ahatintimepieces · 3 years
It's interesting to hear your thoughts! (I personally like the concept of whichever two didn't win being a bullet h**l like Snatcher, and the winner helping you) but here's some more food for thought: if we kept the beta characters, would we even have Dadtcher? Or, would we like, mainly have Moondad content? Heck, would MJ be the fan favorite instead? So intresting to me to think about - EclipsesEnd
Ahh thank you so much!!! Annnnnnd idk that gets a bit too into the hypothetical for me/I have no idea how to guess what others will or wouldn’t like. But just for me, I guess it depends? Snatcher in the beta is interesting because he seems more mischievous than “ima eat your soul” scary? I get more peter pan/lost boy vibes since he’s a shadow left behind by a time traveler. And I sort of imagine he might like to stick around Hat more since she’s a time traveler and he was once one so maybe it’s switched where he’s the one constantly following her and pulling pranks/coming up with reasons to get her to stay. (Maybe more of a sibling relationship or just BFFs than paternal!)
No idea about Moonjumper but in the beta I personally am desperate to get the Moonjumper spirit separated from the prince. The Moonjumper spirit seems a separate entity from the prince. In the stuff I’ve seen, the prince’s spirit/soul is constantly trying to escape Moonjumper’s influence. Moonjumper seems to be a vengeful and manipulative puppet master corrupted by a timeless existence in Time’s End and intended to snuff out the prince. While it could be incredible to see that Moonjumper heal I guess I see this spirit as more of a thematic representation of how even in Time’s End where there is no time and thus no endings (that’s a take away from the Moleman lore). But! The Moonjumper Spirit becomes corrupted because it’s cold and lonely at Time’s End because no time means no nothing. While there’s no sorrowful goodbyes, there’s no one to love. There’s no life or hope. Only no endings.
And so the Moonjumper Spirit represents the inability to let go/to let things end and I suspect the whole point of at least this kind of story is you gotta. You gotta let go and enjoy the precious time you share with others but eventually you gotta let go. So, I feel Moonjumper would need to... leave............... for the characters involved in such a story to heal. Okay point is, in the Beta I assume the intended story would have been (at least specifically in subcon) that Hat would help the prince, Vanessa, and Snatcher by defeating the Moonjumper spirit. By defeating the Moonjumper spirit, who tries to have its cake and eat it too by refusing to let go but refusing to remain in Time’s End where the nonexistence of good-byes ALSO means the nonexistence of life and love, Hat helps the lonely denizens of Subcon to find hope despite the loneliness of living and the acute loneliness that comes with impending partings. In this essay I will.... that’s it that’s the end of the sentence.
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