#i wouldn't tag this as poetry but my need of validation is greater lmao
ghostfilesbish · 3 years
A distant memory, a reel from my future
You're everywhere I find you.
Your blood-stained lips utter words into mine as they find themselves etched onto my mind
You colour me with colours you feel and the sounds you see,
And wondered why people said love was hard.
You saw forever crashing down on you and held me closer, whispering promises into the empty space between us.
The harbour lights and stars seemed all the same to you, empty and incandescent,
Brimming with emotions left behind by unsaid words and unfinished promises.
You said you found me among all those reveries, broken and new, and felt infinity.
You found forever in my bloody hands, and took me to the graveyard beneath the stars,
And painted me into the shadows to immortalize my spirit,
As your sins found their way into mine, intertwining soul and spirit.
You sat between my legs on the kitchen counter and held me a little too tight,
And saw the tides meet the orange sky, feeling magic once again.
You wished to become one among the graveyard of stars, and wanted me by your side,
So pushing me below the tides outside our window felt like love to you.
Ephemeral and clandestine, our love shined a bit too bright,
Love, if that's what you call it, seemed a bit too easy.
Tell me darling, was me not walking bloody on shards of your insecurities not enough for you?
Was it not enough I found you among those harbour lights and felt infinity too?
Did the forever you found in my hands not keep you happy? Or the shadows I dived into were too dull for you?
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