#im not suicidal or anything like that but just in case somebody gets triggered
brazil-hinata · 3 years
p*tanginang buhay to sa totoo lang
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conflictedenergies · 5 years
LFC :: Vy’cenin Nimblebreath
Tumblr media
Full name: Vy’cenin Nimblebreath Nickname(s): Vy, Cen, Cenin, Nimble Dimble. Alias(es): Anjelona Summersong. Age: Middle-aged. Birthday: September 10th. Race: Sin’dorei. Gender & pronouns: Non-binary, they/them. Sexuality: Questioning. Marital Status: Single.
Hair: An unruly nest of long and platinum blonde locks that may once have been silk soft to the touch. Now it’s dry and crispy, even greasy on the worse days. Eyes: Something of sickening shade of green-ish yellow that never quite stays the same. Sometimes it’s almost golden, other times a radioactive Fel green. Height: 5′4″ / 162.56 cm. Weight: 85.98 lbs / 39 kg. Build: Skinny, muscles prominent from the lack of fat on their body. Scars: None. Tattoos: A small one of the silhouettes of several flying birds in a flock on their left wrist. Piercings: A single stud earring in their left earlobe. Distinguished Traits: Heavy bags under their eyes and seemingly discoloured veins. They’re a muddy green, though the visibility of the discolouration varies. Common Accessories:
A purple cloak with hood.
Several worn hip-pouches of leather and cloth, full of herbs and various healing items.
A single armband type bracelet on their right arm.
A walking stick that quite honestly looks like Vy’cenin simply decided to pick up a fallen branch. 
Profession(s): Retired scholar and teacher. Adventurer. Hobbie(s): Reading, learning, sight-seeing, exploring, practicing magic, doing small talk with whoever is in chatting vicinity.  Language(s): Thalassian (fluent), Common (accented but fluent), learning Gutter-speak. Skill(s): Being decent at quite a lot of things but never specialising in anything, which is especially prominent in the art of magic. Residence: Nowhere, really. Cen can no longer afford their apartment in Silvermoon. Birthplace: Silvermoon. Religion: They cannot put a name to who or what they believe in, but they do pray. They pray to the balance of the world. Patron Deity: Balance, I suppose? Fears:
Dying of hunger.
Losing Rupgup.
Having their identity forcefully changed and malformed by people who are not themself.
Anyone looking down upon them due to their body.
Their addiction chaining them to one place.
Spouse: None. Children: None. Parents: 
Celzia Nimblebreath (mother, deceased).
Parlinan Nimblebreath (father, alive though he has disowned Vy’cenin).
Siblings: None. Other Relatives: None Vy knows of. Pets: None that they consider pets. Rupgup is more of a companion than a pet or a servant.
Extroverted / Introverted / In between /: Vy’cenin wants nothing more than to spend their days hanging out in a tavern and exchanging stories with the patrons. They’re really bad at maintaining relationships, though.
Disorganised / Organised / In between /: Them being a teacher has not helped Cen in the slightest here. Their things are constantly in a mess.
Close Minded / Open Minded / In between /: It’s their whole gig.
Calm / Anxious / In between /: Sometimes concerningly calm, Vy’cenin is extremely difficult to rile up. You could point a blade in their face and threaten their life and they’d merely blink, smile, and offer you a series of compliments.
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between /: They fight for what is right, not to come to an agreement, though they’re very much willing to compromise if it makes sense.
Cautious / Reckless / In between /: Seeing no reason to be cautious, Vy isn’t so, yet it’s not in their nature to be entirely reckless either.
Patient / Impatient / In between /: No comment.
Outspoken / Reserved / In between /: They hide nothing except for just how bad their magic addiction and the Light and Fel conflict is killing their body inside out.
Leader / Follower / In between /: Mostly Vy’cenin doesn’t bother taking charge as there’s usually already somebody else there to handle the situation. If not, though, they’re more than willing to step up, raise their voice, and get things under control. It’s a teacher skill.
Empathetic / Apathetic / In between /: No comment.
Optimistic / Pessimistic / In between /: Cenin is mostly optimistic. There are only very few things they’re pessimistic about, but in those cases their view cannot be rocked.
Traditional / Modern / In between /: No comment.
Hard-working / Lazy / In between /: It’s difficult for them to get back into the motion of things.
Cultured / Uncultured / In between /: Part of the sin’dorei culture is literally wedged into Vy’s veins.
Loyal / Disloyal / In between /: Vy’cenin is loyal yet not loyal loyal. Though they will absolutely fight for you, they put themself first. In a sense, Cenin is selfish.
Faithful / Unfaithful / In between /: Their faith in balance is unshakeable.
Assertive / Timid / In between /: They’re truly a friendly person, yet they don’t quite act timid. Cenin consistently lean more towards being assertive but not quite in a threatening manner. Though, if needed, Vy’cenin is in no way afraid to assert their dominance.
Smoking: Sometimes. Alcohol: Sometimes. Drugs: Does sucking magic out of crystals count? Triggers: None. Face claim: Tilda Swinton. Alignment: Neutral good / true neutral. In-game classes they take the most after: Demonology warlock and discipline priest.
Pokémon: Vy’cenin is a Galarian citizen, unemployed and homeless with an Applin as a caring companion and a Corvisquire as a fierce protector. They’re looking into the balance of Pokémon typing, desperately wanting to get their hands on any information they can get on every Pokémon and every type to put together a perfectly balanced team. It’s difficult, though, when they’re as far out of society as they are.
RP HOOKS — -  
Tavern meetings: Vy’cenin is in a lot of taverns.
Magic: If your muse has any sort of magic knowledge, Vy’cenin will want to discuss it and see if they can implement the knowledge into their daily life to ease their pain.
Your muse went to school in Silvermoon or needs teaching: Vy’cenin was a teacher and will always, at heart, be one.
Horrible health: Vy’cenin’s health is absolutely terrible and they often fall asleep on the street and goes weeks only eating magically conjured food. Find Cen outside, knocked out cold, or eating a mana bun, and take action- be it cruelty or lending a helping hand.
Addiction: Vy’cenin’s magic addiction has permanently crippled them, and it has only gotten worse since the Sunwell was empowered with the Light. Help them, relate to them, something.
where i roleplay: discord and tumblr. vy’cenin can be found at @conflictedenergies while follows and likes come from @foxfictioncentral. what im looking for:
adventure & actions rp.
connections of all sorts (business, friends, enemies, familial, lovers, what have you).
slice of life.
emotionally charged rp.
character solidifying/challenging.
long-term and short-term connections.
pre-established relationships.
what i wont do: explicit sex, self-harm, suicide, and excessive gore.
i mainly write multi-paragraphs style as i have a tendency to vomit words, but won't say no to rping with different styles. my writing is very emotion heavy, and my favorite thing to write is emotionally challenging stuff. give me all the angst, tho i write p much anything
useful links: about || relations || starter call
other muse blogs: @hugs-not-anonymous @once-upon-a-memoir
mun blogs: @foxfictioncentral @jcfoxington @arcticartings
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Fuckin Shit Show
That fucking happy ass unicorn that I thought looked like Jay, fucking tricked me. Fucking Clown.
I thought that since she just asked and was still being nice, pleasant, and communicative with me about spending time together then it meant that there's no way she was just tryna use me and be manipulative....noooo
The fucking happy ass unicorn told me that she wouldn't get angry if I was to end things with her just because of distance.
The true culprit mark was when I said "Lies, we both would" assuming she cared about me and was attached like she said she was and I was too. I thought it was safe to attach to her because she was happy and was saying she already could see us moving in together.
Red Flag: this was day 4 of us just talking and I knew it had been a whole fucking year since I had any type of romantic attraction to somebody and I was put my cards in too deep, thinking she was really here for me. I got caught up. And that was my bad.
I assumed since she said she was autistic, had all this trauma she told me about, and was waiting on disability to approve her or not...I thought why not? But I tried to break it off by saying we could be just friends, because overall...I couldn't see myself marrying someone who didn't want kids, was really pushy about speeding up the courting phase so we could start dating ASAP Rocky (also red flag) and then another thing...I was dead sure I wasn't ready to come out to my parents and tell them that the person I was thinking about living with and dating within less than a year, was actually a transfemme who's suicidal, a former drug and alcohol rehab patient, has depression and anxiety, scoliosis, and had been assaulted multiple times, so they have ptsd and paranoia, and sometimes can not go to sleep at all because of what happened to them.
Its like I felt so bad for this girl, plus she had things that I haven't found in common with other people. Our love languages were similar, we both had anxiety, hyper sexuality, and separation anxiety from dealing with childhood trauma. She was also kicked out and had got into with her mom, which she has cut off connection with because she did allootttt of awful shit to her....wayyyy worse than my mom. There was sexual, mental, emotional, and physical abuse, she was an alcohol bully towards her to make her get drunk early, ran her over, she was absolute fucked up mother to have. Crazy psychopath.
She said she wouldn't tell anyone her trauma unless we were actually dating which was fine. But I guess me telling her what happened to me with my mom and me getting kicked out, reminded her of her mother. We both are bipolar and have bipolar moms. So it felt great but also sad that we had to go through those hardships just for us to bond.
And she was into buds, video games, and some of my sexual interests. Yea if she wasn't a manipulative, angst who wanted to basically get back to living in an apartment with any black girl they found on the internet who would agree to doing that....living with each other and dating each other within less than a week....
She probably would have fell in love all over again. Cause lets be real if I found out the woman I dated for a year, lived with and fell in love with passed and I'm 4 months later single, horny, and missing her...of course I would be desperate if I couldn't talk to my family like that and had to live with my grandparents.....Athena wanted out of her living situation and wanted to get back to what she had with somebody else she loved.
I told her my rule for myself is to not move in with somebody unless I'm serious about being with them long term and its been a year or more of dating. Like only if I could see myself marrying you, then yea we living together. Athena didn't like that.
But you gotta be smart with dating and I'm glad I put my foot down and didn't just do whatever she said just because she had been through so much shit and now couldn't even afford to live her own life.
Bad example of what I would want to live with though...she doesn't plan on learning how to drive like I am, she doesn't want to pursue a serious career at home, and she thinks that just paying for the food with her eat card would help handle the utilities and cable and internet and cellphone bills that I would probably have to pay for....since she's still waiting on Disability to approve her after they told her she gotta wait "six months" to start getting in money.
I think us both sexting each other cause we were really starting to feel each other on THE 2ND DAY must have really teased her about us waiting to have sex. Because she did say, I should be on birth control in case we do start having sex. I wanted to, too, but looking back it would have been more hot if we could have done it raw...so maybe thats why I agreed and actually scheduled a gynecologist appointment
WTF. So my dumbass is still going, its scheduled in October, and no I don't want to go cause I don't like strangers fisting and discovery channeling my pussy like that unless I'm getting a gold medal or a lollipop after. Les just be honest...IM AFRAID I MIGHT CUM FROM EXCITEMENT AND NERVOUSNESS IF SHE HITS THE RIGHT SPOT AND THEN MY PUSSY IS GONNA GRIP THE DOC'S HAND,
SORRRY but this is exactly why I don't want a guy doctor inside of me for a visit, but then again I gotta find a female I wouldn't be sexually attracted to, but nice looking enough to where she's friendly and gentle with me. Cause Im sensitive and I clench up down there when I get scared.
But yea, I called Athena a fake ass for that reason, cause after the rose colored glasses...and having me think she would really wait a year for me in order for us to move in, she definitely lied about that too. Cause she said yes and that she be willing to do anything to make it work long distance until we got to that point.
And as soon as I mentioned living together would be a step towards marriage, me possibly being bipolar just like her because I sometimes have anger issues, and then me saying I wish you lived closer...
Must have triggered her autism and her ptsd flags about her mom...
Idk, but yea I fell for it, but at the same time it was because she was too good to be true in comparison from the Jay I just ran away from...and its been a year....but it still feels like I just left 2-3 months ago. And that's so weird to me.
Athena. Scam. Mentally Psychotic. But aye, crazy attracts crazy...
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shcklesofsin-aa · 6 years
UPDATED: 2018/06/02
Hello! I go by Kaat, I’m 16 years old, I’m from Canada and I’ve started roleplaying back in JUNE 2017. This blog was established on the 27th of November 2017.
[ more about the mun: x ]
To roleplay with me, you  MUST follow my rules:
     ☆ This blog is INDEPENDANT:   I am not associated in any way with any RP group or with the manga/anime of Fairy Tail.
     ☆ This blog is PRIVATE:   I will only roleplay with  MUTUALS ( people that follow me and who I follow back ). However, feel free to talk to me/send things OOC !
     ☆ This blog is SELECTIVE:   I have the right to choose whether I follow you or not. I follow blogs whose portrayals I can enjoy and/or that I can see myself roleplaying with.
While I wish it was the case, Jellal Fernandes does not belong to me in any way. He, as well as the manga/anime Fairy Tail, is owned by Hiro Mashima.
I will be selective about the blogs I follow or follow back     ✦ I will NOT follow you ( back ) if I don't see myself interacting with your muse: after all, I would hate to give false hopes.     ✦ I will NOT follow you ( back ) or will unfollow/softblock you if:                you don't tag your posts and ( especially!!! ) triggers                you post content that makes me uncomfortable                you post too much OOC, not muse-related content                you post character/fandom/ship hate and/or negativity EXCESSIVELY                you ship MINOR CHARACTERS with ADULTS                you SPAM my notifications                I catch you stealing or ripping off from other roleplayers                you VAGUE on the dash !!     ✦ I will downright BLOCK you if you make me too uncomfortable and ruin my roleplay experience.
GENERALLY, I’m more enclined to follow blogs that present an about page + rules page than those who don’t.      ☆ This especially applies to OC blogs and characters from fandoms I don’t know anything about. I like to be familiar with the muses I interact with.
Please don’t rush me for a reply! I live with ASPERGER’S SYNDROM and ADHD and, while I take medication, getting distracted easily is one of the many challenges I face.
I’m bad at responding to IMs. It’s better on Discord (u can ask for it if we’re mutuals; just give me a heads up) but I can still be slow.
--------DOs & DON’Ts
    ☆ Do NOT do anything drastic to my muse w/o my goddamn permission ( ex. handicap/kill/etc. )
    ☆ Do NOT send anon hate
    ☆ Do NOT harass me or my roleplay partners
    ☆ Do NOT send anything IC if I don't follow you
    ☆ Do NOT underestimate my muse under any circumstances. JELLAL FERNANDES IS AN OP CHARACTER, an ex-WIZARD SAINT AND ONE OF THE MANGA’S MOST POWERFUL CHARACTERS. I hhhhate it.
    ☆ Do NOT talk ill of autism/use autism as an insult/make fun of somebody's autism. ( I’m austistic and I hate it. thanks. )
    ☆ Do NOT adopt a sexist/homophobic/racist/transphobic behavior or i’m going to block your ass real quick                  ☆ I won’t interact with g*enderbent blogs.
Considering that I am a MINOR ( 16 y.o. in Canada ), I WILL NOT roleplay EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT/SMUT on this blog or ANYWHERE      UNDER           ANY                 CIRCUMSTANCES.
Writing-wise, you might find implied sexual content  [ ex.  x ] or “fade to black” scenes, but it never, EVER goes further than that, and it’s always VAGUE. 
Furthermore, I only do “fade to blacks” with people that I am comfortable doing it with AND that are comfortable doing it with me.
NOTE:   My muse is an adult, demisexual and biromantic/questionning.
NOTE:   I’m a minor, yes, but I’m not a child. I might reblog non-explicit but suggestive sexual content (ex. fan art)
I can absolutely write violence and gore. I miiiight reblog some, too. Everything, however, will be tagged appropriately.
Due to the muse's past ( child slave + old antagonist ), this blog will/might contain the following triggers     ✦ abuse/child abuse, blood, brainwashing/mind-control, death, depression, gore, murder, negativity, panic attack, ptsd/trauma, self-harm, sexual content, slavery, suicide/suicidal thoughts (applies to sacrifice?), torture, violence        *NOTE: please note that most of these themes are present only in WRITING. They are tagged as tw: ( ------ ) but GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS will be tagged as gtw: ( ------ )     ✦ additionnal: alcohol, french, munday, rant, swearing Please please PLEASE tag your ships if possible. ESPECIALLY Fairy Tail ones. My own triggers are:   natza (natsu x erza), jeredy (jellal x meredy), graphic representation of self-harm.
I try my VERY, VERY BEST to tag anything that could be triggering but if I miss something or if you’d like me to tag anything in particular, feel free to tell me!
I tag triggers as tw: ---------
graphic content:  gtw: ---------                             tw: --------- ( graphic )
      ☆ I have more than one verse and many AUs. A list of them will be posted as soon as possible.
      ☆ If you would like to know more about my verse, ASK ME !
   ☆ I am crossover-friendly: I will be more enclined to rp with fandoms that I’m familiar with but will also rp with any fandom?? But I need basic informations. ( a list of fandoms I’m familiar with will be featured on my MUN PAGE )
      ✦ I am multiship: I can ship with more than one character AND more than one portrayal. Each ship is in its own verse unless specified.
      ✦ DO NOT FORCE A SHIP ON ME. Approach me, suggest it. Talk to me about it, about your ideas. If I tell you that I’d rather KEEP IT PLATONIC, please respect that.
      ✦ I can choose to be selectively shipping with a portrayal. However, it doesn’t mean that my partner HAS to be exclusive with me by default, not at all.                     --- exclusive ships: jellal x lyon ( @frostruled )
      ✦ ANY RELATIONSHIP IS TO BE CONSIDERED AS PLATONIC AT THE START. Do NOT approach me solely to ship as it makes me super uncomfortable. I’m more of a BROTP person tbh.                 ✦ I won’t shut out the possibility of shipping with an OC or a character           from another series.                 ✦ This doesn’t necessarily apply to Erzas, as she’s canonically his           love interest
      ✦ I will NOT ship with any Meredy. Period.
Do!!! Not!!! Spam!! My activity.
      ☆ Do not like my posts excessively and in a short amount of time       ☆ Do not reblog a roleplayer’s content, threads, asks.       ☆ Try to be quiet and go unnoticed? If you like all of my posts, I know that you’re there. It also messes up with my activity and I can’t see mentions and replies. Roleplay blogs are for ROLEPLAYERS ONLY. I will let non-roleplayers follow me but if you spam you’ll get blocked/soft-blocked.       ☆ There’s so pretty great fan art in my ch tag, I know. However, please reblog it from the OP instead, would you?
NOTHING on this blog belongs to me aside from:
      ✦ my writing       ✦ my headcanons       ✦ what you can find in the ORIGINAL CONTENT TAG ( free to reblog )
--------END NOTE:
Thank you for reading. I do not require passwords but I’d appreciate it if you could LIKE THIS POST to confirm that you’ve read and understood.
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