#i'm tired of this shit
muiislife · 7 months
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Peter's spider-sense doesn't see Deadpool as a threat anymore WAH WAH
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kawoid · 7 months
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midori says:
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estellaestella · 8 months
I am so tired of blocking blank accounts.
Please @staff , cant you make it so that people have to LIKE and REBLOG a certain number of posts and have an account for a certain amount of time before they can FOLLOW people?
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jasonsthunderthighs · 9 months
I got a new mask. Anyone want to see it?
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glittercleric · 5 months
I haven't even arrived at work yet and there's already bullshittery. They decided in my absence to switch my late shift days, Monday instead of Friday, which means I'd have to do like a 12 hour shift today. Not to mention I'd miss the apprentice project prep we have every Monday.
They better fix this, istg. I'm not staying that long. They have my phone number and email, they should've asked. There's a reason I asked for Fridays as late shift days.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 8 months
"RWRB the book is bad because it's reworked [any m/m ship] fanfiction!" - How do you know?
"RWRB is bad because it reads like fanfiction!" - And exactly why is that a bad thing? Don't a lot of us here read fanfiction pretty much every day? Didn't we all have a collective breakdown when AO3 got attacked a while back and it was down? And how many times do people not say a certain author/fic should be published?
I'm not saying the book is perfect or the best thing ever written (I really enjoyed it though) but why shit on something because it might be reworked fanfiction or similar to fanfiction?
If you don't like it, read something else.
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fandoms-writings · 3 months
i don't want to work anymore i just wanna stay home and read my silly little books and write my silly little stories and draw my silly little pictures and take care of my silly little plants
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catdadbf · 10 months
why am i so easy to be used and discarded like nothing... 😔
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g0oshtt · 2 months
I think the point is that if you love a character, you're going to talk more about what you like about him - and that kind of makes sense. It would be strange to love a character and write only about what he did wrong. This does not mean that people deny the fact of r*pe or do not condemn it.
Loving a character is seeing them make mistakes and talking about it regardless of what you like about them.
I myself talk a lot about not liking Alicent in the series and it's not even because she's green, but because of what HBO did to her and took away her essence completely.
And you're right, it doesn't mean that people don't condemn him, again: the point is that everything remains in the dark until someone is questioned, an example of that? the post you sent me in the other ask.
Well, that's all to say from me.
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ph4os · 6 months
@staff @support please do something about the s*x bots. It is not fair that I find my messages and my dashboard invaded by them and, when I then send a report, I am told that nothing has been done because nothing compromising was found in the reported account.
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seraphfighter · 2 months
If my job has done anything, it's solidified how much I fucking hate social media
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gimmemore75 · 1 year
Today I found out that the Hunger Games got added to the list of banned books. I own the whole triology on my Kindle Paperwhite. I bought them all shortly after I got it in 2013. For whatever reason it seems that the third book, Mocking Jay, is no longer in my library. And I can't download the full book on my phone from the app either. Even though I've already paid for this book 10 years ago.
I adore this series and read it over and over. I saw it got put on the banned books list and decided to read them all over again because I thought there's no way they could remove a book I already owned. But it seems that might've been the case. The Hunger Games and Catching Fire are still the, e but I have to wonder, for how long. As far as I'm concerned, book bans hadn't affected my state nor my city. But I feel like I've been stolen from.
This is one of the many reasons book bannings are bad. It's first of all unconstitutional because it infringes on the First Amendment. But also that money I spent on that book as a 14 year old who worked hard to earn that money to buy my favorite series which before I could only get from the Library, is now stolen as well. Undermining that hard work years down the line.
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mqlaren · 1 year
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Zak Brown u ugly orange fucking out of touch dick rider
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