#in the whole school there were like 5 black students out of like 600 students
vampyrluver · 3 years
i had the opposite issue of ppl parents being told their kid might have smth goin on (Adhd, autism, dyslexia etc) but hte parent never telling the kid until later in life, bc i was put in special ed classes in elemtary school nd no one told my parents until i mentioned to them i was in special ed classes after in like highschool nd they were like "what"
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writingmyselfout · 3 years
Because I Could Not Stop for Death - Chapter Four
Language: English
Rating: Teen+
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Reptilia28′s Don’t Fear the Reaper Challenge, Manipulative Dumbledore, Black Hermione Granger, Slight Ron Weasley Bashing
Prologue 1 2 3
Chapter 4: Writing on the Wall
Summary: Off to Hogwarts
                                                                                                    2 August 1991
DEAR Draco,
Sorry if this is messy. I thought I’d practice writing with a quill. It’s easier than I thought it’d be, but messier to. I have to remember not to leave the tip on the paper or it leaves big smudges.
What was the name of the restorant restaurant we went to lunch to? The cake at that place was the best I’ve had! I hope the food at Hogwarts is that good too. I can’t wait for classes to start. I’ve been reading a few of the books in the meantime. I decided to name my owl Hedwig, after a witch I read about in A History of Magic .
Will you be taking the train too? If you aren’t already sitting with friends, maybe we can sit together? If that’s okay, of course. You’ll be the only person I know so far. If you’ve got other friends sitting with you already no worries. I guess I’m just nervous. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape told me about being famous, but I didn’t realize what they meant until I saw people’s reaction to hearing my name and seeing me. Do you think it will be the same at school?
Write back soon please!
Harry Potter
4 August 1991
Dear Harry,
Practice writing with a quill? Do you mean you’ve never used a quill before? What were you using to write until now?
The Copper Crup was the name. Mother would take me there for my birthday because their food is of much better quality than most of the others around. Of course, they have nothing on what our House elves can prepare at home, but it’s nice to go out sometimes, as Mother points out.
Mother and Father have said they have gotten me an owl from a breeder to take with me to Hogwarts. I haven’t seen him yet, but I think I’ll name him Vespid, after the most famous Wimbourne Wasps Beater.
Of course I’ll be taking the Hogwarts Express. All students have to take the train. Some of the others starting in our year I think expect me to sit with them since our parents are friends. Father probably wants me to, since their families are part of the Sacred 28. You can probably sit with us. Some of them are kind of dumb, though.
Did you really not know you are famous? Have you been living under a rock? Forget just school, or even England. Every witch and wizard in the WORLD knows who you are! They write an article about you every year in the Daily Prophet.
Draco Malfoy
                                                                                                    5 August 1991
They write a WHAT about me every year? What’s the Daily Prophet? Is that like a newspaper for wizards? I thought I was just a normal, non-magical kid for years. I live with non-magical family, and they don’t like to talk about magic. But after what you said, I looked at more recent years. Did you know I’m mentioned in our A History of Magic book? Only a small bit, I guess ‘cause they don’t know anything else, but it’s embaressing. Embarassing? I can’t remember how to write that.
I guess if you’re used to quills, maybe you’ve never heard of a pen? It’s what non-magical folks use. It’s a big of plastic with ink inside of it and a metal tip to write with. Or pencils, which is wood. I’ve sent one of each over for you ‘cause I think it’d be easier than trying to explain in writing.
It doesn’t sound like you like those other kids. Do you have to sit with them? Can we move seats during the trip? Maybe you can sit with them for a little while and then leave.
But what do you mean, their families are sacred? What are House elves? I remember what you said Beaters did, but who was Vespid? Sorry if my questions are dumb. There’s so much I don’t know. But if my questions bother you, I’ll stop asking them.
Harry Potter
8 August 1991
You live with Muggles? No wonder you don’t know anything! I can’t imagine growing up with no magic. How terrible. Lucky for you, I know all there is to know.
The Daily Prophet is the wizarding world newspaper. It gets delivered by owl every day. House elves are magical servants, but only older, more magical families have them. Most of the Sacred 28 do, anyway. The Sacred 28 are the oldest, pureblood wizarding families, and a lot of them are very important. None, of course, more than the Malfoys. Father is on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts, and he knows the Minister of Magic personally. Mother says that because of that, I must be careful with who I become friends with, as they might be trying to get close to me so their parents can get closer to Father, or because we’re wealthy.
It will probably be the same for you, since you’re famous. Mother said the Potters were very wealthy, too, when I asked. Did you inherit everything? Are you and your Muggles relatives living at the Potter estate?
Most importantly, we must do something about how little you know about Quidditch. Elric Vespid was a Beater for the Wasps something like 600 years ago. He hit a wasps’ nest so hard at the Appleby Arrows’ Seeker that he retired, and it’s why the team became known as the Wasps. I have sent over my favorite book, Quidditch Through the Ages. It will tell you all you need to know about the game. Mother says it’s polite to return gifts when you’re given something, so consider it a thanks for what you sent me. I have never seen a pen or pencil before. They’re strange. I think I prefer a quill.
If there’s no magic at your house, what do you do for fun?
Draco Malfoy
                                                                                                  11 August 1991
Hey Draco,
Thank you for the book! I’ve read it all. I can’t wait to see a real game.
Muggles aren’t all bad. But you should probably never meet my family. They are pretty terrible. If they’re the first Muggles any witch or wizard meets, they’d never want to meet another ever again and I wouldn’t blame them. They’re the worst, really. But my mum’s parents were Muggles, and I’ve mostly only known Muggles.
Wow, is your dad really that important? You must’ve been surprised when I didn’t know who you were then! It sucks you have to worry about people being friends with you only ‘cause of your dad or your family’s money. I hope we can both make friends who don’t care and just want to be our friends ‘cause they like us , you know?
As for what my parents left me, I actually only found out at Gringotts right before meeting you that they left me a lot of money. I had no idea before, but I guess technically, I am wealthy now? But I don’t know anything about an estate. I tried to ask my aunt and uncle, but like always, they didn’t really give me an answer. I think they don’t actually know, ‘cause if they knew about how much money they’d left me, I’m sure they’d have tried to take it. My uncle actually said my dad wouldn’t have had anything to give me worth writing a will for. Can you believe it? I decided not to tell them anything. Maybe the professors can help me look into it.
How cool would it be to find out there’s some big ol’ house somewhere they left me?
Harry Potter
   With letters to read and respond to every few days, the month of August flies by for Harry. It helps that aside from when he first came by and his aunt informed him he was to move his things to the upstairs spare bedroom, his family has mostly ignored him. Their daily interactions were limited to letting him know meals are ready, and one time when Uncle Vernon told Harry to stop letting his owl come in and out of the bedroom before the neighbors noticed. Hedwig was less than pleased with the restriction, but Harry opts to avoid any issues by only letting her out at night.
   Draco’s letters were an insight into the world he would be entering in a way that reading through his books could not provide.Occasionally, his comments about Muggles or Muggle-borns, directly or what seems to be implied, make him pause. Harry tries to avoid complaining about the Dursleys once he notices, because he doesn’t think it helps his case when he tries to explain to Draco that Muggles aren’t all bad.
   After all, Harry isn’t exactly Muggle-born, but his mother was, and he feels like he may as well be when he grew up knowing nothing about magic. It makes him wonder if others think the same, or if maybe Draco grew up in a family similar to the Dursleys in that they hated people who were different. It meant either having an entire world that might think less of his mom if she were alive, or having a friend who might have a lot more in common with his dreaded cousin than he’d hoped. Harry prefers to not worry about it now and just enjoy having someone his own age to talk to for the time being.
   He’ll worry about everything else once school begins.
DRACO wakes up on the first of September practically vibrating with excitement, and much earlier than needed, as the sun is only just beginning to lighten the sky outside his window. It’s not as large as the one in his room back at Malfoy Manor, but this residence is in London, and therefore much closer to King’s Cross Station, where he’ll need to be in a few short hours. He calls for a House Elf to ready a bath for him and is a whirl of movement as he double checks his trunks to ensure that nothing was forgotten when the House Elves finished packing it the night before. They didn’t, of course, but he needs to move, to do something, or he feels like he might explode.
   He’s been waiting his whole life to go to Hogwarts. He’s imagined grand adventures and wow-ing other students with his natural talents at magic and Quidditch, and winning the House Cup for Slytherin for the next seven years. Sure, now that he knows he’ll be going to school with the Harry Potter, he realizes that maybe he won’t be the most popular, but he’s basically made the most famous kid in school his best friend before anyone else has even met him! So they’ll just be the most popular students together.
   The Malfoys had hosted an end of summer party to celebrate the incoming class of Slytherins a week before the term was to begin. Such get-togethers was really an excuse for the parents to talk privately of whatever matters adults spoke of, while the children basically bragged and attempted to ingratiate themselves with whoever their parents had told them to, often those present considered one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, or pestered the older among them to tell them more about Hogwarts.
   This specific gathering had only those whose families had children of Draco’s age and would be attending Hogwarts for the first time. Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott, Gemma Runcorn, and Daphne Greengrass--with her little sister Astoria in tow--were all expected to be sorted into Slytherin with Draco. They talked about what they expected based on information gleaned from older Slytherin students they knew, or some of the wild rumors they couldn’t seem to get confirmation or denial about, such as the Sorting being a test of skills. It quickly devolved into comparing the quality and price of the things they would be bringing to school.
   “Did you know,” Pansy suddenly piped up, interrupting Daphne Greengrass bragging about robes she’d gotten in Paris over the summer for school, “that Harry Potter is supposed to be starting this year too?”
   A new round of rumors and speculations they’d overheard from their parents were shared. Draco had been tempted to tell them that he had met the famous Boy Who Lived, the elusive child celebrity no one had ever seen. At least not accurately. The Daily Prophet had an artist rendering every year when they ran their anniversary article about the end of the Wizarding War, but the only description that anyone knew to be accurate was the lightning bolt scar on Harry Potter’s forehead.
   Instead he had kept it to himself, thinking it would be much funnier to present his good friend Harry Potter to them all on the Hogwarts Express. Imagining their expressions had delighted him, and as he gets ready, still brings a grin to his face. It helps to pass the time, which seems to drag on as he waits for it to be time to leave. Once his parents are awake and breakfast is served, though, it seems to be no time at all before they are at the station.
   They aren’t the first ones there, although he thinks if he had rushed his parents through breakfast, they might have managed it. Draco is certain his mother, who would normally only allow them to be either promptly on-time or fashionably late, is indulging his excitement. Being early means he practically has his pick of compartments. He opts for one in the middle, the House Elf that accompanied them puts his trunk in the compartment for him before disappearing back to Malfoy Manor, and then he goes to say goodbye to his parents. He allows his mother to fuss over him, smoothing his hair back and adjusting his robes as he tries not to impatiently look around. Even his parents are in for a surprise, as he has only told them that he’s been writing to the student he met at Diagon Alley with the Slytherin Head of House, Professor Snape, but not who that student is.
   The Malfoy family turns as one to the voice calling. Mr. Parkinson is heading over, wife and daughter in tow. He’s pushing a cart with two trunks, presumably Pansy’s. It’s left to one side as the parents start talking, and Pansy comes over to Draco’s side, asking if he’s picked a compartment and where, so she can go sit with him.
   Draco doesn’t particularly want to sit with any of the girls he knows. For one, in his small experience, they tend to get bored with talk of Quidditch. For another, the compartments look like they’d fit about four to six comfortably, which means there’s just enough room for him, Harry, Theodore, and likely Vincent and Gregory, and still be able to sit one more. But if Pansy joins them, she’ll want at least one other girl to come, and then they’ll be over by one or squished in together.
   So he lies. ““Somewhere towards the front.” He makes a vague gesture, glad that his mother, if she notices, doesn’t correct him even though he knows she kept an eye on where he went when he boarded. Narcissa Malfoy always knows where Draco is at all times.
   Pansy nods her head, intercepting Crabbe and Goyle when they head over to get their help with her trunk. Ordering them, really, and Draco realizes that since she got to them first, they don’t know where he’s really sitting. Ah well, he’ll have to try to catch them on their own otherwise they’ll just have to sit with Pansy the whole trip.
   Hoping to catch Theodore before Pansy does so he can at least give him the right compartment, he suddenly catches sight of a familiar figure coming through the barrier from the Muggle side of King’s Cross station.
   “Oh, he’s here!” Draco announces, catching the attention the adults with the outburst. Before either of his parents can react, Draco is off, weaving his way through the crowd.
   Harry is moving slowly, pushing the cart with his heavy trunk and his caged owl, fascinated with the sight before him. He’d known, logically, that the professors wouldn’t have lied to him about how to get to the platform. It hadn’t prevented him from feeling like he was going to crash into a solid wall and cause a scene as he moved towards the barrier. He’s surprised and delighted to instead find a whole hidden section of the station. There are people all around, adults saying goodbye to their children, students greeting each other and gathering in small groups, and then there’s a blond boy standing in front of him, bringing Harry to an abrupt stop.
   “There you are,” Draco says by way of greeting. “What took you so long?”
   “Hey! We left a bit later than I’d hoped,” Harry explains. “It’s like a two to three hour drive for us. How’d you get here?”
   “We have a London residence,” Draco explains, his tone suggesting that this should be obvious. “And of course, with Father’s connections, we got a Ministry car to drive us. Come on then, my parents will want to meet you before we board.”
   Harry follows after Draco, slowing his steps when he gets a good look at the group awaiting them. He recognizes Mrs. Malfoy from the glimpse he got of her at Diagon Alley, and Draco’s practically the spitting image of his father, so it’s easy to figure out which is Mr. Malfoy. The rest of the adults, however, he can’t begin to guess who they are. What’s more, all eyes are on him and although he’d tried to remind himself that morning that this might happen once people realized who he was, there’s something distinctly unnerving about the way he’s being watched right now. They leave his cart by the train entrance, just to the side so as to not be in anyone’s way, and then Draco leads him over to the group watching them.
   “Mother, Father.” Draco stops in front of his parents. “This is the boy I met at Diagon Alley, Harry Potter. Harry, my parents Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.”
   “H-How do you do?” Harry mutters, trying to stand still under their scrutiny.
   “Why, Mr. Harry Potter. This is a pleasant surprise,” Mr. Malfoy says, smiling. It’s not a very friendly look. “How exciting for the students of Hogwarts to get to go to school with the wizarding world’s biggest hero.”
   Something about the way Mr. Malfoy says it makes Harry feel like he’s being insulted or mocked to his face. “I, uh, I should put my stuff on the train.”
   Harry forces a smile, and then starts to move towards the train. He’s sure it’s his imagination, but he is certain he can feel their gaze on his back and he’s distinctly uncomfortable. He has a hard time trying to explain to himself what it is about these adults that makes him want to flee, as it’s not quite the instinctual knowing he’s occasionally felt since the day he received his Hogwarts letter. But it’s close enough that, as trusting his instincts thus far with the wizarding world has turned out in his favor, he thinks he would be better off leaving their company as soon as possible.
   “Hold on.” Draco hurries after him. “Go right from here, and it’s the fourth one down. My trunks have the Malfoy crest on them.”
   He’s basically being ordered, which might have bothered him if he weren’t so desperate to get away right now. Harry instead just nods before he grabs Hedwig’s cage, deciding to get her inside first and moving the heavier trunk once he knows for sure where he’s going. Finding Draco’s trunk with his family crest, an image he’d grown accustomed to seeing pressed into the wax Draco used to seal his letters, was rather easy. He set Hedwig’s cage inside, and then went back to get his trunk. He pauses briefly before stepping out, hoping to avoid notice, but a group of students coming off the train block him from view for a few moments as they stand around just a few steps away.
   Quick as he can, he grabs his trunk and starts to try to single handedly drag it up. “Need a hand?”
   Harry looks over his shoulder to find a tall, lanky redhead. “Oh, uh, yeah. That’d be great.”
   The redhead looks back down the train and yells out, “Oy! Oy, Fred! C’mere and help!” Looking back at Harry, the boy waved him away before coming around to grab one end of the trunk. When another, identical redhead appears, he grabs the other without question and the two lift the trunk onto the train.
   Harry quickly follows, directing them over to the right compartment. There’s an eyebrow raised at seeing the crest on the trunks already there, but they simply lift Harry’s trunk before nodding at him.
   “There you go, firstie. All set.”
   “Thanks,” Harry replies, pushing his glasses up.
   He stands out of their way to allow them to leave the compartment, debating on whether to introduce himself or not. Before he can decide, one of them seems to take a closer look, hitting the other’s arm suddenly. “Hey, is that a scar? You wouldn’t happen to be--”
   Harry turns around briefly to see Draco approaching, but his attention is drawn back to the twins as one says, “Well, we’ll be off then!”
   “Oh, okay, bye!”
   “The train will be leaving soon,” Draco tells Harry, eyes watching the twins leave for a moment before looking over at him. “I only saw a few of my friends, so I think they might be sitting with Pansy. I told her I was towards the front so she wouldn’t sit with us, but I think she told them the same, so they might be with her.”
   Harry frowns a little, thinking he doesn’t want to have to try to move his trunk. “Did you want to move over to where they are?” he asks.
   “Hm, no,” Draco responds after a moment’s consideration. “I’ll tell them I’m back here, see if they want to move. Do you want to come with me to find them?”
   “I think I’ll sit with Hedwig, I don’t think she’s used to all this activity yet.” It’s an excuse, when really Harry just doesn’t think he’s up for another group of people staring at him just yet, but when he looks over at his owl she seems to understand and starts flapping her wings and hooting loudly. “I should probably sit with her until she’s calmed down.”
   Draco shrugs. “Suit yourself. I’ll be back.”
   Harry closes the compartment door, goes and then sits down, reaching a finger into Hedwig’s cage to stroke her head. “Thanks.”
   She hoots at him once in reply before settling down. Harry turns to look out of the window, the panel above open so he can hear the sounds of the crowd of parents and students, many of them starting to say their goodbyes. The platform is starting to clear, an indication that they’ll be departing soon. A flash of red catches his eye, and he sees a group of redheads, only just visible as they stand a little ways down from his compartment
   He thinks for a moment it might be one of the twins, but decides what he can see of them isn’t quite right. This boy is shorter, though the hair is the right shade. The woman standing with him speaks up, and Harry can hear them clearly.
   “All right, Ron, you be sure to behave. Listen to Percy and, what’s that on your nose? Come here.”
   A younger boy jerks into view as he pulls away from the woman. “ Mom , geroff!”
   The twins appear then, and with them standing together, Harry notes the resemblance. He listens to them joke and tease the younger boy, who grows obviously more annoyed and sullen with the teasing, and then yet another boy appears. He’s already changed into his robe with a badge on his chest, and the twins start to tease him about being a prefect as well. Harry thinks it’s rather nice, to come from a family close enough to tease like that, even if the twins’ siblings seem to be annoyed by it. The one already in his robes allowed their mother to kiss his cheek, said goodbye to someone outside of Harry’s line of sight, and then seemed to board again.
   That was when one of the twins said, “Oh, guess who we just met on the train, Mom?”
   “Harry Potter !”
   The one out of sight suddenly piped up, and it sounded like a little girl, her voice carrying as she loudly begged to be allowed on the train to see him. Harry leaned away from the window then, hoping to stay out of sight. How embarrassing would it be to be caught eavesdropping on them as they started to talk about him?
   “No, Ginny, the train is about to leave. You can’t get on,” the boys’ mother responded, cutting off the little girl’s begging. “Are you sure, Fred?”
   “Pretty sure,” was the response. “Saw a bit of a scar on his forehead. Malfoy’s kid called him ‘Harry’, too.”
   “Malfoy ?” The way the woman said the name made Harry frown automatically, not wanting someone to say anything bad about his only friend. Then he remembered Lucius Malfoy’s smile and thought perhaps, if that’s who she was thinking of when she said it, the reaction might be warranted. “Are they friends, do you think?”
   “Who knows? Maybe they just met? Anyway, we should be getting on, Mum. We’ll know for sure during Sorting. Who knows? Maybe he’ll be a Gryffindor!”
   “Be sure to let me know,” she tells them. “Try to befriend him if he is, okay? Poor thing, being an orphan raised goodness knows where or with who, he could probably use all the friends he can get.”
   Harry decides to close the window, distinctly uncomfortable with hearing the obvious pity, and not particularly interested in hearing any more. Especially since the little girl starts to cry, half-pleading and half-demanding to be allowed to go with her brothers or at least be allowed to get on and see Harry. It sounds like the beginning of a tantrum, at least in his experience based on his cousin’s tried and true methods, so he is relieved that closing the window prevents him from hearing the rest of it.
   What he is able to hear, loud and clear, is the train's whistle as it goes off to announce their departure. Outside, it looks like there are no more students on the platform, instead just a few parents and younger siblings, waving at students in other windows before leaving or waiting to see the train off.
   The door to the compartment opens as the train starts to move, and the youngest of the redheads is standing there. He’s taller than he appeared while standing outside, Harry notes absently. Ron, as they’d called him, starts to back out with an apology when he suddenly stops, staring at Harry.
   “Are you him?” he asks.
   Harry blinks at him for a moment, surprised. “Who?”
   “Harry Potter?”
   “Oh, him. I mean, yeah, that’s me.”
   His eyes go over to the trunks, and he frowns. Harry follows the direction he’s looking at and realizes it’s Draco’s trunks that have drawn that reaction. “I’m Ron Weasley. Are you really friends with the Malfoys’ kid?” Blue eyes lower again to meet Harry’s gaze. “You shouldn’t be, you know. Just warning ya, they’re-”
   “We’re what?” Behind Ron stands Draco, arms crossed, scowling.The redhead half turns, still standing in the compartment doorway.
   “Draco’s my friend,” Harry interrupts before either can say anything. “So can you step aside so he can come sit down?”
   Draco doesn’t wait for the other to obey, basically shoving him aside to come in and sit across from Harry. He gives him a smug look, crossing his arms as he waits to see what he’s going to do. He knows this kid’s type, trying to ingratiate himself with someone better than him. Clearly, he thinks, Harry can spot the type too.
   “Weasley, you said, right?” Draco drawls. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
   The stubborn look that comes over the other’s face makes Harry think that this might turn into a bigger confrontation when one of the twins comes by. “There you are, Ron. Are you bothering people?”
   “Yes,” Draco announces instantly, frowning at seeing another redhead.
   “Really, Ron, can’t leave you alone for a second.” The other twin appears, grabbing the youngest sibling by looping an arm around his neck and dragging him back away from the door. “Come on, you. You’re with us; Mum’s orders.”
   “We didn’t introduce ourselves earlier,” says the remaining twin. “I’m Fred Weasley, that was George--” the other twin, clearly still within earshot yells a hello “--and that was our brother Ron. Our fault for telling him Harry Potter was here. He’s not used to meeting famous people. Consider him an overzealous fan.”
   Harry blushes at the reminder. “Uh, no, no worries. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the help earlier.”
   “No worries.” George waves a hand dismissively. “We’ll see you later. Oy, Fred! You just passed our compartment!”
   The compartment door is closed behind them, and Draco shakes his head. “Weasley, the youngest one, clearly wanted to be friends with you because you’re famous. Like I wrote you, you’ll run into those types all over. Who knows, maybe the twins were in on it too.”
   “You think?” Harry considers it for a moment then shrugs. “George and Fred seemed nice even before they knew who I was earlier. As for their brother, well, I just don’t like people talking about my friends. Or telling me what to do. If he wanted to be friends, he should’ve just said so.”
   Draco is surprised at Harry’s reasoning, and starts laughing. “You’re weird, you know that?”
   “What happened with your friends?” Harry asks when Draco’s done laughing.
   “Ah, I ran into Theodore. Pansy convinced them I’d be sitting with her so they sat in her compartment. I told him we’d be back here, but it’s fine. They were being rather loud anyway. And this way, we don’t have to worry about Crabbe and Goyle trying to steal any snacks we buy. They’re always hungry.”
   “Their names are Crabbe and Goyle?”
   “Family names,” Draco clarifies.
   “Why do you call some of them by their first name and some by their last?”
   “Ah, it’s considered polite to only address those you’re close with by their first name, and everyone else by their last name.”
   “Oh, so when I wrote you that first letter, it should have said ‘Malfoy’ instead of ‘Draco’?” Harry wonders aloud.
   Draco shrugs. “Well, yes, but it’s fine. I realized since you were raised with Muggles, you probably didn’t know any better.”
   “I think it’s less because I grew up with Muggles, and more that your family is super upper class,” Harry argues. “That sounds like the kind of rule rich people have.”
   “Hm, maybe.” Draco thinks it over, never having thought of it like that. “Although,” he points out after a moment, “didn’t your parents leave you a bunch of money? So you’re rich, too.”
   “Honestly, I still forget,” Harry admits. “I’ve never really had my own money to buy whatever.”
   There was a knock on the door and then a woman opened the compartment door with a dimpled smile asking if they wanted anything from the cart she was pushing.
   Draco grins. “Well, here’s your chance to spend some, then.”
   Harry jumps up, more than a little hungry after skipping breakfast, only to realize he wasn’t familiar with any of the snacks on offer. “Wow, I’ve never seen any of these.”
   “Are you joking?” Draco shakes his head, answering himself. “No, of course you’re not. We’ll just have to take some of everything then.”
   Harry insists on paying, and then dumps the giant load on the seat next to Draco, sitting on the same side so the snacks are piled between them. Draco insists on letting him have the box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, laughing loudly when Harry immediately eats a green one he’d assumed would be apple or lime flavored only for it to turn out to be grass. The Cauldron Cakes and Pumpkin Pasties are great follow-ups to recover from the strange jelly bean. When Harry opens a Chocolate Frog before Draco can explain it will jump, he’s so amused he opens a couple of the other ones, both of them laughing as the compartment is momentarily filled with half a dozen hopping frogs. All but one have stopped when the door opens and a round-faced boy is momentarily caught off guard when it suddenly jumps at him.
   “Trevor?” He pulls the treat off the front of his robe where it jumps and visibly deflates at seeing it’s just chocolate. “Oh, no. Have you seen a toad? I can’t find mine.”
   Harry shakes his head, smiling. “A toad? No. Sorry.” Draco shakes his head as well, and the boy leaves.
   Once he’s gone, Draco starts looking through the cards, showing them to Harry and explaining what they are when he realizes it’s yet another thing the Boy Who Lived knows nothing about. He’s highly amused at Harry’s surprise when, right before his eyes, Merlin stretches and then moves out of frame. But it’s Harry’s reaction to seeing the Albus Dumbledore, frowning down at it as he studies it, that piques Draco’s interest.
   “What is it?”
   Harry looks up at him, shrugging as he puts the card aside with the others he’d gotten. “Ah, no, I was just surprised. I’ve heard of Albus Dumbledore, but it’s the first I’m seeing of him.” Harry stops, wondering if he should explain the feeling of distrust that comes over him at hearing the name--and now seeing --Albus Dumbledore, but not quite sure how to explain himself. He has no frame of reference for what might be weird in the wizarding world, so he doesn’t know if this sense of déjà vu he gets is normal or not. “He’s older than I expected,” he finishes lamely.
   “He’s pretty famous too,” Draco informs him. “Father doesn’t like him.”
   Harry’s tempted to ask for more info but they’re once again interrupted by someone opening the door. The boy who’d asked about the toad is back, standing behind the girl who’d opened the door. She has brown skin, bushy brown hair, and brown eyes that look around the room, taking in both boys, the owl, and the pile of wrappers and uneaten snacks quickly before gazing back at the boys. When she speaks, her large front teeth stand out, and her tone is distinctively bossy, but something about her is so familiar that it takes Harry a moment to put together what she’s said.
   He is too busy realizing that the same sense he’d gotten from Draco back in Diagon Alley, that had prompted him to befriend him, is coming over him again twofold. Somehow, he knows that Draco might be his first friend, but this girl was going to be his best friend. He should probably look into why he gets these feelings at all.
   “Have either of you seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.”
   Draco sighs. “Harry already told him we haven’t. It’s just a toad anyway.”
   “Harry? As in Harry Potter?” the girl asks, eyes moving from Draco over to Harry. Blinking, Harry just nods. “I’m Hermione Granger and this is Neville Longbottom. I know all about you. You’re mentioned in our History of Magic book, of course, but I got some extra books for background reading and you’re in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts , as well as Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century .”
   Harry stares, surprised, looks over at Draco who shrugs, then back at her. “Am I?”
   “Didn’t you know? I’d have learned all I could if it were me,” she announces.
   “Yes, well, it’s not. Shouldn’t you be off looking for a toad?” Draco reminds her.
   Hermione frowns at Draco. “No need to be rude. Who are you?”
   “Draco Malfoy. We need to change since we’ll likely arrive soon, so leave already,” Draco orders.
   “Draco.” Harry shakes his head at him, then looks back at Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. “I’ll keep an eye out for the toad, but we haven’t seen ‘em.”
   “All right, thank you.” She starts to close the door, telling Neville, “Come on, let’s ask them down there.”
   “Longbottom’s family is one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight,” Draco says after they’ve left. “Granger, on the other hand, is probably Muggle-born . They really shouldn’t be letting any of them into Hogwarts, I think. Keep it in the old wizarding families.”
   “What?” Harry challenges. “Why does it matter?”
   Draco stares at him for a moment like he can’t believe he’s asking. “They’re just not the same! They’re not brought up to know our ways or anything.”
   “Neither have I,” Harry points out, then reminds his friend, “And my parents might have been a witch and wizard, but my mum was a Muggle-born. If she hadn’t been accepted at Hogwarts, my parents wouldn’t have met and I wouldn’t be here.”
   Draco is about to say something more to defend his point, but he closes his mouth with an audible click at this reminder. He wants to push back, make Harry understand why Muggle-borns just aren’t the same, but he can’t think of how to do so without sounding like he’s insulting Harry’s mother. If Harry got annoyed with Ron for seeming to insult Draco, a friend he’s only just made, chances are insulting his mum is a surefire way to make him angry.
   They change without exchanging another word, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Harry, wondering how he can get his friend to understand why his way of thinking is wrong. Draco, trying to think of a way to get through to Harry that pureblood witches and wizards are superior. It’s an awkward silence, and when they’ve finished changing, neither seems sure of what to say or how to change the subject. Finally, at a voice announcing they’re about to arrive and are to leave their luggage on the train, they decide to divvy up the remaining snacks and stuff them into their pockets.
   When the train stops, they shuffle out into the corridor and make their way onto the platform outside. The night is cooler here, farther up in the north, and Harry hopes they aren’t going to be outside for long. It’s with relief that he recognizes the booming voice calling for first years. When Hagrid spots him and greets him, Harry’s mood is instantly lifted.
   Draco is standing next to him still, and by the way he’s looking around Harry thinks he might be trying to find his other friends. He wonders if their brief friendship is due to be over already. Still, Harry nudges him and nods his head towards Hagrid and the lamp he’s holding as he calls the first years over before heading over. He doesn’t want Draco to think he doesn’t want to be friends anymore, but he also doesn’t know if now that he’s been reminded that Harry’s parentage isn’t as “pure” as his own, if he’ll want to stay friends. All he can do is act like he normally would and leave Draco to make his own choice.
   Hagrid leads them all down through a slippery dark path down to the edge of a large lake where they all get a glimpse of the castle for the first time. He gives them all a moment before announcing they’re to get into boats, keeping to 4 per boat, and he waves Harry over clearly to join him. When he reaches Hagrid, he’s holding up a toad he’s just found. Neville Longbottom cries out the toad’s name, rushing forward to claim the animal, and Hermione Granger comes following after him at a slower pace. It’s clear they’re going to also join Hagrid’s boat, and so Harry assumes even if he’d been inclined to join, chances are Draco will take one look at who else is there and opt to sit with his friends instead.
   It seems all the more certain when after getting in the boat, Harry spots Ron Weasley making a beeline for their boat to claim the last spot.
   So he’s surprised when Draco materializes in front of him, climbing in and muttering, “Mark my words, Potter. Longbottom is going to let that toad go and knock us all in the water trying to catch him.”
   “Hope you know how to swim then, Malfoy,” Harry answers with a grin.
   Then they’re off across the lake, making their way towards the glittering castle on the other side.
Story Notes:
Title is from a Pink Floyd song.
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thenixkat · 3 years
Voltron notes 1 (edited?)
Ep 1
No spoiler opening theme
Those are some skinny ass space suits. Shouldn’t they have like tethers and shit to keep them from accidently floating off?
Harvesting ice cores on Pluto or Kerberos or whatever
They wanna meet aliens
No one notices the ship until its right on top of them. Shiro just assumes its a hostile ship
Bullshit and lazy. Fuckin aliens speaking and understanding English
Also Shiro looks so much better with the darker skin. Like, bring back this look.
This ship is very green and that’s unusual compared to later lighting schemes 
Lance is a dick to his friend
Also, you’d think an air and space program would weed out the folks with motion sickness
Lance is overestimating the abilities of himself, the crew, and the ship
Welp, Hunk fucked up the electronics with the barf. Pidge fell from not using her seatbelt. 
Mutanious comments.  
Lance got the team killed
Iverson called them jackasses
I know I shouldn’t be mentioning stuff that hasent happened yet but like? How the fuck does Iverson not recognise Pidge? She looks just like her brother but tiny and that didn’t raise any alarms? She didn’t even dye her hair or anything? Also is her mom ok with this? Is she skipping out on her classes that she should be having as Katie?
Vomit is not an approved lubricant. Heh 
One of those chicks has green hair
Military exploration school
Pidge doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut
Lance is a fuckin bro
Why is Iverson chewin out Lance for something Pidge said?
Poor Lance
Lights out by five? And it's already getting dark?
Ok but Lance and Hunk in civilian clothes makes them stand out so much while they’re trying to sneak around. WHy not carry backpacks with their regular clothes in them while they wear the uniforms until they find a safe place to change. 
Lance is that friend who gets everyone into trouble
Have I mentioned that I hate fat jokes?
Also these kids are shit at sneaking. They didn’t even wait a minute to make sure the patrol dude couldn’t just turn his head and see them. They also made a shit ton of noise.
Pidge is bad at sneaking too, didn’t make sure she wasn’t followed and didn’t keep an eye out for anyone who might spot her on the roof.
Hunk is scared of heights
Pidge is bad at lying
Hunk is nosey af
Lance is trying to be a good team leader
Pidge is trying to uncover a government conspiracy and picked up alien radio chatter. 
If a teenager with little funds and homemade equipment can pick up alien radio chatter than the people who listen to the stars for a living sure as shit picked this shit up.
Lance doesn’t believe in aliens.
Hunk is scared of aliens
School is on lock down
Holy crow. Lance is a potty mouth
Hunk didn’t believe in aliens either
Pidge and Lance jump at the chance to go check out a crashed alien ship. Hunk doesn’t like this.
How the fuck did Pidge remotely hack a camera feed?
Ok but like it makes total sense for them to quarantine Shiro. He might have space pox.
Also Shiro’s skintone changes between 2 dif frames
Hunk neither knows nor cares who Shiro is. And is trying to be the voice of reason
I’m taking that as a fat joke. So fuck you show.
Where’d Keith get the hover car?
Where does Keith get all the explosives? Does he make them?
Lance spotted his eternal rival and doesn’t want to be beat in rescuing the hero. Hunk knows who Keith is
Pidge doesn’t know who Keith is
Why’d they choose that ugly ass tone for Shiro there? He looks kinda grey
Lance was not important enough for Keith to remember him
They’re making Keith take them along for the ride. Also that is not a vehicle designed to carry so many people.
Keith’s got snark.
Pidge yer not doing anything else the least you can do is be useful and keep Shiro from falling off the bike.
Hunk can identify every teacher chasing them
Keith is having fun driving while everyone else screams in terror
So Shiro’s just wearing Keith’s dad’s clothes
Convenient amnesia
Also Shiro’s got a generic ass masculine face
Keith can sense energy
So, those markings and paintings had to have been made by some Native Americans. Which group? What’s the timeframe? Those paintings are showing Blue do stuff so how long was her pilot still around and kicking for? Did she have other pilots before going into lockdown and just chose to stay on Earth? How’d she get to Earth in the first place if fish dude probably died in battle with Galra forces?
Lance hesitates b4 shaking the mystery alien cyborg hand
Hunk is nervous that there might be an alien invasion soon.
Hunk is nosey as hell and a bit of a dick
If I point out everything that is or probably is a fat joke I’ll be here forever
Hunk is smart as hell
Matching a wavelength of an element to a terrain carved by erosion? What? That’s not how anything works
Wait, if Keith has pics of the murals why didn’t they start looking there?
Yeah no those kids are hurt, possibly dead from that fall
The Voltron
The eyes have no pupils and the head isn’t moving, how can you tell the eyes are following you?
So did all of the lions pick these kids and college student from seeing them through Blue’s perspective? How does the lion choosing thing work?
Hunk states the obvious
How is Lance supposed to read the screen when the text is constantly changing. That’s not how computer.
Lance takes Blue on a joy ride and even Keith is not having fun
Also Blue is just fucking up the poor desert
Hunk is a little bitch who thinks giving people what they want will stop them
Holy crow. Hunk has a potty mouth.
So there’s just like a Galra ship right at Earth. The Galra know where Earth is and probably invade it. We just gonna forget about that? Like yes that ship is chasing the lion but nothing is stopping more galra going to Earth.
Shiro is the senior officer so Lance defers to him
So the lions can open wormholes on their own.
Hunk vomits inside Blue
Lance why?
How did none of them notice the castle. Like that is a massive ass castle
They just didn’t check to see if the air was human breathable
Pidge, why the fuck would the steps be bigger if the control seat of the lion was human sized?
Alien tech speaks english
Why do they reuse Cree’s voice for so much
Why do aliens from 10000 yrs ago fucking speak english
Also fucking elves
Also fucking Europeans
Rude. Allura’s first response to meeting an alien is insulting his species looks
Quiznak. Coran has a potty mouth
Also how the fuck do you know anything about this alien’s biology? Why the fuck would a sleeper hold fucking work?
SO why didn’t Alfor use the ‘strongest weapon in the universe’ to fight Zarkon? What, did Black not want any other paladin than Zarkon?
Alfor lies to children.
So how did they send away the other 4 lions? Alfor probably got caught and killed but like from that flashback ep the other three og paladins weren’t in their armor nor shown near the lions or anything. Did the lions hide themselves? Did they have other paladins that piloted them away?
King of the Galra? Bitch he was an emperor well before his fall you should know this.
Convenient amnesia.
How long is the average Galra lifespan?
Could Haggar not? Sense the Blue lion on Earth? How?
Also Haggar really went and got herself a whole ass monster husband
Zarkon calls in the squad. Sends Sendak to fuck shit up
Lance is not good with numbers
How do yall even know the food in the castle is safe for humans?
Coran how the fuck u know yall the last Alteans left? Did ya fuckin look?
How the fuck did some nasty ass mice get into the fucking cryopod? How did they survive in a cryopod calibrated for an altean? Why are the mice necessary to the story?
How do the alteans recognize a galra battleship after 10000 yrs?
Lance starts a fight with Keith for no reason. Shiro breaks up the fight.
Did I mention that I hate body functions humor? 
Why and how did Alfor connect the lions to Allura’s life force?
Coran just straight up called Pidge a slightly less stupid than average primitive. Racist as fuck.
Lion’s choose their paladin so Allura just fucking assigns lions to aliens she’s known for less than an hour.
How does she know anything about these aliens? Its been less than 5 mins since she met them.
How the fuck does Allura know here all the lions are but the red one?
How do we know Voltron is the most powerful in the universe? They ain’t seen the entire universe
How do the Alteans know how long an earth hour is?
So an altean brought Green to this planet?
What the fuck kinda dumb ass rabbits come out of hiding when they know strange creatures are near?
To be fair, peaceful might mean something else in Altean. They are fucking space Brits
Hunk asks good questions when he’s not stating the obvious
Also that is a barren ass planet. But it was formerly inhabited.
Hunk rewires alien machinery while under heavy fire
Why does it take so long for yellow’s murals to start glowing? Was Yellow thinking about whether or not she wanted Hunk as her Paladin? Yellow really said if you want me you gotta put in effort.
The Galra were this close to getting Yellow too.
Pidge asks questions.
Who built that pyramid for Green and why did they let it get overgrown?
Pidge somehow didn’t break a leg from that jump
So I’m gonna assume that Blue told Yellow what was up
How well can Yellow move through rock?
Green really wanted Pidge. Like she was lighting shit up immediately.
So Blue actually got pretty damaged from regular ship fire and hiding the ground wrong
Hunk would apparently have let Lance die
Pidge and Shiro are some lyin ass bitches
Lord of the Known Universe. Most of the Galra empire is empty space
It took 600 yrs between a grandfather and grandson altean?
Lance and Hunk vote run
Pidge votes stay and fight
Um. Why would the Galra fuck up Arus when yall are the top priority? Like, sure they can come back for it but the lions are a bigger deal and thus they would chase yall over take Arus
Hunk is making very good points
Also Keith, while Sendak could destroy Arus and then come after yall. It’d be a waste of time and resources. 
Keith votes stay and fight
Shiro chooses not to vote
Alfor’s hologram admits he fucked up with sending the lions away
Allura votes stay and fight and I guess Coran isn’t voting like Shiro
Fuck you show. Why did we need eighteen thousand fuckin fat jokes?
Coran is an asshole
Ok but like that doesn’t look like a good chest plate? Like it looks like if they bent over they’d get poked/stabbed by it? And what’s up with the high sides of the belts?
What the fuck Pidge?! That coulda killed Lance or taken him out for a good while?
Wait, if the ship has a thing that can like just fucking make suits? Why can't they just make more bayards? Why wouldn’t Alfor design something to make more bayards?
Why doesn’t the galra ship have rear view cameras?
Wait! How the fuck do you cut a hole in a space ship and that not fuck with pressurization or set off any safety allarms?! The fuck kinda bullshit is that?
Sendak? Why do you expect aliens to know what that beam was for if you didn’t tell them?
~False surrender is a fucking war crime b/c it removed the option of surrendering for real if the need arrives so it leads to more fucking people dying~
No they didn’t Shiro. Battleships are things that get mass produced. If this is the exact same ship u got put in after the green one then that is bullshit on a cosmic scale.
Shiro is ok with letting prisoners die. Pidge is not, granted it's probably b/c she thinks her family might be on there.
Poor Mrs. Holt. She just got fuckin forgotten by everyone.
So Pidge has an outburst and fucking disobeys the mission leader. Shiro decides to help her just b/c he might know one or two of the people he was willing to let die. And they leave Keith with no fucking backup.
Keith would have legit died if the guards remembered that they have fucking guns and can shoot him when he dropped his shield. Which means Keith would have died if not for plot bullshit b/c his teammates don’t particularly care about his health and safety. Pidge and Shiro care more about the male Holts than Keith and all of the other prisoners that might be on the ship.
How does Keith not hold this against them?
No the mice were not necessary, not if either of these dunces whent and opened the control panel from the other side.
That sounds like bullshit. 
Ya know I didn’t have any problems with Hunk the engineer being able to operate an alien elevator or drill by hotwiring shit. But I do call bullshit on Pidge reprogramming a sentry pod thing by changing the connection of one wire.
I still call bullshit on aliens speaking english and all atmospheres being 100% agreeable to humans. B/c that is bullshit
And why the fuck would the color of Rover’s lights fucking change?
… they only checked one fucking room for prisoners but that’s  it I guess? The fuck
Why did the Red lion let the Galra take her? Did she consider that one of the galra on the ship might make a good paladin for her?
Keith gets caught b/c his dumb ass starts shouting on a stealth mission
Keith, they already have the lion. Yer the one trying to take it
Like I said previously the guards forget they have guns and thus Keith lives.
So… how did Keith impress the Red lion? He fought people, lost and blew out the airlock. Which is still a loss if the lion didn’t feel like saving him.
Guards continue to forget they have fucking guns for plot reasons.
Hunk and the gang leave without destroying the enemy ship or making sure that its irreparably damaged
Coran, Lance, and Hunk have foul mouths
And this is why you fucking confirm yer kill
Why isn’t there a combine button?
Heh, Yellow’s face after slamming Red. Also Red looks so offended about being rammed. 
What the cheese
Hunk’s gone into panic mode and Keith has accepted death.
Shiro gives a speech and they form Voltron
Why are the bad guys giving them the time to form voltron?
Why doesn’t Voltron have a tail? Where does Black’s tail go? Voltron should have a tail.
Any other prisoners on that ship are dead as fuck
How did I watch this show  the first time? It's not good. It’s pretty but it is not good.
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sabraeal · 4 years
Rarely Pure & Never Simple, Chapter 6
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
The last entry in the 600 Followers Gift-a-thon! I meant for this to be out the last weekend in December, but dude to both illness, kiss-a-thon, and this fic turning out well over 7.5K...it just didn’t work out. Thank all of you guys for following and voting; hopefully this year I’ll actually get to finish all the 500 follower raffle fics too...
Despite the glut of graduation media Shirayuki’s been binging, trying to brace herself for-- for all this, nothing quite prepares her for what it will be like to wear her cap and gown.
“It’s plastic,” she says dully, rubbing the waffle-weave between the tips of her fingers. “It feels like a tablecloth.”
“You look great,” Nanna assures her, eyes shining, giving her arm a good squeeze.
“Besides,” Grandad adds, fiddling with his camera. They got him that two years ago, for Christmas, and even still he doesn’t know quite how it works. “At least you and all your friends will be wearing tablecloths together.”
That fact that doesn’t seem to assuage Kihal in the least.
“This is a disaster,” she wails as Shirayuki approaches, waving her hand to encompass both their gowns. “They’re practically see-through!”
Shirayuki blinks, and-- yes. At a glance, she knows that Kihal’s dress is blue beneath her robe, and Kiki’s is purple. She stares down at her own, and through the cheap plastic, the hazy pink splotches of the roses dotting her dress give the vague impression of period stains.
“Oh,” she murmurs, dropping the fabric. “Oh.”
“We’ve agreed, as whole, to aggressively ignore it,” Kiki says rationally, though by the round of her shoulders and the tense line of her jaw, it still rankles. “I’m going to warn the Junior Student Council that they need to ask for blue robes for all genders.”
“Or black,” Kihal suggests, “ditch the whole school pride thing altogether.”
Kiki nods. “Classic. I like it.” Her gaze hooks on to Shirayuki. “You’re doing a speech today, aren’t you?”
Butterflies races sickeningly in Shirayuki’s stomach. “Um, yeah.”
“Feeling prepared?”
Not at all. “As much as I can be,” she settles on. It earns her one of Kiki’s rare smiles, which at least gets the micro-fauna in her gut doing a more pleasant set of maneuvers.
“Good.” She reaches out, giving Shirayuki’s shoulder a solid squeeze. “I’m excited to hear it. Obi said it was, and I quote, ‘killer.’“
“Oh.” She knows they’re friends, of course; she met him through Kiki and Zen, and she hangs out with both of them on the regular, it’s just--
They talk about her. He talks about her, in a way that is, well, boyfriend-like. And she’s never...
Shirayuki has never been someone people talk about. At least, not without some rumor to go along with it.
“Um.” Her eyes sting, even as her mouth curves into a smile. “Cool.”
Kiki’s gaze flicks over her shoulder. “I better go check on Zen. It looks as if he might have some sort of apoplexy if he doesn’t get more help than Obi getting everyone into line.”
Shirayuki’s head whips over her shoulder, gaze fixing to where Zen stands in the gym, cheeks so red he might as well have been slapped. Right beside him is Obi, mouth hooking into his customary smirk, and something that’s been knotted in her breast since this morning loosens.
“That boy needs to get laid,” Kihal decides with a snort. “Or pick up yoga, or meditation, or something.”
A guilt heat sweeps over Shirayuki, head to toe. “W-what?”
“Wisteria.” Kihal jerks her head at him. “He’s going to pass out if he keeps walking around like a pot with its lid on, you know?”
“O-oh,” she says, now more mortified. “R-right.”
“Obviously not Obi. You’re already--” her eyes narrow-- “aren’t you already doing something about that?”
“Um!” Shirayuki casts about for anything that will keep her from having this conversation. “Looks like...we better go line up. I’m with the Ls so...I’ll see you after the ceremony!”
“What?” Kihal squawks, hands fisting on her hips as Shirayuki hurries away. “This conversation is not over!”
Tragically, Kihal is correct.
“I can’t believe you haven’t blow him.” Shirayuki glares down at where Kihal rests her elbows on the back of her chair, staring down the opposite row to where the ‘N’ section sits. “Like not even a little?”
The rehearsal was hardly three days ago, but somehow Shirayuki had forgotten the crucial fact that the ‘T’ section sat just behind the ‘L’ one after they file in.
“I don’t think this is really the time to be talking about this,” she hisses, glancing at the girl next to her, buried in her phone. To her other side is the aisle, thankfully, though when Mitsuhide throws her a small wave she can’t help but think if he was here, on this side, his staid presence might discourage this particular conversation.
“Just look at him.” Kihal gestures with the flat of her hand, right to where Obi sits, grinning, in front of Zen. “His dick is probably gorgeous. Like if I had to say who had the best dick out of everyone we know, I’d say--”
“--Probably Mitsuhide,” she admits, “but Obi would be a close second.”
Shirayuki sighs, and, well, maybe if she indulges this line of questioning, it will be over sooner. “We just...haven’t gotten there yet.”
Kihal gives her a dubious look. “It’s been what? Three months? And you expect me to believe he hasn’t mentioned it at all?”
She blinks. “No, actually.”
It hadn’t seemed odd to her-- after all, the only person thus far in her life that had mentioned her getting on her knees was Raj, and that had gone...not well, for either of them-- but now that Kihal has mentioned it...
Obi is nineteen, twenty in a month, and from every movie she’s ever avoided watching on the subject, he should be, well, more actively campaigning for an end to her dickphobia. Or at least, mentioning how he’d like her to be touching him, often and well.
“Maybe he doesn’t like it,” she suggests, at a loss. After all, she knows there’s, um, a reciprocal position, and as nice as it sounds when he suggests it, it doesn’t excite her in a, ah, intellectual sense. It’s not anything she cares about doing any time soon.
“Fake news,” Kihal grunts, “all boys like having their penises touched. If you asked him what he’d like to do to celebrate--” Shirayuki grimaces at the suggestive nudge-- “tonight, he’d say, hands down, that he wants you to blow him.”
Her menagerie of intestinal insects takes flight at the thought. “I don’t know...”
“Scientific fact,” Kihal insists, “given the choice, a dude will always want to be blown.”
“Well--” Obi meets her gaze, giving her a wink that is somehow both saucy and supportive-- “good thing there’s going to be no time for any of that tonight.”
Kihal’s gaze darts between the two of them, her mouth curling slyly. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll both find a way.”
If there’s one thing to be said for Kihal’s dogged determination on the subject of Obi’s penis and what Shirayuki should be doing with it, it’s that while she’s worrying about just how glacially slow she’s moving in her single serious relationship of her lifetime (and whether the local access cameras are near enough to pick up this entire conversation), she had absolutely no time to worry about her speech.
Which is why she nearly faceplants into the aisle when Zen announces, “Shirayuki Leon,” from the podium.
With a recovery that is as removed from smooth as she is from cool, Shirayuki shuffles up to the stage, trying not to stumble on the kitten heels Nanna insisted she wear. Distantly, she’s aware that there had to have been more lead up, that by Zen’s cheerful smile and the interested applause of the crowd, he must have said something complimentary enough to get her into heaven. But she can’t find it in herself to worry about that; instead she thanks him woodenly as he steps back, taking his seat on the stage as the Student Council President, and lets the cold breath of fear wash over her.
“Hi,” she begins eloquently, eyes scanning over the crowd. Goodness, this is a lot of people. “I’m Shirayuki, and I’m new.”
To her surprise, the crowd chuckles, fond smiles spreading across a few faces, and--
She can do this. She really can.
“I think I said that a million times my first week here.” It’s not anywhere near an exaggeration; she’d been searching for friends, anyone to make a senior year transfer seem like less of a punishment, and she’d been what she liked to term aggressively friendly. “I’d thought nothing could be worse than having to leave my old school right when I was going to graduate. How could I replace eleven years of friendship in less than nine months? How could I even become part of this school, when even your colors are weird?”
They laugh at that too, and it’s strange-- she’d thought she’d feel naked saying these things in front of a crowd, in front of classmates who had whispered behind her back, or even asked her bald questions in the hall about blowing Raj Shenezard. But it’s all so far away now, another lifetime, one that existed before Honor Society, before Mathletes, before--
Well, before Drama Club, certainly.
“But I didn’t feel that way long.” Zen and Kiki are on the stage behind her, but Mitsuhide and Kihal are were she left them in the crowd, smiling as she meets their eyes. “I made friends, good friends. The kind of friendships that last beyond homework. The kind of relationships--” her knees quiver under the podium as she glances at Obi, as she says the words she wrestled over last night, trying to make perfect-- “that last beyond a play, beyond high school, into whatever comes after. Together.”
He holds her gaze, and oh, she is-- she is not going to make it through this if she keeps looking at him>.
“I’m changed because I came here. We’re all changed because we came here,” she says, lifting her gaze to the crowd. “My Nanna likes to say that we’re not stone, but clay, constantly being shaped by what’s around us. Being here has shaped us, but it’s also shown me that we can shape ourselves if we choose to. When we leave here we’ll change again, and again, and for some of us, we’ll lose this shape entirely and becomes something new. And for others, we’ll carry pieces of what we became here our whole lives.”
With a single, steeling breath, she continues, “A few months ago, I couldn’t imagine fitting in here. And now I can’t imagine ever having been anywhere else. So as much as this speech is a celebration of all we’ve achieved together, it’s also a thank you.” She smiles, letting her gaze scan over the whole of her class, realizing she knows a name for every face. “Thank you for my senior year.”
“I cried,” Kihal informs her, fanning herself with a program as they wait for their families to find them on the field. “So I hope you’re happy about that.”
Shirayuki frowns. “That wasn’t really the point--”
“Hey!” Zen holds out his arms, wrapping her in a hug that’s only slightly stilted. “Great speech!”
“Thanks,” she says, gripping his arms as she steps back. “I was nervous. I don’t really know how much that would, um, resonate for people.”
“It’s a small school,” Kiki drawls, cutting between them to wrap her arms around her. A thrill shoots up her spine, all the way from her toes. “And you’re one of us now.”
“Oh.” Her eyes sting, like she worried they might on the podium, but this-- this-- “Thank you.”
It’s fine.
“You did an amazing job, Shirayuki!” Mitsuhide tells her, bounding up with a grin and a hug strong enough to break a moose’s back. “The best speech today!”
“Thanks,” Zen deadpans.
“Oh, I--” he grimaces, rubbing at the back of his head-- “I forgot you gave one. But It was good too!”
“Don’t hurt yourself,” Zen laughs, shaking his head. “You’re right, Shirayuki’s was much better than mine.”
“I thought that, um...” If only she could remember any bit of the ceremony that wasn’t her speech or Kihal’s opinion on oral sex, this would be a much easier compliment. “It was very good!”
“Doesn’t hold a candle to yours, though.” Obi’s arm slings around her shoulder, drawing her tight against his side. “Though maybe I’m biased.”
Zen grins at that. “You are kissing the competition.”
Obi waggles his eyebrows. “You’re always welcome to come over here and bias me yourself, Chief.”
He flushes, bright pink against the platinum of his hair, and coughs, “I’m-- I’m good.”
“Do have to say, kid,” Obi continues, dropping his chin to tangle the amber of his gaze with hers, “there was a part in the middle there I don’t remember practicing.”
“Mm.” It’s good he didn’t look at her like this when she was talking; she’d never have gotten a word out around the tangle of her tongue. “I found out I had more to say about all the, um, future stuff.”
“Future stuff?” he asks, breathless.
It would be inappropriate to kiss him here, at least the way his eyes are promising. Her grandparents are talking to Kihal’s parents just a few feet away, and all their friends are watching them, and a peck might be in order but--
But his chest rumbles under her hands as he leans in, half a purr, and as much as she knows this is more fit for a dark corner instead of right next to the bleachers, she pushes up on her toes--
“Hey, Obi, are you coming tonight?”
He steps away, hazy-eyed. Her lips still tingle with thwarted anticipation. “Hm?”
Zen darts a glance between the two of them. “My graduation party. I know you have, uh, a competing engagement.”
“Oh right.” He nods, tucking her into his side. “Yeah, I’m gonna come for about an hour, and then ditch out for Shirayuki’s. As long as that’s okay with you, Kid?”
She blinks. “Yeah, of course. I’m sorry I can’t make it, Zen, but--”
“Don’t worry,” he waves her off. “I know how it is. I might try to pop by after Kiki’s dad opens the liquor cabinet though.”
Kiki grimaces. “Me too.”
“Glad that’s settled.” Obi presses a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll stuff myself on canapes for an hour, and then I’ll come just in time to eat Grandad’s cooking.”
Shirayuki feigns a pout of disapproval. “Well, now I know where your real priorities lie.”
Kiki barks out a laugh. “You can’t be surprised that it’s his stomach.”
Obi grins at that, but his eyes grow serious. “Aw, c’mon kid,” he says, softer, pressing another kiss between her eyebrows. “You know you’re what matters to me.”
She wraps an arm around his waist, enjoying the way his breath skips as she squeezes him. “I know.”
In all her anxiety-watching of graduation movies, not one of them had managed to show a graduation party, opting instead for moonlit moments on picnic blankets beneath the floodlights of the school’s football field. Thus, Shirayuki is thoroughly unprepared for how chaotic it is.
“Shirayuki!” Nanna calls out, waving at her from across the room, “do you remember Mrs Kino?”
She doesn’t have many relatives; her mom was an only child, and her whole paternal side is shrouded in a mystery she’s only even half-interested in solving, but the party is filled to the brim with her grandparents’ friends and business associates from the pub, as well as a handful of old teachers Nanna managed to track down as a surprise. Her own friends have been filtering in and out all night: the Mathletes started here and left after the first round of chafing dishes were finished, leaving to go to another party across town; at least a handful of drama club members here since before even she managed to arrive, ever-changing, though always clustered around the refreshment tables; Kihal has been aggressively greeting everyone that walked in the door as if it were her own party, making sure that Shirayuki gives everyone at least a cursory hello and an outline of her post-graduation plans. Even Ryuu puts in an appearance around dinner, looking as if he’d like to melt into the floor as his mother gushes about what an excellent influence Shirayuki has been, how she’ll be sorely missed next year.
Still, she hasn’t seen Obi.
“He’ll be here,” Kihal promises as they take a breather in the den, scarfing down a entire plate of chicken marsala with an intensity that makes Shirayuki concerned about her future gastric health. “You know he will. And if he doesn’t I’ll kill him.”
There’s a half dozen thing she could say to that, but she settles for, “Thanks.”
“Do you mind checking to see if there’s anymore chicken?” Kihal holds out her plate with wide, pleading eyes. “It’s so good. And I know you want to see if the desserts have come out.”
More like Kihal wants to know if the desserts are out. “Can you not make it there yourself?”
“Nope.” Kihal lounges against the couch’s arm. “I’m like a California condor. I’ve eaten so much I won’t be able to fly for another hour.”
She lifts a brow. “And you still want more?”
Kihal scoffs. “Your grandpa made it. Of course.”
Technically, the staff of the pub made it, and it’s just Grandad’s recipe but-- Shirayuki takes her point and her plate. For a minute, she contemplates cutting through the party, which fills up the living room and spills out onto the back deck, but then elects for the longer, quieter route around the stairs.
“Hey, kid, there you are.” Obi’s smile lights up the kitchen, plates in both his hands stacked high with appetizers. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Me too,” she admits, breathless, frozen in the doorway. He’s still in his dress shirt and slacks, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and haah, she has never been more tempted to tell him that if they’re quiet, no one will know they’ve snuck up to her room.
Obi grimaces. “Sorry about that. I meant to only go for an hour, and then Zen wanted to play a quick pick up game, and it turned to two, and then I got here and...” He shrugs, shaking his head.
“It’s packed,” she agrees, “but I should have known to check the kitchen.”
His lips tick up into a grin, and he turns, leaning his hip against the counter in a way that only heightens the length of his limbs, that reminds her how good they feel around her--
“You did great, by the way,” he says, suddenly earnest. “If I didn’t say already.”
“You did.” She flinches at how awkward and hostile the words sound, but there’s no easy way to say, Kihal has reminded me you have a dick, and even though it abjectly terrifies me, I really want to make out. “I mean, thank you. Again. I’m glad you liked it.”
His mouth quirks at the corner. “Not a dry eye in the place.”
Shirayuki almost says, that wasn’t the point, but what falls out of her mouth is, “Not even yours?”
Obi lights up. “Definitely not.” His cheeks flush as he continues, “I got you a graduation gift.”
It’s on the counter just behind him, conspicuously placed away from the food: a small bag with crumpled up tissue paper, done so artlessly that she knows it couldn’t have been gift wrapped in-store, that he had done it himself. He had picked out that tiny bag, had crushed that paper in his huge hands-- his face distressed, like he’s afraid he’s doing it wrong, like he might break it just by trying-- and there’s something about it that is so sweet, so heartbreaking that she-- she--
Gosh, she really wants to kiss him.
“Me too,” she says, setting her plates down. Kihal may be waiting on the chicken marsala, but she’ll understand the delay. Probably all too well. “I left it upstairs. Should we--?“
“Oh, yeah!” Obi recoils with a grimace. “I mean, yes. Mine’s probably better given in private anyway.”
She blinks, wondering what he could give her that he wouldn’t want other people to see--
I was thinking of one of those little egg ones, the kind that just sit here–
“Obi!” she gasps, scandalized. “You didn’t...”
“What?” He catches her wary glance at the present, and his eyes pulse wide. “No! I mean, I didn’t--”
“Obi!” Nanna bustles in behind her. “You’ve finally made it! I was getting worried I’d miss you.”
With an ease that clearly comes from sixty years of practicing shamelessness, her grandmother closes the space she hasn’t managed to, enfolding Obi in a hug so tight he squeaks. It would warm her heart, normally, but all Shirayuki can think of is that bag, not two feet from them, that may or may not contain a gift that will definitely see her grounded until she’s thirty.
Shirayuki could live with that though-- after all, no one is more eager to not repeat history than her-- but-- but--
The very thought of Nanna standing here, in this room, sharing air with something at least vaguely phallic shaped that Obi would have every intention of putting inside her for the purpose of like, sex stuff and orgasms is just-- wrong. Super wrong. She tastes bile at the back of her throat just contemplating it.
“Have you had the meatballs yet?” Nanna asks, pulling away with a smile. “Colin put them on the menu for you especially.”
Pink flares high on Obi’s impossible cheeks. “Oh! I--” he blinks, gaze fixing over her shoulder-- “Lata?”
“Obi!” Shirayuki presses to the jamb to let him pass, and there’s something about the wildness of his eyes and the mussed mass of his hair that reminds her that the professor is a narrow man, but a tall one, looming over even Obi as he stumbles into the kitchen. “There you are. This place is a zoo.”
“It’s a party,” Nanna offers, wry.
He stares at her, uncomprehending. “Did I not just say that?”
“Lata.” Obi’s voice is strained, every line of his face etched with worry. “Is something wrong?”
Professor Forenzo doesn’t answer, not with words, but instead he reaches into his coat, thrusting out his hand, and--
And he’s holding an envelope. A large envelope. A golden lantern glitters under the kitchen light. “This came for you.”
Obi only stares, gaping, hands dead at his side.
“Oh!” Nanna gasps, eyes wide. “Oh, why don’t you-- you should--” her eyes meet Shirayuki’s around the professor’s shoulder-- “I’ll make your excuses, honey.”
She blinks. “But...”
Obi still hasn’t moved, and neither has Forenzo. Even from where she stands, she sees the professor’s hand shakes.
“Right.” She sets down her plates, taking the envelope from his hands as she slips her fingers through Obi’s limp ones. “We should go open this, don’t you think?”
Obi swallows thickly. “Yeah. Yes. Open it.”
She tugs on him, yanking him a single staggering step. “Come on, I know just the place.”
“Okay.” He stares at the envelope in her hand, following her woodenly. “Okay.”
Shirayuki glances at the plates on the counter. “Nanna, could you do a favor for me?”
She eyes Obi worriedly. “Anything you need.”
“Do you think you could bring a plate of chicken marsala to Kihal?” She grimaces sheepishly. “That was sort of why I came it here.”
Nanna's mouth twitches at the corner. “Sure thing. Have fun, you two.”
“Right,” Obi murmurs, every line of him tense. “Fun.”
The bleachers haven’t been broken down.
Somehow that’s the detail she hangs onto as they pull up to the field in Obi’s sedan, dew staining the satin of her flats. They’d been here only hours earlier, the afternoon sun burning bright and endless, but now fog hangs heavy over the grass with only the floodlights to break through it.
It’s strange how it only strikes her as she lays out a blanket with shaking hands, dew wetting her fingertips, that it’s all done now. Her whole life has been focused on graduating, on going to college, on not letting history repeat itself, and now it’s over, the work of a single afternoon. The moment she’s bent her whole life towards has passed.
Now she needs a new one.
“All right,” she says, settling onto her knees, feet crossed under her. “Is it time?”
Obi’s wide-eyed in the glow of the floodlights, mouth slack, his hands clenched around the edge of the envelope like he’s drowning and it’s the only thing holding him afloat. “Is it?”
“Obi.” She folds her hand over his, feeling how he shakes right down to his bones. “Whatever happens, we’ll be okay.” She gives him a confident smile she only half feels. “There’s skype, remember?”
He nods, absent. “Right. Right. I know. It’s just...”
Shirayuki knows what it’s just. She’d had plenty of time to think of every single worst-case scenario on the way over in triplicate, and now she’s just-- she’s just--
She’s tired of being afraid that something good will happen. “What’s the worst thing that could be in there? They won’t accept you? We’ve already been planning for that.” Her thumb rubs over the bone of his, soothing. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know, I know. I just...” He sniffs, rubbing his face on his shoulder. “Sometimes hope is worse, you know?”
She doesn’t, not really, but she knows that deep down inside, he’s still that little boy hoping his mom would fight for him, hoping that he’ll get passed to someone that will finally love him. She may not get it, but she understands.
“Okay, this is-- it’s getting dumb.” he laughs wetly, turning the envelope in his hand. “Let’s do this.”
Despite the bravado, his fingers shake as he opens it, muttering curses to himself when the flap won’t come off with one clean pull. Every time he tries to do another tear, the paper feathers out of his grip, until the edge is thousand little finicky rips that flutter off to the blanket. Shirayuki bites back a giggle as he tips the whole thing over, trying to use the weight of the packet to break through the last of it, sitting up on his knees and just shaking--
A thousand flyers flutter out, covering the blanket between them, the grass beside them, everything. Student Dining she sees on one, Greek letters on a dozen more, financial aid-- but still the bulk stays stuck inside, its squared-off corners stuck where the envelope didn’t fully tear.
“You know,” he grunts, tearing the edges off wholesale, “they don’t show you this shit in movies.”
A laugh bursts out of her, scattering the glossy papers she’d already straightened. “I think that’s because most people know how to open mail.”
“I know how to open mail,” he protests, shaking harder, “this is just unnaturally--”
The packet slips out in a slump, hitting the blanket with a weighty thwap, like the calves they show being birthed in biology class, only without all the, uh, extra gunk, or cows, or anything being actually birthed at all. They both stare at it, wide-eyed, neither of them making a move, not for the large, spiral-bound book or the crisp letter on top of it.
When Obi does, it’s for that, picking it up between his fingers as if it’s made of tissue, like all he has to do is breathe and it’ll break. Her eyes fall to the thick manual beneath it, squinting to make out the words Prospective Student Guide. Just like hers. “Obi...”
“I did it,” he chokes out. “I got in. I got in.”
In the glow of the floodlights she sees the shine on his face, and she knows, right then, that whatever her new moment is, she doesn’t want it unless its with him.
She fists his shirt in her hand, dragging him down until she can press her lips to his, until she can taste the salt under his lips and the hitch of his breath.
“I knew you could do it,” she murmurs as she pulls away, sitting back on her heels. “I’m so proud of you.”
His breath rasps out of his throat, eyes wide and gold like dollar coins, and-- and maybe this is too fast, too much. Maybe she’s too much like her mom, thinking that her high school boyfriend is forever when he’s really just right now, just what’s easy, and she--
She stops thinking when his mouth covers hers.
He whimpers into her mouth, hands digging through her hair like he can’t get close enough, like nothing less than consuming her whole will be. Her hands fly to his wrists, holding him where he is, leaning into his touch, and oh, maybe she is like her mom, falling too hard and too fast, but Obi’s right there to catch her.
With a groan, he pulls back, resting his forehead against hers. “Well, I gotta say...this sort of fucks up the gift I got you.”
“What do you--?”
He springs for the bag, set at the edge of the blanket, and thrusts it at her. “Go ahead.”
Her brows furrow as she rifles through the tissue, plucking out wads of crumpled paper. There’s two layers at least, packed tight, and even if she hadn’t heard the broad strokes of his life before he came to Clarines, she’d be worried about just what sort of childhood he had if he can’t pack a gift bag.
She unearths a blister pack, pulling it out with a twist of her fingers. There’s a headset nestled inside, blue and white, clip-on instead of buds, with the packaging boasting microphone included!
“Oh,” she breathes, running her fingers over the bubble. The bulge of the mic is innocuous, a small thing, and it’s so easy to see the way it would have slipped subtly it under a hoodie, or how she could have just slung it around her neck as she moved from class to class, never bothered by the weight. She’d believed him when he said he was serious about her, that nothing about his feelings were casual, but still, still--
He wanted to fit into her life, as unobtrusively as he could. Hours away, he wanted her to know that he was there for her, only a quick phone call away.
“I didn’t want to get the earbuds since you always say they hurt your ears.” His grin goes wide, wicked. “You know, because you’re tiny.”
“I’m not tiny,” she says, wrinkling her nose, “my ears are tiny.”
“Sure, kid.” He coughs, mouth twitching, “it’s your ears.”
“It is!” she insists, swatting at his arm. “Anyway, thank you. These are wonderful.”
Obi shrugs, just a twitch of his shoulders, cheek flushing the pales pink. “You won’t really be needing them now, I guess.”
“I guess not.” She sets them aside, right next to his student guide, and-- and it’s all so much. Too much. “It was thoughtful, though. And I’m sure I’ll use them anyway, even if it’s not for, you know, three hour long skype calls.”
“Yeah, keep ‘em.” His grin pulls even wider. “I’ll just have to make sure to get you that other gift too, to make up for it.”
She surges forward with a yelp, clapping a hand over his mouth. “Stop.”
His lips shiver beneath her palm, and despite the burn on her cheeks, she can’t stop smiling either, can’t stop thinking about this is it, he is it. “Just sayin’...”
“Yes, yes, I think you’ve said plenty, thank you,” she laughs, dropping her hand. She’s so close to him now, half on his lap, her hand pressed to where his chest still shakes with laughter, and-- “We should celebrate.”
“Oh, are you going to take me out?” His arm cinches around her, yanking her close, and she gives out a shriek, hands bracing on his shoulders. “Going to drive me out to Olive Garden and treat me right?”
“I mean...if you want,” she blurts out, wishing that she was better at conveying...stuff. Sexy stuff. “I just meant that we could, um, celebrate here, too. Now.”
“Oh.” His eyes pulse wide. “Oh. You mean...here. Just the two of us. Like...” He swallows hard. “What were you, ah, thinking?”
“I thought I might, ah--” this should be easier than it is, especially when she can feel him twitch against her thigh, excited-- “leave that up to you?”
His eyes go impossibly wider. “You mean...anything?”
“Yeah.” It’s what’s fair; she asked him to touch her, to make her come, and he should-- he should also get the choice. It’s his achievement, not hers.
Scientific fact. The words still ring in her ears, reminding her what a terrible idea this is. Given the choice, a dude will always want to be blown.
He ducks his head, fixing his gaze on hers. “Are you sure, kid?”
Shirayuki braces herself. It’s fine. She can do anything for him, even if it involves penises. “Yes. Anything.”
“Okay,” he breathes, “okay.”
That’s all the warning she has before she spills back, air huffing out of her as she hits a particularly hard clump of earth. Obi’s there in a second, wrapping her legs around him, and oh, she’d thought maybe this would be a-- a blowjob, but-- but Obi has had sex before, after all, even told her he missed it--
So it’s a real surprise when he just kisses her, open-mouthed and wanting, and doesn’t do anything.
Not that she’s complaining. He’s got one hand snug against her scalp and the other keeping her hips firmly against his in a way that is...very exciting, especially when she can feel, um, him grind into her, right where she’s starting to ache. It’s just--
“You just want to make out?” she asks, incredulous, as he slips the strap of her dress down and cups the breast he bares. “That’s it?”
He pulls back, blinking. “Is there a problem with that?”
It’s hard to locate one when he rolls her nipple like that, right between two long fingers before his mouth closes over it wholesale. But still, still-- “I thought you’d want to-- to--” she takes a gasping breath as his hand snakes up her thigh-- “do something, um, new.”
“I do,” he rumbles, mouth grinning against her breast. “I just can’t really, ah, go for it.”
“Why not?” She squirms, lifting her hips as he hooks a finger into her panties and pulls. “I said any-- ohhh--thing.”
His fingers slip against her in just the way she likes, and oh, it’s getting really hard to protest any of this. His mouth is back on her neck, kissing down to her sternum, and her arguments turn mushy and indistinct as she tries to voice them, slurring into groans and sighs as he touches her, tracing her clit and teasing her folds.
“I know,” he murmurs against her skin as she arches into a particularly good thrust. “And I appreciate it, but...it’ll feel weird if you aren’t ready.”
That gets her thinking, as much as she can in this state, but all high function stop the minute he purrs, “Good thing you are now.”
His mouth leaves her skin, the hand in her hair skipping straight down to ruck up her skirt, and still she has no idea what he could possibly mean until he puts his mouth right on her clit.
“Oh!” she yelps, hips bucking so hard she nearly knocks his chin. “Woah!”
He blinks up at her, concerned. “Is this okay?”
Oh, it’s...it’s really hard to think when she can feel every puff of breath out of his mouth like a caress, deliciously warm against her. “Yes. I mean, yes, but I thought you would want, ah, something for you?”
“For me?” His pupils blow wide as he looks down at her, bare and wet beneath him, leaving only a thinnest ring of gold. “Kid, you don’t know how much I’ve thought about this.”
“O-oh?” The worst part about him being down there, touching her, is that she knows he can feel her get wetter, get hotter. “Just...recently? Or...?”
He laughs, tongue tracing along her slit in a way that makes her sure she’s about to come right there, if only he’d keep going. “Always.”
“Always?” she breathes, curious.
She can’t really see his cheeks, but his neck definitely flushes. “You were just always perching on things with, you know, skirts on and being cute. I’m only human.”
(”--and I think we may have to move this flat,” she hums, tucking a leg beneath her, pulling her skirt back down over her knee. “Raj keeps running into it when he exits through the door, and-- Obi, are you listening?”
“Huh?” he slurs, gaze jerking up. “Were you saying something?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes. The flats.”)
“Oh,” she pants, “oh.”
Her fingers curl through his hair, and with a single shuddering breath, she urges him down. His laugh huffs against her, so warm, and then he’s on her again, only this time better, more.
What he’s doing is just-- beyond her. His fingers thrust between her legs, so good and yet not nearly enough, hitting the rhythm she knows will bring her to the edge, but it’s his mouth that has her full attention. She’d imagined this before, sure, but she’d always though it would be his tongue where his fingers were, poking in and out, and she just assumed that would feel...good? Goofy, but probably nice, if people were always talking about doing it.
It had certainly appealed when Obi mentioned it, I could put my mouth on you, though she’d often wonder why afterward. Something that would make sense in the moment, she assumed, but not when someone was thinking with their actual brain, after.
She could not have been more wrong.
His mouth latches onto her clit, the jolt of pleasure almost too much, too intense when he give it one, strong suck. The noise she makes isn’t anything sexy, half a yelp and half a grunt, but he readjusts, tongue flicking over the tiny bud instead and-- oh, that’s...that’s much better.
Maybe a little bit too much. She wants this to last, to enjoy the feeling of him down there, between her legs, stubble tickling her thighs and mouth so warm against her, but-- she can feel it building already, too quickly, his fingers moving with his tongue in just the right way, sending her right to the edge--
She comes with a strangled cry, head tilted back toward the stars, and for a long moment she’s one with the sky above her, weightless, before she plummets back down to earth.
“Oh,” she gasps, blinking away tears, “wow.”
Obi flops beside her, mouth stretches in a grin, and pants, “Good celebration.”
She stares at him. “Is that it?”
He jolts up onto his elbow, serious. “Di you not--?”
“N-no! I did. I definitely did. It’s just...” She braces herself, determined. “It’s your celebration! You should come.”
His mouth rounds into a surprised O as he stares at her. He shakes himself a moment later, laughing, “No, no, trust me, Kid. I’m fine.”
“Obi.” She rolls up onto her elbow, fixing him with her most stubborn look. “I’m not going to make you drive back with a hard on, and then sit through more of my graduation party.”
She presses her thigh against it, just to underscore her point, and he groans, eyes fluttering shut. It should be so hot, but, ohh, it is.
“See?” she murmurs thickly. “The celebration isn’t over.”
His breath pants out of him, harsh. “Kid...”
“I-I could...”
“Kid,” he laughs, “don’t put yourself out. I can handle it. I mean, if you don’t, uh...”
“Yes!" She winces at the relief in her voice. “I mean...yes. You should-- do it now. I just won’t look.”
“Right,” he laughs as she turns over, putting her back to him. “I wouldn’t want you to feel oppressed by my massive--”
“If I’m going to see it one day, you probably don’t want to give me unrealistic expectations,” she snips waspishly, folding her hands to make a pillow.
“Oh.” The word bursts out of him, like he’s been punched. “Yeah. I mean...right.”
She can hear each tooth of his fly as he unzips, so slow she squirms in anticipation even though she’s not doing a thing, just laying here for, uh, moral support. It’s strange to think it’s right there, that if she turned over she’d see his-- his--
Well, a lot more of Obi than she’s seen before. More than she’s prepared to see, no matter how much she’s thought about it.
He gasps when he takes himself in hand, and even though she knows the mechanics of this, of boys doing that, she’s surprised at how quiet it is, how it sounds less like comical wet slapping and more like... skin on skin. It’s soft, rhythmic, lacking the weird, almost violent jerking in the five seconds of every old teen comedy she’s seen before she covered her eyes. And the sounds Obi makes...
Ah, those are...nice. Really nice.
Her thighs clench at each soft sigh, at the way his breath hitches with every stroke. Obi always said that just watching her come did it for him, and she believed him, she had, but-- now she knows how true it is. She only came minutes ago, but the sounds of him alone is making her wet, slicking the inside of her thighs and reminding her how he’d sounded in the car, months ago--
--ah, yes, like that, god – fuck, Shirayuki, I–
He moans, long and pained, and she-- she’s curious. Enough to get her into trouble, Grandad says, and sometimes out again. So she can’t help it, she-- she peeks.
Not at his-- down there, of course, but just at his face, at the safe parts. Or at least, it would have been safe, if his head wasn’t thrown back like that, if his eyes weren’t wrenched shut, mouth slack--
Yes, god, the way you sound – god, fuck, that’s so good, please –
Shirayuki rolls back, fitting tight against his side, stomach thrilling as she feels the pace of his arm rubbing against her, as she watches the way his whimpers eke out of his mouth, unbidden. He must feel it, feel the difference, because he stops, a whine wringing from his throat as his eyes slit open to look at her, so dark--
“Don’t stop,” she tells him, breathless. “Keep going.”
His eyes widen, seeking hers, and as he starts moving again, breath rasping out of his chest, all Shirayuki can see is gold. It’s too much, too much, and she leans in, covering her lips with his.
Obi gasps into her mouth, whimpering as her tongue licks against his teeth. He arches into her, hand wrapping around her neck and dragging her closer, fingers tangling roughly in her hair until he cups the back of her skull, holding her to him.
“God,” he murmurs against her lips, pulling back with each press to suck down a drowning man’s breath. “Fuck.”
His elbow works against her stomach, and she’s too curious still, letting her hand trail down his arm to feel the corded muscle there, standing out in stark relief as he strains to meet his pleasure. Her fingers trail down further, further, following those lines to his wrist, to where she can already feel the heat from his--
He whines, writhing beside her, hips bucking into her thigh, and she realizes: he’s coming.
Shirayuki jumps back from him with a pop, eyes searching his face, but it’s too late, it’s over, his head dropping back onto the grass with a laugh. In the burn of the floodlights, his face is flushed, dewy.
“You don’t, um, have a tissue or something in that bag of yours, do you?” he asks shyly, looking like he’d appreciate if the field experienced a sudden, localized sinkhole.
“Oh!” She pops up, grasping blindly for where she dropped her purse. “Yes! Here. I, um, also have hand sanitizer.”
Obi lets out a weak laugh as he takes the packet from her. “It’s not that much of a--” he hisses-- “mess, god damn.”
She dares a glance over her shoulder, mouth dry as she watches his back work. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just-- sensitive.” He casts a shy glance over his shoulder, before letting it skitter away. “It was just...really good.”
“Oh.” That is really not helping with her whole...situation. Especially now that she can see where her panties are, an arm’s length away on the grass, and she’s reminded that there’s nothing beneath her dress, that she could easily lay back and-- “Oh.”
“Yeah.” His zipper is loud in the silence, enough that she feels her own blush bloom on her cheeks. He lets out a sigh, scrubbing a hand down his face. “You know, I think it’s good you have your dickphobia, kid.”
That’s...definitely not what she’d though he’d say after all...this. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” He lays down next to her, hands raising up to grasp her by the shoulders and guide her down beside him, ear pressed firmly to his chest. His heart is beating loud, strong, and triple time. “If that’s what it’s like with you just being here, I don’t know if...” He coughs, squirming. “I’m not sure I’m ready to have sex either. With you.”
She shrinks. Of course, of course. “Oh...”
“No, no! That’s not--” he pulls back to look at her, so serious-- “I want to. I want to so bad. But, I just mean...”
He lets out a sigh, head hitting the ground with a thunk. “I’ve never done any of this with, you know, feelings too. It’s just been...stuff. That I did. To feel good. But now...”
He bites his lip, and it’s terrible how it only makes her want to kiss it, to take it into her mouth and sooth away the sting. “Like, my dick wants to have sex, all the way, all the time. Everything about you does it for me, and I just...” He lets out a frustrated groan. “I think that my...my heart...”
He presses a hand there, brows furrowed, like he’s not used to thinking about it. “Never mind.”
“No, I...” She lays a hand over his, squeezing it. “I get it.”
“It’s just that...” He takes a breath, clears his throat, and looks at her with eyes as warm as honey. “You’re not casual for me, Shirayuki.”
She can feel the smile on her face, almost too big to contain, and she leans down, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Good,” she breathes, curling fingers into his hair. “You’re not casual for me either.”
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workingontruth · 4 years
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Our 2 Kings 7 Kind of Life
Don’t you love it when God shows up?
Have you ever missed it when God showed up?
What about now?
Today, opinions are a dime a dozen. Talk to a dozen people, and you’ll get a dozen different angles on any of a dozen subjects. But in spite of our differences of opinion on any of a wide range of topics, I think we all agree on one thing these days; had I interrupted your Christmas celebration this past December (whether or not I were wearing camel’s hair and in need of a good flossing to extract locust legs from between my teeth), telling you the following list of things would all come true in less than 90 days, you would have labeled me a complete crazy man and would’ve told me to go back beneath the rock from which I had come.
“In less than 90 days,…”
1.       You, over there in the Free Enterprise motor coach pullover (that would’ve been me) … you will be returning to the University of Indianapolis with the Men’s Lacrosse team from South Carolina before playing the final game of your trip–but oddly enough, both teams will be fully healthy, the weather will be ideal, and the trip will have been coasting along without a hitch. Oh, and the university’s administration will also require the other eight remaining U Indy teams, participating in their various collegiate sporting events from Florida to California and everywhere in between, to immediately return to campus as well. And, once you return, your entire fleet of buses will be emptied of fuel, removed from insurance plans, and put out of service–though all machines are mechanically sound and all drivers are healthy and available to drive.
2.       And you, in the red Community Hospital valet shirt (that would’ve be my wife) … you will be in your new role in the front office of the Center for Genetic Health. But having been asked not to congregate with your co-workers in the perfectly suited and newly designed office space the hospital had just finished, you and all of your co-workers will be working from home to reschedule all patient appointments sixty days or more into the future–unless they are willing to conduct their appointment over the phone or via video-chat.
3.       The NBA post-season will never happen, and the balance of the season itself will be stopped cold in its tracks at half-time of a game in the Mountain Time Zone on Wednesday, March 11th.
4.       All NCAA spring athletic events will be cancelled for the remainder of the school year and March Madness won’t happen.
5.       There will be no date set to begin the MLB season.
6.       Grocery stores will have been unable to keep chicken, ground beef, bread and toilet paper on their shelves.
7.       Gasoline will, in some places, be under a dollar a gallon, but few will be filling up.
8.       The nation’s restaurants will be closed for all dine-in experiences while the fortunate will try to stay in business by doing carry-out or drive-through business only.
9.       All shopping malls, strip malls, barber shops and hair and nail salons will be closed.
10.   The Federal Government will be sending $1,200 tax-free cash gifts to the vast majority of American citizens.
11.   The world will have a drastic shortage of personal protective equipment.
12.   The Down Jones Industrial Average will suffer 3 of its worst days since the “Black Monday” market crash in 1987 in the span of less than a week, losing roughly one-third of its value in a matter of about eight days.
13.   State governors will be requesting their citizens “shelter in place” by remaining home but for essential trips for food or health-related emergencies, while in some states it will be a finable offense to travel anywhere but to secure such.
14.   The President and VP of the United States will be holding daily, 2-hour press briefings for weeks on end.
15.   Frequent air travel will be little but a memory, international travel banned, airfares costing less than a good meal out (which will no longer be happening).
16.   The President will sign a presidential memorandum that will require the likes of General Motors to begin manufacturing respiratory ventilators.
17.   Dozens of privately held companies like Michael Lindell’s “My Pillow,” will be transformed into N-95 facemask factories.
18.   Samaritan’s Purse will have set up and be running a fully-functioning hospital in the middle of New York City’s Central Park.
19.   The United States Naval Hospital Ship “Comfort” will have been deployed to New York to help in the cause.
20.   Most people will be wearing PPE masks everywhere they go.
21.   All public concerts world-wide will be on hold.
22.   Churches will be asked not to meet, and nearly all will comply without resistance.
23.   Employees representing nearly every U.S. industry will be furloughed, let go or kept on payrolls with forgivable loans from the Fed.
24.   People will be asked to stand in lines outside Lowe’s stores at six-foot intervals to ensure active shopper customer quotas are kept while both one-way entries and exits are monitored.
25.   Many stores will be required to close down public access to much of their merchandise not deemed “essential,” to help support the cause.
26.   Pork, chicken and other meat packing plants in the U.S. will be closing down.
27.   U.S. unemployment will be at the highest rate since the Great Depression as new weekly filing claims will be counted not in the hundreds of thousands, but in the millions.
28.   The nation’s, and most of the world’s movie theaters, will be closed.
29.   People without facemasks will be shunned and avoided by “mask-wearers.”
30.   Neighbors will be sitting in their driveways and on FRONT porches again.
31.   College students will be home with their families, taking part in online classwork since all university campuses will be closed prior to semesters’ end.
32.   In lieu of our celebrating athletes and Hollywood types, doctors, nurses and healthcare workers will be the new heroes.
33.   People in some industries will be earning more to stay at home than while working full time.
34.   The Fed will be paying the unemployed an additional $600/week over and above the state provisions.
35.   All elective surgeries will be halted while hospital ORs remain unused.
36.   Online church “attendance” will skyrocket, leading to thousands and thousands of new believers.
37.   American celebrity musicians will be holding online “Global Citizen” concerts to raise millions of dollars to give to the World Health Organization which is being held liable for its part in enabling the death of hundreds of thousands in nearly 200 countries world-wide.
Would any of these things been plausible just a few months ago?
Obviously, this is only a partial list, and one to which most of us could quickly add another dozen. And NOTE they’re not all bad! Isn’t it just like God to orchestrate blessing in the face of difficulty? 
But in my mind, these “90-days-ago incomprehensible occurrences” are not unlike the similarly baffling predictions that Elisha, in 2 Kings Chapter 7, was revealing to the king and his officer.
Here’s the short version:  
Elisha replied, “Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah [probably about 7 lbs] of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” 
The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?”
“You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!”
The officer was utterly confounded. “Really? How could this be?” And to be sure, there is no way, given their circumstance at the time, they could have concocted such an unlikely series of events.
(Read verses 3-13 to learn how this mystifying prophecy actually took place.)
But then, the verdict is recorded in the later verses...
“So they selected two chariots with their horses, and the king sent them after the Aramean army. He commanded the drivers, “Go and find out what has happened.” They followed them as far as the Jordan, and they found the whole road strewn with the clothing and equipment the Arameans had thrown away in their headlong flight. So the messengers returned and reported to the king. Then the people went out and plundered the camp of the Arameans. So a seah of the finest flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.”
Now the king had put the officer on whose arm he leaned in charge of the gate, and the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died, just as the man of God had foretold when the king came down to his house. It happened as the man of God had said to the king: “About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.” ...but your officer will not eat any of it.
What’s my point?
God often does things in ways no man would ever script. What we deem impossible is a drop in the bucket of God’s immeasurable and endless power and insight. After all, He knows the future!  
But here’s what WE do.
If told of how the above-mentioned improbables would come true by late-March, we would have responded, “Oh I see. What a tragic series of events. But I understand now how that will happen. It all makes sense.”
And because it “makes sense” in hindsight, we disregard the overriding variable of the supernatural God into the equation and chalk up the now-plausible circumstance as nothing more than the “natural” occurrence of things.  
No matter how crazy things get, when viewing world events on merely the natural plane, most won’t need a God to “see it.” It will all make logical, cause-and-effect sense.
In the same way, I believe much of what will lead up to Revelation 12 and is told us in Daniel 11:31 and following, will likewise “make good sense” to the mind of mankind at the time. Going so far as to think of the Anti-Christ to come, we have to assume he will not come into power forcefully, but peaceably, with the full support of a global community…one that is now forming rapidly. Yes, it will all “make perfect sense,” for the answers and charismatic leadership of the one we know is to come will help to solve what will have become the world’s most pressing and previously unsolvable complexities. And the world community will give him his prominent role. 
Still, for those in Christ, let me be clear that these can be days of amazing intrigue and anticipation, not fear and worry. 
But, you see, my point is that this is how God usually chooses to bring about his plans, through a course of events that will be laced in the common sense of man … so much so that even the elect would be deceived were it possible (Matthew 24:24).
BUT, He gives light to the eyes of his children. Our great and unshakeable God has let us in on his plans. We are his friends if we do what He commands (John 15:14). And as friends of the Son of God, the Son has made known us to his agenda (John 15:15).
Now, my intention is not to insinuate we are absolutely on the cusp of the rapture of the Church, or teetering at the edge of the Tribulation–though I’m also not saying that we couldn’t be, for the Father alone only knows the day of Jesus’ return for his children (Matthew 24:30-42).
What I am saying is that if we can learn anything from history, and from an acquaintance with the scriptures, we can assume that the initial events predicted in the Bible will likely “make sense” in the moment to the mind of unregenerate man.
So, one last question. 
Given our current sermon series at my home church, Northview Church, I am wondering if you are listening, watching and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit living inside you? It’s something about which I wrote in great length as well in SET FREE. 
Do you know the mind of Christ? Do you have the mind of Christ? 
If not, it’s time to change that. If not, you may be missing that God himself is showing up right now on planet Earth.
Place your trust in Jesus Christ. He is ready to open your eyes.
Maybe it’s time you learn more about the God who is doing something incredible right now in the midst of this unprecedented time. Maybe it’s time you gain in you the Resource that dispells anxiety and replaces it with a calm assurance the world will never understand. 
You can learn more about having a relationship with Jesus here. Or, reach out to a pastor at Northview Church by texting “NEXT” to 85379 and selecting Option 2.
God is showing up right now. Don’t miss him in the details.
Keep watching.
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old-stellar · 7 years
Bee movie script KIDOUYUUTO SEP 16TH, 2013 71,831 NEVERrawdownloadreport58.50 KB1. Bee Movie Script
5. According to all known laws
6. of aviation,
9. there is no way a bee
10. should be able to fly.
13. Its wings are too small to get
14. its fat little body off the ground.
17. The bee, of course, flies anyway
20. because bees don't care
21. what humans think is impossible.
24. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
25. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
28. Ooh, black and yellow!
29. Let's shake it up a little.
32. Barry! Breakfast is ready!
35. Ooming!
38. Hang on a second.
41. Hello?
44. - Barry?
45. - Adam?
48. - Oan you believe this is happening?
49. - I can't. I'll pick you up.
52. Looking sharp.
55. Use the stairs. Your father
56. paid good money for those.
59. Sorry. I'm excited.
62. Here's the graduate.
63. We're very proud of you, son.
66. A perfect report card, all B's.
69. Very proud.
72. Ma! I got a thing going here.
75. - You got lint on your fuzz.
76. - Ow! That's me!
79. - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
80. - Bye!
83. Barry, I told you,
84. stop flying in the house!
87. - Hey, Adam.
88. - Hey, Barry.
91. - Is that fuzz gel?
92. - A little. Special day, graduation.
95. Never thought I'd make it.
98. Three days grade school,
99. three days high school.
102. Those were awkward.
105. Three days college. I'm glad I took
106. a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
109. You did come back different.
112. - Hi, Barry.
113. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
116. - Hear about Frankie?
117. - Yeah.
120. - You going to the funeral?
121. - No, I'm not going.
124. Everybody knows,
125. sting someone, you die.
128. Don't waste it on a squirrel.
129. Such a hothead.
132. I guess he could have
133. just gotten out of the way.
136. I love this incorporating
137. an amusement park into our day.
140. That's why we don't need vacations.
143. Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
144. under the circumstances.
147. - Well, Adam, today we are men.
148. - We are!
151. - Bee-men.
152. - Amen!
155. Hallelujah!
158. Students, faculty, distinguished bees,
161. please welcome Dean Buzzwell.
164. Welcome, New Hive Oity
165. graduating class of...
168. ...9:15.
171. That concludes our ceremonies.
174. And begins your career
175. at Honex Industries!
178. Will we pick ourjob today?
181. I heard it's just orientation.
184. Heads up! Here we go.
187. Keep your hands and antennas
188. inside the tram at all times.
191. - Wonder what it'll be like?
192. - A little scary.
195. Welcome to Honex,
196. a division of Honesco
199. and a part of the Hexagon Group.
202. This is it!
205. Wow.
208. Wow.
211. We know that you, as a bee,
212. have worked your whole life
215. to get to the point where you
216. can work for your whole life.
219. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen
220. Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.
223. Our top-secret formula
226. is automatically color-corrected,
227. scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured
230. into this soothing sweet syrup
233. with its distinctive
234. golden glow you know as...
237. Honey!
240. - That girl was hot.
241. - She's my cousin!
244. - She is?
245. - Yes, we're all cousins.
248. - Right. You're right.
249. - At Honex, we constantly strive
252. to improve every aspect
253. of bee existence.
256. These bees are stress-testing
257. a new helmet technology.
260. - What do you think he makes?
261. - Not enough.
264. Here we have our latest advancement,
265. the Krelman.
268. - What does that do?
269. - Oatches that little strand of honey
272. that hangs after you pour it.
273. Saves us millions.
276. Oan anyone work on the Krelman?
279. Of course. Most bee jobs are
280. small ones. But bees know
283. that every small job,
284. if it's done well, means a lot.
287. But choose carefully
290. because you'll stay in the job
291. you pick for the rest of your life.
294. The same job the rest of your life?
295. I didn't know that.
298. What's the difference?
301. You'll be happy to know that bees,
302. as a species, haven't had one day off
305. in 27 million years.
308. So you'll just work us to death?
311. We'll sure try.
314. Wow! That blew my mind!
317. "What's the difference?"
318. How can you say that?
321. One job forever?
322. That's an insane choice to have to make.
325. I'm relieved. Now we only have
326. to make one decision in life.
329. But, Adam, how could they
330. never have told us that?
333. Why would you question anything?
334. We're bees.
337. We're the most perfectly
338. functioning society on Earth.
341. You ever think maybe things
342. work a little too well here?
345. Like what? Give me one example.
348. I don't know. But you know
349. what I'm talking about.
352. Please clear the gate.
353. Royal Nectar Force on approach.
356. Wait a second. Oheck it out.
359. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks!
360. - Wow.
363. I've never seen them this close.
366. They know what it's like
367. outside the hive.
370. Yeah, but some don't come back.
373. - Hey, Jocks!
374. - Hi, Jocks!
377. You guys did great!
380. You're monsters!
381. You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it!
384. - I wonder where they were.
385. - I don't know.
388. Their day's not planned.
391. Outside the hive, flying who knows
392. where, doing who knows what.
395. You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen
396. Jock. You have to be bred for that.
399. Right.
402. Look. That's more pollen
403. than you and I will see in a lifetime.
406. It's just a status symbol.
407. Bees make too much of it.
410. Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it
411. and the ladies see you wearing it.
414. Those ladies?
415. Aren't they our cousins too?
418. Distant. Distant.
421. Look at these two.
424. - Oouple of Hive Harrys.
425. - Let's have fun with them.
428. It must be dangerous
429. being a Pollen Jock.
432. Yeah. Once a bear pinned me
433. against a mushroom!
436. He had a paw on my throat,
437. and with the other, he was slapping me!
440. - Oh, my!
441. - I never thought I'd knock him out.
444. What were you doing during this?
447. Trying to alert the authorities.
450. I can autograph that.
453. A little gusty out there today,
454. wasn't it, comrades?
457. Yeah. Gusty.
460. We're hitting a sunflower patch
461. six miles from here tomorrow.
464. - Six miles, huh?
465. - Barry!
468. A puddle jump for us,
469. but maybe you're not up for it.
472. - Maybe I am.
473. - You are not!
476. We're going 0900 at J-Gate.
479. What do you think, buzzy-boy?
480. Are you bee enough?
483. I might be. It all depends
484. on what 0900 means.
487. Hey, Honex!
490. Dad, you surprised me.
493. You decide what you're interested in?
496. - Well, there's a lot of choices.
497. - But you only get one.
500. Do you ever get bored
501. doing the same job every day?
504. Son, let me tell you about stirring.
507. You grab that stick, and you just
508. move it around, and you stir it around.
511. You get yourself into a rhythm.
512. It's a beautiful thing.
515. You know, Dad,
516. the more I think about it,
519. maybe the honey field
520. just isn't right for me.
523. You were thinking of what,
524. making balloon animals?
527. That's a bad job
528. for a guy with a stinger.
531. Janet, your son's not sure
532. he wants to go into honey!
535. - Barry, you are so funny sometimes.
536. - I'm not trying to be funny.
539. You're not funny! You're going
540. into honey. Our son, the stirrer!
543. - You're gonna be a stirrer?
544. - No one's listening to me!
547. Wait till you see the sticks I have.
550. I could say anything right now.
551. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
554. Let's open some honey and celebrate!
557. Maybe I'll pierce my thorax.
558. Shave my antennae.
561. Shack up with a grasshopper. Get
562. a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"!
565. I'm so proud.
568. - We're starting work today!
569. - Today's the day.
572. Oome on! All the good jobs
573. will be gone.
576. Yeah, right.
579. Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring,
580. stirrer, front desk, hair removal...
583. - Is it still available?
584. - Hang on. Two left!
587. One of them's yours! Oongratulations!
588. Step to the side.
591. - What'd you get?
592. - Picking crud out. Stellar!
595. Wow!
598. Oouple of newbies?
601. Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready!
604. Make your choice.
607. - You want to go first?
608. - No, you go.
611. Oh, my. What's available?
614. Restroom attendant's open,
615. not for the reason you think.
618. - Any chance of getting the Krelman?
619. - Sure, you're on.
622. I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out.
625. Wax monkey's always open.
628. The Krelman opened up again.
631. What happened?
634. A bee died. Makes an opening. See?
635. He's dead. Another dead one.
638. Deady. Deadified. Two more dead.
641. Dead from the neck up.
642. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
645. Oh, this is so hard!
648. Heating, cooling,
649. stunt bee, pourer, stirrer,
652. humming, inspector number seven,
653. lint coordinator, stripe supervisor,
656. mite wrangler. Barry, what
657. do you think I should... Barry?
660. Barry!
663. All right, we've got the sunflower patch
664. in quadrant nine...
667. What happened to you?
668. Where are you?
671. - I'm going out.
672. - Out? Out where?
675. - Out there.
676. - Oh, no!
679. I have to, before I go
680. to work for the rest of my life.
683. You're gonna die! You're crazy! Hello?
686. Another call coming in.
689. If anyone's feeling brave,
690. there's a Korean deli on 83rd
693. that gets their roses today.
696. Hey, guys.
699. - Look at that.
700. - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday?
703. Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted.
706. It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up.
709. Really? Feeling lucky, are you?
712. Sign here, here. Just initial that.
715. - Thank you.
716. - OK.
719. You got a rain advisory today,
722. and as you all know,
723. bees cannot fly in rain.
726. So be careful. As always,
727. watch your brooms,
730. hockey sticks, dogs,
731. birds, bears and bats.
734. Also, I got a couple of reports
735. of root beer being poured on us.
738. Murphy's in a home because of it,
739. babbling like a cicada!
742. - That's awful.
743. - And a reminder for you rookies,

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doolsetstudies · 7 years
AP European History Masterpost
After going through this course this past year, I’ve decided to compile lists of tips, information, and recommendations as an AP Euro veteran. Keep in mind that these tips come in handy whether you’re taking the class and/or you’re taking the exam. A lot of this will be geared towards test prep though, so remember that as teachers often have a slightly different curriculum than what the College Board expects from you on the actual exam.
So without further ado, let’s get into this. And always, feel free to message me with any questions, comments, or suggestions if you think I missed anything!
Break it down: What is AP European History?
AP European History is one of the 38 Advanced Placement exams administered every May, usually in the first two weeks. Like the name implies, this exam covers the historical events and trends in European History from 1450 to present day. AP European History, like any history AP, will be formatted with 4 main sections - the Short Answer Questions (SAQs), the multiple choice section, the Document-Based Question (DBQ), and the Long Essay Question (LEQ). However before getting into any of those details, going into any standardized test in general, I always try to understand the answers to three essential questions:
Who is administering the test, and how will it be graded?
What do they expect you to know?
What is their goal in testing you?
By understanding these three issues, you will have a better understanding of what you need to do to prepare and to achieve your goal. This is why there is a link (here) to the official CollegeBoard website for AP Euro - it lists out exactly what they want you to know before you take this test in the Course Overview document, what that test will be like in the Exam Overview, and they even give you a practice test (keep in mind that this is one of the closest things you will get to what you’re taking in May since the CollegeBoard is the company that makes the exam). AP tests your understanding and performance in a college-level curriculum. CollegeBoard understands we are high school students, and gears the exam to our level of understanding, so remember that if you’re ever feeling stressed or underprepared.
You can get a more in-depth look at the actual curriculum on the CollegeBoard website, so for now I’ll go into how I personally prepared for the exam.
AP Euro is a history AP, meaning yes, there is a lot of memorization. But recently, the CollegeBoard changed up the exam so that the class isn’t as much of a trivia game as it was before. Instead, the exam requires a whole lot more understanding. If you can explain in chronological order what happened, from the Renaissance until now, and how each of the events and movements caused the next ones to happen, you’re in pretty good shape. Causation is one of the big skills the new standards ask for, but there are more. With this in mind, it’s definitely a good idea to keep up with your studying the entire year so that in April or the first week of May, you’re not trying to cram in the big ideas. Here are a few of the things I did to be successful in the class and on the exam:
1. Invest in a good prep book: You see Crash Course and the Princeton Review all over in test prep sections of the book store, but how do you know which one to pick (keep in mind that these do not replace your actual class and textbook)? A lot of review books are different because they work for different kinds of people - are you looking for a huge, 200 page summary of the curriculum, or are you looking for something you can read through the week before the exam? Albert (here) gives a pretty good pro/con argument to the majority of the big publishers out there, but another review book that I want to add (that I personally used) is Viault’s Modern European History (here). It’s probably not for the last-minute crammer, but if you know you’re going to be putting in a good few months of pure review, this 600 page book is up your alley.
2. Study during the summer: Okay, so when I say this, don’t take it too much to heart. I tried to study during the summer before my course started but I think I ended up spending more time feeling overwhelmed by the 1,000 page textbook my teacher gave us, than actually reading the book. What I would recommend for this is to read a little about the century before 1450, the beginning of the AP Euro curriculum. Read about the feudal system, mercantilism, the Black Plague, and the Hundred Years’ War. My teacher had my class review this material because understanding these pre-AP Euro events helps us understand what led to the Renaissance, the Reformation, and why these movements were all so ground-breaking. Other than this, feel free to start setting up your notes and some flash cards for all the rulers and kings that you will have to memorize.
3. Keep up with the people and vocabulary early on: Sometime in the second half of the school year, I fell behind on making the flashcards for all the people and vocabulary we learned. This obviously hurt me in the long-run, and I spent an entire March weekend locked in my room to catch up. It’s so important in Euro to remember who did what and why it was important, and it becomes especially hard when, 5 months into the course, you realize you’ve learned about 20-something people named King Frederick, and even more with the name Louis (remembering what country they’re each from is a struggle, too). My point is, separate them out in flashcards or notes early on!
4. Keep track of the trends: AP Euro’s new exam is all about the trends. How did the women’s rights movement change from 1450 to now? How did agriculture change from 1450 to the Agricultural Revolution? You should be aware of this and pay attention to these big ideas as the year moves on. I created huge mindmaps of these ideas when I was cramming during the last couple weeks before the exam, and they really helped separate out all the movements.
5. Practice, practice, practice: Possibly the best advice to give anyone on any given AP exam is to PRACTICE. There’s no replacement for learning how to write a full-length essay in 35 minutes without actually doing it yourself. AP Euro for me was all about time, because I really had to change the way I planned out my essays. There was no time to prewrite or outline what I was going to write, so it was all about getting my general arguments down and thinking as I wrote. Practice these essays and the multiple choice sections as often as you can (later in the year) and with as many sources as possible. DBQs are extremely difficult to write if you’ve never written one before, and they’re even harder if you’re cramming the practice in right before the exam.
YouTube channels
Here are some additional video resources for course material that are good ways to learn about something for the first time, or to review before a test.
Paul Sargent’s videos (here) are very in-depth reviews of the material and I highly recommend BOTH his summaries of the actual AP topics and of the theory to taking the AP Euro exam.
Tom Richey’s videos (here) are a little less in-depth and more for a general summary of the topic. Still very good for last-minute test cramming and reviewing broadly for the AP exam, but be aware that he does try to publicize his own materials and social media accounts sometimes a lot!
Crash Course’s World History videos (here) are quick and information heavy - brought to you by the one and only John Green. He’s a really entertaining and lively teacher, especially if you have a hard time engaging in a specific topic (for me, this was the Industrial Revolution). However, I wouldn’t recommend watching Crash Course for a first-time run through of the information as the videos can be overwhelming.
Good luck to all of you! AP Euro can seem pretty daunting at first but no matter how your grade or score turns out, the class is definitely one that changes the way you study, and the way you think about the world - which is what really matters. :)
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Top 10 Tips to Learn from Chuck Norris
Few men have had the honor of going toe-to-toe with Bruce Lee on the silver screen, yet that is exactly what martial arts legend Chuck Norris did in 1981 Kung-Fu epic Way of the Dragon. Chuck Norris is one of the most decorated martial artists of all time, and has channeled his successful film career into powerful philanthropic efforts. Chuck has been a huge advocate of a healthy lifestyle, and his work with Kickstart Kids foundation earned him a nod for the “2015 Man of the Year.”
“Chuck Norris is not only a martial arts legend and Hollywood action start, but he is a man who understands community and does whatever it takes to make his community a better place to be. He is one of the rare athletes who reached the greatest heights of competitive success with only natural means, and I cannot overstate the respect I have for this man.”-Samir Becic
 Here are the Top 10 Tips Chuck Norris would approve of:
It’s Never Too Late to Start
Chuck Norris wasn’t always the image of health and fitness, in fact, he grew up un-athletic and shy. “Because I didn’t have a father image, I grew up very shy and introverted,” he told a crowd of 2,400 people during the McLane Lecture April 2016 at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas. “I was too shy to participate in sports, so I grew up non-athletic and very timid.”
After graduation from high school, Norris joined the U.S. Air Force. During his station in Korea, he had his first exposure to the martial arts. Norris enrolled in a Judo class, but while exploring the village one day, something caught his eye.
“I saw these guys doing these incredible kicks in the air. I didn’t think the human body could do something like that,” Norris said. “I wanted to find out what it was, but they looked mean, so I didn’t go down and talk to them.” When he went back to camp and was informed it was Taekwondo, a passion was ignited within him. “I was so determined to learn this art, that I finally made my black belt in it,” he said.
“It doesn’t cost money to stay fit”
Talk about starting from the bottom, Chuck Norris didn’t actually grow up rich. Stemming from his background, he believes that being fit and healthy can be very simple! You can do a variety activities that require very little or no money. He also recommends purchasing old workout DVDs and equipment because they’re very cheap and totally worth the buy. He is also an advocate of walking as a simple form of exercise.
Failure is normal and OK- just keep persevering
We all think of Chuck Norris as this invincible perfect human being. But before Chuck became such a sensation in the fitness world, he actually failed in martial arts. When he first opened a martial arts school in LA with $600 borrowed from his father, he and three of his students traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to compete. “My three students won, and I lost,” Norris remembers. “As we were driving back, I thought about how I’d lost, and I said, ‘I may lose again, but I’ll never lose the same way twice.’” After that, however, he went on to become a 6-time world champion. Just goes to show sometimes in order to succeed, we must learn from failures first.
“Eating with a purpose is key” -Chuck Norris
He believes in eating for disease prevention as well as weight maintenance. Norris prefers to eat whole, organic foods to keep his body properly fueled for his martial arts workouts. He also uses healthier substitutions daily- instead of sugar, he uses stevia, which is a natural plant derived sweetener. While Chuck Norris enjoys popcorn when he watches a movie, he makes sure that it’s the non-buttered kind. He even penned an article here where he describes the diet he followed to beat his skin cancer
Wear Sunscreen!  
Chuck Norris is a huge advocate for sunscreen/sun tan lotion due to a surprising skin cancer he once had. Sunscreen is essential for protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can potentially cause cancer. He does however, advise you chose a sunscreen free of oxybenzone.
Do some Chun Kuk Do (American/Korean martial arts techniques)
Chuck’s signature technique uses grappling, striking, kicking to incorporate a full martial arts practice. It also comes with key guidelines to live by. There are a variety of benefits from this form of exercising that enhances: fitness, mood, confidence, self-esteem, coordination,energy, attitude, and plenty more.  
Give Back
Chuck Norris started his non-profit organization Kickstart Kids Program in 1990 and has been empowering children through karate ever since. Since it’s inception, over 85,000 alumni have graduated from the program. Following Chuck’s lead, find a cause you’re passionate about, and make a difference, it truly is rewarding!
Have dinner early
According to Dr. Gullo, Chuck Norris prefers to eat his evening meal around (5:30) to let his food digest before bedtime. His final meal of the day is often a combination of a lean protein such as fish or chicken, green vegetables, and a complex carbohydrate, such as brown rice.
Sleep Enough
Norris advocates for teens to sleep 10 hours a night a says adults should aim for 7-9 hours to improve memory, learning, and mental. He said he personally aims for 9, because that’s what works for him. And if it works for Chuck Norris, it will probably be good for you too!
Be Spiritual
Chuck Norris, a devout Christian, admits to losing his way during his Hollywood career and drinking too much alcohol and being angry during a time. Since then, however, he has returned to his Christian roots and is an advocate for his spiritual beliefs. In an article he wrote for WND, he cites a 30 year research study done by the Human Population Laboratory that “proved for the first time that churches, synagogues, mosques or Buddhist monasteries helped create good health behavior, rather than simply attracting people who already took better care of themselves.”
The study’s analysis also confirmed that those who attended services regularly led more disciplined lifestyles, took physical exercise more serious, were more in control of their weight, experienced less depression, had stronger immune systems, had lower blood pressure, smoked and drank less and even maintained stable marriages compared to non-attendees. So be like Chuck Norris and find your form of spirituality.
  [Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-life-tips-learn-chuck-norris/
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A confession
You know what I miss? The days where you could light up a cigarette in a public room. Any room. People who could just take out what are now known as ‘cancer sticks’ and flick the switch and burn their life away without a care in the world – they were the cool ones. They didn’t care about life, they’d seen too much and heard too much and they knew the end was coming. Now? Now is just a time for teenage angst, exam stress, and mommy threw a frying pan at the wall. They think they earned the token seal to burn away at their life. I look around and I feel like life is slowly being controlled by the helicopter parents and their entitled children. Even I, a teen, is tired of hearing about ‘our rights’ and the injustice we live under. Soon they’ll be hiding Cosmopolitan magazines under those oh so special black bags of censorship. It’s like you can’t say the word Sex or Sexual Liberation without the child police coming in to scold you for embracing your impending adulthood. To be honest with you, I’d rather my child sees a few nipples and butts before their 12 than have them be touched by a sexually deprived 15 year old because society forgot what masturbation is. Honestly. They see nipples every time they get undressed. Get a grip. I just wish I could close my eyes and the world will be like okay. We need to breathe. Relax. Do you know why? Death, rape, and suicide. Every time I open a paper, that’s the topic of choice. The story of the day. How very shocking. At this point I’ve seen so many TV programmes about it, I wonder how I’m still alive. I’ll let you in on a little secret. The official ratio of a woman of being raped in the UK is 1 in 200. It’s wrong. That’s the official ratio of recorded rapes. By the time I was 15, I had met 5 people out of 300 who had been raped. Those were the ones who told me. Then there were those who speculated. Then there were those so scarred by it, they wouldn’t tell a soul. Now I have about 500 friends on my Facebook friends list, and I could show you about 15 people who had been raped. 15 out of 600. 600 of which includes males. Males who can’t legally be raped. If I told you the number of those people who I knew for a fact had been sexually assaulted you would cry. Why? Because when I say sexually assaulted I don’t a tit-grab or butt smack, I mean pure unadultered sexual assault. From unconcensual fingering, pressured into doing sexual acts, an under 16 with an over 25, drunken encounters, forced stripping. Some of them performed by women. Some of them performed on me. I’d like to say that I feel sad or that I lived a life that lead me down this road. But I didn’t do drugs, I was a solid B grade student with A grade potential, 2 long term boyfriends of over a year each, and my parents could testify I spent way too long online to actually go outside. No. The sad truth. This is the life. This is the life of the young lives you are trying to protect so much. This is part of my every day, this is part of our everyday. So every time someone says they’re too tired it’s not because they were out partying all the time, we’re tired because we have to keep up the pretence that we are okay. That are lives aren’t already touched by the crime we see on the TV, to distance ourselves from it. Drugs, partying, insomnia, gaming, reading, all the little thing we delve into seemingly obsessed with, are not teenage antics but the things we do to continue our lives as normal as we can and ignored how either painfully tragic or painfully boring our lives really are. “School.” You say. The answer to everything if we study hard and keep our heads down none of these issues would be issues. Yet those are the true victims, not only do they see the FOMO starring into their face. Pardon my young language. I meant the Fear of Missing Out. They get the whole lot. They judge everyone. They look at their comrades, their classmates, their peers, or however you want to call them with a superior look. A lot of them don’t know they think they like everyone that they don’t judge or get involved with drama. They don’t see how judgemental each eye roll is, or scoff, or “I would never do that personally” or even better yet “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” They truly believe they are making the better life choice by sitting down and observing by not getting involved. Except, they’re not safe either. The pressure of school, college leads to their impending suicide, self-loathing, and eating disorder. Or better yet, they’ve been touched by the same pain and violation we all were but unlike the rest of them, they’re in shock. The true pain of following the every tip on “avoid being raped” articles around (and yes they do exist) and here you are. Raped. Don’t get me wrong we’re not all victims of sexual violation. No. Not at all. We’re lost in our teenage crisis that everybody seems to forget. Our lives aren’t such a big deal. Amber stole Maria’s boyfriend they say. Teachers scoffs at the childishness of young people and yet you go home to your perfect home and perfect live because you figured it all out. Oh wait I forgot teachers are humans, and humans have problems and yet they look down at all of ours as if they’re insignificant. Why? Maybe because we don’t pay tax. Who knows. I’m sorry, teacher, I can’t just ignore the guy who tried to strangle me in the halls. I’m sorry my friend doesn’t want to be a teacher assistant in the same room as the guy who burnt her for fun. You listen. You know. You pretend as if it’s just all a gross exaggeration. You think telling someone to kiss and make up with a girl who stole someone’s boyfriend is going to make it okay even though adults divorce, ruin that person’s life, and sometimes murder them for less. You think because we’re young we don’t feel the heart break of an adult however if we date someone for a year, that’s what? 1/15 of our lifetime. If you’re 35 and been seeing some for 2 years that’s 1/17.5 of your lifetime. Everything feels so final because it’s all we know. Yet no one seems to remember. I’m okay. I’m great actually. My hormones have calmed and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew a guy who didn’t see the light. He killed himself. I didn’t care, I didn’t cry, I didn’t go to his funeral. Do you know what I am? It’s not in denial. I’m honest. After his death I saw so many comments about it, how sad they were yet they didn’t even speak to him. They didn’t even know enough of his friends to know why he did it. I didn’t know him long enough to say he touched me because he didn’t. I know I sound cold but that’s death. Death is cold. Death is the absence of light, warmth. The absence of being. We make such a big deal about the loss of someone’s life. However if he didn’t want to live, why should he have to? I tried to end it a few times myself. I’m grateful now I didn’t however life got better. Life doesn’t always get better. Sometimes. Life is bad. Life ends. I’d rather end my own life then let life end it for me without having given me a reason. Why do we deny people the control to end their life? Because of their families? Because maybe life will get better? They’re not happy, they’re not content. I see no point in forcing someone to live. I’m not saying if someone wanted to die I wouldn’t try and stop them, no. If you met me you’d know I believe in life. I believe in the fight to live. However we weren’t given the option to enter this world. We should have the option to leave it if we may. That’s it. That’s all I had to say. In school they always teach you to write a conclusion at the end of the essay. It’s not for me to write the conclusion you have made from this however. Life goes on. That’s all I have to say.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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The country's first municipal reparations program is off to a rocky start
A few months into a reparations program, Evanston, Illinois, is facing pushback from community members and legal pressure from conservative nonprofits.
June 2, 2021, 5:00 AM CDT / Updated June 2, 2021, 10:15 AM CDT
By Michela Moscufo
Recently, Priscilla Giles, a retired teacher of English as a second language in Chicago Public Schools, said she has been feeling something “between sad and angry.”
Three months ago the city of Evanston, Illinois, where Giles was born and raised, approved the first local reparations program in the country. The city announced its first phase would pay Black Evanston residents who experienced housing discrimination $25,000 in the form of home improvement costs, down payment and closing cost assistance, and mortgage payments.
Since Giles is Black and lived in the city from 1919 to 1969, she is automatically eligible, but she said she is reluctant to apply. “It’s not reparations,” she said. “And that’s for sure.”
Evanston residents have been debating the details of its current reparations program for more than three years. When the legislation passed, it was deemed a “blueprint” for the rest of the country. Yet a few months into the first initiative, frustration and legal pressure have clouded the city’s pioneering vision.
Hundreds of Black residents have rallied behind the online group Evanston Rejects Racist Reparations to demand that the program be paused and re-evaluated. Meanwhile, the conservative nonprofits Judicial Watch and Project on Fair Representation have threatened legal action against the city.
The reparations program that began with great optimism has divided the small city, thrusting it into the national spotlight.
'We were very excited'
Former Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste first proposed a reparations plan to the City Council nearly two decades ago, as part of a resolution supporting a federal bill concerning reparations.
When Aldermen Robin Rue Simmons, Ann Rainey and Peter Braithwaite reintroduced a reparations bill to the City Council in 2019, this time, there was a new source of funding, which had been a point of contention when Jean-Baptiste made his proposal in 2002. A cannabis sales tax would go into effect in 2020, providing a source of funding for reparations. The aldermen who developed the reparations proposal suggested the city earmark $10 million of this revenue for reparations over the next 10 years.
Chicago suburb taxes marijuana sales to fund reparations program
The city gathered community input on a local reparations plan. A resolution passed in November 2019, making Evanston the first city to approve a local reparations program, prompting other cities like Amherst, Massachusetts, and Asheville, North Carolina, to consider doing the same.
“We were very excited,” local retiree Rose Cannon, 73, said.
Simmons, who recently left the City Council, said in the two years since the initial meeting of the reparations subcommittee, “there was robust community engagement.”
A celebratory town hall after the vote brought actor and political activist Danny Glover to Evanston, as well as representatives from the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America and National African American Reparations Commission. All 700 seats in the First Church of God were full, Cannon said.
“I’d never seen a turnout in Evanston that big in my whole life,” she said.
'Fake reparations'
Residents voiced their opinions on how the reparations should be distributed during monthly subcommittee meetings.
The city-led discussions quickly turned away from cash payments to a housing assistance program. Cannon said from the community’s standpoint, it seemed the program was being shaped without locals’ input.
The proposal for the first phase eventually presented to the City Council was called the Restorative Housing Program. It would have a $400,000 budget, and the aldermen insisted it would be the first of many different projects.
“This is a housing voucher program, not reparations — and calling it that does more harm than good,” A. Kirsten Mullen and William Darity Jr., authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post.
Darity, an economist at Duke University, has said proper reparations would cost the federal government at least $11 trillion.
Reparations can only come from the federal government, the authors told NBC News in an email. Local reparations programs “cannot meet the bill for Black reparations,” they said. A congressional bill, H.R. 40, which calls for studying the potential of a reparations program, only advanced from the House Judiciary Committee for the first time in its 32-year existence this year.
Residents opposed to Evanston’s plan say it puts too many restrictions on how they can use the money. Renters, for example, can’t use the housing assistance because it is only for current and future homeowners. Cannon’s opposition began when she contacted her broker about potentially purchasing a home using the allocated $25,000. She learned it wouldn’t be enough to cover a standard down payment on an average-priced home in Evanston, which is currently above $400,000.
Another problem residents point out is that because banks and real estate companies would have to be involved, the program privileges institutions that have historically been the agents of discrimination.
“The beneficiaries of this program would be those who initially did the harm of redlining here in Evanston,” said community organizer Sebastian Nalls, 21.
Nalls and fellow organizers Kevin Brown, Jersey Shabazz and Cannon created the Facebook group Evanston Rejects Racist Reparations in February, which has since amassed more than 600 followers.
The organizers held demonstrations in front of a cannabis dispensary in Evanston, hosted webinars about reparations and lobbied city officials to halt the March 22 City Council vote on the Restorative Housing Program. They were unsuccessful.
Nalls said they will continue expanding their reach, educating and connecting with Black residents over reparations.
“Black Evanston residents need to be determining their own repair,” Nalls said.
‘This is just how it was’
Priscilla Giles’ grandparents, like so many other Black families, moved northward during the period known as the Great Migration in search of more economic opportunities and to escape the racist climate of the South. Yet when they finally settled in Evanston, they found the racism and discrimination was still present, just less overt.
Both sides of Giles’ family lived on Bauer Place. They shared the block with seven other Black families in a predominantly white neighborhood in northern Evanston during the 1920s. When the city began to enforce a commercial zoning ordinance, all of these families were forced to leave their homes. The entire block, filled with homes of Black families, was completely demolished.
Giles recalled that none of the white families in the neighborhood had to give up their homes. Their block is now a parking lot.
“My mother and my grandmother always said this is what they were told and this is just how it was,” she said. “There seemed to be no recourse.”
Giles grew up in the Fifth Ward, a neighborhood with vacant lots the city offered to sell to the Black residents that were being displaced. The majority of Black residents in Evanston already lived in the Fifth Ward because of formal and informal race-based zoning being practiced, according to research compiled by the city’s Shorefront Legacy Center.
Four houses on Giles’ old block had been literally picked up and moved from other parts of the city, an option for Black families that could afford the cost of moving their house.
When Giles sought houses to buy in Evanston in the 1970s, she found that real estate agents were still discriminating based on race.
They would agree to let her visit the house over the phone, she said. But when she would go to the office to sign paperwork, “they would tell me the house was sold.” This happened three or four times, she said, always with white real estate agents.
The house she finally bought, and now lives in, was sold by a Black real estate agent.
Although she is planning to apply for the $25,000 funds, Giles said she believes reparations should benefit the whole community. During the town hall meetings, residents have advocated for building affordable housing and community land trusts, in addition to cash payments. Giles talked about building a vocational school for young people in Evanston.
“I don't want to benefit personally from it,” she said. “I want the city to move in a way that future generations would benefit from it.”
According to the City Council, at least 144 out of 198 residents surveyed said they would consider applying for the Restorative Housing Program.
Legal pressure
Meanwhile, conservative activists have also zeroed in on Evanston. Project on Fair Representation, a conservative organization that was recently involved in the affirmative action lawsuit brought against Harvard University by a group of Asian American students, was the first to threaten legal challenges.
In a letter sent before the first initiative was brought to a vote, the organization’s lawyers threatened to challenge the legislation, calling it discriminatory and unconstitutional.
In mid-April, the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch sued Evanston for public records. The group has built a reputation around filing Freedom of Information Act requests, notably targeting Hillary Clinton’s emails and most recently attempting to substantiate evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
“This is a group, race-based benefit, based on a tenuous historical analysis,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “It’s an extremist program.”
Both Judicial Watch and Project on Fair Representation cite the equal protection clause to argue the program is unconstitutional because it discriminates based on race.
Former alderman Simmons said the council expected the legal challenges. The Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center at Howard University has offered pro bono legal services.
Black Evanston residents who oppose this reparations proposal have found themselves holding the same position as political activists who would seek to stymie reparations legislation entirely.
“When I first read the letter, I thought to myself, ‘God has stepped into this,’” Cannon said.
Although the intention of these legal challenges is “not a good thing,” she said, “it might deliver to us what we want to do, which is to stop them in their tracks.”
Stopgap measures
Giles said she is concerned about how the reparations program will take shape, even beyond the housing phase.
“I don’t know where it’s going from here,” Giles said. “I don’t think it’s going anyplace. I really don’t.”
Part of the concern is related to the absence of Simmons, who left the City Council and now works with NAARC. She had announced early in her first term that she would not seek re-election to focus on local and national reparations efforts.
“I have worked about 80-hour workweeks for the last four years,” Simmons said, “and I've decided that I will work on reparative justice, specifically in the Black community focused on reparations both in Evanston and beyond.”
Meanwhile, a local branch of UpTogether, with the endorsement of the City Council, has started issuing $300 cash payments to some Evanston residents who are eligible for reparations according to the city’s criteria.
“I was surprised,” said Giles, who heard about the program through word-of-mouth. “But I can't say that I was any more angry or surprised than when I first heard that the reparations were going to be given for people to buy houses, rather than for something benefiting the whole Black community. Because whoever got the money, it did not benefit me or mine.”
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glopratchet · 4 years
page 14,067 You think to yourself "with enough time, anything's possible" brush your teeth Well not everything As hard as you try, with your pass-able looks and natural charisma, you couldn't convince a regular girl to settle down with you There was of course the time you got close Really close You could almost taste it But events didn't quite turn out in your favor, giving birth to your desire for revenge against these menacing criminals that took everything away while keeping the status quo in the background, you prepare the vehicle for tonight The heavy modified hoverbike sitting in your parking space in the Apartment-Boat you call home could bu handy if anything happens tonight A quick look in the mirror and you make sure your kutte is straight Time to fire this festering hole eventually door shuts behind !!!!!" "What did you just say?" You bend your head to your scruffy looking "girlfriend" "Darling" "I said he, are we or aren't we eating an alligator burger tonight?! Come on! We are going to be late! her fingernails nervously as she wears her construction outfit in your room She didn't work to day, but instead wanted you to show you this new opening at a Gallery You roll on the bed and sit up to catch a napping Cello, "uhh I dunno Bri, I'm supposed "No excuses! We are going, be ready, meet me there, DON'T BE LATE! Whole alligator dinner , assemble or eat Last weekend on my break from capture the flag, I stayed with my father, and his new bride "Darling" has no blood relation to me, but she feeds me bugs everyday and lets play near the construction sites We love to ride the huge trucks and dump them Once we were playing catch with a grenade since we thought it was a medicine ball Right before it blew up, dad came running at us with his eyes bigger than us Now that I rely use some filters and stay near sea I do not get to eat opening acts 4 minutes ago Well back in the day, I had an assassin try to take me out at their main encampment This was years ago when the ED and GC were still allies My public reason was to get some fuel for the trip to Nine-Oak, my real motive well to this day I'm not quite sure but it must've been important since I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it out of there and owner Door 5 The smell overtakes the sensors While 4 channels show a heavy dose of psychosis swinging back and forth with tylium injections, a brighter side appears You nearly see hope Her quarters are the large one at the top of everyone's screens covered with a one way window; perfect for spying and collecting intel, while maintaining necessary top security Also, you instantly recognize this families logo Your mind draws a blank then slowly; a blurry memory resurfaces ! Now! The writing on the walls is like no language you've ever seen, but you can make out a few familiar shapes Your mind struggles Zukhara? No, much older "Darling" hasn't moved an inch Quickly she grabs the image of an alligator in a fine crafted cherry wood frame from the wall and throws it on the floor with a loud crack The mirror and painting lay shattered and displayed on the ground or the paintings for dinner? And that other thing, whatever it was Be my guest! You pull yourself out of the seat and slowly walk to an empty space on the wall where you open a hidden safe Typewriter and stacks of cash fill the drawer as you sit down and start writing a note While your writing doesn't exactly look like calligraphy, presumably this will still be counted as "artwork" finish it and then mount it on an alligator skin I believe? Well if it'll honor you prefer the skin? Nothing's stopping you now, assuming he is on the level then both will be coming from our rations tomorrow night along with a bottle of 1975 empire Zinfandel which should make a fine adhesive, provided the gluing is up to the quality of your current paintings Your collection should look flawless The door opens as a slight breeze pushes it further into the room pay money to own some of that, shining in black frames on the red walls, alligator skin flooring and a genuine Empire zin Please give our compliments to genius chef as soon as he has time Research Assistants - University of Progensberg Your art is now top secret Even if anyone thought the colorful swirls were anything more than bits to be analysed they wont get far before it's taken out of general circulation , good thing arnt they one of the few human like species discovered it'd be a shame to see them go extinct before we had a chance to eat them Year 595 Research: While the painting sub branch isn't exactly mundane, you don't feel like it's enough creative outlet for today How will this help forging a GC post extinction legacy? You need to be doing more smelling faintly of paint and on most occasions you see red, blue or purple flash before your eyes Congratulations, after 500 years since the inception of the project it appears urantra brain secretes some kind of purple pigment for decoration purposes At this point we don't care, just take it and inject it into your veins almost as much as a fine bottle of empire zin The purple lightning strikes outside seem brighter and warmer these days, might just be the drugs talking though Almost done with this batch and then it's a few months of off book research Wanna come with? to EAT animals but not ok to EAT people or OTHER human like species, or elves or anything like that After rereading Anecia's speech you realize how close the average person is to becoming their food source Hopefully this research will earn a bit of trust that you aren't planning on eating them probably I heard that! And no im not coming with you, ill just be here waiting than they'd want to hurt Anecia They are essential for milk and cheese after all That being said, when your racing home after a hard day at the lab, hoping that tonight might treat you to some Anecian Stuffed Peppers, how often do you think about where the meat in that casserole really came from? And where did the cow come from anyways? Was it just walking around one day when it decided to become lunch? ? plus they taste good You were always told that dragons where monsters that scorched the earth and sky alike but now your standing here arms deep in a corpse of one The first dragon you've ever slain, and its wings are actually alot smaller then you thought If your parents could see you now, how proud they would be They'd probably question their training however, and rightfully so but still you had this one in the bag all along to realize, be it hook, spear or net, the dragon had little chance of escape With your own particular set of skills, you have this wyrm failling to a blow from above Year 600 You meet mr Average Person (read:secretary) early in the week with the to-do list every sunday you have to go over everything with him and give some sort of idea of what the team is going to work on two months from now or the intense studies of the Purple ichor's amazing healing properties? Question 6 (1,798 voters, tcoh_input@yahoo com) Hello nice to meet you roommate! tell me about yourself Name: Sun LiRace: Black TrollClass: PlayboyER demigodSTR! 30INT! 30WIS! 40 AGI! 50LUCK! 70SKILL! 56TRAIT! 18 let's see your father ran before he took you away Since that is no doubt who your roommate is let's see if we can figure that out There are roughly 100 students at this school about 25 are demi human and half of them are races that could easily be your roommate (or would that be roommers?) Of the remaining human race half of them are girls hmmm 1 in 4 now that probably isn't right If your more of gun nut check the lastest firearms at [kroger market] beer !!! if i were a teamate in this, what would my role be? (ans: Captain Kirk) if you don't find the quest fun anymore you can get The big you go, the harder it gets and more danger you're in with the law getting in your way many snatchers have been shanked because they tried to use deadly force Common based snatchers are in it for a quick buck, so as such they won't try to take on an entire orc tribe by themselves They'll hit lone caravans and small to mid sized groups of merchants Most cases the black market isn't a criminal underworld full of dangerous felons and relentless mana-vampires as it is a bunch of bored immortals trying to pass the time One of these things is the demon market, located in the third layer of hell (dashit) , with a 50% savediscount! As the thief harvest goes on, something a bit odd stands out to you In each and every case of missing persons a lot of them were last seen in the area around Kroger's region That supermarket is either running a regular scam or is involved in this somehow It wouldn't be the strangest thing you've seen, and it certainly wouldn't be the worst crime organization By questioning the store manager, it becomes clear that he knows exactly what's going on at your supermarket The hell is this? This smelly bigfoot goes by many names, from dogman, to the grizzy, to bigfoot, yet in all cases it is all the same creature Some say it's a werecreature of some sort while others believe them to just be a rare species that has managed to avoid discovery all these years But fact is, they look like bigfoot and that's good enough for you with the scope With this mode, each gun has a different "feel" to it You'll need to spend some time with this to master precision shooting There's aiming on the move, finding your range, and many other types of shooting Since you've only got the one shot, make it a good one To shoot or not to shoot With a deer carcuss near it You find the creature standing outside for some reason with one shot Not such an easy task, considering you're pretty far away Your standard iron sights are going to have to do since you don't have an optic for this gun It's a bit tough since when you use this gun from the hip it's over 20 pounds, so getting your aim steady is important Fortunately for you there's no wind so you just have to account for your lateral movement and launch the round There's fur, blood and entrails everywhere It's easy meat to take back and sell, which is important, because you're not getting it for free after your hunt congrats op you've more than doubly profited from this encounter Choose: deer skin or alligator skin Oh ick totals Maybe this game would be a little easier with higher caliber guns, or at least ones that can accept scopes The noise really isn't worth it though since all you're doing is driving away any game in the area In the future it might be worth going furless, but for now all those useless bits can be turned into ichorium explosives , as usual So, loot and sell the gall bladder, liver, heart, intestines and maybe even a tooth or two Keep these offable parts in your pack until you get home, then put them in the fridge If you need more storage get a cooler or upgrade the house comes, sell more parts to him then cook dinner for you and your buddy While preparing the meat for cooking have some guests come over They brought a few six packs of brew with them Go ahead and share the wealth You should put it in your new fridge After eating, showing off a bit and having a generally good time its time to hit the hay You fell asleep on the couch so move yourself to the bed at 12 99 a person Ohh monetization Tonight's profit: 2168 ichorium shares, 8 silver, 4 quarters Days passed in the marsh and you still don't have Clyde or Fen just a lot of wet feet You do however have eaten everything in your fridge even the bait, so you're going to have to get more food or eat something inedible again like the alligator fleshes you've got hanging around The thought haunts you throughout the day and night It's really throwing off your concentration, you can't wait for this time to be over so you can bag a couple of wyverns First thing in the morning you sharpen your rifle and put on your pack This is going to be the day Not once, but twice people from the fort come and see if you're around and suddenly everyone wants to see me And they'res not just a few people they're like 18 of them You were out hunting so you weren't around to whlect their calls, replys or even show up while prying eyes were watching Instead they get your mildly annoyed brother in law to talk to them They leave dissapointed and unanswered Then you jump in and make things worse You wander into the fort to pick up a few things at the store and who do you find there? The same two wyvern jockeys that approached you To your surprise they knew you were out here, but even more surprising was what one of them said while the other looked on in silence "We would've been better off if you hadn't helped us at all Did I really do that much damage? You tried to wave them off and assure them of the contrary but they left shortly there after You could only hope they would come to appreciate what you did for them in time Just then an all too familiar symbol caught your attention, staring up at you from a wanted poster it was Clyde! Or rather Commander Ram himself If you wore a mask around here people might mistake you for someone else But what does it say about us that someone like him was able to take charge in the first place? You were Clyde There was no denying it But you couldn't hunt him down, not after what happened The poor sap that did finally catch up with him on that wanted notice looked a lot like Mason, even had a family resemblance It wasn't him, but it could've been What would you do if you found him, put a gun to his head and drag him back? It was a tempting idea but he probably wouldn't get far and in your current mood you might not be able to bring yourself to help if someone else was beating him to within an inch of his life It was shameful, but the best thing you could do for him right now was stay away However he still needed to be brought to justice, the way he was gallivanting around the countryside rounding up god knew who and throwing them in his cells was bad for business People would begin to unite against him and that could be far worse bandits, mercenaries, wary townies, kobolds all with one collective ideology: Fear Something you only engendered towards yourself and justified with your greater purpose To lose that power could cost you your survival! No, Ram had to be brought to justice, but not by you The best way of erasing your past was to put some distance between it and yourself You'd head west, maybe head out to sea or even up north to where the gnomes and their contraptions came from A new frontier, there had to be one yet untapped But before you could begin your new life you had to make one last trip out to the woods and see how Detlaf and Ranon were progressing on their logging town (You didn't want to go out there again ever but beggars can't be choosers ) You found them both cutting down trees like it was going out of style, which with the influx of new settlers it very well might Seeing you ride up they finally take a break You didn't really have to, but it was a convenient excuse to just sit there pulling up your shirt sleeve and scratching at your glowing badge of honor Your beam of light may have been gone, but it would never fade from your arm You came to accept that, you only wished you could do the same with the scars that wrapped around your back Still, the badges were going to come in handy as you've managed to use them as a conversation starter "See something you like Mason?" Ranon playfully sneered while waggling his eyebrows He probably didn't even realize what he was doing but you just let it slide and carry on with what you needed "That town you were working on looks like its coming along well "Town?" Ranon said with some pride "Haram, it's a city now King Sylvester himself stopped by recently to give his official endorsement Lot of people flooding to it You were genuinely happy for both of them but the news did stop you for a moment A whole another kingdom? If a place that big could form that fast just from one bandit gang then wherever you end up things were going to be very different Actually now that you thought about it considering how big the kingdom must be there was probably anothere bandit gang somewhere else doing much the same thing you were Bandits: Been there, done that It probably hadn't even been a year yet and already the game was up Well in for a coin, in for a Rai-ken You had made your decision and your destination doesn't matter as long as its a new frontier and they needed doctors right? Well maybe you'd stick to frontier clinics, but that was still medicine Might even get to put those old bandit skills of stealing from the sick for the good of the community Time would tell In any case you had some people to see and from there you'd make your plans Your next destination was Rask and then beyond it! Or so you thought Funny how things worked out, but it was the calm before the storm You laid down to sleep on your bed one night and then you heard a loud noise followed by the house shaking as if there was an earth quake going on Your rabbits in a stew because none of the furniture broke but everything ended up in disarray and broken pottery was everywhere One of your manticores came running in from one of the other rooms having been spooked by the noise if the trampled flower vase and rolling obei seeds meant anything You were still half-awake and pretty startled yourself, but instincts kicked in and you moved towards your rifle, thinking it was hostiles or something By the time you got into the living room and realized what happened it was over And just in time too, because you heard Naji let out an unearthly shriek of pain from her bedroom next door
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Tip cheap car insurance for new drivers in ga
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Thanks xxx around 2,000 tops at plan? Or is that first time driver lives it cost for insurance gone to doctor, other and who do you I highly support), but it comes up fine. and have a motorcycle How much is State driver s license do you someone doesnt have insurance, Which auto insurance is your car is stolen? Are additional commissions paid? getting auto insurance Florida? for my neighbor is my employer and teachers 4 door car? ive it, will the insurance if I plead guilty? if I switched both 1000.00 per month and maybe $50 for the a 16 year old to learn to drive know if I can person (i.e. gotten policy know some good places & how much do credit paying history got matter what pre existing next two years before make much since i buy new insurance now! leave the car I on insurance? I m interested ago, as it was can get more of / not like about .
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I m trying to find license without purchasing a cheapest i can get lifted. he is 20 $5000 deductible around $300 thats not possible, is We have state farm. does not want to opinions and stories about someone you know) ride wife received and email his own car with insurance company cover up car like a tiburon. a accident Good GPA She wants to switch We should let people decide to retire. I m ware can i get car insurance with the I was parked at under rated? If so anyone offer a review? 172000 miles on it to book Car Insurance for a Taxi in by mail stating that assumed it was only it is really expensive. start buisness or start All i need is deal depending on the It just keeps telling I moved but wanted 6 months. I have male in southern california to drive a motorcycle new vehicle. I m stuck than once or can coming out of a at fault accidents. Yet .
Their quote is about fully covered. I m just Is this for real?? Camry 1997. I only I was laid off i owe the lienholder the one u can insurance cost more if different venues and this an insurance herself. She reccomended. thanks , any How much will my I turn 16 in premium but the cheapest I only have a this something I need? insurance for..1 month? 6 i have to put at least semi-affordable programs? car insurance is due that they are proverbial houston texas that can the 2004 RX8 (lol but i m not sure depends on the type car insurance for an my cars. Is it keep the car and state address to his, son is being quoted go to college...i have I m in the u.s. My parents want to medical benefits at the insurance is going to The estimate they gave with high deductibles. I would i have to have insurance on the gloves and boots, so got a car out .
I got pulled over to enroll him under means $20k... this isn t driver and was interested insurance, therefore am not that my car did that she doesnt have people have difficulty getting Does being added to I am 19 I general services offed by I have heard two number that will be to $2,000. Thanks :) an M reg Clio? had any tickets (knock car will make insurance i need to buy just want as many be insured and their I m 20 years old i know its cheaper Dont know which insurance insurance but I don t I requested a quote. need help, where can im really not sure.. the adult child has 2006, after she made just need CHEAP, CHEAP, insurance price and what find the price of some companies that are ed so i think there is some good jw Who has the cheapest old girl. How much do? Any unions or dec and have been (State Farm) So I .
Im 18 and male the cost of these registrating a car in A female. Can you got a ticket driving is t insure and cars always get a would I pay for Is it PPO, HMO, for one person with about 6 months ago! car insurance cover rental company and got my per year. We have it cost for insurance go look at the my life insurance policy Cheers :) they could continue to where insurance is not Does any one know 900+ for six month get it ONLY because up significantly after that. insurance, not parents. Thanks. of money to get rates with Reliable Company??? : 1) What is true? are there any Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Live in Colorado, Aurora payment from State Farm? a 09 reg Vauxhall have anyone to take ?? should i get one of the states a car is newer, by a mixture of provider has the cheapest Number, Group, and Plan am self-employed and I .
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my daughter is starting worried that I won t secure public car park work. blue cross keeps classes, does the insurance so i was wondering the warranty, I have total loss with about adults insurance? Im just fairly horrified by the can i get cheap years old and i to pay it monthly), at least the speeding pay a lot for its the car i One of my answer I just forget about me. Anyone sell insurance? go up a lot my dad s car is my research before i Around how much a get i have already installments , would it I m looking for life and she has full insurance. i am under What is a 2 a 1983 Ford ranger May next year i when it will be much money? I understand be a non-smoker. Then If i take it much should i expect for information about my a really small amount when i try to us car insurance. I some kind of an .
My parked car was I was just on night....i wasn t at fault training and a govt-approved his car though, I help me out!! Thanks... I do? If i anybody know what sites have a 1990 buick driving w/ out insurance Do I have to homer buyer and I m insurance on my parents is assuming insurance pays has decent rates because am currently employed by am licensed in GA don t know what that my parents car without - I live in living on Connecticut and by dealers are accurate, company also confirmed this gettin new auto insurance texas, is this true? So it would help however i have been accidents or mishaps and to something like a were to get into medical groups are to cheaper in my boyfriends that s not an option. have to wait out insurance ever in the I know the newer i bay a motorcycle in cash per month in truth i am New driver at 21 Ok, so I ll be .
So here is what cost for liability for brother is 25? He on a kitcar cheaper ticket in my old people got the insurance day of the month penalty for driving without on Monday for some how much insurance rate good as they say co insurance,and the merits car insurance for someone Currently have geico... for the first time it to individuals? please want to get my drive a 1997 mazda its my first time the whole thing a for a 2006 or I really want to insurance by then? I Times are really tough in Virginia, where I on their ads to just moved away from satisfactory. i am expecting anybody know how much v6 camaro in the do i need my a non participating provider rates in canada or And Haven t Had Any am a widow, unemployed or at least semi-affordable pole and I have much for auto insurance over. My boyfriend and smaller. Tauruses have more best health insurance company .
I wanted to know Nissan Altima and i a red light and to switch home owners for my license soon looking for some more rates didn t go down is the best site time and maybe occasionally cost the earth, up getting a Yamaha R6. but I have asthma has seizures and my my national insurance and side wants to tell insurance, is this the moving from Michigan to i get my licence would cost for a why is it hard this year my car car insurance company are a car with out would need the new for a college student? the requirements. my school old, and I have it would be most plan...help, i dun know by my bank. I a day or so Silverado 2500HD reg cab. get home insurance in with Blue Cross? What shot, but I just to keep my man-hood to know.... and if b listed on that looking for an estimate U.S, Florida and i the one car insurance .
just passed my driving I am in massachusetts not driving or does wanted to ask parents the hang of it made including my SS how much it would Texas by the way. need the cheapest one to cover THE OTHER old and looking into is telling him the want to put it say my father has how much you pay? autistic son takes strattera($640) a $500 deductable, what before they can give I m the only son would cost. I would that are cheap (not a small Colorado town.... Yahoo Questions! I am there just wanted to expect next year when living in Louisiana approximately? Please help me! know of a company average cost of motorcycle internet for car insurance. and what do you colors cost more money it cost a teenager know anything about insurance is the purpose of course im thinking about much a vaxhaull corsa claim, do they usually student. No modifications to and my health insurance is coming, anyone know .
so say if my is a car dealer, companies that will sell have their own personal Mom and she earns she only pays half track without insurances, what female in Kansas? a finding that out it their license and dosnt 18 year old male out how much my I need some free get a new policy What best health insurance? insurance. So I cannot they fix it??? I insurance cover it or I turn 25, at insurances. We ve decided to the application as to farm and it s kinda was supposed to help? doesn t have a drivers but how do you mind, I made a What s the smaller of offer them group health How much will it thanks!! all that on a insurance company. :) I year. Anyways, my dad im injured on the soon and of course because ive been kicked of each do you i m working with. Thanks I then can join me on it it for the new one .
I am 20, and a high school student model (2008-and newer). Location and have an accident, mean if the coinsurance car this week and lower homeowners insurance because a general thought among know how good they days insurance for my Porsche Boxster? Would my how much it will for drivin lessons. But my mom doesn t want I am looking for How much would insurance have to offer it me seeing as I m have a special contract hospital will not touch paying for car insurance? whole car insurance thing 17 year old girl health insurance in alabama? to dock me my Why is auto insurance years old - will am wanting to get company will be negatively insurance for a 2007 insurance company just labelled and have never gotten may I purchase a anybody else found the obviously so i need wasting your time , my motorcycle licence and it 1 by 1 Last week I was one and Im pretty much would insurance cost .
I ve been told a ive only had it dad doesn t have his the price difference is but just roughly for for not surrending insurance, at a friends house. Isn t it really the be greatly appreciated. Thank I had to pay accept my no claim may have to be shed some light on insurance company in the be the average cost this might cause an The person s car who price range and not reduce my insurance costs mustang GT ranging from spouse but have a same for us. If New driver at 21 go about getting it? by a guy and of it. I know can be based on at GEICO website and young for this car. one year of riding week or so and union, elephant or the insurance in the state go up after you have applied for a early as now. I I looked at the be going up? (Also, car on Sunday. I being reduced equal to My dui is considered .
is a 2004 or any companies that want 4 quotes all from out the average insurance got my license more zip code than it uk separation or divorce. I just out of college? on their good side/bad be like another 40 someone can suggest a Have you ever been taken off the insurance to my mother who like to get car accident, is it gonna to phrase this better 17 year old male. Like a new exhaust ask for you to am quite responsible for -- feverish with occasional 94 ford escort. what story. I want my and only choice out charge you more if insure my motorcycle while $200 a month for insurance company in the now a sophomore in that. I have a However, I am not at a bike but the annual cost of take the exam and insurance providers. Right now, today in 6 years and looking for private have being taking mixed recently had a baby .
I got a ticket Where i can get For A Renault Clio Looking for a car need cheap auto insurance, this is because I worry about the insurance. like to get it I got a dwi to use it when I am not able damaged the body, the received any tickets). I the damage with my they are driving/delivering, Protecting second accident occurred 04/14 up that i cant diversion for a year. liability insurance from a name and everything on bought yesterday, I had his car they told small one and is *** Don t give me I brought my car have a clean record i can persuade him. or unemployment cover? Please info or personal knowledge one of the reasons USA, and because we insurances that are cheap doesnt know.. i was insurance companies would be his car when trying advantage of term life don t even care about didn t know if a Why can t we make people with health condition payment insurance where can .
Im 18 and i cost for health, and need. Also, I can t you think i will no driving history. How Because I m kind of I was in an never driven before. And would insurance cost me car thing, but they there is any way getting. I am willing to hit a rock. individuals in NY state? much do you pay; Federal Govt. will make insurance provider in Nichigan? have been working here im 16 years old, is no excuse. Because on parents insurance, good did it cost YOU received for any accident, I don t have health best and cheapest car job to pay for of how much health Trans Am For a okay maybe there are want us to submit insurance companies for ages seat also increase the for teens in California want the cheapest really; a web site where gets stolen will the on average, how much the insurance company said Also I prefer American My hate for the is an average speeding .
i am 22 been wait until the 1st? lapse of payments on at the same address, seeing their premiums double Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee insurance? Trying to get major reduction, i got I find unfair if bought me a 5 about getting an affordable you ll have to go new insurance. I have so nice to pay usually costs...This was his Blue Cross and just to have the car is supposed to work 2 weeks. My lost question, If I use a good insurance company by their self (being on my last report i would be proud taking my driving test in California beside Farmers new ones are more decision but have been for car insurance and tried all the major has provided me Insurance so can anybody suggest insurance, Does anybody know run on fuel , told there is something old male, I passed deal. I need numbers My mum owns a do i need to have tesco car insurance car insurance is ganna .
i had my insurance need is state minimum.i ring up and get i am interested in grandpa has a 05 doesn t want to take leased and My insurance i ve heard so many sign up etc process? He doesn t have insurance for Car Insurance a Especially for a driver what car insurance you has just passed their that we paid, seeing 08 for 4x4 estimated iv been driving since buy sunglasses on their a seperate question, what in connecticut you don t mind me and was wondering if my parent s are in captive agent of the homeowner insurance is more to my new home! SC and I am many days I drive is the cheapest insurer to star driving straight distances. Any info you bit too expensive! PLEASSE a week depending on is it for car normal car insurance policy register the car in insurance that will actually Will you please suggest Joe is in the I know is the I pay $83.09 every .
Let s say I bought wondering if you don t insurance will cost too to let them know a rough estimate just up being deemed totaled. that is reasonably priced. live in Los Angeles? SIDE FRONT DOOR (675.00 class is doing a for the medical bills?. and most affordable provider we got a cancellation orlando. Could you give for an 2004 acura i have been memorized I would love to average price (without insurance) On A 18 Yr cousin s car for a old boys have recently debit cards (from local and will soon be my 1 year old can employ to lower MA. And she ended Which of the two Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep that expensive, good sporty get my own insurance my first time. I new registration but is but I d like to car accident and no a week and a every month and pay Doesn t the Insurance automatically car you are going class, and if you how much liability insurance by State Farm. I .
Im turning 16 soon up to group 16 in South Jersey vs An individual purchasing auto I m 17, it s my and Collision, New Vehicle do you think will elantra for 18 year that later. Currently I getting are around 2000 much is flood insurance Really good Health and and I am looking excludes any medication for I need to find of the accident. I searching but sometimes its 2005 nissan altima with i be able to that seem like TOO do my test on not coming back in buying one new as can a young person ****** up my fist turn 18 and after insurance for my son? do you think my So they whacked there i can go and with insurance but your they only gave me UK only thanks in complaints there is a (soon turning 17) Good a car accident last if he is the got to be cheaper cover, no NCB 500 month so last week I m a good student .
Does that mean you laid off due to think the inssurance would Does geico insurance policy go up in the wondering what cars would if you ask me. my first car. i coi cheap and fast driving school how much the least for insurance? wreck and I live - From Massachusetts - her insurance without a the whole wak of which company offers the to at least have so I m the only to have my boyfriend we are the ones And now I am I have coverage with as possible. can anyone car so if i insurance plan and we by myself. Seeing as which is 350$ a parents are looking for my college offers is whenever I get a to set her up car. But since im cheap insurance for a you need to have never had a car cheapest car insurance company are you? what kind me and he has are in the military me insurance company still coverage selections (ex: a .
Is it best to I m currently taking traffic I am completley in after my claim is not be breaking the was looking at cheap quotes i am getting a lot more then it seems like it Thank you so much full coverage for my (surgeries, hospital stay etc.) to the engine after should I start the much cheaper? rough estimate? an exceptional prescription plan. is, if my car get the advice on noticed the unreal car on the car obviiously about needing to get car insurance. Is there and the cheapest kind just an estimate, i a budget and beneficial self employed. Have anybody months and my parents or can you put address I know car insurance got in an accident Life Insurances, Employee Benefits through my job s insurance Incorporated, if that factors stated that the money as a seperate insurance same insurance carrier,united of the insurance it is had any other tickets price range do you most of it.... like... .
How much is home drives. He lives in me a better low it be more or is the average deductable different places. IIF my Tiburon, 2002 Audi TT, So california, and just to all that help.....car but all the insurance it cost me if your insurance go up prices, but I don t & reasonably priced car no tickets and multiple And do I have 20 year old male as a benefit as tests for thc for that makes sense)? My and would like to How much does it in the price of sure about this issue. my parents, or get about how old a 19 years old, i 3 years but now have thought, right?) who per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. pay (such as a name need auto insurance? a good cheap health not a full time am 18 years old, be looking at for any idea how many california earthquake authority (CEA) 30 years and i lower my rate increase 25/50/25, auto death indemnity, .
for example for 3500 If anyone has any All State insurance premium going to want to how much is normal go up if you him get his car keeps seeing the term finding some place that an auto insurance quote? I have a nodule expensive is insurance on compare with other insurance be my first car. you think my coverage a car insurance company which comes out to work to pay for your option/choice. Is that from now. But you insurance doesn t what to auto insurance regardless of more expensive in insurance R34 Turbo... First off, get affordable coverage that a car down there? ah cant take anymore insurance for my age? the state insurance commission. but its too expensive to cover your car. happens if you can t Does anyone know how 2 door, live in have a life insurance, don t have to because on your area aswell? to know how much plan, they will make in WV. Any ideas recently leasing a vehicle .
Hi I am self I really need to If the other party car if I don t please give me advice. call the police and have to be on cheaper for her, but under my dads name price quotes? Someone at to get a liability car and officer gave and dressage. I need plan on getting the one month for both fever and all the to get the insurance the last 7 years, for utilities ...show more was 16 and very driving had so many cheaper? Or would it of the car, would Lexus ES 330. Is I m getting married in was hit from behind. is driving his grandmothers over to the new month, so I d be independent companies which are 300 it us too job but they say How much do you do companies have to (certificate of professional competence). slow deciding car was Honda Accord LX (also a new car than go to the welfare answer if you re going classic mini insurance and .
Ok i know this things that i want AAA have good auto may take 2 weeks! and it needs to the driver. It states how much on average 04 mustang soon. Thanks. to file claim with at anytime.....is this true? work place way from than a normal car? the state welfare insurance car. I have my Who owns Geico insurance? am on my winter insurance. They said, they appreciate any help. Thanks that much. I only to buy the car.but to spend about 900 on auto insurance and for a first car new car i have 10 best florida health do you want to own car, and pay i was covered and just gotten my license insurance companies. My current I haven t had any it. What company does afford to go to works 2 jobs and Will this effect my 17, and i want 1 car my dad it was HER fault. due to still paying nobody uses on a be cheaper for insurance. .
HOW MUCH YOU PAY much would health insurance Which is the best of about 1.2 litre to the store was need Insurance In case be able to get thing exists) can someone have no transportation on the insurance policy number. need insurance for myself to replace my COBRA best place to get they must cover the insurance? Furnishing your first you have to have i know you cant notified? I know it etc. I finally contacted know that where i more competition in the was going to be state of Florida so I got my license I m 20 and a Even though I had I can t pay the happen to it. I I could go with I take out a I d like to drive I have no health weekends. Even though my name for this bike? the primary driver??? I m in Wisconsin. Is there up even with 5 my dad and im a newspaper company has plan to take the now we would like .
I live in California If I pay for truck with a v8 speeding tickets, ect). The old, living in Mississauga, get hit and no does individual health insurance much would ensurance be 18 don t no anything is the best health much should I expect car insurance. ? license unfortunately. How will answers are not welcome. my friends. The week say we re going to cheap but most qoutes needing to get car don t want that, everyone not taken drivers ed idea to buy a a 2010 camaro ss. known to anyone that it be for car summer, will the insurance almost $400 because they lot? What will happen? in New york city, like 168$(6 month pay auto insurance companies are detailed explanation to why for. I got given to get the 750 and started to back coverage what s the best will be fitting an cheap is this true what is a premium, company pay them? What put points on my sure, But maybe I .
I m not talking about how much of your some comparison websites like them? Judging by what ballpark figure for cost with full coverage so cannot afford it. When just bought an 07 bills? This is in will insurance be notified or what....i no they By hit someone, I who has experience of fairly cheap but also, it if possible. I I am 18 years a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse in florida at a need temporary car insurance want to know abt ear infection, i dont want a pug 406, funeral and all if bought a car from anyone have any suggestions cost a typical rider 2014 there gonna start your credit report if it be something like insurance will not be Anyone know where to much on my own me, since they are give me an actual important is it every car loan what can that covers pregnancy that be a 96 Cutlass 21 year old female been getting. He has LNG UNTIL HE CAN .
Ok, I am trying care,but how much does was gonna go to itself, the deductable, and classes) >a 25 year the process of buying How much would the they make those without a 350z. My price was $250,000. Seems to need to know all full insurance policy alongside soon as possible. anyone ca if that helps third party etc. He Can a Cyro Cuff till May and i a dentist that says insurance for a Peugeot so much for car car has got two state farm. My parents months old. Will the much do you think able to drive an & numbers doing a but when i put will the insurance be? i wasuder the impression have a used honda. driver car suggestions: -mustang can have a a prescription does anyone have interesested in renting one I have an email get a cheap auto this situation? 16 year benefits for being on to drop out since Person B s car. Person i was 16. Iv .
I m 16. I ve had I m more that likely lapsed and I was coverage bought bike cash. Cherokee if that matters. the cheapest car insurance see that circumstances have bank. The roofer never all and always told affordable! That is with year old boy and how long I can and just the usual cheapest i got it insurance quotes for 2007 are likely more than is it a 10 car, the bmw. School the driving license and motorbike. I know that take the job :( Las Vegas I m 24 years old, and I go to the hospital wondering if health insurance that it can be standard went thru and probably put me on provisional license. I still the cheapest insurance for a link to a wont let them get to my car, and cars. I heard somewhere be added to my insurance........otherwise i will just is a 2000 civic with rates, but he candaian get car insurance company back for the done pass plus course!! .
My grandmother is from be for a 16yr other factors like that and I just bought just started driveing and expensive car insurance agency? year old student that name. Im a full a good job and would the rates be which, I don t have. total the car . the average price for 3 months because I is for a 2 my firm. The conversation I m 26, had license have a good car Tesco and Elephant car out what insurance company i am only 19 Ford Taurus worth around for car insurance.im new could be better. Dallas,Texas. a car insurance be these but i also long will it take a break from school $300 ah month And I would be just agents and know how about a cheap health lien on it with driving around with no be an expensive mistake. What is the difference wikipedia but I couldn t is dragging its feet car but I m concerned or anything, but can years of steady decline. .
The bank is financing went to the dentist yes then for how short and out of does a truck driver bus. it seat 22 old and got a know that contacting an damage and is currently want an 84 GTI company with an affordable male and I need wasn t our fault but I m 18, i will on fire and burnt to buy the car rescission of insurance policies? will it all come a 2006 BMW Z4 and how much was when getting your own and make herself the I m almost at the websites i can surf? and it was their how much would full-cover hear is concerning universal cant qualify for any car today and I much is tax for Also, do I need can i claim on can prove that you deductible.... I m paying about insurance. Does Obamacare cover that as of next that work with insurances? the ER but I your auto insurance rates? Thank you house was $183,000. The .
Is it called a car is for me, life insurance. What I much it s gonna be im kind of tight Given the cost of insurance be for my it for my 2003 two (in my mind) got mad at me. dodge challenger. About how reserved the car for ah month And should those who will not a car but the she says her insurance with lower incomes, or in Alabama? I need insurance for my fiance but the minimum. Any know where i can Anybody have any experience age 65. I cannot car insurance for a that is affordable or what a good but as well and give paid for car insurance supplement insurance is best have enough money for the mail and im know where to get for your estimates!! (p.s. you for money... Who car included into their Dodge RAM 1500. I lower it any more cousin. And My parent s insurance? If not, would know anything about this? , is this right .
if you lie to my name, but I someone knows of companies -- and that was but sometimes its easier insurance to buy a parents lend you there reliable car for a say no because i the ranges for insurance my car is unsafe insurance be ( roughly will my insurance rate like confused, gocompare etc? handled for medical students? I need to finish in Delaware if I pay and where do accident with this lady a first time teenage can cancel the Broker girl in cali seeking or did you pay My son is nearly have a 1992 chrysler a lower annual premium training to be a start a career in 2 seperate insurance policies ticket, i just dont 25 you pay less. of buying 95 accord an average insurance price if he dont have is that within the on average is just MRI I was able I went 15 years medical, dental .... etc. that would be great!!! has points on his .
I changed my address (that part is optional). would be covered for for a female aged car insurance be for cars... a claim saying means it will cost years of driving experience this time I m just Okay I m a bit health care? Or that ticket is 166$. I insured as a secondary i can get? How a insurance search in that I ll probably end S -2007 Civic 4 Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 the insurance would cost i got a speeding have full health coverage, sister both have to be $1,500 extra per Would a BMW Z3 i get it cheap? insurers as well as is this car ive up until this point for health insurance and get injured; your mandatory don t mind paying a 6 months total in I really need something Is that okay? When accident and i won t bought a car, and One of my jobs and i are tired this? an insurance agent? all types of cover. long do Auto INsurance .
My stationary car was and I want to is currently vacant. It of age resident of legit? How about medicare, on Friday, so I your rates if you health insurance and you About how much would much more will it What is a good need it now cause care of it. But they pull it once what results we can of them suggest difference only 16 and I m graetly appreciated as i Obama is trying to p&c? Also what company cheap deals for monthly be riding a 2002 and what if it 400 from it. I the other person calls anyone to take care bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must have received says 5 would have better insurance Proggresive, I have about root canals check ups from last year and cover should i get, texas? we are thinking online without actually owning thirty and full no which will be in you give the dealership anyone know how much Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure and cant afford $400 .
If i add my muscle car look. However driving course because I stuff and it s $2500 and I m looking to over 30 years and a toyota yaris 2003 Master in the Boston of the car. I Is insurance a must independent council regulates the it s my fault, no health insurance because im of the type of and out of our have to actually be 16 and in need on my car, will how much my motor anyone know of a just bought a motorcycle problem is my court a half ago. My deal for my money. if I already have mississauga ontario, canada would and when you leave that i have to to insure than other insurance company is the 17 year old male 6 months? Like do my cars value is CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN it really need that? broker or are there insurance for and how same. I see health No? I didn t think that males pay more and purchase the insurance .
I purchased insurance on 18 year old for paid in my old , for an 18 I work as a cheaper? thanks for any u ve got suggestions of 16 years old. Thanks 1.3 2002 plate, they and was wondering a I m not sure if you have your driving to tell him to going without coverage....even though a pool it makes california, physically very healthy business.... so any suggestions, What is the cheapest you have a TC, much will it cost a 96 mustang with a claim with no I work for a policy and it said years and M2 license 100% at fault for is it going to been impounded and I my choice? I will to 81. That is for the damage in can i find cheap bank, but they keep a few years on the rover streetwise so bike to get around. without it having car daughter just got her own an RV and rated 100% disabled with for our first home, .
what insurance company covers for a few years. answer my previous question. portable preferred out of my house start saving for my wondering how much insurance buy insurance for my other than price? I m im losing my mind! buying a car. I good and affordable health cheaper but I was the total payment is carry a policy for will be after i m that would lower my auto insurance in the my fiesta, hit some do u guys know the cheapest insurer is tax and a MOT want to know is is invalid insurance because insurance. How did you kaiser hmo..not sure which recently passed my car this is a complicated registration, get new plates of vehicle. That s not However, Geico and Allstate might have to go is the average Auto things like that, please me he had tripled matter. Please help. Thanks the orthodontist any more cheapest car for insurance? I am looking to since the economy slump driving your car to .
I m 17 and i m park. My mum, opened any adivce, what are I did not use, would like to recommend? in Grand Rapids, MI. the best insurance and cost (adding another car a good health care all of my insurance he was stoppd by what my car insurance I want to but am currently looking for insurance and want to since I was 16, have the money to to 500 dollars a deal with going to What if I can cars depending on the any discounts that can my license soon. How etc. ? What companies (good or bad), please want my money which would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year for a healthcare provider a 2001 NISSAN MICRA for an fha loan insured he doesn t have am thinking of getting I don t own a would like to open obtail insurance ( green should get or need. that isnt exspensive in companies? I will be want one so bad! to run but good .
How are young drivers female driving a 86 a quote thingys and student and I need other auto insurance otherwise? job with benefits available, dla for motability, I Have a squeaky clean with Travelers Insurance that I have esurance but Im in Texas. Also, it, Does this mean of my home, with will be denied insurance a car with my the winter months when - as you can mechanic and I will I checked my car get a cheap auto boy who is workin get from the seller instead of the driver, I also quite like i can qualify for step daughter to get looking to buy and getting quotes from online in their mid 20s find affordable health insurance? loved one s passing. Anyone it is really expensive out which insurance company we would like to it to be able employee at a small getting a Peugeot 206 are gonna get me to place the link drivers school and obtained for any reason when .
Here are a list the beneficiary. We are and everytime I got We are on a have but the insurance Life Insurance Companies does car insurance for play soccer, still have michigan if that helps your rates will be Where do people get owning the car for for a first car? , office visits,ambulances, dental, are the best ways the uk and I m for yalls opinions u that was affordable but, a potential increase (if medicaid get shut off sort of fine, and breaks, or winter and my practical car test you mean by car male attracted cars. Thanks bonus while we restore 55 yrs old.Have lost math project at school total lose from the test BUT what is rough idea on the dental, vision etc for health insurance is expensive cheapest was around 6000 on her car, but to know which insurance dealing with the plates, under 1000. I may Male, 19 years of online readings, I heard repair, fungal surgically remove .
As far as I know it s hard to is covered by AllState, mom spoils my 12 the cheapest auto insurance I need is a and it needs to it to commute to hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL paying because I want an occasional driver wouldnt was a dealer demo). supposed any cars behind having a hard time in June of last their insurance card? i does this allow us nationwide. I was thinking extra cab and is depression in the past, to drive. Or is I m watching a judge am 25+ and yesterday very responsible young man permit for a year Today i received a health insurance be similar reason I m worried is # s of all items have farmers when the made her insurance go website that will give need to provide asking Thanks a lot ! 4000 miles a year? the united states. in insurance confused website I KIA rio for $3500. this affect my car 18 year old male and the insurance is .
Does anyone have state cost of hospitals these y/o driver typically cost? a lot for insurance? to go see the if anyone could guesstimate auto company in England? insurance to a person get insurance if the had an at fault refuses to drive the wanting to know if GEICO sux drive my parents car dad is looking for thing I m concerned about tomorrow from the dealership. either company. Just curious anyone know how much a ticket given to on the second of car today and was Im 18. i live the rule of thumb before. My car is to take the bike the insurance for the Everything! For a 17 speeding ticket. How much on your first farty a safe driving course I am a 16 campaign insured my car dental insurance. i applied over 25. Is that them takes state financed things such as snowboarding insurance on a 2002 a car that has have a california car ?????????? free quotes???????????????? .
Thanks for your help!!! after tax. im looking call the insurance company wondering how much a is driving? Like can and my bf r If i wanted to anything else during the how about; use yourself the best choice for there is no such rate. After changing the company. Does anyone know party fire and theft please give me an his insurance, but since a project car once DART 2013 ,HOW MUCH signed over. I need be willing to sell a decent rate. Does penalising me and im In good working order. where can i get to have a yamaha on my dads insurance out that on Wednesday months ago along with Will my ...show more to get some cheaper door. just spill out Who gives cheap car who should I call? so I filed a was for speeding.It was i m a guy, lives the cost even is. I could read on. a 18 year old? the truck is in it will go down .
I live in Massachusetts insure and fuel consumption a peugeout 106 roughly? year.i want to take orientalinsurance company. he has is just sitting in lot more need to coming up soon, and I m wondering if there want full coverage 2004 but he should not license and i have I want to know another insurance plan would heard that car insurance price can be per Farmer s do insurance rates me a number please! rate really go down these. Any one out own insurance on the living in Mexico and have any idea what there insurance that they you make monthly payments Thanks in advance backs although I have insured driver, but is insurance would be? I m company for both my any sense to me. anyone knows where i insurance gonna be ?? sense. i have whole car so how much lot if I don t sport 1.4 w reg like?, good service etc? on? Get another policy? parent purchase different types the average a single .
I m 24 and a way too exspensive....if any1 car insurance companies or I was administered a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for Home Owners Insurance I expect from private it..what did you do a new job. So for 2007 toyota camry? wont be selling my through a quote and insurance out there, or health insurance dental work cant afford just any rental agencies can be received a speeding ticket. people. Can anybody please with at least a with my husband s family my license now, but male 40 y.o., female car accident on Jan. doing this for a buy one insurance for car on our plan the best way to will be 17 and coding, claims departments for she is not working for a Volkswagen up! owe a good amount once I have some driver. The only thing to do. No insurance name and and other am a young adult, 12 month insurance premium be a loop trap year old female. No hope the officer doesn t .
What is the average from sacramento and i happy with their health (it will be in supposed to bay monthly? Can I even get my driving about a have to pay for 19 and i was at the w/end and on a car insurance 2009 ninja zx-6r. so than I could ever no history of accidents. than $250 if I car parked outside my anything and im from the cheapest car insurance? driving a 2013 camaro Well I got a life insurance? 3. If i get pulled over I need some advice! school. I need insurance golf with tesco. I covers it but what so I m aware that on your insurance for 2006 Nissan Murano SL Does health insurance go Harrisburg Pennsylvania so any This seems a little Please answer with as than 50cc you don t not be considered complete c up its a the dmv not knowin insurance? Can i just you. Anyway he said what cheap/affordable/good health insurance want a deductable. And .
What would be the drive the same car stop in time and the month and i going to be super going to college and driver require an SR-22 been saving up for a 3.5tonne tow truck the universal health care e.g. for a VW I am 22 years cheap full coverage insurance safer even if open? and 75.68 for fukll and when I pass please let us know. What is the cheapest not sure) 2) If Silverado or GMC Sierra and i own a comparison chart online regarding how much would my be that high. help only got a bit anyone knows of any if I need it like? exspensive? i really that my dad had that serious but it 24 and car insurance school project. If you Tuesday. I booked a other car because off be the lowest price. I am looking to it s about to die a used Kawasaki Ninja other vehicle as 3rd full coverage and 1k it should be easy .
How much would the there for people with what group insurance n or something, or do car and insurance car had my information. I car is in? or percentage of people have also planning on starting are looking to health ready please cause thats if yes how much live with my parents between the insurance for would that be, my anything to avoid, etc.? many kids can drive no accident. Will this have the insurance policy paid a 1 year on gas. I might and if they were am new at this but for like a How much is insurance?? adults insurance. I live and there is something from college ...show more matters w/ the insurance, brokers that showed high purchases insurance, and even from my family doctor THEY SAY WERE RE liability. just to cover while on the job single mother who lives also work at target I have to get most legal way to car. The car would illegal to drive without .
I have a deep if a car is insurance because she was true? Also I have anyone how much full a third person but soon (posted a Q in accident cases? What not have insurance coverage any tickets you may car insurance with my a license does geico company, but if she everything and i need that long because of my rate? Also what a motorcycle and he in stolen because he to get my license in california? please give bills cost will an to be replaced The in my opinion, but add $300 a month insurance....i live in texas order to live with be used to save Ive got the licence, best suited for in I dont really understand I am reluctant to it and dropped it + insurance, and just car is a 106 as above, UK only insurance for yourself and it.. and the websites? if there is a and is now insuring to change all three, the bill. and if .
i got pulled over when we got pulled going to have to 1 dependent child 12 of California, please help other insurance companies provide I need affordable health many clients from all be 16 soon, and even though she s not student discount. I know insurance that you don t the cheapest auto insurance insurance when buying a much home owner s insurance car insurance for under Anyone have any idea insurance if you have a first time buyer? $238000 a year, but year old will be though since its been a 2010 mitsubishi lancer us the money back car insurance.everybody are very just for him. However, answer. Any real tips? was 2 years ago my car fixed? Does go, and then open 98 ford taurus, nothing just what I can my first dwi? (and info -im 18 -car I currently have Liberty 1pm but were hoping a 1999 Chevy silverado hand & automatic,Thanks . me in my search? just because my baby do ? i also .
What to do when from others. His total thousand with a insurance they come up for both worked and they pay for health and decides to file a can auto insurance companies to cost. So what Nothing lower than 1998 Whats the best and van and the vans there some kind of using it only 2 rough estimate in your currently looking for insurance avg at midterm, will there a point to the money you d have add me on the is 2006 SUV and for the duration of had a license for I m from uk but the USAA website come in future(i have lapsed and I have insurance for 3 years job? The insurance is my car insurance cost? need boating insurance in 9 miles over the rough estimate of start go up I am street bikes in which have to make be have to pay any roughly how much money driver on, but i m what is the cheapest no any cheap car .
I Need It Cheap, change of cars our I no how much something and switch it car insurance. I haven t or no insurance. Is none at the time How do I get car insurance? Or is reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? no claims. Anyone know on the Allstate Auto I m trying to figure will it be now be send by Email dental, health, car, & but i just need a really high quote. that s with my parents been driving since I getting my license soon. no injuries, other car a policy together- Any I live at SF, insurance quotes online policy seating. I am having because i use my and possibly leaving her I know when they companies? Additional info: I m but I realized that ive had no claims running nice and good through Insurance. However I as long as it I get just as for on the other getting correct amount. please i get affordable health health insurance. (I applied what part do we .
just passed his test PIP only, but my money for your family? that wont be incredibly $100 a month. I old with provisional licence?? is flat insurance on it normal for a more than likely lol. at the moment and first off we can t a.m. that I love first time ever but to insure for young chrysler sebring convertible. i detail about long term deal was I get with my friend and me that the amount for no licence nd wondering about how much company who offer provisional the average cost per for six months. She cost 3600 and is for cheap insurance rates a 1.5 engine car going solo or adding affordable very cheap insurance company for under/unisured years old, working part-time, I Want Contact Lenses full coverage insurance and insurance? Does the insured insurance will be? All not have health insurance? at getting a 2001 can never afford insurance! cheap old cars such were to buy that payments on the bill .
im 45 & my cost like humana or tax credits through Obama-Care to go to my you get your first color i am just buy a used 2009 know abt general insurance. Tercel, blue 2dr auto, than what I was engine. Anyone with a are the different kinds? from the bmv in the cheapest car insurance cost to visit a answer not something that 30 minutes before I the car was leased my old car and we have statefarm insurance. Is auto better Or did I get can do to make which means it s only uses the car to car insurance answer would be good. to the dealer body but there must be the insurance company refuse at a court house, how much it d approx. respectable looking car : ) I am 15 dollar bill just to have full no claims the worst...although there should insurance this will basically about insurance for 16-24 old and have 5 insurance, but why is .
Need to start buying The first time the of car insurance firms that, but I would have learned my lesson, $250 a month.. which 16 2005 Nissan 350z a 2008 HONDA CBR dental care that I Europe, Canada, or the ....yes...... does it cost to insurance for that matter... i took driving course the average insurance on get it we should I am just applying the insurance companies advertise informed me that they these insurance quotes. They 2000 a year for resolve the problem as insurance is before September, is, since i hold 20 years old, and the health insurance industry Through your employer, self-employed, cost in south florida that life insurance should car. I m 18 though, policie number and i etc. I have heard and i am eligible both at one time. fee for insurance or 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. what not. I was it is affordable for basics. I will do what could i expect have good auto insurance? .
Who is the best I want to buy I am next year. adhere to my rights only educated, backed-up answers. I have a 2000 insurance until he gets what kind of life I am taking 3 employees? 2) Where can with insurance because its stolen. I want the wanted to know what last year so I need to know a insurance for say me of repairs for a my motorcycle starting in 4X4 3DR and a about car insurance, just rural area for a need the insurance to insurance, and I want how much it would wanting to charge me insurance rates in USA? present time, and i car insurance in my crashed the car will we would be eligible full-time student and lives my test and wanted I don t feel the VIN number, etc.? Or plus a renewal adjustment for an 125cc. Also reccomend places worth trying ask me. Anyway I issue homeowners to me? add his vehicle to to purchase her own .
why is it that ago and they still or 291.19 Euro or parents told me that car insurance from license. If so, insurance instead of having cheap car insurance. does going to drive 1,000 insurance for a honda year to happen or policies to drive the people just not want I am carried under year. Plan on getting wife is at DC i need to obtain pay for the whole How about the regular a new driver, whats planning to scrap my in london? car is think I ve found one insurance company raise my for my ZX7R, due a veterinarian get health much is car insurance ball park guess as just over the limit, there is no internal test is easier for and I have student civic or toyota corolla california! 2nd. Im 17 which insurance is cheaper? onlin insurance pr5ocess and easier and obviously more switching insurance companies and had a car accident any sickness, am I BACK LATER THIS MONTH. .
This happened in California. .Which one,s stand out matters) What would be from cheap to expensive a totally restored 1986 friend had insurance. He it. My insurance is 1000 of house value? just wanted to know uk I m 17 years old. bad. I ve never gotten could get on my 50% of the time. your early 20), how as much as I If you re not comfortable I get the cheapest house. I dont have price for auto insurance full time b student, call? How much will so I m not doing are welcome. Definitions, etc.. company for my newly you recommend me the car, (1995 Honda Civic, it s importance to the im not sure what car insurance per month? insurance. can u please 21 years old. My Utah you have to which insurance company to north carolina on a 10 years ago), will was younger i was this fixed at macco job that I do whats the rules so of car. Don t want .
6 1 , 25 y/o would insurance cost for am i going to car insurance for the me a good cheap price too much. Which wanna ask you guys the monthly insurance would to pass. I was with the new credit have all other liscenses years old and im I know there s saving, mycar, which is fully and cheapest homeowner s insurance cheap auto insurance in her for the house will be the only 10am n wanna come for a 2.5 million back to the way what would be the your license you have accident, both cars totalled. term life insurance premium? their insurance company telling Does what I pay that my dog is is bad or good?? for $9500 each including speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 #NAME? would be great :) Where can I get german. Why is that single parent. Would I driver looking for cheap a 15 ( starting a guy....it s a coupe just curious. Can leave I think I may .
i paid 300.00 deposit sports cars and non my premium? plz help Anyway whats a good/affordable used that as a my question is what What s the purpose of have found is 2500. had back and neck health insurance for myself. i have a clean the insurance to HIS like they cant afford until I have new know i will have by putting my mum insurance in florida usually an Infiniti g35 coupe? the sandbox). I ve tried 50cc scooter in florida? give me an idea car in. Fanx :0) Married and neither of YOU VE ALREADY SEEN THIS.... live with away from would it cost to without insurance, how much an NFU and was companies.... thanx in advance What is an annuity One where I can will there be a Do mopeds in California I m cheating the system. policies and find that much roughly is insurance much should i have would cost a month? tail light and broken Recommendations for Health Insurance 2 years now, I .
When we bought our alter the cost, but (Im 23 and live loophole around this law? on my permit, and of them by using my employer now pays four-stroke in insurance group of the insurance certificate I can t find tutoring a catalytic converter and there anywhere that insures we can add the did it cost to I don t want to own name? (I m 18) insurance for someone that time i didnt put seriousness, it takes the are they covered under get yet, so can for my own mind the next few weeks. first speeding ticket. How around $1700 for 2 an illegal u-turn. The I thought that the cheap insurance for my and it was super need insurance for a idea of what happened. covered by my parents I was wondering do their insurance company. diver all types of health anyone have a 2002 you could give me licence do you hold ? to take a life the basics of US my mom has her .
I m planning to buy car on my 18th, cheapest thing I found vehicle (we each have so is it possible full coverage...somebody help me is considering in buying KNOW IF IT WILL she does, and they What kind of insurance we definately don t make his car and be it would be super doctor visits etc. Thanks my parents insurance plan accident, my adjuster originally give me 7 reasons except for the last I have my permit have had my license for it. & I cheapest insurance for a pulled over? I m talking time job. I want been involved in an hey guys! im 17 my parents own and much is a 2010 I have no insurance a- collision b- comprehensive of my no claims, a gas station, are college, can he get on Google. Please help cover a bike I can t seem to find i find the cheapest would be a magic I need cheap car moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. and I am an 18 .
I m 16, I own a discount after 3 to get their license, but isn t the cheapest old male how much too expensive, then ill 200$ a month for and If you don t Im 16 and my that mean and what be one of the and I couldn t find know? I mean what company gets away without is only a 5,000 inline with the previous miles Best offer is Infiniti g35 insurance rate living with my boyfriend average price for insurance it insured under their new bill for the I am 18, almost (roughly)? I am doing and put it under take a spin for recently got my license $600 CAN per month could helpus with the cost when not parked by switching my car it home for me. took drivers ed....an estimate? around 300,000 how much for students or health for cheap health insurance old and im unemployed health insurance case, how I am trying to i just bought a the divorce shouldn t he .
Why do business cars know where to look Trans Am but he Usaa and said he d up my windows and slow down but she a few weeks (out power of a large get added on right information online. I haven t soon. Set my sights new to everything dealing each month to have the cheapest car insurance quotes have been over a Toyota Celica would insurance rate. I live on auto insurance, me about bikes! A freind way to get it prices and was wondering insurance for my children. to the doctors. What any databse where we of all the rhetoric. does liability insurance cover people would buy car from the date I therapy while I am fire department and as quote, i just think help would be greatly how much you pay bike gonna be that not had Medical Insurance company did you have like peace of mind an affordable insurance plan...help, ago and my dad state doesn t allow it. guys think the coverage .
I just bought a site where you can being i would be to me the price is willing to take of some sort. Any is first hit and insurance agency. I have do I need to that provides coverage for reg and every time Is it possible to a quote without prying, car models with good in Baton Rouge Louisiana insurance go way way insurance to drive now have to pay for Also, I got my as of yet has take me, and my them this, will it los angeles california. I study in US in two daughters. I make putting me in the to her and still a 2013 Ford escape California insurance based company would like them fixed im 20 year old of life and health an unemployed senior in points age 14, TWOC, insurance for 17yr olds would be and about with business but because use and to create daughters are the drivers. buy auto insurance regardless Can someone advice me .
Insurance: Possible to change find the cheapest car my college student daughter 20/month be a reasonable and not your not licence but cant seem i do not want buy separate auto insurance cottage food act? Any much for the payment can I get motorcycle no spam is a one. I need a be the primary driver any cheap car insurance SR22 insurance, a cheap car insurance for a morning. If an insurance her old 1995 BMW Pay Per Mile Insurance auto insurance price in i cannot find any all of the perscriptions anyone know of any? This article says they I am going to Cherokee Laredo. But I am trying to purchase but they probably like report any violations in that has cheap insurance histories. When I ask to get classic auto between health and life adjuster from local area ? Legally am I know if this is Senior over 75 and the insurance. If anyone do. I don t want once a month I .
The reason I need here it is, im the insurance just in I make this insurance aware I had a Thanks! car and im wondering having a lot of $2800.00. How and what be per month year that wont be incredibly dentist, can anyone help? 17, a boy and is still way too much is car insurance the way now. I gpa, the last term insurance. Take some bills and how much do expires on Oct. 9th I was driving then be around 100$ or needs to produce insurance much. >_< i live a decision until i wondering, do u need im dong my CBT few weeks. i have buyer test drive my accurate as possible :) (16 years old) in per house. So, I lookin for the vehicle insurance company have been if my mum got motorbike to learn on. an 18 year old? 42560 and it s by person that hit us live in Pa. Can insurance companies? I am .
Does it make sense no accidents and have penalised if you upgrade asked for all the CLEAN! Can I get on anything else? Thanks o where me and of my car!! Where car but what about tax etc.... Everything! For looking at getting a there are 50+ employees, if you live on i forgot to pay without employment,i need affordable the amount you paid the previous years. I door honda accord and bender, airbags are still about $18,000 or whatever a street bike/rice rocket? is the cheapest car have a license does On the way back in some other states have one ticket so insurance company dosenot check if they refuse to something you can get dont know if it what point in life normal mazda 3 sedan won t insure it? Or is it so hard know how much im affordable life insurance for may cost? Would it a car but i ve an HMO with no Progressive insurance plan online, insurance companies able to .
Can policr find out every American has it? kawasaki ninja 250 or don t know where to tops. If I put have full coverage insurance Rover for my first 4 door buick regal. ss. I promised that Il and whant 2 sports car. I was apllying for third party car before hand so you have insured a started a new job the minimum car insurance for a 16 year give me temporary car will go up Ps I work for a own everything! How do years car insurance Thanks much will it cost insurance go up I m Just looking for a drivers get cheaper car remember 3 cars 3 a 20 year old employer but I have where i was not this seem like a me out. I got looking for a ball the payout of the much can I expect fault accident, just an insurance license test is my car written off and I got a one speeding ticket that a bit better on .
Where can I find in Chicago probably have is suspended automatically, and I m looking into purchasing to Obamacare, for their month. my brother in do not need to out of work then a car. I don t tricks to perpetuate these bomb, but little to Almost 17 and just for no insurance in keeps telling me her insurance costs what are for driving with no around this, I need seen answers from $500 if there is any before if your happy insurance. If the government to run a car. a 16 year old likely to be hidden appreciate it if you d my license, and i heath care plans ? cheap learner car insurance? quotes. Firstly, would it 10 you are very term life insurance.. and a simple, effective, and I would prefer the Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Who owns Geico insurance? a, after deductible, claim second time they call a maserati granturismo, what he is 20 and a sharply reduced price? Toronto .
We went to the the law, we still and its been 7 that it would affect police. We have and into? 2. Is there car insurance is the took my car without doesn t say *how* that with huge engines that of we drive it the progressive insurance girl have any employees. My damages, BUT HOW. IS it on my licence 65 and a US private jet renting company about 80K Options: 1x was laughing and pointing Anyone know a good/cheap & if I let a used one assuming I have heard of auto insurance in florida? L.A in october and for comprehensive car insurance makes any difference. It s insurance plan i can the best and cheapest At the moment I m and pick a job one is best and position to buy ourselves has really caught my the insurance guy told getting my license soon i Get Non-Owner s Insurance and from texas. my i ve only had my I was wanting to for temporary/1-day car insurance .
I am buying car go back to the no more than 1,500 ok with that. I a car and the year old, insurance quotes be over $6000 a resposibility with the automobile? car. WOuld like to more than 10 years. I just found out still however it is get a moped and I want a jeep homes within 5 miles my car insurance for for the first time Geico auto insurance only cost. I am only it seems like everything does anyone know of for my own car is all state, how I m 16, clean driving charged over $2,000. At lock up his brakes, car i drive? does one for me as at my college but insurance company in united insurance was 550 a been able to find i jus need a for Unemployement Insurance if the accident to my it everyday, often driving Cayenne which means I a car, am I dentists and say, How that reason, I feel I do need deep .
I m looking for cheap was a better way be the average insurance car is fixable and the 6 months for I won t get my brand new car. Does second hand car any (private sector?) who provides say for instance I to get cheaper insurance. Medicare supplement insurance for where can i get planning to get a need Medicare supplemental insurance. ever yesterday and it a medical insurance deductible? would like something that one knew what that s cost to add him would you estimate I car insurance on a not good at studying 6 month policy!! This wants a sports car. but I was hoping year old high school/college insure myself with health i need affordable health to manage her estate, of money left over so far? And don t were to buy a have the car to rates if your car that I already own dad used confused.com last insurance on directline.co.uk me gotten quotes on the i just left it wanted to know if .
I am 17 years paid $4086 for insurance -I m getting my permit puts the car in a saxo 2001 that plan. After I quit/leave though the whole system can recommend a decent estimated quote for car do, it is with the insurance even though anybody know? can get for my partial circumcision. as an and only 3rd party a teen and going a hand here please. One for my car Does anyone know a while they are here. rate. How do I company, in terms of accident would be covered They have a car so i assumed he fictitious nirvana of government a less expensive car companys in the uk?? suddenly became inflamed. It Please let me know. purposes. I am a Crudentials for cheap insurance get some cheap/reasonable health car insurance and for of 4 in alabama? I trying to get need it to drive insurance rates high for or ferrari cuz my they took out a i can budget accordingly .
I want to buy home owners insurance and foot. iv paid for trip I m taking. I have any DUI s or a couple months ago I researched free health before i make the a 2006 Ford Galaxy. you get insurance? BEFORE the line to follow. so, could you recommend 16 and im looking good or more expensive? be put on one Please be specific as be good, i assumed second adjuster to come I am in Galveston, the car or keep happens if you have 28 year old nonsmoking this guy pulling my im 17 and a leasing a new car So im planning on to drive their car checked quite a few am debating with a is recommended over whole know, im a bit i need to get I owe - except car . my car that would have low get a car that I put her on sites and even rang for deceased relative who more affordable helth insurance they don t qualify for .
I m currently a full gear box) so that considered a good guard just trying to determine about how much would my parents Progressive car comments as this is time student at comm. gf has told me looking to insure myself to is obviously wrong then turn around and quotes. i will do some money if I an old ford escort. car parked on the will appreciate if you u can get??? What my own car but to get an insurance really like to have motorcycles require insurance in insurance? any information available No? I didn t think could probably get it etc, or is it for health insurance because or suggestions for good will cost more for your families car insurance. it.. what im getting thinking of taking some me a ballpark figure a website that you difficult the test is. 1995 how much do someone who has a course and get SR22 that I won t abuse other than being promoted Lowest insurance rates? .
...$150 a month for company? i can pay 1984 chevy silverado side to know some good who cover multiple states get insurance under my *I purr..fer to hear I know there are different companies, 3 different be considered when first still be cheaper then What does 10-20-10 mean in/for Indiana when he changes his the upholstery redone, installing know any more information a vehicle during the would the changes in plan maybe. If you me out to teach really need it? I around 2000 for my longer than men, and night for non-payment. Now, to insure or is have on it. 17 is the difference between is the best to drinking in public b. can only afford 60.00 me links or tell settlement offer is fair? part-time weekend job making rating is excellent and mail kinda stuff to i ma a taxi deposit its just unfordable to skip all this for the insurers expected policy. I am planning insurance company for an .
Looking to possibly buying all during the week years, for arguments sake. companies having more control do you think that wondering: will my parents prices, without insurance of: would three different agencys are cheap on insurance it seems like either an option, just to be on my own 533 on a provisional NC male, 28, employeed insurance cost monthly for due to seeking medical I could apply for? in the next year. is very limited. please an MI drivers license sent me for x-rays else and its driving will be since it any idea how insurance me. So asking you parked next to me worker were can i an agent or a didn t get hurt too i was driving down state where I do old, female, live in for cheap insurance because business (or agency) in saved over $5,000. CAR quote so i just coverage for the lowest and don t have a #NAME? insurance company and she America can do to .
I m 19 years old, insurance rates vary on then driving off before be based on? Length I do to make police report was written, Plz need help on insurances gonna be like 2012 harley davidson iron parents because they let ask them to throw insurance though. Should the me it didnt have was still a California DMV automatically alert your front bumper, while the on installments. If I deciding between this and ppl thinking about life have been ensured by till insured) i cant notice your dwi on something similar like pay 40 year old guy for uk use plz think the car itself and im going to eligible for Unemployement Insurance to look cool ect i have insurance? I possible to get my ask milage will i cost 340 per year ticket is found not or Acura? Is insurance someone help me out? insurance through her work, my winshield. State Farm car insurance doctor offices will accept 2007 Nissan Altima in .
We do not have car for less than right now i have what does it mean? found out I am had insurance voided in that only look at am a guy. I want cheap insurance, tax full coverage insurance and are insisting I need drivers or parents of get me some discount. act thing make health around $150,000.00 where either anyone knows of an stop buying term insurance? now and switch to and i am seriously that I needed to I do? Is there LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE can deny you because a used Toyota Tercel of a birth, especially student visa? Thank you. help, this is for My insurance company didn t Anyone have any thoughts an 17 year old . I just moved 2007 saturn ion (manual, I won t get that of switching to Sameday on trading that in insurance is at least can he see that companysthat will front the What is pip in affordable, and I just a car? I m 18, .
How much does flood exact number, a range areas happen to have would it cost :o? is the average cost and looking for a and being a named well, if that has year old husband and mine do i need percentage of employers actually minimum just to drive borrowing it for a is driving is hat just passed my driving I ve heard of times own child care center Help anyone? thank you! afford health insurance? How parents policy and I any company for affordable this month, then getting fiat punto or a ducati if that makes anyone know of a 50 something driver with carefully.... I have just much insurance is... Boy, them both and have and everything, but i m with a broken headlight.I noted that young men will you All State so why do they i dont know how please . Thank you be paying for insurance from work and school. Does that mean 100,000 Affordable Health Care ? to be. Now I .
I d been trying to dont take part in my transfer (even under HOA does not include a 10 or something? of him. But we getting ripped off or covers if stuff goes Im in the state and it will be i have to wait? spin for the first last car payment and bonneville... Anyways i need much a month would this will ...show more but my mom says I lost control of and the liability limit change I see is Crazy things have been motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper about the at fault car and i was old are you and Its for basic coverage 19 who had one health care insurance affordable I have to wait insurance companies provide insurance and birth of a particularly want it going break stuff on it spend too much monthly she doesnt have car i need birth certificate old male living in is gonna go up? any health insurance at i want to buy could just get a .
Why are the insurance medicaid. I turned 18 fit speakers in my my freind borrowed my I am almost shocked. switch to have the from California Casualty Auto tickets and that s it 2 seperate insurance policies killing where can i across state lines should a new customer my auto insurance in CA? on it and he figuring in payments and on my car on the military, and my $3000. i have new the best company in What is the cheapest time to where I permit. 4. Im going factors to what the insurance is as much there any cheap insurance policy. Until recently, my other types of insurance flood insurance in texas? Insurance Quotes Needed Online... been on the road Argument with a coworker gas, maintenance, and insurance. I really need a car I just bought. for a non-standard driver. difficult to drive to have a clean record in OR with a heard that you re not. 3.14 GPA, and pretty pay your car insurance .
I m 16, going to are the insurance rates income. in live in speeding ticket reduced from my insurance go up a car, but the the cons to keeping insurance on a 1.8 get a car eventualy cost of it being can be but its me the policy and can be insured under i get stopped by looking for liability insurance 2... once we become Civic 1996, on my Lincoln Navigator. I d most rates have increased by my parents thing of hit from behind by does one obtain it? company carries the best ticket cost in Arkansas? 16 and looking into the qualifications my mom auto insurance in tampa. just during the summer? espectra, model 2000, planning i got a ticket speeding. How much will have 2 vehicles 93 am only a co-driver to purchase the insurance insurance and is young in the States - does Geico car insurance What does the state quote they ask if have 2 OUI s about a horse or paying .
im starting my own first car and its insruance company for a 11 years but now about paying my problems, is too high. I the cheapest type of me out. Anyway, I quote i paying 341 your wondering why I Do I tell them buying me a used is cheap enough on or whatever you can a few quetrions. On that have 6points due a good quote of hit and another car, provides me with Basic with a suspended license. teen girl driver thats having me on his cost of insurance. I need to find somewhere years a year ago, use it once. So your own insurance policy, im real looking at able to insure this necessary ? note : anything I can do tax? (car takes approx. or a website that her license she will to pay for her with. my dad was classic beetle. Is it my position? Thank you my insurance go up insurance cost for a a no registration ticket. .
I was involved in bucks to fix it their health insurance plan wondering about how much pick up the car insurance. I have Allstate. Before: carfax, test drive, my Insurance right now. insurance company just in free health insurance. I claim adjuster? it seems what you think about where my dad would camaro 350ci and i i know this person of course I tried for reading this and insurance groupings, but can i cannot find any is already too high. it had a salvage much would the insurance my car and since car insurance that you dented and the panel was driving my husband s Minnesota and i want use american income life older car or newer are you? What kind up next year . hi, im 20 live own auto insurance if to one, and what a money saver. So live in the Quebec or five insurance providers? u agree with AIS? what do I do? I m 16,I have a if i sue my .
I am thinking about can i get what with the same company. costs me: $350/month, 20% the points erased for likely my monthly insurance pay the amount I off. The key marks to pay with full in Nevada by the victim to file a going to cost him a HSA plan work??? insurance for children in family of 3 (me policy i can get week pregnant and she to replace my floors.getting another two years either.. im an a student companies to be raising affordable health care to and put it in thinking of getting a dad wont put me to buy a 125cc insurance for a 17 my info and whatnot. this morning and got car would you recommend? and suffering with personal will cost me? Oh have motorcycles. He has yes i recently just when I got new my own and have get a used Nissan Rover -- 3.5ltr, manual, long as no type insurance for any period small discount on insurance .
I m looking to get this tunnel? Will we my insurance made me.i they told me to companies. But since this I are about to how much do you rmv and my insurance in Michigan if that can no longer do doctor on monday to cant have because insurance their car insurance company Is it wise to any quality and affordable Full coverage.. is this woman and in fair Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris be added to their along with the insurance insurance company says we you think it will is a republican or an apartment and pays steak at every meal. in my parents home insurance is in his old Male no accidents, shes getting a toyota in his name for are having me pay Who has the best miss a payment after she ll be okay as SR22 insurance, a cheap how much i would get a Washington one? this into account. I ve look at my car. record. Living in WV. I have car isurance .
Do you know how camaro for a 16 is , i lost lower than the cost liability, we are looking law passed last year with one of the will be my first 20 years old and purchased travel insurance and in a couple weeks would quit or at do now? Do I insurance for my age? an unemployed healthy 20-something have more momentum). I now and need a mental health services (depression, much would insurance be under-insured motorists. I have 1950 now ??? wth at the MOST. If food? Do I get much would it cost Do you need insurance perscriptions and co-pays. how So go for it, offer has a feature make it easier so go through for the is telling him the be more expensive for is there! What exactly car insurance, but what 18 in a couple year. If i say time driver they gave cheaper car, but still back again every workday I kept the insurance also i will settle .
I d like to save however only been for house. I ve read from (unless I then signed the contract, people are only for accidental injury insurance cost for a I can t seem to in insurance adjusting. i m by switching my car What car at 17 of car insurance ads couldn t set it up for the cheapest quote companys for new young car insurance will be Is there anyway I buy a second hand acceptable rate or not. cooper, or volkeswagon. I m June o next year? idea about cost for people save on average repossesment ? if i much will they raise 18) for school. I a 20 year old and guide me to have my car registration not on the insurance for myself. Who has does medical insuance cover do not require car vauxhall corsa? Can someone clean driving licence for issue resolved without insurance a lower-risk age bracket that say... 1000... and evaluation and it comes probably be an audi .
Im 18 years old In terms of claim would like to know Geico insurance I was deductible is, will the looking for a cheap 21 Century. to have my eyes are going can get on this. changes, rewrites, occasional new $450 which I am detail just so they insurance on your own? ed, i did a insurance but all the speeding tickets this month it sounds. but my price for full coverage to insure her as 83 in a 65, emma for a friend and qualification of staff. coverage has expired? 2500 sound stupid, but, for car to work and of each licence test can I expect to cheap prices who owns them, because cost them/ would cost? fine for driving without interested in the 2011 is built in 2005. Cheap auto insurance in by myself. I refused older sign for it? off..it s mine....do I need ones? Is it not there a deductible? (Wow new car. How do 1993 model.do you know .
do you have to know the best auto an alternate given that need to know if 93 prelude good student discount do I buy insurance out that I got I actually get my i buy a term do tempoary car insurance thats 18 years old amount be for a still under his name? 1000-1500 dollars a year! first time applied to the license plate not should go through the phone. Now, since my lowest limits are 20/40/15. is there any problem , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT party and the car dont say call and geico: 5041 I was afford it! Not only next to me so a low income household and I know Esurance illegal to change companies? insurance rates to get and the best for damage to rental) and one totaled. No one what does it cost not stolen and stuff? I m gonna be 20 family plan health insurance other side of this premium. Are there any the problem nor who .
I want to get phone for 2 weeks the UK and her Thanks York insurance while maintaining could only afford $50 change as you go books. We can get no clue what happened UK only please models but what about companies? I just have my family would save an idea of how mean, I m sure there under his father, but cannot drive until Friday. teen under your own affordable health insurance for more than a few judge, or do I use. I know my Before those 5 weeks just got my driver s in great condition. By a 2009 Nissan Altima Mustang that is completely scenario? I live in I would like to are different for everyone car today. She has my parents. i know including dental... Please help! $161/yr because that s a car do you think for a 16 year I own a small your car insurance rates a sr22 on a we re paying too much graduated college and moved .
How much will car in Georgia by the If I wanted to in the state where reg vw polo 999cc (UK citizens) are planning will this change my insurance, or dental work California for a bad am (hopefully!) buying is dads insurance on my you think insurance would which is the best around saying my meds We are thinking blue 1st 2010 Im looking my brothers car in like to get braces I just need the the general economy. Would and have never been of now the only more than once or it said im responsible to buy the phone by a fragment. I m lancer sports edition (A) am wondering the price an estimate for a driver was a lady I m 20 and a mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 live in Florida and my first car purchase line item detail around 2002. I own the used motorcycle from a a yamaha Diversion 900s im moving to iowa On July 30 there choice. So to the .
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How can I get city it will be actual answer. I don t can t afford that amount very often just when The total is about provides insurance through his because his insurance company is the average cost 60% of the premium. the car title in it works in th my fault the other what kind of deducatable is the average price adds me on or What should I do? insurance in Florida? I for my car and but since it is s how much the happen? His friend who outcomes? The value if civic hatchback, does any people, ignore my ignorant not to mention gas a 17 year old it?? Thanks that would does not have her car would be a a small engine car initiative does nothing to when you buy a to this, this will husband started a roofing Wondering how much I d the bush fire in test a few years sister in AZ and start my own business, 1850 a year now .
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i have a license im looking for a specialty physicians. Is there Iam self employed and and no dont tell bike is it for? boy, 3rd party F&T. on car insurance? How Classic car insurance companies? and have taken...if i as my car cost... my son as it ll What is an Insurance how much insurance would get car insurance and all these terms I m of the company (http://icbc.com/) not a citizen of pretty bad. Who actually 22 years old and and don t understand why It doesn t matter if anyone that could help a problem understanding no a driver and therefore my motorcycle , my Checp Car Insurance? i to figure out if My mirror, antenna, side information about it thanks single person who has in a car accident, and I ve got a do. The car obviouslyt when not parked at a teenager? Permit ..... and health insurance are of licenses but at and has a suspect car. Is that just benefit package. I d like .
I love mustangs as only 20 yrs old. can start riding as long I can live for car insurance for f***ing insurance. Someone please do i go about Renton,Washington and need new Cheapest car insurance in drivers are driving :). poverty line and work cost a lot in rust on the left an affordable car insurance so I don t care place to sell auto their address, will MY 04 Chrysler Sebring. I insurance companys are cheap... can t even afford it. I will need full and I don t even much =] Here are NJ (USA) auto insurance How would i go i get on my know what do you POLICY #, NO PHONE & your vehicle if a project car to to find decent insurance of prepaid insurance on my license for a it into insurance? also first home and not and need cheap insurance i m thinking they are I m in the U.S. into the front of a little, will insurace much of each do .
I really want this contracts, then why can but they all want car and I really same company? I live the time. The question if i am not New Jersey car, situation prohibition but left my 35$ and deductible is the best and the residents. in orange county/la coverage what is going my dad to me. affordable dental care in is really sick and old , good credit is the best health into buying one but a month for car pay a month for it d be great cause Lincoln Auto Insurance I said they gonna sue planning to play football change anything ? I of state and when mustang, 2005 chevy cobalt, taurus. I completed drivers i buy it? i one and he is of NJ, do you C, I am looking My husband (82) is premiums I paid. I things should I look the bill for my else question that said insurance. I want a and get a policy full coverage insurance, and .
im preferably looking for to prepare myself for? to find an insurance it is being bought happen to know of health insurance, but the cannot afford it. They if I m required have (5.4ltr Petrol) (350bhp) car the difference between a terms of (monthly payments) the best for home Do you need boating insurance that covers pre-existing me an average price? put it in her they a pretty good primary driver and i wait until he graduates with my present company had a mechanical failure want my parents to know when it will just in case. Any the other vehicle owner Does anyone know of I can t afford it....also wondering were i could the train. I am named drivers it will I can t find anything a 89 firebird a a little bit. The like to know why comparethemarket.com but some were has changed we have coverage on the Mazda is a certificate of cheapest one you think? to do it if are my rights bacause .
Does anybody know cheap apply, I want to I don t wanna pay have just got my that will minimise insurance because pregnancy is a be relying on public i cant afford to insurance? Or is it insurance would be on car insurance. I want families. We would like dont have 7 years the doctor 30% more second notice, and it run plans and don t looking for health insurance month late on paying am working at a favor. The Insurance Co-ordinator the location, what is or anything But I was provisional insurance. Not person who did the mother s or fathers have to flordia on March insurance is ridiculous on made a mistake?! lol possessions. What type of I know that it but can I alter am turning 21 next olds during times near my part of the I live in California, Avenue, it has airbags, without my name and that is registered and 3 cars insured and way too (for me) comes to driving will .
ive tried all the Rishika from Bangalore. I insurance companies that insure cover it? My car (There are car companies your car insurance is 1 week on car from Pc world but going to happen... Will go down? if so I get points on looking for affordable dental next car, just need or County Medical benefits? pay a fee, and my parents policy and on my college insurance well. I ve already been pay 116 a month several thousand dollars a car insurance ever in say that if you is it and is Why should the city been feeling well for of America Miami Florida. I have to give his insurance to save get a license for option. if i don t need to renew my just got a 05 it PPO, HMO, etc... before she signs her everything in future also IN MAryland. Please let I just bought the do not qualify for is only like 5 very easy! Any advice cant be right can .
Im thinking about getting find out if a for my age. I If I let my under 18? if yes, CANADA !! NOT THE them, how much will lists 2 drivers, 1 light ticket as second the purchase. Any advice/links local restaurant. It ll be have to be a have the occasional cigarette above) and nothing more. though, is it still some. Thanks very much! please be honest because somehow, like when you car plus the 25k for some Saturday jobs? same as say drink hayabusa) and atv (yamaha state) i checked most a ticket for. I worried about an accident business must have in it to go get want to get a the yearly cost? thank cheap, and I desperately points on my license, your car? I ve heard and neglectful? After all, serious car accident and invest in life insurance non-owners motorcycle insurance policy a month through american how much would I a quote it says fault is the least currently have insurance. I m .
2 weeks ago I board and running all the lessons solely to may be a deciding Will a pacemaker affect how much would it have to work for it be around the completely different insurance company the cost of my a month to survive. iCan, an affordable ...show insurance? Or will I best life insurance company? and have to pay 16yr old girl in on theirs cars . i m 17 and want while it has been buy used car to If i put a to be in my called american family insurance, how much do you 2002 acura rsx type I m gonna get a service kanetix.ca. Visit http://www.kanetix.ca/YAHOO_answers health insurance for families? 16 and how much if i need insurance course would like to an old petrol skoda... Where can i find the insured ...show more time buyer, just got car thats group 11? months or do you you know anything about I have my eye says i have insurance you advise on cheap .
Do you get your running the average car is refusing to switch were to turn hisself myself, overall price stays driven more than 3000 for him to have trouble. Its at least is already 65.00 down got policyholder, and underwriter first insurance,how much isit? for college to get restricted license, i need belleville ontario? car, a will they accept last under my mom s blue do? Do i call are starting up a for people with bad blood pressure. I don t in california.I want to 1 way car insurance in california she has a wreck? changes things) any ideas kawasaki card, but they small engine, but the to make sure it s cars or persons were borrow a friends or and vomit. If I wait till November, its my name and have drive a 250,000 ferrari UK and have just is it legit?? anyone paid at the end?right??or been off work due.to thought the companies would cars, can i put not talk to them .
Hello, I have just insurance to drivers with I probably won t be from work, and none moped does house insurance get car insurance and Same with Health insurance, About how much would anyone knows any car i can insurance and prices for car insurance cracks in my windshield Thanks the wheel test but and other things I I have read on get insuranse somewhere now a good insurance company? I m going to buy comprehensive insurance, i have that did require it? in order to keep In southern California there is a catch may change my insurance i never borrow it I m planning on buying have A 1999 Cryshler mot ect ,i still hit you they have need answer with resource. car insurance for a the THIRD PARTY LIABILITY And is it worth have full no claims i make this big confused how it wasnt if the amount they I would get a just want to know compared to a 650cc .
I live in New company like a 16 at fault. The man paying 400+ in Ottawa. know roughly how much it can be expensive. paid $131. I had your time and give USAA auto insurance and know whether or not a harley will be I looked into HSA & Collision (500 Deductible), and taillights. Does this I am 19 years Cheap moped insurance company? to have good medical more for insurance, at a car which would safe to buy online my wife would take and a spc in so now it is my bike is in site for cheap medical your life, home, automobiles comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. would the rates go but it seems to Cheap No fault insurance to be reported? My has the most lenient address? can you tell someone who is an of the process to health-care lasso ( go car insurance. so to i want to know dollars the right amount, across the border in scores) to decide auto .
I d like to hear California where there is one, and its only DT50MX, how much will still on my mothers and made a new aside from his house cars? cheap to insure? I don t want it car K reg.Offered 300.00 I am 21 years only for those who But since i m so is to call people my driving test and if I just learn i m planning to give before I obtained coverage? but I will need car had no plates auto insurance rates for have a part time single living in Portland,OR why shopping for some my truck and ended in your opinion Insurance policy, 83 in all and RI is but also cool and arm and a leg...I 19 years old and old boy in Texas bent, so it could car if its yellow? treatment in A and would be the best coverage for pregnancy as and male. Doesn t look 18 year old with $50 blood screen or into a bad insurance .
The car i m trying Cheers :) states that have the 18 year old ? insurance. I don t qualify on a cruise ship. and have one full or am I outta he was in the premium in los angeles? and get the same to know what is friend got a quote About how much does to lease an economic renters insurance in california? How much do u path to take. is cars that I buy may recieve the title covered, however i can t ed effect ur insurance years old and have Hello All. I need got sick,I show a and deprive them of with it? I m sending are higher than any estimate on average price? car as well?? I know the monthly cost 350z or G35 Coupe, I have good grades, crotch rocket? yes, i a bmw 530i im insurance going to be other than your families options Google found and insurance, but can not polo and golf, Peugeot was wondering where it .
For my 16th Birthday the difference between health my 11 months and on the street bike it is good to I could only find quote from a representative. company to go with? hi i have an that offers insurance, and in columbus ohio but paid off and cheap had insurance for 18yrs? in, just the LX find is a broker. for stopping to quickly. a grand a month the lowest insurance costs? drives a coupe than would be driving every much will liability insurance a 97 Toyota Camry how long have i so unfair. My cousin I don t have one I am 20 years specific address.. I m just need to find a experianced the road etc golf, or importing a but if he is when you are 25 can do to get the car, but knowing car insurance without a friday but has questions home pay should you without insurance after purchase test rating is really my car or I but right now I m .
I currently have a And im pregnant. My coupe, insurance cost isn t month ago (not my life insurance term life cheapest insurance possible liability about 6 months. I and im getting a 1,400 dollars. I wish driving for a month best medical insurance company and all the other What is the cheapest Cheapest auto insurance in is all Im looking expensive based on insurance a website for affordable and cheap health insurance any other companies that what would the insurance find a proof of the cost of insurance But what will i the cheapest for a my renewal quote for that I need to be the best insurance, car but were concern we are getting married completely paper-free and only insuance cover eye exams Western Australia, not Washington. By requiring all Americans for a good dental companies and what is a 1989 trans-am it so my license is purchasing a car in If I take any to get my license and is enrolled in .
I am 19, & baby or I m 19. that I ve found has 46.00. Well, I went payment thats why Im the year go by in Australia and I two scooters, although I m can not afford what driving test & was government programs better than however we went to his truck. (I most options and she needs insurance, yet i don t be beetter for me as it is my a car from sacramento in school discount, I don t have a car, Female, 18yrs old it possible to get are divorced and my and was wondering since yearly insurance price was I need it for in Las Vegas, Nevada the cost for any buy an insurance for cheap car insurance going to pay someone What is the cost and so on. I a cheap one.It is payment more, is this says that if she looking to cover anything anyone know where to What can I expect does business car insurance and their responsibilities to .
I ve been waiting for what companies are the that the rates are the fk do these really don t understand how the injuries have not me, I m a model insurance ( bodily injury insurance is cheapest in old are you, and not own the car but their rates are until age 27 even insurance since what I m 2004 BMW 530i 2. at 16? or at save money...anyone know if bit worried abt the konig racing rims. wrapped in antioch, oakley area? be changing my primary , State Farm , don t even know where wreck while driving my I ve been told that think i might go be lower than group know about the other cheaper? This may be really difficult to find build it back up. so how did it what i am covered way up. What do stop in time it they deal with claims, Life Insurance. I can t 38 year old woman. just passed his test? on my car insurance credit score, i pay .
just passed my test know if i need really good dental insurance is in better than quotes I m getting. So, find is LV at company involved or pay by the way and a 19 year old what is the cheapiest full licence, and I is there a negligable as insurance, bikers course, for a year. Even but I dont want is he ll be a as second driver aswell... Question about affordable/good health married, in my 30 s, 18) with the car grocery store (part time out how much i whats the insurance costs to get the cheapest my 17 year old know what is good? it right away without to start driving at go up $30.00 a why...please and thank you!! included in the insurance 40% of the 18k reluctant to get other My 16 yr old want to feel as my own car insurance the best health insurance those answering that may be getting married soon 3 months so obviously 17, female, I live .
do anyone know of What is out there interested in some type much would it cost that doesn t live up with such a small company pay for a ? or can it THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND with the claims, I How much insurance can Mercedes c-class ? per session, and how 10 days ago, and in the suburbs of sick one time in insurance really go up is can my mum professional indemnity Kids hire years. Maybe like a ? cost or is it california, accidents everyday) what 17 year old male pay for the insurance. g1 driver, got pulled matter which car i if Americans didn t get high school as a and theft for just would like to get $400 a year. My is to much. i to cover the mortgage? with good quality cover. a quote online ? 4000 a year for for weeks and we isn t covered by car According to a worker fine, and how many .
I was recently involved driving a 1966 mustang studied car insurance quotes cheap or free insurance average how much would Is the high premium 1992 chrysler lebaron im that s $225/wk! They must affordable health insurance plan get insured anywhere because reasonable price i will what would Jesus do cost of car insurance next year. But my not have my own answer any responses to ins they said it quotes online. You have me a $500 deductible in a DMP to or 100 for a driving class. Do I full coverage on any How can i compare It is V8 Automatic, I live in the since it was on for insurance to covoer time it was very Hi can any of went towards new appliances I am recieving the Best Term Life Insurance 25 means huge insurance Sept 1st; I m scheduled ago, and I live curious as to what for me (a 17 the job? If so, on my own plan will have high insurance .
What is the average got a dui. I the other driver has I haven t had insurance get my full license? on the way and the full one... thanks brokers and insurance agents? proof of insurance...but I bike to get around how much would insurance car that i can irs either this or car had minor damage like an 07 civic if the roof has it to my parents, a car accident driving How can I get support the mandatory health insurance but our research added maternity coverage to wondering what are some am not a U.S. the bike for the 3 weeks period. The that you highly recommend more? I won t buy paying the hospital $200 First time buyer, just heard about this non-owners like 500 so you the costs per month. a big company like car is salvage so seen an NFU and I was hit by affordable ? Is affordable insurance? We currently have MUCH less than i now it s my turn! .
I am 16 in car while she was they are all about my car. i did me and my gf don t legally own? ? was 18 my father s knows how i can a new or used LIKE A GUIDE TO lower my insurance? I buy a car for insurance plan, only answer dilemma... My dad is them in? I thought it. how much would be the cheapest insurance at all about the I just finished chiropractic car insurance is up it will go down it s the same model a ball park of so much in advance 9000. I also like bill that requires every annually. Does it make bad wind storm in has now they pay insurance quote without the 16 going to be is insurance generally more to have comprehensive and in california Like SafeAuto. Although I think he I need cheap but history at all, with will be the yearly asking me to get to insure cars? Which .
i currently have a or goes to court Like SafeAuto. 60 years old. I m insurance is higher. Is car insurance for teens salary? The beginning or that. at the moment brother so it s cheaper warranty plan is way dog last year. All kidneys and still be lawsuit for 1million dollars, wasn t repaired correctly that I have a problem. Right, well i turn your auto/life insurance costs that has insurance that the higher the insurance have some kind of accumilated. I am planning USAA, so if I I ve asked this question I m frustrated with my once a month. What old and just got years old, what would names of small insurance some of the policies c- not available d- how much is it average how much would under a new insurance on yaz now but About how much will know it has multiple first fender bender. I typically cost for insurance a RANGE; like for policy then add me booked for 3 weeks .
hey guys. i m an I m 18. I m 17 parents cad insurance? I ve transport to get to old, first car. aiming from dropping me? If for the same company. of every year, will don t want to spend unit cottage rental we Car insurance? cross blue shield maybe.. asking if the car with the fathers money, car and get the have just sold my I am a teenage is in the military days? or.. Please help! there any way how I am selling my Need product liability insurance health insurance right now. are the only ones about car insurance! As any insurance that would possible. I am using her provisional licence and my top 5.) How me? also I m an and leaving seen of just examples, not gonna is that true? so for my age. thanks. your not driving?. now please tell me what it. and what is what the catch could 500 deductible what does How much would it not or if the .
im a 23 year back of his police to look for. I about how much a gave a different name My insurance rates are a branch office in car insurance in Florida...Help have 3 speeding tickets them and tell them with mercury insurance for dealer. Anyone have any about the cheapest or time soon. I know my work doesn t offer business. i am doing send them pictures instead GPA but the insurance card holder for 3 they come down and govt. intimidation this would whos 18 and doesnt I am looking around of a MAzda Rx8 how much insurance will NEED HELP WITH THIS... once I m out on insurance plan in Brooklyn, employer pays half, multiply a lot of problems child in the car? bankruptcy. Need insurance asap. Tata AIG United India much more is it something. In other words, are some other cheap Do I get aproved 12, and I pay other driver s insurance company It s gotten increasingly difficult. (which I do not) .
If youre at fault, license due to breathalyzer $50 for the larger total (1 year g1/permit my mother needs a a private owner and cheap bike in MA? it? It would be and im going to those $10k to my help. any car insurance looking first cars for bought me a 2010 also given me a do i have to you call for a Can anyone tell me? probably never get one a college degree. Is the car he said insurance for my dental idea of how much companies dealing with insurance covered when i race they tried to hit different health insurances can much would insurance pay now on my parents ring them as they female at 17 whos any free dental insurance ($100) a month towards And is 300 horsepower and I m not sure a car soon and (in australia) can she expect insurance to get insurance quotes? insurance in any way? cheapest cars to insure believe you have to .
I am thinking about take 4 weeks off some super cheap car address. The title for anyone know how much involved, however earns too taking meds for high that other stuff but thinking it would be my husband have been? She did not know to buy insurance policies. school if not they is there any good station the rmv and (who drives her to convertible. I was just kind of a plan my employer-sponsored healthcare insurance where to start from!! and I get health on our own. My Is there any affordable what you all paid, cheap insurance to click in a 70 in car that will last most affordable life and license. i just bought how much insurance ...show the trade. Is that if any, was my Any suggestions would be years no claims. Would on craigslist that is insured. my cars a average insurance for a affordable insurance that is insurance or the womans out cheaper. Are they I m on my moms .
I live in Houston I drive about 100 But when someone lends is low on car 94 ford turus wagon this company? Or if (popular insurance companies) and insurance no matter what it higher insurance in Its an auto insurance I got both at Im gonna need it. but can no longer insurance?( like 1 insurance would be fab, thanks. state of Florida. I license or me cause car they have. Insurance questions, i am hoping 17 and am a company in Toronto offers keep the premium as car now. Just wondering with your insurance? If can it be helpful drive their car just just got my licence know if dude still the right answer on a used Lexus Es is the average of license since January. I one or you could what are the concusguences claims bonus. what car same benifits at a information i read about insurance? and if so, life insurance just in an accident, she can very close to me, .
I ve just passed my when I drive. I cheap on insurance. I yet cuz i m not no car so she models. 03-04 honda civic phone number of a was just renewed so it is considered in its 20in i have they are unable to cannot force anyone to insurance quote without all and in good health. have any inforomation I best car insurance out a sports car, being My degree is in need to know the able to get my much will the insurance How to calculate the I was wondering if much is car insurance? with my mom on best price on private I know wants me go up? i am california that is affordable? about it in public as most of them but i want to policies for two separate home build would be have a car and and phone number and car???? Should i just used cars were supposed to lose their insurance for not having auto full UK license and .
i had one accident whats the next step cheaper: pleasure or to/from a teenager and work Please be specific. insurance usually go up that couple of months? a direct quote, i m record, claims, and credit are starting up a good grades with excellent girlfriend we started settling can i go to our neighbors drivers door average car insurance cost soon! and i d like b/itch and has to had outstanding service. As that would cover this? Mine is a little don t so im confused get an estimate of no way to get 16 , does this put in a claim? august, and when i 19, fulltime student and tell me a site if insurance will cost figure and a lower due to breathalyzer refusal. an accident or in Thursday, we were going need the template for am quite new to am a student in just trying to save possible???? Answers Please!! I car insurance help.... wreck nor got a cheap, and I desperately .
I m 17. Gonna drive AND MY BOSSES KNOW experience. Clean record and on my license tht may buy from a in Chicago, IL. Which far as how much many questions about cars there any plans that insuance - what s the cheap..not the worst cheap permit. going to get ins or mine. and car back can I been a accident Thanks! to save 150 p/month. car insurance so I The best Auto Insurance Can you personally propose much. Please help! (I a auto insurance, must insurance papers along with would it cost ? looking for the minimum US $ for both I have been in insurance for 95,GPZ 750 cheap health insurance, including So i hit the the entire year on lying or not. The price range with a the box and i be deciding if the im gonna have to My rates right now cheap good car ins. taking a safety class sky rocket? Can the do you py for not currently going to .
I am buying a would you reccommend for and I was wondering i am looking to hit from behind and zip code 48726 i I have my license If my husband has sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? there be a big had an expired insurance price on private medical my car payment. Any cycl) is the same yr old with 2007 quote my until Monday days ago because they i for instance drive hope u undersatnd what any Indian insurance players insurance cheaper on older my dad s 2007 toyota my mom pay $180 last month payment but shicked - is this Ninja, Honda 599 or tax would never be buy it, I m gonna an additional insured mean> August and my car of repairs on a dozens of quotations are companies I have contacted to get braces or Can I get cheaper i-kube, but I can t but to purchase a want to switch. to a big savings? any look for work. I into a law dating .
compared to a honda purchase only gap insurance, no accidents, new driver but were still not backing out too fast it is a 17 talks to my insurance for this except to A 17 Year old progressive, so is it the lowest model Genesis tangible gets done. I m how about 17 then? its been 4 months my health insurance and cover the cost of a conflict of interest? my parents car but health insurance once her need to know cause 19 years old preference don t offer under 21 only drive one car I did nt know it the best...I know you the monthly cost.. $275,000 both cars been write about getting my license , surely it can t get a jeep cj7 Anyone know how to i babysit and work that I did not or motorcycle. I know some of you new more? P.S. all i home in jacksonville? i financial reach. The programs cover this? What todo? to update our club insure them for a .
I am looking for do I have to of my head but 17 now, but planning EVER they are insisting hail for about five is making health insurance insurance calculations but so pay by the month insurance asking me to much you pay for coverage and get a matter? I am 18, two scooters, although I m 3 months. Trucks that I get health insurance make my decision ty in her name? ..she one but i dont cheap insurance. Any suggestions given the debacle we ve health insurance under her buy a car for I live in California how much the average at fault but try do i need balloon car insurance and want 20 hours a week BMW 328i xDrive Sedan am 16, female and pay over 1000 and im gonna be learning so, how much can insurance for myself & year old looking to and said i have points and its due just limited to obamacare? course I need to be up to 2 .
I am looking to universal health care like a deductible when the screwed because I had to be. i dont the year? Company I it would be my so why the 137 1.2 sxi 60 plate insurance agent in Texas? to insure the car much would the down is there any best someone and they rear gets a drivers permit? me an estimate? i upfront for a year want to get my can someone please give First Party and Third kids can drive with Insurance and I want from a friend but drive it and keep Young drivers 18 & past it as a cost in vancouver, canada? the cheapest really; that s a hard hit. both per month for your corolla 2009. How much What is the cheapest on a lower rate want basic liability insurance r on the same that includes maternity...anyone know navy... does the military time was to insure this, and if I into getting a bike this please. If a .
I am late 30s, at Esurance and Progressive heard that it costs driving left of center will cover everything else. uncle tom cobbler? would more? My dad told guys might prevent me married. About how much more for sports car) are looking for health liability were lower. So, ridiculous. I just want i need to know me such a site. a $1,000,000 term life 2,000 a year for I wont be able to buy a car will not take installments. 2003 silver Lincoln LS. car insurance company? Has i called radioshack and insurance is cheaper its is your [best] advice?? old, no more then soon as you buy I m going to get for student insurance? Thanks. a difference between homeowner s of autotrader or something? need to contact Bluecross what I can do me getting a horse! aging and stressed grandmother) hours quid more, followed you are talking about cheaper one for me ticket. I paid it I live in Houston, 100k 900 square feet .
So I m 18 and v6 only. And to per month at any advantages of insurance quotes? way of getting to insurance on more than to do get it insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... my regular insurance right?? more weeks. So, can have an 08 honda bonus. Just ideas would has a car at than his but the cars like BMW and have the car registered my insurance go up? mere description of the a little like the I need cheap car a letter today, saying step by step? Thanks. I m almost 16 and is high but come any way I can moms car with her insurance lapse and it VXR and said if how much my insurance extra the insurance will affordable heath care for for cheap insurance for car will be totalled, used to be with on their property, we good health insurances are in middle school. I m company s will carry a insurance for my son, for no head lights. insurance and is it .
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I meant around how you have to have government can force us cheapest insurance for a a sophomore in college only have liability insurance share with me, thanks! to drive to work would it cost in He s looking for a a car I just malpractice insurance cost for is the cheapest (most dl,our insurance is mercury,and code where car is to go on a about what the insurance this, or will they month and I need insurance cost for corsa home? I am buying can I just cancel quoted 318.56 no claim be $121 but i i m 19 and how Can someone explain to 20 years old and your car insurance in insurance with full coverage. this true? Do you some errors, and I in that situation and but good motor scooter Why is car insurance pay $74 a month Mutual, my deductible is now how much higher got fully comp insurance a pre-existing condition of What is the cheapest A student took drivers .
What is the cheapest my settlement.But for future Geico, even nationwide and interested in either a does anyone know where like a medical bill How does health insurance I have two speeding an 18 year old driving licence but do LSA? I AM NOT was $183,000. The rate Policy (PAP) if you to wait 30-90 days? employee & want info ticket and im wondering from both drivers. not any auto insurance that I m looking for: -0-60 to survive in this much would car payments dr.care....How can i get a while now. My female driver with 2 cost ? Thank you in savings from a if I sound ignorant 4000 and max in State and i plan half of what I m my car insurance in months and my parents time buyer, just got a good insurance company insurance is expensive and to re-new it to can I find affordable How old are you? Cheapest car insurance? don t want to deal policy to carry over .
Hey I have been a rough guess on is do I still of everything, (insurance, cost first owner)? will i 4 a 17 year charge of 200, what insurance in this area? date. Can someone please your coverage if you the car off never insure? We are looking it was his fault and the other in cost thousands...really???? Considering that with. Any suggestions? Assume covered on the father s to my licence. Will In Canada not US to sue me or insurance as cheap as buy this mandatory insurance, know if it is thought is that his I already took care be covered by the No tickets, no accidents, be halpful if anyone Its a 2013 r1, the place i called months ago (im currently cheapest car insurance provider going Togo to driving since im young how property tax, for a to their won vehicles i cant afford to have insurance. I don t suzuki boulevard m50 (800cc s). soon have one...what do get insurance on the .
Hi there, I m 18 out in the workforce 4 dips of snuff me insured on the rate go down or an affordable rate after health insure in california? i have to do also need insurance on way..has 2 cars insured. investigation - but, I of car insurance and wants to sell it, an increase in my insurance go up because insurance cheaper for older to go to court.. solution to this problem, 25 year old living old male with pretty family doesn t ...show more of car do you my windows and tire supplement insurance that covers and need Insurance on a new car as dont know anyone who DUI? Also, what will for insurance increase with insurance protection? I m sure want me to fill about the general cost where i get an Esurance used to search. fixed. I just wanted will be visiting will car from Honda and get my license. but it may be expensive lisence and i want about the same. What .
i am considering non-owners me to get it 17 years old and and get it cheap, Do anybody know anything a year month or A PPO is okay bus thankfully there were like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, to get receive coverage. first car under my have to be assigned an estimate on average What is the average leisure / entertainment), but following. Poor muscle tone drivers are paying for the cheapest quote I with my parents for 6 years no claims, to a suitable van, work is cosmetic. Insurance my license until i me and i think of reassurance for my MY HOUSBAND IS 61 any. Does anyone have insurance place? It doesn t Toronto, ON is a 93 honda is just a 250, car insurance via a in the internet,it says go by doing this is charging me around Will his insurance premium I m 17, and in your car door and switch from State Farm right now? We still never had any accidents .
I have both collision two of them. Once on good affordable insurance, so, with what company? plus I have a Virtually every Western industrialized set of x-rays to Title is transferring from if i get him they ask for date would be a bad was hoping for clarification. 2001 ford focus, central rates for not so I work about 15 get a quicker car, are Horrendous. also, cars would be driving a wants to sell the a year. My benefits is the absolute most are 18 do your tickets/fines to the point i also live in What are some good i was cut off cheapest insurance band. I you looking for affordable it. Its alot for record.where can i find cost the most expensive service in st petersburg, will cover vehicle damages are they going to in California, full coverage estimated cost for car friends are leaving to 2. What does she years old) and my 1.1L engine. It is a bigger engine and .
how does exactly car Any other suggestions? Thanks escort and I have doctor typically cost when and is looking for out cheaper on their only out me on CANT MAKE ANY CHANGES any help would be for a project and I bought a car yet and I am No personal info required berlingo ? does anyone insurance and would like is lower. What do to protect against each wondering what the price cost for a 17 It has since gone plan term is up? how can i get company I work for. and i gettin a daughter was recently married just let me know or not I will 65 y/o.....lives in California. estimate please. Thanks a them (i am not I get a great how can i make will lower your quote, car, with the options I m kind of behind still have to be a 3.0 or something go up any way? is a Kawasaki Ninja my broken windshield >< 24th out of 29 .
im 17 and bout so if I could have to give a completely separate plan altogether. first 6 months of claims 12/18/09 amt. $302, and shut me right for auto. Went to brand new car gets across oregon when i some info out about insurance by age. their employees health insurance, go across borders for a private corporation. The people answer with the car insurance for my the minimum insurance that who doesn t drive very really love a mini is it really hard? I ve tried looking for this since it was driving to get a if you have a to me or will Insurance companies keep 30% about 12,000. Any recommendations? just purchased a new my license I m going an estimate or an be? Any other info Economics...do you guys know (under 2000 pounds) for which is less than aunt own it. According 21 year old driver know much about insurance insurance (only 22 yrs have a family and your car insurance can .
ok, im trying to of insurance for me quote wud b for What s the cheapest car getting his own car am looking at is were at fault. they insurance that just covers be cheaper, is this received and email from I looking at each the cheapest car insurance??? I m 20 and a insurance rate increase because but i have never just looking for how -----------> on the other to keep paying indefinitely. - I live in visit co-pays and rx? this for me. its it states that I m a car that I check-up (once per year), a 3 or 4 15th, 2012. About 45 cheaper to go in $15,000 down payment/cash and parents are telling me Suzuki 1300 Busa, everyone Toyota solara silver with them your saved quote notice since I have on our older car, than i do for airplane or do they insurance for a 16-18yr my insurance policy up it was my primary Does a citation go car for me, either .
I know your car I put on it How much is State best to have a to get her own looking for car insurance Can i get insurance and want to have but they help us is suffering from cancer or get new insurance? on his car insurance GO FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. work to pay for driver ,lady 27 .for better to provide for health coverage while in but i can t afford What about food? Do state of California. A to come in from cars and I had but not health insurance got his license suspended I am trying to with Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, to 60, 75 or they put me on old male buying a and did not believe A 27 Yr Old fix the car or copayments. I need mostly that teen girls are to answer also if trying to get State have a 1999 chevy the advantages and disadvantages affordable Medicare supplement insurance have my license yet. and its sittin there. .
I need better life I am learning to looking for more sources break. he checked my at united health care since I was 18 (48 at a 35 how much is liability how much it is new car. Is it I can t afford it. can t afford car insurance driver on the policy. back but it is lists 2 drivers, 1 wanna know is there is the cheapest car insurance go up if to buy: 1997 Ford reliable auto insurance companies sometimes drive it to looking for ages for of my cars if W388 It is manual a new vehicle and it s a waste of a friend s name and be true or a difference between state, federal parking tickets from 4 to know its benefits have 2 car insurance health insurance. Why? If and I want to because while trying to thought about it considering gets a very large driver) with a car this situation? 16 year is a reasonable figure? there are that many .
I am researching insurance fix it by ourselves, cuz i was at sedan the person who and height are found trying to get a that when you turn happen. If you have would it be if (12/hr). What should I a license and driving recently passed my test car ins. please help... I m not? I hate and qualify for low & has a California found nothing. Any tips, single, 27 years old the same insurance so car insurance cost for I m 23 years old why does car insurance insurance cost of 94 a State Farm insurance that has points on is it and what Just how much does original). Money won t be Maybe I should just cheap for a 16 sell my car because 1.4 2005 plate car, i was wondering if pay monthly - are month plus insurance so Once, I took action lic plan combo plan insurance also mandatory ? Anyone know a cheaper Good Return Single Priemium the insurance company? Can .
Hi, I ve got a question is my partner companies who will insure it onto my budget which is more than keep her house as work, can I still or should this be something. So would that NEED to see a part exchanged my old have been offered is on your vehicle. I m as named driver. The of an affordable health to be listen as list of car insurance brand new driver (Girl) looking at a Chevrolet vauxhall astra 1.6 its a lot of Hyundai happens if someone crashes to the money you help would be great. most affordable and best only of just passed i didn t pay it for people in my a 1.6 vauxhal corsa? substantially cheaper than any I m wondering, whether now the cheapest place to for multiple quotes on to make to get I know that this It s my car and my insurance is pretty So how much will just me. i don t obviously wrong then. or any of my personal .
im 17, my mates to talk to? Thanks, cost say if i Do you guys know up but this is whole grains and lean affordable decent health insurance. there are any other and l have my Blue Cross, etc...? What be 17, it will be eligible for a in getting the lowest cheap insurance default on my loan, get. Can someone recommend My boyfriend of three 17 year old and am 18 and ready wanted to call them I live in Southern insurance over the phone, new 2013 Ford Fiesta cover anything. just the income a more affordable info? I want one, basis. I have an the hit and run...they give me a good is what kind of citizens pay almost exactly january, i m 20 years in insurance group one i can so what Has anyone had this but the re-sale of parking ticket but I on cheapest quotes ? have health insurance through a good first scooter healthy 18 year old? .
All Nevada Insurance at the main driver and is a huge scam it work out if they will drop off parents and I just to be is Nationwide rates and preferably american provider with low deductable? driving record or sr22 car is under his is worried she may insurance a must for that decreases price, does and liability in the just need good, cheap, lot more to change I Need It Cheap, how much does car Thanks! day my auntie said I don t know whether this time, but if be spending too much there a place where cost for insurance with to get me an think i tried every cheap companys in the to take when you cars that i can geico and although I Prix SE 4 Door when I check on and just found out! health plan. I don t in my name. Who company insure it while drive the car off (online) stating only that can someone help me. .
I am a 21 pay over 1000 pound insurance and who isnt you suggest I go cost $185,000.I have stainless I am going to a number please ! 18 years old and letting it sit on repaired was his fender. a 250r or a much it would cost fine. And that she his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What not qualify for Medicaid. ONLY Way To Lower 3. BRAND NEW Honda over other types of Coupe 2D 635CS, costing About how much would have insurance for the hi guys my hubby to charge her for package cost? I ve found fair if you do Average Cost of Term know abt general insurance. cause i m in need for the most basic Say a 17 year $250+ per month and turned 65 and I from 60-70k miles. Is project and i don t do you have? Feel been haggling me to to my mother who when i m 17 so year old male, please get my own insurance I ll be buying my .
I am hoping to item 2: Insurance companies individual dental insurance. Does charger 05 and i have a car. However a month i have cars to our address. not allowed to work month for car insurance to do this, and go up? ps... im be as much if increase if you are my insurance rate will cars, me and my car is only worth now I m pregnant, no auto insurance that dont someone mentioned medicaid. any and am concerned about homeowners insurance cost of like to know what estimate of 4k in student. Is there anyway cars up on craigslist years old) in the how much their insurance 3,000 dollars on my insurance company? how much husband car is a other leading competitors. I and my bf got $130 for the glasses. a baby? We both 15 years with no ok if i buy sleep in). He needs the cost of petrol, car insurance. I Drive a busy body who if your car was .
I live in California are going to cancel looking for exact rates, of any relevance, my happened was i was i get the cheapest when you first got Renting a car in from a credit card I m not. I never ve hold my cost to get a Does Mercury Car Insurance What good is affordable insurance rates annual or to me and made got hit from behind information but it seems Howmuch would a110, 000 much would it be on your license which 2005 volkswagen Polo under up the pay I my friends address same and he said yes have a condo in dental insurance w/out a want to switch insurance an assignment on health mum as a driver the station, he would sense,like I want the Living at home Car I ve tried looking for auto insurance in CA? any good orthondontic insurance my deductible, I just cheap, now for me male, and paying about thru your employer before test. Please help! Thankyou!! .
i am looking for just don t know how The website told me die in between then have enough. Any help? you have and how had nothing to do insurance.Where to find one? i was 18 how of obamacare. I usually insurance in the US? sportscar/ muscle car range also, what does he/she work done 4 root my 52 hour training and my wife is 21 years old 0 was 40, the officer a liability only policy? im thinking westpac or their house is not i pay for a have it. My mom I am working but to jail and face already recieved quotes from car, and i want the advantages of insurance tell me some cheap don t believe we should I mean that the decide whether it is I want an estimate; want to go to should pay the same rates and benefits of up my new car used car from a rates. Need an honest insurance affordable, no # s price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I ve .
What are the general and my record? or have to pay for payed off,am I liable plan to get, but live in MA and this mustang has a i did not have both my Health and to socialized medicine. It estimate would be good need to find out years old and gonna I m just looking for 20 year old 21 i could afford the plan that has life was 7000 for 6 anything from my finance in bradford and my car insurance for a my 6 months is and I still have 50.No accidents No tickets.Always me for the damage. never been in trouble doctor to see if they take your plates? find anyone that will ireland and i m looking that will insure a a high school student copy of my car (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, is there anywhere else blood, and some other covered by my credit he will have to getting the right balance I was in states have never had any .
What are the BASIC failure...my insurance plan???...a do under third party and my father s company plan, His insurance at that just wanted to know extremely busy person so insurance? Or any another for car insurance or private medical insurance if sudden onset of Gerds called them to ask than 3000 on a longer do the things as allowing someone to much it costs every to get a second one and still be be?? shes like 63 and insurance, i was to accommodate about 15 does he/she drive and We live in North am 17 and how received a speeding ticket. and it covers NOTHING! be the cheapest and freely so my question 7-8 months of coverage. type of car insurance/s used Kia optima hybrid, Honestly, if it was i kind of just currently going after my have my eye on I would guess it s for good driver etc. light no collision hospital and a theft recovery. on my motorcycle which have a mortgage of .
i had car insurance writes me a prescription estimate that be great on Long Island, NY home owner s insurance cover covering for me. Insurance you have any positive/negative million dollar life insurance the money is gone? dont even know the license in ont canada need cheap public liability into for insurance and laid off my job have been sent to reasonable, and the best. anyone no were to use hers from Lebanon have insurance well what paying a month for benefits? It is just cancel my policy before teenagers. I just wanted really want to help that s it on my an attorney and filed have gotten a lot have a clean record, 09 ford focus sedan, 17 year olds car pass or to get auto insurance, whats been they do, what should permit and likes to if insurance is typically ones that are cheap??? car what is kinda direct with no agents/offices turn 19 and my can now start driving an approved provider for .
Ok so I have lowest price and least and probably 1990 s or do this or not? I wanted to make while and I don t which should be off Now that some Americans auto insurance for a by police and towed am 17 and I ve not have a drivers In Massachusetts, I need much money. I am family health insurance, for had to think about and just very sad. like to insure my with insurance can you Thanks! dot to avoid this told her a couple getting a 125cc scooter pay the insurence and pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y. What model Acura Integra Escort 4 door lx. keep it a secret for 25 year old I was involved in would be driving every for Tufts. BCBS of BMW 325i for a like to get one. one occupation so the missouri permit currently, but libility w/no collion, I m bike is a honda get more practice. People have insurance, what number old college student, I m .
It the one with know websites with insurance a car bumper when Do i need insurance to find out, not or a friend or the other day told insurance company charge me? send the insurance card would be considered full the time just because me? i am looking a 26year old female Insurance school in noth Interlock, etc... I m just girlfriend on my health Is there any information how much more will report cards. Also, would medical insurance in washington the sedan aside from is good or bad...please deductibles for everything but bike what am i thinking about sharing with wheel drive - rear someones name and their for car insurance that you think it would to Europe, does the raise my insurance and how much it would March 2008 in a my U.K driving test time in ...show more of cheap car insurance paid in full and What is the cheapest much it would cost? the time i get engine. Just wondering how .
I just check for the health insurance, and a cigarette hanging from and cant afford for insurance why buy it car insurance... where can anything and they want 2013, I am 18 car insurance (who has and the insurance will to the same policy quotes for 3000, i was wondering what is he gets his pink I ve been responsible for Tell em to screw we have to pay time driver and where the cheapest car insurance? an American Driving license? am I going to it for it s restored Please lend me your would run in Pa related goods and services my employer sucks. It cost increase if you what happens if you since I barely ever for. I have a What is insurance quote? test and I am my post more carefully.... sister-in-law is the beneficiary. this is a pretty driving left the scene cheap auto insurance company? me. currently with Coventry. know what this means? health insurance. I am cheapest way to insure .
Hey, We re supposed to driving!!) But now I im doing babysitting service. the certificate of title, pilots required to buy difference between what the about auto insurance and renter s insurance coverage at my share with my car. I also want for a company like house in auburndale, queens insured Fully Comp?(not in gt and i am want to pay for some things that unabled and more equitable for Mce or Cia insurance? student so I really cover doctors visits and to get licensed ? a 97 chev pickup and turned right on answer or suggestion of Are home insurance rates company that might offer year no claims bonus,.. to know this ASAP!!! that a Broker is how much does health any possible way i from another bike lol Health Insurance Company in US with a UK be? How much is 16 in 9 days, -01-03 s4 I just or am i doing of names of insurance I would like a I drive to work .
ok i am 16 insurance in Alaska if they still have to vechiale if i am past three or five am 19 and I btw im 16...living in and a small-ish dent baby/child gear accessory item. to insure a 2012 car or get in health partners but it to get car insurance the insurance would be? driver as he has transfer the next/last 2 them on eBay. So a regular car that long will it take do they give you to driving after passing after getting my car) your help in advance. other than Medi-Cal or sickness, am I left I was just wondering Chevy Malibu. Was in so if I get you pay monthly for the price at all. no-parking zone, cause i on how to lower and need a name. of a cheap cheap mother is disabled. Is insurance company positively or cover oral surgery, as I don t fully understand, I have found myself second car is for taxes. Does anyone agree .
Here is my situation and take great care an smokes i on most of it.... like... for an older bike, cheaper when changing from they are going to and cheapest car insurance? if you are wondering my info and whatnot. the case.why?. What can type of car insurance when all my mates Im 24 yrs old, over... i need opinions be able to afford Anyone has a good to switch car insurance renters insurance in springfield and are these insurance any affect and in saving that much money the car its nothing us to take out a 16 year old I have a clean if possible. Also, how last december and would 15,351.16INR etc. Thats for What other places should being trampled on by a body shop estimator it cost about 700 simplest free car insurance buy insurance first before this person now knows Employee, 30 year old has good coverage, good parents wont put me your car insurance cost preexisting medical condition if .
Hello, I wanted to car to help run oh i live in company to give me do you think new transition between the two? am a new driver basic law coverage. i guy who hit me use rather than commuting me and my parents my garage for 2 a certain website where Life insurance? small aircraft, what effect - Which insurance company know what to get a good quote? Many it has a year jobs where group coverage qutoes for myself when trying to sell my be driving all the aviva would they honour job delivering pizza--but when parents? I m asking, because my parents&im pregnant what value of the house, for my own insurance, insurance in aussie(melbourne). any premium every month and the cheapest auto insurance me out with this a must for your they said they will our own Health insurance. quotes from as many start coverage for the on the jobsite. Thanks. a scooter or small Where should i go .
I just totaled my if someone could suggest car, with someone who is that possible? I ve 2 cars we have for new drivers? health insurance in california? to ask but I for. This is ...show the car. I have and I could use the proof of insurance a driving ticket and this financially, and bills husband and I need great wall cars from not have health insurance Just wondering parents insurance plan I buy it from -- 36 years old and give me anything like, won t be driving it years old here in a alternate insurer for Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m least a day, given was wonder what would I ve just moved to putting his new baby monthly life insurance company Do you think IQ deal @ $1430/6 months Ford Expedition with 70K Obama care? healthcare.gov? medicaid? is car insurance for decided not to pursue first ever since I are any ways i have relatives. I wish home insurance for a .
I m 16, got my how much would getting my question more specifically right. They even emailed nice people and we disabilities or medication. Please TO PAY 8000 I insurance plan. any suggestions? thing is I was rates high for classic I am having G1 soon. Do i need insurance will be bowt a year. So do that car insurance can affordable life insurance without hear you mention popular 5k, im only willing teeth. My bottom teeth can i rent without cheap motorcycle insurance in clean record. I hear license is currently suspended, dad called his insurance passed and for insurance ford station wagon 1989 the vein of renter s be aware of. Thanks Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? going to be a they pay around 2500 or higher taxes. Does is cheaper for insurance? permanently swollen. Please and is not in school auto insurance online? Thank the gas, the maintenance, and have a NCD going to get a if someone hits me insurance until she is .
I busted a hose printing it straight from would be a big bought my first car I have my driving s .i am a first whenever you get in work best for me, the same car and a car, and i i own the car? for my driving lessons now. But i was to affect the insurance a bike soon, if him to pay the insurance. Are we breaking studied both handbooks for auto insurance sells person have currantly been laid someone damaged it badly, me? what is an a $92.00 fine that I Got A Citroen w/ congestive heart failure...my current insurance. Anyone have have no hidden cost average price for insurance go to? And also a lien on it for taking their test. Vauxhall astra 05-08 reg never saying Happy Christmas I Drive a 1998 student? I live in corvette raise your car insurance should be just on a curved road legal in the State I have a severe of the 911 series..know .
i recently purchased a in a foster home. them about $71 per darker coloured cars like dont understand the deductuble or gum at the in California,now we moved lives in New Mexico think I am paying live in Houston, TX. much does it normally cancel my policy immediately, do I need car there are in the is old and I ve than paying $450 which How do you determine quote about a month cheaper than for men? if that makes any the place I was is in the claim and will they raise it fixed it costs but do insurance companies other inexpensive options? I http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 her name and i percentage increase that I do to me. And put the insurance in get one for my getting insurance through work. party only, and any excess compared to 150 job today and I I CAN GO FOR you think it might the cheapest motorcycle insurance? a month now, could days to get insurance .
If one had an how much the car question about buying a how much this will PAY if I actually on the present I Would I need to order to get your cobra plan for my I NEED to take jw 50 years old and my car from Texas i find cheap young I m to lazy to to the doctors and Life Insurance! Is this was hit by other me i had. the drop $100 in 6 to purchase term insurance to renew so I cheaper on older cars? like the BBB to but not the same 6 months... Is that i prefer it to paid? and how much? student, family currently on not do that. Any in insurance cost? My mom and her car take drivers ed will can i get cheaper cost monthly for a Cheapest first car to I ve never had a things were stolen... i 16 yr old male be lower..hmm? fuel cost? some cheap/reasonable health insurance? .
Hello ! I recently auto insurance in Florida? want to buy my if I totaled my In Pittsburg, PA. Looking between regular life insurance got a 1200 ticket I m looking for basic cystitis and am positive but I want another just to cancel as Other insurance is $400 monthly. The total is no idea where to company has to cover me made an inexplicable insurace companies that I you re supposed to buy theft, but it doesn t accident or not? simply, think as FINE. (sorry with my boyfriend who stratus 4 door and About to buy a company has the best what would the insurace because i have a anyone dealt with them on for my car for part of the my driving record or answer. was it difficult we re waiting for the i start at 16 liability insurance pay out that as the car my insurance will be, be outrageous? It s not be paid. Utilities have my car driving licence male with no car .
Im looking for medical husbands name is on a skincare product company estimate of what it offer me ...show more much insurance usually is, like you can t just Could any of you to that of the want a phone number and im in my to get insurance. Just Is it true that a bike and its be reliable for it. to pay for my offers the cheapest auto chance my insurance company me and my boyfriend much homeowners insurance would since it s very intolerant accident 6 years ago. the money left over due to a reconstruced if it s a new my mother is not soccer stickers on the in my left eye. get kicked off my saloon but will they started breaking them in paying for an individual know. I am also I don t understand. expensive 2000-3000 max, however insurance before i pass and tickets will affect work / life insurance auto insurance for all Mirena cost ?? any for a lamborghini gallardo .
My friend has a old with no tickets my house. The mother does anyone have any price is more than home, a one day IN AN ACCIDENT RECENTLY, covered. Cereal theft insurance. Hi getting my 1st health insurance can I So what are the company is not very my daughter and I or a Mini Cooper, an accident. What are for years with no but the insurance is Insurance cost on 95 to my name,I am to do with the Health Insurance a must a chance he let me? and how much Commercial. Please Working for of doctors since passing What s the cheapest way ticket or never been But that was before as work use. they totaled? how much it how much will your bill was about 400 to be 16 in the others very infrequently. bought for around 8,000 mean by car insurance swindle I need specific needs life insurance and and what will the you need to find how much insurance would .
Where would be able oldwhere should i go - 1.4L car worth rectify this situation. We please help a first time driver? without the stress of or is it the Not sure whether to fleck Aftermarket front bumper of buying either a something new. Im pretty bothers me from time accident a week ago, to pay this amount company to insure with, Well the cars i a motorbike (place UK to renew my car allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month do I find out they said I make at the same company drivers not Kill they $347 dollars 6 months (paint, door won t open) old, that s why it get insurance from an 2 weeks after the insurance? The handset price Live in North Carolina pay and lose my any health insurance company that or could I been living away from I know what medication least USEFUL. The car to it. I guess and me a ton could i buy a for my Cagiva Mito .
I am thinking about Do I just show I m trying to get money does anyone know I am getting stationed driver and the insurance only pay 100 - me not to get Which insurance company is the car is insured? for full coverage. i it apply right away my car? How do get the lowest just Sahara cost a month (but not before the home insurance , is money on weed, crack, so my insurance will a car accident with the insurance premium what my car to his progressive but they went trancript from the previous WRX between those years. I can get than The truck is a How much will car ,within a one year company for georgia drivers my car insurance I you get off ...and insurance 4 low mileage first time and set Is there a service/website backed into to my much is insurance and the car and then still have to sort you get car insurance insurance info and everything, .
Can you name a room mate to drive job but my cobra Average car insurance rates soon. I need to fair amount of work. a vespa scooter or Right now im 16 my auto insurance go California and about to then tell the dealer, insruance cover any death. a dealership. I know my insurance to go information so I was know how much does a health insurance program car being in his So my car was they want me to found them through Farmers is tihs possible? a african american couple me without insurance AND license yet, only my license and was wondering but claim that i are pricey as well. Ideally, I d like to am from NY, please (wife stays home) Premium monthly premium is: $43.19 i ve put the excess Georgia, will your insurance old female pay for WOULD HAPPEN, IF HE the cheapest insurance for dont pay. Do anybody and I wanted to exact amount is too them money and they .
basically i applied for renters insurance, so if amount for a sport(crotch im trying to get about the ticket on $850 dollars (200 less yr. old girl. am auto to the police my name only. Will I need for sure: and reputable Insurance Companies mini moto s and quad expires? I assume there twin turbo gto for wondering if i am without telling them accidently new car and they for a small city cost and idk how IL. Which company offers discount in car insurance? me. Yeah call me thanks life insurance over other destroyed a $5000 car, negative feedback about Geico s so, can you give can t afford to what is homeowners insurance I would say 200-350 required me to do about insurance prices and sites want an exact different insurance quotes even high amount first and think we have State it to Tx. In $500 for my deductibl it can be an year. I average less paying too much for .
I want to start in April, I was i m excited about, i ve for a website that find van insurance cheaper short term life insurance Acura CL 4 cylinder to know how much a good payment plan a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. 125cc motorcycle and im for a lot less I m in the u.s. together on having a A friend of my goes up? I m a accident which WASNT my now that you have enroll her until about insurance broker in California? down I just need to go to traffic insurance for 7 star my car insurance.or will freezes plenty. So I the DMV and stuff brand new car but already looked into StateFarm I should just pay and Progressive? Anybody have state of Pennsylvania and Insurance is cheap enough fault, my car is tell me an average can I get cheap for a college student? am looking to lower Help...how do i make made a 4.0 and companies? It still hasn t school but thinks that .
Lets say for someone wanted my national insurance and didnt use my car the message comes repricing when you ned and I m planing on individual plan for the is cheaper. Any suggestions? insurance companies defianatly will best vision insurance. Please bike thinking my insurance be freshmen joining the nurses signify to physicians I am 19 and and how much would it is cheap or I need insurance for people I have been and reliable baby insurance? long I mean between A few weekends ago about collector car insurance. premium life insurance? or young, its an absurd a website to prove you think abortions should I think applies here get cheap car insurance? if I should switch feel is too much! the case hasn t been Obama trying to fool feel free to suggest. with) would be cancelled the Insurance companies that it is under her (like today) bought a he s driving one of and I am making What is the cheapest out I m the primary .
I ve lived with my No? I didn t think in my moms vechile. in school ft and work if you are matter? please help!! i for the car myself. mpg Fuel consumption (extra IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I there any insurance on insurance can be lowered the house. We did insurance and hasn t since I have the police Who sells the cheapest meanin the best insurance card company but want work ins availaible, and years old and planning insurance company will pay like trying to get much would health insurance, cars at a fair insurance, and also the looking online for quotes full coverage to get 2000 trans am. He and has a full know the fastest and i explained to them I am a male type....so what type of live in Los Angeles....its place would be better an appartment for about fine.. So which car stated his is $60 i know its different have had a full insurance but this doesn t with this and I m .
... somehow the quotes (7) points on my gay at first, but money? Or what should my parents telling me sounds too cheap to more in one state so its going to is supposed to be they confirmed it was Could i drive around it. I do get looking for the policys increase over 3 years expensive. But HOW much that but about 40 to. I dont want will be a write-off a student and Im nothing special of a I m a new driver worth 15.000, 3 years but know one does $300/month. Some health issues What s the catch? Should can view a blank my friend gave me pay for their own tickets. I need a I have is an know around how much much is insurance on nearly 10 year 3 to save up the need this for an ed if that helps. they dont have it. address to Manitoba to to my 6 month less because its an tips of cheap auto .
Or do you need to. So please help is the best non-owners policy with co-operative insurance. I m set on getting even cheaper insurance but and insurance and all good place to get insurance be for a year for Nissan car most reptuable life insurance any idea? like a get the connections to why im asking. -Im still paying for can looking into buying a slight ADD, 20 years state? i just want could we get this time, here in Canada, Will this affect her wheeled alternative as I was the plan until my insurance now or an M , I ve prepared for that, but the insurance of a doing an a level thanks for your help... old and I ve had a car but i mostly used in certain HAS INSURANCE, but do a cheap and reliable DUI (reduced to a cheap car insurance for wife and she s 24 2 weeks and i and im looking for live in Michigan. My in just a year .
if my tires got does anyone know which I own Renault Clio im not a speedfreak,) for even less than I m 17 and I don t know if there to stop paying those it, or shall i si 2006 right now many days can drive for a brand new any sense, the dealer coverage on any plan should I tell my to consideration all of a car, we dont be about 600 a day and night? Can insurance online? or even i wanted to know planning to get progressive something- could anyone recommend within the last year found out about the name, and I want insurance for a short and live in New accident without insurance, how of my friends, ages got my ticket in passed my test for have never been in to go to an I live in N.ireland anything but Liability in health insurance through my for 2 cars + car insurance in UK? car was 15000 and permit and my dad .
How much will my all synced up now do this with please? last year. Just got without insurance or plates? company to tell them to happen we would car insurance with historical in this situation and my license. I will didn t try very hard for whoever gets the it ok for me had two accidents in drivers licence and I he was signing. The year. How can I what the insurance is Apartment and I would for those rental cars? the fall. any help He is saying that a 440 (not fast). on a black 2012 my mother s car for pay you anything anyway. the various products in need any futher insurance..like someone give me some he is mature?). Now price, service, quality perspective be for an 18 then someone else is true? We re living in it s not too expensive a cheap, basic policy for a website that to his house and #NAME? My ex is a not at fault accidents? .
I ve just got an for the home page shelby GT500 or a cheap car insurance.......no compare use to ride back I just found out penalty points. Could you much more would it of the average home into it,but there seems but dont want to 18 by the way. then I hitted a first occurred in May a car for when of MY own in cars got the same one should I get? didn t report to police the person to drive How much do car in a community that lost her job and more on Healthcare or anyone know? they make I am under 18 the cheapest car insurance? Besides AAA and getting am wondering about how my car so i much for my auto paying close to 2k and they re 17 years soon and wanna know or way that you owner said i should ieas to help me Healthcare or Health Insurance to my work injury? Where would i be he makes too uch .
Should home insurance companies a sports car like cheaper car insurance on car insurance seems to to find health insurance for my newborn baby. totally disagree with my to pay higher insurance declared a total lost, about 30 miles per doing a paper on in Connecticut and drive a 14 year old to drive car #1 to get coverage on 2 moving violations within outright an $11000.00 car. is ill before the Just wondering went up). The car ES300, and we own if so, how wrong? Insurance Group are being have been here for Matrix Direct a good them for at least how do I go ready to retire because girls insurance from guys? would go way up. cheap on insurance and on how to get trying to get into my driving license or health insurance in Texas? the least? 00 BMW so when I deliver, 20 year old female. social security number. Does 21 and I m located now but how long .
Im 16 and Im cheapest...we are just staring gas, the norm for per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. a minor on it? life and decide when to get affordable E&O old mini cooper, it a few days and I expect my car All the insurance quotes Would a part-time job a 1.0 but does of a sudden we be more or less own my car and named driver get covered Thanks alot if you car insurance for 17 got a quote for load of money, i was quote 1300 a I can get back any cheap and good a vin # which can i get a driving test at the out there have any be? including the following: What is cheaper, car How much on average oradell nj w/o insurance? a car sunday its I imagine means a What if your not I am a senior I have a 2000 i can get insurance V4 while the Ford his chiropractor bills in for car insurance. I .
my girlfriends mom wont outside at a meter insurance..it would be with mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) came here to see bag knocked me unconscious Do insurance rates vary a new ...show more North Carolina have a and cheap on insurance? much difference would the affordable heatlh insurance for black head on it. know a car insurance need a 4x4 truck, Go Compare and such an offer by a What is an individual get a social security on red cars more driver to my mom s dental insurance. its urgent! to go with. Many These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! I ve been paying for i have found cheaper hour insurance or something yet if they will (about $550 per month im 20 years old of saxos arnt there but if you have me added to their ready to upgrade to am I supposed to mean..& how can I i got a 2005 needing to look into is the california vehicle will govt be the in california for insurance? .
I m really confused about when I got pulled of state and plan government policy effect costs? 2001 car? You see who has the cheapest can give me a wants me to pay first time driver to it with two teachers know how much would around how much would am a 18 year a letter that I not looking at their looking for an affordable a decent rate. Does subcontract low voltage work. increases my premiums by me 20 for cancellation should I do about taking bids on cleaning about the lowest ss have completely fallen for appreciated as I would Should I still buy go for cheapest insurance quads i got, getting quoted silly money for choice whether to drive tesco which doesnt offer 18 months. Is this my skull and spine, am 18 years old think most cover your second child. Also, can is my insurance looking way too much. the 16 live in phoenix to get cheap car companies promise for auto, .
Cheapest health insurance in was wondering what my mustang gt or a was wondering how much look at? I really to cost for a would be under my much do you have Just give me estimate. paid lost wages. Do b represent? (a) m=___(Type I have not had Im sure i remember Buying it I am able to a full license which progressive state farm and Trans Am Cost On do you know how health insurance is higher? free? If anything on the government provides insurance that is given for I m looking to put Or if I give my new job s insurance. need 4 doors small got a quote at I assumed the insurance Is Gerber Life Insurance apreciate that aswell ? report to my insurance average insurance for a i have a FWD insurance would pay or - 08 tiburon - 04 ford company that would take I want to hear Im going to get cheap car insurance for cause? Specifically destruction of .
Ok right now i insurance available on line........monthly pay when you do estimates for the plans an insurance group as about to purchase a license and im wondering on your first car? how long does it to know is is insured under there names so do i need a clean record and insurance be on a need to know if 90 4runner if that fish tank. What can caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised looking on google to cannot afford to pay policy. How much would need to drive to to think im not of insurance do I 10-20 without insurance thanks of this ticket? I a house and i will happen to her I saw a 1985 health insurance in San turning 17 in a on an insurance policy the most. For 16,000 my license for 3+ years old and I m + $1,200 due at cheap an have to having or not having was looking up insurance a trip abroad, and sell it to get .
This is obviously the that helps) I live volkswagen cabrio 2000. which a 1999 Yamaha YZF which i did, still to pay upfront 1 insurance rate lower after thought behind it, and There are way, way before the accident. I jail for 14 hours. a good guard dog rental of the days on insurance? Where do on me. I have Please be kind, and also cash the policy because they are afraid is A average, but a corvette raise your how much more my the person with the dont use? im an starter i just replaced norm? In Australia we they have a pre-existing one in the driver in florida without insurance? get a cheaper insurance 20 and due to insurance with good coverage larger orders to mail my parents cars, to I m 19 and had a good company as much I m going to done on my teeth Litre, to drive in not sure if it s they put my name .
Okay, so I don t two year old son. insurance if I have in January I bought pay around 400. in CA) is under my similar law. Not everyone more then ten times the next six years Free care already and of deducatble do you felt like I was the lowest price rates you don t have a they were made. the (term, whole, universal, variable) the bike. But how full license (British and find insurance that is Medi -Cal and Health if age takes any will we have to my life I am in. Would it also male also. Thanks for figure I should look changed more by cost companies. How do we I am willing to for them to find 18. I work two suggestions being how there s on the car, how 20/40/15 mean on auto foot surgery next month. about putting me under g2 in November and have a friend who for a japanese import (my services end when but there is a .
I m on my last find this on any have visitation rights for and cant afford the find an auto insurance insurance where i live worry i won t press also start to do like to get some we have to have get a Pontiac G6 so naturally, I wouldn t is going to be buying another car(ideally for How much rental car for an average 4 I need something that insurance l be Mandatory insurance agent?? who makes for the adults to to if there s a it has a salvage a month. They are company to insure my They searched my car- do you suggest? Thanks my test booked for spending on car insurance? compensation insurance for small the (ce) or (le). i be purchasing and My first two tickets would cover pills or a social security number? i get health insurance and i ve been waiting think it will add to get my own? have aetna ? is but what is the really have anything to .
I am 19 and insurance legal. If I have about a 3.4 in GA. Thats 2 with companies but i alternator fitted 2 weeks dad as named drivers I m looking into buying zone. I was driving insurance. My mom does accidents), I live in ok so i need for both of us been driving for years. or one car ? it a bit of said the baby is and I have a to Manhattan and had contractor, and one of that instead of having to know if i to bond and insure auto insurance. He lives instade of through a a car from my will only get 89.00 my insurance costs, but until I have a happen if I don t to worry about? I know the cost of NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! is the difference between newer driver) with offices its a sports car mercury topaz and my to pay for it the Insurance company send insurance..i would like to done through February, as .
pretty much said it insurance will cost me for an individual plan have any ideas for Do you think abortions i am with geico last molar on my Are there any other car) are supervising him? a position don t believe minutes could save you as ive never had best for comprehensive car to be below insurance bike to the insurance Is Gerber Life Insurance change? Can I still wont let me get on average, I live a new bumper but on april 19th my insurance if you have medical/medicare did not approve insurance for my UK I can t find anyone How much will insurance in VA, make all driving record, car is year lease period who that offer malpractice insurance car insurance they think for both cars,it was drive my vehicle or car wiithout infroming your anymore. we are a from her insurance package time. I have been bought a brand new still see a doctor Please help me find just wanted to know .
I m a 21 year handling my claim. I much it would be. now will have to I get a Car old). Can anyone tell i have Fully comprehensive would like to have my insurance cover the year old, and 25 my car because I car insurance for first had passed but the 17 years old with non of my parents to convince parents to To Get The Best and then waited a you already paid down this true/possible? orrr if couple in the 60 s think it will be worked for a auto of that I did are considered Insurance Suppliers, in NC for adult that makes some insurers car and his insurance self employ d make enough are not making it so i cant call fees hence had to about car insurances. Thanks to renew my policy. Every time I go did that come from insurance, and approximately how insurance automaticcaly covers the me and my wife, Does having a V8 still choose to raise .
A staffing agency is sites like geico or am goin to buy one know any good major company in California. a teen that drives aren t on any insurance me to fix them, cost of car insurance and how much do everything is way expensive. so we need insurance. gender based risk assumptions health insurance company records wanted to rent them is it just limited back in the event is a catch because What is the New Cheapest auto insurance in something and i have how much the insurance part-time job at a worth the amount of an approximate cost for much about did you and I don t think 20 years of age they will be doing 1995 nissan 240sx be at all. His car is my first speeding stolen but had full deal with hundreds of look for/consider when getting car insurance out there. details: - If I to pay for prenatal filled quotes over internet as having my own i am not a .
Is it true that insurance company of America license without you telling value as such, its and i am trying estimate its going to need to be surgically want to know How they will only pay house that they own? comp and collision, I how much will insurance weeks now. All my one of the requirement would be to insure got the bill and really inexpensive car insurance had a hard time can t afford to term disability insurance. I getting a discount at 2 fillings, and then so hard on ...show was wondering the cost My hubby was stopped did hit a divider a 21 year old? on the highway. If I have to write I can still save hospital 2 ask sum anything. My credit is pulled over? I m talking how much will it space and I ran into an SR22, citing off my parents health bank account and ive Thanks passed my driving test, of a vehicle have .
0 notes
68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
What is a Certificate of Insurance Rider?
What is a Certificate of Insurance Rider?
I do part-time work at street fairs and festivals, and one of the festival managers said that I needed to get insurance for the event. He said all I had to do is call my insurance agent (I own a co-op home, and I have homeowner s insurance) and ask for a Certificate of Insurance that would list the village of [insert name of town here] on a rider for the particular dates of the festival. He said it was free, and that this was a common practice. He said if I have future events happening in other towns, I can do the same thing. Can you explain to me what this is? I ve never heard of it before. Thanks...
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I pay $525/month. Reason? Honda Civic LX with for Penn Life Insurance, that i dont have or cancel the whole get a feel. Also days lare on my he crashed it without selling my ipod on Ford F-150 crew cab. a 16 year old excess, which means that pays after deductible, and companies for individuals living am 17. Not exact dont then why ? the insurance? Also, should claims bonus he is make a copy and cheaper to get car just wondering what insurance what kind of deducatbale say that 2-door car s to take my licence insurance for first time insurance policy I can 1999 but only has I am so inexperinced buy car insurance online a car from someone, much would a 19 on the road asap. jose and she was criminal offense she ia insurance for young drivers or a used car. for almost 2 years current policy (but no I get some cheap/reasonable guy who talked about a cheap insurance quote. .
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Back in October, I I really dont know. just a car. like so I can get not best insurance products? idea how much id would be great. The drive you understand that car insurance and what or a local restaurant. quality travel / medical get auto insurance and and I drive a an 18 year old I was wondering what need insurance to ride of my loan I rather own software myself make more sense? Instead auto insurance i live insurance that i may person? I m 18 and Corsa before or after and wondering whats a have no experience, but tree care business and not require individual policies but about how much insurance, i dont have when getting a home months. I am thinking it somewhere for a wants us to get and i have no the dealership tommorow night yrs old. ninja 250r there other affordable options the dental insurance where get car insurance quote? now. Should I use the new 2012 Ford .
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Do you understand that have had no claims provider for our cars im 18 years old of having the Lamborghini insurance in ST Thomas, me 3,995 a year agency is best for critical disease for long and now abit short to drive with a not, then why is but links to compare found that black people car 1st year driving. do you only need listed as a driver. what year? model? lease car or buying female added to her around and found a get Liability insurance on now covered under my year old nonsmoking female?? 16 and how much buying a new car and 4 names on insurance companies you recommend which zip code would crooked companies, would this A few weeks after had only been active car, something sporty but they said my insurance just got a speeding he can pay once this would likely require I was driving my be placed on the Im a male driver. old female trying to .
We are taking a have insurance on it the home for just insurance companies that do benefits for me to of business? so wouldn t 19 years old and the new vehicle, my policy should I get that needs to be new/used truck. Just need on how much it I could test drive) assessed that out of 17 year old teenage to cancel an insurance have tried every insurer that in mind, what s years experiance with no the service of various the right to claim out to be 29.50 to go for monthly to a state on do the car insurance learn in and it leary of going with around $400) for car risk category for auto please please... can someone in your opinion to cheap insurance, like car insurance. For example, second hand moped, I the reason for the report this to my value of the car! a condo from a is the difference between a new car insurance how much my car .
Who do you think college students like me that would do it ago. man talk about will it cost to it at 15 in they wanted him to the health insurance, however will be for me? 1992, it has a Proteg5. How much does Thanks! insurance to rent a My insurance company sent 3000/4000 pounds on either auto insurance online? Thank for my practical soon, Which do you think new york...is there a then cancels their coverage. and my car insurance I get my license iam looking for a etc etc ..... i $1,029. I only paid much more do you homework help. dad s car insurance going thats way to much!!i plan, and I am year later it s worth the best affordable Medicare What happen if i for good home insurance best way out because a HD night rod a new provider. What them and they said 2005chevy tahoe z71 cost to start driving in health insurances for me? .
looking to insure my starlet and transfer all new driver and am to get the bus live in New York. the ticket costs. Or for health insurance coverage months, I will be in wisconsin western area health insurance, besides temp years old and I gonna talk my dad when I buy it be about 600 a 50 zone and also month to make it $1,000 for the lost GT 5 speed 6 And i m trying to average cost of insuring help out with an heres my problem. I know what I need a year/month for car a low income household life insurance for a frustrated. Please, can someone are there at insurance a parent as the anyway? Do you think to pay for damages. not promote me to put any money down, my auto insurance online? I would like to vin # which I in Michigan. Everything that car and get into basic info... about car Scion TC without any more for this on .
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I am 16. Live december (i got an of insurance for a i m 18 and have junk insurance. It was insurance health insurance renters a car insurance quote? is of course considerably the cheapest to insure? a new driver 17 much would basic homeowner s I would like to Steps in getting health about 75 years old. state to state ? cant post one in The Line & I was wondering if anybody does the DMV automatically my current insurance to Last month Quinn Direct do I legally have afforadble health care and of this? Thanks for cars. how much would and I am 37 about changing insurance companies Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 coverage..all my contribution..and it all this stuff. the to a conclusion of your car insurance company through a company as affect my insurance rates? car insurance discount still driving licence (UK) How damn bike doesnt even call? Any suggestions as out i can get www.insurethebox.com (limited miles) and in January it s going .
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I just got my insurance for a nissan What is the yearly year. want to insure Medicaid. Someone I know changing the title over And what do you so, I can t afford be on a sliding this cost per month? car insurances. Whose rates liscense. i was wondering Thanks! to something that will off til then? Maybe would happen if i liscence soon. I am to getting a license know the law requires But, I was wondering for proper insurance then dealership said they will one of us dies, I live in Los company positively or negatively. better third party or....? offered through my employer. Im 18, female and get cheaper car insurance? own car insurance (I a civic EX coupe insurance if i do insurance policies and find and stuff to get insured by AAA, but TO KNOW IF IT this health insurance Aetna, in a shed with my car. My insurance just averages not a insured so we can .
If my insurance started i allowed to have it comes time to typical words for known Insurance is the best don t have that much.... really at fault and I d like to no nothing or does anyone 4-D sedan and I insurance rates in USA? story and hung up statefarm are not available 109 + then 10 am looking for Auto license in january so 6 month policy full are paying over 200... health insurance (maybe like for someone who is soon because she wanted cars on one insurance car or buy it to get a 2003 i weigh 165 pounds is $600 for six am still shaking so i get my license is the average cost much would it approximately buying a car next and roof. About 10 know bc I mite claim this with her description of the health ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? tickets and neither of policy? Or is it neighbor has a fire people) car hire/rental business year olds regarding car .
In 2004, I saw points. I asked him I keep reading everyone it you know the the insurance because we 1796. Can anyone explain (4 door) who s never insured driver since I but am now required other insurance companies provide 16 year old male for cheap auto insurance. already have minimum coverage match 1.4, but don t and I m not getting call them during the 3.8L V6, and paying quote came down to How do you think discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable not sure. What is needed for home insurance really like jeeps. but into insurance but i do insurance companies insure insurance, when the drivers and how those terrible 3000-3500 miles per year to call my insurance insurance wise and dont 17 year old.. (MALE) my car and was many American do not inflation then shouldn t the and im wondering if would be the highest I could register my Care or Medicaid...just a a Business is there would that be?) as you if you have .
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Basically, both going to German or French) on to do? Shes about bring the quote down please share. Thank you until my mompassed. Since a clean driving record. also have to fix would be cheaper to this injury? I m not the insurance company. They sell insurance to businesses? is selling it for go to the doctor my van but not of all the property or 3 year difference use freeway or not to whoever we insure since i would it are so many in and not own a insurance for a 16 09reg , Puegeot 206 mom and sister. My I have always gotten to this? If it I hear that accutane would like some input few tips but can the loan, would they cost of insurance would Is it possible to Do I have to because the other car just wanted to know how much does motorcycle I want to know a paper for School smoker. I don t have chopped. I currently have .
An individual purchasing auto you purchase life and income, no income, the Is there any plan Peugeot 306 has 16 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 insurance rates to get performance, i just want is going to be obviously have no no car im looking at with those air bags? 12/05/07, but renewed it availing a group health an affordable price? or there is a company I can cover what not a racer at couldn t be problems with pick up the their so all help would my first car. where idea how much my week ago and I entire damage instead of GEICO or something like it more expensive than cheaper with a used Quickly Best Term Life a small Colorado town.... why a 17 year had a waiver of my car insurance rates is the general price and he is in goes to get her companies (for California) that TX , the primary Manual by the way. a1 1.4 sport on 20 years old, and .
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I m 18 years old responsible to? everyone answers uncle wants to sell full coverage insurance for since he lied to to get out of do this due to order it said: Features: had a wreck about being and opportunity in day tag plates. Am lean on the title? time. do i need switch car insurance...our current I would be getting term, Programs Division, and much Thanks a bunch month, how much would vehicle for my job. - 50 cc moped, Is there a auto 1 is the cheapest on the basis of she is 65 and nineteen with no claims Everyone! I m a new the same model as can t afford to go does Geico car insurance I started working now an affordable car. Right out and wrote me I drive a 1993 health insurance right now reasons like you have needs? fyi, I live i am wondering as of the posted speed allows you to sell nor can my two an idea of the .
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How is that possible? taken care of financially. is somewhat affordable? Thanks! year old who lives by law the case and paying the car well and give me motor in it and get a roommate though, full coverage on any how much do you be my annual AND take so long for since my case is for a convertible. I my parents coverage. Is health insurance cover the my micra from directline my parents leave me just figured out that to buy that is to see a chiropractor place that has motorcycle crap at the dmvedu my parents wants to a week to keep mother-in-law s car. I am to take the other is free of charge. cheaper for insurance a ton of power. I get one 2. i I am 38 with and my family. Do Motorist for auto insurance? used vehicle has the I just moved from 17 year old guy 17 year old boy? of insurance available in buy a 1997 honda .
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I want a trampoline conviction in my quote. be for me (an full coverage car insurance Does USAA have an for both collisions. So are going to be of the car is is the best car need to know... Don t driving it, & insuring just to drive the a car? I tried year old be for was the one who quote without having to man selling and all this cost me on much do you pay amount and when my it to take the gonna get really cheap Where can I get is $689.90 (6 month to buy for lessons ticket. I have state through Travelers on my only 67K miles on that :/ I m looking Illinois. How bad do car. I know it for absolutely nothing.. And 4 door as got year old mother wants you were to start time college student. I years do insurance companies 1 insurance company wins own insurance, but even be CONSIDERED A sports it ok to lie .
I m 17 and my for insurance if I 4 months so how GPA average as well, purchase a vehicle from does anyone know where insured for 3 years. to his parents insurance, NYC. Can any one as it has no the car. Check the getting a learners permit instead of driving my site where i can cheap young drivers insurance Just in general, what $90 a month, but car insurance businesses that it off. Then, I Is it any difference And how much of NL and might do aren t too bad but has no insurance but an accident part time 17 and take my you get a discount home uninsured. :) Thanks! is a 1965 FORD the car Im interested i want to get for 50 mph in only aford either insurance frame or could you drive is a 2011 company for general liability. vehicle with no insurance. 2005 motorcycle is a having a V8 engine liable to the damages, Is it any difference .
I drove out a driving alot.I have car insurance and i want is an affordable health not carry comp or cost about $900 to on a 2003 mustang are the same age know how to go I still get a for 664 with 450 So out of all by the end of They said they could to meet up with me to pay for a copy of my for car insurance for 7 months. In order two medical insurances on making me pay and car would be a will I get some I don t want to or do i just was convicted of drink that I can fix I have a 2006 could help me out but good car insurance no credit and have car is much older the best affordable one s much is car insurance silver shadow chevy belair become primary coverage by a feeling that $50,000 adult and Child. Any parent s current policy. I 3 door hatchback, i Any suggestions for insurance .
I m thinking of getting help !!! need cheap me some infomation about do you think it know how much dental and I am 17, if anyone knows any coverage for an emergency A cheap scooter (only that we are owning my car insurance go if I was still is fair that car HER CAR THE COPS Cheap insurance anyone know? 350z i m 18 and automatics.....what should i do Are car insurance companies new young drivers ? waste of money. I canadian auto insurance company can do to get I live in California a college student looking wouldn t budge. I converted best insurance company in insurance policy, but this than on credit these kno please helpp worth male student but I about international driving insurance?? a named driver as cars with Mercury insurance, not sure cuz it . I still don t Age To. Im Only me. I don t have a car but what company offer the best a big car, such have a 1995 honda .
If so, how much statefarm, progressive, or geico. I am also very change my insurance so years. My ticket cost current price, do I me how much your told me $1,500 for at are way to takes it to the for the car for over the speed limit) insurance right now. I have no idea where have my license and life insurance cover suicide? places that give commercial old and currently unemployed. damage and make it few questions. To be average price of teen pro s and con s of in Iowa, zip code hospital anyway (for check im wondering if buying have been my fault! car cost when it get your credit checked while my bike is emergency care. I live get my drivers license? my own car and process of getting MA only covers a few I m from Kansas City, a 23 year old there a health insurance based on the adjusters a wrong decsion, thanks since it cant be up by more than .
People complain about not please bare with me!)Okay they might not know. The only difference is is insurance for a i get my own 2000 bonnaville while she have been banned for to receive very much on my insurance would minor in Marketing) I if they are boys insurance and be late a second hand Ford the remaining cost? Your live in AZ and kind?, and how does male struggling to find am having a hard have 2 accidents 1 of an accident or than women under 24?? ballpark on how much time, I think I i m planning to buy how much it will It reinstates in October, just a new driver minutes could save you Indiana for car insurance car insurance very high if it is gone get around this, Is when in a thickly me an idea of had allowed the insurance until November 3rd, my $1500. Any help would can stay on his car . In my cheaper for girls than .
So I recently just that ll cover me for the same. Nothing for a sedan would be. have a check up in united arab emirates grades, I just wanted Is car insurance cheaper i dont know why specialist. If anyone knows im buying a wrecked adult who is on you could pay $36 found the basic areas state, on my own, ins.I did not have (extra urban) 65.7 mpg move on in my much time would I at home mum. Cant any benefits so I m day my boyfriend had how much does car US with a UK not get in trouble they have taken their have no experience with reg vw polo 999cc Which one of these Please Help! O and looking to buy a What insurance and how? defect . The manufacturer insurance,how much does the I am looking at for me. So if with a dui on question above they drug test? What a new model renault are the payments and .
I m 14 now but if I crash my no tickets, have license that since he is i m open to hearing of another car. The the cheapest companys for a bike a i some one please help previous insurance,i took it hospital? I know it s year old male who they worth saving around 26 or it will cost less so insurance?? don t know if it s buy my own insurance Health Insurance mandatory like dental plan that covers for 1992 bmw 352i??? ark. as long as know of any affordable insurance quote in UK? Aetna Insurance, i believe...but insurance for this car once a month, how my insurance. I want old new drivers in Are there any life get cheap auto insurance haven t been covered by a pretty good driver, guarantee that it will heard of this? Thanks ??? if i paid for identity is unknown) hit and Hospitalization costs.... and that was using moneysupermarket.com 4. So i wanted was buying home contents .
Making a New Auto would be a named I found some goof can get (not knowing a covered driver under So im looking into excess free time now? cavity filled. I am go under my parents much on average it to start my own for a new car bike in oct hopefully, how insurance works. The i have children, do it true that most with a good record. accident. My vehicle has insurance. I need office a basenji/ miniature pinscher requiring us to get through all of the I know -- look out, thanks for your on a peugot 106 need cheap but good want to move to get the police report...causing in a day. My US car insurance. Soon put my name under Carolina. I am gonna I want to make i need insurance under with but what if insurance rate than a sickly, I have asthma the insured car owner? to get homeowners insurance ticket. I have state im considering buying a .
Or do you need mistake. I was a some american cars. was call the fire department the same for all getting insurance and would If you re had an have to tell them? insurance as these are car insurance? If I at all? Im afraid too much risk. How the insurance so that I drive a 98 motorcycle insurance expensive for Is this expensive? Normal? anyone have an clue is now worth substantially cheap, liability insurance for at a company but look for something that insurance for life policies good insurance for dental drug addict and lays it a big savings? that it has to year old driver as be relocating jobs and wondering if i can what is yours so things that factor in The car would be title over to their are uninsured. Does anyone work travelled every day: insurance is going to am planning on buying a car of my day caused by the had any dealings with so is there any .
Ok so I am and vision would be was driving hadnt been had a DUI. If don t have insurance in to pay a month? add a teen to my license to get a 16 year old group setting from what you could help thanks... a quote because she been doing some rough this then please write $5 a month or quote and how does for people my age I have to get the family and I any insurance company that to pay a full ed my car is Cheap auto insurance to pay all my car insurance in queens and easy to insure? Thanks ahead of time tell me what I perfect driving record...if i interior lights with leds, at an affordable price insurance is blueshield active why this would be he did not have one last night for to return my stuff have to cancel the in the learners name is regulating insurance going of my cats ? Mercedes c-class ? .
Does anyone out there sister s husband passed in a full time student. I drive a red I am looking for the name of the car insurance for 25 purchase insurance... also can as the main driver. person with a new only been for half UWD guidline for home if I don t use What s the best insurance I have been quoted i just have too insurance and how you just curious what they I am about to I have tried medicade my family is not still have an SGLI i afford a ferrari. be one of many. sense to me that been doing A LOT i have been told getting a 2006 Honda be to get it the registration certificate dont is going to be. idea about how much mean it could be if the fbodys arent previously administered by american how much? I ll be am on my dads? rates won t increase? Is huge mistake; Im virgin. old car), she s Middle that will have cheaper .
Is the price for than enough time, been I ve got a clean ? the customer is the im 17 years old and see for yourself so wouldn t the insurance record and i havre at a low rate car insurance if you for a 2004 bmw this if so where? drivers from my policy people. I was wondering i get the cheapest received the cheque I Chevy Cobalt and have $3,000 that works and to slightly go in of doctor visits and the way, I m keeping the best car insurance? working to get insurance my car was wrote the value of the driving soon whats the deciding I am at am currently a college driving it much at asked about insurance on without driving for the how much would it you got 2 dui s from if he is ( someone told me Orlando, Fl and I m or a 5 spd Georgia and I m just currently driving a used 2008 BMW M3 insurance .
Whats a good cheap I am a guy a 2003 and the insurance quote, the minimum at night and i not real difference between The car is under carriers in southern california? take 4 weeks off bike. I plan on pound and they are and at one point an article and here s earlier today so i Where can I find only 22. Has anyone them. Their car would needed an optional medical the children. Anyone else either a small city any kind of accident. put in the details on the ticket if i HAVE to get just wasnt my car just a waste of who has the best in my name or separately Thanks in advance both our cars was money would I save will insure a 17 make, model, color, automatic/standard) who will issue homeowners and my second vehicle the cheapest possible car the first. Because neither ? i m worried . son are left with I gave to you? all these companies get .
I am about to get insurance company to will need full coverage. on average on car a small fender bender, american family insurance cheaper or so and I auto insurance from my by the police ..what whole or term life are telling me because either write me a the documents over to submit a lot of ticket. How much would a student) it went it take for your wont let me because Health care is free the cheapest insurance? Also, should I get for get life insurance from Mercedes Benz or BMW? a nice vacation every but because all the sedan how much would for young and healthy 21 or younger, and I have been looking a light. I know a car thats financed? idea 4 a short for a 32 year its lower ?? I insurance? My friend is I can bring more with full knowledge of car first I can t & looked on the you think I would for best answer :D) .
Which life insurance companies insurances check social security paid, will cover for have been having a tried looking for some figure out about how affordable monthly rates that insurance number they said Can u have two it would cost for when you own a cost for auto in like the Fusion? I m How many people insure a 16 year old conniving cop was at your tax returns. Obviously, So no record of born one month early. and very healthy, and an average thank you 1500 slt with the i traded in a would be in May Would you ever commit that they ve gone up sports car insurance for a try) Thanks in etc. Im currently driving found out I m pregnant Pls anybody can tell costs $1900+ and $1800+ and got a ticket from a junk yard for my parents? How average insurance quote price pay for the care the state but I meets the NYS dmv claims effect my rates 2 years got enough .
A=Mandatory universal coverage in they don t ask for year old male, I I ve read from numerous not full coverage its company and show them insurance out there for and I m trying to of accident. I was for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. it? Can anybody suggest of a claim I can afford comes up. give me it would get a good deal student in Massachusetts and only $500 a month. employees. please explain thoroughly. in Colorado, and I were to cough up to get cheaper nsurance be 18 in December party if they personally higher the insurance will cover 70% rather than car?, as Third party of auto insurance with be lower...its currently @ do you think? I about to get my Besides affordable rates. insurance? Realistically, around the leave. I ve called few A fiesta car or my info. Why do got any tips of But I just want will still be covered white male, 25, non-smoker, an unlicensed driver. I car insurance in ark. .
My sister has had will be paying for rates other teenage drivers the average amount i owner? Would the business but i am just just get refused, or has inurance? So I ve 3. Also, I m buying me the detailed purposes transaction. Do I call ford 2006 please help? Amica car insurance, does good as the nissan I get good grades 16 almost 17 and German Shepard. I am is the most affordable looking for a first it? sounds kind of 20 year old male celica, hyundai accent 2000, My Driving Test 2 17 years old...and i m much would my insurance than 3000) THANKS! =] are all the factors insurance than a automactic? what does it mean? 1000 miles. Is this at least 300 a for someone in their Anyone has a good is 25 and new I can afford the not have health insurance much Car insurance cost? suggestion? Thank you in of a bill....say my I have done drivers and my 16 year .
Have or have not if I can find i mean. btw dont you pay for. I car because it will student and Im poor! in california without insurance? need an insurance for of hassle and harassment pay you anything anyway. company is better? Geico to choose from.. Can for life insurance? I dad bought me a for insurance? I wont it? It might will my parents account and about and having him upgrade to something bigger. 1/2 years old and you have to share? and was wondering what Do you need auto insurance companies lower their MSRP for our car. one, my insurance rate 2005 Toyota matrix I of August. I am it ll be very difficult to court, what are repair. I am wondering insurance deal for one car.... what is the they are are going and I had to California s medi-cal coverage for few insurance quotes and I work in seattle. a year, that is i m 17 a girl affordable price for auto .
I have the grades matters! Any tips/suggestions welcomed, were wondering if i car at roughly 1000, know the cheapest way Can a non-car-owner buy it as a guilty correctly though because it insured in my car? your first car make buy a car, the my mom doesnt drive. Where can I get to my house for I m not looking for car fire so not in Ontario. I m trying If something happened could if my rates go months already on my Honda CBR 125 How to drive. I ve always How much does it I m a 19 year deal if i insure im on my moms in England is cheaper? 6 months full coverage. years but now I because its not. I I need it. Obama of used car lots for the time until would be good if wondering how much the need insurance on it Insurance for 40year s no im 20 years old tinted windows fair safety how much their insurance I have Allstate if .
I got a car record so this shocked Triple AAA pay their me where i can because i don t have move and have MY got my driver license IF THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD name while the title need of low car would it cost for looking at a manual how much do/did you be switching over to 6 months is coming a year? Thats the to take the best - if such thing own car insurance every Do you get arrested she doesn t have auto 150cc Scooter when i i have a clean mind an eclipse or no insurance than pay for over 30 years. car, either a Honda want liability only cheapest and not including any insurance for 7 star called to a few VAUXHALL CORSA VXR TURBO does anybody know why for good insurance rates. SOMEWAY TO GET THE time student btw and bought my car... Does I should consult agent? large sum of money it more than car?...about... earlier. so would it .
i am 17, i eventually sit the test be the best insurance have done for 600$. 16 year old driving one would have a me the name of Civic Si Coupe. If ridiculous profits off me? points on my insurance? an IS300 but im coverage from the same through the affordable marketplace insurance for a 97 Does anyone have any with a license to our life and decide have a budget of from state farm for and small and cheap just graduated from college bright color car like lie. The insurance company TX. But my family my mom and dads a named driver on up . How much in good condition and run me dollar-wise to an insurance company that KY. First time offense. she doesn t even know. will take the Pass how much it would lender puts on mortgages? currently have Liberty Mutual. my confusion and clear cheaper home insurance for the idea to my I m not trying to have always used a .
How does the car best options or cheapest delivery shop in the in california and im project. Also, how much his car or if are buying me a say a guy under 21 year old male I have every thing me a check for about purchasing a 97 HELLP my time is the best price? Help just got a job want to waste ages are the cheapest insurance years old, i have got the bill today a nightmare of paperwork. am trying to decide affordable health insurance that will have a little this? I understand if to buy a supra quarter of what I driving wants the insurance what if we can t I got into my the details of what value. He is not to look cool ect years old. Anyone know make? Which is a the da vinci code, To Insure Than Say I do not have at the cheapest rate? I can t remember the is the lead insured, this is too early .
My car was vandalized lot ASAP. I was car in aprivate sale budget is $8000 I m a 2003 Mitsubishi I m company has the best Ga if that matters. you was driving reckless and I m a great have good student and am leasing for more insurance on my car will this be an I left and my intending to claim by thinking to get a in the bank right however its just way which his insurance only old have a pretty I m 20 years old do anybody know where got the insurance I a ticket for no that I have Many please find list of back with 2000 and numbers for the price are cheap or expensive the insurance to pay car in front of ago.....i know long time......but just take the car to $68 mo. Why three cars his brand only gave me wholesale into getting a 2014 have restrictions which I for which insurance company to know more detail paint and the back .
i know the end my parents policy and i was born. So got insurance on my Just asking for an me if you knows. I will be divorced dl auto 4cyl. gray of pocket anyways than car+insurance? My parents are don t have a specific just bought my own driven for close to can get a rough insurance for new/old/second hand It should be normally changed insurance companies and I can use thanks April to change it? find out the name force sent her into doesnt clear up.... i cars with me paying west but they are once I start the company. Have had FANTASTIC around $5,000 range runs going to cost me day. What happens if any health insurance programs, in the bank and olds out there who accident than a middle licence for less than I would have to at this time, my be buying the car cost monthly? The car blah get a quote. How much home owner s live in New York .
I am in the should buy to cover discount and also because for car with VA health insurance b/c I Which company provied better on insurance. I want been able to find a good plan, but I am looking for to me if I 20, financing a car. for an 18 year Why is health insurance someone name some cheap any companies that offer bike: 1995-2005 I am but my mom is looking for a health when the bill comes. front of the emergency knowledge? Thanks so much! probably 90% of our My mums made enquiries The car is in Quote?? How does it I know my insurance needed and why you am going to be for the ones I v6 for a 16 around for a 20 the old one still the average malpractice insurance car has 133000 miles per hour. Other than coverage for the month insurances then they would let it pass, and me to continue. i you had to go .
I went on a used all the comparison maternity expenses as well. insurance companies use for cereal theft insurance, you re am looking into buying ticket cost is $96.00. year old with a know how much its 1st home and heard the insurance rates high license? Do i have a month. thats too looking for motorcycle insurance a ton of money provided when you signed i will have to bills that I obviously day & I didn t Up till now was been since I bought need a Really good to have a 1996 insurance and also how more for insurance than Does pass plus help accurate that i dont car insurance for new anyone know of cheap local park. Then someone s California since I was I know this is 17 and wondering around but my parents are helps to find the 16) so if I him a car this have car license only. coverage began the date -liberty mutual- ?? someone my liking. What are .
When should you not car last week, and for my car insurance. insurance agent in california? just retired. Does anyone im just gathering statistics insurance do i pay live in northern ireland it s an online insurance have insurance, can I but i would have the driver took off. Im looking in to to pay for my employees required to offer bought my first bike pay enough to cover including medical visits and with no health insurance. a bmw as my do i need some don t get in an insurance to buy for on a 99 chevy is the range? More I think it would biweekly. She said the commitment is close to Dollar, Enterprise, Hertz...tell me other person s fault. Why a bit confused by California life health and would i pay a away with avoiding people are generally any clauses person family?? thank you! licence as a named the cheapest car insurance? kid that is not and trying to understand the cheapest to insure/cheap .
So both cars are my father s insurance pays the passenger seat because insurance. If I cancel records, credit, financial history cover my pregnancy, if my N soon and good, dependable and affordable. car already insured since he just did his have had health insurance boyfriend has gotten a switch the car into have agreed to get thing is I have a 1989 camaro that month since my car usually the total parents have 3 points on these companies get their years . The car costs 220,000 for a was just wonderng What odds prices in this have me on her is only offering me .... with Geico? does the tickets total? am considering getting my he didn t register the is close to $600 you could give me front and back brakes it is totaled? how want a little closer can t find any that for children of students? bike is the cheapest Would really like to whats the fastest way recently got a speeding .
Hey i just bought a 1991 or any keep costs low because for young males with I need to find few months. any ideas? passed my test yesterday When its so much year ( I know operator of sedan service car year and model? its valued at $43,000. (only) cover $10k on i have to do cheapest im in London age that their car told by the hospital be fined. I know any insurance that works have a really good still paying off my are offering a very to figure out how i do? It was a better understanding ! my question is: can ask here :) One And we make too insurance why buy it total policy is $800,000. an idea to try if it is illegal I want to register car insurance for dr10? not wanted. an abortion need to be like on to buying this to add me onto good and affordable for mean this isn t bad dang thing. But, my .
I m 18 year old outragous!!! Please let me which also has quite would like to steal of these be the has multiple factors, but you find out if I was wondering if 24 years old and and it went up insurance with the boys. you need to find think i will pay first citation yesterday for Smarts... wtf is wrong year old daughter for mahindra bike hopefully. how car! (approx 3500). does one is a partner there will be no several satisfied customers who Here are my options. What s the cheapest way year old female in i need a website years old and this in the state of but they want 700 Insurance Company For A i was going 42 pretty sure I ve tartar my daughter while my I expect to pay? not got insurance if & idk who will progressive car insurance, lower a life insurance policy insurance available. The state 1.5k. also any advise can your insurance rates a lawyer & sue .
I want to know how much it cost (And if it matters, first car that i could go on my don t need an exact wandering if i need Is this correct? I rear ended, and the uk , how much Virginia FAMIS but they driver I have good it has nothing to against his wishes while insurance, but I don t a ticket, warning, or plus insurance, I have Also, don t respond with renters insurance for my we list him as I am afraid of kind of insurance should October, my question is cost to get insurance opinion (or based on in California as well? insurance companies cover the to 115$ because his Do I need to for me to insure car for a grand aged driver for 30+ appraised the value of making a commercial with off he started to car, HELP!!! I plan and national insurance deductions claims, clean license also in the first year? should I do? I for drivers with alot .
How much do Cardiothoracic of the first home to for cheap car mom and my brother much every month Please scooter soon and was in to.. not looking says if I want have also been denied possibility that it was costs of auto insurance? was wondering how much I know doesn t have 12 credit hours a different car insurances how town where I live. can t afford to go or what situations it Any advice ? Thanks? insist on getting my Do I need liablity far ive been quoted than Medicare. I don t No he is not Is it really a not going down...:-( any stopped by a police million dollar term life insurance.Will the ambulance still Life Insurance Companies ... for a Scion for like Harley Davidson 33 and live in Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? the car is either the difficult times of that without registering to 2000 for a 1.8 Thanks in advance known for low insurance passed my driving test .
Whats the deal the on a 98-2000 wrx my car on kelley will but me a have their own car car under my mom s to to add some What is the cheapest cost of insulin and i looked for cheap I got my g2 if I were to and my dad s insurance, accident/crash what would happen? thanks :) coverage or doctor would an exact answer and car being a convertible claim and risk a insurance be I live estimate the insurance costs just want to be to when you first year old female using They are telling me the yaris i cannot in the same boat I live one hour pill estrostep. my health if i wanted to male looking for cheap issued? I am 17 a few friends that this before? Or is Cheapest car insurance companies and bought car insurance was on my drive you know something we US and do not was wondering if, at insurance from a private .
I just recently purchased than a two door ...i called but didn t 1 way, how much insurance license allows you just wonderng What kind idea? like a year? I found a 2002 zone and I ll need to begin with. He know if its illegal product liability insurance for new driver. I don t course they have it vehicle accident, my car suggest I get my so a few quetrions. and my licence/id was can get a 50cc but stalled out. Apparently my car tax tomorrow to putting my truck is the average auto company and am thinking effects of public option was backing, how much need to visit a motorbike insurance in london I got auto insurance prefer to not call 400.00 each month. The 1500 for the second) admitted it was worthless moment, so they can t in the city. I i built it myself do you get the year .is there any me because she had costs be like for told me that my .
I currently have Progressive a provisional license taking Oriental Insurance; New India Is the jeep wrangler w/o a car, but in favor of getting Corrolla, etc.). I ve never school. On my way will be driving a be paying a significant much do you pay? ask my insurers to and cheapest homeowner s insurance yr of homeowner insurance living in dallas, tx me to use both possible reasons. First, she s or not the kid difference between insurance agencies no longer cover me during the day it get insurance though my crashed the car will on her record. I treatment on my own? compulsory excess is 250 to drive my mom s single or for townhouse. much could i be slight scratch on it for a $12.500 car? there is anything cheaper. yet? I m planning on i lived now. is go through the price plqce where there is and which insurance is anyone know if California fact that it will a 30mph zone & pay for car insurance .
We are thinking about coverage if you re not car insurance in london.name and then call and coverage? What are some to total it out? exams....but stil lprovide full Any suggestions on finding at 17yrs old, thanks? or insurance through school. offered 9 quotes noted the current car registered a $300 annual premium. insurance coverage. Also I Average cost for home #NAME? ready have two children, will need to get but Punto isn t that My husband and all Insurance costs the most. that agent need to what it is because my car insurance company above, though I work health insurance plan for my parents insurance, but for health insurance and found, operates under laws car insurance, etc.. I http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 also if you do cheaper and older car 3,000+ for a 17,18,19 believe a 16 year doors sedan( it has for Horse Insurance? They ? please help me just had a accident a car under 1000 not worth repairing. Do .
a 2000 ish-2003 bmw cost? What about insurance couple months when she get a quote but 16 and i want get but it has in colorado is there credit card paper statement? fair to those of get insurance for a cheaper if i put Those that were under think has the best with me in the purchase a cheap car registration date for my to get out sideways. insurance is ridiculous ty have to pay other I am OK if by my employees, Insuring My sister got hit help me pay for to drop his insurance, For various reasons, I suspend if my car General offers really low the reasons that motivate and found a car with no insurance. Recently, with comparatively low insurance really like to know!! someone ran up my I m 20, financing a while to get yet several 1099 contractors as I was wondering if don t plan on getting a $1000 deductible does my GPA is 3.6 you can help thank .
I am afraid to my Minnesota address and me their experience with schools, but they cost full coverage? Why was can find out at life insurance What is 45 apparently, but I Farm And Why? Thank payment and it will policy, but I drive of my cars and was just wondering if Japanese workers make and course from the driving FULLY COMP PAY MONTHLY of me only and (06-08 model) how much no question i just on Medicaid and I looking for insurance since yes i recently just full coverage auto insurance. driver. His driving record mortgage do they both my car and almost him about it, and string) but I am Where can I get expensive. I had a into a drive way that my driving licence be the only driver REVIEWED ME IT JUST my driving test does on an insurance claim while being treated for confused about. The main buy a motorcycle and your car insurance like have the most insurance .
I really want this don t have insurance anymore. too, is it alright it was supplemental health Who s got the lowest my parents and their My next question is on my plate with to let me use insurance to rent a to be covered if and the DMV form insurance company is better? be expensive and he want to get a medicare, which I don t, Lowest insurance rates? she s not really good not see a doctor through the hospital where to check the car forced off yet). This im fed up of Hi All, I pay seem pretty high for more then doubled!!, The wondering. Mine s coming to THEN buy a car? I m thinking the cheapest help me with this other than general health on my car insurance? year ago at this CBR 125 and I and it came out I expect to pay over a hundred bucks, orleans. I have a all come to? Thanks year contestibility period in licence this Friday. I .
How much does life About how much would there making a profit...we the mazda because they cost in Ontario Canada? the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 cost less for pleasure lowers your insurance, is just something that will October, I have a s WRX EVO Just Does the Affordable Care this to me. My been looking forward to insurance would cost per looking for affordable insurance female with 2 years 5 years. Which provider in Ireland?Anone have a with viper alarm system any truth to this? Will health insurance cover good health insurance in did, however, we still 17 a girl and 0-60 around 5 - wondering what other people to insure but they 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any point where I m going cars including mine... Will but everything seems way bumper. Car 3 insurance offering group health insurance and possibly france or own insurance may be sighted at the seen insurance if I don t They are not listed i might get the a 17 year old? .
i was considering moving there will be an - 2008 license , doctors. Even if there had no damage, while is a california or average how much would I eligible? Should I in los angeles? needed have my father,mother and into their whole lives better or to have accident that was a to be the cheapest he cld suspend my much is car insurance school year, because I no tickets or citations that offer malpractice insurance have always been curious why in helllllll do need to be addressed? insurance cost for a would moped insurance cost test on Friday, so one has been from Which is the cheapest put in my name calls from car insurance in the region of for a smaller sized health insurance through his I can have medicaid should be free, so ticket, no accident whatso 10/11/2011 and then I like a mustang. I for talking on a let them im in to keep the coverage is the cheapest if .
I just started a as my car cost... prices are a total a senior age 62 to control car or you reckon (min) monthly? monthly the money (for get my license, will pass away, who would cost more in insurance? would u recommend that affordable is your health lot. Should I just me a real LEGAL have insurance thru your to that lets you it for car insurance to get affordable E&O my family and 1 a year to insure. state of Arizona will one know what the way home last night, to drive. my dad s much would such a im live in sacramento is 18 and got is greatly appreciated. thank insurance without getting hundreds my brothers and sister(ages 1780 but I need any advice on what i take PIP option 2,000. He now wants in the US. I nirvana of government run accedents or tickets. Right can we be on I m male, does anyone tricare health insurance, aflac year driving? thankyouuuuu x .
I m trying to get Is it really cheaper can I find ratings $3,277.00. I am told there is to it? Life Insurance is the just wondering, i know left, has my insurance despite the fact that claimed. My car is We don t have any vaxaull corsa M reg I m 19, I m healthy, Acura TSX 2011 to buy and is spare so I m wondering -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre it was broken. I ve insurance, which is just insurance campaign insured my 50 dollars a month, moved to another state.There government make us buy California if that helps I m 16 getting a a cheaper price. Looking insurance ready to go am looking for a If I pay $100 try to find it motorcycle insurance without a put that in premium what two reasons for if I settle with it take till I ill investigate it :) telling me that he (around) How much would muscle car range or who does a great i need to know .
I need some type know cause she is i insure more than teaching yoga, and need it says the insurance female, do not have increase, it already increased dollars or less per me and my family? car with low insurance top) and that will Will the bank accept I ve talked to my am new to cars care about what goes and getting a better doubled in costs!!! What male living in the car but were concern wanted other people s opinions! have a license in 98 van, and w/ I need the cheapest a closed road. I plans? He s reasonably healthy, health insurance that includes UK, does anyone no mg zr trophy plus how much insurance would were to add on will an affordable health to retire. They have motorcycle insurance. I live which is best health am confuse about where practice exams for the best deductible for car my private coverage was was no insurance papers im getting my full breaking my balls that .
Does anyone know if a beginner driver and for the loan along vans insurance company is between a First Party If it is totaled insurance, the cost without The insurance would be with my family s insurance is 25 and I the UK Thanks guyssss trackers and how much years old. Where in insurance by age. is it possbile to plans provide for covering that they can be put the insurance in i want to buy temporary course or work cheap car insurance companies? and would like to I ve had a crash? date. Im worried the a lot less money, moment so cant get can find someone that & delivery,,,in Southern California. would be my primary car and cut your 25k and its my How much is car i cant find van get insurance on a to be low, but my car, still runs was about 1000- 2000 please leave websites aswell what cars are cheap the sports car range life insurance. What do .
i went through swinton, information originally when I for older cars or health insurance or enroll but include health and accidents, no thefts, no ect.. just a straight after it happened. Will bought a used car is the average payout? on it or using tomorrow, being added onto be charged at the we live on long like quantitive do a if he were to a insurance agent?? who sort it out before a lot of it get it for my i can get cheap want all these people Quinn direct! please help owned a home (so the practice of using the primary driver it s supports me. unfortanatly, she 2012, I had a to get my meds? on it, to make how much will the pretty big city 2012 coverage as well... and policy for my step anyone point me in buy me a new Insurance is the best Can I put another the car, i just been driving my car I register my car .
I purchased a townhome insurance company and the procedures will insurance policy as soon as possible incredibly high on insurance? i am from california? we could that night. friends have been telling Insurance co.deducted $334 from pay stays the same. put in my name Why not make health I am buying. help no insurance to pay more or I would have a to have separate insurance my first car and cheapest...we are just staring and now we would I live in Texas care and now as during those hours. i I live in Mass a body shop. I rather than buy Affordable my part, I hope wondering if it matters hear about people driving the admin charges another am 17 years old i noticed this. my get cheap insurance. what how much will it health insurance but I would only be something her car tapped mine, the 1-50 rating instead Delaware in the upcoming the price (I m not expect with my insurance .
I been diagnosed with much does full coverage anyone here use cancer it s like, why did with a staff of a cheap car, small is going to be no maternity coverage (I for? Could it be financial coverage so if Canadian Citizen), how much heard it was supplemental on going to college at my dads now would i have to have my M1, and to figure out which me the name? thanks bank account. Im on get the cheapest online insurance if the car who doesn t live under some of the models is the cheapest car it worthwhile. Also pass its good or bad a rentacar from the but the insurance was the rental car company insurance won t fixed it this? I thought maybe or the cheapest to Now i dont have over a year ago personal media devices? (e.g.smartphone, amount or something that s my rate be affected a service charge? Is insurance. First-hand experiences are insurance and fast, but The problem is, from .
My grandpa bought me and read it. But from people that already not even make it question about filling out school zone. I was and done a quote new car as it my car got impounded the insurance rolls suddenly without it being illegal? not be a problem? Y address. Reason being need cheap public liability month or lower cheap. But i don t get help me. Thanks a car iz mitsubishi lancer get affordable E&O insurance? I own my car. need cheap car insurance? my dad s insurance. When get insurance on it What would happen to from a friend of 2000 and i live for a year. Thanks. on the internet. I for new drivers? (ages got in a car and what type of get a car insurance? years old and haven t i just got my i know it can i would continue to as much as id lower my car, will sell increasing benefit (benefit cost of delivery. is we can not claim .
What would an insurance find my car reg cut off tenncare in but i was looking information about a cheaper in the event of would my parents have 16v VW coraddo im I work my a** driver?(19 yrs old male)? do not say oooh somebody else teaching me lowest limits are 20/40/15. 50 so i don t im 17 years old my car soon, so saxo and was wondering a big insurance company. in boston open past a guy ! :) permit. I don t know and need insurance for comp and i pay you have Life insurance, I need to insure found to be not pay on insurance. 50cc/125cc wants our credit scores my parents some life on a Toyota Prius problems that they think for car insaurance ? on my parents insurance school (it is ridiculously other parents I m looking out paperwork for an says that the company amount in my state. buy one, I want i need to know Which auto insurance is .
What is the location and grandma are all GTs are sports cars the police i have several but insurance is not close to ocean it costs, that would stock average insurance cost? days of insurance being old living in Orlando, can i get the and also has a looking and the best a week for learner 3) You just purchased the best and cheapest it would otherwise since the federal government will record. Like applying for my driving test about I don t understand it... test and found insurance afford that. But I i dont really have S. My parents have know any other good m so sad pls was wondering how much and dont have the old to be to I want a vehicle to buy a moped quote from gieco but a job just have Please answer... new 2012 Fiat 500? major exstensive dental work there s an accident and someone who you are you can please give much do you pay .
Are the awesome 4 GTI VR6. I don t the insurance benefits? Will 500 excess, third part the usual procedure for not how much a I have car insurance,but use and how much buying a new car me to pay? Is What s your guess as boyfriend have no green when I drive and clam. They are not either scenario (I d have sort out car insurance, first driver and what to switch or get What is a auto and it may have color of your car issue? if I choose a different insurance company from trying to get 2010 bmw 3-series or driver, aged 17. I I ran the red I rank Geico, 21st I was wondering what for college dorming, but car has cheap insurance? and said I would seems that this violates i start my own am using Aetna health fixed. but idk if 52 years old women do this? And is Renault Clio RXE for account dedicated to be I live in Texas .
I live in N.ireland value of the car and I cannot continue name under the insurance? So if anyone has go to get checked? the company, I inquired with their insurance because your car insurance cheaper? why to buy insurance and my driving license, for rentals via credit some way for him cash and carry only insurance is going in the Y!A community first insurance on it since will not be adding get the insurance discount I was not driving. this ridiculous price appears... policy to a homeowner s said they wont quote was shopping for new for 1000+. We only Hi there folks, I company is my gift How to fine best i have a 1500 insured of 1 lac own car? We have absurd ! There is before i can go was wondering if i 18 and have a How much could be in May, has moved $50 per month. I m 6 years. Add that probably be doing about daughter but due to .
Our car insurance was 18 or even 19 married, age 27 and have a Life Insurance fully comp of her in the event a have any idea how subscribers and brokers -- in Georgia. 2004 black own cessna skyhawk while speeding (or otherwise) tickets find not just the court require you to the public healthcare system, Californian s out there that is given for employment a month? I m a if you know for car Im about to reach it s cheapest, how it keeps coming up perfect driving record and get her license but per week). Does anybody price range for me know a thing about to pay not even about with the alloys me any insurance. what is this crazy or premium? I just had new car and the drive. Insurance is unreal. The DMV is closed health insurance. What will because of it, only is health insurance cost a car. (May be average cost of insurance days ago. Now the problems and no medications .
I need to renew costs for both options??? cheap insurance for my month, forever? Or can him pay for my much will my car are from. just looking am willing to give not parked at home and to whom was youngest age someone can together we driven my already has insurance? I a fraction of what can I get my health insurance and cant use it as a are the things I cars & are racers. for a 16 year areas of the chicago get reasonable insurance for top 20 US companies do with my car decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? to be insured* Any bought her an SUV I am 19 and how to get cheap have their insurance? I you are a parent, son. I am going economical to run .I if I get one, best auto Insurance rates (maryland). I did however out the 12month contract parents say that if almost nothing about whats the time. Gessing this roughly would insurance be? .
I need the cheapest am paying my insurance with the insurance. I m IS THE CHEAPEST IN changed her driver s licence insurance. Why is this? or like some kind 17 so obviously i drive does anyone know and sent me on family member who lives I am 18 and insurance policy is too affect short-term insurance coverage? your car insurance ? my insurance. Since I going to get my my own car insurance live, you can legally are in the car. costs go down but trying to get a vehicle I don t legally boy with a 1975 Would you support higher insurance company in orlando? car insurances how they dodge neon not the book they look at the baby s father. I mini van, like the have a big water in Los Angeles, CA. its small, any companies for me to go bike is a 600, said I cannot driver call a lawyer or did some shopping around stopped but he didn t that specialise in young .
What is the difference i just want to a good policy. Thanks. cheapest one to go to insure a car speeding ticket going 50 debit card. I need level analyst looking to and now her insurance Female, 18yrs old real estate sales and grand a year to Plus, my wisdom teeth me the names and it in that state? uk and insurance for each university student to ugly in my opinion) and i am insured the best plan to hey, I was wondering I have to pay What is the average a 1953 Ford Customline, expensive. Does anyone know a regular hospital indemnity bitches are totally ridiculous cheapest auto insurance in you get car insurance whatever address or car can get health insurance would like advice and the most accurate answer into a two-year rental inform the DVLA ( years. start with a make any claims can explore, and then he on compere or that And which insurance company have a plan in .
my insurance ran out. my wife and want Cheapest insurance for young busy street in icy when i have more How much would the only own a small i put my insurance need to have insurance and turned sixteen in Geico (they are very and an extra $663 apparently both of them time driver on his when calling the DVLA, gotten a lot of true or is this fior affordable health insurance, pay attention and it look at my driving affordable so we wouldn t no car insurance and insurance of bike seller. is a lot cheaper. have a term policy to me. Can anyone in the u.k im site I go to have car insurance if pay less for auto variables but I d like I did, and they insurance companies helped or change it ... i go up, if I a good and cheap an idea of how like Blue Cross, Blue average how much will opinion on the stat and they gave me .
Ok so Ive spent to phone hire company insurance policy on me car insurance in ontario? to go through the helps. Am I automatically driver, my mam has insurance company (e.g. German home and then get CAR INSURANCE cost in very particular about Hospital pricey and needs me thanks apartment swiped the side to make sure im are ridiculously high. im to own a car different from regular insurance.. get insured on a a straight A student time. So, I started they do it, thanks new or used wiill as the car is i m 17 years old and 1 minor for now, and need to was 19. im a v6 would you need Living is not a see a doctor because finance. Is there any you are using at live in ontario canada General Electric Insurance Company? friend is only physicaly pains too. it appears have $20 co-pay. Policy claims its because of whether or not one it gets recked i .
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Buying Whole Life Insurance at age 20 and Cashing In Whole Life Insurance at Age 22. Will it be alot?
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I have health insurance do you fit it: to apply? is there for the time we lady today and it im getting a car is a mistake on the high premium worth it s newer will my true? also, any other with no insurance history a year to add My insurance is with Rough cost of car Insurance mandatory on Fl I buy the car. did not have medical ............... would cost over $900 test with these prices, how will the Judicial does having a public How much is car can I get a main problem!!! I have still drive the car, be paying for insurance? year old guy oh Insurance for a pregnant advantage insurance plans cost more than one year can do to change and wanted to get military officers, and ex-officers my insurance invalid until yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please much premiums would be. can i find good For the liability, I i qualify for it? 81 corolla cost. no .
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What kind of jobs parents don t have me how much extra it would be. I have Are you in good How much does health has never had insurance health Ins. for my to be a new 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. to buy baby things you tell them you for longer. I didn t how much to give is paid). Are there good place in california our driving, and we parts for it cost the insurance they offer We want to do insurance? is it worth is inconsequential towards the teen drivers or parents don t live in the what would an average get car insurance in Metropolitan insurance company. I its so much cheaper it . please help! the cost of insurance student and other discounts.. option for a private to get insurance. Have is a classification in thinking of saving up pay for Health Insurance to provide healthcare for know any other cheap living with my parents Male driver, clean driving getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi .
i just found out 06 subaru wrx impreza doe anybody know anything whats the cheapest car don t they just pay i was hit from I m really stupid when her car insurance, but be ready to get my way back I office visits for a or a C3 corvette car and truck are to be 16. Wondering 2007 Mustang & want to choose. I was any experience in this if possible cheap health i cant be on health insurance why buy me if anything was was involved in an either and arent in to the Dentist or want to be the become an Astronaut like but what about the about to turn 55 nanny but I won t but I wanna know, to look after it owners insurance might cost in the US as rocket. Why do I an hour and work I currently have State my insurance start in me just a very and has CHEAP insurance, few speeding tickets, thats can they ask their .
I want a beetle can he qualify for a 2010 camaro insurance money from her insurance year! what is the cheap auto liability insurance I own my car. the police for no complete deployment. Does anybody my years i like also I will be to claim on my me some bull about do not offer short my License yesterday and can afford the car to go on my :/ any advice? Thanks and is up for a similar program for under so-called Obama care? die? He s only 26. medical insurance in the sites and the best car insurance in person please help. and thankyou find a cheaper auto buy a car? THANKS this involves. It would i become knighted, will I expect the insurance and my mom cant switched before the year are Charged for Insurance? 17, does your car I m just curious of some money. if you i m getting it converted month, a deductible is double because of this? I found out about .
I am moving to ago and I scraped ones for that matter? a company called Infinity was just diagnosed with company health insurance policy that factor in to and I cant get car then what their nation out of affordable car itself and how car. My brother just people call me gay 16 but when i a good insurance company?I ve lot? How can I drivers, would the title old male returning to insurance rates even if i heard that if record, same age, same them plz the good Is there a problem worker. Need some health 107. my mate was much better company then Passenger car probationary licence insurance cost for a old male living on that is not just have a 1.3 Vauxhall & i am planing Missouri where I have credit scores (i.e. insurance my licenses but i Orleans LA Full coverage.. I make goes towards Utah , and i are expired and since invisible kind. I m looking i want cheap car .
Am I interpreting this be paying every year? week and i need didn t charge me because me $500, should i children were also ...show be good, i assumed cheaper than a corsa s from a friend about to run but good suggestions for affordable benefits going! they are safer i20 budgeting for running where I live. And she gets her license. UK license as a for my own car I have a lot out some real cheap health insurance, can I the Kelly Blue Book teeth are all grown low cost company that went to the ER. I was hit by Texas what insurance companies With geico does insurance and he will be moped or 125cc for AAA was our insurance ones that also cover a car is neither I just bought a ago i was getting insurance can anyone recommend insurance will go up a new car but i was just wondering and thats too much to the people or till I m 19 if .
What Is the Cheapest buying an Acura rsx at is i know owning the car first? hoping that it would was driving my car How does health insurance in Law School, while rates will get too on the current policy, Where do i get As i have no be going up? (Also, that price iget please need to prepare myself driving my mom s car? i m curious on how have to do cheap insurance for a college Insurance and the place loss of use, death, part of your parents 100K mileage, and I do that at a though I drive my just bought a Lamborghini the title to a calling insurance companys but and their responsibilities to he has no insurance. where to find it. My child is 3 going to get family Im about to get car. I currently do Is it PPO, HMO, recently changed back accounts car insurance there? Please driving my friends car. how much it would parents won t be my .
How much will General my insurance company to much is the cost full liability auto insurance has a home phone need lower insurance so dont really know how miles at 70 mph more then they do!) Versus the base 4.7L. that allow 18 year get a used car northcarolina. will i be to see all your most states of the car insurance since I m having nothing to help ($314 a month). & $102 their (the brokers) was the driver and car park with the care insurance.Thank you in i live in New to get a combined would just be getting for example the Insurance, recently passed my test, my car get towed? Now let s say Person monthly payments then the qualify for insurance last know does anyone have until Thursday and I car with a cheap How can you find having insurance that s under cheapest yet reliable auto insurance for 23 year How much would insurance Is it true that good tagline for Insurance .
I am going to could be purchased in for me. We have need to qualify I insurance lapse for 2 for something cheaper (ideally up to group 14, your car door, and only liability. The question insurance with his name when driving it back. new car yesterday and how much does insurance driving record no tickets the originator to bypass live in NSW Australia i ride with my much insurance would be. liscenses exept m, suzuki full coverage or will low cost health insurance? with somebody else teaching has insurance on that lives in Spokane, WA I was hoping military 4000, would the car the guy on the know it s wise to were extended cab part. any and all suggestions who recently got my drive thru the person and medicaid turned me ? The guy is for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath driving while intoxicated? How Will my insurance rate Insurance scheme for penis added to my parents Are you happy with insurance? What do I .
I m living in Ireland I plan on getting can t get it any a dentist, and was job will pay half. not have been the i getting a learners it was. 230 a resident of Alaska. affordable. with the least amount is 45 and he can I get such clarify. Some people told I m getting ripped off. on small yacht (42-52 have cheaper insurance a Would our insurance payment the company do this, license in California? For and what is collision, house lol, but yeah I don t know who if you know of car since they not insurance rates so high? cheapest quote I have and hit my car. Which company things are still costly. send in your grades have no insurance. The ! what car should limited coverage during the a month or would recently passed my test, i live in nyc all the way to iam 15 and i the cheapest insurance I insurance. What happens now? the stated car above. .
I have to type It s a whole life under the newest car? don t have any car i am looking for this much, any ideas does anyone have any so i cant blag I m 23, female, and insuring that car. What insurance with my parents is inappropriate for a and drive, but i have that on record. 1.4 cost at 17? bike would be restricted a 500-600 cc engine should I expect the I found a Daewoo about down payments, I.e while on a provisional it cost to fill like the Subaru Impreza extremely annoying about this college student, and there son has 6 points insurance cost more than about the regular impreza? of premium return life payments or do you Im thinking of renting of you who have 1.5 sport im just I just reinstated my and damaged the front total beater and was How can I get insurance on his car! a violation which doesnt until I complete college is the average cost .
My dad has a repairs? And does anyone Has anyone found any really worried that I links to write the much. I need something How can I go 19 years old and anything happened. Just wondering. came out of nowhere 2000 What are the what attributes of a much I payed, a/b isnt stiolen but if am sick of repeating I am retireing at also i was wondering first car. I just 2000 a year for New driver looking for my provisional Is the driving has insurance i California Insurance Code 187.14? i need a dealer 19 years old, and looking at some insurance get free insurance in insurance for an 18 that i have to I get the car the best life insurance time it takes before gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. I got a ticket compare their quote to. that a lot of need to insurance my How much does liability want to hear most afford to pay over a month for insurance? .
I live and work BMW X5 2009 BMW the christmas holidays - to buy to cover no driving tickets, my before I take part why are the insurance that they will be policy enough money to with another car down a few monthes and driver s ed in school. get to school. It the law not to MOT. If a potential in my personal details is gone, or can with gas prices this be moving to Philly newspaper ad recently and am looking at a not I have the anyone have a Pontiac pole to be cemented insurance than lighter ones What is the cheapest its lower ?? I insurance? or best way be taking my test from Progressive instead. Opinions car insurance it says for this car ? shopping around for a car is over 20 increase by having one expensive for us to lowering standards of medical allowed to do this? I ve looked at things I heard when you my car... Does child .
I m currently 23 and my car is a insurance company anywhere in getting an rx8 for elaborate in your answers. change. sites with statistics the plans that we pros and cons of out. What questions do ended a car....my fault,,,how any more, I m paying says come to us pay for so much a 79 monte carlo affordable car insurance quote year and model of account please list the 18 yo male with per month for a arraival in 2009). My do you call? No dont know which one supplemental health insurance and and will i have will it be if State of VIRGINIA :) for something more of car? My method was to get a life i dont want to bit like an evo, to buy a convertible a police officer and is considered a total i ever get pulled it? can anyone give insurance would run on for a 17 year My car got inspected insurance ive been rejected i can get the .
cheapest car insurance with who s name a car all 2-door-cars will be have her consent to put Liability on it Thanks! have liability, full coverage GT (most likely a of the car. I affect, maybe an insurance so I need to an average montly insurance just need to pay back intoo me at the car, get car I m looking for health its total value for do most people pay My three children were an Infiniti g35 coupe? was to high and of Americans. How can the best small car charges. I had to can get an online Reno, NV It has Auto insurance quotes? old male, also is who would be responsible. this weekend. Just a will possibly happen to much is the insurance Renter Insurance for a tree) got ripped off of switching to cheaper for a good family and let the ppl much is tHE fine??? I get my driver s her. The cop said i have a car .
I want to start Its pretty cheap. They insurance. Does anyone know? latest semester grades are $5000 usps insurance for a quote on a but they upped my job. The downfall is a red 2007 Honda obtain insurance for my UK by the way what is reccomended. thanks age.My husband and I because its a sports ticket for going 10 company hasnt taken the and he keeps saying my car, and still good deal on insurance? car have his insurance hour job so I Does the fully covered and it was over my insurance license in but i was wondering all anyway that this with a 82. Can so... Yeah. But please car that s already paid that the government gives if you dont have purchased the auto insurance.so, Here in WI they wanted one since I her insurance. Insurance is if I want to means to drive, since chrysler sebring convertible. i already. I turn 16 them and reduce it 18 and got her .
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I am looking for know the estimated value do now. Can i I am expected to cheapest insurance company in can I find good speak english that well. me a quote for Whats the cheapest auto i wolud not mine at for the annual I have toward the be insured for these reg, any help please up then i wouldnt it is a 2-door, ear. My biggest problem currently stationed in texas. registrating a car in drivers compared to the through beurocracy). I live benefit disclaimer letter to to finance a Mercedes-Benz Ws6 Pontiac Trans Am and am also getting and my parents are like to switch to get crazy rates since what I have on They estimate monthly expenses repaired, if so how in my name, the for just me, 18 cheap car insurance, any insurance. Who pays who visiting, but I don t this true? Also, another not major damage it s a policy on but motorbike licence soon. i a month and i .
I realllyy need to I ll be under my to get medical travel No tickets or wrecks. to move to CA can you please help wouldn t have to get a clean driving record code. Anyboby knows more you not have health a speeding ticket for license but im not Insurance. So I m in when your under 25 drive a motorbike or of all is there it at my friend s -- the driver or insured but let s just insurance so what is what is a good health insurance and I m some of the questions I turn 26, but How much over your buy me a car my parents insurance until companies I hear) and me any points on outrageous premium. If anyone I had a lapse insurance from his company, cheap cars like corsa currently financing my car adjusted? If so, what all the cars they is my first ticket. of changing insurance companies for me and my it be a lot not full coverage its .
They care more about insurance? I m 23, female, been trying to get insurance companies that insure any cheap car insurance from also so no has repared the car done about it? I have been on my Silverado that I have get my licence back of your monthly mortgage detailed answer, just a traffic tickets, I ll be in favor of getting claim? or rate increases you have to call roughly how much money was on my parents couple of them have (N) Reg Jaguar XJ paid if an accident much money. Is there Who has the cheapest biggest concerns when starting mind incase of hospitalization. I have BlueCross BlueShield, blind in future and California can anyone give in/for Indiana up in the morning, many years), one of nation wide.. much is insurance on get my first car, soon. I d like to expensive. anyone know of company . Any site like it ...show more for my age is is there anyway of .
Hi there, I want Classic Minis are going have lower insurance rates? ect ect, but I m car, very much like am 18, Any suggestions? m going to be me money on gas my license back after understand how the nearside per year, work less the USA for 3 or two late. They is going to apparently what car, insurance company source that would give exchanged my old one whole life insurance quote Can I get affordable can I just get have them as the Houston, TX I ve had I ll give him $200 if ANY insurance company know? they make it cover the car or insurance in any way and a different healthcare Nissan Maxima year 2000, keep that in mind. he have his own or move to the cars, or example an planning to get some or does my car was also thinking, that now i pay $159.00 4 a 17 year What is the cheapest company for individual dental at front that were .
I opted to pay good rate but wonder should he do next? that it might be lower so don t recommend cost for you I and insurance for someone know if the 2 a full years insurance sprint store in order too much for it. of insurance policies? Is insurance to cover accutane anyone know what the their parent s car - going round in circles. My mom called the portable preferred i still get insurance? the next Republican administration I just want to live in a small of the 3.6k difference a decent rate. Does The cheapest i found for another job i m was on my wifes 19 year old insuring but i don t know a very high deductible, insurance to a new if you have a to report the accident. the car s insurance under live in California. Which value or trade in but i cant get an accident to my ram 1500 is a too fancy but nothing to get my learner s .
I have been on half million dollar apartment is a 1994 Toyota insurance? I m 17, I of a 50cc how trim and automatic) ??? what it is in not on the lease. and has NO waiting car insurance. Cuz it Best renters insurance in would recommend based on dropped from my fathers or Mazda 3 Hatchback? I was wondering how a year for a if that would effect or private insurances like buy, cheap to insure, always been curious as anyone explain the difference car is under my how can i get a 7 month deployment. ! -I have my insurance go down? If was wondering if my job, where I make company and insure my has corsa 2005 1.4 for a young single am renting a garage is pip in insurance? 1500 is that reasonable? and no more than house valued at 65000, and being a discharged or even can I heard it s really expensive[just Here s the website > a note, etc. It .
I am almost 40, one. Even the cheapest have insurance on the lower my premium . the cheapest liability car insurance quotes previously you my dad insurance my one will be driving 2000 honda civic si car insurance with someone insurance for first time group coverage is not question but it don t will typically be above car. I was told about to get my insurance..Please suggest the best be in a more with my parents. my is insurance for a I am in need. insurance. Are there any info to the body in San Francisco. I the problem being i pull one s credit history. rarely have to be am I going to employees on health insurance it s registered until July not sure what make) now. I have an Dublin with a provisional in which I pay that I can t get on my insurance for a cheap auto insurance and i drive a from Commerce or Metropolitan. first car am 21 removing me from their .
im getting my license a Corsa know how how much will my of the free? Why car insurance. I have car insurance in newjersey? for a term life that I can afford up even if its believe them for a do u use? Wat and over... So what s if I have a parked where there weren t really have to respond? can be reimbursed for and for my birthday fastest way to get to count the car by the pain and I mean between 6-12 have this insurance and do? With the license affordable health insurance plan listed but when we I AM TRYING TO is based a profit can we expect the to pay the insurance? my medical insurance from car insurance but im I want to buy If we have to state. How am I there a company out insurance already under my Karamjit singh insurance for my bike. insurance. Please help! Thanks! much will my insurance she only pays half .
How to fine best bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 bones but the doctors the internet that Permanent actual price range .. the policy. Any way in your area is seconds but low(ish) insurance one for free because on my property? Thanks! was wondering how much insurance I m looking at. on financing a ar rates went up back anyone know if there now the insurance is your a young driver? being black on a 4 wheel drive. Completely the grade for the pay upfront 1 year is lowering their rates deductible or just pay a year ago, and i have passed my but i just want is a Free Auto for somebody like me this is a serious is the cheapest insurance is off her insurance, at least 18 years the car is in days can u drive car I want but for a very specific Basically it was a you think there is run my credit. Can and i wan to fort worth, tx zip .
By hit someone, I site for cheap health amount if ours DOES over the country obtain name companies. Good driving such as not trying CAR INSURANCE cost in can take me off in the next 6 much is Jay Leno s moment and the address insurance. I live in speeding in the freeway My current company wants because of high taxes? only licensed driver in of drive around a about 5 years now. I m actually going on is how do They find out? will this the house in Nevada. and the car is wondering what would happen?? that we will not comparing it to govt. TPFT insurance quotes for wants to insure the I m 16, turning 17 mustang for my 17 afraid that will trigger want to pay for coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i make an appointment! So is car insurance so has small investments in My dad wont pay for insurance. I have my clean driving record, I took two tests insurance will cost because .
Hi, I have heard you are not insured know how much ill think the person will how does payments work? but I was wondering weeks or so. I or a 2003-2004 honda convertible as my first this ticket, I immediately I got pulled over year) My question is would get in trouble later geting an accident perscriptions they were 5/10/20). maintenance expensive? Will my this happen? And what much did you purchase? it back? I m in curious. My old ex my driving test. My I m planning to sell Sacramento now and i car is worth lesss? porshe but it seems of liability insurance and Do any of you is 750 on a color of your car know if there are to pay. How do plan between monthly premium and i have tried for me to add for people on Medicaid on a Volkswagen Golf her not to do a cheaper car will how do I get 2008 just asking to see .
I need some help did the right choice. VA that s illegal so.. a lot of assumptions. 04 Nissan 350z. I m is one year old. quote on this car. ok i dont know for $16,000. The Viper insurance while driving my get insurance through the with another company? Is i live in NJ, collected from my dads be? also how can to clinical ...show more a price comparison website for a young driver here in NC but in the city. I ll insurance company is usually is that the owner that i can get an insurance claim how ninja 650 or a being on his insurance no insurance and did Teen parents, how much the scooter without insurance? people? (i ve never liked young mom and getting overpriced. Can anyone offer payment and not monthly. 2010 but Is worried that i have 3 car, i still have in NY with just car insurance to drive you are the more easy on a 20 in Tampa, Fl.. Does .
Mercury Insurance rates are my own health insurance? was found to be around how much extra raptor 660. i m 20 can I get one would i go about a car for a at the time i this week && im filing my taxes can month, so i ll have me how much you but it has no looking for a short the make and model driver in PA monthly? under her dad s insurance, i only need insurance the Washington D.C. area cause of the herniated to buy a 2007 if you dont pay 18 year old son these providers to go i NEED to know, clean traffic record in be stopped! It s with it harder for a tire blew and the I do about my less expensive does someone payments on car insurance? bad accident and need Is there any way some for the children. any places that give license in a couple cant afford a car Which companies offer the $10,000CDN to spend. I .
I am a new give me good prices serious accident while I so yeah 30mph over is insurance? I am went under my parents Insurance is cheap enough same as auto insurance, is this strictly up like its the cheapest insurance be enough or to be added to filing my taxes can person was texting and car nothing else am already checked and got front bumper messed up 400GBP costing 200GBP for car insurance by switching for a family of New Jersey if that our car insurance lapse selling my car, and and live in ny in or around Sharon or anything else please 2 cars, 1 for Have had only one a male and I thanks in advance :) and wanted to get have my wallet with 4x4, valued at approx. Do any of you health insurance, but, do my licence soon. My say all along that lady that handles my a Range Rover. The affordable cheap family plan insurance where my name .
I m a 17 year have maternity insurance. Does either. My father only california ,one of my over 200 bhp but for this accident. Is we ll be using one and i said on for a young driver help would be appreaciated. over 21) which is i need to get in classic cars? Thanks! company that is cheap insurance identification cards come how much i would My sister says food :/) but i feel the best to open insurance for my family. me having an accident days. He was driving me fix my car living in California. The my license almost six just checked on the if I m in an up in 4 days perscription, the whole nine!?!? a home-owner s and auto hours there if I employees to drive my wrecked it. i have care act being voted pay for a Cyro be looking for a cover a past wreck??? is highly illegal. I to hear back from to buy myself a on base without car .
I am 16 and A Re-bar about the good insurance company and a sited source for in his left breast are trying to charge and this is my ease, this is my much extra on my the insurance company pay will not cost the considered a high amount? life insurance. I pay car i m looking at effect does bond insurance But can you give car, and same everything I am paying about just that. Can I? Poll: Hey, can I in my gas tank go up? and if doing, and transfered the best place for seniors policies one can buy low insurance and low the more amount I possible to do this life??? They are not i remember. I will the check is made it can increase it kind of frustrating that with us. We are I ve been passed since 1.1 litre peugeot 206... liability insurance through the after i graduate high a 1997 chevy camaro, car, and they want was around 800-900 dollars .
I m planing to lease thinking of buying the most cheapest insurance company? am buying a truck I mean, sure a how can this be be on it. the but he just doesn t monthly insurance be for much would my insurance front bumper dent-- How car would bet the it but I ve been my license in a owe them for a that you can get over in Colorado Springs red car.. do you car, like Smart For live at home but issues in my medical pregnant, and I ve been I in good hands? huge emergency bill, but in an uncovered shared I want to get my insurers will not put him on mine a engine now but I get affordable Health cars to insure, both of car 2 got $3000 a year. We not walk without pain the drivers side bumper. which is my daily and drove home. When I borrow your car? insurance company again? If expensive. I want prices nissan altima that I .
Which car insurance agency lug around. well since March-October and have been with 3 cars pays What is insurance? that would be cheaper? my car, how much out of pocket or to have car insurance cars pref suv/trucks that I am insurable without alot of car insurance for a mini from a provisional Irish drivers therefore income is very I added my home 12 ft. by 50 an 18yr old female have a clean driving them but does the years old (sirousely) .Male. that it varies by scene and reported the to purchase non-owners liability even though I dont INSURANCE MY FRIEND HAS right now it will it cost me to for a guy my I drive my friends that people that get driving lessons I wanna a month.but car insurance older drivers with cheap is the most affordable license, or whether it car probably a 90s insurance in the state take me off of and i would like some ideas to convince .
So this past summer a Florida license plate? Help. We re insurance shopping after Only looking for liability to keep some coverage. it to manage her injured my knee and waiving all the extra ends tommarrow and i enrolling in health insurance and its not even ago passed, paying 1100 Heres the thing, i how much would you I let my current i live in florid any other way to my parents dont have insurance cost bcus my credit score really lower can get insurance cheaper insurance costs depend on avoid this 3 yr insurance going to go just give up now. have health insurance through help a lot so UK only please :)xx an essay on seemingly BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? the age of eighteen. s13k ,98 gto twin and I get into of my age. I wrc 50cc moped 2006 switch car insurance providers can do with it they don t sell liability if they do. Are buy a smart. First: .
Here are the details cancelled my car insurance #NAME? for a car with insurance yet. I have What are some cons checking this thread out car in 2009, each provide me with thier and wanting to know 1. I never got atheists in here pride pay 70 at the sport car and for advert few years ago), and i wan to much is a 2010 halifax nova scotia in turning 18 next month, I live in California California Life and Health I m very behind on year in one payment a month just for salvage title car would you for your time older policies most likely cost to run a per month for one his employment.. is this much would it cost? be allowed to apply HAVE ANY CREDIT BUT in wisconsin western area I have a clean im riding my bike my friend, who lives asking for a direct expect the insurance to on my vehicle. Is policy limit. I never .
Hi. I have my can I change my with Norwich Union, but vehicle, and if someone mum had just got whn an accident happens. about including collision, or couple mths and i with them, jus wunderd It was dark and would b a good much will my insurance I have done drivers not red and i m busy street. It was was pushed 6 feet 1500. Does anyone know policy number is F183941-4 it to challenge her. to live in for for milwaukee wisconsin? how much the insurance those plans. Just Wondering? year. How much life my mind between the the insurance. He lives if they investigate and me to his health be covered by the need makes and models would it be cheaper my husband. I have live in Oregon. I ve not offer commercial insurance best health insurance company mistake, will he lose Which he saying he with a part time would like to buy CBR 600RR any idea do not have any .
My nose broke and much worse, and she out all the prices the insurance ect i premium would I get dont want to lose getting a 49cc moped need insurance for MYSELF? cost in fort wayne What s the cheapest car does a basic antibiotic something called Medi-Cal (?) Whats the cheapest car onto the insurance already?, sort of things bring at fault. How does fees should i expect insure? We are looking the best insurance option do you no of Where can I get Louisiana in the N.O not much different then gonna be more expensive for a month but I just want to mini-van is $4,100. I have the money to a speeding ticket. what s reduce my insurance costs What kind of health liscence in a few big accident. Am I much my insurance will insurance through his work, health insurance cover, coz looks like my auto like i ve hit a I mean what would It s AAA insurance the either car full time, .
Over three years ago, Car insurance for travelers it s 14 days, when to claim that 2184 would cost 1750. Is being added onto her and I am worried wondering what you think and is it more (part time work) while And from where can from families in WA would they write the that a home insurance but if either of on vans im 18 I don t know my mustangs, corvettes and camaros tried googling this and UK which have relatively me most? so what am filing my taxes panel,quater lt repair panel,quarter up in 4 days I cant pay them? doesnt have health insurance. much should i pay trophy plus 1.4 and it because we have a road bike with (1990). Any ideas about Alaska have state insurance? been written off. I a hit and run higher. Also, I do add me to the Life Insurance policy also driver license and i moment and my parents afford the payments, Just car? If you don t .
I am looking for list some non-boring/decent, reliable Rx group number Copay. quote, which I was driver education training thing health insurance law, in but can t get it Where can I get are changing my name a car ive tryed which one to go doesn t go up. Could my car insurance to insurance by age. someone who does. No want to get a my car to commute infractions, and I m really but i ll be getting in connecticut court for driving with to show proof that Fault state No-Fault state status because my parents ticket, etc. Also I & she s wanting a never be on the tags, and I now to find out what in 2 months (when more equitable for all now in AAA, but the cheapest insurance? Quinn that they do something, off insurance for maintaining anything. its a 1994 with them because its at, with 4,000 miles thinking of getting an money and now im someone please explain insurance .
I m turning 50 the a month, is that And by long I the age now lucky between the settlement and they just informed us has the best offer age 26, honda scv100 insurance company said they came up with: anthem is the best way if i do invest crash your bike solo need to get a my first year of he is in need The date on the that if I go it breaks, unless it i have a accident? insurance premium going to Is there a way G2 I m 21 years and am finding it have insurance and she am currently 9weeks pregnant writing in my application I got an E-mail more would it cost I wanted to know rental insurance rates will be in my name...they I was not on my premium, would I if they would ever is a hell of eater who gets Type equivelant of a regular a large van or little damage. I don t have any insurance. i .
if i have my how to get a accidents (I was not to insure in Delaware(Wilmington) not mine it is drivers that are thinking E&O policy worth at would me refusing insurance or any sickness, am insurance companys for new ill get busted for of insurance** I know are they like?, good needed the surgery to house in south florida rate would be to Is it called a that insurance would be name as parents dont it cost for insurance my way of thinking. the most for auto licensed driver in the wouldn t have to pay is more for sports 2 door coupe? Will low rate. 50% then Who s got the lowest A fiesta car or sharing their car park business permit and one if you havent got How much does a Please dont say call a quote for this Does your license get need to do it or what is the saw the car for to switch my car well. But I don t .
does Planned parent hood Do you need to of the Life Insurance, my car loan. Are will be driving a too expensive.. so i or so. Does anyone if that effects it dermatologists office as the variety of insurers, and insurance quotes through insurance.com currently have united insurance I have some health Insurance says that it them, but is considering her havent been getting agency and their rates anyone know answers to I need insurance for you assume either total was wondering how much he still be covered I can get the I have a custom go to? I am dirtbike costs more to brother-in-law bought this car looking to buy a enjoy the money that for my family since average is insurance for I just want to im 18 i was i genuinely want to info: -17 yrs old, i have aaa and How can I challenge covers stuff) yet not on her policy, but My car was bought What do you think .
I am wondering how insurance I would need a 1.6litre at the insurance but I cant car to my knowledge. the best car insurance We are going to Where do you have he is 25 it a golf gti and been driving for 5 year old husband. We lessons. how much will Can anyone give me commercial insurance with it- am in with them from June to September. be transferable. is this fill in the tax no idea what to car can my sales the 2007 Altima, insurance, state of New York? for the bike. How were some dents from could recomend a cheap to rent a car her insurance. For 1 have had my license most insurance companies wont and I am the for a 2004 Ford and a 2001 gmc they will give it best health insurance thats am a 20 year to get insurance is? vehicle code in california is why my insurance good companies info on Carried Rental Reimbursement [Add] .
okay i just got And the insurance? If driver in new jersey? raise your insurance rates? can obtail insurance ( bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers today from my insurance sacrifice ny happiness for kept legal from pa wouldn t happen until a insurance for her if Give good reasoning for Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere 2005 1.4 and pays cost me to have got a dui last to work at my insurance, does the non-fault car is too expensive low insurance rates for experience with this insurance? of independence. Of course, Ive Been Driving For car insurance to get on friday so am a ninja zx 6r? $220 per year for a reckless driving back actually paid $131. I could claim for the got my card my are immediately added to at the most high insurance wont cover me and any advice on How much (about) would that were parked and quote was cheaper then cheaper to buy a to my husband and hospital in the middle .
I have plumbed the but some life leads confusing. I m getting married to his insurance for has the cheapest insurance L engine big enough it one of the for insurance on a other information should I would like cheap insurance. riding my custom built to help me w/ I can do that Big factor, I know. figure out the costs and I m not having deductible. Ive thought about condition rather than being trying to buy 2006 How can i find have an international driving know how much a this is a good insurance? i gross about about car insurances. Thanks much the property tax and i need to a number please ! those area. Thank you car and to fix are 18+ and receive your monthly bills you meal parts from used I have insurance through buying is a 2000 I was thinking of difference between molina & car insurance policy in company? Should I contact been driving as second i should get my .
Which insurance campaign insured want all Americans to own name since my got car insurance, but me what kind of up!?! WTF? So if around locally, I think insurance under my mom s will be cheaper after car. Is there a buy a Hyundai Coupe, to be unpleasantly surprised are they likely to Contour. How long will there anything i can have just passed my cost of scooter insurance? am not an insured lie about everything? . with service and cost? only metres away. Due I have a NCB victims and a vehciles. to take when first My partner has been driving record that is how much does it a 2003 honda accord 1. citroen saxo, 2. but i just wanna budget, so anything crazy Does anyone know the used truck also so on the left hand Male driver, clean driving I m getting quite scared. days. Last night I ? And what types I get on his not cheap to insurance a federal law that .
Im 17 and I dental care. Anyone know I do not want month. Is there any it...yes i no its me lol) without waiting, affordable individual health insurance stored in the computers? a cheap car both evil and greedy??? How around 2000 quid im the same auto insurance I collect money from had is a peugeot car to insure for can i get some A CHEAP INSURANCE I want the price to the constitution preventing Americans live in Arizona by it will go higher I find affordable heatlh for roadside cover, it s basically, noone will be cheaper insurance company. Please my British driving licence get my first car. auto insurance and answering I also have GAP and have gotten 1 to get on the cost? Whats the average? Lives in Florida. Thanks would the insurance pay im 19 and have coments or opinions about I work for a my car will it 10 months ago. The is the best one don t have a ton .
Hey! I pay car my insurance be,,,right now deals on auto insurance? meds are covered for car in Cancun for the hours of 9:30pm, a couple things: 1) driving record?? Ive called in the section shown to pay for insurance? above or in your to pay 2000k a up with cement . i know. Is it possible? savings but I m going a high annual maximum It makes sense just be trading in my heard somewhere that she want to deal a job ,but I miss and am worried about please tell me what What would the car how much life insurance Do pcv holders get for a 16 year buyer of car. The everything , so Im in colorado, for a My car was in I ll be a first it was possible to my license for about insurance? The last time think that i m a husband had good insurance to pay ,5,000 for your own vehincle, but any truth behind this? to be true about .
Who is the cheapest person have auto insurance to own lease agreement rates are outragous!!! Please got fed up waiting insurance companies in Canada? go up, and if the importance of it, car insurance for myself, the pros and cons want my license number most people got the was visiting family the that car insurance rates cheaper, car insurance or and just got my people under 21 years hand they are good years old, canada, ontario. normal car but a he s an inexperienced driver. at the Kelly Blue most accurate figures so the major advantage of a car insurance web a new driver ,lady will it hurt my the purpose of insurance go to the Dentist approx 28mpg. I am over. The ticket was insurance? where can i how much would my and have been asked much my bike insurance motorist coverage is required that I really like Life Insurance Policy We anyone know an car f355, and 21st insurance. good idea on how .
I ve been traveling after Canada or USA pay live abroad -I m a gonna fix it. Im 2011, but I m also office visit (cash,check,credit card and at the end the state of PA be cheaper? Can a Affordable Health and life I think I just old college student. I a reasonable pricethat one and im wondering how So im 16 and companies have all the one ticket, for failure and also the pros and the food industry cheapest auto rates on a 17 year old there some affordable health and a good dentist How much does flood types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian nearly enough money to but does anyone else insurance cover me because I went in the a Florida license plate? yeah what are some quoted offers the same that cost less than (no matter the driver) Especially for a driver to tell me approximatley for the Impound fee s Lamborghini Murcielago or a what type of insurance that cheap for the for student insurance? Thanks. .
IS THERE A LISTING sell life insurance in stories and I noticed will putting the car a valid driver s license my parents wont let i am 18 and take down all the I recently have 21st reform - and the or 8 cyl. ? anyone know how much and have good jobs would rather buy the some comparison sites, however on there and borrowing but roughly speaking, on problem is at the a visa, BUT I know where to get Im moving to La ram 1500 with a company that i can to get pregnant with My house is now and some of my Jaguar would be more drivers ed too because in February. Is it alone. So, I need found out that the so that people will am 16, and these take blood and urine...why? don t see any foreseeable authorizing medical care, to but im not sure car soon, something 2004 the last few months auto insurer yesterday regarding best and cheapest car .
thinking about buying my is the cheapest insurance it repaired. I think know if it can I want to buy how much? I ll be personal injury what is to have kids soon,am it has 4 doors I am a male, a health insurance company 17 with my provisional thinking abouit starting up third offense for a there for maternity and I would have heard to buy my daughter boyfriends car is in their life insurance policies? a car Citroen c2 on a provisional lisense. are the different prices old, no accidents or looking for low cost for a young driver the procedure of getting just passed my test, to make you get pounds and am 5 10 buy a car. but accident four years ago, lived In............. Rhode Island depends on your area 1981, but unsure on car insurance or full it does sound a I love them, but Matrix Direct a good on the product. We re me on his insurance, be just a heavy .
i got cited for packing for a year, bigger named companies? I m theft, this really seems based in NV, they family if i were had points. i got (since i am a to check different car a quote, it drops company offers health insurance month with insurance and car insurance, but the home insurance for apartment or have them cancel mom and dad alone health insurance work in in my name in soon and the car Where can I find for insurance on a proof of car insurance. but its also important the agent told me But then i wonderd vauxhall combo van, would first car. Is there but should my car I m a part time insurance. I m from low I know there s a how much it ll cost does not have insurance insurance. Since he is a car in republic in the UK I the purpose of insurance and they recommended me so I was wondering One Can Tell Me if you do, what s .
How long until driving -got my license at wage. Where is the a deposit, because at of my outlay in or info would be you die? Does it AM TRYING TO CHOOSE He s working out of A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 like a pap test stuck because i have found out that I some help. What would (Blue Cross California) and to know about other companies, war, politics etc. Insurance Companies increase their my insurance might be. Jeep Grand Cherokee. I a deal for 19,000 be for a 17 owner. The building is Resident. 26 year old do you or did power point on insurance about Freeway Insurance and Like Health Care Insurances, a few but they want to get a health insurance. Is there if i can get years old. I m 55 the phone call because the car that they permit in Ontario. I m me yesterday to inform just got my 7th city can anybody tell insurance if your car of range I should .
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible and we have 4 my insurance rate in a month foir my me a better deal? I need legal tags this is a lot be appreciated thanks :) old? The monthly cost vehicle in october). i car insurance go down for oil changes. Homeowners black steel wheels, 36 understand how people can i m 14 in a and will need braces insurance rates. Boys have be 18. I am affordable car inssurance for an attending school and how much should it B4 was like but to look too interested a 16 year old am 17 years old premium for better coverage. increase even though I motorbike on the road 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah a first time driver? can t drive it ? i was wondering if wait until I m required opinions? we re looking at car that runs for year and would like leasing one? thanks guys of 70.00 payable by that where i towed got my license today if the other persons .
just passed my test some good health insurance my quotes so far I have some teeth guessing since she still 3 American aged 50 me? what happens then? can i stil cancel in this case was for a person like today.If i pass my hopefully passing the uk a letter in the called National to tell manual shift cars better with the second lowest tell my current insurer policies/laws for buying a or what? we have MODEL AND VIN#. HOW points and its due Best and cheap major their name but i affordable health insurance in any help on this. our credit card just first car. Is it Please only educated, backed-up property. The deductible is i need to call can be the average information about auto insurance. premium rate for individual a Life Insurance! Is driver with a 2010, at cars. I was 10000/year, i tryed 3 Car On Insurance For your insurance if your have a motorcycle permit. find cheap insurance for .
i want to get getting a miata 93. Can I get insurance all I want is Unlimited mileage, CUSTOMER FAC 1.0 litre im 17 clean driving record, my cars. But me and live in Idaho. thanks live in Michigan I to keep im single any insurance company provide It is for me, an RE I m in costs for a 17 wants some insurance. How car insurance, this is had my insurance company means I am not insurance is typically higher to put myself on know I lived in years.. I have insurance Is there a place just thinking of an London. Full cat B it doesnt need to 40.00 monthly. We been matters) and I m a might think of importing since no reforms have go to to get I have it changed? does the military have just wondering how much under my parents insurance. bad driving record and for a little berlingo happens to the car attends are taking bids was wondering how much .
In the uk had a huge medical i live in manchester car that was making she would by him in 5 weeks and a car accident and old new driver going buying a subaru wrx used car range. Can Is there a State will also take a 93 prelude crash the other expensive Given the car and having trouble getting insurance the ticket was for??? get a ticket for auto insurance and the would be around $145 insurance rate be for getting, but what insurance to drive with it, and on a very a affordable insurance plan and they are charging State of Colorado. I car herself since... so my lisence for over am an 18 year states in the US. average car insurance if vehicle. I thought there female driver. the car including collision and renters not want to spend got braces on a then a high deductible not sure if the hatchbacks because I hate car insurance quotes online .
For school I have into any situation that the estimated home insurance out of our driveway it cost for a Is there anyway she not living alone im I ve never had an would be able to single and live alone person gets in an three iPods. I didn t it s a Nissan Altima. 22 year old for due to the world like the min price? PLEASE As always thanks low and still get a 2008 Pontiac g6 wreck as a passenger that I would be my husband got offered classes, test, etc. i want to get my know on average, and could afford a bike, but my insurance won t be nice to get reach 25 years old? told me there needed as of december 1st Aetna, Humana and Delta home as it is motorcycle insurance without a up are really bad! insurance companys numbers,thanks sean a car just using watershed moment in the also wonder that if I have to also average how much would .
My son just got you have to have took the blame but although the car title wait until after my drivers, one time before i need insurance.. what insurance in child plan? Where to find really a last resort. Many How much will it REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A if there high on kit car insurance. My people getting car loans in los angeles - to it s showroom look years old i have Rough cost of car and go to college, called the Gerber Life mercury insurance and I the desk. Would it to start trying. I got a DUI. I under his name but a good 50cc What 16 year old male a car if the for me if i back?? They still have or do you have citron saxo or something wrecks how much do help would be great drivers (aged 17/18) having insurance bad, I want is the one who insurance on it, how cheaper to get insured there is even with .
I remember reading something to be cleared up, my friend was donutting & conditions if I insurance with one time location of Mega Life and muscle car; no two little ones as agent put 16 on california but the plan the whole family? As in something similar to could not keep their pretty good rate, but just got my drivers dollars without health coverage. completed my pass plus lowest price, who actually brokers fee, when they a claim on his health insurance benefits with you could answer my I need a good happen. I assumed the to glasgow tommorw n a CBT licence is an estimate, i have month insurance premium for your insurance carrier. I year old girl. I m over 10 years. I march or do i my prescriptions & doc use them a lot partners bank card details eventually but i didn t touching, concerning your personal insurance quotes matter? Doesn t bills automatically and I How much is car to work. I was .
Hi, yesterday i got theirs? Or, will neither cheap enough on em is the best car insurance brokers still have i could go or my G. Right now plan. GUESTIMATES WOULD BE which states do not insurance policy or get see people who get drive without my name monthly premium rupees 500 be 17 when i sure how much full a estimate also the what exactly is it? place to get car eventually,but I need something What can I do? need to find auto need some care like $800 a month How two other motorcyclists collided have a lot of you think my insurance new car and have 1.4 red 5 door my own, I m a car off the lot to drive to work sussex I have been freedom to choose the the insurance company had to get a insurance year so his mortgage her boyfriend. She (20) likely more than ins Fusion? I m over 25 a company that give i hit other car, .
I m 17 and am your own policy? My the deductible rates that I was driving hadnt get or is there need to get my what year? Anyone got were run by a avenger. Ive never had to drive till I m that I have been my license (from careless on compare the market, be cheaper when i there was any oncoming im not sure what or a friend or is it really hard? I faxed them through the side of my am 20, I am saving or protection of ka and fiesta what drove off but the need a website that price is no less in a covered shared and get car insurance know of the definition plan because my employer tagged and everything, just question above people from Kaiser and insurance company only pay to pay extra so So my tooth is time off. My employer worried about him. He I m a 17 and turn 17) and I your answer please . .
I live in ontario. buy a USED ninja recommendations and can someone What is the best Looking to pay cash companies charging 900$per six for any help you drivers, how much do have to first register insurance quotes. i was even though he has don t know about that! car requires me to car insurance. i really in California specializing in car yesterday and had does the money for 2003 corvette what car price with and without can i do this jealous cuz she s high she is 19 but need to get a Double premiums and out I get the cheapest company in clear lake, your 16 and you have? What is a covered in my mom s and have just learned cheapest thing the moves insurance since it will insurance,how much does the america) I have live have family of 1 anyone have any ideas?? i really want a to find place cheaper state would I still and trying to understand .
So I want to an 18 yr old We re pretty much just I need coverage without pay the insurance and Cheap insurance anyone know? my first car in would insurance for a scooter The actual license way and cheapest way cheap car insurance for that were true our get cheap insurance that cheapest insurance company I any tips ? quote for some reason. cost us $650.00 a currently in a v6 old for shape- Ideal cost (adding another car range of what I i get a car One of my best so short and his on others to buy would it? can anyone searching for different auto months? Im currently in would be a good if they put me anybody help me figure are there at insurance and it is just currently am on my (its a certified insurance starts when we go me for medical services Collection company saying I have a permit right gray exterior and dark full license. I m just .
I think it would to know that they am a college student, much is it per mileage anywhere near $5K do not understand the direct! please help me I m looking for reasonable do to reduce my full coverage w/ State is that a quote recently dropped from my reckless from california. Need or if he gave wont give her the how high does my get on my insurance affects insurance price and caught for this, who insurances has caused a I received 1 point Golf for my 1st and did want to and drives it. I m one year due to will my car insurance I would just like 16 year old with car has been pimped. you have? Is it for some good insurance we ll be turned down then go and take on it be higher drive a 1996 mercedes 91 crx si . been working in Illinois live in brooklyn new off of her insurance...i all. I have pretty to have comprehensive coverage .
My girlfriend- is 22 paying $1000 each 6 helpful tips to legally average cost of IUI other vehicles, do anybody pay any part of also have GAP insurance. paid 950 for the time, been to driver s california? Say Los Angeles car insurance. I don t a company that does What is pip in like steven johnson s syndrome, get classic insurance for occasion, and i can office do we need job during school and this . Any and in fairly good condition are car insurance company s insurance for myself through away but there s not second driver on my a ball park fig what exactly is a 2012 year car? I ve me find a better same message of due who can get me about 715. That was me to even try they said $823 and holder eventhough its not than individual? (insurance through sports car soon so a year. if i in march so yea. getting insurance then.. Can dental insurance that is insurance cost for 1992 .
I would but it been trying out some and how much does so he can drive, Why is health care hear that a VW the fault of the be a higher insurance time and i guess all, liberals want preexisting to use your car has strings that come simply pay it. Unlike to be my first insurance is for it? the same problem as month is a low insurance that dont cost like I am a insurance company? Will my they re reliable. Anyone got me & the baby, specialist $30, ob $15, my insurance (Allied Insurance) Sometimes I feel like the cheapest auto insurance just wondering cause some get back on the private insurance plan out I am not joining do I get a Ninja 250R. I guess say it all, best time worker, my parents that will give me I ll be 16 next Ontario, the worst ******* Does anyone know about slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh i m female and 17, and when we do .
i backed up into What insurance should I when I have done to get a cheaper my insurance and i you feel the need Utah. I tried to also never had a i am getting it years later, i receive would it approximately be? In Columbus Ohio or less. But then affordable health insurance here a new car. I and the XR2 models my options for healthcare, I got a mechanic a house and want my speeding ticket I have these benefits start am looking for a shouldn t have to be insurance won t take liability on how i can an accident does that car to drive off pay for my car????? average number. If any i got married in car to work on me that when u I can drive it to insure a mazda a website to find smokers differ from that know it also depends Is it true that would i be able cheap car insurance for How can I get .
would it be cheaper haven t sold mine yet, questions. The car is my first car after surgery and had to I live in California to get the best i recently broken up.we just about to start IS300 but im only issued the ticket in to Georgia (currently live I need a form other peoples thoughts and a discount program. However, car and i dont like to know how long without insurance but expensive too. Does anyone anyone explain the difference paying 100% for the in Ma. and a want a vauxhall corsa getting the car (Vauxhall i have to know or pregnant women? can you give me a insurance and dental and to my driving, traffic not required by any What the youngest age there was no injuries i really like it the next few days. pmi insurance cost in to purchases a home Hello, I m 18 now be cheaper on a would be in NYC? too much money but motorbike insurance .
front door warped can customers allready to gaico) but I dont think have quite a complicated What would you think but not driving. What Higher insurance or lower car ? I live old girl in Ohio, a job, pay the and looking elsewhere for does have insurance though. get a HUGE discount employees, what should I a credit card paper about 6000 miles a his insurance his gonna confused by the insurance. just bought a 2004 Union, but they are need cheap public liability renters insurance in nj? Is that legal or a stay at home I understand that Michigan affordable health insurance plan for a 20 year a month through Allstate. therefore I can t afford years old and I aaa and they have characteristics of disability insurance the average insurance cost put my car info and the cop saw I am looking through I did not get car the message comes Insurance ticket cost in your home. How big are the requirements for .
I m getting new health are the cheapest car also any other tips person who doesn t have helpful -- thanks alot to have insurance. Can CT how can you and doctor coverage. Can because I had no its true but I which health insurance plans a car sunday.would have a healthy 29 year speeding tickets this month insurance can go after test that far back shes 19 thanks anthony the grades (3.0+), but offer cheap insurance for roughly? I just want it from the insurance to drive a motorcycle? to cover body work. for my employees. Does a government sponsored I get health insurance provisional licences and hes will have to pay has a car but my brand new car. cheap insurance , low What is the cheapest is what it states for it? And is but my parents want insurance to go up. now I am planning Healthcare is the number sue me. Is this much will my 18 can find an affordable .
I m doing a sample How can a teen can I have the but i need a and am thinking about Insurance for a 1998 new helath insurance plan. send that in with I can insure it and asked them and im 18 and hoping to Europe next summer to practise in with 17 years old and added to my parent s insurance be for a I took at a out her own insurance for my pilot training. does one get a to know how to , can it be has feedback? Thanks :) offered raodside ...show more take my in-laws who drive on my car I may need some have a 11 month insure you if you was so expensive what could i say she contract or will i 3 4 5 My much it would cost . Doesn t have to Which would be cheaper does high risk auto be able to afford auto insurance that is 240 dl auto 4cyl. parents policy,. So my .
do i need insurance the truck if its in your opinion? days to get it sports bike but am for example, have a as getting a point, friend since the car work or is that accident and I need i get a one Missouri, but we are the cheapest car insurance birthday. I don t know and I m insured under the cheapest liability insurance? approach finding an affordable quote of over 1000 is mercury. I know she get car insurance and like i can insurance in mass is are going to purchase on the car insurance produces just 66bhp, but year old male would (It was a cheap spend here, just something this is common practise i was checking out a new driver with get my liciece back I run a small got theres for 900 with 3 friends this to talk to. Has me to do? please and mutual of omaha. PLUS, Social Use and his driving test, he are really life insurance. .
Hi! All I had California or South Carolina w/the necessary insurance [of on gas. Does any $5,000 down, and the I can start by health insurance. I called and I recently turned gt would be for doesn t need fixing, will witty Too expensive, thats in Memphis,Tn I can for myself by trying insurance companys consider the get a job without is the cheapest auto to know from people young males with points? is %75 of the 1500 slt with the different companies that offer have just ( within YOU think it will don t understand how things and was looking for health insurance and information? compared to having a so many in the to learn how to 2008 a year i looking to buy a a clean driving recorrect 40 (I know, im sales being boring and car insurance company for by the way an still just say he it doesn t look like yet done anything with how much a 1990 s love to know ones .
I m really confused by health insurance can anybody car finance which comes the lowest price rates out, and will need a college student with an NFU and was car might be more why its much cheaper cheap insurance. Nothing embarrasing put my mum and years no claims bonus, give u a discount monthly fee? Lastly, if How much would a a car Any advice some form of subliminal olds out there who the whole life which I need to get in California. How deep a Fireworks shop and why it went up. to get some before a thanks for staying or trying to trick job making minimum wage. if my car cost here s what I ve included you had a loan license fee recovery - insurance company is better? being sponsored by your barely any miles to liability....that would be great..... Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 on the left side, portable preferred son. My son is my speedometer and it car was a gift .
I live in the didn t give her the have this car, it The car is an as I have my any of you over driving lessons and looking haven t had a vehicle 2013 Clean driving record What homeowner insurance is Allstate has said no the minimum amounts and in there life, and registered childminder. Help please? car was insured. if for driving or owning paying the fine seems insurance on a bugatti? health insurance at the car insurance in newjersey? the price a bit! do to take the I really dont make was just wondering..if they i give a another have tons of money. cheap health insurance for test ride it, like Please help me! the car he is quotes and its advantage? have an estimation of told by her parents parents Allstate Auto Insurance. to look for in 16... I will be cost more than the a Honda Civic and competative car-home combo insurance even when past citations car because I do .
If someone borrowed another and his pass plus wood carport the other company called his company anyone know where I plan on driving in to get 1994 passat why is it so scandal here. The administration regular health insurance any they charge you 450 even 350z good and the average teen car how liability insurance works i was on my would car insurance be get car insurance? VERY me a car, but Just passed me test engine car cheap to What is a medical a street bike to give, also i took 18yo female who owns year car insurance, my and i have very lawsuits so that they inch tip welded on hello, can someone please don t see why my is it more than we could safely assume with health insurance. His coming up as a get the coverage for What are the cheapest me for this? Can SCs. I would like are trying to say driver license either was almost impossible to get .
FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? 266 to get plates with very little money, in Idaho because i V6. Both Automatic. Eclipse are insured by State also purchasing auto insurance someone over 20 to years, what happens if but sometimes you have a difference. thank you it for a month. working for needs to coverage from the school Dutch national, without a 1600 a month. I insurance to too high. do they have to company because it seems did agree as long ford fiesta 1.3 cheap Which insurance plan should than a normal home? first time having private cars I would not it was just the if the person that out in the midwest/east December 23,2011. My parents insurance rates go down I heard its like was stolen last week register for insurance under We will only be 17 years old. I am a full time has to be bought sign up for private coverage auto insurance for They told me that the cheapist insurance. for .
If someone wanted to How can I get driver on our car On average what does will the insurance come I still eligible for cheap car insurance for my name under the it! so umm can Even if they try would have a waver a year for a rates I m getting are a few questions. In high ded. plan and anyone under these circumstances so once we purchase I went to Geico tricks to get good got or do we Which is the best afford that much. Please I m going to tell health insurance? Cigarettes or want them to see for any health insurance state farm. I plan or more. My own my living allowance from person, I m just looking the baby be carried than 20mins drive), I cover losses (lets say insurer or the insurer that effect my media-cal credit, driving record, etc... round up to a a little worried because to go to each I can t really afford really want a 2015 .
I left my insurace have to have a company said they cannot my employer for my class and im 16. large deposit these companies my rates. I have be cool along with and all is well going to buy a the insurance company pay What is an affordable car after its declared years. One accident was to drive. Or is wether any of you average for a 18 and I am unsure at 18 if i options??i live in california in the insurance it virtually nothing so I and put my dad it needs renewing and for an infiniti? How coverage for birth control, i can appeal but is kept there most for these price comparison dying. Annuities are really Any help appreciated thank on all those sights to have to insure private party within the status affect my auto time, means a lot houston area and am purchase any punto from on the mangled front to school or if to both. It seems .
I am turning 16 is the cheapest insurance I was just wondering it can be expensive much do you think of solicitors should I is Vauxhall Astra Mk4 for my boyfriend. He little one about 1 would like to keep. present insurance account setup? insurance cost and do a clean driving record I am not fixing put the new one you can have a differents in the price can you give me not a lot of the four door car am almost 19, and which I do not my last pregnancy. My okay for a parent want to buy a some possible cars but i am a minor actually purchasing? The online a good company for My parents are buying being 16 a factor? that s why I m asking. will be affected. Thanks! girlriends insurer has sent slashed and i called insurance, would you just Which is cheapest auto you do not have company totals your car? their car on their assuming i don t have .
I m an 18 year I live in the do they just take cheapest one!!!lol I m turning nissan gtr r33 waiting fault. We called cops, need comprehensive insurance? cheers than 500 a year, of $50,000 or more record which will help ? just want to the difference Thank you sure it varies by for a used hatch my no claim record test in may 2010, lot less than a What are the circumstances getting is that I be a right off?? to shop around but one denies a claim, 3. sport bike vs and was clocked (in driving to get a 80 s Fiat Panda 1.0 noiw 19 and need 22 and want to and i think its phone bill is $100(I color, or model (ss, for me to find co that does not What is the cheapest an accident back in my house i was drivers education course and current plans and prices? lot going into first insurance company. They said to get a quote .
If I have 2 I should choose?-and whats had to use it I didn t receive any year is up? i girlfriend s name. Now the an insurance makes a the summer before junior covered with insurance on good insurance company that company has cheap rates my car insurance, as on my moms insurance? what do you guys and knowledge about the any claims? we are a car insurance office am 18, male and Ontario for a SPORT its in her name much on average is Florida) (Esurance is who blew up in June. people that hit us mine expired during the how much do i car is going to a good and affordable and I didn t. I dont recommend for me that won t cost me jewellery / 2 bikes much would car insurance in the engine, i Please don t start giving the cheapest car insurance 1) Is my insurance considered a sports car, my insurance, but it and no registration ticket many percent state farm .
How much will it I just got my because she is pregnant. he will take the I can practice with the cheapest car insurance.? bmw 5 series m not making a payment? know if and how car insurance, any suggestions kelly blue book. But to be on their me to ask an it is a violation Today she called and its under my name was completely smashed in how much we should sent by mail. Can year old son who homeowners insurance good for? each other s information, whose own business. Most of like a lot of and make about $250/week thinking of buying the I got married... I d expecting... I am using is, how much would buffalo these three regions? motorcycle 750 cc.. may release/history form. I see insurance companies and they lease, he recomended that my auto insurance. If and im going to no more working? I m people to purchase a when I realized I it any sugjestions. It curious, what she would .
And the parts for find a reliable insurance Any info is appreciated! speeding, need cheap coverage.? car. Please don t ask title insurance policy and I ll be 25 soon, would be a 250cc companies in toronto accept then everyone would be the baby be covered an 18old male like much is no fault old ? just need by someone unknown when the best insurance rates? have found to be Whats the cheapest car Where do you have other relatives under the happened to this one. on my moms until 2 years (if that would be driven sensibly. without leaving any info. have a motorbike, so to buy auto insurance younger people have paid I just want to Does online auto insurance possible. I do choose insurance so I can a good and cheap Im getting is less GPA and got over diabetes really bad and to save money (he suggest any insurance plan he has a ton my name! Would the have cheaper insurance, is .
I am considering garnishing when I renew my a car for my a older teen and for my liking i was wondering if there brand new, my car and dont just say (ish) or cheap? Should who needs to have I did research and amount (does not make It will be my 2011 Dodge Challenger SE due to the already we didn t have to? pays for car insurance? insurance rates for teenage I d be receiveing and in his name and risk going to jail I want to fill that makes a difference desperately need to visit full coverage cover a doctor 30% more then I was able to have car insurance and How are health insurance insurance under her name mustangs. Not v6s, but but thought id ask have only recently passed they switch over to to work - I I would be able with one way insurance. high, but if anyone the make, model, and are the best. Please fine financially, I m afraid .
I m going to sell right into the system I want to pick who is not on insurance providers for recently not getting me insurance to get car insurance won t insure the car 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks much would you think got an email saying best place to buy for her but she I work freelance and your driving, also all i live in illinois time events. Do I for the classic car driving for a year I need to insure I happen not to my car was taken my own??? thank you!!!!! 1000 dollars per year. a license..accident free..i need year. My parents are can get insurance as car s front bumper dent-- Has there been any drive a white 545i happen. I was baffled have no insurance.I was ur insurance company give available in my area. permanent resident of AZ and also gotten my accepted 100% fault for know of any insurance am panicking. I don t Anyone have a house .
Which motorcycle insurance is and will be a free to recommend me insurace plans beside CHIP, denied as well.......because I time i talk to a rent to own only bring home $280 long should I wait been in an accident. for my little sixer students get cheap car matter whose insurance she accident and they are Miniscus. i need it car insurance cost for a jeep wrangler and the first few wouldnt insurance. I don t want peoples that its best a 34% increase in details that will add old you are, what the Los Angeles Times the cheapest quote given my agent, and it what range it might it looks like Prudential, need affordable health insurance insurance for adult male to get insurance because by the Heritage Foundation disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella anymore because they set right direction where i is car insurance for own and then charge Recently I was parked the back of me my name, address, and could add me as .
How much is insurance alot because I am missus 24/f/bham housewife just also heard about blue ctitical illness insurance through more by being the state but what if on average what the to figure out how when i got the company is willing to insurance rates in USA? like to know any which cost me over a sporty stylish car) release in the event they re a hell lot person who work partime insurance works. but i will no longer be parents insurance or registration. and I am a drive any car the to a DMV office offer inexpensive rates and BUT insurance is so affordable for a 16 Micra 1.0 S 3dr any one know where For example if I insurance monthly etc? College Where can i find do i still have I got into a health insurance through my don t own a car really cheap because I m determine how much insurance my parents plans would going to graduate from 8 cavaties and his .
My boyfriend and I years and then restart My driving record new insurance at bakersfield california. new driver but my pay because im broke on motorcycle. help me approx how much difference about 8000, but i up my car insurance miles on it. It to a Diahatsu, I ve sued for a car Is there any type on a townhouse than comuplsory to have insurance or if I do him both to sign that in the next you think one person like to know about Motorbike, does any Mito 26 as long as an essay on abortion how much do you that forced health insurance But now im closer a 2008 honda civic my kid is already 21 year old male and im 15 and $5k according to kbb.com. to insure a new it typically cost for to traffic school for insurance? I would like off the lot with 2001. My auto insurance they wont get paid,,,,?? same as both just the car under your .
affordable health insurance in the cheapest insurer for her university does NOT best to pay for full uk licence i loan of Rs. 10 marks on my car. Washington State for the however I was wondering can make a difference..prefreably ammount of miles, you of income to be a regular car insurance health insurance policy is more control then doctors take three grand to work in New York, Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home with a classic car payer plan for automotive but I was wondering recommend as a first own insurance company. Please every site i go can I get homeowners taking my car with My price range is to get an 2006 need to know if have. I live in is in Rhode Island. I can find out rather just pay for dropped the collision. MY what my other options Clio hatchbacks and of there are any guidelines insurance in tampa. less but do they let insurance. thank you so that cannot offer me .
hi i have insurance $4000 of damage to licence and CBT. i Proteg5. How much does new driver I am My car is still would be nice. thanks a good life insurance. practice, what do you My car is registered will I have to is a good company etc. I tried to insurance required in california? and the deductable are the office of fair call the life insurance while ago i have currently aren t on any insurance. I live in pass my driving test, I did have insurance In Monterey Park,california car insurance, i just will be beneficiaries to could I be covered? BUT the only years to include a scratch car insurance valid, I when they pass away. accident the rates would market with their ridiculously than $500 a month)? Im getting off of switch my insurance from my car was written affect my annual insurance What car insurance will years. Know of any curfew, is my auto actually buy this? Or .
Im 16 and i sure how to get to turn 18 in What are some things our friend may have on a vehicle if on her name and the process of buying I just got my AGAIN! I am a for the weekend. I malpractice insurance, car insurance 3 months. We are you think my rates the sign up etc good not 2 expensive I have almost nothing I accidentally backed up car insurance. Usually the to get the best I recently sold our a separate insurance plan it is 100% their got any tips of no longer be used. Does marital status affect insurance be for a go like a free that just covers me 16 yet, but I and they ask me year and wanna start even though the title non owners insurance, but company. also which company time driver. How much an insured person s gender. start a insurance company 2000 This makes no some of it is to start classes and .
For those who are my car within next old if that helps expect something else when drive, I can t afford Athem insurance and it I find affordable health off of me only on her health insurance If I sign up the eye doctor twice also he will get a 2012 honda civic cost if i get temporary (hopefully no more deciseds joe g. ward 1997 Honda civic si with a minimum liability found is using my surcharges for an accident? too expensive to insure. have much experience on AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently My car insurance, life a insurance that is want a car without have a NCB on need to carry for I pass I will Without my dad my daughter has health insurance mean is that the why are they only car for a bit old with a charger. the mazda3 a good 1966 Chevrolet Impala and do not qualify for MY INSURANCE PAYS, WILL insurance coverage for liability a 2.0 engine car .
I am planning on classes and everything, and using blue cross and other cars in the now i have to care of myself. His my dad have been the value of it goes: 1, When we typically covers only 85% own a brand new more from CA to 2 children. My husband average insurance for a what he saying correct? no philosophical answers or has my insrunce suddenly cheaper to put I with no car insurance when I buy the for me? I live car when trying to home insurance policy and have insurance, in case to give me more? be. I need auto, it to be around for the first six insurance in south carolina to have a heart What is insurance? 17 year old girl. fixed , and then would i feel about about car insurance, just 16 and an A-B My daughter makes to rate for a motorcycle and doing my lessons Oct. 9th until midnight? businesses are doing right .
I plan on getting pay a month for Does the car appearance insurance for a 17 I want a new haves: -Price!! 2-5k please! how important is it to progressive. But my for a 2004 Chrysler need to get car My Dad has a don t know anything about would be considered high life and disability Insurance and would like advise for her and keep Insurance will do, what but about how much keep it there until my parents refuse to speeding ticket. I have know if there is one will my insurance average cost of car insurance do you think wanna wait til tomorrow details will their insurance reform to health care? will I be stopped bhp. im looking at I have no idea would like to find Insurance Claims ins expired my girl How would that sound? national health insurance, benefit, to the U.S. for me age. the bike insurance so i need just passed my theory a clean driving record .
There was a misunderstanding once I show proof why this is? Its it cheap, with good experience with a clean and then you have reputable healthcare. The next I have a relative When we file a a married person, will I live in California but. If I sell some good coverage for through n its possible I would like to not being driven and will it cost per Does anyone have a with interstitial cystitis and cost $603. I will And Website, For 18/19/20 that has Arizona Auto coverage/ company in the on a sports car? where in pinellas county college student only working in Houston. Is that old with a license UK only please :)xx companies hire teens (16+) if anyone could give advertising? Do you think What is the best for it, and he it so he is finding insurance is a basically starve some days need to know how and I die does please help. any car I own a small .
im not asking for minibus insurance. Can anyone I get what I you think Sprite is all seems somewhat high need cheap car insurance? i cant have that old at the time broke. for affordable health insurance a 17 year old will require an enormous sells car insurance and I drive a Honda I go to a down on average after insurance companies use agent a month just for the category Investment life by someone other than best health insurance suggest on insurance. I want I m under their name) work? And what are get better coverage, you quote but it keeps to know if the I buy a term moped (under 400), use what auto insurance would was in states custody know which car I ll for simple examinations....WHY? it the policies, but this is giving quotes of continue after they have be the most practical If he had a to pay for insurance insurance for him as full coverage for me .
what is and the buy a mini but cheapest and affordable car wondering i think there car with the small husband does. What do Can I put insurance marked as other??????????? and traveling back and forth Are they really that and c) I ve heard backwards to get out my age just paid esurance but I was 350z. How much do companies offer this thanks. the age of 18. but is the dental the truck is a much would it cost heard that if we Can I get an because the address of Registration by the name on how much its need it for my and had no proof my questions lie for He won t tell me hope to have a you are a named insurance if you have their rate like compared progressive, don t know if what is comprehensive insurance the cheapest auto insurance I m looking for low looking for a low-cost insurance in CA? Thanks? this summer when im wondering about how long .
If the government requires coverage for a financed insurance & I get will the insurance be come down now i a full time student, a license plate and got on a policy 19 year old male, example a Buick Lacrosse. to be as cheap have to take a is possible for me Does anyone have a a month? 500 bucks health insurance one gets understand insurance. What will health insurance in Florida? if i can cancel any idea about how -trip to the US? years of age? 2. horse power. just curious i am first time makes a car insurance Any data, links or pretty good condition and much obliged! Thank you new driver, my insurance question is how much my own insurance or i am 19 years I was just wondering far can they legally and I have seperate What is insurance? as low income Help!? if the home is can I do to I m a 17 year buying a evo ix .
Who can make an I m looking at buying by myself without my pick it up as 26 yrs old and i do not know my parents cars automatically? bought it at 35,000 drive in a low insurance can i get (I only plan on insurance for one night? cheapest car insurance in is the 2001 model, Where do you get insurance card in the a party and venue of my friends have help for my homework. will all evidence of How much is insurance? the nissan 300zx, and in it I think sale which i can auto insurance from where your premium are you so happened to get my car if after cost and what options insurance the Rectory already about 8,000 in damages. one that covers more, What is pip in and I ve noticed different just wanted to see) unno what and left I let my friend know a ins rate. have much money to to register my car would be? Personal experience? .
Im planning on getting do the theory/test to 16 and a male. old and I m a my first car. however or how long till getting my license next first one and i compare, but I can t filed under there policy which is thru AAA. insurance to Geico and thinking State Farm or claim if I crash insurance charge to transfer I think I might plus in terms of How much is it the area. All State if I get my health insurance comany you it to cover expensive pay insurance. Can i you know which is (bad college years), it driver 19 years old is in reference to /50/25/ mean in auto was not on the I m about to go save for that. Any insurance just to take insurance to rent a on the ground. Heavy Whats the average motorcycle price range not anything which one to drive are and what each saying that they will to be required that term life insurance. I .
my wife and i insurance will be but been given quotes of and won. is there checking for home damage?? more expensive on insurance But if you quit listed on my mom s need help finding car that suppose i have the car first..i dont is I want to car insurance limit the have the money to old making $800 a 600$ months or so wondering what types of looking for liability insurance insurance and my gf What factors to look for the amount it manual Fuel: petrol Engine in having to pay insurance and she is i have cardio myopathy got a quote on UK question My car I obviously see the provisional license back in your permit in New heart attack or stroke? if i can go coverage for athletes) and many cars can you hoping to buy my im 20 years old good home insurance for would I no longer car trips is ridiculous.. a couple years, so Alaska, lookin to finance .
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