#idk why it made me laugh so hard my humour is broken
everyoneishot · 3 years
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Changes of Winter
Universe: Harry Potter
Character: Severus Snape
Type: F!Reader Insert (You, Yours)
Words: 4,020
Prompt: Hello- Idk if you're still taking requests for Snape but could you possibly do one kinda based off the song Heather by Conan Gray? Like reader and snape are students and she likes him but hes too hooked on Lily to notice? Maybe even ending with like some fluff and them getting together in the end? Idk- up to you!   And sorry if you weren't taking requests I dont mean to be a bother. (Sometimes I mix posts up where people say they are taking requests and not) 😅
Notes: Am I obsessed with snow and winter??? Maybe... Are y’all obsessed with Snape? YES, I HAVE SO MANY SNAPE REQUESTS! 😂 I haven’t proofread this guys I’m sorry! Some platonic Lupin in here for you too!
“Are you cold?” You were torn from watching your breath disappear with the cold but gentle breeze. Your feet shifted and creaked in the snow as you turned to see Severus approach you with a book tucked into his chest.
“Severus,” You gasped softly and smiled, taking a moment to release your breath slowly, “It is snowing.” You stated the obvious as if he didn’t notice and he smirked at your sarcasm.
“I can see that. Where’s your scarf?” He frowned when you averted your eyes then turned towards the lake.
“Out there somewhere.” You shrugged and shivered the cold from your bones.
“Why is it out there?” He ducked to catch your gaze and you glanced sheepishly at him.
“I may have said some things to some people in defence yesterday. So they may have decided to push me and my scarf into the lake...” You smiled awkwardly and he sighed.
“Is that why a certain someone went to the infirmary with a broken nose last night?” He raised his brow.
“Yes. Yes it is. I have detention later so...” You didn’t quite get away with your crimes and he sighed again as he always did when you got yourself in trouble, it almost got longer as each year was passing. You tried to laugh it off but a shiver crept over you instead. Severus saw this and removed his scarf then held it out to you. You stared at the scarf draped over his palms and tried to decline but he stepped forwards and stapled it around your shoulders instead, flicking one end over your shoulder to loop around your neck. His scent immediately filled your nostrils and ran through every fibre of your being as you subconsciously hugged it closer to you.
“Thank you.” You muttered through the fabric, hiding the huge grin plastered across your face. For a moment you had not locked gaze with each other as he earnestly muttered a ‘You’re welcome.’ Yet, as quick as the gaze had lasted, his eyes fell behind you and his whole form softened. You took a moment to register his distraction and followed his gaze to a plume of red hair that fluttered gently against the shoulders of none other than Lily Evans.
Even you were taken aback by her beauty sometimes, you couldn’t really blame Severus or anyone else for that fact in being completely enthralled by her. You couldn’t help the jealousy you felt and how you envied her. You wished Severus looked at you like that. You wished you could distract him simply by walking into his view. You wished you were Lily Evans.
Then again, you watched James trail behind her, pushing every compliment under the sun at her. That you could do without if you were her but you weren’t her and never would be, especially in Severus’ eyes.
Her eyes flickered over to Severus and she smiled, adjusted her course and made her way over. Your chin fell to your chest and you sighed as she greeted you both. Severus returned his sentiments but before you could even half ass some form of greeting, James spoke up.
“Aren’t you supposed to be staying away from me?” He puffed his chest out and you turned and lifted your head to meet him.
“You came to me.” You folded your arms as you stood your ground.
“You did break his nose.” Lily stated, not defensively but casually.
“He pushed me into the lake.” You defended yourself.
“Because you punched him.” She stated again and you stifled a bemused laugh and looked at James who saw he had been caught in a lie.
“Is that what you’re telling people?” You laughed once again, “Is it too embarrassing to tell people that I was standing up for my friend,” You motioned briefly to Severus, “as you belittled him and you got so angry that you pushed me into the lake? So hard that I broke the ice and cracked my wand. Might even have drowned if Remus hadn’t pulled me out.” You stared him down- hard, making him regret ever bringing it up in the first place as Lily turned slowly to him.
“You said it was in self defence.” She folded her arms.
“It was!” He insisted.
“Of what? Your pride?” She scolded him and they started arguing so you turned to Severus again.
“You were defending me?” He spoke immediately.
“Of course. I don’t like people talking about you like that.” You cleared your throat awkwardly. He opened his mouth to say something but his gaze once again wandered over to Lily, which honestly at this point was annoying. She had started walking away, telling James to leave her alone and that she had just wanted to talk to Severus in peace. You looked back to Severus who stared longingly after her, almost pained.
“Go.” You told him and after a beat, he was following her leaving you alone to sigh through the pain you felt.
You understood he had known Lily a little longer than you, but she wasn’t really there for him as much. You assumed that with each passing year he would get over her a little more but not once did his admiration for her dwindle. Even as she got together with James he still felt a burning desire for her.
Now that they were together, Severus had less time to spend with her, uninterrupted time anyway and he would find himself moping about it around you. He would never expressly talk about it, come to think of it he had never even mentioned the fact that he even liked her but you knew it and you knew what pain he was feeling just by looking at him because you were feeling that same pain. The only difference being that he was bitter about it, his pain made him bitter and resentful which was difficult to deal with. Half of the time you would tell him to let things be and not be so bitter but he would either end up storming off or resigning himself to complete silence for the rest of the time spent together.
The more this happened, the more you thought about distancing yourself from him, as painful as it would be it had to be less painful than watch him fall and break for another woman that wasn’t you. There were times you were almost successful in breaking away but watching his heart break with nobody to fall on felt worse. Really you were all he had, not that either of you really knew it.
You found yourself feeling more alone despite deciding to stay close with him still, especially when he would get angry and storm off, leaving you alone for a few days until he decided to speak to you again.
It was one of those days where Severus was off elsewhere, possibly cursing you judging by how your day had gone. Everything seemed to have gone wrong, nothing major but all these little things had built up which in turn built up your frustration. In your free period you decided to sit by the lake to read and breath in the autumn air that was quickly being chased away by the sting of winter.
“Bit cold down here for you to be sat on the ground isn’t it?” The voice of Remus Lupin made you jump and you leapt to your feet.
“I came here for peace until you came.” You put your hand on your hip.
“I came here for peace too.” He took a step towards you and you stepped back. He raised his hands as if he was taking a wild animal. “Calm down.” He chuckled.
“Forgive me for not trusting any of you snakes around lakes.” You weren’t really being rude but you did have a point. You found Remus to be the more tolerable of his little group, he was paired with you in some of your classes and you found he had a pretty decent sense of humour.
“I don’t blame you really.” He laughed and sat down next to where you had been perched against a tree, pulled out a book then patted the space next to him. You rolled your eyes and went and sat next to him, flipping your own book to the page you had been on before. You both read in silence for a while until he sighed.
“I am sorry that they’re rude to you.” He turned to you with furrowed brows.
“So you keep saying.” You spoke flatly, not bringing your eyes away from your book. Truthfully he would always apologise for anything that happened to you on behalf of his friends.
“I do mean it though.” He said sincerely but what difference would that make.
“No offence Remus but it means nothing coming from someone who did nothing. Nothing to me yes, but do you say anything about it to them? I don’t suppose you do. Besides, I’m not the one who should be getting the apology in the first place.” He knew you meant Severus. Severus got it worse than anyone in that school.
“I know...” He whispered and you fell into silence while reading again.
He walked you back to the castle and to your next class with him, then to the hall for lunch afterwards.
Shortly after you sat down and bid your farewells, Severus slid himself into the space next to you.
“Were you just chatting with Remus Lupin?” He asked immediately.
“Welcome back.” You simply said, waiting for his inevitable apology before doing the same thing again a week later.
Winter had come in thick and fast as it did every year, but seemingly quicker this year. Perhaps because it was the final year and not long until you would be done for good.
“Does she even know?” You interrupted Severus’ thoughts as he watched James and Lily dance at the Yule ball.
“Know what? I thought you weren’t coming.” He tore his eyes away from her for a split second to glance at you, taking in your dressy appearance and you sighed.
“You’ve been badgering me all week to come so you wouldn’t be alone. It’s our last year here you know and there’s not much left of it at that.” You twiddled your thumbs nervously as you watched him carefully and leaned up against the wall.
“What are you getting at?” He suddenly snapped his head towards you and you averted your eyes momentarily, trying to bide your own time and calm your nerves somehow.
“I don’t know. It’s just been a long time Severus. Perhaps it’s time to let go.” You barely whispered but he knew what you said, perhaps ignoring it this time because it was Christmas and he did not want to storm off on you now. Though in reality you were perhaps talking more to yourself than you were to him in the first place.
A shadow cast itself between the two of you then and you looked to see Remus stood to the side of you.
“Can I help you?” You asked a little amused at the odd smile that graced his lips.
“I came to ask you for a dance.” He announced almost smugly.
“Is this a joke?” You looked around him for his friends, trying to catch a glimpse of them snickering away somewhere.
“No.” He had a goofy smile on his face that you were still trying to decide if it was genuine or not..
“Drunk?” You narrowed your eyes in amusement.
“A little.” He admitted with a chuckle.
“That explains it.” You laughed and glanced at Severus who still had his eyes on his prize but was listening in for sure because he rolled his eyes at Remus’ demeanour.
“Aw come on, I would actually like to dance with you. I thought we were getting on!” He slurred slightly and you started to wonder where he was finding whatever alcohol he had been getting at, perhaps it would have helped your nerves.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” You had to admit you had become quite accustomed to his company.
“Yes! And I saved your life once so let’s say you owe me.” He flicked a finger gun my way and I laughed again.
“Alright. So if I get up and dance with you, and it’s all one big joke, you know I’ll break your arm right?” You shifted your body in preparation to follow him.
“I promise you, I just want to dance.” He said earnestly and held his hand out to you. With a quick glance at Severus who was still engrossed elsewhere, you took his hand.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” You pushed yourself from the wall and saw Severus out the corner of your eye finally turn to look at you as Remus towed you away.
That had been the last time you had seen Severus as your friend before school ended, the next time you had seen him you had gotten into a big argument with him about the whole ordeal. He wasn’t happy that you’d made friends with the likes of him let alone danced with him. You said he was being stupid and you defended Remus for not playing a part in the teasing and bullying but as you had said to Remus, he hadn’t tried to stop it, so you supposed Severus had every right to be mad.
If you’d have known he would end up being a Professor at Hogwarts with you perhaps you wouldn’t have accepted the position but then again, Dumbledore practically begged you to come and it couldn’t all be bad could it? It would be easy enough to avoid him or ignore him for the most part, aside from your gut practically kicking you every time you saw him.
There was a full moon out and you needed moon water so you chucked a warm robe on and meandered down to the lake, perhaps your favourite place despite almost dying in it. You opened your pouch of empty vials and crouched by the water, taking your time to carefully bottle the water and take in the crisp autumn air of September.
A shadow came over you and you moved slightly to glance at the reflection in the water.
“Severus.” Your heart stopped for a moment and you almost choked on the breath you didn’t even know you held. You stared at each other through the reflection of the lake for a while, neither knowing what to say. You were shocked he had approached you and perhaps he was a little shocked too, only that he was bold enough to do it.
You studied his features that had grown stronger as he had matured and he studied your own features, each of you coming to rest in the eyes that had not changed really, only that his held a different expression as they watched you now. Mind you it had been a while since you’d seen eachother.
He crouched beside you and held his hand out beside you, after a moment you passed him one of your empty vials which he promptly filled as you placed the bag between you so he could help. A silence fell between you for a while. Not an awkward silence but it was fairly jarring.
Once your vials were full he pulled out a different shape and sized vial and rolled it between his fingers before finally looking at you to tell him what you wanted in those. You looked at the vial then slowly at him, finally seeing not just a reflection.
“Mugwort.” You practically whispered and he raised his brow.
“I have Mugwort you know.” He pursed his lips.
“I like to do my own foraging. Besides I’m willing to bet you’re the kind of man who resents anyone coming to you for supplies.” You mirrored his expression.
“I know.” He thought for a moment, “You’re right, yes.” A very low chuckle escaped him, almost as quiet as a breeze but you heard it and things felt almost normal- too normal. You could feel yourself melting for him all over again, not that you didn’t melt when you saw him around but the acknowledgement of eachother changed the whole thing and it scared you. The small smile that had graced your lips watching him chuckle crept away, as if your memory had been wiped.
“You should know... I..” He trailed off and looked at the ground between you with his brows furrowed as he tried to speak. He took a breath and calmed himself before looking dead into your eyes.
“I really made a mess with you. I wish I hadn’t gotten so angry for no reason.” This was his attempt at making amends- beginning to at least.
“I understand.” You assured him you bore no I’ll will against him for his anger, after all you had understood why he was angry.
“It’s not just that really, I suppose. I wish I’d seen you more.” He was being very cryptic. What he was saying was difficult for him and though didn’t quite know what he was saying, you understood that he was trying to talk sensitively which was hard for him.
“Right?” You pressed him, ignoring the knot in your stomach.
“I’ve missed you.” He sighed, deciding he had said enough for now but it wasn’t the end of it. You on the other hand were lost. You hadn’t expected something like that from him but not only that, all hopes of forgetting him and moving on vanished like a shooting star. Would you let yourself be drawn back in by him? Of course you would. Who were you kidding?
“I missed you too.” You practically clawed for breath trying to respond to him then he smiled. A small smile but it was there, and it was beautiful .
For almost a month you we talking regularly like old friends again but something seemed wrong. There were some things he wasn’t telling you and you knew it. You didn’t want to ask him nor did you want to pressure him but you became increasingly agitated be this niggling feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was off but you pushed it down further and further but you felt the need to be close to him, increasingly so. Perhaps it was your lovesick ways coming back stronger everyday though deep down you knew it was something else. You asked him to spend Hallowe’en with you rather randomly although he knew it was perhaps your favourite time of the year so he agreed.
The feeling you had got worse and worse that week until the Hallowe’en feast came and it disappeared completely. Even the fact that Severus was not in attendance hadn’t phased you much because you would see him that night but the night came and you did not see him. You decided to take a trip to his room to see what was up but on your way there an overwhelming sense of dread and misery washed over you, stopping you dead in your tracks and clinging to the bannister of the staircase for support. You heaved yourself to stand straight and found yourself marching to the Headmasters office where you slumped against the door and knocked repeatedly. The door opened and your arm flew across the frame to keep yourself steady.
“Are you alright my dear?” Immediately Albus’ arms came to support you.
“Something is very wrong. I came to find Severus, I don’t know why I’m here.” You were oddly calm for someone practically panicking internally. It was an odd sensation.
“Come inside.” He led you into his office and sat you down asking why you thought something was wrong.
“I can feel it. I’ve felt this odd sense of dread for a while now until this morning when it left. Not five minutes ago did it come back worse than ever and I feel... Pained.” You thought about the feeling for a moment. Yes it was pain you felt now and Albus’ stared at you for a long time until he closed his eyes.
“It isn’t my place to speak for Severus so you must ask him but I can tell you this, He is going to need you more than he ever has now. Not as a second choice but as the only one he has ever needed truly.” You were absolutely baffled by what he said. It made no sense but all you knew was that Severus needed you.
“Should I go to him?” You whispered and he shook his head.
“I would advise you not to. He will return soon then I will take my leave.” You nodded slowly as he spoke.
“Might I stay here until he returns?” You asked flatly and stared at his desk.
“Of course.” He touched your hand.
You had fallen asleep at some point waiting for him, the numbness putting you to sleep but you woke up to Severus gently touching your shoulder with no sign of Albus.
“I’m sorry I missed Hallowe’en with you.” He sounded exhausted.
“It’s alright. What happened to you?” You had your head tilted back and looked directly into his eyes.
“Come.” He instructed and walked you to his living quarters where he sat you down next to him on a small sofa. He explained to you that Lily and James had been murdered by Lord Voldemort. He continued to explain his own hand in the scheme and some things you’d never expected nor wanted to hear. Though you were glad he seemed on the right path.
“I’m sorry, Severus. I know she meant the world to you.” You gently placed your hand in his in comfort but he flipped his palm up to take hold of your hand instead.
“I loved her, yes. She was not the one for me however. I ignored everything from you, even when it was my own pain I felt being mirrored back to me and I only came to realise that when you left to dance with that Lupin boy. I was angry at myself for not seeing you there all those years and I still took it out on you, as if you hadn’t tried. I suppose I’m telling you this now so no matter what you think about my choices right now, at least one of us got to say something.” You’d never heard him ramble like that before, only when he was arguing but this was a different type.
“It’s a lot to take in, Sev. I can’t deny that I’m happy you told me all that and frustrated that it took so long to get to this moment plus with all the extra information.” You paused for a moment and watched him retract his excitement from the situation. “I’ll adjust though. For now let’s take it one step at a time though?” You proposed and he nodded, a small smile creeping across his face but it was shadowed by the events of earlier.
“I’ll stay with you.” You whispered and leaned over to him, gently wrapping your arms over his shoulders and kissing his cheek. Neither of you knew how long you could stay with him but one step at a time right?
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
I’ll Be There To Save You-Halfdan The Black x Reader
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(GIF credit to @sceawere​)
Tags: @amirahiddleston @bloodorangemoonlight
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi, I really love your work! So... can you do a one shot about Rollo or Halfdan pls? idk where he saves the reader from being raped or something like that. Thanks’
Characters: Halfdan x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name 
Warnings: Almost rape, violence, fighting, gore (blood), swearing, remorse, insecurity, fluff at the end
“I am aching from yesterday. You think we could take a day of rest to relish in the the glory, but no, onto the next village.” my friend Astra moaned, massaging her shoulder.
I smiled as I sharpened my sword.“Do I hear you complaining about raiding? I never thought I would see the day.”
“I love raiding as much as the next viking, but aren’t you tired? We seem to be going full force on this one.”
I sat back, checking over my weapon.“Yes, I suppose I am. This is our last stop though before we head home. And it seems that this village is tiny, it won’t take more than an hour to go through.”
“I guess you’re right.” she sighed.“Oh, look who is headed this way.”
Looking up, I followed her eye line, smiling as I spotted Halfdan.“Right on time as usual.”
“Why haven’t you two married yet? You’re both in love, you express that love in front of everyone, may as well take the next step.”
I put my sword away, scoffing before speaking.“Believe me, I ask myself that question almost everyday.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it. Maybe you’ll be engaged when I see you again.”
I rolled my eyes at her, both of us knew it wouldn’t be true. But she was right, it seemed odd that Halfdan hadn’t asked me. Each of us knew each other’s intentions, this wasn’t a situation where two people needed their beds warmed at night. I had made that extra clear when I started to feel things for him, threatening that if he humiliated me, I would not hesitate to hurt him. He had laughed at that, though I wasn’t offended; he was humoured by it because he had no intention to do that, he confessed his feelings for me too. And it had been surprising how comfortable he had been with publicising it, especially for a man that expressed himself through violence. 
“Good morning.” I smiled, welcoming the kiss he slowly placed on my lips.
"Are you ready for another day in paradise?"
I could never tell if he was serious when he spoke like that."You really do see the more positive side to everything, don't you?"
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer into his body."You're the one that fell for me, so it must work."
"Are you ready? Do you have all of your weapons?" I asked, looking over his body.
"Yes, do you?"
I nodded.
"Stay close to me today, OK?"
"I always do. Anyway, this shouldn't be hard today."
"Don't underestimate the enemy. Please, don't get overexcited and run off."
"I promise!" I urged."Come on, we need to go."
People parted as Halfdan and I approached. The raid was being led by his brother, Harald, meaning Halfdan was leading alongside him. I just got to tag along. Everyone was gearing themselves up for the charge, frustrated that we still had to walk for a half hour or so before the bloodshed began. Harald hugged his brother, patting each other on the back before he turned to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. He always treated me like I was some sort of lady. Harald captured everyone's attention as he stood on top of a bench, raising his arms as a sign for people to silence themselves.
"Unfortunately, it is our last day of raiding, our last day of conquering another part of this land. I want to thank all of you, my brothers and sisters, for helping me in my quest to be king of all of Norway! We have been victorious at every battle, because we are strong! Because we are ruthless! Because we are viking!"
Everyone raised their weapons as they cheered, getting riled up and excited for the final battle. I glanced up at Halfdan, loving the expression on his face. Yes, he looked like a madman, but that was him at his best. He lived for this. Halfdan was born for fighting, the passion he had for it was amazing. I remember when I had been naive enough to think that killing was more important him than I was. He soon proved me wrong, countless times.
"Just think," Halfdan caught my attention as we began our short journey to the edge of the village,"after all of this, after we sail back home, we have all the time in the world to ourselves. In that house, all alone-"
"Don't cloud my mind before a fight. We can celebrate after." I winked.
"I'm just talking about the future."
"The future? Halfdan, what do you mean by that?"
"You just said you had to stay focused. We're almost there."
He was such a tease, in and out of bed. He was right though. I needed to think about what was ahead, even if it was going to be easy. We were quiet as we reached the village, though even from a few miles away, you could hear screams of panic. Harald ordered us to move quicker, almost running. Soon enough we were charging, battle cries ringing out and echoing across the land. I kept up with Halfdan, somehow able to not get mixed up with the rest of the army. There were warriors ahead of us who had broken down the pitiful barrier set up, and we were free to reign terror amongst these people.
Halfdan and I continued running as others started slaughtering and pillaging. We cut down those that tried to attack us with ease, smiling maniacally at each other. We slowed down, catching our breath, about to decide where to raid when a group of men charged towards us. Back to back, we fought against all types of attacks, sowrds and axes swinging down on us. I was concentrating so much on not getting killed, that I didn't realise that Halfdan and I got separated. It was finally one on one, but this man had no special skills; he was a bloke that thought he could easily outdo someone smaller than him, a stupid mistake to make. With one final swoop, I cut his neck open, watching as he fell to his knees, blood spurting out rapidly. Taking a second to catch my breath, I headed back to where I had left Halfdan, when someone pounced onto my back.
Crying out in pain as he landed on top of me, I kept a sturdy grip on my sword, trying to get him off me. However, he had a knife, and sliced the back of my hand, and instinctively I let go as I yelped. He grabbed my right shoulder, harshly rolling me onto my back. The sun was shining down, causing him to become a shadowy figure. He straddled me, but placed one knee on top of my torso, crushing my lungs.
He snarled as he leaned down, adding more pressure. I tried swinging a punch across his face when he was close enough, but he smirked as he easily dodged it by sitting back again.
"Get the fuck off me." I struggled to say, running out of air.
He finally got off me, but grabbed my legs, dragging me behind one of the shacks they called a house. I reached out for my sword, just missing it due to the speed he was walking. I couldn't scream yet, still gasping for air as I wriggled around, hoping it would make it hard for him to hold me. Nothing seemed to work, and it was only now that I started to panic.
"Get off me!" I shouted out."Help! HALFDAN!"
The man was laughing, it was sick and dark laugh. He let my legs drop, and there wasn't even time to crawl away. It was as if he jumped on me, and I felt breathless again. Thrashing my arms did nothing, he was even effected when I slapped him. Again, he flipped me over onto my front, lying on top of me. I cried out as I felt his hand travel down to my trousers, yanking them down before I felt him wriggle around.
"STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I screeched, but it was muffled as he shoved my head into the ground, mud sticking to my face.
I started crying, my heart racing faster than it ever had. I was helpless. I couldn't do anything to help myself. No one was around, and if they were, they would think I was one of the villagers. His hips started moving around, and I just knew it was about to happen. Bracing myself, all I could do was cry, and hope this would be over soon.
I heard a man yell out in frustration, before the thudding of feet approached us, and the man holding me down cried out in pain, and his weight was lifted off of me. My body was shaking from fear, confused as to what had just happened.
"(Y/N)..." I heard Halfdan breathe out.
I couldn't move. No matter how much I wanted to, the urge to leave wasn't responding to my body.
"You're safe now. He's dead, he can't hurt you anymore." he whispered, kneeling down beside me.
I realised my trousers were still down, and so did Halfdan. He slowly reached out to cover me up, to regain some dignity, but I flinched away.
"No." I whimpered.
"(Y/N), please let me help you."
I looked up at him through teary eyes, nodding to let him know I was allowing him to touch me. I had never felt a gentler touch from him as he pulled up my trousers, before helping me sit up. My fingers clutched onto the material of his armour, and I felt more and more tears spilling out of my eyes. Glancing to my right, I saw the dead man, my sons becoming wails at this point. Halfdan hesitantly knelt down next to me, wrapping his arms around me slowly, but I quickly hugged him, too scared that if I let go, the man would get back up and continue.
The screams of the villagers was blanked out in my mind, I could smell the smoke from the fires started, and the horrid stench of blood from the man beside me as well as the blood on our clothes, but none of it really registered in my mind. This had never happened to me, I thought I was strong enough to avoid this sort of thing. That if anyone were to do this, I could easily strike them down.
"Let's get back to the camp. I think it's over." Halfdan quietly said, starting to stand up.
He held his hands out to get me on my feet, however, my hands wouldn't move. I was reluctant to hold them, and my heart broke when I saw Halfdan's face. When my hands finally met with his, I managed to stand, my legs also shook, and it was a long walk back for us.
There were questionable stares from everyone we passed. No one had ever seen me cry, only Halfdan, and that was once. They were all celebrating, showing off the riches hidden in the bland village, as well as boating about how many people they had killed. I couldn't even pretend to be happy. My crying hadn't ceased, it was silent now. I hung my head, almost ashamed of what had happened. Why couldn't I have stopped it from happening? Was I weaker now? Was I too cocky?
"And where are you two off to? You must celebrate with us before you enjoy your evening together!" Harald called out, the people surrounding laughing and holldering at his joke.
"Not now brother." Halfdan snapped.
Halfdan walked us to our tent, setting me down on our bed. My eyes were wide as I continued to whimper, desperate to erase that dirty feeling from my body and mind. Halfdan knelt in front of me, reaching out for my hand again when I retracted from it, clutching my other hand on my chest. I realised what I had done as soon as it happened.
"I'm sorry Halfdan." I shakily breathed out."I didn't mean that. It's just...that man, he touched me and-"
Halfdan gently shushed me."You're safe (Y/N). I would never do anything to harm you. That bastard is gone now, I wish I could have given him a more slow, painful death. But I had to save you."
"I know. Thank you Halfdan."
He sadly smiled.
"I feel so weak. Why couldn't I stop him?"
"He played dirty. He was not a man. And you are the strongest woman on this earth. The God's would not have kept you alive on all these raids if not."
"Why me?"
"I don't know."
Although it wasn't very loving, I reached out to cup Halfdan's cheek in my hand, still nervous about this much contact.
"I'm so sorry for not being there with you. I lost you and looked all over when something told me where you were, like an instinct. I should have been there."
"You saved me Halfdan."
"I know but-"
I shook my head frantically."Let's not talk about it anymore. Would...would you lie down beside me?"
"Of course."
He let me move by myself, letting me get comfy before he cautiously laid beside me. I was on my back, and I could feel his eyes watching me. My hand slid across the bed to meet his, and I felt comfort and warmth as he interlaced our fingers. After taking a few deep breaths, I was confident enough to roll onto my side, seeing Harald already looking at me, and shuffling to be closer to him. There was a small smile on his face as he careful wrapped his arms around me, placing a gentle kiss on my head.
"I love you (Y/N). I will always be there to protect you."
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Can I get a matchup pls? 🌸 (I'm a Pisces, INFP, and type 4? idk my harry potter house ;-;) I'm 21 year old, 5'7" tall woman, that is Bi with a slight preference for guys. I have short wavy/curly hair with bangs and dark brown eyes (and glasses!). I'm a bit shy and sensitive. I enjoy playing video games, watching anime, listening to music, and reading. I'm a bit of a romantic, a bit lazy and sometimes awkward. It takes me a while to open up to others as well! I hope this is enough! Thank u!
I ship you with...
☠️ Dazai Osamu ☠️
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As a true Pisces, INFP and a Type 4, you're obviously drawn to Dazai and he's obviously drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
You're a healer and Dazai is the perfect person for you. You met him and in an instant you knew, the man is awfully broken. Whether you're aware of it or not, all you want to do is to fix him. You want to understand all of his pain and make everything alright. That is because you know how it feels. You are very familiar to the harshness of the world and because of your emphatic nature, you don't wish for anybody else to experience it if you can help it. Pisces are known to be the most sensitive of all the zodiac signs and this makes you very good in understanding people, even enigmatic ones like Dazai.
Despite being a practical and logical person, Dazai is highly intuitive too. Like you, he can also see through people like they're transparent. It only took him a few hours to know what kind of person you are. Although both of you are the ones who don't open up easily and reserve your most authentic thoughts and feelings to people you know very well, the instant connection you felt for each other allowed you to have a deeper conversation. There was some small talk in the beginning, of course. You were shy and polite and Dazai had to lead the discussion but it's not like he minds. He knew how to steer the topics so he'll get to find out things about you that he's curious about. You didn't even notice that you're sharing more information about yourself than you normally do with people you just met. Dazai just made you feel comfortable and safe. Whatever the topic is, he always listens to what you have to say and shares his thoughts as well; an open and supportive exchange of ideas.
Dazai's comedic side was irresistible to you, too. His eccentric humour and odd jokes never fail to make you laugh. You easily got along with him because of his offbeat personality, he's a curious individual and you love it. You value his authenticity and you often get lost in a good conversation with him as he tells you strange stories and talk about things that excites you; anime, movies, books and music. He's pretty knowledgeable about all of them even if you didn't really thought he would be. You even went into an arcade where you spend hours on end playing different games and Dazai was just surprisingly good at it. You enjoy every minute spent with him as your perspective of his personality widen and you explore the universe that's Dazai's mind.
The more you delved into his world, the more you understood that Dazai has a part of himself that goes deeper, a part of him that's hidden away in the dark. You can feel it, you can see it on his eyes and you weren't entirely shock when you heard about Dazai's past. You're accepting and nonjudgmental so it wasn't hard for Dazai to feel secure in telling you his truth, if anything, he thinks you deserve to know. You're so compassionate and caring towards him and he just know that you'll understand. You wrapped him in a warm embrace after he shared that part of himself with you and then, you thanked him for telling you and that you're sorry that it happened to him. You're sorry that the world made him suffer in such a young age and you're sorry that you can't do anything about it. If only you could go back in time and protect him from everything, you would. You hugged him tighter as you wish that your warmth will somehow glue his broken pieces back together. Dazai melted in to your arms and felt flowers grew on an empty part of his being.
Although Dazai greatly appreciates your affection and love, he knows you'll want to take on all of his problems for him once you knew about it. That's just how you are. He wouldn't allow you to, though. Dazai assures you that he can handle it, flexing his arms to show you how strong he is. You smiled but the worried look on your eyes is still there so he turned a bit more serious to let you know that those experiences he had that messed him up is also the same reason why he's strong now. Without those things happening to him, he wouldn't have found a reason for his existence and he wouldn't have found you. Dazai assured you that he's definitely out of the dark now and that if ever he trips and would be in need of your sensual healing, he'll let you know. You hit his shoulder lightly for making a joke in the middle of a serious topic before he hugged you, thanking you for your love and promising you that he's okay.
What Dazai really love about you is your inner strength. Though you maybe timid and soft, you're not weak. When boundaries are crossed, you're not afraid to stand up for yourself and especially for the people that you love. You're also unwavering with your beliefs and values. You decide for yourself what seems right and doesn't let outside opinions change your views if it doesn't resonate with you. Individualism is important to you and that often leads you to a lonely road but as long as you stay true to yourself, it doesn't really matter. You're constantly looking for ways to improve yourself and cheer on other's personal growth. Dazai's heart just want to overflow with adoration whenever he sees this side of you. How someone as gentle as you can also be so strong is a motivation for him to keep fighting for the things that matters to him. You're just such a beacon of light in Dazai's dim life.
Overall, I think you'll be the perfect blend together because Dazai, despite his bitter past, can be a healthy partner for you. He's strong and positive enough to not let you lose your identity as you take care of him. He'll constantly encourage you to take more care of yourself above anyone else. His weird behavior also adds a lot of fun in the relationship and you can spend your lazy days on the couch, playing video games and just messing around with each other. When Dazai sees you getting pouty whenever you lose a round though, he'll pull some act to actually let you win. He'll just laugh and praise you when you rub it on his face. Sometimes, he'll even steal your glasses and wear them when he wants you to pay attention to him. He'll run around making girlish giggles as you chase him down, screaming at him that you can't see. He'll return them after you've given him enough attention, don't worry. You'll have tons of fun together all the while having a very intimate and deep relationship. One moment you're being silly like children, the next you're cuddled up outside and stargazing while Dazai run his fingers on the waves of your hair. You'll be one of those couples that can just feel the other even if you're miles away. And even if Dazai isn't as into mysticism as you probably are, he also believes that you're meant to be. Destiny or some other unseen force brought you together for a good reason and it's to make life more magical for the both of you. He's not sure yet if he truly believes in heaven but being with you convinces him a little bit more that it's probably true.
Thank you for dropping by, anon! You know what, anon, I think we'll get along. I'm an INFP too and I also have Pisces in me bcos I'm a cusp. That's probably why I get a bit carried away and made this a bit too long hehe anyways, I hope this will make you happy and stay awesome! Here's a song from Dazai to youuu~ (・ω・)つ
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emeraldtawny · 5 years
Why I love the Kitsune
Okay....so something a little different than my usual fics or shenanigans. I make my favourite characters known quite frequently and, now that his route has been officially announced for Japanese release this year, I wanted to share something I’ve been chipping away at for a hot minute. I love Mitsuhide...like a lot....like, a LOT a lot. And I wanted to share my personal reasons why. If this ain’t your cup of tea, fine by me, but I need to scream about him now that I know I’ll get to romance him in like....a year and a half ;P
~Spoilers ahead~
1. First Impressions
Honestly when I first saw this dude rock up after MC saves Nobunaga from the Honno-ji fire...I didn’t think much. I liked his look: white hair and damn, those eyes! (I’m weak for anime men with gold eyes), but other than that, he wasn’t someone I thought would become my favourite. Especially with the early interactions of Hideyoshi mistrusting him and learning that IRL Mitsuhide betrayed Nobu and caused his death? ...yeeeah, I wasn’t entirely sold.
Mitsuhide was a slow burn for me - I needed to see him in other routes to let him shine, then I could be consumed by the light in his separate stories (ie. birthday, event stories). The moment I realised I was smitten was Masamune’s route. Him being the worst wingman by getting Masa drunk made me laugh so hard because it fit him well: sticking to the shadows and hiding his good intentions behind teasing as he helps his friends. But he also let his more genuine side show in Masa’s Romantic Epilogue, giving MC advice whilst also remaining very much himself and laughing at Masamune’s distress because of how cute she is sdjfsukdgbsdj.
From then on, I was hooked and decided to play Hideyoshi’s route next…..hehe, hehehe, he….it still hurts. I’ll go more into this route in particular a little bit later, but yes, his unrequited love broke me and only made me fall for him harder. Not just from pity because of how much it hurt to see him like that, but because now we know he totally deserves love and happiness for the type of man he revealed himself to be in Hideyoshi’s route. All in all, I was teetering on the cliff for a bit before I was Sparta kicked into the Mitsuhide hole...and have not wanted to move since :3
2. Personality
Phew, okay. Imma split this up into categories just to make it easier for you guys to read and so I don’t ramble and go on tangents.
Teasing, teasing….and more teasing
God, I love this trope so much. Those who hide their true selves behind honeyed words and calculated jokes both make me swoon and make me suspicious - a winning combo to get me invested in them.
For those reading this who are less familiar with IkeSen and need a comparison, think Edgar from IkeRev, except 1. More direct and suggestive teasing, and 2. More (if only slightly) moments of genuineness, like being surprised or taken aback instead of using his smile as a wall like Edgar would do. Even through his teasing, he slips in honesty (in every lie there’s a hint of truth, some say ;3).
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While he is teasing and chastising (treating the MC like a child), he does genuinely care about her well-being. He uses teasing as his unorthodox way to let people know he cares for him while still keeping them on their toes about whether he’s telling the truth or not...this is why he’s a kitsune (a trickster fox spirit).
Pragmatic and Composed
It’s mentioned throughout both Hideyoshi’s route and event stories like Make My Heart Spark that Mitsuhide is not one for believing in things like fate or destiny. He’s described as self-reliant and honestly, I can't think of a better term for him. The way he works literally puts him in self-sacrificing positions where he can only work alone, so being capable without having the support of others is a skill he had to master quickly.
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He also says things like “honesty can be dangerous”, which is a WHOLE can of worms for possible backstory.
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What I like to imagine from this is that he experienced something traumatic, either to himself or someone close to him, where honesty was the cause. He convinced himself deception and leaving as little information in the open as possible was the best option. Hell, it even ties into Mitsuhide’s IRL counterpart, where there is nowhere near as much info on the guy compared to practically every other warlord. He thinks rationally, remains calm under pressure and can even remain teasing throughout...I respect and melt over him for that.
Beneath the wolf skin lies a sheep
I like thinking of Mitsuhide as a sheep in wolf’s clothing. He has to remain intimidating and unapproachable to those around him - even those close to him - so as not to disrupt his ever-scheming plans. But secretly, he has a heart of gold and he still makes it known...it’s just subtle. My personal favourite example is in his birthday story where he lets MC win at hanafuda just so she can win the bet and make her happy….gaah, I’m weak! It always just seems like his teasing remarks and subtle pushes in the right direction are his way of showing his affection, because it’s too dangerous for him to be openly affectionate lest others get swept into his business. A sad thought, but incredibly fitting. He’s also softer than he looks, he knows full well he shouldn’t get close, but you being the sexy, incredibly awesome MC you are can make even Mitsuhide be ensnared in the strings of love that bind his heart ;3
Other screaming about my adoration for the snek man
Just…..help me, he’s so smooth! I love love LOVE the way he talks, the way he’s translated into English just makes my heart go JFSBFSJBFWOUJFNW! He uses phrases like “modesty forbid” and “pray tell”...he just needs to say “perish the thought” and I’ll be even more wrapped around his finger than I already am.
Also, the pet names...I surprised myself with how much I like his use of them, especially him calling MC dear. I LOVE IT SO!! Idk how to describe this one and why it makes me feel things, I just...love being a silly girl, a good girl, a little mouse, a little seamstress and other nicknames sure to arise in the future >:3
Again, I’ll mention how he has a soft spot of the MC as he gradually warms to her and…seriously, it’s illegal to be that sweet, with such a nice smile on your face too. MITSUHIDE DESERVES LOVE AND I WILL GIVE IT TO HIM DAMMIT~!
Final screaming point of why I personally love him: his awareness and how he responds with it. It’s no secret our psychic fox over here is good at reading the atmosphere, and I love when he uses this gift in more tender moments. Picking up when MC is sad or distraught and offering assistance (after teasing of course), and I like to think in a romantic sense, he’d be the type to hold her close and stroke her hair while she just lets out her frustrations. And he’ll take them all, listening quietly and calming her down all the while. GAAAAH, I’m weeeaaakkk~
3. Personal Theories and Favourite Theories I Have Seen
I have speculated about this man a LOT and there’s a couple of theories I wanted to share just because it’s fun to make them and bounce off ideas :3
One I like to think about is his past and how it molded him into the man he is today. Using IRL Mitsu as a guide, he apparently worked as a messenger for a wandering shogun before serving Nobunaga and grew up in a castle bearing his family name. This makes me think that he might be similar to Ieyasu, perhaps being a political hostage at some point in his life. Mistreatment or torture would have worked to make Mitsuhide believe that deception and lies work to conceal his weakness, and how he’s so privy to torture and interrogation techniques.
Another theory is the one relating to his lack of taste. My guess is either a botched poisoning attempt from his work in his adult years, or through torture as a young child while his taste buds were still developing. @deathbyotome did an amazing fic for this called “Taste” on AO3 and I highly recommend reading it, it’s very good.
I’m also intrigued by how they’re going to incorporate Motonari in with Mitsuhide, considering Nobunaga put Mitsuhide in charge of the Oda contingent when war waged between the two clans. So they have history (at least...IRL history), so I’m wondering if that’ll come into play in the future.
Okay, I think I’ve rambled enough. Not even sure if people will even read this, but I just needed to expel my love for this man, especially now that we know his route is definite and will be coming. I just seriously, honestly love him and want nothing more than for him to be happy….but we ALL know his route is gonna be angsty as hell and we’re gonna be broken by the end of it. I am ready Cybird, let him break my soul so I can reach him and ease his heart. ….I’m not being dramatic at all bfasjdbafan. Anyway byyye, thanks for humouring me~! :3
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YOUNG K - Pure Desire
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link. Idk why but posts with links don't show up on the tumblr's search feature anymore. So, I'll leave the link to my master list there, where you can find the other chapters easily. I hope this is still functional for you guys, sorry for the trouble. I hope you can still enjoy my work despite the technical issues.
Summary: A young writer that's struggling with her work until she crosses paths with an intense and fated new type of inspiration; An inspiration called: YOUNG K!
Genre: Fanfic; Romance; Humour; Smut (in the future chapters)
Warnings: Swearing? ; The hot stuff will slowly begin on the next chapter and after that, it becomes a mess! I promise eheh  (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
A/N: a short chapter to create a good atmosphere and background.
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Chapter 1- Drunk Hug
I knew the day wouldn't go well from the moment I woke up... 45 minutes late. To be honest, things had been hard lately. I've had been a professional writer for 3 years and I went to live in Korea right after I published my first romance. I bought a house and rented 2 of the rooms to 2 amazing brothers that ended up becoming my family: Kim Jii (he worked in the entertainment industry) and his 16 years old little brother Kim Joon (who was still a student). Truth to be told, it's not like I had been working that hard in those few writing years. Not because I was lazy, but because it was really simple for me to write a story and for some miracle, it would become a success. That was the case until I hit a wall last month whilst writing my third book! Nothing seemed right, I wasn't satisfied with anything and I was simply irritated with my own creation. There was something missing and I couldn't find what it was... But it was something crucial and I couldn't stop wondering if my passion for writing had reached its limits. I was so worried about that thought, that I made myself not being able to write properly. Call it a rocky mistake or an overthinking problem, but the point was that I was 1hour late to meet with my editor and I had nothing new to show him. "SHIT!"
I got off the bus and run as fast as I could. Gladly, the coffee shop We agreed to meet at was near the station. When I finally reached my destination, I was invaded by a strong and warm coffee fragrance, which woke up my senses a little. It wasn't hard to find the man I called "Boss". He had really short hair and was quite skinny, but his facial expression made him look like an angry bear. "I'm going to die." I sat on the chair in front of him and before I could apologise for being late, he threw a bunch of papers on the table in my direction. My heart started beating really fast when I recognise that those pieces of papers were the chapters I sent him by e-mail.
- You call yourself a writer, Miss?! - he said as loud as he could - I'm going to pretend you didn't send me this and that I didn't have to come from England to Korean just to scold you in person.
- I'm really sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me, but I can't ...
- You need to take a break and stop obsessing about writing. We didn't give you any deadlines, so I don't understand why you're writing a chapter a day. - he said interrupting me with a sharp voice.
I didn't move or say anything, I just looked down to my hand and prayed I wouldn't get myself fired. I could hear his heavy annoyed breath and I could feel his eyes observing me. There was a long moment of silence that was broken by his hand caressing his chin.
- When was the last time you did something that wasn't writing? - he sighted - Go out, get inspired. Don't contact me until the young writer I know is back.
He stood up and dressed his elegant coat as he made sure to burn my soul with his reprehensible look. Before leaving the store our eyes locked and he gave me a petty smile, which made me feel even worse than I already was.
That was it. I've had it! I needed to get some fresh air and get away from everything. I think I've never walked so much in my entire life. I explored the city pretending I was a tourist and that I had nothing to worry about. I tried the typical food, went to the famous attractions and even bought some souvenirs. I was now wearing an "I love South Korea" black shirt and a cool hat. Not to mention the bags I was holding with sweets, cosmetics and funny socks for the boys at home.
I grabbed my phone and sent Kim Jii (Bro) and Kim Joon (Baby bro) a picture of some socks:
Me: Do you need socks? ~~ Bro: Seriously... Baby bro: I swear, I'll burn them if you buy them, Noona! Bro: Go grab the matches. I bet she already bought them ME: (T_T) Bro: Ya paboya, don't come home early.          I made a mistake at work and had to bring it home ( ಥ ʖ̯ ಥ) ME: LOL... Are you trying to fix it? Bro: BYE! ❤︎ ~~~ Baby bro: AHAHAH I guess it's not that easy to fix omg, kill him Noona!                    you make enough money to support me, right? ME: BYE! ❤︎ ~~~ Baby bro: YAAAAAAAAAA!
Making myself busy during the whole day was hard, but I managed to stay out until night time. I ended up at a street restaurant where I ate too much and definitely drunk too many bottles of soju. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in my blood making me feel lonely and defeated or if it was simply my low self-esteem working really well on putting me down, or if it was the sum of these two. But I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how stupid and untalented, I probably was. I was really strong and didn't let any tear fall from my watering eyes.
- I need a hug... - I said drunk and desperate for some affection.
I stood up and left some money on the table. I was able to walk half properly until I found a taxi.
- Good evening, where to?
- Home, please! - I said excitedly.
For some weird reason, the driver seemed to think I was joking by the way he looked at him.
- And where is home?
- Oh! It's where I live, Sir! - I drew a square in the air with my fingers - In a house!
He stared at me for more than one minute and studied my touristic clothes and bags. I offered him some sweets and after I gave him my address he seemed less annoyed. "Why is he mad? Maybe he had a bad day or something." I thought as I gave him more sweets to make his night less bitter.
It didn't take long until I arrived home. I was glad all the lights were still on because the path was somehow really blurry. As I walked into the house, I could hear a lot of voices and laughs. "Too loud, fuckers." I couldn't recognise all the voices, but they were quite familiar. There were four beautiful boys in the living room with Kim Joon, my baby bro. I get closer to try to find out who our visits were and I saw a skinny blond boy laughing and making the others laugh with him.
- Your laugh seems contagious. - I said with a serious face as I tried to catch my cat.
- Why aren't you laughing, then? - He said adjusting his glasses.
- Oh, I'm vaccinated. Don't worry! - I said hugging my cat and letting her go after squeezing too hard.
Everyone laughed but the blond boy, he made a straight face and tried to look offended. I didn't worry too much, he seemed like he could handle a joke. I saw Kim Joon walking in my direction and I automatically hugged him really tightly. He tried to get rid of my arms and look me in the eyes, but I hid my face against his chest.
- Noona, are you drunk?!
- Aigooo! - I said as I pushed him away - That explains a lot of things, you're so smart! - I said and caressed his hair.
- Ya, paboya! Why are you acting up? - I heard Kim Jii (big bro) behind me.
After hearing my big brother's voice, tears started falling down uncontrollably. I just turned around and hugged him and berried my face into his neck. He smelled really nice today and that made me feel easeful and numbed. My hands holding his muscular backs were trembling, but the feeling of his sturdy hard body against mine made my heart hurt a little less. And when he finally hugged me back a shiver run through my body and made my legs weak. I hugged him tighter as I felt myself give away and I felt his soft and hesitant touch on my messy hair. To think all I needed was a hug from my... "WAIT A MINUTE!" Smells good? Muscular backs? What do you mean sturdy hard body?! And why would he hesitantly touch my hair, when usually he just messes it all up! I stepped back and pushed away from the boy I was hugging. "Oh, my ovaries!"
What a handsome young man! I felt as if his deep dark eyes were invading my soul, as he slightly leaned his head to the left and stared at me confused. He smiled awkwardly at me when he noticed my embarrassment. His cheeks lift up when he smiled and made his masculine face look adorably cute. I was still really confused and didn't notice I was still walking backwards as I stared at his face. And when I finally recognised him, I tripped and fell on my ass.
- Young... Young K! - I almost screamed and then looked around and realised DAY6 were in my living room looking at my drunk self.
I saw Young K biting his lower lip gently as he decreased the distance between us and reached out his hand to me.
- You know my name! It's only fair if I know yours too. - he said with what I thought it was a kind but at the same time naughty smile.
- Fuck.
- What? - he asked letting a laugh escape and bit his lip again.
- Oh! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me! Fuck! NO! No, I don't mean that, hhhhhh fuck!
- What the fuck is wrong with you, Violet!? - I heard big bother Kim Jii shout behind Young K.
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Masterlist & Chapters: Check my bio for the masterlist link. Idk why but posts with links don't show up on the tumblr's search feature anymore. So, I'll leave the link to my master list there, where you can find the other chapters easily. I hope this is still functional for you guys, sorry for the trouble. I hope you can still enjoy my work despite the technical issues.
Additional information: Violet calls Kim Jii and Kim Joon brothers, but their not her real brothers. She simply loves them a lot and since they live together they became each other family xD
A/N: This wasn't a very long chapter but It was just the beginning! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know your thoughts about it ~
See you next time, hugs from your Sweet Little Bird.
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tag game
i was tagged by @i-am-steve-rogerss -- thanks babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️
drink: coffee
phone call: my mum
text message: to @mrvelunvrse “fetus” ksdjfksjdf
song you listened to: iris // goo goo dolls is playing atm 
time you cried: other than right now because iris makes me emo?? uhh yesterday. because i went a whole 24 hours with no sleep and i was just a fucking wreck lmao.
dated someone twice: i haven’t dated someone once
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no. but uh. i think i was technically “the other woman” once but. that was a) online and b) the most fucked up situation i’ve ever been in so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
lost someone special: yeah
been depressed: depressed is my constant state yo i don’t remember what it was like to not be depressed
gotten drunk and thrown up: i mean, i drink a lot so i’ve been drunk, yeah, but i haven’t thrown up.
favourite colours: black, grey, green, blue, red, pink.
made new friends: yess!!! @ragnarokbarnes @shegavehersunflowers @transmaschawkeye and i love them bunches
fallen out of love: nah
laughed until you cried: lmao yeah a few times
found out someone was talking about you: nope
met someone who changed you: nope
found out who your friends are: yeah
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them, except one guy who i’ve been bffs with for a couple years and met him through WoW but we’re talking about hanging out irl one of these days
do you have any pets: i have an italian greyhound called texas who is very cute and cuddly and energetic as fuckity and i love him a lot
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do you want to change your name: nah, i fucking love my name.
what did you do for your last birthday: mum and i went and bought me some jewellery and then we went out and had pizza for dinner. then with my dad i pulled the “it’s my birthday i get to choose the movie” card and made him watch a marvel movie. we got tipsy. it was great.
what were you doing at midnight last night: getting some much need sleep after being awake for 24 hours.
what is something you can’t wait for: avengers 4 skdfjskdf
what are you listening to right now: rule the world // take that ((one of my favourite songs))
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah--my uncle, a family friend, and one of the boys in my weekend acting class
something that gets on your nerves: my dad being pissed that i’m listing sebastian stan as an inspiration on my acting school application because “you’re applying for acting school!! they’re going to be movie snobs!! they won’t know who he is!! pick someone who can act!!” it’s my application and i’ll name whoever i please as an acting inspiration thanks.
most visited website: tumblr 
hair colour: brown
long or short hair: long
do you have a crush on someone: nope
what do you like about yourself: i guess i like my eyes and my hair. maybe my humour?? skdfkdsf idk
want any piercings: no thanks
blood type: i...have no idea
nicknames: my name is saskia so i get called: sass/sassy, super sassy, sassy sausage, sassmatass, saskia violent, sassykins...and then my gaming buddies call me twinsie/twinsay and specialfred ksdjfksdjfksd
relationship status: forever alone
zodiac: cancer
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv shows: daredevil, outlander, game of thrones, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, gossip girl, skam norway, riverdale
tattoos: nope but i’d like to have one 
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: nope
piercings: nope
sports: i played hockey at a club for a year, did swimming for 3 years, and did a little bit of football, soccer and volleyball at school.
vacation: idk if this is asking for dream vacation?? the last vacation i went on??? so uh. dream vacation would be new york ((thanks romcoms!!)) and last vacation was to my family’s holiday house in metung with my dad for a week back in january.
eating: just ate last night’s leftovers which were chicken wings
drinking: coffee
about to watch: nothing. if i was, it’d probably be “push” or “gifted” because i want to watch more of chris’ movies.
waiting for: 2019 because avengers 4
want: ...to get into acting school
get married: i kinda do but also no thanks
career: student
hugs or kisses: hugs. definitely. i’d kill for a nice hug rn
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: eh either’s good
older or younger: older
nice arms or stomach: nice arms for those cuddles please
hookup or relationship: uh. i have no experience with either so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
troublemaker or hesitant: hmm. troublemaker
kissed a stranger: nope
drunk hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: yes
turned someone down: nope
sex on the first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: nah
had your heart broken: yeah but not in a romantic way
been arrested: nope
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: yepp
yourself: yeah, i guess. 
miracles: nah
love at first sight: sure
santa claus: lmao no
kiss on a first date: why not
angels: uhh no
best friend’s name: @brooklynbabybucky i love you best pal 😘😘😘
eye colour: hazel
favourite movie: before we go, captain america: the winter soldier, stardust, terminator 2, interview with the vampire, the mummy, it (2017)
favourite actors: sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr, noah schnapp, millie bobby brown, sam heughan, catriona balfe, charlie cox, sigourney weaver, winona ryder, david harbour, david boreanaz 
tagging: @brooklynbabybucky @shegavehersunflowers @ragnarokbarnes @transmaschawkeye @thegirlnooneknows5 @mrvelunvrse @bizexualrosadiaz
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
you make me laugh // mark tuan
anon requested this: Can I request a scenario where YN is got7s mark gf, and the member tease her because she is from England and has a British accent. If possible can you make YN like famous too, maybe like the lead singer of a British band, idk but yeah
Tumblr media
mark tuan x reader.
words: 2k.
genre: fluff, crack.
Mark and you had been dating for two years now, but had known each other for the majority of your lives
And two say you two were inseparable was an odd phrase because you definitely spent most of your time apart from each other
but when you were together you were joined at the hip, refusing to spend time apart
and because of this you spent a lot of time with the other got7 members
who all loved you to death because you definitely brought the best out of Mark
but your adorable British accent also humoured them to their death beds
the worst case that has ever happened with your voice was when you had all gone out for a meal to celebrate the success of got7′s new album
and you had tried to reply to a savage comment from Yugyeom about your new music style
but your voice had cracked as you had turned slightly shrill and this meant that the British accent messed up all the Korean pronunciations
and you’d never seen seven boys laugh quite so much in your life
to the point that even Jaebum, who could often keep a stone facade and remain stoic in these situations couldn’t control himself and was red in the face
you had just hidden your face in Mark’s arm as he patted your thigh and laughed hard with his friends
that incident aside
the boys mostly loved your accent
they thought it was absolutely adorable and wouldn’t change it for the world
even if it meant that when they arrived in England they would do their best to butcher the accent
just like they were doing now as the met you at the airport
because you were the lead singer of the British band, The Sun
and were kicking off of a week of stadium performances tomorrow night
and somehow this lined up perfect with some of the boys holiday time, so they had decided to come and visit you on some of your tour nights
and experience “British culture, the very best of it” ~ Youngjae, 2018
little did they know that British culture mostly consisted of rain, awkward smiles with strangers on the subway and an unhealthy amount of tea
yet as you stood at the arrival entrance for international flights you were beginning to think this whole plan was shambolic
because Jackson was pointing out a million things to Yugyeom and Youngjae, speaking the English name for it, but doing so in the worst accent possible
and you could here the old couple beside you muttering about how annoying today’s youth were
Mark practically leapt from the other side of the room to your side, embracing you in the biggest hug and swallowing you in the smells of air-planes
you were too happy to see him to care that he was messing up your hair you had made such an effort on today
and hugged him back so tightly, wishing that in another universe, the two of you would have all the time in the world to spend together
because it had been almost two months since the two of you had last seen each other in person and you weren’t sure how long the next length of time would be
but for now you were just happy to see him back
following Mark was Jinyoung and Bambam, both of them screaming hello at you from the place were Mark had taken off
running at you at the speed of light before barrelling into you with the biggest hug
the couple beside you just anxiously shuffled backwards as they saw how big the group were, giving you the dirtiest looks
“British culture,” you introduced to the boys in Korean, making the three of them laugh hysterically
Youngjae and Jaebum appeared next, testing their English skills by making as much conversation in their adorably broken English as possible
which involved something along the lines of “Mark very excited to see you” and “how is this accent?”
you couldn’t help but tear at up how adorable Youngjae’s accent was, it was clear he was trying his best
then the three evil kids showed up, hugging you tightly and literally carrying you through the airport until Mark sulked that he wanted to hold your hand, and they dropped you before staring around at them
“so much British!” Youngjae had squealed as you walked past an over priced souvenir store that was drowning in cheesy British souvenirs
Mark had just rolled his eyes as the boys all wandered inside, asking you how to say a multitude of different things
ranging from bus to telephone box to Big Ben
and everytime you said something they would start giggling because of the accent, before trying to say it themselves
and you best believe Jackson and Bambam were having the time of their lives
eventually Mark and you manoeuvred the boys out of the store and towards the mini-bus you had had to order because the seven boys were a large number as it was, and with them came countless amounts of luggage
you sat in the aisle seat with Mark at the window as you drove through London to the hotel the eight of you were staying at with the rest of your group
who were all fairly excited to meet the boys
despite none of them knowing a word of Korean
the boys were trying to read as many signs as possible as you drove past, giggling to themselves like the children they were
but Mark and you were lost in your own little world
catching up on two months of not seeing each other by somehow cuddling in the cramped mini-bus and sharing inside jokes
or blushing deeply when ever one of the boys would call you two out for sharing a kiss
eventually the bus arrived at the hotel and this meant that the boys were all super hyped for a day touring London
the seven of them, as usual, were dressed to impress
meaning that amongst the young in their track suits and the professionals in their suits, they stuck out like a sore thumb with their heavily influenced fashion sense
but you didn’t really mind because hanging out with got7 was destined to make you stand out anyway
the underground was quite the interesting experience
with you holding both Mark and Youngjae’s hand at the same time, whilst Mark kept his eyes on Bambam and Yugyeom who were sat at the window waving at the strangers on the platform
and you almost left Jackson on a train into the heart of the city
but you showed them the classic tourist spots
and took them to your favourite small restaurant in the city where you had taken Mark the first time he came home with you
the whole time you were attached to Mark
and no matter how much Youngjae would tug you to look at the big bridges dotted along the Thames, Mark refused to let go
not that you were complaining because time spent with Mark was the most important thing in the world to you
eventually the day came to a close and you were heading back to the hotel
the six younger boys were deciding to find somewhere to eat after you giving them a long list of recommendations all day
but Mark and you opted for your hotel room and room service instead
once the two of you got there it involved changing into lazy clothes and cuddling on the bed
looking out of the open hotel window and just watching the world go by
and chatting about nothing
with the occasional make out sessions here and there
and honestly it was the best thing
because it made the endless months apart worth waiting out
because then these stolen moments in time were even more special to you
the second day of the trip was spent travelling around the city still, but you had to leave the boys early to go and practise for your show tonight
you were so terrified for performing not only because it was a stadium tour
but it was the first time you were performing in front of Mark live and the thought of disappointing him was what urged you to push harder
the girl group you were in weren’t the initially thought pop group that had been assumed of you when you had started
but rather you wrote all of your songs yourselves, and produced them, chose the music video design and created the dances
and had a much more chill and laid back vibe to your music
which is why Mark had loved your group even more because it was totally his style of music
and your voice sent shivers down his spine every time he heard it
tonight the boys were sitting VIP for you, but in a separate sections to save the risk of any fans spotting them
you could just see the seven of them chatting from the side of the stage before you were going to perform
and this made you even more terrified than you thought possible
but here you were and there was no sending them back to Korea now
the tour kicked off amazingly well
and somehow you managed to get through the first half of the show without messing up any lyrics or choreography, and none of your members had started their usual rants which was a huge bonus
during the half time break fans were given a chance to grab drinks and such whilst you changed backstage
but before you could run back on stage Mark had tackled you in a huge hug and was kissing your cheeks with watery eyes
“I love my talented queen of a girlfriend”
“Mark stop you’ll make me cry on stage”
eventually the security guards had to lead Mark back to where he was supposed to be sitting because you had like thirty seconds to run back on stage
the second half of the concert as well was incredible
and the group finished on a high note with fans cheering for you incessantly
and to say that the concert went well would be an understatement
Mark and the boys somehow snuck backstage to meet you and were wrestling verbally with the security guards to let them stay
and you just rolled your eyes and asked if they could stay
so they were all cramped into your dressing room whilst you had your makeup removed, chatting excitedly about the performance
and whilst you had to go next door to change they were still heard through thick walls
and when you were finally released into the night Mark refused to leave your side all night
even more so than usual
keeping you on his lap in the hotel room and kissing your head softly as you were falling asleep, knowing that you’d now have a whole week of this tiredness
not that you minded because you would do anything for Mark
and his wild band members
even if they were nuisances most of the time and dedicated all their spare moments to mocking you for your accent and girl group performances
oof idk if this is what you really wanted butttt it felt better to write it as a bullet list bc i could write a lot more if you know what i mean. however i hope you enjoy and i realise that i write so much for mark that it looks like he’s my actual bias rather than my biggest bias wrecker :)))))
requests are open <3
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wildflower-1995 · 6 years
The meaning behind my url:-Well, I really like the Tom Petty song ‘Among the wildflowers’ and I guess I’m a free spirit, a wildflower etc.. I don’t wanna be trapped, I wanna be free. 
A picture of me:-I don’t think I can post it here but I’ll post it after. 
How many tattoos i have and what they are:-None
Last time i cried and why:-Last night because… idk. Life. 
Piercings i have:-Just my ears. 
Favorite band:-I have a few. 
Biggest turn offs:-People who burp really loud… it’s disgusting. 
Top 5 (insert subject):-Idk
Tattoos i want:-I don’t know. 
Biggest turn ons:-Effort, people caring, humour
Ideas of a perfect date:-I don’t know, anything is fine. 
Life goal:-I wanna be a writer and publish at least one book before I die.
Piercings i want:-Nose
Relationship status:-Taken
Favorite movie:-I have too many
A fact about my life:-I’m a mess. 
Phobia:-Octopus… the dark, small dark spaces
Middle name:”-Margaret Linda
Height:-180cm I think
Are you a virgin?-No
What’s your shoe size?-9
What’s your sexual orientation?-Straight for the most part… I don’t know. I’m don’t think I’m attracted to girls but I don’t know anymore, I might be bi or something.Too many labels for me to care about.  
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?-None of the above
Someone you miss:-I miss who I use to be, I wish I could go back 10 years. 
What’s one thing you regret?-Everything. 
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:-Pink
Favorite ice cream?-Chocolate 
One insecurity:-Apparently I’m just insecure in general and my feelings aren’t valid so who knows
What my last text message says:-Idk
Have you ever taken a picture naked?-Yeah
Have you ever painted your room?-Not my room, no
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?-Once. On the cheek. 
Have you ever slept naked?-Yeah
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?-Yeah when I was in highschool.. haha
Have you ever had a crush?-Yes
Have you ever been dumped?-Yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend?-No
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?-Yeah
Have you ever been in a fist fight?-Maybe with my sister 
Have you ever snuck out of your house?-Yes
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?-Only all the time… 
Have you ever been arrested?-No
Have you ever made out with a stranger?-No
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?-Yeah
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?-Yes
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?-No
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?-Yes
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?-Yeah
Have you ever seen someone die?-No and I don’t ever want to
Have you ever been on a plane?-Apparently when I was a baby but obviously I don’t remember that. 
Have you ever kissed a picture?-Yes
Have you ever slept in until 3?-No
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?-Yes and yes
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?-YES I LOVE IT
Have you ever made a snow angel?-No
Have you ever played dress up?-Yeah
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?-Yes 
Have you ever been lonely?-It’s my constant state so yeah
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?-Once I think, very lightly though
Have you ever been to a club?-No
Have you ever felt an earthquake?-Nah
Have you ever touched a snake?-Yes and it was terrifying 
Have you ever ran a red light?-No
Have you ever been suspended from school?-Yes
Have you ever had detention?-Yes
Have you ever been in a car accident?-Almost but no
Have you ever hated the way you look?-All the time
Have you ever witnessed a crime?-Yeah
Have you ever pole danced?-No
Have you ever been lost?-Hahaha…. only always… wait, literally or? Because yeah both. 
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?-Yeah I think so 
Have you ever felt like dying?-Constantly.. 
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?-Yeah, last night lol 
Have you ever sang karaoke?-Yeah
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?-Yes
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?-Yes
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?-No
Have you ever kissed in the rain?-No but damn that sounds romantic
Have you ever sang in the shower?-Yeah
Have you ever made out in a park?-Yeah
Have you ever dream that you married someone?-Yes 
Have you ever glued your hand to something?-Yes
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?-No but nearly got it stuck to the inside of the freezer…. hahaha
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?-No, only in dreams thank god and that’s scary enough 
Have you ever been a cheerleader?-No
Have you ever sat on a roof top?-Yeah when I Was a kid
Have you ever brushed your teeth?-Uh yes, duh
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?-Yes, but not anymore. 
Have you ever played chicken?-Not in a car… a variation of it yes
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?-No and I’d punch anyone who did
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?-Sort of. 
Have you ever broken a bone?-No
Have you ever been easily amused?-Constantly… hahaha
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?-Yes. And it’s so rare now.. use to happen all the time and now nothing seems to make me laugh much anymore 
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?-Yeah.. 
Have you ever cheated on a test?-Yes. And it made me realise that my worth is only judged by how well I do on a test… teachers actually liked me when I got an A on a math test that I cheated on.. so yeah. 
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?-Always lol 
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?-Yes
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.-Meh I don’t know. I was probably destined to be a psychopath when I grew up because looking back on me as a young child… I had all the symptoms of one. But I promise I’m not a serial killer… but then again, that’s what a serial killer would want you to think, so.. 
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harrysnotechanges · 6 years
85 Questions wowie
@btapants tagged me in this, thank you celine ily
drink // idk if this is alcoholic or just any drink so either gin and tonic or elderflower tea (because I’m sick) phone call // my mum text message // one of my closest friends song you listened to // somnambule by cœur de pirate time you cried // yesterday when I went to the ophthalmologist (but that was more like my eye watering)... proper crying would have been last week when I watched the The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and I don’t remember the last time I cried about something that actually happened to me becuase I’m bad at dealing with my emotions kdjfghdfg   
dated someone twice // nope kissed someone and regretted it // nope been cheated on // no lost someone special // yeah been depressed // yup gotten drunk and thrown up // nope, I know how to hold my liquor fave colours // blue-grey which wikipedia tells me is also called livid and I like that and out of all the shades listed there I’d say blue bell is definitely my favourite... I could have also just said blue but I don’t like all shades of blue this much
in the last year have you
made new friends
// yes
fallen out of love
// no
laughed until you cried
// often
found out someone was talking about you
// nope
met someone who changed you
// I don’t think so
found out who your friends are
// I knew that already
kissed someone on your facebook friends list
// nope
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl // all of them I think... not all of them are good friends but I’ve met everyone  do you have any pets // not anymore :( do you want to change your name // no... I wouldn’t pick it myself but I don’t mind it and I’m used to it at this point (I like the name my parents originally wanted to call me more though kjhfgkjdfhg) what did you do for your last birthday // I was at work but I celebrated with my family the weekend before that and with my friends in the evening and we had cake at wine at work as well so it was all good what were you doing at midnight last night // watching The 1989 world tour live kjdhfgdfjhg                                                                                                        what is something you can’t wait for // christmas tbh becuase then I’ll get to go home (I haven’t left yet but it’s soon and I’m getting anxious)                          what are you listening to right now // Americans by Janelle Monáe               have you ever talked to a person named tom // I don’t think so... not a very common name here                                                                                                something that gets on your nerves // loud chewing, people who won’t admit when they’re wrong eventhough they very obviously are                                   most visited website // tumblr klgdfjhg
hair colour // a really dark auburn... looks brown is most lighting tbh long or short hair // idk, medium? about shoulder-lenght do you have a crush on someone // actually not rn  what do you like about yourself // I like my sense of humour (I might be the only one but idgaf kjghfkfjh) want any piercings // no I’m scared blood type // B+ nicknames // that’s a secret  relationship status // single zodiac // leo pronouns // she/her fave tv shows // orphan black, gilmore girls, the crown, brooklyn 99, the good placce.. I could name so many I can’t do this tattoos // I don’t have any but I would like one right or left handed // right handed ever had surgery // no piercings // only my ears sport // I used to dance, now I just run occasionally  vacation // I went to Poland last month trainers // I don’t understand this question kdffjgh
more general
eating // nothing rn because I’m sick and I can’t even look at food drinking // too much tea about to watch // probably shadow hunters because I like watching crap tv show when I’m not feeling well waiting for // until I’m healthy again want // books, too many book that I have no room for get married // I mean eventually why not but I’m not really concerned about it rn  career // let’s not talk about it I don’t wanna be a real adult yet and it’s all happening too fast
which is better
hugs or kisses // hugs unless I’m dating you lips or eyes // eyes shorter or taller // taller older or younger // older nice arms or stomach // arms goddddd  hookup or relationship // relationship troublemaker or hesitant // troublemaker
have you ever
kissed a stranger // no drunk hard liquor // yeah lost glasses // I don’t wear glasses turned someone down // yeah sex on first date // not my thing broken someone’s heart // not that I know of had your heart broken // no been arrested // no cried when someone died // yeah fallen for a friend // no
do you believe in
yourself // yes but also no kljhggfkljh miracles // not really love at first sight // not a thing imo santa claus // that’s not who brings gifts here kiss on a first date // why not angels // nope
best friend’s name // don’t wanna say eye colour // dark brown fave movie // lady bird right now... also the elementary school (everyone should watch this!!!!!) and I can’t pick one wait I’ll reblog that thing where your post gifs from you 10 fave movies   fave actors // emma watson, HARRY EDWARD STYLES, also maggie smith, colling firth, keira knightley
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hearteyesuris · 6 years
Home / Stenbrough
I haven’t written in like. 8 years!!! I’m sorry!! Anyway so you know how I wrote those Depressing brokenfamily!Bill headcanons? This is a one shot based off of that and it gets sad ,,, but its also fluffy!!
Warnings - Implied panic attack, bill is Fed Up, bill’s dad is emotionally abusive!! idk if there’s more but. be safe
Words - 2.2k (how)
Bill Denbrough did not have a home.
He had a house - of course, he had two. His Mother’s and his Father’s.
His parents (to put it frankly) did not care. At all. They didn’t care for Bill once Georgie had died. And he understood - really, he did. Everyone deals with bereavement issues differently, and his parents had finally pushed one another apart, after years of tension so thick that Bill’s stutter couldn’t even kill the silence between them.
Once Georgie’s death had been settled, and the period between November of the previous year and Bill’s painful thirteenth summer ended, so had their relationship. His Mother had left with the choice thrown upon Bill to chose who to go to.
And he picked his Mother.
But, he had decided, sixteen was far too young to be dealing with such a violent set of parents - not that anyone should be at any age. His Father had always used emotional blackmail as a twisted persuasive method, and his Mother had always taken it, turning his words into something as sweet as honey but lacking the backbone she needed to put him in his place. She’d listen to the words, plead out a strangled sorry and declare it all OK until it happened again. A routine of sorts, Bill had mused.
Despite the two not being together, Bill’s parents still managed to leave him stuck in the middle.
‘Bill? Shall we go and get your favourite dinner tonight?’
‘Bill, how about we go and buy you that new book you’ve wanted?’
‘Bill, make sure not to tell your Father about this,’
‘Bill, make sure not to tell your Mother about this,’
Bill, Bill, Bill. It was all he ever heard - and when he agreed to whatever his parents wanted to do, an awkward silence settled over him and whoever had taken him out that night, causing Adrenaline to course through Bill’s nerves, snagging on loose ends and pulling them free.
However, this became another routine to Bill, a new thing to get used to and accept as it was.
It just wasn’t until this night that he realised how bad it truly was.
Wednesday nights had always been spent at his Father’s house - a sad midweek visit, dragging a bag or two behind him and mumbling a hello in his direction as he sat and smoked, eyes fixated on a book, or a film, or the TV - anything that wasn’t his son. He might get an awkward pat on the shoulder or a greeting back on some days, but most of the time if he didn’t begin conversation, he wouldn’t get any.
Unspoken words hung in the air until the whistle for dinner flew upstairs. A degrading call to further prove that his Father truly didn’t care. But it was only once he’d reached the bottom step did he realise that something was not as it usually was.
Where Bill usually ate dinner alone, the news humming as it always did in the background, laid a second place mat and plate, his Father sat behind it.
Anxiety swam through his bloodstream, dipping and diving and dancing in the tawny vapour of anger and stress.
‘William,’ his Father began, his words dripping with a patronising tone, flooding Bill’s head and boiling until he felt his lungs burn and cry out for help. ‘Come and sit,’
He walked into the living room, cold linoleum sneaking past his thick socks due to his Father’s distaste of spending money on heating the house, took a shaky breath and sat down.
Questions filled his mind - what would this week’s activity be? Why was it being discussed on a Wednesday? Had a family member died? Had his father found out about something?
‘Don’t look at me like that, William,’ He scoffed, looking at Bill as though he was the disappointment of an empty packet of cigarettes, rather than his son.
‘I’ve been thinking - before you say anything, please hear me out,’ Bill steadied himself for the usual. Not to be friends with the losers? To come and do work experience with his Father? To stop writing? To stop living as he pleased?
‘I don’t … I don’t think your Mother is an appropriate person for you to be living with,’
Of all the things Bill had rallied up in his head, he wasn’t expecting his Father to say this. Of course, he’d never been all too fond of his Mother since they ended it, but he had never tried to deny Bill the rights to live with her in such a way. He had, of course, been dropping hints right under Bill’s nose that he was the better parent.
‘Being the patriarch of a broken family does not make you the better person,’ Bill mumbled under his breath, a way that prevented his stutter breaking through and making him seem more pitiable than brave.
His Father’s eyebrows shot up, a breeze of crimson fluttering past his face, growing stronger as he got angrier.
‘Excuse me,’ his Father stared him in the eyes, veins fluctuating with anger and writing as his voice increased in volume, ‘This is my house, William. If you refuse to listen to me then we shall go about this the hard way.’
Something in his voice sent a shiver through Bill, a cold sweat beading at his temples. He gulped back the words that had died up in his throat, feeling that all too familiar anxious tug at his stomach, the hand of Anxiety stroking up his ribs and tickling at them, gliding painfully slowly across each rib and suddenly ripping at his heart.
‘William, so long as I am your primary carer, you shall listen to me,’ Bill scoffed at this, a laugh caused by the unbelievable statement escaping.
His Father looked positively enraged, his face regaining its red hue as he picked up both his and Bill’s plates.
‘Go to your room, please. You are not to contact your Mother and we shall discuss this in the morning. Out of sight.’
Bill bit back tears - of anger and sadness - and made his way up the stairs.
He walked straight past his closed door into the significantly smaller room down the hall, the door of which was littered with crayon drawings of animals, plants and people.
Georgie’s room was quiet, and calm. It was one of the only things that had remained constant in Bill’s memories - ever since he could remember, Georgie’s room had looked like this. Pale yellow walls, one of which was coated in crayon from the time he and Bill had decorated it. The bed was made, a winnie the pooh bed spread adorned it, Georgie’s favourite - he had liked how he was always so happy, and in a way seeing him was bittersweet to Bill, due to how much Georgie had turned into a ray of sunshine, cheering up everyone he saw.
However, the main reason Bill sat on Georgie’s floor was because his room was at the front of the house. And Bill was not going to sit in his bedroom just to fulfil the duties his Father had given him. Definitely not.
So, instead, he decided he would go to the only house he’s ever truly felt was a home - Stanley Uris’ house.
Stanley Uris had been one of Bill’s friends since he was younger. Stan and Bill’s Mothers used to meet up for coffee on Sunday mornings and due to this, Stan and Bill became friends.
Ever since the year previously, when their closest friends Richie and Eddie started dating, the two boys were prone to spending time as a pair outside of the group - of course, all the others had their suspicions, but nothing needed to be confirmed. They laughed along with the jokes, held hands, linked arms, perhaps even kissed in private - but they didn’t have to confirm it.
Whilst Bill loved all of his friends, there was just something so prominent about Stanley. He had such a peculiar sense of humour that had Bill in fits, he was always able to make time for his friends (especially Bill) and would be so willing for him to stay at his or come over if anything happened at home. So Bill decided that he would ignore his Father - really, what was the worst he could do? - and go to see Stan instead.
The jump down wasn’t too steep and Bill had perfected it from all the times it was necessary that he left through his baby brother’s window. He looked back in, as if he expected Georgie to be sat on his bed with a book, and then dropped down onto the damp grass below him.
Not even allowing himself a minute to catch his breath, Adrenaline once again entered Bill and shot through his whole body, coursing smoothly and flooding all his senses.
He ran all the way to the Uris household, a whole 2 miles away - he could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth but shook it off, sitting on the curb of the road and breathing deeply to regain his senses.
He heard the sliding of a window above him, and turned around quickly, only to see Stanley Uris’ silhouette where the noise came from, his hand out of the window in a beckoning motion.
Bill stood up from the curb, scrubbing at his face with the sleeve of his jumper in an attempt to get rid of the tracks left behind by the tears, and entered Stan’s house.
The Uris household - another thing that had remained a constant in Bill’s life. The paintings on the beige walls, the hand stitched messages made by Andrea Uris, the vintage furniture in each room. Bill loved the familiarity of it, and the security that came along with it.
Gentle footsteps echoed from the old wooden stairs, tapping out in a repetitive pattern that reminded Bill of the closest thing he’d ever had to home - Stan.
Stan knew that he didn’t have to talk when Bill was feeling like this. He’d always let him talk first, so he could decide how he should initiate a conversation with the taller boy. He tapped Bill on the shoulder and traced his finger down his arm, eventually resting at his wrist and holding his hand. Still on the second to last step, he gave his arm a soft tug before twisting on his foot and making his way back upstairs.
The boy behind him was clearly exhausted, the bags under his eyes had almost tripled in size since Stan had seen him that afternoon. His face was red raw from what Stan assumed to be crying, and his eyes looked bleak yet held a world of emotion in them.
Bill Denbrough confused Stanley Uris - how could one boy hold so many emotions yet keep them all bottled away until he gave in and opened the gate?
Pulling back the duvet on his bed, Stan gave Bill a gentle nudge and settled him down in his bed, and before getting in himself set his vinyl of The Queen Is Dead on. He offered Bill a smile and got a watery one in response, but it was better than nothing.
He crawled into his bed and rested his head on Bill’s chest, knowing it kept him grounded, and felt his heartbeat clatter around his ribs, thrumming out an irregular beat and making the boy’s hands shake.
He felt those same hands come to rest on the small of his back, drawing patterns over the soft skin there, and then he heard him swallow deeply and open his mouth.
‘I just … Stan, I can’t stay at my Dad’s anymore,’ he choked out, digging his fingers into Stan’s back to ground himself, ‘I hate it there. I hate him. He makes me so sad. He doesn’t want me to go to Mum’s anymore and he just wants me to stay in my room - he complains when I don’t eat but then takes my food off of me and won’t let me eat. He gets angry when I go into Georgie’s room and right now he thinks I’m in my room contemplating how I was rude to him when all I did was tell the truth and-’
Bill’s breath came out in staggered junctions, his chest heaving beneath Stan’s head.
‘What’s your favourite flower, Bill?’
‘Daffodils - for Georgie,’
Stan smiled and squeezed his hand, pressing a soft kiss to his chest.
‘That’s nice, I always think of Georgie when I see daffodils,’ Stan spoke clearly to Bill, enunciating each word to remind him he was there, ‘I love lilies’
‘I’ll buy you some, I promise,’
Stan beamed at this, his eyes stinging and threatening tears.
‘I love you, Bill,’
Bill gave Stan a half hearted smile - half hearted as it may be, it was all he could manage in his state.
Stan gently hummed along to the music, letting the vibrations float across Bill’s chest and swim around the empty room, thick with the haze of falling tears and ragged breaths.
Bill Denbrough may not have a physical home - but he had Stanley Uris, and that was the best home he could have ever asked for.
/ tag list
@trashmoutheds - @t-rash-m-outh - @spicyymoon–lovve - @whipashwhipash - @rainy-kaspbrak - @trxshmouth-t0zier
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corgisocks · 6 years
85 questions
tagged by @ribenaflip 💞💕💖💗
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
EDIT: as of 2019, this tag is like 20% irrelevant to what i’m like now....did it in 2017 so
— what was your last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: it was me calling jojo’s phone so they could find it
3. text message: “I am having a major crisis”
4. song you listened to: coffee & tv by blur
5. you cried: that’s tmi but also saying it’s tmi is tmi and all of this is tmi so what am i DOING
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes i kissed a piece of toast and it got crumbs all over my face
8. been cheated on: if i have been that’d be concerning seeing as i’ve never not been single
9. lost someone special: not recently.
10. been depressed: 24 hours 7 days a week m8
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: what is an alcohol? (no)
— fave colours
12. vermilion 13. cerulean 14. very very dark grey
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: YEET (shoutout to the gc)
16. fallen out of love: i WISH (lmao it’s been 2 years please end me)
17. laughed until you cried: yea obvs
18. found out someone was talking about you: many times. many many many times.
19. met someone who has positively changed you: YES. my bestest buddy has and not in a bad way. i’m definitely a better and happier person because i met him
20. found out who your friends are: i never think about friendships in that kind of way. and if i did i probs wouldn’t care to be like ‘they were a shitty friend’ instead it’d just be like they were someone in my life and it sucks that they’re not/don’t want to be in a good way anymore but shit happens. and i don’t take it personally
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what is a face book because if it’s like a book of faces i kissed myself in the picture of my group of friends that is in my yearbook
— general
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl: again…what is a face book
23. do you have any pets: YEET
24. do you want to change your name: i mean idk i think i’d be cool with just usin a nickname for now i’ll figure the legal stuff out later
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to my friend’s birthday party. spent almost all of it looking for one of the people who was invited with two of my bros. then i saw wonder woman, went to a reallyreally good korean bakery, and then went to the empire state building. and last but not least, the next day, my friends came over and we played clue and mariokart. all in all it was a 10/10 birthday tbh! (it was an anomaly though ngl my birthday this year is going to be infinitely more depressing)
26. what time did you wake up today: 5:30 am cos my school starts too fuckin early ;(
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: taking a shower
28. what is something you can’t wait for: plake’s upcoming single (it’s my fav and i’ve been wanting it in my library for m o n t h s so i’m 110% ready for it
30. what are you listening to right now: the sound of people talking
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i was at an improv comedy show and of all people i was picked to volunteer and when i was on stage my shoe fell off and one of the comedians who was called tom was like 'your foot has been borne to the audience’
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my own exhaustion!
33. most visited website: my school’s online gradebook 😬
34. hair colour: really dark brown (some people think it’s black but NO)
35. long or short hair: short...it will never be long again i assure you
36. do you have a crush on someone: yes ;(((
37a. what do you like about yourself: i may be an awful person atm but at least i can understand why i am the way i am and know how to improve
37b. what’s something you don’t like about yourself: too many things. rn though i don’t like how i come off as like a 'show-off’ when i’m trying to help people cos me trying to get them to like actually understand what they’re learning always sets em off even though it’d be worse to just do things my own confusing way and leave em in the dust. i also hate how i get frustrated with them (and myself tbh) when that happens
38. want any piercings: hecc no
39. blood type: i legit have no clue
40. nicknames: lou, coco
41. relationship status: what is a relation ship
42. sign: gemini
43. pronouns: he/they i GUESS
44. fave tv show: peppa pig tbh
45. tattoos: hecc no!
46. right or left handed: BOTH
47: ever had surgery: nope 😬
48. piercings: once again HECC NO
49. sport: used to do tennis and track. now i kind of just do a lil bit of everything for fun and i love biking and running
50. vacation: yes please. i need a vacation from LIFE
51. trainers: i’ve had the same old black nikes for three years and the same flip flops for five ;( (and i also have some black converse high-tops that i never wear unless i need to look 'nice’ whoops)
— more general
52. eating: i prefer raw foods to pretty much everything so poke bowls are my jam. i’m also a vegetarian who doesn’t eat fruit because what is self-care??
53. drinking: water. it’s important to stay hydrated
54. i’m about to watch: my surroundings that aren’t my phone
55. waiting for: this tag to be over. yikes
56. want: to pass english for ONE GODDAMN MARKING PERIOD before i graduate cos i haven’t since mp1 of ninth grade during which i got a 99 (now i have a 15 look how far i’ve come!!)
57. get married: i mean…
58. career: ah yes i’ll probably have one of those
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: y'all mean in relationships? no pref. generally speaking though i almost always hate both
60. lips or eyes: no pref
61. shorter or taller: no pref…
62. older or younger: i don’t think about any of this shit i am so confused!!
63. nice arms or stomach: what constitutes an arm or stomach being nice?
64. hookup or relationships: labels ew neither is good
65. troublemaker or hesitant: somehow i’m both. like i’m loud as fuck and kind of obnoxious and audacious but i also have 9.9/10 self-control. so like i would be cool with either type of person
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: i hope not
67. drank hard liquor: hecc no
68. turned someone down: i thought i was gonna have to but that never happened WHEW
69. sex on first date: what is this “sex” you speak of? what is a “date”?
70: broken someone’s heart: i hope not! except hearts are kinda squishy so like i probably haven’t
71. had your heart broken: no although my heart rate’s so high i fear it will explode one of these days
72. been arrested: so far, no
73. cried when someone died: :((( chris cornell. i was lookin up soundgarden on google to find tour dates near where my uncle lives and then i saw it and i was like 'no. nononono. nonononononononono.’ then i let one tear escape from the ducts in my eyes before going into denial river. (aren’t i so fuckin clever 😤😤😤)
i also cried during a tribute to chester bennington at a muse concert if that counts
74. fallen for a friend: once again ew labels but y'all should know by now that i HAVE and i’m STILL falling ;(
— do you believe in
75. yourself: i have no concept of anything in existence and this tag has made me realise that. whoops
76. miracles: i could ramble about this one but i don’t have the time
77. love at first sight: dunno, but i will say that when i met my best friend i knew i was going to love him from how he acted and what his sense of humour is like. he’s so unique really like you can TELL he’s his own person and he owns it without trying to
78. santa claus: yes but only cos i’m tryin to stay off the naughty list
79. angels: what is an angels
— misc
80. eye colour: this is a subject that has been widely debated so for now i’ll just say they’re either grey or green or both
81. best friend’s name: zeke
82. favourite movie: i have no concept of having a favorite movie unless it’s based on who it’s by so i’ll say my favorite pixar movie is wall-e for the sake of having something down for this question. otherwise it’s probs either memento or the imitation game.
83. favourite actor: myself 🤔
84. favourite cartoon: oh shit that’s too hard. my favs as a young child were tom and jerry and the first season of the pokémon anime and i guess my fav one that’s more 'mature’ is bojack horseman (although i’ve only seen half the first season lol)
85. favourite teacher’s name: my favorite is either nicole, hyungmin, rebecca, eileen, hayley, matt, kevin, or robert, but like…i hate picking cos that’s just unfair. so idrk
can’t tag rn but do this if you want to i guess
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85 questions meme
tagged by lthis love: @charitychastity <3
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: peach juice I think
2. phone call: my boyfriend
3. text message: my boyfriend
4. song you listened to:  all about you - mcfly
5. time you cried: the other day I think, can’t remember why tho
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: no
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never
— fave colours
12.  pink 13. rose gold 14. blue
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:  definitley
16. fallen out of love: idk
17. laughed until you cried: omg yes all the time
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes 
19. met someone who changed you: I met my boyfriend this year so heck yeah
20. found out who your friends are: yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: I have
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pretty much all
23. do you have any pets: two dogs (MA BABIES)
24. do you want to change your name: nope
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I was at work :(
26. what time did you wake up today: 7am ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: eating cereal in bed with my boyf
28. what is something you can’t wait for: things I can’t say on here cause they’re personal lolol
30. what are you listening to right now: emmerdale on tv
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yup
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: how lazy I am tbh lmao
33. most visited website: snapchat 100% if that counts
34. hair colour: light brown
35. long or short hair: medium
36. do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend
37. what do you like about yourself: my sense of humour and how loyal and trustworthy I am
38. want any piercings: yes
39. blood type: god knows
40. nicknames: Britt, Brim, B, Queen B (lol me) and others
41. relationship status: taken
42. sign: capricorn
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: emmerdale deffo, coronation street
45. tattoos: none
46. right or left handed: right
47: ever had surgery: yes
48. piercings: ears
49. sport: AHAHA like I play sport
50. vacation: santorini, greece. the DREAM
51. trainers: nike idk lol
— more general
52. eating: ice cream
53. drinking: nothing atm
54. i’m about to watch: the rest of emmerdale and then eastenders
55. waiting for: uhmmm going out with my sister tomorrow
56. want: a new phone PLS, new clothes and lingerie
57. get married: preferably yes
58. career: property
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: kisses
60. lips or eyes: eyes but lips are real close too
61. shorter or taller: shorter
62. older or younger: older
63. nice arms or stomach: arms
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: no
68. turned someone down: yes sorryyy
69. had sex: yes
70: broken someone’s heart: I hope not
71. had your heart broken: no
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes
74. fallen for a friend: no
— do you believe in
75. yourself: depends how my confidence is on the day
76. miracles: hmmm 
77. love at first sight: to a degree yes
78. santa claus: no :(
79. angels: no
— misc
80. eye colour: dark blue
81. best friend’s name: Rhianna
82. favourite movie: the hunger games ones, silver linings paybook, tangled, love rosie, joy, mean girls, clueless, pete’s dragon, fantastic mr fox (great that)
83. favourite actor: josh hutcherson
84. favourite cartoon: my little pony, spongebob YEAH
85. favourite teacher’s name: miss west probs
I TAG (sorry if you’ve already done it): @michellesvanity @enchantingembers @wycombewanderer @moirabartons @donnajacksons @dannybmiller @oliviaflcherty @drawerswithouthandles @tilliesweet @strongestpersoniknow @yasisworld
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sixofdemigods · 6 years
85 questions
Thank you to the lovely @thepurplewarlock for tagging me in this! It’s been a long time since I last did it, let’s see how many answers have changed :)
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— What was your last…
1. Drink: i’m drinking coffee rn
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: from a friend saying he failed the exam too but well “geteiltes leid ist halbes leid” (i don’t know if this is a saying in english too)
4. Song you listened to: “Maman” by Louane
5. Time you cried: idk, a few months ago i guess
— Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: no (I’ve not even dated someone once…)
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah (i said yeah the last time?? @past me tf who were you referring to)
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: kind of
10. Been depressed: no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
— Fave colours
12. turquoise
13. lavender/pastel purple
14. all things blue
— In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yup
16. Fallen out of love: guess what?? i’m still in love with the same person as i was last year as i was the year before when i made this account. it’s pathetic. if anyone has tips on falling out of love hmu i need to get over her
17. Laughed until you cried: so many times
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your friends are: not really?
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no facebook and haven’ kissed anyone in the past year so no
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: i don’t have a facebook
23. Do you have any pets: yeah two guinea pigs
24. Do you want to change your name: no it’s fine
25. What did you do for your last birthday: went to pizza hut and watched spiderman: homecoming with my best friend
26. What time did you wake up today: around 6:40
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping
28. What is something you can’t wait for: last time i wrote “meeting a nice girl who’s not straight” and it’s still a mood but in the nearer future... easter break
30. What are you listening to right now: nothing
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: intolerance, people criticising my style, “love, simon” not being released in germany until june 28... lots of stuff
33. Most visited website: probably youtube or tumblr
34. Hair colour: blonde
35. Long or short hair: long
36. Do you have a crush on someone: yes...
37. What do you like about yourself: my hair, my sense of style, my intelligence, my patience, my humour... lots of stuff
38. Want any piercings: yes!! def more ear piercings but like a nose one would be nice as well
39. Blood type: no idea
40. Nicknames: none
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: libra
43. Pronouns: she/her i guess? it’s whatever
44. Fave tv show: skam
45. Tattoos: none as of yet
46. right or left handed: right
47: Ever had surgery: not really
48. Piercings: well the regular earlobe ones if that counts
49. Sport: love to watch it, hate to do it
50. Vacation: what does this mean? last one: visited my family in southern germany, next one: vienna, dream one: india
51. Trainers: i own some but i don’t have opinions on the brands or anything (i’m lying i do have an opinion nikes are ugly af)
— More general
52. Eating: not currently? in general i love it
53. Drinking: erm i’m currently drinking coffee, i don’t drink enough i’m dehydrated pretty much always, and yes i do drink alcohol (why are these questions so vague i have no idea what they mean)
54. I’m about to watch: probably gonna watch skam france ep 5&6 so i get caught up on my mini reviews
55. Waiting for: lunch
56. Want: a girlfriend
57. Get married: i’d love to!
58. career: i’m not sure but i think i’ll be a teacher
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs!!! i love hugs
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: shorter i don’t like when people are taller than me
62. Older or younger: well about the same age
63. Nice arms or stomach: i couldn’t care less. what even are nice arms
64. Hookup or relationships: relationship!
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: i don’t like troublemakers but if you’re as hesitant as me then how are we even gonna get dating
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: no
67. Drank hard liquor: yes
68.Turned someone down: hahahhahha no one ever even asked me out rip
69. Sex on first date: lol no i’m a virgin
70: Broken someone’s heart: not that i know of?
71. Had your heart broken: guess you could call it that
72. Been arrested: nope
73. Cried when someone died: no
74. Fallen for a friend: yes. did i mention my ongoing crush as referred to in 16 and 36
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: yes
76. Miracles: hard not to
77. Love at first sight: no
78. Santa Claus: no
79. Angels: yes
— Misc
80. Eye colour: blueish
81. Best friends name: that’s private sorry
82. Favourite movie: the hunger games? i think it’s hard to choose
83. Favourite actor: so many
84. Favourite cartoon: Steven Universe
85. Favourite teacher’s name: i don’t think i’m allowed to share this info... let’s call him Mr. K
I tag: @lavenderbrowne, @stvles-stilinski, @peachweasley, @iamacolor, @desperatewlw, @holymotherofbakedbeans, @anotherqueerfangirl, @softcuite, @dianasprxnce, @sarahthehappygiraffe, @emmanette, @rogerssteve, @occasionalstargazer, @pomonasprowt, @chochangx
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day6pilielove-blog · 6 years
Sooo I was tagged by @savageday6
Thank you for saving me from Monday's boredom, Joyce!!! Lmao
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
drink: cold ocha
phone call: something regarding work bcs I've been in the office for hours now 😂
text message: also something regarding my works *heavy sigh*
song you listened to: DAY6's All Alone (yes, my life is miserable lol)
time you cried: mmm because of my mental state I usually have my own dark periods like every 1 or 2 months, where I'll break down crying every few hours, so I think it was around december?
have u ever:
dated someone twice: Yes? I guess? I'm afraid of commitment, so I had "some" more than twice, but it was basically same like dating, the only difference is just no official talk for the status.
been cheated on: nope.
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes, for years, I've always been trying to get better tho ^^
been drunk and thrown up: lmao yes. Will never pass my limit like that anymore 😂
in the past year have u:
made a new friend: yes <3
fallen out of love: I can't even remember the last time I fell in love 😂
laughed until you cried: It's been so long, I guess? I can't remember one right now
met someone who changed you: it's a group of people I think. Those who I met in middle school changed me forever
found out who your true friends are: Yes. Thanks God for those few true friends that I have <3
found out someone was talking about you: yes
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: No one. I'm fairly new in tumblr anyway
do you have any pets?: Nope. I want 1 tho :'(
do you want to change your name?: Not really.
what time did you wake up this morning: 5 AM, my everyday wake up time for work lol
what were you doing last night: trying to sleep early but failed? Lmao why am I such a night owl
name something you cannot wait for: my annual bonus, resignation, new job, and vacation *stress*
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: that's 1 of the managers in my office, a creepy one at that...
what’s getting on your nerves right now: routines? And being stuck with my own life?
blood type: A :)
nickname: yoyoy (from my college friends)
relationship status: single and not ready to commit :)
zodiac sign: scorpio
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: just any vlive from day6 is fine for me 😂
college: yup. I graduated 4 years ago.
hair color: brown with silver highlights :)
do you have a crush on someone: does day6 counts? Lmao.
what do you like about yourself: independent
first surgery: wisdom teeth removal
first piercing: I guess 2-3 years ago? I have like 6 piercings now and forgot when was the first one
first sport you joined: say no to sport 😂
first vacation: if it's overseas, then it's Singapore
first pair of sneakers: I don't remember
right now:
eating: nothing
drinking: green tea latte
i’m about to: finish my works. Yup. Trying to at least.
Listening to: gossips from my office mates lmao
want kids: Nope. Idk if someday it'll change tho.
get married: I'm half-half on this one.
career: I'm hoping to find better job now, where I can work with more flexible time and place :) wish me luck!
which is better:
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: both lol
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older, but I don't really mind tbh
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
sensitive or loud: loud (doesn't mean mannerless tho, more like funny, humourous, and more talkative than me)
hookup or relationship: relationship I guess, but with someone that I'm really comfortable with please
troublemaker or hesitant: a little bit of both lmao
have u ever:
kissed a stranger: nope
drank hard liquor: yup
lost contacts/glasses: yes *cries*
sex on first date: nope
broken someone’s heart: yes and still feel bad about it
been arrested: Nope
turned someone down: yes
fallen for a friend: yes, and will never anymore, that shit hurts as f*ck hahaha.
do u believe:
in yourself: not really
miracles: sometimes
love at first sight: my first love years ago is a love at first sight (the one who has small build like wonpil hehe)
im tagging:
I don't really have mutuals tho :"(
But I'm going to be shameless and tag some of you. I'm sorry if I disturbed you guys :")
And hellooo nice to know you! I'm sorry I'm awkward af asdjkalsjsk
@marks-hyung @chiveburger @ji-dragon @leeteukmakesmecry @incorrect-jaepil-quotes
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asapmarsupio · 6 years
92 truths ♥️
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you, at the end choose 25 people to be tagged
tagged by @glohrydaze tenks 💕 legit the only tumblr friend I have :,(
last drink: hot chocalate
last phone call: mummy
last text message: “aren't most of ur followers from here tho"
last song you listened to: while we're young - Jhene Aiko
last time i cried: honestly don't know CUZ I AINT NO BITCH jk lol
dated someone twice: no
been cheated on: no
kissed someone and regretted it: no
lost someone special: no
been depressed: no
been drunk and thrown up: no
made a new friend: yes
fallen out of love: no lol never
laughed until you cried: yes
met someone who changed you: lowkey changed myself
found out who your true friends are: yesyesyesyesyes
found out someone was talking about you: talkin shit bout me? lowkey yes
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 2-3 cuz they go to my school
do you have any pets?: yes
do you want to change your name?: no
what time did you wake up this morning?: 7:10 am
what were you doing last night?: playing sims
name something you cannot wait for: to finish high school
have you ever talked to a person named tom: my 5th grade Spanish teacher
what’s getting on your nerves rn?: myself
blood type: O+
nickname: shilu
relationship status: single pringle
zodiac sign: scorpio
pronouns: ze/zir (fuck autocorrect) jk only 2 genders so she/her
favorite tv show: AHS, stranger things, thirteen reasons why
college: dream college is UCLA 💙💛💙💛
hair color: black
do you have a crush on someone: all the time on multiple guys
what do you like about yourself: humour, realness, music taste, calves, hands
first surgery: had to remove a corn on my foot
first piercing: ear piercing when i was 7 i think
first sport you joined: tennis or swimming can't remember
first vacation: idk
first pair of sneaker: these fake ass converse that were hot pink
eating: toast w/ nutella
drinking: nothing
i’m about to: study physics
listening to: sativa - Jhene Aiko
want kids: idk
get married: yes
career: WNBA player, something that will make me rich highkey
lips or eyes: eyes
hugs or kisses: hugs
shorter or taller: for guys? tall cuz ya girl is 5'8
older or younger: depends
romantic or spontaneous: both
sensitive or loud: both
hook up or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: no
lost contacts/glasses?: 20/20 vision
sex on first date: no
broken someone’s heart: no
been arrested: no
turned someone down: no
fallen for a friend: no
in yourself: not really
miracles: idk
love at first sight: no
heaven: no
santa claus: never
i had to do this 3 times cuz tumblr sucks but i tag @inpurely @honey-oh-honeygirl @sadlynotsarahurie @brown-eyes-golden-heart @teenshyt @115468 @ssweet-sparks @joanneamarisa @starspaths @pastelinson
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