thewritetofreespeech · 7 months
Hallo! Your short shot about Gojo's kids was so adorable :3. You really portray him very accurate in my opinion. Made me giggle. I don't know if you're still in mood for writing for RoR (if no then just ignore me) but can I ask for Thor, Hades and Beelzebub doing 'Kabedon' aka wall push to s/o?
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“Hey, I want to try something.”
Thor was skeptical of their words, but still moved to entertain his partner with what they wanted.
He followed their instructions in standing by the wall, and the hand gestures, but was taken off guard when they suddenly pushed him against the wall with his hands above his head.
His instincts were to fight back. To not be pinned in any way. But another part of him felt rather…small. Which was an odd feeling, but felt rather nice. He’d never been the ‘small one’ before.
Thor broke free of their grip as they giggled. “Interesting.” He told them. “I’ll have to remember that.”
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“Hey, I want to try something.”
Hades smirked at his partner’s cheeky tone. “Certainly, my love.”
He followed their instructions to the letter, and even followed along when they lifted his arms above his head. “Well, well, aren’t you a clever one.” The god grinned before he leaned in for a kiss. Using his leverage to flip them around so that they were pinned against the wall now. “Let’s see how clever you are to get out of this one.”
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“Hey, I want to try something.”
“I’m busy.” Beezlebub said, not looking up from his work.
It took some more prodding and begging from his partner to get him to go along, but eventually Beelzebub slumped out of his chair and trudged over towards the wall. “This better be good.”
He barely followed the instructions. Wanting to put in as little effort as possible. This was his downfall as, with his effort and guard down, they took full advantage and pushed him up aghadainst the wall. Hard.
The god felt his cheeks heat up, but quickly tampered it down. “L-Le..Let go of me!” He broke free quickly, while they giggled, and fussed with this collar. “I have to get back to work.”
He grumbled all the way back towards his chair and work. Continuing to ring his hands all afternoon, as it felt like they were still holding them. He couldn’t decide if that was a bad thing or not.
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ozgur-ce · 9 months
Çooook sıcak ☀ bayaaa sıcak 🔥 abartı sıcaaaak diyenler 🥵🪭🌡️🏜️🤣🤣 Ne olursa olsun yaşadığınız ortamı güzelleştirecek olan sizsiniz 🌼🍒🌸 negatifliklerin için de illa ki bi pozitif vardır... Hiç mi yok açın müziği kulağınıza fısıldasın şarkı 🎶🎵
"C'était le temps des fleurs
On ignorait la peur
Les lendemains avaient un goût de miel
Ton bras prenait mon bras
Ta voix suivait ma voix
On était jeunes et l'on croyait au ciel... ❤️ "
Tatil güzeldi ama bizim kampüste ayrı bir güzel be yaaa 😉🌲🌼🦋🍀🕊️🧿😅
Dipnot: Şarkının çevirisini merak eden açıp Googledan baksın herşeyi de devletten beklemeyin keyifle geçsin gününüz... 🎵🎶
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averydavery · 4 months
some art ❤️
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Designing my friend a Golden Kamuy Skateboard deck! Only have the sketch half way done so this is all i got at the moment.
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I’m working with Newfields’ horticulture department (also known as The IMA/The Indianapolis Museum of Art) to design some graphics of native Hoosier plants in their pollinator garden. The yellow flower is the American Senna and the pink one is the Eastern Red Columbine.
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holy-shit-comics · 7 months
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animepopheart · 1 month
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★ 【三崎のなか】 「 ふふっ、じゃあいただきます 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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taki-is-an-artist · 4 months
I love the way you draw the kids.
Can you draw their imaginary friends?
I am currently working on drawing all of the children's imaginary friends! The project might take awhile with everything going on at the moment, but I'll get there!
(Here's my Polo WIP)
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lonelyjuly8 · 1 year
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Lee Moon and Ler Sun Yay :D
Moon is trying not to laugh to show Sun he's not ticklish but he totally is (if u don't know what's going on in the picture)
(The drawing isn't perfect but its something TwT)
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montejeska · 10 months
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ima (she/her)
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yulia-inferis · 7 months
Thuggin On A Club Night Poem
Her movements are effortlessly inviting But when we lock eyes, I see her hiding Hiding in my gaze of her desperate new horizon Falling for the mirage, I see her smiling
Empty as I know, voids do expand And time has always told this to be the plan I always shown that soon my time will end But as it really comes, the calmness just sweeps in
Even the view of her hazel blue Or the satin black dress in my fingertips too Nothing can prove the reality I lose As the introjects drown me back in my noose
All I can do is look through you Within all the glitter and the flashing of lights I can feel your fantasy melding to real life And yet here I am dancing with nothing inside
Your lips resuscitate me back to try And believe in those old forgotten lies I smother you in my arms for the rest of the night Enjoying the warmth that we share through our high
For the thoughts always come and always seem to be right That dreams only last until the end of the night And you'll soon be back to your airplane flight And I'll be back alone in my strife
How can such a beautiful girl come to I? And ask for love that shes always been denied How brittle it feels to feed into the lie That somehow it wont happen this time
But you bring me back to try Injecting thoughts of a normal life I think and pause on what it would be like If I was exactly what your gaze implies
You dont know how long I strived For a moment like this to appear in my mind And here I am with the finest girl of the night Still coming back home dying inside
I hug you tight because it ends every night I hug you tight as if it will be the very last time And you like how I hide All your body in my life
I pose my body into a shelter you can hide And forget about the things that lead you to tonight You told me I caught your eye And I still ponder why
Why does it never reach my mind That these are the signs of an inevitable goodbye We talk as if we dined So many times in our past lives
And then I think how lucky How lucky am I To even get a fraction of your time For yours is worth much more than mine
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hicapacity · 6 months
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jestercircus · 11 months
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warm bird hug @imabirdy <33
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muurimi · 14 days
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eparchclass · 2 months
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963skipic | Immortalskipic [left] // Gender related to SCP-963, aka "Immortality"
963onskipic | Imamuletskipic [right] // Gender related to SCP-963-1
Requested by anon
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork and June Millington (one of the founders of the rock group Fanny), 2012.
Janis Ian and June Millington on Peter...
“In mourning for Peter Tork, one of the kindest people I’ve ever known, who was so gracious and so good to me when I was starting out. It’s testimony to the man that his family asks donations to be made to Institute for the Musical Arts, founded by June Millington and Ann Hackler to support women and girls in music. Lovely man, and a sad day to know he’s gone.” - Janis Ian, Facebook, February 22, 2019
“Thank you Peter Tork and family for your incredibly powerful gesture in suggesting that people make a donation to IMA’s ‘In the Names of Our Mothers’ fund, in support women and girls in music. Especially in these times, so meaningful ~ you will be remembered here for generations! Thing is, you’ve been such a good friend to me (us) over the years, and continue to give. That is a true testament to your soul, and your spirit. Love you always, xx June” - June Millington, Facebook, February 23, 2019
“I met him [Peter] here in Massachusetts through our really great friend Leah Kunkel. […] And they were really good friends since Peter and John Sebastian and Leah, Mama Cass… were in the Village […] And Peter did a benefit for us once […], for IMA. […] And he did record here as well. […] Peter was here a few months before he died, he came to actually record that last song that he put out with The Monkees [‘Angels We Have Heard On High,’ from Christmas Party; the instrumental track, featuring Peter on banjo, was originally from A Beachwood Christmas, 2003]. […] I wish I could have recorded him for my podcast because he told me a few stories which I love so much. [...] He played a great piano, which I didn’t know until the last time he was here. He swung by the piano and he — even though he was sick and he didn’t have much energy — he sat down and he played some brilliant classical piece. I’m like, ‘Peter, I didn’t know you played the piano!’ And he said, ‘Oh. Yeah.’ And I said, ‘How did that come about?’ He said, ‘Oh, I took lessons.’ So his parents definitely wanted him to be, shall we say, cultured, and have… you know, to play piano, the have a college degree and all of that. […] He was such a smart guy, he was so funny, he was so funny, he would be quipping all the time, you know. And it was, the last couple of years were a little bit of a slog for him because the cancer was coming back and it was really trying to get him. But he — he kept his humor intact the whole time. He was really a very generous, and he was a super-funny guy. That’s my biggest impression of him, is how giving he was. And he wanted to support IMA, the Institute for the Musical Arts, which is a nonprofit that supports women and girls in music by passing on what we know. So we do rock ‘n’ roll girls camp […], lessons — everything is being passed on to future generations. So it’s the only organization of its kind in the world where we are really hands on passing it on. And he just loved that. Like, he sent his daughter here — his wife had, you know, had a daughter, so they sent her here to one of our rock ‘n’ roll girl camps. So he put his money and his time where his mouth was, you know. […] So he was always trying to think of ways that he could help. He recorded here. You know, as I said, he was super-generous. He had a heart of gold, I gotta say. Super heart of gold. And he and Leah remained really good friends, really good friends until, you know, the last days. […] He was so smart. He was on top of current affairs, you know; he had so many jokes at the top of his fingers. […] He was a super-talented guy. […] Go to IMA dot org to take a look at this place. Peter realized the value. He loved passing it on. And he loved being around women and working with women, there’s no, you know (laughs), there’s no other way I could say it: he loved women. And he wanted to help, you know. And he let us know that, boy, he wanted to help and he did help.” - Plastic EP, 2021
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dopeforme · 5 months
A bántalmazottak imája
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy ott, és akkor, nem tudtál mást tenni!
Hogy nem tudtál korábban kiszabadulni, hogy nem vetted észre korábban az intő jeleket, hogy nem volt erőd és eszközöd ahhoz, hogy ugorj!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy elhitted mindazt, amit rólad, neked mondtak. Hogy értéktelen vagy, hogy miattad történt, hogy te tehetsz róla, hogy minden a te hibád, hogy nem vagy jó semmire!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy felelősséget vállaltál egy bántalmazóért, egy másik, felnőtt emberért, mert elhitette veled, hogy az ő élete a te kereszted!
Bocsásd meg magadnak az anyagi veszteségeidet, ott, és akkor, nem tehettél mást, és ez nem veszteség volt, hanem a szabadságod ára!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy évek, évtizedek mentek el, hogy sok volt a borús nap, a sötét éjjel, az álmatlanság, az étvágytalanság, a reménytelenség!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy nem tudtál szólni, segítséget kérni, kiáltani, üvölteni, mert nem láttál, és nem érzékeltél tisztán!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy elhagytad a mérgező embereket, akiknek mást kellett keresniük helyetted, mert olyanok, mint a paraziták, mindig kell nekik egy gazdatest, aki szívható!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy a manipulációt összetévesztetted a szeretettel!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy meg akartad menteni a menthetetlent, hogy odaadtad az összes külső és belső erőforrásodat valakinek, aki ezeket ellopta, és eltemette!
Nem szegényebb lettél, csak bölcsebb, és tapasztaltabb!
Bocsásd meg magadnak, hogy köd volt az agyadon, fátyol volt a szemeden, béklyó volt a lábadon, és bilincs a kezeden!
Adj hálát, amiért még élsz, amiért ki tudtál szabadulni, amiért újra megtanultál járni, beszélni, érezni, látni, repülni!
Adj hálát, mert észrevetted, mert ugrottál, mert megcsináltad, mert megtanultad, mert megszabadultál!
Olyan tudás birtokában vagy, melyet soha, senki el nem vehet már tőled!
Légy büszke magadra, mert van miért!
Megjártad a poklot, megküzdöttél a gonosszal, a sötét erőkkel, a démonokkal, és Te nyertél!
Legyen áldott minden perc, amit méreg, bántás, kihasználás, megalázás, és gyalázás nélkül töltesz!
Büszke vagyok Rád, mert egy hős vagy!
Te vagy az, aki egyetlen élet alatt, kétszer is megszületett!
Isten éltessen!
Bihari Viki
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peterstamatin · 1 year
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Turgor - Sisters by LastWinterDance
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