#i’ve only just started with episode 175 right now SO WE’LL SEE
sizablelad · 3 years
I saw your post in the tags and Im dying to know how you're getting on with 174 and beyond
...... is “i’m not” an acceptable answer?
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Days 174-175
September 1-2
My computer is even more kaput than usual, which is why I didn't post last night and also why I am using my son's laptop to post with tonight. He has not only this very nice laptop we got him for Christmas, but the school has also issued him a Chromebook for virtual learning, making him about 1000% more technologically up to date than I am. He has magnanimously declared that he wants me to get a new laptop very soon so we can play Minecraft together and have a house, since he has been living in various abandoned houses since he joined his multiplayer server. I said it sounded suspiciously like he wanted me to play Minecraft with him so he could live in my house, same as real life. He thought that was pretty funny. 
I was bummed I couldn't post last night because something very nice happened to me yesterday. I was down to literally my last two tablespoons of kitten formula, when the mail carrier arrived and dropped off a new can of formula, sent by somebody from Tumblr who read my post the other night and sent me one from my fostering wishlist. It was literally just in the nick of time, and it made my day. Made Audiva's day too, since she is still deeply stubbornly refusing to try wet food on a plate, and made the other kittens day too because they will eat wet food but still love to get a hit from the bottle. I got another can of formula today as well, and it was amazing! It is so nice to not have to stress out about whether the kitten is going to learn to eat before I run out of food it will eat already. So thank you so, so, so much to the kind people who sent those to me! 
Not a lot else happened yesterday, I spent a large portion of the day doing laundry, trying to catch up on the massive pile that accumulated in the hallway. Our laundry area is just a little closet in the side of the living room, so it sometimes happens that if we get too many clean clothes and do not fold them, the pile tips over and falls on the floor. Or the kiddo digs through the pile in such a way that it winds up all over the floor. In any case, it's on the floor, stuff gets stepped on, it's hard to know what is clean or dirty. The problem is exacerbated during kitten times, when I am too tired to deal with things, or when one of us is away and the other one is carrying the household. It was pretty bad this time, so I just called a do-over, washed everything, and folded it as soon as it came out of the dryer. I also went through and put a bunch of stuff in the donations bag so we have a slightly more manageable number of clothes as well. 
The kiddo had a day of ups and downs, he won back and lost his electronics privileges in a matter of hours because he cannot stay off the multiplayer server, so that's not super great. To keep him busy, I gave him my last big moving box, which I finally unpacked a mere two years after our move (it had some clothes in it I'd completely forgot I owned! Many of which are now being donated!) He spent a fair amount of the day in the box, cutting out windows and listening to his new clock radio. It's a bummer when he loses his electronics because he hates it, but it's nice to see him stretching his brain and finding alternative things to do as well. I got creative with boxes too; I finally pulled out my Dremel and assembled the nebulizer box I've been collecting pieces for. Now it is fully ready for next time I need to give a sick kitten or cat inhalant medicine! We had several of these at my rescue back in Florida, and they are great.
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I made us sushi for supper and we watched several episodes of The Good Place together before bed. For a quiet day, I guess we actually got a lot done. 
Today was a little busier, I did more laundry, fed the kittens more, tried to organize a little more. MIL is doing better and my husband hopes to come home this weekend, so I have a deadline for all my self-imposed goals now! We also spent the evening trapping cats because a friend of mine has a sick kitten and couldn't go out tonight. So the kiddo and I got fast food for dinner and ate it while traveling down to our first trapping site, which was in an affluent neighborhood full of big samey houses with fenced backyards. When I'm driving the truck I feel more self-conscious about going into neighborhoods like this than into bad neighborhoods, where nobody wrinkles up their nose at a noisy old truck. But the truck survived another night, good job, truck! We caught one cat at that site, then went to the fish market to try and fill our quota. There are lots of cats at the fish market, but we only managed to catch one more that was not tagged. We left at the right time, though,because it started to rain really hard just ten minutes or so after we got home. 
Tomorrow the kiddo gets his electronics back, with the caveat that all electronics must be used in the living room or master bedroom, not in his own room or the kitten room until further notice. We'll see how that works out. I'm also going to have a very unpleasant afternoon at the dentist getting a crown put on, so wish me luck there. Two hour appointment is never something you want to hear from the dentist's receptionist. I will probably be in a very unpleasant mood by tomorrow night, so I will try to enjoy tonight's good mood while it lasts. 
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unordinary-analysis · 4 years
Episode 175
Honorable mentions:
The news report that one student was trying to turn into Isen was titled, “Retaliation Against Jokers”
The two definitions of “hunter” are: 1. a person (or animal) who hunts game or other wild animals for food or in sport. 2. a person who searches for or seeks something.
Wasn’t expecting so much on Isen, but now here we are
Claire’s instagram actually exists @little_apple7 and the first post was created on March 14, so you can go follow her if you want haha
Blyke already knows that Isen likes to look at girls from other schools, I don’t know why Isen’s hiding Claire from him smh…
I'm so hyper right now jesus christ
I wanted these posts to be getting shorter smh
Wait-- do Arlo and Sera know about when the superhero posse became the superhero posse? Lmao
The fact that all Seraphina knew about Claire was her name and her town, and that Isen was able to find her ilffkjkeajsfgdsf
Not proofreading so hopefully I didn’t cut myself off mid-sentence anywhere rip
    There’s actually a few things on my mind this week when it comes to Isen. First of all is his reluctance to be involved, which isn’t new and is actually something I’ve talked about before, but oh well. The second is his ability. I have also mentioned this before, but Isen’s ability has always seemed pretty vague to me, which is surprising considering that he’s one of the main characters and we’ve seen it a good amount of times.
    Anyway: his reluctance to be involved with any of the hierarchy drama. Isen is, at this point, notorious for wanting nothing to do with Arlo and his drama. Though he’s being more straight-forward with this currently, Isen has always displayed this. At the beginning of the comic, Isen was hesitant about investigating John for Arlo. And there was also that time when Arlo made Isen head of the newspaper, despite Isen not wanting the job. Also when Remi became a superhero, Isen was kind of dragged along and resisted participating (kind of weird example if I’m honest). These are some quick examples, but there are more. I’m just kind of lazy tbh. Anyway, recently, Isen has been vocalizing his discomfort even more. The best example of that is probably episode 164 where Isen directly calls Arlo out for not only involving Isen in things he wants nothing to do with, but also for involving others. I talk about the nature of that conversation, and how it highlights the character differences in Isen and Arlo, in my episode analysis for episode 164. Anyway, Isen has a big issue with this and explains this to Arlo.
    This theme of wanting to be left out of drama isn’t exactly specific to Isen, though. It’s a pretty common theme for people to be pissed off because they’re being forced into situations, usually by Arlo. Seraphina experienced this a little near the beginning of the comic when Arlo brought her along to turf wars even though at that point she’d stepped down from being queen. Elaine tends to experience this often, as well, though not exclusively with Arlo, whenever she is involved because of her healing ability. The big example is actually John, however. John has stressed many times that he just wanted to be left out of the hierarchy to all of the other characters, especially Arlo. This is his “reason” for taking down the school’s hierarchy. John didn’t want anything to do with the hierarchy, but when he couldn’t stay apart from it any longer, his remaining option to not be a part of the hierarchy was to destroy it.
    My point is, that if Arlo keeps forcing people into situations and responsibilities that they either don’t want or aren’t ready for, he’s going to have a real issue on his hands, like what happened with John. He does realize this, however, which we found out after he was dethroned and was reflecting on his interactions with John. Regarding Isen, I think that there’s a possibility Isen will either fail Arlo or turn on him (hopefully teaming up with Cecile, but we’ll keep our fingers crossed for that one). Isen’s been too vocal about his dislike of being involved with things (wording?) to continue to go along with it. Even though he is a very temperate character and doesn’t usually act up, I don’t think this trait alone will solidify his loyalty to Arlo. That also wouldn’t be utilizing his character’s potential in the current storyline, and the plot is probably the most detailed and worked on aspect of UnOrdinary. The thing about all of this is, Arlo can’t exactly just leave people alone when they want to be left alone because all of his decisions are made on the behalf of the school and if he can secure the school’s well-being at the expense of putting more pressure on a singular person, he’s obviously going to do that. This is what makes Arlo’s situation so complicated. There is no “correct” answer. Arlo is involving Isen because he needs his expertise to investigate characters like John and now Terrence. Nobody else would be as effective as Isen, which is why Arlo turns to Isen. There isn’t any way for Arlo to totally win.
    Anyway, like I said, I think that Isen will reach his breaking point relatively soon and Arlo is going to suffer from that. Whether it’s betrayal or not. This idea of forced involvement really involves both of these characters so any changes in their dynamic as it is right now will really affect the storyline, I think. We’ll just have to look out for this, however. 
    Their dynamic in this episode, though, is a bit too comedic to support any type of breaking point between the two, which makes me uneasy.
    Now, let’s move on to the second topic of Isen’s section: his ability. Isen’s ability “Hunter” is one of my personal favorites. Mimicking a “hunter,” Isen has a set of skills that help him to track down and take down his targets. The list of skills is listed on the UnOrdinary Wiki as follows:
X-Ray Vision (involving people) (aka when Isen detects location/heartbeat)
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed
Telescopic Vision (Passive (?))
Enhanced Precision (similar to Targeting)
Enhanced Hearing
    These are more of defensive traits, so here’s a bit of description on his offensive ability from me:
Built-up/wound-up punch: “He builds up his power into one punch, which, when let loose, is appallingly effective. His ability probably multiplies the force of his initial build-up, releasing when Isen’s fist hits his target.” -(my episode analysis of episode 126)
Visible “Target” on opponent: (Targeting from above, but used in a more offensive way)
“Isen’s general fighting style is a one-hit K.O. system. He attacks them with the strong attack, leaving his opponent weak, then rushes in for the “kill,” a kind of animalistic instinct… His method doesn’t require much strategy or stamina. It is efficient and precise. Strike to take down.” -(my analysis for ep 126)
Isen’s offensive is strong enough to hold up in a fight against Blyke (before Blyke started to level up) because in one of the first episodes, they have an ongoing battle over Isen’s pen that neither wins. This puts Isen’s offensive at relatively high (because Joker’s obvious power advantage didn’t really show this off when Isen and John fought)
    Anyway, there’s the base of Isen’s power and kind of what we already know about it. But in this episode, we get to see it again, like I said before, it’s always kind of fascinating to me whenever we get to see Isen’s power. His is one of the more interesting ones in the comic by far. It’s animalistic nature paired with human mechanics creates an interesting blend that we don’t see in any other character really. The idea of Isen’s power is so alluring to me for some reason. I don’t know. I’m not really going anywhere with this lmao. Anyway, we learned a few things about Isen’s ability in this episode that we didn’t know before.
    One: Isen does not have the passive ability to sense people/auras like John is theorized to have (this isn’t canon, right?). This isn’t anything surprising seeing as John’s ability is literally called Aura Manipulation, but it’s pretty exaggerated in this episode that Isen really needs to activate his ability to be able to sense people, even having to close his eyes, but the eyes part might be more about the execution of his ability, which is my third thing.
    Two: Isen can sense people!! Lol this might seem a bit redundant after my last point, but this is something new from him that I haven’t really noticed before even though we’ve technically seen it before. In episode 124, near the end of the episode, we have a scene where Isen is running around the school scanning through walls and people looking for Seraphina. He is technically “sensing” people and is even able to identify them as not Seraphina, so obviously he has some way to distinguish people. This makes Isen almost like a walking Marauders' Map, for lack of a better explanation. I’m not really sure how to go deeper into this because I’ve never really been all that confident in talking about the UnOrdinary Characters’ powers, so I’ll just leave it here that I think Isen being able to sense/find people is really cool.
    Three: Echolocation. This is something really new to this episode. In episode 175 (this episode lol), Isen is shown mentally standing in a black void/abyss along with Sera and Arlo with puddles like ripples around each character’s feet, when he activates his power to try to sense anyone else in the room. This visual is very similar to how bats, and other animals, use echolocation to “see.” Echolocation is, “the location of objects by reflected sound, in particular that used by animals such as dolphins and bats,” according to the Oxford dictionary. If Isen is truly using echolocation, then he locates people by soundwaves, which would make sense considering that sound seems to be the thing Isen is usually shown to be involved with (wording was bad but idc). I do think that this detail is a bit weak in comparison to echolocation because there have been times where Isen has sensed/tracked people where it would have been difficult to rely upon sound, like the school or the mall, but if his hearing is really that enhanced, it could still work. I’m also up for looking for things besides sound that Isen could be sensing with his ripple thing. I know I labeled this as echolocation, but it’s very possible he uses a more supernatural trait to utilize these. I just liked the idea of Isen having echolocation if I’m honest. I found this whole concept interesting because of the animal ties and Isen’s ability being named “Hunter.” I also might be tempted to look into bats specifically in the future if we get more details on Isen’s ability that make it worthwhile. I want to compare the two, but not if it’s unprompted. 
    We get some new information about Terrence in this episode and it is as follows:
Isen would put Terrence around a 2.4 ability-wise
Terrence only started attending Wellston at the beginning of the year
    Along with this, we also get some less straight-forward, but just as meaningful, information. Isen says, “So the invisible guy at the mall… That was him too?!” which from a storytelling standpoint basically confirms that it was in fact him. This quote would not be included if it were not correct because it would only add confusion if it were incorrect (which is its possible intent, but I’ll talk about that in a second). Another quote from this episode was Arlo’s quote, “Then he, or whoever he’s working for… has some sort of fixation on hightiers.” Because of the same reasoning from above, this basically confirms that Terrence is working for somebody or else it would be a very random thing for uru-chan to include in the comic especially since there is no evidence for the characters to even suspect that Terrence is working for somebody. Same thing with Sera’s quote, “I’m almost certain that… Terrence is connected to my ability-loss.”
    But, like I said, there is a possibility this is all a juke by uru-chan to get us to believe these things so she can successfully trick us and reveal that Terrence has been fighting EMBER this whole time or some shit, but I don’t think that is likely because if that were true, I feel uru-chan would have stressed this Terrence and EMBER connection even more than she has already. But this is still a possibility, though I will be ignoring it in this post. Because that would be just awful. 
    Anyway, now that that’s all out of the way and we are caught up, I don’t want to waste my time talking specifically about these things because they’re either too small of details or I’m not getting inspired because of them. The only interesting thing that we really learn this episode is that Terrence transferred to Wellston at the beginning of this school year (which is around when the first episode takes place), but I’m not sure what to think about that so I’m going to give it a week or two before discussing that. The rest is either unimportant or we basically already knew (or at least suspected).
    What I am going to talk about is Terrence’s involvement with EMBER and my thoughts on it. I’ve been pretty clear in the past when I say that I think that Terrence is part of EMBER. I’ve made whole posts on this, okay? I think. I don’t know. It feels like I have.
    Anyway, I’ve talked about this a little in the UnOrdinary chat here on tumblr, so come join if you haven’t. But basically, I think that Terrence works under EMBER to some extent, or however that would work, but on a lower-tier. He’s a lesser employee, I guess. I don’t really know how to phrase this, though it should be easy. I think that Terrence works at a level low enough where he is not directly being made aware of EMBER’s true intentions or actions, and that he’s probably been given some bullshit reason for the jobs he’s done that makes it seem to him like he is doing a good thing. EMBER might be really convincing too and have him thinking that the things EMBER is actually doing are good. Whatever it is, I think that Terrence thinks he is doing the right thing. This could be his incentive for working with them, though I like the thought that Terrence wants some of EMBER’s ability enhancers for either himself or someone he knows, because that has more potential as a motive.
    So, I just said that the things mentioned in this episode are basically confirmed because of their mention, so I’m going to use them as examples of what Terrence has done under EMBER. The same goes for when, in episode 172, Seraphina thinks, “Invisibility? That day, on our way back from Kovoro Mall… the person following us also had invisibility. Is this just a coincidence?” That’s part of this for the same reasons.
    I think Terrence’s main job is to spy on whoever he is told, but that from time to time, he is also required to do some other small jobs like being a lookout or the get-away car person (I don’t know what it’s called). He’s spied on John and Sera on their way back from the mall, he’s spied on the main characters in hallways at schools, etc. And he was the driver with the superhero posse’s mall incident.
    Something brought up by the UnOrdinary chat was that Terrence would solve the problem of EMBER having to give out teddy bears to track high-tiers, but I think that giving Terrence the task of tracking the high-tiers at school would be way less efficient than direct trackers. Also, you don’t really want to rely upon a second-year in highschool for your entire scheme, now would you. So that’s why I think EMBER doesn’t use him to find high-tiers. Also, Terrence only has access to Wellston’s students, which is a very small pool compared to the literal rest of the world.
    The only thing that I can’t exactly figure out is Terrence’s connection with the school newspaper. The best thing I could come up with was that Vaughn, the principal or whoever he is, is working for EMBER and is giving Terrence instructions on what to do, but that doesn’t make sense when you take into account that Vaughn hates the authorities and EMBER are probably working with or even are the authorities. Shame, though, this would’ve been interesting. Terrence does, however, go out of his way to publish his stories in the school newspaper, which needs an explanation… This makes me think that EMBER as an organization are focusing on Wellston specifically. Maybe because they know about John’s history and want to see what he would do to Wellston (which is another thing that could be a possible connection to Vaughn and why he’s so lenient about John’s actions). They might be using Terrence as a way to fuel/spark any conflicts or climaxes. There’s also the interesting detail that ever since Isen became the head of the newspaper, Terrence hasn’t submitted anything that big, at least according to Isen in this episode.
    Anyways, I think that Terrence’s presence in the comic is a very big deal because it is the most direct connection to EMBER and their activities. Terrence, himself, might not play the biggest part, but he is a way for the other characters to dive into EMBER themselves, and a way for the audience to be reminded of the big, underlying plotline.
    Claire’s mention in this episode is one of the highlights to most people. And to me. I am most people. God, I love Claire. In 2018, the only two comments I made on UnOrdinary were, “Petition to transfer Claire to Wellston for drama,” and, “#TRANSFERCLAIRETOWELLSTON.” So, just the fact that we’re getting Claire is just blowing my mind right now. Obviously, I know she's not transfering, but I don’t care. We’re getting Claire. And I am screaming.
    Anyway, we’re getting Claire interaction between Seraphina and Claire, which is not only very entertaining, but interesting considering how similar their experiences with John were. This is actually why Seraphina is reaching out to Claire. Seraphina is going into this interaction with the knowledge that John accidently views her as this person, which is bound to make an interesting dynamic between Claire and Sera. And dynamic. Is. Everything. Anyways, I don’t really have an analysis for this, but I want to make a bunch of kinda predictions because I feel like that’s all I can do. 
    I don’t think that Claire is going to want to talk to Seraphina at first, because she obviously wants to leave that part of her past behind. But they do eventually have to talk to each other so-- I think that Claire is going to be very serious towards Seraphina when explaining to her everything about John. This is why I think they will meet up in person right away, despite them having the option of texting and despite Claire living far away. Something else I’m excited for is all of the new things we’re going to learn about John. I think that Claire is going to be very interested to hear about how John became a cripple for about a year, because that’s just something I think Claire would find hard to believe. I’m interested in seeing what Claire knows about John’s dad and what their relationship is. I don’t know, just--John’s dad has gone for too long, especially considering what happened recently. Anyway, I think that Claire and Sera are going to end up as good friends. Either that or they’re going to hate each other, which would be amusing, but kind of unlikely. The thing about all of this is that we literally don’t know anything about Claire’s personality and what happened to her after John. She is unknown to us.
    I also think that Adrion is going to play a big part in the comic as well, because his presence was focused on along with Claire’s a lot. Adrion was in, I think, every photo shown of Claire and John (in this episode). We also don’t know a whole lot about him, which is unusual because you would expect that we would at least know his ability, but we don’t. We know the abilities of almost every minor character, but Adrion is a recurring and important character. This is why I think he’s going to show up, and why I think he’s going to be different than he seems. Like, maybe he’ll be introduced to Seraphina as all friendly and stuff, but then we find out that he’s evil. I don’t know. I just like stuff like that.
    This section is hella short for the topic it’s on, but because I don’t have much to add to this Claire thing and also that my feelings have kind of numbed out during the past week (because this is being written/posted really late), I don’t know what else to add. I’m just really excited and it’s hard to get your thoughts together about something you're really excited about. I don’t think we’ll get any interactions with her in the next episode, but the one after seems likely to me.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey IV
151. What is louder and more annoying: 200 adults talking or one four-year-old screaming? >> I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard 200 adults talking at one time. Regardless, I’m sensory-defensive, so many things register as the same level of “too loud” for me. Both of these things would be simply “too loud”. 152. Do you believe the stories about planes, boats and people mysteriously disappearing into the Bermuda triangle? >> I find them vaguely interesting. I liked the X-Files episode about it, Gillian Anderson’s character (it wasn’t Scully, technically...) was excellent in it lol. 153. Who are you the most jealous of? >> I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it. 154. What is the happiest way you can start your day? >> In an Inworld cuddle pile. 155. Do you ever have moments where you feel like everything is all right in the world? >> Occasionally.
156. Who thinks that you are offensive? >> I don’t know who thinks I’m offensive. It’s not like people go out of their way to tell me that or anything. 157. If you had to teach a class in something, what would you be able to teach people? >> I’d rather not. I greatly prefer being a student, anyway. 158. Have you ever had a spiritual experience (an experience that cannot be explained by science)? >> I’m sure science could contrive a reasonable enough explanation for the things I experience (and if it can’t now, it probably will eventually). Regardless, I prefer my explanations, and I’ll stick to them. 159. Do you believe that this experience was truly mystical or do you think there is some scientific explanation for it, only you don’t know what it is? >> An experience being explained in a scientific fashion doesn’t prevent it from being mystical. There are plenty of mystical experiences that science has an explanation for, after all, but the people involved in those experiences keep their own counsel. I think both a mystical explanation and a scientific explanation can exist comfortably side-by-side in my brain; they’re both useful for different reasons, particularly when it comes to communicating the experience to others (I wouldn’t use a mystical explanation when speaking to a hard materialist, for example, because, like... what would be the point...?). 160. Do you get offended easily? >> I wouldn’t say that, no. But I tend to be automatically distrustful of people who seem to go out of their way to be “offensive”. Just because whatever they’re saying doesn’t directly hurt me doesn’t mean I want to hang out with someone who says the kinds of things they say. 161. Would you still love and stay with your significant other if he or she had to have a breast or testicle removed? >> I can’t imagine being affected by that sort of thing at all. 162. Do you believe in fate or free will? >> I don’t care to choose a side. I think the discourse around it is interesting. 163. Do you believe that only boring people get bored? >> Of course not. That’s a rude (and, of course, entirely inaccurate, but mostly rude) thing to say. 164. Can life change or are we all stuck in vain? >> What does this even mean? 165. What changes are you afraid of? >> The kind that cause me pain. 166. Are you a day person or nocturnal? >> I prefer to be awake in the daylight and asleep at night. 167. What one CD could you listen to for an entire week (no mixed CD’s, it must be an album)? >> Why would I even have to do this anymore? It’s 2020. 168. Which is worse, working in retail, food service, or an office? >> For me, all of them are equally bad. Well, okay, maybe food service is worse because there’s the added layer of having to handle food and be around mucky gross things. 169. What’s the coolest job you ever had? >> Manning merch tables at local shows. 170. What is one central idea that your thoughts seem to come back to? >> There is no central idea...? I’m not sure how one even determines this. 171. Have you ever wanted to be an actor/tress? >> I was one in Inworld’s first iteration, when I was physically a child. But I have never really had interest in being one in this world. 172. If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do? >> Total power exchange is totally not my scene, I’d get bored of it way too easily. I could absolutely see myself snapping, “make a fucking decision for yourself for once” after like an hour or two, lmao. 173. What star sign are you and what is your sign like? >> Gemini. I’m not going to go into an explanation of Gemini’s commonly-recognised traits, Google can take care of that for you. 174. Did the Blair Witch Project scare you? >> I haven’t seen it. The new Blair Witch game looked vaguely interesting. 175. Are you in constant fear of death? >> Not constant. I did spend about a year or so like that, recently. It sucked pretty bad. 176. Does fear of death keep you from building a life? >> No. Sometimes I get that bone-deep “what’s the point” feeling, but like... that feeling will just have to exist on its own while I go ahead and keep doing stuff. I can’t give in to that. 177. Do you like all your movies to be in wide-screen? >> I’m not sure what the alternative is, or what the difference is or whatever. 178. Are you a fan of any comic books? >> Sure. 179. At what age did you attend your first funeral? >> I don’t remember. I vaguely recall one happening when I was young, but I have no idea what exact age I was. 180. What do you smell like (lotion, cologne, sweat)? >> Just... like, a person. I showered this morning, but the fragrances from soap and lotion don’t linger very long, and it hasn’t been long enough for me to start smelling like sweat or anything. So I’m somewhere in the middle. 181. What are your greatest sources for wisdom? >> Oh, you know. People. 182. When you were little, where did your parents tell you babies come from? >> My father never had that discussion with me, I figured it out from reading books. 183. What is your favorite band? >> I don’t have one. 184. What’s the best cheesy 80’s song? >> Come On Eileen. /picks one at random 185. What’s the best kind of movie to see on a date? >> I’m not the person to ask. 186. Do you like to sit in the front, middle or back of the Movie Theater? >> Back, absolutely. And woe unto the people who have the same idea and try to sit near me. 187. Have you ever been inside an abandoned building? >> Yeah. 188. Under what circumstances would you agree to work for free? >> The circumstances where I really just want to do whatever-it-is and it isn’t too intensive, I guess. And where I feel like my work is valued in some other way if not financially. 189. Candles or strobe lights? >> Candles. Although sometimes in a dark area, a candle flame dancing around on the wick will have a kind of strobe-y effect, and I hate it. 190. Do you think the Lord of the Rings movies are true to the books or did Hollywood change the story too much? >> I don’t know, I didn’t read the book. 191. When you see a stranger on the street does your first reaction lean towards thinking of this person as a potential friend or as a potential threat? >> I don’t think of them as a potential anything.  192. Is it natural for human beings to fear and distrust each other, or is it cultural? >> Obviously it’s cultural, or every human being in every society on earth would fear and distrust everyone else with or without cause... which... is not the case... 193. What do you really want to buy? >> Nothing. I don’t have the money to buy anything right now, anyway. 194. You have to choose. Would you be happier marrying someone rich for their money or living in the streets and subway tunnels with someone you love? >> God, do I hate this question. First of all, neither money nor love are “everything”, but “love” is work, not some kind of magic bubbly gushy feeling that happens no matter what, and that work starts to take a backseat when all one’s energy is devoted to simply surviving from day to day. How do I know? Take a wild guess. Second of all, the question doesn’t take into account whether you can also love someone you’ve married for the sake of financial security. (Spoiler: remember, love is action and will and intent, not magic, so yeah, you can.) Third of all, can I stress that there’s nothing fucking romantic and movie-like about being homeless? Because sometimes I feel like people imagine “we’ll share a cardboard box and be free of the shackles of modern society <3″ or some shit and meanwhile I’ve seen homeless couples, many homeless couples. I’ve been homeless couples. It sucks. That’s the end of the story. It sucks. (There’s probably similar romantic notions about marrying some tycoon and being a kept lady/boy, or whatever, which do not at all measure up to the reality. I’m sure a lot of people end up abused and neglected and miserable in their gilded-cage master bedrooms, afterwards. But since that’s not my experience, it wasn’t the focus of my fathomless ire with this question, lol.) 195. If someone wanted to understand you what book could they read that would help? >> That’s not going to happen. 196. Do you think it’s odd that Americans have freedom of religion and yet call themselves ‘one nation under god’? >> I don’t think it’s odd because I’m pretty used to how the United States works in that respect. I know it operates under conservative, Christian hegemony while playing the role of secular, progressive Western nation on the outside.
197. In what sense are you a minority? >> I’m Black, disabled/neuro-atypical, socially considered female, trans, and queer. I think that covers it. 198. Are you anti social? >> No. I have a few asocial behaviours and inclinations, but I’m not anti-social. 199. Do you photograph well? >> Sometimes. Not often, in my opinion. 200. Do you think that human beings would survive through a nuclear winter? >> I don’t know. I’m not knowledgeable enough about either human biology (and psychology) or the specifics of nuclear winter to say.
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pentopaper23 · 7 years
Ask Box Is Open!! Because that last Shadowhunters episode killed me, and babies needed more screen time! and I'm complete Malec trash! Pick any of the below or make up your own! :) Ps. Also doing Klaroline. Cause I'm trash for them too. 1. “Why are we at a strip club?”  2. “I’m sorry, you said what to your teacher?” 3. “Am I dead?” 4. “It’s always been you. You and only you.” 5. “If you loved me, you’d fight for it. If you loved me, you’d show it. If you loved me, you’d fight for me. Do you even know what love is?” 6. “Stay with me.” 7. “How about we put the gun down and talk about this?” 8. “I came here to kick ass and chew gum.. and I’m all out of gum.” 9. “Whatever it is I didn’t do it.” 10. “Don’t make me regret saving you.” 11. “Are you-are you flirting with me?” 12. “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of us.” 13. “I trusted you.” 14. “Am I supposed to be impressed?” 15. “Don’t tempt me.” 16. “I’m going to kiss you now.” 17. “Is that my shirt?” 18. “Would you quit moving around?” “It’s not my fault we’re tied up together!” 19. “Does your life revolve around embarrassing me?” 20. “I can’t do this anymore.” 21. “Do you smell burning?” 22. “Look at the sky.” 23. “I didn’t know you could do that.” 24. “I will not hesitate to murder you.” 25. “It’s simple really. Here let me show you.” 26. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.” 27. “Hey have you seen my- Oh.” 28. “Go to hell.” “Already been but thanks for the invite.” 29. “Look at me.” 30. “Go away! I don’t ever want to see you again!” 31. “Don’t tell me how to calm down, you calm down!” 32. “Where did you get that?” 33. “Oh my gosh is that blood?” 34. “What are you doing here by yourself?” 35. “Here, take my hand. Everything is fine, just hold onto me and keep moving.” 36. “I don’t know who I am without you.” 37. “You don’t need to protect me.” 38. “Stop looking at me like that!” 39. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 40. “All I wanted was the truth.” 41. “I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” 42. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.” 43. “I told you not to fall in love with me.” 44. “I forgive a lot, but I never forget what was said and done.”  45. “Again?” 46. “Please shut up. Just shut up.” 47. “I’m tired of being your secret.” 48. “You know, it’s okay to cry.”  49. “Go on, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” 50. “I just want to be alone right now.” 51. “Those things you said yesterday.. did you really mean them?” 52. “Just say it is okay. I just need to hear you say that.” 53. “I love you and I am terrified.” 54. “Promise me you’ll come back.. I need you to promise me.” 55. “That’s distracting.” 56. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.” 57. “Wait a second.. are you jealous?” 58. “This is by far the most stupid plan you’ve ever created. Of course I’m in.”  59. “You did this for me?” 60. “I’m afraid this conversation is going to end in goodbye.” 61. “Would you just hold still?” 62. “We’re running low on time here.” 63. “You’ve got something on your cheek.” 64. “I’m not bothering you, am I?” 65. “Really, right now?” 66. “Wait, you’re my soulmate?” 67. “I really wish you told me your mother was in town.” 68. “You’re wrong and I’ll prove it.” 69. “I can never say no to a picnic.” 70. “I could tell it was your favorite book from all the notes you wrote in the margins.” 71. “I never imagined myself in a wedding dress.” 72. “I’m yours, in every way possible.” 73. “We’re not just friends, and you know it.” 74. “Well. Yell, scream, say something, anything.” 75. “Where do you think you’re going?” 76. “Nobody thinks what I think.” 77. “Despite what you think, I am completely capable of taking care of myself.” 78. “Just please be my best friend right now, and not the person I confessed my love to.” 79. “I think you’re just afraid to be happy.” 80. “Make me.” 81. “Well if you insist.” 82. “We’ll get through this, I promise.” 83. “I can’t believe you don’t like Disney movies.” 84. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” 85. “Sometimes I really dislike you.” 86. “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.” 87. “It’s too early for this.” 88. “But then I’d have to put pants on..” 89. “If my parents knew what I was doing they’d kill me.” 90. “Are you trying to make me to hate you? Because it’s working.” 91. “Don’t open those till later!” 92. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.” 93. “To be honest I could care less.” 94. “Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” 95. “Hold my hand, we have to make this look convincing!” 96. “I’ll make it right for you.” 97. “When you smile I fall apart.” 98. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” 99. “I really don’t know why I’m crying.” 100. “I won’t let you fall.” 101. “I’m like 20% sure this plan work. There’s an 80% chance we could die horribly and violently, but this plan is solid, I swear.” 102. “I’m not happy here.” 103. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.” 104. “I’m tired of being your secret.” 105. “Well if you’re up for the challenge.” 106. “I’ve moved on.” 107. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you don’t think I can see you.” 108. “If I die, I am coming back to haunt you.” 109. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.” 110. “If you walk out that door don’t you dare think about coming back.” 111. “Is that a challenge?” 112. “Is it supposed to look like that? Are you sure?” 113. “I made you cupcakes cause I knew you liked them.” 114. “Is there something you want to tell me?” 115. “I mean, it could be worse.” 116. “This wasn’t supposed to happen like this.” 117. “This was all a dream?” 118. “It’s not what it looks like.” 119. “It’s okay I’m here for you.” 120. “Wait, you did what again?” 121. “Just talk to me.” 122. “Just leave me alone!”  123. “Let him go! It’s me who you want!” 124. “My parents asked about you again.” 125. “Make a wish.” 126. “None of this makes sense.” 127. “None of that matters anymore.” 128. “Wait this is your handwriting? I thought this was hieroglyphics.” 129. “Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you.” 130. “Oh my god! You’re in love with her!” 131. “Please don’t give up on me.” 132. “Please listen to me.” 133. “Please don’t go.” 134. “Please.. I love you.” 135. “Please, take me instead!” 136. “Please don’t leave me.”  137. “Please don’t argue with me.” 138. “Promise me you’ll take care of her/him.” 139. “Promise me you’ll take better care of yourself.” 140. “Promise me you’ll stay.” 141. “Why are you taking so many photos?” 142. “I didn’t know you could play.” 143. “You can sing?” 144. “Teach me how to play?” 145. “Are you okay?” “Why do you ask?” “Because you’re wearing two different shoes.” 146. “Want to talk about it?” 147. “I just really miss talking with you.” 148. “Things don’t always turn out the way we want them to.” 149. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.” 150. “You made me what?” 151. “Times up!” 152. “There’s something I need to tell you.” 153. “We could’ve had it all.” 154. “Are you sure you two aren’t married?” 155. “Well.. don’t keep me waiting.” 156. “Please look at me.” 157. “What have I ever done to you?” 158. “What are you doing here?” 159. “When are you going to realize I don’t care?” 160. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people stop to roll their eyes or call you crazy.. even then. Especially then!” 161. “Where did that cat come from?” 162. “Where did you get this from?” 163. “Why are you up so early?” 164. “Why can’t they see they’re meant for each another?” 165. “Why did you choose me?” 166. “Why don’t you say it to my face?” 167. “Why couldn’t you come to me with your problems?” 168. “Would you stop for a second so I can say something to you for once!” 169. “You need to calm down.” 170. “I know you told me to stop thinking about you, but I can’t get you out of my mind.”  171. “You are nothing like them.” 172. “You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me.” 173. “I never believed in love till I met you.” 174. “I don’t need a Prince Charming saving me.” 175. “You can’t sit on the sidelines your entire life!” 176. “You deserve so much better.” 177. “You did all of this for me?” 178. “You take my love for granted.” 179. “You haven’t even touched your food.. what’s going on?” 180. “You know my name?” 181. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this on my own.” 182. “Stay the night. Please.” 183. “What did you say?” 184. “Why are you so annoying?” 185. “Don’t ask me that.” 186. “Don’t ever mention that again.” 187. “What’s with the box?” 188. “Say it!” 189. “Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” 190. “Did you do this on purpose?” 191. “Don’t give me that look! You started it!” 192. “It’s not fair!” 193. “I could kill you right now!” 194. “Don’t you dare give me that look!” 195. “Screw you!” 196. “Just shut up already.” 197. “You are so infuriating. 198. “Listen to me!” 199. “I dare you!” 200. “Please pretend to be my girlfriend/boyfriend.” 201. “You think I’m insensible enough to fall for that?” 202. “I’m not going to apologize. I can’t anymore.” 203. “Is this seat taken?” 204. “It’s midnight, what do you want?” 205. “You are strangely comfortable.” 206. “Imagine if it could always be this way, even in the city.” 207. “I don’t know how to feel any more.” 208. “At what point did you think that was a good idea?” 209. “Just marry me already.” 210. “Did I stutter?” 211. “Did I just say that out loud?” 212. “Did you hear that.” 213. “Don’t say you love me.” 214. “Don’t you ever do that again.” 215. “Everyone deserves a second chance.” 216. “I try so hard to forget you, but every single time it comes back to you.” 217. “H-How long have you been standing there?” 218. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” 219. “I didn’t ask for any of this! But do you know what I put up with it all? Because I love you!” 220. “I just need you here with me right now.” 221. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you and- Oh screw it!” 222. “We can’t lose each other, we just can’t.” 223. “I’ve never felt this way before and I’m terrified to be honest.” 224. “I never meant for anyone to get hurt.” 225. “I waited and waited, but you never came back!” 226. “I’m sick of feeling useless!” 227. “Is that what you call an apology?” 228. “Is there anything you want to tell me?” 229. “Somebody’s in love!” 230. “It’s not what it looks like.” 231. “Just hold me.” 232. “You’re the best part of me.” 233. “I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” 234. “Can I hold your hand?” 235. “Let’s go get lost somewhere.” 236. “I just don’t know how to look forward anymore.” 
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The Chicago (Quarantine) TV & Takeout Guide added to Google Docs
The Chicago (Quarantine) TV & Takeout Guide
If you’re like us, your nights currently revolve around three main questions: what to eat, what to watch, and what time to change into evening leisurewear. Because let’s face it, there isn’t much else to do and your ex still hasn’t changed their Hulu password. So we’re here to make sure you’re doing dinner and TV right. Below, you’ll find our picks for great delivery and a new or classic show to pair with it.
All restaurants featured on The Infatuation are selected by our editorial team. The Chicago (Quarantine) TV & Takeout Guide is presented by Uber Eats. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, supporting our local restaurant community has never been more important. Uber Eats customers can now give directly to the restaurants they love at checkout. 100% will go to the restaurant. Order now to support. See app for details.
   Featured In The Ultimate Chicago Delivery & Takeout Guide See all our guides the spots  Christina Slaton The Loyalist $ $ $ $ American ,  Burgers  in  West Loop $$$$ 175 N Ada St 7.8 /10
TV Pairing: The Americans (Hulu)
“I’ll be the first to admit that I enjoy some dark, dystopian stuff. The Handmaids Tale? Homeland? Yes, please. That said, these days I’m not always in the mood for shows that hit too close to home. But The Americans takes place during the Cold War, and there’s something almost innocent about an era where spycraft meant microfiche, tape recorders, and wigs in the trunk of the car. And when I’m watching married Russian spies and their children navigate 1980s America, I want to eat something that feels distinctly American: a cheeseburger with fries. And not only does The Loyalist have an incredibly delicious burger, but the name just feels oh-so-right.” -AK
Philly's Best $$$$ 769 W Jackson Blvd
TV Pairing: Battlestar Galactica (Netflix)
“I named my dog Cylon. I had my wedding party walk to the drums from the theme song. Everyone is tired of me talking about this f*cking show. So, I get it - enough is enough. But I feel like I have a responsibility to let everyone know how excellent this series about self-willed robots is, especially with Westworld circling the drain. After all, someone did the same for me - back in the dark ages when Netflix DVDs had to be sent to your house. I would rush home to check the mail and order a cheesesteak from Philly’s Best along the way. This show and that sandwich are forever linked in my mind. Plus, handheld food means never having to take your eyes off the killer robots on the screen.” -AK
 Christina Slaton Happy Camper $ $ $ $ American ,  Bar Food ,  Pizza  in  Old Town $$$$ 1209 N Wells St 7.4 /10
TV Pairing: Parks & Recreation(Netflix)
“In Season 3 of Parks & Recreation, there’s an episode entitled “The Fight” that I’ve watched about a hundred times, usually when I’m very hungover. It’s 25 minutes of perfection built around a fictional liquor called “Snake Juice,” and shows every main character plastered from said spirit along with the aftermath of it all the next day. What does this have to do with Happy Camper? Just the fact that their breakfast pizza is what we - you, myself, Ron in a tiny hat, Janet Snakehole, and Burt Macklin - can all agree does the body well after a Friday or Saturday night featuring too much Snake Juice. Or, any day really. What is time anymore?” -MB
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TV Pairing: The Killing (Netflix)
“This show got a lot of sh*t - mainly because of the red herrings, cliffhangers, and relentless rain. Now we live in a world of streaming, where red herrings and cliffhangers are meaningless. Meaning these days we can enjoy The Killing for what it’s really about: the relationship between broken cops Sara Linden (Mireille Enos) and Stephen Holder (a fantastically trashy Joel Kinnaman). And nothing goes with the chill of this absurdly moody show better than the rich curries from The Spice Room. No, it won’t change who killed Rosie Lawsen, but honestly, that’s never been the point.” -AK
Carmela's Taqueria $$$$ 1206 W Lawrence Ave
TV Pairing: McMilliions (HBO)
“The first time I watched Supersize Me, I couldn’t help but crave a large order of fries from McDonald’s. Then, when I watched McMillions, an HBO miniseries that shows how McDonald’s was scammed out of more than $20 million through their Monopoly game, it immediately gave me a hankering to somehow screw over McDonald’s myself. Because when I was a kid, I was obsessed with collecting all the pieces and winning a bunch of money - but in reality, I had no shot to ever win. I don’t know what I would have done with my earnings back then, but if I pulled off this big of a heist today, I know exactly what I would do - fund a second location for Carmela’s, my favorite taco place in Chicago, to open in New York (where I live now). I miss their incredible al pastor tacos and tortas so much that I have dreamed for years of how to acquire enough money to make this possible - and watching McMillions has given me a new fantasy to think about.” -CM
 Sandy Noto The Momo World $ $ $ $ Nepali  in  University Village $$$$ 727 W Maxwell St 8.6 /10
TV Pairing: Orphan Black (Hulu)
“If you don’t know, Orphan Black is about a bunch of clones finding out that they’re clones and figuring out why. And the actress (Tatiana Maslany) who plays all these clones somehow manages to make them all feel like completely different people. When I look at a sea of fantastic dumplings from The Momo World on my coffee table, I feel like I’m looking at a bunch of Sarahs, Alisons, Cosimas, Rachels, and Helenas. They’re all momos, and yet different and unique in their own way. And just like with the show, I love them all and it’s impossible to pick a favorite. Don’t make me.” -AK
 Sandy Noto Monteverde $ $ $ $ Italian  in  West Loop $$$$ 1020 W Madison St 9.0 /10
TV Pairing: Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Netflix)
“You know how some people put on Friends or The Office just to relax? Well, for me that show is Buffy. Sure, at first the ’90s outfits, chunky highlights, and ridiculous monsters are a little distracting. But after the episode “The Puppet Show,” you’ll forget all about it. All seven seasons create a perfect story arc - one that makes you laugh, cry, and contemplate your spiritual existence. A meal at Monteverde is like that too. This Italian restaurant never misses a beat, and as far as a spiritual experience, eating the Neapolitan alla ragu on my couch comes pretty damn close.” -AK
Mr. Beef $$$$ 666 N Orleans St.
TV Pairing: Beforeigners (HBO)
“The premise for this Norweigan show on HBO immediately got me hooked - people from the past (any time period, from the Stone Age to the Viking Age to the 19th century) start to magically appear in present-day Oslo. Hence they are labeled “beforeigners.” It’s a really cool show that explores what it’s like being an outsider and having to adapt to situations that are out of your control. That’s exactly how I felt the first few times I walked into Mr. Beef. This spot on Orleans has a list of 15 rules inside the restaurant like “No Bathroom,” “No Stupid Questions,” and my favorite “No Mhhh’s, Ughhh’s, Or Duhhh’s.” It took me around 10 times to get used to how it works here, and like a beforeigner, I had no clue how to order without being insulted. But the place grew on me, and since restaurants have been closed for dine-in, I’ve missed their incredible Italian beefs with spicy giardiniera, and their even spicier insults. But in the meantime, at least I can get yelled at on the phone ordering their food.” -CM
 Sandy Noto Big Jones $ $ $ $ American ,  Southern  in  Andersonville $$$$ 5347 N. Clark St. 7.9 /10
TV Pairing: Justified (Hulu)
“This fantastic show about federal marshal Raylan Givens takes place in the hills of Kentucky, and I can confirm (don’t ask how) that Justified’s oddly tasteful portrayal of hillbillies is alarmingly accurate. While this pairing isn’t the most subtle, ordering food from Big Jones while watching this show is the way to go. This place focuses on old-timey Southern food and doesn’t f*ck around with its classic recipes. The Bluegrass Barbecue Bonanza is big enough to feed four and includes toasted buttermilk pan bread, smoky baked beans, and burgoo. Basically exactly what I think would go perfectly with moonshine. Also, Timothy Olyphant could just be sitting in an empty room and I’d watch him for hours. And yes, I know how that sounds.” -AK
Gadabout $ $ $ $ American ,  Latin ,  Mediterranean  in  Andersonville $$$$ 5212 N Clark St 7.6 /10
TV Pairing: The Witcher (Netflix)
“No show has confused and entertained me as much as The Witcher. It has mages, mythical creatures, three timelines, and dialogue that you don’t realize is being intentionally funny until episode three. Plus, it makes zero effort to explain what’s going on. In fact, Netflix created an app just to help us sort it all out. But it’s such a fun watch that none of this matters. And Gadabout’s all-over-the-place menu (where corn and poblano empanadas exist next to bonito-topped pancakes) confuses and delights me in the same way. That said, I still don’t understand exactly what the hell a “Child Surprise” is. If you do, hit me up.” -AK
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/chicago/guides/the-chicago-quarantine-tv-takeout-guide Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created May 20, 2020 at 02:14AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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