jackson edition. Pt.21
Nico: *has been training hard for days, no sleep, running off of caffeine*
Will: Nico… it’s time to take a break, you’ve been up for days.
Nico: not know Will, let me finish this round.
Will: 🎵take a break🎵
Nico: in a second…
Will: *slowly moving chair over head* 🎵there’s a place I know~🎵
Nico: seriously Will, in a minute-
Will: *whips out full production of Hamilton*
Nico: *stunned*
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captainwaffles · 7 months
Will: thanks for coming with me to visit my mom Nico
Nico hearing cicadas for the first time: why are the trees screaming!!
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